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Gossip & Opinions / Re: RIMJOB 1001
« Last post by beakdoctor on Today at 02:38:44 AM »
Serious question - What age is RIMJOB 1001 ?

He is Totally obsessed with Mentzer / Yates & H.I.T Hates them All.
Only answer to anyone who questions him is to Re-word their post  ::)

Has no other ability to reply.

What does it Matter how Dorian or anyone else trained.

He is the Yin to Royalty's Yang.

Opposite sides of the same double ended dildo.
« Last post by beakdoctor on Today at 02:37:10 AM »
The only fag here is you every other post is some explicit gay fantasy shit from you nothing worse than an aggressive old queer

Yes. We know you prefer submissive,  young queers.

Pat Spaulding, that other twink. You got a "type." To each their own.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: RIMJOB 1001
« Last post by Rmj11 on Today at 02:30:30 AM »
Whose's RIMJOB 1001?
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Dorian yates HIT?
« Last post by Rmj11 on Today at 02:29:39 AM »
Even Lee Priest knows Dorian never did hit

History - Stories - and Memories / Re: The Golden Eagle
« Last post by Donny on Today at 02:20:14 AM »
On the subject of Quiet please     I remember I let rip with a loud vibrating fart whilst doing some leg presses.  suddenly I had the area to myself 🤣
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Greatest barbell squat set of all-time
« Last post by Van_Bilderass on Today at 02:19:09 AM »
Say what now?  I haven’t followed the “scene” in like 10 years but I thought that was where all the records were being set, no?

It's all raw now and even powerlifters laugh at equipped lifting, some think knee wraps are ok. I guess there are some small groups of equipped lifters putting on meets in some small room with 10 in audience, 10 of which are family and training partners/coaches, someone could set a new WR bench by 100lbs and everyone just laughs. It was unpopular then, invisible now. The training changed completely, no one trains "Westside" now, certainly none of the best raw lifters. Westside only worked with the ridiculous suits. I don't know if the Westside gym concept would even be viable today because all the guys were "nazis" and junkies, crackheads, opioid abusers, and criminals. Those briefs I posted, the small Finnish METAL brand probably went out of business because the owner posted a George Floyd joke on twitter and was dropped in minutes by EliteFTS and Dave Tate lol. Wetside today would probably have rainbow flags hanging, instead of the confederate flag, and an ADL stamp of approval with 51% minorities training there :D


1400lbs, probably getting close to 1000lbs from the rocket launcher  :D

Proudly posing with the weight he lifted
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Bruce Lee's training routines
« Last post by Donny on Today at 02:15:25 AM »
A swift kick in the nutz always works!   ;D
Yes I mean it sounds like a load of bs but that's honestly what happened.
Sometimes people forget basic stuff & expect something fancy.
I mean how skilled do you need to be to kick someone's balls ..😆
Urs looks like shit facially, hes aged 10 years in the last 2
I liked his look at,not so much.  :(
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Derek Lunsford 7 days out!
« Last post by wes on Today at 02:05:06 AM »
He reminds me of Dorian
He couldn`t carry Dorians gym bag.
Urs looks like shit facially, hes aged 10 years in the last 2
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