Author Topic: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi  (Read 67890 times)


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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #350 on: January 27, 2020, 10:20:46 PM »
Dave’s face looks like it’s going through his own Holocaust everyday. Ugly bastard.


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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #351 on: January 28, 2020, 12:11:48 AM »
It was a joke for Christ Sake lighten up. I don't wish for Ropo to go "poof" up in smoke and burned alive!

And I don't believe even the official narrative claims that the Nazis burned Jews to death while they were alive. It is claimed they were gassed or shot or starved to death and then cremated.

The victims of the Dresden bombing however did burn to death.

These are German victims here, look at the expressions on their faces. They died in agony!

A Blog Post
Dresden – The Worst War Crime Of WWII – 600,000 Dead

    July 4, 2014
    By TruthWillOut
    In Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story NEVER Told

Dresden – The Worst War Crime Of WWII – 600,000 Dead

“GeneralFeldMarschall Keitel said 600,000 were killed in Dresden.” – Randulf Johan Hansen¨

Some 70 years ago, the Allies decided to make of the city of Dresden a moonscape.

The holocaust unleashed on Dresden had no strategic or tactical advantage whatsoever for the Americans or the British. Dresden was one of the most beautiful cities in Germany, dubbed the “Florence of the Elbe” because of its world-renowned collection of Baroque architecture.

It was known as a show-place of culture. It had no military bases, no major communication centers or heavy industry. It had no air defense. In the last months of the war, it was known as “Die Lazarettstadt” – it had been declared a hospital town. It was also known as the “Fluechtlingsstadt” – the City of the Refugees.

“Already, by 1944, it should have been clear to most people in the government that we would have to deal with . . . Germans once victory had been won .
We went on bombing German cities months and months after it had been clear that we would win, and that Stalin would be as potentially deadly an enemy. Some of the bombing was just pointless. In the last days of the war, we struck at the old gingerbread towns south of Wurzburg, where there was no military target at all . . . just refugees, women and children. Of these acts of gratuitous sadism, the worst was the bombing of Dresden.”

In the early weeks of 1945, the coldest winter in a century, Dresden was swollen with refugees fleeing the advance of the Soviet army. By then, the Soviets stood on German soil, and Ilja Ehrenburg, Stalin's Jewish propaganda demon – that monster master journalist of hate! – had for years hammered away in broadcast after broadcast aimed at the Red Army and repeated in millions and millions of leaflets: “Kill. Kill. Kill. Nobody is innocent. Neither the living, nor the yet unborn. . . ” or “. . . if you have not killed a German a day, you have not done your duty to the Soviet motherland.”

Now the Red Army was approaching – and by mid-February stood only 60 miles away from Dresden. Each new refugee train, each new river of wagons, trucks and cars brought fearful accounts of horrendous Soviet atrocities – murder, torture and brutal mass rapes. Hundreds of thousands of refugees flooded into the city of Dresden. The inhabitants moved closer together and took them all in, but even so, there was no room for all. Most of the refugees lived in the city's main park and in what was known as Die Altstadt – the Old Town. Weeping children lay on the cold and wet ground huddled against shivering dogs.

By then, the Allies knew the war was lost for Germany. No one in a decision-making capacity – civilian or military – believed that the German Reich could survive, much less rise to be a threat to the Allied military juggernaut.

In what can only be described as a premeditated institutional act of terror and deliberately planned mass murder, the decision was made by the British and US air force commanders at the prodding of the sadistic Churchill-Roosevelt-Morgenthau trio to exterminate these hapless people trapped utterly defenceless in Dresden.

In January of 1945, it was decided that several large cities in Eastern Germany that had escaped heavy bombing should now be subjected to “area bombing” to “wreak havoc” on German morale so as to pressure Germany to surrender sooner. Churchill himself wanted more than two cities a month razed – until none was left.

So, on February 13 and 14, 1945 nearly 1200 British and American bombers, followed by waves of bullet-spitting fighter bombers, conducted a triple air raid on Dresden – an aerial holocaust. The code word for this act of terrorism was “Clarion.”

Dresden: An Undisputed Holocaust

The first wave of bombs struck at 10 PM on February 13, 1945, dropping high explosive bombs on the Old Town to blast the roofs off buildings in preparation for incendiary devices. It knocked out the air raid warning system and caused massive destruction and death. It also destroyed the fire halls and water mains.

