Author Topic: WW's PCT pics  (Read 15822 times)


  • Getbig III
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Re: WW's PCT pics
« Reply #25 on: October 21, 2015, 01:00:03 PM »
WW, credit to you for overcoming some tough adversities in your life and getting into something positive. it's not easy, i know.

but having said that, you do not have 18 inch arms and you are not benching anywhere close to 500lbs (this one is surely just a joke, a really bad one but a joke nonetheless)
and your forearms being similar to this man??.....

Jesus wept.

oh and you're not 8% bodyfat, if you were anywhere close then you'd be posting pic after pic of yourself without a baggy vest.
sorry to sound like a prick because you actually seem like a decent guy from your previous posts, but all this is beyond the point of being funny, it's actually worrying. in fact, i'll give you the benefit of the doubt and put it down to just messing around for kicks, i refuse to believe you're that deluded.


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Re: WW's PCT pics
« Reply #26 on: October 21, 2015, 03:37:20 PM »
jesus christ man you said he hit 505 in a suit im assuming you meant bench shirt and 505 in a shirt is a laughing joke compared to a 500lb bench raw. even amateurs with limited experience are getting 100lbs out of gear. you clearly dont know much about powerlifting since you said add up your score lol

upload the video to youtube and post the link here, should take you about 3 minutes

im nots saying that there isnt people walking around with stupid big bench presses bc that the typical gym rate bragging strength but there isnt people walking around the rank top 10 in a lift that dont compete. drugs aside it take certain training style to reach that level of strength and its definitely not 100 rep sets with slow controlled contractions for a pump. im not trying to hate on you bc you seem like a good dude but your judgement of strength is off. 


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Re: WW's PCT pics
« Reply #27 on: October 21, 2015, 05:50:39 PM »
mentzers got a better camera and light-jk I'm not comparing him to me. I said id post some clips but I can't they won;t post to you tube I can't even email them to myself. There are guys out there benching alot but dosn't mean they compete in powerlifting meets. Yeah it was a bench shirt not a business suit-lol


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Re: WW's PCT pics
« Reply #28 on: October 21, 2015, 05:52:31 PM »
WW, credit to you for overcoming some tough adversities in your life and getting into something positive. it's not easy, i know.

but having said that, you do not have 18 inch arms and you are not benching anywhere close to 500lbs (this one is surely just a joke, a really bad one but a joke nonetheless)
and your forearms being similar to this man??.....

Jesus wept.

what if i measured them and they were over 18 pumped not cold would you apologize? 18IN arms are not insanely hard to get

oh and you're not 8% bodyfat, if you were anywhere close then you'd be posting pic after pic of yourself without a baggy vest.
sorry to sound like a prick because you actually seem like a decent guy from your previous posts, but all this is beyond the point of being funny, it's actually worrying. in fact, i'll give you the benefit of the doubt and put it down to just messing around for kicks, i refuse to believe you're that deluded.


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Re: WW's PCT pics
« Reply #29 on: October 21, 2015, 07:12:47 PM »
powerlifting 101 suits is in reference to a squat or deadlift SUIT. shirt is in reference to a bench SHIRT. just to clarify. you obviously like to argue since you are now defending "guys out there" by saying there are guys out there benching alot they just dont compete. yea there are big benches out there that dont compete but not top in the country and you are claiming to be doing that by benching 500 but avoiding the statement and keep referencing your buddy that uses a bench shirt and how strong he is. this is honestly gotten to dumb for me to even pay attention to anymore.


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Re: WW's PCT pics
« Reply #30 on: October 23, 2015, 03:38:31 AM »
Looking good WW, keep up the good work!
Mr. AZ 2003


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Re: WW's PCT pics
« Reply #31 on: October 24, 2015, 08:07:54 AM »
there is a HUUUUUUUUUUGE difference btw an 18.5 inch ripped hard dry conditioned arm and a bloated fat watery 19 inch arm

once that bloated fat watery 19 inch arm was conditioned down to a HARD and DRY 5 percent it would maybe measure 16 inches... maybe

My biceps are not fat or watery. even during PCT. I did lose about .5in with no gear

Kim Jong Bob

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Re: WW's PCT pics
« Reply #32 on: October 24, 2015, 10:53:00 AM »
I can hit 495lbs with straps and chalk. I'm not sure about that record my buddy at the gym hit 505 lbs at
195 lbs and he's 5-6%F y guess is 5% he is just 22 years old he set a record for our state but he had to do all 3 lifts squat bench and deadlift and they added up the total he crushed the old record by 130 lbs. When he reps 505 for sets of 2 he does use a powerlifting suit. he is meant to be a powerlifter. I like lifting heavy a day a week and max put but in the end I don't think it benefits my goal but putting up some weight makes me feel good.

