Author Topic: Professional Bodybuilders Have Average / Below-Average Genetics  (Read 23944 times)


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Re: Professional Bodybuilders Have Average / Below-Average Genetics
« Reply #75 on: April 27, 2006, 04:38:27 AM »
So it's a "black thing"?... ;D

  It seriously is ;D. I've never heard a white guy make the claim.


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Re: Professional Bodybuilders Have Average / Below-Average Genetics
« Reply #76 on: September 20, 2006, 09:18:16 PM »
I think it is ridiculous to say that genetics not important in bodybuilding.  This is BS.  I don't understand why it is so hard for people to accept the role of genetics.  Everyone says "oh it is all about drugs".  On the professional level obviously steroids play a huge part.  I also hear everyone always saying how the only way these guys got to be the best BBers in the world is JUST drugs.  But why do people conveniently forget about genetics and their role in BB.  When it  comes to genetics for BB it determines everything muscle shape, muscle size, size of your waist, width of your clavicles, metebolism, etc.  Some people are born very smart, some very dumb, some fat, some skinny, some with muscles that don't grow, and some with muscles that grow easily.  Do people actually think a man that can bench press 700lbs or squat 900lbs started out as the weakest person in their high school gym class and then just took some juice to turn them into a powerlifting beast.  I highly doubt it they were almost certainly the strongest people in school when they were teenagers.

I think people that think it "is all about the drugs" and disregard genetics are jackasses that just can't accept the facts and make excuses for the way they look and say stupid shit like "I could look that way if i was on as much drugs as Ronnie or Jay". Wake up and smell the coffee, NO you couldn't! Well that is unless u have great genetics.

Matt C

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Re: Professional Bodybuilders Have Average / Below-Average Genetics
« Reply #77 on: September 20, 2006, 09:25:10 PM »
Most of all, genetics are important for shape and structure.  Isn't there a saying for IGF-1 that it doesn't take genetics, but makes genetics?


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Re: Professional Bodybuilders Have Average / Below-Average Genetics
« Reply #78 on: September 20, 2006, 09:26:10 PM »
I think the whole "genetic" argument that is thrown up constantly by "bodybuilders" is really a way of saying "I wouldn't be shit without drugs and I know it...but I would never admit it."  I know a guy here locally who's trying to be a pro and attibutes everything to genes.  I guess it's too bad his "genes" hit him everywhere but his back...


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Re: Professional Bodybuilders Have Average / Below-Average Genetics
« Reply #79 on: September 20, 2006, 09:26:18 PM »
I grow tired of bodybuilding publications attributing fast muscle growth to superior genetics in order to avoid mentioning the prevalence and importance of steroids. From my perspective, the outstanding majority of athletes with truly superior genetics do not necessarily get involved with competitive bodybuilding in the first place. Young kids with athletic potential are pushed in the direction of football, basketball, hockey, baseball, track & field, etc (basically all of the mainstream sports that public schools or private academies provide).

From my perspective, if bodybuilders were the creme de la creme of genetics that they stubbornly insist they are, they would have been real professional athletes. Bodybuilding is sort of an activity turned hobby turned profession that anybody at any level can pick up, whereas with competitive collegiate and professional athletics only the best genetic freaks will be ushered in that direction by discerning coaches and recruiters.

To start, I am not impressed with the young photos of Ronnie, Jay, Chris, etc. They were average, relatively lean kids. If you were to take a sampling of the top 10% youth from any public or private academy, they would have easily put Cormier, Cutler, etc. to shame. Don't even get me started on Nasser, Don Youngblood, Cicherillo, etc. before they were involved in the sport. Obviously there are some exceptions (Arnold, arguably Dorian).

I'm not saying genetics play no role. Bodybuilders always cite that each individual will react differently to an AAS regimen, but this is anecdotal at best because only a small majority have seriously dabbled with the concentrations and dosages necessary to build a pro-calibur physique. And come to think of it, when one thinks of how the AAS market is saturated with counterfeit gear, there simply isn't a large enough sample size to draw a conclusion as to how the average Joe would respond on gear compared to Prince, Cicherillo, etc.

Personally, I think genetics is a crock of shit, similar to the bodybuilding eating fraud. You don't eat 400g of protein daily to build muscle. Its the exact opposite correlation. You eat 400g of protein a day to maintain newly hypertrophied muscle. Of course a guy like Ronnie Coleman needs an insane amount of food, he is over 300 freaking pounds of pure muscle! I think the same issue applies to genetics. Bodybuilding is forced to point the finger at something other than steroids for obvious reasons.

The average natural lifter, in his lifetime, will never put on 10% of the muscle a seasoned veteran can put on in a single offseason. People are only so dumb and recognize that stuffing yourself with food will only give you indigestion and eventually make you fat, so voila, he must be a genetic freak to put on so much quality muscle in such a short period of time. Even though the average man will never administer over 40 injections of bodybuilding substances, painkillers, and poisons, hell even if he did, he would not be Ronnie Coleman! (thats the logic apparently).

