Author Topic: 3 worst Presidents in History...  (Read 19816 times)


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Re: 3 worst Presidents in History...
« Reply #100 on: November 11, 2008, 10:06:07 PM »
There is no "proof" that hasn't been unclassified.  What I showed you was a very plausible and likely story based on what's available to the public.  And you refused to consider it because you're an idiot.  Those of us privy to more information know better. 

So let me get this straight: You are 'privy' to top secret information but still choose to debate daily, and for some period of hours, on the political section of a bodybuilding forum?


Arnold jr

  • Getbig V
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Re: 3 worst Presidents in History...
« Reply #101 on: November 11, 2008, 11:17:55 PM »
So you are telling me that George W bush who got us through 911, the dotcom bust, enron etc scandals, is worse than Andrew Jackson who basically told the Us Supreme court to fuck off when they ruled in the Cherokees favor to keep the land and forcibly removed them to Oklahoma?
Exactly, but people live only for the now, they forget what happened yesterday on the day things actually happened. most people have only a five minute attention span.



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Re: 3 worst Presidents in History...
« Reply #102 on: November 11, 2008, 11:22:44 PM »
George W. Bush
Jimmy Carter
Herbert Hoover

I think GWB is a good man and his heart is in the right place but he surrounded himself with pieces of shit named, Rumsfeld and Cheney.  They made things worse.
Overall when it's all said and done people will see he put us in an unnessasary war among many other things.

QFTed a great n1gga right there.

Peace wiggs, the gauthier clan loves you.


  • Getbig V
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Re: 3 worst Presidents in History...
« Reply #103 on: November 12, 2008, 06:36:46 AM »
There is no "proof" that hasn't been unclassified.  What I showed you was a very plausible and likely story based on what's available to the public.  And you refused to consider it because you're an idiot.  Those of us privy to more information know better. 
So now we are dealing with plausible stories (in your mind) instead of proof.  Thank god you are privied to inside information.  Otherwise one might think you're making shit up and talking out of your ass.

You can cry about "1441!!! UN!!! Resolutions!!! WAHHHHHH!!! WAAAAAHHHHH!!!" all day long but the fact is that it's a worthless argument for a worthless organization.  How many times did Saddam violate terms and the UN did.. nothing.  We never needed their permission since they have no real authority.
Typical lawless rightwinger.  The UN did nothing?  You have no idea what you are talking about.  What's new?
The sanctions resulting in a total economic embargo crippled the disarmed country.  But yet, Iraq was a powerhouse itching to take down the US with tons of WMDs.

Contact me when your sober.

You're right.  It says nothing of "stockpiles." Of course that doesn't matter much since it was obvious weapons programs were being pursued and Saddam continually displayed a pattern of deception.  Saddam fought inspectors every step of the way until he was FORCED to comply.  Even then he attempted to undermine their efforts.  Maybe you never asked yourself what that probably means but the rest of us have. 
Now we are back to the inchoate "intent" to have WMDs.  Where were the programs or weapons?  Sorry BB, no dice.

Your posts make me laugh, though.  As you get more and more angry because my posts totally undermine your cowardly position it's comical how your rants become even more insulting and of emotional outbursts.  Keep crying pussy... Bush isn't any mass murderer or whatever nutcase scenario you wish would come of this.  You're an extremist and a radical.  To make things worse you also have your head up your ass and only see what you want to.
You embarrass yourself with your factually unsupported sophomoric posts.

I just push the 'ass button' with barbs and you oblige willingly.

Bush isn't a mass murderer?  How did the tens of thousands of Iraqis die then? ...falling in the shower?....tripping over their fucking couches?

Bush is the biggest mass murderer of this decade.


  • Getbig V
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Re: 3 worst Presidents in History...
« Reply #104 on: November 12, 2008, 07:16:19 AM »
So let me get this straight: You are 'privy' to top secret information but still choose to debate daily, and for some period of hours, on the political section of a bodybuilding forum?



  • Getbig IV
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Re: 3 worst Presidents in History...
« Reply #105 on: November 12, 2008, 07:26:06 AM »
So now we are dealing with plausible stories (in your mind) instead of proof.  Thank god you are privied to inside information.  Otherwise one might think you're making shit up and talking out of your ass.
 Typical lawless rightwinger.  The UN did nothing?  You have no idea what you are talking about.  What's new?
The sanctions resulting in a total economic embargo crippled the disarmed country.  But yet, Iraq was a powerhouse itching to take down the US with tons of WMDs.

