Author Topic: starting new cycle today...this will be my cycle log  (Read 6472 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: starting new cycle today...this will be my cycle log
« Reply #50 on: October 24, 2006, 02:28:26 PM »
i'm taking 450mg a week..not 600

Still Moderate.........just enough to give a taste of what Test feels like.

Not enough to show any sides.


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  • Getbig IV
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Re: starting new cycle today...this will be my cycle log
« Reply #51 on: October 25, 2006, 06:10:27 AM »
I like it! makes me curious as to what i'd feel or see if i went to 600mg a week alone or hell even run some deca with it next time! i think that's gonna be the plan once i come off.  Run either the same dose or abit higher of test with about 300mg of deca with it.  I thought about running deca during THIS cycle but could never get ahold of any in time to make it count for much.  :-\  I'm doing tons more research on the chemical makeup of the drugs now too...if my body reacted and showed sides easily with moderate dosages of dbol, then staying away from compounds like it is something I feel that i should consider.


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Re: starting new cycle today...this will be my cycle log
« Reply #52 on: October 25, 2006, 08:08:53 AM »
I like it! makes me curious as to what i'd feel or see if i went to 600mg a week alone or hell even run some deca with it next time! i think that's gonna be the plan once i come off.  Run either the same dose or abit higher of test with about 300mg of deca with it.  I thought about running deca during THIS cycle but could never get ahold of any in time to make it count for much.  :-\  I'm doing tons more research on the chemical makeup of the drugs now too...if my body reacted and showed sides easily with moderate dosages of dbol, then staying away from compounds like it is something I feel that i should consider.

You're going about it the right way, a testing phase for different compounds.  This is what I did when I started as well, though I made a couple mistakes along the way. 

You might want to look in to a Test/Deca/Winstrol cycle.

It's a good syngergistic blend for overall strength and size.

I'm a ghost in these killing fields...

The Squadfather

  • Getbig V
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Re: starting new cycle today...this will be my cycle log
« Reply #53 on: October 25, 2006, 08:15:48 AM »
today i've started my new cycle.

my stack: dbol 30mg ed for 4-6 wks
              test-e 200mg etd (every third day ) 10 wks  (12 if i feel like i could use it )
              the proper precautions and pct are setup so i'm good there.

starting points:
weight: 215@12%bf

strenght stats as of now:

squat:525 to parallel, leg press 1250 for 3 sets of 10 to finish the set
deadlift: 485
bench: 435 max...but am looking for reps. as of now 365 for 8
bnp: 325 max...shooting for 300 for 6

i'll take measurements later this evening.  can someone tell me how to post photos? or do i hafta host them and link them to this site?  ???

current caloric intake: on cycle i'm shooting for 3500 a day for the duration of the usage
you forgot to add that all of your "lifts" are on the Smith Machine.


  • Getbig V
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Re: starting new cycle today...this will be my cycle log
« Reply #54 on: October 25, 2006, 08:26:24 AM »
you forgot to add that all of your "lifts" are on the Smith Machine.

Settle down, Mirzy....

I'm a ghost in these killing fields...

BEAST 8692

  • Getbig IV
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Re: starting new cycle today...this will be my cycle log
« Reply #55 on: October 27, 2006, 09:44:55 AM »
Its a good idea sometimes to get an experienced person you trust, cause experience does not always equate to knowledge.  I had been squatting for 15+ years, always a good squatter, short with big legs.  Anyhow I was talking to this old power lifter one day telling him when I squat heavy I had been injuring my knees a lot lately.  Well he said lets check you form.  Turns out I was what he called a knee squatter.  The problem was the first thing I was doing in the initiation of the squat was breaking with my knees.  He told me the first thing that should move should be my ass, dropping that ass first is important for proper form and minimizing the stress on the knees.  Also trying to keep your weight on your heels.

So an old dog was able to teach this younger old dog some new tricks.  Yep a good idea if you are having problems especially, to have someone observe you.

this is absolutely true. imo, there's only one way to squat and that is this way.

the problem is that bbers have fucked up the squat with the whole quad emphasis. good in theory, but you're much better off in the long run squatting the way the p/lifters do (or similar). more weight - less problems = more functional strength.

brings me to my next point. texas, i don't know if you're a competitive fighter or not (u've posted a lot on mma training, etc so i'm assuming u r), but you might want to be careful with your juicing and how you train.

the simple fact is that pro fighters use gear (in spite of what is officially stated). however, as impressive as your lifts are, they are a disaster for just about every ma(martial arts).

bp and mp, especially with max poundages, are terrible for ma especially striking eg. boxing. the damage they do to your stabilizers and rotators are not worth all that success in the gym. you will kill your technique (range and plane of motion) and have inhibiting scar tissue that, when combined with all the ballistic training of ma, will kill your career.

