Author Topic: Matt C. Cycle Update.  (Read 146475 times)


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #100 on: July 08, 2022, 12:18:39 AM »
Matt, you have to prepare food that tastes good.Take someone shopping with you to get more food that is enjoyable to eat. Snacks, yummy meals, etc.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #101 on: July 08, 2022, 12:51:35 AM »


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #102 on: July 08, 2022, 01:13:37 AM »
That is complete bullshit, Matt. There is no way you consistently remained on anything that low for anywhere near that long. And speaking honestly, you're fat. Not seriously fat, but clearly a little overweight. You either go through periods of binge-eating or you're just writing nonsense.

When I was young and ignorant about diet, I'd do a few weeks max on around 900-1000 calories to make weight. It damn near killed me. I was ripped to the bone and barely had the strength to walk around. Even when I brought it up to around 1200 my body was still in an extremely depleted state and I'd get the most ridiculous cravings. (No, not for cock. I'd eat huge amounts of chocolate and things like that as soon as I finished competing).

Firstly, I take your comment about my caloric restriction as a COMPLIMENT, Phantom.

Yeah, all that Strongman contest footage of me on YouTube: done on ZERO calories. At most, half a bottle of Gatorade and a granola bar.

AND I was filming the events for all the other guys. So in the ~45 minutes between events while all the other guys were cooling off in the competitor tent, I was in the hot sun behind my camera on no calories.

I'm VERY durable, Phantom - and I require next to no calories to function.

Bear in mind we only need ~800 calories daily to get all of our nutrients for good health.

The only proof I can offer you are screenshots of my blood work results for my thyroid function. The first is from 2017, and the second one is from last month. The third one explicitly ruled out autoimmune disorders, and definitively medically proved that my high TSH [slow thyroid] was exclusively caused by low calories.

How else can I prove this?

I'll make a bet with you right now - since I have no idea where my webcam is, for the cost of a new one, I'll livestream myself for 72 HOURS for you.

I'll eat nothing, I'll RAPIDLY post on Getbig, I'll solve the Rubik's Cube over and over, and I'll do online typing tests, intelligence tests, or math tests in the BLINK OF AN EYE on ZERO calories calories, 30-50-70 hours.

I'll bet you ANY MONEY on that.

I can't explain why I am this right. I just assume our appetites and energy needs are assigned to us with our lungs and our pancreas.

As for me being fat - yes I am. But I think you're failing to realize how massively fat the average Canadian is.

Lots of eyes have been on me lately. I'm not saying I'm in good shape for bodybuilding standards or presumably compared to you - but to the average Canadian, I am a highly in-shape man.

And no, I don't binge - keep in mind my walking around is 170-lb at 16-18% body fat or whatever I am.

I absolutely eat less than the average teenage girl. Not just some days - all the time. And this 5-year consistent slow thyroid proves that, IMO.

That said, I'd be willing to fast for up to 120 hours for you on video. Give me one piece of fish, and one slice of bread.

There will be a ZERO decline in my energy.

I'm telling you - I'm durable.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #103 on: July 08, 2022, 01:29:18 AM »
^ All those results are consistent with someone not eating.

Why tax the processes of our bodies by eating massive quantities of food, and shitting and pissing and farting and burping all day?

Fuck that.

As for why I'm still fat despite not eating - it stands to reason that my body would desperately hold onto fat stores after 18 years of restricted calories.

Eating is overrated. So I have ONE medical result outside of the normal range [high TSH] which, if left uncorrected on its current trajectory, will require me to be on thyroid medication by age 67.  ::)

Who gives a fuck? Would it be better if I eat mass quantities of my shit food, and get diabetes?

I also have a 1.18 BILLION sperm count and drop loads like Peter North.  ;D I offered to send a video of that to OneMoreRep to confirm that, but he declined. I can send it to Primemuscle on Facebook though.

I am happily willing to confirm anything I claim.

I'm not claiming to have spectacular genetics - I mean, fuck, my ONLY good muscle group is shoulders and MAYBE triceps.