You can point to training, but the average Division III college football player trains inordinately harder than the average IFBB pro. Look at Bob Cicherillo. He says you can be "hardcore" training on the Cybex row machine! Give me a f*cking break! There are innumerable athletes who train extraordinarily hard on a regular basis and will never acquire enough muscle to even compete at the National level. The only variable that is absolutely unique to professional bodybuilders is their gear regimen, it is that simple. You have football players and average men out there eating boatloads of food, training for hours on end, busting their asses with the heaviest weights they can manage.

Lastly, it is not a secret that many who become actively involved in bodybuilding have Napoleon complexes. Outstanding physical genetics would never lead to an internal feeling of inferiority or insufficiency to this extent.
Bodybuilders, on average, are shorter and stumpier than usual and not particularly attractive relative to average citizens.

In conclusion, I am just stating my opinion and hope to facilitate some discussion on this topic.
I find it extremely cynical that professional bodybuilders who spend 1000s of dollars on pharmaceuticals readily assume that 95% of the population could not build a comparable physique even if they took an equivalent amount of gear. Its an ignorant assumption and its completely unfounded because most are unable or unwilling to take the requisite measures. Even those that are may struggle to find legitimate gear because the market is absolutely flooded with completely counterfeit shit or vet-grade shit that leaves huge, warm, pussy abscesses.

How do you explain Jordan sucking at baseball?


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Re: Professional Bodybuilders Have Average / Below-Average Genetics
« Reply #80 on: September 20, 2006, 09:49:18 PM »
Baseball is a game of SKILL moreso than athletic ability, just like golf.  Jordan's body was made for the basketball court...his ability to read a curveball out of the pitcher's hand was non-existent.

Poor comparison.

I guarundamntee you that there are several guys in the NFL right now that could be Mr. Olympia if they were to quit playing football, work out religious, take gear out the wazzoo and dedicate their life to bodybuilding.  Not just one but SEVERAL.


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Re: Professional Bodybuilders Have Average / Below-Average Genetics
« Reply #81 on: September 20, 2006, 09:53:00 PM »
If steroids dont work and it al depends on genetics.....then why is it that there are some female bodybuilders that put a lot of "natural" men to shame?

Women dont secrete testosterone as much as men. Tell me why is it that female bodyduilders make the common men and some enhanced men bodybuilders look like sh*t?

You say steroids dont work for every man and all the steroids in the world will not enhance any man to have an Olympia physique or a national level physique  .....explain why it works for women then,  and why it doesnt wrk for "some" men ....because they arent geneticaly gifted?  You gotta be kiding me...steroids and GH do work.....

Its almost nearly impossible for bodybuilding women to build as much muscle as a man naturally because their bodies do not produce as much testosterone as men...yet, when they do take some sort of anabolic substance, they become freakin muscular! For those of you that say its just genetics that determines how big youll become then explain to me why women bodybuilders are huge if its all based on genetic superiority?

Either the guy juicing isnt working out hard or heavy enough or he isnt taking the right stuff....

And as for sports...we know that Gh and steroids are prevelent in the pros.....hence why some are "gentically" enhances their performance....


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Re: Professional Bodybuilders Have Average / Below-Average Genetics
« Reply #82 on: September 21, 2006, 03:19:19 AM »
Zeratul has to be the dumbest person I have seen on this board  :D

I enjoy reading your posts though. Cracks me up.  :D

Get real homie. You're dumber than your mama thought. Stop hating on the pros you sound like a jealous bitter skrawny kid.


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Re: Professional Bodybuilders Have Average / Below-Average Genetics
« Reply #83 on: September 21, 2006, 04:20:34 AM »
Yes they are regarding the abilty for muscular hypertrophy. Whether or not this is an actual good thing (regarding evolution) is an entirely different argument.

It's not only how you initally look, but how you also respond to training and drugs. They are each significant.
Great point there! When people are talking about "good genetics for bodybuilding", that's what they're referring to. No one is suggesting that bodybuilders are superhuman genetically BUT for their chosen sport they are! There are great athletes in other sport have the  gifts of speed, agility and eye hand coordination but putting on tons of muscle is NOT necessarily one of them. There are some great basketball players but with the long muscles and bones, you could give them tons of roids and with the exception of 1 or 2 they would not  put on the amount of muscle that a pro bodybuilder would. NFL linemen would be size monsters but they wouldn't have the aesthetics or ability to get the low bodyfat that bodybuilders have. It just seems like any chance someone gets to diminish the accomplishments or ability of Pro BB's brings some strange sense of satisfaction on a board that supposed to support them.
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Re: Professional Bodybuilders Have Average / Below-Average Genetics
« Reply #84 on: September 21, 2006, 04:44:18 AM »
If steroids dont work and it al depends on genetics.....then why is it that there are some female bodybuilders that put a lot of "natural" men to shame?

