Author Topic: Jeffrey Epstein - Commits Suicide - what really happened? Discuss!  (Read 147959 times)

The Scott

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Re: Jeffrey Epstein - Commits Suicide - what really happened? Discuss!
« Reply #950 on: July 14, 2020, 08:02:40 PM »
I demand nothing of my friends or foes. I've always taken care of my family and done so on my own. I never borrowed money from my parents nor needed handouts to get by. But, there is nothing special about this. None of my friends or most of my family have ever relied on public or private  assistance, (both my adopted sisters had substance abuse problems, which sometimes put them in the position of needing an assist). When this has happened, I've been there for them. That's what I think families should do.

Although my daughter and her family live with me, it is by mutual arrangement which benefits us all. They pay their share of rent and utilities plus help maintain the house and yard. My son has been on his own since he joined the military at 19 years of age. He is a responsible family man and is much admired for his ethics among his peers and co-workers.

I don't personally know any Democrats like those you speak of. Not saying all of us liberal leaning people are winners, because that is highly unlikely. It is also highly unlikely that all conservative leaning folks are great people either. There's a lot more to folks than their political philosophical views. You are a smart person. Too smart not to know there is truth in what I'm saying.

I am not smart.  Believe me, my mother had me tested.  A lot.  But there is something called common sense that is in truth, not all that common.  I do not hate someone because of their skin color or lack thereof.

Liberals, no...Scum, have begun speaking out against white people for no other "reason" than they are "white" and whitey mus pay for injustices done in the past by those who are long dead against those who are also long dead.  To deny this is to deny the truth. When this is done by so-called "white supremacists" against non-whites, this is abhorred and rightly so.  But when don against white people it is applauded.

As a child who wore incredibly THICK glasses, who was at the age of 10 a mere 45 lbs at 4' 11" tall and at 14 90 lbs at 5' 9" tall, white and frequently called "retard" by a LOT of folks, but had the crap beat out of me by some white guys but mostly black kids and later Hawaiian kids, I can tell you it could make someone "smarter" begin to hate people that resemble those that beat the shit out of you.  Try having other Jewish people, including a girl you would like to date throw you out of their home because of you surname and the way you look.   Oh wait...It's okay to despise someone as Teutonic looking as I was.  Even family members would call me names.  Some funny, like "Goylem"  and some not so funny but meant to demean a child and later a boy and even a man.  They do love me, but like with President Trump, they "just don't like me".

But I don't hate all people.  Why?  Common sense.   I have the scars, physical scars to prove just a couple of these beatings.  With a baseball bat and then years later, a 2X4.  Well...the latter isn't a "scar" it's DENT in my skull.  Black kids did that last one.  Do I hate black people? Nope.  Common sense and being brought  up to judge people individually on their actions and reactions.

I don't call black people "GUY", LOL!  I typed it that way because it will come out that way here.  But you know what?  Plenty of black people call one another that word.  Fuck 'em. 

You don't know anyone that is a democrat that behaves as I have outlined?  Sure you do.  They are in the Senate and other political offices.  They preach hatred of white people and DEMAND we submit out of penance and guilt. 

Well islime demands the same shit and I no longer kneel to anyone or anything.   But the democrats court islime too. Don't claim otherwise, you know the politicians I speak of that are heralded as the new wave of PC by that party.

The one black muslime woman does a Don Lemon, i.e., she dates and fucks a white man all the while condemning white males.  Lemon is a typical black nellie and is doubtless a passive squealing bottom. I know these things because of the Conservative homosexuals I have known and called friends over the years.  Stereotypes are based in facts.  Don't think so unless it's conveniently funny to do so?  Yeah...Everyone knows Arkansas Hillbillies are incestuous white trash but it's okay to say that 'cuz they're white trash, not black, brown, yellow or red trash.  I've been to Arkansas and while I didn't see anyone play the banjo I did see more than a few in-breds that made me look like Einstein.

The truth of all this is, most democrats despise freedom for the masses and just want it for the asses.  They hate freedom of speech for any but themselves and their cronies.  They are against America and this is shown by what they do.

You can either be American or be a Straw Man.  No one is perfect.  The last time someone showed up that looked perfect they nailed him to a cross. 

But democrats simply burned crosses.  And passed Jim Crow laws.  And worse.  They should pay for their history because they plan on repeating it over again.  People like yourself can turn your back on these truths I have written here but you should never turn your back on a fellow liberal.  Don't believe that one?

They have long since started throwing one another under passing buses.


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Re: Jeffrey Epstein - Commits Suicide - what really happened? Discuss!
« Reply #951 on: July 15, 2020, 03:38:23 PM »


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Re: Jeffrey Epstein - Commits Suicide - what really happened? Discuss!
« Reply #952 on: July 15, 2020, 04:04:06 PM »
I copied this and I think everyone should read it. Its long but well worth the read.

The story I'm about to tell you is true.

Perhaps the most intriguing part of this story is that every single person reading this post - every single one of you - was alive when this story became news in 2004.

That fact is intriguing because everyone reading this post has either never heard this story, or forgot about it (I'm betting on the first one, because it is truly unforgettable).

Furthermore, once you hear this story in its entirety, I can promise it will be seared into your memory forever.

Our main character is a man named Marc Dutroux. He was born in Belgium in 1956. He was twice convicted of kidnapping and raping underage children. The first time was in 1989. The second time occurred in 1996.