But I am a unique specimen in some ways. Very sturdy. Very durable. I don't need food or water to function.

I trained with the JTF-2 during my time in the Canadian Army. I was even commended by my prime minister.

I can prove all this.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #104 on: July 08, 2022, 01:36:12 AM »

I find it fascinating that Australians eat their national animal.

Then again, I've eaten my share of beaver in Canada, so I shouldn't talk.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #105 on: July 08, 2022, 01:37:50 AM »
You may be right about drug free bodybuilding being a fruitless pursuit, if your hormones are not primed for muscle building.
You may have lower amount of testosterone and gh, but that doesn't mean natural bodybuilding isn't possible.
I have a friend with paper thin skin and crazy biceps peaks at 30 inch waist.
He had naturally very high testosterone and estrogen.
Estrogen gave him very slim waistline.
I don't know how the hell he have such thin skin with all his fibers showing year around.
If one's hormones are not in favour of muscle building it is really frustrating, and since you can see the massive difference how high testosterone effects you mentally and physically, it is really depressing actually.
I suspect my response to training would change massively if I had more favourable hormone levels.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #106 on: July 08, 2022, 01:37:59 AM »

"2-Book Bundle"


Saved. Shared.  ;D


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #107 on: July 08, 2022, 01:46:20 AM »
Gotten the urge to reacquaint yourself with pussy after getting on the gas Matty?

Phantom Spunker

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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #108 on: July 08, 2022, 01:53:06 AM »
Firstly, I take your comment about my caloric restriction as a COMPLIMENT, Phantom.

Yeah, all that Strongman contest footage of me on YouTube: done on ZERO calories. At most, half a bottle of Gatorade and a granola bar.

AND I was filming the events for all the other guys. So in the ~45 minutes between events while all the other guys were cooling off in the competitor tent, I was in the hot sun behind my camera on no calories.

I'm VERY durable, Phantom - and I require next to no calories to function.

Bear in mind we only need ~800 calories daily to get all of our nutrients for good health.

The only proof I can offer you are screenshots of my blood work results for my thyroid function. The first is from 2017, and the second one is from last month. The third one explicitly ruled out autoimmune disorders, and definitively medically proved that my high TSH [slow thyroid] was exclusively caused by low calories.

How else can I prove this?

I'll make a bet with you right now - since I have no idea where my webcam is, for the cost of a new one, I'll livestream myself for 72 HOURS for you.

I'll eat nothing, I'll RAPIDLY post on Getbig, I'll solve the Rubik's Cube over and over, and I'll do online typing tests, intelligence tests, or math tests in the BLINK OF AN EYE on ZERO calories calories, 30-50-70 hours.

I'll bet you ANY MONEY on that.

I can't explain why I am this right. I just assume our appetites and energy needs are assigned to us with our lungs and our pancreas.

As for me being fat - yes I am. But I think you're failing to realize how massively fat the average Canadian is.

Lots of eyes have been on me lately. I'm not saying I'm in good shape for bodybuilding standards or presumably compared to you - but to the average Canadian, I am a highly in-shape man.

And no, I don't binge - keep in mind my walking around is 170-lb at 16-18% body fat or whatever I am.

I absolutely eat less than the average teenage girl. Not just some days - all the time. And this 5-year consistent slow thyroid proves that, IMO.

That said, I'd be willing to fast for up to 120 hours for you on video. Give me one piece of fish, and one slice of bread.

There will be a ZERO decline in my energy.

I'm telling you - I'm durable.

LOL, Matt, I'm not failing to consider how fat the average person is. I'm not making a comparison. Yeah, most people in Canada and the UK are fat cunts. However, pre-COVID lockdowns you spent your life in the gym and sauna. You really did all that consistently for years on around 1000 calories, AND failed to have a decent six pack? Something's not right.

