Author Topic: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi  (Read 67184 times)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #275 on: January 22, 2020, 11:07:37 AM »
Which makes it more unbelievable that some believe it was a hoax. Amazing how you can manipulate weak minds and get them to believe anything. Remember Jim Jones and the countless other cults out there believing and dedicating their lives to utter and complete nonsense? Yet they are so, so sure they are right and the rest of the world is delusional.

So sad and tragic. They will go to their graves never knowing their whole life was based on a lie.

You have to understand some basic rules to be able to understand these morons:

1. There is no smart man who doesn't understand his limitations
2. There is no stupid who doesn't think he is smarter than others
3. There is no morons who will admit that they are stupid

Quite simple.  It isn't unbelievable, you just have to understand that these guys are morons, who will believe anything they find from the internet. In fact, those sources who are spreading this nonsense to these idiots, tells them all the time that they have to think with their own brains, knowing that these morons doesn't have such thing.

Only few things in history has been proven as many different ways and times all over again as holocaust, but like always, these morons have their "god of all arguments": "I DON'T BELIEVE IT!". That is their only argument, which can overrule all evidence, all witnesses etc. just like magic. Of course that argument is crap and proves only that who ever uses it has significant lack of intelligence, but will these morons realize that? Never, because they are too stupid to do so.. ;D

Point is that you can't win a debate with a moron, because a moron will pull you down to his level and beat you with his experience. To became as stupid as these guys are, you need a serious brain damage and lot of booze.. ;D


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #276 on: January 22, 2020, 11:12:19 AM »
Yes it appears that in the Grand Scheme of things were so insignificant as to not matter at all
To the universe - one Tiny Planet with many much much smaller life forms.
Mind Boggling is an understatement.

The earth is for all intents and purposes a ship floating in space.  If there is no captain running the ship, or sections of the ship all operating independently run by their own captains, it turns into a fatal tragedy of the commons scenario and it ends.  There is no way out of the "rulers" paradigm, only a question of if there will be one ruler or lots of rulers.  That's as much decentralization you're getting in a closed ecosystem and why libertarianism is generally a joke in practice.  The idea of libertarianism is that you can do anything you want as long as it doesn't negatively effect your neighbour, but that idea is null and void in a closed ecosystem.

If you try to create a system where every piece of land and atom of "things" on earth is owned by someone and they are in charge of it to try and avoid tragedy of the commons, it just turns right back into rulers governing the ruled when the Pareto principle plays out.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #277 on: January 22, 2020, 11:31:40 AM »
You have to understand some basic rules to be able to understand these morons:

1. There is no smart man who doesn't understand his limitations
2. There is no stupid who doesn't think he is smarter than others
3. There is no morons who will admit that they are stupid

Quite simple.  It isn't unbelievable, you just have to understand that these guys are morons, who will believe anything they find from the internet. In fact, those sources who are spreading this nonsense to these idiots, tells them all the time that they have to think with their own brains, knowing that these morons doesn't have such thing.

Only few things in history has been proven as many different ways and times all over again as holocaust, but like always, these morons have their "god of all arguments": "I DON'T BELIEVE IT!". That is their only argument, which can overrule all evidence, all witnesses etc. just like magic. Of course that argument is crap and proves only that who ever uses it has significant lack of intelligence, but will these morons realize that? Never, because they are too stupid to do so.. ;D

Point is that you can't win a debate with a moron, because a moron will pull you down to his level and beat you with his experience. To became as stupid as these guys are, you need a serious brain damage and lot of booze.. ;D

Nope, just pragmatic when it comes to self preservation.  Jews destroy nations.  Period.  They form a state within a state, which is why they're always kicked out.  And what do they do with this state within a state once formed?  Why, practice usury enslavement and white genocide of course.  They're the ones behind "The Death of America" immigration act.  They're the ones flooding Europe with rapefugees (Soros and company).  They see homogeneous civilizations as dangerous to their interests because homogeneous civilizations always end up murdering usury banker tyrants.

