Author Topic: Police State - Official Thread  (Read 1053254 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2850 on: April 01, 2016, 06:43:10 PM »

Graphic image from "arrest".

Holy fucking shit... wow. JUST $275,000?!? And the people who did this got promoted?! Fucking insane.

Also, calling out the following bit from the post, in reference to the fact that no charges were filed:

However, a Lakeland Police Spokeswoman Sgt. Terri Smith stated, “A no-bill decision is not necessarily a finding of innocence. It is an indication that the prosecutor did not find that there was sufficient evidence to prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.”

Dear Sgt. Terri Smith: he's PRESUMED innocent until proven guilty in a Court of Law you dumb bitch.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2851 on: April 02, 2016, 09:12:23 PM »
“You gonna pay for this Boy” Cops Mistake Hemorrhoid for Drugs, Sodomize Innocent Man in Public

Aiken, SC — On Oct. 2, 2014, Lakeya Hicks and Elijah Pontoon had broken no law, violated no traffic code and were simply driving down the road when they were targeted and pulled over by Aiken police officer Chris Medlin.

Medlin explained to the couple that he stopped them because they had temporary tags on the car. According to South Carolina law, there is nothing wrong with temp tags, so long as they aren’t expired. Hicks explained that she had recently purchased the car, and that is the reason for the tags. Medlin even tells the couple that the tags check out.

The stop, which never should have happened in the first place, should have ended right then. However, Medlin, working on a hunch, just knew that this couple was up to no good. Medlin orders Pontoon out of the car and handcuffs him — for no reason.

“Because of your history, I’ve got a dog coming in here. Gonna walk a dog around the car,” says this tyrant, and apparently racist cop. “You gonna pay for this one, boy.”

Pontoon has no history though, at least not since 2006, which is hardly a reason to stop the man now.

After unlawfully detaining the couple, with no probable cause, a drug dog shows up — but it finds nothing. Again, this illegal stop should have ended here. But it didn’t, and, instead, got much worse.

By now, there are four officers on the scene, one of whom is a female. Medlin then tells the female officer to “search her real good,” referring to Hicks. While the search of Hicks happened off camera, according to a federal lawsuit filed by attorney Robert Phillips, it involved exposing Hicks’ breasts in the populated area. Mind you, this is at noon on a Friday.

After sexually assaulting Hicks and finding nothing, the cops then direct their attention to Pontoon.

“You’ve got something here right between your legs. There’s something hard right there between your legs.” Medlin says, noting that he’s going to “put some gloves on.”

Again, the cops appear to move out of the view of the camera to protect themselves while sodomizing a man on the roadside. However, the graphic audio leaves no room for speculation as to what happened.
As cops launch their assault on this innocent man’s rectum, Pontoon complains that they are grabbing his hemorrhoid.

“I’ve had hemorrhoids, and they ain’t that hard,” replies the apparently racist, and now rapist, cop.

As Radly Balko points out in his article on the Post, at about 12:47:15 in the video, the audio actually suggests that two officers may have inserted fingers into Pontoon’s rectum, as one asks, “What are you talking about, right here?” The other replies, “Right straight up in there.”

The cops continue their attack on this innocent man for several minutes moving their fingers in and out of his rectum searching for non-existent drugs.

“If that’s a hemorrhoid, that’s a hemorrhoid, all right? But that don’t feel like no hemorrhoid to me,” one officer says as he sexually assaults Pontoon.

Much to the rapist and racist cops’ shagrin, they found nothing. Medlin then tells Pontoon to turn around and says, “Now I know you from before, from when I worked dope. I seen you. That’s why I put a dog on the car.”

Medlin effectively admits that he had no probable cause to stop the couple, as Pontoon lacks any charges for the last decade. He then lets the couple off with a “courtesy warning.” However, as the Post points out, according to the complaint, there’s no indication of what the warning was actually for. Perhaps it was to warn to steer clear of police officers in Aiken.

The vileness of the state’s wicked and immoral war on drugs has reared its repugnant face. When will the rest of society see that face and wake up to this atrocity? When will the people say “enough is enough,” and that finger raping innocent people on the roadside in search of arbitrary substances is no longer welcome in our culture?

Please share this article with your friends and family to help wake them up to this very real American Horror Story.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2852 on: April 02, 2016, 10:16:52 PM »
That's a pretty horrific and shocking article. :o

These people pigs that abuse their power and violate people with impunity simply won't learn because they will never face serious consequences because of the thin blue line. I'm not an eye for an eye kind of guy, and know it's exceedingly unlikely, but I hope that Chris Medlin and his cohorts are investigated by the Federal government and end up in a Federal prison, spending year after miserable year having their various orifices violently and relentlessly penetrated.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2853 on: April 03, 2016, 11:07:42 PM »
“You gonna pay for this Boy” Cops Mistake Hemorrhoid for Drugs, Sodomize Innocent Man in Public

Aiken, SC — On Oct. 2, 2014, Lakeya Hicks and Elijah Pontoon had broken no law, violated no traffic code and were simply driving down the road when they were targeted and pulled over by Aiken police officer Chris Medlin.

Medlin explained to the couple that he stopped them because they had temporary tags on the car. According to South Carolina law, there is nothing wrong with temp tags, so long as they aren’t expired. Hicks explained that she had recently purchased the car, and that is the reason for the tags. Medlin even tells the couple that the tags check out.

The stop, which never should have happened in the first place, should have ended right then. However, Medlin, working on a hunch, just knew that this couple was up to no good. Medlin orders Pontoon out of the car and handcuffs him — for no reason.

“Because of your history, I’ve got a dog coming in here. Gonna walk a dog around the car,” says this tyrant, and apparently racist cop. “You gonna pay for this one, boy.”

Pontoon has no history though, at least not since 2006, which is hardly a reason to stop the man now.

After unlawfully detaining the couple, with no probable cause, a drug dog shows up — but it finds nothing. Again, this illegal stop should have ended here. But it didn’t, and, instead, got much worse.

By now, there are four officers on the scene, one of whom is a female. Medlin then tells the female officer to “search her real good,” referring to Hicks. While the search of Hicks happened off camera, according to a federal lawsuit filed by attorney Robert Phillips, it involved exposing Hicks’ breasts in the populated area. Mind you, this is at noon on a Friday.

After sexually assaulting Hicks and finding nothing, the cops then direct their attention to Pontoon.

“You’ve got something here right between your legs. There’s something hard right there between your legs.” Medlin says, noting that he’s going to “put some gloves on.”

