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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Training Q&A => Training Logs and Info => Topic started by: oldtimer1 on April 05, 2017, 10:23:12 AM

Title: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 05, 2017, 10:23:12 AM
I came out of the hospital about two months ago and I'm still trying to get back on track. I had pneumonia and a bad reaction to the IV antibiotics they gave me.  Lost a lot of weight but coming back. I'm 58 and 5'8" 180lbs.  I try to do an exercise in the hardest way possible meaning a full range of motion and a moderate cadence. I feel it gives better results than lifting a million pounds and doing a half rep with the delusion you're doing the full movement. I have been running a day and lifting a day. I just came off 8 days straight of working out. I want to get back where I was before I got sick. Still carrying around about 8 pounds of fat. Zero drugs and zero HRT.

Back and Chest:

Pull up assist machine 2 x 9 30lbs. ( I know these are a cop out machine but my shoulder is shot and doing body weight pull ups would do a number on my shoulder area. Went slow and smooth. Dead hang to all the way up.)

Seated lat cable rows with a V handle 2 x 12 170lbs (full stretch going out)
Dumbbell rows with knee on bench 2 x 10 85lbs (dead hang down, all the way up)
Hammer pull downs 2 x 10 160lbs (real slow negative)

Hammer incline bench 2 x 8 4 plates total plus 5lbs
Flat dumbbell bench 2 x 8 75lbs (all the way down)
Flat dumbbell flies 2 x 10 45lbs (immediately followed by Hammer bench)
Hammer bench 2 x 6 185lbs(this model must be the original. Looks like an antique)
Push ups 2 x max

Deadlifts off floor 2 x 4 300lbs then 1 x 1 315lbs (I like to do these at the end of my workout. Keeps the poundage down and I'm all warmed up.)
Weighted back extensions 2 x 15 25lbs plate behind head

Ab Wheel 2 x 23 (abs are always sore after this)
Ab coaster 2 x 27 60lbs
Ab crunch machine 2 x 22 80lbs.

A lot of girls in the gym. I guess summer is coming.

How come so many steroid bodybuilders talk like they are in the WWE wrestling federation? A guy about 6'4" and all tatted up with a steroid look kept giving a high school kid lifting advice but sounded like one of those fake wrestlers in his speech pattern. Made me laugh.

Old lady on one of those inflatable balls. I told her to be careful they don't pop and she got all wide eyed.  Just joking miss. Didn't mean to frighten her.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: GR1982 on April 06, 2017, 05:27:56 AM
Looking forward to reading your log!!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 06, 2017, 08:18:40 PM
No training today. It was going to be a cardio day but staying at a casino last night the beer was flowing. Sometimes I have no self control.  Feel like crap. Reading a book I read in high school called, Long Slow Distance by Henderson in 1969.  What does this have to do with bodybuilding and weight training? I keep turning the pages of this small book and couldn't believe what I was reading. He was spelling out the HIT vs volume argument to a tee but on running terms. Take out the word run and substitute weight training and it was all there.

 In weight training there is no true definition of what HIT is. Every HIT fan has their own definition of the path to lifting Nirvana. Some guys have made their training so brutal and undesirable that they work out once every 5 or more days. How is that a good system?  Don't mean to get into the volume vs HIT.  I find for most of my training that 2 work sets per exercise and maybe 3 to 4 exercises per body part gets it done but I would never find fault with someone that uses 6 sets per exercise. Comparing Apples to Oranges. Both are hard work. Like a guy doing quarter mile repeat sprints being compared to a guy that goes out for 10 mile runs every day. Both are hard work of a different nature.

I will continue to play with 1 to 2 work sets per exercise for about 2 more months then I will be using more volume.  It would take me many paragraphs to put my thoughts into the merits and negatives of HIT and volume but for tonight the book LSD really crystallized my thinking of the matter. Intensity and volume are both important.  Lifting isn't rocket science and it never will be.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 07, 2017, 09:17:25 AM
Legs today. No warm ups listed. Tried to do  a full range of motion with a moderate cadence of repetition.

1.Squats 2 x 8 225 then 1 x 1 275lbs (narrow stance, high bar olympic style)
2.Dumbbell squats 2 x 12 85lbs. (These are an awesome exercise. If you keep your  back upright and sink it then it's a really hard exercise.  If you bend over to deadlift the weight you are not doing a dumbbell squat.)
3. Stiff leg deadlift 2 x 6 205lbs
4. leg extension 2 x 12 165lbs ( I know weight on a machine is meaningless when you compare from machine to machine)
5. leg curl 2 x 12 90lbs

6. standing calf raise 2 x 12
7. seated calf raise 2 x 15 90lbs.

8. ab coaster 2 x 27 60 lbs.
9. ab crunch 2 x 23 80lbs.

10. 4 way neck machine 2 x 20 a side.

Watching a guy workout. Seen him many a time with the same delusion.  He puts the pin on the bottom of every machine but he cheats the exercise. For example shoulder press machine he puts the seat as low as it can go so the handles are about level with the top of his head. On the seated bench press he also puts the pin on the bottom of the stack and then adjust the bench handles as far out as they will go. Struts around like he's the strongest on earth. Bodybuilding attracts so many insecure delusional guys.

I always see this girl on the cardio equipment so many times I lost count. She really works out hard on treadmill and elliptical. Hardly ever see her on the weight floor. This time I saw her on the leg press machine and started chatting with her. Talking diet I told her I have to give up beer if I want to get ripped. She said why would you want to give up beer?  You have to live life. I really like her.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: GR1982 on April 08, 2017, 07:15:41 AM
How's your weekly training split look? Nice leg session!!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 08, 2017, 11:41:54 AM
How's your weekly training split look? Nice leg session!!

Back and chest
delt and arms

I lift 3 to 4 times a week. In general I do cardio the day after lifting.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 08, 2017, 11:48:09 AM
Today was cardio day. Ran three slow 9 minute mile pace miles. Disappointed I ran like a slug but happy to get it in.  After I did heavy bag work.  If I say so myself I hit like a mule, lol.  Always considered this a form of interval cardio.  I always do 3 minute rounds hitting it.

Want to up the cardio so I can run some recreational 5K road races during the summer.  I feel cardio wise I have a lot of work to do.  I don't consider myself a bodybuilder but someone who trains.  In the summer months I might throw in some mountain biking and swimming into the mix.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 09, 2017, 12:40:39 PM
Delt and Arms. No warm ups listed.

Clean and press 2 x 8 115lbs. ( All the way down on the negative)
Dumbbell laterals 2 x 10 30lbs (Felt really bad chest pain. Thought I was having a heart attack then remembered I ate spicy shrimp for lunch. I belched and the pain went away)
Rear dumbbell laterals 2 x 10 35lbs then 40lbs
Machine delt laterals 2 x 10 70lbs
Barbell shrugs 2 x 10 235lbs

Weighted dips 2 x 8 25lbs (went really deep)
Traditional tricep pushdowns 2 x 10
rope tricep 2 x 10

EZ bar curls 2 x 10 90lbs
Machine curls 2 x 10
Concentration curls 2 x 10 25lbs ( I do these really strict. Cuts back the weight but it hits just the bicep)

forearm wrist curls 2 x 25 95lbs
reverse pulley curls 2 x 10

ab coaster 2 x 27 60lbs
ab crunch machine 2 x 20 80lbs and second set 90lbs

It was a beautiful sunny day and around 60 degrees here in Jersey. The gym doors were open and the breeze was whipping through the gym.

Three college girls training together. No plan or reason. They just went on any machine they felt like. One walked in on her phone and never stopped texting on it. When they drove away she was the passenger and she was still on the phone. I don't think she said more than two words to the two friends she was with.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 11, 2017, 09:33:23 AM
Trained back and chest today. Felt weak in some movements like deadlifts. I deadlift at the end of my workout to keep the weight down but 315lbs felt like a million pounds. Nearly finished my workout but cut it short in disgust of my bad deadlifting day. I got home and I changed directions. I went into my basement gym and finished the work out completely.

Going to change up my routine soon. Got to lose fat. I have to add more cardio.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: GR1982 on April 11, 2017, 06:25:23 PM
What's your age?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 11, 2017, 08:00:06 PM
58. Tomorrow is a running and heavy bag day. My son in law who is 240lbs plus and heavily into jui jitsu wants me to start rolling on the mats again. I haven't rolled in 20 plus years. I know I can still strike but I haven't done a triangle or an arm bar in a long, long time. I think I will pass on the invitation. Just don't feel I can give it the level of dedication I feel it needs to get back into it. I was never good at it back in the day anyway. Stand up yes. On the ground I had a few go to moves but a competent ground guy would be able to counter my low level jui jitsu.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 12, 2017, 05:48:17 PM
Ran three miles and dipped under 9 minute miles finally since being sick. Hit the heavy heavy with bad intent. Happy with my cardio day. Hope to pick it up next week.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 13, 2017, 10:48:12 AM
Trained legs and on the first set with 135lbs my lower formerly bullet proof back started hurting. I then did dynamic stretches. Grabbed a post and started swinging one leg and then the other. Gentle stretches and I tried to do all my sets very controlled. Finished with 275lbs. Really thinking at my age lifting relatively heavy could be a liability in terms of joint issues and spiking blood pressure. Might in the near future use moderate weights and tire out the muscle by quick sets. Making a light weight heavy so to speak.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on April 14, 2017, 06:39:59 AM
Have you tried doing medium/close grip palms up pull-ups or lat pull-downs?  They work great and in my case, alleviate shoulder pain entirely.

I have trouble doing dips and I miss them.  I get a weird "clicking" in my left elbow no matter how much warmup I do.  I really have to warm up with several sets of empty bar bench presses and tricep push-downs to not get the same "click" when I bench press but dips are impossible as it will start to hurt.  So, I avoid them. Dammit.  Any thoughts would be appreciated.

All the best!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 14, 2017, 04:20:12 PM
Have you tried doing medium/close grip palms up pull-ups or lat pull-downs?  They work great and in my case, alleviate shoulder pain entirely.

I have trouble doing dips and I miss them.  I get a weird "clicking" in my left elbow no matter how much warmup I do.  I really have to warm up with several sets of empty bar bench presses and tricep push-downs to not get the same "click" when I bench press but dips are impossible as it will start to hurt.  So, I avoid them. Dammit.  Any thoughts would be appreciated.

All the best!

The older I get the more I realize if it hurts don't do it. I don't bench with a bar anymore. Just not worth the pain and the resulting damage. I use to press behind the neck for decades. I don't use them now. Tempted to start light and see how it goes but I realize I'm tempting fate.  

Regarding hand placement with my shoulders no matter how I do them I have to be careful. Using a narrow V bar for pulldowns seems to be the best option for now. For awhile hands facing lat bar was good but then they hurt too. I used revolving handles that allow the natural path your body wants to go worked for awhile. Now I am using the cheat machine to build up strength.  I have twice severely hurt my shoulders from pull ups. Don't understand the mechanism behind it. Doctor told me I have a slap tear in both shoulders but it's in the best possible spot. (?)  He recommended no surgery and also said what happened is that I also sprained my shoulder like someone can sprain an ankle. It blows up and is painful but it will get better and it did to an extent.

I would just avoid dips. We all have exercises that have been really productive through our training career but when it starts to hurt a joint just give it up.  Try to substitute something like close grip bench.  You might want to consult an orthopedic surgeon to make you don't have a tear.  Try to see a surgeon that specializes in below the shoulder.  A tendon could be partially torn. Cartilage could be torn. He will order an MRI. It could be painful tendinitis. As hard as it sounds and I should talk (sarcasm) use a lower weight and slow rep cadence.  

As you can see I don't have any answers.  I find my self going from one injury to the next. My wife says, " Don't you understand you're not a kid anymore?"  I really do push it. Today I trained delts and arms. Then I went for a 2 mile run.  I feel really burned out and exhausted.  Think I'm going to a Yates week where I train each body part once a week and one work set per exercise for a change week.

What's your thoughts Scott?

 (On a complete side note I don't use the smith machine. In my gym I see guys using really heavy weights on it. For example saw a 60 something guy using what appeared to be 140lbs in smooth slow press behind the neck on it. Curious about it I lifted the empty bar today and it turns out it's counter balanced. The empty bar weighs about five pounds.  So one 45lbs on each side of the bar would be about 95lbs.  Mystery solved, lol.)
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on April 14, 2017, 04:45:05 PM
The older I get the more I realize if it hurts don't do it. I don't bench with a bar anymore. Just not worth the pain and the resulting damage. I use to press behind the neck for decades. I don't use them now. Tempted to start light and see how it goes but I realize I'm tempting fate.  

Regarding hand placement with my shoulders no matter how I do them I have to be careful. Using a narrow V bar for pulldowns seems to be the best option for now. For awhile hands facing lat bar was good but then they hurt too. I used revolving handles that allow the natural path your body wants to go worked for awhile. Now I am using the cheat machine to build up strength.  I have twice severely hurt my shoulders from pull ups. Don't understand the mechanism behind it. Doctor told me I have a slap tear in both shoulders but it's in the best possible spot. (?)  He recommended no surgery and also said what happened is that I also sprained my shoulder like someone can sprain an ankle. It blows up and is painful but it will get better and it did to an extent.

I would just avoid dips. We all have exercises that have been really productive through our training career but when it starts to hurt a joint just give it up.  Try to substitute something like close grip bench.  You might want to consult an orthopedic surgeon to make you don't have a tear.  Try to see a surgeon that specializes in below the shoulder.  A tendon could be partially torn. Cartilage could be torn. He will order an MRI. It could be painful tendinitis. As hard as it sounds and I should talk (sarcasm) use a lower weight and slow rep cadence.  

As you can see I don't have any answers.  I find my self going from one injury to the next. My wife says, " Don't you understand you're not a kid anymore?"  I really do push it. Today I trained delts and arms. Then I went for a 2 mile run.  I feel really burned out and exhausted.  Think I'm going to a Yates week where I train each body part once a week and one work set per exercise for a change week.

What's your thoughts Scott?

 (On a complete side note I don't use the smith machine. In my gym I see guys using really heavy weights on it. For example saw a 60 something guy using what appeared to be 140lbs in smooth slow press behind the neck on it. Curious about it I lifted the empty bar today and it turns out it's counter balanced. The empty bar weighs about five pounds.  So one 45lbs on each side of the bar would be about 95lbs.  Mystery solved, lol.)

I have to use the Smith Machine and I figure it's probably half the weight I put on there.   I train in a Mentzer style but tailored to fit me. Some days I can go "heavy" (relative to my wimpiness!) and others I will do sets of up to five sets of 20 with whatever weight I can do them with and still other days I will start with a weight and do as many reps as I can for 3 or 4 sets. 

I really have to warm up my elbows and shoulders. Dammit!  ;D   I am somewhat handicapped from a fall so I can no longer do squats or any real leg work unless I just want to do one leg.  I have both of them but one is like the small fiddler crab claw now, LOL!.  Too bad as the squat was my favorite exercise bar none. 

Right now I do chest, shoulders and triceps one day and back, biceps, forearms and abs the next then rest a day and repeat.   Total sets can be up to 9 but that includes my need for warm up sets.  I'm in my 60s and just cannot take the punishment anymore.  I do not recover as I did 40 years ago.   I bought and tried Mentzers book on training every 7 to 10 or so days  but that stuff is HARD and I could not get anywhere in terms of muscle and strength gains.  The 4 count on positive/negative reps is one of the weirdest things I have tried in my over 4 decades of training.  At first it seemed good, but nothing much came of it. 

On a positive note, training has been worth it, even if I am not as well built as many here I am still better off than many high school kids I see. Fat, skinny-fat and worse, kids today have nose in their phone.  I cannot begin to fathom how someone like Arnold or Franco must feel.  It is frustrating to age but it is what happens to all of us.

It sucks big time, dammit!   ;D  I am going to try some of the Mentzer type routines I've read here and will make them fit my ability.  Or lack thereof.   ;)
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 14, 2017, 05:06:35 PM
So many regular guys and celebrities use steroids so I try not to judge my physique or lack of one to harshly in comparison.  Scott if you're in your 60's you will know what I'm talking about. Through the years I have seen guys go from nothing to amazing using drugs. Then after a few years or even decades they go off due to health, arrest or finances.  All of a sudden they looked like they never trained in their life.  I'd rather look built like an athlete.  Hopefully I'm not delusional that I have mainly kept in shape for decade after decade.  I hate when someone tries to compare me to some fool in his sixties juicing. My empirical knowledge points to the conclusion of what they really look like without the assist. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: ratherbebig on April 15, 2017, 01:39:30 AM
dont know about shoulders but i had some elbow problems and i feel using this handle on lat pulldown works very well (thinking of it i assume thats what you guys meant when talking about the v bar, duh!) anyway, lots of handles out there worth experimenting with can make a world of difference working it from a different angle

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on April 15, 2017, 06:13:16 AM
dont know about shoulders but i had some elbow problems and i feel using this handle on lat pulldown works very well (thinking of it i assume thats what you guys meant when talking about the v bar, duh!) anyway, lots of handles out there worth experimenting with can make a world of difference working it from a different angle


I have one of those in my garage gym but haven't used it in a couple of years.  I like the narrow grip palms up pulldowns but will try them out on warmups tomorrow morning to see how it feels.  Thanks RTB and OT!

Any here try thick bar training?  I got into it about 15 or so years ago but only do curls now and dropped from a 4"+ bar to one that's about 2.5" now.  It makes it difficult and that can make it intredasting  ;D.   But there are times I do just standard BB & DB curls with regular size handles as the thick bar can get to my hands and elbows a bit. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 15, 2017, 06:57:27 PM
Did jack shit today. After work I took the wife to a restaurant and had clams, mussels, oysters, shrimp, corn, and a potato cooked in a steamer. Combined it with a Guinness.  Afterwards Drank Cuban rum in the darkness in my yard by the fire.  I needed a day off of training and I overly enjoyed it. Listened to Sinatra, Martin, Buble', Darin and others to the flickering fire on a Bose speaker.  Looked over the new liner in my pool making it look brand new and just knew this would be a summer for the ages between the ocean and the pool. My head will hurt tomorrow but for tonight I feel good. Might do cardio tomorrow or might take another day off. Hope all of youse guy's Saturday is going well.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on April 16, 2017, 06:14:40 AM
I rested yesterday and will hit back, biceptuals and forearms later on this morning in my garage. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: ratherbebig on April 16, 2017, 08:22:35 AM
now that sounds like a good day of rest!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 17, 2017, 06:38:51 PM
Did Back and chest:

Pull up assist machine 2 x 8 20lbs (getting such a pump from this machine. Try to dead hang and go all the way up till my elbows are as far down as they can go.)
Seated pulley lat row with V bar 2 x 1 2 170lbs
Dumbbell row knee on bench 2 x 10 85lbs (all the way up and down)
Hammer pulldown 2 x 10 160lbs (slow negatives on the return)

Hammer incline bench 2 x 8 two 45lbs a side plus 5lbs
Flat dumbbell bench 2 x 8 75lbs (all the way down)
Hammer flat bench 2  x 6
Dumbbell flies 2 x 10 45lbs
Push ups 1 x 20

Deadlifts 2 x 4 300lbs then 1 x 1 315lbs
Weighted back hyper extensions 2 x 15 25lbs plate behind head

Ab wheel 2 x 23
ab coaster 1 x 27 60lbs
ab crunch 2 x 21 90lbs

Tomorrow I'm trying to go for a 5 mile run. Next week I will be in Texas visiting my son in the Army. I bet the hotel gym is a joke but I will do what I can with it. Maybe I will just do pull ups, pushups and running for the week.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 18, 2017, 07:15:18 PM
Cardio day. Ran 5.1 miles in the park then hit the heavy bag for a couple of rounds. The run was slow 9:25 average pace miles but I haven't run 5 miles in ages so I'm happy with it. I then went to work but as the day went on I started to fade. Just shot.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 19, 2017, 06:08:28 PM
Leg day:

Leg press 2 x 12 4 plates a side (all the way down)
squat 2 x 8 225 then 1 x 1 275 (narrow stance and high bar)
squat machine 1 x 10 230lbs
leg extension 2 x 20
seated leg curl 2 x 15
standing leg curl 2 x 12

side bend with one dumbbell 1 x 15 90lbs
hanging straight leg raise 2 x 20
Lying hip ups for abs 1 x 25 (on back on floor. Leg facing ceiling and raise hips toward ceiling)
Ab pulley 2 x 25

leg press calf 2 x 25 225lbs
seated calf 2 x 15 80lbs.
Tibalis anterior work with a DART 1 x 20 15lbs

Neck work.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 20, 2017, 06:43:59 PM
Took the day off. No cardio and no lifting.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 21, 2017, 05:24:01 PM
Delt and arms:  No warm ups shown

Press behind neck on smith machine 3 x 6 135lbs (all the way down with bar to traps)
Dumbbell laterals 2 x 10 30lbs
Rear delt laterals 2 x 10 40lbs
Machine laterals 2 x 10 70lbs
Barbell shrugs 2 x 10 240lbs

Weighted dips 2 x 8 25lbs (went deep)
Traditional tricep pushdowns 2 x 12
Tricep machine 2 x 10

EZ bar curls 2 x 10 90lbs
Machine curls 2 x 10
concentration dumbbell curl 2 x 11 25lbs

forearm wrist curl 2 x 25 95lbs
reverse pulley curl 2 x 10

ab coaster 2 x 27 60lbs
floor crunches 1 x 55 5lbs plate behind head
V bar crunches  2 x 25

Really hot blonde older milf about 55 years old. Bright red lip stick to workout. Smiled at me and made some small talk.  I like eye candy in the gym.

