Author Topic: Matt C. Cycle Update.  (Read 148850 times)


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1575 on: August 25, 2022, 04:24:17 AM »


Can you photo that to be slightly more realistic? Maybe +2 inches on my current arms and legs + lats?


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1576 on: August 25, 2022, 04:36:02 AM »

This is how I was expecting Matt to look like with PED's & Bodybuilding
Training .


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1577 on: August 25, 2022, 06:29:49 AM »

Maybe 405 for 11-12-13 will be harder than I thought. And without any body weight behind me, I should be happy with that.

I'd be content with a 405x12 deadlift video. I have a 410x9 on video, and I'd like to record all of my max lifts while I can still get them.

Strength is the last thing to leave an athlete. And more than one Getbigger has claimed to have gotten even stronger while into their fifties, which I find impressive.

Thanks for complimenting my deadlift form. It was much worse before. But I do get relatively little hamstrings activation when I do it. So that may be a way to up my deadlift by 50-lb if I can do that.

But I'm Strongman, all that matters is the lockout, which is why I'm never had the incentive to refine my form.

That's cool that you bench pressed 165-lb dumbbells, and cool that we are the same age, lol.

I find it strange that people make fun of wes' age, when the average Getbigger age is 65.  ;D

I think you'll get at least 15.  I just imagine those last 5 to get 20 are going to be extremely high heart rate savagery.  I was very conditioned for higher rep sets when I did the 15 I mentioned.  Even then, it would have been at least 10 minutes of lying down after, for sure.

I did try a bit of shoulder pressing by the way.  Pretty shit at 35kg dbs onwards.  I've made it a higher priority than benching, I'll see if I can bring it up.  I've never really pursued it.  I don't generally enjoy shoulder pressing but I do enjoy the idea of getting some free strength gains. 


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1578 on: August 25, 2022, 06:37:17 AM »


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1579 on: August 25, 2022, 07:08:13 AM »
GRAPE APE: if you are reading this, I can use your immediate assistance and expertise with respect to chest training.

At my strongest, I did a single with 345, and could do 25 reps with 225.  My chest still looked like garbage. Unfortunately, I have very poor chest genetics - do you know how wes has that "shelf" look to his chest? I think he also has natural pec lines, which make his chest look big at any level of mass. Mark Wahlberg has great pec lines, and his chest looks impressive even at literally 138-lb, as he was in Boogie Nights!

Classic Getbigger Bast also has a chest that basically goes into his armpits. My chest has none of these genetic advantages. The photo of me below is from 2007, and I was bench pressing roughly 325 at that time, with a chest that inferior! Meanwhile, look at wes' superior chest.

My question for you, Grape Ape: should I even bother improving my chest in any serious way this late in the game, or should I dedicate such massive efforts to areas that I actually see results?

I would still be training chest hard, but in terms of trying to bring my chest up, with my poor genetics, is the juice worth the squeeze?

Obviously I'm not Grape Ape, but....

I don't see any inclines in your chest routines. Nor do I see any dips. You may want to emphasize them and cut back the flat benches for a while.

Or, you can do pre-exhaust supersets, where you do flyes immediately followed by some form of pressing movements (flat or incline).

Try that for a month or two.

Grape Ape

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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1580 on: August 25, 2022, 07:43:21 AM »
Obviously I'm not Grape Ape, but....

I don't see any inclines in your chest routines. Nor do I see any dips. You may want to emphasize them and cut back the flat benches for a while.

Or, you can do pre-exhaust supersets, where you do flyes immediately followed by some form of pressing movements (flat or incline).

Try that for a month or two.

I didn't see the post until you quoted it.

Personally, I would say to not care.  I was in the same boat as Matt in that context, as my best bench was a 325 single, and 225 at 18, 240 at 13, etc, but had shitty chest development as well.  It's all about muscle insertions and shape, and you have that, or you don't.