if you must bp you should absolutely minimise rotation of the shoulders and avoid overtraining the area. yes you can even with aas. a lot of that strength gain is because of water retention which is going to be useless in a fight and you're going to feel it anyway when you get your weight down for fight night.

heavy press behind neck is a total disaster for the shoulders. with boxing, etc added it's not a case of if you will damage your shoulders, it's when.

heavy squats and dlifts are great, especially for wrestling. although short term ie if you're sparring, running etc they will be a bitch and mobility and agility will be an issue. might want to think about periodization of some type..

stamina is always going to be an issue when you add muscle weight (water, tissue, etc). it's actually even worse than gaining fat when it comes to stamina because it just uses too much energy too quickly.

stretching and economy of movement become more important as you gain muscle weight.

don't take this as a flame. i'm not criticising (your lifts are awesome). just take it as friendly advice you can take or leave. at the very least i would get some advice from a strength and conditioning coach within the industry.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: starting new cycle today...this will be my cycle log
« Reply #56 on: October 27, 2006, 11:58:40 AM »
yeah it's constructive criticism that i'm looking at.  you've got very valid points and yes i'm looking at competing on a higher level in mma here within the next few months.  The scar tissue and loss of range, etc. you've mentioned has all been the case with me.  When talking to the doc, he said that all my shoulder problems weren't rotator or ligaments, etc...they were from scaring from years of TENNIS of all things! the roll and pop/ grinding i feel is from THAT! who'd have thought!

I'm taking it as it all comes in stride.  The only major problems i'm finding with following my usual workouts is that i have a problem with gas'n during fights from all the weight gained.  :-\


  • Getbig IV
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Re: starting new cycle today...this will be my cycle log
« Reply #57 on: November 02, 2006, 07:22:30 AM »
i'm now starting to get a little over was 242 but i'm starting to look overall FATTER instead of just thicker.  So the duration of this cycle which is about another 4-5 weeks i'm gonna start trying to cut down unless that seems like a bad idea from those with more experience.  I'm planning on maintaining my water intake and significantly upping the protien to 300+ grams a day while cutting out alot of carbs and junk from the diet.  Meat, shakes, and veggies and see if i can' get it down to about 225-230 and see if I like the look.  I haven't really seen it myself since i look in the mirror everyday but those that haven't seen me in awhile have noticed the size gain and are floored...i chalk it up to eating habits! :D I think cutting down at this time in the cycle with still 4 more shots to go would be a smart idea. Allowing me to use what gear i've got left to help maintain the muscle I have without losing too much of it in the cutting process. This will be the first time i've ever taken a cutting diet seriously in regards to not just losing weight but maintaining hard earned muscle. I'm happy with the results and feel like i've gotten my money's worth for what i've put into it. I think taking 3-4 weeks to try and lose 10 or so lbs of fat can't be too much to ask can it?  ???

Ideas guys? I'm appreciative of all the help i've gotten to this point and feel that i've learned alot more from this one cycle than the ones in the past!


  • Getbig V
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Re: starting new cycle today...this will be my cycle log
« Reply #58 on: November 02, 2006, 09:35:37 AM »
this is absolutely true. imo, there's only one way to squat and that is this way.

the problem is that bbers have fucked up the squat with the whole quad emphasis. good in theory, but you're much better off in the long run squatting the way the p/lifters do (or similar). more weight - less problems = more functional strength.

brings me to my next point. texas, i don't know if you're a competitive fighter or not (u've posted a lot on mma training, etc so i'm assuming u r), but you might want to be careful with your juicing and how you train.

the simple fact is that pro fighters use gear (in spite of what is officially stated). however, as impressive as your lifts are, they are a disaster for just about every ma(martial arts).

bp and mp, especially with max poundages, are terrible for ma especially striking eg. boxing. the damage they do to your stabilizers and rotators are not worth all that success in the gym. you will kill your technique (range and plane of motion) and have inhibiting scar tissue that, when combined with all the ballistic training of ma, will kill your career.

if you must bp you should absolutely minimise rotation of the shoulders and avoid overtraining the area. yes you can even with aas. a lot of that strength gain is because of water retention which is going to be useless in a fight and you're going to feel it anyway when you get your weight down for fight night.

heavy press behind neck is a total disaster for the shoulders. with boxing, etc added it's not a case of if you will damage your shoulders, it's when.

heavy squats and dlifts are great, especially for wrestling. although short term ie if you're sparring, running etc they will be a bitch and mobility and agility will be an issue. might want to think about periodization of some type..

stamina is always going to be an issue when you add muscle weight (water, tissue, etc). it's actually even worse than gaining fat when it comes to stamina because it just uses too much energy too quickly.

stretching and economy of movement become more important as you gain muscle weight.

don't take this as a flame. i'm not criticising (your lifts are awesome). just take it as friendly advice you can take or leave. at the very least i would get some advice from a strength and conditioning coach within the industry.