That was not a typo - you read that correctly. He was convicted and served a (much too brief) sentence in 1989. He served only 3 and a half years of his 13 year sentence because he was released for good behavior. Less than 10 years later, he was arrested again on the same charges (different victims).

In the second round of charges, he was convicted of kidnapping, torturing and abusing victims, some of them to the point of death.

What I am about to tell you comes from the statements made by his surviving victims (called the X Files), Marc Dutreox himself, and evidence from law enforcement. I've also added references/citations at the very end of this post.

Here we go.

Marc confessed to kidnapping, raping, drugging, torturing and filming children for many years. He also claimed he was doing it at the behest of a political elite who financed his career as a professional trafficker.

Not only did this political elite finance his efforts - they made specific requests of him. Sometimes they requested specific types of children (they were called "party favors" and he was asked to deliver kids of certain age, sex, race). Sometimes they requested specific means of torturing the children to fulfill their desires (orgies, satanic rituals involving sacrifices, torture games).

And sometimes they requested he film certain influential people engaged in these acts, for later use as blackmail.

He claimed many of his customers and financiers were world leaders. This was not a stretch of the imagination because he lived in Belgium, where the EU and NATO headquarters were located. This statement was also corroborated by victims who were able to identify specific politicians.

Anneke Lucas was one of his victims who testified against him. She claimed she was 6 years old when the cleaning lady hired by her mother sold her to the pedophile network in 1969. Her claims were extraordinary:

-She was raped over seventeen hundred hours before turning 12 years old.
-She was 6 years old when she was forced to participate in her first orgy, which included wearing an iron dog collar and eating human excrement.
-She would actually be delivered back to her parents from time to time. However, her parents themselves were complicit in the crimes and always sent her back to her abusers.
-Torture included being strapped to a butchers block used to execute other children. Other victims were forced to torture her for hours as part of their initiation.
-She was considered attractive and that made her preferred by her abusers. She claimed that she tried to use that to her survival advantage to the best of her ability, but by the age of eleven, she had become so broken that she was slated to be executed and disposed of.
-She said she was saved when one of her abusers negotiated for her freedom. That abuser would later sit as a defendant in the trial.

Other witnesses and victims would soon come forward, describing such things as “Black Masses,” with child and adult sacrifices taking place in front of observers and participants, which included prominent politicians and figures. This would be corroborated by a note found by police at the house belonging to Bernard Weinstein—a man who previously worked with Dutroux, but whom Dutroux had murdered. The letter contained very specific requests for certain types of victims for satanic sacrifices.

The letter was signed by a man who called himself 'Anubis'. It turned out 'Anubis' was the high priest of a satanic cult called 'Abrasax' whose real name was Francis Desmet. Police obtained a warrant and seized computers, documents, mail, actual human skulls, jars of blood, and all sorts of Satanic items - but none of this was enough to make an arrest.

As the Dutroux trial went public, other victims stepped forward and confirmed the testimony, offering up descriptions of sexual abuse and human sacrifice.

They also described “hunting parties” where elites would release naked children into the woods to hide, so that the elites themselves could hunt them down and slaughter them. Many of the stories from victims contained so many similarities, they were impossible to deny. For example, the hunting parties were often held at castles, where victims could not escape and were hidden from the public eye. Those not killed in the hunt were usually chased down and mauled/killed by Dobermans.

All of these victims echoed the testimonies of other, older survivors of ritual Satanic abuse from around the world.

It is also notable that Dutroux owned 10 homes valued at 6 million dollars.

It is also notable that Dutroux was not employed.

It is also notable that Dutroux received $1,200 per month in public assistance.

It is also notable that documents released by Wikileaks show large sums of money in various currencies were deposited into his wife's bank account.

It is also notable that those deposits coincided with reported kidnappings and missing children reports.

It is also notable that before his removal, judge Jean-Marc Connerotte was on the verge of publicly disclosing the names of high level government officials who had been recognized on video-tapes of sexual torture that took place in Dutroux's dungeon.

It is also notable that 20 potential witnesses for this case have died without explanation.

Does any of this sound familiar?
Are there any headlines today that sound like history is repeating itself?

Guys, not one single thing in this post is theory. It's all proven and on record.

You see the pictures attached to this post? Those are images of hunting games. They're paintings that people like Tony Podesta buy, and hang in his home, and invite others over to enjoy.

We all know Epstein was a sick sob who had friends in high places - the same friends that hang out with Tony Podesta.

You think Epstein was the only one? That he's somehow unique? Or was he the low level one they were willing to sacrifice to protect everyone else involved at a higher level?

Do you realize now that when it comes to trafficking, satanism, pedophilia, human sacrifices, organ harvesting, adrenachrome - that it is art imitating life? That these people who are so obsessed with the art that glorifes these things might actually, themselves, be engaged in these things?

Do you think normal, non-pedo, non-cannibal, average Joes would hang that garbage up in their homes?

Suddenly the claims that world leaders and governments being involved in this satanic horror show isn't so far fetched after all.

Suddenly its not so crazy to say that world agencies who claim to stop these crimes (WHO, UN) are actually facades that cover up the real work of procuring and enabling - yes, even participating - in these crimes.

Suddenly the whole house of cards comes crashing down.

With this one case, all the unbelievers are silenced.

For crying out loud, this trial was in 2004! Did you remember it? If not, do you wonder why it was not front page news across the world?

