Author Topic: Obama & DNC Advisor attacking Ann Romney "never worked a day in her life"  (Read 13392 times)


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Ann Romney isnt running for president you twit. She would make a great First Lady.

Michelle Obama wasn't running for President.  Yet it didn't stop the board loser from saying the exact same thing and worse about her.

Hypocrisy.   Too bad they don't make meds for it.

Soul Crusher

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Michelle Obama wasn't running for President.  Yet it didn't stop the board loser from saying the exact same thing and worse about her.

Hypocrisy.   Too bad they don't make meds for it.

That fat ghetto slumming marxist racist hog gave us good reason to attack her remember?   


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You are a government worker - NO SHIT ! ! ! !

has nothing to do with the stock market..

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Hilary Rosen: 'Spare Me The Faux Anger' On Ann Romney 'Never Worked A Day In Her Life' Remark ^ | April 12, 2012 | Howard Koplowitz

Democratic strategist Hilary Rosen wants Republicans to spare her the "faux anger" as backlash against her continues to build for saying Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's wife, Ann Romney, "never worked a day in her life."

The remarks were seen as an attack on stay-at-home mothers, being that Ann Romney cared for her five children -- Tagg, Matt, Josh, Ben and Craig -- as a housewife.

"Guess what, [Romney's] wife has actually never worked a day in her life," Rosen told CNN, referring to Ann Romney.

Ann Romney used her first tweet to suggest raising five children amounted to a job.

"I made a choice to stay home and raise five boys. Believe me, it was hard work," she tweeted.

Politicos on both sides of the aisle condemned Hilary Rosen's remarks, including top advisers to President Barack Obama.

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Vince G, CSN MFT

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I hope these communist traitors keep this up - this will only make people like myself who are luke warm to romney at best start really supporting him. 

November election  - Obama or America - you can't have both.

That's fucked up but Obama is already spoken out against those comments

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Video: Obama Lays Groundwork for Rosen's Attack on Ann Romney
Breitbart Big Goverment ^ | 4/12/2012 | John Nolte

The Obama campaign would have us believe that last night on CNN Obama advisor and frequent White House guest, Hilary Rosen, spoke out of turn with her indefensible attack on Ann Romney and every woman who chooses to stay home and raise her family. But in a speech last Friday at “The White House Forum on Women and the Economy,” President Obama seemed to be laying the groundwork for exactly this attack.

By last Friday, it was already apparent that the only thing stopping Mitt Romney from becoming the GOP presidential nominee were mere formalities, and talk had already begun among Obama's media allies that Ann Romney, the wife of our likely nominee, was going to be a huge asset for the Republican ticket. Attractive, charismatic, warm, well-spoken, intelligent, and likable on sight, she would do much to not only soften her husband's edges but also to help shore up the so-called gender gap.

As we've all seen since President Obama stabbed the Catholic Church in the back a couple of months ago, Obama is cynically plotting a path to re-election through a phony "war on women."

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That fat ghetto slumming marxist racist hog gave us good reason to attack her remember?   

In your delusional little mind perhaps.  And how can someone that is 5'5" with a 40 inch waist call another person fat?


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has nothing to do with the stock market..

Are you sure?  I mean, barring common sense and basic reality, isn't there some way you can connect the two?  I got the name of a great India blogger if you need help.

Soul Crusher

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Are you sure?  I mean, barring common sense and basic reality, isn't there some way you can connect the two?  I got the name of a great India blogger if you need help.

LOL - where do you think all that fake money printed by the fed wound up moron? 

Sure a ton of it wound up obama's nose and into mobaccas fat ass, but the fed injected the money into the market to prop it up. 


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More delusional bullshit.

Have you ever seen a psychiatrist?

Soul Crusher

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More delusional bullshit.

Have you ever seen a psychiatrist?

What part of what I said wrong? 


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They're doing what's best for the country. 3.5 years in and 0 sign of recovery.


I'd hate to see what losing looks like if this is winning

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Ann Romney Just BLASTED Democrats And Hilary Rosen On Fox
Brett LoGiurato | Apr. 12, 2012, 10:44 AM | 45,854 | 147

Ladies (and gentlemen, too), Ann Romney has entered her voice into the general election.

She was on Fox this morning with Martha MacCallum, discussing comments from Democratic consultant Hilary Rosen that have caused a complete firestorm in the past 14 or so hours.

