Author Topic: Covid 19 - We are all screwed - discuss  (Read 503340 times)


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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3375 on: April 27, 2020, 06:25:20 PM »
Shows how this thing is not dangerous at all to most people at all.

Are you suggesting the leadership of countries from all over the world are fabricating the numbers? Why would they do this. What do they have to gain from it? It may not be dangerous to a lot of people, but it is deadly to many. 


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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3376 on: April 27, 2020, 06:27:22 PM »
President’s intelligence briefing book repeatedly cited virus threat

The word "intelligence" must have repulsed the orange turd

U.S. intelligence agencies issued warnings about the novel coronavirus in more than a dozen classified briefings prepared for President Trump in January and February, months during which he continued to play down the threat, according to current and former U.S. officials.

a person sitting in front of a door: President Trump delivers a television national address on the coronavirus pandemic from the Oval Office on March 11.© Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post President Trump delivers a television national address on the coronavirus pandemic from the Oval Office on March 11.
The repeated warnings were conveyed in issues of the President’s Daily Brief, a sensitive report that is produced before dawn each day and designed to call the president’s attention to the most significant global developments and security threats.

For weeks, the PDB — as the report is known — traced the virus’s spread around the globe, made clear that China was suppressing information about the contagion’s transmissibility and lethal toll, and raised the prospect of dire political and economic consequences.

But the alarms appear to have failed to register with the president, who routinely skips reading the PDB and has at times shown little patience for even the oral summary he takes two or three times per week, according to the officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss classified material.

The advisories being relayed by U.S. spy agencies were part of a broader collection of worrisome signals that came during a period now regarded by many public health officials and other experts as a squandered opportunity to contain the outbreak.

As of Monday, more than 55,000 people in the United States had died of covid-19.

The frequency with which the coronavirus was mentioned in the PDB has not been previously reported, and U.S. officials said it reflected a level of attention comparable to periods when analysts have been tracking active terrorism threats, overseas conflicts or other rapidly developing security issues.

A White House spokesman disputed the characterization that Trump was slow to respond to the virus threat. “President Trump rose to fight this crisis head-on by taking early, aggressive historic action to protect the health, wealth and well-being of the American people,” said spokesman Hogan Gidley. “We will get through this difficult time and defeat this virus because of his decisive leadership.”

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence is responsible for the PDB. In response to questions about the repeated mentions of coronavirus, a DNI official said, “The detail of this is not true.” The official declined to explain or elaborate.

U.S. officials emphasized that the PDB references to the virus included comprehensive articles on aspects of the global outbreak, but also smaller digest items meant to keep Trump and senior administration officials updated on the course of the contagion. Versions of the PDB are also shared with Cabinet secretaries and other high-ranking U.S. officials.

One official said that by mid- to late January the coronavirus was being mentioned more frequently, either as one of the report’s core articles or in what is known as an “executive update,” and that it was almost certainly called to Trump’s attention orally.

The administration’s first major step to arrest the spread of the virus came in late January, when Trump restricted travel between the United States and China, where the virus is believed to have originated late last year.

But Trump spent much of February publicly playing down the threat while his administration failed to mobilize for a major outbreak by securing supplies of protective equipment, developing an effective diagnostic test and preparing plans to quarantine large portions of the population.

Trump insisted publicly on Feb. 26 that the number of cases “within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero,” and said the next day that “it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”

In reality, the virus was by then moving swiftly through communities across the United States, spreading virtually unchecked in New York City and other population centers until state governors began imposing sweeping lockdowns, requiring social distancing and all but closing huge sectors of the country’s economy.

As late as March 10, Trump said: “Just stay calm. It will go away.” The next day, the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus outbreak a global pandemic.

By then, officials said, the warnings in the PDB and other intelligence reports had taken on the aspect of an insistent drumbeat. The first mention of the coronavirus in the PDB came at the beginning of January, focusing on what at that point were troubling signs of a new virus spreading through the Chinese city of Wuhan, and the Chinese government’s apparent efforts to conceal details of the outbreak.

