Author Topic: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory (aka The Big Lie)  (Read 229759 times)

Dos Equis

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #375 on: February 20, 2018, 05:11:25 PM »
Perhaps the pleas have nothing to do with possible conspiracy or collusion. This Washington Post Article suggests to me that all this is much more complicated than it might seem on the surface,

What has happened and what will happen in the months or years ahead, we can only speculate about. My guess is that even the so called 'insiders' don't know the answers. Sometimes I believe we get caught up in our human nature desire to be right, which fuels our discussions. It is good that we have opinions and it is also good to be flexible about them because in the end opinions change very little.

You are right that the Trump twitter you cited is right on. It would be good if he could tweet more twitters that don't appear to be a rant. Russia not only created election chaos, they are still in the mix, IMO

Pretty insightful post. 


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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #376 on: February 20, 2018, 05:41:52 PM »
Although it has been stated by several conservative articles that 3 million illegal aliens voted in the 2016 general election, there is no sure way to know this. The articles point back to tweets from Gregg Phillips, who has worked for the Republican Party and has a voter fraud reporting app. But Phillips will not provide any evidence to support his claim, which happens to be undermined by publicly available information. The end result is this claim is unproven and will probably never be proven.
Voter ID laws would solve that problem. I need an ID and license to use my 2nd Amendment RIGHT.


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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #377 on: February 20, 2018, 08:11:08 PM »
how do you feel about the media using blatant propaganda to sell a political narrative?

WOW, nothing surprises me anymore.

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #378 on: February 21, 2018, 10:06:58 AM »
So that kid really an actor?  Is it the same kid? 


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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #379 on: February 21, 2018, 10:36:46 AM »
how do you feel about the media using blatant propaganda to sell a political narrative?

People see things differently. What appears to be propaganda to one person may not be to another. Either way, we should not believe everything we hear or see in the news media. I didn't get political propaganda from the lifeguard clip. What I watched was a report on fairly a insignificant event.  

Gun control has been a hot button issue for many years. News media is in the business of making money. What better way to get people watching than to jump on something like  this. The greater the number of viewers the more they can charge for ad time and the greater the number of businesses willing to pay.

Personally, I believe it is a good idea to limit exposure to the news media. Rarely are news stories about something positive. Too much negativity brings people down.


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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #380 on: February 21, 2018, 10:37:06 AM »
So that kid really an actor?  Is it the same kid? 

The kid says he's not. Just strange.

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #381 on: February 21, 2018, 12:20:49 PM »
The kid says he's not. Just strange.

Where is it coming from?  Are there pictures of the same kid at other events (that are not photo shopped)?

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #382 on: February 21, 2018, 01:11:09 PM »
Nolte: 13 Things the Media Don’t Want You to Know About Mueller’s 13 Indictments
21 Feb 2018

Last week, the leak machine that is special counsel Robert Mueller indicted 13 Russian citizens, and our disgraced media disgraced themselves even further by comparing these alleged crimes to Pearl Harbor. The truth, of course, is the exact opposite. Basically, these indictments reveal to us all kinds of inconvenient truths the corrupt media are hiding from the public, and below are 13 of them.

Before we get started, I must credit Byron York for doing most of the work in breaking down the Mueller indictment. You will definitely want to read his full piece here.

We will start with my favorite:

Mueller Did Not Indict the Russians for Election Meddling
In the end, although they have been indicted for all kinds of sexy stuff, like identity theft and bank fraud, these 13 Russian citizens (who will never be extradited to America) are not charged with what we are told is their big crime — meddling in the election.

John Hinderaker believes, and not without merit, that Mueller did this to protect Hillary Clinton.

The Russians Never Tried to Elect Trump
The biggest lie Democrats and the media wish to spread is that the Russians actively worked to make Donald Trump president. These indictments have exposed that narrative as anti-science hogwash.

