Author Topic: Matt C. Cycle Update.  (Read 148837 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1700 on: September 05, 2022, 02:24:45 PM »
Drugs may knock ten years off your life, but one thing is certain, they are the worst ten

Exactly, being old is fucking depressing anyways fuck thst


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1701 on: September 05, 2022, 02:26:38 PM »
Yeah, he needs to man up and just start shooting that Sust he has.

Hm...I do prefer the 200+ pound look that I have now.

But one can look big while being pretty light.

Maybe for the Fall, I will focus on a picture perfect diet, and see how good I can look at 180. If I can get to 180 and considerably leaner, maybe I will like that look more.

I'm happy to say that the look I prefer doesn't require MUCH gear. It may even require zero.

But I think it does require *some* least for now, until I figure out what diet will get me to look better.

I'll put it this way:

My ideal physique is one I can maintain year-round. I don't mind being ~16% body fat, knowing I have a look I will have 24/7/365. That's why I'm happier with that body fat percentage more than most are - because I can maintain it.

I wouldn't be able to maintain a sub-10% body fat percentage [MOST people can't], and so that look has limited appeal to me. It doesn't appeal to me to go on fat-burning drugs to achieve a certain look. Steroids are on thing, but IMO, it's not the bulking that causes bodybuilders to die young - it's the cutting.

Too many gym rats have done steroids for years, for that to be the issue. Although massive body weight is bad for the heart, it's generally not steroids that is taxing the bodies of bodybuilders the most - at least I suspect it's not. I think it's the cutting agents.

I would willing to go up to 2-4 ephedrine tablets a day + black coffee in order to get lean temporarily. But extreme cutting is not appealing to me - especially for a temporary look.

I did this cycle for a temporary look. But I barely used any Anadrol, and in total, used the same quantity that MOST would use in only a few weeks, just spread out over a few months.

I'm just not willing to take any significantly greater health risk than that.

I'd be willing to try a natural approach with some good supplements and a VERY strict diet...I just wouldn't expect much from it.

Being around 180 and 12% body fat would be good, assuming I could get to that naturally AND maintain if 24/7/365.

I think that would require a strict diet, but there's an outside chance I could look like that.

I'd rather be 5% fatter than a better look IF I could maintain it year/decade-round.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1702 on: September 05, 2022, 02:28:35 PM »
Is Matt a beast yet ???

My left rhomboids are swollen to the high heavens right now for doing Yoga with a friend last night. I should have fucked her then - I can't even move into certain positions now.

Do muscles lose elasticity with age or something? I'm shocked my back is this swollen.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1703 on: September 05, 2022, 02:29:32 PM »
Speaking of traps, I've been motivated to train mine more, after my brother-in-law complimented me on mine, during a family get-together.

So doing this for the attention of others is fine, providing the people giving us attention are members of the LGBT community?  ???


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1704 on: September 05, 2022, 02:39:09 PM »
I think ephedrine is generally safe even in the semi-long term. They did studies lasting a year for weight loss and there were little sides, they generally adapted to the heart rate increase and the BP increase too if there was any. The researchers concluded that it's generally "safe." Clen would be safe too at least in the short term. Some argue that clen is safer than ephedrine on account of it being so specific but it depends from what angle you look at it.

GH for year round leanness would very safe in my opinion in low doses. A little GH with Metformin, leanness with great insulin sensitivity.

Every study says coffee is very damn safe despite it increasing heart rate. They let even many heart patients drink coffee in hospitals. When I had heart failure/swine flu they didn't mind me drinking coffee.

You can't say cutting bodybuilding is more dangerous than off-season bodybuilding. During cutting BP can be lower (maybe not in all cases but generally) and heavy bodyweight is a huge risk factor for heart enlargement/cardiovascular damage/insulin resistance. More heavyweights have dropped compared to smaller guys.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1705 on: September 05, 2022, 06:17:41 PM »
I think ephedrine is generally safe even in the semi-long term. They did studies lasting a year for weight loss and there were little sides, they generally adapted to the heart rate increase and the BP increase too if there was any. The researchers concluded that it's generally "safe." Clen would be safe too at least in the short term. Some argue that clen is safer than ephedrine on account of it being so specific but it depends from what angle you look at it.