In the ensuing weeks, U.S. intelligence agencies devoted additional resources and departments to tracking the spread of the coronavirus. At the CIA, the effort involved agency centers on China, Europe and Latin America, as well as departments de­voted to transnational health threats, officials said.

The preliminary intelligence on the coronavirus was fragmentary, and did not address the prospects of a severe outbreak in the United States.

U.S. intelligence officials, citing scientific evidence, have largely dismissed the notion that the virus was deliberately genetically engineered. But they are continuing to examine whether the virus somehow escaped a virology lab in Wuhan, where research on naturally occurring coronaviruses has been conducted.

“We’re looking at it very closely, but we just don’t know,” said one senior U.S. intelligence official.

The warnings conveyed in the PDB probably will be a focus of any future investigation of the Trump administration’s handling of the pandemic. Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.), the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, in early April called for the formation of an independent commission analogous to the one created to investigate the Sept, 11, 2001, attacks.

In response to that probe, the George W. Bush administration was pressured to declassify portions of the PDB from August 2001 — a month before 9/11 — warning that al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden was “determined to strike in U.S.”

Senior officials with direct knowledge of Trump’s intelligence briefings say that Trump listens and asks questions during the sessions. “We go in and he treats us with respect,” one senior official said.

But Trump has also been combative or dismissive toward U.S. intelligence agencies throughout his presidency.

In mid-February, as the pathogen was spreading, Trump fired acting director of national intelligence Joseph Maguire after learning that a senior analyst had briefed members of Congress that Russia was seeking to interfere in the 2020 presidential election and had “developed a preference” for Trump.

Officials have noted that Trump was also contending with the Senate impeachment trial in January and focused on other security issues, including tracking Iran’s response to a Jan. 3 U.S. airstrike that killed a top Iranian commander, Qasem Soleimani, in Baghdad.

David Priess, a former CIA officer who was a PDB briefer in the George W. Bush administration, said that even if Trump is ignoring his briefing book, other officials including national security adviser Robert O’Brien are probably digesting the material and interacting with Trump daily.

O’Brien’s deputy, Matthew Pottinger, has a background in intelligence and was among a small circle of senior officials urging early action to contain the coronavirus, U.S. officials said. Pottinger pushed to close off air travel from Europe in February, officials said, but Trump did not do so until mid-March.

“The fact that [Trump] gets only two or three briefings a week from the intelligence professionals doesn’t mean that’s the only exposure to the PDB he’s getting,” Priess said. “He can get the best intelligence in the world and still not make good decisions based on it.”

Priess, author of a book on intelligence briefings for presidents, said that Trump’s predecessors have been varied in their approaches to consuming intelligence. President Barack Obama was considered an avid reader of “the book,” which was prepared for him on a specially equipped computer tablet. President George W. Bush reviewed the highlights of the PDB and often discussed its contents at length with his briefer. President Richard M. Nixon likely didn’t read the PDB, Priess said, but was extensively briefed by his national security adviser, Henry Kissinger.

Trump’s top health officials and advisers were also delivering warnings on the coronavirus through January and February, though their messages at times appeared muddled and contradictory.

On Feb. 25, Nancy Messonnier, the director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, warned publicly that virus was spreading so rapidly that “we need to be prepared for significant disruption in our lives.”

Trump, traveling in India at the time, was outraged by what he regarded as the alarmist tone of her remarks and their perceived impact on the U.S. stock market.

Two days later, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar testified before a Congressional committee that the risk to the public remained “low,” and that the coronavirus would “look and feel to the American people more like a severe flu season in terms of the interventions and approaches you will see.”

On March 11, with cases surging in New York and the stock market plummeting, Trump declared a national emergency and announced a ban on travel from Europe, which had become the new epicenter of the outbreak.


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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3377 on: April 27, 2020, 06:49:17 PM »
Australia is doing well in comparison to other countries.

So no specific examples as to why you think Trump is incompetent? Not one.

Well, your nonanswer answers my question and my speculation as to why you have come to this conclusion.