Again, the cops appear to move out of the view of the camera to protect themselves while sodomizing a man on the roadside. However, the graphic audio leaves no room for speculation as to what happened.
As cops launch their assault on this innocent man’s rectum, Pontoon complains that they are grabbing his hemorrhoid.

“I’ve had hemorrhoids, and they ain’t that hard,” replies the apparently racist, and now rapist, cop.

As Radly Balko points out in his article on the Post, at about 12:47:15 in the video, the audio actually suggests that two officers may have inserted fingers into Pontoon’s rectum, as one asks, “What are you talking about, right here?” The other replies, “Right straight up in there.”

The cops continue their attack on this innocent man for several minutes moving their fingers in and out of his rectum searching for non-existent drugs.

“If that’s a hemorrhoid, that’s a hemorrhoid, all right? But that don’t feel like no hemorrhoid to me,” one officer says as he sexually assaults Pontoon.

Much to the rapist and racist cops’ shagrin, they found nothing. Medlin then tells Pontoon to turn around and says, “Now I know you from before, from when I worked dope. I seen you. That’s why I put a dog on the car.”

Medlin effectively admits that he had no probable cause to stop the couple, as Pontoon lacks any charges for the last decade. He then lets the couple off with a “courtesy warning.” However, as the Post points out, according to the complaint, there’s no indication of what the warning was actually for. Perhaps it was to warn to steer clear of police officers in Aiken.

The vileness of the state’s wicked and immoral war on drugs has reared its repugnant face. When will the rest of society see that face and wake up to this atrocity? When will the people say “enough is enough,” and that finger raping innocent people on the roadside in search of arbitrary substances is no longer welcome in our culture?

Please share this article with your friends and family to help wake them up to this very real American Horror Story.

Agnostic can you shed some clear light on this one?
Perhaps we are missing some thing in the Behaviour of these Cops..??


  • Getbig V
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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2854 on: April 04, 2016, 09:37:56 AM »
Louisiana Marshal Sentenced to Jail and Huge Fine For Violating Public Records Law

A Louisiana Marshal is going to jail for violating willfully violating public records law, and court orders to comply.

Lafayette’s top cop the elected City Marshal Brian Pope, was sentenced to 30 days under key with all but 7 of them suspended, for blatantly violating Louisiana’s open records law.

The Lousiana lawman will also have to pay more than $100,000 in attorneys fees, court costs and fines related to withholding records from The Independent, a local publication.

Pope will also have to perform 173 hours of public service, one hour for each day he withheld records about his use of public office to endorse a candidate for County Sheriff and initiate an unusual press conference accusing the candidate of encouraging illegal immigration.

City Marshal Pope specific punishment is to have to teach about the state’s public records law for 173 hours.

Maybe some of that teaching will sink into the teacher too.

As local outlets reported, Marshal Pope withheld records even after a court ordered their release, leading to a judge finding that he’d “willfully and obstinately” failed to comply and showed up armed and in uniform to court in contravention of court rules too, leading presiding Judge Jules Edwards III to opine thusly from the bench from his written opinion:

“There is a long-standing rule in this court that law enforcement officers who are the named parties in litigation are not allowed to come into the courtroom while armed and in uniform,” Edwards read from his ruling. “The rationale for this rule is the safety of the bailiffs and prevention of witness intimidation. The marshal’s conduct in this regard is another example of his apparent attitude that he is above the law.”

But Pope’s candidate for Sheriff lost, and while the Judge in the case only settled the public records case issues, as is often the case in these sort of public interest lawsuits, obtaining the public records is a pre-cursor to a subsequent corruption investigation.

Judge Edwards continued to say:

“The events that gave rise to this litigation may serve as ground to investigate Marshal Pope for various crimes such as perjury, malfeasance, and others,” Edwards said. “This court specifically did not and could not consider those questions because the marshal has not been formally charged with those offenses.”

The legal decision arrived barely a week after Brian Pope made local headlines hiring controversial cop Clay Higgins, who is also known as the Cajun John Wayne, and who PINAC News’ Theresa Richard interviewed last October.

Pope must be shocked by the verdict, because judging by his hiring of Clay Higgins, the Lafayette City Marshal planned his department to get a whole lot more press attention.

Just not this kind of negative coverage.

Or maybe he thinks Higgins will make a good Public Relations representative, but Pope obviously didn’t notice the video blogging ex-sheriff’s deputy’s last failed attempt at going viral.

Higgins did go viral, but for all the wrong reasons after making the infamous “War on Gangbangers” video this past February.

Now his new boss is also going viral for the wrong reasons.

Higgins, the so-called ‘Cajun John Wayne’, actually resigned from his Sheriff’s department job just over a week after releasing the infamous viral video.

And Pope couldn’t resist making the high profile hire.

Just in time.

Pope will get just a little more time to enjoy Higgins’ company too, as Judge Edwards did grant post-conviction bail to the City Marshall of only $500 as the convicted cop appeals the decision to a higher court.

So his incarceration hasn’t yet begun as planned, yet.

Judge Edwards also added an extra $9,000 to Pope’s tab for The Indepdendent’s cost of hiring a computer expert too.

City Marshal Pope probably needs to save a few dollars to hire some expert legal counsel for himself, if he’s planning on remaining in public affairs after this fiasco is completed, or before a criminal trial starts.

While Pope hasn’t criminally been charged yet, he’s likely to face more legal action after testifying in a recorded deposition according to The Advertiser that:

He used the resources of his public office, specifically the personnel of the Lafayette City Marshal, to prepare a fundraising mailing package for his personal campaign ventures. When questioned about the matter by The Independent’s attorney, Gary McGoffin, Pope responded, “Because I’m a political figure. I mean, I can use my office for my campaign.”

He added in the deposition that it was acceptable to use public funds for his campaign because “everyone does it.”

Judge Edwards isn’t letting Pope walk free without any penalty just yet though.

City Marshal Brian Pope has posted a $150,000 appeals bond as he takes his case up the legal ladder, so at least we know that once the last motion has been filed, newsmen at The Independent and taxpayers won’t be on the hook for the lawman’s tremendous legal bill.

Both news outlet and citizens might celebrate though, the day Marshal Pope is finally jailed for breaking the law.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2855 on: April 04, 2016, 01:32:25 PM »

Agnostic can you shed some clear light on this one?
Perhaps we are missing some thing in the Behaviour of these Cops..??

Thanks for asking, I appreciate the opportunity to provide insight into these things from a professional perspective so that any misgivings or misunderstandings can be avoided.