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Ann Romney was impressive and civil toward Rosen and began shifting the conversation to her husband's policies on women, which Democrats have been lambasting for the past few weeks in a so-called "War on Women."

Some of the key quotes from Ann Romney's appearance on Fox:

• On her gut reaction to the initial comments: "She should have come to my house when those five boys were causing so much trouble. It wasn't so easy."

• On her career choice as a mother: "My career choice was to be a mother."

• On what concerns she hears from women: "Guess what women are talking about? They're talking about jobs, and they're talking about the legacy of debt that we're leaving our children."

• On Rosen's comments this morning (SEE BELOW): "Maybe I haven't struggled as much financially as some people have, but I can tell you, I've had struggles in my life. I would love to have people understand that Mitt and I have compassion for people that are struggling. That's why we're running. We care about the people that are struggling."

On Rosen's comments that he doesn't treat women equally: "That does bother me. That is not correct at all. ... He has so many women in his circle. ... Mitt Romney is a person that admires women and listens to them, and I am grateful that he listens to me."

Meanwhile, Hilary Rosen was on CNN this morning, refusing to back down from her comments. She repeated that she was not trying to insult Ann Romney, saying that "being a mom is the hardest job in the world." And she tried to shift the subject to Mitt Romney's policies on women — to little avail.

"Mitt Romney has brought his wife into this conversation. It's not about Ann Romney. This is about the waitress in a diner someplace in Nevada who has two kids, whose daycare funding is being cut off because of the Romney-Ryan budget, and she doesn't know what to do. This isn't about whether Ann Romney or I or other women of some means can afford to make a choice to stay home and raise kids.

"Most women in America — let's face it — don't have that choice. They have to be working moms and home moms. And that's the piece that I am not hearing from the Romney camp."

The Republican National Committee also got involved, blasting out an email to supporters and press early Thursday morning. It called on the Democratic National Committee and President Obama to denounce Rosen's comments. Here's the statement, from RNC Press Secretary Kirsten Kukowski:

"Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz should immediately apologize for the insulting and insensitive comments of her adviser, Hilary Rosen. To suggest that any mother has 'never worked a day in her life,' is an affront to mothers everywhere. Democrats continue to attack Republicans for a 'war on women' even as they attack women with devastating economic policies and offensive rhetoric. The hypocrisy is appalling."

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After insult Romney hits back with lightning speed
by Byron York Chief Political Correspondent


Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and his wife Ann wave as they leave at an election night rally in Schaumburg, Ill., (AP Photo/Nam Y. Huh)Want a preview of the hyper-speed political warfare that will mark the general election campaign?  Look no farther than a skirmish, conducted first on Twitter and later everywhere else, that erupted Wednesday night over a Democratic strategist's accusation that Ann Romney has "never worked a day in her life."

It started on CNN, when Hilary Rosen, a longtime Democratic operative, appeared in a segment alongside fellow Democrat Paul Begala and conservative blogger Erick Erickson.  Rosen denounced Republicans for -- she claimed -- wrongly attributing the phrase "war on women" to Democrats.  And then, Rosen said this:

With respect to economic issues, I think actually that Mitt Romney is right that ultimately women care more about the economic well-being of their family and the like.  But he doesn't connect on that issue, either.  What you have is Mitt Romney running around the country saying well, you know, my wife tells me that what women really care about are economic issues, and when I listen to my wife, that's what I'm hearing.  Guess what?  His wife has actually never worked a day in her life.  She's never really dealt with the kinds of economic issues that a majority of the women in this country are facing in terms of how do we feed our kids, how do we send them to school, and why we worry about their future.

Within seconds, Rosen's statement that Ann Romney has "never worked a day in her life" began to burn up Twitter. Mrs. Romney, after all, had raised five children, as well as dealt with MS and cancer.  That was work, no matter how much money her husband made.

The Romney campaign jumped on Rosen's remarks with a speed that no Republican campaign has shown in the past.  First, campaign staffers sent out tweets hitting Rosen.  "Obama adviser Hilary Rosen goes on CNN to debut their new 'kill Ann' strategy, and in the process insults hard-working moms," said top Romney adviser Eric Fehrnstrom.  The campaign then sent out word that Rosen, who has worked for the Democratic National Committee and other Democratic organizations, is now part of the same firm, SKDKnickerbocker, as Anita Dunn, a prominent member of the Obama circle.  And then came word that Rosen had visited the White House at least 35 times, according to publicly-available White House visitors logs.  And then that Rosen attended last month's state dinner at the White House.