The next wave brought the fire. It turned the Altstadt into a howling ocean of fire – 3 miles long and 2 miles wide. Air temperatures rose to 1,100 degrees Fahrenheit. Winds up to 100 mph sucked all oxygen into the center of the storm. Hundreds of thousands of people were burned alive or otherwise fell victim to this second carpet bombing, followed quickly by a third.

Thousands suffocated in cellars as the oxygen was sucked out of the bunkers and pulled toward the blaze to feed the flames. Thousands more were hurled into the air like rag dogs and sucked by the ferocious winds right into the inferno. The air suction of the fire was so strong that it uprooted trees and lifted roofs from houses miles away.

Utter panic struck the people. Horses reared and ran into the crowds. Wild animals such as lions and tigers escaped from the broken enclosures of the zoo and ran into the terrified crowds. Huge snakes slithered between the feet of the fleeing. Hospital trains, still filled with wounded soldiers from the front, were burning and tried to pull out, in the process severing limps from young children who had sought cover from the bombs underneath. Those few who managed to escape the air attack were hounded later from the air by diving planes to kill off any fleeing survivors.

This was described in one account of the bombing aftermath as;

“. . . scores of Mustang fighters diving low over the bodies, huddled on the banks of the Elbe, as well as on the larger lawns of the Grosse Garden, in order to shoot them up.”

When all was said and done, the column of smoke could be seen 50 miles away and stood 15,000 feet high. More than three-fifths of Dresden was destroyed by bombing raids lasting more than 14 hours. This Allied air raid left 24,866 homes destroyed, eleven square miles of prime real estate and irreplaceable cultural treasures devastated, 35,000 recognizable corpses available to be identified, and hundreds of thousands of unrecognisable ones.

How many? Nobody knows for sure. Most honest estimates range from 350,000 to 500,000 dead – many of whom were liquefied into a jellied mass that melted into the asphalt of the roads or were left in piles of ashes amid a city almost totally in ashes and ruins.

One newspaper account published in a German paper, Eidgenosse, (1-3-86) lists 480,000 dead. That count looks like this:

    37,000 babies and toddlers
    46,000 school age children
    55,000 wounded and sick in the hospitals, including their doctors, nurses and other personnel
    12,000 rescue personnel
    330,000 dead simply described as “men and women.”

Just think of Hiroshima. That city's atom casualties were 71,879.

During the entire war, England suffered less than 50,000 casualties from bombings.

380 persons died in bombing raids on the British munitions and aircraft producing town of Coventry, England – a raid which was declared a “German war crime”.

The clean-up crews flowing in after the Allied murderers were gone could not bury all of the dead. So they took railroad ties, made an emergency grid, piled the dead on top of each other and burned them in the open air – soldiers, young and old women, boys in short pants, girls with long braids, Red Cross nurses. Babies. While all of Germany shivered for lack of fuel, these pyres burned day and night. Even concentration camp inmates helped in this macabre ritual for weeks.

The documentation of this war crime committed by the Allies, commissioned by the Hitler government in the aftermath of the Dresden holocaust, fell into Allied hands. These mountains of dead captured in the filmed footage were later edited and spliced into Allied propaganda films about “concentration camp atrocities” and were shown to the world at large as “evidence” of Jewish dead.

Next time you see one of those pictures, think hard about the source. Remember also that those who planned and ordered these raids – and, yes, the crews who carried out these raids – were and are war criminals by anyone's definition!

Many still walk the streets of England, Canada and the United States with impunity. They have boasted about their deeds for fifty years in your press and in their “Veterans for Foreign Wars” get-togethers.

While the governments and the successors of these war-time governments are still combing the geriatric wards of the Allied countries for German soldiers and their comrades-in-arms who might or might not have shot some Jewish Marxist saboteur fleeing a concentration camp, or returning fire against those who attacked them from behind bushes, rocks and bridge embankments wearing civilian clothes, think about the crime of Dresden.

“Those innocents who lost their lives in Dresden were killed – not because of something they had done, but because of an accident of birth. Those who died in the Dresden Holocaust on February 13-14, 1945 were simply Germans.” – Ingrid Rimland
“Even now, it would cost nothing to say ‘sorry' for gratuitous sadism.” – Norman Stone


One question: How come these numbers you present here are absolute fact, but all the numbers which anyone else put here are just crap? Explain this to me? Because those numbers you present, comes by the sources which tickle your prejudices, that's all. Your mentall illness makes you unable to look these things objectively, and therefore you don't see the truth even if it bite you in the ass  ;D


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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #352 on: January 28, 2020, 02:51:54 AM »
One question: How come these numbers you present here are absolute fact, but all the numbers which anyone else put here are just crap? Explain this to me? Because those numbers you present, comes by the sources which tickle your prejudices, that's all. Your mentall illness makes you unable to look these things objectively, and therefore you don't see the truth even if it bite you in the ass  ;D

Excellent and insightful observation!