In this case I viewed the edited portion of the video so I am drawing a conclusion based on what is available to me at the time but keep that in mind.
It's my professional opinion, based on reviewing the police officers actions and comparing it to case law that these particular officers are just stone cold Neanderthal cavemen with a badge and uniform. It was painful to watch and the response from the department was disappointing. Never ever ever is a road side cavity search appropriate even if you had enough PC to choke a horse. This was a fishing expedition of the worst order and jobs should be in jeopardy. If the department isn't coming out and acknowledging concerns, they are the problem and lord help those people..

That pretty much sums it up. I hope I was able to shed some light on the incident from an insiders perspective


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2856 on: April 04, 2016, 02:06:52 PM »
Thanks for asking, I appreciate the opportunity to provide insight into these things from a professional perspective so that any misgivings or misunderstandings can be avoided.

In this case I viewed the edited portion of the video so I am drawing a conclusion based on what is available to me at the time but keep that in mind.
It's my professional opinion, based on reviewing the police officers actions and comparing it to case law that these particular officers are just stone cold Neanderthal cavemen with a badge and uniform. It was painful to watch and the response from the department was disappointing. Never ever ever is a road side cavity search appropriate even if you had enough PC to choke a horse. This was a fishing expedition of the worst order and jobs should be in jeopardy. If the department isn't coming out and acknowledging concerns, they are the problem and lord help those people..

That pretty much sums it up. I hope I was able to shed some light on the incident from an insiders perspective

A well & carefully worded reply.
Politically correct  ;)

Can't argue with your response, well said.

Does being 'politically correct' come naturally or is it hand in hand with being a cop
On a internet site - and you having to be careful what you say in case it comes to
Light, And could affect your job.

Personally I would of just said something like, The Cops are Scumbags & Should be
In prison - Then They can Enjoy the Benefits of having their arse holes Violated
on a Daily Basis. And Any Of the Shitbags who try and defend / cover / justify there
Actions Should go to Prison also, and Experince the Same Daily Pleasures.
See if they defend / cover / justify that being done to them.



  • Getbig V
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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2857 on: April 04, 2016, 02:14:00 PM »

A well & carefully worded reply.
Politically correct  ;)

Can't argue with your response, well said.

Does being 'politically correct' come naturally or is it hand in hand with being a cop
On a internet site - and you having to be careful what you say in case it comes to
Light, And could affect your job.

Personally I would of just said something like, The Cops are Scumbags & Should be
In prison - Then They can Enjoy the Benefits of having their arse holes Violated
on a Daily Basis. And Any Of the Shitbags who try and defend / cover / justify there
Actions Should go to Prison also, and Experince the Same Daily Pleasures.
See if they defend / cover / justify that being done to them.


Thought I said that ...  :)


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2858 on: April 04, 2016, 03:17:17 PM »
Thought I said that ...  :)

Ha Ha, A sense of Humour.  :D

You kinda did in that Politically Correct' worded way.

As I asked is That how you answer outside of work.
Or because it's the internet & you got to be careful.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2859 on: April 05, 2016, 09:16:17 AM »
Remember this case from last summer?

LAPD Tried to Execute this Innocent Man, But He Survived — Now He’s Fighting Back

Los Angeles, CA – Shot in the head for holding a towel, a disabled man filed a civil rights lawsuit against the LAPD on Monday for attempting to kill him without reason or warning. Although witnesses assert the man did not pose a threat to anyone, the officer immediately jumped out of his patrol car and shot him without issuing any commands.

At 6:35 p.m. on June 19, 2015, LAPD Officer Cairo Palacios and his unidentified partner were sitting in their patrol car stuck in traffic when they noticed a man standing on the sidewalk attempting to flag down the officers. According to LAPD Cmdr. Andrew Smith, the cops heard 48-year-old Walter DeLeon calling out to them saying, “Police, police.”

According to witnesses, Palacios and his partner momentarily spoke with DeLeon when Palacios suddenly exited the police cruiser and fired multiple shots at DeLeon without warning. After Palacios shot him in the right side of his head, DeLeon immediately fell to the ground.

The officers searched him for weapons but found that DeLeon had been unarmed. A passing motorist recorded a graphic video of the officers refusing to administer medical attention while callously handcuffing DeLeon even though he appeared unconscious with a massive exit wound in the back of his head and blood pouring down his neck. One of the motorists can be heard in the video exclaiming, “Oh! I see his brain!”

Charged with a felony count of assaulting a police officer, DeLeon spent weeks in a coma. Shortly after the shooting, the LAPD called DeLeon’s family to inform them that the charges against DeLeon had been dropped.

After spending two weeks in a coma, DeLeon awoke to discover that he lost one pound of cranial matter, the ability to walk, most cognitive functions, and an eye with “near complete and permanent blindness in the other eye.” Enduring nine massive surgeries, DeLeon spent five months in hospitals fighting to survive.

“He can’t go to the restroom by himself. He can’t feed himself. He can’t dress himself,” his sister Yovanna DeLeon told ABC7.

Although DeLeon remembers taking a walk while holding a water bottle and a towel wrapped around his hand to wipe the sweat off his face, he can no longer recall why he had flagged down the officers for help. DeLeon suspects the officer mistook the water bottle for a gun and overreacted.

“How threatening can I be toward them with a bottle of water and a towel?” DeLeon asked.

According to DeLeon’s recent civil rights lawsuit, Palacios acted unreasonably for shooting DeLeon in the head for holding a towel. Instead of engaging in de-escalation protocols, Palacios immediately resorted to deadly force without justification and nearly killed DeLeon without issuing a warning or command to drop his towel.

The lawsuit also pointed out that LAPD officer-involved shootings doubled in 2015 from the previous year. Due to a lack of transparency and accountability, the LAPD have also been accused of sending inexperienced officers with inferior training into the field. Palacios and his partner had been working for the City of Los Angeles’ Department of General Services providing security at public landmarks when the LAPD absorbed their department in 2013. Instead of gaining experience patrolling the streets, Palacios and his partner primarily worked at Griffith Park.

“This complaint gives me a voice for the people who are weak,” DeLeon said in a video statement. “There are hundreds who did not make it, who are no longer living. So I’m here for that purpose, to be heard and to bring change to the law enforcement departments as to how they go about enforcing the law.”


  • Getbig V
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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2860 on: April 05, 2016, 11:36:29 AM »

Ha Ha, A sense of Humour.  :D

You kinda did in that Politically Correct' worded way.

As I asked is That how you answer outside of work.
Or because it's the internet & you got to be careful.