What works for me is alot of time under tension reps with pretty heavy weight. I have said before I get more growth doing a pump set of 100 reps with 135 lbs as my last burn out set. It sounds light and easy but try it! I doubt many will get 100 reps with 135 lbs it took me a few weeks to hit that 135lbs fpr 100 reps all in one set on the flat. that gives me a crazy painfull pump. I don't get pumps maxing out for 1-2reps. I have some powerlifting backround but never cared tp do deadlifts much. I still dp the these days but don't go super heavy when deadlifting 315 is what I usually deadlift for 6-8 reps. I spent mpre time benching then anything since I benched since I was 12 years old. I didn't do any other lifts till 14-16 years old.

I'll back my shit up with video if somebody knows how I can load these clips. I can't adjust them so they won't send anywhere I will just get that message. Image size to large and I can't find anyway to make it smaller
youtube account? Take a printscreen  from the lift and post it here atleast. That way people know atleast that there is a video


  • Getbig III
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Re: WW's PCT pics
« Reply #33 on: October 28, 2015, 02:39:46 AM »
at 5 foot 8 id say your arms are honestly about 16 inches man. sorry.

props on the progress though. big improvements so keep going and maybe you can get them to 18 plus.


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Re: WW's PCT pics
« Reply #34 on: October 28, 2015, 04:34:33 AM »
at 5 foot 8 id say your arms are honestly about 16 inches man. sorry.

props on the progress though. big improvements so keep going and maybe you can get them to 18 plus.

thanks for the props brother I do appreciate that alot.This did take alot of work mainly the weight loss. I don't lie about measurments.I also don;t lie about my flaws! I know what needs work! look at my waist that is legit 29IN waist, same with everything I claimed measurment wise.

 My phone I took those with sucks and no they are def not always 18IN that's fully pumped on juice on arms day.

I'm 5ft 6IN and tape measure dosn't lie! Def not 18IN cold but pumped on juice yes they get that big. I don't see why 18IN is so hard to believe. If you look at me from the side in the same time?day or next day you can see most of the size is in my tris. I had 16IN arms when I was 19yrs old. check out the side and the front is posted then try to imagine standing right next to me totally pumped. way bigger then 16IN.

I admit my bi's are a weak spot! My delts have come up alot but still narrow, My chest has come up alot. My chest is my stronger point. here look at the Tri shot and then look at my Bi's you can see they are bigger then 16IN and in decent condition. My bicep peaks are bigger looking in person you can see there not flat they round decently just bad pictures. 18IN not hard to hit. But they def are smaller cold just depends how pumped up my biceps are. if I do a bicep/tricep superset day they pump up to 18IN. They will grow bigger just like you said just wait.

You guys know I'm down to work hard. I did make progress in 2 months that is noticable and I did chart it all on here. If I was emabarrased about my physique I wouldn't post my pictures. I'm alot thicker in person just not good pics. at 5ft6IN and weighing 185lbs fairly lean that's not bad! my waist is 29IN , my measurments are not bad at all.

I am narrow but working on it. In the last year shaved off 6IN on my waist, maybe 7IN, lost 40-45lbs, kept a decent amount of muscle coming down from 230lbs. really fucked up my bulk last year. Got everything corrected and won't do that shit again. size game dosn't work for me .You guys probably think I fuck around alot but I put in alot of work this last year.

I'm off right now but when I go back on and start blasting grams and HGH depending what I can get I'll def post some more pics and I'll look way thicker and bigger. That was all on semi low dose with no HGH. The HGH I started during PCT, and next pics I'll have a   better phone. I made decent gains I documented here so I am down to work hard and it shows the improvments are there in 2 months you can def see a diffrence on just 800mg counting orals.

There are certain reasons why I am holding back on blasting gear right now. My body will respond better after a few months off. Nobody can really say I am out of shape! maybe not a mass monster like some of you expected but alot of this was during summer I like being more trim and weighing less during summer. In march I will be in pretty look alot diffrent. I have to do everything safely and slowly. everytime i eush to put on size i fuck it up and my BF% jumps. This last few months have been going better.