BUT, if he wants to take a shot at it - try the advices others have already given here:  Pull the shoulders back, do slow, controlled reps with constant tension, and feel the chest squeeze at the top on any movement chosen.  I don't think the exercise choice matters as much.  Don't worry about strength or numbers, just use a weight that enable this type of training.  It's the bodybuilder pump type stuff.

Or, really, just don't care. If your shoulders grow instead, it's fine.  It's still a good look.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1581 on: August 25, 2022, 07:58:59 AM »

This is how I was expecting Matt to look like with PED's & Bodybuilding
Training .

You know...arms are not my strength, but I feel I have a sort of...aesthetic look to my arms. They are pretty round.

I have an Ironage shot of biceps from 2010. I was pleased with the aesthetic of my arms.

On that note, I do prefer my current look to my natural one. That said, I am not willing to strongly compromise my health for a look. I'm willing to make some adjustments to try to be the best 185-190 I can be - with a keyword being SUSTAINABLE. Note how I tend to always look the same - that's to both be identifiable to those who know me, and also because I want to have a lifestyle and look that is sustainable...I don't see see the point of getting a certain look only briefly, then to look nothing like that. I did it this time because the Canadian fake pandemic response was a disaster, and ruinous to my mental health. I needed to start feeling better fast, and steroids made if happen. And I'd be shocked if I even use 60x 25mg Anadrol tablets at this point.

But one thing I found is that I do prefer this look. So I may spend this winter doing a few nutrition and training tweaks to see what I can get naturally. That said, I am of the mindset that no amount of natural training will allow me to duplicate certain aspects. Again, it's just the way my physique comes alive while on juice - it doesn't happen naturally. It would easily take ten months to achieve naturally what I can achieve in one month of Anadrol.

I can tell you - I do want to juice again next summer, and do it properly next time. No wussy little 15mg of Anadrol. With a proper test base and 3,000+ calories, I would hit 220-lb, easily. concerns may prevent that.

Here's what's funny: whether be walking around in a tank top, or Big Ramy doing it, I'm getting probably 90% of the attention. And since YES, that is part of why I'm doing it - why take the health risk going to 220, when I achieve 90% of the result I want at 200...or maybe even 190?

That said - it's not JUST about the compliments. I would like to see how I'd look at 220, for my own interest...though I'm slightly concerned that weight would be a bit taxing on my system...but I really like the way my delts pop out of my tank top once I hit 200 while on PED's. It's a really cool look. Just seeing the muscle popping off a small, ectomorphic frame. I've always liked that look, and it would be a kick go see that at 220. concerns may prevent me from doing a 2023 cycle. So I may just strive for that natural 185-190, and see how that looks.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1582 on: August 25, 2022, 08:10:58 AM »
Thank you, good sir.

I feel like I'm on so little that it shouldn't matter much.

One local competitor who has been advising me has said PCT is unnecessary - not just for my current mini-cycle, but in general. He said I can recover on my own, and that I would just be adding more chemicals to my body for no good reason. Do you have a view on PCT?

I did take a full 10 days off in July, and I didn't notice any mental effects. As Anadrol can definitely be felt in 10 days, is if safe to say that any adverse post-cycle effects could also be felt by that time?

I may be drinking Fireball whiskey tonight. I've already taken three days off Anadrol, which is an extra day more than I usually go, but I'm thinking taking a 25mg Anadrol + four shots of whiskey may be unnecessarily risky.

Am I worrying over nothing, or would taking another day off from Anadrol be wise, just to avoid the hepatotoxic effects of combining methylated steroids with alcohol?

My mind immediately comes up with things to do in your scenario. But it involves more drugs, so... :D

But if someone had done a oral only cycle of Anadrol I'd advice a farewell shot of Sustanon. Could take a good dose, 750mg. It would smooth out the comedown. The Sust would give supraphysiological levels for a couple of weeks and then a small taper. With orals you go from fully juiced to zero in a matter of hours.