Nothing good has ever come to a nation that allowed the Jews in ever.  They always without fail use extreme nepotism to try and displace the native inhabitants from power and insert themselves as middle men to practice usury.  This did not happen hundreds of fucking times by sheer coincidence.  Anyone that believes so is a complete idiot:

Black culture is generally a complete carnival of destruction yet they rarely if ever get kicked out of anywhere.  If the Jews are one-upping blacks in causing mayhem and pestilence for any country they visit, the problem is not other people, it's them.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #278 on: January 22, 2020, 11:41:16 AM »


  • Getbig V
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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #279 on: January 22, 2020, 11:47:48 AM »
You have to understand some basic rules to be able to understand these morons:

1. There is no smart man who doesn't understand his limitations
2. There is no stupid who doesn't think he is smarter than others
3. There is no morons who will admit that they are stupid

Quite simple.  It isn't unbelievable, you just have to understand that these guys are morons, who will believe anything they find from the internet. In fact, those sources who are spreading this nonsense to these idiots, tells them all the time that they have to think with their own brains, knowing that these morons doesn't have such thing.

Only few things in history has been proven as many different ways and times all over again as holocaust, but like always, these morons have their "god of all arguments": "I DON'T BELIEVE IT!". That is their only argument, which can overrule all evidence, all witnesses etc. just like magic. Of course that argument is crap and proves only that who ever uses it has significant lack of intelligence, but will these morons realize that? Never, because they are too stupid to do so.. ;D

Point is that you can't win a debate with a moron, because a moron will pull you down to his level and beat you with his experience. To became as stupid as these guys are, you need a serious brain damage and lot of booze.. ;D

Great points. Of course, I don't expect to win this debate in the sense that he will concede defeat. I just want him to talk and express his beliefs as much as possible and let other people hear and see that there are really these kinds of people around.

That is my victory.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #280 on: January 22, 2020, 11:57:34 AM »
The earth is for all intents and purposes a ship floating in space.  If there is no captain running the ship, or sections of the ship all operating independently run by their own captains, it turns into a fatal tragedy of the commons scenario and it ends.  There is no way out of the "rulers" paradigm, only a question of if there will be one ruler or lots of rulers.  That's as much decentralization you're getting in a closed ecosystem and why libertarianism is generally a joke in practice.  The idea of libertarianism is that you can do anything you want as long as it doesn't negatively effect your neighbour, but that idea is null and void in a closed ecosystem.

If you try to create a system where every piece of land and atom of "things" on earth is owned by someone and they are in charge of it to try and avoid tragedy of the commons, it just turns right back into rulers governing the ruled when the Pareto principle plays out.

"The earth is for all intents and purposes a ship floating in space."

"every piece of land and atom of "things" on earth is owned by someone and they are in charge of it "

Bahahaha! This is great! Keep talking nut job. Your mind has been completely taken over by the moron collective. You express yourself thinking that you have free will but your mind is not your own. You parrot what your masters have brainwashed you to think and say.

You have been assimilated. Resistance is futile.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #281 on: January 22, 2020, 12:02:32 PM »
Nope, just pragmatic when it comes to self preservation.  Jews destroy nations.  Period.  They form a state within a state, which is why they're always kicked out.  And what do they do with this state within a state once formed?  Why, practice usury enslavement and white genocide of course.  They're the ones behind "The Death of America" immigration act.  They're the ones flooding Europe with rapefugees (Soros and company).  They see homogeneous civilizations as dangerous to their interests because homogeneous civilizations always end up murdering usury banker tyrants.

Nothing good has ever come to a nation that allowed the Jews in ever.  They always without fail use extreme nepotism to try and displace the native inhabitants from power and insert themselves as middle men to practice usury.  This did not happen hundreds of fucking times by sheer coincidence.  Anyone that believes so is a complete idiot:

Black culture is generally a complete carnival of destruction yet they rarely if ever get kicked out of anywhere.  If the Jews are one-upping blacks in causing mayhem and pestilence for any country they visit, the problem is not other people, it's them.

"Nothing good has ever come to a nation that allowed the Jews in ever."