GH for year round leanness would very safe in my opinion in low doses. A little GH with Metformin, leanness with great insulin sensitivity.

Could I go from a bit over 15% body fat like I am now, to a bit over 10% on a strict diet and Clen, easy peasy, or is the 10% body fat zone not one that people can get too without taking significant health risks?

A family member is on Metformin. Is there any scientific consensus on whether diabetics on Metformin versus those on insulin fare better in the long-run?

And would I not be damaging my pancreas my taking these things

Every study says coffee is very damn safe despite it increasing heart rate. They let even many heart patients drink coffee in hospitals. When I had heart failure/swine flu they didn't mind me drinking coffee.

You can't say cutting bodybuilding is more dangerous than off-season bodybuilding. During cutting BP can be lower (maybe not in all cases but generally) and heavy bodyweight is a huge risk factor for heart enlargement/cardiovascular damage/insulin resistance. More heavyweights have dropped compared to smaller guys.

I guess I should have said diuretics and other cutting agents pose a greater risk for sudden death. You have to wonder how George Peterson felt leading up to his death in the hotel room at last year's Olympia.

For me personally, is doing a bulk to 220 on PED's [next summer, maybe] just as risky as me cutting to 165 using fat-burners [ephedrine/caffeine, Clen, or something else]?

I would think fat-burners are specifically more damaging to my heart. Is that not the case then?


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1706 on: September 05, 2022, 06:24:17 PM »
So doing this for the attention of others is fine, providing the people giving us attention are members of the LGBT community?  ???

Once again with the gay jokes.....from a guy asking old dudes about the size of his package.

Much as I hate destroying strawmen of yours, my brother-in-law is hardly gay. My sister-in-law (his wife of over 25 years) can attest to that.
 This was at a family get-together (Christmas time, I believe). Nobody was doing anything to impress anyone, especially since I was in simple shirt and shorts. (I live in Florida, remember?). You're the one, finding for attention every waking second of your existence.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1707 on: September 05, 2022, 06:30:49 PM »
Here's Thor and Shaw with Arnold. They are clearly shorter than Wilt and Andre but more massively built.

Eddie is also a bit taller than Arnold. I am about Eddie's height and stood next to Arnold and I could tell he was a few inches shorter than me.

It's tough to always gauge heights because Arnold may wear different shoes at various functions with some providing more lift than others.

Shaw looks like a giant retarded baby


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1708 on: September 05, 2022, 06:59:42 PM »
Shaw looks like a giant retarded baby

Speaking of Arnold Classic Strongman, former amateur champion Adam Scherr (aka Braun Strowman) is BACK on RAW and he looks SWOLE!!


  • Getbig V
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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1709 on: September 05, 2022, 07:05:42 PM »
Could I go from a bit over 15% body fat like I am now, to a bit over 10% on a strict diet and Clen, easy peasy, or is the 10% body fat zone not one that people can get too without taking significant health risks?

A family member is on Metformin. Is there any scientific consensus on whether diabetics on Metformin versus those on insulin fare better in the long-run?

And would I not be damaging my pancreas my taking these things

I guess I should have said diuretics and other cutting agents pose a greater risk for sudden death. You have to wonder how George Peterson felt leading up to his death in the hotel room at last year's Olympia.

For me personally, is doing a bulk to 220 on PED's [next summer, maybe] just as risky as me cutting to 165 using fat-burners [ephedrine/caffeine, Clen, or something else]?

I would think fat-burners are specifically more damaging to my heart. Is that not the case then?

Metformin does not damage the pancreas, it protects it. There is a movement in bodybuilding where coaches advice starting metformin the very first day someone starts their first AAS cycle. The idea is that the Metformin would reduce insulin resistance thst accompanies high calorie diets as well as improve partitioning of nutrients from fat to muscle. Metformin is a big thing in life extention circles where it's thought that it probably increases lifespan, lowers  biological age (though it's hard to measure).