Contact me when your sober.
Now we are back to the inchoate "intent" to have WMDs.  Where were the programs or weapons?  Sorry BB, no dice.
You embarrass yourself with your factually unsupported sophomoric posts.

I just push the 'ass button' with barbs and you oblige willingly.

Bush isn't a mass murderer?  How did the tens of thousands of Iraqis die then? ...falling in the shower?....tripping over their fucking couches?

Bush is the biggest mass murderer of this decade.

Most Iraqis killed in Iraq are killed by other Iraqi's.

How is that Bush's fault?

You should be blaming the killing squads of Al Qaeda and Al Sadr, but instead you blame Bush.

Most of the 4000 soldiers killed in Iraq have been killed keeping the peace, not the other way around.

As I have said before Iraq is better off now then it was before the American intervention.

But your ok with Saddam gassing his own people and starving them in the 90's or displacing whole communities in the south and north.


  • Getbig V
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Re: 3 worst Presidents in History...
« Reply #106 on: November 12, 2008, 07:27:08 AM »
So now we are dealing with plausible stories (in your mind) instead of proof.  Thank god you are privied to inside information.  Otherwise one might think you're making shit up and talking out of your ass.
 Typical lawless rightwinger.  The UN did nothing?  You have no idea what you are talking about.  What's new?
The sanctions resulting in a total economic embargo crippled the disarmed country.  But yet, Iraq was a powerhouse itching to take down the US with tons of WMDs.

Contact me when your sober.
Now we are back to the inchoate "intent" to have WMDs.  Where were the programs or weapons?  Sorry BB, no dice.
You embarrass yourself with your factually unsupported sophomoric posts.

I just push the 'ass button' with barbs and you oblige willingly.

Bush isn't a mass murderer?  How did the tens of thousands of Iraqis die then? ...falling in the shower?....tripping over their fucking couches?

Bush is the biggest mass murderer of this decade.

Still, the most plausible scenario is the one I just put before you and you refuse to open your eyes.  Maybe it makes you angry that a great deal about the Iraq war will be classified for years but that's your problem.  "Sanctions!!! Sanctions!!! Sanctions!!! hahahahaha.. pathetic.  Once again, the UN is an impotent organization.  Even with all their "efforts" Saddam still managed to destabilize the region and pursue weapons programs and torture and murder his own civilians etc, etc.

Iraqis dies because one element chose to attack US Soldiers in the form of insurgents, another element chose to use the war as a platform to launch civil violence and yet another were innocents in the crossfire.  How that translates to being different than any other war and Bush magically becoming a mass murderer is beyond me.  It's obviously no stretch at all for your imagination but that must be a luxury of being an uber-biased anti-american liberal, facts and reason no longer matter.


  • Getbig V
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Re: 3 worst Presidents in History...
« Reply #107 on: November 12, 2008, 08:05:29 AM »
Most Iraqis killed in Iraq are killed by other Iraqi's.

How is that Bush's fault?
B/c the soldiers Bush ordered to attack Iraq killed Iraq citizens defending their country from the illegal invasion.

You should be blaming the killing squads of Al Qaeda and Al Sadr, but instead you blame Bush.
I blame Bush b/c Iraq wouldn't have collapsed into civil war with ethnic cleansing if he hadn't ordered the invasion.

Most of the 4000 soldiers killed in Iraq have been killed keeping the peace, not the other way around.
Why were they keeping the peace in Iraq?  B/c they destroyed the peace in the first place.

As I have said before Iraq is better off now then it was before the American intervention.
I can point to tens of thousands of dead that would disagree with your conclusion.

But your ok with Saddam gassing his own people and starving them in the 90's or displacing whole communities in the south and north.
Do you mean the 1988 gassing that took place with Bush the smarter's endorsement?  Is that the gassing you're talking about? 

Did you know that Iran overran the Kurdish town and Iraq attacked?  It was a battle of the Iran/Iraq war.  Unfortunately Kurds got caught up in the battle.

Since we're talking history, how about we attack France for invading England in the Norman conquest?


  • Getbig V
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Re: 3 worst Presidents in History...
« Reply #108 on: November 12, 2008, 08:12:58 AM »
Still, the most plausible scenario is the one I just put before you and you refuse to open your eyes.  Maybe it makes you angry that a great deal about the Iraq war will be classified for years but that's your problem.  "Sanctions!!! Sanctions!!! Sanctions!!! hahahahaha.. pathetic.  Once again, the UN is an impotent organization.  Even with all their "efforts" Saddam still managed to destabilize the region and pursue weapons programs and torture and murder his own civilians etc, etc.
Your plausible scenario is not a valid argument for starting a war.