So many old people in the gym today.  It's like a social event. They hang out and talk about politics and other stuff. They like to sit in machines doing sets every 5 minutes.

Always amazed by how many young men who are in serious condition don't seem to have jobs. I guess some of them have afternoon and night jobs. I see the same guys day after day at 9AM or 10AM when I generally train.

I spotted a guy benching and he thanked me for what is one of my grievances at the gym. I don't bench anymore but when ever I would ask for a spot typically the guy would wrap his hands around the bar usually saying something like, " It's all you." while taking 20lbs to 30lbs off the weight of the bar. I told the guy I spotted I will only help if you fail.  He appreciated it.

What's with the gallon jugs of green or orange fluid? I don't think I ever drank a gallon of fluid working out in my life.

A lot of talk of heart attacks in the gym. Apparently a guy running on the trail by my house was found dead. The poor soul was wearing one of those athletic heart rate monitors. I guess it was reading zero beats per minute when he collapsed.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 24, 2017, 12:55:17 PM
I have to go to Texas for 7 days. We all know how horrible hotel gyms are. Going to do only Cardio there.  Maybe I will figure out what I can do in their gym. I think the dumbbells go up to 45lbs.  Ugh. I'll figure out how to make the weight heavy. Slow reps, pre exhaust and high reps.  

This is my last workout before I go tomorrow.  I did a whole body routine.  No warm ups listed. Always a full range of motion. No half or 3/4 reps.

Squats 2 x 8 225lbs (Narrow stance, high bar, and tried to go deep)
Leg extensions 2 x 12 165lbs (I know machine weight is meaningless)
Leg curl 2 x 12 90lbs

Hammer Strength pulldown 2 x 10 185lbs
Seated cable row 2 x 12 170lbs

Hammer incline bench 2 x 8 (two 45's a side plus 5lbs)
Flat flies 2 x 10 45lbs

Press behind neck on smith 2 x 6 45lbs on each side.
Dumbbell laterals 2 x 10 30lbs

Traditional tricep pushdowns 2 x 12 (stack. Sounds like a lot but it's not)
Bicep pulley curls with bar 2 x 10

Standing calf raise 2 x 12 180lbs (again machine weight is meaningless. My home unit I use 325lbs. 180lbs is really heavy on this thing.)

Neck machine: Did two sets for front, side and back.

Ab wheel rollout 2 x 24 reps

Told a steroid head who left his phone and water on one end of the gym to work out on the other side my experience where I caught a guy picking up my phone. When I approached the guy he said he just wanted to see the new generation Iphone. I know if I didn't see this guy pick up  the phone it would have been stolen. Anyway back the steroid head. Told him what happened to me in this gym and he couldn't give a damn.  Should have kept my mouth shut. LOL.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on April 28, 2017, 09:49:37 AM
I'm going to try that variant of Mentzer HIT by training 3 times a week alternating the sessions between once and twice each week.  I did it this week and my next session will be Sunday when I train chest, shoulders and triceps in my garage.  I have a bench press machine at home.  It sucks compared to some I've used in commercial gyms and its not as nice as a Smith but it's what I've got so I will use it.

I will do my best to give this a chance.   ;D  I do enjoy 4 days a week but perhaps its too much?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 28, 2017, 08:40:20 PM
I'm in San Antonio Texas for the week visiting my son. Really messed up my shoulder doing pull ups in the hotel gym. Don't understand why it messes up my shoulder. This is the third time I messed up my shoulder.  I think it's the dead hang position and maybe the jerk up on those final reps. Kicking pullups out permanently and power jerks. I think at my age it's important to prevent injuries as the body gets fragile.

Scott that rotation split is the routine I was in my most muscular shape life time best in my early 20's.  I was so heavily influenced by Mentzer in the late 70's. It's great plan for working hard but also for recuperation. I think I trained like that for 10 years until I went down to once a week for body parts.  

Another great routine is doing the whole body in one workout. I keep hearing guys say it's a beginner workout. I completely disagree. I think it's the absolutely the hardest way to train. I use one or at the most two exercises per body part and use two work sets. Start at the largest body part like Arthur Jones said and work down to the smallest. Done three times a week is exhausting.  I make great gains on it but it's so hard I have to quit it after a couple of weeks.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on April 28, 2017, 08:48:14 PM
I have to warm up a lot!   For example, yesterday I did 5 warm up sets of curls before I did 2 working sets with a 4 count up followed by a 2 count pause and then a 4 count down for one arm cable curls.  The weight is puny but then I am in my 60s and have never been strong except on legs and no one asks you how much you can squat except powerlifters.  ;D

I have my pec-dec and vertical bench press machine in the garage so Sunday I will warm up a lot and the get down to business on chest, delts and triceps.  I will have to focus and train with a purpose so that I can go to failure and then, when possible do a few more in rest/pause fashion.  I am sore today, believe me.

Have fun visiting your son!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 30, 2017, 08:11:41 PM
Scott,I barely warm up except for the big movements. I bet that could be a real negative for me. I just do the absolute minimum.  Sometimes I just want to say the hell with using heavy weights then I rebel at the thought.   I think it was Bill Pearl that said he gave up caring about what weight was use in an exercise at 55.

  Even though I see some of the best built guys in the gym use very modest weight I can't give up trying to lift a decent weight.  Everything is really apples to oranges. What is better?  Doing curls with  2 x 10 with 100lbs or doing 5 sets of 10 with 70lbs?  I bet the muscle gains absolute strength with the limited set intensity version but the muscle gets more work doing the muscular endurance version of 5 x 10 with the lighter weight.

I wrote the below in response to someone writing the key to gaining muscle is getting stronger as in low reps or even single reps.

Lifting will never be rocket physics. Many simpletons have become fantastic bodybuilders. Many very intelligent trainers really stink at bodybuilding. Yes, more to take into account than just genetic predisposition. There are no facts in lifting. What we have are theories. You can't argue that a theory is a fact. If we had facts we would all be training with the same training protocol

I agree with a lot of what he says. Correct me if I'm wrong but he is basically saying if you get stronger in relatively low reps and low sets you will get bigger. Truth in that but also truth in that muscular endurance might play a bigger role in muscle size than pure strength. If it's pure strength that makes a muscle bigger why don't we all do our exercises in say sets of four and single reps (4 x 1)? That's a fast way to get stronger. Reference muscular endurance I am not talking about aerobic endurance but rather using my term of muscular endurance. Training with volume will increase muscular endurance and muscle size. The overwhelming majority of successful champs have used this method. Some might point out the failures too but that doesn't negate how many champs have used volume. I think ultimately both are important for muscle size. Getting stronger for low reps and getting stronger for endurance lifting.  Guys that are use to lifting heavy for a low amount of sets are often shocked how hard it is to do their  exercises for say 5 sets of 12 reps.

One thing is a fact. A work ethic often trumps every other factor except genetic predisposition.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on May 12, 2017, 07:31:00 PM
I've had to back off for a couple of weeks due to illness.  I hope to start up again on Sunday and will start very light and ease my way into HIT again or at least a variation on it that fits me.  I can't stand getting old!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 17, 2017, 12:06:48 PM
Sorry you were sick Scott. I know how it saps the spirit when you can't train. I didn't keep up with the thread because of lack of interest. LOL. A couple of months ago I had pneumonia that put me in the hospital.   I went from being in fantastic shape to losing everything quick. 6 days of 104 fever then I was in the hospital. Just saying this because I know how frustrating it is for you. I've been there.

Yesterday my plans were 8 x 200 meter sprints. On sprint 6 I came up lame with a pulled hamstring. I have to have my head checked by the entire Princeton psyche department.  Why do I think I'm 25 when I'm 58? Tried to do legs today and 185lbs squats were too painful.  Stiff deads for hamstrings were out. At least I had good neck workout. LOL.

Thinking for guys over 55 who are life long trainers that avoiding injury has to be a top priority along with training for health.  I realize a couple of things trying to pursue strength at my age.  I'm training wrong for my age and goals.  For example I do fairly deep squats but not full range. What has happened is my range of motion flexibility is suffering and for the first time I am having knee pain. Thinking about (don't laugh) learning to squat full range again using something like 115bs instead of my usual 225lbs to 300lbs.  That bottom range is so inflexible with my tight knees.

Other changes like sprints are done. I'm only doing them at the end of a distance run say 2 to 5 miles. I was a sprinter in high school and college. I just can't throw caution to the wind any more. Use to warm up with a 440 yard jog then go right into the sprint workout in college. Now it's going to be after a minimum a  2 mile run.  

I know there are guys that will bring up they know a 65 year old man who benches 400lbs, deads 500lbs and runs a 6 minute mile. Good for him.  I wish I had that body.  For mere mortals caution is needed.  I love low sets and for what is for me heavy weights. It might be time to think about working the muscle making a medium weight heavy instead of just trying to move the weight. I think you can actually make your body old through excessive wear and tear by not training smart.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 29, 2017, 07:45:51 PM
Trained legs today. No warm ups listed.

Leg press 2 x 12 4 plates a side. (deep full range.)
Hack squats 2 x 12 (Rarely do these. Really felt my quads on fire)
Goblet squats 2 x 12 75lbs (relatively new to these.)
stiff deadlift 1 x 6 205lbs (full range standing on a platform)
leg ext 2 x 20
seated leg curl 2 x15
standing leg curls 2 x 12

Single dumbbell side  bend 1 x15 90lbs.
Hanging leg raise 2 x 20
Incline situps 1 x 20
Ab machine crunch 2 x 25

leg press calf 2 x 25 (man do these burn. Considering I have no calves I don't know how these hurt so much)
Seated calf 2 x 15 90lbs ( try to do full range instead of the little hops I see everyone  doing)
D.a.r.t. tibalis 1 x  20 15lbs

4 way neck 1 x 20 a side

Gym Observations: Going to get back to barbell squats. Realize I  was delusional about the depth I was going. I always go up to around 275lbs every squat day recently. Now I'm going to use real baby weights and work on form and mobility.  Going to sink a baby weight and progress from there.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Grape Ape on July 01, 2017, 09:52:10 PM
Oldtimer:  two legit questions.

How old are you?

Are you reasonably lean with abs?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 02, 2017, 07:38:32 PM
Oldtimer:  two legit questions.

How old are you?

Are you reasonably lean with abs?

59 and no hormone replacement. No abs but I drink beer often. I know I have a good build even if I have no calves. LOL. If I dial it in I can still run a couple of 7 minute miles on a good day while having decent strength for a guy about 175 to 180 at 5'8".
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Grape Ape on July 03, 2017, 04:40:25 AM
59 and no hormone replacement. No abs but I drink beer often. I know I have a good build even if I have no calves. LOL. If I dial it in I can still run a couple of 7 minute miles on a good day while having decent strength for a guy about 175 to 180 at 5'8".

Dude, that's fantastic.   Props to you.  I only asked because I was looking at your training, and was wondering if you should swap out some duplicate exercises (ie so many different bodybuilding leg movement) for more conditioning stuff, but based on what you wrote, you're doing awesome.  Impressive, especially the running.

Calves? pfft....who cares?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 22, 2018, 07:33:26 PM
Did chest and back yesterday:

Pulldowns with Max grip supinate bar 2 x 10 130lbs (kept it strict and upright. No leaning back)
Low cable rows with V bar handle 2 x 12 170lbs (all the way out and back)
Dumbbell one arm row off a bench 2 x 10 85lbs (all the way out and back)
Hammer pulldown 2 x 10

Hammer incline bench 2 x 8 two plates a side then three
Incline DB press 2 x 8 70lbs (all the way down. Slow cadence)
Flat flies 2 x 10 50lbs
Hammer flat bench 2 x 6 (this machine must be one of the originals Gary Jones made)
Push ups 1 x 20

deadlifts 2 x 4 300lbs then 1 x 1 350lbs
Weighted hypers 2 x 15 25lbs plate behind head

Ab wheel roll out 2 x 22
Crunch machine 2 x 20

Today I ran did cardio and ran 3 miles at a 9:00 minute pace. Did heavy bag work after.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on May 23, 2018, 04:14:34 AM
Way to go, Oldtimer.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 23, 2018, 08:14:31 PM
Leg day: No warm ups listed.

Leg press 2 x 12 4 plates a side (all the way down till my legs were really bent with a low back board)
Dumbbell squats 2 x 12 85lbs (all the way down with a straight upright back.)
Ass squat machine 2 x 12( don't know what to call this machine. You push back with your leg standing. Only see women using it but it's hard as hell with the pin in the lower plates.)
leg extension 2 x 12 165lbs (sounds like a lot on this commercial machine. My home machine 80lbs is heavy.
leg curl 2 x 12 100lbs
leg adduction and abduction machine 2 sets each way

standing calf raise 2 x 12
seated calf raise 2 x 15

4 way neck machine. 2 sets a side

Hanging leg raise 2 x 22
seated knee in 1 x 20
crunch machine 2 x 20

I went home and cleaned the freshly opened pool. Can't wait for summer.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on May 26, 2018, 06:08:30 PM
Leg day: No warm ups listed.

Leg press 2 x 12 4 plates a side (all the way down till my legs were really bent with a low back board)
Dumbbell squats 2 x 12 85lbs (all the way down with a straight upright back.)
Ass squat machine 2 x 12( don't know what to call this machine. You push back with your leg standing. Only see women using it but it's hard as hell with the pin in the lower plates.)
leg extension 2 x 12 165lbs (sounds like a lot on this commercial machine. My home machine 80lbs is heavy.
leg curl 2 x 12 100lbs
leg adduction and abduction machine 2 sets each way

standing calf raise 2 x 12
seated calf raise 2 x 15

4 way neck machine. 2 sets a side

Hanging leg raise 2 x 22
seated knee in 1 x 20
crunch machine 2 x 20

I went home and cleaned the freshly opened pool. Can't wait for summer.
Nice dude,trained thick build.esp clean
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on June 02, 2018, 03:43:06 PM
Leg day: No warm ups listed.

Leg press 2 x 12 4 plates a side (all the way down till my legs were really bent with a low back board)
Dumbbell squats 2 x 12 85lbs (all the way down with a straight upright back.)
Ass squat machine 2 x 12( don't know what to call this machine. You push back with your leg standing. Only see women using it but it's hard as hell with the pin in the lower plates.)
leg extension 2 x 12 165lbs (sounds like a lot on this commercial machine. My home machine 80lbs is heavy.
leg curl 2 x 12 100lbs
leg adduction and abduction machine 2 sets each way

standing calf raise 2 x 12
seated calf raise 2 x 15

4 way neck machine. 2 sets a side

Hanging leg raise 2 x 22
seated knee in 1 x 20
crunch machine 2 x 20

I went home and cleaned the freshly opened pool. Can't wait for summer.

Great photo of you. You appear to be in great shape. Maybe next time you post more of a closeup of yourself.

Bet you have to keep the pool covered most of the time with all those trees behind the fence.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 02, 2018, 07:19:03 PM
The pool stays crystal clear. Once the hot weather comes nothing falls in the pool. In September it's a different story. The pool is closed by then.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: chaos on June 05, 2018, 08:40:25 PM
Leg day: No warm ups listed.

Leg press 2 x 12 4 plates a side (all the way down till my legs were really bent with a low back board)
Dumbbell squats 2 x 12 85lbs (all the way down with a straight upright back.)
Ass squat machine 2 x 12( don't know what to call this machine. You push back with your leg standing. Only see women using it but it's hard as hell with the pin in the lower plates.)
leg extension 2 x 12 165lbs (sounds like a lot on this commercial machine. My home machine 80lbs is heavy.
leg curl 2 x 12 100lbs
leg adduction and abduction machine 2 sets each way

standing calf raise 2 x 12
seated calf raise 2 x 15

4 way neck machine. 2 sets a side

Hanging leg raise 2 x 22
seated knee in 1 x 20
crunch machine 2 x 20

I went home and cleaned the freshly opened pool. Can't wait for summer.
Ass squat that the one where the pad is on the back of your knee and it hits the glute/ham tie in?

BTW I'd hit it.  :D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 06, 2018, 02:05:37 PM
Ass squat that the one where the pad is on the back of your knee and it hits the glute/ham tie in?

BTW I'd hit it.  :D

Looks something like this. The machine is brutal with a full range of motion and the pin in the lower plates.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: chaos on June 06, 2018, 06:21:57 PM
Looks something like this. The machine is brutal with a full range of motion and the pin in the lower plates.
I would guess that hit the similar muscles as the one in my gym. Never tried it.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on June 17, 2018, 05:08:39 PM
Looks something like this. The machine is brutal with a full range of motion and the pin in the lower plates.

Is this another version of the machine you are referring to?


There are many versions of the kickback machine. All of them work pretty well.

You can also do something similar using a single cable set low.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 17, 2018, 06:42:37 PM
That cable version is hitting the glute hard. Those machines are like a one leg squat with major glute muscle involvement. Guys seem to avoid the machine because women are always on them. It's a killer with serious weight.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 21, 2018, 07:56:32 PM
Neglecting this thread. Today I ran 3 miles at a slow 9 minute pace. That has to come down. Then I hit the heavy bag for a couple of rounds. Tomorrow is delt and arms. Hopefully a run after that.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 04, 2018, 04:36:30 PM
Trained legs today. I got really dizzy to the point someone asked me if I was alright. I do train to absolute exhaustion/failure. The gym was packed and I did leg presses, squats and the kick back leg machine rushing through the workout when the dizziness began. I took a short break and finished the work out that included the standard stuff like leg extensions, leg curls, standing calf, seated calf and abs.

Thinking at my age even though I'm in good shape maybe it's time to stop training HIT style. Might be too hard on the heart to repeatedly go to failure every damn set. It also could be I'm out in the sun too much lately. Spent 8 days in over 100 degree weather in California then came home to NJ heat hanging poolside and running in the sun for another week.

Damn if I'm having heart issues I'm going to be pissed. I worked out my whole life and I'm only 59. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on July 04, 2018, 04:44:09 PM
Most likely you are just over-doing it.

How's your blood pressure?

I sometimes get a bit dizzy after doing a set of deadlifts.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 04, 2018, 07:28:00 PM
Most likely you are just over-doing it.

How's your blood pressure?

I sometimes get a bit dizzy after doing a set of deadlifts.

My blood pressure is 110/70.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on July 04, 2018, 10:08:44 PM
Whenever someone posts something upsetting, it makes me dizzy. I don't think it's my heart though.  ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on July 05, 2018, 03:31:04 AM
You might be hyperventilating when you do your set.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 05, 2018, 06:56:47 AM
Going for a run. If I don't post again it means I dropped dead.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on July 05, 2018, 08:08:50 AM
Going for a run. If I don't post again it means I dropped dead.

Make sure you are wearing your Life Alert.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 05, 2018, 10:28:14 AM
Still alive. Ran 3 miles in near 90 degree humid heat. No problems.  :D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on July 05, 2018, 05:47:35 PM
Still alive. Ran 3 miles in near 90 degree humid heat. No problems.  :D

Good job!  I couldn't run three miles unless it was down a mine shaft and I didn't bounce off the sides.   ;D

I trained H.I.T. today, albeit in the more traditional manner Mentzer advocated in the  late 70s.  Six sets each of shoulders, back and chest with pre-exhaustion used twice in each movement.  Heavy (for me, LOL!) weight but primarily on machines, sorry...I can no longer handle much free weight on certain exercises safely.   ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 05, 2018, 08:27:17 PM
Scott, my normal HIT routine is 6 to 8 sets a body part. I guess more of a Mentzer type HIT too. For an example my usual lat routine now is: Pulldowns 2 x 10, Low seated cable rows 2 x 12, Single dumbbell rows off a bench 2 x 10 and I finish off with Hammer strength pulldowns 2 x 10.  So 8 sets for lats.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 06, 2018, 06:57:12 PM
Hit the gym with my son. We trained delts and arms. Sometimes together and sometimes apart. He came back from Afghanistan about a month ago. He is in the Army with the Airborne. I haven't seen him in a year. He came back in apparent great spirits so it was a relief. Two guys from his unit came home in a box to their family. We have a giant sign in the front yard welcoming him home. He surprised us by coming home a day earlier than he told us. His sister and her husband picked him up. We were in the pool floating having cocktails. My wife wept and screamed with joy. The family dog went crazy seeing his pal again.

My son lifts but isn't hard core about it. He does his running and body weight stuff. Tomorrow is a big back yard party for him. Family and friends are coming from near and far. The Italian wife is cooking like a person possessed.