Sure I could start blasting grams of gear and HGH/insulin and get 240lbs at 5ft6In but it wouldn't look good at all! plus being that heavy at 5ft 6In is a nightmare. I was 230 last year and was not in awful shape but it was not comfortabe! That look in the pics where I am 185lbs I feel comfortable and my clothes fit. not my gym clothes but my dress clothes. I am used to wearing 32IN waist jeans even with a 29IN waist but last year that got out of hand my waist got huge. Plus it isn;t a awful look. I got the small waist going and am still holding some size. I do all this for myself but women like that look.


  • Getbig V
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Re: WW's PCT pics
« Reply #35 on: October 28, 2015, 07:36:14 PM »
The 500 pound bench press video or bounce dude. Actually just one of you benching 4 plates. Actually I doubt you can do three plates twice.


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Re: WW's PCT pics
« Reply #36 on: October 28, 2015, 07:44:51 PM »
dear gimp face, how does it feel knowing that this girl is on at least half the drugs you are on or ever have been and also looks 10x better than you and
all in 2-3 years. does it make you sick that she looks better than you ever did in your fucking life? you shitty fucking moron, should be bloody ashamed that this girl probably has more balls and smarts than you ever will to become and LOOK like a REAL bodybuilder unlike you ya fucking wanking wankered wanker. all drugs all talk no nothing, let me guess you can get more ripped than she can, right? its genetics right bro? yeah, in your fucking cooked out world it is, retard.

she's got great arms

if he got that ripped and dry i seriously doubt his arms would measure much more than 15 inches

he's either clueless or delusional or both with regards to how much "size" his arms would lose getting into that kind of condition, ad i'm 99 percent certain he's never had that level of conditioning in his entire life although i'm sure he'll claim that he has been lol  


  • Getbig V
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Re: WW's PCT pics
« Reply #37 on: October 29, 2015, 12:37:12 AM »
she's got great arms

if he got that ripped and dry i seriously doubt his arms would measure much more than 15 inches

he's either clueless or delusional or both with regards to how much "size" his arms would lose getting into that kind of condition, ad i'm 99 percent certain he's never had that level of conditioning in his entire life although i'm sure he'll claim that he has been lol  

The problem that fucks many people up is vascularity. They equate veins with gains. Unfortunately veins are purely genetic: either you have a tendency to show them or you don't. The dame above is a good example: dry as fuck for a woman, but almost no veins. On the other end of the spectrum there's me: last year I was at 28% bf (still close... :( ) and I had veins popping up on my obliques -- while still having a gut! Veins don't mean anything.


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Re: WW's PCT pics
« Reply #38 on: October 29, 2015, 01:05:37 AM »
The problem that fucks many people up is vascularity. They equate veins with gains. Unfortunately veins are purely genetic: either you have a tendency to show them or you don't. The dame above is a good example: dry as fuck for a woman, but almost no veins. On the other end of the spectrum there's me: last year I was at 28% bf (still close... :( ) and I had veins popping up on my obliques -- while still having a gut! Veins don't mean anything.

wow, veins at  28% bf

i usually lose all forms of vascularity once i'm 12% lol

but you're right it's a genetic thing


  • Getbig III
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Re: WW's PCT pics
« Reply #39 on: October 29, 2015, 02:29:10 AM »
The problem that fucks many people up is vascularity. They equate veins with gains. Unfortunately veins are purely genetic: either you have a tendency to show them or you don't. The dame above is a good example: dry as fuck for a woman, but almost no veins. On the other end of the spectrum there's me: last year I was at 28% bf (still close... :( ) and I had veins popping up on my obliques -- while still having a gut! Veins don't mean anything.

100% spot on.


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Re: WW's PCT pics
« Reply #40 on: October 29, 2015, 03:17:56 AM »
wow, veins at  28% bf

i usually lose all forms of vascularity once i'm 12% lol

but you're right it's a genetic thing

Yeah, obesity is a bitch. Plus beginning of this year I went from PL to strongman, rippling abs also not required. :P Good thing is that now I have to stop most lower body work due to serious arthritis in both knees, so now I will focus more on appearance, for the first time in 26 years. :D We'll see what we can do with this decrepit old body.