I'm sure you could lay on a couch for 72 hrs and rely on minimum calories. We all could do that. That's not living, though. You shouldn't even have that amount of time to waste now, given that you're trying to rebound from a lapse in mental health. You've committed to this goal of looking better now, and you've started a cycle. I don't get why you don't take it seriously and stop with the silly eating.


'I trained with the JTF-2 during my time in the Canadian Army. I was even commended by my prime minister.'

You really need to stop saying this. It's embarrassing to read. You did not train with them. You may have taken part in some large exercise in which different military units participated in their own respective roles; however, that's vastly different. You weren't doing what they were doing, you weren't interacting with them, sat in ops rooms with them, or participating with them in any way. Everyone who's ever been in the military knows how this stuff works.

As for the commendation, wasn't that something general and in relation to guard duties at the Olympics (or some other sporting event in your own country)? You realize that during your time of service, men and women died fighting in actual wars, and many of the commendations given out then were for bravery shown under extreme circumstances? Why do you find any pride in your commendation?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #109 on: July 08, 2022, 01:57:40 AM »
You may be right about drug free bodybuilding being a fruitless pursuit, if your hormones are not primed for muscle building.
You may have lower amount of testosterone and gh, but that doesn't mean natural bodybuilding isn't possible.
I have a friend with paper thin skin and crazy biceps peaks at 30 inch waist.
He had naturally very high testosterone and estrogen.
Estrogen gave him very slim waistline.
I don't know how the hell he have such thin skin with all his fibers showing year around.
If one's hormones are not in favour of muscle building it is really frustrating, and since you can see the massive difference how high testosterone effects you mentally and physically, it is really depressing actually.
I suspect my response to training would change massively if I had more favourable hormone levels.

Since growing wise to how drugged up the pro bodybuilding industry is, I looked at natural bodybuilding as hopeless for everyone.

I look at someone like Kevin Levrone as just having fuller muscle bellies. His biceps insert virtually right on his elbow joint. Or the Quads of Tom Platz or Jeff King - pure genetics. Bestowed upon them by God/nature. Simple as that [I feel].

Most IFBB pros have muscle in places where normal people don't have muscle.

Ronnie Coleman had muscle in places where people don't have PLACES.

And as you said - thin skin and thin waists. That's also genetic.

Though I am less convinced than you that any of these pros have particularly high natural hormones helping them much. I mean, didn't Nasser popularize the concept of 10g of Testosterone weekly as a base? Didn't Dallas McCarver's autopsy show he was something like 15-25g weekly in total gear? Or am I fudging that?

Why would it matter if either of their natural testosterone is triple mine when they're on supraphysiological doses like that?

I'd say the difference lies in muscle structure / body shape. As Nasser said, you can't turn a chihuahua into a pitbull. These pros just seem to me to have greater muscle fiber density than most people.

THAT, to me, was the genetic advantage. Not hormone levels, which will be well below a beginner cycle even for the highest test man.

My testosterone has always midrange. And it's slightly lower now, I assume mostly due to malaise and mental reasons. That's probably why I've kept my thick hair, and not lost a single follicle by 40. Due to not having high testosterone.

But here's the deal: steroids won't make me gain muscle fiber in my chest, or increase my biceps muscle bellies.

I simply have no muscle fiber concentration to grow to begin with. Hence, bodybuilding was always useless to me, natural or not. Combine that with no appetite, and I was never going to succeed in this endeavour.

I trained for strength, and had good results with that. I've never remotely been injured despite pure shit form for years, could make progress from workout to workout, and didn't need to employ the dietary discipline of competing bodybuilders.

On top of that, it kept me in good health, and feeling well.

There's a reason why I never pursued bodybuilding in any form: I had no potential there.

And that's ok. We're good at what we're good at.

That said, any time I'm at the pool at my gym, I think to myself there are many people with much worse muscle genetics than me. But I'd still never claim I have potential in bodybuilding.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #110 on: July 08, 2022, 02:07:33 AM »
Gotten the urge to reacquaint yourself with pussy after getting on the gas Matty?

How did you know this?