Damn, I should have thought of that.

You just further proved how brainwashed and indoctrinated he is. He is incapable of thinking for himself and only parrots what his conspiracy theory whack jobs tell him.
And he's absolutely clueless. He really sincerely believes that he has cornered the truth and is on the right side of history. No capacity for self-reflection and objectivity.

The Scott

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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #353 on: January 28, 2020, 04:45:19 AM »
A lot of people died in WWII. A lot.  There is no need to force feed guilt to any one for what happened because soon enough there will no longer be any one left from that time.

We've learned from the past and yet some continue to make those that had nothing to do with it suffer for it. 


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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #354 on: January 29, 2020, 02:10:50 PM »
One question: How come these numbers you present here are absolute fact, but all the numbers which anyone else put here are just crap? Explain this to me? Because those numbers you present, comes by the sources which tickle your prejudices, that's all. Your mentall illness makes you unable to look these things objectively, and therefore you don't see the truth even if it bite you in the ass  ;D

No one disputes the Dresden figures, on the Allied side, or the Holocaust Denier side, or anywhere else for that matter.

If you look at the primary sources for the Holocaust figures, it's just a bunch of Jews citing one another.  Go to the primary source, and it's just another Jew moaning on about MUH SIX BRAZILIAN JEWS.

Show me the primary sources for your six bagillion figure, and I'll show you a Jew quoting another Jew.

Just made up bullshit.


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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #355 on: January 29, 2020, 02:12:16 PM »
A lot of people died in WWII. A lot.  There is no need to force feed guilt to any one for what happened because soon enough there will no longer be any one left from that time.

We've learned from the past and yet some continue to make those that had nothing to do with it suffer for it. 

Ironic, given the Jew message of the war is "Don't judge people based on the ethnic group they are a part of"...oh...I mean...only if those people are Jewish.  ::)

Blaming Germans and strapping them with billions of dollars in reparations over the course of decades is fine, of course.  ::)

The Scott

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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #356 on: January 29, 2020, 09:31:00 PM »
Ironic, given the Jew message of the war is "Don't judge people based on the ethnic group they are a part of"...oh...I mean...only if those people are Jewish.  ::)

Blaming Germans and strapping them with billions of dollars in reparations over the course of decades is fine, of course.  ::)

WWII is long over and reparations are a ripoff.  The Germans are a threat only to themselves.  They are disgusting creatures totally lacking in self-worth.  This is because the real Germans were pretty much exterminated in WWII.


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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #357 on: January 29, 2020, 10:04:15 PM »
Ironic, given the Jew message of the war is "Don't judge people based on the ethnic group they are a part of"...oh...I mean...only if those people are Jewish.  ::)

Blaming Germans and strapping them with billions of dollars in reparations over the course of decades is fine, of course.  ::)

Can you, or are you able to, answer the question I've pose to you and the other anti-Semites on this thread. None seem to have the courage to answer it.

You're the world's supreme leader and everyone has to do your bidding. What do you want to do with the Jews and with Israel? A specific actionable final solution. None of this, "Show me more respect", "Make me more money", "Don't be racist". Nothing to do with how you want them to be. What do YOU want to do with them? We know what Hitler wanted? Now it's your turn.


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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #358 on: January 30, 2020, 12:08:25 AM »
Can you, or are you able to, answer the question I've pose to you and the other anti-Semites on this thread. None seem to have the courage to answer it.

You're the world's supreme leader and everyone has to do your bidding. What do you want to do with the Jews and with Israel? A specific actionable final solution. None of this, "Show me more respect", "Make me more money", "Don't be racist". Nothing to do with how you want them to be. What do YOU want to do with them? We know what Hitler wanted? Now it's your turn.

I'll take this one. 

1948 borders enforced by the U.S. & NATO.  Any Jews that end up in Palestine will have the right to stay there as citizens of Palestine.  If they don't wish to be residents of Palestine, the Israeli Govt will be responsible for relocation with in the border of 1948 Israel.  This would also apply to Palestinians living in Israel. 

Problem solved.


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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #359 on: January 30, 2020, 01:59:27 AM »
No one disputes the Dresden figures, on the Allied side, or the Holocaust Denier side, or anywhere else for that matter.

