Author Topic: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.  (Read 202673 times)

Grape Ape

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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #100 on: October 01, 2023, 07:32:11 PM »
Matt's right...  go ahead and go lower,,,, fuck your shoulders and elbow joints up...   getting older and heavy weights = leave your ego at the door...

Matt lifts in khakis and leotards, with deplorable form, especially on squats and deadlifts.

He should not be the standard for anything.


Grape Ape

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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #101 on: October 01, 2023, 07:33:26 PM »
I think the idea of holding a strength challenge would be fun. Each contestant puts up real-time YouTube videos and receives honest feedback as to who achieved the goal, while doing it correctly and true to form. It's far more practical than organizing a fight involving a flight to England. That would be an awesome movie, but it's not as practical given the demands of work and life in general. Moreover, the only thing that might take a hit in this strength challenge is one's ego, while both participants stand to gain in terms of increased strength, a more attractive physique and the enjoyment of healthy competition.

Sounds promising. If bhank is willing to participate, it could be a lot of fun. However, it shouldn't deter anyone else who's interested in challenging Matt. I received a private message from someone inquiring about the possibility of hosting another Mr. Getbig contest soon. We'll need to convene with the committeeTM to discuss it, but I believe it holds significant potential for entertainment, especially since it's a straightforward bodybuilding competition with cash prizes at stake.


Thank you good sir.

The Committee™ agrees with your assessment, and looks forward to a partnership with you to bring another contest to the general stinking masses.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #102 on: October 01, 2023, 07:33:47 PM »
Old torn rotator cuff  plus titanium knees Hankins is offering advice on proper form….

He's had 3 shoulder surgeries, both sides, and has delts that don't "sit the same in the joint" but yeah he should be offering advice on shoulder training

1. "sheared from the bone Tricep"
2. Restless Leg syndrome
3. Shaky hands from childhood
4. Bone on Bone knees and surgeries (Titanium/adamantium rods)
5. Torn right pec
6. Surgical re-attachment of right tricep
7. 3 Shoulder surgeries, one on the right side the other 2 were on the left side.

8. Cut bicep tendon from a shoulder surgery
9. Barrett’s esophagus
10. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
11. Crohnes disease
12. Bile reflux
13. Hiatal hernia
14. Umbilical hernia
15. Polyps and cyst (pre-cancerous)
16. Bleeding ulcer
17. Bloody shits, nausea and indigestion and vomiting
18. shin splints in the forearms
19. magnesium and other mineral deficiencies
20. Stingray puncture of left or right foot (he can't remember, see dementia below and "225x15" and 7=10-11)
21. Anemia
22. Anxiety
23. Depression
24. Arthritis
25. Something with the neck from demolition derby (whiplash)
26. ACUTE Organ failure hacking up bile
27. Dementia/Alzheimers (possibly vaping induced)
28. Anorexia
29. "precancerous polyps and cyst throughout digestive system"
30. 2 Herniated bulging disc one lower back and one in the neck possibly causing nerve damage and atrophy on the right arm
31. Astigmatism
32. Broken toe from hopping out of bed
33. Possibly Infected veinless cutless bicep
34. Thrombosed Hemorrhoid
35. Missing esophageal sphincter
36. Male pattern baldness
37.  Erectile dysfunction
38.  Hands and arms completely numb in sleep
39.  Bulimia
40.  Agoraphobia  (not Agorgophobia though)
41.  Lactose Intolerant
42.  Baker's cyst
43.  Cleggian shoulder dislocation
44.  Two-step "sliding knee"
45.  "temporary Injury in the quad" (as of 6/28/23)
46.  Throwing up in the morning (daily ritual before dbol breakfast)
47.  Insomnia due to left shoulder aches
48.  Legs still don't bend right
49.  Starvation requiring midnight cooking meals
50.  can’t hear out of left ear and there is a constant ringing
51.  minor tendon strain pull in the right arm
52.  Sore throat
53.  Debilitating sunburn
54.  110 resting heartrate after coffee
55.  Bench press shakes from Adrenalin or Sugar Imbalance
56.  Elevated liver enzymes and high Hematocrit
57.  Pituitary gland doesn’t seem to be making anything
58.  Tennis elbow/stress fracture
59.  Tweaked right bicep from setting denied World Record Strict Curling in wrong weight class
60.  Red area around the [hernia operation] wound with some yellow puss and a swollen lymph node
61.  Infected hernia side incisions
62.  2 cm meniscus tear
63.  Tennis elbow requiring cortisone injections every 6 months for 2 years
64.  Delts have been dislocated and they do not sit the same in the joint. One is always rolled forward and the other is always rolled backward.
65.  abs hurt when he coughs
66.   foreign objected surgically implanted into abdomen
67.  Acute abdomen pain forcing two day break in post-surgery comeback training


