Author Topic: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?  (Read 12363 times)

Walter Sobchak

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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #100 on: February 02, 2021, 08:15:25 PM »
@Vince - can you weigh in on Matt's good looking cock.


Pretty cock....Matt believes he has a very pretty cock.


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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #101 on: February 02, 2021, 08:27:11 PM »

Matt is strong for his size. Full credit there. However, why resort to local strongman contests instead of building up your physique? All that strength and not much in the way of muscle to show for it.

For a guy who had a bodybuilding site I have to say you still have to pay your dues as a bodybuilder. Get a bigger upper body and good legs and you might improve your self respect. When you do that

you won't have to post on Getbig to demonstrate how smart or strong or anything else that you wannabe.

Very good post/question here, Vince. Thank you very much for this post. This is the type of legitimate respectful post that is also critical of my progress that I can appreciate. Also, it's nice coming from a man like you who has never hidden behind a computer screen. So thank you for this.

I was 163-lb there. I lost about 4-lb that day due to outdoor dehydration.

As to why I remain so small... honestly, I'm just a major hypochondriac. I'm rational enough to know I'm a hypochondriac, but I'm nevertheless very concerned about taxing the processes of my body, and dying young.

I suppose my biggest fear is:

May I be a person who only has a 50-year lifespan in the cards? If I want to take years off an already potentially low genetic lifespan?

In 2005, I read the studies on rats on caloric-deprivation diets. 2005 was also around the time pro bodybuilders started dying [Sonny Schmidt, Don Youngblood, Paul Demayo, and others]. And I became concerned - almost scared to put on size.

Shoot - not ALMOST. I am scared to put on size.

Again, pure hypochondria.

Also...I don't know what your stats were when you won Mr. Canada. We're you 5'10" and 190-lb?

THAT is a physique to strive for.

But I'm not DELUSIONAL. I know I can't look like you because I don't have your genetic structure. With some gear I could very well get to a similar size and condition, but I would never have your shape.

So, being realistic about my potential [or lack thereof], and being competitive in the CAASA 175-lb division...I figure:

Why not be 175-lb, as lean and healthy and strong as I can be at that weight, and not delude myself into thinking I can be something I'm not.

Someone I know says I can get to 250-lb on enough gear...but my stomach balloons up once I hit 185-lb. I'm sure on gear, I could have a leaner stomach until a bit heavier than that...but I find my stomach is pretty good when I'm lighter, but is one of my "trouble" areas as I put on size.


Again, I don't know what stats you were when you won Mr. Canada. But if I'm not mistaken, you were under 200-lb. A physique like that would turn the heads of probably 90% of women in any mall, now in 2021. I imagine this effect was even more pronounced in 1970.

And look what else, Vince - here you are, still robust, strong, healthy, and ALIVE.

You could have no doubt juiced up to 250-lb, following Pete Grymkowski's cycle advice. You CHOSE to reach a level of muscularity that did not compromise your aesthetics, nor apparently compromise your health.

I'd like very much to emulate what you did, obviously within the constraints of my own genetic potential.

IMO, I believe I can be 175-lb, pretty lean, and competitive in my weight class in Canadian strongman, while not compromising my health or risking injury.

Also, if I've come across like I'm stronger than anyone here, I apologize. I consider myself pretty strong and fit for my size, but I have NEVER claimed to be better than some of the freaks on here.

Shoot - look at tommywishbone. The dude probably squats my max for 20 reps, and he's over 50.

Getbig will humble the best of us. But it does bother me when people call me out, but refuse to verify their own lifts.

And Walter Sobchak calling me a bad father...I literally wouldn't say that to my worst enemy. I have no clue what I did to him to make him say something so wretched to me.

I ramble a lot - but THANK YOU, Vince, for posting specific comments and criticisms about me. I'll always respect anyone who does that. Especially a gentleman like yourself who doesn't hide behind a fake screen name.

Vince B

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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #102 on: February 02, 2021, 08:59:41 PM »
Hi Matt. About longevity, diet, and training. I honestly haven't seen any evidence about large muscles shortening anyone's life. Doing that strongman stuff is hardly beneficial for health in old age.

Demonstrating strength might be good for the ego but it is a dangerous thing to do to the body, especially the knees, hips and spine. If you continue to do heavy bench pressing you will eventually damage your shoulders.

So here is a challenge. Try to put an inch on your arms in one month. No drugs, just training twice each week. Don't do any other training. Just arms.