And if you're asking yourself HOW DO THESE PEOPLE GET AWAY WITH THIS - have you not yet figured out that the very people who are supposed to end it, are doing it?

Most everyone has watched an Epstein documentary on Netflix - I think there's been maybe 3 or 4 made since his death. And the one thing I heard people say over and over and over again was this: "Where is Epstein's girlfriend and why hasn't she been arrested yet?"

Did anyone asking that question even try to find the answer? Or did you just shrug your shoulders and say, "Well, it is what it is and there's nothing I can do about it" and go on with your life?

Let me help you out.

Did you hear the news story from two weeks ago that President Trump fired federal prosecutor Geoffrey Berman? He was the prosecutor in charge of the Epstein case.

AG Barr requested Berman step down, and Berman refused. So Trump fired him and Berman was replaced with prosecutor Audrey Strauss. And then suddenly BAM! Maxwell is in custody.

You now get a front row seat for the horror show that is about to come out.

You will not believe who is involved and how deep it goes. And you will not believe the lengths they'll go to in order to protect their secrets.

Kwon, good read.  Thanks for posting.

Interesting that the same people who claim there is no God and no devil are the ones participating in devil worship, human sacrifice, pedophilia, rape, torture, murder, etc.

Reminds us we truly are in a war between good and evil.


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Re: Jeffrey Epstein - Commits Suicide - what really happened? Discuss!
« Reply #953 on: July 16, 2020, 07:31:26 AM »
Kwon, good read.  Thanks for posting.

Interesting that the same people who claim there is no God and no devil are the ones participating in devil worship, human sacrifice, pedophilia, rape, torture, murder, etc.

Reminds us we truly are in a war between good and evil.

I will stand beside you in the war, if there is one in my lifetime.


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Re: Jeffrey Epstein - Commits Suicide - what really happened? Discuss!
« Reply #954 on: July 16, 2020, 09:52:34 AM »
Yes! Thanks, KWON!

Has anyone have information regarding ACOSTA's involvement when Epstein's case was 'resolved' without notifying the individuals/complaintents/accusors about 16 years ago?

In other words is Acosta presently being 'investigated' by the FBI?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Jeffrey Epstein - Commits Suicide - what really happened? Discuss!
« Reply #955 on: July 16, 2020, 11:46:50 AM »
I am not smart.  Believe me, my mother had me tested.  A lot.  But there is something called common sense that is in truth, not all that common.  I do not hate someone because of their skin color or lack thereof.

Liberals, no...Scum, have begun speaking out against white people for no other "reason" than they are "white" and whitey mus pay for injustices done in the past by those who are long dead against those who are also long dead.  To deny this is to deny the truth. When this is done by so-called "white supremacists" against non-whites, this is abhorred and rightly so.  But when don against white people it is applauded.

As a child who wore incredibly THICK glasses, who was at the age of 10 a mere 45 lbs at 4' 11" tall and at 14 90 lbs at 5' 9" tall, white and frequently called "retard" by a LOT of folks, but had the crap beat out of me by some white guys but mostly black kids and later Hawaiian kids, I can tell you it could make someone "smarter" begin to hate people that resemble those that beat the shit out of you.  Try having other Jewish people, including a girl you would like to date throw you out of their home because of you surname and the way you look.   Oh wait...It's okay to despise someone as Teutonic looking as I was.  Even family members would call me names.  Some funny, like "Goylem"  and some not so funny but meant to demean a child and later a boy and even a man.  They do love me, but like with President Trump, they "just don't like me".

But I don't hate all people.  Why?  Common sense.   I have the scars, physical scars to prove just a couple of these beatings.  With a baseball bat and then years later, a 2X4.  Well...the latter isn't a "scar" it's DENT in my skull.  Black kids did that last one.  Do I hate black people? Nope.  Common sense and being brought  up to judge people individually on their actions and reactions.

I don't call black people "GUY", LOL!  I typed it that way because it will come out that way here.  But you know what?  Plenty of black people call one another that word.  Fuck 'em. 

You don't know anyone that is a democrat that behaves as I have outlined?  Sure you do.  They are in the Senate and other political offices.  They preach hatred of white people and DEMAND we submit out of penance and guilt. 

Well islime demands the same shit and I no longer kneel to anyone or anything.   But the democrats court islime too. Don't claim otherwise, you know the politicians I speak of that are heralded as the new wave of PC by that party.

The one black muslime woman does a Don Lemon, i.e., she dates and fucks a white man all the while condemning white males.  Lemon is a typical black nellie and is doubtless a passive squealing bottom. I know these things because of the Conservative homosexuals I have known and called friends over the years.  Stereotypes are based in facts.  Don't think so unless it's conveniently funny to do so?  Yeah...Everyone knows Arkansas Hillbillies are incestuous white trash but it's okay to say that 'cuz they're white trash, not black, brown, yellow or red trash.  I've been to Arkansas and while I didn't see anyone play the banjo I did see more than a few in-breds that made me look like Einstein.

The truth of all this is, most democrats despise freedom for the masses and just want it for the asses.  They hate freedom of speech for any but themselves and their cronies.  They are against America and this is shown by what they do.

You can either be American or be a Straw Man.  No one is perfect.  The last time someone showed up that looked perfect they nailed him to a cross. 