I'm pretty much the same on or off duty. While there are things I would not be able to say due to employment, they are things I wouldn't say anyway such as derogatory slurs of minorities. But when dealing with the posts here think I am answering like I would if I were retired. We'll find out in the next 12 months or so. You can compare my answers then as a retired cop verses now.   


  • Getbig V
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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2861 on: April 06, 2016, 09:11:35 AM »
Cops Mistake Innocent College Student for Suspect, Beat Him Unconscious — Confiscated Videos

Grand Rapids, MI – In a case of mistaken identity, an undercover cop and an FBI agent beat an innocent college student unconscious because he matched a vague description of a different suspect. After a jury acquitted him of felony charges, the young man recently filed a lawsuit against the officers for using unreasonable force and ordering witnesses to delete footage taken of the incident.

On July 18, 2014, Grand Valley State University student James King was walking to his job when FBI Special Agent Douglas Brownback and Grand Rapids Police Detective Todd Allen approached him asking for identification. After King told them that he didn’t have his ID with him, the undercover cops ordered him to lean against an unmarked SUV with his hands behind his head. As King complied and Brownback took his wallet, King reportedly asked them, “Are you mugging me?”

When the unshaven, plainclothes cops refused to reply or identify themselves as law enforcement officers, King fled in fear for his life. According to King’s lawsuit, the then-21-year-old student managed to run three steps before the undercover cops tackled him to the ground. Before being choked unconscious, King screamed for witnesses to call the police.

While later testifying under oath, Allen recalled beating King in the head and face “as hard as I could, as fast as I could, and as many times as I could.”

After regaining consciousness, King once again shouted for help and bit Allen’s arm “in a panicked attempt to save his own life.” As uniformed officers arrived on the scene and asked King if he had any weapons, the assaulted student answered, “No, sir. I thought they were trying to mug me.”
When King asked “please guys, is he a real police?” an officer refused to respond and ordered him to stay on the ground while waiting for an ambulance.

Although witnesses recorded the brutal beating on their cell phones, Grand Rapids Police Officer Connie Morris immediately ordered several of the bystanders to delete their videos without the legal authority to do so.
“We got undercover officers there… Delete it, delete it. It’s for the safety of the officers,” Morris can be heard saying in audio recorded through police car dash cam video obtained by FOX17. According to a ruling from the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, citizens have a constitutional right to record video and audio of officials in a public space. By ordering at least two people to delete their footage, Morris participated in the destruction of evidence without a lawful order.

“They were out of control, pounding him,” one bystander can be heard saying in the only video that still exists. “They were pounding his head for no reason. They were being brutal… We thought they were going to kill him.”

Initially taken to a hospital for his injuries, King was later arrested and transported to jail. Despite the fact that King was not the suspect that the undercover cops were looking for, King was charged with three felonies: assaulting, resisting, and obstructing an officer causing injury; felonious assault; and assaulting, resisting, and obstructing an officer. Following an eight-month trial, a jury acquitted King of all counts in February 2015.

Equipped with a seven-year-old driver’s license photo and a Facebook photo in which the suspect’s face was not visible, the undercover cops working within a joint fugitive task force between the FBI and Grand Rapids were looking for a fugitive named Aaron Davison. Wanted for home invasion, Davison is five years older than King and his vague police description referred to him as a 26-year-old white male between 5 feet 10 and 6 feet 3 inches tall. Mistaking King for Davison, the undercover cops beat him unconscious simply for not presenting his identification while failing to identify themselves.

If he had been found guilty for the three felonies, King could have faced up to ten years in prison. Due to his mounting legal expenses, King dropped out of his computer science program and is currently working to become an electrician. After his family spent their life savings on his criminal case, King filed a lawsuit this week accusing Brownback, Allen, and Morris of violating his Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment rights.

The FBI and Grand Rapids Police Department have refused to comment on the incident or the pending lawsuit.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2862 on: April 06, 2016, 06:28:19 PM »
Cops Mistake Innocent College Student for Suspect, Beat Him Unconscious — Confiscated Videos

Grand Rapids, MI – In a case of mistaken identity, an undercover cop and an FBI agent beat an innocent college student unconscious.
and ordering witnesses to delete footage taken of the incident.
---- oh What A Surprise.

While later testifying under oath, Allen recalled beating King in the head and face “as hard as I could, as fast as I could, and as many times as I could.”
--- There's A Long Queue Of People Who Would Dearly Love To Do The Exact Same Thing To Him.

After regaining consciousness, King once again shouted for help and bit Allen’s arm “in a panicked attempt to save his own life.”
---- Bit His Arm.!! It's a Fcuking Shame He Couldn't of Bit It Off. ,

Although witnesses recorded the brutal beating on their cell phones, Grand Rapids Police Officer Connie Morris immediately ordered several of the bystanders to delete their videos without the legal authority to do so.
“We got undercover officers there… Delete it, delete it. It’s for the safety of the officers,” Morris can be heard saying in audio recorded through police car dash cam video obtained by FOX17. According to a ruling from the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, citizens have a constitutional right to record video and audio of officials in a public space. By ordering at least two people to delete their footage, Morris participated in the destruction of evidence without a lawful order.
---- Delete it Delete it !!! Of Course They want it Deleted. That would be too much evidence against them ArseWipes -- Ha, Shows how much said idiots Knew the Law. Fuck Them.

“They were out of control, pounding him,” one bystander can be heard saying in the only video that still exists. “They were pounding his head for no reason. They were being brutal… We thought they were going to kill him.
--- if that had been said about some young lads doing that to him just how long banged up would they get.
This Scumbag Thug Cops Should Get The Same Time.

Equipped with a seven-year-old driver’s license photo and a Facebook photo in which the suspect’s face was not visible, the undercover cops working within a joint fugitive task force between the FBI and Grand Rapids were looking for a fugitive named Aaron Davison. Wanted for home invasion, Davison is five years older than King and his vague police description referred to him as a 26-year-old white male between 5 feet 10 and 6 feet 3 inches tall. Mistaking King for Davison, the undercover cops beat him unconscious simply for not presenting his identification while failing to identify themselves.
--- !!! Great Detective Work & preparation By These Highly Trained Baffoons.
And They are Being Paid For This Thuggery.!!!

If he had been found guilty for the three felonies, King could have faced up to ten years in prison.
---- Lets Hope These ArseWipe Cops get 10yrs.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2863 on: April 07, 2016, 02:09:31 PM »
Here is a 2 year old story:

Lawsuit: State trooper preached about Jesus during traffic stop

In August of 2014, when Ellen Bogan was pulled over by Indiana State Trooper Brian Hamilton for supposedly passing another car illegally (which she denies), she was expecting him to ask her for her license and registration… but she wasn’t expecting questions like these:

Did she have a home church?

