Author Topic: STAR WARS IX - Trailer (updated with new footage and liberal agenda)  (Read 39150 times)

Darren Avey

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Re: STAR WARS IX - Trailer (updated with new footage and liberal agenda)
« Reply #75 on: September 08, 2019, 03:12:43 PM »
Darth Vader actor was a bodybuilder

A warrior


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Re: STAR WARS IX - Trailer (updated with new footage and liberal agenda)
« Reply #76 on: September 08, 2019, 05:29:58 PM »
They wanted to make a mockery of the Legendary Male Jedi Knight/Master

...and they did so again when fucking Rey, the untrained Mary Sue, knocks Luke down and almost kills him with a lightsaber.



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Re: STAR WARS IX - Trailer (updated with new footage and liberal agenda)
« Reply #77 on: September 08, 2019, 05:41:01 PM »
A spoiler report.

If you want to read, use your mouse to drag the space and reveal the information.

Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (Spoilers)

>Takes place one year after THE LAST JEDI.
>The plot revolves around a race to find something. This “MacGuffin” is said to be controversial yet delightful. The “MacGuffin” may change during the movie, going from one thing which leads to something else, and that it ends up revealing the big secret of the movie. It is supposed to be something related to C3PO's old memory that got erased at the end of Episode III.
>The First Order has conquered most of the galaxy.
>Kylo Ren is still torn between the dark side and the light and still harbors feelings for Rey.
>Hux has been replaced by Allegiant General Pryde (Richard E. Grant) and has been leaking information to the Resistance in hopes that they kill Kylo and allow him to retake control.
>Hux is still here.
> (Kylo Ren) was in a room like in the rebel Blockade runner style, that bright white. And he's looking down as a box or container opens to reveal the charred Vader helmet.
>The Knights of Ren return from an expedition to the Unknown Regions to inform Kylo about a secret arsenal of superweapons built by Palpatine.
>Sith Stormtroopers (Red armor) have been hidden away in the unknown regions. It is apparently hellish in those areas. The universe is “not entirely stable.” The area is dangerous and full of peril. Since Emperor Palpatine’s death the fleet has been dodging gravity wells and surviving in the wilderness of space in the unknown regions waiting to be found and to finish their mission.
>The Sith Stormtroopers, which belong to Palpatine, have been hidden away inside a massive fleet, probably as a final act so upon his resurrection he could dominate the galaxy once more.
>The Death Star II wasn’t Palpatine’s last project. These Star Destroyers are equipped with “planet destroying weapons” like the one on the Death Star.
>Kylo and the Knights of Ren begin searching for the Wayfinder, a device required to locate the arsenal.
>The Resistance learns about this and deploys Rey, Finn, Poe, Chewbacca, BB-8, C-3P0 and R2-D2 to retrieve the Wayfinder first.
>Rose is now a high-ranking Resistance commander answering directly to General Leia and stays behind to coordinate them from the base.
>The Wayfinder’s coordinates are in C-3P0’s old memory unit in an abandoned Imperial blockade in a jungle world, where the heroes befriend the warrior Jannah (Naomie Ackie) and her people.
>After retrieving it, the heroes to a decommissioned droid factory in a snow world to unlock it, where they are ambushed by the First Order and rescued by bounty hunter Zorii Bliss (Keri Russell) and her droid.
>During the battle, the memory unit of a combat droid is uploaded into C-3P0, causing him to develop an aggressive personality and take Chewie’s bowcaster for himself. (Red Eyes)
>Meanwhile, Kylo meets an oracle who directs him to the Wayfinder’s location in a desert world. Rey and her friends also learn about it from C-3P0’s memories.
>Rey and Kylo meet and fight in the desert world, while the Knights of Ren battle Finn, Poe, Chewie and the droids.
>Rey and Kylo still share a Force bond, which causes them to experience “Force flashes” of past events as they fight.
>Kylo and the Knights of Ren retrieve the Wayfinder and return to the ruins of the Death Star in the jungle world to unlock the arsenal’s location.
>The Resistance follows him, but are ambushed by the First Order and nearly defeated before a local alien, Klaud, helps them escape.
>Finn recruits Jannah and her people as reinforcements to battle the First Order, while Rey confronts Kylo.
>Rey and Kylo learn that the Wayfinder actually contains Palpatine’s spirit. The Knights of Ren may be loyal to him and manipulated Kylo into freeing him. Rumor.
>Palpatine possesses one of the knights (Matt Smith) and announces his plan to seize control of the First Order and use the hidden fleet/arsenal to subjugate the galaxy. He also reveals that he was behind Snoke.
>Luke Skywalker and Han Solo appear as Force ghosts and encourage Kylo to accept the light. Kylo then join forces with Rey to stop Palpatine.
>Rey and Kylo defeat Palpatine, but he then possesses Kylo. He urges Rey to kill him, and she reluctantly does. Palpatine is unable to possess Rey and is destroyed for the last time.
>The First Order is defeated and Palpatine’s arsenal is destroyed.
>Rey mourns Kylo.
>The film is rumored to end with a sunset.
>So about Lando, he doesn't do much, he's just there with the heroes. Knights of Ren also have lots of scene where they are just there.
>The final battle will take place on the jungle planet, the hidden Sith Fleet will appear there to fight.
>The remains of the second Death Star will make the final battle epic and Rey and Kylo will use force flash fights against Palpatine .

As someone who read EU books, this new trilogy makes me feel like a Caucasian father finding out that his 10/10 blonde haired blue eyed daughter got knocked up by a somalian.

I could have wrote a better storyboard for the 3 episodes than these soyboi/lesbian hacks for a fraction of the money.


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Re: STAR WARS IX - Trailer (updated with new footage and liberal agenda)
« Reply #78 on: September 08, 2019, 05:51:00 PM »
It will be more of the same. Social and political messages getting in the way.


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Re: STAR WARS IX - Trailer (updated with new footage and liberal agenda)
« Reply #79 on: September 08, 2019, 06:41:10 PM »
I saw IT Part 2 today and it opened with a gay kiss at the fair.....hahaha wtf.


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Re: STAR WARS IX - Trailer (updated with new footage and liberal agenda)
« Reply #80 on: September 08, 2019, 06:55:05 PM »
Yeah, it was not good.


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Re: STAR WARS IX - Trailer (updated with new footage and liberal agenda)
« Reply #81 on: September 08, 2019, 06:56:04 PM »
As someone who read EU books, this new trilogy makes me feel like a Caucasian father finding out his 10/10 blonde hair blue eyed daughter got knocked up by a somalian.


That's pretty good. :)


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Re: STAR WARS IX - Trailer (updated with new footage and liberal agenda)
« Reply #82 on: September 10, 2019, 06:19:48 PM »
I happen to know that there are now two competing spoiler reports. They are similar in many ways, but some of the differences are big.

In my opinion, both suck. ::) Des, go to your PMs. I want you to read something.


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Re: STAR WARS IX - Trailer (updated with new footage and liberal agenda)
« Reply #83 on: September 10, 2019, 08:21:01 PM »
Des, go to your PMs. I want you to read something.

I got it.

Give me a couple of days.

Truthfully, I don't really want to get sucked back into this.

I feel like Michael Corleone in The Godfather Part III.


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Re: STAR WARS IX - Trailer (updated with new footage and liberal agenda)
« Reply #84 on: September 10, 2019, 11:14:18 PM »
I got it.

Give me a couple of days.

Truthfully, I don't really want to get sucked back into this.

I feel like Michael Corleone in The Godfather Part III.