Chaos was the only Russian gameplan, which is why, after Trump’s surprise win, they organized anti-Trump rallies. Before the election, they promoted Trump and Bernie Sanders to gin up opposition to the person whom they believed would be the next president — Hillary Clinton.

Had the polls showed Trump running away with it, the Russians would have promoted Hillary.

The indictment quotes a Russian document that lays out the primary goal — to create “political intensity through supporting radical groups, users dissatisfied with [the] social and economic situation and oppositional social movements … [to] spread distrust towards the candidates and the political system in general.”

The Russian Campaign Began Two Years Before Trump Announced His Presidential Run
The indictment clearly states that the Russian operation began in May of 2014 with “the purpose of interfering with the U.S. political and electoral processes, including the presidential election of 2016.”

The media would have you believe this conspiracy centered around Trump. It did not; it never did — at least not until after he won the election, and then the Russians organized events in opposition to him.

Most of the Russian Spending Occurred AFTER the Election
Even though this Russian chaos campaign began in 2014, most of the money spent was still AFTER the 2016 election. According to Byron York, “Just 44 percent came before the election, while 56 percent came after the election.”

The Budget for This Operation Was Laughably Small
Starting in September of 2016, two months before the election, the Russians spent a measly $1.2 million a month. When you compare that to the billions spent by Trump, Hillary, special interest groups, and the anti-Trump corporate media, it is like dropping a teaspoon of water into a boiling cauldron.

Only $3,200 Was Spent on Advertising in Swing States
Trump is president because he picked off Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. The total Russian ad spend in those three crucial states was hilariously close to zero: $1,979, $823, and $300, respectively.

Only 11 Million People Saw the Russian Facebook Ads — Kind Of
While 11 million people saw the Russians’ Facebook ads, the context is important. The 11 million saw these ads between 2015 and 2017, and only 44 percent of the ads were placed prior to the election.

During all this time, the Russians spent a total of $100,000. Compare that to the Clinton and Trump campaigns, which spent a combined $81 million on Facebook advertising.

Vast Majority of Russian Ad Buy Did Not Reference the Election
According to Facebook, this is the truth about that minuscule ad buy: “The vast majority [of the ads] didn’t specifically reference the U.S. presidential election, voting or a particular candidate.”

Other Russian Facebook Content Was Even More Hapless
Byron York explains:

Of course, Facebook is more than ads; the vast majority of the material on it is so-called organic content, produced by the people who use Facebook. The company estimates that a total of around 150 million people may have been “served content” from a page associated with the Russians during the two-year period before and after the election. That means that some Russian-produced content was visible on news feeds — not that Facebook users necessarily saw it or engaged with it.

“This equals about four-thousands of one percent (0.004%) of content in News Feed, or approximately 1 out of 23,000 pieces of content,” Facebook executive Colin Stretch said in prepared testimony before the Senate last November.

After Trump’s Victory, the Russians Organized an Anti-Trump Rally
To continue to create chaos, after Trump won, the Russians organized competing rallies in New York. One was pro-Trump, the other against.

CNN and MSNBC Immediately Became Putin’s Patsies
Newsbusters reports that CNN and MSNBC were Putin’s perfect patsies when it came to promoting Russia’s anti-Trump rally:

One of the revelations in Friday’s indictment handed down by Special Counsel Robert Mueller was that alleged Russian attempts to sow disunity in 2016 included the organization of both pro- and anti-Trump rallies in New York City on the Saturday after Election Day.

A check of their November 12 coverage showed both CNN and MSNBC gave enthusiastic coverage to the Russian-organized anti-Trump rally that day, with live reports every hour. Correspondents celebrated the idea that it was “a love rally,” and repeated the marchers’ anti-Trump mantras, such as: “We reject the President-elect.”

While the two liberal anti-Trump networks offered heavy coverage of the anti-Trump rally throughout the day, a check of coverage between noon and 5:00 p.m. Eastern found that the Fox News Channel offered only a short re-cap (66 seconds) at the start of their 4:00 p.m. Eastern hour.