It reminds me when I would ask someone why they think Obama or Clinton was such a good president or why Bush was so bad? And they would just say, "Oh, come on?" As if their belief was such common knowledge that it is ridiculous to even suggest otherwise when the real reason was that they had no reason. Again, I've never known of a case when some had arrived at a conclusion through rigorous reason and contemplation that wasn't willing and eager to share their thought process. Why go through all the trouble but just keep your ideas to yourself? It is never the case when their conclusions are purely based on feelings. It's always just "Oh, come on!" or "I don't need to explain myself" as if the whole world should just take them at their word based on no evidence presented. The fact is they just found Obama and Clinton far more likable than Bush and not based on any tangible evidence. Such as your opinion of Trump and just following and jumping on the anti-Trump bandwagon by what you hear from others, i.e., the vast majority of the MSM.

When I was asked why I thought Hillary was incompetent and too corrupt to be President I cited the tragic handling and resulting deaths in the Benghazi incident and the emails and physically destroying the hard disks. You can disagree with my line of reasoning but it is not based on personal feelings pro or con regarding Hillary but based on actual facts that occurred. Compare that with how Trump reacted to the exact same situation, the EXACT SAME INCIDENT, when the Embassy was attacked in Baghdad. He immediately sent in the Marines and crushed that attack with no American casualties. No pussy-footing around or worrying about what the "International Community" would think, which, of course, they condemned. His concern was for American lives not what it would do to his reputation. And he didn't stopped there but continued to target, and kill, the leaders behind this movement and then accused as being just an assassin.

I remember how Nixon was blasted for being an anti-Semite because of recordings they had of him making racist and anti-Semitic remarks in private. And this is the same President who hired Jews to prominent positions, including Henry Kissinger, and literally saved Israel with military support during the Yom Kippur war. All that they ignored because they wanted just another reason to hate Nixon.

I always try to judge people not so much as what they say or what I think their motivations are since I can't read minds, but always by their actions. Remember when ISIS dominated the news during the Obama era just conquering and conquering at will and it was predicted to drag on for many years if not decades? When Trump took over he took off the gloves and crushed them inside a year. That was huge. Huge. But quickly forgotten, and perhaps never known by most, maybe even you, as it didn't really affect you personally and wasn't really covered in the news or give Trump any credit. It dominated the news daily and all of sudden it was gone. Innocent lives being slaughter for their religion. And they were not slaughtered in a humane way. They may be nobodies to you but they, like you, had parents, brothers, sisters, children, and friends. They weren't just nobodies and could have been saved if the present administration at the time acted more like the cantankerous, crude, impatient, but resolute Trump whose first priority was American lives.

You may not like Trump personally and find him repulsive but if it wasn't for him we would still have more scenes like this:


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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3378 on: April 28, 2020, 03:42:29 AM »
The Way the U.S. is Counting Wuhan Coronavirus Deaths Seems Problematic
Townhall ^ | 04/08/2020 | Katie Pavlich
Posted on 4/8/2020, 10:00:23 AM by SeekAndFind

During the White House Wuhan coronavirus task force briefing Tuesday evening, Dr. Deborah Birx said the United States has taken a "liberal approach" in the way doctors classify deaths from the virus.

"The intent is right now if someone dies with COVID-19, we're counting that as a COVID-19 death," Birx said. "There are other countries that if you had a pre-existing condition and let's say the virus caused you to go the ICU and then have a heart or kidney problem. Some countries are recording that as a heart issue or a kidney issue and not a COVID-19 death."

Dr. Birx confirms ALL DEATHS of people infected with coronavirus -- regardless of underlying conditions -- are classified as COVID-19 deaths

I've heard this said before.  If this is really happening on a large scale [and not just rarely, or by accident], then that is definitely problematic.

Another thing to consider:

The COVID deaths we are seeing are deaths from a virus that currently has no vaccine, whereas the deaths from the flu are deaths that would otherwise be much higher if no vaccine existed.  So comparing the death counts of each is not an apples to apples comparison.

That being said, the COVID deaths are also at their current number with large scale lock downs in place, and perhaps the COVID deaths would be significantly higher without said measures.  We won't be able to adequately measure this until more time passes and we have more data to analyze.  I still think this virus is being blown out of proportion.

