Author Topic: I Knew this would Happen  (Read 7543 times)


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Re: I Knew this would Happen
« Reply #75 on: October 05, 2012, 01:38:06 PM »
Romney did verbally abuse obama and I loved it.    He called Obama a dishonest "boy" trying to get one over on him. 

Very subtle but effective. 

Obama has been pampered his whole life by messianic cult worshippers and does not know how to take a punch. 

Next debate is going to be even worse for him. 

I have no problem with the way Romney handled himself during the debate.

I think he did a great job.

Dario must not be paying attention to what I'm saying, or else he's just interpreting what he wants to.

The "Verbal Abuse" was just that... I did not say there was anything wrong with it.

If thinks that I'm an Obama shill then they certainly haven't been paying attention.

I've listed numerous fuckups I hate Obama for and they can go back through the political section to see it.

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Re: I Knew this would Happen
« Reply #76 on: October 05, 2012, 01:41:19 PM »
I have no problem with the way Romney handled himself during the debate.

I think he did a great job.

Dario must not be paying attention to what I'm saying, or else he's just interpreting what he wants to.

The "Verbal Abuse" was just that... I did not say there was anything wrong with it.

If thinks that I'm an Obama shill then they certainly haven't been paying attention.

I've listed numerous fuckups I hate Obama for and they can go back through the political section to see it.

Romney did verbally abuse obama in many ways, some direct to his face, others very subtle and sometimes even more effective ways. 

Its was verbal abuse - obama got dismembered verbally.  I think he did not prepare and thought the mod questions would be more on social issues.


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Re: I Knew this would Happen
« Reply #77 on: October 05, 2012, 01:43:30 PM »
Now, the lefties are going after the moderator, blaming him for standing by and letting Romney get medieval on Obama.

And, if that weren't enough, they're claiming that Romney had some secret handkerchief (I'm dead serious, folks) with note on it, which is why he countered Obama so easily.

You can't make this mess up, folks.


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Re: I Knew this would Happen
« Reply #78 on: October 05, 2012, 01:43:36 PM »

Romney did verbally abuse obama in many ways, some direct to his face, others very subtle and sometimes even more effective ways. 

Its was verbal abuse - obama got dismembered verbally.  I think he did not prepare and thought the mod questions would be more on social issues.

Agreed... in this debate, Romney took it to him and definitely won over a lot of voters.

He gave Obama a verbal shellacking the likes of which he had never received before.

Another debate like that and Obama is done... End of story.


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Re: I Knew this would Happen
« Reply #79 on: October 05, 2012, 01:45:45 PM »
Now, the lefties are going after the moderators and they're claiming that Romney had some secret handkerchief (I'm dead serious, folks) with note on it, which is why he countered Obama so easily.

You can't make this mess up, folks.
I see them blaming the moderators all over the place... but I never see them mention that the same moderator let Obama continually go LONG over his time limit. Weird.


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Re: I Knew this would Happen
« Reply #80 on: October 05, 2012, 01:47:03 PM »
I see them blaming the moderators all over the place... but I never see them mention that the same moderator let Obama continually go LONG over his time limit. Weird.

Well, there's only one thing left for Team Obama:

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Re: I Knew this would Happen
« Reply #81 on: October 05, 2012, 01:47:52 PM »
Obama pays price for ducking the questions
By Dana Milbank, Published: October 4

Barack Obama received a valuable reminder in his drubbing at Wednesday night’s debate: He is a president, not a king.


In the hours after the Republican challenger Mitt Romney embarrassed the incumbent in their first meeting, Obama loyalists expressed puzzlement that the incumbent had done badly. But Obama has only himself to blame, because he set himself up for Wednesday’s emperor-has-no-clothes moment. For the past four years, he has worked assiduously to avoid being questioned, maintaining a regal detachment from the media and other sources of dissent and skeptical inquiry.