If you look at the primary sources for the Holocaust figures, it's just a bunch of Jews citing one another.  Go to the primary source, and it's just another Jew moaning on about MUH SIX BRAZILIAN JEWS.

Show me the primary sources for your six bagillion figure, and I'll show you a Jew quoting another Jew.

Just made up bullshit.

So if it is so clearly a bullshit, why it is so fucking difficult to you to prove it is bullshit?  Let's start to basics, like why gather jews in the camps in the first place, if there wasn't any plan to obliterate them? Why bother to build +40 000 ghettos and camps, if they have no plan for the jews? And if there were as many ghettos and camps and all of them were fully capable to kill prisoners, how come the figures from those, provided by same people which provide the numbers of casulties about Dresen etc. are wrong?

More basics? How exactly you fake 6 000 000 missing jews? You are saying that allies were so fucking dumb, that they take some jews word for it? You morons can't understand, that there were hundreds of british, americans etc. people trying figure out what happen, investigating it at there where it all happen, not by the internet? They were there, they documented it all, ending up with literally tons of evidence, all kind of proof what has happen. And you? Fuck the facts: if some moron, drooling on his shoes, write in the internet that all figures comes from jews, you believe that crap instantly..

What you should ask from yourself is simple: Why in the name of hell nazis let jews cook up this kind of plot, which tarnish reputation of the german people to the end of the world. Why they let these jew-bastards fuck them in the ass so overwhelming way, that even 2020 no one has proved that jews did it? How do you prove this to yourself, is the question, or is it just a matter of beliefs, aka made up bullshit?  ;D


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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #360 on: January 30, 2020, 02:40:43 AM »
I'll take this one. 

1948 borders enforced by the U.S. & NATO.  Any Jews that end up in Palestine will have the right to stay there as citizens of Palestine.  If they don't wish to be residents of Palestine, the Israeli Govt will be responsible for relocation with in the border of 1948 Israel.  This would also apply to Palestinians living in Israel. 

Problem solved.

I want to make sure I understand you. Are you saying that those currently living in Israel within the border of 1948 should be allowed to live there and left alone. And any Jews living in what is now considered Palestine, or anywhere else for that matter, also have the right to live there but free to move back to Israel?

Now, will this also placate the likes of, Matt, TheOak, and Scarfargo? Their problem is not just with Israel but with Jews in general. What do you do with the Jews in America and Europe and solve what they consider the problem of controlling the entire world and oppressing Whites.


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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #361 on: January 30, 2020, 06:44:31 AM »
I want to make sure I understand you. Are you saying that those currently living in Israel within the border of 1948 should be allowed to live there and left alone. And any Jews living in what is now considered Palestine, or anywhere else for that matter, also have the right to live there but free to move back to Israel?

Now, will this also placate the likes of, Matt, TheOak, and Scarfargo? Their problem is not just with Israel but with Jews in general. What do you do with the Jews in America and Europe and solve what they consider the problem of controlling the entire world and oppressing Whites.

Extremists on both sides will never allow for that too happen. But it sure would be nice. I have zero issues with Jews. Holocaust happened. I have no reason to question the numbers. Israel has way too much influence on US foreign policy. Jews seem to have a heavy influence in the entertainment industry and are overly represented in our federal government. I have no issues with this but those that do can vote and exercise their right to not buy their movies, music,  etc.

I give them credit for being so mobilized and organized.  Arab Americans and other minority groups need to take a page from Jewish Americans and get their act/lobbyists together.


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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #362 on: January 30, 2020, 07:36:46 AM »
From a mainstream media source the other day:

Assume what she says is true. So what, what does it matter where the pics were taken? Maybe it doesn't matter, but what it does say is that certain parts of a story may be manufactured to fit a certain storyline. History is certainly manipulated - by all sides.


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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #363 on: January 30, 2020, 01:02:11 PM »
In March 1942 around 20% of the total people killed in the Holocaust were dead, by Feb 1943 almost 80% were dead, and most never saw a concentration camp

They were murdered by Order Police in 11 months...they rounded up jews all over Poland and murdered them systematically..they were very efficient.


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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #364 on: January 30, 2020, 01:45:45 PM »
This guy preceded Hitler and had a toothbrush mustache.

Like practically the entire Bolshevik government, he was not ethnically Russian and hated Christians.

One might think he'd be better known.


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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #365 on: February 01, 2020, 01:23:12 AM »

You just further proved how brainwashed and indoctrinated he is. He is incapable of thinking for himself and only parrots what his conspiracy theory whack jobs tell him.
And he's absolutely clueless. He really sincerely believes that he has cornered the truth and is on the right side of history. No capacity for self-reflection and objectivity.