I want to read that too


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Re: STAR WARS IX - Trailer (updated with new footage and liberal agenda)
« Reply #85 on: September 10, 2019, 11:15:49 PM »
I saw IT Part 2 today and it opened with a gay kiss at the fair.....hahaha wtf.

Dat dere Agenda of Peace

Cramming these signals down our throats!

In every way possible, we are forced to see these things


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Re: STAR WARS IX - Trailer (updated with new footage and liberal agenda)
« Reply #86 on: September 11, 2019, 07:48:25 PM »
I want to read that too

There are two different spoiler reports.

Well, sort of.

That Jason guy from MakingStarWars has his report, and another guy has one.

From what I hear, they get along and are not rivals.

They seem to have a good chunk nailed down.

But there are some sizable differences between their spoiler reports.

This guy's report is pissing off the fans because....

(Use mouse to scroll and read):

A flashback showing Luke training Leia, and they have a lightsaber duel.
Rey keeps kicking Kylo's butt every time they fight.
Emperor Palpatine somehow still has his physical body. Ian McDiarmid.
Rey is Palpatine's granddaughter. Yes, you read that correctly.
The ghosts of Luke and Leia return to help take out Emperor Palpatine.
In the end, Rey starts calling herself Rey Skywalker.

There may be other stuff too. I am trying to separate the reports.

It wouldn't surprise me if a lot of this is true.

Four people supposedly worked on the screenplay early on, but most of it was written by the guy who gave us the masterpiece film Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. ::)

Also, anyone who knows JJ Abrams knows the man is a thief.

People are commenting on the fact that this seems to take many ideas from an early draft of Return of the Jedi, especially about ghost interference in the final battle.


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Re: STAR WARS IX - Trailer (updated with new footage and liberal agenda)
« Reply #87 on: September 12, 2019, 04:02:09 AM »


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Re: STAR WARS IX - Trailer (updated with new footage and liberal agenda)
« Reply #88 on: September 12, 2019, 07:24:57 PM »
Okay, I looked it over and did some work on this.

Yep, I'm being pulled back in. :-[


Here is what seems to be the Jason summary from the fan site MakingStarWars. New updates added.

Again, use mouse to scroll over to see text.

Star Wars - Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker (Spoilers)

>Takes place about one year after Episode VIII: The Last Jedi.
>It has been rumored that Lando Calrissian (Billy Dee Williams) doesn't do much, but he is there with the heroes throughout.
>This is also the rumor for The Knights of Ren, who are said to have a lot of scenes where they are seen but don’t do much overall.
>The plot revolves around a race to find something, a "MacGuffin" (Plot device).
>This "MacGuffin" is said to be controversial and yet delightful.
>The "MacGuffin" may change during the movie, going from one thing which then leads to something else, and that it ends up revealing the "big secret" of the movie.
>It is supposed to be something related to C3PO's old memory which was ordered erased at the end of Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.
>The First Order has conquered most of the galaxy due to a decimated/minuscule Resistance force and the total destruction of The New Republic by the Starkiller base in Episode VII: The Force Awakens.
>Kylo Ren is still torn between the dark side and the light side of The Force.
>Kylo Ren still harbors some feelings for Rey.
>General Hux is still around, serving the now Supreme Leader Kylo Ren.
>However, General Hux’s position has been usurped by Allegiant General Pryde (Richard E. Grant).
>General Hux may be leaking information to the Resistance in hopes that they kill Kylo Ren, allowing him to possibly take control of The First Order.
>It is also a possibility that it is really Allegiant General Pryde that has been leaking information to the Resistance in hopes that they kill Kylo Ren so that Emperor Palpatine can retake control.
>Allegiant General Pryde seems to be privy to Emperor Palpatine’s continued existence and his overall plans.
>There is a scene in which Kylo Ren is in a room with a background not unlike the Rebel Blockade Runner (Tantive IV) from A New Hope. It is that level of bright white.
>He looks down at a container (box) as it opens to reveal the charred Darth Vader helmet.
>The Knights of Ren return from an expedition to the Unknown Regions/Wild Space to inform their master, Kylo Ren, about an arsenal of superweapons (Space fleet, Weapons, Sith Stormtroopers) they have discovered.
>It seems that they were constructed by Emperor Palpatine and hidden away long ago in this unexplored section of the galaxy.
>It is apparently hellish in this section of the galaxy. It is very tough to navigate starships due to naturally occurring space phenomena. This area of space is full of peril and considered extremely dangerous.
>Since Emperor Palpatine’s death, this secret Space fleet has been dodging gravity wells and surviving in the wildness of deep space waiting to be found/activated.
>The Sith Stormtroopers have been hidden away inside this massive Space fleet, probably waiting for Emperor Palpatine’s return (resurrection?) to power as ruler of the galaxy.
>The Death Star II wasn’t Emperor Palpatine’s last weapons project. It seems that these hidden Star Destroyers are equipped with planet destroying weapons that are not unlike the ones on the Death Star and Death Star II.
>The Knights of Ren inform their master, Kylo Ren, that he/they need to find something, this "MacGuffin", in order to activate and control the hidden superweapons arsenal.
>Kylo Ren and his Knights of Ren begin searching for this "MacGuffin", apparently called a "Wayfinder" or "Wayfinder" device.
>The Resistance learns about this "MacGuffin" as well, but it is unclear how.
>General Leia sends Rey, Finn, Poe, Chewbacca, BB-8, C-3P0 and R2-D2 to attempt to retrieve this "Wayfinder" before The First Order does.
>Rose Tico is now a high-ranking Resistance commander, answering directly to General Leia.
>She stays behind to coordinate/control the mission from the Resistance base.
>It appears that this "Wayfinder’s" location coordinates are in C-3P0’s old memory unit in an abandoned Imperial base on a jungle planet. Why it would be there, in Imperial hands, is as of now unknown.
>It is this new jungle planet where the heroes befriend a female warrior named Jannah (Naomie Ackie) and her people.
>On this jungle world, we see Rey cross legged, meditating and levitating.
>After retrieving what they need, the heroes travel to an old decommissioned droid factory on a snow world to attempt to unlock C-3PO’s old memory unit.
>It is here where they are ambushed by The First Order.
>During the battle, the memory unit of a combat droid is uploaded into C-3P0, causing him to develop an aggressive personality, leading to the droid trying to take Chewbacca’s bowcaster for himself.
>This is when the protocol droid sports the red eyes seen in the D23 footage.
>At some point, the heroes are rescued by a bounty hunter named Zorii Bliss (Keri Russell) and her droid called D-0.
>This female bounty hunter seems to have a personal history with Poe Dameron which may have been romantic at some point.
>Kylo Ren and The Knights of Ren go to a planet, possibly Mustafar, and end up in a castle-like structure where an ape-like alien creature repairs Kylo Ren's helmet/mask that he destroyed in Episode VIII: The Last Jedi.
>It is said to be a strange scene where The Knights of Ren closely observe the creature and his repair work. They are rumored to sort of dance around in a tribal-like chant that appears ritualistic.
>Later, Kylo Ren goes to meet with a creature known as "The Oracle."
>This creature is the one who directs Kylo Ren to the "Wayfinder’s" location on some desert world.
>It is not the planet Tatooine nor is it the planet Jakku.
>It is a new planet called Pasaana.
>Meanwhile, the heroes also acquire the same information from C-3P0’s memory unit.
>The heroes make their way to Pasaana.
>Rey and crew do get attacked by a sandworm alien, which reveals a new Jedi power that Rey possesses: the power to heal or even rejuvenate life. The heroes battle the worm and almost kill the creature.
>Supposedly, Rey uses her powers to repair, heal, or even bring it back to life.
>Rey and Kylo meet up and duel on this desert world.
>The scene is what we partially see in the teaser. Rey is in the desert and Kylo is in his TIE Fighter. He flies towards her, and she jumps up, back flips, and cuts his TIE Fighters wing (or wings) in half.
>Rumor that Rey may use lightning from her fingertips for the first time by accident and it is what destroys the spaceship.
>Either way, the spaceship crashes, but Kylo Ren is unharmed. He climbs out of it.
>Kylo Ren ignites his red lightsaber, attacking Rey.
>While Rey and Kylo duel, The Knights of Ren begin to battle Finn, Poe, Chewbacca, possibly Lando, and the three droids.
>Rey and Kylo still share a strange "Force bond", which causes them to experience so called "Force flashes" of past Star Wars events as they duel each other.
>Think of it as the backgrounds constantly changing around the two of them, showing important moments in the film series’ history, but apparently confined to backgrounds of past lightsaber duels.
>Specific details about this battle are unknown (i.e. who wins duel, do any Knights of Ren die here, etc.)
>It seems that Kylo Ren and his Knights of Ren do successfully retrieve the "Wayfinder" and return to the ruins of the second Death Star to unlock the secret superweapons arsenal’s exact location.
>The Resistance follows, but they are again ambushed by The First Order and nearly defeated before a local alien, said to be named Klaud, helps them to escape.
>Finn recruits Jannah and her people as reinforcements to help the Resistance battle The First Order.
>Rey confronts Kylo Ren again. This time it is in/on the remaining wreckage of the second Death Star.
>If this is where the final act takes place, then this location has to be the forest moon of Endor from Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.
>Ewoks have been rumored to be seen, but do not take part in anything.
>It is possible that here, during their second lightsaber duel, is where we will see the "Force bond" and the so called "Force flashes" of past Star Wars events, and not during their first face to face confrontation on the planet Pasaana. But it may be both.
>Rey and Kylo learn that the "Wayfinder" actually contains Emperor Palpatine’s disembodied spirit.
>Rumor that The Knights of Ren may in fact be loyal to Emperor Palpatine, and may have manipulated Kylo Ren into working to free him.
>Emperor Palpatine’s spirit may possess one of the Knights of Ren (Matt Smith?) in order to be able to have a physical body to fight Rey and Kylo Ren.
>Rumor that Emperor Palpatine is seen next to some sort of mechanical arm, and that he may be attached to said arm.
>It is here that Emperor Palpatine reveals all, including his plan to seize control of The First Order, and use his hidden superweapons arsenal to again subjugate the galaxy.
>There is a rumor that Emperor Palpatine reveals that he was behind Supreme Leader Snoke all along.
>Luke Skywalker and Han Solo appear as Force ghosts and encourage Kylo Ren/Ben Skywalker Solo to accept the light.
>Ben Skywalker Solo joins forces with Rey to try and stop Emperor Palpatine.
>Rey and Ben destroy/kill The Knights of Ren. There is a possibility Rey fights Emperor Palpatine while Ben dispatches The Knights of Ren. Once finished, he joins Rey in her fight with Emperor Palpatine.
>At some point, Rey and Ben both use Anakin’s lightsaber against Emperor Palpatine.
>Rey and Ben defeat Emperor Palpatine, but his spirit makes an attempt to enter into and possess Ben’s physical body.
>In an act of courage, selflessness, and possibly redemption, Ben urges Rey to kill him to stop Emperor Palpatine, and Rey reluctantly does so, striking Ben down with her lightsaber.
>After Ben’s death, Emperor Palpatine’s spirit makes a last ditch move to possess Rey’s physical body, but it is unable to do so.
>Emperor Palpatine is finally and completely destroyed.
>Rumor that Luke’s Force ghost may appear and resurrect Ben, or Rey may use her supposed healing powers to resurrect Ben, or that he just stays dead.
>While all this is going on, the new cobbled together Resistance forces led by Poe, Finn, and possibly Lando, are able defeat the combined forces of The First Order and Emperor Palpatine’s secret superweapons arsenal under the command of Allegiant General Pryde.
>Details of this space battle are unknown. Some of the battle may come down into the skies of Endor moon, not just up in orbit/space
>The end of the film has Rey on Tatooine, back at the Lars homestead where Luke Skywalker grew up
>A local sees Rey and comments they haven’t seen anyone near this place in a long time. The local, a woman, asks Rey what her name is to which she answers, “Rey, Rey Skywalker.”
>The film is said to end with a gaze out to the twin sunset, mirroring Luke’s scene in Episode IV: A New Hope.