As far as I can tell, those dying under 70 of this virus generally have preexisting conditions.  I'm not yet convinced that COVID is a major risk for the younger segment of the population, or people who are healthy, with strong immune systems, who are not obese, who do not smoke, etc.

But seriously [back to the original point] - if people who die WITH COVID are all being classified as dying FROM COVID, that is extremely disingenuous, and needs to be accounted for in future analyses of the true mortality rate of this virus.


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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3379 on: April 28, 2020, 04:21:44 AM »
The flu vaccine is generally about 50% effective.


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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3380 on: April 28, 2020, 04:59:14 AM »
Can we have less text please.

A lot of people are online during these isolation times and we need to save on bandwith. Try to get your point across in 300 characters or less. Thank you.

Humble Narcissist

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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3381 on: April 28, 2020, 05:39:07 AM »
So no specific examples as to why you think Trump is incompetent? Not one.

Well, your nonanswer answers my question and my speculation as to why you have come to this conclusion.

It reminds me when I would ask someone why they think Obama or Clinton was such a good president or why Bush was so bad? And they would just say, "Oh, come on?" As if their belief was such common knowledge that it is ridiculous to even suggest otherwise when the real reason was that they had no reason. Again, I've never known of a case when some had arrived at a conclusion through rigorous reason and contemplation that wasn't willing and eager to share their thought process. Why go through all the trouble but just keep your ideas to yourself? It is never the case when their conclusions are purely based on feelings. It's always just "Oh, come on!" or "I don't need to explain myself" as if the whole world should just take them at their word based on no evidence presented. The fact is they just found Obama and Clinton far more likable than Bush and not based on any tangible evidence. Such as your opinion of Trump and just following and jumping on the anti-Trump bandwagon by what you hear from others, i.e., the vast majority of the MSM.

When I was asked why I thought Hillary was incompetent and too corrupt to be President I cited the tragic handling and resulting deaths in the Benghazi incident and the emails and physically destroying the hard disks. You can disagree with my line of reasoning but it is not based on personal feelings pro or con regarding Hillary but based on actual facts that occurred. Compare that with how Trump reacted to the exact same situation, the EXACT SAME INCIDENT, when the Embassy was attacked in Baghdad. He immediately sent in the Marines and crushed that attack with no American casualties. No pussy-footing around or worrying about what the "International Community" would think, which, of course, they condemned. His concern was for American lives not what it would do to his reputation. And he didn't stopped there but continued to target, and kill, the leaders behind this movement and then accused as being just an assassin.

I remember how Nixon was blasted for being an anti-Semite because of recordings they had of him making racist and anti-Semitic remarks in private. And this is the same President who hired Jews to prominent positions, including Henry Kissinger, and literally saved Israel with military support during the Yom Kippur war. All that they ignored because they wanted just another reason to hate Nixon.

I always try to judge people not so much as what they say or what I think their motivations are since I can't read minds, but always by their actions. Remember when ISIS dominated the news during the Obama era just conquering and conquering at will and it was predicted to drag on for many years if not decades? When Trump took over he took off the gloves and crushed them inside a year. That was huge. Huge. But quickly forgotten, and perhaps never known by most, maybe even you, as it didn't really affect you personally and wasn't really covered in the news or give Trump any credit. It dominated the news daily and all of sudden it was gone. Innocent lives being slaughter for their religion. And they were not slaughtered in a humane way. They may be nobodies to you but they, like you, had parents, brothers, sisters, children, and friends. They weren't just nobodies and could have been saved if the present administration at the time acted more like the cantankerous, crude, impatient, but resolute Trump whose first priority was American lives.

You may not like Trump personally and find him repulsive but if it wasn't for him we would still have more scenes like this:

Great post.

el numero uno

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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3382 on: April 28, 2020, 07:17:45 AM »
What's going on on this thread?

Looks like a "holy wall of text" lovers convention


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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3383 on: April 28, 2020, 07:19:10 AM »
No idea what theyre doing, Im reading none of it.