President Obama Knew the Russians Were Meddling, Thought It Was Funny, Did Nothing
Just three weeks before the election, a full three years into the Russian chaos program, Obama dismissed the whole idea of election meddling and mocked Trump as a whiner:

But the larger point I want to emphasize here is that there is no serious person out there who would suggest somehow that you could even — you could even rig America’s elections, in part, because they are so decentralized and the numbers of votes involved.

There is no evidence that that has happened in the past or that there are instances in which that will happen this time. And so I’d invite Mr. Trump to stop whining and go try to make his case to get votes.

And here is a video of Rachel Maddow in 2014 laughing it up after Obama dismissed Russia to that of “a gnat on an elephant’s butt.”

A year later, the Russians would set up their chaos operation.

The Russians Promoted Black Lives Matter, Immigration, and Muslims
The Washington Examiner:

The primary objective of the Russians’ conspiracy, according to Mueller’s indictment, was to “spread distrust towards the candidates and the political system in general,” and not necessarily to put Trump in the Oval Office, as many Democrats have claimed.

Russian groups allegedly created Facebook and Instagram pages that promoted polarizing content across a range of issues not specific to any political party — including a pro-immigration page called “Secured Borders,” a Black Lives Matter-themed Instagram page called “Blacktivist” that supported third-party candidate Jill Stein, and religious-linked pages called “United Muslims of America” and “Army of Jesus.”

Now that we know the Russians are only interested in creating chaos, those who help in this effort against Trump, like CNN and NBC News, can no longer be described as “unwitting patsies.” Rather, they will reveal themselves as willing colluders and collaborators and must be called out as such.


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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #383 on: February 21, 2018, 03:00:34 PM »
So that kid really an actor?  Is it the same kid? 

He sure looks like he is the same person. There are other possibilities. One might be that his head has been photo shopped in. Even if he were the same fellow, it changes nothing about the event. Seventeen kids died, twelve were injured and hosts of kids and adults are traumatized as the result of a mentally ill person who also had a gun collection, including the AR-15 he used in this slaughter.

No matter where you stand on gun control, this is the time for discussions about it. In a few weeks or so, much of the country will have all but forgotten about the horror of this awful event.

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #384 on: February 21, 2018, 03:21:08 PM »
He sure looks like he is the same person. There are other possibilities. One might be that his head has been photo shopped in. Even if he were the same fellow, it changes nothing about the event. Seventeen kids died, twelve were injured and hosts of kids and adults are traumatized as the result of a mentally ill person who also had a gun collection, including the AR-15 he used in this slaughter.

No matter where you stand on gun control, this is the time for discussions about it. In a few weeks or so, much of the country will have all but forgotten about the horror of this awful event.

Apparently it is the same kid, but he says his family moved from California to Florida.

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #385 on: February 21, 2018, 03:27:28 PM »
Watch the video.  What a dirtbag move, particularly when you factor in CNN covering a fake rally.

Woman Receives Abuse, Violent Threats After CNN Tracks Down, Publicly Shames Her for Sharing ‘Russian’ Event on Facebook
CNN Shames Woman for Facebook PostCNN
21 Feb 2018

A private citizen received online abuse after CNN tracked her down and publicly shamed her for unknowingly sharing a “Russian-coordinated event” on her Facebook page.
While filming the woman, who runs a pro-Trump page on Facebook, CNN publicly shamed her for “unwittingly” promoting a “Russian-coordinated event.”


A Florida woman who ran a Trump supporters page that unwittingly promoted a Russian-coordinated event on Facebook says she doesn’t believe that she was influenced by Kremlin-linked trolls
4:14 PM - Feb 20, 2018
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“When you’re talking like this, I don’t want anything to do with you,” complained the woman after being repeatedly harassed by CNN’s Special Investigations Unit Reporter Drew Griffin.

Following the incident, conservative commentators criticized CNN for tracking down and attempting to publicly shame private citizens.