Yes, I have a date next week. I called my ex-girlfriend from the phone at a second facility I train at once weekly, and she told me she works out there. So I went the next day, and didn't see her - but I did bump into another woman I've always had a penchant for. She gave me her number, and she'll be coming over next week.

I'm very lucky. I wasted so much time being antisocial and worrying about stuff outside of my control. But everything is coming back now.

This month is make or break for me. I feel I will either fully recover, or end up a misanthropic shut-in forever.

I feel I'm 85% of the way to getting back to normal though.

And I'm glad you guessed that, Costanza. Yes, I will be fucking next week if all goes well.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #111 on: July 08, 2022, 02:17:14 AM »
How did you know this?

Yes, I have a date next week. I called my ex-girlfriend from the phone at a second facility I train at once weekly, and she told me she works out there. So I went the next day, and didn't see her - but I did bump into another woman I've always had a penchant for. She gave me her number, and she'll be coming over next week.

I'm very lucky. I wasted so much time being antisocial and worrying about stuff outside of my control. But everything is coming back now.

This month is make or break for me. I feel I will either fully recover, or end up a misanthropic shut-in forever.

I feel I'm 85% of the way to getting back to normal though.

And I'm glad you guessed that, Costanza. Yes, I will be fucking next week if all goes well.

Good shit Big Chief that's the way.

Humble Narcissist

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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #112 on: July 08, 2022, 02:19:10 AM »
How did you know this?

Yes, I have a date next week. I called my ex-girlfriend from the phone at a second facility I train at once weekly, and she told me she works out there. So I went the next day, and didn't see her - but I did bump into another woman I've always had a penchant for. She gave me her number, and she'll be coming over next week.

I'm very lucky. I wasted so much time being antisocial and worrying about stuff outside of my control. But everything is coming back now.

This month is make or break for me. I feel I will either fully recover, or end up a misanthropic shut-in forever.

I feel I'm 85% of the way to getting back to normal though.

And I'm glad you guessed that, Costanza. Yes, I will be fucking next week if all goes well.
Don't put pressure on yourself like a time limit.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #113 on: July 08, 2022, 02:19:56 AM »
I agree most of your points Matt, but natural hormone production is also an important factor, and but ofcourse anybody can juice get optimum muscle building hormone levels artificially, but as you said you cannot change muscle shape, muscle length, attachments and frame.
I just wanted to state that some people tend to think it is not possible to build 18 arms naturally, it is very rare but possible if you have the right genetics.
The problem is, anti-drug stance give hope to everybody,
Correct way of putting this should be something like, and most people with mediocre genetics can build 18 arms and 50 inch chest with drug assistance,
but only genetic elite could dream such measurements without assistance.
People should be better informed about what an avarage person can achieve without assistance.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #114 on: July 08, 2022, 02:27:20 AM »
LOL, Matt, I'm not failing to consider how fat the average person is. I'm not making a comparison. Yeah, most people in Canada and the UK are fat cunts. However, pre-COVID lockdowns you spent your life in the gym and sauna. You really did all that consistently for years on around 1000 calories, AND failed to have a decent six pack? Something's not right.

Have you considered that my genetics suck?

I have a Ronnie Coleman shitty 4-pack from what I can tell, with a major delineation in my abs - there's no potential there.

I have about two inches of lower stomach fat that I can grab, and my stomach is major problem area for fat.

When I have tried to get my stomach lean in the past, I end up losing too much muscle by proportion. I assume there is possibly some solution here, but I have a pretty flat stomach and smallish waist, and I'm fine with that.

My guess is that my body adapted to low calories by holding on to that stomach fat. Also, FYI - as a 130-lb teenager in grade 12, I had that bit of stomach fat. As I said, it's my problem area.

I'm sure you could lay on a couch for 72 hrs and rely on minimum calories. We all could do that. That's not living, though. You shouldn't even have that amount of time to waste now, given that you're trying to rebound from a lapse in mental health. You've committed to this goal of looking better now, and you've started a cycle. I don't get why you don't take it seriously and stop with the silly eating.