Once again just saying things that are provably and demonstrably false.

Israel is an oasis in a sea of middle age misery and violence.

I'll pose the same question to you that I posed to Matt. See if you have the courage to answer it.

What would you like to do with the Jewish people? What like you like do with Israel?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #282 on: January 22, 2020, 12:11:58 PM »

Yes, quote a Jewish extremist that is rejected by mainstream Jews and a Muslim.

Please, tell me more.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #283 on: January 22, 2020, 12:42:27 PM »
Yes, quote a Jewish extremist that is rejected by mainstream Jews and a Muslim.

Please, tell me more.
Show me which Jews rejected these anti-white Jews?

Here is another fake antie-white Jew - Noel Ignatiev. How many examples do you need? Jews are anti-white and this is proved by their own actions and words.

Ignatiev was never fired from Harvard when he was openly teaching students to be anti-white.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #284 on: January 22, 2020, 12:55:27 PM »
LOL! I'm having a meltdown?

And once again you make accusation that are provably wrong. I posted my estrogen levels (below 40) and I posted my total testosterone (750) and although my total test is considered high normal, my free test, which is what really counts, exceeded the reference level, meaning that I have below-average SHBG so less Test is binding to the SHBG receptors which renders them useless.

God, In the name of Moses, how can someone be so wrong about so many things.

And then you make a bizarre reference of a very tragic shooting that occurred this morning in which two innocent police officers were killed. You disgraced and trivialize this tragic and evil event. A new low for you.

But, as I said, keep talking, the more you, and the rest of you anti-semitic cohorts, post the more you expose yourself as the brainwashed cultist retards that you are. YOu haven't been able to answer one question directly and you haven't proved any of your ludicrous claims. 

I systematically destroy every post you and your fellow brainwashed cultist make. You're no match for me, you weak and naive little child. That's why you were so easily indoctrinated and brainwashed. You're out of your league.
No way in hell is your testosterone 750 without aid. Men with high testosterone typically do not exhibit the cuck behavior you have displayed on this forum.

Are you part pacific islander / native Hawaiian? And part European? I know Hawaiians despise white people. Whites are often insulted with the racial slur "Haole".

So is that why you are so ant-white? Because deep down you hate whites? That's it?

You talk about all the "gifts" Jews have brought to humanity. Why don't you talk about the gifts white people have provided? It vastly outnumbers the achievements of fake Jews.

You talk about fake Jews being God's chosen people. Are you nuts? Some estimates suggest Ashkenazi Jews make up 75% of Jews worldwide. More than 50% are atheists. So how can they be God's chosen people if they even reject the notion of a God?!


  • Getbig V
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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #285 on: January 22, 2020, 12:58:36 PM »
One of the oldest religions, and the first to bring in to the world the concept of ethical monotheism represented in the Old Testament: Judaism, is, according to you, not a religion.  
you mean like not to worship idols or remember the sabbath?

Imagine if someone said that Christianity is not a religion but a cult?
christianity is a cult according to judaism



  • Getbig V
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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #286 on: January 22, 2020, 01:01:38 PM »
"Nothing good has ever come to a nation that allowed the Jews in ever."

Once again just saying things that are provably and demonstrably false.

Israel is an oasis in a sea of middle age misery and violence.

I'll pose the same question to you that I posed to Matt. See if you have the courage to answer it.

What would you like to do with the Jewish people? What like you like do with Israel?
Israel thrives because they receive US aid and because they have a "white supremacist" mentality. They want to deport Africans to try and keep Israel pure.

I actually like Israel's model. It is a great example of why white nations should remain white. If white nations stay homogeneous like Israel they would not have all this divide and conquer shit to deal with. Black Lives Matter, Antifa, ADL etc.

You are a complete fucking moron for not understanding the reason why Israel is a success and why Europe and America are in decline.