Obama has set a modern record for refusal to be quizzed by the media, taking questions from reporters far less often than Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and even George W. Bush. Though his opponent in 2008 promised to take questions from lawmakers like the British prime minister does, Obama has shied from mixing it up with members of Congress, too. And, especially since Rahm Emanuel’s departure, Obama is surrounded by a large number of yes men who aren’t likely to get in his face.

This insularity led directly to the Denver debacle: Obama was out of practice and unprepared to be challenged. The White House had supposed that Obama’s forays into social media — town hall meetings with YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and the like — would replace traditional presidential communication. By relying on such venues, Obama’s argument skills atrophied, and he was ill-equipped to engage in old-fashioned give and take.

Luckily for Obama, the debates are, as one adviser put it Thursday, “a three-game series.” Romney’s after-debate glow will likely fade as he attempts to explain his dubious assertions that he would not reduce taxes paid by the wealthy and that his tax cuts wouldn’t increase the deficit. But even if Obama ultimately prevails, he should remember Denver as a warning: He does himself no favors by hiding from tough questioning.

Towson University political scientist Martha Kumar, who keeps a running tally of Obama’s media appearances, tells me he has had 19 solo news conferences in the White House as of Sept. 30. That compares to 26 for Ronald Reagan at the same point in his presidency, 59 for George H.W. Bush, and 31 for Bill Clinton. Obama had more formal news conferences than George W. Bush (13), but Bush engaged in many more informal Q&A sessions with reporters: 340 at this stage in his presidency to Obama’s 105. (Clinton had 585 at this point, the elder Bush had 309 and Reagan had 135.)

Obama hasn’t held a full-fledged news conference at the White House since March. After a Cabinet meeting in July, a reporter tried to ask him whether new gun laws were needed after the Colorado shooting — and Obama brushed off the inquiry with a joke.

In lieu of taking hard questions, Obama has opted for gauzy, soft-focus interviews with the likes of “Entertainment Tonight,” gentle appearances on late-night comedy shows, kid-glove satellite hits with regional TV stations, and joint appearances with the first lady where questions are certain to be gentle. Tough questions are rare in one-on-one interviews, because Obama has more control over the topic — and the interviewer wants to be invited back.

The problem of president-in-the-bubble isn’t unique to this one. As Democrats were quick to point out Wednesday night, other incumbent presidents — Jimmy Carter, Reagan and both Bushes — did poorly in their first debates. One former Obama White House official directly attributed Obama’s diminished debating skills to four years in the White House removed from verbal sparring.

Obama’s body language conveyed a sense that he felt it beneath him to be sharing a stage with Romney. The Republican National Committee released a video Thursday morning titled “Smirk” that showed Obama’s reaction to Romney’s barbs (eyes downcast, lips pursed, taking notes). He frequently tossed in phrases that indicated annoyance with the proceedings, which he thought were covering old ground (“We’ve had this discussion before. . . . As I indicated earlier. . . . ”).

After a night to sleep on it, and some time to huddle with aides, Obama on Thursday found the lively retorts that had eluded him Wednesday night. “When I got onto the stage, I met this very spirited fellow who claimed to be Mitt Romney,” he told supporters in Denver. “But it couldn’t have been Mitt Romney because the real Mitt Romney has been running around the country for the last year promising $5 trillion in tax cuts that favor the wealthy. The fellow on stage last night said he didn’t know anything about that.”

Nice comeback. Had Obama allowed himself to be challenged over the past four years, he might have come up with it in real time.

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Libs waking up to what we have been saying for years.   Obama is a media creation and con man.  


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Re: I Knew this would Happen
« Reply #82 on: October 05, 2012, 01:50:32 PM »
Obama Tells Romney "You Won" at end of Denver Debate


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Re: I Knew this would Happen
« Reply #83 on: October 05, 2012, 01:53:50 PM »
I see them blaming the moderators all over the place... but I never see them mention that the same moderator let Obama continually go LONG over his time limit. Weird.

I agree... The only thing I can say on that is that just "watching it" or "listening" to it... It seemed as if Romney went over longer than Obama.

Not until the very end did I realize that Obama had gone WAY over.

Probably more about "appearance", but let's be honest... "appearances" don't mean shit when it comes to this.