This is the main essence of any conspiracy theorist. They are blindfolded by that crap which is build only on their prejudices, because that crap goad them a nice way. They aren't thinking, they are mentally masturbating all the time, and that isn't very productive at the level of thoughts. That's why their arguments are so lame, that's why they believe it all without any evidence what so ever. That's why they can't see the elephant size holes in their theory, which even blind man can see just using his forehead  ;D


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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #366 on: February 01, 2020, 06:43:10 PM »
Never did my research? Why do idiots like you make so many false assumptions in which you have no way of knowing? What kind of educational background do you have? What college or university did you graduate from and what was your degree?

No, I don't read and get my information from nut case whack jobs from the internet but I'm sure I read more books in a year than you have in your lifetime. I can tell by the way you write that you are not very literate and by the way you think you have a very weak mind that is easily indoctrinated.

And why do you avoid the question of what you will do with the Jewish people and with Israel?
Well it sucks to be you I guess. Looking at a few thread I can see you are getting into arguments with everyone left and right.

I have a college degree and am multidisciplinary. I'll build my own computers, do my own electrical wiring, work on my car, do my own carpentry, paint, build muscle, you name it. I weigh close to 300 lbs and if I really wanted to could probably hit 350 lbs - but I am not interested in getting that heavy. I am fairly tall at 6'-3". Not that it really matters - there are lots of men that would make me look like a midget - Thor or Brian Shaw for example.

I am also not the smartest of course. But I certainly have an above average IQ.

But this should not be a dick measuring contest. I could care less who has the bigger dick, who's taller, heavier or the smartest. All I know is the mainstream media cannot be trusted. The persecution of Trump is unnatural and it clear he is a threat to the establishment. And it appears you fall for their bullshit hook line and sinker.

I've seen some photos of you and I'll give you props for being ripped, especially since you look like an older man. You're also an islander and I have heard many stories of islanders being racist towards whites. You'll know better than anyone if you've ever in your life used racial slurs against white people. It is no secret that many fake Jews are anti-white - so perhaps with you it is a case of the enemy of my enemy is my friend?! Perhaps I am wrong in judging you. Just trying to gauge why you are so blindly defending their anti-white behavior.

Oh and one last thing... are you sexual?!  ;D


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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #367 on: February 01, 2020, 06:51:10 PM »

And why do you avoid the question of what you will do with the Jewish people and with Israel?
Nothing! They've improved the area (with USA aid of course) and their apartheid viewpoint should actually be shared by the rest of the West.

I don't like how they displaced the Palestinians though. Some of those people were kicked out of their homes.

I would get along fine with Jews if they were not so anti-white. It's really simple. Be anti-white and I am your fucking enemy. Why would I like someone that is anti-me?!

Look at these fucking rats taunting a woman. Disgusting fucking rodents!

Palestinian woman whose house has been occupied by Jewish settlers arguing with Israelis who came to celebrate Jerusalem Day in front of her disputed house in East Jerusalem, May 2010. AFP


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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #368 on: February 01, 2020, 07:04:20 PM »
Well it sucks to be you I guess. Looking at a few thread I can see you are getting into arguments with everyone left and right.

I have a college degree and am multidisciplinary. I'll build my own computers, do my own electrical wiring, work on my car, do my own carpentry, paint, build muscle, you name it. I weigh close to 300 lbs and if I really wanted to could probably hit 350 lbs - but I am not interested in getting that heavy. I am fairly tall at 6'-3". Not that it really matters - there are lots of men that would make me look like a midget - Thor or Brian Shaw for example.

I am also not the smartest of course. But I certainly have an above average IQ.

But this should not be a dick measuring contest. I could care less who has the bigger dick, who's taller, heavier or the smartest. All I know is the mainstream media cannot be trusted. The persecution of Trump is unnatural and it clear he is a threat to the establishment. And it appears you fall for their bullshit hook line and sinker.

I've seen some photos of you and I'll give you props for being ripped, especially since you look like an older man. You're also an islander and I have heard many stories of islanders being racist towards whites. You'll know better than anyone if you've ever in your life used racial slurs against white people. It is no secret that many fake Jews are anti-white - so perhaps with you it is a case of the enemy of my enemy is my friend?! Perhaps I am wrong in judging you. Just trying to gauge why you are so blindly defending their anti-white behavior.

Oh and one last thing... are you sexual?!  ;D

I was going to go on and bust you while reading your post but that last line defuse everything. LOL! Well played.

