Author Topic: My 3 phase project  (Read 196508 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #50 on: March 28, 2011, 10:28:26 AM »
I'm not sure about veins, coz I never was a vascular guy, nor do I want to be. But yes, YOU WILL SEE ABS IN UNDER 2 WEEKS ;D I will be sitting @ sub-10 or even less by this coming Thursday, and by the following Thursday I will be sitting @ sub-7 8) And since you seem like a cool dude meso ma man, I will give you da honors as far as me proving dat dis is very real and dat it's happening right now. So please give me a little phrase like "True dat" or "che da man" or something like those small phrases and I will have ma friend print it out wit a magic marker on ma back, just to prove dat dis be fo real ;D So meso ma man, give me some small phrase and I put it on ma back ;) Maybe it could be "You da man" ROFL!


  • Getbig V
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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #51 on: March 28, 2011, 11:56:24 AM »
I'm not sure about veins, coz I never was a vascular guy, nor do I want to be. But yes, YOU WILL SEE ABS IN UNDER 2 WEEKS ;D I will be sitting @ sub-10 or even less by this coming Thursday, and by the following Thursday I will be sitting @ sub-7 8) And since you seem like a cool dude meso ma man, I will give you da honors as far as me proving dat dis is very real and dat it's happening right now. So please give me a little phrase like "True dat" or "che da man" or something like those small phrases and I will have ma friend print it out wit a magic marker on ma back, just to prove dat dis be fo real ;D So meso ma man, give me some small phrase and I put it on ma back ;) Maybe it could be "You da man" ROFL!
ok.  ;D

write. "All coffee and cigarettos" ;D


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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #52 on: March 28, 2011, 12:38:07 PM »
Allright ma man, I will have him write "All coffee" on ma front and write "and cigs" on ma back ;D


  • Getbig V
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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #53 on: March 28, 2011, 12:47:33 PM »
Allright ma man, I will have him write "All coffee" on ma front and write "and cigs" on ma back ;D
ok ;D

Palpatine Q

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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #54 on: March 28, 2011, 05:58:16 PM »
Allright fellas, I will follow a 3 phase plan and detail it here with commentary and photo proof of my acomplishments or lack thereof. The 1st phase will be a get lean phase with the goal being sub-7, and during this phase I will attempt to drop 2% bodyfat per week. At the moment, I would guesstimate that I'm around 13 to 14%. The 2nd phase will be a "spot gain" phase as I will attempt to gain size in my arms and calves, while maintaining my torso and legs, and all the while staying relatively lean (sub-10). The 3rd and final phase will be a Refinement phase, and during this phase I wilk attempt to give the muscles a finished and refined look, with as much seperation and detail as possible. Later on this week I will start up this project by posting my starting ab photos, and I will then update this 1st phase each and every week. This 1st phase will be finished within 4 weeks.

you have less than ten days. will fail miserably.

cue the bullshit excuses and goalpost changing


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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #55 on: March 29, 2011, 04:49:36 PM »
Here is a list of some of some of the things I've learnt from Phase 1 thus far: 1. It should not last more than 2 weeks max (I'll still finish out the 4 weeks, but it's MUCH, MUCH BETTER not to take it past 2 weeks). 2. The 1st week can just basically be ultra lo cals, but by the start of the 2nd week hard aerobic training or HITT training becomes a necessity. 3. It's best not to go more than 4 days in a row on ultra lo cals. Next update will be in 2 days.


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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #56 on: March 31, 2011, 05:47:14 AM »
Ok, here is the 3rd week update. My weight went down from 72.8kg to 72.3kg, which is a 1 pound loss, and my waist measurement went down 1 cm, from 79 cm to 78 cm, which is about half an inch. So, itīs clear dat Iīm stalling a bit. And yeah, I wholly admit dat I failed, but it ainīt so bad coz I learned some things here, which I stated in the above post. So, now itīs on to Phase 2, with some minor adjustments, which are as follows:

1. Gain muscle while continuing to lose fat.

2. Gain muscle overall, and not just on my arms (the arm gaining will be transfered to Phase 3).

3. Only train 2 exercises (weighted dips and dumbell squat/deadlift combo lift).

Iīll add more later as far as how I will handle Phase 2.