You're absolutely right. I guess once the states and compliments came back, and after fucking a woman on basically my first night out in a year, my motivation dwindled to pre-cycle levels.

I mean, if my goal is to get compliments and blowjobs, and that's already happening, why bother with completing the cycle to the level I originally planned? The desired outcome is already.

I think you're fooling yourself if you think you need to be leaner than me to get attention. And assume that you are leaner than me, and know full well the attention that garners.

Though I did set a goal here, and the quality of gear I have is obviously good, so I SHOULD follow through with this...


'I trained with the JTF-2 during my time in the Canadian Army. I was even commended by my prime minister.'

You really need to stop saying this. It's embarrassing to read. You did not train with them. You may have taken part in some large exercise in which different military units participated in their own respective roles; however, that's vastly different. You weren't doing what they were doing, you weren't interacting with them, sat in ops rooms with them, or participating with them in any way. Everyone who's ever been in the military knows how this stuff works.

As for the commendation, wasn't that something general and in relation to guard duties at the Olympics (or some other sporting event in your own country)? You realize that during your time of service, men and women died fighting in actual wars, and many of the commendations given out then were for bravery shown under extreme circumstances? Why do you find any pride in your commendation?

The commendation was for participation in the G8 Summit in Kananaskis in June 2002. It was considered the highest probability of another terrorist attack after 9-11, and was a "Red Alert" zone [oh brother  ::)].

That said:

[1] I was 19 on 9-11, and 20 by the time I was at the G8.
[2] In hindsight, it was probably the SAFEST place in the world at the time, but how would I know that at that age? In my mind, I was definitely doing something brave. And the JTF-2 training was in May of 2002 for my Mountain Ops course. It wasn't years of my life - but it was two months.

Remember - I was only an army reservist, not regular force. far as that goes, I'm proud of my time in. I'm not comparing myself to Wiggs here. I know it's not the same thing.

But, to be sure - I was a fit soldier.

As I said, I'm just sturdy. I'm sure there are some things I would be good at - bodybuilding is just not one of them.

As for my calories, they may go up to 1,500 on days, but I can promise you, I'm NEVER higher, unless I'm forcing calories in.

That said, I'm largely inactive.

If I had a 9 to 5, I would probably need considerably more calories.

Perhaps that's the major difference allowing me to eat so little.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #115 on: July 08, 2022, 02:29:40 AM »
I agree most of your points Matt, but natural hormone production is also an important factor, and but ofcourse anybody can juice get optimum muscle building hormone levels artificially, but as you said you cannot change muscle shape, muscle length, attachments and frame.
I just wanted to state that some people tend to think it is not possible to build 18 arms naturally, it is very rare but possible if you have the right genetics.
The problem is, anti-drug stance give hope to everybody,
Correct way of putting this should be something like, and most people with mediocre genetics can build 18 arms and 50 inch chest with drug assistance,
but only genetic elite could dream such measurements without assistance.
People should be better informed about what an avarage person can achieve without assistance.

Fantastic post.

Yes - it's very deceiving. I hate that we are brainwashed into this.

I'm not sad I pursued weight training. I had ok results. But had I known I did not have very much potential, I may have never started training.

So...hey...maybe the deception and lies got me to pursue something fruitful, even though the results were much lower than I was led to believe they would be?


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #116 on: July 08, 2022, 02:39:05 AM »
Good shit Big Chief that's the way.

I can't wait to eat that snatch.  ;D

The last one [three Tuesdays ago] did not let me.

I'm going to be disappointed if she's shaved though. It wasn't until I was well into my thirties that I realized that the whole shaved vulva thing turns me off.

I mean, why is it hot to groom your genitals to look like that of a child?  ??? :-X

Hopefully she has at least a little fuzz down there.

Vince B

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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #117 on: July 08, 2022, 02:42:13 AM »
Does this guy have any potential for big muscles? Does he have the genetics?