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Re: STAR WARS IX - Trailer (updated with new footage and liberal agenda)
« Reply #89 on: September 12, 2019, 08:30:33 PM »
I'm working on assembling the second spoiler report which pretty much mirrors the first, but with differences which has lot of the fan base angry and scratching their heads. :P

As far as the first spoiler report goes, it looks like much of that very early 4chan leak was pretty much on the money.


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Re: STAR WARS IX - Trailer (updated with new footage and liberal agenda)
« Reply #90 on: September 13, 2019, 12:36:22 AM »
Star Wars is like DC.  The animation is better than most of the movies.

If you remove Rogue 1, Clone Wars is the last gem in the universe.


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Re: STAR WARS IX - Trailer (updated with new footage and liberal agenda)
« Reply #91 on: September 13, 2019, 05:21:50 PM »
Star Wars is like DC.  The animation is better than most of the movies.

If you remove Rogue 1, Clone Wars is the last gem in the universe.

Agreed. Got to admit though to an interest in The Mandalorian, Jon Favreau's series for Disney.

The word is very positive so far.

The Sizzle Reel from the Star Wars Celebration 30th Anniversary in Chicago was strong.

A cast with the great Carl Weathers and Nick Nolte only adds to its potential.


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Re: STAR WARS IX - Trailer (updated with new footage and liberal agenda)
« Reply #92 on: September 13, 2019, 05:35:53 PM »
Agreed. Got to admit though to an interest in The Mandalorian, Jon Favreau's series for Disney.

The word is very positive so far.

The Sizzle Reel from the Star Wars Celebration 30th Anniversary in Chicago was strong.

A cast with the great Carl Weathers and Nick Nolte only adds to its potential.

I agree. I wouldn't call myself a Favreau fan. I am indifferent about him.

But this show does have great potential. Disney is using it as their main selling point to push their new streaming service in November.


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Re: STAR WARS IX - Trailer (updated with new footage and liberal agenda)
« Reply #93 on: September 13, 2019, 06:43:02 PM »
I agree. I wouldn't call myself a Favreau fan. I am indifferent about him.

But this show does have great potential. Disney is using it as their main selling point to push their new streaming service in November.

A lot of people claim to know Star Wars, but they really don’t. Rian Johnson was/is such a person.

I think many think that, if you’ve seen the films, then you somehow automatically "know" Star Wars.

The vast difference between the opinions of film critics versus the fan base concerning the quality of Star Wars - Episode VIII: The Last Jedi only proves what I have always said: In general, film critics know absolutely nothing about Star Wars.

Having said this, Jon Favreau seems like he may know Star Wars. The half dozen or so in-jokes during the Sizzle Reel were spot-on.

It gives me new hope. Pardon the pun. 8)


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Re: STAR WARS IX - Trailer (updated with new footage and liberal agenda)
« Reply #94 on: September 13, 2019, 07:26:53 PM »
Okay, this is the second spoiler report for Star Wars - Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker.