  • Getbig V
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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #103 on: October 01, 2023, 08:57:34 PM »
Matt, I know you are cuck.

However, why do you wear a pussy pad when squatting?

Brian, also wears the tampon pad.

Good question.

I haven't squatted for a long time [personally, I loathe squats - I have always had bad knee valgus/buckling on squats], and so I don't have that "neck callous" or whatever it is from squatting just yet.

I'll probably squat for a while with that with that neck pad, then start squatting without.

Out of curiosity, what difference does it make to use the neck pad or not?  ::) Does it make ANY difference at all, other than spare your neck from feeling like trash?

There's no reason NOT to use it, unless it's just to prove how tough you are, or how much you can tolerate pain on something where pain can be completely prevented by using the pad.



Fuck, that's SO COOL to cause yourself needless pain, webstar.

Please share with me your other genius gym tips.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #104 on: October 01, 2023, 08:59:25 PM »
8 inches is pretty significant and everyone who does dumbell shoulder presses correctly that is who

Nobody - absolutely NOBODY goes that low on ANY video on YouTube of anyone pressing 100-120+ pound dumbbells.


That's only marginal hyperbole.

If you find ANY exceptions to that, it would be literally people like Zydrunas Savickas, or other men at the world class level.

Just search YouTube, for God's sake! Show me ONE VIDEO of anyone going as low as what you say is required depth for overhead dumbbell presses. Let alone anyone weighing 170-lb.

Post ONE video. And even if you do find one video - WOW!!!! ONE EXAMPLE of what you say is required depth.  ::)

What you are saying is absolutely absurd. There are not even 20 men in my city that overhead press what I do, and they ALL weigh over 250-lb.

What you are saying is borderline insane. It's delusional. In any case, nobody does overhead dumbbell presses to the depth you claim is required.  ::)

I never commented on your squat at all it was ugly but so was mine I would give it a close enough you can get credit from me for a 365lb squat. So far the most I have seen you bench is 315lbs which I have also posted myself doing recently. So go bench more than 315lbs and claim the current lead.

I will. That won't be an issue at all. That's the point if this thread - for you to STFU and stop trashing me, when I am stronger than you are. It's one thing to offer polite feedback to someone stronger. But to trash someone stronger is just bizarre to me. That's why I'm going to settle this for the board to see.

NOT that you bench press 315 currently, so WHY are you comparing your lifetime best with what I'm doing right now?

Either compare our lifetime bests, or compare our current best lifts. You don't get to compare your lifetime best, or best from two years ago, when I haven't even been training for strength since literally before the fake pandemic.

You also just conveniently ignored my 320x6 bench @170, despite the fact that I've posted it here before.  ::)


I also squatted that 365-lb to ok depth at the end of my legs workout, after leg pressing 1,010-lb on a very steep/hard leg press machine:

So it's safe to say I wasn't fresh.

I do not plan to even attempt it for weeks. Good Luck in the meantime I open the challenge to everyone beat matts lift claim the lead yourself we can get a scoreboard with the top 10 and update it everytime someone post a new lift then see who is on the leaderboard year end. You can add the poster age and bodyweight if anyone wants to grade it on a curve

Also it is not that hard to fix your hand position again this is in your best interest it will absolutely make a difference. Hand position is important in strict curling and pressing. I had to relearn myself at one point

That's all fine.

I either have extremely weak wrists or extremely strong wrists, depending on how you look at it. My wrist position is off on every lift - overhead presses, bench presses, and squats.