Luke 15:24, "For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found. And they began to celebrate"
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on July 09, 2018, 08:37:35 AM

A great day.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 10, 2018, 07:05:16 PM
Spoke to a doctor who lifts at my gym about my dizzy spells lifting. The guy lifts sick weights.  Strong as a house. He asked me what I was doing prior. Told him squats and leg presses. He laughed and said he gets dizzy and faint after deadlifts and squats sometimes. He said don't worry about it. Famous last words.  ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on July 11, 2018, 02:35:17 PM
Spoke to a doctor who lifts at my gym about my dizzy spells lifting. The guy lifts sick weights.  Strong as a house. He asked me what I was doing prior. Told him squats and leg presses. He laughed and said he gets dizzy and faint after deadlifts and squats sometimes. He said don't worry about it. Famous last words.  ;D

He's right. Don't worry about it.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: chaos on July 11, 2018, 03:56:02 PM
Hit the gym with my son. We trained delts and arms. Sometimes together and sometimes apart. He came back from Afghanistan about a month ago. He is in the Army with the Airborne. I haven't seen him in a year. He came back in apparent great spirits so it was a relief. Two guys from his unit came home in a box to their family. We have a giant sign in the front yard welcoming him home. He surprised us by coming home a day earlier than he told us. His sister and her husband picked him up. We were in the pool floating having cocktails. My wife wept and screamed with joy. The family dog went crazy seeing his pal again.

My son lifts but isn't hard core about it. He does his running and body weight stuff. Tomorrow is a big back yard party for him. Family and friends are coming from near and far. The Italian wife is cooking like a person possessed.

Luke 15:24, "For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found. And they began to celebrate"
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 17, 2018, 07:07:56 PM
Last week I got in 6 days of running in addition to lifting. Losing weight rapidly. Haven't run 5 miles in awhile and tomorrow I will do it.

 Wish I could figure out an optimal way to lift while pursuing running. In the past I would just lift heavy and run twice a week. Now I want to push the running aspect again. Twice a week isn't cutting it.

Using a Yates inspired 4 way split and one work set to failure. Today I did legs then went for a two mile run. So hard to run after legs. Might do a whole body routine twice a week so I won't have double sessions. Then I could run 5 days a week. I have always struggled to have both a running program and a lifting program. Some say if I push the running too much I should lift with moderate volume and moderate weights.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Grape Ape on July 18, 2018, 09:36:46 AM
You could do whole body 2x a week like you said, but then you're training seven days with all the running.

Or you could just concentrate on the heavy lifts 2 x a week - squats / dl / presses, then do auxiliary/additional conditioning like chins/planks/plyo, etc AFTER you run on the other days.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 18, 2018, 06:15:03 PM
You could do whole body 2x a week like you said, but then you're training seven days with all the running.

Or you could just concentrate on the heavy lifts 2 x a week - squats / dl / presses, then do auxiliary/additional conditioning like chins/planks/plyo, etc AFTER you run on the other days.

I appreciate your thoughts. Cardio I believe is different from lifting. The more I do cardio the better I get. While with heavy lifting I need rest days. I never lift more than 4 days a week. The thoughts about auxiliary conditioning after runs is a good one.

Never got 5 miles in today. Maybe the heat got to me. Maybe I'm just not in decent cardio shape yet. I got 4 miles in then did some heavy bag work.  I then went to the beach and I planned to body surf in the waves. The beach is full of swimming giant Sting Rays. I saw at least 10 of them go by here in New Jersey. They freak me out so I just hopped waves like a kid. Didn't want to ride a wave with Sting Rays. Still trying to have another 6 days in a row of cardio. Tomorrow is back and hopefully a slow two mile run after. Using a Yates type workout so the lifting session should be a short one. Something like this is planned for my back day.

Pull downs with a pronate Mag bar 1 x failure
Seated V handle rows 1 x failure
One arm dumbbell rows 1 x failure
Hammer strength pulldown 1 x failure
deadlifts 1 x 6 reps or failure
weighted hyper extensions 1 x failure
ab work

Warm up sets as needed.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on July 19, 2018, 12:29:28 AM
Made it to the gym tonight. Yahoo! -First time in months. Trained back. Taking it a day at a time and hoping for success.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on July 19, 2018, 06:00:02 PM
Made it to the gym tonight. Yahoo! -First time in months. Trained back. Taking it a day at a time and hoping for success.

Good for you!

Today I did H.I.T. for arms only.  Warmed up very light and went as heavy as I could (still not heavy for the rest of you!).  One set of dumbbell curls to failure with rest pause for as many additional reps as I could stand before wanting to barf.  Rested until I felt recovered (probably 3 or 4 minutes) then did one set of barbell curls with easy curl bar to failure  with a couple of rest pause reps at the end.

Tricep pushdowns to failure superseted with dips to failure for two supersets.  No rest pause as I was about to puke.

That's it.   Counting two warmup sets I did a total of 8 sets, 6 of which were working sets.  No forearms as my wrists are really hurting from the last session a few days ago. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 19, 2018, 08:08:18 PM
Beginning to wonder if I let Arthur Jones and Mike Mentzer influence me too much in my younger years. I have seen incredible physiques from training for a lack of a better term muscular endurance in the gym. Seen a guy with fantastic legs doing squats with 135lbs for maybe 5 sets of 15 perfect squats with minimal rest telling me it's not the weight but how hard you are working. Make a light weight heavy by doing volume with minimal rest between sets. Seen the owner of my gym with a giant bicep using weights I would be embarrassed to use. Sometimes I think power bodybuilding is not the magic bullet.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Grape Ape on July 20, 2018, 08:06:40 AM
Check out

They have various training programs depending on you goals - strength / conditioning, even shooting.

I think they have a 10 day free trial - download Atlas - it's geared around making your stonger, and improving run times.

I've done a few of their cycles......amazing stuff.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 20, 2018, 02:09:12 PM
Trained delts and tris today. Then went for a 3 mile run. Losing weight but feeling a little weak. This 6 day a week running program I'm on is kicking my ass. Tomorrow is a short 2 mile run prior to work. Going to see if I can beat my time from last week.

Haven't decided what I will do for next week. Continue the 4 way Yates inspired split with one set to failure or use a whole body routine twice a week. Lifting weights for over 40 years and I'm still evolving. I remember when Bill Pearl turned 55 he said he no longer cared what weight was on the bar. I wish I could say the same but I still have an ego to feed.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on July 20, 2018, 02:53:12 PM
Good for you!

Today I did H.I.T. for arms only.  Warmed up very light and went as heavy as I could (still not heavy for the rest of you!).  One set of dumbbell curls to failure with rest pause for as many additional reps as I could stand before wanting to barf.  Rested until I felt recovered (probably 3 or 4 minutes) then did one set of barbell curls with easy curl bar to failure  with a couple of rest pause reps at the end.

Tricep pushdowns to failure superseted with dips to failure for two supersets.  No rest pause as I was about to puke.

That's it.   Counting two warmup sets I did a total of 8 sets, 6 of which were working sets.  No forearms as my wrists are really hurting from the last session a few days ago. 

Thanks. After gardening for several hours yesterday and because I overdid my back workout on Wednesday making myself pretty sore, I didn't get to the gym last night. I'll make up for that tonight. It may take me longer to get back into my routine than I thought. However, I'm not going to cave.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on July 20, 2018, 02:55:03 PM
Trained delts and tris today. Then went for a 3 mile run. Losing weight but feeling a little weak. This 6 day a week running program I'm on is kicking my ass. Tomorrow is a short 2 mile run prior to work. Going to see if I can beat my time from last week.

Haven't decided what I will do for next week. Continue the 4 way Yates inspired split with one set to failure or use a whole body routine twice a week. Lifting weights for over 40 years and I'm still evolving. I remember when Bill Pearl turned 55 he said he no longer cared what weight was on the bar. I wish I could say the same but I still have an ego to feed.

Our ego is both our friend and our enemy.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 20, 2018, 04:26:03 PM
Prime ease yourself into it. I'm trying to get my running in gear and it feels like I aged a million years.  Hit running 6 days in a row last week and if I run tomorrow it will be 6 day out of the week. I just can't believe how slow I run now. I could excuse that I'm 59 but I think I'm just out of cardio shape. I will keep pushing it to see how my body responds. Prime, isn't a good thing that weights are adjustable?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on July 20, 2018, 05:05:21 PM
Prime ease yourself into it. I'm trying to get my running in gear and it feels like I aged a million years.  Hit running 6 days in a row last week and if I run tomorrow it will be 6 day out of the week. I just can't believe how slow I run now. I could excuse that I'm 59 but I think I'm just out of cardio shape. I will keep pushing it to see how my body responds. Prime, isn't a good thing that weights are adjustable?

Yes it is a good thing that the weights are adjustable. Unfortunately, I forgot to dial them back as much as I should have last Wednesday and now my back is so tight that I can barely straighten my arms over my head. :o  I am going to the gym tonight with low expectations, but I am still gonna do it. I'm afraid to run on anything besides a treadmill until I fully recover my equilibrium, if that is possible at my age....remember I am 15 years your senior. I remember the days when running was so easy that it almost felt like floating on air. :)
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 20, 2018, 05:34:34 PM
Prime, maybe forget running and walk. Walking fast is an outstanding exercise and using an incline will be hard for anyone including a young person.

Sounds nuts but when my neck acts up I grab my skull and push up. I think it stretches and separates my vertebrate freeing the pressure on my nerves. Wondering if hanging from a chin bar or using ab straps might alleviate some pain. Of course this bit of bro science might not apply to your problem.

I follow this motto now as I get older. Do what you can and forget the rest. I mourned not being able to bench press anymore. The pain and the feeling I'm damaging my shoulder is not worth it. I won't be seen using a light weight for benching in a commercial gym. You can always find a substitute that will work. Forget running. Walk fast or use a stationary bike or other cardio. Concerning your lower back and balance problems find ways to work around it. Don't stop fighting. I know guys that stopped lifting because they couldn't bench anymore. There are 300 plus other exercises someone can do. Maybe no weight squats will work for you. Hell, Wilf Sylvester won the short Mr. Universe in 1975 using body weight squats with leg extensions and leg curls. He used 400 reps. Not sure if that was in sets or one set. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 03, 2018, 04:47:48 AM
I think I'm running too much. Looks like I'm losing muscle and I feel really washed out.  I think the body adapts to the stress presented. Right now I'm telling my body I want to be a runner and it's responding. I hate losing muscle. Lost around 10 pounds in a little over 3 weeks. I feel so much better mentally when I just lift. I feel jittery when I run too much. Going to keep pushing the running for awhile in combo with lifting. I want to see how this old body reacts.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on August 03, 2018, 07:48:01 AM
I think I'm running too much. Looks like I'm losing muscle and I feel really washed out.  I think the body adapts to the stress presented. Right now I'm telling my body I want to be a runner and it's responding. I hate losing muscle. Lost around 10 pounds in a little over 3 weeks. I feel so much better mentally when I just lift. I feel jittery when I run too much. Going to keep pushing the running for awhile in combo with lifting. I want to see how this old body reacts.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on August 03, 2018, 10:18:24 PM
I think I'm running too much. Looks like I'm losing muscle and I feel really washed out.  I think the body adapts to the stress presented. Right now I'm telling my body I want to be a runner and it's responding. I hate losing muscle. Lost around 10 pounds in a little over 3 weeks. I feel so much better mentally when I just lift. I feel jittery when I run too much. Going to keep pushing the running for awhile in combo with lifting. I want to see how this old body reacts.

Don't mean to be critical, but this seems to be a theme with you. You often go full bore into a new or recycled routine only to realize your body can't handle it.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 04, 2018, 03:31:20 PM
Don't mean to be critical, but this seems to be a theme with you. You often go full bore into a new or recycled routine only to realize your body can't handle it.

Maybe you're right.  I've been lifting for 40 plus years and I'm never satisfied. At least over the 40 plus years I have rarely been out of shape. Maybe not by drug steroid standards but by gym rat standards.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on August 04, 2018, 11:23:59 PM
Maybe you're right.  I've been lifting for 40 plus years and I'm never satisfied. At least over the 40 plus years I have rarely been out of shape. Maybe not by drug steroid standards but by gym rat standards.

See, never being satisfied seems wrong to me. You can appreciate your achievements without giving up the desire to do more or even to just maintain what you accomplished.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 06, 2018, 10:57:22 AM
I disagree. If you are satisfied you will lose ground. You always need goals to chase. A race to peak for, a vacation you want to look good on the beach for; etc. I never missed a complete week in about 3 years of working out.

I see too many people in the gym just going through the motions. Never straining to get one more rep. Never truly out of breath. Walking casually on a treadmill slower than they walked to the gym from their car. It all comes down to desire and passion. If you don't have it then you won't get the results.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 06, 2018, 11:12:19 AM
I trained back and chest today: No warms ups a listed. Feeling a little weak from cardio.

Pulldowns with a mag bar 2 x 10 140lbs (no cheat lean backs)
seated low pulley rows with a V bar attachment 2 x 12 170lbs
dumbbell rows 2 x 10 85lbs (all the way down and up)
Hammer strength pulldowns 2 x 10 160lbs (good full stretch and full contraction)

Hammer inclines 2 x 8 2 plates a side. Full slow range and slow cadence. Did a last set with 3 plates a side
Incline dumbbell press 2 x 8 75lbs (all the way down and controlled. No half reps)
flat flies 2 x 10 50lbs
Hammer flat bench 2 x 8
push ups 1 x max

deadlifts 2 x 4 300lbs then one rep with 325lbs
weighted back extensions 2 x 15 with a 25lbs plate behind my head.

Ab wheel roll outs 2 x 22
ab machine crunch 2 x 20

Tomorrow is a planned 6 x 880 yard repeats.  I know how fast I was in my youth and feel like a slow old man but I'm working on getting some speed back. Doing these on a treadmill with 440 yard (one lap) fast walking rests in between. I have plans to do the following.

1 x 8:45 pace
2 x 8:30 pace
2 x 8:00 pace
1 x 7:45 pace

If it wasn't for my excessive beer consumption I might get somewhere.  ;D

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on August 06, 2018, 11:29:22 AM
I disagree. If you are satisfied you will lose ground. You always need goals to chase. A race to peak for, a vacation you want to look good on the beach for; etc.

I see too many people in the gym just going through the motions. Never straining to get one more rep. Never truly out of breath. Walking casually on a treadmill slower than they walked to the gym from their car. It all comes down to desire and passion. If you don't have it then you won't get the results.

Sometimes excessive passion begets unrealistic goals which result in failure. One example is people, like yourself who push so hard that they end up trying to do something which cannot be sustained....running like a maniac until they drop and then stop completely.

You don't have to strain for one more rep to get healthy and fit. The fact that you did the exercise is more productive than doing nothing because you burned out the day before. Think of looking good at the beach as a side benefit, not your main goal. If looking good is the only thing motivating you at the gym or on a run, you've missed the point. It is also the height of vanity.

Patience and persistence will get you to where you want to go faster than impatience and exhaustion.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 06, 2018, 11:35:01 AM
I train for function first then form comes with it. I see myself as an athlete and not a cosmetic bodybuilder.  Yes, I do sustain my fitness.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on August 06, 2018, 11:45:45 AM
Most likely, I won't be going to the gym today because yesterday I went crazy removing ivy from the steep slope on the front and side of my property. In the process of pulling and cutting it while standing on very uneven ground caused me to strain the tendons in my feet and ankles. Today, I'm using crutches to get around the house because I literally cannot walk using my right foot without suffering unbearable pain.

For now, I'm going to baby myself in hopes I can get the pain and swelling in check, so I'm able to resume my regular routine tomorrow. This is what happens when you overdo end up not progressing at all. The work I did yesterday trying to remove the sea of ivy was a mere drop in the bucket...practically unnoticeable. I need to revisit hiring this project out or risk becoming cripple.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on August 06, 2018, 11:51:30 AM
I train for function first then form comes with it. I see myself as an athlete and not a cosmetic bodybuilder.  Yes, I do sustain my fitness.

I'm not sure what training for function means here. IMO form is primary to successful exercising, regardless of what a person is trying to achieve, be it more strength, bigger muscles, being fit or all of those things.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 06, 2018, 01:07:44 PM
I'm not sure what training for function means here. IMO form is primary to successful exercising, regardless of what a person is trying to achieve, be it more strength, bigger muscles, being fit or all of those things.

Function means training for strength, muscular endurance, increasing VO2, increasing power not to be confused with strength. Not training for function is training for cosmetics. I'm sure you would agree many professional bodybuilders couldn't lift 225lbs from the floor to over head and are not capable of running a decent mile time. Many go through the motions with no goal of increasing any of the above. I realize at your age you're trying to maintain health. Personal records are out of the question and maybe even recent performance personal records isn't a goal.  I've recently went from 190lbs at 5'8" fairly muscular to 182 lbs. I hope to get into the high 170lbs.  Personally I will never run a string of sub 6 minute miles like I use to anymore. I will never run a quarter mile in 50 seconds anymore. I challenge recent personal records. Maybe I'm losing. LOL. My current goal is to string a couple of miles under 8 minutes while maintaining my lifting.

On a side note of striving for being the best you can be per genetics and innate ability is a guy I use to work with. He use to run once in awhile a 5K recreational charity race. He never really trained for running. He retired and moved to Florida with his wife. His wife suddenly died and he felt lost. He was in Florida with few friends and no family. He wanted to get out socially. He saw a local running club and thought maybe that's what I should do. He was in his late 60's.  Soon he was obsessed with running training long distances. Now in his 70's one year he was the age group world champion in the marathon.  He competes all over the world. He ran 26 miles in the low 7 minute per mile time. That's flying.  Now he's around 75 and his times are slowing but I assume he's in a new age bracket now. He runs around 15 miles at a time 4 days a week with some speed work thrown in.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on August 06, 2018, 08:20:08 PM
Function means training for strength, muscular endurance, increasing VO2, increasing power not to be confused with strength. Not training for function is training for cosmetics. I'm sure you would agree many professional bodybuilders couldn't lift 225lbs from the floor to over head and are not capable of running a decent mile time. Many go through the motions with no goal of increasing any of the above. I realize at your age you're trying to maintain health. Personal records are out of the question and maybe even recent performance personal records isn't a goal.  I've recently went from 190lbs at 5'8" fairly muscular to 182 lbs. I hope to get into the high 170lbs.  Personally I will never run a string of sub 6 minute miles like I use to anymore. I will never run a quarter mile in 50 seconds anymore. I challenge recent personal records. Maybe I'm losing. LOL. My current goal is to string a couple of miles under 8 minutes while maintaining my lifting.

On a side note of striving for being the best you can be per genetics and innate ability is a guy I use to work with. He use to run once in awhile a 5K recreational charity race. He never really trained for running. He retired and moved to Florida with his wife. His wife suddenly died and he felt lost. He was in Florida with few friends and no family. He wanted to get out socially. He saw a local running club and thought maybe that's what I should do. He was in his late 60's.  Soon he was obsessed with running training long distances. Now in his 70's one year he was the age group world champion in the marathon.  He competes all over the world. He ran 26 miles in the low 7 minute per mile time. That's flying.  Now he's around 75 and his times are slowing but I assume he's in a new age bracket now. He runs around 15 miles at a time 4 days a week with some speed work thrown in.

My friend Earl who trains/trained at the same gym I did, liked to talk about wining masters power lifting contests in the 70+ age bracket. He'd joke that the reason he won was that he was the only person his age competing. There was a bodybuilding competition photo hanging on the gym wall of him when he was in his early 30's. He was in excellent condition back then. He still looked better than most when in his early 70's. Unfortunately, he developed Parkinson's. After which, his gym visits became less and less frequent, particularly after he could no longer drive himself and his wife or son had to chauffeur him. When last I saw him, he still had a really good sense of humor and he loved to chat it up with all of us, which nobody minded. He'd be 84 now and I no longer go to that gym so I have no idea how he's doing these days. I am apprehensive about finding out.

An interesting side note is that he only started training because his wife decided to join a gym and he went along with her. After she gave the gym workouts up, he continued going and training. Hopefully, he still is.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 07, 2018, 06:11:26 AM
We all get old sick and die. Hopefully through good genes, hard work and pure luck we can live a very active life till the end.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on August 07, 2018, 10:45:45 AM
We all get old sick and die. Hopefully through good genes, hard work and pure luck we can live a very active life till the end.

This is my goal.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on August 07, 2018, 11:41:09 AM
If you feel over-trained (which you do) take a few days off.  Reduce your workload.

We become addicted to exercising due to the endorphin rush and feel if we miss a workout our body will fall apart.

You know all this.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 07, 2018, 07:05:55 PM
Did cardio today. The hardcore stuck in time place I work out in has all different brand treadmills. I like the True brand. A girl was running on a treadmill and all the other ones were open. The True one I like was right next to her. I'm sure she thinks I was trying to strike up a conversation to hit on her but I was hitting it hard today.

I did 6 x 880 yards or half mile repeats.

1 x 8:41 minute mile pace
2 x 8:30 pace
2 x 8:00 pace
1 x 7:45 pace

After I hit the heavy bag for two 3 minute rounds.

