Author Topic: Police State - Official Thread  (Read 1104030 times)

Soul Crusher

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Police State - Official Thread
« on: May 07, 2010, 09:36:41 AM »
Former ATF Agent Pleads Guilty (to stealing money, planting drugs and framing innocent people.) ^ | 05/06/2010 |

Posted on Friday, May 07, 2010 12:31:49 AM by The Magical Mischief Tour

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Tulsa, OK - A Tulsa federal agent pleads guilty. He admits to stealing money, planting drugs and framing innocent people. His arrest is part of a larger investigation into possible corruption within the Tulsa Police Department.

34-year-old Brandon McFadden confessed to the crimes as part of a plea deal with the US Attorney's office. McFadden will also be a witness for the prosecution in other cases against law enforcement officers.

Former ATF Agent Brandon McFadden finally has his day in Tulsa Federal Court and pleads guilty to a host of shocking charges including the possession and conspiracy to distribute drugs, possession of a firearm during drug trafficking, and money laundering.

Neal Kirkpatrick is McFadden's attorney.

"He was involved for a couple of years in some dealings with TPD and he wanted to be able to look his children in the face and this is the first step," Kirkpatrick says.

Prosecutors say McFadden stole money, planted drugs and framed innocent people partly because of greed, a clear abuse of both his power as a federal agent and an abuse of the public trust.

"I would agree with that. In his confession, he asked for a special enhancement for abusing his position of trust and he will," explains US Attorney Jane Duke, the prosecuting attorney in the case.

McFadden's arrest is part of a larger investigation into possible corruption in the Tulsa Police Department and at least one TPD officer will also face trial.

In the meantime, several convictions have already been thrown out and innocent suspects freed because of tainted or fabricated evidence and witnesses, like Brandon McFadden, who just plain lied under oath.

McFadden is out on bond under house arrest until his sentencing hearing on July 28.

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Dos Equis

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Disgusting is right.   >:(


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Skin him, and have people stone him to death...

Hugo Chavez

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bet that happens more often than people would like to think it does.  skip jail, it's the gator pit for him :D

Soul Crusher

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bet that happens more often than people would like to think it does.  skip jail, it's the gator pit for him :D

Damn right it happens more than you think. 

To them we are all civilians, not citizens.  The ATF is another agency that should be eliminated entirely. 


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Don't get me started on the BATF, if one government law enforcement agency shouldn't exist it is definitely them!


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Randy Weaver is laughing his ass off somewhere saying 'I told you so".


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  It's too bad the Branch Davidians aren't alive to do the same.

  Damn the ATF.

240 is Back

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they bulldozed the building and MELTED and BURIED the DOOR to the place the next day, so that nobody would ever be able to count the rounds fired INTO the waco complex.

Dos Equis

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lol.  The CTs never end. 


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they bulldozed the building and MELTED and BURIED the DOOR to the place the next day, so that nobody would ever be able to count the rounds fired INTO the waco complex.

It's a double edged sword there.....had those people just come out fo the compound a couple of months earlier..........

Dos Equis

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It's a double edged sword there.....had those people just come out fo the compound a couple of months earlier..........

And had Vernon Howell not been a child molester. . . .


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Some older info but gives insight as to what the scumbag did:

Tulsa Police Officer, Former ATF Agent Accused Of Corruption
Posted: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 7:14 PM EST
By Lori Fullbright, The News On 6

In federal court records, a federal prosecutor accuses the police officer and agent of making up a drug bust, then lying about it on the witness stand, which sent a man and his daughter to federal prison.

Records say a confidential informant also testified at the trials of Larry Barnes and his daughter Larita but later claimed he lied along with the officers.

Records say after the informant passed a lie detector test, a judge released the Barneses from prison and dismissed their case.

Records show Larita Barnes was sentenced to 10 years in prison after a confidential informant named Ryan Logsdon, Tulsa police officer Jeff Henderson and ATF agent Brandon McFadden all testified that the informant bought meth from her and her father for $3,000.

Later Logsdon - the informant - claimed he lied, that the officers actually gave him the cash and told him to say he bought it from the Barnes.  Logsdon says the officers told him the Barneses were drug dealers, but the cops couldn't make a case against them.

Records show Logsdon passed a polygraph test so Larita was released after serving nearly two years behind bars.  Her father had been sentenced to five years. He was also released and their cases were dismissed.

While she was in prison, Larita's son, 9-year-old Hershel Clark, was killed by an accused drunk driver when the boy got off the school bus near Mannford.  He was the only boy of five children, and since Larita was in prison in Texas, she wasn't allowed to attend the funeral.

Court records show Larry Barnes told the judge at his sentencing, "I don't take drugs.  I don't use drugs.  Ryan Logsdon is a liar. H e's a proven liar."