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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #287 on: January 22, 2020, 01:13:08 PM »
Jews have been acting identically for thousands of years.  They use all these religious arguments then forget the story of Jesus flipping over the tables and tossing the money changers out of the temple.  This is why Jews despise the mention of Jesus and always try to destroy and ban things like Christmas.  It's all a reminder of the people who first opposed their rent seeking behavior and usury scams.  We now live in the exact same situation where it is once again time for someone to flip over the tables and boot them out again for trying to enslave people through usury.

Most so called Jews are Atheists.  There is no Jewish faith, it's just an ethnocentric cult.  When they took over Russia, they were not practicing any religion.  They had "customs", but it's not religious.  They practiced Atheism and murdered somewhere between 20-60 million white, Christian Russians.

I do find it strange how so much is made about the murder of Jews in the 2WW by Germans
Yet so little is Pushed or Made of the Many More People that were killed in Russia & Ukraine
/ Cambodia/ China - Yet Its alway Headline News about the Jews.
And I’m not hating on Jews - Just the skewed Headline Reporting.
Clearly the Jews are Disliked by Many for whatever reasons.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #288 on: January 22, 2020, 01:21:25 PM »
You have to understand some basic rules to be able to understand these morons:

1. There is no smart man who doesn't understand his limitations
2. There is no stupid who doesn't think he is smarter than others
3. There is no morons who will admit that they are stupid

Quite simple.  It isn't unbelievable, you just have to understand that these guys are morons, who will believe anything they find from the internet. In fact, those sources who are spreading this nonsense to these idiots, tells them all the time that they have to think with their own brains, knowing that these morons doesn't have such thing.

Only few things in history has been proven as many different ways and times all over again as holocaust, but like always, these morons have their "god of all arguments": "I DON'T BELIEVE IT!". That is their only argument, which can overrule all evidence, all witnesses etc. just like magic. Of course that argument is crap and proves only that who ever uses it has significant lack of intelligence, but will these morons realize that? Never, because they are too stupid to do so.. ;D

Point is that you can't win a debate with a moron, because a moron will pull you down to his level and beat you with his experience. To became as stupid as these guys are, you need a serious brain damage and lot of booze.. ;D
With all the fake news and agendas out there - why do you trust HIStory books? You know that history is written by the victor don't you? I am sure some Jews died in concentration camps. Do I care about their deaths more than the deaths of any other race or groups of people that died in all the wars in the history of humanity? No I fucking don't. I don't fucking care.

Jewish bankers instigated WW1 and WW2. They financed Hitler and Churchill. So they are responsible for the deaths of over 100 million in the wars and over a billion unborn. So why the fuck should I care about a few Jews that died in camps? Perhaps 150,000 died. So what?

You say 6 million died (but you did not count them yourself). So fucking what?!

Respect should be earned. If the Jews want my respect then they better earn it. I have high standards. If a Jew is anti-white then he/she has not gained my respect. Why would I respect someone that acts against my own self interest? Jews want to flood Europe with non-whites to mongrelize the population and destroy the diversity that already exists in the white race. I don't care for that. I want to see hot blonde, red, brunette, and black haired beautiful white women with different shades of white. I am not interested in a race where everyone looks the same. So I am not impressed with Jews at all.

To top this off they are not attractive people. Their females have to get nose jobs to make them prettier. I am not impressed.

They practice usury and tax the citizens. The Federal Reserve did not exist until Jews tricked the fool Woodrow Wilson to enslave the citizens of the USA.

"Even Woodrow Wilson would regret his actions and before his death, stated: "I am a most unhappy man--unwittingly I have ruined my country."

Fake Jews put fake Jew "comedians" like Bill Maher and Howard Stern on TV and think I am supposed to laugh and be distracted. I am not. I am not impressed.

If Jews want my respect do the following:

1. Stop being anti-white.
2. Become religious.
3. Stop meddling with nations.
4. Dissolve the Federal Reserve.
5. Stop promoting the mongrelization of the white race.
6. Make me money.
7. Produce beautiful children.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #289 on: January 22, 2020, 03:38:13 PM »

I do find it strange how so much is made about the murder of Jews in the 2WW by Germans
Yet so little is Pushed or Made of the Many More People that were killed in Russia & Ukraine
/ Cambodia/ China - Yet Its alway Headline News about the Jews.
And I’m not hating on Jews - Just the skewed Headline Reporting.
Clearly the Jews are Disliked by Many for whatever reasons.