Mr Nobody

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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #57 on: March 31, 2011, 07:55:26 AM »
Progress no doubt, rotate your arms back further in the double bicep pose this will show the biceps more and back detail.


  • Getbig V
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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #58 on: March 31, 2011, 09:18:37 AM »
Looking leaner man! that shit works.


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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #59 on: March 31, 2011, 10:50:32 AM »
Thanks fellas, but for me the past 2 weeks of "results" have been piss-poor, and nearly non-existant! 1 pound lost per week, and only shrinking my waist by a half inch each week? Those "results" suck! Yeah the 1st week was some pretty damn good, but weeks 2 and 3 weren't good enough, but at least I've learned a few things. Phase 2 is gonna be more tricky, and I've pretty much got the weight training aspect of it figured out, but I ain't so sure about the cardio part of it, and the "diet" part of it, but I will consult with a resident expert here, and hopefully come up with a decent "diet" plan.

Mr Nobody

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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #60 on: March 31, 2011, 11:06:04 AM »
Thanks fellas, but for me the past 2 weeks of "results" have been piss-poor, and nearly non-existant! 1 pound lost per week, and only shrinking my waist by a half inch each week? Those "results" suck! Yeah the 1st week was some pretty damn good, but weeks 2 and 3 weren't good enough, but at least I've learned a few things. Phase 2 is gonna be more tricky, and I've pretty much got the weight training aspect of it figured out, but I ain't so sure about the cardio part of it, and the "diet" part of it, but I will consult with a resident expert here, and hopefully come up with a decent "diet" plan.
So you are cycling cals pretty much 700 a day for 4 days then a cheat day, I think you got to figure out how many cals you doing on the cheat day. See it figures into your overall intake for a week so the cheat day maybe the culprit in the slower fat loss. Nice progress overall though go back and look at your pics from when you started.


  • Getbig V
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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #61 on: March 31, 2011, 05:02:20 PM »
What happened to the comparative side pose with a relaxed gut? Not saying you don't look lean, but let's be more scientific here. From latest the front pose, it would appear you are sucking your stomach in, whereas in the before side pose you said you weren't.

Credit to you for having a sense of and cigs indeed!


  • Getbig V
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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #62 on: April 01, 2011, 01:07:24 AM »
I took the side pose out coz there was some debate as to it's authenticity. As far as the latest front one I wasn't purposely holding my gut in. Also, I added this back double bi because now I'm stepping into Phase 2, and as I wrote before, I'm changing the proposed protocol for Phase 2. Phase 2's new protocol is to lay down new muscle tissue while continuing to lose bodyfat at the same damn time. I'm only gonna train dips and dumbell deadlifts. I was doing a bit of stiff-leg dumbell deads a few months back, and I just recently was messing around wit bent leg normal-style deads and they pwn da shit out of stiff-leg deads. Not even close! So, if I make decent strength gains in the dips and deads this week then I will post an update pic next week. And yeah, it's pretty damn certain dat I WILL make damn good progress dis week 8) In fact, I'll soon do dis dip/dead workout and I'll give a report.


  • Getbig V
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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #63 on: April 01, 2011, 01:34:21 AM »
Good luck with phase 2 of your plan. It doesn't seem like your doing enough to see complete body results, so I'll be interested in your reports on how it goes in your opinion. What is the eating plan on phase 2?

I know it isn't cool to comment on one's grammar here, but you use of words is very interesting. Please don't take this as criticism. However, reading your posts is almost like reading a foreign language. Do you talk the way you write? Are you aware that nothing classes people more than the way they speak? Maybe you are just trying to be a cool and with it dude, huh?

I should say that I am not into texting much. However, I have wondered with so many folks communicating via text messages and tweets, if this shortcut writing style will eventually change the English language.