It's 11 hours after that workout and I still feel wasted. Tomorrow is legs. Thinking about doing power squats after seeing a video of Mike O'Herne squatting. For many decades I only did Power lifting type squats in my younger years. Wide stance and low bar placement. For awhile I did Olympic type squats. High bar placement and a narrow stance spreading the knees out. Now in my older years I do a bodybuilding type squat. It has a high bar placement with a just past parallel squat depth. I'm curious about going old school in my training life and doing a power lifter type squat again.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 08, 2018, 03:34:30 PM
Trained legs today doing powerlifter type squats. Used a light weight just to get into the groove. Haven't used them in ages. They felt great. I feel it hits the lower back, hips and maybe hams more than the quads.  Still experimenting with leg width and bar placement. I used narrow stance leg press to hit the quads. Did the usual leg extensions, leg curls, abs and calves. I remember in my  college days I used a power lifter type squats exclusively when I was on the track team.  I squatted 400lbs raw when I weighed 144lbs at 16 or 17. I realize that's nothing to brag about. But for little guy I was happy with that.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 09, 2018, 07:10:46 PM
Treadmill intervals today:

6 x 880 half mile repeats

1 x 8:47 per mile pace
1 x 8:30
3 x 8:00
1 x 7:47

Hit the heavy bag for two rounds. Came home and mowed the grass in 92 degree humid heat. Good day of cardio. Hope to get under 180lbs soon. My butt felt sore from the power lifting style squats. My knee felt sore but I'm attributing it the the horrible leg press machine I use in the commercial gym I go to.  My home unit has much better angles and smoother. I think the damage is done. Going to stop using the leg press for awhile and hope the clicking sore knee gets better.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on August 10, 2018, 05:13:41 AM
You are kicking some azz,

Way to go.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 10, 2018, 05:49:08 AM
You are kicking some azz,

Way to go.

Maybe it explains why I had trouble picking my cell phone off the floor this morning.  Sore as hell.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 10, 2018, 03:32:23 PM
Trained delts and arms:

Military press 2 x 8 115lbs (cleaned the weight and went all the way down to the upper chest. I try to be strict with my bad shoulder)
dumbbell lateral raise 2 x 10 30lbs
rear delt dumbbell lateral raise 2 x 10 40lbs
Machine laterals 2 x 10
dumbbell shrugs 2 x 10 95lbs

weighted dips 2 x 10 25lbs (all the way down. No half reps)
two hand single dumbbell tricep extension 2 x 10 75lbs
tricep pulley push downs 2 x 10

dumbbell alternate curls 2 x 8 45lbs
machine curls 2 x 10
concentration curl strict 2 x 10 25lbs.

forearm wrist curls 2 x 25 95lbs
rope curls 2 x 12

ab coaster 1x 35 40lbs
machine crunches 2 x 20

Floated in the pool and drank 4 beers. Ugh. Never getting abs. LOL.  Tomorrow is an early morning short run of two miles then work.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 11, 2018, 08:57:48 PM
Woke up early before work and ran two miles in a park. Damn GPS watch broke and I feel I was flying but have no way of knowing. I have a new GPS watch coming by Amazon. I hope I wasn't delusional about my time.

GPS watches have too many functions that aren't necessary. I only want distance, time and average pace. Seems like most people want a lot more functions.  I'm just not a fan of linking it to my phone or computer. I don't care about my heart rate. I don't need to know each mile split but that could be useful.  I ordered a $90 Timex GPS because they kept saying it was simple to operate. Nothing pisses me off more than a  40 page instructional book and a million functions.

Tomorrow is a complete day off from lifting and cardio. The predicted weather is rain in NJ but if it's just cloudy I will body surf waves for fun. The ocean is loaded with sting rays in shallow water for some reason.  I hope I don't get stabbed.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 13, 2018, 07:03:29 PM
Trained back and chest today. Becoming a broken record with what I do. I need a change. Feeling a little weak from cardio. Getting leaner but not as fast as I would like.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 16, 2018, 06:53:58 PM
Trained legs yesterday. Second time I used a power squat position in recent times. Strange but my knee feel better using this position. Staying away from the leg press for awhile. Work out started with me not wanting to work out but after warm ups I got into the groove. Still using relatively light weights for the squat. I have to get into the groove of using a wide stance again after using narrow for years. I did get up to 260lbs. I know that's super light but I again I haven't power squatted in many years.

Today I did treadmill intervals of 6 x half miles.

1 x 880 yards (half mile) 8:24 mile pace
5 x 880 yards at 8:00 mile pace
1 x 440 yards (one lap) at 6:50 pace

Warmed up with a quarter mile fast walk and the same for cool down.

I hit the heavy bag for two rounds after. I think my shirt weighed 2 pounds from sweat.

Staying around 182. I want to get to about 170lbs to 175LBS eventually. I don't know if it's in the cards for me but I'm working on it.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 17, 2018, 04:28:04 PM
Trained delt and arms today. No warm ups listed.

Dumbbell shoulder press standing: 2 x 8 55lbs (all the way down. I like standing better than sitting. Sitting turns into an incline press.)
Dumbbell laterals 2 x 10 30lbs
Dumbbell rear laterals 2 x 10 45lbs.
Machine delt laterals 2 x 10 80lbs
Dumbbell shrugs 2 x 10 95lbs

Two hand one dumbbell seated tricep extension 2 x 12 75lbs
Tricep pushdowns pulley 2 x 12
One arm behind head dumbbell tricep 2 x 10 20lbs ( elbow hurt. Went light and strict)
Bodyweight dips 1 x max

Dumbbell alternate curls 2 x 8 45lbs
Concentration curls arnold style standing 2  x 10 25lbs
scott curl with short barbell 2  x 10 (believe it or not I rarely use the scott curl. Go a rarely good pump. I will definitely use it from now on.)

Forearm wrist curl 2 x 20 95lbs
Reverse pulley curl 2 x 12

ab coaster 1 x 35 60lbs
ab machine crunch 2 x 20

Floated in the pool drinking wine after.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 18, 2018, 06:11:11 PM
Today was a scheduled running day but I didn't get it in. I was going to get up before work but it didn't work out. At 3Am the most incredible storm came through. Two giant trees in my neighbors yard broke in half. Luckily it hit nothing. My yard was okay. Neighbors were talking about a tornado but that's nuts. It was a really bad thunder storm. The craziest part was when the wind, lightening and thunder hit  we looked out the window in the darkness and there was a man running down the block. Who the fuck is out 3AM in a  thunder storm?

Today after work I went to the boardwalk and hit a roof top bar. The bar was hopping. Down stairs was a Rock cover band and the roof top was a DJ. There was a bridal party bachelor  pre wedding thing going on. The DJ was encouraging them to dance. They did not disappoint. One girl was bending over dancing and another was humping her. Great fun drinking Guinness watching the "show". Pouring rain again tonight as I type this.

Hopefully tomorrow I will make up for the missed cardio session if I'm not too hung over.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on August 19, 2018, 04:42:11 AM
Way cool to live on the shore.

If it is not too personal, where approx. on the NJ shore do you live?

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 19, 2018, 08:04:41 AM
I live near Sea Side Park near the bay.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 21, 2018, 08:02:32 PM
Ran two miles in the 8:00 minute something range. I really have to lose weight. Banged the heavy bag after.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on August 22, 2018, 04:45:09 AM
Losing weight sucks.

For me to have success at it I have to monitor my calories.

Only around 1700 calories total.

I've been doing a 18 hour fast everyday for the past week.  Two meals between 3PM and 9PM.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 22, 2018, 05:31:42 AM
Losing weight sucks.

For me to have success at it I have to monitor my calories.

Only around 1700 calories total.

I've been doing a 18 hour fast everyday for the past week.  Two meals between 3PM and 9PM.

1700 calories! I eat that for a snack.  I realize now that I can't out work a diet like I easily did when I was younger.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 22, 2018, 03:34:33 PM
Trained legs: no warm ups listed.

Dumbbell squats 2 x 12 85lbs (Back upright and sink butt all the way.  Not deadlifting the weight. Squatting it. Really tough exercise.
Hack squats 2 x 12 (sank them. I see everyone in the gym doing half hack squats with a million pounds.)
butt kick back machine 2 x 12 (Another tough exercise. Never see guys using this machine. Put the pin low and it's really hard.)
leg extension 2 x 12 150lbs
leg curls 2 x 12 110lbs

standing calf 2 x 13 180lbs. My home calf I use 325lbs. At this commercial gym 180lbs feels heavy.
seated calf 2 x 15 90lbs

four way nautilus neck machine. Two sets a side.

ab coaster 1 x 35 60lbs (tried to go really high and somewhat slow back)
ab wheel 1 x 25
hanging leg raise 1 x 23

Gym Observations:  This one guy is about 55 and uses about 5 upper body machines every time he comes in. He puts the pin on the bottom of the plates then proceeds to use a partial range of motion then struts like a peacock that he uses more weight than anyone. An example of this is the seated shoulder press machine. Instead of putting the seat up to get a full range of motion he puts the seat as low as it goes so he is doing less than a half a rep. Of course the pin is in the lowest plate. What a beast. He's not the only one but one of the worst offenders. When in doubt do an exercise in the hardest way instead of the easiest way. It's the muscle you are training and not your ego.

Power lifters are growing in my gym. Most gyms won't let you deadlift and complain about their floors. The owner of this gym couldn't care less if you brought in your pet monkey to train. It's getting harder to use the power cage for squats because he only has one. One of my observations about power lifters is that they train one exercise forever. Not uncommon for a power lifter to use the squat racks for 45 plus minutes. Five minutes between sets, really?

Also surprised by the growing number of young girls training at this hard core gym. Girls in their 20's and 30's are training really hard here. The owner makes you sign no contract except an injury waiver. Quit when you want and you're done. The fancy chrome palace you need a lawyer to figure out the 12 plus paragraph contract. They will only stop deducting from your credit card on a full moon and an even day with exactly 40 day, 3 hour and 17 minute notice. Other than that  you are shit out of luck.

I trained at my home gym for decades but have come to love this hell hole hard core gym. The people for the most part are really friendly and it's like a training family.  I can tell the way people are dressed if they will join once a new person walks in. Dressed head to toe in brand new work out gear they are in shock looking at this place and head for the door.  His treadmills are at least 20 years old. The machine maybe 30 plus.  He finally got around to repading the benches. He actually has one of the first Hammer strength machines ever made and it looks like Gary Jones made it in his garage.  

This gym also has a convict and out law biker guys that work out there. They generally work out late so I rarely see them.  I never use the locker room. I come dressed to work out. One guy told me homosexuals hang out there hoping to score. Only went in there once to take a leak and an old man was drying his balls with the hand dryer.  

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on August 22, 2018, 05:50:05 PM
You work out a lot harder and more often than me so you need more food without a doubt. 

Your gym sounds interesting.  Belonged to a YMCA in my early training days.  What a dump and some strange characters in there, even an old guy walking around in a near-thong.  Weird.  Some ok folks too.  That old YMCA got demolished a few years later.  I wonder where the rats went?

Used to belong to great hardcore gym but moved several times over the years and since the 90s have trained at home.

Haven't been in a commercial gym since although there a several chain gyms in my area.  Have heard the stories about them getting into your credit card.

A good non-chain gym is not easy to find nowadays.  Not much money in it.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 22, 2018, 06:52:51 PM
While it's fun to train with a lot of variety the older I get the more I question if it's necessary. Maybe for a competing bodybuilder but for a guy trying to train athletically and for fitness it's not needed. I think when I eventually down size my house I'm going to miss my basement gym. I bet nothing would change physique wise for me If I had power blocks with a bench with a dip/chin attachment.

Regarding losing weight I really lack self discipline to diet. I have always been able to out work my diet and eat anything I want diet. Now that I'm older my weight is creeping up so that is no longer the case. I have to take my calories down. The worst is at night watching tv. I crave the usual garbage like chips and ice cream.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on August 23, 2018, 12:42:14 AM
Losing weight sucks.

For me to have success at it I have to monitor my calories.

Only around 1700 calories total.

I've been doing a 18 hour fast everyday for the past week.  Two meals between 3PM and 9PM.

Good move. There are no secret formulas to successful weight loss. What works is simple really, eat less and you'll eventually weigh less. Less calories in than out does the trick. Ongoing fasting doesn't strike me as being much fun.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on August 23, 2018, 12:48:48 AM
You work out a lot harder and more often than me so you need more food without a doubt. 

Your gym sounds interesting.  Belonged to a YMCA in my early training days.  What a dump and some strange characters in there, even an old guy walking around in a near-thong.  Weird.  Some ok folks too.  That old YMCA got demolished a few years later.  I wonder where the rats went?

Used to belong to great hardcore gym but moved several times over the years and since the 90s have trained at home.

Haven't been in a commercial gym since although there a several chain gyms in my area.  Have heard the stories about them getting into your credit card.

A good non-chain gym is not easy to find nowadays.  Not much money in it.

Don't believe everything you hear. Chain gyms wouldn't want to risk their reputation on your credit card. If you're on Medicare, like me, you get free gym memberships. Working out at home has it's advantages, but it ultimately gets old, which for me is a major disadvantage. Besides, where would I wear my new thong if it weren't for the gym?  ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on August 23, 2018, 12:49:53 AM
While it's fun to train with a lot of variety the older I get the more I question if it's necessary. Maybe for a competing bodybuilder but for a guy trying to train athletically and for fitness it's not needed. I think when I eventually down size my house I'm going to miss my basement gym. I bet nothing would change physique wise for me If I had power blocks with a bench with a dip/chin attachment.

Regarding losing weight I really lack self discipline to diet. I have always been able to out work my eat anything I want diet. Now that I'm older my weight is creeping up so that is no longer the case. I have to take my calories down. The worst is at night watching tv. I crave the usual garbage like chips and ice cream.   

There are small houses with basements.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 23, 2018, 10:59:07 AM
There are small houses with basements.

True but I would have to down size my equipment. When I built this house I paid extra for a 9' basement so I can lift over head. It's roughly 1400 sq feet.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 23, 2018, 11:04:19 AM
Cardio day on treadmill: No warm up or cool down listed.

6 x 880 yards (half mile) @ 8:00 minute mile pace (7.5 MPH). The rest between the runs was a fast walk for one lap (440 yards) at 3.8 MPH.

I felt this run. In my younger years it would have been an easy workout but now I'm shot. LOL. Ended the workout hitting the heavy bag for a couple of rounds.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on August 23, 2018, 12:56:43 PM
True but I would have to down size my equipment. When I built this house I paid extra for a 9' basement so I can lift over head. It's roughly 1400 sq feet.

Build a house that fits your exact needs for now and in the future, like high ceilings and easy access (wider openings and hallways), etc. Will it have a pool?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 23, 2018, 06:06:14 PM
Build a house that fits your exact needs for now and in the future, like high ceilings and easy access (wider openings and hallways), etc. Will it have a pool?

Wish I had that kind of money. Retired now and money is no where near when I was working. I'm downsizing to save money. If I wanted a nice pool, plenty of land and really nice house I would stay where I am. Finances are telling me to downsize. When I move to a smaller house I will take the equity in this house to pay off an inexpensive small house and use the rest of the money for a bank account. Unlike a lot of people my age I have no inheritance from deceased parents or inlaws.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 24, 2018, 02:07:02 PM
Trained delts and arms. I won't bore you with all the exercises. Trained about 6 sets to failure per body part. Left shot. Now I'm drinking a beer and cleaning the pool. Hate cleaning the pool but I'm really love the pool to be beyond clear and clean. I live near the woods and it's impossible to keep it perfect for more than a couple of days. Sad to say when I visit someone with a pool I check out the cleanliness of the pool.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on August 24, 2018, 02:53:32 PM
Wish I had that kind of money. Retired now and money is no where near when I was working. I'm downsizing to save money. If I wanted a nice pool, plenty of land and really nice house I would stay where I am. Finances are telling me to downsize. When I move to a smaller house I will take the equity in this house to pay off an inexpensive small house and use the rest of the money for a bank account. Unlike a lot of people my age I have no inheritance from deceased parents or inlaws.

Like you pretty much everything I have, my wife and I earned on our own, although we both inherited a small amount from families, that was many years ago.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 25, 2018, 02:41:00 PM
Woke up at 5:30Am. Ran two short miles then went to work. When I came home I Floated in the pool and drank rum. Cool for August. About 80 here and cloudy. For dinner I cooked up a scallop dish with linguine. Used butter, virgin olive oil and plenty of garlic. Played classics through a bose speaker. Sinatra, Martin, Darin, Vale, Davis, Bocelli and others were singing. . Mainly Italian guys. Planned a vacation on the internet.

Weighing 181. Down from 190lbs. I think a realistic goal will be to get down to 175lbs. I'm sure today I gained weight today  ;D. Drank like a fish and ate like a gorilla.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on August 25, 2018, 02:43:41 PM
Woke up at 5:30Am. Ran two short miles then went to work. When I came home I Floated in the pool and drank rum. Cool for August. About 80 here and cloudy. For dinner I cooked up a scallop dish with linguine. Used butter, virgin olive oil and plenty of garlic. Played classics through a bose speaker. Sinatra, Martin, Darin, Vale, Davis, Bocelli and others were singing. . Mainly Italian guys. Planned a vacation on the internet.

Weighing 181. Down from 190lbs. I think a realistic goal will be to get down to 175lbs. I'm sure today I gained weight. Drank like a fish and ate like a gorilla.

Ever try black rum?

You can really taste the molasses in it. 

Bought a bottle of Bacardi Black Rum.  It's good and cheap too so if you don't like it no biggie.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 25, 2018, 02:48:20 PM
Ever try black rum?

You can really taste the molasses in it. 

Bought a bottle of Bacardi Black Rum.  It's good and cheap too so if you don't like it no biggie.

It's amazing that Bacardi was a Cuban product but the family fled to Puerto Rico when  Castro came. We had a bottle of Bacardi from Cuba when I was a kid.  I was drinking Bacardi dark rum today with lime, splash of ginger ale with club soda. Simple and good.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on August 25, 2018, 08:40:16 PM
It's amazing that Bacardi was a Cuban product but the family fled to Puerto Rico when  Castro came. We had a bottle of Bacardi from Cuba when I was a kid.  I was drinking Bacardi dark rum today with lime, splash of ginger ale with club soda. Simple and good.

Why only a splash of ginger ale and why club soda? Wouldn't dark rum with ginger ale and lime be just as good? Note: ginger ale is one of the only soda's I like.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 26, 2018, 09:14:22 AM
Why only a splash of ginger ale and why club soda? Wouldn't dark rum with ginger ale and lime be just as good? Note: ginger ale is one of the only soda's I like.

Too sweet.  Only want a splash of sweetness. My personal taste.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on August 26, 2018, 04:18:16 PM
Too sweet.  Only want a splash of sweetness. My personal taste.

Figured as much. Like you said, to each his own. I'd go for a Mojito anytime.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 26, 2018, 08:13:38 PM
Didn't train today but I was in the ocean for two hours. The waves weren't good enough to body surf but I tried my best.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on August 26, 2018, 10:52:46 PM
Didn't train today but I was in the ocean for two hours. The waves weren't good enough to body surf but I tried my best.

Cold here. The coast would be even colder. I'm thinking our long hot summer is over.  :'(
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 27, 2018, 01:16:56 PM
Trained chest and arms. Changing up my split for awhile. Using a barbell more for chest. I have to watch it. My shoulder is very fragile.  Did everything very controlled and deliberate.

Bench 2 x 6 then 1x1 (weight used is embarrassing due to  my messed up shoulders. Tried to go slow and controlled.)
Incline bar bench 2 x 6
flat flies 2 x 12 50lbs
push ups 2 x max

Two arm one dumbbell behind the head tricep extensions 2 x 10 75lbs
Skull crusher tricep extensions 2 x 8
Rope push downs 2 x 12

Barbell curl 2 x 10 95lbs
Alternate dumbbell curl 2 x 8
Arnold type concentration curls 2 x 14

Forearm wrist curls 2 x 20
reverse wrist 2x 15

Ab wheel roll outs 2 x 23
crunches with a plate behind my head with feet over a bench 1 x 50
ab pulley crunches 2 x 25

forearm gripper work 2 x 20

Drank a vegan protein shake. Milk whey products upsets my stomach.  Cooked a nice steak on the grill for lunch.  Rarely do that.  Dog kept asking for a piece. His big pleading eyes did me in.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on August 27, 2018, 01:25:25 PM
Nice workout.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on August 27, 2018, 02:38:36 PM
 Cooked a nice steak on the grill for lunch.  Rarely do that.  Dog kept asking for a piece. His big pleading eyes did me in.

That looks like the evil eye not the pleading eye.  ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 28, 2018, 10:31:02 AM
Ran 2.7 miles of a planed 5 mile run on the boardwalk. It was near 90 with no breeze and humid. Think the heat got to me. Pissed I didn't finish. Ran a block and walked a block to get back to my car. I think I went out too fast. I have to do more cardio and lay off the booze.  If I was one of those guys who only ran life would be so much easier. Hard to juggle both lifting and running.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on August 28, 2018, 02:13:23 PM
Mel B. works out and drinks like a fish too.

It just takes planning and organization.


Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 28, 2018, 06:52:27 PM
Hit 101 degrees down the shore here with heavy humidity. It was in the 89-90's when I ran with no breeze. Who is Mel B?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on August 28, 2018, 07:03:59 PM
I noticed your old thread on going from HIT to volume.  I like HIT but there are times when, for instance, I will do something like 5 sets of 50 reps for light barbell curls and 10 sets of 50 reps on light triceps pushdowns.  I will do the same for shoulders for up to 50 reps and back and chest will be the same thing.  The weight stays the same but as the sets progress, the reps tend to go down.   ;D

It all depends upon how I am feeling physically and mentally.  While I do think there is no one "correct" way to train, I also think there are plenty of ways to screw yourself up by training wrong. I have never gotten hurt using light weights with lots of reps but then I've also never gotten hurt going heavy for low reps and sets.  I train to look and feel as good as I can.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 28, 2018, 07:42:02 PM
I noticed your old thread on going from HIT to volume.  I like HIT but there are times when, for instance, I will do something like 5 sets of 50 reps for light barbell curls and 10 sets of 50 reps on light triceps pushdowns.  I will do the same for shoulders for up to 50 reps and back and chest will be the same thing.  The weight stays the same but as the sets progress, the reps tend to go down.   ;D

It all depends upon how I am feeling physically and mentally.  While I do think there is no one "correct" way to train, I also think there are plenty of ways to screw yourself up by training wrong. I have never gotten hurt using light weights with lots of reps but then I've also never gotten hurt going heavy for low reps and sets.  I train to look and feel as good as I can.

That's a sick amount of reps. I couldn't do 5 sets of 50 reps with a feather.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on August 29, 2018, 04:00:49 AM
Mel B. thread.  No need to thank me.;topicseen
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 29, 2018, 02:22:17 PM
Trained legs today: No warm ups listed.

Leg press 2 x 12 4 plates a side (bent my legs till they wouldn't go any further. No shallow reps with a million pounds for ego.)
Dumbbell squat 2 x 12 80lbs (Upright back. Not deadlifting the weight bent over. Butt all the way down.)
Hack squat 1 x 12 (all the way down as much as my legs would bend)
leg extensions 2 x 20
seated leg curls 2 x 15
standing leg curls 2 x 12

Side bend single dumbbell 1 x 15 90lbs
Hanging leg raise 2 x 23
Hip ups on floor 1 x 25

standing calf 2 x 15 (having Achilles problems. Realized I'm really stiff in flexibility regarding the calf. Going to stretch them out.)
seated calf 2 x 15 90 lbs.

Neck work 1 x all four sides.

Jumped in the pool after. It's hot as hell in NJ.  Drank wine. Not a big fan of wine but it will do when I don't have my beer. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 30, 2018, 09:03:16 AM
Cardio day. Ran 8 x 440 yards (one lap). Did all of the quarters under 8 minutes pace and the last two under 7 minute pace. Hit the heavy bag for a couple of rounds after. I like hitting the bag when I'm shot. Makes me really dig in to stay explosive.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 31, 2018, 09:31:14 AM
Back and Delts: I hesitate to put down weights considering the majority of guys short stroke a movement to satisfy their ego. Always do an exercise in the hardest way and not the easiest.

Pulldowns 2 x 10
Low seated cable rows 2 x 12 170lbs
Dumbbell row off bench 2 x 10 85lbs
Hammer strength pulldown 2 x 10 160lbs

Military press 2 x 8 115lbs (weight cleaned off floor and all the way down to clavicles.)
delt lateral raise 2 x 10 30lbs
rear delt lateral raise 2 x 10 40lbs
machine laterals 2 x 10 80lbs

deadlift 2 x 4 300lbs then 1 x 1 340lbs
DB shrugs 2 x 15 85lbs
Hyper extensions 2 x 15 25lbs plate behind head

Wheel roll out 2 x 23
ab machine 2 x 22 90lbs

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on August 31, 2018, 09:50:05 AM
Good workout!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 01, 2018, 04:58:04 AM
Ran two mile at 8:42 pace (6.9 MPH) before work. I like the early morning park crowd. When the sun rises they all start their run.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 02, 2018, 08:03:26 PM
Two days of drinking. Yesterday and today. Tomorrow is a big pool party at my house. I need to get my drinking in check. I will start after the party tomorrow.  ;D  Can't decide what I want my training to look like next week. I guess I will make that decision in the morning.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on September 03, 2018, 03:35:16 PM
Two days of drinking. Yesterday and today. Tomorrow is a big pool party at my house. I need to get my drinking in check. I will start after the party tomorrow.  ;D  Can't decide what I want my training to look like next week. I guess I will make that decision in the morning.

It is good you enjoy the pool parties while they last. Drink iced tea or lemonade.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 03, 2018, 07:04:55 PM
Started to do chest today. Every 4 to 6 months sometimes sooner I stupidly try to bench with a bar again thinking it will work. Had 205lbs on the bar and it felt like I was wrecking my shoulder. Why can't I understand that it's over?  There are hundreds of exercises and I don't know why I'm fixated on what I use to do like benching with a bar, press behind the neck and other former staples. I always tell older trainers to do what they can do and forget the rest. I should take my own advice. Nothing wrong with dumbbell benching. Push ups don't hurt at all too. I got so pissed off hurting my shoulder today that I'm torn on taking the week off lifting and just run or try to salvage this training week. I will decide in the morning. I have to quit drinking alcohol so heavily too. I really believe I would be very lean if it wasn't for that.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 04, 2018, 10:59:15 AM
Trained the whole body today.

Dumbbell squat 2 x 12 two 85lbs. dumbbells (Upright back and sinking the butt all the way down. No deadlifting the weight calling it a dumbbell squat)
Butt kick back machine 1 x 12 80lbs
Leg extension machine 2 x 12 150lbs
leg curl machine 2 x 12 100lbs

Pulldowns 2 x 10 (fairly upright back. No crazy lean backs)
Low cable row with a V handle 2 x 12 170lbs (all the way out and all the way in.)

Dumbbell flat bench 2 x 8 80lbs ( all the way down.)
Flat flies 2 x 10 45lbs
Push ups 1 x max

Dumbbell shoulder press 2 x 8 45lbs ( all the way down)
Dumbbell delt laterals 2 x 10 30lbs
Dumbbell shrugs 2 x 15 90lbs

Single dumbbell two hand behind head tricep extension 2 x 10 75lbs ( tried to go really deep behind head)
Scott curl with a barbell 3 x 10 (felt pain in the elbow region.)

standing calf 2 x 12 180lbs (noticed different calf machines due to leverage points take wildly different resistance. I have two calf machines in my basement gym. One I use about 325lbs and the other use about 155lbs. This commercial unit 180lbs is heavy.

Neck 4 way machine 1 x 20

Ab wheel 2 x 23
Ab crunch 2 x 20

back hyperextension 2 x 15 25lbs plate behind head.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on September 04, 2018, 11:32:22 AM
Trained the whole body today.

Dumbbell squat 2 x 12 two 85lbs. dumbbells (Upright back and sinking the butt all the way down. No deadlifting the weight calling it a dumbbell squat)
Butt kick back machine 1 x 12 80lbs
Leg extension machine 2 x 12 150lbs
leg curl machine 2 x 12 100lbs

Pulldowns 2 x 10 (fairly upright back. No crazy lean backs)
Low cable row with a V handle 2 x 12 170lbs (all the way out and all the way in.)

Dumbbell flat bench 2 x 8 80lbs ( all the way down.)
Flat flies 2 x 10 45lbs

Dumbbell shoulder press 2 x 8 45lbs ( all the way down)
Dumbbell delt laterals 2 x 10 30lbs
Dumbbell shrugs 2 x 15 90lbs

Single dumbbell two hand behind head tricep extension 2 x 10 75lbs ( tried to go really deep behind head)
Scott curl with a barbell 3 x 10 (felt pain in the elbow region.)

standing calf 2 x 12 180lbs (noticed different calf machines due to leverage points take wildly different resistance. I have two calf machines in my basement gym. One I use about 325lbs and the other use about 155lbs. This commercial unit 180lbs is heavy.

Neck 4 way machine 1 x 20

Ab wheel 2 x 23
Ab crunch 2 x 20

back hyperextension 2 x 15 25lbs plate behind head.

Hopefully, you didn't get very far with the barbell yesterday since you've trained the same muscles, using the same movements, only with dumbbells.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 05, 2018, 02:32:42 PM
Ran three miles under a 9 minute pace. It was 91 degrees. Really humid. Afterwards I hit the gym to hit the heavy bag.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on September 05, 2018, 04:20:29 PM
Ran three miles under a 9 minute pace. It was 91 degrees. Really humid. Afterwards I hit the gym to hit the heavy bag.

Not sure running 3 miles in 91 degree and humid weather is a very good idea for anyone.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 05, 2018, 05:08:22 PM
Not sure running 3 miles in 91 degree and humid weather is a very good idea for anyone.

I've always been a little nuts. Some would say more than a little.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 06, 2018, 09:33:03 AM
Another cardio today on the treadmill.

8 x 440 yard (quarter mile) intervals. One lap around the track.

2 x quarter mile at 7:30 Pace or 8.0 MPH
2 x quarter mile at 7:19 Pace or 8.2 MPH
2 x quarter mile at 6:59 pace or 8.6 MPH
1 x quarter mile at 6:49 pace or 8.8 MPH
1 x quarter mile beginning at 6:40 pace (9.0 MPH) and last 220 at 6:15 pace ( 9.6 MPH)

Hit the heavy bag for two three minute miles.

One observation I had that might be a bit of bro science but it's my empirical knowledge. When I train heavy with low sets and heavy weights I tend to gain more fat due to neglecting cardio. It's hard to lift good numbers if I'm running like a lunatic.  Trying at least for now to include more cardio.  I went from around 190lbs to 181lbs recently. Hope to lose another 10 pounds but I might be dreaming. I like how I look with the perma bulker look in clothes. Just don't look ideal with the shirt off. The picture I put up on this thread is me roughly about 190lbs I believe. Starting to look a leaner now.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on September 06, 2018, 02:57:30 PM
Pretty soon, you'll be as skinny as I am, 172 this morning.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 07, 2018, 10:10:19 AM
Trained the whole body today. Started from the largest body part down to the smallest. Who ever said whole body routines were for beginners are nuts. It's absolutely the hardest way to train. Doing body part splits is without question easier. So beat up right now that I felt like I was hit by a bus.

Tried something different for calves. I do the normal standing, seated and leg press calf thing. I was reading Flex Lewis does body weight calf raises with just a plate to elevate the front of his front of his foot. Since my Achilles on my right leg is very sore and I suspect it's from stretching the calf during calf training I wanted to try something different. I set up the plate and used a machine for balance. I tried to use a decent smooth cadence. I did 50 reps and my calves were on fire. I did one more set of 40. I went all the way up.  I might stick with this for awhile until my Achilles heal.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on September 07, 2018, 11:57:53 AM
Trained the whole body today. Started from the largest body part down to the smallest. Who ever said whole body routines were for beginners are nuts. It's absolutely the hardest way to train. Doing body part splits is without question easier. So beat up right now that I felt like I was hit by a bus.

Tried something different for calves. I do the normal standing, seated and leg press calf thing. I was reading Flex Lewis does body weight calf raises with just a plate to elevate the front of his front of his foot. Since my Achilles on my right leg is very sore and I suspect it's from stretching the calf during calf training I wanted to try something different. I set up the plate and used a machine for balance. I tried to use a decent smooth cadence. I did 50 reps and my calves were on fire. I did one more set of 40. I went all the way up.  I might stick with this for awhile until my Achilles heal.

I often do bodyweight only calf raises with a short isometric at the top. My calves aren't big, but they are well defined.

A friend who constantly wore cowboy boots, switched to low healed shoes. After a couple of days he could barely walk because he was in so much pain.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 07, 2018, 04:31:07 PM
I often do bodyweight only calf raises with a short isometric at the top. My calves aren't big, but they are well defined.

A friend who constantly wore cowboy boots, switched to low healed shoes. After a couple of days he could barely walk because he was in so much pain.

I have zero calves but I always train them. Bill Grant laughs at my calves.  Tommy Hearns the great fighter laughs at my calves. I've been feeling this for a long time but when I over stretch my calves that damn tendon gets sore. Maybe the old adage applies. First do no harm. I know conventional wisdom is that calves grow best with an extreme range of motion. I'm beginning to think that for at least for mine it's too much stretching under tension that is damaging for my Achilles.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 08, 2018, 04:58:51 AM
Woke up at 5 in the morning today before work for a cardio run. Drove the two miles to the park I like and the rain came down in buckets so I canned the run.  In my younger years I would have run in the down pour but not today. Drove home and a migraine hit. Not a good start to the day. I will get that cardio in tomorrow. Coming home from work and I'm going to watch some college football with a couple of cold ones.  My waist line is coming down with all the cardio I am doing. I think the intervals have been the most beneficial. I would do them all the time but it's too intense and easy to burn out on. Once a week for intervals and the rest steady pace distance runs.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on September 08, 2018, 04:23:06 PM
I have zero calves but I always train them. Bill Grant laughs at my calves.  Tommy Hearns the great fighter laughs at my calves. I've been feeling this for a long time but when I over stretch my calves that damn tendon gets sore. Maybe the old adage applies. First do no harm. I know conventional wisdom is that calves grow best with an extreme range of motion. I'm beginning to think that for at least mine it's too much stretching under tension that is damaging for my Achilles.   

Calves are tough to grow....genetics win.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 08, 2018, 05:22:50 PM
Calves are tough to grow....genetics win.

Maybe I should train calves on the farm where they grow fast.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on September 09, 2018, 07:29:15 AM
Just train calves like Arnold and your calves will grow huge in six months.

Don't forget to cut off the bottom of your pant legs.  That's the key.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on September 09, 2018, 05:02:03 PM
Maybe I should train calves on the farm where they grow fast.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on September 09, 2018, 05:04:14 PM
3 Reasons Your Calves Aren't Growing | T Nation
Aug 26, 2014 - The soleus muscle of the calves has a muscle fiber composition that can be up to 90% slow-twitch dominant, and slow twitch muscle fibers have roughly half the growth potential of fast twitch fibers. ... There's another reason that the calves, especially the soleus, are relatively unresponsive to weight training.

This makes sense.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 09, 2018, 05:19:19 PM
This makes sense.

Read this article and also read how Flex Lewis uses no weight calf raises made me rethink how I train my calves. I guess I can learn new tricks.

I read the article you put up with it's video. I have a problem with the video. He is bending his knees on his "calf" jumps. It's the exact mistake that the author of the article I put up mentions. Guys can use 400lbs plus in calf machine raises but as he points out keeping the leg straight with no weight and on a single leg most trainers can't do 20 full range reps. Going to use no weight calf raises for awhile and frequently to see how it goes. I experimented with them on Friday and wow did I feel the burn. More importantly my aching Achilles felt great with no strain.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 10, 2018, 09:48:26 AM
Doing a Yates inspired workout this week. Today is chest and bicep. Tried to do each exercise with a full range of motion and decent moderate speed cadence.

Hammer bench 1 x 9
Dumbbell incline 1 x 10 75lbs (all the way down and controlled cadence)
Flat flies 1 x 15 45lbs
Machine flies 1 x 14 100lbs

Alternate dumbbell curls 1 x 12 45lbs
bar pulley curls 1 x 15
Arnold concentration curls 1 x 12
Scott curls 1 x 11 (really careful with these. I already in the past ruptured my bicep years ago. My boss ruptured his bicep doing scott curls. I don't go all the way down but stop short of full extension.)

forearm wrist curls 1 x 30 95lbs
reverse grip curls 1 x 10

ab wheel roll out 1 x 25
machine crunch 1 x 25

Ran two miles on the treadmill. First in 8:57 pace and the next I started at 8:47 pace and by my last lap I did it in 7:19 pace.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on September 11, 2018, 10:36:19 AM
You are an azzkicker, bro!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 11, 2018, 06:56:57 PM
Leg day:

Dumbbell squats 1 x  14 85lbs (back straight and sink butt. Held the dumbbells at my sides with straps.)
Hack squat 1 x 12 (Can't decide if I like hacks. Yates, Platz, and Gironda loved them. Can't decide if it's a good movement for me. I really sink them as far as I can go.)
Butt kick back machine 1 x 14 80lbs
Leg extension 1 x 13 150lbs
Leg curl 1x 12 110lbs

body weight single calf raise 3 x 11
seated calf 1 x 15 95lbs

Neck 4 way 1 set each side

Hanging straight leg raise 1 x 25
ab crunch machine 1 x 24

Walked on a treadmill after legs at 3.8 MPH. Every quarter mile I increased the grade 1%. Ended at 7% and returned to 0 grade for a final lap. Easy cardio day. It lasted about 35 minutes if I remember. Determined to include easy cardio days. Tomorrow I will kill it. (I hope)
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 12, 2018, 04:12:07 PM
Cardio treadmill day. 8 x 440 yards. (quarter miles)

1 x 7:30 pace 8.0 MPH
2 x 7:19 pace 8.2 MPH
2 x 6:59 pace 8.6 MPH
2 x 6:44 pace 8.9 MPH
1 x 6:31 pace 9.2 MPH

Hit the heavy bag for two three minute miles. Had a lot of snap on my punches. Tomorrow is back day. Losing some weight and getting a little weak. The trade off is that I'm losing fat and I bet a little muscle.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on September 12, 2018, 11:55:12 PM
Cardio treadmill day. 8 x 440 yards. (quarter miles)

1 x 7:30 pace 8.0 MPH
2 x 7:19 pace 8.2 MPH
2 x 6:59 pace 8.6 MPH
2 x 6:44 pace 8.9 MPH
1 x 6:31 pace 9.2 MPH

Hit the heavy bag for two three minute miles. Had a lot of snap on my punches. Tomorrow is back day. Losing some weight and getting a little weak. The trade off is that I'm losing fat and I bet a little muscle.

My weight was a couple of pounds down this morning. I wish it was fat loss, but I know it isn't. If I do nothing else, I need to rev up my cardio workout everyday if I am ever going to rid myself of fatty obliques (love handles) completely. It's that or liposuction.  ;)
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on September 13, 2018, 04:14:03 AM
My weight was a couple of pounds down this morning. I wish it was fat loss, but I know it isn't. If I do nothing else, I need to rev up my cardio workout everyday if I am ever going to rid myself of fatty obliques (love handles) completely. It's that or liposuction.  ;)

Or you could eat less which really sucks.

Or a combination thereof.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 13, 2018, 09:15:09 AM
Back day:

Pulldown 1 x 17 ( I really have to up the weight. Felt a little bicep strain last time so I used a light weight. Felt no strain today)
Seated lat pull with V bar handle 1 x 14 170lbs
Dumbbell row off bench 1 x 12 85lbs
Hammer pull down 1 x 12 160lbs

Dead 1 x 4 315lbs (Really wanted to get at least 6 reps. I have to man up next time and get it.)
Weighted hyper extensions 1 x 20 25lbs plate behind head.

ab wheel roll out 1 x 25
ab machine crunch 1 x 25 95lbs

I went on the treadmill for an easy cardio day. Walked 3.8MPH. Each lap 440 yards I upped the elevation 1%. Stopped at 7% and I could have done a lot more but it was an easy cardio day. Took about 35 minutes. I always start and end with zero elevation. Hoping to get into the 170lbs range at 5'8".  Still over 180lbs. I think I'm losing some muscle and feeling a little skinny. It's all good. At this point I'm for health more than vanity. Truth be told it's pride too.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on September 13, 2018, 09:53:40 AM
Walking that pace is really moving fast.

Good job.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 13, 2018, 10:33:27 AM
Walking that pace is really moving fast.

Good job.

I'm pleased with my progress. Body is starting to tighten up.  One more week of workouts then I'm on vacation for a week. I guess I will just run and use the crappy hotel gym.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on September 13, 2018, 02:01:32 PM
Or you could eat less which really sucks.

Or a combination thereof.

74 years old

About 5'10" @ 169 lbs. My goal weight is 175 lbs.

Yesterday and today, my morning weight was under 170 lbs. With a medium to large frame that has carried at least 20 lbs. more much of my adult life, being under 170 is a bit unnerving. I don't have a problem with eating less except for a fear of being skinny. My waist measurement remains at 32" which is 10 or 11" smaller than my chest measurement. I may be stuck with unnecessary fat on my lower back, but I'll never give up on changing that. My glutes and quads could definitely use some added size. Maybe gravity with take care of that for me which is very unlikely.  :)
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on September 14, 2018, 05:26:57 AM
74 years old

About 5'10" @ 169 lbs. My goal weight is 175 lbs.

Yesterday and today, my morning weight was under 170 lbs. With a medium to large frame that has carried at least 20 lbs. more much of my adult life, being under 170 is a bit unnerving. I don't have a problem with eating less except for a fear of being skinny. My waist measurement remains at 32" which is 10 or 11" smaller than my chest measurement. I may be stuck with unnecessary fat on my lower back, but I'll never give up on changing that. My glutes and quads could definitely use some added size. Maybe gravity with take care of that for me which is very unlikely.  :)

They recommend a waist half the size of your height and you are under that.

70" / 2 = 35"

Sounds like you are pretty lean.

Definitely keep as much muscle as possible and try to get more.

