Author Topic: JPM101 current training  (Read 142584 times)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #50 on: September 29, 2009, 09:50:22 AM »
I was afraid someone was going to ask me this...anyway, the following is the way that I, and others, have used this program. There are different versions of it, though the theme remains the same. Short range rep's. Do a search for more stuff on this.

Most all muscles have a three phase function, start, middle and finish. Acting as gears, like in a car, to transfer the strength from the weakest to strongest position. Taking the bench for example, all three phases are not trained to their max with regular BB, DB or machine training. Am referring to the start position, from off the chests, to the strongest position of  lockout above.  If your starting the bench from above and than lowering it to the chest you will be relying on the rebound effect off the chest. Which for the most part does not require the full involvement of the lower muscle phase.

With partial pin training the lower phase will be worked as hard as it is capable of, because you will be pushing max weight for a short distance. Same holds true for the middle and top phases of the lift. 

For the lowest start position set the pins so the bar is slightly touching the chest. Set the other two pins to about 3 to 4 inches high, so the bar will hit and stop against them. The middle start position will have the bar resting on the same position as the top pins that were used to stop the bar from the lower position. Set the other two pins to about 4 to 5 inches high, so the bar will stop against them on the way up. The top position will start from the pin settings of the stops for the middle position. You can set two top pins about an inch or two to stop a complete lockout if you wish. But some guy's do a complete lockout at the top position with any pins/stops in the way.

In any position, when hitting the stops, hold there for 1 or 2 seconds than back down to the start position. Affect more strength fiber that way. Set the pins to your liking, to find the correct stop. Some guy's have short, some long, arms, etc.  Used on chins, pulls, press, etc with good affect.

For power, 3 to 5 reps. And 2 to 4 sets.  For BB'ing, than 8 to 10reos & 2 to 4 sets. Though this program is usually geared for power training, it can produce muscle mass. The ego may be flatten a bit when using the lower starting position. Because it is a very weak position for most guy's Can also be said for the middle range. But not to worry, you will get much stronger in a short period of time.  Good Luck.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #51 on: November 05, 2009, 10:50:17 AM »
Current training.

!.  BB Hack squat...4X6-10 reps...heels on 2X4

2. Incline Press- BB...3-6-10 reps..adjusted to almost a shoulder press bench.

3. Upright row...3X6-10 reps..use shorter Olympic bar

4. lateral Raise...sitting...2X6-10 reps..start a little behind body

5. Bent arm Pullovers..DB...2X12-18 more for a full stretch

Short but to the point workouts. For me anyway. Good Luck.


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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #52 on: November 05, 2009, 03:42:25 PM »
This thread is quite pleasant, informative, and interesting without the trolls.

One was "outted."

The other had his house towed.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #53 on: November 09, 2009, 08:20:08 AM »
Might also add that I use the same rep scheme each workout for my current workouts. For example if I do 100lbs for 6 reps of 4 sets , I keep to the 6 reps for the full 4 sets. Even if feeling I can do another rep a given set.  The next workout might be 8 reps for each of the 4 sets. Next, maybe 10 reps for 4 sets, which would be my targeted goal of between 6 to 10 reps max. The following workout, going back to the starting 6 rep scheme, I add 10lbs (or so) to the bar. The original concept of progressive training.

 It's all about reps anyway, sets just divide up the total reps. Like 4X6=24 reps. 4X10=40reps. In other words, I just want to accomplish a 40 rep exercise work load. If my goal was a 100 reps per body part than I could do 5X20, 10X10, 12X8 (96 reps, close enough...reps not always round off to a perfect 100, above or below, the rep goal.

Used this system on other people, with good results. Working with a mid 60 year old man, at present, with very solid results, week in week out. Seems to help advance the weight used in a steady pattern of progress. Do not seem to hit a sticking point that often. Olympic and Pl'ers have use a form of this type  total ton's lifted training. Each workout they try to best the total tons lifted in the last workout.

This is not the only way I workout, just what I'm doing at present. Good luck.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #54 on: November 09, 2009, 12:16:10 PM »
Always liked ur training JPM, and used the 20rep squat stuff in the past.