But democrats simply burned crosses.  And passed Jim Crow laws.  And worse.  They should pay for their history because they plan on repeating it over again.  People like yourself can turn your back on these truths I have written here but you should never turn your back on a fellow liberal.  Don't believe that one?

They have long since started throwing one another under passing buses.

I read this post of yours. Some of it I agree with and some of it I don't. You say you are not smart, but that you have a fair level of common sense. Not all "smart" people have common sense, but anyone with fair measure of common sense is smart.

Your childhood experiences helped make you the adult you became. You didn't mention the good experiences you had growing up. Assessing folks as individuals is a good thing. You are able to see black folks individually based on their actions and reactions, but you seem to think all Democrats and liberal minded people are alike. They aren't.

When I said that I don't know people like the one's you describe, I meant know them personally, not just know about them or met them. I've spent a fair amount of time around politicians both Democrats and Republicans, some who are okay people and some who are not so great.

There's white trash, black trash, brown trash, yellow trash and red trash. You can find them anywhere you go not just in Arkansas. LOL!

People like me? Do you really know me? I've met a lot of people in my lifetime and I've yet to meet anyone who is exactly like me. My wife used to refer to me as her complicated husband. She meant it as a compliment. I may be full of myself, but I believe I am unique. I suspect you are too.


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Re: Jeffrey Epstein - Commits Suicide - what really happened? Discuss!
« Reply #956 on: July 16, 2020, 07:05:43 PM »
Yes! Thanks, KWON!

Has anyone have information regarding ACOSTA's involvement when Epstein's case was 'resolved' without notifying the individuals/complaintents/accusors about 16 years ago?

In other words is Acosta presently being 'investigated' by the FBI?
Acosta had to resign as Trump's labor secretary because of the Epstein sweetheart deal. Acosta knew something, and allowed a ridiculous deal including no prosecution agreements for any accomplices(Ghisaline's lawyers are trying to use that). But everyone in law enforcement could not understand why Acosta just would not pursue Epstein at the time.

The Scott

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Re: Jeffrey Epstein - Commits Suicide - what really happened? Discuss!
« Reply #957 on: July 16, 2020, 08:42:30 PM »
I read this post of yours. Some of it I agree with and some of it I don't. You say you are not smart, but that you have a fair level of common sense. Not all "smart" people have common sense, but anyone with fair measure of common sense is smart.

Your childhood experiences helped make you the adult you became. You didn't mention the good experiences you had growing up. Assessing folks as individuals is a good thing. You are able to see black folks individually based on their actions and reactions, but you seem to think all Democrats and liberal minded people are alike. They aren't.

When I said that I don't know people like the one's you describe, I meant know them personally, not just know about them or meant them. I've spent a fair amount of time around politicians both Democrats and Republicans, some who are okay people and some who are not so great.

There's white trash, black trash, brown trash, yellow trash and red trash. You can find them anywhere you go not just in Arkansas. LOL!

People like me? Do you really know me? I've met a lot of people in my lifetime and I've yet to meet anyone who is exactly like me. My wife used to refer to me as her complicated husband. She meant it as a compliment. I may be full of myself, but I believe I am unique. I suspect you are too.

I know you only by your words here.  As for being unique?  My mother taught me a line from Swift's "Gulliver's Travels".  The Lilliputian King is speaking with Gulliver who tells him that he is unique and so is Gulliver.  "Therefor", says Gulliver, "If I am unique and you are unique, then we are the same.   We are equals."

Being struck with a baseball bat at a very young age by a teenager may be a contributing factor in my lack of intelligence as the world knows and accepts it.  I am not mad at the person that did it.  Well, not anymore.   I recall it vividly as does my mother if she has a lucid moment from the onslaught of Dementia.

I have good memories of my childhood prior to that moment.  It crushed my skull.  The 2X4 that was used on me later in life put a good dent in the back of my skull.    It seems that stupid, white kids that are small, skinny and weak are fair game to dipshits of every color.   I took the anger and frustration and built myself up so that they would not dare attempt to harm me. Some did but most did not.  High School was a nightmare but I woke up and used it to fuel my exercise regimen.  I am fiercely American.  My family is LEO and Military but I could never join because I was way past "legally" blind (uncorrected) and again, the very definition of stupid.

My family on my mother's side primarily Jewish and very liberal and very Democrat.  They have no  soul to speak of, having burned it with hatred of others including those that liberals claim to "love" and "want to lift up".    I was visiting once and went to a high school with a relative during the summer.  I had been lifting for about a year and was much larger and while at the school, I witnessed a youngster being picked on and asked people what that was about.  They said he was just a wimp that the tough kids chose to pick on.

I walked over and came between the little kid and the bigger one just as he was about to hit the poor kid.  He punched me.    When you've had your skull thumped with a bat and a hunk of wood a teenager's punch isn't shit.    I told the jerk that I was attending next year and that I would be watching over the little kid and that even if he didn't see me, I would know because I then introduced him to my relative that did go there.  What he did would be told to me and I would not be kind.  I would humiliate him in front of the entire school even more that he was experiencing at that moment (a crowd had gathered). 

My life is not unique but I had parents that taught me well.  My dad tried to teach me to defend myself when I was younger but I was very small and weak.  So I learned to run. Yeah...Forrest Gump, I know!  In the novel, Gump was around 6' 5" and 225 lbs.    ;D

The point I am attempt to impart to you and anyone that has made it this far is this:  When our life is over, we will not be able to stand judgement and say to whomever it is that may judge us, "I was told to do thus" or, "I had no choice" or "I looked away rather looked within to find the courage and resolve to do what was not only right, but needed".