And yeah, I could or should relearn that. As I said, sometimes we just use bad or off form, and have it encoded in our muscle memory.

The following lifts have the names in the pictures, and the two that don't can be found under these names on YouTube:

Overhead pressing 110lb dumbbells @neothefuture

100lb dumbbell shoulder press @brad-954


  • Getbig V
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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #105 on: October 01, 2023, 09:09:01 PM »
^ Not ONE video of anyone going to the depth you claim is necessary.  ::)

So go find one, and prove me wrong.

I altered this photo in MS Paint to make your stomach bigger, lol. All in good fun.  :) I'm copying Taffin.

But yeah, I plan to settle this, just to shut you up.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #106 on: October 01, 2023, 09:21:24 PM »
Matt lifts in khakis and leotards, with deplorable form, especially on squats and deadlifts.

He should not be the standard for anything.

I'm not claiming my form is perfect, by any means.

I've only entered one full powerlifting meet in my life - precisely because I loathe the refined form. I hate it. I've always preferred Strongman events.

I'm more of the equivalent of a "brawler" in terms of gym form [Johny Hendricks] versus the refined striking of a Georges St-Pierre. In gym terms, I mean.

I'm also very sturdy - I've never even come close to a gym injury. I dropped a 45-lb plates on my toe in 2002. That's literally the only injury I've ever had. So my physical infrastructure can handle the bad form...even at my age.

I also loathe squats, because I get knee's also just not a "fun" lift to me...but I am open to getting my below parallel squat to as close to 450-lb as I can.

If I could do that while leaning out a little, and get 450 at 185, I would be very pleased. That's close to a 2.5x body weight squat, which is a good standard.

But I'm getting ahead of myself - to get my squat up to 450 is one thing. That's not unrealistic. To get that squat while reducing body weight...that's another matter.

I also have a very low level of muscle fiber in my hamstrings, and my glutes are very small. Big butt = big squat, IMO.

But - I'm not saying my form on overheads is perfect. What I am saying is that my form is fine.

Very few people train with absolutely perfect form, each and every time.

Heck, go watch any Battle for the Olympia - they have awful form all over in those.

I'm just saying my form on my overheads is fine. It's OK. Definitely nothing to call out as being way off.

And I press more than B. Hank.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #107 on: October 01, 2023, 09:48:05 PM »
This form/depth on overhead dumbbell presses is totally unnecessary. I can't find anyone on YouTube going this low.

I have only been checking videos of people pressing in the 100-120 pound dumbbell range though. I haven't checked the colour-coded dumbbells that B. Hank uses.

I'll go check what depth the female YouTubers are going to and report back.

Photo manipulated Taffin-style, using MS Paint.  ;D


  • Getbig V
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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #108 on: October 01, 2023, 11:53:02 PM »
He's had 3 shoulder surgeries, both sides, and has delts that don't "sit the same in the joint" but yeah he should be offering advice on shoulder training

Wait, what?


I didn't know that.

Say what you will about my shite form, I have never had anything close to an injury.

I feel like my muscles are...sort of strongly bound together or something. I don't have a large spread of muscle fiber, but I have a level of sturdiness that has withstood years of training with no issue.

It may be a function of mostly training PED-free - I think that produces a scenario where our muscles strengthen more linearly alongside our tendons and ligaments. Whereas training on gear produces a scenario where our muscles grow out of line with gains to our supportive infrastructure, which creates an environment more likely to cause an injury.


I'm just speculating.

However, my chest seems to be ripping away at the sides - sort of like a reverse/inverse Scott Steiner chest injury.

Photos from 2004, 2007, and this summer - with the last photo highlighting the area I'm talking about.

But ultimately, I have never come close to being injured, or even strained uncomfortably - or even any close calls - despite training with bad form for years/decades.

I agree that B. Hank shouldn't be lecturing on proper delts training if he has has multiple surgeries.

PS - my front delts have always eaten my chest gains, apparently.

Gym Rat

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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #109 on: October 02, 2023, 02:57:56 AM »
Brian stays extremely lean all the time (even w/ gut distention), hasn't lifted in months, etc.
Shakes a lot, eats tons of junk foods, its obvious he's on all sorts of compounds.