Interesting with total reps counted. I quite like the double progression training, move up in reps, then up in weight and go back to lower reps and build up again....You sticking with a basic full body program?

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  • Getbig IV
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #55 on: November 10, 2009, 07:56:04 AM »
Yeah Davie, pretty basic 101 stuff. Busy this time of year so I usually do a short, sweet and to the point workout.

 I would bet that a lot of guy's doing those super duper 15-20+ set body part, cardio, 6 days a week training (actually most of that becomes more like slave labor, than enjoyable training, sooner than later) might try a basic 6-8 week training cycle of the whole body protocol, 2 or 3 times a week...max. If they were honest with themselves they might admit making no, or very little progress, on those over hyped muscle mag/video/books make believe workouts that the "Pro's" use. May get a great pump, but a pump never means lasting muscle size. Just blood clogged in a muscle area, not lasting  muscle growth..

Full body is not the only way to make assured muscle & strength gains, but it can be a good change of pace to allow the body recovery time and adapt to the strain put upon it. Marathon BB'ing workouts (as above) may do the opposite, frying the CNS in the process. Even getting juiced does not always mean superior gains. For some, there is little return in the end. Good Luck.

Side Bar: I favor PR and partial rep training. SLDL's, presses, dips, cleans, Hi-pulls, BB Hacks, etc. Even GVT, as a break from the very heavy lifting. Whole body training is another form of change of pace for me. Gives the joints a break at the age of 37.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #56 on: November 10, 2009, 09:29:58 AM »
Yeh basic can often be better. Before i originally hurt my back i was doing 'Starting Strength' simply it was

Back Squat
Shoulder Press

Front Squat
Bench Press

WOrkout our 2 times a week rotating those throw sum weighted pullups in after deadlifts, and weighted dips after cleans, but that was it.

After i hurt back i had to work around it....i devised a pyramid circuit, heres kinda what i mean (hard to explain):

Example workout for chest/shoulders/back
Do 1 rep of Db incline press, followed straight away by 2 reps of weighted pullups, followed straight away by 3 reps Upright row (so iv done 1rep,2reps,3reps 1,2,3)....Then straight away go back to incline press and do 2 reps incline Db, 4 reps weighted pullups,6 reps upright row (2,4,6).....This continues like this until u reach top of pyramid and do 6 reps incline Db,12 reps weighted pullups, and 18 reps upright row (6,12,18).....

You then cum back down again 5,10,15....4,8,12 etc etc until u finish were u started 1 reps iNcline Db, 2 reps weighted pullups, 3 reps upright row (1,2,3).

Each muscle gets worked 3 times in 2 weeks. And using those above muscle groups, next time i work them shoulders would be at the bottom of pyramid (1-6), chest would be in the middle (2-12), and back would be at the top (3-18)....Using diff exercises for each different stage in the pyramid.

Haha sounds complicated but they use similar system in army for work on dips,pushups,pullups etc.

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  • Getbig IV
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #57 on: November 11, 2009, 08:20:32 AM »
I guess you had to be there to watch that workout. But if it gives you what you want, than why not. BB'ers are a the most experimental group. That's how better systems are born. Knew some guy's who trained 3 times a day (sometimes more) on the same body part and got results .Mostly for arms, calf's, delts or abs. Some worked a muscle group every 9 days and got results. The old PHA system gave strength and unbelievable endurance to some in the past. Plus upping the metabolism to burn fat at a much higher rate. It is what it is...if it works for you. Good Luck.


  • Getbig V
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #58 on: January 05, 2010, 04:34:24 PM »






  • Getbig IV
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #59 on: February 22, 2010, 09:42:37 AM »
Currently doing, started last week:

Workout A

1- Front press
2- Press behind neck
3- close curl grip chin..added weight
4- wide grip behind neck..added weight
  3X 6-9 reps..90 to 120 seconds between sets & exercises. Going to SS the presses & chins in a couple of weeks. Warm-up with straight arm pullovers, 2X20-30 reps

Workout B

1- BB Hack Squats
2- Romanian DL's
3-BB Shrugs...alternate grip from extra wide ( have shrugged holding the rim's of the 45's at times) to middle grip. Overhand style.
  3X8-12 reps. 120 seconds between sets & exercises. Going to Tri set in a couple of weeks. Warm-up with Hindu Squats (bwt) of 2X50-100 reps.