The bottom line is that Romney looked WAY fucking better and WAY more prepared than Obama.


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Re: I Knew this would Happen
« Reply #84 on: October 05, 2012, 02:01:44 PM »
Obama pays price for ducking the questions
By Dana Milbank, Published: October 4

Barack Obama received a valuable reminder in his drubbing at Wednesday night’s debate: He is a president, not a king.


In the hours after the Republican challenger Mitt Romney embarrassed the incumbent in their first meeting, Obama loyalists expressed puzzlement that the incumbent had done badly. But Obama has only himself to blame, because he set himself up for Wednesday’s emperor-has-no-clothes moment. For the past four years, he has worked assiduously to avoid being questioned, maintaining a regal detachment from the media and other sources of dissent and skeptical inquiry.

Obama has set a modern record for refusal to be quizzed by the media, taking questions from reporters far less often than Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and even George W. Bush. Though his opponent in 2008 promised to take questions from lawmakers like the British prime minister does, Obama has shied from mixing it up with members of Congress, too. And, especially since Rahm Emanuel’s departure, Obama is surrounded by a large number of yes men who aren’t likely to get in his face.

This insularity led directly to the Denver debacle: Obama was out of practice and unprepared to be challenged. The White House had supposed that Obama’s forays into social media — town hall meetings with YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and the like — would replace traditional presidential communication. By relying on such venues, Obama’s argument skills atrophied, and he was ill-equipped to engage in old-fashioned give and take.

Luckily for Obama, the debates are, as one adviser put it Thursday, “a three-game series.” Romney’s after-debate glow will likely fade as he attempts to explain his dubious assertions that he would not reduce taxes paid by the wealthy and that his tax cuts wouldn’t increase the deficit. But even if Obama ultimately prevails, he should remember Denver as a warning: He does himself no favors by hiding from tough questioning.

Towson University political scientist Martha Kumar, who keeps a running tally of Obama’s media appearances, tells me he has had 19 solo news conferences in the White House as of Sept. 30. That compares to 26 for Ronald Reagan at the same point in his presidency, 59 for George H.W. Bush, and 31 for Bill Clinton. Obama had more formal news conferences than George W. Bush (13), but Bush engaged in many more informal Q&A sessions with reporters: 340 at this stage in his presidency to Obama’s 105. (Clinton had 585 at this point, the elder Bush had 309 and Reagan had 135.)

Obama hasn’t held a full-fledged news conference at the White House since March. After a Cabinet meeting in July, a reporter tried to ask him whether new gun laws were needed after the Colorado shooting — and Obama brushed off the inquiry with a joke.

In lieu of taking hard questions, Obama has opted for gauzy, soft-focus interviews with the likes of “Entertainment Tonight,” gentle appearances on late-night comedy shows, kid-glove satellite hits with regional TV stations, and joint appearances with the first lady where questions are certain to be gentle. Tough questions are rare in one-on-one interviews, because Obama has more control over the topic — and the interviewer wants to be invited back.

The problem of president-in-the-bubble isn’t unique to this one. As Democrats were quick to point out Wednesday night, other incumbent presidents — Jimmy Carter, Reagan and both Bushes — did poorly in their first debates. One former Obama White House official directly attributed Obama’s diminished debating skills to four years in the White House removed from verbal sparring.

Obama’s body language conveyed a sense that he felt it beneath him to be sharing a stage with Romney. The Republican National Committee released a video Thursday morning titled “Smirk” that showed Obama’s reaction to Romney’s barbs (eyes downcast, lips pursed, taking notes). He frequently tossed in phrases that indicated annoyance with the proceedings, which he thought were covering old ground (“We’ve had this discussion before. . . . As I indicated earlier. . . . ”).

After a night to sleep on it, and some time to huddle with aides, Obama on Thursday found the lively retorts that had eluded him Wednesday night. “When I got onto the stage, I met this very spirited fellow who claimed to be Mitt Romney,” he told supporters in Denver. “But it couldn’t have been Mitt Romney because the real Mitt Romney has been running around the country for the last year promising $5 trillion in tax cuts that favor the wealthy. The fellow on stage last night said he didn’t know anything about that.”

