Author Topic: Energy and reduction of consumption how China and Russia is crushed  (Read 7833 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Energy and reduction of consumption how China and Russia is crushed
« Reply #100 on: May 01, 2022, 05:13:59 AM »
last year - heating oil 1.69. Today, 5.59 as a gallon.

Asinine retarded libturd admin and pant-shitter demturdz, wow theyre sick...


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Energy and reduction of consumption how China and Russia is crushed
« Reply #101 on: May 01, 2022, 02:27:36 PM »

Just announced by our left govt policy to help home buyers by the govt purchasing up to 40% equity in their home……

All these policies lead to currency debasement and deflation of wages while prices skyrocket but people will always vote for the handout so it’s a winning strategy for elections.

Food stimmy bucks coming and now we have a whiff of house stimmy bucks….


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Re: Energy and reduction of consumption how China and Russia is crushed
« Reply #102 on: May 01, 2022, 02:37:35 PM »
Biden and Dems to attempt to buy votes by forgiving student loan debt.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Energy and reduction of consumption how China and Russia is crushed
« Reply #103 on: May 01, 2022, 02:48:52 PM »
Just announced by our left govt policy to help home buyers by the govt purchasing up to 40% equity in their home……

All these policies lead to currency debasement and deflation of wages while prices skyrocket but people will always vote for the handout so it’s a winning strategy for elections.

Food stimmy bucks coming and now we have a whiff of house stimmy bucks….

The UK has been doing something like this for a while. It's fucked a few people over because of how it's implemented here.

But this is more can kicking than debasement as it isn't really a handout. It just gets more people taking on a mortgage and debt where typically they wouldn't be able to afford it.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Energy and reduction of consumption how China and Russia is crushed
« Reply #104 on: May 05, 2022, 07:55:12 PM »
The UK has been doing something like this for a while. It's fucked a few people over because of how it's implemented here.

But this is more can kicking than debasement as it isn't really a handout. It just gets more people taking on a mortgage and debt where typically they wouldn't be able to afford it.

It increases M3 money supply so while not a direct debasement it increases the money supply using debt which will later have to be dealt with by the govt. either way if the money supply goes up, asset values go up.

it also turns non-market participants into debtors which increases the pool of buyers and applies price pressure to the market as existing buyers who don’t get support have to either pony up more or borrow more to outbid the govt supported buyers.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Energy and reduction of consumption how China and Russia is crushed
« Reply #105 on: May 10, 2022, 03:27:53 AM »
After last night’s sell off this strategy is going to plan.

The scenario I am looking for is for things to play out before the June FOMC.

A bottoming signal might look like:
The S&P500 to bottom around 3,700-3,800
DXY breaks above 1.03 and heads to 1.10
Oil breaks below 95 and heads towards 80
10th June CPI print to be flat or down on the May number
Fed does not raise rates in June

I have said for a long time, deflationary event for inflationary policy.

On the supply front, China have fucked us royally for Q3-Q4 this year. You’ll see it in a few months time due to lag. We probably find ourselves with heaps of useless shit but the good stuff you want will still be missing.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Energy and reduction of consumption how China and Russia is crushed
« Reply #106 on: May 12, 2022, 05:00:57 PM »
US is talking about price fixing fuel so I’ll outline for anyone why this doesn’t work and what is likely to now happen.

Prices going up curbs demand and then becomes equilibrium to prevent inventory outages.
Price fixing allows inventory outages
EU well ahead of the US on this issue
EU to lockdown over Covid in the near term in order to ‘hide’ the energy outage and prevent unrest.
Watch what Germany and EU do.
This is strategy and tactics for WW3 economic warfare.

As it’s fuel related we refer to WW3 economic warfare. The sanctions in Russia were energy related as outlined.

 This cut off oodles of energy and resulted in upward pricing pressure on fuel. Prices go up until demand eases, then we see prices fall to equilibrium where supply and demand meet. On the way up, we can always buy fuel because price simply keeps going up. We don’t run out under floating price mechanism.

If the US govt fixes fuel prices it means they cap the very thing that eases demand. Meaning you will be able to now purchase all fuel inventories and you simply run out. Therefore by capping prices you cause inventory outages.

Now, we can’t simply run out because People will go apeshit. So how do you hide it? Simple. Lock it all down under covid ;) it immediately kills demand, inventories to replenish, prevents civil unrest, allows the next inflationary phase of stimmy money and debasement of currency to further crush demand.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Energy and reduction of consumption how China and Russia is crushed
« Reply #107 on: May 12, 2022, 11:37:44 PM »
US is talking about price fixing fuel so I’ll outline for anyone why this doesn’t work and what is likely to now happen.

Now, we can’t simply run out because People will go apeshit. So how do you hide it? Simple. Lock it all down under covid ;) it immediately kills demand, inventories to replenish, prevents civil unrest, allows the next inflationary phase of stimmy money and debasement of currency to further crush demand.

They could potentially price fix fuel/energy by increasing the taxes on oil/energy companies who are recording crazy profits right now. I don't know if that's being done, but it has been discussed various places.

End of year lockdown though feels like a near certainty.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Energy and reduction of consumption how China and Russia is crushed
« Reply #108 on: May 17, 2022, 05:54:34 AM »
They could potentially price fix fuel/energy by increasing the taxes on oil/energy companies who are recording crazy profits right now. I don't know if that's being done, but it has been discussed various places.