Now, another person accused in a drug case where Agent McFadden was involved wants his case dismissed.  Records show McFadden testified he found nearly six grams of cocaine on Allen Shields.

Shields' attorney argues if McFadden could have lied in the Barneses' case, he could have lied in Shields' case as well.

In an unrelated case, Shields was recently ordered to stand trial for holding his girlfriend at gunpoint, while the woman's 9-year-old daughter hid in a back room and called 911.

Prosecutors say Shields is also a suspect in the disappearance of Tulsan Angie Tucker and the murder of Tulsa businessman Neal Sweeney, although he's not been charged with either.

Records show a federal prosecutor from Arkansas has been and still is investigating possible corruption among some officers in Tulsa.  No charges have been filed against either officer Henderson or Agent McFadden.

Henderson has been placed on administrative leave pending an investigation by an outside agency. Agent McFadden is no longer working for the ATF.  He resigned in September.


  • Getbig IV
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If you are an agent and you are caught breaking the same laws you are supposed to uphold, you shouldn't be able to plea bargain. It's an insult to everyone.
Almost always, yes.

Hugo Chavez

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they bulldozed the building and MELTED and BURIED the DOOR to the place the next day, so that nobody would ever be able to count the rounds fired INTO the waco complex.

that's not all, they also removed the portion of the concrete safe room that they blasted a hole in killing the remaining women and children that could have survived the fire otherwise.  There's another documentary that goes through that in slow motion and shows the detonation separate the propane tank explosion.  Pictures of the breach still exist but that they took the time to remove the breach area from any analysis says everything.  When the went to do explosive analysis of the reinforced concrete safe room, the blast area was the only area missing.

Hugo Chavez

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lol.  The CTs never end.  
this isn't really a nutty CT imo, but if you really want to call it that, you'll be calling out mostly conservative/right leaning people for it.  back in the 80's they are the ones that raised the biggest questions, concerns and accusations.  many I agree with and many put into rightwing funded documentaries.  you should watch some of them, they're filled with testimony from both people involved and proffesionals who would know and or did know, cia, fbi etc.


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lol.  The CTs never end. 

Every single time some whackos get corrected there's a conspiracy theory that turns them into martyrs.

Hugo Chavez

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Every single time some whackos get corrected there's a conspiracy theory that turns them into martyrs.
not sure I understand your point, who is the martyr in this?  :-\

Soul Crusher

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Waco was truly a disgusting act by the vile pigs in govt. Jack bootery at its worst.

Hugo Chavez

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Waco was truly a disgusting act by the vile pigs in govt. Jack bootery at its worst.
I'll have to remember that, call it "Jack Bootery" so people don't get their panties in a bunch ;D

I should have studied to be a lawyer :D

Soul Crusher

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I made it up just now thinking about it.

Soul Crusher

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Why do people get upset when we call them jack boots? 

That's what most of these bitches are.  Get any one of these punks alone wo a gun badge and ten of their buddies next to them and they aint swat. 

Most of these agencies are nothing more than high paid street gangs.

Hugo Chavez

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Why do people get upset when we call them jack boots?  

That's what most of these bitches are.  Get any one of these punks alone wo a gun badge and ten of their buddies next to them and they aint swat.  

Most of these agencies are nothing more than high paid street gangs.
well that's what I'm willing to call them when they are busting into some home with a full squad, shooting dogs and ruining lives over a little pot.  But when they're saving someone from a psycho taking hostages, I don't call them that then.  So there's a disconnect somewhere...  You have all these states with masses of people trying to legalize pot.  Even mothers forming groups to support it lol... That's probably because by now almost everyone knows someone or knows of someone that had their lives totally fucked over for smoking some fucking goddamned weed.  how lame is that?  People want them to go after the real criminals, not people just living their lives and blowing a little steam off with a bowl.  The people have the power, it's time they start using it with the initiative power they have.  Get what you want on the ballot and cram it down the department's throat


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well that's what I'm willing to call them when they are busting into some home with a full squad, shooting dogs and ruining lives over a little pot.  But when they're saving someone from a psycho taking hostages, I don't call them that then.  So there's a disconnect somewhere...  You have all these states with masses of people trying to legalize pot.  Even mothers forming groups to support it lol... That's probably because by now almost everyone knows someone or knows of someone that had their lives totally fucked over for smoking some fucking goddamned weed.  how lame is that?  People want them to go after the real criminals, not people just living their lives and blowing a little steam off with a bowl.  The people have the power, it's time they start using it with the initiative power they have.  Get what you want on the ballot and cram it down the department's throat

Couldn't agree more.  It's a shame that a little bit of weed can fuck with a person for life.

Hugo Chavez

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Couldn't agree more.  It's a shame that a little bit of weed can fuck with a person for life.
I would call it outright goddamned fucking retarded :D  And I don't even smoke the shit.  Beer man myself ;D  But I doubt beer is any better than pot.