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Gossip & Opinions / Re: Trump Found Guilty On All 34 Counts!
« Last post by IroNat on Today at 03:22:15 AM »
He's basically a lightening rod for culture war shit and an avatar for dissatisfaction with the establishment.

I'm baffled how haters say he's a dictator when he was one of the weakest and most ineffectual presidents ever in terms of policy implementation. He couldnt dictate jack shit. He got blocked and stymied constantly. And I can't understand how his supporters aren't deeply disappointed by zero campaign promises fulfilled. Stuff they were passionate about like the wall. Where's the acknowledgment and the plan so it doesn't happen again?

The retarded polarization over Trump is proof the media still controls most people's minds. Imo he ought to pass the torch to Ramaswamy. Everyone else in the GOP is a neocon war junkie who wants to bankrupt the country while sending your children to die for unnecessary bullshit.

Good post.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Last post by IroNat on Today at 03:19:43 AM »
Scott Ritter says he doesn't like the Democrats but Biden is a breath of fresh air compared to Trump. Trump will surround himself with the wrong people again. Either Trump does not have good character judgment skills or is part of the dog and pony show.

Ritter is a pedo. 
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Last post by IroNat on Today at 03:17:45 AM »
New Zealand?

Good choice.
Will add to list.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Calcium Score Test
« Last post by IroNat on Today at 03:12:51 AM »
Red Yeast is good if you can stomach it. Gives most people major gas.

Gas in your turds makes them float.

Just some useful trivia for the next garden party.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: 2024 Charlotte Cup April 7th
« Last post by IroNat on Today at 03:06:40 AM »
I tell ya what if I could look like Youngblood I would take dying at 51 or whatever he died at.

You'd already be dead then.
Becoming a highly paid (not bodybuilding) professional in sports is easy.    ;D

Next I will post:

1) My golf practice routine for a beginner who wants to be a PGA Tour golfer.

2) My baseball practice routine for a beginner who wants to be a MLB player.

3) My football practice routine for a beginner who wants to be an NFL player.


What is a "professional bodybuilder"?

Someone with a "pro card" which are a dime a dozen today?

The dime-a-dozen Pro Card bodybuilders pay their own money to "play" their pseudo-sport.

A sports professional is someone who is paid to perform their sport, like a MLB player.

Only the very top elite bodybuilders get paid.

To be one of today's pro card bodybuilders basically hit the gym 4-6 times a week doing a bro-split and hit the gas pedal a lot.
If you have a decent structure you can probably get a pro-card in a couple years of drugging, unless you are Bhanky, who has been juicing for 25 years and still looks like shit.

Bill Pearl wrote a good book back in `86  "Getting Stronger" which had a lot of sport related programmes
Gossip & Opinions / Re: 2024 Charlotte Cup April 7th
« Last post by IroNat on Today at 03:00:46 AM »
Looking sharp, squats await.

That went over his head.  :D
Mixed Martial Arts (MMA/UFC) / Re: Wing Tzun / wing chun / ving tsun...
« Last post by Donny on Today at 02:58:52 AM »

a lot of "Traditionell" schools of WC / VT donīt have Ground fighting but as i wrote before on this thread some WT schools here in Europe have added it to their systems.
Still not up to the standards of say BJJ or some other arts.

Gossip & Opinions / Re: 2024 Charlotte Cup April 7th
« Last post by joswift on Today at 02:05:56 AM »

You are in denial.    Em and your mother in law are plotting to either kill you or rob you blind from all the money from the mansion.   We warned you but you persist in this fantasy that she actually wants to stayed married to you.    Once you are out of the picture or in the ground , guido ex bf coming back and she will be flush with cash.
Claims he spent time with his family while he wasnt posting yet Em posts a photo on their anniversary on her own in her wedding dress and only managed a "like" from Brian on her FB page.

Hes on his own in that house while Em is hundreds of miles away laughing with her friends making a list of what shes going to buy when Brians out the picture
Gossip & Opinions / Re: 2024 Charlotte Cup April 7th
« Last post by joswift on Today at 02:03:14 AM »
Your obsession with my wife and fantasies about her are creepy can you stop being a weirdo? Do I talk about your wife? Do I stalk her social media? Do I make up weird fantasies about her to spread to other people online? WTF is wrong with you. I mean for fuck sake you are stalking some poor yardman of mine because he has the same name as someone charged with a crime. You don't think I will get new trinkets and toys? I am no longer going to have a shop I am moving to a bigger city. I don't need to move shit I don't use that takes up garage space. I am keeping a 9 foot pool table. I am not getting rid of all my toys. I am getting better indoor space for them and less shop space. That is the cost of living 100 yards from half a dozen restaurants.

"Brian, its all got to go"

"But Em, can I please keep my pool table?"
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