Insulin does not damage the pancreas, it protects it, like Metformin. Metformin is usually the first intervention against prediabetes or type 2 diabetes. But scientists have been asking whether it would be better to introduce insulin from the beginning since it takes control of blood glucose faster and has other protective mechanisms through its antioxidant and antiinflammatory properties.
The rationale for early initiation of insulin is based on evidence demonstrating multifaceted benefits, including overcoming the glucotoxic effects of hyperglycemia, thereby facilitating “β-cell rest,” and preserving β-cell mass and function, while also improving insulin sensitivity.

The same coaches and gurus who recommend Metformin from the start recommend low dose long acting insulin from the start as well. BOTH drugs at the same time, not to increase anabolism per se but due to their hypothetical health protective effects. Say 10iu Lantus insulin in the morning and 500mg Metformin at night. The idea is basically that a high calorie diet put stress on the pancreas over time, especially if insulin resistance develops (exacerbated by AAS and especially GH). In advanced insulin resistance islet cell burnout occurs which means the pancreas starts giving up. Exogenous insulin and Metformin would alleviate this.
That's why I said low dose insulin during your cycle was no problem, not dangerous. Just a little extra boost at basically "no cost." I know you viewed it as just another stressor on your body but instead of a seeing insulin as a stressor it can be seen as an anti-stressor. There's good science supporting all this. The research says early intervention with insulin can make newly diagnosed diabetics fare better in the long that those on oral hypoglycemics but you know it is, to draw good conclusions requires tons of short and long term trials with a large amount of study subjects. They talk about something like "metabolic memory" wherein if you don't let things get bad before interventions your body wants to stay at a healthy state. But we know it often takes a long time for diabetics to get diagnosed and then they have had unhealthy and damaging blood glucose levels for maybe years. Then they start the Metformin or whatever and fuck around for a long time, perhaps skipping doses because they "feel fine" and so on.

Really, 10% bodyfat without any drugs would, on paper, be easy to do. That is if you can tolerate not eating much and can tolerate some hunger pangs. But that's no small thing. I know myself am "addicted" to good tasting food and can't find the motivation to eat perfectly for long periods of time. I think hitting 10% can be done healthily too, all dpends on you manage a restricted diet. But here's where drugs come in. Ephedrine would lower appetite, would boost drive, motivation and mood due to it's central effects. Clen is much more potent as a thermogenic i.e. increasing metabolic rate. How safe are they? It's impossible to say exactly. It's also impossible to say which is more dangerous, bulking on AAS or dieting on Ephedrine and Clen. Instinctively I would say the bulking is way more potentially dangerous. All we know by way of studies is one year studies and they say the EC coctail is "safe" for that time frame. Researchers might even argue that in the long term they might increase lifespan - if they make you lose weight. But then there are the potential effects on the heart. You can look at the studies


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1710 on: September 05, 2022, 07:22:53 PM »
matt i dont think you are really giving this whole drugs and weight thing enough attention

you just arent vacillating back and forth about no drugs / more drugs enough, and really you arent worrying about your bodyweight a fulll 24hours a day. seems only a few hours a day

you need to take more pics in your shitter of your arms and lots more back shots wearing ballet tights, we just havent seen enough. you need to take a bodyweight measurement no less than every 20 mins

its like you arent even trying man.  get serious, you need to be agonizing over this all day, nothing else even matters.

put some real effort into it man


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1711 on: September 05, 2022, 10:08:39 PM »
Once again with the gay jokes.....from a guy asking old dudes about the size of his package.

Much as I hate destroying strawmen of yours, my brother-in-law is hardly gay. My sister-in-law (his wife of over 25 years) can attest to that.
 This was at a family get-together (Christmas time, I believe). Nobody was doing anything to impress anyone, especially since I was in simple shirt and shorts. (I live in Florida, remember?). You're the one, finding for attention every waking second of your existence.