Women dont secrete testosterone as much as men. Tell me why is it that female bodyduilders make the common men and some enhanced men bodybuilders look like sh*t?

You say steroids dont work for every man and all the steroids in the world will not enhance any man to have an Olympia physique or a national level physique  .....explain why it works for women then,  and why it doesnt wrk for "some" men ....because they arent geneticaly gifted?  You gotta be kiding me...steroids and GH do work.....

Its almost nearly impossible for bodybuilding women to build as much muscle as a man naturally because their bodies do not produce as much testosterone as men...yet, when they do take some sort of anabolic substance, they become freakin muscular! For those of you that say its just genetics that determines how big youll become then explain to me why women bodybuilders are huge if its all based on genetic superiority?

Either the guy juicing isnt working out hard or heavy enough or he isnt taking the right stuff....

And as for sports...we know that Gh and steroids are prevelent in the pros.....hence why some are "gentically" enhances their performance....

i chose to quote you for no particular reason so dont get all offended on me,,,

people on this board want to be considered bodybuilers yet they still believe santa is real. you have only ONE SINGLE WAY TO GROW AS A BODYBUILDER,,this way is called hormones.

it is about time you understand once and for all that the reason branch look like he is all made out of hormones while lacour looks more "natural" has nothing to do with the question wether they use drugs. they both use drugs and lots of drugs. we all use drugs. no drugs = no bodybuilding

the reason some look more "on" than others involve genetic response to steroids, the use of anti-estrogens and the smart knowlegable use of the right hormones at the right time for the right purpose. (some bodybuilders are smarter and more experienced than other bodybuilders when it comes to the intake of drugs)

when you enter a gym and see a little bodybuilder take his gatoradepowder drink and bcaa powder in the locker room and think this is the way he put on mass,,,you are severly mistaken. it is 80-90% the drug youre on and the calories that you eat that make you,,as a bodybuilder,, grow.

genetics will determine the muscle shape and how tall you are and how wide your actual bone frame will be. this is the only thing genetics does for you. you can have the best shape muscles in the world but it wont help you if you are 180lb at 5'10 while the guy next to you is 210lb at 5'10 with ordinary muscle shape and same bf% as you.

your genetic response to steroids is important,,especially if you aim at getting your pro card,, but be sure that every one respond to steroids and respond well to them. when i say everyone i mean guys who train seriously and have few years of serious training before jumping in.

the process of gaining muscle on hormones is quite simple,,,but inorder for it to work to the max you gotta have legit hormones, you gotta know what youre doing in the calorie department more than in the gym,,and most important you gotta know when to get off! and on again. it is very important at the beggining stages of steroid use to take some breaks so you can grow better. (first 3 years is very important) past the third and forth year you become very femiliar with your body and you can play a lot more with the time you are on and control it according to your mental state and needs.

people got to understand that this sport is built 90+% on hormones,, it is called body BUILDING. but it is not diff from any other sport around,,,infact it is harder because you gotta know what youre doing on a regular basis 24/7even when you eat shit you gotta know your body well so you know what shit your body likes and respond well to,,,

you are right football players are all using hormones and so are majority of baseball players and many other athletes,,i dont see anything wrong with that because they all use it and have the means and connections to get it so they all compete at the same level and this is also true for majority of bodybuilders.

when you start at 205lb and finish after 2 months at 245-250lb,,,ONLY then you understand how much of a huge part sport drugs are in a bodybuilder's life.
by the way,, you wont get those 40lb from british dragon "gear" or from "swisher labs" ;) but part of being a bodybuilder is learning it by yourself from your own mistakes. age 28-32 is where everything come together for the average competetive bodybuilder.

fallen angel


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Re: Professional Bodybuilders Have Average / Below-Average Genetics
« Reply #85 on: September 21, 2006, 04:43:27 PM »
gh15..... I respect you for your honesty.

I enjoyed reading your post.....


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Re: Professional Bodybuilders Have Average / Below-Average Genetics
« Reply #86 on: September 21, 2006, 05:25:41 PM »
GH15, you are a visionary. I always re-read your posts because you have so much real information to share and no BS. Thanks!

Matt C

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Re: Professional Bodybuilders Have Average / Below-Average Genetics
« Reply #87 on: September 21, 2006, 06:32:42 PM »
when you enter a gym and see a little bodybuilder take his gatoradepowder drink and bcaa powder in the locker room and think this is the way he put on mass,,,you are severly mistaken. it is 80-90% the drug youre on and the calories that you eat that make you,,as a bodybuilder,, grow.

Exactly what I've been saying.  Nutrition and gear are far and away the most important aspects of bodybuilding - far more important than genetics and training.

by the way,, you wont get those 40lb from british dragon "gear" or from "swisher labs" ;) but part of being a bodybuilder is learning it by yourself from your own mistakes. age 28-32 is where everything come together for the average competetive bodybuilder.

I disagree about the British Dragon gear.  My source told me it's the gear that gets the best reviews and my friend is on it and has responded very well.