Author Topic: Police State - Official Thread  (Read 1016827 times)

Jack T. Cross

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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2225 on: June 10, 2015, 09:42:17 AM »
I think the cop jumped the gun a bit, but it was obviously a tense situation and I agree the kid's reactions didn't help.

However the cop fucked up majorly post-shooting. He turned a guy in very obvious medical distress and in need of urgent medical assistance over to handcuff him, and left him down there in a pool of his own blood.

And then he spits that "stay with me buddy!" bullshit out? Fuck that.

More generally about this "action beats reaction" stuff: I expect cops to be well-trained and in control of their emotions and their anxiety. I expect them to exercise sound judgement and to not be blunt instruments capable of only doing one thing: pulling a trigger.

Just because someone looks suspicious and you are in fear for your life doesn't mean you should be able to shoot, even if the politicos have granted you that right. This whole mentality that cops have every time they go out - "this could be my last day!" - is dangerous and wrong. No matter the circumstances, the cop is afraid for his life, which magically justifies everything.

This notion that "cops want to go home at the end of their shift" is unique to cops is also bullshit. Everybody wants to go home - this kid wanted too, I'm sure. It's simple: you chose to be a cop and accept certain risks. If it turns out thay the risk profile of your job exceeds your risk tolerance, don't shoot! Just get another job - mall security guard perhaps.

The brutal truth.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2226 on: June 10, 2015, 10:32:01 AM »
They are the 'authorized' gang, yes.



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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2227 on: June 12, 2015, 08:45:53 AM »
Good Cop Demoted, Transferred & Worse for Exposing his Dept in the Killing of a College Student

Kansas, MO — On May 31 of last year, 20-year-old college student Brandon Ellingson was stopped for suspicion of driving a boat while intoxicated. Ellingson would not make it out of the water alive.

Trooper Anthony Piercy was the officer who stopped then young Iowa native that day. According to witnesses, Piercy handcuffed Ellingson’s wrists behind his back and then pulled an already buckled life vest, with armholes, over his head and upper torso, completely against the recommended use of the vest.

As Piercy drove the dangerously restrained young man back to the office for a breathalyzer, he tumbled out of the boat and into the water. He would never come back up.

An investigation by the Star showed that Piercy only had 2 days of training prior to holding this young man’s life in his hands. It also showed that the boat was travelling at over 40 mph which required patrol investigators to hold on or fall out; Ellingson was not given the option to hold on.

Only days after the death of this young man, special prosecutor Amanda Grellner announced that she would not file criminal charges against Piercy, and his death was ruled an accident.

This young college student, who was merely suspected of a misdemeanor, died at the hands of police and no one was held accountable.

Enter Trooper Randy Henry.

According to the Kansas City Star:

    Days after Ellingson’s death, Henry was interviewed by patrol investigators looking into the incident. At one point during the interview, a recording shows, Henry had questioned whether the highest degree of care was taken with Ellingson that day. When he mentioned a state law pertaining to that, his sentence was cut off and one investigator insisted the recorder be turned off.

    Earlier this month, Henry was deposed in the civil suit the Ellingson family has filed against the patrol, Piercy and top commanders. In a letter to the patrol superintendent, Col. Bret Johnson, Pleban stated: “You might want to educate yourself by requesting a copy of the transcript of Sgt. Henry’s deposition so that you can fully comprehend his status as a whistle blower.”

Since Henry has begun to expose the lack of training, the resultant death of a young man, and the subsequent cover-up of that death by his department, he has since been retaliated against.

Sgt. Henry was demoted to corporal and transferred from his nearly three-decades long patrol at Lake of the Ozarks to Truman Lake.

“Randy Henry doesn’t have a horse in the race,” Henry’s attorney, Chet Pleban told The Star. “He’s not on one side or the other. He has testimony to give that’s material. The truth is the truth. He went to his superiors to say, ‘This is wrong. This is what happened.’ And they blew him off. So now here we are.”

Since he spoke out, Henry has been forced to undergo multiple mental health evaluations at the demand of his superiors. The exams found nothing

“Ultimately, the mental-health provider warned that because she found nothing wrong with Sgt. Henry, it would be unethical for her to see him a third time at the insistence of the patrol,” Pleban wrote to Johnson. “When the mental health route failed, a Professional Standards investigation surfaced.”

