Author Topic: Are married family men truly happy?  (Read 50250 times)


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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #125 on: January 03, 2017, 01:22:46 PM »
My wife and I were blessed with kids who made it through the teen years without causing us much trouble. Not every parent is so lucky.

The love, life and many years together with your wife, is a VERY rare and wonderful situation.
I seriously doubt many younger get-biggers can even conceive of your situation.

Hack Benchers

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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #126 on: January 03, 2017, 01:24:17 PM »
Thanks for the honest post.

Question: Overall , how stressful do you find raising kids to be?

Thanx. Right now very stressfull because my kids are very young (all under 6 y/o).
It is a very bussy household wich never takes a day off. Its simply hard work every day off the week.
Plus the money needs to keep rolling in to pay for it all so you got to keep grinding career wise (cant slack).
My wife does not work (raising the kids and right now she has some minor health problems) so I got to bring home the €€.

Hack Benchers

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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #127 on: January 03, 2017, 01:29:19 PM »
I disagree. When you are married its harder to separate so the couple can sometimes save their marriage through counseling. Folks usually stay together because of kids. I see many couples that when the kids reach 18 they split. Very sad since they've been married for so long.
People should realize no one is perfect. We all screw up. Forgiveness and change is part of the healing.

STAY POSITIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For once a high quality post!!!!

Hack Benchers

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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #128 on: January 03, 2017, 01:37:48 PM »
you guys make it sound like your entitled to happiness? whatever gave you that idea

This is also true!
Lots of wise fellas in this thread....


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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #129 on: January 03, 2017, 01:38:55 PM »
Thanx. Right now very stressfull because my kids are very young (all under 6 y/o).
It is a very bussy household wich never takes a day off. Its simply hard work every day off the week.
Plus the money needs to keep rolling in to pay for it all so you got to keep grinding career wise (cant slack).
My wife does not work (raising the kids and right now she has some minor health problems) so I got to bring home the €€.

In my humble opinion, having a full time, stay at home when kids are young is the ideal.
I don't think anyone has a perfect situation and everyone has different milestones in life.
Sounds like you're being practical and dealing with your situation in a proactive manner.

No doubt it's busy and stressful now, but you'll experience things I'll never know.

All the best and stay the course.


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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #130 on: January 03, 2017, 01:39:52 PM »
Seems to be most people who are happily married are much happier then those who are "happily" single. Case in point....making threads on Getbig to try and convince yourself that people who are married cannot be happy.


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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #131 on: January 03, 2017, 04:33:32 PM »
Great post and thanks for being honest about having to endure the big show wedding.
Lots of woman want that sort of thing and that's just part of most females DNA?
However, the one way wedding demands can lead to her getting her way in married life.
It doesn't have to however, and most BIG weddings are shows for friends and family anyway.

Sounds to me like you're pretty well suited , save for one major thing:
She seems very interested in bragging rights and what people ( friends /family) think.
Woman are really bad about picturing a fantasy lifestyle and assume the man will change to meet it.

Ok, I'd have a calm , loving heart to heart talk and lay out in basic, clear terms; YOUR dream lifestyle.
It's possible that if you BOTH stay calm, you could reach a compromise, BOTH can live with.

Now, ( this is important, so pay attention) *If she tries to laugh off your lifestyle ideas as silly
and only takes her side seriously, you've got some real problems brewing.
The best approach then,  is to be firm but calm and matter of fact of what YOU really want.
She needs to accept that it takes two to make a marriage work.
All you can do is be fair , reasonable and be sure she knows YOU listened to HER.

Since you're younger them me, I need to share one more major issue with you.
Most woman can and do change between 20 to 35.
Not sure why, but they do and assume men will change like them...we don't.

For example, my 1st ex-wife changed her mind about wanting kids 3 yrs into the marriage.
I had two basic choices:
1. Have kids with her when I didn't want to
2. Divorce

I chose divorce with no regrets.

Many people are at the mercy of commercialism. A wedding is still a wedding even without all the pomp and circumstance. It might actually be a better wedding. A friend of mine spent $10,000 on her daughter's wedding dress in the 80's. The wedding and reception were completely over-the-top. Her daughter's marriage didn't make it past 10 years.


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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #132 on: January 03, 2017, 04:42:38 PM »
get married? shit dude most true narcissits can't even have a meaning full relationship for more than a month or two

You're not a narcissist, youre just a weakling who wants people to pity him.


