Author Topic: 2017 Olympia - Press Conference - Jeremy Buendia Heated Exchange  (Read 14590 times)

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Re: Jeremy Buendia Heated Exchange At The 2017 Olympia Press Conference.
« Reply #50 on: September 16, 2017, 03:48:00 AM »
Matt are you supposed to be a celebrity or something?!


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Re: Jeremy Buendia Heated Exchange At The 2017 Olympia Press Conference.
« Reply #52 on: September 16, 2017, 08:27:20 AM »
Holy shit guys - yeah, I related this post to MY LIFE, because obviously as I have gotten older and family/children has displaced almost all/any interest I had in bodybuilding, which I now see was for the best.

The only regret I have was posting the photo from the news with me and Atlas Stone - but I posted that because it was just an example similar to how people becoming addicted to plastic trophies in bodybuilding.  Yeah, it kind of does get addicting to have a growing collection of trophies in my weight class, and to get local news coverage.  So I can't complain when pro bodybuilders do it - but there is a difference between the local level, and the much more heavily juice-dependent professional level.  And that includes impact on health.  That's my point.

The problem is when pro bodybuilders outside of the top 10 at the Olympia who are making peanuts for money risk their health and lifespan for the same rewards.  I can understand why Phil Heath and Flex Lewis do it, but is bodybuilding at the highest level today really worth it?  More and more we are going to see people come out with stories regretting it.  I think the new divisions are a reflection of the growing frustration of a lot of men not wanting to juice to the max, but still wanting to compete.  I think the new divisions are a good idea, even though they do sort of water down what it means to be a "pro".

I'm happy that I never pushed my body further than just doing this at the lower level.  You can still have fun just competing locally and lifting weights and being involved in moderation with great personal results and none of the irreversible long term damage to your cardiovascular system, central nervous system, and organ integrity in general.

Comparisons to Howard, come on  ::)  I do plan to have as many ex-wives as Howard, but Howard has literally posted the exact same post since 2011, if not earlier, LOL.  If you have read one of his threads, you have read them all.  His ONE post where he has "Uncle Rico Syndrome" and relives his glory days is actually a good thread - it's just that he's posted it literally dozens of times.  Although I actually like Howard.  I just think it's strange that he doesn't realize he is posting the same thread over and over again, LOL.

Coach is Back! - Don't you get enough flak on here to not be trashing other members?  Or is it this go along to get along mentality to try to get you board credibility?  Notice I have NOT been trashing anyone on this board, despite the popularity you acquire for doing so, because I see no reason to be cruel to other members just to be part of the club.  It's not cool.  I sort of wish this board went in the direction of Nether Animal's posts - just simple on-topic posts about professional bodybuilding and commentary from a variety of members.

Pellius - You were always cool with me so I have no idea why you feel the need to trash me.  Yeah, I related this post to myself - BIG DEAL.  I'm giving an example of how my own life experience guided me away from bodybuilding.  I remember years ago, Getbig member "Viking Power" was into bodybuilding and was pushing for more and more gains.  Later down the line he read the studies on caloric restriction on rats, and decided that he wanted to stay lighter for the sake of his health.  I think The True Adonis was maintaining a body weight of 160-lb also for good health.

Bodybuilders have this tendency to get caught up in a cult-like mentality and drive to be the best at something that has the potential to ultimately destroy them.  Only since having children do I realize just how happy I am to have never seriously pursued it.  So obviously I related it to me.  I have mentioned on here maybe TEN TIMES that I have qualified for Strongman Nationals in my weight class.  That's a pretty happy accomplishment for me, so why shouldn't I post it?  People constantly trash members for not walking the walk - well, I DID.  I won Regionals and Provincials in my weight class, and yet that still doesn't get Getbig's approval.  ::)

What are you bench pressing, Pellius?  Probably not 345 at 170 if I had to guess.  Yet you trash me?  At least I actually work out, have gone to expos, and have competed in many, many contests.  Have you?  It's just weird that I thought we were cool, yet you are so offended by my post.  I could understand if I posted multiple times daily, but I read more than I write on here - the opposite of what I do on Facebook - and I just don't post enough to understand why I have caused you such grief.  As someone who I thought I was cool with, I apologize.  I have actually quite enjoyed my time on Getbig since returning, after promising Ron I would not post race or political discussions any more.

As for my YouTube channel - I just find it funny that I'm being slammed on here, yet I have over 17 million views on YouTube, on a channel I barely update!  So obviously there are people who want to hear what I have to say.  The proof is in the [InStone Vanilla] pudding.

