Author Topic: Kranks Log  (Read 185049 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #25 on: September 10, 2012, 09:23:16 PM »


FM Leg Curl 170x8, 6 (used a 3 sec pause), then 130x12 + 17 partials
Squat 275x15, 12, 9, 8 (beat my reps from last week)
Cybex Leg Press 270px22, 18, 15 (again, beat my reps from last workout)
Cybex Seated Leg Curl 110x20, 130x15 (decided against SLDL because my low back was NOT feeling great)
Icarian Standing Calf 160x10, 180x7, 5
Seated Calf 90x8, 8, 7

I banged my right calf against something...just like a charlie horse...UGH...painful.


Cheat Day:

5oz Sugar Corn Pops + 2 Pop Tarts

Baked French Toast w/apple slices drizzled with Hersheys Carmel + 4 strips bacon

8oz Breaded Chicken Bites + 1 5oz can of Pringles

12oz Bag of Dark Chocolate M&M's

8oz Chocolate Chip Cookies

1/2lb Hamburger with pretzel bun and cheese + 3 strips bacon 1/2 can pringles potato chips

12oz Ice cream + 6oz m&m's + 1/2 can pringles.


Worked out at a different gym, same chain so the equipment is similar

Low Row 230x8, 250x8, 8 (stacked the low row...I cant recall the last time I stacked a low row machine)
HS 1-arm row 90px15, 115px15, 135px15, 15
Close Pull w/ stretch 160x15, 13, 11
Deadlift 315x20, 16 - This SUCKED!!!!!  I should have gotten 20 on the 2nd set but my suboccipital neuralgia re-surfaced.  I hit the floor when done...hoping my head would not explode.

Back is TRASHED right now.  My legs are torched still from saturday. 


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #26 on: September 11, 2012, 07:23:21 PM »

Surprising enough my low back wasn't as trashed today as I thought it would be.  Neck is still a little fucked, but thats about it.

Ok, chest workout:

Flat DB with twist 70x15, 15, 15 (last workout I went 65 - too light, to 75 - which i thought was too heavy.  Next week I will do 75's)
30 deg. Smith Incline 90px8, 8, 7, 5
Nautilus Machine Bench with stretch 155x15 (10), 12 (8), 8(6)

Some abs...

Nothing special about diet today.  Going to be in Arizona Thu - Sun, so we shall see how close I can get to the same machines.


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #27 on: September 14, 2012, 07:41:51 PM »

Surprising enough my low back wasn't as trashed today as I thought it would be.  Neck is still a little fucked, but thats about it.

Ok, chest workout:

Flat DB with twist 70x15, 15, 15 (last workout I went 65 - too light, to 75 - which i thought was too heavy.  Next week I will do 75's)
30 deg. Smith Incline 90px8, 8, 7, 5
Nautilus Machine Bench with stretch 155x15 (10), 12 (8), 8(6)

Some abs...

Nothing special about diet today.  Going to be in Arizona Thu - Sun, so we shall see how close I can get to the same machines.
fdb with twist if u mean at top turn them in like a flye finish hell yeah great movement been doing them for yrs,,,,


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #28 on: September 18, 2012, 07:00:57 AM »
fdb with twist if u mean at top turn them in like a flye finish hell yeah great movement been doing them for yrs,,,,

Yes, thats what I am doing.  I am finding that turning the hands in more than parallel to one another (i.e. pinky in farther than thumb position) tends to bother my left shoulder. I am trying to play catch-up with log since coming back from Az.  I did enjoy the trip, but didn't get to exactly follow my eating like I wanted.  No worries, looks like I am just holding some water.  I actually have been getting stronger with doing this routine.  Usually I am dropping routines after 3 - 4 wks out of boredom.  So far, this is working pretty well. 

Fri 9/14
Reverse Bar curl - 60x15, 12, 10 (pain in elbow/brachioradialis area is not as bad as it has been...good sign)
Cybex Straight bar pushdown #12x15, 14, 10, 8 (different machine than what I am used to)
Precor Preacher Curl 90x15, 13, 9 (not the same machine as usual, but the set up was same and weight felt about the same)
Dips +60lb x 8, 8, 8 (have to find a good 2nd tricep exercise - still 3 sec drop)
Bar Curl 80x8, 7
Incline Tricep extension (30deg?) 75x15, 12, 10

** Again, everything that is the same as last workout, with regard to equipment, went up.  Happy about that

Sat 9/15
Eagle Leg Curl 150x6 (whoops, bit off more than I could chew!  lol), 130x7, 5 + 8 partials (hamstrings DID feel more pumped than usual though)
Squat 275 x 15, 13, 11, 8
Cybex LP 270p x 24, 21, 17 (burned a hell of a lot more than usual...but stronger than last time)
LifeFitness Seated Leg Curl 130x20, 160x15
Hammer Strength Hack/Calf 90px15, 12, 10
Seated Leg Curl 70x12, 9 , 6

** I ended up chatting with a few people I knew so the leg workout was longer than usual.  Knees were not as sore either afterwards.  Still using the knee wraps during the workout.