Whether PCT does anything in the long run is debatable, hard to say. But if I had HCG I would do 500iu twice weekly for maybe 2 months. Clomid and Nolva I wouldn't touch. I see very few negatives with a low dose of HCG like this.

Non-steroid anabolic drugs would come in handy. Clenbuterol is slightly anabolic and promotes a leaner physique and increases strength. MK-677 is an OTC drug in many countries and is extremely effective in increasing appetite, increases water retention which increases strength. It will be slightly anabolic as it drastically increases IGF-1.

Creatine would be a given lol. People laugh but the stuff is worthwhile.

A day of drinking on steroids is unlikely to destroy your health. It's when you make it a habit that problems appear. Many drinkers routinely pop liver toxic pain killers against hangover or whatever. You think Arnold and Franco skipped the wine because they were on Dianabol?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1583 on: August 25, 2022, 08:11:14 AM »
I think you'll get at least 15.  I just imagine those last 5 to get 20 are going to be extremely high heart rate savagery.  I was very conditioned for higher rep sets when I did the 15 I mentioned.  Even then, it would have been at least 10 minutes of lying down after, for sure.

I did try a bit of shoulder pressing by the way.  Pretty shit at 35kg dbs onwards.  I've made it a higher priority than benching, I'll see if I can bring it up.  I've never really pursued it.  I don't generally enjoy shoulder pressing but I do enjoy the idea of getting some free strength gains.

I do think that is an attainable lift for me.

Full disclosure: I have never deadlifted 405x15. But I've gotten pretty close, while drug-free, and at or around/under 190-lb body weight.

I just learned that Derek Poundstone eventually got a 405x36 deadlift:

He originally got 405x26, and that made me think it would be unrealistic for me to aim for 405x20 at under 185-lb body weight.

I mean, 405x26 was hard for Poundstone, and I believe he was about 310-330 when he did it.

But Derek hitting 405x36 later made me second guess my second guess.  ;D

It's funny how seeing other people hit certain lifts make us think it can be done.

That said - NO, lol. 405x15 is the goal. I mean, look - 405x12 is just muscle memory. No major worries there. Not an easy lift, but...muscle memory.

So then the question becomes whether or not I can add a few reps on an already hard lift, and do it at age 40+? And ideally, at under 185-lb once I come off the sauce, just to make it an impressive feat.

And my answer is...I think so.  :)

And that will be a damn cool lift to get. 405x20 for a manlet would be even better, but I'm going to really enjoy getting 15 reps, if I manage it.

Like that 225x25 bench video - I'm glad I captured it. It's just a good video to have, because I feel it shows that, love me or hate me, no one can deny that I train hard.  :)

Thanks for the support on this, rocket. I'm going to look into hot female Registered Massage Therapists in town, to schedule the day after I attempt that pull, LOL.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1584 on: August 25, 2022, 08:33:11 AM »
Obviously I'm not Grape Ape, but....

I don't see any inclines in your chest routines. Nor do I see any dips. You may want to emphasize them and cut back the flat benches for a while.

Or, you can do pre-exhaust supersets, where you do flyes immediately followed by some form of pressing movements (flat or incline).

Try that for a month or two.

This is why I asked Grape Ape.  ;D

He's more realistic.

He doesn't buy into the notion that any of us can become Ronnie Coleman as long as we train hard and take Joe Weider's Dynamic Muscle Builder, Life Essence, and Metabolic Pack, and use the Weider "Rest-Pause" principle, and the "Weider Instinctive Principle" [also known as COMMON SENSE - OR TRAINING WHATEVER MUSCLE FEELS MOST RECOVERED ON ANY GIVEN DAY].

Grape Ape will just cut to the bottom and say "Nah, your chest sucks, and if it was going to grow, it would have happened already. Just train hard, try not to worry about it too much, and hope for the best."

It's you who always talks about how we can achieve whatever look we aim for if we train hard.