The department has been silent on the reasons behind any of the investigations.

Craig Ellingson, Brandon’s father, has insisted that Piercy should be held accountable for what happened to his son. He is also outspoken about the retaliation, noting that Henry’s discipline is wrong.

“It’s retaliation,” he said. “They shouldn’t be doing that.”

Crossing the blue line to expose your own department is career suicide and can also be dangerous. The Free Thought Project has exposed countless cases of the proverbial good cop being ousted for merely seeking justice within their own ranks. If this cycle continues, eventually there won’t be any good cops left.

Randy Henry deserves commendation for his perserverence in this matter. He’s been demoted, transferred, investigated, attacked, mentally examined, and still, he seeks justice. That is what a “good cop” does.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2228 on: June 12, 2015, 09:10:11 AM »
A mounted officer grabs a cell phone from a bystander, smashes it on the ground, while someone else pepper-sprays the person. The Austin PD requires an investigation to determine if grabbing and smashing a phone is proper procedure.

What the fuck is wrong with these cops?!

Let's not ignore the 800lb gorilla here.  If I had to wear those gay shirts at work everyday, I'd be pissed off too.  No wonder they want to smash people's cell phones.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2229 on: June 12, 2015, 11:27:12 PM »
Hidden Cam Catches Thug Cops Teasing Handicap Woman, Eating Weed During Raid on Pot Shop

Santa Ana, CA — Last month, police raided a marijuana dispensary and were caught on a hidden camera stealing the merchandise and playing darts. Police entered the “Sky High” dispensary in riot gear with guns drawn and were extremely disrespectful to the owners of the property.

One of the occupants was handicapped and blind, and the officers were making jokes about her disability, and suggesting to one another that they should have assaulted her.

“I was about to kick her in her f—ing nub,” one officer can be heard saying in the video after the police were in the building alone.

Once the police were alone, they began removing the surveillance cameras from the room so their activities wouldn’t be caught on video. However, the owners of the shop were expecting the raid and had hidden cameras installed, which the police did not see.

The hidden cameras captured the officers making profane jokes to one another while they played darts and tested out the merchandise in the store. In one part of the video, an officer can be seen taking a big bite out of what appears to be a marijuana edible, before he shakes his head in satisfaction and gives the other officers a “thumbs up.”

“I’d like to see the police officers disciplined for the behavior that goes on here. I’d like to see the city stop engaging in illegal conduct,” Long Beach-based attorney Matthew Pappas said.

Pappas is representing the disabled woman from the shop who is filing a lawsuit against the police. The police department has only said that they will be conducting an internal investigation, but they have offered no other details about the case to the public.

“We’re obviously concerned about the conduct that we saw in the edited video. We’re also concerned that the video was heavily edited. We’d like to see the original video in its unedited version,” police Cmdr. Chris Revere told KTLA.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2230 on: June 14, 2015, 09:47:54 AM »
“We’re obviously concerned about the conduct that we saw in the edited video. We’re also concerned that the video was heavily edited. We’d like to see the original video in its unedited version,” police Cmdr. Chris Revere told KTLA.

Right... because maybe the edible in question actually resisted arrest or mouthed off or something. What a bunch of bullshit.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2231 on: June 14, 2015, 11:28:43 AM »
More abhorrent police behaviour.
And yet again they are trying to defend them.

Blah blah blah - heavily edited video- blah blah
And of course the police Never Edit Video's To suit
There Cause Do They.

Would they be using the same terminology if it was a group of
Young lads doing the same thing.

Yes of course they would. NOT. ::)

You couldn't make these stories up.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2232 on: June 14, 2015, 12:01:55 PM »
More abhorrent police behaviour.
And yet again they are trying to defend them.

Blah blah blah - heavily edited video- blah blah
And of course the police Never Edit Video's To suit
There Cause Do They.

Would they be using the same terminology if it was a group of
Young lads doing the same thing.

Yes of course they would. NOT. ::)

You couldn't make these stories up.

Right... because maybe the edible in question actually resisted arrest or mouthed off or something. What a bunch of bullshit.

To use the "logic" the cops often employ, "if they have nothing to hide, what are they afraid of?"

Funny that they say about "editing" the video when they did this:

"Once the police were alone, they began removing the surveillance cameras from the room so their activities wouldn’t be caught on video.

Or when they don't release even their own videos if it will hurt their case.