I'm not a doctor but I play one on Getbig.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 14, 2018, 01:43:30 PM
Delt and tri today:

Clean and press 1 x 9 reps 115 lbs. (all the way down to begin the rep)
Dumbbell lat raise 1 x 14 30lbs
Dumbbell rear delt raise 1 x 14 40lbs
delt lateral machine 1 x 11 80lbs
Dumbbell shrugs 1 x 15 95lbs

Weighted dips 1 x 10 25lbs
single dumbbell tricep extension 1 x 12 80lbs
Traditional tricep push downs 1 x 14
single arm dumbell behind the head 1 x 9 20lbs ( elbow hurt used a really light weight and moved slow)

ab coaster 1 x 35 60lbs
ab crunch 1 x 25 95lbs

Ran 3 miles doing under 9 minute miles. Calves were hurting. I will stop doing walking on an incline.  Going to use only flat for awhile.

After the work out I went down to the beach to see the waves. Ate a crap sausage sandwich that tasted so good.  Of course I saw everyone in the boardwalk bar having a beer at a dive bar with a guy playing the acoustic guitar inside. I really enjoy premium beer but hell it's the boardwalk. Bought Coors light. The waves were big. It was 72 degrees and a really nice breeze. Saw a steroided up bouncer at a bar. Just ridiculous looking.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on September 15, 2018, 03:59:39 AM
Saw a steroided up bouncer at a bar. Just ridiculous looking.

We know his secret... ;)
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 15, 2018, 02:39:07 PM
Ran a lousy mile today. Just wasn't feeling it. It's okay. Maybe a day off tomorrow will make it it a good Monday.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 17, 2018, 01:27:02 PM
Chest and bicep day:

Dumbbell flat bench 1 x 8 80lbs (all the way down. No half reps.)
Incline dumbbell bench 1 x 10 70lbs
Flat flies 1 x 14 50lbs
Dips 1 x 8 25lbs then 1 x 10 no weight (tried to go deep)

EZ bar curl 1 x 14 90lbs
Alternate DB curl 1 x 10 45lbs
Single pulley curl 1 x 15
Arnold concentration curl 1 x 15

forearm wrist curl 1 x 20 95lbs
reverse wrist ext 1 x 20 15lbs ( I use a leverage bar that is intended to work the front of the calf. I find it a perfect contraption for reverse wrist extensions)

Ab wheel roll out 1 x 25
Floor crunch feet up on bench 1 x 50 (10lbs behind head)
Pulley crunch 1 x 50

Gripper 2 x 20

I rested about 40 minutes then ran 2.1 miles on a trail. I took it easy. I think I'm making myself miserable by trying to kill it every run. This was almost pleasurable. Ran about 9:30 miles. Enjoyed the run.  I remember when I was on a walking kick. Every day I walked fast for 5 miles. Every once in a while I would sprint 100 yards or so just for fun during the walk. I looked forward to my walks instead of dreading the cardio workout. I thought I was losing fat at a rapid rate but it's huge time commitment.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on September 17, 2018, 02:34:26 PM
Walking/sprinting is a good way to do it. 

Do you run for weight management or for fitness/endurance?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 17, 2018, 02:44:15 PM
Walking/sprinting is a good way to do it. 

Do you run for weight management or for fitness/endurance?

Both. I use to be a track athlete and I boxed for a  awhile. Nothing tells you what gassing is like than boxing. I also do it for the health reasons. It does so much. It lowers blood sugar. Lowers blood fat as in triglycerides. Lowers both visceral and subcutaneous fat. It can lower blood pressure for many. It makes your heart the most important muscle stronger. You can see this by a reduced resting heart rate that shows your heart is more efficient. It increases HDL lipids that is the beneficial cholesterol. It can make your arteries more flexible. Especially by intervals. If bodybuilders had to show their heart muscle in competition they would be running 10 miles a day. It also has a mental benefit by doing cardio. Many have felt the peace they feel after a hard cardio session.  Then again it could be like hitting yourself with a hammer. It feels so good when you stop. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 18, 2018, 07:04:26 PM
Leg day:

Dumbbell squats 1 x 12 90lbs dumbbell in each hand (These are really hard. Again don't deadlift the weight, deep squat with the dumbbells)
Hack squat 1 x 13 ( I fully bend my legs. I see most trainers putting a million plates on and barely bending their legs)
Kick back machine 1 x 12 90lbs
leg extension 1 x 15 150lbs. ( I know weight is meaningless from machine to machine. My home unit, 80lbs is heavy.)
leg curl 1 x 12 110lbs

Body weight single calf raise 3 x 12 then 1 x 50 with two legs. ( I really think I'm on to something with body weight single calf raise. Doing them 5 days a week)
Seated calf raise 1 x 17 90lbs.

Hanging leg raise 1 x 25
knee ins 1 x 25

four way neck 1 x 20 each side.

Hit the treadmill for light cardio after. Walked at 4.0 MPH for 30 minutes. Hopefully tomorrow I will do a hard 3 mile run on a non lifting day.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on September 19, 2018, 04:21:02 AM
I've been doing reverse calf raises (bodyweight) in my calf tri-sets.  As many reps as possible.

Gives me a nice pump in the front of the lower leg.

Standing calf raise/Reverse calf raise/Seated calf raise.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 19, 2018, 07:00:18 AM
I use this thing for the front of the calves, the tibialis anterior.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on September 19, 2018, 09:08:27 AM
I use this thing for the front of the calves, the tibialis anterior.

Awesome calf weaponizer!

It's logical to train both side of the calves.

I've just started doing it but it makes total sense.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 19, 2018, 09:21:00 AM
Awesome calf weaponizer!

It's logical to train both side of the calves.

I've just started doing it but it makes total sense.

It's called a DART.  It's used by a lot of runners and dancers who get shin splints. The counter to the calf is really a little muscle. I use it to prevent injury.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 19, 2018, 06:39:09 PM
Ran two miles at a 8:28 per mile pace or 7.1 MPH. I intended to do three miles but I wasn't feeling it today.  Whacked the heavy bag after for two three minute rounds. Tomorrow is back day. Canceled vacation beach plans. Driving through North Carolina with the detours sounds like a nightmare. Going to plan a two day Manhattan get away.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 20, 2018, 08:50:19 AM
Back day. No warm ups listed.

Pulldowns 1 x 12
Seated low pulley rows 1 x 14 170lbs
Dumbbell rows 1 x 12 90lbs
Hammer pulldown 1 x 12 160lbs
deadlift 1 x 5 315lbs.
weighted hyper 1 x 20 25lbs behind head

ab roll out 1 x 27
ab crunch machine 1 x 25 90lbs
side pulley twist 1 x 12 (had a pulley about waist level. Twisted each side  while standing.)

Walked 4.0 MPH for 30 minutes.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 21, 2018, 03:44:34 PM
Delt and tris:

Military press 1 x 9 115 (All the way down. No half reps.)
Dumbbell press 1 x 10 50 (again all the way down. When I began lifting in the 70's I never seen the short stroking I see today. )
Dumbbell delt lateral 1 x 12 30lbs
Dumbbell rear delt 1 x 15 40lbs
Delt lateral machine 1 x11 80lbs
Trap shrug 1 x 14 245lbs

Weighted dips 1 x 10 25lbs
Single two hands dumbbell tri seated 1 x 12 75lbs
tricep push downs 1 x 15
Single arm behind head dumbbell 1 x 10 25lbs (really weak with these. I move really slow because of elbow pain)

Ab coaster 1 x 35 60lbs
ab crunch machine 1 x 25 95lbs.

After this I went to a park and ran two miles. My GPS watch said I averaged 8:44 miles. I came home and took the wife out to lunch. Had too many beers. I am right on the brink of breaking 180lbs into the 170's and I'm thinking this burger and beer fest is going to hurt it. Planning a vacation for next week. I don't think I will lift.  I will just run. Haven't found a destination. Thinking South beach, Florida.  My South Carolina vacation planned was ruined by the hurricane.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 22, 2018, 03:37:05 PM
Walked 5 fast miles on a trail as a recovery cardio. I was going on vacation to South Carolina but the Hurricane changed that. Now I'm going to South Beach Miami. Might take a week off of lifting and just run for a week. Just looked at the hotel gym. The dumbbells look like they go up to 35lbs. I have been lifting for many months without a break. Maybe taking off a week will do me some good.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on September 22, 2018, 04:11:04 PM
Walked 5 fast miles on a trail as a recovery cardio. I was going on vacation to South Carolina but the Hurricane changed that. Now I'm going to South Beach Miami. Might take a week off of lifting and just run for a week. Just looked at the hotel gym. The dumbbells look they go up to 35lbs. I have been lifting for many months without a break. Maybe taking off a week will do me some good.

A week off is good for the brain and body.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 25, 2018, 06:57:02 PM
On vacation in Miami. The hotel gym is about 12 feet by 12 feet. Has three elipitcals. Dumbbells to 25lbs. One multipurpose all in one machine. I went in there today and there is this big Cuban working out.  He barely spoke English. I started doing pulldowns then switched to machine benches. We were practically hitting each other working out. I took the 25lbs dumbbells and did two sets of  delt presses. I didn't count reps. I just kept doing them till my neck started giving me grief. I think I was up to 20 plus reps. Finished with concentration curls and one arm triceps behind the head. The gym would have been better if they had something like power blocks.  It would have taken less room than a mini rack of 5 to 25lbs dumbbells. I live in a decent sized house. When the time comes to down size  I might get rid of most of my equipment and go to a  minimalist approach to training.  Do we really need four different bicep exercises?  

After the mini lifting session I went for a run. I noticed everyone running on the Miami boardwalk looked like they were in slow motion when I first arrived. I wondered what was going on?  I started running on the board walk. It was about 90 degrees and very humid. I started off at a good clip and soon found myself running like a slug from the intense heat. Now I know why they are all running like slugs. I was so delirious when I got to my hotel and I couldn't find my room. Had to go to the front desk to ask them where my room was? Once in the room I felt ill for about an hour.  After a lot of water we went down to the ocean. I stayed in the water for about two hours. Even though it was warm for the ocean it was cooling. Gave a homeless man $10 bucks and he got me two coconuts. He pulled out a really sharp blade and cut the tops off. I think the potassium from the coconut water did me good. Wonder what nearby tree he got them from?

The women down here are amazing. So many South Beach women look like legit professional models. Seen some hot cars like Ferrari's and Bentley's.  Most of the tourist here are from Europe. Fucken restaurants add the tip right into the bill without telling you. That just isn't done in NY or NJ.  They also have a waitress service fee. Really? A fee to have a waitress?  I asked about it and they said Europeans don't tip so that's why we do it. I told him if you do it you should inform the people so they don't double tip. He smiled knowing they caught plenty of people getting duped. I'm getting sick of tipping people left and right. Checking into the hotel a skinny pole of a man grabbed my wife's suit case and walked us to our room despite me telling him I will carry my wife's bag. Reluctantly gave him a tip but soon I'm getting tired of it. Learned quick everyone in Miami thinks they deserve a tip. Can't tell you all the ridiculous examples.

Tomorrow I will try to workout again here. If I don't post anymore it means I dropped dead running. I've been drinking to much alcohol  here too.  Going to give serous thought to cutting alcohol way down once I get home. I don't think I drink excessively but it's beginning to hurt my training. I think my cardio would go much better without it. I know when I was in track in college my times started to go down with the amount of fun party times I was having. Now almost 60 the alcohol in smaller quantities is doing the same thing.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on September 26, 2018, 05:29:02 AM
That tipping thing is BS.

I hate that.

Anywhere you go nowadays on vacation everybody is trying to get into your pocket.

They gouge you.  It's ridiculous.

It's the service economy.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 27, 2018, 05:37:13 PM
Went into the little hotel gym today. Of course no squat racks and the dumbbells are a joke. I had to work legs. I remember Wilf Sylvester won the 1975 short class Universe in Africa. He used in the past conventional methods of squats and hack squats.  For this win he used body weight squats along with leg extensions and leg curls. I decided to use body weight squats. I didn't go about it like cross fit guys where they drop like rocks ballistically using half reps exploding up trying to beat others on time. I used a moderate cadence going all the way down. I kept a rhythm. At 50 reps my thighs were on fire and I was breathing like a race horse. I've been on a dumbbell squat kick lately but when I use a barbell I use between 225lbs and 275lbs. Much lighter than my youth but not a joke weight I guess. Let me tell you body weight squats kicked my ass. I would like to see a power lifter use FULL range body weight squats with a moderate cadence and see how many reps they could get. My legs are sore now. I obviously did something right.

Random thoughts about my vacation in Miami. In Miami the string up the butt bathing suit is very popular with the women here. It's a beautiful thing. I had a burger in a place and they gave me the bill. Appetizers I never order were on the bill. I had him take it off.  Tired of the Miami screw. The Miami screw is everywhere. In another restaurant I had a seafood paella and they said it came with lobster. It came out with four crayfish tails.  Another bar said it was $9 for a beer. I gave the bar tender a $10. Never gave me the dollar. I walked out and left nothing on the bar for a tip. I think in many decades I never left a bartender a tip. Fuck him. Got a hair cut at a Cuban barber shop.  The barber cutting my hair didn't speak English. I had to do some gymnastics to get him to understand what I wanted. In the end he did an meticulous job. While I was getting a hair cut all the barbers and customer ran to the window. Turns out it was a  fine girl with tight jeans was walking by with a hot big ass.   My wife was sitting there waiting for me and the whole barber shop didn't care. LOL.  I've been buying coconuts from two guys that I think are homeless on the boardwalk for the coconut potassium water. He told me today I earned two free coconuts tomorrow. Yes!

Can't wait to get back to working out proper. Going to make some changes. I am not a bodybuilder. I have never referred  to myself as a bodybuilder. I am a guy that works out and I work out hard. I was an athlete at one point in my life. I think because of my obsession with bodybuilding I lost my way. I don't do enough cardio. My diet is garbage. I drink too much beer. I lift too heavy instead of realizing the incredible value of body weight exercises. You can reduce a weight room warrior to tap out with a hard body weight routine.

  I remember an experience I had when I was working. In Asbury Park, NJ during this time was  a poor black run down town. Now it's a rich gay town but I digress. In a broken down children's play ground was a group of black men working out. They were doing pull ups, dips, body weight rows, body weight squats, jumps and other stuff. The black guys were ripped, muscular and in serious athletic shape. The next town over  the rich town of Bradley Beach was an incredible bodybuilding gym. They had everything you could imagine. Inside were a bunch of out of shape guys with a few odd examples of in shape guys. I think as bodybuilding fans we sometimes miss the forest for the trees. The body part split training isn't athletic based. It's cosmetic for the most part even though I practice it.

Anyway, tomorrow I fly home. I need a vacation from my vacation.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on September 27, 2018, 05:49:07 PM
I don't understand why you think you don't do enough cardio?

You run all the time.

Bodyweight training is good but you will lose strength.  That's the drawback with it.

It's endurance training.  It's good though if you are ok with that.

They called Jack LaLanne "Mr. Endurance King".  He always did high reps.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 28, 2018, 10:47:35 PM
I don't understand why you think you don't do enough cardio?

You run all the time.

Bodyweight training is good but you will lose strength.  That's the drawback with it.

It's endurance training.  It's good though if you are ok with that.

They called Jack LaLanne "Mr. Endurance King".  He always did high reps.

True you might lose one rep strength. Is that important in athletics? I feel power is more important than strength. Many guys can bench 400lbs but if you watch them hit a heavy bag they hit it like a girl because they have no power.  They can't release their strength quickly. Same with some heavy deadlift guys. You would think their vertical leap and 60 meter sprint speed would be amazing but often it's as if their strength is good for dead lifting only. No, I'm not against benching or deadlifting. Too much to type about the subject.  Strength is closely tied to power but it's a separate entity.  I believe in body weight training. I've just seen too many animals in grappling and boxing that do nothing but body weight exercises and no opponent would consider them weak.  Lifting is a valuable attribute to being a better athlete but there are more than one way to skin a cat. I think adding push ups, burpees, mountain climbers, chins, dips, body weight squats, body weight rows and jumps is a great addition to any exercise program that emphasizes lifting.

Back home from Florida. I have to dry out from the daily beer.  I worked hard to lose 10lbs and now I'm afraid to get on the scale after this week.  Back to the grind of going to work and working out next week.

Regarding cardio I really think I do best with it when I get at least 5 days a week in. Again, I'm not a bodybuilder.  It's important to me to have a big gas tank. I also think it's healthy to do a lot of cardio. I don't do volume when I lift and cardio is a different animal physically.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on September 29, 2018, 04:30:15 AM
Usually when I get discouraged with my training it's because I am over-training.  

Doing too much takes a toll physically and mentally.

It's not necessary to beat yourself up.

You went on a week vacation but you still trained.  Why didn't you take the week off to recover?

It's not just the body that needs to recover but also the brain.

It's like being an addict.  Exercise becomes an addiction.  Endorphins. 

Moderation in all things, including moderation.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on September 29, 2018, 05:16:38 AM
Usually when I get discouraged with my training it's because I am over-training.  

Doing too much takes a toll physically and mentally.

It's not necessary to beat yourself up.

You went on a week vacation but you still trained.  Why didn't you take the week off to recover?

It's not just the body that needs to recover but also the brain.

It's like being an addict.  Exercise becomes an addiction.  Endorphins. 

Moderation in all things, including moderation.

This ^.  I'd say something more but there's really nothing more to be said!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 29, 2018, 03:21:23 PM
I trained but it was really a bit of a joke.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 01, 2018, 12:25:01 PM
Clean and press 2 x 6 135lbs. (Tried not to lean back. I didn't want to do a standing incline press)

Pulldown 2 x 10 (very little lean back)
Seated low lat pull with a V handle 2 x 12 170lbs (all the way out and all the way in)
Single dumbbell row off a bench 2 x 10 85lbs
Hammer strength pulldown 2 x 10

Dumbbell incline chest press 2 x 8 75lbs (all the way down. No partial reps)
Hammer incline 2 x 8 225lbs (Shoulder was bugging me)
Flat flies 2 x 10 50lbs
Machine flies 2 x 10 100lbs (I have to stop doing these. My shoulder was killing me)
Push ups 1 x max

Ab wheel roll outs 2 x 23 (some reps diagonal.)
Ab machine crunch 2 x 20 100lbs

Some observations. Two guys pushing some serious weights benching. I noticed with their big barrel chests the bar has a short way to go from chest to lock out. The rules of physics say the traveled distance with a given weight is the amount of work achieved. These guys pushing a bar 12 inches isn't the same as a guy pushing the same  weight 18 inches. I have nothing against the bench. I just think it's way over rated to predict a person's true strength.

I am a strong believer in doing an exercise in the hardest way possible and not the easiest. Full range of motion, smooth cadence and thought to what muscles you are training go further than trying to shift up a heavy weight.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on October 01, 2018, 12:37:46 PM
Some observations. Two guys pushing some serious weights benching. I noticed with their big barrel chests the bar has a short way to go from chest to lock out. The rules of physics say the traveled distance with a given weight is the amount of work achieved. These guys pushing a bar 12 inches isn't the same a guy pushing a weight 18 inches. I have nothing against the bench. I just think it's way over rated to predict a person's true strength.

I am a strong believer in doing an exercise in the hardest way possible and not the easiest. Full range of motion, smooth cadence and thought to what muscles you are training go further than trying to shift up a heavy weight.

Agreed.  Some guys definitely have an advantage with their structure.  Better leverage.

The arching technique is ridiculous also.

This also applies to other lifts though.

Some people are built for handling heavy weights.  Like plowhorses.  Some people are racehorses. 

Most great bodybuilders are light boned.  Drugs allow them to add the mass to look heavily muscled.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 02, 2018, 10:10:02 AM
Really bad run today. I think I'm too sunburned and to full of residual alcohol (lol).  Tried to do a 5 mile run on a sunny boardwalk. Even went out slow. I only got 2.8 miles before I started walking. I walked a block and sprinted a block to get back to my car.

I got on the scale today and lost another pound. I'm shocked. My week's vacation was a beer drinking fest. Truth be told I ate two small meals a day with little to no snacks. I'm 180lbs. On the cusp of breaking into the 170's.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 03, 2018, 12:08:57 PM

Leg Press 2 x 12 four plates a side (complete bend of my legs. None of this shallow range of motion ego crap with a million plates)
Dumbbell squats 2 x 12 80lbs ( Upright back and ass all the way down. No deadlifting of the dumbbells)
Stiff leg deadlift 2 x 6 205lbs
leg extensions 2 x 20
standing leg curls 2 x 12

Single dumbbell side bends 1 x 15 90lbs
Hanging straight leg raises hanging 2 x 23
Lying hip ups 1 x 25

Leg press calf raise 2 x 25
seated calf raise 2x 15 90lbs
tibelalis anterior 1 x 20 15lbs

Neck 4 way with a neck helmet.

Ended with a couple of Jack La Lanne crazy faces. Heard a voice in the back of my brain my mother saying my face will freeze like that. I ended the workout.  Won't be doing them again.  ;D

Gym Observations: None really. I did this workout in my basement gym.  When ever the music stunk I changed it. Satellite radio is great. The commercial gym I train in has constant 70's rock. Nothing wrong with that but the guy pays for satellite radio and over 100 channels. I asked him about this and he said he's tired of the arguments concerning channel choice. It's 70's rock and fuck you.