Mon 9/17
Low Row 265 x 8, 6, 5
Hammer Strength 1-arm row 145p x 15, 15, 15, 15 (what the heck??  I have never done that much)
Close pull 160 x 15, 14, 12
Deadlift 345 x 15, XX  (well, this pissed me off.  I got two reps into my 2nd set and just didnt feel right.  Actually felt my SI joint move.  Am kind of freaked that it might be something disc related.  Was thinking I would wake up this morning with pain down the leg.  I think its SI and/or a facet issue.  Pain in the low back is down around L5 and just lateral to the vertebra.  So I think I might chill on the deads for a bit.  I want this gone by Saturday so I can squat.)

Was pissed off enough last night to finish off the pizza from sunday, have a bowl of chips, and a small bowl of M&M's.  Prepped all my food from grocery shopping and started off the day back to normal.

30 mins on stair climber following a nice cup of coffee and a Lipo-6 capsule.  Off to work for a couple of hours, then chest and calves.  Update to follow.


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #29 on: September 18, 2012, 09:39:26 AM »
Yes, thats what I am doing.  I am finding that turning the hands in more than parallel to one another (i.e. pinky in farther than thumb position) tends to bother my left shoulder. I am trying to play catch-up with log since coming back from Az.  I did enjoy the trip, but didn't get to exactly follow my eating like I wanted.  No worries, looks like I am just holding some water.  I actually have been getting stronger with doing this routine.  Usually I am dropping routines after 3 - 4 wks out of boredom.  So far, this is working pretty well. 

Fri 9/14
Reverse Bar curl - 60x15, 12, 10 (pain in elbow/brachioradialis area is not as bad as it has been...good sign)
Cybex Straight bar pushdown #12x15, 14, 10, 8 (different machine than what I am used to)
Precor Preacher Curl 90x15, 13, 9 (not the same machine as usual, but the set up was same and weight felt about the same)
Dips +60lb x 8, 8, 8 (have to find a good 2nd tricep exercise - still 3 sec drop)
Bar Curl 80x8, 7
Incline Tricep extension (30deg?) 75x15, 12, 10

** Again, everything that is the same as last workout, with regard to equipment, went up.  Happy about that

Sat 9/15
Eagle Leg Curl 150x6 (whoops, bit off more than I could chew!  lol), 130x7, 5 + 8 partials (hamstrings DID feel more pumped than usual though)
Squat 275 x 15, 13, 11, 8
Cybex LP 270p x 24, 21, 17 (burned a hell of a lot more than usual...but stronger than last time)
LifeFitness Seated Leg Curl 130x20, 160x15
Hammer Strength Hack/Calf 90px15, 12, 10
Seated Leg Curl 70x12, 9 , 6

** I ended up chatting with a few people I knew so the leg workout was longer than usual.  Knees were not as sore either afterwards.  Still using the knee wraps during the workout.

Mon 9/17
Low Row 265 x 8, 6, 5
Hammer Strength 1-arm row 145p x 15, 15, 15, 15 (what the heck??  I have never done that much)
Close pull 160 x 15, 14, 12
Deadlift 345 x 15, XX  (well, this pissed me off.  I got two reps into my 2nd set and just didnt feel right.  Actually felt my SI joint move.  Am kind of freaked that it might be something disc related.  Was thinking I would wake up this morning with pain down the leg.  I think its SI and/or a facet issue.  Pain in the low back is down around L5 and just lateral to the vertebra.  So I think I might chill on the deads for a bit.  I want this gone by Saturday so I can squat.)

Was pissed off enough last night to finish off the pizza from sunday, have a bowl of chips, and a small bowl of M&M's.  Prepped all my food from grocery shopping and started off the day back to normal.

30 mins on stair climber following a nice cup of coffee and a Lipo-6 capsule.  Off to work for a couple of hours, then chest and calves.  Update to follow.
snap a pic throw it up....


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #30 on: September 18, 2012, 07:54:47 PM »

Well, the back wasn't too bad today.  Still contemplating taking deads out.  SHIT.  One of the few remaining things I can still do that gives me that 'charge' in a workout.