Usually do A & B once a week.  Monday A and Thursday B. Do not do direct arm or calf work. To me, extremely boring. Have gotten into cheat curl friendly (beer rounds at stake) contest with others at the gym. Will do Swing Bell work , usually 3 to 4 times a week as part of a Tabata protocol. Good Luck.


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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #60 on: March 09, 2010, 07:52:16 AM »
Good Info

Props + Stay strong


  • Getbig IV
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #61 on: October 06, 2010, 08:43:53 AM »
At present, full body. Time is limited this time of year for me. Lot of travel from San Diego, Riverside, Imperial and San Bernardino county's. Try for at least 2 workouts a week, sometimes at different gyms.

1)  Front Squat
2) DB Pullover & Press

3) Incline Press
4)Upright Row

5) Romanian DL
6) One Arm chin..partial to around 90 degrees. Add weight when needed.

All SS'ed in groups. 1&2, 3&4, 5&6. 6 reps working to 12, than add weight. K.I.S.S. Good Luck.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #62 on: November 01, 2010, 03:54:38 AM »
JPM, saw a rugby mate of mine the other day, asked how training was going. he said with the exception of a little niggle in his shoulder hes tip top, what routine is he currently using....20 rep squats lol. I laughed as soon as i heard it, thought of u and your love of it.

Hes doing
1x20 squat
1x20 pullovers
2x5 bench
2x5 weighted pullups
2x5 standing overhead press

Build up to 1x5 clean (alternates clean then snatch pull, with snatch then clean pull workout to workout)
2-3x5 snartch pull
3x8 bi curl
3x8 CGBP

Friday, same as monday. Monday same as wednesday etc etc.

Loves it, though said after the heavy squats he might just do weighted dips and pullups, aslong as that wont diminish from adequate stimulus on shoulders rtc.

Thought ud be pleased to hear of another convert lol.

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  • Getbig IV
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #63 on: November 01, 2010, 07:51:37 AM »
Ah what the heck, he made it sound so rediculous and fun that im going to try it again.

Old squat 1RM was 308lbs....That was before serious back injury, id guestimate it to be about 286lbs or so just now. So today i start the 20rep program with 198lbs....88lbs under my guestimated 1RM. Sounds ok??

Thinking that over the 6weeks if i do the squats 9 times il hopefully hit 242lbs for 20reps by end. Thats if i follow my friends template above, which i dont mind tweaking if u think i should??

The thing that attracted me to his was that he hit the 20rep squats twice one week, then once the next etc etc, and on days he wasnt doing that he could build up to one set of lower rep cleans or snatch. Gave his body some rest from the 20reppers.

Brutal stuff.

It isn't the mountains ah


  • Getbig IV
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #64 on: November 01, 2010, 05:40:25 PM »
Davie: That's a pretty economical and effect way to  workout, that your bud selected, because the amount of energy spent in these short style and to the point workouts allow for better recovery and progress. Such workouts are always done with serious intent, for max results. And as you bud has done, keep the other compound exercises to short and brief sets.

If beginning the 20 rep squats, I would suggest around 150lbs (or maybe less). Breaking in the first week, or so, will require a deeper level of adapting for the body (CNS). I've done 30reps, and even as high as 40reps, at times. Of course you may pray for death after doing 40 reps with even a lighter squatting weight. But trying for a higher range, from time to tome, gives a whole new meaning to self torture. My serious squatting was geared mostly for getting ready for football season. You can gain impressive stamina (endurance + strength) from any higher rep squatting program. Can also do DL's, cleans ,squats cleans, C&J's, etc in higher reps for some outstanding results. Good Luck.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #65 on: November 05, 2010, 03:35:36 AM »
Yeh i agree it looks good, been a hard start but just b/c im getting used to it. Curious though, these one set of 20rep squats are a type of HIT training, r they not? If this is the case would it make sense to to the other exercises bench etc in a similar fashion, maybe not as high a rep target, but an all out one set, maybe with rest pause?? just curious.