“Stop harassing people at their homes, you psychos!” replied conservative YouTube star Mark Dice.



A Florida woman who ran a Trump supporters page that unwittingly promoted a Russian-coordinated event on Facebook says she doesn’t believe that she was influenced by Kremlin-linked trolls
Mark Dice

Stop harassing people at their homes, you psychos!
5:16 PM - Feb 20, 2018
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A Florida woman who ran a Trump supporters page that unwittingly promoted a Russian-coordinated event on Facebook says she doesn’t believe that she was influenced by Kremlin-linked trolls
Stephen Limbaugh
Reason No. 916,370,777 why everyone hates @cnn
6:55 PM - Feb 20, 2018
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Journalist Jerry Dunleavy also pointed out that CNN were duped themselves into covering alleged “Russian-generated rallies.”

Jerry Dunleavy IV
So @CNN tracked down one of the ppl unwittingly duped by the Russians — reminder that CNN itself was duped into covering Russian-generated rallies — and @DrewGriffinCNN & Co. thought it best to publicly shame this old lady. Now ppl are viciously harassing her online. A thread. 1/
2:25 AM - Feb 21, 2018
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After CNN published her full name, the woman received waves of abuse and harassment, with CNN consumers calling her a “stupid old hag,” a “traitor,” a “treasonous hillbilly,” “ugly,” and “racist trash.”


Jerry Dunleavy IV
So @CNN tracked down one of the ppl unwittingly duped by the Russians — reminder that CNN itself was duped into covering Russian-generated rallies — and @DrewGriffinCNN & Co. thought it best to publicly shame this old lady. Now ppl are viciously harassing her online. A thread. 1/
Jerry Dunleavy IV
CNN published her name — it’s so unique it’s the only one that pops up on FB. I’m not doxxing her & I won’t show her profile page, but let’s take a look at the comment section of her recent FB posts — first up a baby vid. If Russia wanted division, they got it. Nice job, @CNN. 2/
2:32 AM - Feb 21, 2018
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Jerry Dunleavy IV
Replying to @JerryDunleavy
CNN published her name — it’s so unique it’s the only one that pops up on FB. I’m not doxxing her & I won’t show her profile page, but let’s take a look at the comment section of her recent FB posts — first up a baby vid. If Russia wanted division, they got it. Nice job, @CNN. 2/
Jerry Dunleavy IV
Thanks @CNN! Check out the stream of vile “Putin!” “Russia!” “Traitor!” talk in her comments — and memes of her! — all because some Russian trolls might’ve tricked her into talking to them. Yes, people need to be less gullible. But here’s The Resistance harassing an old woman. 3/
2:37 AM - Feb 21, 2018
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Jerry Dunleavy IV
Replying to @JerryDunleavy
Thanks @CNN! Check out the stream of vile “Putin!” “Russia!” “Traitor!” talk in her comments — and memes of her! — all because some Russian trolls might’ve tricked her into talking to them. Yes, people need to be less gullible. But here’s The Resistance harassing an old woman. 3/
Jerry Dunleavy IV
Just wonderful @CNN. Give yourselves a hand. Again — Russia wanted Americans turned against Americans? They wanted to sow chaos? They wanted to create division? Look at what a news report doxxing an old lady’s Facebook page results in. Vicious. Vile. Senseless. Uncharitable. 4/
2:42 AM - Feb 21, 2018
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The woman also received violent threats, with one user warning, “stay in Florida, you come to NY and I’ll kick your Russian bot ass.”


Jerry Dunleavy IV
Replying to @JerryDunleavy
Just wonderful @CNN. Give yourselves a hand. Again — Russia wanted Americans turned against Americans? They wanted to sow chaos? They wanted to create division? Look at what a news report doxxing an old lady’s Facebook page results in. Vicious. Vile. Senseless. Uncharitable. 4/
Jerry Dunleavy IV
No seriously @CNN — did you consider the possibility that in exposing an old lady supposedly being tricked by Russian trolls on Facebook dot com that you would be sending waves of ***American*** trolls to call her a traitor, attack her appearance, & threaten her with violence? 5/
2:47 AM - Feb 21, 2018
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Drew Griffin and the network have not yet confronted Michael Moore, who attended a rally allegedly organized by Russians.