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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #133 on: January 03, 2017, 04:54:59 PM »
part of the reason people feel this way is because it gives people an excuse to stop working on themselves

"oh cant do this or that, got kids you know........."

not gonna type out the whole theory but it's pretty straight forward and true, especially for poor people who never achieve shit

When you hate yourself and can't justify your own existence, going to the same degrading job day after day just to perpetuate your misery, you might choose to save yourself by having a kid.

Now you have 'purpose': if you don't continue to grind yourself to dust, your family will pay the price.  And you can take some measure of satisfaction for your child's achievements.  As long as you have some faith in your child's worth, you can keep going on.

But then, one day, your child doesn't need you anymore.  He can support himself, and it's up to him whether he wants to remain associated with his now decrepit parents.  And will be want to?  Who would want to associate with people who predicate their entire existence on the value of their child, having no worth of their own.

Maybe the child, now an adult, will realize his parents for what they are: people who never found their place in the world and used their children to mask this horror, to overcome self-loathing and suicide or insanity.

Probably, at this point, the parents, being wretched as they are, will try to guilt their child into 'filial duty' or hold them hostage with inheritance... Now will the child be strong enough to cut the parasites off?  Being their own spawn, I doubt it.  More likely, he'll perpetuate the process, sing the praises of parenthood himself, and suffer quietly.

And so the world becomes a sickhouse...

The Wizard of Truth

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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #134 on: January 03, 2017, 04:59:49 PM »
Lots of married guys in our gym genuinely hate their situation and wife.


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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #135 on: January 03, 2017, 05:59:22 PM »
Based on this thread, only Grape Ape and I are both married and happy. The rest of the world is single or married and miserable.

A rarefied group to be sure.

edit: "and me"?

tom joad

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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #136 on: January 03, 2017, 06:03:52 PM »
Based on this thread, only Grape Ape and me are both married and happy. The rest of the world is single or married and miserable.

A rarefied group to be sure.

I'm happily married as well. Best decision i've made. 
My second best decision.... staying single throughout my 20s & 30s.


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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #137 on: January 03, 2017, 10:05:39 PM »
You're not a narcissist, youre just a weakling who wants people to pity him.

does a weakling give up his alcoholism (i was a heavy heavy drinker for 5 striaght years) cold turkey without any formal rehab?  i think not

and where the fuck do you get this pity me stuff  ??? show me where i've said whoa is me

i don't, i just constantly think and talk about myself, but i really am trying to make an effort to put others before me on some occasions

light weight baby

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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #138 on: January 03, 2017, 10:37:34 PM »
When you hate yourself and can't justify your own existence, going to the same degrading job day after day just to perpetuate your misery, you might choose to save yourself by having a kid.

Now you have 'purpose': if you don't continue to grind yourself to dust, your family will pay the price.  And you can take some measure of satisfaction for your child's achievements.  As long as you have some faith in your child's worth, you can keep going on.

But then, one day, your child doesn't need you anymore.  He can support himself, and it's up to him whether he wants to remain associated with his now decrepit parents.  And will be want to?  Who would want to associate with people who predicate their entire existence on the value of their child, having no worth of their own.

Maybe the child, now an adult, will realize his parents for what they are: people who never found their place in the world and used their children to mask this horror, to overcome self-loathing and suicide or insanity.

Probably, at this point, the parents, being wretched as they are, will try to guilt their child into 'filial duty' or hold them hostage with inheritance... Now will the child be strong enough to cut the parasites off?  Being their own spawn, I doubt it.  More likely, he'll perpetuate the process, sing the praises of parenthood himself, and suffer quietly.

And so the world becomes a sickhouse...
yes exactly what i mean

Kim Jong Bob

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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #139 on: January 03, 2017, 10:46:06 PM »
Im 36 year old single (thank god to tinder)  amd have a 8 year old
 Feels like the tkmes past by in hyperspeed and sometimes i wonder how i would feel like if i didnt have her,  i love kids. So prpbably feeling alittle sad and worried that it will never happem.... Or pinning 6grams of gear a weak dont giving a shit.  Anyone of you ca 35 and up without kids  worrying that it will never happen and you are going to get old alone... Couple of my friends are in that situation esp a girl heaeing her biological clock ticking away

Halo the adults are speaking now

light weight baby

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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #140 on: January 03, 2017, 10:52:02 PM »
Im 36 year old single (thank god to tinder)  amd have a 8 year old
 Feels like the tkmes past by in hyperspeed and sometimes i wonder how i would feel like if i didnt have her,  i love kids. So prpbably feeling alittle sad and worried that it will never happem.... Or pinning 6grams of gear a weak dont giving a shit.  Anyone of you ca 35 and up without kids  worrying that it will never happen and you are going to get old alone... Couple of my friends are in that situation esp a girl heaeing her biological clock ticking away