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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3384 on: April 28, 2020, 07:26:15 AM »


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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3385 on: April 28, 2020, 07:34:51 AM »
and a link.

just what we need, more links.

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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3386 on: April 28, 2020, 07:36:05 AM »
and a link.

just what we need, more links.

I posted the thing of joe rogan on youtube - using new website.  Maybe its a glitch. 


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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3387 on: April 28, 2020, 07:43:23 AM »
Can we have less text please.

A lot of people are online during these isolation times and we need to save on bandwith. Try to get your point across in 300 characters or less. Thank you.

does this mean you are no longer going to spam the board with dead-end threads and dopy pictures?


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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3388 on: April 28, 2020, 08:11:08 AM »
does this mean you are no longer going to spam the board with dead-end threads and dopy pictures?

Is it me doing this or is this someone else doing this that you think is me? It gets confusing sometimes when people think I am this person or that person


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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3389 on: April 28, 2020, 08:37:57 AM »
Like I said several days ago, don't sell the middle seat for now.  JetBlue gets the idea. Masks and gloves are mando.  I should be in Washington running this sh!t  ::)

JetBlue becomes first airline to require passengers to wear masks

JetBlue on Monday became the first airline to announce that all passengers will have to wear a face covering on flights.

Starting May 4, passengers will be required to wear a mask that covers their nose and mouth during the duration of each flight and also during check-in, boarding and deplaning, according to a JetBlue statement.

"We are also asking our customers to follow these CDC guidelines in the airport as well," said Joanna Geraghty, the airline's president and chief operating officer. “Wearing a face covering isn’t about protecting yourself; it’s about protecting those around you.”

The airline has already started requiring flight crew members to wear face coverings on the job.

JetBlue customers will be reminded by email and at the airport to wear a mask. Small children who can't keep a mask on are exempt.

Since late March, JetBlue has reduced the number of seats available on flights so that passengers and crew are able to spread out.


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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3390 on: April 28, 2020, 08:39:32 AM »
Is it we are  doing this or is this someone else doing this that you think is us? It gets confusing sometimes when people think we am this person or that person

must be a bitch managing multiple identities


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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3391 on: April 28, 2020, 09:25:46 AM »
Instead, because the dumb baby couldn't read his briefing books we have scenes like this:

In trump world

60,000                              <          4

"I take no responsibility"    <      " Benghazi - oh my god , I'm outraged! "

GOP voters aren't very smart.

So no specific examples as to why you think Trump is incompetent? Not one.

Well, your nonanswer answers my question and my speculation as to why you have come to this conclusion.

It reminds me when I would ask someone why they think Obama or Clinton was such a good president or why Bush was so bad? And they would just say, "Oh, come on?" As if their belief was such common knowledge that it is ridiculous to even suggest otherwise when the real reason was that they had no reason. Again, I've never known of a case when some had arrived at a conclusion through rigorous reason and contemplation that wasn't willing and eager to share their thought process. Why go through all the trouble but just keep your ideas to yourself? It is never the case when their conclusions are purely based on feelings. It's always just "Oh, come on!" or "I don't need to explain myself" as if the whole world should just take them at their word based on no evidence presented. The fact is they just found Obama and Clinton far more likable than Bush and not based on any tangible evidence. Such as your opinion of Trump and just following and jumping on the anti-Trump bandwagon by what you hear from others, i.e., the vast majority of the MSM.

When I was asked why I thought Hillary was incompetent and too corrupt to be President I cited the tragic handling and resulting deaths in the Benghazi incident and the emails and physically destroying the hard disks. You can disagree with my line of reasoning but it is not based on personal feelings pro or con regarding Hillary but based on actual facts that occurred. Compare that with how Trump reacted to the exact same situation, the EXACT SAME INCIDENT, when the Embassy was attacked in Baghdad. He immediately sent in the Marines and crushed that attack with no American casualties. No pussy-footing around or worrying about what the "International Community" would think, which, of course, they condemned. His concern was for American lives not what it would do to his reputation. And he didn't stopped there but continued to target, and kill, the leaders behind this movement and then accused as being just an assassin.