End of year lockdown though feels like a near certainty.

Perhaps but companies just pass on the additional tax to consumers. The irony of which higher prices reduce demand and put downward pressure on prices. So taxing them might kind of do that but it has flow on effects into GDP.

Speaking of GDP, super weird messaging getting around on media. US had a 1.4% contraction in Q1 and we are definitely on the road for a second contraction in Q2 meaning we are in a recession. I had this in my strategy and also stimmy bux in Q4 which so far is matching up so I have no need to adjust my thinking just yet.

So why oh why is there all this talk about a 2023 recession when we are 1 1/2 months away from a recession?

It’s all very odd. Hence I’m waiting for some catalyst to fuck everything up now and ‘black swan’ it for us because the timing feels right.

The food price pressures still haven’t hit us yet but will by Q4 so you want to be in QE stimmy bux mode when it hits rather than tightening and making everything worse. I believe inflation is the economic weapon being deployed vs China hence I am always looking on how we can get back to increasing the money supply as fast as possible.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Energy and reduction of consumption how China and Russia is crushed
« Reply #109 on: June 07, 2022, 04:56:10 AM »
So where are we?

Right now the sharemarket has not sold off and demand has not backed off enough.

ISM data for June showed US order going up. Means people are still being spastics and buying shit.

So what do we look for? Well Biden gave the Fed the green light to massacre the sharemarket so let’s see what the Fed does. Perhaps we see 0.75% rate hikes in June and July now?

Make no mistake the rule is deflationary event before inflationary policy/outcome. Rate hikes go until unemployment breaks or something else breaks. FWIW prison island RBA raised 0.5% today and our CPI is almost half that of the US. So I’d be watching the 16th For the Fed to raise much more than 0.5% in order to cause capitulation.

Thin Lizzy

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Re: Energy and reduction of consumption how China and Russia is crushed
« Reply #110 on: June 07, 2022, 05:31:17 AM »
While the trend in energy is still clearly up, if you look at it within the context of the entire market, it just has been playing catch up. I recall reading a stock market book written in the early 1900’s in which the author spoke of a “Bell Cow,” an underperforming stock that comes running up at the end of a market rally.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Energy and reduction of consumption how China and Russia is crushed
« Reply #111 on: June 07, 2022, 06:01:26 PM »
While the trend in energy is still clearly up, if you look at it within the context of the entire market, it just has been playing catch up. I recall reading a stock market book written in the early 1900’s in which the author spoke of a “Bell Cow,” an underperforming stock that comes running up at the end of a market rally.

Yes, I have been eyeing energy as it’s the one to rocket just prior to having a recession.

I thought 130 oil was the peak so I was expecting market corrections in Apr-May but we obviously aren’t ready for that. Oil at 120 now but it needs a Russian boycott to really hit supply. It’s looking more like a double top formation to my eyes rather than wanting to break above 130.

The jobs numbers were very positive so Fed gunna hike rates and not stop until we see something turn to shit. The Fed have been way to slow at raising rates and the risk now is they don’t break the economy before the elections. They really need it to break in June or latest July so the govt can begin putting out spending policies ahead of voting. 

Thin Lizzy

  • Getbig V
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Re: Energy and reduction of consumption how China and Russia is crushed
« Reply #112 on: June 08, 2022, 05:58:02 AM »
Strong trending markets typically have a correction that is very quick as to not give traders a chance to get in right. Oil corrected then churned for a while before making another top.

If I had to bet, I’d say this double top breakout fails.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Energy and reduction of consumption how China and Russia is crushed
« Reply #113 on: June 10, 2022, 05:52:40 PM »
US CPI up to 8.6% again.

Fucking lights out now. Forget any talk about bear market rallies, sharemarket will end up nuking regardless of what people say or think.

Fed will hike, hike and hike now.

On the crypto front, word is Celsius is going to go under and rug pull. Looking for entry in the coming weeks.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Energy and reduction of consumption how China and Russia is crushed
« Reply #114 on: June 14, 2022, 04:04:45 AM »
Equities nuked on the high CPI print 4 days after this post. Market believes 0.75% will happen this week, let’s see.

Meanwhile on prison island we have been advised to expect power outages on the eastern seaboard on specific days and times. The reason: it’s cold……

See my OP. This is outright economic war, they are turning off our access to power so we can’t even get the damn stuff despite affording it.

This will play out like this:
*Q3-Q4 food prices will spike like crazy and we experience shortages
*Energy costs spike and rolling power outages
*CPI begins to go down in Q4 despite people noticing prices for many things haven’t actually gotten lower —> I’ll explain if someone wants me to.
*interest rates go down in 2023 and stimmy flows causing an inflationary wave that fucks 98% of plebs.

In my strategy I had 2022 as the year of the shortage. I have 2023 as year of the price reset (aka price hike due to low supply so businesses are forced to price higher in order to survive).

Buy your wants now in this coming 6mths as it might be your last opportunity. I am purchasing a new ride on lawn mower this week for 5.3k. I expect this to cost over 10k in 2023 once repriced. People here are waiting up to a year for one.

Shortages can be easily resolved by repricing correctly….. you’ll see this in 2023 and you’ll be happy…. No wait, you’ll be wrecked 👀