Taking from those that work to give to those that refuse is not righteous.  If you are for indefinite welfare, you are against me. If you feel, rather than think, that white people owe black, yellow, brown, red, homosexual, bi-tri and pansexual, trannies et al, a living for some crimes against their "race" made in the past by no one living against no one living, then you are against me.

If you think socialism is good, then you are against me.  And by me, I mean a whole lot more good, hard working people throughout the world. 

Even if there is no judgement, prior to breathing our last I prefer to breathe as a free man.  Not a plow horse. 

I don't "hate" you but I don't agree with you on everything, especially the cuckolding of America and by that I mean Americans.  No hyphen allowed.   Those like Straw Man squeal like the pigs of Animal Farm.  Those they purport to support, e.g., BLM, LBGT, "native" Americans, et all,  will have no problem making bacon out of them one day. 

They are not your friends and they will gladly fuck up anyone that gets in their way because they deem "it" to be "their way".

I am not smart but neither am I ignorant.  Be well.


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Re: Jeffrey Epstein - Commits Suicide - what really happened? Discuss!
« Reply #958 on: July 16, 2020, 09:17:30 PM »
How does one know they were raped for 1,700 hours? To state a specific amount of time seems odd. How many here can even begin to estimate how many hours in their life that they had had sex?

Dave D

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Re: Jeffrey Epstein - Commits Suicide - what really happened? Discuss!
« Reply #959 on: July 16, 2020, 10:19:27 PM »
How does one know they were raped for 1,700 hours? To state a specific amount of time seems odd. How many here can even begin to estimate how many hours in their life that they had had sex?

Pellius I am confident when I say that despite my numerous sexual encounters,  the experiences are likely under 3 hours total.



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Re: Jeffrey Epstein - Commits Suicide - what really happened? Discuss!
« Reply #960 on: July 16, 2020, 11:32:42 PM »
Pellius I am confident when I say that despite my numerous sexual encounters,  the experiences are likely under 3 hours total.



Humble Narcissist

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Re: Jeffrey Epstein - Commits Suicide - what really happened? Discuss!
« Reply #961 on: July 17, 2020, 04:44:45 AM »
How does one know they were raped for 1,700 hours? To state a specific amount of time seems odd. How many here can even begin to estimate how many hours in their life that they had had sex?
That is very odd.


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Re: Jeffrey Epstein - Commits Suicide - what really happened? Discuss!
« Reply #962 on: July 17, 2020, 05:00:09 AM »
How does one know they were raped for 1,700 hours? To state a specific amount of time seems odd. How many here can even begin to estimate how many hours in their life that they had had sex?

According to a documentary that Known linked to, we know at least one of the surviving victims kept a detailed journal while in captivity.  She was given pen and paper to write letters to her family, which of course never reached her family.  The kidnapper/rapist would use that to further manipulate the victim, making her think her family had forgotten about her and didn't want her back.  I guess he didn't care that she kept a journal since his plan was to eventually murder her anyway.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Jeffrey Epstein - Commits Suicide - what really happened? Discuss!
« Reply #963 on: July 18, 2020, 03:56:59 PM »
According to a documentary that Known linked to, we know at least one of the surviving victims kept a detailed journal while in captivity.  She was given pen and paper to write letters to her family, which of course never reached her family.  The kidnapper/rapist would use that to further manipulate the victim, making her think her family had forgotten about her and didn't want her back.  I guess he didn't care that she kept a journal since his plan was to eventually murder her anyway.

Ah, I see. Kept a detailed journal.

Dear Diary,

Today I was raped three times. The first time took 27 minutes, the second time, after a lunch of beef curry with Jasmine rice and potato salad, I was raped for 39 minutes. After a two and a half hour nap, I was raped for an hour an twenty minutes, this was a gang bang and involved six people, four men and two women, not including the camera man. I skipped dinner, didn't have much of an appetite, and watched "The Sound of Music" on VHS then hit the sack.


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Re: Jeffrey Epstein - Commits Suicide - what really happened? Discuss!
« Reply #964 on: July 18, 2020, 04:07:28 PM »
Pellius I am confident when I say that despite my numerous sexual encounters,  the experiences are likely under 3 hours total.

Lucky for your ass, I suppose. ;)

Walter Sobchak

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Re: Jeffrey Epstein - Commits Suicide - what really happened? Discuss!
« Reply #965 on: July 18, 2020, 04:16:58 PM »
Ah, I see. Kept a detailed journal.

Dear Diary,

Today I was raped three times. The first time took 27 minutes, the second time, after a lunch of beef curry with Jasmine rice and potatoe salad, I was raped for 39 minutes. After a two and a half hour nap, I was raped for an hour an twenty minutes, this was a gang bang and involved six people, four men and two women, not including the camera man. I skipped dinner, didn't have much of an appetite, and watched "The Sound of Music" on VHS then hit the sack.

The rapists didn’t even give you a couple of double quarter pounders?


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Re: Jeffrey Epstein - Commits Suicide - what really happened? Discuss!
« Reply #966 on: July 18, 2020, 06:12:18 PM »
I know you only by your words here.  As for being unique?  My mother taught me a line from Swift's "Gulliver's Travels".  The Lilliputian King is speaking with Gulliver who tells him that he is unique and so is Gulliver.  "Therefor", says Gulliver, "If I am unique and you are unique, then we are the same.   We are equals."