Nice comeback. Had Obama allowed himself to be challenged over the past four years, he might have come up with it in real time.

________________________ _______________________

Libs waking up to what we have been saying for years.   Obama is a media creation and con man.  

But, when you have a good record, you can tank a debate, fall back, regroup, and win.

Carter and Bush I didn't quite have that and got smoked.

Reagan and Bush II had such and cruised to victory.

Straw Man

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Re: I Knew this would Happen
« Reply #85 on: October 05, 2012, 03:18:37 PM »
What part of "Romney doesn't have a $5 trillion dollar tax cut" don't you understand? Even his own deputy campaign manager ADMITTED SUCH on CNN. Plus, there's that pesky link 333386 just posted.

Obama brought that mess up at least three times during the debate and Romney shot him down, each time.

Yet, when Romney kept clubbing Obama with the economic numbers and reminding Obama "You're the president", that he's been in the oval office for nearly four years, Obama clammed up quickly.

No matter what Obama threw at Romney, Romney sliced and diced it up then put the boots to the president in pure beatdown fashion, even on ObamaCare (which was the very subject Romney wasn't supposed to touch).

In primetime, with the lights on bright, in front of over 60 million people, Romney took Obama to the woodshed and beat his backside, until it was glowing in the dark. All the post-debate whining and excuses doesn't change that.

Again, what's going to be the excuse, if Romney goes upside Obama's head again in about two weeks?

I said 4.8 Trillion and not 5 Trillion

and the #'s came from TCP analysis of Romneys own plan:

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Re: I Knew this would Happen
« Reply #86 on: October 05, 2012, 03:24:44 PM »
Agreed... in this debate, Romney took it to him and definitely won over a lot of voters.
He gave Obama a verbal shellacking the likes of which he had never received before.

Another debate like that and Obama is done... End of story.

I'm not aware this has been verified yet


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Re: I Knew this would Happen
« Reply #87 on: October 05, 2012, 03:27:42 PM »
I said 4.8 Trillion and not 5 Trillion

and the #'s came from TCP analysis of Romneys own plan:

I know that. That same organization revised their report and blasted the Obama administration for using their initial findings to suggest Romney wanted to raise taxes on the middle class.

Plus, Cutter acknowledged on CNN that the $5 trillion tax cut (or $4.8 trillion, if you prefer) claim was bogus.

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Re: I Knew this would Happen
« Reply #88 on: October 05, 2012, 03:29:37 PM »
I know that. That same organization revised their report and blasted the Obama administration for using their initial findings to suggest Romney wanted to raise taxes on the middle class.

fair enough - post the link with that info


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Re: I Knew this would Happen
« Reply #89 on: October 05, 2012, 03:33:16 PM »
I'm not aware this has been verified yet

The CNN poll after the debate (which I switched to after Fox News) showed it.

That's pretty verifiable.

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Re: I Knew this would Happen
« Reply #90 on: October 05, 2012, 03:40:47 PM »
The CNN poll after the debate (which I switched to after Fox News) showed it.

That's pretty verifiable.

what did the poll show ?

I went here and the only nation polls (CNN poll of polls - National)  I see are Oct 1 and Oct 2nd and both show 49 - 46 for Obama

The debate was Oct 3 but I don't see any polls for the 4th or 5th


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Re: I Knew this would Happen
« Reply #91 on: October 05, 2012, 04:47:27 PM »
what did the poll show ?

I went here and the only nation polls (CNN poll of polls - National)  I see are Oct 1 and Oct 2nd and both show 49 - 46 for Obama

The debate was Oct 3 but I don't see any polls for the 4th or 5th

It was not a web poll.

I was WATCHING CNN after the debate and they had an immediate poll of independent people who watched the debate.

Go find it on YouTube or something.


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Re: I Knew this would Happen
« Reply #92 on: October 05, 2012, 04:57:54 PM »
It was not a web poll.