Did she accept Jesus Christ as her savior?

“It’s completely out of line and it just — it took me back,” Bogan, 60, told The Indianapolis Star.

… [he later] handed her a church pamphlet that asks the reader “to acknowledge that she is a sinner.”

Hamilton gave her a warning ticket before asking these questions, but given the situation and the blaring sounds and flashing lights, Bogan didn’t feel that she could just drive away. I don’t blame her. Hell, if I were in her shoes, I probably would’ve just lied, said I accepted Jesus, and hoped that’s what the cop wanted to hear.

Bogan and the ACLU eventually filed a lawsuit against Hamilton for overstepping his bounds:

Bogan’s complaint also claims that Hamilton asked if he could give her something and that he went to his car to retrieve a pamphlet from First Baptist Church in Cambridge City.
The pamphlet, which was included in the lawsuit, advertises a radio broadcast from “Trooper Dan Jones” called “Policing for Jesus Ministries.” It also outlines “God’s plan for salvation,” a four-point list that advises the reader to “realize you’re a sinner” and “realize the Lord Jesus Christ paid the penalty for your sins.”

“I’m not affiliated with any church. I don’t go to church,” Bogan said. “I felt compelled to say I did, just because I had a state trooper standing at the passenger-side window. It was just weird.”

That case was eventually settled:
According to court records, Hamilton was counseled not to question others regarding their religious beliefs, nor was he to provide religious pamphlets or similar advertisements to them.

Typical slap on the wrist for the zealot cop.

Fast forward to today:

Jesus-preaching Indiana State Police trooper sued again


A complaint filed in federal court Tuesday by the American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana, on behalf of Wendy Pyle, accuses Hamilton of asking her whether “she had been saved” after pulling her over in Fayette County in January. Court documents claim Hamilton then told the woman about his church and gave her directions to it.


If this story sounds familiar, that’s because Hamilton has been sued before. The ACLU filed a similar lawsuit in 2014 when a woman named Ellen Bogan claimed Hamilton stopped her that August for an alleged traffic violation in Union County. After he handed her a warning ticket, she said, he asked her if she had a home church and whether she accepted Jesus Christ as her savior.

We'll probably hear again about how "his beliefs should be accomodated and protected" and how "christians are being persecuted" in the US...


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2864 on: April 08, 2016, 03:16:33 PM »
He should be fired and a church can hire him as a security guard


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2865 on: April 09, 2016, 10:25:13 AM »
Innocent Man Beaten by Cops, Given Forced Medical Procedures in Search of Drugs He Never Had

In part of an investigative report on racism in South Carolina’s police departments by the Washington Post, Radley Balko has been exposing a series of horrifying police incidents that have taken place in the state.

His latest article in the series, The Watch covers the case of Kelvin Hayes, a successful business owner in Dorchester County. Hayes has recently settled a lawsuit against the Dorchester County sheriff’s office for a horrid act of brutality against him.

On March 27, 2011, Hayes, who was 52-year-old at the time, was driving with his friend Karen Skipper. Hayes, who is black, was driving Skipper, who is white, back to her house, when the couple passed a roadside traffic stop with multiple police cars.

One of those police cars immediately began pursuing the couple and pulled them over shortly after. Hayes had broken no traffic laws. However, Deputy Tim Knight still pulled them over.

Knight would claim that Hayes failed to turn on his blinker in time to make a turn. According to South Carolina state law, the blinker must be deployed at least 100 feet prior to making a turn.

Knight claimed that Hayes only turned it on 20 feet out. But a subsequent review of Knight’s own dashcam revealed that Hayes not only turned on his blinker well before the 100-foot mark but at a distance five times greater.

The entire reason for the stop was now unlawful.
However, Knight was on the war path and he knew, that without a doubt, this man was a criminal.

As the Post reports:

It’s at about the 1:29:00 mark in the video that things begin to deteriorate. Knight asks Hayes whether he can search his person. Hayes understandably objects. He asks whether Knight plans to give him a ticket. Knight says, “I don’t know.” Hayes responds that he doesn’t see why he needs to be searched if he isn’t getting a ticket. At this point, Hayes has been out of his vehicle for several minutes, has not appeared angry or threatening and has completely complied with Knight’s instructions. But his objection to being searched appears to irritate Knight. A few seconds later, Knight asks Hayes whether he has a mint in his mouth. Hayes says he does.

Knight would later testify that at this point in the stop, he believed Hayes was engaged in some sort of criminal activity. From the video, it’s hard to fathom how. Knight later claimed he saw a plastic baggie in Knight’s mouth, though that isn’t at all apparent in the video. Knight then demands that Hayes open his mouth so he can inspect it. Hayes again asks whether he’s getting a ticket and objects to Knight searching his mouth. At that point, a clearly agitated Knight says, “You take that out of your mouth right now or I will choke you out.” He then grabs Hayes by the lapels of his shirt and says again: “I will choke you out right now. Take that out your mouth.”

By this time, another deputy, Kieth Hunt arrives on the scene. As the dashcam shows, Hayes is thrown to the hood of the vehicle and then pulled out of the view of the dashcam by Knight. The audio records Hayes, who is only 140 pounds crying out in pain as the 270 pound Knight lays into him.

In the lawsuit, Hayes alleges that Hunt held him down while Knight beat him. By the time Hayes reappears on the video, he is handcuffed and covered in blood.

One would assume at this point that Knight would concede he was wrong about Hayes having drugs, dish out the standard charges of resisting or assault and haul Hayes to jail. However, one would be wrong.

This tyrant officer just knew, deep down in his gut, that this successful owner of a tile and flooring company was a hardened criminal drug pusher. So, instead of bringing Hayes to jail, he brought him to the hospital to receive forced medical procedures to search for drugs.

According to state law, medical personnel can only forcibly draw blood to test for HIV or hepatitis B if the person had been convicted of a sex crime, or has exposed others to bodily fluids during the commission of a crime. Hayes met none of this criteria, but Knight convinced the hospital staff to go much further than a simple blood test.

Hayes was forced on to a hospital bed as the staff held him down to draw his blood. He was tested for cocaine, HIV, and hep B. He was then given an X-ray, to see if he swallowed the non-existent bag, a CT scan, and an EKG. All of this was done to him without his consent.

In spite of the myriad of unethical medical violations carried out against Hayes, police and hospital staff found nothing. Hayes had no drugs in his system, and the scans revealed that he had not swallowed any mythical bag of drugs.