I think this week might be the week I go under 180lbs.  Looking thin. I wonder if I can get to 170lbs. I guess I'm dreaming. When I was a college sprinter and I boxed I was between 155lbs and 165lbs. I know that is a complete fantasy at this point of the game. I just want to dip under 180lbs then maybe I will go for a new goal.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on October 03, 2018, 01:26:52 PM
Nice workout.

Cool neck helmet.

No reason you can't get to 170 if you want to.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 03, 2018, 08:12:20 PM
Nice workout.

Cool neck helmet.

No reason you can't get to 170 if you want to.

Got my neck helmet from the old Ironman magazine. Bought it maybe 40 years ago. It's beat up to hell but it still works.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on October 04, 2018, 07:41:29 AM
Got my neck helmet from the old Ironman magazine. Bought it maybe 40 years ago. It's beat up to hell but it still works.

Just like us.  ;)
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 04, 2018, 10:34:04 AM
Ran 3.1 miles today. Started with a 8:50 mile. Next was a around a 8:30 mile. Last was under 8:15 mile. I went to the gym for some heavy bag work.  My legs were really shot and sore from yesterday's leg workout. Tomorrow a delt and arm day. Haven't drank in 7 days. Yes, I want a cookie for that.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 05, 2018, 10:01:53 AM
Getting a little tired of keeping this log here. Trained delts and arms today.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 08, 2018, 12:56:33 PM
Back and chest:

Pull down with MAG bar 2 x 10 140lbs (upright back and all the way down and up. Very slight lean back. I see guys doing these leaning so far back and not pulling the bar all the way down with a million pounds. Almost looks like a row.)
Cable row with V handle seated 2 x 12 170lbs
T rows 2 x 10 (I hardly ever do these. The gym has a machine contraption set up for these. )
Hammer pulldowns 3 x 10 (Worked in with this big emergency room doctor. He kept telling me to up the weight. My form got sloppy)

Flat Dumbbell bench 2 x 8 80lbs (All the way down)
Incline dumbbell bench 2 x 8 70lbs (All the way down)
Flat flies 2 x 10 45lbs
Pulley cross  flies 2 x 10 ( I never do these. Mixed attitude about doing them again)
Push ups 1 x max. ( My pecs were so shot I barely got 20 reps. Maybe those pec cross overs are hitting the mark)

Deadlifts 2 x 4 300lbs 1 x 1 325lbs (At  my age I like to do these at the end of the workout. I feel it's safer. I'm warmed up and prefatigued so light weights feel heavy.)
Weighted hypers 2 x 15 25lbs plate behind head

Ab wheel roll outs 2 x  25
Ab machine crunch 2 x 23 90lbs.

Finished workout stretching my shoulders. Think I over did it. My shoulders instead of feeling better are screaming. Stretching has to be gentle and not forced.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on October 09, 2018, 04:03:35 AM
I always did deadlifts last too.

Kind of makes sense as they tire your back out so much.  Then your back is too fatigued to do anything else.

How could you do deadlifts first and then do squats?  Yet, I've seen routines posted doing just that.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on October 09, 2018, 05:41:19 AM
I always did deadlifts last too.

Kind of makes sense as they tire your back out so much.  Then your back is too fatigued to do anything else.

How could you do deadlifts first and then do squats?  Yet, I've seen routines posted doing just that.

I need to start deadlifting again.  My son did a 20 rep set on Sunday at the END of our workout.  He is just starting weight training.  I couldn't convince him when he was a teenager but now he is very enthusiastic and it's nice for me to have someone to train with a couple of times a week!

I think a 20 rep set would be ideal for me.  It may not be heavy at the start of the set but it will get there. ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 09, 2018, 07:42:58 PM
Ran two miles in the park. First mile was 8:30 minute pace (7.1 MPH) and the second mile I picked it up a bit in 8:15 minute pace (7.3 MPH). I know the speed from my GPS watch.  In NJ it's a beautiful time to run now. Low 70's weather and partly cloudy. The coolness won't last and before I know it I will be wearing hats, gloves, and sweat suits. I will enjoy it while I can.

Hit the heavy bag for two rounds. I have no intentions of ever getting in the ring again. One bad mistake I have is I sometimes forget to keep my hands up and move my head. The bag doesn't hit back so it's easy without sparring to fall into bad habits.

I'm always thinking about new ways to train. It's important to me to increase my gas tank and I think lifting heavy instead of making a moderate weight heavy through limited rest  between sets might be a mistake interfering with increasing  my running. I always heard it referred to East coast and West Coast training. Many in the early 80's used this term in the gyms I frequented.  The common thought was most on the east coast lifted heavy and took a long time between sets. On the east coast they used moderate weights but did set after set with limited time so they were always in motion.

 About 12 years ago I badly damaged my arm and had to have it surgically repaired. I had to take 4  months off of lifting and when I returned it was baby weights like benching with the bar at first and other really light lifts.  I remember at about 5 months I was lifting twice a week with a whole body routine. I did the reps super slow and light gaining back my strength.  One thing I could do was cardio. I felt great. Almost like I was a kid again. I would run with guys who were pure runners who never lifted and  I could keep up with them. Sub 7 minute miles were effortlessly put together. I might be delusional but I'd like to get back there but with lifting added to the mix.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 09, 2018, 07:44:03 PM
I always did deadlifts last too.

Kind of makes sense as they tire your back out so much.  Then your back is too fatigued to do anything else.

How could you do deadlifts first and then do squats?  Yet, I've seen routines posted doing just that.

I would never do deadlifts and squats on the same day.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on October 10, 2018, 03:27:10 AM
I would never do deadlifts and squats on the same day.

I did them on the same day all the time but always deadlifts last.

Deadlifts as a finisher in a full-body workout

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 10, 2018, 12:46:09 PM
Trained legs today.  I finished with something I tried on vacation. After the usual squats, hacks, leg extensions, leg curls, calves, neck and abs I did free hand squats. I did 50 full range medium cadence no weight squats. I didn't do them Cross fit style where they drop like a rock ignoring the negative and popping up ballistically because they are racing the clock to get their reps in. I did them nice and smooth. When I hit 50 reps my legs were pumped. I also did them deep. No half reps.

What put the idea in my head is the short class 1975 Mr. Universe Wilf Sylvester. Earlier in his bodybuilding career he did the usual barbell squats and hacks with the rest. For his 1975 win he used 400 reps of no weight free hand squats. He supplemented the body weight squats with the usual leg extensions and leg curls. In the article I read he said he found these ripped up his thighs.  While I'm not giving up using weights for my legs I have only positive things to say about the free hand squats. They will make you breath like a race horse. My knee was sore doing my dumbbell squats today and hacks. When I did the free hand squats what ever tweak I had in my knee seemed to work itself out. 

There is gold in bodyweight movements. They will make you a better athlete,  improve your health and even make you a better fighter if you are into that.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Obvious Gimmick on October 10, 2018, 05:38:49 PM
I did them on the same day all the time but always deadlifts last.

Deadlifts as a finisher in a full-body workout

when I was doing a 5x5 routine I would but it wasn't worth it. Couldn't go heavy and I'm a total insecure glory lifter  :-\
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 11, 2018, 09:43:32 AM
Cardio day: My knee was hurting so I kept the intensity down. I did 8 x quarter miles. When I normally do quarter mile intervals I rest a 220 yards at a fast walk. Today because of my sore knee I walked a quarter mile in between sets. Made the  work out too easy. I have to increase the speed if I'm resting that long between sets.

1 x  7.5MPH
2 x  7.8 MPH
2 x  8.0 MPH
2 x   8.2 MPH
1 x  10.0MPH

Hit the heavy bag for a couple of rounds. If this isn't upper body cardio I don't know what is?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 12, 2018, 10:58:28 AM
Delt and arms:

Dumbbell standing delt press 2 x 10 55lbs (all the way down. I find if I do any kind of delt press sitting it turns into a incline pec press)
Dumbbell delt laterals 2 x 10 30lbs
Machine delt laterals 2 x 10 80lbs
Machine rear delt 2 x 10 80lbs
Dumbbell shrugs 2 x 15 90lbs

Weighted dips 2 x 10 25lbs (all the way down)
Two hand single dumbbell behind the head tricep 2 x 10 80lbs(all the way down)
Rope tricep 2 x 12
Single dumbell tricep 2 x 12 25lbs (tried to do these strict)

Alternate dumbbell curl 2 x 8 45lbs
scott barbell curl 2 x 10 (used a light weight. A little scared of these with my surgically repaired arm)
concentration curl 2 x 10 25lbs

forearm wrist 2 x 25 95lbs
reverse pulley curl 2 x 10

ab wheel roll out 2 x 25
Hanging leg raise 1 x 25
Knee in sitting on bench 1 x 25
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on October 12, 2018, 11:18:49 AM
Very nice workout.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 13, 2018, 11:53:31 AM
Today I set my alarm for an early run before work. The alarm went off and I turned it off. Nope, not working out today.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 15, 2018, 09:52:34 AM
This week I'm just doing one set to failure. Today was Chest and bicep.

 I really stuck my foot in my mouth in the gym today. The owner was training this really cute blonde. Walking by them I heard him say something about a bar and work.  I saw her later and asked her what bar she worked in?  She replied, " I don't work in a bar."  Told her I could swear I heard you and the owner talking about a bar and going to work. Later it hit me in my hang over fog that the owner was talking about a BAR-bell and the work was the effort. I tried to explain my mistake but she was on a cardio machine. Doh!!!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on October 15, 2018, 11:08:58 AM
This week I'm just doing one set to failure. Today was Chest and bicep.

 I really stuck my foot in my mouth in the gym today. The owner was training this really cute blonde. Walking by them I heard him say something about a bar and work.  I saw her later and asked her what bar she worked in?  She replied, " I don't work in a bar."  Told her I could swear I heard you and the owner talking about a bar and going to work. Later it hit me in my hang over fog that the owner was talking about a BAR-bell and the work was the effort. I tried to explain my mistake but she was on a cardio machine. Doh!!!

Actually it's a good opening line.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 16, 2018, 07:06:06 PM
Woke up today with a bad cold. Debated whether I would work out. It's leg day. I decided to train doing one work set per exercise after warm up. Trained everything hard and what is heavy for me except squats. Felt virus plagued so I did strict slow set to a 15 rep failure. Only used 185lbs but I tried to do a slow mo rep cadence. Kind of embarrassed to use that light a weight but I made the weight heavy by going slow and deep. I heard from someone watching Tom Platz train in his prime he was using just 135lbs in the bench after pre exhausting with flies. I'm sure he could bench good numbers in his prime but it just goes to show even a pro can make  a light weight "heavy."

Cardio due to the virus will be just walking. I will do a fast paced walk for 5 miles. Hopefully that will give me cardio without exhausting me.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on October 17, 2018, 05:28:51 AM
Woke up today with a bad cold. Debated whether I would work out. It's leg day. I decided to train doing one work set per exercise after warm up. Trained everything hard and what is heavy for me except squats. Felt virus plagued so I did strict slow set to a 15 rep failure. Only used 185lbs but I tried to do a slow mo rep cadence. Kind of embarrassed to use that light a weight but I made the weight heavy by going slow and deep. I heard from someone watching Tom Platz train in his prime he was using just 135lbs in the bench after pre exhausting with flies. I'm sure he could bench good numbers in his prime but it just goes to show even a pro can make  a light weight "heavy."

Cardio due to the virus will be just walking. I will do a fast paced walk for 5 miles. Hopefully that will give me cardio without exhausting me.

That time of year for colds, etc.

Hope you recover quickly.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 17, 2018, 02:24:17 PM
That time of year for colds, etc.

Hope you recover quickly.

Thank you. Today I walked for almost 5 miles. Felt okay while walking then crashed when I got home. I really suspect I got this from the gym. I think about the hundreds of people that picked up a dumbbell before me or touch any other handle. It's like shaking hands with hundreds of guys a week. My recent commercial gym thing has only been going on for under 3 years. When I worked out at home I never got the amount of colds that I get now.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 18, 2018, 08:55:30 AM
Trained back: No warm ups listed. Sometimes I skipped the warm up.

Mag grip pulldowns 1 x 15 ( I won't list the weight. It's one of those exercise that if you lean back with partials anyone can handle sick weights. I try to stay mainly up right with full extension and full contraction touching my upper chest)
Low V Handle seated pulley lat row 1 x 14 180lbs (All the way out and all the way in.)
One arm dumbbell row off a bench 1 x 11 95lbs
Hammer pulldown 1 x 11

Dead lift 1 x 6 315lbs
Weighted hyper back extension 1 x 20 25lbs (25lbs plate behind my head)

Ab wheel 1 x 30
Machine ab crunch 1 x 30 100lbs

I believe in form over weight. I don't claim to be a Hercules. Having said that so many are delusional. They do limited ranges of motion with a ton of weight. It's always better in my opinion is a full range of motion with a moderate cadence of rep speed. Pay attention to the negative. For example I'm sure if I did a big lean back with the pulldown and stopped the positive 6 inches from my chest I could increase the weight I use by 50lbs or more. Better to sit up right with a slight lean back while going all the way down and up. Then again weight lifting will never be rocket science. Both intelligent and dopey trainers have gotten good results doing what ever they feel like.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 19, 2018, 12:07:19 PM
Trained delts and triceps:  Used one set to failure.

Press behind the neck. Warmed up with 115 then 125lbs. Then my shoulder screamed. Nope not doing that again. They use to be a favorite of mine.
Military press 1 x 9 115lbs (cleaned the weight and went all the way down to the clavicles.)
Delt lateral raise 1 x 14 30lbs
Machine laterals 1 x 12 80lbs
Rear delt machine 1 x 11 90lbs
Barbell shrugs 1 x 14 250lbs

Weighted dips 1 x 11 25lbs (went deep)
single dumbbell two hands 1 x 12 80lbs
Tricep push downs 1 x 15
Rope push downs 1 x 12 90lbs
One arm dumbbell tricep behind head 1 x 12 25lbs

Ab coaster 1 x 35 60lbs
Ab crunch machine 1 x 25 90lbs

I don't understand why I don't understand I'm not a kid. I can't bench with a bar anymore. I can't do the press behind the head. I have to be grateful that for some reason I can punch with my bad shoulder. I can do the military press and also with dumbbells. So I bench with dumbbells. Not a bad thing.

Seriously considering using volume so I can use less intensity so I can run more. I know I can dig it up but a University's exercise physiology wanted to know the calories burned for a high intensity Nautilus circuit. I believe 12 exercises were used with one set to failure. The calories used was under 125 calories if my memory serves me. The equivalent of walking fast for a little over a mile. I would imagine a volume routine would burn a hell of a lot more. If anyone is seriously interested I can cite the study but I would have to dig through my articles.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on October 19, 2018, 05:56:01 PM
Exercise does burn calories but it's much more efficient to just eat less.

Exercise for health, strength and fitness.

Manage caloric intake for weight control.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 19, 2018, 06:59:43 PM
Exercise does burn calories but it's much more efficient to just eat less.

Exercise for health, strength and fitness.

Manage caloric intake for weight control.

I believe exercise causes calories to be burned after the exercise is finished. Some would say this is bro science. I say this because I have lost weight far out of proportion to the calorie count of the exercise. Many have the same empirical experience. I have seen guys lose weight rapidly running 3 miles a day when the caloric cost doesn't equal the math of the amount of weight lost. I think we are way behind in knowledge in exercise science. I often heard a pound of fat is 3500 calories. Using that standard the math doesn't work out for weight loss concerning working out. Ideally of course both diet and exercise should give the best results. You have many swimmers and runners that eat way out of  portion to what they weigh.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on October 20, 2018, 03:34:57 AM
I believe exercise causes calories to be burned after the exercise is finished. Some would say this is bro science. I say this because I have lost weight far out of proportion to the calorie count of the exercise. Many have the same empirical experience. I have seen guys lose weight rapidly running 3 miles a day when the caloric cost doesn't equal the math of the amount of weight lost. I think we are way behind in knowledge in exercise science. I often heard a pound of fat is 3500 calories. Using that standard the math doesn't work out for weight loss concerning working out. Ideally of course both diet and exercise should give the best results. You have many swimmers and runners that eat way out of  portion to what they weigh.

Exercise does burn calories but it's much more effective to just eat less.

Keep exercising by all means but you can't outrun a bad diet.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on October 20, 2018, 04:08:33 AM
Trained delts and triceps:  Used one set to failure.

Press behind the neck. Warmed up with 115 then 125lbs. Then my shoulder screamed. Nope not doing that again. They use to be a favorite of mine.

It's annoying when people give advices (because we know it all since we've been training for 40 years!) but here's my 2 cents.  

Regarding bench pressing and behind neck presses (or any movement you that you have trouble with from previous injury).

Start really light.  Just the bar or no weight on a machine.

Do your 8-10 reps or whatever.

Add weight VERY gradually over several weeks and months to allow your muscles and connective tissues to strengthen and gain flexibility.  Add only a few pounds at a time.


Week 1 and 2 - Empty bar
Week 3 and 4 - Empty bar + 2.5 to 5 lbs.
Week 5 and 6 - Empty bar + 5 to 10 lbs

Warm up gradually.  Add weight during warmup sets in jumps of no more than 10% of your max.  If your max is 250 in the squat then add weight each warmup set no more than 25 lbs.  Even less if needed.  Yes, you will need to do more warmup sets.  

The introduction of a new movement to a routine requires a period of adaptation to prevent injury.  When you get older this seems to be even more important.  If you haven't done behind neck presses in a year, start very light.

My elbow problem resulted from doing an exercise I hadn't done in years using heavy weight.  Result: injury!  The connective tissue couldn't handle it.  What I should have done is used light weight for a week or two before going heavier.  Dumb!
Regarding diet and exercise in general...

It's easier to skip the second helping of fried chicken or the second beer than have to spend an hour or two on the treadmill walking it off.  You can still spend an hour on the treadmill if you want to (because you just really love the treadmill or you are addicted to the endorphin rush) and then you'll lose weight if that's your goal.  Or you could rest, recover and read a book.  Growth only occurs during rest right?

Excessive exercise doesn't significantly increase your life span.  It can improve your quality of life (as long as you enjoy exercising) but you have to weigh that against the time you spend exercising that you could be doing other things you may also enjoy.  If you love exercising then do that.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 20, 2018, 01:03:27 PM
Ken Cooper the researcher into Aerobic exercise said regarding health and life expectancy it's a bell curve. Exercise improves health and life expectancy but too much doesn't. He once said anyone who runs more than three miles a day is going it for something other than health.

My personal views is that it decreases risk factors and improves health. It's not a cure all.  While I believe both strength and cardio training is important no one can deny the health benefits of cardio. Just thinking of a few.

1. Decreases blood fat as in triglycerides.
2. Lowers visceral fat responsible for metabolic diseases and heart disease
3. Lowers subcutaneous fat.
4. Lowers your resting heart rate showing you made your heart muscle stronger.
5. Increases High density lipids the ones you want high
6. Increases red blood cells
7. Lowers blood pressure in many
8. Lowers blood sugar
9. Makes your arteries more flexible
10. Increases bone density with running and walking

I could add to that list. Maybe I will make a list for strength training. The most important factor will always be genetics. We all know someone that lived to be 85 but were sickly and weak for 30 years. That's not some thing to aim for.

IroNat you are right. You can't out work a bad diet. I have to stop typing. Going out for dinner at this outrageously good family Italian restaurant. I'll diet Monday.  ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 22, 2018, 11:40:56 AM
Took the whole weekend off. Beginning to think I'm a binge drinker. This whole weekend was a drink fest. Parties and an overnight casino trip.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on October 22, 2018, 01:04:49 PM
Took the whole weekend off. Beginning to think I'm a binge drinker. This whole weekend was a drink fest. Parties and an overnight casino trip.

Nowadays everything has a name, a "condition".

In the old days you just went out and got blasted on the weekends.  Now it's called "binge" drinking.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 22, 2018, 05:31:16 PM
Nowadays everything has a name, a "condition".

In the old days you just went out and got blasted on the weekends.  Now it's called "binge" drinking.

So true.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 23, 2018, 09:28:24 AM
Trained Back and chest: I wasn't going to change things up this week but truth be told I drank like a fish this weekend. Just going to stick with what I'm was doing last week. Surprisingly I had a good workout today. Maybe because I didn't run for almost a week.  I do lose some strength when I run too much.

Did four exercises for back and chest respectively. Two work sets per exercise to close to failure. After doing 8 exercises I did some deadlifts. Prefatigued I only used 300lbs for two sets of four. Finished with one rep of 320lbs. I bet fresh I could get up to around 400lbs. No big achievement but considering my age and that I lift for fitness not specializing in power lifting I'm good with that.

I was on facebook and found a guy I competed against in power lifting around 1977.  He has never stopped competing.  He's about 5 years older than me so he's about 65. He puts up some good numbers for a light weight. I quickly lost interest in power lifting but he has never lost interest. He was the NJ State champ as a light weight. Back then if memory serves me no one used cheat shirts and squat suits.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on October 24, 2018, 07:25:52 AM
You're lifting some good numbers.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 24, 2018, 12:50:03 PM
Ran 5 miles today excluding a quarter mile warm up and quarter mile cool down so 5.5 miles. I ran slow but I'm happy I got it in. Did some heavy bag work after. Each mile I ran faster than the last. My damn music player broke. Running facing a wall listening to the commercial gym house music was awful.  The guy set up the TV's way above eye level if you're on the treadmills. They are set up for the bikes and ellipticals in the rear.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 25, 2018, 07:37:38 PM
Leg day:  My legs were sore from running five miles the day before.