Do you acknowledge that?  Do you understand that plausible stories cannot be the basis for wholesale death and destruction?

Is that starting to register?  See this is where legal precepts for lawful wars kick in.  Like it or not, Bush's use of force was not justified in any legal sense.

Prove me wrong with some facts instead of your hypotheticals.

Iraqis dies because one element chose to attack US Soldiers in the form of insurgents, another element chose to use the war as a platform to launch civil violence and yet another were innocents in the crossfire.  How that translates to being different than any other war and Bush magically becoming a mass murderer is beyond me.  It's obviously no stretch at all for your imagination but that must be a luxury of being an uber-biased anti-american liberal, facts and reason no longer matter.
The Iraqis use of force in repelling the invading coalition forces was/is a valid form of self defense.

If a woman kills a rapist in self defense with a gun, do you blame her for attacking the rapist?

Bush ordered the invasion illegal unjustified use of force. 

He's a mass murderer pure and simple and he should hang for his crimes.  I'll settle for life in prison though b/c I am against the death penalty.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: 3 worst Presidents in History...
« Reply #109 on: November 12, 2008, 08:15:49 AM »
Reagan's tax cuts caused the economic boom of the 1980s.

Reagan's tax cuts paved the way for the economic boom of the 1990s under Clinton.

Reagan won the cold war by asking the Soviets to tear down a wall.
We live in a Socialist Democratic Republic.  Get used to it.  It's our history.

Reagen left us in Debt... Fact. 

People and their tax cuts claiming it does major economic growth.  Creating JOBS grows the economy.  As business owner if you give me a 3% tax cut and save me 15,000 im not going to employ another employee.  Im going to go spend that shit!!!!!!!!! :D  (most likely overseas)


  • Getbig V
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Re: 3 worst Presidents in History...
« Reply #110 on: November 12, 2008, 08:19:00 AM »
Reagen left us in Debt... Fact.
My references were to tired rightwing saws about Reagan.  I was being ironic.  Everything I said about him is manifestly not true.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: 3 worst Presidents in History...
« Reply #111 on: November 12, 2008, 08:21:44 AM »
B/c the soldiers Bush ordered to attack Iraq killed Iraq citizens defending their country from the illegal invasion.
I blame Bush b/c Iraq wouldn't have collapsed into civil war with ethnic cleansing if he hadn't ordered the invasion.
Why were they keeping the peace in Iraq?  B/c they destroyed the peace in the first place.
I can point to tens of thousands of dead that would disagree with your conclusion.
Do you mean the 1988 gassing that took place with Bush the smarter's endorsement?  Is that the gassing you're talking about? 

Did you know that Iran overran the Kurdish town and Iraq attacked?  It was a battle of the Iran/Iraq war.  Unfortunately Kurds got caught up in the battle.

Since we're talking history, how about we attack France for invading England in the Norman conquest?

Saddam did much more than Gas one Kurdish town.

But since you are supporting his actions you should know this.

BTW there was already a cultural war and ethnic cleansing going on Iraq.
The forced migration of Arabs to Kirkuk so that the city wouldn't be Kurdish.
The draining of the Tigris Delta to force Shitis into Sadr city so that Saddam could control them.
The gassing of Kurds in the north.
The forced starvation of large groups of Shities so that Saddam could continue to buy weapons under food for oil program.

Hopefully when America leaves the chances for Iraq to live in peace will be greatly enhanced.


  • Getbig V
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Re: 3 worst Presidents in History...
« Reply #112 on: November 12, 2008, 08:39:38 AM »
Saddam did much more than Gas one Kurdish town.

But since you are supporting his actions you should know this.

BTW there was already a cultural war and ethnic cleansing going on Iraq.
The forced migration of Arabs to Kirkuk so that the city wouldn't be Kurdish.
The draining of the Tigris Delta to force Shitis into Sadr city so that Saddam could control them.
The gassing of Kurds in the north.
The forced starvation of large groups of Shities so that Saddam could continue to buy weapons under food for oil program.

Hopefully when America leaves the chances for Iraq to live in peace will be greatly enhanced.