Hayes was then thrown in a cage where he would stay until the next day.

When the prosecutor finally got around to watching the dashcam video, all charges were immediately dismissed.

In spite of Dorchester county paying out a settlement to Hayes, and in spite of the damning evidence against Knight and Hunt, neither of the two officers were ever disciplined. And, in fact, Knight was promoted, received awards, and is now the head of security for a local school district.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2866 on: April 09, 2016, 12:46:53 PM »
California Cop Fired For Retaliation After Facebook Debate Over “A Heist Gone Bad”

“I think they targeted me,” said the critical California man who spoke out on Facebook, and whose Christmas present for criticizing his local police department was a $300 lump of coal in the form of an unlawful vehicle fine.

A California cop lost his job this week for his brazen act of censorship.

Stockton Police themselves were criticized for firing 600 shots after the pursuit ended, 10 of which from the police ended the life of a hostage, leading to a lawsuit by the surviving hostage and a 60-plus page rebuke from The Police Foundation which you can read below.

It’s called “A Heist Gone Bad.”

Stockton police justly fired the California cop, who used his ticket book to retaliate against a department critic speaking out about the high-speed chase and shooting incident.

Local resident Motecuzoma Sanchez criticized the department on Facebook over a high-profile bank robbery response, which involved shots fired by fully one out of every four members of the 132 person department.

He also holds a masters degree in public administration.

Sanchez woke up on the day after he celebrated Christmas in 2015, to find a citation for expired registration on his car.

And this week, California cop Aaron Adams was fired for retaliating against the community activist, which local news station CBS13 confirmed.

Adams shouldn’t have sought revenge against Motecuzoma Sanchez.

“My Christmas present was a $300 fine for exercising free speech,”  said the community activist Motecuzoma Sanchez in an interview.

Legally, Sanchez was cited under a code which states that cars with expired registration can be ticketed on highways and public parking areas.

But not in a private driveway.

Sanchez’s care was parked with the stickers facing away from the street.

So, someone at the police department would have had to walk onto his property, in order to see the expired stickers on the car, while Sanchez was sleeping.

The ticket was illegal.

So Motecuzoma Sanchez proceeded to file a harassment complaint within the department.

Stockton Police subsequently placed Aaron Adams on paid administrative leave for the retaliatory citation, before he was fired this week.

“They looked up my address, they came to my house just to send me a message in the middle of the night. We can find you any time. No way they just stumbled across my car,” said the infuriated activist Sanchez.

And petitioning the government, or criticizing government is a strongly protected act of free speech under the 1st Amendment.

“I look at the process of if they targeted me, which possibilities could or couldn’t be true,” Sanchez told PINAC News, explaining that he investigated the circumstances of his unusual ticket carefully before drawing a the conclusion leading to his formal compaint, “Based on the facts, I was left only with the conclusion that I was targeted.”

And that is an act of state censorship.

“They weren’t ticketing other cars on my street.”

And Sanchez was wise to point out that no other cars on his block were ticketed, because selective enforcement of the law is a clear violation of the Constitution’s 14th amendment’s equal protection clause, which specifically applies to the states and their conduct towards citizens, stating:

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

In December, Motecuzoma Sanchez criticized the leadership at the Stockton Police Department over the violent crime rate that’s been rising, funding “cheesy government programs” and a bank robbery where Stockton police killed not only the robber, but also a hostage.

“They shot 600 rounds into a vehicle with a known hostage inside the vehicle and killed the hostage,” the activist told PINAC News about Stockton PD’s response to a bank robbery which became a high speed, shoot-em-up chase resulting in a dead hostage, “That’s basically a quarter of the police department, 32 officers, shooting at this one vehicle.”

“You can’t pin it on one cop, because they all did it.”

Sanchez’s masters degree is from University of Southern California, and his education is all about governance and how it affects the public, so he decided to do his own assessment of the shooting, and took some criticism from local police supporters.

“I do my research based on what I know from college. I don’t just throw it out there and hope it sticks,” he said.

After The Police Foundation did their review of the bank robbery hostage shooting, Sanchez said that it mirrored his assessment almost word-for-word.

The review found that officers actions were “excessive” and “unnecessary” as the LA times reported in 2015:

The report called the Stockton robbery a “sentinel” event that will change law enforcement forever, similar to the 1997 North Hollywood shooting, in which Los Angeles police officers found themselves initially outgunned by two bank robbers in body armor, and the 2013 Christopher Dorner manhunt, in which a former LAPD officer hunted local police before he died in a Big Bear gun battle. Both tested the nation’s public safety system and exposed its holes.

“They tried to rush the issue. Police are trained not to confront any bank robber inside of the building,”said Sanchez, “That’s police and bank protocol.”

When Sanchez brought up the hostage shooting, the officers began trolling him over Facebook.

That’s when he discovered at least three of them were cops because they were on his page sporting thin blue-line profile pictures.

The other thing that clued in Sanchez that they were cops, is that once he brought up the bank robbery, hostage shooting, they resorted to name calling, leading Sanchez to remark it was then, “I started thinking these guys were cops.”

Sanchez told Fox40 that he’s pursuing the matter over more than just the $300 ticket, it’s about what he sees as a misuse of power and police intimidation.

“The way they’re handling this investigation,” he says, “that shows me that this is something they take very serious.”

But even though Adams has been fired, Sanchez said it’s not over.

12963590_102086784916214 66_6962879999109687403_n -1
Stockton Police Officer Pancho Freer who was named a lawsuit by a hostage after the “Heist Gone Bad” chase, where he fired some of the 600 bullets by police at robbers.

He responded to the news Adams had been fired over Facebook said,

“This is by no means finished. I never met Aaron Adams or had any interaction with him. This guy who’s on SPD was the original instigator, Pancho Freer (seen inset), plus another guy I’m giving a pass to. It was this guy who began attacking me for my position about SPD and city leadership with rising crime rates amidst millions in additional spending by tax payers. This “spat” in which he proceeded to call me expletives was most likely the result of the fact that he’s one of the cops being sued for firing some of the 600 bullets which killed innocent hostage Misty Holt Singh.”

Officer Freer, who Sanchez mentioned, became upset over Sanchez’s comments because was named in a lawsuit filed by the family of the slain hostage who became a victim of police when 32 officers fired 600 rounds into a Stockton bank robber’s car, which killed the innocent hostage.

Sanchez said Adams did not act alone and insinuated that the department still has to do some more house-cleaning before he’s satisfied.

He also expressed concern that this could happen again in the future.

