Author Topic: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/  (Read 38848 times)


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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #75 on: December 15, 2017, 12:25:59 AM »
Matt are you really a white supremacist? Or a white nationalist, yes there is a difference.

I state objectively verifiable facts.  I'm not sure how that makes me anything.  I also want White/Western countries to stop importing the third world while riling them up and telling them that all of their problems are caused by White people when the very worst countries for these people to live in are the ones of their own creation.  Stop all of this now - it's beyond moronic, and White people are the only race on the planet dumb enough to allow this to be a thing.  By the time Whites are 1% of the world's population, Japan will still be 98.5% Japanese, China will still be 99% Chinese, Israel will still be Jewish, Saudi Arabia will still be Saudi Arabian, and the list goes on and on.

White people area the only people dumb enough to let our altruism destroy us.  And destroy us, it will.

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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #76 on: December 15, 2017, 01:18:57 AM »


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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #77 on: December 15, 2017, 03:30:22 AM »

Exactly.  Why does Jared Taylor need to call himself a "race realist" or anything else for that matter?  ::)  He is a realist, period.  When people ask me what I am, I don't know how to answer that.  I probably share something like 99% of my ideology with White Nationalists, so I guess just call me that - after all, myself, White Nationalists, and virtually 99% of liberals [who live NOWHERE NEAR diversity] all feel the same way - so maybe you can call me a liberal also?

The problem with calling me a "White Supremacist" is that it would suggest I want to rule over other races.  In reality, I don't want diversity for ANY country.  Not White countries, not non-White countries - not ANYONE - precisely because diversity is garbage.

But again, the term "White Nationalist" may be appropriate, even though I don't look at one.  Mainly because when you read what a White Nationalist has to say, it's basically 99% the same as mine.  That said, "libertarian" works just as well.

At the end of the day, what I am saying is objectively and provably and EMPIRICALLY correct, so I see no reason to label myself at all.

On that note, I must be a Black Nationalist for thinking that Blacks have superior DNA for sprinting.  ::)

The races are DIFFERENT - that's the point.  Wiggs would not bet money that Whites will dominate football this year because he knows this just as much as I do, lol.  So does Vince "Money" Good Guy, who I consider a long-time, dear friend.  So I have no clue why he would call me racist.  Vince, if you are ever in Thunder Bay, Canada, I can promise you, I will give you a place to stay during your stay.  And I am a man of my word.


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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #78 on: December 15, 2017, 03:40:42 AM »
Had Vince's video stuck with "racist" and so far as "White Nationalist" [but ideally "race realist"], I could have condoned his video.  As it is now, I cannot.

I think Vince went way overboard to attack me here.  Yes, some will be convinced, as Ron obviously was, but others will see that I have videos on YouTube that have more views than most that MD has posted, and see that people don't care about "racism" as they once did.

Do you know what I try to focus on?  Articulation, intelligence, politeness, data-backing, rapport-building - stuff like that.  The way I see it, even people who strongly disagree with me on the subjects I do will have a difficult time ignoring posts, if I hold to that style.

As for the 10-25% of posts where I break those rules, and just make fun, or comment on how completely moronic some left-wing policy is...well...if you look at England right now, you have people being arrested for offending others.  :-X  Someone has to talk about that...right?  :-\


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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #79 on: December 15, 2017, 03:41:05 AM »
Matt you're a vacuous, dimwitted, moron, but a harmless one.  Let me dunk that test with Dr. Umar Johnson. That test is garbage and it's been known for a long time.

That was the only bullet in your chamber. You should be ashamed.  You're a terrible critical thinker to not have understood this and or just a plain ol' insecure racist.

Whether or not Umar Johnson is credible (and I don't think he is from what I've read), he only explains the differences in IQ between white Americans and black Americans - which he blames on white privilege/supremacy.
How does he explain why Asians score higher then whites, or why Ashkenazi Jews score higher then everyone else? Why do African blacks score lower then most other non-white populations too?  


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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #80 on: December 15, 2017, 04:34:28 AM »


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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #81 on: December 15, 2017, 04:56:56 AM »
Whether or not Umar Johnson is credible (and I don't think he is from what I've read), he only explains the differences in IQ between white Americans and black Americans - which he blames on white privilege/supremacy.
How does he explain why Asians score higher then whites, or why Ashkenazi Jews score higher then everyone else? Why do African blacks score lower then most other non-white populations too?  