Just pick one effective exercise for each muscle. Then do a pyramid and when you reach your maximum for 10 to 15 reps do several sets with the maximum weight. Supersets of course.

Once you learn how to make muscles grow quickly you can then apply what you know to other body parts.

Btw, I was 190 at 5-9 1/2. Best lifts: 270 press, 525 dead, 470 squat, 410 bench, 182.5 curl, 202 lbs pinch grip one hand.


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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #103 on: February 02, 2021, 09:00:54 PM »
Hi Matt. About longevity, diet, and training. I honestly haven't seen any evidence about large muscles shortening anyone's life. Doing that strongman stuff is hardly beneficial for health in old age.

Demonstrating strength might be good for the ego but it is a dangerous thing to do to the body, especially the knees, hips and spine. If you continue to do heavy bench pressing you will eventually damage your shoulders.

So here is a challenge. Try to put an inch on your arms in one month. No drugs, just training twice each week. Don't do any other training. Just arms.

Just pick one effective exercise for each muscle. Then do a pyramid and when you reach your maximum for 10 to 15 reps do several sets with the maximum weight.

Once you learn how to make muscles grow quickly you can then apply what you know to other body parts.

What about his pretty cock?


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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #104 on: February 02, 2021, 09:04:53 PM »

Pretty cock....Matt believes he has a very pretty cock.

Should I post a shot? My cock is 6.45", with uniform thickness, good head to shaft ratio.

Picture Peter North's cock, but 2" shorter.

Would I take a half inch on my cock? Yeah sure. Just like how I'd rather be 5'10" than 5-8-and-a-half.

But hey - we play the cards we're dealt, right? I guess God or Nature/The Universe made me a manlet with nice hair and teeth instead.

But here's a story for you:

My former friend Ben Thompson is a strongman contest promoter in town. He also competed in the "Static Monsters" contest in Australia a few years back.

I have him $5,000 to promote local contests in 2016, and another $5,000 CAD in 2017 [$205 USD].

Anyway, one day he told me there was a contest in 20 days. He needed a grand from me. At the time, I was dealing with general family issues, and couldn't devote to training for and competing in, filming, and paying for a contest after already giving $5,000 that year.

So what happened?

He removed me from Facebook friends, and we haven't spoken since.

And what, pray tell, was my crime? Having family issues to attend to? Was five grand not generous enough?

See - you talk on here like whenever you go through these types of issues, they are no big deal. And I believe you when you say you get over things faster than I do. They you dwell on things less, that you move on faster, etc.

But I've done so much for some people only to be spit on. And it's like - and I think this applies to everyone - but the more we do for people, I feel the more we get taken for granted.

So yeah - here I am living a White Trash life in my room, or on my couch watching TV. I've gotten in trouble so many times for just trying to help, I'm just sick of it all.

Once I was the designated driver for my friend. I was clearly driving his car, HE was clearly drunk. I had ALL my documents. And we got pulled over because HE wasn't wearing his seatbelt.

He didn't have his insurance and ownership in his car. So what happened?

I got a caution ticket, and was given 72 hours to present his documents or face a $180 fine.

Tell me, Walter - do you think that made me want to be a good Samaritan, and be a designated driver ever again?

And that's why I am in this current state. That police officer KNEW I was the DD. I was sober - my friend was drunk. I was driving a car registered in his name. I had ALL my documents. My friend didn't. My FRIEND was not wearing his seatbelt while I was.

The officer should have been happy to see a sober friend driving his friend home, so he wouldn't have to drive drunk.

Oh...and my friend lived 20 minutes away from me. So not only did I go out of my way to safely drive him home - I had to walk 20 minutes back home after doing it.

And all I got from it was a caution ticket, which could have cost me $180.

So tell me, Walter - why bother?

I spent my entire life doing things for others. But lately, I haven't done Jack. I just hell myself.

It's a depressing existence on one hand...but at least I don't need to worry about getting in trouble for simply trying to help.

You said I'm mentally and emotionally weak. Close. I'm mentally and emotionally DEFEATED.

Every time I get in trouble despite doing nothing wrong, I find myself saying "What's the point?"

So I spend my days alone at home watching YouTube.

I hope one day my positive mindset returns. But as far as I'm concerned, I'm spiritually dead.

As for being physically weak...I think it's safe to say you and I have different definitions of "weak".

In fact, if gyms were open now, I'd be my lifetime strongest. Roughly 315/405/495 [bench/squat/deadlift]. Not bad for 175, IMO.