  • Getbig V
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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #64 on: April 01, 2011, 03:53:08 AM »
No, I don't talk like that in real life. It's just ma on-line persona ;D In fact I write poetry, Haikus and romantic verses, and no I don't write them in dat style 8) Believe it or not, many people that read my work tell me I gots some talent, but like my mom says, "So what have you published?" lol My diet will be one day lo cal (round 700) and one day normal (round 2000). Dips were bodyweight plus 55 lbs for 11, and db deads were 60 lbs per hand for 11. The max wt I can put on my bells is 75, but I may be able to get some thinner plates, which would allow me to go up to 115 per bell.

Palpatine Q

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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #65 on: April 01, 2011, 10:58:54 AM »
Well your " online persona" is a moron....hope this helps.

Furthermore. ..what a fucking joke of a thread this didn't do Jack shit besides suck in your gut and lose a little water weight.

The good thing is now we don't have to listen to your constant babbling about "sub 7%" didn't even come close here.

Looking forward to " Phase 2" where you gain ZERO muscle on to your puny fucking frame using your dumbass methods...this way we don't have to Listen to that nonsense anymore either.


  • Getbig V
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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #66 on: April 01, 2011, 03:32:01 PM »
No, I don't talk like that in real life. It's just ma on-line persona ;D In fact I write poetry, Haikus and romantic verses, and no I don't write them in dat style 8) Believe it or not, many people that read my work tell me I gots some talent, but like my mom says, "So what have you published?" lol My diet will be one day lo cal (round 700) and one day normal (round 2000). Dips were bodyweight plus 55 lbs for 11, and db deads were 60 lbs per hand for 11. The max wt I can put on my bells is 75, but I may be able to get some thinner plates, which would allow me to go up to 115 per bell.

So you workout at home, I gather. I did this for awhile when we lived in a house with a basement which is where I kept the weights. Personally, while convenient, working out at home sucks compared to working out in a gym where there is a lot of equipment to choose from so one doesn't get bored or their muscles become too accustomed to the limited exercises one can do in their garage or basement with home equipment.

Let me say again, your routine seems very limiting. I can't imagine you'll notice any gains doing just a couple of specific exercises. If you are only going to do one ore two exercises, why not do squats and bench presses. Squats are a full body exercise. Bench presses, done correctly will develop a good upper body base to work from as you add new exercises.

I have written stuff using a different voice, it is fun. However, I think it is odd to manufacture a persona for an on-line forum like this. Why not just be yourself. Are you trying to make people like you? Even if they did, it would mean nothing, particularly because they'd dig your fake persona and not the real person. Personally, this seems lame to me. I say just be yourself. If folks like you, great. If they don't, who cares?

Palpatine Q

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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #67 on: April 01, 2011, 07:05:42 PM »
So you workout at home, I gather. I did this for awhile when we lived in a house with a basement which is where I kept the weights. Personally, while convenient, working out at home sucks compared to working out in a gym where there is a lot of equipment to choose from so one doesn't get bored or their muscles become too accustomed to the limited exercises one can do in their garage or basement with home equipment.

Let me say again, your routine seems very limiting. I can't imagine you'll notice any gains doing just a couple of specific exercises. If you are only going to do one ore two exercises, why not do squats and bench presses. Squats are a full body exercise. Bench presses, done correctly will develop a good upper body base to work from as you add new exercises.

I have written stuff using a different voice, it is fun. However, I think it is odd to manufacture a persona for an on-line forum like this. Why not just be yourself. Are you trying to make people like you? Even if they did, it would mean nothing, particularly because they'd dig your fake persona and not the real person. Personally, this seems lame to me. I say just be yourself. If folks like you, great. If they don't, who cares?

"Even if they did".....