Alot of valid points.  As an outsider to MMA/fighting, I have to agree on everything you've said.  The mobility and versatility needed in that sport pretty much negate the need for massive size. 

TexasRush would be better off training as a powerlifter strictly and forgetting about size altogether.  That is, keeping his BF% low and working strictly on strength movements, but not volume.  That will keep his bulk to a minimum and utilize more of the CNS versus the muscular endurance fibers of the muscle.

Periodization is also needed if he wants to fully utilize his strength and apply it to fighting.

Incorporate more plyometrics in to his routine and while only focusing on bench, squats and deads for weightlifting movements.

That's what I'd do if I was in his position.

i'm now starting to get a little over was 242 but i'm starting to look overall FATTER instead of just thicker.  So the duration of this cycle which is about another 4-5 weeks i'm gonna start trying to cut down unless that seems like a bad idea from those with more experience.  I'm planning on maintaining my water intake and significantly upping the protien to 300+ grams a day while cutting out alot of carbs and junk from the diet.  Meat, shakes, and veggies and see if i can' get it down to about 225-230 and see if I like the look.  I haven't really seen it myself since i look in the mirror everyday but those that haven't seen me in awhile have noticed the size gain and are floored...i chalk it up to eating habits! :D I think cutting down at this time in the cycle with still 4 more shots to go would be a smart idea. Allowing me to use what gear i've got left to help maintain the muscle I have without losing too much of it in the cutting process. This will be the first time i've ever taken a cutting diet seriously in regards to not just losing weight but maintaining hard earned muscle. I'm happy with the results and feel like i've gotten my money's worth for what i've put into it. I think taking 3-4 weeks to try and lose 10 or so lbs of fat can't be too much to ask can it?  ???

Ideas guys? I'm appreciative of all the help i've gotten to this point and feel that i've learned alot more from this one cycle than the ones in the past!

Cut your diet slowly, otherwise it will shock your body and catabolize the muscle.  Dieting is a slow process.....

I'm a ghost in these killing fields...


  • Getbig IV
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Re: starting new cycle today...this will be my cycle log
« Reply #59 on: November 06, 2006, 09:04:09 AM »
posted a pic in the pics section but it turned out to be kinda small...  :-\

HUGE difference between the old one a few months ago and the current one as of now. I put on alot of size all around.  INCLUDING around my gut.  BUT if i can get back down to the same bodyfat percentage and be at 225 instead of 203 like before i started taking bulking seriously...i'd be THRILLED


  • Getbig V
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Re: starting new cycle today...this will be my cycle log
« Reply #60 on: November 06, 2006, 10:50:40 AM »
posted a pic in the pics section but it turned out to be kinda small...  :-\

HUGE difference between the old one a few months ago and the current one as of now. I put on alot of size all around.  INCLUDING around my gut.  BUT if i can get back down to the same bodyfat percentage and be at 225 instead of 203 like before i started taking bulking seriously...i'd be THRILLED

....don't be in such a RUSH, bro.

At that same BF% you'll be around 210-218lbs, give or take.

This is what will happen.

Let me know at the end if I was right.

I'm a ghost in these killing fields...


  • Getbig III
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Re: starting new cycle today...this will be my cycle log
« Reply #61 on: November 06, 2006, 10:56:13 AM »
....don't be in such a RUSH, bro.

At that same BF% you'll be around 210-218lbs, give or take.

This is what will happen.

Let me know at the end if I was right.


Thats what I went down to and then said screw it, I will never dawn the Banana Hammock, so i went up in BF% and weight as well. Not fat just don't see all 6 abs just the top 4.

210-218 might be generous at that BF%, IMO, but that truly depends on his diet as well.
Just spot me BITCH!!!


  • Getbig V
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Re: starting new cycle today...this will be my cycle log
« Reply #62 on: November 06, 2006, 12:38:21 PM »
Thats what I went down to and then said screw it, I will never dawn the Banana Hammock, so i went up in BF% and weight as well. Not fat just don't see all 6 abs just the top 4.

210-218 might be generous at that BF%, IMO, but that truly depends on his diet as well.

Without seeing his genetic structure, diet and training I can only give a rough estimate.

Worst case, he'll gain about seven pounds of LBM....

At best he'll gain about fifteen, and yes.....all at the same BF% as before.

AAS do work, if you put the time and energy in to making them work.

I'm a ghost in these killing fields...