This is not true. I have strong shoulders to be sure, a decent aesthetic to my arm, and a little more broadly - I have a reasonably good overall aesthetic for a normal fit/athletic looking person. But I am NOT a bodybuilder, and the potential is not there.

Bodybuilders can have maybe two weak points. Like how King Kamali had weak arms and legs, but had an incredible back. Nasser's back was not great, but everything else more or less was. Dorian had not the greatest arms, but everything else was good.

And then Ronnie - He had strong *everything*. His abs shape was not good, and he "only" had 20" calves...but almost everything was strong.

For me - literally the only muscle group I have with IFBB potential from what I can tell is my delts. I lack sufficient muscle fiber everywhere else, and I am not convinced that hyperplasia is a real thing. I like my overall aesthetic, but I am not built for size. However, I am sturdy, and with anabolics, I feel I can maintain a 3x body weight deadlift, 2x body weight bench press, and 2.5x body weight squat, as my weight goes up [I can more or less get those numbers naturally, at 170].

And that's good.

I appreciate having fairly robust physical genetics, and never getting injured - at least yet.

But MCWAY, you need to stop with this notion that training tweaks will give me a chest. If I got to bench pressing 315 for reps, and looked as it I never bench pressed a day in my life, I'm not going to get a good chest if I make a few changes. Not IMO.

My chest is a sunken treasure - let's be real here.

Grape Ape is real - that's why I asked him, and not you.  ;D Because I sort of wanted to be told it be wasn't possible. That said, I will continue to train my chest hard. I just don't expect *that* know? 😕


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1585 on: August 25, 2022, 08:33:31 AM »
I didn't see the post until you quoted it.

Personally, I would say to not care.  I was in the same boat as Matt in that context, as my best bench was a 325 single, and 225 at 18, 240 at 13, etc, but had shitty chest development as well.  It's all about muscle insertions and shape, and you have that, or you don't.

BUT, if he wants to take a shot at it - try the advices others have already given here:  Pull the shoulders back, do slow, controlled reps with constant tension, and feel the chest squeeze at the top on any movement chosen.  I don't think the exercise choice matters as much.  Don't worry about strength or numbers, just use a weight that enable this type of training.  It's the bodybuilder pump type stuff.

Or, really, just don't care. If your shoulders grow instead, it's fine.  It's still a good look.

Actually, you both have the right idea. What I learned is is that it's indeed about strength. Matt needs to get his CHEST stronger.

In other words, when he benches (or dips or whatever exercise he does), the PECS have to do the work for them to grow.

Stronger pecs are bigger pecs. That's why I suggested the pre-exhaust routine.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1586 on: August 25, 2022, 08:39:31 AM »
Big arms and shoulders are more impressive than chest anyways Matt, so who cares. And yes I would try and get some hcg after ending this cycle. And honestly I would do the same cycle every summer if I were you and just add some calories each summer and walk around big and full for 3-4 months out of the year. Prob wouldn’t hurt you much at these low doses and done once a year.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1587 on: August 25, 2022, 08:44:03 AM »
I didn't see the post until you quoted it.

Personally, I would say to not care.  I was in the same boat as Matt in that context, as my best bench was a 325 single, and 225 at 18, 240 at 13, etc, but had shitty chest development as well.  It's all about muscle insertions and shape, and you have that, or you don't.

This is the answer is I was looking to read.  ;D And yeah - I know we shouldn't seek out what we want to read/hear, but... it's not like I haven't worked very hard in the past to bring up my chest. I mean, it should be at the very least *better* than it has been.

It's legitimately that I get little to no development at all. It just seems like a lost cause...

My chest looks ok after chest day, and if say for instance, I go for a dip at my gym's pool directly after working chest, at least for that single moment in time I have the pecs that I always wanted. But they are temporary - as seen in this video:

But literally right now - being that today is Chest Day, and it's been one of week since I last trained it - my pecs are as flat as a pancake. 😕

Like I said - my chest pumps are ok, and I'll accept that. From what I can tell, that's the best I'll be getting.