Being struck with a baseball bat at a very young age by a teenager may be a contributing factor in my lack of intelligence as the world knows and accepts it.  I am not mad at the person that did it.  Well, not anymore.   I recall it vividly as does my mother if she has a lucid moment from the onslaught of Dementia.

I have good memories of my childhood prior to that moment.  It crushed my skull.  The 2X4 that was used on me later in life put a good dent in the back of my skull.    It seems that stupid, white kids that are small, skinny and weak are fair game to dipshits of every color.   I took the anger and frustration and built myself up so that they would not dare attempt to harm me. Some did but most did not.  High School was a nightmare but I woke up and used it to fuel my exercise regimen.  I am fiercely American.  My family is LEO and Military but I could never join because I was way past "legally" blind (uncorrected) and again, the very definition of stupid.

My family on my mother's side primarily Jewish and very liberal and very Democrat.  They have no  soul to speak of, having burned it with hatred of others including those that liberals claim to "love" and "want to lift up".    I was visiting once and went to a high school with a relative during the summer.  I had been lifting for about a year and was much larger and while at the school, I witnessed a youngster being picked on and asked people what that was about.  They said he was just a wimp that the tough kids chose to pick on.

I walked over and came between the little kid and the bigger one just as he was about to hit the poor kid.  He punched me.    When you've had your skull thumped with a bat and a hunk of wood a teenager's punch isn't shit.    I told the jerk that I was attending next year and that I would be watching over the little kid and that even if he didn't see me, I would know because I then introduced him to my relative that did go there.  What he did would be told to me and I would not be kind.  I would humiliate him in front of the entire school even more that he was experiencing at that moment (a crowd had gathered). 

My life is not unique but I had parents that taught me well.  My dad tried to teach me to defend myself when I was younger but I was very small and weak.  So I learned to run. Yeah...Forrest Gump, I know!  In the novel, Gump was around 6' 5" and 225 lbs.    ;D

The point I am attempt to impart to you and anyone that has made it this far is this:  When our life is over, we will not be able to stand judgement and say to whomever it is that may judge us, "I was told to do thus" or, "I had no choice" or "I looked away rather looked within to find the courage and resolve to do what was not only right, but needed".

Taking from those that work to give to those that refuse is not righteous.  If you are for indefinite welfare, you are against me. If you feel, rather than think, that white people owe black, yellow, brown, red, homosexual, bi-tri and pansexual, trannies et al, a living for some crimes against their "race" made in the past by no one living against no one living, then you are against me.

If you think socialism is good, then you are against me.  And by me, I mean a whole lot more good, hard working people throughout the world. 

Even if there is no judgement, prior to breathing our last I prefer to breathe as a free man.  Not a plow horse. 

I don't "hate" you but I don't agree with you on everything, especially the cuckolding of America and by that I mean Americans.  No hyphen allowed.   Those like Straw Man squeal like the pigs of Animal Farm.  Those they purport to support, e.g., BLM, LBGT, "native" Americans, et all,  will have no problem making bacon out of them one day. 

They are not your friends and they will gladly fuck up anyone that gets in their way because they deem "it" to be "their way".

I am not smart but neither am I ignorant.  Be well.

I see myself as being open minded more so than being liberal. I usually give people the benefit of the doubt until they lie to me. Dale Carnegie suggested giving someone a fine reputation to live up to as a way to change people without giving offense or arousing resentment. I agree. Sometimes doing this is very difficult.

It might surprise you to know that I have very little tolerance for people who feel sorry for themselves. I never give money to panhandlers. Most people create their own problems. Adults who blame their parents or upbringing for their shortcomings solve nothing. We are responsible for own happiness.

Destructive behavior such as rioting and looting disgusts me. Violence beget more violence.


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Re: Jeffrey Epstein - Commits Suicide - what really happened? Discuss!
« Reply #967 on: July 18, 2020, 07:31:09 PM »
I see myself as being open minded more so than being liberal. I usually give people the benefit of the doubt until they lie to me. Dale Carnegie suggested giving someone a fine reputation to live up to as a way to change people without giving offense or arousing resentment. I agree. Sometimes doing this is very difficult.

It might surprise you to know that I have very little tolerance for people who feel sorry for themselves. I never give money to panhandlers. Most people create their own problems. Adults who blame their parents or upbringing for their shortcomings solve nothing. We are responsible for own happiness.

Destructive behavior such as rioting and looting disgusts me. Violence beget more violence.

It always amazes me when I hear a person's perspective of themselves. I don't think anyone here considers you to be open minded. A perfect example is that as soon as you hear the name "Trump" everything goes dark. Doesn't matter all the good things he has done: crushing ISIS (which was suppose to be our next war for decades), standing  up to Chine, making us energy independent (which is huge and never been done under another modern President)... Trump = Evil and nothing he can say or do will change that.

The reasons most Liberals consider themselves open minded is simply because they have no "macro" values or standards. I say "macro" because I don't want to imply that they don't have personal values. That beliefs and actions is not so much a matter or right or wrong, good or bad, but rather just different and who are we to say one thing is better than another. Perfect example was how Liberals viewed Communism. They wouldn't want to live under such a regime but it's just an alternative economical and political system and who are we to say our system it better. It took a Reagan to put in moral terms and call it an evil empire. So you may not believe that your 12 year old daughter should be provided with condoms by their parents or at tax payer's expense and get abortions without a parent's knowledge but if other people want to then more power to them.