Again, and this is something I've mentioned time and time again. I don't understand how people interpret and read things into my opinions when it's just not there. Just like when I said that our Presidents were morally superior to tyrants like Kim Jun-un and Saddam Hussein and someone says, "Right, our leaders are beyond reproach." Where does that thinking come from? Just because I say one thing is better than the other doesn't mean that I think it's perfect or even ideal. I like broccoli better than celery but I dislike both.

I am not defending anti-White behavior, I am condemning anti-Semitic behavior. I would say, on balance, Blacks have way more of a problem with Whites than Jews do. I have been open about my criticism about the Black culture but I would not support anti-Black racism. And it is not blind. It is based on the way I was raised, my belief system, the Bible, and what this country has tried to aspire to -- even fighting a war that killed more Americans than all the previous wars combined. Every person, no matter what race, color, or creed, deserve unless proven otherwise, respect and equal human rights.


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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #369 on: February 01, 2020, 07:16:57 PM »
Nothing! They've improved the area (with USA aid of course) and their apartheid viewpoint should actually be shared by the rest of the West.

I don't like how they displaced the Palestinians though. Some of those people were kicked out of their homes.

I would get along fine with Jews if they were not so anti-white. It's really simple. Be anti-white and I am your fucking enemy. Why would I like someone that is anti-me?!

Look at these fucking rats taunting a woman. Disgusting fucking rodents!

Palestinian woman whose house has been occupied by Jewish settlers arguing with Israelis who came to celebrate Jerusalem Day in front of her disputed house in East Jerusalem, May 2010. AFP

Jews, when they didn't have to but, unilaterally, did so on another empty promise of peace, kicked out their own people from their homes in Gaza and North Samaria to give to the Arabs. And what did the Arabs do with that land? Turned it into another cesspool ghetto and a launching pad for missile attacks on Israel.

I can't believe you would rather support Arabs Muslims, our main enemy today, over Israel and consider them more of a threat to world peace.


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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #370 on: February 02, 2020, 05:38:39 AM »
I am not defending anti-White behavior, I am condemning anti-Semitic behavior. I would say, on balance, Blacks have way more of a problem with Whites than Jews do. I have been open about my criticism about the Black culture but I would not support anti-Black racism.

But are blacks a threat to anyone really? It seems to me that blacks have often been riled up against the horrible white racism, "systemic racism", by a certain group of people. Organizations like SPLC are largely Jewish. Recently blacks have attacked orthodox Jews in NY yet somehow it was blamed on "white supremacy"  :D
I don't think Jews are worried about blacks, again and again they say they are worried about white Christians, their historical enemy. Blacks are basically seen as children with no agency. Jews aren't worried about muslims either or else they wouldn't be working hard to flood europe with them, despite their rabid antisemitism. And again, Jews themselves say they feel safer in a "mixed" society instead of a Christian one. For this reason no country should have borders. See the hate against Poland and Hungary, who do not accept a mass invasion of Muslims.

Whenever I speak to Swedes here in Sweden, they mostly
feel Sweden has been permanently destroyed by immigration and how Poland and Hungary are the only sane countries left. They are just dumbfounded about why Sweden and other euro countries just had to be ruined. Few "common folks" have been exposed to ideologues such as Barbara Spectre so they are just confused by it all. Is this a price Europe just has to pay for WWII? Will Europe "not survive" without a massive flood of muslims as Spectre says?

I don't like oppression of any peoples for no reason but if some group apparently hates me and works against my interests it's not normal or healthy to be happy about it. Like obsidian says, perhaps in a way I wouldn't express myself  :D I know these ideas are called antisemitic tropes and canards but are they really? If Jews themselves explicitly say "this is what we are working towards and for this reason" is it still untrue?

The Scott

  • Getbig V
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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #371 on: February 02, 2020, 05:45:19 AM »
Great debate lads, but keep in mind this truth:
Palumbo is an idiot.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #372 on: February 02, 2020, 05:02:37 PM »
But are blacks a threat to anyone really? It seems to me that blacks have often been riled up against the horrible white racism, "systemic racism", by a certain group of people. Organizations like SPLC are largely Jewish. Recently blacks have attacked orthodox Jews in NY yet somehow it was blamed on "white supremacy"  :D
I don't think Jews are worried about blacks, again and again they say they are worried about white Christians, their historical enemy. Blacks are basically seen as children with no agency. Jews aren't worried about muslims either or else they wouldn't be working hard to flood europe with them, despite their rabid antisemitism. And again, Jews themselves say they feel safer in a "mixed" society instead of a Christian one. For this reason no country should have borders. See the hate against Poland and Hungary, who do not accept a mass invasion of Muslims.