BUT, if he wants to take a shot at it - try the advices others have already given here:  Pull the shoulders back, do slow, controlled reps with constant tension, and feel the chest squeeze at the top on any movement chosen.  I don't think the exercise choice matters as much.  Don't worry about strength or numbers, just use a weight that enable this type of training.  It's the bodybuilder pump type stuff.

Or, really, just don't care. If your shoulders grow instead, it's fine.  It's still a good look.

Good stuff.

You know - since my goal is to see about getting that 225x30 bench press, I'm not focused on my all-time 1RM right now. At least for now, I will be able to apply those principles you listed above.

I'll have to consciously remind myself of them...but that will be the best thing for me right now. I'll just throw in that 225 for reps set in there, but otherwise stick with your outlined principles.

And hey - if I see a touch of improvement from month to month...I just might keep applying them, and forget about max strength.

Thanks Grape! 🍇


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1588 on: August 25, 2022, 08:46:05 AM »
This is why I asked Grape Ape.  ;D

He's more realistic.

He doesn't buy into the notion that any of us can become Ronnie Coleman as long as we train hard and take Joe Weider's Dynamic Muscle Builder, Life Essence, and Metabolic Pack, and use the Weider "Rest-Pause" principle, and the "Weider Instinctive Principle" [also known as COMMON SENSE - OR TRAINING WHATEVER MUSCLE FEELS MOST RECOVERED ON ANY GIVEN DAY].

Grape Ape will just cut to the bottom and say "Nah, your chest sucks, and if it was going to grow, it would have happened already. Just train hard, try not to worry about it too much, and hope for the best."

It's you who always talks about how we can achieve whatever look we aim for if we train hard.

This is not true. I have strong shoulders to be sure, a decent aesthetic to my arm, and a little more broadly - I have a reasonably good overall aesthetic for a normal fit/athletic looking person. But I am NOT a bodybuilder, and the potential is not there.

Bodybuilders can have maybe two weak points. Like how King Kamali had weak arms and legs, but had an incredible back. Nasser's back was not great, but everything else more or less was. Dorian had not the greatest arms, but everything else was good.

And then Ronnie - He had strong *everything*. His abs shape was not good, and he "only" had 20" calves...but almost everything was strong.

For me - literally the only muscle group I have with IFBB potential from what I can tell is my delts. I lack sufficient muscle fiber everywhere else, and I am not convinced that hyperplasia is a real thing. I like my overall aesthetic, but I am not built for size. However, I am sturdy, and with anabolics, I feel I can maintain a 3x body weight deadlift, 2x body weight bench press, and 2.5x body weight squat, as my weight goes up [I can more or less get those numbers naturally, at 170].

And that's good.

I appreciate having fairly robust physical genetics, and never getting injured - at least yet.

But MCWAY, you need to stop with this notion that training tweaks will give me a chest. If I got to bench pressing 315 for reps, and looked as it I never bench pressed a day in my life, I'm not going to get a good chest if I make a few changes. Not IMO.

My chest is a sunken treasure - let's be real here.

Grape Ape is real - that's why I asked him, and not you.  ;D Because I sort of wanted to be told it be wasn't possible. That said, I will continue to train my chest hard. I just don't expect *that* know? 😕

There are good bodybuilders that have worse genetics than you. You could've been very impressive but it would have taken a lot of effort. Your delt and arm dominance wouldn't necessarily be a hindrance, it can look real aesthetic even if the chest lags. Look at Lee Priest. He had arms and then all the rest a level or two below.
Kamali had NOTHING except the back.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1589 on: August 25, 2022, 08:51:11 AM »
This is why I asked Grape Ape.  ;D

He's more realistic.