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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #105 on: February 02, 2021, 09:19:23 PM »
What about his pretty cock?

Ron Jeremy [IMO, he is guilty of the rape charges he is accused of, and has been in jail for almost eight months now] = ugly cock.

Peter North = pretty cock.

Just dicks are gross. Look at Hershel Savage's stubby gross mushroom tip dick. Fucking gross.

My dick is a smaller version of Peter North's dick.


If I send you a pic of my dick, can you confirm its size and aesthetics to Getbig?

Speaking of dicks:

I do think bigger is better for women...but only to a point.

My friend's penis is 7.75", and his girlfriend said there was no way it was fitting in there. My cock is 6.45", and I've only had issues with being too big for two women, out of [I think] 23 that I slept with. I feel like a slut even being with 23 women. It may even be 26. Fucking disgusting.

To be fair, I've been single most of my life, and I sleep with about three women every two years. That's not THAT bad for a single man. I hate feeling like a slut though. I LOVE eating women's pussies though. So add another 25 for women whose pussies I ate.

But back to dick size:

IMO, if 7.75" is too big for some [most?] women, I'd say 7" is probably ideal.

Maybe I'm biased because I'm close to 7" myself...but I think 7" sounds about right.

And I do think having an aesthetic looking dick is a good thing to, to women.

I should probably post a pic of my nice STIFF aesthetic cock on here.

Honestly, I hate being called out.

The problem is, even if I bench 355x2 at 175 body weight, some on here will still say I'm weak.

How about I make this point clear:

I am NOT claiming to be remotely among the strongest Getbiggers. Tommywishbone is over 50, and both squats AND deadlifts over 500x10. I consider myself strong for a 170 pounder, but I am NOT in the league of guys like Tommy and others, nor did I say I was.

And then there's wes - this dude was 60 with a better physique then the majority of 20-year-old athletes.

I'm in decent shape - but I'm not delusional. I know my position on the hierarchy both here, and in the outside world.

Vince B

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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #106 on: February 02, 2021, 10:38:35 PM »
Anyone who thinks they have to post a photo of their privates on a discussion forum are beyond help! No one can help them.

Matt, please completely stop responding to everyone who posts to or about you. That is a good rule for surviving around here.

You just dig a deeper hole for yourself and even a team of oxen won't get you out.

Walter should be ashamed of what he is doing to an autistic dude. How can any civil person think stirring such people is amusing?


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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #107 on: February 02, 2021, 10:40:40 PM »
Anyone who thinks they have to post a photo of their privates on a discussion forum are beyond help! No one can help them.

Matt, please completely stop responding to everyone who posts to or about you. That is a good rule for surviving around here.

You just dig a deeper hole for yourself and even a team of oxen won't get you out.

Walter should be ashamed of what he is doing to an autistic dude. How can any civil person think stirring such people is amusing?

Stop beating around the bush.  The topic at hand is Matt's aesthetic cock.  Your thoughts please sir.


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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #108 on: February 03, 2021, 12:38:16 AM »
Matt: All Getbiggers are liars who brag about their wealth, sexual prowess, cock and strength.

Also Matt: I have a 600k home (and countless bitcoins), have slept with 23 or 26 women, a beautiful cock and am one of the strongest men in Canada.


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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #109 on: February 03, 2021, 12:45:49 AM »
I know a dude on the spectrum and he's on FB crying about the injustice of not getting enough questions pertaining to his favorite subject, music, on some Quiz game he played with peole on there. No one was consciously fucking with him but he thought it was unfair lol.

Matt, we can cry about injustices but fundamentally the world just is, it is just as it should be, or can be. We may not like it but these are the conditions we have to operate within.

Someone I follow on social media who has been shut down due to being viewed as ideologically dangerous, has an interesting positive approach and way of looking at things, at 6:30...

The following questions the value of arguing emotional subjects online.


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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #110 on: February 03, 2021, 06:25:20 AM »
Anyone who thinks they have to post a photo of their privates on a discussion forum are beyond help! No one can help them.

Matt, please completely stop responding to everyone who posts to or about you. That is a good rule for surviving around here.

You just dig a deeper hole for yourself and even a team of oxen won't get you out.

Walter should be ashamed of what he is doing to an autistic dude. How can any civil person think stirring such people is amusing?

The hell are you talking about?

We all had to when we joined this forum.


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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #111 on: February 03, 2021, 06:26:28 AM »
nono youre still crazy  :D :D

Let’s not get carried away now....