Whenever I speak to Swedes here in Sweden, they mostly
feel Sweden has been permanently destroyed by immigration and how Poland and Hungary are the only sane countries left. They are just dumbfounded about why Sweden and other euro countries just had to be ruined. Few "common folks" have been exposed to ideologues such as Barbara Spectre so they are just confused by it all. Is this a price Europe just has to pay for WWII? Will Europe "not survive" without a massive flood of muslims as Spectre says?

I don't like oppression of any peoples for no reason but if some group apparently hates me and works against my interests it's not normal or healthy to be happy about it. Like obsidian says, perhaps in a way I wouldn't express myself  :D I know these ideas are called antisemitic tropes and canards but are they really? If Jews themselves explicitly say "this is what we are working towards and for this reason" is it still untrue?

Blacks, and I am referring to the inner city Black culture, is a threat to the safety and peace of any area they inhabit. You've never lived in a Black neighborhood as I did. Go to any public place and it is ruined by groups of inner-city Blacks. Movies, malls, recreation parks like Disney Land. They are loud, rude, disrespectful, hostile, and try to intimidate people by staring at you or making catcalls at girls. They act like unruly animals and it is isn't going to take much to set them off. But I want to be clear that I am talking about a certain class of Blacks which are easily spotted. The way they dress, talk, swagger and it will become clear. What would make you feel more uncomfortable if you were walking down the street late a night in a secluded area and walking towards you were a bunch of Blacks dress in their typical inane baggy clothes, pants slung low, hat backward... or a bunch of Jews wearing a yarmulke?

I have never got the impression that Jews categorically hate Whites and want to oppress them. I'm sure that there are some Jews that do as with all races. There is a stong anti-white bias against Whites here in Hawaii but it really has no practical consequences. Few are losing jobs, or getting targeted by L.E., or turned away or treated more rudely at businesses for being White. And this prejudice is mostly confined to the lower-middle-class locals, a class of all races that seek a boogeyman to blame for their failures in life.

I have definitely felt the hate and resentment from Blacks towards Whites.

I take people as individuals. I have a bias against the Black culture in general, just like I have a bias against Chinese people and their culture, but when I meet a Black or a Chinese person I get a certain vibe depending on my initial impression.

I have only had good experiences with Jews personally throughout my life. U.C.L.A. was full of them and I became close friends with many of them and been to their homes and met with their families. One thing I learned about them, and why I think they are so intelligent, is not because they have superior brains, but their culture, due to no small part to their religions. They are always debating and discussing things. Whether it's religion, politics, culture... always debating and arguing which forces you to think for yourself. I remember at the dinner table when the subject of taxes came up and one of their 10 ten-year-old sons asked why do people have to pay for other people's kids to go to school if they don't have kids themselves. To me, it didn't matter what side of the issue you're on but just the fact that at such a young age he is even thinking about these things.

Jews are not invading countries, cutting off heads, blowing up buildings, and executing gays and nonbelievers. I know some people feel they dominate the business world, Law, Politics, and entertainment but they are not doing it by force. They obviously are just doing it better. People tend to resent those they compete with that do better than they do.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #373 on: February 02, 2020, 06:16:53 PM »
Jews are not invading countries, cutting off heads, blowing up buildings, and executing gays and nonbelievers. I know some people feel they dominate the business world, Law, Politics, and entertainment but they are not doing it by force. They obviously are just doing it better. People tend to resent those they compete with that do better than they do.
No they are doing far worse. The are inviting those people in that do that. That's a lot more dangerous. Jews blend in with white people. They are actually white genetically (especially Ashkenazi Jews who make up the majority of modern Jews). They change their names to white sounding names to further blend in.

Therefore many white people think Jews are also white people. But the Jews see themselves as "Jewish" and not white. They teach their children this from a young age. Meanwhile Christian children are taught that Jews are "God's Chosen People" as you stated. So that is why white people have been deceived. Only later do they figure out that Jews were always organized against them.

Also I agree with what Van_Bilderass said. Jews use blacks as a divide and conquer strategy. They rile them up against evil whitey. Meanwhile there were many Jewish slave ships that transported blacks from Africa to North America. But slave ownership is seen as a predominantly "White" endeavor which is not the case. There were many "Jewish" slave owners.