Is an explanation the same thing as a defense?  I don't think that's quite true, do you?  And what's with President Bush the smarter letting the whole thing slide as if it were nothing?  Surely such a crime deserved swift retribution.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: 3 worst Presidents in History...
« Reply #113 on: November 12, 2008, 08:44:58 AM »
Is an explanation the same thing as a defense?  I don't think that's quite true, do you?  And what's with President Bush the smarter letting the whole thing slide as if it were nothing?  Surely such a crime deserved swift retribution.
It did and that is how the neo-con movement started.
Oh well isn't history wonderful.


  • Getbig V
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Re: 3 worst Presidents in History...
« Reply #114 on: November 12, 2008, 09:06:52 AM »
It did and that is how the neo-con movement started.
Oh well isn't history wonderful.
I believe the US issued a weak verbal condemnation of the event.  And everyone thinks the UN is useless.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: 3 worst Presidents in History...
« Reply #115 on: November 12, 2008, 09:12:36 AM »
I believe the US issued a weak verbal condemnation of the event.  And everyone thinks the UN is useless.
The UN is useless.
Rwanda, Kurds, Chad, Somalia. All the UN did was watch.
The only people that like the UN are the ones that benefit from the IMF.
Or that can use as it as a stump to belittle the US.


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Re: 3 worst Presidents in History...
« Reply #116 on: November 12, 2008, 09:14:57 AM »
Wait Joker ur forgeting all the raping and pillaging that "UN peacekeepers" did while helping their fellow African brothers. The UN feeds and supports the warlords...its a joke.


  • Getbig V
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Re: 3 worst Presidents in History...
« Reply #117 on: November 12, 2008, 09:18:02 AM »
The UN is useless.
Rwanda, Kurds, Chad, Somalia. All the UN did was watch.
The only people that like the UN are the ones that benefit from the IMF.
Or that can use as it as a stump to belittle the US.
Gee, the USA is a charter member of the UN.  International law is given as much credence as the biggest player on the block allows.

If the US willingly shits on international law embodied by the UN, then we have a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy about its ineffectiveness, don't we?


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Re: 3 worst Presidents in History...
« Reply #118 on: November 12, 2008, 09:20:06 AM »
The UN knows full well we're the only people capable of proping up their bullshit resolutions. We should tell em they're on their own. I'm not all for Team America, but if u don't want a burnt out Africa, we're all thats left.


  • Getbig V
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Re: 3 worst Presidents in History...
« Reply #119 on: November 12, 2008, 09:20:41 AM »
Wait Joker ur forgeting all the raping and pillaging that "UN peacekeepers" did while helping their fellow African brothers. The UN feeds and supports the warlords...its a joke.
Such a cynical young man.

Take a gander at some of the accomplishments of the UN:

1. Deploying more than 35 peace-keeping missions. There are presently 16 active peace-keeping forces in operation.

2. Credited with negotiating 172 peaceful settlements that have ended regional conflicts

3. The UN has enabled people in over 45 countries to participate in free and fair elections

4. Development - The system's annual disbursements, including loans and grants, amount to more than $10 billion.

5. UNICEF spends more than $800 million a year, primarily on immunization, health care, nutrition and basic education in 138 countries.

6. UN Human Rights Commission has focused world attention on cases of torture, disappearance, and arbitrary detention and has generated international pressure.

7. UN Conference eon Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, resulted in treaties on bio-diversity and climate change.

8. Has helped minimize the threat of a nuclear war by inspecting nuclear reactors in 90.

9. Over 300 international treaties, on topics as varied as human rights conventions to agreements on the use of outer space and seabed.

10. The International Court of Justice has helped settle international disputes involving territorial issues, diplomatic relations, hostage-taking, and economic rights.

11. The UN was a major factor in bringing about the downfall of the apartheid system.

12. More than 30 million refugees fleeing war, famine or persecution have received aid from the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.

13. Aiding Palestinian Refugees with free schooling, essential health care, relief assistance and key social services virtually without interruption. There are 2.9 million refugees in the Middle East served by UNRWA.

14. Alleviating Chronic Hunger and Rural Poverty in Developing Countries, providing credit that has benefited over 230 million people in nearly 100 developing countries.

15. The Africa Project Development Facility has helped entrepreneurs in 25 countries to find financing for new enterprises. The Facility has completed 130 projects which represent investments of $233 million and the creation of 13,000 new jobs, saving some $131 million in foreign exchange annually.