First, let's get this straight - your brother-in-law isn't.

But now let's get to your last point - why is it that it's ok for YOU to enjoy the attention you get for your physique from your brother-in-law cum gay lover, but it's not ok for ME to enjoy getting attention from the general public?

What's the difference?!

Is it that I go seek it daily, while you do not?

Ok, fine...but keep in mind I am NOT in Florida. Here in Canada, we were shut down for the better part of two years.

I needed a good life experience. I got one from using a bit of gear.

What seems to be the issue?

By the way - total number of 25mg Anadrol tablets I have had since June 10th: 60.

So I've ran 1.5g of Anadrol in that whole time. I have a Strongman friend who ran that in 10 days, before cutting back to 100mg a day.

I don't think what I did was THAT unhealthy.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1712 on: September 05, 2022, 10:20:06 PM »
Yeah, he needs to man up and just start shooting that Sust he has.
I would have used it from jump street.


Do you think there is a way to do this while largely maintaining health? I'm not willing to lose decades of my lifespan over looking better, for instance.

But trading some quantity of life for quality of life happens all the time.

Do you think there is a way to do it while still maintaining health to a large degree?
Matt,I`ll weigh in on this once I wake up.....couldn`t sleep so having my coffee...still half asleep,but stop worrying about health after all.....this is the "iron game" !!  LOL  ;D

I kid....I kid !  :D


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1713 on: September 05, 2022, 10:36:11 PM »
matt i dont think you are really giving this whole drugs and weight thing enough attention

you just arent vacillating back and forth about no drugs / more drugs enough, and really you arent worrying about your bodyweight a fulll 24hours a day. seems only a few hours a day

You're bang on if you're suggesting I am in a continual state of worrying about drug side effects, and taking days off from using, and subsequently partially losing my gains, etc.

I'll be honest - I don't just want to minimize risks; I want to bring them to as close to zero as possible.

I was using 25-50mg of Anadrol for about a week early on, and made great gains with it. But then I felt core temperature increased or something. Which would make sense, as my body's rate of protein synthesis would have increased. I also got 7 pimples on my back.

That's when I immediately cut down - the pimples and potential body temperature side effects both immediately went away.

And that's the thing about me - I am a big time hypochondriac, and just want close to as zero risk as possible. My intuition tells me we will "feel" most side effects, but as I understand it - kidney issues are not like this.

Being autistic, I sense everything at an extraordinary level. I am hypersensitive to almost everything. And when I feel a negative effect, I change something.

That's why I was never able to take gear seriously - even with this cycle.

you need to take more pics in your shitter of your arms and lots more back shots wearing ballet tights, we just havent seen enough. you need to take a bodyweight measurement no less than every 20 mins

its like you arent even trying man.  get serious, you need to be agonizing over this all day, nothing else even matters.

put some real effort into it man


I am not being serious about this cycle, but I also didn't intend to. I wanted a little boost, and I got it.

If I were to focus on bodybuilding like an actual competitor, AND take the gear use seriously...I think I could make an impressive transformation.

That being does come down to a pretty major health restraint that I have in place.

I don't want to get liver cancer in 10 years and have to wonder whether or not my habits while young - and my steroid use - caused that.

I always ask myself - and I ask others - is there ANY way to make this zero risk to health?

And unfortunately...I just don't see a way, and think abstinence is the only way.

So I choose abstinence. From everything, really.

With my luck, I could throw caution to the wind tomorrow, and end up having my stomach pumped from binge drinking tomorrow, and with herpes.

It's just a hypochondriac thing.

I took 3x 25mg Anadrol tablets in the past 10 days. I am transitioning off now. I think my delts are already down in size. I ramped up my calories recently in the transition [but not my protein]. My body weight is currently 208-lb [no body weight loss yet, but my "look" has already changed, IMO].


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1714 on: September 05, 2022, 10:46:48 PM »
Here is a picture of me from 2005, compared to the same shot, from tonight. I was 23 then, and weighed 178 for this photo.