I remember how Nixon was blasted for being an anti-Semite because of recordings they had of him making racist and anti-Semitic remarks in private. And this is the same President who hired Jews to prominent positions, including Henry Kissinger, and literally saved Israel with military support during the Yom Kippur war. All that they ignored because they wanted just another reason to hate Nixon.

I always try to judge people not so much as what they say or what I think their motivations are since I can't read minds, but always by their actions. Remember when ISIS dominated the news during the Obama era just conquering and conquering at will and it was predicted to drag on for many years if not decades? When Trump took over he took off the gloves and crushed them inside a year. That was huge. Huge. But quickly forgotten, and perhaps never known by most, maybe even you, as it didn't really affect you personally and wasn't really covered in the news or give Trump any credit. It dominated the news daily and all of sudden it was gone. Innocent lives being slaughter for their religion. And they were not slaughtered in a humane way. They may be nobodies to you but they, like you, had parents, brothers, sisters, children, and friends. They weren't just nobodies and could have been saved if the present administration at the time acted more like the cantankerous, crude, impatient, but resolute Trump whose first priority was American lives.

You may not like Trump personally and find him repulsive but if it wasn't for him we would still have more scenes like this:


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3392 on: April 28, 2020, 09:33:45 AM »
Who would you rather see than Trump, Dearth?


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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3393 on: April 28, 2020, 09:34:00 AM »
The flu vaccine is generally about 50% effective.

That's because their are several different flus around and the vaccine doesn't cover them all.

This shouldn't be the case with covid, but let's just say I won't be in any rush to get a covid vaccine and I lean more towards pro vaccine normally.


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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3394 on: April 28, 2020, 09:36:05 AM »
As long as the vaccine is sugar free zero calories


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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3395 on: April 28, 2020, 11:06:29 AM »
Can we have less text please.

A lot of people are online during these isolation times and we need to save on bandwith. Try to get your point across in 300 characters or less. Thank you.

Good point. I will try to keep this in mind. Being concise has not been my strong suit, (85 characters).


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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3396 on: April 28, 2020, 11:21:27 AM »
Good point. I will try to keep this in mind. Being concise has not been my strong suit, (85 characters).

You write some good stuff Prime. But no one has an attention span past 3 sentences anymore- a lesson I learned from writing on the net, haha.


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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3397 on: April 28, 2020, 11:29:03 AM »
You write some good stuff Prime. But no one has an attention span past 3 sentences anymore- a lesson I learned from writing on the net, haha.

That is sad. Twitter is partially to blame.


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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3398 on: April 28, 2020, 11:44:35 AM »
I've heard this said before.  If this is really happening on a large scale [and not just rarely, or by accident], then that is definitely problematic.

Another thing to consider:

The COVID deaths we are seeing are deaths from a virus that currently has no vaccine, whereas the deaths from the flu are deaths that would otherwise be much higher if no vaccine existed.  So comparing the death counts of each is not an apples to apples comparison.

That being said, the COVID deaths are also at their current number with large scale lock downs in place, and perhaps the COVID deaths would be significantly higher without said measures.  We won't be able to adequately measure this until more time passes and we have more data to analyze.  I still think this virus is being blown out of proportion.

As far as I can tell, those dying under 70 of this virus generally have preexisting conditions.  I'm not yet convinced that COVID is a major risk for the younger segment of the population, or people who are healthy, with strong immune systems, who are not obese, who do not smoke, etc.

But seriously [back to the original point] - if people who die WITH COVID are all being classified as dying FROM COVID, that is extremely disingenuous, and needs to be accounted for in future analyses of the true mortality rate of this virus.

That reminds me of the saying "All men will die with prostate cancer, but not all men die from prostate cancer".


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Re: Coronavirus - We are all screwed - discuss
« Reply #3399 on: April 28, 2020, 11:58:47 AM »
That reminds me of the saying "All men will die with prostate cancer, but not all men die from prostate cancer".

Interesting saying if not strictly accurate. Some of us lucky guys whose prostate cancer is detected early on and who elect to have a radical prostatectomy become prostate cancer free. So unless I grow a replacement prostate, I will die sans prostate cancer.