“Now, thanks to law enforcement resources,” Sanchez lamented, “they know where I live.”

“And have an even bigger grudge.”


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2867 on: April 10, 2016, 12:48:48 AM »
Virginia Navy Vet Exonerated by DNA 33-Years After Convicted by Dubious Bite Mark “Evidence”

Virginia freed an ex-navy sailor 33-years after wrongfully convicting him based on bite mark evidence, when the state’s high court granted him a writ of actual innocence.

Keith Allen Harward narrowly escaped the death penalty.

This week Harward, walked out of prison a free man.

DNA evidence exonerated Harward after serving 33-years in prison for a rape and murder he did not commit.

New DNA evidence definitively proved Harward’s innocence, pointing to another man as the real assailant after the Innocence Project tested the rape kit and other pieces of crime scene evidence.

Results excluded Harward and identified his now-deceased former shipmate.

Jerry Crotty, served on the USS Carl Vinson with Keith Harward.

Crotty committed a heinous murder and rape of a married couple.

But it was bite mark evidence that wrongly convicted Harward, eventually leading the Virginia Supreme Court to grant him a writ of actual innocence.

Keith Allen Harward’s unjust conviction was based on the testimony of two forensic dentist who claimed his teeth matched the bite mark on the victim.

“There is not a shred of scientific evidence supporting this erroneous forensic practice, yet it is still permissible in courtrooms across the nation,” said Dana Delger, an attorney with the Innocence Project, “Hopefully Mr. Harward’s case will once and for all persuade judges and law enforcement that this unreliable evidence has no use in criminal prosecutions.”

Harward was convicted of a rape and murder that occurred in 1992 in Newport News, Virginia.

The Innocence Project also said Mr. Harward is at least the 25th person to have been wrongfully convicted based on discredited bite mark evidence.

The Washington Post’s Radley Balko wrote a four part series in 2015 on flawed ‘forensic science’ which uses bite evidence to manufacture convictions without any real basis in actual science. (Part 2, Part 3, Part 4)1

Attorneys for the Innocence Project suggested the practice of identifying a perpetrator based on bite marks left on the skin is bad science, and they say that all states should look at cases like Harward’s.

The Innocence Project later discovered that the security guard’s identification of Harward occurred only after he was placed under hypnosis–a practice that is now known to be highly unreliable too.

And these writs of innocence are being issued more frequently as science advances and bad decisions are reversed.

In fact actual innocence isn’t necessarily always grounds for release, and as the famous Supreme Court case Herrera vs. Collins showed in 1993, even the probably innocent can be executed, for lacking a legal foothold to appeal their trial court’s decision if they lack constitutional grounds for appeal.

Herrera’s haunting last words were: “I am innocent, innocent, innocent. . . . I am an innocent man, and something very wrong is taking place tonight.”

But more recently, the Supreme Court ruled in McQuiggin vs. Perkins that actual innocence is as SCOTUSblog writes, “a gateway through which a petitioner may pass whether the impediment to consideration of the merits of a constitutional claim is a procedural bar, as it was in Schlup v. Delo and House v. Bell, or expiration of the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act statute of limitations, as in this case.”

In other words, facially valid actual innocence claims give the imprisoned a right to be heard even many years after the fact, if they dilligently pursue their claims as information is discovered.


The real perpetrator who raped and killed broke into a couple’s home, killed Jesse Perron and raped his wife as he lay dying and watching.

During the attack, the assailant repeatedly bit the wife’s leg.

The wife could never identify the attacker, but told police he was wearing a sailor’s uniform.

A dentist reviewed the dental records of Marines stationed to the USS Carl Vinson at the time of the murder and initially excluded Harward, according to the Innocence Project.

He became a suspect six months later, after his then-girlfriend reported to police that he’d bitten her in a dispute.

At his trial, the prosecution relied mostly on the testimony of two forensic dentists, Alvin Kagey and Lowell Levine.

The pair of dental professionals claimed that Harward’s teeth matched bite mark’s on the female victim.

The only other evidence against Harward at trial was the testimony of a security guard who claimed he’d seen Harward enter the shipyard wearing a bloody uniform the morning after the attack.

“Moreover, that this technique [bite mark evidence] is still used in our justice system, including current capital prosecutions, presents a public safety threat,” said Chris Fabricant, Director of Strategic Litigation for the Innocence Project, continuing:

“We have no idea how many other people may have been wrongly convicted based on this evidence, but any conviction resting on this grossly unreliable technique is inherently flawed.  Every state in the nation should be conducting reviews to see if there are others like Mr. Harward sitting in prison for crimes they didn’t commit.”

Throughout his trials, six bite mark analysts all agreed that bite marks on the victim matched Harward.

Harward’s defense lawyers even hired two forensic dentists; they both said the bite marks match Harward.

In another case in 2008, Kennedy Brewer and Levon Brooks were convicted on rape charges, but later exonerated after forensic experts examined their cases.

It turned out, the bite marks on the victims were not human bite marks at all, and instead caused by crawfish, insects and decomposition.

In other another case, Steven Mark Chaney was set free last year after spending 25 years behind bars for murder after faulty bite mark science sent him to prison.

Dentist Jim Hales told a Dallas jury there was a “one in a million” chance that someone other than Chaney made the bite marks on the murder victim’s body.

Then this February, the Texas Forensic Science Commission recommended that the state issue a state-wide moratorium on the use of bite mark evidence analysis in prosecutions, after hearing expert testimony on the reliability of bite mark evidence.

“Unless and until our leaders in Washington take action to discourage the use of unreliable and unvalidated techniques such as bite marks,” said the Co-Director of the Innocence Project, Peter Neufeld, “and instead create rigorous science-based standards for all forensics, we are doomed as a nation to endure hundreds more Harwards.”


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2868 on: April 10, 2016, 01:16:38 PM »
Houston Cop Busted for Lying by Camera, Falsely Arrested Man Who Accidentally Dropped Legal Gun

“I just don’t see how he has the heart to lie,” a tearful Julian Carmona told local TV, as you can see below, “I mean, when there’s kids… Can he be honest and tell the truth?”

Houston cop William Wright has been busted by video for an arrest he made last week, claiming a Julian Carmona pointed a gun at him, when in fact his gun was in his pickup truck the whole time.

Carmona is accused of felony aggravated assault.

Both of Julian Carmona’s children witnessed their father getting arrested at gunpoint in the convenience store parking lot.

Carmona is only free on a $30,000 bond.

In the video below, Carmona tried to show the officer his concealed weapons permit, but wisely thought twice and raised both hands high in the air where the Houston cop could see them.