Thank you for that insightful post Matt. Allow me to respond to that.

Girls and sons who have not been loved by their fathers seek attention once teens and adults to compensate for what they didnt have originally. Fathers either left them alone, or were distant most of the time and not encouraging them. Some even despised them which would shape their personality and the way they d interact with others for the rest of their life.
They are extremistic in everything they do, always looking exageratly for attention, and have troubles adapting to society's rules, because they also have troubles defining their own identity and respecting authority and hierarchy.

Also boys who got picked on by others during childhood and adolescence -often sons without a father figure- try to compensate by lifting weights, to develop muscles and survive in ther male world. They re insecure because they re girly, childish, feminine having been raised by a single mom. They lift obsessively hoping it will transform them into men, to compensate for their lack of influence from a father figure that was not there. Unfortunaltey they can get as big as they can it doesnt cure their insecurity and who they truly are, how they grew up being raised by a single mom. They re no as manly as other men whatever they do, and they often have a big lack of masculine presence they dont know how to balance, hence often being borderline homosexuals while trying to get their manhood back thru various manly activities (mma, cars, weight lifting etc).

They are often the ones that, in order to get respect from other males will go the steroids route to get even "bigger" attemptint to cure their insecurity , but being natural not being "enough", they still feel "too small", insecure, amongst other males. The lack of a father figure also often means they didnt have guidance to continue studies and are often working shitty manual jobs. You can dominate in life with studies, a good job that requires the use of all your best strenghts, which allows you to contribute fully to the specie that spawned you. By being successful socio professionnaly and by giving birth and raising happy individuals who will also contribute to mankind, to the specie. This is the benevolant, healhty way of contributing to mankind; you dominate by giving as much as you receive using your full potential. And then, there s everything else. The others main strategies of survival. For example, the uneducated loser with charisma linked to his muscles, who only exists because of his muscles, who only impress, dominate others with them. But to keep being respected -feared- and to keep impressing, the muscles must stay, and you want more, so at some point considering they re everything you have, you go the steroid route. No chance he gets an education, a good job, he didnt have a father to give him guidance, he s an atheist, he s an asshole, insecure about his own sexuality,so he survives in the gutters, the low part of the pyramid, can barely work a normal job and gets pissed by everything, always thinking about what he could have done if only his father actually invested in him, gave him soemthing instad of abandonning him.

There you have it, the roots of good and evil, where it all starts for a male in the human specie. Who raises secure kids, sons and daughters, who contribute to society, and dont fall for all the extremes, traps? The hard working faithful man. You godamn motherfucking moron , how is the medical establishment responsible for fathers abandonning their kids , sons and daughters, who will barely survive depressed all life long ? How is the medical establishment responsible for that in the first place? You re confusing the order of things. You re ignorant. You must be young! Of course they re striving on other people who come from shity families psycho behavorial troubles, developing medications that dont even work or at best keep people asleep so they dont figure they ve been fucked in the ass by their own parents, genitors, who didnt have the decency to care enough about them after giving birth to them. Moral, spiritual decline is what leads to suffering in all human beings. If psychologists, psychanalysts exist nowadays, if most people try to find a meaning to their life in pseudo philosophies from Orient, if they need steroids, anti depressants, sleeping aids, thats because love is disapearing , because families are dysfunctional, and all of this is happening because the Words of God have been abandonned.

All these bullshit pseudo medicaqtions full of side effects were developed  as religion was gradually abandonned , because people fell for all the traps of modernism, and lost faith. And all these jobs, all these ''docs'' are assholes who need mentally ill people to survive, to have a job, they strive on other people problems, they strive on the disapearing of love and they give bullshit solutions to their ''customers''. And they re the biggest atheists, the most anti christian assholes on earth, you connect the dots.This is the irony of the whole thing. Again, you fail to understand the order of things. You put the consequences before the causes, which is ilogical, and ignorant. Most human beings are only caring about what tomorow will be made of. Job. Dinner. Sex. TV, Internet, workout. Bed. We re designed to do so by evolution. Tomorow i can anticipate this, this, and that. And? And that's about it. That's how our brains work. Currently we all collectively know some major shit is going to hit the fan in some weeks, months. Yet we cant do anything about it individually speaking. We re just waiting for it to happen. Says a lot about our so called free will, our "power".