This one has much of the same information as the one from this Jason guy at MakingStarWars. (See above)

However, there are some major differences as well.

While I personally don't like either report, and think we are headed for another really bad film, the fan base seems to have more concerns with this second spoiler report.

I have put those concerns at the bottom, under the actual report.

All the commentary within the report is coming from the guy who typed up the report. It is not me commenting. I'm just putting up the reports.

Again, use mouse to scroll over to see text.

Star Wars - Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker (Second Spoiler Report)

• It has been reiterated to me that we will indeed be getting young Luke and Leia flashbacks in TROS. One in particular appears to be the opening of the movie no less. We begin the action by seeing one of, if not the final training lesson between Luke and Leia. Leia is giving up her Jedi training due to the fact that she's pregnant with a son. My source on this mentioned a fight, so I believe that we may be getting Leia and Luke in a lightsaber duel toward the beginning of the film.
• Some details: After the opening crawl we pan from space. The camera moves towards a planet covered in trees. We see two lightsabers, one green and one blue, in the respective hands of these two warriors. The two combatants are dueling one another. The two Jedi are donning helmets with visors covering their faces. The two Jedi break from their duel and remove their helmets to reveal Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa Solo. It might be the final training lesson between Luke and Leia. Luke Skywalker realizes something has changed with his sister, Leia Organa Solo. He questions her and she confides in Luke that's she's going to be a mother. This is the moment Luke Skywalker realizes Ben Solo is coming and the galaxy will never be the same again.
• We then hear a voice-over shouting "Master Leia!" It is the voice of Rey which ends Leia's thoughts/flashback and we are thrust into the post-Luke Skywalker era, far from General Leia Organa's training with her brother all those years ago. Now, we are with Leia and Rey amongst the trees. Rey trains to become the Jedi that will face-off against the evil new supreme leader that was once the child Leia carried during her training with Luke Skywalker.
• Leia appears to have taken up the mantel of Jedi mentor to Rey in the wake of Luke's passing. This will likely coincide with the scene from the D23 First Look where Rey throws her lightsaber at a training remote and cuts down a tree.
• Early on in the film, we catch up with Kylo's story where he is slaughtering people with the purpose of tracking down one of the film's "MacGuffins", a device known as the "Wayfinder". I'm told that the clip of Kylo body slamming someone into the floor of a forest bathed in red light as seen in the film’s teaser is from this scene. I'm also told that this planet is called Exogol.
• The slug Klaud is brought into the Resistance by Chewbacca, and he helps the Resistance (what he does to help them is unknown).
• We also catch up with Maz Kanata.
• Kylo obtains the location of the "Wayfinder" from "The Oracle", or it gives it to him right there.
• Kylo finds it to contain coordinates to a point in the Unknown Regions.
• The "Wayfinder" that Kylo is given once belonged to his grandfather, Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader.
• Using the coordinates found within the "Wayfinder" device, Kylo arrives in the Unknown Regions.
• Here, Kylo encounters Emperor Palpatine. How Emperor Palpatine is still alive and how he ended up in the Unknown Regions is still a mystery to me that I hope to learn more about in the next few months (Note: Daisy Ridley recently said in an interview that it's explained in the film), but my source on this tells me that this is indeed Emperor Palpatine in the flesh.
• Kylo and Emperor Palpatine's conversation apparently centers around ordering Kylo to find Rey and bring her to the Emperor with the goal of turning her to the dark side. Note: It's not lost on me that this part of the story feels very Return of the Jedi inspired, but we'll just crack on and see how this all pans out.
• My source specifically mentioned that Emperor Palpatine is very old and decrepit at this point, possibly on the verge of death. A little bit of Googling reveals that Emperor Palpatine is thought to have been born around 84 BBY making him in the neighborhood of 113 years old by the events taking place in The Rise of Skywalker.
• Emperor Palpatine’s goal in luring Kylo to him and converting Rey to darkness is more or less to have Rey and Kylo inherit his "new Empire" and for them to rule it together.
• In order to facilitate bringing about this "new Empire", Emperor Palpatine has spent his 30 years of Post Original Trilogy creating a fleet of "Death Star Destroyers" (Note: I don't know if this is their actual name or not. Personally, I hope not, it's bit on the nose) which appear to be exactly what they sound like, Star Destroyers with Death Star tech mounted onto them, giving them the capability to destroy a planet. (Note: Apparently once this particular technology was unleashed 30 some odd years ago, that Pandora's box can't be shut again).
• According to my source, these Star Destroyers make up the "Sith Fleet" that house the new red Sith Stormtroopers that were showcased at SDCC in July. Note: I wrote this prior to the First Look being shown and the fleet has since been confirmed. It's comprised of Imperial Star Destroyers hiding in the Unknown Regions and we see what appears to be their planet destroying capabilities during the sizzle reel.
• Going back to the rest of the Resistance, we catch up with Finn and Poe returning to the jungle planet depicted in some of the behind the scenes images shown at Celebration Chicago. The duo has been in contact with an informant from within the First Order. The mole has told Finn and Poe about Kylo coming into possession of the "Wayfinder".  Note: It's unclear to me if anyone in the Resistance exactly understands what the "Wayfinder" is or where it leads. They just want to find it.
• Poe and Finn tell Leia about this and she sends Rey, Chewbacca, C-3PO, R2-D2 and BB-8 to accompany them on the mission. In order to get them going on their quest, Leia puts them in contact with someone on Pasaana. This is the desert planet, filmed in Jordan.
• It's at this point in the story where the Resistance team makes their way to the desert planet seen in the teaser and the D23 footage. It's revealed that Leia's contact is Lando Calrissian. Lando points them toward another one of the MacGuffins, a "Sith artifact" that apparently turns out to be a dagger. This dagger has some sort of writing on it that C-3PO can’t decipher. Note: My source understands this to be a "Sith language" of ancient origin. That description is pretty vague for me, but the key point is sound. Heroes find dagger, dagger has writing on it that C-3PO can't read.
• It’s during our heroes’ time on Pasaana that Kylo initiates a Force mind link between himself and Rey. Through their connection Kylo discovers where Rey and the Resistance team are and leaves to pursue them.
• There is a scene here on Pasaana where the heroes are attacked by a giant worm creature. Where my info differs in the worm scene is that I was told that instead of the heroes almost killing the worm, the worm basically has our heroes backed into a metaphorical corner and the healing is what allows them to survive and escape. The main story beat is the same, but some of the details panning out one way versus the other has slightly different implications on Rey’s character. It wasn’t done from a place of power and out of pity, but instead implies compassion in the face of danger.
• Eventually Kylo and the Knights of Ren arrive and begin to attack our heroes. One thing leads to another and the Resistance crew gets outnumbered and they are forced to make their escape on an old ship leaving the Millennium Falcon behind.
• Kylo recovers the Millennium Falcon and takes it back to his personal Star Destroyer.
• As previously mentioned, C-3PO is confronted with a challenge he is not equipped to handle. The artifact found on Pasaana contains a language that C-3PO can’t translate without modifications. In order to modify C-3POs programming, Poe brings the team to the wintery planet seen in the teaser (It is called Kijimi per the Vanity Fair article). This is where C-3PO is modified to allow translation of the artifact. I'm told that the modification is done by a small alien. Note: (This is possibly the one pictured in Image A of my post from six months ago. I'm not 100% sure on that, but confident enough in who told this to me that I'm willing to put it out there).
• Once translatable, the dagger supposedly reveals information regarding a second "Wayfinder", this one having belonged to Emperor Palpatine himself, leading the team to journey to the forest moon of Endor. Note: My sources tell me that the scene from the D23 footage showing C-3PO with red eyes connects to this event. The Red eyes are part of the "hack" that allows him to translate the "Sith language".
• During the events leading to the modification of C-3PO on the wintery planet, Kylo initiates another Force connection between himself and Rey.
• Kylo supposedly uses this as an opportunity to begin forcing Rey down the path of darkness. He does this by antagonizing Rey. Kylo tells her that he knows about the dagger and what it was once used for. Kylo apparently tells her that this dagger was used to murder Rey’s parents. Kylo maintains that her parents are nobodies in the grand story.
• This angers Rey and she lashes out at Kylo and a lightsaber duel ensues. Rey is on the planet Kijimi and Kylo is on his Star Destroyer. According to my source no flashes of any additional locations are seen during this fight.
• Kylo keeps the link alive long enough to learn Rey’s location and eventually peruses her in his Star Destroyer like before.
• The bounty hunter Zori Bliss is introduced sometime during their time on this planet. Note: My sources told me that she has history with Poe prior to Keri Russell saying the same thing in an interview some days ago. What this history was is still a mystery to me right now.
• Once Kylo arrives, our gang of heroes decides to sneak aboard and attempt to recover the Millennium  Falcon prior to leaving. The rescue plan goes awry and the whole group gets captured by the First Order.