Flat DB with a twist - 75 x 15, 14, 11
Smith Incline 95p x 8, 8, 7, 5 (3 sec. negatives)
Flex Bench w/ stretchers 70p x 15 (10), 11(8), 9(6)
Seated Calf 70 x 12, 12, 12
Flex Select. Leg Press Calf 210 x 20, 20, 19

I was originally pissed about having to use the Flex bench, but it actually was easier on the shoulders than the Nautilus one.  So, I will stick with that.

As far as a pic...I will throw one up this weekend.


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #31 on: September 20, 2012, 09:18:59 PM »

Feels good to get back to "normal" eating.  My body is dumping all the crap I ate while away.  Still feel smooth and overall I don't feel as good as I normally feel for a Wednesday workout.

Cybex Side Lat (3 sec. negative) 90 x 15, 10, 8  --  even though I got 2 more reps than last, still felt like shit.
Life Fitness Rear Lateral - 130 x 35, 33, 25  --  holy shit these burned.  I think I cheated on my 3rd set.  Stopped about 20 then tried to keep going
Over/back on Smith w/ heavy swing 55p x 6 + 35 x 11  --  I didnt learn my lesson from last week.  The 55p was TOO DAMN HEAVY.  Didn't feel the exercise.

Couple of things...I melted down TWICE because the pens I had went dry and some asshole was hogging the smith machine I use.  I did some abs but was so out of my focus that I didn't finish.  Hopefully Friday will be a better day with Arms.  I am almost ashamed to admit this, but I might give some crossfit training a try for about 6 - 8 weeks to see how it feels.  Then, when I come back see how my strength has maintained itself.  I will decide by the end of the month.


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #32 on: September 21, 2012, 05:31:07 AM »

Feels good to get back to "normal" eating.  My body is dumping all the crap I ate while away.  Still feel smooth and overall I don't feel as good as I normally feel for a Wednesday workout.

Cybex Side Lat (3 sec. negative) 90 x 15, 10, 8  --  even though I got 2 more reps than last, still felt like shit.
Life Fitness Rear Lateral - 130 x 35, 33, 25  --  holy shit these burned.  I think I cheated on my 3rd set.  Stopped about 20 then tried to keep going
Over/back on Smith w/ heavy swing 55p x 6 + 35 x 11  --  I didnt learn my lesson from last week.  The 55p was TOO DAMN HEAVY.  Didn't feel the exercise.

Couple of things...I melted down TWICE because the pens I had went dry and some asshole was hogging the smith machine I use.  I did some abs but was so out of my focus that I didn't finish.  Hopefully Friday will be a better day with Arms.  I am almost ashamed to admit this, but I might give some crossfit training a try for about 6 - 8 weeks to see how it feels.  Then, when I come back see how my strength has maintained itself.  I will decide by the end of the month.


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #33 on: September 22, 2012, 10:04:29 AM »

Reverse Curl 60 x 15, 13, 9
Straight Bar Pushdown (pause at bottom) 80 x 15, 15, 13, 10
Icarian Preacher Curl 100x15, 13, 9
HS Dip 90 x 8, 8, 8 -- I did these one arm at a time.  Actually felt a lot better than using both arms.  3-Sec eccentric
Bar Curl 85 x 8, 6 (3 sec eccentric)
Incline Tricep Extension (30 deg bench) 80 x 15, 11, 7

Felt weak as hell during the workout and then I compared numbers and I was stronger.  Have NO CLUE what the hell that means.


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #34 on: September 27, 2012, 05:18:28 AM »
Sorry guys....I suck at the latest updates.  I actually ended up starting the 'cross fit' stuff this week and I have been BEAT.  This past weekend was nephews birthday party so I was gone.  So, lets do some catching up :

Free Motion Leg Curl 170x8, 8, 7 + 12 partials
Squat 315 x 8, 8, 7, 5 (yeah, yeah...I said I was not going to go heavy...but I felt good)
Cybex Leg Press 270p x 25, 23, 18
Eagle Seated Leg Curl 170 x 20, 17
Seated Calf 85x12, 11, 10
Standing Calf 160 x 10 (whoops...confused it with a different calf machine), 120 x 15, 13

I went in feeling like I just was going to match what I did last time, but ended up beating some numbers.

Low Row 265 x 8, 7, 5
HS Row (horizontal grip) 120x15, 14, 12, 10
Close Pull (hands parallel to one another) 15, 14, 12
Hyper Extensions +40 x 18, 12, 10

I felt I had no energy today, yet I ended up getting a half way decent workout.  Added a few reps to last time.  This was actually not the smartest of workouts (as you will see from Wednesday)

9/25 - First cross-fit workout (yeah, yeah....bust my balls)

125yd run
40 yd walking lunge
30 Crunches
20 Push Ups
10 Rocket Burpees (geezus these things fucked me up)

Do that 6x.  I finished in 26:25

** The thing didnt get hard until about the 3rd or 4th one.  My legs were like sand bags.  I couldnt get more then 6 - 8" off the ground towards the end.  I was just sweating my ass off after this.  