Sensing an opportunity, the Romney campaign rolled out the big guns and had Ann Romney, who had never sent out a message on Twitter before, send out her first: "I made a choice to stay home and raise five boys.  Believe me, it was hard work."  Mrs. Romney quickly had thousands of followers.

The story really took off when Obama campaign officials scrambled to distance themselves from Rosen.  Obama campaign manager Jim Messina tweeted: "I could not disagree with Hilary Rosen any more strongly. Her comments were wrong and family should be off limits. She should apologize." Top Obama aide David Axelrod added, "Also disappointed in Hilary Rosen's comments about Ann Romney. They were inappropriate and offensive."

Rosen herself was in no mood to apologize.  After the controversy erupted, she tweeted, "When I said on [CNN] Ann Romney never worked I meant she never had to care for her kids AND earn a paycheck like MOST American women!"  Rosen added the hashtag "#Truth" to emphasize her point.  Rosen later tweeted that Mitt Romney "now makes up false concern for women's economic struggle" and "he should stop saying that she is his guide to women's economic problems. She doesn't have any."  To that, Rosen added the hashtag "#IsntItObvious?"

Rosen later posted an extensive explanation at the Huffington Post.  "I have nothing against Ann Romney," Rosen wrote.  "She seems like a nice lady who has raised nice boys and struggled with illness and handles their long term effects with grace and dignity…What is more important to me and 57% of current women voters is her husband saying he supports women's economic issue because they are the only issues that matter to us and then he fails on even those.

With the Romney campaign on offense and the highest levels of Team Obama on defense, the press quickly picked up on the fight. It was clearly news in light of the recent sparring between the campaigns over women's issues and polls showing Obama with a significant lead over Romney among women voters.

But the episode showed something else, and that was about the Romney campaign.  Presented with an opening, Romney's staff jumped on the controversy with impressive speed, forcing top Obama officials to respond before most people even knew there was a story.  The fracas suggests that Team Romney is determined to aggressively -- really aggressively -- pursue any chance to press an advantage against Obama.  If the president's re-election team thought they were facing a slow-moving, not-up-to-the-task Republican rival, they learned differently Wednesday night.

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  • Getbig IV
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Michelle Obama wasn't running for President.  Yet it didn't stop the board loser from saying the exact same thing and worse about her.

Hypocrisy.   Too bad they don't make meds for it.

That was a mistake on his part. Michelle Obama has been a far better First Lady than her husband has been president. But 33 isnt a high level advisor to Mitt Romney nor anyone in the GOP, and I certainly dont think he will be visiting a Romney White House 35 times.
Jan. Jobs: 36,000!!

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Was Hilary Rosen The Obama Spin Doctor Behind Sandra Fluke?
Bretibart ^ | 4/12/12 | staff

With the new reports today that DNC consultant Hilary Rosen has been an incredibly frequent visitor to the White House – at least 35 times, including five times directly with the president of the United States – questions are arising about her role in the furor surrounding the Sandra Fluke incident. As Bill O’Reilly first reported, Sandra Fluke’s press relations was run by SKDKnickerbocker, the firm of Anita Dunn and Rosen. Fluke testified before Congress in February; on February 29, Rush Limbaugh attacked her on air, using the word “slut,” for which he later apologized.

The timeline suggests that Rosen personally was an integral part of the coordinated leftist strategy to attack Limbaugh. On March 2, President Obama waded into the debate, calling Fluke personally.

On March 20, Eric Wemple of the Washington Post contacted Dunn to ask about her representation of Fluke and her level of coordination with the White House. She responded:

You should put this question directly to the White House, but I wasn’t involved in Sandra’s testimony or any arrangements around it …. My firm’s involvement with Sandra, through a friend of a friend, came about days after Rush Limbaugh attacked her on the air and the crush of media requests became more than she and a helpful friend could handle.

The connection happened within days. Within three days, no doubt, just in time for President Obama to jump into the mix.

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BBBBOOOOOMMMMMMM ! ! ! ! ! !  ! ! ! ! !

Glad that these radical communist pofs are being outed.  