Do I have a touch of Palumboism right now? Is Palumboism inevitable for all for all of us, even if we don't use gear, or use much gear?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1715 on: September 05, 2022, 11:13:35 PM »
Here is a picture of me from 2005, compared to the same shot, from tonight. I was 23 then, and weighed 178 for this photo.

Do I have a touch of Palumboism right now? Is Palumboism inevitable for all for all of us, even if we don't use gear, or use much gear?

Your neck has gone and it's not cos you grew monster traps. I'd guess your posture has gone to shit.

It pretty common, especially if you get a lot of screen time in on phones and laptops.

Mine is pretty terrible as I can easily spend 12 hours a day in front of a laptop. I use a poster correcter and it does help.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1716 on: September 05, 2022, 11:16:52 PM »
Metformin does not damage the pancreas, it protects it. There is a movement in bodybuilding where coaches advice starting metformin the very first day someone starts their first AAS cycle. The idea is that the Metformin would reduce insulin resistance thst accompanies high calorie diets as well as improve partitioning of nutrients from fat to muscle. Metformin is a big thing in life extention circles where it's thought that it probably increases lifespan, lowers  biological age (though it's hard to measure).

Insulin does not damage the pancreas, it protects it, like Metformin. Metformin is usually the first intervention against prediabetes or type 2 diabetes. But scientists have been asking whether it would be better to introduce insulin from the beginning since it takes control of blood glucose faster and has other protective mechanisms through its antioxidant and antiinflammatory properties.
The same coaches and gurus who recommend Metformin from the start recommend low dose long acting insulin from the start as well. BOTH drugs at the same time, not to increase anabolism per se but due to their hypothetical health protective effects. Say 10iu Lantus insulin in the morning and 500mg Metformin at night. The idea is basically that a high calorie diet put stress on the pancreas over time, especially if insulin resistance develops (exacerbated by AAS and especially GH). In advanced insulin resistance islet cell burnout occurs which means the pancreas starts giving up. Exogenous insulin and Metformin would alleviate this.
That's why I said low dose insulin during your cycle was no problem, not dangerous. Just a little extra boost at basically "no cost." I know you viewed it as just another stressor on your body but instead of a seeing insulin as a stressor it can be seen as an anti-stressor. There's good science supporting all this. The research says early intervention with insulin can make newly diagnosed diabetics fare better in the long that those on oral hypoglycemics but you know it is, to draw good conclusions requires tons of short and long term trials with a large amount of study subjects. They talk about something like "metabolic memory" wherein if you don't let things get bad before interventions your body wants to stay at a healthy state. But we know it often takes a long time for diabetics to get diagnosed and then they have had unhealthy and damaging blood glucose levels for maybe years. Then they start the Metformin or whatever and fuck around for a long time, perhaps skipping doses because they "feel fine" and so on.

Really, 10% bodyfat without any drugs would, on paper, be easy to do. That is if you can tolerate not eating much and can tolerate some hunger pangs. But that's no small thing. I know myself am "addicted" to good tasting food and can't find the motivation to eat perfectly for long periods of time. I think hitting 10% can be done healthily too, all dpends on you manage a restricted diet. But here's where drugs come in. Ephedrine would lower appetite, would boost drive, motivation and mood due to it's central effects. Clen is much more potent as a thermogenic i.e. increasing metabolic rate. How safe are they? It's impossible to say exactly. It's also impossible to say which is more dangerous, bulking on AAS or dieting on Ephedrine and Clen. Instinctively I would say the bulking is way more potentially dangerous. All we know by way of studies is one year studies and they say the EC coctail is "safe" for that time frame. Researchers might even argue that in the long term they might increase lifespan - if they make you lose weight. But then there are the potential effects on the heart. You can look at the studies

Great post, Van. Like another classic Getbigger said, you are a board treasure.

It always intrigues me how much things I assume are unhealthy, are actually not just not unhealthy, but potentially even healthy.