Finish up with 200lb Prowler pushes for 40yds 3x (in between 2 other people)

I was shooting the shit with a friend of mine who owns the gym after all this.  I actually felt like I had a ton of energy.  I almost could have gone to the gym and worked out.  He suggested I just see how I feel later.  Yep, have to say he was right.  I went home, walked my dogs, sat down to eat, came on GetBig and it hit me.  I slept for an hour.  Woke up and didn't feel tired...but felt SUPER rested.  That night I fell asleep about 1 1/2hrs before I normally do.


Woke up SUPER hungry.  Only thing that is really "hurting" on me is my right knee.  I have an old meniscus injury (medial) as well as the beginning of some chrondromalacia patella. Fun stuff!!!

Workout: (NO I will NOT refer to it like the CF drones do - WOD.  FUCK THEM)

  • 100% Body weight deadlifts (205lbs)
  • 50% Bodyweight Power Cleans (95lbs) - lighter due to the fact I haven't done them.  I have done hang cleans only in my life.
  • 70% Bodyweight Bench (135lbs) - Again, lighter due to the fact that I am learning powerlifting form and I have a previous pec tear.  I can't recall the last time I actually did flat bench.

Perform in a circuit fashion (one after another).  Started with 10 reps working down to 1 rep.

Total time : 16:38

I was half assing it trying to conserve energy and got called out on it about half way through.  I then got a 'rush' if you will and felt that tunnel vision that I hadn't felt in a long time.  Focus solely on what I am doing, envision the 'set'  quickly before I do it.  I actually was jogging back to the first set up after that.  

Hopefully people will still follow this...I will throw some pics up this weekend....promise.


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #35 on: September 27, 2012, 07:58:37 AM »


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #36 on: September 27, 2012, 09:08:38 PM »
Holy sweet geezus today was a shoulder killer for me...

10 rounds of :

1) Rope pull machine

2) Thruster (basically front squat to overhead press) with 95lbs.

3) Box squat (no weight) but arms held out parallel to ground
4) Medicine ball throw to wall (30" away, chest high, elbows straight out) 18lb ball
5) 50yd prowler push (with 50lb)

each station (except prowler) was to be done for 45 secs. then a 20 sec break.  My shoulders were TRASHED by the end of it.  During round 9 I was near puking.  I did not, much to the dismay of my buddy who runs the gym.

I wake up each day STARVING.  This afternoon about 40 mins after my 3rd meal I was starving again.  I am NEVER like that.  Cant wait to see what tomorrow brings as my Fri and Sat workouts are supposedly my killer days (following tonights cheat meal)


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #37 on: September 28, 2012, 05:03:44 AM »
Sitting here with my coffee and my shoulders are more sore than any bodybuilding workout I have done.  I also have noticed that I am not breathing as deep this week.  I used to take my dogs for a walk and it wasn't so much getting out of breath as it was a feeling of not getting enough oxygen in.  Probably doesn't make sense...but this week I feel like I don't need to breath as deep.  Very weird.


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #38 on: September 29, 2012, 05:03:59 AM »

Pull up "ladders"...up & down

1 to 10, then 9 to 1

Start with 1 pull up, then run 125yds, then 2 pull ups run 125yds, repeat...

This morning (9/29) my back is on a nice soreness level I would equate with a good back workout.  I was so hungry last night that instead of having my usual 7oz hamburger I said fuck it  and was going to have steak.  So, when at Costco I picked up a package of Beef Tenderloin Filets and had a nice 12.5oz steak.  Woke up this morning AGAIN starving.  WTF???

Tomorrows cheat day is going to be glorious  ha ha


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #39 on: September 29, 2012, 07:02:33 AM »

Pull up "ladders"...up & down

1 to 10, then 9 to 1

Start with 1 pull up, then run 125yds, then 2 pull ups run 125yds, repeat...

This morning (9/29) my back is on a nice soreness level I would equate with a good back workout.  I was so hungry last night that instead of having my usual 7oz hamburger I said fuck it  and was going to have steak.  So, when at Costco I picked up a package of Beef Tenderloin Filets and had a nice 12.5oz steak.  Woke up this morning AGAIN starving.  WTF???

