Author Topic: Why are so many pro's religous?????  (Read 20464 times)


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Re: Why are so many pro's religous?????
« Reply #100 on: April 12, 2006, 08:22:50 PM »
If it works for your country that is cool but I think too many lazy welfare abusers and illegal immigrants make things like is a void issue in America.  I don't want my money going to able bodied people that simply choose not to work and if I am not mistaken, Marx said that everyone should work to benefit from society.  If you do not make a contribution then you should not be rewarded.

I know what you're saying, but the power brokers in America do not *want* those people to work.  By keeping a large segment of the population as dependents, they can ensure that the non-workers will never become a threat to them.  For people in power, all that matters is staying in power.


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Re: Why are so many pro's religous?????
« Reply #101 on: April 12, 2006, 08:34:13 PM »
Well, I dont bust my ass anymore and my passive income is double my monthly expenses, I'm 22 and retired, For your time and effort, If you should aquire assets that make money without you actively participating to produce its cashflow, So by building a bussiness you build a major liability, being that for the first few quaters if not years you not only have to work the bussiness but you have to find outside sources of income to support the bussiness. After that, when your bussiness actually starts to generate profit, you wont be able to pay yourself much, less you go back into the red, so in essence you work twice as hard than you would at a regular nine to five for no where near the same kind of cash. On top of that if its a sole proprietorship you stand the chance of losing all of your personal possesions should your bussiness faulter. If you incorporate you get taxed twice. You'd be better busting your ass for someone else, and aquire assets through leverage buying. I.e. rental property. keep buying assets until your passive income, profit from rent-mortgage, surpasses your expenses, ie food, your own mortgage, car payments etc. Then you can either retire on the spot, or keep working and acquire more and more assets, wich will make you more and more money. I love capitalism to a point, because I'm well off, however when i wasnt doing so well, capitalism eats you alive. Theres ups and downs, so im just giving some friendly advice to all you guys here, If you do shit right you can retire after 3 years of 2 full time jobs, and relentless searching for bargain assets.

P.S. In many socialist country, you can still own a bussiness. The taxes are like 25% but everyone has medical and everyone is elligible to go to college free. I think thats pretty cool, especially for struggling families.

Ok, thanks for the advise but I still don't understand why you stated you hate capitalism? Hell, you're a capitalism poster boy.

I was in Sweden, which falls under one of those countries that has a working version of socialism. It works there because they have the mentality where it is expected that everyone "chips-in" and damn near everyone does. If someone isn't working, there is a real reason why they don’t, not just because they’re lazy. That system wouldn't work here considering we have way too many people with the mentality where they will do everything they can to get others to pay for them.
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Re: Why are so many pro's religous?????
« Reply #102 on: April 12, 2006, 09:32:38 PM »
Ok, thanks for the advise but I still don't understand why you stated you hate capitalism? Hell, you're a capitalism poster boy.

I was in Sweden, which falls under one of those countries that has a working version of socialism. It works there because they have the mentality where it is expected that everyone "chips-in" and damn near everyone does. If someone isn't working, there is a real reason why they don’t, not just because they’re lazy. That system wouldn't work here considering we have way too many people with the mentality where they will do everything they can to get others to pay for them.

I never said hate. I said dont care for, which is more neutral. Well, who cares about money, lol, this is get big, not get political.


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Re: Why are so many pro's religous?????
« Reply #103 on: April 12, 2006, 09:38:38 PM »
I never said hate. I said dont care for, which is more neutral. Well, who cares about money, lol, this is get big, not get political.

True, you did say "don't care for". My bust for misquoting you since there is a big difference.

And I care about money, it's what buys my protein, supplements, and gym membership. :)

I agree on not getting political, there are much more entertaining things to talk about.
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Re: Why are so many pro's religous?????
« Reply #104 on: April 12, 2006, 09:45:44 PM »
What did he say that was not correct?

Nothing in particular, it's just that everyone else is wrong and he's always right (sarcastic) ::)!