We also know we re going to go thru something that alrdy happened in the past to our ancestors thanks to historians who wrote it all on paper so we can compare our current situation with theirs centuries ago. Yet we can t do shit about it even if we know it alrdy happened. We re as powerless as were our ancestors when they described the fall of the roman empire of occident. There can only be individuals solutions, no collective solutions. Nations dont exist anymore. Industrials, megacorporations use journalists , medias and politicians like pupets. And they are only following their own greed and dont give a single damn about the globalized mankind under them in the societal pyramid. They re only purpose in life is to stay at the top, and prevent people from lower positions to get to them and replace them. One can only decide to prepare himself and his loved ones to what s going to happen. He, she, cannot change the world. He cannot change the rules of nature. He can only adapt, to survive. 


  • Getbig V
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Re: Jeremy Buendia Heated Exchange At The 2017 Olympia Press Conference.
« Reply #53 on: September 16, 2017, 10:25:40 AM »
I didn't even read all that but fuck me do you take this site too seriously.
I have Blue stars , that means I have been onstage in a show, why the fuck do you think that doing that means anything??
Representing professionalism?

I don't ever tell anyone outside the gym I am a bodybuilder, I would never admit to it, the normal, yes normal people just assume a bodybuilding is a fucking thug and moron, most of the time they are right.

Jeez, if you take this site as seriously as that post makes out you are fucked in the head.

I also don't tell anyone that I compete in strongman competitions, and I would never call myself a "strongman" - mainly because I am not a pro.  But now that I have qualified for Nationals in my weight class, I think it is ok for me to say "I am a lightweight strongman" or something like that, but like you - I don't mention it in real life.

I made a mistake in including that photo of me from the newspaper.  I was just super pumped about that, and having made the newspaper three years in a row now, for three different contests [including an intermediate level open weight class contest where I came last place, but still had a decent showing in - that was the one with the picture of me with the Atlas Stone].

So yeah - if I could go back, I would have not posted that picture of myself because it was out of place, and made this thread about me, and not about the topic at hand - pro bodybuilders and other competitors who take competing too seriously, and view it from almost a cult-like lens.  So I apologize for that.  Point taken.  Do I think people needed to be that harsh on me though?  No, not really.  It's not like I do it all the time.  And Howard, as much as I like the guy, has posted the same post about himself something like 50 times over the years.  I can see why people are annoyed with that, but I haven't done that - yet.  So I just think the response was a little out of proportion.  There was no need for it.  One of the few times where I did it before, Parker politely explained that I shouldn't do it.  I can respect that.

What is so good about Getbig is that people "keep it real".  We don't kiss up to the pros as they did on the now-defunct MuscleMayhem board.  That's why people love Getbig.  But sometimes the negativity can get out of hand, that's all.  I'm a sharp guy.  Just tell me something once, maybe twice, and I will listen.  And I get it - I shouldn't make posts about me.

Point taken.  It won't happen again.  If I feel it is appropriate, I will post about myself.  Otherwise, I will not.

Simple Simon

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Re: Jeremy Buendia Heated Exchange At The 2017 Olympia Press Conference.
« Reply #54 on: September 16, 2017, 10:28:04 AM »
I also don't tell anyone that I compete in strongman competitions, and I would never call myself a "strongman" - mainly because I am not a pro.  But now that I have qualified for Nationals in my weight class, I think it is ok for me to say "I am a lightweight strongman" or something like that, but like you - I don't mention it in real life.

I made a mistake in including that photo of me from the newspaper.  I was just super pumped about that, and having made the newspaper three years in a row now, for three different contests [including an intermediate level open weight class contest where I came last place, but still had a decent showing in - that was the one with the picture of me with the Atlas Stone].

So yeah - if I could go back, I would have not posted that picture of myself because it was out of place, and made this thread about me, and not about the topic at hand - pro bodybuilders and other competitors who take competing too seriously, and view it from almost a cult-like lens.  So I apologize for that.  Point taken.  Do I think people needed to be that harsh on me though?  No, not really.  It's not like I do it all the time.  And Howard, as much as I like the guy, has posted the same post about himself something like 50 times over the years.  I can see why people are annoyed with that, but I haven't done that - yet.  So I just think the response was a little out of proportion.  There was no need for it.  One of the few times where I did it before, Parker politely explained that I shouldn't do it.  I can respect that.

What is so good about Getbig is that people "keep it real".  We don't kiss up to the pros as they did on the now-defunct MuscleMayhem board.  That's why people love Getbig.  But sometimes the negativity can get out of hand, that's all.  I'm a sharp guy.  Just tell me something once, maybe twice, and I will listen.  And I get it - I shouldn't make posts about me.