At that point Houston cop said he then “feared for his life” which means he was about to kill Carmona, which led to the arrest at gunpoint.

Then Carmona was falsely arrested by Wright and charged the innocent man.

His only crime was accidentally dropping his gun getting out of his own car.

William Wright was off-duty and driving his personal pickup truck, but in a Houston Police uniform at the time of the arrest.

He was buying beer in uniform, which is against department policy.

Julian Carmona had driven speedily through the parking lot into his space, and when he stepped out of the car, his gun tumbled to the ground.

Officer William Wright claimed that Carmona pointed the gun at him twice during the brief encounter.

The video shows otherwise.

Then Houston cops tried to claim that Carmona’s 2007 arrest for possessing cocaine made his gun carry illegal.

But Carmona’s lawyer produced documents proving that Carmona cleared his name, and his gun carry and ownership is completely legal too.

And now a father of two must wait to see if Harris County Prosecutors will do the right thing and drop all charges, which you can see below the video.

Because you can see clearly, which of the two Houston men below should be charged, and it’s not the citizen.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2869 on: April 12, 2016, 10:53:18 PM »
North Carolina Deputy Justified in Killing Man Asking for Search Warrant

A North Carolina grand jury chose not to indict a sheriff’s deputy who shot and killed a man after he demanded to see a warrant to search his home last year.

Harnett County sheriff’s deputies banged on John Livingston’s door last November, searching for an assault suspect who was not at the home.

Livingston demanded to see a search warrant, but the deputies had none, so Livingston shut the door in their face.

That prompted deputies to kick in the door where they dragged him out on his porch, placed him facedown, and began beating, tasering and pepper spraying him.

At one point during the torture, Livingston grabbed on to a deputy’s taser, which was when Harnett County sheriff’s deputy Nicholas Kehagias pulled out his gun and shot him three times.

Livingston’s roommate said Livingston was not fighting back, just trying to keep from being tortured.

But the 18-member grand jury, which met in secret Monday, apparently was led to  believe that the act of grabbing a taser to keep from being tased was a threat to the deputy, which was why they decided to not indict him.

According to the News Observer:

After the grand jury declined to indict Kehagias, Reives said: “I’m happy for Nick and his family that this portion is over. He’s a really good person who got put in a really difficult situation.”

Reives added: “I know he is sorry for how things are.”

The grand jury’s decision came after months of unease in Harnett County. Livingston’s friends and family have protested in front of the courthouse, telling anyone who would listen that Kehagias killed Livingston for no reason.

They congregated on Facebook, sharing their worries and speculation. As the weeks and months passed without an arrest, they feared his death would go unanswered. They were skeptical that a grand jury would indict.

“I don’t know how to go on,” Kathy Livingston, John Livingston’s mother, said Monday after learning of the grand jury’s decision. “That’s a failure to my son. There is no justice.”

Bradley Timmerman, who was at John Livingston’s home and witnessed the shooting, said the 18 jurors asked him very few questions. He said they wanted to know if Livingston used any force on Kehagias that night.

“It wasn’t too good of a crowd,” Timmerman said. “They looked at me like they couldn’t wait to be done.”

Kehagias, 26, has been on the force for less than three years. He has been on paid administrative leave since the November 15, 2015 shooting.

But now that he has been cleared of charges, he is expected to go back on duty.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2870 on: April 12, 2016, 11:46:09 PM »

Yet another case of a driver sexually assaulted in the name of the war on drugs dramatically illustrates the dangerously broad power that police officers have to mess with motorists. According to a lawsuit filed last September, described in a February 3 ruling by federal judge in Pennsylvania, Kimberlee Carbone was pulled over by New Castle police in November 2013, ostensibly because "she did not apply her turn signal at least 100 feet before the intersection." She was then subjected to a degrading five-hour ordeal that included a bogus DUI arrest, a search of her person and her car, a strip search at the county jail, and multiple probings of her anus and vagina at a hospital. As with David Eckert in New Mexico and the various women whose body cavities have been invaded by cops in Texas, no drugs were found.

For the full details, check out the original article.

Pretty insane, especially when you keep the Eckert case in New Mexico in mind: it suggests an ugly and terrible pattern. Here's to hoping that David Maiella and Bernard Geiser find themselves out of a job and end up sucking dick in dark alleys to try and make ends meet.

Deacon Jeschin

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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2871 on: April 13, 2016, 11:06:22 AM »
Cops = Shit

People need to wake up and fight back against the uniformed gang.

Glad to see that NYC pigs are squealing over one of their dumbfuck robots badmouthing Mayor DeBlasio while harassing a driver with a ticket.  The pig was mouthing off to the driver trying to explain his actions like the coward he is.  Hope they fire his worthless ass..


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2872 on: April 15, 2016, 09:50:22 AM »
Cops = Shit

People need to wake up and fight back against the uniformed gang.

Glad to see that NYC pigs are squealing over one of their dumbfuck robots badmouthing Mayor DeBlasio while harassing a driver with a ticket.  The pig was mouthing off to the driver trying to explain his actions like the coward he is.  Hope they fire his worthless ass..

Following your logic, all of the following are shit


Deacon Jeschin

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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2873 on: April 15, 2016, 11:38:49 AM »
Following your logic, all of the following are shit


Your detecting skills are lacking.  Some on that list do qualify as shit, although not for the reasons pigs do.

Firefighters actually provide a useful service.....helping people, saving lives, etc.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2874 on: April 18, 2016, 09:35:15 AM »
Ex-cop pleads guilty to involuntary manslaughter before murder trial begins

A former Fairfax County police officer accused of fatally shooting a man who had his hands up during a 2013 standoff pleaded guilty Monday to involuntary manslaughter, prosecutors said.

The prosecutors noted the former officer was angry about the breakup of his marriage and unfit for duty when he responded to a domestic dispute.

Adam Torres, 33, struck the plea bargain just before his murder trial was scheduled to begin in Fairfax, nearly three years after Torres shot and killed John Geer, 46, of Springfield.

Torres spoke very briefly at the end of the hearing, saying, "I am truly sorry ... There are no words I can say to adequately express my remorse."

Commonwealth's Attorney Ray Morrogh said he agreed to the plea, in part, to spare Geer's daughters from testifying. He said that while Geer's longtime partner, Maura Harrington, supports the plea bargain, Geer's mother does not.

The plea calls for Torres to serve a 12-month sentence. Sentencing is set for June. The judge accepted the deal, but reserved the right to reject it after he reviews a presentence report.