It’s at this point that two major things happen:

1. It’s revealed that General Hux is a First Order mole that has been feeding the Resistance information. This information may be how Leia and the Resistance know about Kylo Ren and The Knights of Ren search for the "Wayfinder".
He allows the heroes to escape while Kylo is distracted by dueling with Rey in person. The crew recovers the Millennium Falcon, Rey reconnects with them and they all flee.

2. During their duel, Kylo adds another wrinkle to Rey’s backstory. He maintains that while her parents were nobodies, her grandparents, more specifically her grandfather, was not. Kylo tells Rey that she is the granddaughter of Emperor Sheev Palpatine. This explains his interest in bringing the random nobody from Jakku into the fold.
• Following her battle aboard the Star Destroyer and escape on the Millennium Falcon, Rey uses the newly gleaned information resulting from C-3PO’s modifications and the translation of the dagger to travel to the forest moon of Endor. She goes alone.
• At this time, it’s a little unclear to me exactly how Kylo gets from point A to point B, but supposedly he is waiting for Rey in Emperor Palpatine’s throne room aboard the wreckage of the second Death Star. Note: (I assume he knows the location of the second "Wayfinder" due to his newfound connection to Emperor Palpatine, but that's just speculation on my part. I think it's important to note that Kylo may have been on Endor before considering that he had the charred helmet of Vader in The Force Awakens).
• Naturally, they fight. The specifics of this duel are unknown to me, but what I have been told about it is that it’s at this point when Rey begins to tap into some hatred to gain the upper hand and eventually defeats Kylo (Note: possibly destroying his red lightsaber in the process, but that's more rumor than leak at the moment), leaving him for dead on the wreckage of the second Death Star.
• Rey takes possession of Emperor Palpatine's "Wayfinder" and leaves.
• My sources tell me that the "Dark Rey" moment seen in the D23 footage is in fact a vision (described to me as thematically similar to Luke seeing himself as Vader in the cave on Dagobah). This apparently is a short sequence that happens right after Rey picks up Emperor Palpatine's "Wayfinder".
• While lying in the wreckage of the second Death Star in a weakened state, Kylo Ren reportedly sees a vision of his father. (Note: It’s unclear to me if Han appears as a bona fide ghost or just through the magic of injury induced hallucinations, but this interaction supposedly acts as Kylo Ren’s “come to Jesus” moment.)
• Han tells Kylo that it’s never too late to change and when he leaves Endor, he leaves not as Kylo Ren, but as Ben Solo.
• This duel is a critical tipping point for Rey as well. I’m told that in the wake of her confrontation with Kylo, she takes the "Wayfinder" and flees back to Ahch-to and attempts to collect her thoughts. Her mindset reportedly mirrors Luke’s while he was there prior to and during the events of Episode VIII: The Last Jedi. The vision of a possible dark future for herself in conjunction fact that she nearly killed Kylo scared Rey in the same way that considering killing his nephew Ben in his sleep scared Luke many years prior. She feared the path she was headed down and decides to swear off the Jedi Order, exiling herself on Ahch-to like Luke did. Rey scuttles the ship she used to get there just like Luke did to his X-Wing and she caps it all off by casting Anakin's reconstructed lightsaber toward her destroyed ship.
• Just when it looks like the Jedi Order is going to end (again), the Jedi ghost of Luke Skywalker appears to Rey, holding her discarded lightsaber and does what all good Force ghosts do; gives our hero the resolve to do what needs to be done. Finish the work Luke began over 30 years earlier and put an end to Emperor Palpatine for good. According to my source, Luke passes on Leia’s lightsaber to Rey. (Note: I don't know where it came from, where it's been all this time, or how Luke is able to give it to Rey, but what I can tell you (with only about 50% confidence at this point) is that Leia's blade is supposedly blue). Bolstered by her conversation with Luke, Rey takes Leia's lightsaber, transmits the location of the Sith fleet to the Resistance before heading out herself, possibly in Luke’s old X-Wing.
• On the subject of Force ghosts, Luke makes another appearance around the time of Rey and Kylo’s crises of faith. Back at the main Resistance base, Leia is on her deathbed. My source describes it to me like Yoda’s death in Return if the Jedi, nothing bad happened, it was just her time to go. Luke has come to says goodbye, but before it all ends for Leia, he has one final lesson for her.

From what I've been able to put together, the final act of the film is structured like this:

• Rey leaves Ahch-to and travels to the Sith fleet in the Unknown Regions. Eventually the Resistance fleet arrives and battle ensues. Somehow, Rey finds her way to Emperor Palpatine who has been waiting for her. He confirms that what Kylo told her was true. Apparently after his defeat on the Death Star II, Emperor Palpatine was shaken by the fact that he wasn't able to maintain his hold on Darth Vader or seduce Luke Skywalker to the dark side due to their strong familial bond. During the course of their conversation, Emperor Palpatine makes reference to this bond between Darth Vader and Luke. He likens it to his bond with Rey, hoping that whatever familial connection they have will be enough to win her over. It is Emperor Palpatine’s hope that their bond will be as strong as the Skywalkers was back then. Note: What my source described next feels very reminiscent of Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.
• Rey is trapped in The Emperor’s throne room, watching two opposing fleets battle while she is helplessly gazes onward. It’s at this point that Kylo/Ben reappears. How we get to this next part is still a bit fuzzy to me, but apparently Ben and Rey join forces and begin attacking Emperor Palpatine. Leia's lightsaber comes back into play when Rey and Kylo share the Skywalker lightsabers throughout their fight. At some point, Emperor Palpatine overpowers them both and supposedly kills Ben. (Note: there have been reports from other reputable leakers that Kylo/Ben kind of/sort of dies, but my source on this seemed pretty unambiguous. Personally, I think we'll just have to wait and see what we learn over the next few months).
• When it looks like all hope is lost, the Jedi ghosts of Luke and Leia show up to aid Rey. Together they overpower Emperor Palpatine, ddestroying him and ending his darkness once and for all.
• As for what the other members of the Resistance are doing at this point, they are engaged in a space battle against Emperor Palpatine's fleet being lead by General Pryde.
• The Resistance's goal is supposedly to take out the flagship, severing communications and making navigation out of the Unknown Regions impossible. The new fleet’s flagship is destroyed around the same time that Emperor Palpatine is destroyed.
• The last thing I was told is regarding the final sequence of the film. I don’t why, but our heroes travel to the planet Tatooine. During these scenes, it is supposedly revealed that Rey has cannibalized the Anakin/Luke's lightsaber and the Leia lightsaber to make one of her own that supposedly has a yellow/gold blade.
• Rey buries the leftover pieces of the two lightsabers on the grounds of the former Lars homestead where Luke Skywalker grew up.
• A local sees Rey and comments not having seen anyone near this place in a long time. The local woman asks Rey what her name is to which she answers “Rey, Rey Skywalker.”
• The final shot of the Skywalker saga allegedly echoes how the adventure pretty much began in 1977, with our heroes, mirroring Luke’s gaze out at the horizon, dreaming of the future as Tatooine’s twin suns set in the distance.