The pics where is head is huge and purple (like a helmet) also tell a tale of usage. (Moon face).
Brian will deny it, but most here have been around for decades and know otherwise.
Caught in too many lies already, so when he says "im not on anything" no one will buy that...


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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #110 on: October 02, 2023, 03:13:19 AM »
Brianna you Non Anal Retentive CUCKOLD FAGGOTT
When you've won National level powerlifting & bodybuilding contests
I may take note of what you say.

Facts are You've Completed in a couple of Bottom tier Mr Nothing shows & either
Placed Last or run away for fear of losing yet again .
You got defeated in MMA & ran away from that .
You're strength to body weight ratio isn't even average & that's with
25yrs of PEDS  ::)

Yeah I'm a 63 Yr young Former National Champion in 2 sports & competed Internationally
For my country & Now I'm a Slob according to you 😂🤣😂  Well you COCK SUCKING FAGGOTT
Even if I were a slob I've achieved far more than you ever will & I can sit back
& look at all my winners trophies & records & be Very happy .
That is something you cannot do , As you've won Fuck all & are one very Bitter
Unhappy Individual .

Again lease keep your sexual fantasies to yourself it’s really gross

The word is Former now you are just a week old slob who can’t make the getbig top 10 but likes to talk dirty to men online


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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #111 on: October 02, 2023, 03:14:35 AM »
He's had 3 shoulder surgeries, both sides, and has delts that don't "sit the same in the joint" but yeah he should be offering advice on shoulder training

1. "sheared from the bone Tricep"
2. Restless Leg syndrome
3. Shaky hands from childhood
4. Bone on Bone knees and surgeries (Titanium/adamantium rods)
5. Torn right pec
6. Surgical re-attachment of right tricep
7. 3 Shoulder surgeries, one on the right side the other 2 were on the left side.

8. Cut bicep tendon from a shoulder surgery
9. Barrett’s esophagus
10. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
11. Crohnes disease
12. Bile reflux
13. Hiatal hernia
14. Umbilical hernia
15. Polyps and cyst (pre-cancerous)
16. Bleeding ulcer
17. Bloody shits, nausea and indigestion and vomiting
18. shin splints in the forearms
19. magnesium and other mineral deficiencies
20. Stingray puncture of left or right foot (he can't remember, see dementia below and "225x15" and 7=10-11)
21. Anemia
22. Anxiety
23. Depression
24. Arthritis
25. Something with the neck from demolition derby (whiplash)
26. ACUTE Organ failure hacking up bile
27. Dementia/Alzheimers (possibly vaping induced)
28. Anorexia
29. "precancerous polyps and cyst throughout digestive system"
30. 2 Herniated bulging disc one lower back and one in the neck possibly causing nerve damage and atrophy on the right arm
31. Astigmatism
32. Broken toe from hopping out of bed
33. Possibly Infected veinless cutless bicep
34. Thrombosed Hemorrhoid
35. Missing esophageal sphincter
36. Male pattern baldness
37.  Erectile dysfunction
38.  Hands and arms completely numb in sleep
39.  Bulimia
40.  Agoraphobia  (not Agorgophobia though)
41.  Lactose Intolerant
42.  Baker's cyst
43.  Cleggian shoulder dislocation
44.  Two-step "sliding knee"
45.  "temporary Injury in the quad" (as of 6/28/23)
46.  Throwing up in the morning (daily ritual before dbol breakfast)
47.  Insomnia due to left shoulder aches
48.  Legs still don't bend right
49.  Starvation requiring midnight cooking meals
50.  can’t hear out of left ear and there is a constant ringing
51.  minor tendon strain pull in the right arm
52.  Sore throat
53.  Debilitating sunburn
54.  110 resting heartrate after coffee
55.  Bench press shakes from Adrenalin or Sugar Imbalance
56.  Elevated liver enzymes and high Hematocrit
57.  Pituitary gland doesn’t seem to be making anything
58.  Tennis elbow/stress fracture
59.  Tweaked right bicep from setting denied World Record Strict Curling in wrong weight class
60.  Red area around the [hernia operation] wound with some yellow puss and a swollen lymph node
61.  Infected hernia side incisions
62.  2 cm meniscus tear
63.  Tennis elbow requiring cortisone injections every 6 months for 2 years
64.  Delts have been dislocated and they do not sit the same in the joint. One is always rolled forward and the other is always rolled backward.
65.  abs hurt when he coughs
66.   foreign objected surgically implanted into abdomen
67.  Acute abdomen pain forcing two day break in post-surgery comeback training