Why nobody talks about murder of nice European people (mostly tourists)  by North American sawages in the last 350 years, numbers please.


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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #290 on: January 22, 2020, 04:16:15 PM »

Why nobody talks about murder of nice European people (mostly tourists)  by North American sawages in the last 350 years, numbers please.

What's the difference between Santa Claus and the Holocaust?

Nothing.  Both figments of your imagination.



  • Getbig IV
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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #291 on: January 22, 2020, 07:11:08 PM »
Spamming the word "brainwashed" only works to persuade other Marxists.  Since I am not a Marxist, it's more of a joke or compliment spamming that at me.  Hate to break the bad news to you, but ever since the invention of the internet, just about everyone knows who runs the malevolent, usury banking and media monopoly.  Have fun trying to prop up your dying Marxist usury scams and preventing all the angry villagers from coming after you while I'm happy to sit on the right side of history.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #292 on: January 22, 2020, 09:19:57 PM »
What's the difference between St.Nicolas and the Krampus ?

Nothing.  Both figments of your imagination.


Corrected !.

Massive diference & both from the ancient times !.


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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #293 on: January 22, 2020, 09:21:50 PM »

Corrected !.

Massive diference & both from the ancient times !.



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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #294 on: January 22, 2020, 10:35:00 PM »
Show me which Jews rejected these anti-white Jews?

Here is another fake antie-white Jew - Noel Ignatiev. How many examples do you need? Jews are anti-white and this is proved by their own actions and words.

Ignatiev was never fired from Harvard when he was openly teaching students to be anti-white.

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, Harold Kushner, Dennis Prager, Benjamin Netanyahu, Golda Meier, Menachem Begin, Henry Kissenger, Jonah Goldberg, Jared Kushner, Mark Levin, Viktor Frankl, every Jew I've ever known or know of...

Harvard never fires political extremists. They hire them.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #295 on: January 22, 2020, 10:46:06 PM »
No way in hell is your testosterone 750 without aid. Men with high testosterone typically do not exhibit the cuck behavior you have displayed on this forum.

Are you part pacific islander / native Hawaiian? And part European? I know Hawaiians despise white people. Whites are often insulted with the racial slur "Haole".

So is that why you are so ant-white? Because deep down you hate whites? That's it?

You talk about all the "gifts" Jews have brought to humanity. Why don't you talk about the gifts white people have provided? It vastly outnumbers the achievements of fake Jews.

You talk about fake Jews being God's chosen people. Are you nuts? Some estimates suggest Ashkenazi Jews make up 75% of Jews worldwide. More than 50% are atheists. So how can they be God's chosen people if they even reject the notion of a God?!

I've been very open that at 60 years old I'm on TRT. And cuck behavior? Like every brainwashed cultist you just parrot the phrase of the moment. Bitch slapping you little brainwashed cultist singlehandedly. Try again coksuker. BTW, the recent interview of Clarence Bass with Palumbo said that his total test is over 700 and he is in his 80s. Don't make claims that you know nothing about. Oh wait, that's what you do.

And why did I talk about just Jews and their discoveries and inventions? Because we're talking about Jew you fuking moron. I already explained this. We're not talking about Whites, Chinese, Greeks, Women, Polish, Russian -- all who have contributed greatly to mankind. Just because you compliment one group doesn't imply that other groups are automatically excluded. Anybody with a 6th-grade education knows this. You're really that dumb.

And why are Jews God's chose people? Because God said so in the Bible. I believe in the Bible, you don't. That's that. But you don't understand what that means. You think it means that Jews are given more privileges. No, it means that Jews are given more


  • Getbig V
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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #296 on: January 22, 2020, 10:48:11 PM »
you mean like not to worship idols or remember the sabbath?
christianity is a cult according to judaism


Nope. Not even close. You're a brainwashed anti-semite. You don't speak for the Jewish people. Not a Jew I know or follow ever even implied that Christianity is a cult. You're the one in a cult but you are just too brainwashed to know it.