16. Promoting Women's Rights ­have supported programs and projects to improve the quality of life for women in over 100 countries, including credit and training, marketing opportunities, etc.

17. Providing Safe Drinking Water ­ Available to 1.3 billion people in rural areas during the last decade.

18. Eradicating Smallpox ­ through vaccinations and monitoring. Helped wipe out polio from the Western Hemisphere, with global eradication expected soon.

19. Pressing for Universal Immunization of polio, tetanus, measles, whooping cough, diphtheria and tuberculosis ­ has a 80% immunization rate, saving the lives of more than 3 million children each year.

20. Reducing child mortality rates, halved since 1960, increasing the average life expectancy from 37 to 67 years.

21. Fighting parasitic diseases, such as saving the lives of 7 million children from going blind from the river blindness and rescued many others from guinea worm and other tropical diseases.

22. Promoting investment in developing countries ­promoting entrepreneurship and self-reliance, industrial cooperation and technology transfer and cost-effective, ecologically-sensitive industry.

23. Reducing the effects of natural disasters ­early warning system, which utilizes thousands of surface monitors as well as satellites, has provided information for the dispersal of oil spills and has predicted long-term droughts.

24. Providing food to victims of emergencies ­ Over two million tons of food each year. 30 million people facing acute food shortages in 36 countries benefited from this assistance last year.

25. Clearing land mines - The United Nations is leading an international effort to clear land minds from Afghanistan, Angola, Cambodia, El Salvador, Mozambique, Rwanda and Somalia.

26. Protecting the ozone layer & global warming­highlighting the damage caused to the earth's ozone layer. As a result there has been a global effort to reduce chemical emissions of substances that have caused the depletion of the ozone.

27. Preventing over-fishing

28. Limiting deforestation and promoting sustainable forestry development ­in 90 countries.

29. Cleaning up pollution ­encouraged adversaries such as Syria and Israel, and Turkey and Greece to work together to clean up beaches. As a result, more than 50% of the previously polluted beaches are now usable.

30. Protecting consumers' health ­have established standards for over 200 food commodities and safety limits for more than 3,000 food contaminants.

31. Reducing fertility rates ­ Family planning programs. Women in developing countries are having fewer children ­ from six births per woman in the 1960s to 3.5 today. In the 1960s, only 10% of the world's families were using effective methods of family planning. The number now stands at 55 percent.

32. Fighting drug abuse ­Reduce demand for illicit drugs, suppress drug trafficking, and has helped farmers to reduce their economic reliance on growing narcotic crops by shifting farm production toward other dependable sources of income.

33. Improving global trade relations ­ The UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has worked to obtain special trade preferences for developing countries to export their products to developed countries with fair prices.

34. Promoting economic reform ­ Together with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations has helped many countries improve their economic management, offered training for government finance officials, and provided financial assistance to countries experiencing temporary balance of payment difficulties.

35. Promoting worker rights ­worked to guarantee freedom of the right to association, the right to organize, collective bargaining, setting worker safety standards, the rights of indigenous and tribal peoples, promote employment and equal remuneration and has sought to eliminate discrimination and child labor.

36. Introducing improved agricultural techniques and reducing costs ­Resulted in improved crop yields, Asian rice farmers have saved $12 million on pesticides and governments over $150 a year in pesticide subsidies.

37. Promoting stability and order in the world's oceans ­global agreement for the protection, preservation and peaceful development of the oceans.

38. Improving air and sea travel ­Setting safety standards for sea and air travel, making air travel the safest mode of transportation.

39. Protecting intellectual property ­Protection for new inventions and maintains a register of nearly 3 million national trademarks. artists, composers and authors worldwide.

40. Promoting the free flow of information ­free of censorship and culturally unbiased, aid to develop and strengthen communication systems, established news agencies and supported an independent press.

41. Improving global communications ­ Regulated international mail delivery, coordinated use of the radio spectrum, promoted cooperation in assigning positions for stationary satellites, and established international standards for communications, thereby ensuring the unfettered flow of information around the globe.

42. Empowering the voiceless ­recognize the needs and contributions of groups usually excluded from decision-making such as the aging, children, youth, homeless, indigenous an disabled people.

43. Establishing "children as a zone of peace" ­ From El Salvador to Lebanon, Sudan to former Yugoslavia, provide vaccines and other assistance desperately needed by children caught in armed conflict.