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Re: Jeffrey Epstein - Commits Suicide - what really happened? Discuss!
« Reply #968 on: July 18, 2020, 08:01:53 PM »
Violence beget more violence.

If I'm standing in a room with Hitler and I have a gun, do I have a moral obligation to shoot him?

The Scott

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Re: Jeffrey Epstein - Commits Suicide - what really happened? Discuss!
« Reply #969 on: July 18, 2020, 08:46:20 PM »
If I'm standing in a room with Hitler and I have a gun, do I have a moral obligation to shoot him?

Not even Deadpool could kill baby Hitler.   ;D

The Scott

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Re: Jeffrey Epstein - Commits Suicide - what really happened? Discuss!
« Reply #970 on: July 18, 2020, 08:59:18 PM »
What some claim to be an "open mind" is nothing less than an open sewer.


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Re: Jeffrey Epstein - Commits Suicide - what really happened? Discuss!
« Reply #971 on: July 18, 2020, 11:50:10 PM »
If I'm standing in a room with Hitler and I have a gun, do I have a moral obligation to shoot him?

That violence begets violence mantra implies that violence in and of itself is a bad thing. With a violent act you usually have two alternatives. One is a slaughter. The aggressor commits his violence with no resistance. The other is to react with hopefully greater and more superior violence to end the threat or carnage.

World War 2 was a great example of how unrestrained violence put an end to an evil aggressor and saved the world from ruin and tyranny.

Liberals like to paint themselves as morally superior because they claim to eschew violence. But pacifism, doing nothing to prevent harm to innocents when you have the means and ability to do so, is far more immoral then standing up and fighting against evil. Because they don't get their hands dirty or hurt anyone, whether good or bad, they paint themselves with a moral superiority that in reality just masks their cowardness and hypocrisy. Of course, they would support violence if it was to save their lives or the lives of a loved one. But they leave the dirty work to other people while they praise themselves for being beyond such barbarity.

Humble Narcissist

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Re: Jeffrey Epstein - Commits Suicide - what really happened? Discuss!
« Reply #972 on: July 19, 2020, 02:19:19 AM »
Ah, I see. Kept a detailed journal.

Dear Diary,

Today I was raped three times. The first time took 27 minutes, the second time, after a lunch of beef curry with Jasmine rice and potato salad, I was raped for 39 minutes. After a two and a half hour nap, I was raped for an hour an twenty minutes, this was a gang bang and involved six people, four men and two women, not including the camera man. I skipped dinner, didn't have much of an appetite, and watched "The Sound of Music" on VHS then hit the sack.

Methyl m1ke

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Re: Jeffrey Epstein - Commits Suicide - what really happened? Discuss!
« Reply #973 on: July 19, 2020, 06:44:10 PM »
I copied this and I think everyone should read it. Its long but well worth the read.

The story I'm about to tell you is true.

Perhaps the most intriguing part of this story is that every single person reading this post - every single one of you - was alive when this story became news in 2004.

That fact is intriguing because everyone reading this post has either never heard this story, or forgot about it (I'm betting on the first one, because it is truly unforgettable).

Furthermore, once you hear this story in its entirety, I can promise it will be seared into your memory forever.

Our main character is a man named Marc Dutroux. He was born in Belgium in 1956. He was twice convicted of kidnapping and raping underage children. The first time was in 1989. The second time occurred in 1996.

That was not a typo - you read that correctly. He was convicted and served a (much too brief) sentence in 1989. He served only 3 and a half years of his 13 year sentence because he was released for good behavior. Less than 10 years later, he was arrested again on the same charges (different victims).

In the second round of charges, he was convicted of kidnapping, torturing and abusing victims, some of them to the point of death.

What I am about to tell you comes from the statements made by his surviving victims (called the X Files), Marc Dutreox himself, and evidence from law enforcement. I've also added references/citations at the very end of this post.

Here we go.

Marc confessed to kidnapping, raping, drugging, torturing and filming children for many years. He also claimed he was doing it at the behest of a political elite who financed his career as a professional trafficker.

Not only did this political elite finance his efforts - they made specific requests of him. Sometimes they requested specific types of children (they were called "party favors" and he was asked to deliver kids of certain age, sex, race). Sometimes they requested specific means of torturing the children to fulfill their desires (orgies, satanic rituals involving sacrifices, torture games).

And sometimes they requested he film certain influential people engaged in these acts, for later use as blackmail.

He claimed many of his customers and financiers were world leaders. This was not a stretch of the imagination because he lived in Belgium, where the EU and NATO headquarters were located. This statement was also corroborated by victims who were able to identify specific politicians.

Anneke Lucas was one of his victims who testified against him. She claimed she was 6 years old when the cleaning lady hired by her mother sold her to the pedophile network in 1969. Her claims were extraordinary:

-She was raped over seventeen hundred hours before turning 12 years old.
-She was 6 years old when she was forced to participate in her first orgy, which included wearing an iron dog collar and eating human excrement.
-She would actually be delivered back to her parents from time to time. However, her parents themselves were complicit in the crimes and always sent her back to her abusers.
-Torture included being strapped to a butchers block used to execute other children. Other victims were forced to torture her for hours as part of their initiation.
-She was considered attractive and that made her preferred by her abusers. She claimed that she tried to use that to her survival advantage to the best of her ability, but by the age of eleven, she had become so broken that she was slated to be executed and disposed of.
-She said she was saved when one of her abusers negotiated for her freedom. That abuser would later sit as a defendant in the trial.