Tomorrows cheat day is going to be glorious  ha ha



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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #40 on: September 29, 2012, 04:10:01 PM »
Todays "hell" was this :

30on/15off  (meaning perform the exercise in the controlled fashion for 30 seconds, then rest 15 secs, then move to next station)

5 rounds of:
  • Deadlift 185lbs
  • Hammer on tractor tire
  • 50lb Prowler push (just for 50yds, no time)
  • Rope machine "lifts" (pull rope up rather than down)
  • 18lb Medicine ball throw downs
  • Close grip pullups
  • Tractor tire flips

Rest 15 mins (because my heart was going to explode)



5 rounds of:
  • Bench 135lbs
  • 18lb Medicine ball throw against wall - chest high
  • 50lb Prowler push (just for 50yds, no time)
  • Rest station

I came home and took dogs for a walk.  They dragged ME on it.  I ate my normal meal (shake + pineapple) and 10 mins afterwards I was HUNGRY as fuck.  I went and took a nap.  Don't recall even feeling like my eyes were HOUR later I woke up groggy.

I am so thankful that I have an off day tomorrow.  Looking forward to some Chips Ahoy Chewy Chocolate chip cookie with bits of resee's peanut butter chips in them.


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #41 on: October 01, 2012, 05:37:22 AM »
Here is a pic from yesterday at Mom's house (before any smart ass comments about bathroom  Pellius is calling me a fat ass...looks like I need to hit the gym a little more (and then the tanning bed 3x a day)


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #42 on: October 01, 2012, 05:52:02 AM »
Here is a pic from yesterday at Mom's house (before any smart ass comments about bathroom  Pellius is calling me a fat ass...looks like I need to hit the gym a little more (and then the tanning bed 3x a day)

solid,,pretty thick way moreso than ghpellius....dude condtion is good hard abs,,,impressive,,,


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #43 on: October 01, 2012, 07:03:48 PM »

8 Rounds of :

5 Wide grip pullups
15 Pushups
15 Kettle swings (they SEEMED easy at the beginning) - no idea of weight
15 Front Squats (I think 135lbs)
10 Clean and Press (95lbs)
5 24" Box jumps (rapid, no stopping)

By round three I was sucking wind...BAD.  The front squats are the bane of my existance.  Always have been.  I did them with the grip position that would be used for the thrusters (i.e. wrists in extension, elbows up as high as I can)

I finished in 29:29.  I was toast.  I couldnt lay on the ground in ANY position.  Shoulders cramping, back cramping.  My shirt was soaked like I had just taken it out of the washing machine.  Thing is, as soon as I catch my breath and 'cool down' I have a HUGE endorphin feeling.  Then go home and feel like warmed shit.  I don't even think I will see then end of the MNF game tonight.  My eyes are already starting to feel heavy.


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #44 on: October 01, 2012, 07:14:47 PM »
hope ur not offended ,,your thread and all but we have same build kinda lol....


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #45 on: October 01, 2012, 09:11:38 PM »
hope ur not offended ,,your thread and all but we have same build kinda lol....

According to are doughy and have no chest    ;D


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #46 on: October 02, 2012, 05:44:01 AM »
According to are doughy and have no chest    ;D


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #47 on: October 02, 2012, 07:21:10 PM »

AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 30 mins

10 Overhead squats (95lbs...freaked me out how hard these were)
150lb Prowler push for 50yds
10 Kettle bell SLDL
60yd sprint
5 (3ft box) deficit jumps

I managed 7 rounds ending 8 on the prowler.  Holy crap...sucking wind BIG TIME. 


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #48 on: October 04, 2012, 06:56:13 PM »

Was an active rest day today.  Went to regular gym and did the following:

3000M Row machine - 17:01 (35 stroke/min)

25 toes to bar leg raise


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #49 on: October 04, 2012, 07:04:10 PM »

AMRAP in 30 mins  (I did 30:28)

5 wide pull ups
10 push ups
20 squats (135lbs)
Sprint 125 yds

HOLY SHIT....the first two things were nothing.  About the 4th time I was getting 10 reps on squats, sucking wind for about 3 - 5 breaths, then finishing set.  Then about the 5th/6th run I couldnt even run...I had to walk.  Couldnt lift my legs.  The last round (8) was absolutely brutal.  I had 2:26 left in the 30 mins and knew it was going to be tough.  My last run was everything I could give.  I damn near puked on the way back.

I am sitting here typing this and my legs are DESTROYED.  I am worried about what is going to happen tomorrow.  I am winding down so much...won't even be able to finish watching the game tonight.  I had a 1/2lb double cheese burger, 6oz chips, 5oz M&M's, and 3 Costco chocolate chip cookies.  I am still hungry.