44. Generating worldwide commitment in support of the needs of children ­more than 150 governments have committed to reaching over 20 specific measurable goals to radically improve children's lives by the year 2000.

45. Improving education in developing countries ­60% of adults in developing countries can now read and write, and 80 percent of children in these countries attend school.

46. Improving literacy for women ­Raise the female literacy rate in developing countries from 36 percent in 1970 to 56 percent in 1990.

47. Safeguarding and preserving historic cultural and architectural sites ­protected through the efforts of UNESCO, and international conventions have been adopted to preserve cultural property.

48. Facilitating academic and cultural exchanges encouraged scholarly and scientific cooperation, networking of institutions and promotion of cultural expressions, including those of minorities and indigenous people.


  • Getbig V
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Re: 3 worst Presidents in History...
« Reply #120 on: November 12, 2008, 09:22:45 AM »
The UN knows full well we're the only people capable of proping up their bullshit resolutions. We should tell em they're on their own. I'm not all for Team America, but if u don't want a burnt out Africa, we're all thats left.
The complexity is that the US is the main player in the world and the UN, by its charter, calls for international cooperation...not the US bullying anyone it wants.

Do you think efforts to create and support an international legal network where dispute resolution is held to objective standards is a waste of time?


  • Getbig IV
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Re: 3 worst Presidents in History...
« Reply #121 on: November 12, 2008, 09:35:19 AM »
I am not going to comment all the complete list, but many items seem to not have worked or the UN impact is vastly overstated.
Like over fishing, deforestation. They are getting worse not better
The UN didn't bring down apartheid in South Africa.


  • Getbig V
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Re: 3 worst Presidents in History...
« Reply #122 on: November 12, 2008, 09:53:35 AM »
I am not going to comment all the complete list, but many items seem to not have worked or the UN impact is vastly overstated.
Like over fishing, deforestation. They are getting worse not better
The UN didn't bring down apartheid in South Africa.
I disagree.


  • Getbig V
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Re: 3 worst Presidents in History...
« Reply #123 on: November 12, 2008, 06:19:10 PM »
Your plausible scenario is not a valid argument for starting a war.

Do you acknowledge that?  Do you understand that plausible stories cannot be the basis for wholesale death and destruction?

Is that starting to register?  See this is where legal precepts for lawful wars kick in.  Like it or not, Bush's use of force was not justified in any legal sense.

Prove me wrong with some facts instead of your hypotheticals.
The Iraqis use of force in repelling the invading coalition forces was/is a valid form of self defense.

If a woman kills a rapist in self defense with a gun, do you blame her for attacking the rapist?

Bush ordered the invasion illegal unjustified use of force. 

He's a mass murderer pure and simple and he should hang for his crimes.  I'll settle for life in prison though b/c I am against the death penalty.

It is when our leaders are privy to information that we aren't. 
It is when considering the MANY reasons we had to go to Iraq.  Saddams intentions alone we're enough to, at minimum, prevent him from continued acts of deception and noncompliance.  You can't fail to comply a thousand times and then comply once when we say were going to use force and then claim you were in agreement. 
It is when our allies decided we were justified enough that they send troops of their own.

If you think that insurgents killing our soldiers was justified then I have to assume you actually are NOT so stupid as to continue lumping in the number of dead Iraqi combatants with your inflated death toll.

But you ARE an idiot so I'm sure you will anyway. ;D

I thinks it's hilarious you claim to support the rights of a woman to defend herself from rape with force yet your side is vehemently against right to carry laws which provide said protection.  Typical spineless liberal hypocrite.


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Re: 3 worst Presidents in History...
« Reply #124 on: November 12, 2008, 07:21:14 PM »
It is when our leaders are privy to information that we aren't. 
It is when considering the MANY reasons we had to go to Iraq.  Saddams intentions alone we're enough to, at minimum, prevent him from continued acts of deception and noncompliance.  You can't fail to comply a thousand times and then comply once when we say were going to use force and then claim you were in agreement. 
It is when our allies decided we were justified enough that they send troops of their own.

If you think that insurgents killing our soldiers was justified then I have to assume you actually are NOT so stupid as to continue lumping in the number of dead Iraqi combatants with your inflated death toll.

But you ARE an idiot so I'm sure you will anyway. ;D

I thinks it's hilarious you claim to support the rights of a woman to defend herself from rape with force yet your side is vehemently against right to carry laws which provide said protection.  Typical spineless liberal hypocrite.

What was your MOS?