Jack T. Cross

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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2233 on: June 14, 2015, 12:14:32 PM »
Maybe it was just a coincidence that all the crooked cops were in the same place when it happened.

Jack T. Cross

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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2234 on: June 14, 2015, 12:16:02 PM »
...the rest were out doing good deeds, maybe.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2235 on: June 14, 2015, 12:29:06 PM »
To use the "logic" the cops often employ, "if they have nothing to hide, what are they afraid of?"

Funny that they say about "editing" the video when they did this:

"Once the police were alone, they began removing the surveillance cameras from the room so their activities wouldn’t be caught on video.

Or when they don't release even their own videos if it will hurt their case.

How is that not a felony in itself?

Jack T. Cross

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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2236 on: June 14, 2015, 01:13:58 PM »

How is that not a felony in itself?

They can at least claim they were concerned about protecting their identity, so it'd be interesting to know exactly what was done. The article mentions that cameras were removed, but doesn't get into it further. So this is either much worse than it looks or it's wysiwyg (which isn't good, either, with the cop eating a pot cookie etc.).

I hope the storeperson had really good stock control, because let's face it: that's what bad cops would be after. If the store caught the cops stealing that on vid, the PD is in some shit.

Could be the store-keeper didn't even know what stock was there (at least on that particular day/time), though, as ridiculous as it sounds. They expected a bust, it says, but I doubt they expected it at that moment.

Jack T. Cross

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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2237 on: June 14, 2015, 05:59:06 PM »

Jack T. Cross

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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2238 on: June 14, 2015, 06:07:03 PM »
...about those cops in the pot-shop: local station from there says several (not just one) LEO can be seen eating the "edibles" (dope-laced stuff that's sold for people to eat and get stoned).


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2239 on: June 14, 2015, 07:11:37 PM »
Good site, yeah:

That's a great site.
I wonder if it ever suffers mysterious cyber attacks
Shutting it down.

To Paraphrase  A non responding Cop Poster.
-No Doubt it is just reporting and Focusing on the
Tiny Fraction of Bad Policing incidents.
Ignoring The Many Thousands of good encounters
More than Likely It's Run By Cop Haters Who Have
Serious Authority Issues.
When Will These People Learn There Are No Bad Cops,
No Police Corruption, No Police Cover Ups,
No Lying, No Planting Of Evidence, Etc.
These Good Men & Women Do A Dangerous Job They
Put There Lives At Risk For The Ungrateful Scumbags
Oh I mean Public & This is The Type of Thanks We Get-

Jack T. Cross

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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2240 on: June 14, 2015, 07:32:37 PM »

That's a great site.
I wonder if it ever suffers mysterious cyber attacks
Shutting it down.

To Paraphrase  A non responding Cop Poster.
-No Doubt it is just reporting and Focusing on the
Tiny Fraction of Bad Policing incidents.
Ignoring The Many Thousands of good encounters
More than Likely It's Run By Cop Haters Who Have
Serious Authority Issues.
When Will These People Learn There Are No Bad Cops,
No Police Corruption, No Police Cover Ups,
No Lying, No Planting Of Evidence, Etc.
These Good Men & Women Do A Dangerous Job They
Put There Lives At Risk For The Ungrateful Scumbags
Oh I mean Public & This is The Type of Thanks We Get-

I noticed a lot of "Vice News" stuff they could do without, though. That's unfortunate, because many (if not all) of those stories are legit at the core. Vice can't help but to sleaze it up with standard-keeping in their work, though, so it hurts the whole cause. Their documentaries are terrible, too.

But still lots of good content on that site.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2241 on: June 14, 2015, 10:03:57 PM »
Horrifying Video Shows Cop Choking 13-Year-old Boy as He Tasers Him in the Spine

Fallbrook, CA — A disturbing video has been given to the Free Thought Project that shows a Fallbrook Police officer allegedly assaulting a 13-year-old boy.

The footage was given to us from our friends at

According to the person who took the video, the 13-year-old was simply skateboarding when the officer approached.

The witness explained the details to FilmingCops:

    The child was 13-yrs-old (on the video other witnesses assume he’s “15 or 16″ but according to the source he is in fact 13). He was riding on his skateboard with other young boys behind a shopping center, and there happened to be a patrol car parked nearby.