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Re: Why are so many pro's religous?????
« Reply #105 on: April 13, 2006, 02:17:06 AM »
Which 10 commandments are you referring too? There are 2 sets..the first set was destroyed when Moses came down and saw the people worshiping the Golden Calf. The second set replaced it and had a few differences. And the original poster is correct. There are bible verses that clearly indicate for example God condoned slavery. God was alleged to have told Moses that if a man beats his male, or female servant to death, he would be punished, however if he beats his male or female slave to near death, and they are able to recover in a few days, then he would not be punished, for the slaves were the property of the owner.

It also talks in Deut that if a man rapes an unengaged virgin, he must pay the father of the rape victim 50 shekels of silver and must marry his rape victim and not divorce. [/qb]

A woman who was raped in such a manner would have her marital "draft status", if you will, drop, because for some strange reason, guys like having virgins as wives.

Fifty shekels was the price for a brand-new blushing bride. And virtually nobody would pay that much for what would be perceived to be damaged goods. Therefore, the perpetrator responsible for such now has the responsibility of taking care of that woman.

As for engaged women who were raped, that's a whole different kettle of fish. The girl's family has been compensated for her loss (her fiance or that fiance's family has already coughed up the 50 shekels). And she has a man to take care of her, already. With those two logistical hurdles out of the way, there's no reason to keep the rapist alive. So, he gets his own personal rock concert, courtesy of the judges of Israel.

Also talks of God commanding Moses to slay the Midianites. Afterwhich Moses kills the captive women and children and gives the virgin female captives to his soldiers. [/qb]

They were at war with the Midianites. Furthermore, the Midianite women weren't exactly baking brownies and taking their kids to soccer practice. Israel was forbidden to intermarry with the Midianites, due to their pagan rituals, WHICH INCLUDED PERVERSE SEXUAL PRACTICES. The women were being used strategically by the Moabites, also at war with Israel, to fornicate with the men, the gist being that God would no longer protect the Israelites because of their sinful behavior with these women, leaving them vulnerable to attack.

Mark Twain said "It's not the parts of the bible I don't understand that give me trouble, its the parts I DO understand"

I think this bumper sticker sums it up rather well "Definition of Athiest- Person who has actually read the bible"

Perhaps that sticker should add the phrase....."but DOES NOT UNDERSTAND IT!!" at the end ;D .


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Re: Why are so many pro's religous?????
« Reply #106 on: April 13, 2006, 02:45:41 AM »
ahh thanks for clarifing but I thought "most" pros were American


Ruhl,Gunter, Badell, Priest, Wood, Charles, Wolf, Dillet, Sarcev, Kallbach, Welling, Taylor,Yates, El Sonbaty, Hong, Stubbs etc... 


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Re: Why are so many pro's religous?????
« Reply #107 on: April 13, 2006, 04:02:51 AM »
um, since when are porto ricans not american


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Re: Why are so many pro's religous?????
« Reply #108 on: April 13, 2006, 04:31:26 AM »
Im Australian, and the majority here arent religous, but that doesnt mean we're all as forward as Lee Priest or something.

I mean, everytime I read a interview for a pro, 9 times outta 10, they say "God this, God that"

Why? Is it because most Yanks are?

  Because they pray all those drugs they take won't kill them... ;D


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Re: Why are so many pro's religous?????
« Reply #109 on: April 13, 2006, 05:17:14 AM »
Every time you miss a workout you make baby Jesus cry.



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Re: Why are so many pro's religous?????
« Reply #110 on: April 13, 2006, 07:32:10 AM »
Nothing in particular, it's just that everyone else is wrong and he's always right (sarcastic) ::)!



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Re: Why are so many pro's religous?????
« Reply #111 on: April 13, 2006, 07:35:05 AM »
tiny-tit bounty hunter


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Re: Why are so many pro's religous?????
« Reply #112 on: April 13, 2006, 07:35:59 AM »
I knew that was coming :)

 It was inevitable ;D