Wed : HIIT stairs in the morning. I went to a Brazilian steak house for lunch and destroyed it (as usual). Wasn't feeling great in the afternoon though. Thats the first time that happened. So, I just ate what I usually do and was actually asleep by 10pm (again, very unusual). Was supposed to train arms, but decided to push them off till Thursday
Thur: 30 mins of stairs in a.m. Still planning on doing the cheat today.

Phase 1 (Arms) — Weeks 1 through 3, use a medium volume approach. The set total ranges from 6-8 sets for biceps, and 8-10 for triceps. Focus on two or maybe three exercises.
My workout will be:
Reverse Curl 3x10-15
Straight bar pushdown 4x10 - 15
Icarian Preacher Curl 3x10-15
Hammer Strength Dip Machine 3 x 6 - 8 (with 3 sec negative)
Bar Curl 2 x 6 - 8 (with 3 sec negative)
Incline Tricep Extension 3x10-15
1) Reverse Curl 65x10, 55x12, 10
2) Straight bar pushdown 80x15, 13, 10, 8
3) Icarian Preacher Curl 90x15, 12, 9
4) Hammer Strength Dip Machine 90px8, 8, 115px6
5) Bar Curl 75x8, 8
6) Incline Tricep Extension 70x15, 12, 10
* Again, I will stress that the weights are shit due to this f***ing tendonitis...
** Also, I will only take 45-sec between each set
1) Jon recommends cross body hammer curls. Tried them last week...they hurt too much
2) Jon recommends only going to 90% lock out. That was a switch for me as I usually lock out. That burned a shit ton
3) Surprisingly hurt less than I expected
4) I hate all dip machines. None feel good. Especially knowing I still probably have a little crap going on in my left shoulder.
5) Pussy ass weight. Still, felt better than expected
6) The pause at the bottom is killer.
In looking at the split I wrote, I am a I laid out calves and abs...will switch calves from chest day to arm day.