    At some point an officer inside of the patrol car told the 13-yr-old child to “get in the car.”

    The child replied, “Why?”

    The officer then warned, “You don’t want to get dropped.”

According to witnesses, the officer then attacked the boy, hitting him from behind as the boy was skateboarding. He then got on the boys back and began choking him, according to witnesses. The video shows the choking and the subsequent tasering to the child’s spine.

The boy can be heard in the video writhing in pain as the officer attempts to subdue him.

“Put your fucking hands behind your back!” shouts the officer. To which the child replies, “I can’t.”

The witnesses can be heard telling the officer, “He’s just a kid.”

The officer then loads the beaten and tasered child into his patrol car and begins walking towards the people filming. The video then ends.

According to the witnesses, the officer then proceeded to confiscate everyone’s cellphones and deleted their video. This one video below managed to make it out.

The Free Thought Project reached out to the San Diego Sheriff’s Department Fallbrook location, but they were unable to provide any details.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2242 on: June 15, 2015, 05:33:57 AM »
Wow just wow.

Is there any doubt most people would be better of without cops?

Jack T. Cross

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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2243 on: June 15, 2015, 09:35:02 AM »
Media trash, that we need cops around every corner. Pure bullshit.

The elitists trying to open the floodgates from the Third World are doing their best to change that, though, so you globalist GOPers needn't worry much longer. You'll get the gutted world you're aiming for, soon enough.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2244 on: June 15, 2015, 09:47:38 AM »
To be clear: although I think the cop could have waited a bit longer before shooting, this is one of those cases where the decision to shoot could have gone either way and it was a split-second reaction that shouldn't be second-guessed. I wouldn't prosecute the cop for this shooting but I think that the department certainly ought to look at his actions post-shooting and re-evaluate the procedures for handling people who have been shot.

I also think that this incident should be studied to see how things can be done better in the future and to figure out how training can help avoid such tragedies in the future.

P.S.: Enjoy your vacation!

Managed to gain 10 lbs in 7 days.. not easy but I did it ;-)

I don't have a problem with the initial handcuffing until it's determined the person doesn't have a weapon or the weapon is removed and the injuries are such it makes escape or physical altercation unlikely. In this case, cuffs coulda come off within 60 seconds of putting them on and it would have been fine.

The cop coulda waited and he coulda been shot. I always mention action beating reaction because not a lot of people really comprehend the reaction time and what can happen in 1/10 of a second. You can put a gun to the back of my head and in 9 out of 10 times I can disarm you before you can pull the trigger. I would not have believed it possible until I went through the training and we actually did it over and over. My partner KNEW I what I was going to do, just not when and I beat him every time, he beat me every time. So waiting until you see a gun is just too late. The subject was giving every indication to the officer he did have the weapon the officer suspected he had based on the original call and his actions. Now that we know he didn't have a weapon, yes, cop shoulda waited. 


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2245 on: June 15, 2015, 11:13:22 AM »
Managed to gain 10 lbs in 7 days.. not easy but I did it ;-)

Nice! Bulk phase complete. Ready for epic cuts!

I don't have a problem with the initial handcuffing until it's determined the person doesn't have a weapon or the weapon is removed and the injuries are such it makes escape or physical altercation unlikely. In this case, cuffs coulda come off within 60 seconds of putting them on and it would have been fine.

I think the average amount of blood that goes through the aorta of an average, healthy adult is about 5 liters per minute. The average volume of blood in a healthy adult is between 4.5 and 5.5 liters. In 60 seconds, it's all over. It gets even worse - the body goes into what is called a hypovolemic shock when more than 20% of the normal blood volume is lost - that's about 12 seconds.

If what we know about this kid's injury is true then you don't kid with this "it would have been fine" nonsense: the kid was as good as dead the moment the trigger was pulled.

The cop coulda waited and he coulda been shot.

That's always the excuse, isn't it? Act, don't react - or you could be dead. Do, don't think - or you could be dead.

I always mention action beating reaction because not a lot of people really comprehend the reaction time and what can happen in 1/10 of a second. You can put a gun to the back of my head and in 9 out of 10 times I can disarm you before you can pull the trigger.

That's pretty damn amazing. Now, I know that you're better than the average cop, so let's say the average cop can only disarm someone that puts a gun to your head before he pulls the trigger only 7 times out of 10 - still pretty good. Now, I'm curious, why does that awesome speed not work when someone may have a gun in their pants but not in their hands and aimed?