  • Getbig V
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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #68 on: April 02, 2011, 03:41:25 AM »
As Mike Mentzer says, "DIPS ARE THE UPPER BODY SQUAT" 8) But in my opinion weighted over hand wide grip pull ups are the upper body squat ;D These db deads I do are basically a squat with bells instead of a barbell, coz I keep me head up, shoulders back, and low back straight. Also I squat down til the bells touch the ground, which puts my knuckles nearly 2 inches within touching the floor, so believe me, it's a fucking great exercise 8) This routine is basically Mentzer's workout A of the consolidated/athletes routine, except I'll be doing it much more often. In fact, I've do the dips again tomorrow. Remember, as long as I train with heavier and heavier training loads, my muscles will get bigger FACT And yes, I WILL be training with greater and greater training loads. In fact, I predict that I'll be dippinp with 100 added pounds within 3 or 4 weeks. And I may have to add wide grip overhand weighted chins.


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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #69 on: April 02, 2011, 04:09:37 AM »
More training - less writing.
The more you speak or write about something the bigger your doubts.


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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #70 on: April 02, 2011, 07:39:05 PM »
That is the second-worst workout I have ever seen behind only FatPanda's.


  • Getbig V
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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #71 on: April 03, 2011, 04:35:49 AM »
Just finished the dips and I did 11 reps with 55 added pounds, and then I did another set with 65 pounds and got 7 reps. So I've added 2 reps since last dip workout which was 2 days ago. Next workout will be on Tuesday and I will be doing both dips and db deads. This Phase here is basically just a demo of what PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD can do 8) P.S. I ain't sayin dat my way is da only way, wot I'm sayin is dat ANY METHOD WHICH ALLOWS PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD TO OCCUR IS WHERE IT'S AT ;D And pour moi, this style works just fine 8) Even though Phase 1 wasn't a complete success, since I didn't hit sub-7, it was still a decent success coz I did in fact get leaner (from a start @ 15% to sub-12) also I know much better what to do next rapid fat loss cycle. Maybe I will add the weighted chins, but I ain't sure yet.


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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #72 on: April 04, 2011, 12:11:07 PM »
Just finished doing the db deads after 72 hrs rest, and they shot up 5 reps, from 11 reps to 16 reps. Yeah I know dat I said dat I wasn't gonna train them til Tuesday, but I guess dat da Wild Horse just couldn't be contained lol 8) And yeah, I will most likely train da dips tomorrow. So far, I'm making progress by training da deads every 72 hrs, and da dips every 48 hrs. P.P.S. Ma final goal is 5'11" @ a buck 65 @ sub-6 Spider-man style, as dat b his own personal stats 8) But who knows, maybe I will opt for following Nighthawks led 5'11" @ a buck 75 @ sub-6, but dat is a far as I will take it ;D

Mr Nobody

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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #73 on: April 04, 2011, 02:24:20 PM »
Just finished doing the db deads after 72 hrs rest, and they shot up 5 reps, from 11 reps to 16 reps. Yeah I know dat I said dat I wasn't gonna train them til Tuesday, but I guess dat da Wild Horse just couldn't be contained lol 8) And yeah, I will most likely train da dips tomorrow. So far, I'm making progress by training da deads every 72 hrs, and da dips every 48 hrs. P.P.S. Ma final goal is 5'11" @ a buck 65 @ sub-6 Spider-man style, as dat b his own personal stats 8) But who knows, maybe I will opt for following Nighthawks led 5'11" @ a buck 75 @ sub-6, but dat is a far as I will take it ;D
Are you saying you gonna take the X man and Blackflag ? Good progress.


  • Getbig V
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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #74 on: April 04, 2011, 03:17:23 PM »
Nah man, che is who I be gunning fo 8) If I can really hit 165 at a true and legit sub-6 then I thinks dat I gots me a chance ;D By the way, I'm tired as fuck today, and I even took a 2 hr nap after my normal 8 to 9 hrs of nightly sleep. Who knows? Maybe it's ma bod telling me let me sleep so dat I can grow as you been overloading ma ass wit dis heavy and hard training ROFL! Remember, I have gained 13 lean pounds within 6 weeks time many different times, so this here is just basically a demonstration of wot I can do. What it all boils down to is can I achieve an all-time best condition. My best LEAN condition was 154 @ a true and legit sub-6 and a FIT condition of 167 @ 8-9%