Controversial stuff.

Again, use mouse to scroll over to see text.

Luke and Leia in a lightsaber duel during a flashback sequence.
There may be two different "Wayfinders", thus two different MacGuffins.
Emperor Palpatine is somehow physically alive (i.e. Ian McDiarmid), despite what happened at the end of Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.
The idea that the normally selfish Emperor Palpatine is doing all of this because he wants Kylo and Rey to inherit his new "Galactic Empire."
Rey’s "Mary Sue" powers becoming even more over the top and ridiculous. It now seems that she can heal injuries and maybe even bring the dead back to life.
The continued use of new, bizarre Force powers including the one that seems to link Rey and Kylo as first introduced by Rian Johnson in Episode VIII: The Last Jedi. This includes an actual lightsaber duel in which Rey is on a planet while Kylo is on his Star Destroyer, and yet they are somehow able to combat each other.
Rey seems to defeat Kyo Ren every time they lightsaber duel.
The super big one: Rey is a Palpatine. Yep, she is Emperor Palpatine’s granddaughter.
Leia dies. No injury, just her time. Strange if not stupid since she should only be in her late fifties at this point.
No talk of one of the MacGuffins holding Palpatine’s ghost/spirit. No, he is physically here.
Ben Solo is killed.
The Jedi ghosts of Luke and Leia returning to actually assist Rey in defeating Emperor Palpatine. Was this set up by showing Yoda’s Jedi ghost interacting with the physical world when he set The Jedi/Force tree on fire in Episode VIII: The Last Jedi?
Rey possibly having a new lightsaber with a yellow blade. Where did the crystal come from?
Rey referring to herself as a Skywalker at the end of all this. The film’s title sadly makes one think this could very easily be true.


Okay, that's it. I need to get drunk. I have earned it. 8)


  • Getbig III
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Re: STAR WARS IX - Trailer (updated with new footage and liberal agenda)
« Reply #95 on: September 13, 2019, 08:59:25 PM »

Thanks for doing all that work on this. :)


  • Getbig V
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Re: STAR WARS IX - Trailer (updated with new footage and liberal agenda)
« Reply #96 on: September 13, 2019, 10:02:29 PM »
Okay, this is the second spoiler report for Star Wars - Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker.

This one has much of the same information as the one from this Jason guy at MakingStarWars. (See above)

However, there are some major differences as well.

While I personally don't like either report, and think we are headed for another really bad film, the fan base seems to have more concerns with this second spoiler report.

I have put those concerns at the bottom, under the actual report.

All the commentary within the report is coming from the guy who typed up the report. It is not me commenting. I'm just putting up the reports.

Again, use mouse to scroll over to see text.

Star Wars - Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker (Second Spoiler Report)