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  • Getbig IV
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #66 on: November 05, 2010, 07:19:44 AM »
Had been reading up on the Metabolic version
1x20 squats
1x20 pullovers
dips,chin ups, sit ups
As many reps as possible, take each to failure, one minute rest between exercises.

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  • Getbig IV
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #67 on: November 05, 2010, 09:44:58 AM »
Davie:.....All cool stuff. With regards to circuit training I might mention the PHA (Peripheral Heart Action) developed by Bob Gajda (other forms around before and since but I prefer his version).  Can check out Gajda's original version on the net. Just to say you never want to pool the blood in one body area while working out. Keep it flowing from head to foot. There is no rest between exercises and no point of actual muscular failure. A steady state of rhythm though out the workouts.

The exercises are broken up into sequences (this type program is also referred to as Sequences Training) of maybe 5 t 6 exercises a sequences. And 3 to 5 sequences in a total workout. Can wind doing just bout any movement that comes to mind.

Example for one sequence:
1  squat
2 neck
3 abs
4 bench
5 calves
6 rows

No rest between exercise and a very short rest before the next sequences starts, with different exercises. Can't do this workout style very well in a regular gym. Going to take up too much exercise equipment. And you can't wait for somebody to get done with a exercise when on a steady pace of going from one exercise to the next. This is when you have to be creative and use DB, BB's, cables, machines, dip/chins, etc. Have to have a well planned workout all mapped out before beginning this type program.  But you will develop stamina you never dreamed possible, if done right. Good Luck.


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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #68 on: December 03, 2010, 05:59:35 PM »
I always learn a lot from u jpm, it's always nice to see intelligent solutions to my problems ;)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #69 on: January 27, 2011, 09:09:48 AM »
Started the "One Set Wonder" program again. Worked well for me in the past.

That's one set of a heavy compound exercise, using the Rest-Pause system. 10 to 12 second pause between reps. Getting anywhere from 10 to 18 reps per that one set. Also use stripped set's on most of the exercises, for one set.. The normal Rest-Pause system does not involve stripping the bar.  

Current exercises:
Hack Squats...BB rack
Chin...Hammer grip, chinning belt rack

Example of a set: Overhead press

This is a push press, with a slight knee action, where the bar is mostly resting on the heels of the hand. Allowing a better lineup with the wrist, forearms and actual pressing muscles. More power that way.

If I normally use 310 for 6 regular good reps, I will start with 330. With the R-P (10-12 seconds) I get maybe 6 reps. Than a couple of 10lb plates are stripped off the bar and I press maybe another 3-4 reps. Another 20lbs is stripped off for more reps, etc. Usually wind up doing anywhere from 12 to 18 total reps. Sometime I will get as high as 22-24 reps if I misjudge my starting weight. Tend to get much stronger at a faster pace with this system. In training it's not the amount of sets done, it's the amount of total reps (actually work load) accomplished on a single exercise.

Follow the same plan with the 3 other exercises; 1 set,R-P. Try for twice a week workouts. Have also used this for partial reps in a power rack. Good way to find out how really strong you are. May surprise your self greatly. Good Luck.



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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #70 on: January 28, 2011, 08:38:12 AM »
Might add that this is the only time I ever go to the point of failure. These are intense workouts that require only one extended set. Though, in the past, I have done two sets at certain points of my training. As a heavy weight, 20 rep breathing squat program (of one set) can give outstanding results, most guy's aren't suited for that kind of total mind and body training protocol either. 

This type training is not meant for most BB'ers. Only giving an example of what I do and what works for me very well. Good Luck.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #71 on: December 28, 2011, 09:04:36 AM »
Full body workout. First group (leg cycle) is a Tri set. All other groupings of exercises are Super Sets. I go through each cycle twice. Reps between 6 to 9. That's 9 exercises, total 16 sets, in the complete workout. 90 second rest between each cycle. Most are done in the Pre-Exhaust  style. Twice to three times a week workouts.