I also am missing half a pec but unlike yourself I can still make the getbig top 10


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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #112 on: October 02, 2023, 03:20:58 AM »
Nobody - absolutely NOBODY goes that low on ANY video on YouTube of anyone pressing 100-120+ pound dumbbells.


That's only marginal hyperbole.

If you find ANY exceptions to that, it would be literally people like Zydrunas Savickas, or other men at the world class level.

Just search YouTube, for God's sake! Show me ONE VIDEO of anyone going as low as what you say is required depth for overhead dumbbell presses. Let alone anyone weighing 170-lb.

Post ONE video. And even if you do find one video - WOW!!!! ONE EXAMPLE of what you say is required depth.  ::)

What you are saying is absolutely absurd. There are not even 20 men in my city that overhead press what I do, and they ALL weigh over 250-lb.

What you are saying is borderline insane. It's delusional. In any case, nobody does overhead dumbbell presses to the depth you claim is required.  ::)

I will. That won't be an issue at all. That's the point if this thread - for you to STFU and stop trashing me, when I am stronger than you are. It's one thing to offer polite feedback to someone stronger. But to trash someone stronger is just bizarre to me. That's why I'm going to settle this for the board to see.

NOT that you bench press 315 currently, so WHY are you comparing your lifetime best with what I'm doing right now?

Either compare our lifetime bests, or compare our current best lifts. You don't get to compare your lifetime best, or best from two years ago, when I haven't even been training for strength since literally before the fake pandemic.

You also just conveniently ignored my 320x6 bench @170, despite the fact that I've posted it here before.  ::)


I also squatted that 365-lb to ok depth at the end of my legs workout, after leg pressing 1,010-lb on a very steep/hard leg press machine:

So it's safe to say I wasn't fresh.

That's all fine.

I either have extremely weak wrists or extremely strong wrists, depending on how you look at it. My wrist position is off on every lift - overhead presses, bench presses, and squats.

And yeah, I could or should relearn that. As I said, sometimes we just use bad or off form, and have it encoded in our muscle memory.

The following lifts have the names in the pictures, and the two that don't can be found under these names on YouTube:

Overhead pressing 110lb dumbbells @neothefuture

100lb dumbbell shoulder press @brad-954

You want to compare current beat lifts to a guy who is training at 50% on purpose to avoid tearing open his surgically repaired stomach so you realize how stupid that sounds? I posted 8 weeks ago and challenged everyone no one responded. 8 weeks is a current lift could I press 315 today absolutely but why you haven’t beat my current lift yet with a current lift. Can you press more I am sure you can and I can as well so go ahead and do it already you will have the lead for an about a month before I take it back. But you keep saying you are stronger without proving it bench more than 315 then make the claim then try to keep that lead until year end because I will crush it once I trust my abdomen not to explode


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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #113 on: October 02, 2023, 03:23:25 AM »
This form/depth on overhead dumbbell presses is totally unnecessary. I can't find anyone on YouTube going this low.

I have only been checking videos of people pressing in the 100-120 pound dumbbell range though. I haven't checked the colour-coded dumbbells that B. Hank uses.

I'll go check what depth the female YouTubers are going to and report back.

Photo manipulated Taffin-style, using MS Paint.  ;D

Again you are trying to justify shot form with heavy weight that is not how it works you did half reps not 1 single food rep with the 100s but again no prove yourself strong and bench 325 and move up the leader board until then you are just writing bushit either do it or stfu


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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #114 on: October 02, 2023, 03:24:43 AM »
I'm not claiming my form is perfect, by any means.

I've only entered one full powerlifting meet in my life - precisely because I loathe the refined form. I hate it. I've always preferred Strongman events.