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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #112 on: February 03, 2021, 06:29:45 AM »
Let’s not get carried away now....

Would love to be carried away by Henda whilst resting on Hendas Hairy Chest

Dave D

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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #113 on: February 03, 2021, 07:12:59 AM »
What has happened in this thread?

Matt is talking about how various penis’s are pleasing to look at and then he’s offering to post photos of his own because he doesn’t like to be called out...... The legitimately gay members on here aren’t even this gay.

The covid lockdown was more dangerous than the virus itself. It has pushed him over the edge.


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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #114 on: February 03, 2021, 07:54:40 AM »
What has happened in this thread?

Matt is talking about how various penis’s are pleasing to look at and then he’s offering to post photos of his own because he doesn’t like to be called out...... The legitimately gay members on here aren’t even this gay.

The covid lockdown was more dangerous than the virus itself. It has pushed him over the edge.

As an observer one would think most men on this site are involuntarily celibate, haven’t had sex in years, perverted, would sexually prey without legal consequences, and/or homosexual.

Walter Sobchak

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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #115 on: February 03, 2021, 08:14:17 AM »
Anyone who thinks they have to post a photo of their privates on a discussion forum are beyond help! No one can help them.

Matt, please completely stop responding to everyone who posts to or about you. That is a good rule for surviving around here.

You just dig a deeper hole for yourself and even a team of oxen won't get you out.

Walter should be ashamed of what he is doing to an autistic dude. How can any civil person think stirring such people is amusing?

We haven’t seen soggy old Basile get this excited since he was bragging about taking photos of the shirtless German lads down at Bondi Beach.

Matt, I think you definitely need to send Basile 20-30 pics of your “pretty cock”.


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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #116 on: February 03, 2021, 08:16:19 AM »
What has happened in this thread?

Matt is talking about how various penis’s are pleasing to look at and then he’s offering to post photos of his own because he doesn’t like to be called out...... The legitimately gay members on here aren’t even this gay.

The covid lockdown was more dangerous than the virus itself. It has pushed him over the edge.

why would a straight man offer to send cock pics to OMR?  :-\

Walter Sobchak

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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #117 on: February 03, 2021, 08:19:44 AM »
Matt: All Getbiggers are liars who brag about their wealth, sexual prowess, cock and strength.

Also Matt: I have a 600k home (and countless bitcoins), have slept with 23 or 26 women, a beautiful cock and am one of the strongest men in Canada.

There is a beautiful simplicity to this post, well done, maybe work in how he is “never wrong about math” next time?



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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #118 on: February 03, 2021, 08:25:19 AM »


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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #119 on: February 03, 2021, 08:41:02 AM »
For a guy who had a bodybuilding site I have to say you still have to pay your dues as a bodybuilder. Get a bigger upper body and good legs and you might improve your self respect. When you do that you won't have to post on Getbig to demonstrate how smart or strong or anything else that you wannabe.[/color]

Dear Mr. Basile.

Matt clearly needs guidance. Would it be possible for you to take him under your wing in a kind of mentorship role?


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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #120 on: February 03, 2021, 09:06:06 AM »
As an observer one would think most men on this site are involuntarily celibate, haven’t had sex in years, perverted, would sexually prey without legal consequences, and/or homosexual.

OMW can turn any straight man Homersimpsual with a mere glance.


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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #121 on: February 03, 2021, 02:08:47 PM »
What has happened in this thread?

Matt is talking about how various penis’s are pleasing to look at and then he’s offering to post photos of his own because he doesn’t like to be called out...... The legitimately gay members on here aren’t even this gay.

The covid lockdown was more dangerous than the virus itself. It has pushed him over the edge.

I've known Matt for a very long while. He's gone over the edge a number of times....the place where his mind resides is razor thin.


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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #122 on: February 03, 2021, 05:38:35 PM »
The hell are you talking about?

We all had to when we joined this forum.

That's right, Kwon.


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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #123 on: February 03, 2021, 05:46:23 PM »
OMW can turn any straight man Homersimpsual with a mere glance.

Have you ever considered finding a real-life woman? Wouldn’t it be better than combing the internet for pictures of stranger women?


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Re: Can Rich Cooper save Matt C?
« Reply #124 on: February 03, 2021, 05:49:04 PM »
Have you ever considered finding a real-life woman? Wouldn’t it be better than combing the internet for pictures of stranger women?

No.  Pictures can't talk back.