Some people can do more sets (3 to 4 should be the max) if they think they need it (probably really don't), but not more exercises in this type training.

1)  Sissy Squats
2) BB Hacks
3) Good Mornings

4) BB Front Raise
5) Front BB press

6) Lateral DB raise
7) UP Right Row

8) BB Shrug
9) DB row, one arm.  Bring the DB up to almost inline with my head, rather than close to the body.

I don't do arm work myself, but feel free to throw in a SS (tricep/bicep) at the end of the program, with the same protocol as the above exercises. Also I don't do calves. Abs are controlled by the eating habits. Good luck.


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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #72 on: December 28, 2011, 10:28:32 AM »
Hey JPM, interesting program.

How are you finding it/what are your current goals?

I have just completed a training cycle and looking to start another. Cant heavy squat or deadlift just now after damagingmy back again (putting a glass down), bulging disc problem. Back to squatting soon. Im ok with all upper body lifts and trying to put on another 10lbs clean weight.

I can currently only definately hit the gym 2x a week. The 3rd session is done on the bike. Very very steep hill cycles near my house are actually working as conditioning and my legs are responding my growing. I was going to use a ME upper and DE upper westside template for upper body until my back is ok to squat again.

Any suggestions?

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  • Getbig IV
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #73 on: December 28, 2011, 01:09:39 PM »
JPM I know several people using this approach (all of them only getting to gym 2 sometimes 3 times a week):

The Clean and Jerk
Bench Press
Pull Ups or Chin Ups
Barbell Curls
Dumbbell Lateral Raises

The Set and Rep Scheme
A total of 4 "giant sets" will be performed...15 reps will be performed on each exercise The exercises are to be performed one after the other with as little rest as possible in between sets. This will keep the heart rate high and ensure a massive amount of calories burned during and after the workout. This workout is to be followed for 6 weeks and can be done 3-4 times per week depending upon your level of conditioning.

Would you recommend this giant set approach, or complete each exercise (and its 2-3 or 4 sets) before moving onto the next exercise??

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  • Getbig IV
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #74 on: December 28, 2011, 07:43:07 PM »
Davie: First, that above program only takes me a little under 30 minutes to do. It's a fast & controlled pace, but not a cardio pace. The purpose is staying in shape, but  (for me) I do experience strength gains fairly rapidly. That's when less is more ,where strength is concerned. It always is.

If the bike riding is improving the legs, than I guess you answered you own question. Might also consider doing bwt squats, in sets of 50 to 100. Lot of the MMA guy's have been doing these for years.  I do Hindu squats, with the breathing and arm involvement a bit different. Mostly for warm-up's before leg work.Will keep the legs in great shape, before heading back to doing regular squats.

Actually Giant Sets are for a short range BB'ing programs. Can be any where from 5 to 7 exercises, thought usually 8 exercises, focusing on the same muscle group (like chest, back, etc).  The way you list them, it seems more a cardio workout, if that is you goal. Though it may help with muscular development. Something akin to the old PHA system (superior method of building cardio & muscle). The reps really don't have to be that high (usually 10 or so). What method you should do is up to you, depending on your set goals. If you approach it in the normal matter of a workout, than complete each exercise & set (prefer 2..3 at the most) first before moving on to the next. Good Luck

Side Bar: Might draw your interest Davie;  Knew a guy from the Shetland islands a while back, here in San Diego. Never seen a person (white, black, brown, etc) develop so fast in size and strength from working out. Low body fat/thin skin & so white he almost glowed. Every week he looked bigger and broader than the week before. About 5'11 and 235-240 last time I saw him. Reminded me of Yates a bit (but this Scot had major guns). No drugs, because his girlfriend and brother were around him all the time.  Money was very much a main issue...he didn't have much. Some guy's are really naturals to begin with.  Last I heard he moved to Idaho and was doing computer work.