He doesn't buy into the notion that any of us can become Ronnie Coleman as long as we train hard and take Joe Weider's Dynamic Muscle Builder, Life Essence, and Metabolic Pack, and use the Weider "Rest-Pause" principle, and the "Weider Instinctive Principle" [also known as COMMON SENSE - OR TRAINING WHATEVER MUSCLE FEELS MOST RECOVERED ON ANY GIVEN DAY].

Grape Ape will just cut to the bottom and say "Nah, your chest sucks, and if it was going to grow, it would have happened already. Just train hard, try not to worry about it too much, and hope for the best."

Yet, Grape Ape basically agreed with me and everyone else who has GIVEN YOU ADVICE, that you CONTINUE to IGNORE.

You've been told REPEATEDLY that your form is suspect. But, you're too hard-headed to listen, unless people tell you just what you want to hear.

Your pecs aren't doing the work. That's probably why they aren't growing in relation to the rest of your body.

It's you who always talks about how we can achieve whatever look we aim for if we train hard.

This is not true. I have strong shoulders to be sure, a decent aesthetic to my arm, and a little more broadly - I have a reasonably good overall aesthetic for a normal fit/athletic looking person. But I am NOT a bodybuilder, and the potential is not there.

Bodybuilders can have maybe two weak points. Like how King Kamali had weak arms and legs, but had an incredible back. Nasser's back was not great, but everything else more or less was. Dorian had not the greatest arms, but everything else was good.

And then Ronnie - He had strong *everything*. His abs shape was not good, and he "only" had 20" calves...but almost everything was strong.

Try that again. It's YOU who always whine about not having this or that. But, when someone gives you advice that takes you out of your comfort zone, you get all butt-hurt about it.

For me - literally the only muscle group I have with IFBB potential from what I can tell is my delts. I lack sufficient muscle fiber everywhere else, and I am not convinced that hyperplasia is a real thing. I like my overall aesthetic, but I am not built for size. However, I am sturdy, and with anabolics, I feel I can maintain a 3x body weight deadlift, 2x body weight bench press, and 2.5x body weight squat, as my weight goes up [I can more or less get those numbers naturally, at 170].

And that's good.

I appreciate having fairly robust physical genetics, and never getting injured - at least yet.

You're not "built for size", because you EAT LIKE A TEENAGE GIRL!! All of those bodybuilders you mentioned have genetics, train hard, take anabolics.....AND EAT TONS OF CALORIES to get big. Even before they started using steroids, they ate like no tomorrow.

But MCWAY, you need to stop with this notion that training tweaks will give me a chest. If I got to bench pressing 315 for reps, and looked as it I never bench pressed a day in my life, I'm not going to get a good chest if I make a few changes. Not IMO.

My chest is a sunken treasure - let's be real here.

If you're bouncing the bar off your ribs and letting your delts and tris take too much of the loads, you can do 315 for a thousands reps and have lackluster pec development. Again, been there and done that!!

When I focused more in inclines and dips and did flat bench last (and when I did flats, I kept my grip wide to hit more pec and less shoulder), my chest improved. It does without saying that my poundages went up as well. Stronger pecs equal BIGGER PECS, especially when you're putting away the groceries.

Grape Ape is real - that's why I asked him, and not you.  ;D Because I sort of wanted to be told it be wasn't possible. That said, I will continue to train my chest hard. I just don't expect *that* know? 😕

What you wanted was Grape Ape to join your pity party. At the risk of speaking for him, I think he declines.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1590 on: August 25, 2022, 09:16:11 AM »
My mind immediately comes up with things to do in your scenario. But it involves more drugs, so... :D

But if someone had done a oral only cycle of Anadrol I'd advice a farewell shot of Sustanon. Could take a good dose, 750mg. It would smooth out the comedown. The Sust would give supraphysiological levels for a couple of weeks and then a small taper. With orals you go from fully juiced to zero in a matter of hours.

Whether PCT does anything in the long run is debatable, hard to say. But if I had HCG I would do 500iu twice weekly for maybe 2 months. Clomid and Nolva I wouldn't touch. I see very few negatives with a low dose of HCG like this.

