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Gossip & Opinions / Re: Eminem - Houdini - Best Video Song of the Month
« Last post by gib on Today at 01:20:25 AM »
As we all know,no true Getbigger will EVER drink Bud Light again.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Eminem - Houdini - Best Video Song of the Month
« Last post by gib on Today at 01:19:43 AM »
Love it, but tell me what the F is it with the Buc Light shirt? Is it a joke? Or they actually paid for a feature?
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Today I joined the club.
« Last post by pamith on Today at 01:08:30 AM »
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Eminem - Houdini - Best Video Song of the Month
« Last post by pamith on Today at 01:04:03 AM »
F*ck Eminem!
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Trump Found Guilty On All 34 Counts!
« Last post by pamith on Today at 01:00:02 AM »

You said that LAST election.

Gossip & Opinions / Eminem - Houdini - Best Video Song of the Month
« Last post by Ron on Today at 12:55:03 AM »
So 36 million views in three days on the new Eminem song, Houdini, and whoever made this video, pretty cool concept, as well as the song. 

Best song of the month...  great song, like the old days when Slim Shady was fun, offending everyone!

Gossip & Opinions / Re: Murdoch’s 5th wife
« Last post by Humble Narcissist on Today at 12:48:59 AM »
True love. :-X
Since it popped into my head (and I might want to remember it), here's the genesis of the big Duchaine / Neece fight that went on in the late 90's. I remember it was interesting because Neece, Mentzer, and Duchaine all had words at separate times about Duchaine's shit starting proclivities, and they'd all be dead within about 1 - 1 1/2 years of each other -

" Since I’ve wandered into the subject of abuse, I’ve gotten another muscle writer pissed off at me, this time MuscleMag’s Steve Neece. Steve lives near me with his mommy, and he also trains at the same gym I do. Steve and his mom are really close. I know this because when Steve went to Don Ross’ funeral and attended the post   service buffet, he brought doggie bags (or were they “mommy bags”?) to take food home to her. Steve has this belief that I’m abusive to women because I’ve been disrespecting women’s bodybuilding of late and because I think it’s a dead-end sport.

Now here’s a hoot of a story: after his reporting about that “abusive Dan Duchaine,” Steve shows up at the biggest magazine store in San Diego, fishing for leads for gossip, as he knows I’m friends with the owner of the newsstand. So Mikel, the owner, figures he’s gonna yank Steve’s chain and tells Steve that his article backfired, and I am now inundated with sexual offers from tons of women. Completely fabricated, obviously so, because a) I adore all women and most of my closest friends are females, and b) I don’t play the field as I like to be a one-woman man. Now get this: in the next issue, Steve reports the fabricated story verbatim.

How did all this really start? Let me tell you: on a day-to-day basis, I’m probably the least interesting personality in bodybuilding. Years ago, I used to train in a T-shirt with this on it: “Sex is nobody’s business except the three people involved.” But now I sleep in a much smaller bed, so I must have calmed down.

A few months ago, Steve Neece wanted to prove to Shawn Ray (and the world) that female bodybuilders have the ability to make men’s dicks hard and shot a picture of a lineup of fabulous bare fannies. So who’s pissed off now? Not me, I like the idea of being in the middle of an ass sandwich. But ask most women if this were helping women out and they’ll probably say they’re pissed off with Steve.

Where was I? Oh, months ago, I implied that most of the female bodybuilders who wrestle are borderline prostitutes. Why is this? You decide. In a private hotel room, a female bodybuilder in a thong and no top is wrestling a schmoe, and he gets aroused, and his dick gets hard. And he asks, “If I pull my dick out and give you two hundred extra dollars, will you jerk me off?” Most of the time, the female bodybuilder does it and takes the money. I would say that 90% of the time, this is what’s happening in a private wrestling match. "
No doubt they'll take the money to fuck. If she'll sit on your face while "wrestling" for money it's not that big of a leap to go farther.
UK Getbig Bodybuilding and More / Re: All Things British
« Last post by herne on Today at 12:44:35 AM »
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Trump Found Guilty On All 34 Counts!
« Last post by Humble Narcissist on Today at 12:41:45 AM »
Soooo true!

Those two look like winners. ::)
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