I'm more of the equivalent of a "brawler" in terms of gym form [Johny Hendricks] versus the refined striking of a Georges St-Pierre. In gym terms, I mean.

I'm also very sturdy - I've never even come close to a gym injury. I dropped a 45-lb plates on my toe in 2002. That's literally the only injury I've ever had. So my physical infrastructure can handle the bad form...even at my age.

I also loathe squats, because I get knee's also just not a "fun" lift to me...but I am open to getting my below parallel squat to as close to 450-lb as I can.

If I could do that while leaning out a little, and get 450 at 185, I would be very pleased. That's close to a 2.5x body weight squat, which is a good standard.

But I'm getting ahead of myself - to get my squat up to 450 is one thing. That's not unrealistic. To get that squat while reducing body weight...that's another matter.

I also have a very low level of muscle fiber in my hamstrings, and my glutes are very small. Big butt = big squat, IMO.

But - I'm not saying my form on overheads is perfect. What I am saying is that my form is fine.

Very few people train with absolutely perfect form, each and every time.

Heck, go watch any Battle for the Olympia - they have awful form all over in those.

I'm just saying my form on my overheads is fine. It's OK. Definitely nothing to call out as being way off.

And I press more than B. Hank.

How do you press more I have get to see you press more than 315 which I just did 8 weeks ago so again either press more or stfu because half repoing 100 gets 0 credit


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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #115 on: October 02, 2023, 03:26:13 AM »
Brian stays extremely lean all the time (even w/ gut distention), hasn't lifted in months, etc.
Shakes a lot, eats tons of junk foods, its obvious he's on all sorts of compounds.

The pics where is head is huge and purple (like a helmet) also tell a tale of usage. (Moon face).
Brian will deny it, but most here have been around for decades and know otherwise.
Caught in too many lies already, so when he says "im not on anything" no one will buy that...

I wish haven’t touched anything in months


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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #116 on: October 02, 2023, 03:28:00 AM »
Brian stays extremely lean all the time (even w/ gut distention), hasn't lifted in months, etc.
Shakes a lot, eats tons of junk foods, its obvious he's on all sorts of compounds.

The pics where is head is huge and purple (like a helmet) also tell a tale of usage. (Moon face).
Brian will deny it, but most here have been around for decades and know otherwise.
Caught in too many lies already, so when he says "im not on anything" no one will buy that...

Call me on now gymrat let’s see your name up on the leaderboard where is your bench

Also I really don’t have any kind of gut disrebruon at my current weight


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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #117 on: October 02, 2023, 03:33:47 AM »
7 posts in a row. Get some sleep


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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #118 on: October 02, 2023, 03:43:54 AM »
7 posts in a row. Get some sleep

Just got up have shot to do today can you make the getbig top 10 Krank SC where is everyone get imposter on the board

Phantom Spunker

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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #119 on: October 02, 2023, 03:50:35 AM »


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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #120 on: October 02, 2023, 05:14:51 AM »
Just got up have shot to do today can you make the getbig top 10 Krank SC where is everyone get imposter on the board

I have shown videos of myself.  I beat you in the 225x15, the 155x3 OHS, and now here is an easy 155# snatch and 195# clean.

You have 30 days....beat them both.  Carry on with your weak self.


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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #121 on: October 02, 2023, 06:15:34 AM »
I also am missing half a pec but unlike yourself I can still make the getbig top 10

people who say that are in tenth position....

Gym Rat

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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #122 on: October 02, 2023, 06:23:35 AM »
I wish haven’t touched anything in months

Probably haven't... And I don't care if you did, I'm not anti-drug, it's a personal choice...


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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #123 on: October 02, 2023, 06:30:39 AM »
Call me on now gymrat let’s see your name up on the leaderboard where is your bench

Also I really don’t have any kind of gut disrebruon at my current weight


  • Getbig V
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Re: Strength Challenge to B. Hank.
« Reply #124 on: October 02, 2023, 06:37:45 AM »
disrebruon?  Shot to do?  7 post meltdown?

He's clearly fallen off the wagon and on a bender.  Sad.  Call you  sponsor Hankins.

Also Matt is making him look like an idiot