I was taken aback when I learned that opiates are not toxic to our organs - it's overdoses that are the major issue with opiates, in addition to the financial cost of those addicted. Otherwise, some people are on them for decades. My mom is friends with a woman who is almost 70, and she's been on 80mg of Oxycontin daily for 23 years now, lol. She also weighs 260-lb.

Sometimes I wish I wasn't such a hypochondriac, because I really prefer how I look on gear.

But I also prefer having hair...I also don't get some massive perma-bulking juicers I see who have backs covered in acne.

I thought it strange that Nasser did so much to have a big and aesthetic physique [for a mass monster], yet was bald, and had glasses. Like, how not get a hair transplant and LASIX?

I want to be in perfect health, and I want or maintain perfect teeth, a great head of hair, and perfectly blemish-free skin.

I want to have a look that looks like I am very into working out - like it's a big part of my life, and that I'm consistent with it. I achieve this look much more easily on gear, and I wish I had the minerals to run more, but again - the hypochondria.

I don't want to end up with a disease in 10  years, and face death knowing that I may have cut 30 years off my life because of life choices I made.

Mike Matarazzo had just such an existential crisis, and it wasn't easy for him to cope with at all. The years 2007 to 2014 were very hard for him, and he personally asked Peter McGough to never contact him again under any circumstances. The memories of his bodybuilding history were too much for him to bear.

I'd like to run more gear. I greatly prefer the look. But I also hate taking risks.

I've been a huge hermit since 2018, because I fear meeting another woman who will financially exploit me. And Lord help me, if I EVER have to work again because some woman burns up my savings - I'd have a full mental collapse.

So I literally stopped taking ANY risks in that time. I have a good thing going on, to live off what I earned in my twenties and thirties...and I just don't want to take risks.

That applies to everything, basically.

It is my fear, Van, that I don't look back regretting what I did, but what I didn't do. That being said - I'm not wrong to think gear may be bad for my overall systemic wellness, and specifically my heart.

I'm just trying to figure out a way to get risks as close to zero as possible. I chiefly adhere to abstinence, as I have yet to figure out what that way is.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1717 on: September 05, 2022, 11:22:30 PM »
Your neck has gone and it's not cos you grew monster traps. I'd guess your posture has gone to shit.

It pretty common, especially if you get a lot of screen time in on phones and laptops.

Mine is pretty terrible as I can easily spend 12 hours a day in front of a laptop. I use a poster correcter and it does help.

The fuck...

I was with a 5'9.5" Dutch woman a while ago, and I swear, we were almost exactly the same height. Maybe she shrank too? She went from 140 to 200. Maybe that made her shorter?

Will I lose height over this crap posture from typing on my phone all day?

Also, I may as well ask...and I don't know if I want to know...but what is Dutch Love, Flexacon?


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1718 on: September 05, 2022, 11:48:41 PM »
The fuck...

I was with a 5'9.5" Dutch woman a while ago, and I swear, we were almost exactly the same height. Maybe she shrink too? She went from 140 to 200. Maybe that made her shorter?

Will I lose height over this crap posture from typing on my phone all day?

Also, I may as well ask...and I don't know if I want to know...but what is Dutch Love, Flexacon?

Are you saying you banged a whale? Maybe you're not gay after all.

Although asking me about dutch love does feel pretty homo.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1719 on: September 06, 2022, 12:32:45 AM »


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1720 on: September 06, 2022, 12:45:50 AM »
You're bang on if you're suggesting I am in a continual state of worrying about drug side effects, and taking days off from using, and subsequently partially losing my gains, etc.

I'll be honest - I don't just want to minimize risks; I want to bring them to as close to zero as possible.

I was using 25-50mg of Anadrol for about a week early on, and made great gains with it. But then I felt core temperature increased or something. Which would make sense, as my body's rate of protein synthesis would have increased. I also got 7 pimples on my back.

That's when I immediately cut down - the pimples and potential body temperature side effects both immediately went away.

And that's the thing about me - I am a big time hypochondriac, and just want close to as zero risk as possible. My intuition tells me we will "feel" most side effects, but as I understand it - kidney issues are not like this.