Point taken.  It won't happen again.  If I feel it is appropriate, I will post about myself.  Otherwise, I will not.

Fuck me mate, why are you listening to me, jeez, post what you like, I post things without even thinking 99% of the time.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Jeremy Buendia Heated Exchange At The 2017 Olympia Press Conference.
« Reply #55 on: September 16, 2017, 10:34:05 AM »

Thank you for that insightful post Matt. Allow me to respond to that.

Girls and sons who have not been loved by their fathers seek attention once teens and adults to compensate for what they didnt have originally. Fathers either left them alone, or were distant most of the time and not encouraging them. Some even despised them which would shape their personality and the way they d interact with others for the rest of their life.
They are extremistic in everything they do, always looking exageratly for attention, and have troubles adapting to society's rules, because they also have troubles defining their own identity and respecting authority and hierarchy.

Also boys who got picked on by others during childhood and adolescence -often sons without a father figure- try to compensate by lifting weights, to develop muscles and survive in ther male world. They re insecure because they re girly, childish, feminine having been raised by a single mom. They lift obsessively hoping it will transform them into men, to compensate for their lack of influence from a father figure that was not there. Unfortunaltey they can get as big as they can it doesnt cure their insecurity and who they truly are, how they grew up being raised by a single mom. They re no as manly as other men whatever they do, and they often have a big lack of masculine presence they dont know how to balance, hence often being borderline homosexuals while trying to get their manhood back thru various manly activities (mma, cars, weight lifting etc).

They are often the ones that, in order to get respect from other males will go the steroids route to get even "bigger" attemptint to cure their insecurity , but being natural not being "enough", they still feel "too small", insecure, amongst other males. The lack of a father figure also often means they didnt have guidance to continue studies and are often working shitty manual jobs. You can dominate in life with studies, a good job that requires the use of all your best strenghts, which allows you to contribute fully to the specie that spawned you. By being successful socio professionnaly and by giving birth and raising happy individuals who will also contribute to mankind, to the specie. This is the benevolant, healhty way of contributing to mankind; you dominate by giving as much as you receive using your full potential. And then, there s everything else. The others main strategies of survival. For example, the uneducated loser with charisma linked to his muscles, who only exists because of his muscles, who only impress, dominate others with them. But to keep being respected -feared- and to keep impressing, the muscles must stay, and you want more, so at some point considering they re everything you have, you go the steroid route. No chance he gets an education, a good job, he didnt have a father to give him guidance, he s an atheist, he s an asshole, insecure about his own sexuality,so he survives in the gutters, the low part of the pyramid, can barely work a normal job and gets pissed by everything, always thinking about what he could have done if only his father actually invested in him, gave him soemthing instad of abandonning him.

There you have it, the roots of good and evil, where it all starts for a male in the human specie. Who raises secure kids, sons and daughters, who contribute to society, and dont fall for all the extremes, traps? The hard working faithful man. You godamn motherfucking moron , how is the medical establishment responsible for fathers abandonning their kids , sons and daughters, who will barely survive depressed all life long ? How is the medical establishment responsible for that in the first place? You re confusing the order of things. You re ignorant. You must be young! Of course they re striving on other people who come from shity families psycho behavorial troubles, developing medications that dont even work or at best keep people asleep so they dont figure they ve been fucked in the ass by their own parents, genitors, who didnt have the decency to care enough about them after giving birth to them. Moral, spiritual decline is what leads to suffering in all human beings. If psychologists, psychanalysts exist nowadays, if most people try to find a meaning to their life in pseudo philosophies from Orient, if they need steroids, anti depressants, sleeping aids, thats because love is disapearing , because families are dysfunctional, and all of this is happening because the Words of God have been abandonned.

All these bullshit pseudo medicaqtions full of side effects were developed  as religion was gradually abandonned , because people fell for all the traps of modernism, and lost faith. And all these jobs, all these ''docs'' are assholes who need mentally ill people to survive, to have a job, they strive on other people problems, they strive on the disapearing of love and they give bullshit solutions to their ''customers''. And they re the biggest atheists, the most anti christian assholes on earth, you connect the dots.This is the irony of the whole thing. Again, you fail to understand the order of things. You put the consequences before the causes, which is ilogical, and ignorant. Most human beings are only caring about what tomorow will be made of. Job. Dinner. Sex. TV, Internet, workout. Bed. We re designed to do so by evolution. Tomorow i can anticipate this, this, and that. And? And that's about it. That's how our brains work. Currently we all collectively know some major shit is going to hit the fan in some weeks, months. Yet we cant do anything about it individually speaking. We re just waiting for it to happen. Says a lot about our so called free will, our "power".