Halo the adults are speaking now
whatever makes you feel better about your situation, i dont give a damn guy


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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #141 on: January 03, 2017, 11:18:34 PM »
Im 36 year old single (thank god to tinder)  amd have a 8 year old
 Feels like the tkmes past by in hyperspeed and sometimes i wonder how i would feel like if i didnt have her,  i love kids. So prpbably feeling alittle sad and worried that it will never happem.... Or pinning 6grams of gear a weak dont giving a shit.  Anyone of you ca 35 and up without kids  worrying that it will never happen and you are going to get old alone... Couple of my friends are in that situation esp a girl heaeing her biological clock ticking away

Halo the adults are speaking now

Your daughter will one day be most honorable leader of best Korea.


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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #142 on: January 04, 2017, 12:40:07 AM »
Seems to be most people who are happily married are much happier then those who are "happily" single. Case in point....making threads on Getbig to try and convince yourself that people who are married cannot be happy.

Seems people like Scorpio need to validate their lifestyle every couple of months.

Maybe he needs to buy himself another watch.


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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #143 on: January 04, 2017, 02:29:10 AM »
People are taught that there must be a reason or motive for feellings such as happiness or sadness.
Happiness is a state of mind, you either choose to be happy or not, regardless of circunstances.
Married, single, driving a ferrari, searching food in a dumpster... it really doesn't matter, as long as you choose to be happy.


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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #144 on: January 04, 2017, 03:35:42 AM »
Seems people like Scorpio need to validate their lifestyle every couple of months.

Maybe he needs to buy himself another watch.

I also have a mechanical watch problem...


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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #145 on: January 04, 2017, 03:37:11 AM »
Given that you're chemically rewarded for breeding and whatnot, you'd think that most married family men ARE happy.

Those that go against that are the ones who are more likely to be not.


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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #146 on: January 04, 2017, 04:21:18 AM »
What form does my "chemical reward" take? Want to be sure to cash in on this lucrative offer.


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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #147 on: January 04, 2017, 04:33:55 AM »
does a weakling give up his alcoholism (i was a heavy heavy drinker for 5 striaght years) cold turkey without any formal rehab?  i think not

and where the fuck do you get this pity me stuff  ??? show me where i've said whoa is me

i don't, i just constantly think and talk about myself, but i really am trying to make an effort to put others before me on some occasions

you are not a narcissist you are just very insecure

i've never come across anyone that needs as much validation as you

i imagine girls in relationships with you would fuck off

after the millionth time you've asked them to compliment you about your abs

your life will change as soon as you lose that insecurity


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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #148 on: January 04, 2017, 05:22:01 AM »
What form does my "chemical reward" take? Want to be sure to cash in on this lucrative offer.

From practical experience, it will manifest itself as a fairly consistent elevated mood due to the belief that your child is the greatest thing to ever happen to you, which is a by-product of hormonal changes in your brain.

"There's also preliminary but tantalizing evidence that fatherhood can change the brain. A 2006 study found enhancements in the prefrontal cortex of the father marmoset. After childbirth, the neurons in this region showed greater connectivity, suggesting that having young children could boost the part of the brain responsible for planning and memory, skills parents need when having kids gives them more to keep track of. The neurons also had more receptors for vasopressin, a hormone that has been shown to prompt animal fathers to bond with offspring. (Receiving an injection of vasopressin, for instance, prompts a male prairie vole to cuddle and groom a youngster.)"

However, it's not all good:

"In addition, dads-to-be have elevated levels of cortisol and prolactin, hormones that are also present in high levels among mothers who are attached and responsive to their children. A father's testosterone level also drops by about a third, on average, in the first three weeks after his child is born. These hormonal shifts, which are likely sparked by exposure to the pregnant woman's hormones (there is correlational evidence that dads who spend time with moms experience the changes), mirror those experienced by mothers and may similarly prepare men for parenthood. Men who have relatively little testosterone have been shown, for instance, to hold baby dolls longer than men who are flooded with the sex hormone. High levels of testosterone, on the other hand, are associated with "incompatible non-nurturing behaviors," as one researcher put it. If dads roared along on their usual levels of the hormone, the theory goes, they'd be too busy fighting other men and seducing other women to do much diaper-changing"

Grape Ape

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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #149 on: January 04, 2017, 05:54:50 AM »
I'm happily married as well. Best decision i've made. 

I believe nzmm is on the list as well.