Exactly. Why does Jared Taylor need to call himself a "race realist" or anything else for that matter?
He is a realist, period. When people ask me what I am, I don't know how to answer that. I probably share something like 99% of my ideology with White Nationalists, so I guess just call me that - after all, myself, White Nationalists, and virtually 99% of liberals [who live NOWHERE NEAR diversity] all feel the same way - so maybe you can call me a liberal also?
The problem with calling me a "White Supremacist" is that it would suggest I want to rule over other races. In reality, I don't want diversity for ANY country. Not White countries, not non-White countries - not ANYONE - precisely because diversity is garbage.
But again, the term "White Nationalist" may be appropriate, even though I don't look at one. Mainly because when you read what a White Nationalist has to say, it's basically 99% the same as mine. That said, "libertarian" works just as well.
At the end of the day, what I am saying is objectively and provably and EMPIRICALLY correct, so I see no reason to label myself at all.
On that note, I must be a Black Nationalist for thinking that Blacks have superior DNA for sprinting.
The races are DIFFERENT - that's the point. Wiggs would not bet money that Whites will dominate football this year because he knows this just as much as I do, lol. So does Vince "Money" Good Guy, who I consider a long-time, dear friend. So I have no clue why he would call me racist. Vince, if you are ever in Thunder Bay, Canada, I can promise you, I will give you a place to stay during your stay. And I am a man of my word.