We also know we re going to go thru something that alrdy happened in the past to our ancestors thanks to historians who wrote it all on paper so we can compare our current situation with theirs centuries ago. Yet we can t do shit about it even if we know it alrdy happened. We re as powerless as were our ancestors when they described the fall of the roman empire of occident. There can only be individuals solutions, no collective solutions. Nations dont exist anymore. Industrials, megacorporations use journalists , medias and politicians like pupets. And they are only following their own greed and dont give a single damn about the globalized mankind under them in the societal pyramid. They re only purpose in life is to stay at the top, and prevent people from lower positions to get to them and replace them. One can only decide to prepare himself and his loved ones to what s going to happen. He, she, cannot change the world. He cannot change the rules of nature. He can only adapt, to survive.  

I read this.  I think I understand it.

Have you watched any videos by Stefan Molyneux?  He, like myself, is not religious exactly, but he acknowledges the gradual erosion of in-group altruism and trust, and sort of the coming undone of Western society since we lost our religiosity.  It's fascinating, and I had never looked at it that way.

Jordan Peterson also - in some ways he is highly atheistic - meanwhile, he has a deep respect for religion and has stated that all of the important aspects of Christianity have been absorbed into the secular aspects of our culture.  So as we have shifted to a non-religious culture, the fundamental values of Christianity have been sort of absorbed into the culture.  The "Golden Rules".  I hadn't thought of it that way, but I kind of see what he means.

Interestingly, I live across the street from two churches, and I sort of think they are calling my name.  The weather vane atop my front door looks like a cross.

Although I'm not religious, I think there has definitely been some shifting of society for the worse since the West has lost its faith.

I try to be good to the people around me, and I try to apply certain Golden Rules such as "Do unto others...", but ultimately, I do not think I will be saved.


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Re: Jeremy Buendia Heated Exchange At The 2017 Olympia Press Conference.
« Reply #56 on: September 16, 2017, 10:35:21 AM »
Fuck me mate, why are you listening to me, jeez, post what you like, I post things without even thinking 99% of the time.

Because I promised Ron that if I return to Getbig, I would not be posting anything related to race or politics.  I am trying hard to keep with that, and I believe that I have.  Well...sort of.  There have been some exceptions, but not many.  So when I get called out in a thread like this, I fear that I am violating what I promised Ron.  And I take that very seriously.  Ron's board, Ron's rules.  And a promise is a promise - as I am a man of my word.

Simple Simon

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Re: Jeremy Buendia Heated Exchange At The 2017 Olympia Press Conference.
« Reply #57 on: September 16, 2017, 10:37:54 AM »
Because I promised Ron that if I return to Getbig, I would not be posting anything related to race or politics.  I am trying hard to keep with that, and I believe that I have.  Well...sort of.  There have been some exceptions, but not many.  So when I get called out in a thread like this, I fear that I am violating what I promised Ron.  And I take that very seriously.  Ron's board, Ron's rules.  And a promise is a promise - as I am a man of my word.

Ron isn't all that bothered what people post on here to be fair....most of the time its a cesspit.


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Re: Jeremy Buendia Heated Exchange At The 2017 Olympia Press Conference.
« Reply #58 on: September 16, 2017, 02:09:30 PM »

As for my YouTube channel - I just find it funny that I'm being slammed on here, yet I have over 17 million views on YouTube, on a channel I barely update!  So obviously there are people who want to hear what I have to say.  The proof is in the [InStone Vanilla] pudding.

most people looked at your youtube channel not to hear what you have to say, but to hear what the people you interview have top say

again another example of a self proclaimed reporter/journalist trying to make themselves the story rather than going after the story


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Re: Jeremy Buendia Heated Exchange At The 2017 Olympia Press Conference.
« Reply #59 on: September 16, 2017, 02:20:49 PM »
Matt is getting insulted by a bunch of jealous haters in this thread.  I happen to think that he has a lovely wee physique in that lower right cover picture and I believe he could do well in ladies competition despite his modesty.


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Re: Jeremy Buendia Heated Exchange At The 2017 Olympia Press Conference.
« Reply #60 on: September 16, 2017, 02:26:03 PM »
Ron isn't all that bothered what people post on here to be fair....most of the time its a cesspit.

That's sad that it has become that way.  See - you trashed me earlier, and now you are engaging with me.  I can respect that.  It's Hulkotron's posts that made me realize it was a cesspit because it was ad hominem with no trousers - just insults backed by nothing.  I think it's nice to pepper a good argument with insults, but insults for the sake of it is what will make people have no respect for Getbig.