Non-steroid anabolic drugs would come in handy. Clenbuterol is slightly anabolic and promotes a leaner physique and increases strength. MK-677 is an OTC drug in many countries and is extremely effective in increasing appetite, increases water retention which increases strength. It will be slightly anabolic as it drastically increases IGF-1.

Creatine would be a given lol. People laugh but the stuff is worthwhile.

A day of drinking on steroids is unlikely to destroy your health. It's when you make it a habit that problems appear. Many drinkers routinely pop liver toxic pain killers against hangover or whatever. You think Arnold and Franco skipped the wine because they were on Dianabol?

Not that it proves anything, but below are pictures of my Sustanon vials, of which, a total of 500mg of 5,000mg have been used.

Ontario had a needle shortage at the time, and even after only a few days passed waiting, I was making gains from Anadrol.

And frankly, I got what I wanted from Anadrol only.

It wasn't just the Anadrol though - I doubled my calories from just over 1,000 daily to just over 2,000, and I had muscle memory.

One doesn't just ordinarily gain 25.5 pounds from a low-dose oral-only cycle.

As I've mentioned before, a part of me wants to go to 220-lb, but I am not convinced that that is necessarily a healthy weight for my height, even naturally.

Ideally, if I could bring my body fat down a little, and project a similar look to what I have now, but at 190 or a bit lower, that may be the sweet of what I'm looking for in terms of health, strength, aesthetics, sustainability, and getting stares and compliments from the public.

And yea, ideally, I'd rather not use PED's?

That having been said, do we know enough about steroids now to make definitive claims about their effects on longevity?

For instance, if you are a lifetime smoker, you lose 10 years off your life. But if you smoke a pack a day even from age 12 and 45, and quit at age 45, by age 55, you will have the lungs of a lifetime non-smoker, and lose no years of lifespan, effectively regaining that 10 years back.

Can we make similar statements like that about any PED's? If so, I want to know what juice run and in what quantity while having zero negative impact on my health.  ;D


PS - I may or may not be grabbing that 375mL Fireball Whiskey tonight.  ;) Thanks.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1591 on: August 25, 2022, 10:20:08 AM »
Matt Forget about weight and pause all your chest pressing at the bottom on every rep, chest will grow better. Spending more time in the stretched position under load seems to work great for certain muscles

Grape Ape

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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1592 on: August 25, 2022, 10:38:07 AM »
Spending more time in the stretched position under load seems to work great



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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1593 on: August 25, 2022, 10:40:44 AM »


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1594 on: August 25, 2022, 10:49:19 AM »
Here`s a tip for building pecs.....MIND/MUSCLE CONNECTION.

You can`t just throw weight around in any fashion just to lift heavier and expect the pecs to take the brunt of the workload if you are bypassing them by training sloppy.....the pecs are being assisted with momentum as well as your shoulders which are dominant.

Lower the weight....nobody will give two fucks.....slow down the movement and think pecs instead of poundage and your pecs will grow.

Your training partner is a guy named Moe Mentum !!   :D


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1595 on: August 25, 2022, 10:52:00 AM »


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1596 on: August 25, 2022, 10:53:28 AM »


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1597 on: August 25, 2022, 10:55:37 AM »
Here`s a tip for building pecs.....MIND/MUSCLE CONNECTION.

You can`t just throw weight around in any fashion just to lift heavier and expect the pecs to take the brunt of the workload if you are bypassing them by training sloppy.....the pecs are being assisted with momentum as well as your shoulders which are dominant.

Lower the weight....nobody will give two fucks.....slow down the movement and think pecs instead of poundage and your pecs will grow.

Your training partner is a guy named Moe Mentum !!   :D

Haha I have trained with him before.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1598 on: August 25, 2022, 10:57:39 AM »
Haha I have trained with him before.
Lots of people train with good old Moe every day !!


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1599 on: August 25, 2022, 11:12:12 AM »