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #118 on: July 08, 2022, 02:44:11 AM »
Don't put pressure on yourself like a time limit.

Ten long years I've been waiting to get in that snatch.

Oh, you meant my mental health?

Yes. Great post.

It has to stop now though, Humble. I can't go everyday not wanting to exist ever again. Not wanting to die - but not wanting to exist.

They may or may not be the same thing. I have neither the confidence of religious people nor strong atheists on existential questions.

If I come out of this, I will NEVER fall in love again and let a psychotic woman destroy me. Other than that, I can only have so many checks and balances in my life. Things do not always go perfectly.

But I may finally look forward to living again. And I do feel that is very close now.

I've basically medically ruled out all physical causes. Now knowing for certain that it's mental - I should be ok.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #119 on: July 08, 2022, 02:44:54 AM »
Does this guy have any potential for big muscles? Does he have the genetics?

Yes, long muscle bellies, look at his bizep's.
Don't know who that is..


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #120 on: July 08, 2022, 02:47:05 AM »
Does this guy have any potential for big muscles? Does he have the genetics?

His biceps insert almost directly onto his elbow joint. His chest is better than mine, and he probably hasn't even trained a day in his life there.

So I'd say yes, for sure.

Way more potential than me at least.

I have good shoulders. As they are essentially the only thing exposed in a tank top other than arms - I'm at peace with that. But I have almost no potential elsewhere.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #121 on: July 08, 2022, 03:04:03 AM »
Does this guy have any potential for big muscles? Does he have the genetics?
Great Larry Scott lacked height and frame but he made it up with amazing muscle bellies, he had one of the best "whole" arm genetics, great shoulder roundness and thickness, good calves.
We can only speculate about his hormone levels for natural bodybuilding, but from his before pictures, I suspect he wasn't lacking natural production to build muscle.
They show Larry Scott example for lousy genetics, well he may be the lower end of the genetic elite but he was still way above average geneticwise.
It is not much different to show a 5' 9" NBA player and say it is possible to be a great basketball player, I guess that 5' 9" guy have insane coordination skills, olympic level explosiveness and out of this world work ethic.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #122 on: July 08, 2022, 03:33:01 AM »
From what I can see, I'm technically in ketosis:

I fear for your cloudy piss, myself

In 2014, brainwashed by vegan assholes, I reduced meat and could not find anything in the vegan diet suitable for my palate.

So now I've got this vision of you in a darkened room, strapped to a chair at all points, including a cranial brace, while hairy-armpitted wimmin vegans in sustainable hemp clothing blast hippy music at you while dancing around in strobe lighting, pushing c0ck shaped veggies into your mouth over and over again despite your struggles...

"Is this safe to eat..?"
"I don't know"
"Is this safe to eat..?"
"I don't know"
"Is this safe to eat..?"
"I don't know, I swear..."
"Is this safe to eat..?"
"I do.. No, no please - NOOOOO *gumph*"

Looks like the cops have kicked your door down in the middle of the night and have you under arrest ;D

Vince B

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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #123 on: July 08, 2022, 03:34:21 AM »
If we were training in a gym and a skinny guy like that walked in and said he wanted to do bodybuilding we would laugh to ourselves. My point is we don't know what our genes contain for building large muscles. In Matt's case he has built impressive shoulders. Well his training and interest in strongman contests have given him what you see in the photos. Why can't he build his arms and legs up as well? It is essential that he change how he trains. Forget about doing bench presses and standing presses or dumbbell presses. Find arm exercises that work. I have worked out several effective arm exercises. Only experience can make a difference. Of course if one is convinced he can't build big arms I doubt he ever will.

I remember young Burke Kirby at UBC in 1965. He had 16 1/4 inch arms and boy did he train his arms. We asked him what was more important, 18 inch arms or graduating from UBC. He said getting big arms was more important. That is the kind of thinking that might produce good results. Negative ideas like one doesn't have the genetics except for shoulders won't deliver big arms.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #124 on: July 08, 2022, 04:14:41 AM »