I want this board to go back to the days where people kept it real, but that actual arguments were made.  That's about it - I promised Ron I would not start political debates and stuff like that, and I am a man of my word.

most people looked at your youtube channel not to hear what you have to say, but to hear what the people you interview have top say

again another example of a self proclaimed reporter/journalist trying to make themselves the story rather than going after the story

You would be surprised how many popular YouTubers that can be said about.  For example, Rob Dyke was interviewed on YouTube, and I was shocked to see that it only had 218 views.  Here is a guy who is approaching three million subscribers, yet no one cared what he had to say when he was in an interview video just speaking about himself and his personal life and preferences.  :-\

But I get what you have to say - people don't watch my YouTube videos because of me, but it's harder to argue that for my website, where my supplement and video reviews got tens of thousands of views.  Also, there is something to be said about being a good interviewer - Dave Palumbo is a good interviewer in that he asks intelligent question and has intelligent commentary.  It's an art that can be refined, and in my case, I think I eventually became pretty good at it.

I'm just saying, for all the trash people are talking about me lately, I get a lot of views for someone so allegedly despised.  When my view count drops a little, I will believe people don't care what I have to say.  Also, I only say what I do in self-defense.  Otherwise, I would not boast - I brought up qualifying for Nationals because obviously I was proud.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Jeremy Buendia Heated Exchange At The 2017 Olympia Press Conference.
« Reply #61 on: September 16, 2017, 02:36:04 PM »
Matt is getting insulted by a bunch of jealous haters in this thread.  I happen to think that he has a lovely wee physique in that lower right cover picture and I believe he could do well in ladies competition despite his modesty.

Yes, life is rough for me having a physique and face like this.  Being the strongest and fittest person in literally 90% of the rooms I enter is extremely hard for me to cope with.  Having so many athletic and academic awards and strength contest trophies in my weight class that I can barely fit them on my living room wall on top of the over million dollars in real estate that I make a residual living off of makes my life incredibly difficult.

I went to 17 expos, most of them between 2010 and 2014 while most people on here couldn't even afford to pay for the Mayweather vs. McGregor fight.  ::)

And don't get me wrong - I'm serious when I say life is rough.  Trying to correspond and communicate with people so much dumber than me on a regular basis is difficult.  But otherwise - things are good.

Coach is Back!

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Re: Jeremy Buendia Heated Exchange At The 2017 Olympia Press Conference.
« Reply #62 on: September 16, 2017, 03:05:07 PM »
Yes, life is rough for me having a physique and face like this.  Being the strongest and fittest person in literally 90% of the rooms I enter is extremely hard for me to cope with.  Having so many athletic and academic awards and strength contest trophies in my weight class that I can barely fit them on my living room wall on top of the over million dollars in real estate that I make a residual living off of makes my life incredibly difficult.

I went to 17 expos, most of them between 2010 and 2014 while most people on here couldn't even afford to pay for the Mayweather vs. McGregor fight.  ::)

And don't get me wrong - I'm serious when I say life is rough.  Trying to correspond and communicate with people so much dumber than me on a regular basis is difficult.  But otherwise - things are good.

Why do you feel the need to make excuses then justify them?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Jeremy Buendia Heated Exchange At The 2017 Olympia Press Conference.
« Reply #63 on: September 16, 2017, 03:12:07 PM »
Because I promised Ron that if I return to Getbig, I would not be posting anything related to race or politics.  I am trying hard to keep with that, and I believe that I have.  Well...sort of.  There have been some exceptions, but not many.  So when I get called out in a thread like this, I fear that I am violating what I promised Ron.  And I take that very seriously.  Ron's board, Ron's rules.  And a promise is a promise - as I am a man of my word.

Would love to see you post things related to race and politics again Matty!

It's not that big deal!


  • Getbig V
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Re: Jeremy Buendia Heated Exchange At The 2017 Olympia Press Conference.
« Reply #64 on: September 16, 2017, 03:15:36 PM »
That's sad that it has become that way.  See - you trashed me earlier, and now you are engaging with me.  I can respect that.  It's Hulkotron's posts that made me realize it was a cesspit because it was ad hominem with no trousers - just insults backed by nothing.  I think it's nice to pepper a good argument with insults, but insults for the sake of it is what will make people have no respect for Getbig.