Other witnesses and victims would soon come forward, describing such things as “Black Masses,” with child and adult sacrifices taking place in front of observers and participants, which included prominent politicians and figures. This would be corroborated by a note found by police at the house belonging to Bernard Weinstein—a man who previously worked with Dutroux, but whom Dutroux had murdered. The letter contained very specific requests for certain types of victims for satanic sacrifices.

The letter was signed by a man who called himself 'Anubis'. It turned out 'Anubis' was the high priest of a satanic cult called 'Abrasax' whose real name was Francis Desmet. Police obtained a warrant and seized computers, documents, mail, actual human skulls, jars of blood, and all sorts of Satanic items - but none of this was enough to make an arrest.

As the Dutroux trial went public, other victims stepped forward and confirmed the testimony, offering up descriptions of sexual abuse and human sacrifice.

They also described “hunting parties” where elites would release naked children into the woods to hide, so that the elites themselves could hunt them down and slaughter them. Many of the stories from victims contained so many similarities, they were impossible to deny. For example, the hunting parties were often held at castles, where victims could not escape and were hidden from the public eye. Those not killed in the hunt were usually chased down and mauled/killed by Dobermans.

All of these victims echoed the testimonies of other, older survivors of ritual Satanic abuse from around the world.

It is also notable that Dutroux owned 10 homes valued at 6 million dollars.

It is also notable that Dutroux was not employed.

It is also notable that Dutroux received $1,200 per month in public assistance.

It is also notable that documents released by Wikileaks show large sums of money in various currencies were deposited into his wife's bank account.

It is also notable that those deposits coincided with reported kidnappings and missing children reports.

It is also notable that before his removal, judge Jean-Marc Connerotte was on the verge of publicly disclosing the names of high level government officials who had been recognized on video-tapes of sexual torture that took place in Dutroux's dungeon.

It is also notable that 20 potential witnesses for this case have died without explanation.

Does any of this sound familiar?
Are there any headlines today that sound like history is repeating itself?

Guys, not one single thing in this post is theory. It's all proven and on record.

You see the pictures attached to this post? Those are images of hunting games. They're paintings that people like Tony Podesta buy, and hang in his home, and invite others over to enjoy.

We all know Epstein was a sick sob who had friends in high places - the same friends that hang out with Tony Podesta.

You think Epstein was the only one? That he's somehow unique? Or was he the low level one they were willing to sacrifice to protect everyone else involved at a higher level?

Do you realize now that when it comes to trafficking, satanism, pedophilia, human sacrifices, organ harvesting, adrenachrome - that it is art imitating life? That these people who are so obsessed with the art that glorifes these things might actually, themselves, be engaged in these things?

Do you think normal, non-pedo, non-cannibal, average Joes would hang that garbage up in their homes?

Suddenly the claims that world leaders and governments being involved in this satanic horror show isn't so far fetched after all.

Suddenly its not so crazy to say that world agencies who claim to stop these crimes (WHO, UN) are actually facades that cover up the real work of procuring and enabling - yes, even participating - in these crimes.

Suddenly the whole house of cards comes crashing down.

With this one case, all the unbelievers are silenced.

For crying out loud, this trial was in 2004! Did you remember it? If not, do you wonder why it was not front page news across the world?

And if you're asking yourself HOW DO THESE PEOPLE GET AWAY WITH THIS - have you not yet figured out that the very people who are supposed to end it, are doing it?

Most everyone has watched an Epstein documentary on Netflix - I think there's been maybe 3 or 4 made since his death. And the one thing I heard people say over and over and over again was this: "Where is Epstein's girlfriend and why hasn't she been arrested yet?"

Did anyone asking that question even try to find the answer? Or did you just shrug your shoulders and say, "Well, it is what it is and there's nothing I can do about it" and go on with your life?

Let me help you out.

Did you hear the news story from two weeks ago that President Trump fired federal prosecutor Geoffrey Berman? He was the prosecutor in charge of the Epstein case.

AG Barr requested Berman step down, and Berman refused. So Trump fired him and Berman was replaced with prosecutor Audrey Strauss. And then suddenly BAM! Maxwell is in custody.

You now get a front row seat for the horror show that is about to come out.

You will not believe who is involved and how deep it goes. And you will not believe the lengths they'll go to in order to protect their secrets.

I will only add this, peter scully was being paid by wealthy pedophiles ten grand per copy for his videos on the dark web. TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS PER COPY. Exploiting children is apparently a lucrative enterprise.

I think but cant say for sure we are on the brink of a.major turn of events. With ghislane maxwell if she tells the world how deep the rabbit hole really goes the general public will demand blood. At that point no more protection no more hiding behind wealth. ICAC and INTERPOL will be their reckoning.

That i would very much love to see.


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Re: Jeffrey Epstein - Commits Suicide - what really happened? Discuss!
« Reply #974 on: July 19, 2020, 08:55:19 PM »
I don’t trust a single federal or international agency.

Would honestly feel more comfortable with a cities police department taking these people down.

Big agencies are compromised. Maybe the military.