I was WATCHING CNN after the debate and they had an immediate poll of independent people who watched the debate.

Go find it on YouTube or something.

You're supposed to be his slave on here and dig up anything the second he demands. Never mind that anytime you call him out on something he disappears faster than a fart in the wind. Another fucking loser wannabe elitist who thinks he's not on the plantation with the rest of the sycophantic slaves.

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Re: I Knew this would Happen
« Reply #93 on: October 05, 2012, 05:05:17 PM »
It was not a web poll.

I was WATCHING CNN after the debate and they had an immediate poll of independent people who watched the debate.

Go find it on YouTube or something.

ok - well I don't see any polls as of yet that show that Romney "won over lots of voters" whatever that term actually means

are you sure the poll you saw wasn't asking who they thought won the debate rather than who they intended to vote for ?


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Re: I Knew this would Happen
« Reply #94 on: October 05, 2012, 05:05:23 PM »
You're supposed to be his slave on here and dig up anything the second he demands. Never mind that anytime you call him out on something he disappears faster than a fart in the wind. Another fucking loser wannabe elitist who thinks he's not on the plantation with the rest of the sycophantic slaves.

He can choose to believe or not... That's on him.

I know what I saw.

Romney swayed a lot of independent voters this week. No doubt.

He swayed me for sure.

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Re: I Knew this would Happen
« Reply #95 on: October 05, 2012, 05:10:21 PM »
You're supposed to be his slave on here and dig up anything the second he demands. Never mind that anytime you call him out on something he disappears faster than a fart in the wind. Another fucking loser wannabe elitist who thinks he's not on the plantation with the rest of the sycophantic slaves.

you say this and whenever I challenge you on it you're the one that disappears

if you have something to say to me that make a thread, bump a thread, etc..

I don't go looking for your idiotic posts and if you want to make a claim then post a link or I'll assume it's total bullshit (in your case)

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Re: I Knew this would Happen
« Reply #96 on: October 05, 2012, 05:14:06 PM »
Now, the lefties are going after the moderator, bl

the morning after the debate, the headline on was that Leher was the real loser of the debate, and it detailed how out of contorl he was.

Lol @ "the lefties".   FOX said it first, and they were right, the dude does need to scoot aside, he looked a little confused and let people go over by 60 seconds at times.

FOX news said the moderator had zero control of the debate, and they pointed out one situation where romney was given 3 minutes to answer a 2 minute quesiton, and never addressed the question.

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Re: I Knew this would Happen
« Reply #97 on: October 05, 2012, 05:14:52 PM »
He can choose to believe or not... That's on him.

I know what I saw.

Romney swayed a lot of independent voters this week. No doubt.

He swayed me for sure.

so the poll you saw asked if voters were swayed??

the link I posted has LOTS of CNN polls and yet the one you saw doesn't seem to be there

no other polls that I've seen since the debate show "lots" of people switching to Romney

I'm not saying you're wrong or didn't see what you claim to have seen.... I just can't find anything to prove it is correct


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Re: I Knew this would Happen
« Reply #98 on: October 05, 2012, 07:37:07 PM »
the morning after the debate, the headline on was that Leher was the real loser of the debate, and it detailed how out of contorl he was.

Lol @ "the lefties".   FOX said it first, and they were right, the dude does need to scoot aside, he looked a little confused and let people go over by 60 seconds at times.

The Fox guys said the exact opposite of what the lefties were saying. They wanted the moderator to get out of the way and let Romney and Obama go at it. The lefties are irate, because (in their minds) Leher did just that, standing idle while Obama got the taste slapped out his mouth.

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Re: I Knew this would Happen
« Reply #99 on: October 05, 2012, 09:57:48 PM »
I know that. That same organization revised their report and blasted the Obama administration for using their initial findings to suggest Romney wanted to raise taxes on the middle class.
Plus, Cutter acknowledged on CNN that the $5 trillion tax cut (or $4.8 trillion, if you prefer) claim was bogus.

post the link with that info