We just have to ignore those inconvenient facts, in order to continue to blame the other non-White IQ scores on White people.


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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #82 on: December 15, 2017, 05:03:18 AM »
let's say phil heath has lower iq than dennis wolf.

so what?

Vince G, CSN MFT

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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #83 on: December 15, 2017, 07:15:43 AM »

There is no need to dredge up all of the empirical literature on race and IQ differences which overwhelmingly prove that racial differences [1] exist, and [2] are largely [60-80%] genetic in origin.  The only thing leftist academics do is make excuses and attempt to vaguely blame White people or pin everything on socioeconomic causes, while failing to explain why 6 of the top 10 performing racial groups in the USA in terms of average income are NOT WHITE, including 4 of the top 5.  ::)

You should personally just focus on your genetic superiority in areas such as limb length and muscle belly fullness, rather than worry about race and IQ data which is already completely impossible to deny.  Oh, and Black women get paid 62% of what White men do, ROFL.  We basically live in a mentally ill society at this point.

Also, as a Canadian, American politics matter to me more than do Canadian politics.  So obviously, Trump's presidency is of great interest to me.

The good news is that MD is a failing empire, and the Ronline videos are not going to save it - it is unfortunate Ron is owed almost $100,000.  Maybe one day MD will have as many YouTube views as my two YouTube channels do - but I doubt that will happen.

Haha, exactly.

Did you or anyone else go out and give an IQ test to every single person on the planet?   Human intelligence and performance is based solely on the individual.  You have no credentials whatsoever Matt Canning to administer or even analyze an IQ test.  You think that you are superior but you lack common sense.  Only you would be stupid enough to post racist and sexist material on Facebook, get banned, and then get upset over being banned again from Facebook for doing the same fucking thing.  When they put lab rats in a maze, they are smart enough to avoid the electric shocker after they get shocked the first time.  That makes you dumber than a common rat, Matt Canning.

Then you get going on about your former position at Lakehead University.  You were nothing more than a teaching assistant and its the only real job you've had before you were fired and escorted off the premises.  You claim to have millions in Bitcoin and yet you and your family live in poverty and squalor yet you still give any your money to complete strangers and students just to feed your own personal ego and delusions.  You have no credentials.  You have never been a teacher, lawyer, doctor, scholar, scientist, professor, astronomer, or even a dog catcher.  You have no irons in the fire of simply keep getting burned every time you attempt to say something smart but it simply comes out as a bunch of gibberish.

Matt Canning, you think you are smart and better than others because you're white but you are in my opinion the most mentally incompetent person ever.  You are not Stephen Hawking, you are not Marie Curie, you're not Thomas Edison, you are not Albert Einstein, you are no Richard Overdon, you are not Bill Nye, you are not Benjamin Bannaker, you are not George Washington Carver, you are not Booker T Washington, you are not Fred Hoyle, you are not Robert Sternberg, and most importantly you are NOT FUCKING NIKOLA TESLA.  You simply do not rank among these true scholars.  You are nothing more than someone who thought he could get a writing job at Muscular Development.  You thought wrong and once again you ran into the electric shocker in the maze of life.  Happy trails, mother fucker

Joe Pietaro

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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #84 on: December 15, 2017, 07:25:54 AM »
When Vince said "this would have been a serious embarrassment for Steve Blechman & the company," that could have fit in a reaction to any of their material... especially their video 'production.'

werewolf operative

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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #85 on: December 15, 2017, 07:43:37 AM »

Darren Avey

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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #86 on: December 15, 2017, 08:04:59 AM »
matt basically thinks that blacks r just a little dumber than other groups? is that it? how is that racist? lol

But that is true! Black's average IQ is far lower than white's! Not to say there aren't intelligent blacks, there just aren't as many!
Its a FACT!


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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #87 on: December 15, 2017, 08:38:07 AM »
Bring back Matt T. We don't like this MattC fella

Nether Animal

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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #88 on: December 15, 2017, 08:43:44 AM »

What are these old pics from that you keep posting without context?