• It has been reiterated to me that we will indeed be getting young Luke and Leia flashbacks in TROS. One in particular appears to be the opening of the movie no less. We begin the action by seeing one of, if not the final training lesson between Luke and Leia. Leia is giving up her Jedi training due to the fact that she's pregnant with a son. My source on this mentioned a fight, so I believe that we may be getting Leia and Luke in a lightsaber duel toward the beginning of the film.
• Some details: After the opening crawl we pan from space. The camera moves towards a planet covered in trees. We see two lightsabers, one green and one blue, in the respective hands of these two warriors. The two combatants are dueling one another. The two Jedi are donning helmets with visors covering their faces. The two Jedi break from their duel and remove their helmets to reveal Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa Solo. It might be the final training lesson between Luke and Leia. Luke Skywalker realizes something has changed with his sister, Leia Organa Solo. He questions her and she confides in Luke that's she's going to be a mother. This is the moment Luke Skywalker realizes Ben Solo is coming and the galaxy will never be the same again.
• We then hear a voice-over shouting "Master Leia!" It is the voice of Rey which ends Leia's thoughts/flashback and we are thrust into the post-Luke Skywalker era, far from General Leia Organa's training with her brother all those years ago. Now, we are with Leia and Rey amongst the trees. Rey trains to become the Jedi that will face-off against the evil new supreme leader that was once the child Leia carried during her training with Luke Skywalker.
• Leia appears to have taken up the mantel of Jedi mentor to Rey in the wake of Luke's passing. This will likely coincide with the scene from the D23 First Look where Rey throws her lightsaber at a training remote and cuts down a tree.
• Early on in the film, we catch up with Kylo's story where he is slaughtering people with the purpose of tracking down one of the film's "MacGuffins", a device known as the "Wayfinder". I'm told that the clip of Kylo body slamming someone into the floor of a forest bathed in red light as seen in the film’s teaser is from this scene. I'm also told that this planet is called Exogol.
• The slug Klaud is brought into the Resistance by Chewbacca, and he helps the Resistance (what he does to help them is unknown).
• We also catch up with Maz Kanata.
• Kylo obtains the location of the "Wayfinder" from "The Oracle", or it gives it to him right there.
• Kylo finds it to contain coordinates to a point in the Unknown Regions.
• The "Wayfinder" that Kylo is given once belonged to his grandfather, Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader.
• Using the coordinates found within the "Wayfinder" device, Kylo arrives in the Unknown Regions.
• Here, Kylo encounters Emperor Palpatine. How Emperor Palpatine is still alive and how he ended up in the Unknown Regions is still a mystery to me that I hope to learn more about in the next few months (Note: Daisy Ridley recently said in an interview that it's explained in the film), but my source on this tells me that this is indeed Emperor Palpatine in the flesh.
• Kylo and Emperor Palpatine's conversation apparently centers around ordering Kylo to find Rey and bring her to the Emperor with the goal of turning her to the dark side. Note: It's not lost on me that this part of the story feels very Return of the Jedi inspired, but we'll just crack on and see how this all pans out.
• My source specifically mentioned that Emperor Palpatine is very old and decrepit at this point, possibly on the verge of death. A little bit of Googling reveals that Emperor Palpatine is thought to have been born around 84 BBY making him in the neighborhood of 113 years old by the events taking place in The Rise of Skywalker.
• Emperor Palpatine’s goal in luring Kylo to him and converting Rey to darkness is more or less to have Rey and Kylo inherit his "new Empire" and for them to rule it together.
• In order to facilitate bringing about this "new Empire", Emperor Palpatine has spent his 30 years of Post Original Trilogy creating a fleet of "Death Star Destroyers" (Note: I don't know if this is their actual name or not. Personally, I hope not, it's bit on the nose) which appear to be exactly what they sound like, Star Destroyers with Death Star tech mounted onto them, giving them the capability to destroy a planet. (Note: Apparently once this particular technology was unleashed 30 some odd years ago, that Pandora's box can't be shut again).
• According to my source, these Star Destroyers make up the "Sith Fleet" that house the new red Sith Stormtroopers that were showcased at SDCC in July. Note: I wrote this prior to the First Look being shown and the fleet has since been confirmed. It's comprised of Imperial Star Destroyers hiding in the Unknown Regions and we see what appears to be their planet destroying capabilities during the sizzle reel.
• Going back to the rest of the Resistance, we catch up with Finn and Poe returning to the jungle planet depicted in some of the behind the scenes images shown at Celebration Chicago. The duo has been in contact with an informant from within the First Order. The mole has told Finn and Poe about Kylo coming into possession of the "Wayfinder".  Note: It's unclear to me if anyone in the Resistance exactly understands what the "Wayfinder" is or where it leads. They just want to find it.
• Poe and Finn tell Leia about this and she sends Rey, Chewbacca, C-3PO, R2-D2 and BB-8 to accompany them on the mission. In order to get them going on their quest, Leia puts them in contact with someone on Pasaana. This is the desert planet, filmed in Jordan.
• It's at this point in the story where the Resistance team makes their way to the desert planet seen in the teaser and the D23 footage. It's revealed that Leia's contact is Lando Calrissian. Lando points them toward another one of the MacGuffins, a "Sith artifact" that apparently turns out to be a dagger. This dagger has some sort of writing on it that C-3PO can’t decipher. Note: My source understands this to be a "Sith language" of ancient origin. That description is pretty vague for me, but the key point is sound. Heroes find dagger, dagger has writing on it that C-3PO can't read.
• It’s during our heroes’ time on Pasaana that Kylo initiates a Force mind link between himself and Rey. Through their connection Kylo discovers where Rey and the Resistance team are and leaves to pursue them.
• There is a scene here on Pasaana where the heroes are attacked by a giant worm creature. Where my info differs in the worm scene is that I was told that instead of the heroes almost killing the worm, the worm basically has our heroes backed into a metaphorical corner and the healing is what allows them to survive and escape. The main story beat is the same, but some of the details panning out one way versus the other has slightly different implications on Rey’s character. It wasn’t done from a place of power and out of pity, but instead implies compassion in the face of danger.
• Eventually Kylo and the Knights of Ren arrive and begin to attack our heroes. One thing leads to another and the Resistance crew gets outnumbered and they are forced to make their escape on an old ship leaving the Millennium Falcon behind.
• Kylo recovers the Millennium Falcon and takes it back to his personal Star Destroyer.
• As previously mentioned, C-3PO is confronted with a challenge he is not equipped to handle. The artifact found on Pasaana contains a language that C-3PO can’t translate without modifications. In order to modify C-3POs programming, Poe brings the team to the wintery planet seen in the teaser (It is called Kijimi per the Vanity Fair article). This is where C-3PO is modified to allow translation of the artifact. I'm told that the modification is done by a small alien. Note: (This is possibly the one pictured in Image A of my post from six months ago. I'm not 100% sure on that, but confident enough in who told this to me that I'm willing to put it out there).
• Once translatable, the dagger supposedly reveals information regarding a second "Wayfinder", this one having belonged to Emperor Palpatine himself, leading the team to journey to the forest moon of Endor. Note: My sources tell me that the scene from the D23 footage showing C-3PO with red eyes connects to this event. The Red eyes are part of the "hack" that allows him to translate the "Sith language".
• During the events leading to the modification of C-3PO on the wintery planet, Kylo initiates another Force connection between himself and Rey.
• Kylo supposedly uses this as an opportunity to begin forcing Rey down the path of darkness. He does this by antagonizing Rey. Kylo tells her that he knows about the dagger and what it was once used for. Kylo apparently tells her that this dagger was used to murder Rey’s parents. Kylo maintains that her parents are nobodies in the grand story.
• This angers Rey and she lashes out at Kylo and a lightsaber duel ensues. Rey is on the planet Kijimi and Kylo is on his Star Destroyer. According to my source no flashes of any additional locations are seen during this fight.
• Kylo keeps the link alive long enough to learn Rey’s location and eventually peruses her in his Star Destroyer like before.
• The bounty hunter Zori Bliss is introduced sometime during their time on this planet. Note: My sources told me that she has history with Poe prior to Keri Russell saying the same thing in an interview some days ago. What this history was is still a mystery to me right now.
• Once Kylo arrives, our gang of heroes decides to sneak aboard and attempt to recover the Millennium  Falcon prior to leaving. The rescue plan goes awry and the whole group gets captured by the First Order.

It’s at this point that two major things happen:

1. It’s revealed that General Hux is a First Order mole that has been feeding the Resistance information. This information may be how Leia and the Resistance know about Kylo Ren and The Knights of Ren search for the "Wayfinder".
He allows the heroes to escape while Kylo is distracted by dueling with Rey in person. The crew recovers the Millennium Falcon, Rey reconnects with them and they all flee.

2. During their duel, Kylo adds another wrinkle to Rey’s backstory. He maintains that while her parents were nobodies, her grandparents, more specifically her grandfather, was not. Kylo tells Rey that she is the granddaughter of Emperor Sheev Palpatine. This explains his interest in bringing the random nobody from Jakku into the fold.
• Following her battle aboard the Star Destroyer and escape on the Millennium Falcon, Rey uses the newly gleaned information resulting from C-3PO’s modifications and the translation of the dagger to travel to the forest moon of Endor. She goes alone.
• At this time, it’s a little unclear to me exactly how Kylo gets from point A to point B, but supposedly he is waiting for Rey in Emperor Palpatine’s throne room aboard the wreckage of the second Death Star. Note: (I assume he knows the location of the second "Wayfinder" due to his newfound connection to Emperor Palpatine, but that's just speculation on my part. I think it's important to note that Kylo may have been on Endor before considering that he had the charred helmet of Vader in The Force Awakens).
• Naturally, they fight. The specifics of this duel are unknown to me, but what I have been told about it is that it’s at this point when Rey begins to tap into some hatred to gain the upper hand and eventually defeats Kylo (Note: possibly destroying his red lightsaber in the process, but that's more rumor than leak at the moment), leaving him for dead on the wreckage of the second Death Star.
• Rey takes possession of Emperor Palpatine's "Wayfinder" and leaves.
• My sources tell me that the "Dark Rey" moment seen in the D23 footage is in fact a vision (described to me as thematically similar to Luke seeing himself as Vader in the cave on Dagobah). This apparently is a short sequence that happens right after Rey picks up Emperor Palpatine's "Wayfinder".
• While lying in the wreckage of the second Death Star in a weakened state, Kylo Ren reportedly sees a vision of his father. (Note: It’s unclear to me if Han appears as a bona fide ghost or just through the magic of injury induced hallucinations, but this interaction supposedly acts as Kylo Ren’s “come to Jesus” moment.)
• Han tells Kylo that it’s never too late to change and when he leaves Endor, he leaves not as Kylo Ren, but as Ben Solo.
• This duel is a critical tipping point for Rey as well. I’m told that in the wake of her confrontation with Kylo, she takes the "Wayfinder" and flees back to Ahch-to and attempts to collect her thoughts. Her mindset reportedly mirrors Luke’s while he was there prior to and during the events of Episode VIII: The Last Jedi. The vision of a possible dark future for herself in conjunction fact that she nearly killed Kylo scared Rey in the same way that considering killing his nephew Ben in his sleep scared Luke many years prior. She feared the path she was headed down and decides to swear off the Jedi Order, exiling herself on Ahch-to like Luke did. Rey scuttles the ship she used to get there just like Luke did to his X-Wing and she caps it all off by casting Anakin's reconstructed lightsaber toward her destroyed ship.
• Just when it looks like the Jedi Order is going to end (again), the Jedi ghost of Luke Skywalker appears to Rey, holding her discarded lightsaber and does what all good Force ghosts do; gives our hero the resolve to do what needs to be done. Finish the work Luke began over 30 years earlier and put an end to Emperor Palpatine for good. According to my source, Luke passes on Leia’s lightsaber to Rey. (Note: I don't know where it came from, where it's been all this time, or how Luke is able to give it to Rey, but what I can tell you (with only about 50% confidence at this point) is that Leia's blade is supposedly blue). Bolstered by her conversation with Luke, Rey takes Leia's lightsaber, transmits the location of the Sith fleet to the Resistance before heading out herself, possibly in Luke’s old X-Wing.
• On the subject of Force ghosts, Luke makes another appearance around the time of Rey and Kylo’s crises of faith. Back at the main Resistance base, Leia is on her deathbed. My source describes it to me like Yoda’s death in Return if the Jedi, nothing bad happened, it was just her time to go. Luke has come to says goodbye, but before it all ends for Leia, he has one final lesson for her.