In July, the cable news giant hunted down a man who posted a meme on Reddit poking fun at the network. The man publicly apologized to the network.


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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #386 on: February 21, 2018, 06:41:18 PM »
CNN should be investigated.


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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #387 on: February 22, 2018, 02:49:00 AM »
I am glad we are on the topic of CNN...


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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #388 on: February 22, 2018, 12:14:47 PM »
Apparently it is the same kid, but he says his family moved from California to Florida.

If David Hogg is not a student at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, wouldn't it be easy enough to prove? It appears that far-right conspiracy theorist, including Rush Limbaugh don't bother to fact check their stories before broadcasting them.


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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #389 on: February 22, 2018, 12:50:58 PM »
Watch the video.  What a dirtbag move, particularly when you factor in CNN covering a fake rally.

Woman Receives Abuse, Violent Threats After CNN Tracks Down, Publicly Shames Her for Sharing ‘Russian’ Event on Facebook
CNN Shames Woman for Facebook PostCNN
21 Feb 2018

A private citizen received online abuse after CNN tracked her down and publicly shamed her for unknowingly sharing a “Russian-coordinated event” on her Facebook page.
While filming the woman, who runs a pro-Trump page on Facebook, CNN publicly shamed her for “unwittingly” promoting a “Russian-coordinated event.”


A Florida woman who ran a Trump supporters page that unwittingly promoted a Russian-coordinated event on Facebook says she doesn’t believe that she was influenced by Kremlin-linked trolls
4:14 PM - Feb 20, 2018
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“When you’re talking like this, I don’t want anything to do with you,” complained the woman after being repeatedly harassed by CNN’s Special Investigations Unit Reporter Drew Griffin.

Following the incident, conservative commentators criticized CNN for tracking down and attempting to publicly shame private citizens.


“Stop harassing people at their homes, you psychos!” replied conservative YouTube star Mark Dice.


Following the incident, conservative commentators criticized CNN for tracking down and attempting to publicly shame private citizens.

“Stop harassing people at their homes, you psychos!” replied conservative YouTube star Mark Dice.

The Kaiju Conservative has posted several interesting videos for the 22 followers of this website.

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #390 on: February 22, 2018, 12:56:22 PM »

Following the incident, conservative commentators criticized CNN for tracking down and attempting to publicly shame private citizens.

“Stop harassing people at their homes, you psychos!” replied conservative YouTube star Mark Dice.

are you suggesting it didn’t happen? The network known for covering up Clinton, the lefts provable evidence of Russia collusion?

Or how about this? Is this fake too?


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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #391 on: February 22, 2018, 01:25:37 PM »
are you suggesting it didn’t happen? The network known for covering up Clinton, the lefts provable evidence of Russia collusion?

Or how about this? Is this fake too?

Where did I suggest that it didn't happen? The video seems real enough to me. I believe I actually saw it while watching CNN. Lots of folks have posted this video on YouTube, at least eleven.

The reporter didn't seem to be harassing her, IMO. The video is 2:12 minutes short. Not much time to harass someone. Florine Gruen Goldfarb appeared to be clueless enough that it's possible she may not have realized what she was doing on her FaceBook page with regard to the Russians.

I watched the Town Hall in it's entirety. It not at all surprising Dana Loesch felt she needed security to leave. Personally, I think it was very brave of her to attend and to field the questions and rants she got. Hope the NRA paid a healthy sum.

A longtime conservative talk radio host, Loesch sparked outrage last year for an NRA recruitment ad in which she railed against the left for using “their media to assassinate real news” and said NRA members needed to confront “this violence of lies with the clenched fist of truth”.