I want this board to go back to the days where people kept it real, but that actual arguments were made.  That's about it - I promised Ron I would not start political debates and stuff like that, and I am a man of my word.

You would be surprised how many popular YouTubers that can be said about.  For example, Rob Dyke was interviewed on YouTube, and I was shocked to see that it only had 218 views.  Here is a guy who is approaching three million subscribers, yet no one cared what he had to say when he was in an interview video just speaking about himself and his personal life and preferences.  :-\

But I get what you have to say - people don't watch my YouTube videos because of me, but it's harder to argue that for my website, where my supplement and video reviews got tens of thousands of views.  Also, there is something to be said about being a good interviewer - Dave Palumbo is a good interviewer in that he asks intelligent question and has intelligent commentary.  It's an art that can be refined, and in my case, I think I eventually became pretty good at it.

I'm just saying, for all the trash people are talking about me lately, I get a lot of views for someone so allegedly despised.  When my view count drops a little, I will believe people don't care what I have to say.  Also, I only say what I do in self-defense.  Otherwise, I would not boast - I brought up qualifying for Nationals because obviously I was proud.

you as a legendary GetBigger do remember that almost every post made by you me, and everyone else typically reeks of some kind of sarcasm right?


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Re: Jeremy Buendia Heated Exchange At The 2017 Olympia Press Conference.
« Reply #65 on: September 16, 2017, 03:32:57 PM »
Because I promised Ron that if I return to Getbig, I would not be posting anything related to race or politics.  I am trying hard to keep with that, and I believe that I have.  Well...sort of.  There have been some exceptions, but not many.  So when I get called out in a thread like this, I fear that I am violating what I promised Ron.  And I take that very seriously.  Ron's board, Ron's rules.  And a promise is a promise - as I am a man of my word.
Its not that hard.


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Re: Jeremy Buendia Heated Exchange At The 2017 Olympia Press Conference.
« Reply #66 on: September 16, 2017, 03:46:11 PM »
Amazing physique.  ::)


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Re: Jeremy Buendia Heated Exchange At The 2017 Olympia Press Conference.
« Reply #67 on: September 16, 2017, 04:32:27 PM »
Matt are you supposed to be a celebrity or something?!

He is not only a  Celebrity, but also a member of Mensa with very high IQ.



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Re: Jeremy Buendia Heated Exchange At The 2017 Olympia Press Conference.
« Reply #68 on: September 16, 2017, 04:56:32 PM »
Who ???


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Re: Jeremy Buendia Heated Exchange At The 2017 Olympia Press Conference.
« Reply #69 on: September 16, 2017, 04:58:40 PM »


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Re: Jeremy Buendia Heated Exchange At The 2017 Olympia Press Conference.
« Reply #70 on: September 16, 2017, 05:01:23 PM »
Jeremy Buendia/Matt Canning.


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Re: Jeremy Buendia Heated Exchange At The 2017 Olympia Press Conference.
« Reply #71 on: September 16, 2017, 06:21:54 PM »
This thread has almost 1,500 views, but no one reads what I have to say.


And the 21,000 daily readers of my website + 10,000 daily viewers of my YouTube channel must have been figments of my imagination also.

I am ONLY bringing up this point in self-defense.  The comment that no one reads what I have to say is ridiculous.  The view counts of the things I post anywhere on the internet speaks for itself.

If it REALLY matters so much to you guys, I won't bring up the fact that I workout and compete anymore on here - it's not like I really cared all that much anyway.  And apparently working out is not allowed on Getbig.  But to suggest no one reads my posts - please.

Regarding me posting about myself - POINT TAKEN.  I will not do that again.  There is a way to say it, and a way not to say it.  There was no need to say what was said in this thread.

Pellius - I always read your posts on here with great interest and respect.  Of all the posts on here, I have to say, yours are the ones that have disappointed me the most.  I never knew you to be a person who commented like that.  I always found you to be more respectable in how you address issues, even calling out members for obvious misbehaviour - and yeah, that newspaper upload was an example of that, and I get that.

Calm down, brochacho. I was just being sarcastic and giving your shit. You do have to admit that was a sly click bait to give you some self props even if unintentional. And I think it was. We're all a bit of a self-absorb bunch here. It's clear that as you get older your priorities and perspective about life changes. You have the ability to step outside yourself and try to take in the bigger picture. That's harder than ever before because we live in the most narcissistic era ever. But you need that ability to self reflect to grow as a person. But this board can smell a pouser from a mile away and won't hesitate a nanosecond to call someone on it. No one gets away with jack on this board for very long. Some last longer than others, like Groink. Some like Harley Briete do down fast. But it's always a matter of time.