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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #297 on: January 22, 2020, 10:51:45 PM »
Israel thrives because they receive US aid and because they have a "white supremacist" mentality. They want to deport Africans to try and keep Israel pure.

I actually like Israel's model. It is a great example of why white nations should remain white. If white nations stay homogeneous like Israel they would not have all this divide and conquer shit to deal with. Black Lives Matter, Antifa, ADL etc.

You are a complete fucking moron for not understanding the reason why Israel is a success and why Europe and America are in decline.

Right. The success of Israel has nothing to do with the fact that it is a free democracy based on free-market capitalism. We give a ton of aid to Africa and it's still a shit hole.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #298 on: January 22, 2020, 10:57:12 PM »
With all the fake news and agendas out there - why do you trust HIStory books? You know that history is written by the victor don't you? I am sure some Jews died in concentration camps. Do I care about their deaths more than the deaths of any other race or groups of people that died in all the wars in the history of humanity? No I fucking don't. I don't fucking care.

Jewish bankers instigated WW1 and WW2. They financed Hitler and Churchill. So they are responsible for the deaths of over 100 million in the wars and over a billion unborn. So why the fuck should I care about a few Jews that died in camps? Perhaps 150,000 died. So what?

You say 6 million died (but you did not count them yourself). So fucking what?!

Respect should be earned. If the Jews want my respect then they better earn it. I have high standards. If a Jew is anti-white then he/she has not gained my respect. Why would I respect someone that acts against my own self interest? Jews want to flood Europe with non-whites to mongrelize the population and destroy the diversity that already exists in the white race. I don't care for that. I want to see hot blonde, red, brunette, and black haired beautiful white women with different shades of white. I am not interested in a race where everyone looks the same. So I am not impressed with Jews at all.

To top this off they are not attractive people. Their females have to get nose jobs to make them prettier. I am not impressed.

They practice usury and tax the citizens. The Federal Reserve did not exist until Jews tricked the fool Woodrow Wilson to enslave the citizens of the USA.

"Even Woodrow Wilson would regret his actions and before his death, stated: "I am a most unhappy man--unwittingly I have ruined my country."

Fake Jews put fake Jew "comedians" like Bill Maher and Howard Stern on TV and think I am supposed to laugh and be distracted. I am not. I am not impressed.

If Jews want my respect do the following:

1. Stop being anti-white.
2. Become religious.
3. Stop meddling with nations.
4. Dissolve the Federal Reserve.
5. Stop promoting the mongrelization of the white race.
6. Make me money.
7. Produce beautiful children.

Mainstream media has nothing in common with historians. God, you are just beyond moronic. How did you get so dumb? No, I shouldn't believe scholars and historians, photographic and physical evidence; people that were actually there. I should believe some internet whack job who blames his failures in life on outside forces. In this case, a tiny minority that has been systematically oppressed, prosecuted, and exterminated.

And make your own money, you pathetic loser. So, so typical of your kind. Not only blaming others but expecting unearned and undeserved entitlements.


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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #299 on: January 22, 2020, 11:02:28 PM »
Spamming the word "brainwashed" only works to persuade other Marxists.  Since I am not a Marxist, it's more of a joke or compliment spamming that at me.  Hate to break the bad news to you, but ever since the invention of the internet, just about everyone knows who runs the malevolent, usury banking and media monopoly.  Have fun trying to prop up your dying Marxist usury scams and preventing all the angry villagers from coming after you while I'm happy to sit on the right side of history.

You don't even know what SPAM means? More demonstration of your stupidity. And again you use the term "everybody knows". You don't speak for everybody. You speak for a tiny brainwashed minority. America and the American people overwhelming support Israel and the Jewish people. This is just a fact. Only nutjobs and brainwashed cultists believe otherwise but they don't matter. Nobody takes them, takes you, seriously and there's nothing you can do about it but just continue your maniacal rants.

You lose. Just look around you.