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Re: WW's PCT pics
« Reply #41 on: October 29, 2015, 04:20:30 AM »
That girl is hot mmm


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Re: WW's PCT pics
« Reply #42 on: October 29, 2015, 06:28:41 AM »
as much as I do not like womens bbing,,she looks awesome,great lines,very clean lines,she did her homework while remaining feminine as well.that is a national level physique that should place high if she goes that far...


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Re: WW's PCT pics
« Reply #43 on: October 29, 2015, 07:59:50 AM »
dear gimp face, how does it feel knowing that this girl is on at least half the drugs you are on or ever have been and also looks 10x better than you and
all in 2-3 years. does it make you sick that she looks better than you ever did in your fucking life? you shitty fucking moron, should be bloody ashamed that this girl probably has more balls and smarts than you ever will to become and LOOK like a REAL bodybuilder unlike you ya fucking wanking wankered wanker. all drugs all talk no nothing, let me guess you can get more ripped than she can, right? its genetics right bro? yeah, in your fucking cooked out world it is, retard.

LOl-you post a pic of yourself not some chick. she is shredded that's for sure. Your def ome UK guy wabker this wanker that what a lame vocabulary!


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Re: WW's PCT pics
« Reply #44 on: October 29, 2015, 08:04:31 AM »
The problem that fucks many people up is vascularity. They equate veins with gains. Unfortunately veins are purely genetic: either you have a tendency to show them or you don't. The dame above is a good example: dry as fuck for a woman, but almost no veins. On the other end of the spectrum there's me: last year I was at 28% bf (still close... :( ) and I had veins popping up on my obliques -- while still having a gut! Veins don't mean anything.

I don't get veins unless I get semi-lean. No way in hell I would have veins like that at even 16%BF.

these are PCT pics what does that have to do with anything? I don;t feel like I have much to prove my waist shows at 29IN my arms are 18IN on arm day end of story. you gonna debate my waist is bigger as well? c'mon.


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Re: WW's PCT pics
« Reply #45 on: October 29, 2015, 08:07:24 AM »
she's got great arms

if he got that ripped and dry i seriously doubt his arms would measure much more than 15 inches

he's either clueless or delusional or both with regards to how much "size" his arms would lose getting into that kind of condition, ad i'm 99 percent certain he's never had that level of conditioning in his entire life although i'm sure he'll claim that he has been lol  

Nope I don"T THINK I have been that shredded.  My arms will hold plenty of size just watch. wait till I jump back on in 3-4 weeks.


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Re: WW's PCT pics
« Reply #46 on: October 29, 2015, 08:38:35 AM »
Nope I don"T THINK I have been that shredded.  My arms will hold plenty of size just watch. wait till I jump back on in 3-4 weeks.


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Re: WW's PCT pics
« Reply #47 on: October 29, 2015, 09:17:00 AM »
I don't get veins unless I get semi-lean. No way in hell I would have veins like that at even 16%BF.

these are PCT pics what does that have to do with anything? I don;t feel like I have much to prove my waist shows at 29IN my arms are 18IN on arm day end of story. you gonna debate my waist is bigger as well? c'mon.
I won't be debating anything. A debate requires actual evidence, which is sorely lacking. So no point in debating anything. Everyone will form an opinion anyway.


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Re: WW's PCT pics
« Reply #48 on: October 29, 2015, 10:43:47 AM »
Yeah, obesity is a bitch. Plus beginning of this year I went from PL to strongman, rippling abs also not required. :P Good thing is that now I have to stop most lower body work due to serious arthritis in both knees, so now I will focus more on appearance, for the first time in 26 years. :D We'll see what we can do with this decrepit old body.

sorry to hear about the arthritis man

you're a Dutch dude right? so speaking of Dutch strongmen do you remember Ted Van Der Parr?

dude was Dutch Diesel at seven foot tall and won it all back in the early nineties  8)


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Re: WW's PCT pics
« Reply #49 on: October 29, 2015, 11:19:15 AM »
sorry to hear about the arthritis man

you're a Dutch dude right? so speaking of Dutch strongmen do you remember Ted Van Der Parr?

dude was Dutch Diesel at seven foot tall and won it all back in the early nineties  8)

Actually talked to him a few times this year. He's keeping busy as a referee for strongman meets. Was refereeing me at a meet this year, later I helped out with a meet where he refereed as well. Really nice guy, very relaxed. But strict! And doesn't play favourites at all. And giving everyone helpful tips, whether they are beginners or national level competitors. Really respect him as a person. He's shorter now from old age, but could still skullfuck my wife while she's standing.  :D