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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #89 on: December 15, 2017, 09:13:36 AM »
Enoch Powell (So Nether Realm gets the context)


Dave D

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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #90 on: December 15, 2017, 09:26:48 AM »
But that is true! Black's average IQ is far lower than white's! Not to say there aren't intelligent blacks, there just aren't as many!
Its a FACT!

Who wins in DA CAGE doh? A higher iq or ruthless aggression?


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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #91 on: December 15, 2017, 11:38:40 AM »
let's say phil heath has lower iq than dennis wolf.

so what?

It doesn't matter on the individual level - it matters on the group level, when White people as a group are spending billions of dollars to alter results which stem from genetic disparities in the first place.  A good example is the Head Start program - literally $7 billion is being spent on the program each year, and the program has been around for over 50 years now.  Thirty years of research found that the program didn't help one bit, even after over $100 billion had been spent.  If you consider all of the program White people have created to blame themselves for everything in the world and bring up the results of other races to their level, over $1 trillion has been spent.  And for what?  For nothing.  Meanwhile, one million non-White people are imported into the USA each year, blaming White people for getting the exact same results they have been getting in the countries that they come from.  So the USA imports people, who get *exactly the same results they have their entire lives*, and White people start blaming themselves for those outcomes.

The racial IQ differences are no different than male/female differences.  It doesn't matter than one male is individually stronger than one female, or individually smarter than one female - what matters [and is important to ADMIT] is that the reason for the overall disparity between the genders is that males are genetically advantaged over females in such a depth and breadth of areas that makes it literally impossible for women to keep up.  But rather than admit this, we debate a nonexistent gender pay gap, and talk about how somehow women are "being oppressed" despite living in a society that coddles them at every turn.

Enough already.  Let's just speak realistically about these things.  Could you imagine if the lack of Asians in the NBA was blamed on "oppression".  ::)  Speaking of which, did Wiggs and Goodrum both ignore my comments/question to them about Black genetic superiority in sprinting?  Haha, they can tell I am setting a trap; if they acknowledge Black genetic superiority in sprinting, they will have to open the door to the possibility of IQ having evolved differently between the races - a road that they do not want to go down, under any circumstance, even if it means denying areas where Blacks are obviously genetically advantaged.  I would even say "superior", but wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feelings by stating the obvious.  ::)


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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #92 on: December 15, 2017, 11:39:14 AM »
Who wins in DA CAGE doh? A higher iq or ruthless aggression?

Fair question, but in the case of Georges St-Pierre, it was pure IQ.


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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #93 on: December 15, 2017, 11:43:38 AM »
matt wins, lol

better luck in your next life, vince (which will not happen, lol)


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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #94 on: December 15, 2017, 12:12:52 PM »
What are you guys arguing here?
Which nipples are better on a woman, pepperoni sized or pencil eraser size?


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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #95 on: December 15, 2017, 12:40:27 PM »
"males are genetically advantaged over females in such a depth and breadth of areas that makes it literally impossible for women to keep up"

which areas would that be

Simple Simon

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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #96 on: December 15, 2017, 12:47:25 PM »
"males are genetically advantaged over females in such a depth and breadth of areas that makes it literally impossible for women to keep up"

which areas would that be

apart from pissing standing up I cant think of anything...


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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #97 on: December 15, 2017, 04:16:14 PM »
apart from pissing standing up I cant think of anything...
This is all that’s needed


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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #98 on: December 15, 2017, 06:53:11 PM »
apart from pissing standing up I cant think of anything...
They make a funnel that chicks can use to piss standing up. "Equality"


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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #99 on: December 15, 2017, 08:13:38 PM »
VINCE what is your response to the fact that Africans had not even invented the wheel by the time they came into contact with Europeans who had built airplanes?

What is your response to the STATISTICALLY proven black on white RAPE EPIDEMIC world wide.

What is your response to the fact that in Africa today they eat albino children as a means of improving their spirit life?

I could go on and on.

Clearly African's are a GENERALLY violent and dangerous group who bring very little to society, while at the same time creating a lot of societal problems and draining welfare from the productive members of society.

It is not racist to speak on these issues, particularly if it is done out of concern for the welfare of victims.

VINCE I will never watch your shit show again and if I do make the mistake of clicking on it I will downvote it every time.

YOU are the racist Vince.