I would not have believed it possible until I went through the training and we actually did it over and over. My partner KNEW I what I was going to do, just not when and I beat him every time, he beat me every time. So waiting until you see a gun is just too late. The subject was giving every indication to the officer he did have the weapon the officer suspected he had based on the original call and his actions. Now that we know he didn't have a weapon, yes, cop shoulda waited.

I don't argue that the kid's reaction wasn't poor - it was and I understand the cop's nervousness. I can see how this shooting is justifiable. All I'm saying is that the mentality instilled in cops - that every day is their last day, and it's kill or be killed - is a problem. It leads to this "shoot first, ask questions later but never question the shooting."


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2246 on: June 15, 2015, 12:43:02 PM »
The handcuffing we'll have to agree to disagree. If I shoot someone in the head and half their head is gone, I wouldn't bother to handcuff them. If I shot someone in the torso and they fall, I'll handcuff them. I would error on the side of caution until I'm sure the person poses no threat. If it was clear the person posed no threat and he was still handcuffed, legitimate concern.

The cop coulda waited, the cop coulda been shot- It's not always the excuse avxo. Looking at the totality of the circumstances in this instance, based on the information the cop had at the time, he gave ample opportunity for the person to comply in a manner that wasn't continuing  to be suspicious and threatening and supporting the cops belief the guy had a weapon. In this case, waiting could easily have been fatal to the cop. There are certainly times a cop will shoot too soon, I don't feel this was one of them.

"hat's pretty damn amazing. Now, I know that you're better than the average cop, so let's say the average cop can only disarm someone that puts a gun to your head before he pulls the trigger only 7 times out of 10 - still pretty good. Now, I'm curious, why does that awesome speed not work when someone may have a gun in their pants but not in their hands and aimed?"-- I'll try to make it clearer. 1. There was distance between the 2 that couldn't be covered in time. 2. The concept of action beating reaction is in favor of the first to act. In this case the cop is drawn down on the guy. The guy makes the decision to act first, he would likely beat the cop who is reacting. Awesome speed works both ways...

 "All  saying is that the mentality instilled in cops - that every day is their last day, and it's kill or be killed - is a problem. It leads to this "shoot first, ask questions later but never question the shooting."

The reality is, cops deal with shoot or no shoot situations every day and make the decision not to shoot in the vast majority of them. So I don't think your kill or be killed mentality is a big problem. I think it SEEMS like a big problem if 10 videos you see are cops shooting at someone and no one cares about or sees the 1000 videos of cops not shooting the person. It would give the perception cops shoot everyone they get a chance to. Having been in those situations many many times over 30 yrs I don't see it as an issue.

As far as the average cop I know, they don't come to work thinking it's their last day or could be their last day. We are optimists at heart. I never got in a patrol car thinking "I may  shoot someone today." In fact, when I do think about it or thought about it, it was usually "I hope I never have to shoot someone" and the times I was pointing a gun at someone telling them what I needed them to do I was thinking "Man, don't do anything stupid".   Sometimes union leaders do us a disservice with the common mantra "going home at night is the most important thing". No, it's not. Doing our jobs right, and helping people is the most important thing. Going home is secondary. If it was primary, I wouldn't go into the house with the guy holding his wife hostage, I wouldn't wade into the water to get the lady out of the drifting car or many of the things we do that put us at risk. Makes no sense. Now if there is something similar I can agree with it would be  "If you're going to try and hurt or kill me, I'm going to do my best to come out on top". That I can agree with

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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2247 on: June 15, 2015, 01:32:49 PM »
Wow just wow.

Is there any doubt most people would be better of without cops?

Yes there is plenty of doubt.  Just look at any major city when there is an extended blackout.  We are always one step removed from anarchy and law enforcement helps maintain that step.  


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2248 on: June 15, 2015, 01:36:22 PM »
Yes there is plenty of doubt.  Just look at any major city when there is an extended blackout.  We are always one step removed from anarchy and law enforcement helps maintain that step.  

good answer


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2249 on: June 15, 2015, 02:01:11 PM »
Yes there is plenty of doubt.  Just look at any major city when there is an extended blackout.  We are always one step removed from anarchy and law enforcement helps maintain that step.  

Correlation does not imply causation.