From what I've been able to put together, the final act of the film is structured like this:

• Rey leaves Ahch-to and travels to the Sith fleet in the Unknown Regions. Eventually the Resistance fleet arrives and battle ensues. Somehow, Rey finds her way to Emperor Palpatine who has been waiting for her. He confirms that what Kylo told her was true. Apparently after his defeat on the Death Star II, Emperor Palpatine was shaken by the fact that he wasn't able to maintain his hold on Darth Vader or seduce Luke Skywalker to the dark side due to their strong familial bond. During the course of their conversation, Emperor Palpatine makes reference to this bond between Darth Vader and Luke. He likens it to his bond with Rey, hoping that whatever familial connection they have will be enough to win her over. It is Emperor Palpatine’s hope that their bond will be as strong as the Skywalkers was back then. Note: What my source described next feels very reminiscent of Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.
• Rey is trapped in The Emperor’s throne room, watching two opposing fleets battle while she is helplessly gazes onward. It’s at this point that Kylo/Ben reappears. How we get to this next part is still a bit fuzzy to me, but apparently Ben and Rey join forces and begin attacking Emperor Palpatine. Leia's lightsaber comes back into play when Rey and Kylo share the Skywalker lightsabers throughout their fight. At some point, Emperor Palpatine overpowers them both and supposedly kills Ben. (Note: there have been reports from other reputable leakers that Kylo/Ben kind of/sort of dies, but my source on this seemed pretty unambiguous. Personally, I think we'll just have to wait and see what we learn over the next few months).
• When it looks like all hope is lost, the Jedi ghosts of Luke and Leia show up to aid Rey. Together they overpower Emperor Palpatine, ddestroying him and ending his darkness once and for all.
• As for what the other members of the Resistance are doing at this point, they are engaged in a space battle against Emperor Palpatine's fleet being lead by General Pryde.
• The Resistance's goal is supposedly to take out the flagship, severing communications and making navigation out of the Unknown Regions impossible. The new fleet’s flagship is destroyed around the same time that Emperor Palpatine is destroyed.
• The last thing I was told is regarding the final sequence of the film. I don’t why, but our heroes travel to the planet Tatooine. During these scenes, it is supposedly revealed that Rey has cannibalized the Anakin/Luke's lightsaber and the Leia lightsaber to make one of her own that supposedly has a yellow/gold blade.
• Rey buries the leftover pieces of the two lightsabers on the grounds of the former Lars homestead where Luke Skywalker grew up.
• A local sees Rey and comments not having seen anyone near this place in a long time. The local woman asks Rey what her name is to which she answers “Rey, Rey Skywalker.”
• The final shot of the Skywalker saga allegedly echoes how the adventure pretty much began in 1977, with our heroes, mirroring Luke’s gaze out at the horizon, dreaming of the future as Tatooine’s twin suns set in the distance.

Controversial stuff.

Again, use mouse to scroll over to see text.

Luke and Leia in a lightsaber duel during a flashback sequence.
There may be two different "Wayfinders", thus two different MacGuffins.
Emperor Palpatine is somehow physically alive (i.e. Ian McDiarmid), despite what happened at the end of Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.
The idea that the normally selfish Emperor Palpatine is doing all of this because he wants Kylo and Rey to inherit his new "Galactic Empire."
Rey’s "Mary Sue" powers becoming even more over the top and ridiculous. It now seems that she can heal injuries and maybe even bring the dead back to life.
The continued use of new, bizarre Force powers including the one that seems to link Rey and Kylo as first introduced by Rian Johnson in Episode VIII: The Last Jedi. This includes an actual lightsaber duel in which Rey is on a planet while Kylo is on his Star Destroyer, and yet they are somehow able to combat each other.
Rey seems to defeat Kyo Ren every time they lightsaber duel.
The super big one: Rey is a Palpatine. Yep, she is Emperor Palpatine’s granddaughter.
Leia dies. No injury, just her time. Strange if not stupid since she should only be in her late fifties at this point.
No talk of one of the MacGuffins holding Palpatine’s ghost/spirit. No, he is physically here.
Ben Solo is killed.
The Jedi ghosts of Luke and Leia returning to actually assist Rey in defeating Emperor Palpatine. Was this set up by showing Yoda’s Jedi ghost interacting with the physical world when he set The Jedi/Force tree on fire in Episode VIII: The Last Jedi?
Rey possibly having a new lightsaber with a yellow blade. Where did the crystal come from?
Rey referring to herself as a Skywalker at the end of all this. The film’s title sadly makes one think this could very easily be true.


Okay, that's it. I need to get drunk. I have earned it. 8)

Klaud looks great btw

Definitely catering to liberals that do not lift :D



  • Getbig V
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Re: STAR WARS IX - Trailer (updated with new footage and liberal agenda)
« Reply #97 on: September 14, 2019, 05:42:14 PM »

Thanks for doing all that work on this. :)

Don't mention it. :)

It wasn't a big deal. Just long.


  • Getbig V
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Re: STAR WARS IX - Trailer (updated with new footage and liberal agenda)
« Reply #98 on: September 14, 2019, 05:47:50 PM »
Klaud looks great btw

Definitely catering to liberals that do not lift :DAll I know is that both reports stink.

They do seem to be pushing out and taking some chances with new, more strange and exotic looking aliens like Klaud and this supposed Oracle alien.

This is an artist's rendition of what "The Oracle" looks like.



  • Getbig V
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Re: STAR WARS IX - Trailer (updated with new footage and liberal agenda)
« Reply #99 on: September 15, 2019, 12:01:02 AM »
A lot of people claim to know Star Wars, but they really don’t. Rian Johnson was/is such a person.

I think many think that, if you’ve seen the films, then you somehow automatically "know" Star Wars.

The vast difference between the opinions of film critics versus the fan base concerning the quality of Star Wars - Episode VIII: The Last Jedi only proves what I have always said: In general, film critics know absolutely nothing about Star Wars.

Having said this, Jon Favreau seems like he may know Star Wars. The half dozen or so in-jokes during the Sizzle Reel were spot-on.

It gives me new hope. Pardon the pun. 8)

Dave Filoni probably knows Star Wars better than anyone who isn't named Lucas but it's hard to move from animation to the big screen. I'd put money that he wouldn't have phucked like Kennedy.  Personally, I would prefer him over the 2 game of thrones hacks for the Old Republic.