You're one of the good guys around here and solid in my book (and I have a book).

Dave D

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Re: Jeremy Buendia Heated Exchange At The 2017 Olympia Press Conference.
« Reply #72 on: September 16, 2017, 06:22:37 PM »
Matt I like the gimmick you're running on here.

I like how it's you turned up to a 3.


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Re: Jeremy Buendia Heated Exchange At The 2017 Olympia Press Conference.
« Reply #73 on: September 16, 2017, 11:57:19 PM »
I think some competitors of the muscle and strength culture - be they bodybuilders, strongmen, powerlifters, or physique competitors - need to take a step back and realize that to most people, they are just self-absorbed gym rats on steroids.  There is no polite way for me to say that.

I say that as somewhat of a competitor myself.  As I said, I am qualified for Nationals next week in the Canadian amateur strongman league in the 170-lb class, but I won't be going.  I'm definitely not prepared.  I am confident that at my strongest, I could represent Western Ontario very well - but right now, I don't even know if I could win Thunder Bay's Strongest Woman.  :-X

My point is, there is more to life.  I have three children right now, and they are the most important part of my life to me at the moment, with the second most important thing being obtaining the resources and means to support them - I think IOTA is the cryptocurrency to bet on right now.  I am confident that it will go up 30x within a few years.  Possibly within one year.  I recommend buying it now.  I honestly think that $1,000 in IOTA will be worth $30,000 at this time next year.

I like what Georges St-Pierre says in this interview - before a fight he would drive around in his car and look at random people and realize that those people didn't even know who he was, and didn't even care if he won or lost:

Sometimes we need to take a step back and ask ourselves how important this stuff is.  I realize that our lives are our universes, but some things are more important than others.  What can I say?  With age, things change.  Priorities change.  My children are my universe right now.  The weight room is not.  Don't get me wrong - some things ARE important to me, but my three children are most important, and everything else pales in comparison. I intend to love and support them as well as their mothers for as long as I live.  But when it comes to competing, it just isn't *that* important.  And while I don't make millions of dollars competing, I have been on the front page of my newspaper twice, and on the front page of the sports section once.  ;D

If Georges St-Pierre can realize that - as a man who made millions off his chosen sport/craft - then I would hope bodybuilders, strongmen, powerlifters, and physique competitors can understand this.  Check out this one - are they comparing themselves to Muhammad Ali and Floyd Mayweather?  :-\

Don't get me wrong - legacy is important, and bodybuilders train hard, but I don't think you can compare bodybuilding and boxing.

Anyway, I think some people need to take a step back and realize that there is more to life.  But maybe I shouldn't judge.  I guess ultimately I just hate the cult-like attitudes that bodybuilding and strongman can breed.  You know, when competitors think that there is nothing more to life than bodybuilding?  For example, do you remember IFBB professional bodybuilder Victor DelCampo of the 212 class who was in the Raising the Bar DVDs?  His signature line on here was "two types of people bodybuiders and everyone else":;u=293

Seriously?  So not neurosurgeons and everyone else?  Or pediatric cardiologists and everyone else?  Or petroleum engineers and everyone else?

NO - bodybuilders and everyone else.  Oh wait, "bodybuiders" [sic].

Forgive the rant, but there is more to life.  Right?  :-\
So where did "call out dude" place?

The Ugly

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Re: Jeremy Buendia Heated Exchange At The 2017 Olympia Press Conference.
« Reply #74 on: September 17, 2017, 12:26:38 AM »

Sometimes we need to take a step back and ask ourselves how important this stuff is.  I realize that our lives are our universes, but some things are more important than others.  What can I say?  With age, things change.  Priorities change.  My children are my universe right now.  The weight room is not.  Don't get me wrong - some things ARE important to me, but my three children are most important, and everything else pales in comparison. I intend to love and support them as well as their mothers for as long as I live.  But when it comes to competing, it just isn't *that* important.  And while I don't make millions of dollars competing, I have been on the front page of my newspaper twice, and on the front page of the sports section once.  ;D

Don't get me wrong - legacy is important, and bodybuilders train hard, but I don't think you can compare bodybuilding and boxing.

Don't get me wrong - I can see how addictive the muscle and strength culture can be.  ;D

But when people treat it more importantly than anything else in their lives - sheesh.  But I guess to succeed at the highest levels of anything, you sort of have to put everything else to the wayside.

Dude, if you gotta remind us this many times to don't get you wrong, maybe you're getting you wrong.