Being autistic, I sense everything at an extraordinary level. I am hypersensitive to almost everything. And when I feel a negative effect, I change something.

That's why I was never able to take gear seriously - even with this cycle.


I am not being serious about this cycle, but I also didn't intend to. I wanted a little boost, and I got it.

If I were to focus on bodybuilding like an actual competitor, AND take the gear use seriously...I think I could make an impressive transformation.

That being does come down to a pretty major health restraint that I have in place.

I don't want to get liver cancer in 10 years and have to wonder whether or not my habits while young - and my steroid use - caused that.

I always ask myself - and I ask others - is there ANY way to make this zero risk to health?

And unfortunately...I just don't see a way, and think abstinence is the only way.

So I choose abstinence. From everything, really.

With my luck, I could throw caution to the wind tomorrow, and end up having my stomach pumped from binge drinking tomorrow, and with herpes.

It's just a hypochondriac thing.

I took 3x 25mg Anadrol tablets in the past 10 days. I am transitioning off now. I think my delts are already down in size. I ramped up my calories recently in the transition [but not my protein]. My body weight is currently 208-lb [no body weight loss yet, but my "look" has already changed, IMO].
^^^^This post nullifies what my advice/opinon is so nevermind.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1721 on: September 06, 2022, 02:20:01 AM »
Are you saying you banged a whale? Maybe you're not gay after all.

Although asking me about dutch love does feel pretty homo.

Not yet, but there is an issue she needs to resolved which prevented us from banging. Basically, she wanted evidence I don't have STD's, which is fine by me. I did a full panel of tests before starting this cycle in June. So we rescheduled for this week...but I asked to go down on her, sort of jokingly, and she thinks it's a grotesque act, and my asking turned her off for sure.

I just don't get the issue.

I try to put myself in the shoes of women:

If a part of your body smelled like fish, would you want people putting their nose in it?

But still - her reaction was so negative. It's like...I could have told her I wanted to rape her, and she would have been less upset, lol.

Bast said "Just tell her you like when a woman's vagina smells like fish."


She also asked me to bite her when I was with her. How is THAT ok?   ::)

So to answer your mom question, I did not bang her. I still remember how she looked when she was 140-lb, and I will always be attracted to her on that basis. For her height, 200-lb is not too heavy. I think she looks great. Shame about her being against cunnilingus. But she's not the first woman who told me that, and she won't be the last.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1722 on: September 06, 2022, 02:25:43 AM »

What is Dutch Love though? Lol. if what Vince Goodrum and Queen Vincey had together?  ???


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1723 on: September 06, 2022, 02:30:33 AM »
^^^^This post nullifies what my advice/opinon is so nevermind.

Is there no way that I can enjoy the results of steroids without taking health risks?

I much prefer my look on steroids. Women prefer it too. I'd like to run gear again, if I can do so without compromising my health - possibly next summer. But I guess that's not possible...


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #1724 on: September 06, 2022, 03:08:44 AM »
Could I go from a bit over 15% body fat like I am now, to a bit over 10% on a strict diet and Clen, easy peasy, or is the 10% body fat zone not one that people can get too without taking significant health risks?

A family member is on Metformin. Is there any scientific consensus on whether diabetics on Metformin versus those on insulin fare better in the long-run?

And would I not be damaging my pancreas my taking these things

I guess I should have said diuretics and other cutting agents pose a greater risk for sudden death. You have to wonder how George Peterson felt leading up to his death in the hotel room at last year's Olympia.

For me personally, is doing a bulk to 220 on PED's [next summer, maybe] just as risky as me cutting to 165 using fat-burners [ephedrine/caffeine, Clen, or something else]?

I would think fat-burners are specifically more damaging to my heart. Is that not the case then?

I don't take any fat burners or stimulants and I maintain pretty lean and can get a lot leaner just through diet. 10% is easily achievable and maintainable without any stimulants or even gear at all. You can be very lean and natural. Woman actually prefer the smaller leaner natural look. I prefer being bigger and not as lean holding some water