I don't blame you for not wanting to live in a predominantly black neighborhood. Who would? And Jews tend to foster those type of neighborhoods. They are the first to sell and move out once blacks move in. Then the value of homes go down and next thing you know the remaining people have to take a huge loss as they flee the neighborhood.

Jews are involved in many "Pro Black" causes.

Not it is clear they are a much bigger threat than Islam and Blacks at the moment. If Globalist Jews keep succeeding in their population replacement agenda the White Race is finished as a group. They will be the modern version of the Native Americans. Ethnic Swedes are already doomed as a demographic. They were weak and dumb enough to fall for people like Jessie Jackson, Barbara Spectre and many others that convinced them not to oppose the mass importation of third world people. And Sweden was represented by a feminist government that cucked them all the way to the present mess they are dealing with. The only thing that will fix Sweden is an alpha male like Putin or Trump that cleans house.


  • Getbig V
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  • RIP Keith Jones aka OnlyMe/NoWorries. 1/10/2011
Re: Palumbo calls Dorian Yates a holocaust denier and a nazi
« Reply #374 on: February 02, 2020, 07:32:12 PM »
No they are doing far worse. The are inviting those people in that do that. That's a lot more dangerous. Jews blend in with white people. They are actually white genetically (especially Ashkenazi Jews who make up the majority of modern Jews). They change their names to white sounding names to further blend in.

Therefore many white people think Jews are also white people. But the Jews see themselves as "Jewish" and not white. They teach their children this from a young age. Meanwhile Christian children are taught that Jews are "God's Chosen People" as you stated. So that is why white people have been deceived. Only later do they figure out that Jews were always organized against them.

Also I agree with what Van_Bilderass said. Jews use blacks as a divide and conquer strategy. They rile them up against evil whitey. Meanwhile there were many Jewish slave ships that transported blacks from Africa to North America. But slave ownership is seen as a predominantly "White" endeavor which is not the case. There were many "Jewish" slave owners.

I don't blame you for not wanting to live in a predominantly black neighborhood. Who would? And Jews tend to foster those type of neighborhoods. They are the first to sell and move out once blacks move in. Then the value of homes go down and next thing you know the remaining people have to take a huge loss as they flee the neighborhood.

Jews are involved in many "Pro Black" causes.

Not it is clear they are a much bigger threat than Islam and Blacks at the moment. If Globalist Jews keep succeeding in their population replacement agenda the White Race is finished as a group. They will be the modern version of the Native Americans. Ethnic Swedes are already doomed as a demographic. They were weak and dumb enough to fall for people like Jessie Jackson, Barbara Spectre and many others that convinced them not to oppose the mass importation of third world people. And Sweden was represented by a feminist government that cucked them all the way to the present mess they are dealing with. The only thing that will fix Sweden is an alpha male like Putin or Trump that cleans house.

I just categorically disagree with your point of view. Lax immigration policy is coming from the Left. Pro Israel/Pro Jew Trump is finally trying to do something about our immigration policy. Europe is all-around controlled by the Left though that may change for the UK with Boris Johnson.

When Christians are taught that Jews are God's Chosen People, that is often interpreted to mean that they have more privileges. It is the opposite. They have more responsibilities which are a different topic altogether. Jesus was a Jew so I don't see how one can call themselves a Christian but discriminate against Jews.

Blacks hardly need or were led by the Jews to resent Whites. That's just out of thin air and just overreaching beyond reason. Slave ships were not predominately owned and operated by Jews. But you're right. Slavery was not predominately a White construct. We get that reputation because of our role in slavery -- that being to end it. Slavery was commonplace all over the world throughout history. America, founded on Judeo/Christian ethics, were the first to fight against it and end it. Right now it is Blacks enslaving other Blacks more than any Whites and Jews.

And, another staggering overreach is the idea that Jews foster Black neighborhoods. First of all, anybody would want to move out of a predominately Black neighborhood regardless of race, even Blacks. And so what if Jews want to move out as their neighborhood demographics change and so what if they are the first to move? What kind of argument is that? They should wait and "tough it out" putting themselves and families at risk and not move until some Whites move out first so they are not seen as racist? Would you accuse Whites of fostering ghettos if you perceived them as the first to sell and move? And how do you even know this? Everybody else would do the same thing if they could.

It's so amazing to me how people see the Jews, such a tiny minority, as the boogieman to all the world's ills. How they attribute so much power and influence to this universally persecuted minority. Even if it were true it is an insult to all the other races as it implies they are so inferior and impotent to this tiny minority.

Simple question, are you an American? If not, what country are you from?