Once an influential mommy blogger, Loesch was already a prominent gun rights advocate when she joined the NRA in early 2017 as a special assistant to NRA executive vice-president Wayne LaPierre.

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #392 on: February 22, 2018, 04:01:26 PM »
If David Hogg is not a student at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, wouldn't it be easy enough to prove? It appears that far-right conspiracy theorist, including Rush Limbaugh don't bother to fact check their stories before broadcasting them.

Uh, yeah.  I don't listen to Rush Limbaugh, but the people pushing looney conspiracy theories are almost all of the mainstream media. 

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #393 on: February 22, 2018, 04:02:32 PM »
Where did I suggest that it didn't happen? The video seems real enough to me. I believe I actually saw it while watching CNN. Lots of folks have posted this video on YouTube, at least eleven.

The reporter didn't seem to be harassing her, IMO. The video is 2:12 minutes short. Not much time to harass someone. Florine Gruen Goldfarb appeared to be clueless enough that it's possible she may not have realized what she was doing on her FaceBook page with regard to the Russians.

I watched the Town Hall in it's entirety. It not at all surprising Dana Loesch felt she needed security to leave. Personally, I think it was very brave of her to attend and to field the questions and rants she got. Hope the NRA paid a healthy sum.

A longtime conservative talk radio host, Loesch sparked outrage last year for an NRA recruitment ad in which she railed against the left for using “their media to assassinate real news” and said NRA members needed to confront “this violence of lies with the clenched fist of truth”.

Once an influential mommy blogger, Loesch was already a prominent gun rights advocate when she joined the NRA in early 2017 as a special assistant to NRA executive vice-president Wayne LaPierre.

She had to move last year because of death threats.  Liberals can be some violent, fascist mofos. 


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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #394 on: February 22, 2018, 04:27:47 PM »
She had to move last year because of death threats.  Liberals can be some violent, fascist mofos. 

Violence is not limited liberal extremists anymore than is it to far right conservatives.

"On the morning of Saturday, August 12, hundreds of white supremacists descended on Charlottesville, Virginia, for the Unite the Right rally. The rally never happened, but it almost didn’t matter: The event was the largest and most violent gathering of white supremacists in decades."
ADL- August 12, 2017

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #395 on: February 22, 2018, 04:30:15 PM »
Violence is not limited liberal extremists anymore than is it to far right conservatives.

"On the morning of Saturday, August 12, hundreds of white supremacists descended on Charlottesville, Virginia, for the Unite the Right rally. The rally never happened, but it almost didn’t matter: The event was the largest and most violent gathering of white supremacists in decades."
ADL- August 12, 2017

That is factually incorrect.  When it comes to the use of force to silence opposing political viewpoints, that is a liberal not conservative problem. It is in no way, shape, or form and "equal" problem. 

I challenge you to cite numerous instances of college Republicans using force to silence liberal speakers.  I can give you about 20 instances of liberals doing that on college campuses. 


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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #396 on: February 22, 2018, 04:35:02 PM »
She had to move last year because of death threats.  Liberals can be some violent, fascist mofos.  


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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #397 on: February 22, 2018, 04:41:18 PM »
If David Hogg is not a student at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, wouldn't it be easy enough to prove? It appears that far-right conspiracy theorist, including Rush Limbaugh don't bother to fact check their stories before broadcasting them.


Please link to where Rush accused the kid of not being a student at the school. Should be easy, he puts the written transcripts of his radio shows online.

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #398 on: February 22, 2018, 05:02:09 PM »

Before I watch these 16 minutes worth of clips, what are they supposed to show?  And did you watch them yourself? 

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Re: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
« Reply #399 on: February 22, 2018, 05:05:26 PM »
Another indictment that has zero to do with this nutty conspiracy theory.

Manafort, Gates indicted on new tax and bank fraud charges
By Samuel Chamberlain   | Fox News