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Wolf Blitzer Just Destroyed Hilary Rosen For Attacking Ann Romney
Grace Wyler | 15 minutes ago | 249 | 3

Democratic advisor Hilary Rosen was back on CNN this afternoon, appearing on Wolf Blitzer's "The Situation Room" to apologize for saying yesterday that Ann Romney had "never worked a day in her life. "

The comment has launched a political firestorm, as Republicans accused Rosen — and by extension Democrats and President Barack Obama — of attacking stay-at-home moms. Although Rosen initially doubled down on her remarks, she apologized in a statement earlier this afternoon amid pressure from high-level Democrats and Obama campaign officials.

But Rosen's apology on CNN was half-hearted, at best. And Blitzer called her out on it.

The host kicked off the interview by commenting on Rosen's slight smirk.

"I see you are smiling a little bit, I don't see why you are smiling," Blitzer remarked.

Rosen looked a little taken aback, but then held her ground, launching into a tirade against Mitt Romney's campaign:

This is a distraction that the Romney campaign is forcing on the American people to avoid his record on the issue.

Rosen also attacked Romney's record on women's issues, and slammed the candidate for using his wife to reach out to women about economic issues.

"When she goes out there and says she is his economic surrogate, come on, I’m not bringing her into this conversation," Rosen said, adding that Romney's record on hiring women during his career at Bain Capital was "terrible." (She didn't offer any evidence to back up the claim.)

When Rosen ran out steam, Blitzer remarked: "I didn't hear an apology."

Slightly embarrassed, Rosen mumbled something about having issued a statement and then turned to the camera:

"I apologize, working moms, stay-at-home moms, they are both difficult jobs," she said. "I should not have chosen words that seemed to attack her chosen path in life."

See Also

Mitt Romney's Campaign Totally Botched The Equal Pay Issue Today
Hilary Rosen Just Made A FULL Apology To Ann Romney
Ann Romney Just BLASTED Democrats And Hilary Rosen On Fox

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Obama Tries To Quell The Firestorm And SLAMS Hilary Rosen's Comments
TBI ^ | 4-12-2012 | Brett LoGiurato

Obama Tries To Quell The Firestorm And SLAMS Hilary Rosen's Comments

Brett LoGiurato
April 12, 2012

jamesomalley | Flickr

President Barack Obama tried to quash a brewing political mess this afternoon by absolutely slamming Hilary Rosen's comments on Ann Romney.

First, he told an ABC affiliate: "There's no tougher job than being a mom." Not even the President, apparently.

Then he doubled down on past comments that a candidate's family should be off limits:

“I don’t have a lot of patience for commentary about the spouses of political candidates,” he told KCRG.

“My general view is those of us who are in the public life, we’re fair game. Our families are civilians,” he said. “I haven’t met Mrs. Romney, but she seems like a very nice woman who is supportive of her family and supportive of her husband. I don’t know if she necessarily volunteered for this job so, you know, we don’t need to be directing comments at them. I think me and Governor Romney are going to have more than enough to argue about during the course of this campaign.”

He didn't address comments from Republican members of the House of Representatives earlier in the day, one of whom suggested that Obama would have said the same thing as Rosen. Members of Obama's staff had already distanced themselves from the comments, including David Axelrod and Press Secretary Jay Carney. Michelle Obama also joined in the backlash on Twitter, tweeting that "every mother works hard, and every woman deserves to be respected."

During the 2008 campaign, Obama said the same thing about Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin's family after it was revealed that her 17-year-old daughter Bristol was pregnant.

"Let me be as clear as possible. I think people's families are off-limits, and people's children


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  • Getbig V
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what's the big deal,she didn't work, she stayed at home ::)

Soul Crusher

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what's the big deal,she didn't work, she stayed at home ::)



Romney/Bachman   vs. FLUKE/LEWINSKY! 


  • Getbig V
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she probably wasn't your average stay home mom taking care of the kids,she probably had nannies,cooks to feed them, butlers and don't forget the chauffeurs to drive them around ;D

Soul Crusher

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she probably wasn't your average stay home mom taking care of the kids,she probably had nannies,cooks to feed them, butlers and don't forget the chauffeurs to drive them around ;D

I'm sure you can relate given that in most group homes they transport people around in maxi vans and transports. 


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I'm sure you can relate given that in most group homes they transport people around in maxi vans and transports. 

i know you can't relate,you would actually have to leave your apartment

Straw Man

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I don't condone the comment but I find it amusing that certain people on here who have devoted hudreds of hours of their life criticizing Michelle Obama suddenly find this one tiny comment to be such and outrage