Dumbbell squats 12 x 12 85lbs in each hand with straps (Again upright back and sinking it taking the ass all the way down. I don't deadlift the weight)
Stiff leg deadlift 1 x 6 205lbs
Glute kick back machine 2 x 12 80lbs (One of the hardest exercises going)
Leg extensions 2 x 12 150lbs
Leg curls 2 x 12 100lbs
Body weight squats free hand. 1 x 50 ( deep and moderate cadence. Really good pump. I think these are a fantastic finisher)

Standing calf machine 2 x 12 180lbs ( I hesitate putting weight down with machines because every machine is different. 180lbs in this commercial gym is heavy. In my home gym I have two standing calf machines. One I use 325lbs and the other 145lbs is heavy. So pick a weight 180, 325 or 145.
Seated calf 2 x 15 90lbs (beginning to think I can do a better movement meaning better range of motion if I use less weight. Might use 10lbs less next time.)

4 way neck machine 2x20. (Not sure but I think this might be an early Nautilus machine. It's repainted white. No markings on the machine but it has the Nautilus cam)

Ab coaster 1 x 37 60lbs.
Ab crunch 2 x 22 100lbs

Came home and had a vegetable protein shake. Whey protein makes my stomach do flips. I don't know if this vegetable protein is really doing me any good. I guess I feel it can't be bad for me. LOL. Really thinking about using volume soon. Tomorrow I hope to do a double session of running and lifting. Famous last words. I hate doing a double. I have the day off from work. Maybe I will run early and at noon lift. I have to be insane.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 26, 2018, 05:47:17 PM
Trained Delts and arms:

Trained hard with the weights then went right onto the treadmill for a three mile run.  Followed it with two beers and two glasses of wine. Unknown to me I opened an expensive bottle of wine and got yelled at for what seemed like five minutes by the wife. Should have stayed with beer. How do I know what's good wine and what is common fair?  Well, I enjoyed it until I got told off. I was watching old reruns of Frazier on netflix eating popcorn drinking that damn wine.

Military press 2 x 8 115 (Cleaned the weight and went all the way down. Didn't lean back to incline it.)
Dumbbell delt laterals 2 x 10 30lbs
Machine delt laterals 2 x 10 80lbs
Rear delt machine 2 x 10 90lbs. (Too much weight. I wasn't pleased with the strictness or cadence)
Dumbbell shrugs 2 x 15 90lbs

Weighted dips 2 x 10 25lbs. (deep)
Two arms one dumbbell tricep extension behind head 2 x 10 80lbs
Tricep pushdowns 2 x 10
One arm dumbbell extensions 2 x 10 (elbow hurt. These are out)

Alternate dumbbell curls 2 x 8 45lbs
Scott curl 2 x 10
Arnold concentration curls 2 x 12
Machine curl 1 x 10

Forearm wrist curls 2 x 25 95lbs
Reverse pulley curls 2 x 10

I got on the treadmill and ran three miles at 6.0MPH, 6.3 MPH, and 6.7 MPH. I did a quarter mile at the end at around a 7:40 mile pace. Cooled down for a quarter mile at a fast walk.

After treadmill I did one set of straight leg hanging leg raise for 1 x 25. Knee ins off a bench 1 x 25.  

Tomorrow after work I will do absolutely nothing physical. Nope, not replacing the bottle of wine either.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on October 27, 2018, 06:27:37 AM
it took someone on this board to make my stubborn ass change a long process of figuribg my stomach issues,i read what you went through ,i wast dying inside but felt crappy every day around my meals due to protein powder i was us8ng for yrs and yrs same one but it wasnt digesting anymore well ,i would make shakes,mix it in greek yogurt you name it .it took months to figure out,
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on October 27, 2018, 06:34:08 AM
Talking about wine, have a whole bunch of bottles of wine that received as gifts over the years.

Some of these were over 20 years old.  Finally went to drink some and they had gone bad.  Stored on their sides but still they went bad.

So the moral of the story is "don't save wine, drink it".
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 27, 2018, 11:14:48 AM
it took someone on this board to make my stubborn ass change a long process of figuribg my stomach issues,i read what you went through ,i wast dying inside but felt crappy every day around my meals due to protein powder i was us8ng for yrs and yrs same one but it wasnt digesting anymore well ,i would make shakes,mix it in greek yogurt you name it .it took months to figure out,

Lactose tolerances change. It tends to get worst with people when they age.  What you could tolerate years ago could be a problem today.  Having whey protein with greek yogurt would be an absolute nightmare for me.  It also might have to do with the cultures used in greek yogurt. For awhile I could find lactose free yogurt but now I can't find it anymore. To get a yogurt fix I sometimes buy soy yogurt. I know the estrogen thing but eating it a couple times a week isn't going to make any difference. Their is also Almond yogurt but it has little protein.

Sometimes I feel protein supplements are a waste but I have been told by every bodybuilding magazine since I was a kid that it's necessary for optimal gains. I still feel it's not needed but I have a doubt so I use something. I switched to vegetable protein powder. I'm sure it's not as good as whey but then again what a rip off in price whey is. They cheese making companies use to throw that in the trash and now they charge a crazy amount for the cheese by product. Use eggs from Costco or Bj's.  The vegetable protein I use is the Vega brand available in Costco. Orgain is good too.  

I was having so much horrible stomach issues and I saw many Gastro doctors. My wife cured me when after six months of pain my wife noticed on vacation it went away and I wasn't eating any milk products. Regarding milk every decent supermarket like Shop Rite in Jersey sells lactose free milk.  It even has a slight sweet taste that makes it better tasting than regular milk.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on October 27, 2018, 03:56:14 PM
i noticed when i was away too at the shorei felt less bloated full uneven,i can drink already mad3one just not my own powdered creations,i bought hiden valley organic milk protein shakes they were $ee for 4 but 26 grs protein each and all organic 5 ingrediants total,thats what did it for me yo7 ever see the list of ingrediants in these jugs and some shakes from store like boost or ensure shakes m6 god they all have 30 gram shakes now but are loaded with crap.i am totally eating food i prepare with little crap added .
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 29, 2018, 02:14:46 PM
I haven't changed my workouts yet.  Just wanted to do the usual. Trained back and chest. Had a good workout. Very busy weekend. Hope to have a good training week.  Tomorrow is a running day. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 30, 2018, 06:19:32 PM
I went to a park to run today and it was closed for fertilizing the fields. When to the gym and went on the treadmill.

Walked a quarter mile at 3.8 MPH.
First mile 5.5 MPH about 11:00 minute mile
Second mile 5.7 about a 10:30 minute mile
Third mile 6.0 MPH about a 10:00 minute mile
Forth mile 6.3 MPH about a 9:30 minute mile
Fifth mile 6.7 MPH about a 8:57 minute mile (finished the last quarter mile in about 8.0 MPH about a 7:30 minute mile
Cool down walk quarter mile at 3.8 MPH

Hit the heavy bag for two three minute miles. I did this workout in the morning and now after work my abs were sore. I think it was a combo of running and hitting the back.

Tomorrow is leg day.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 31, 2018, 11:05:58 AM
Leg Day:

Dumbbell squats 2 x 12 85lbs ( upright back and sinking butt. Used straps for grip. Did not deadlift the dumbbells)
Stiff leg dead 1 x 6 205 lbs ( all the way down)
Kick back machine 2 x 12 80lbs (Said it before. One of the best and hardest machines going)
leg extensions 2 x 12 150lbs
leg curl 2 x 12 110lbs
free hand body weight squats 1 x 50 (deep and very moderate cadence. No Cross fit nonsense where they cheat the movement going fast and shallow to beat the clock.)

Body weight with knee locked on single leg calf raise 3 x 13 then two leg for 50 reps
Seated calf raise 2 x 15 90lbs.

4 way neck machine 2 x 15

Talked to a girl that owns a karate dojo. She was deadlifting 285lbs. She weights only about 130lbs.  Incredible body. Turns out she lives a couple of blocks from me. I watch her working out and one of the few women that truly trains hard. We were talking about running. I would run with her but that wouldn't sit well with the wife.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on October 31, 2018, 11:12:04 AM
I would run with her but that wouldn't sit well with the wife.

Nope. Not a good idea.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 01, 2018, 10:31:26 AM
Ran five mile in the park today. It's one lap per mile.  Ran a slow pace but happy I got in.  Getting a little pissed off at some people.  A woman had her one dog all the way over to the left across the path and the other to the right. Completely cutting off the path.

 It seems every woman walking is wearing those panty hose type yoga pants.  Every lap I have something to look forward to. I went to the gym and pounded the heavy bag. The five miles really takes a little stink off the punches due to fatigue.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on November 01, 2018, 10:49:04 AM
Those panty hose pants have a few runs in them.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 02, 2018, 10:50:25 AM
Trained delt and arms:

Military press 2 x 8 115lbs (cleaned weight. Went all the way down)
dumbbell delt laterals 2 x 10 30lbs
Machine delt laterals 2 x 10 80lbs
Machine rear delt 2 x 10 80lbs
barbell shrugs 2 x 10 250lbs

weighted dips 2 x 10 25lbs (deep)
single dumbbell two hands 2 x 10 75lbs
Rope tricep 2 x 12 90lbs

EZ curl 2 x 10 90lbs
scott barbell curl 2 x10 50lbs (slow and careful. afraid of damaging my surgically repaired arm)
arnold concentration curl 2 x 12 25lbs

wrist curls 2 x 25 95lbs
reverse pulley curls 2 x 10

ab coaster 1 x 37 60lbs
ab machine crunch 2 x 23 100lbs.

I finished by running 3 miles on the treadmill. First mile was 10 minute pace (6.0 MPH) and the last under 9 minute pace (6.8 MPH). Quarter mile warm up walk and cool down walk. Shirt was completely drenched. Humidity is high in NJ today.

Next week I think I'm going to a whole body routine. I want to see how it will work out with my runs.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 05, 2018, 10:35:42 AM
Back and Chest:

Mag bar pulldowns 2 x 10 140lbs (upright back and all the way down)
Seated cable rows with V handle 2 x 12 180lbs
T bar rows 2 x 10 90lbs (This contraption he has uses leverage against you. 90lbs felt like a ton)
Hammer pulldowns 2 x 10

Dumbbell flat bench 2 x 8 80lbs ( all the way down)
Incline dumbbell 2 x 8 65lbs ( went somewhat slo mo)
Flat flies 2 x 10 50lbs
cable flies 2 x 10 50lbs

Deadlift 2x 4 300lbs then 1 x 1 330lbs (I think I have been slacking off with them. Maybe time to up the weight)
weighted hypers 2 x 15 25lbs plate behind head

Ab wheel roll out 2 x 25
Ab machine crunch  2 x 23 100lbs

I thought this week I would use a whole body routine but when I went over in my head I thought it was too much.  Going to change my ways shortly, I just don't what I will do?

I spotted a guy doing 405lbs in the bench. He pulled something in his shoulder. Sometimes it's just not worth it doing a single rep.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on November 06, 2018, 04:53:21 AM
Just some ideas...

When you train full-body you have to cut back obviously.  You can't do as many sets per bodypart like on a split.

An idea would be to take the same amount of sets you do on a typical day and spread them out over the whole body.

Not counting abs you did 20 sets.

Body parts to train:

Upper thighs

So 4 sets each body part.


Upper thighs - Leg press and leg curl 2 sets each
Calves -  Standing calf raises and seated calf raises 2 sets each
Chest/delts - Flat dumbbell press and dumbbell lateral raises 2 sets each
Back - Lat pulls and rows - 2 sets each
Arms - Biceps curl and Tricep pushdowns 2 sets each

That's 20 sets.
Then for Abs do the same as previous workout

This doens't include any warmup sets which might be necessary.

You could do this same workout 2-3 times a week or do an A/B type routine where you do different exercises on alternate days 2-3 times a week.

Run on the same day if you feel like it and then rest completely on off days or run on off days.

I'm thinking running on the same day might be better as you'd then have a full day of recovery between workouts.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 06, 2018, 07:20:13 AM
Just some ideas...

When you train full-body you have to cut back obviously.  You can't do as many sets per bodypart like on a split.

An idea would be to take the same amount of sets you do on a typical day and spread them out over the whole body.

Not counting abs you did 20 sets.

Body parts to train:

Upper thighs

So 4 sets each body part.


Upper thighs - Leg press and leg curl 2 sets each
Calves -  Standing calf raises and seated calf raises 2 sets each
Chest/delts - Flat dumbbell press and dumbbell lateral raises 2 sets each
Back - Lat pulls and rows - 2 sets each
Arms - Biceps curl and Tricep pushdowns 2 sets each

That's 20 sets.
Then for Abs do the same as previous workout

This doens't include any warmup sets which might be necessary.

You could do this same workout 2-3 times a week or do an A/B type routine where you do different exercises on alternate days 2-3 times a week.

Run on the same day if you feel like it and then rest completely on off days or run on off days.

I'm thinking running on the same day might be better as you'd then have a full day of recovery between workouts.

For me running on the same day as a whole body routine is just too much. I'm lucky I know my own name after a whole body routine. I find training the whole body on one day is the hardest way to work out. I use to use this routine for awhile. I could never keep it up because I found it so draining.

Power clean and jerk 3 x 3 then 1 x1
squats 2 x 8
lunges 1 x 8
dumbbell flat bench 2 x 8
pull ups 2 x max
Cable seated V rows 2 x 12
military press 2 x 8
dumbbell laterals 2 x 10
weighted dips 2 x 10
barbell curls 2 x 10
standing calf raise 2 x 15

The routine took me between 90 minutes and two hours. I trained each set to positive failure. I found it's not only the amount of sets but the fact that you are hitting the whole body that produces a systemic fatigue. I made rapid strength gains but it wasn't sustainable because I couldn't do the work outs for about two weeks before I was completely spent. If there is one thing it taught me is that repeating an exercise more than once a week really works. Now I'm doing an exercise once a week. In under 20 years I will probably be dead but I'm still trying to figure this stuff out. LOL.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on November 06, 2018, 08:11:00 AM
For me running on the same day as a whole body routine is just too much. I'm lucky I know my own name after a whole body routine. I find training the whole body on one day is the hardest way to work out. I use to use this routine for awhile. I could never keep it up because I found it so draining.

Power clean and jerk 3 x 3 then 1 x1
squats 2 x 8
lunges 1 x 8
dumbbell flat bench 2 x 8
pull ups 2 x max
Cable seated V rows 2 x 12
military press 2 x 8
dumbbell laterals 2 x 10
weighted dips 2 x 10
barbell curls 2 x 10
standing calf raise 2 x 15

The routine took me between 90 minutes and two hours. I trained each set to positive failure. I found it's not only the amount of sets but the fact that you are hitting the whole body that produces a systemic fatigue. I made rapid strength gains but it wasn't sustainable because I couldn't do the work outs for about two weeks before I was completely spent. If there is one thing it taught me is that repeating an exercise more than once a week really works. Now I'm doing an exercise once a week. In under 20 years I will probably be dead but I'm still trying to figure this stuff out. LOL.

Cut that in half and you'd be good.

squats 2 x 8
dumbbell flat bench 2 x 8
pull ups 2 x max
dumbbell laterals 2 x 10
barbell curls 2 x 10
standing calf raise 2 x 15

If you like variety alternate with this workout next...

Power clean and jerk 3 x 3 then 1 x1
Cable seated V rows 2 x 12
weighted dips 2 x 10
barbell curls 2 x 10
standing calf raise 2 x 15
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 06, 2018, 04:34:53 PM
Ran 5.5 miles today. I ran about 3.5 miles and my shoe lace came undone. When I went to tie it I pulled on the emergency disconnect erasing the run on the computer display. I just ran another two miles.  Hit the heavy bag and a guy told me I wouldn't want to get hit by you.  Made me feel good cause I thought I was so fatigued from the run that I wasn't giving my all to the heavy bag session. I actually felt ill after the run. Just did too much.  Tomorrow is legs. I feel I'm slowly but surely getting in good cardio shape.

After the run the wife wanted to go to a Cuban Restaurant. It was closed when we got there at 3:30PM. We started walking away and the owner said, "We are closed and we are getting reading for the diner crowd." I guess she saw the disappointment on our face. She told us to come in and she would tell the chefs to make us something. Here we were in a brand new classy restaurant with nice jazz playing. All the tables were empty and set up for the diner crowd. Really good food and we felt like were celebrities having the place shut down for us. Drank french wine with the Cuban food. Is that wrong?  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 07, 2018, 12:20:49 PM
Trained legs today. I rarely do barbell squats lately but use dumbbells. Today I was set to barbell squat and someone was in the squat rack. Only one squat area in the whole gym.  

My son in law wants me to train at his Dojo in jui jitsu. Just not into it at this stage of the game. I have surgically repaired arm and I don't have an interest anymore. My other daughter's fiance is heavily into it too.  I guess it's a matter of time before I fold. I haven't rolled on the mats for many years. Truth be told I stink at jui jitsu and I'm a better striker. These two guys are really good at submissions. My son in law is 310lbs and about 6'4". I might tap out from him putting his weight on me. LOL.  I use to practice the art back in the day during UFC 1 and 2. I really don't want guys jerking my bad arm and shoulder in joint locks.  I guess I will cave at some point. Then my weight workouts and other training will be very different. I remember when I was training for jui jitsu everything was about conditioning. Strength wasn't a real consideration. I just ran all time.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on November 08, 2018, 08:52:50 AM
I was into karate for a few years.  That's how I messed my knee up.

So no more of that for me. 

Carry a knife and you're all set.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 08, 2018, 09:45:05 AM
I was into karate for a few years.  That's how I messed my knee up.

So no more of that for me. 

Carry a knife and you're all set.

I have legally carried a gun for 35 years. Ran a really slow 2 miles. Just not feeling it today. Felt like a slug. Try to pick it up tomorrow after lifting. Saw a new guy in the gym when I went in there to hit heavy bag. He was warming up for snatches. So rare in a bodybuilding gym. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on November 08, 2018, 05:16:02 PM
I have legally carried a gun for 35 years. Ran a really slow 2 miles. Just not feeling it today. Felt like a slug. Try to pick it up tomorrow after lifting. Saw a new guy in the gym when I went in there to hit heavy bag. He was warming up for snatches. So rare in a bodybuilding gym.  

You live in NJ, right?  I'm curious.

How do you qualify for a carry permit?  It's for all intents and purposes impossible to get a carry permit in NJ.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 09, 2018, 02:18:58 PM
Trained delt and arms. After lifting I did 6 x quarter miles on the treadmill. I rested long between sets on the treadmill so it wasn't too taxing. Fastest quarter was at a 6:30 minute mile pace (9.2 MPH). Not exactly flying.  Rested a quarter mile fast walk in between. Way too much rest.

Getting back to the weight part I used 60lbs dumbbells for the standing shoulder pressing sets. I know many do these sitting but for most it turns into a  part incline press. Standing seems more strict with no lean back.  I go all way down as far as my structure allows. It limits the weight but I believe the full range of motion is more work than doing the usual half way down method I see everyone doing. Added benefit is that a lighter weight can be used so getting the weight into position is easier.

I have to stop eating like a slob and drinking beer. At my age I can't out work my diet anymore. Getting frustrated but I know it's my lack of discipline on the eating front. I don't know how I can be  so dedicated to the training part and say fuck it when it comes to diet. I have to get my act together. I was at 190lbs months ago.  I then went down to 180lbs. Right on the verge of my goal of getting into the 170lbs. Now I'm going up and weigh 184lbs.  Wow, I sound like a chick talking about my weight.  ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on November 09, 2018, 02:30:30 PM
I did intermittent fasting for quite awhile and it helped me manage my eating.

I fasted from 8PM to Noon the following day.  Also counted calories using free MyFitnessPal to keep track of what I ate.

The fasting really wasn't bad, basically skipping breakfast.

You still have to count calories of what you eat but the fasting allows you to eat larger meals when you do get to eat so that's the mind trick you get to play.  You get to feel full when you do eat.

I'm not doing it anymore but it got me in the habit of not over-eating too much. 

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 09, 2018, 03:17:44 PM
I did intermittent fasting for quite awhile and it helped me manage my eating.

I fasted from 8PM to Noon the following day.  Also counted calories using free MyFitnessPal to keep track of what I ate.

The fasting really wasn't bad, basically skipping breakfast.

You still have to count calories of what you eat but the fasting allows you to eat larger meals when you do get to eat so that's the mind trick you get to play.  You get to feel full when you do eat.

I'm not doing it anymore but it got me in the habit of not over-eating too much. 

My one daughter's boyfriend does that. He's into jui jitsu but prior to that he was a gym rat. Now he exclusively goes to the dojo. Has a very athletic build. He said he stops eating at a certain time at night and doesn't eat again until lunch. I have been told many times by people at work that they can't believe how much I can eat. I heard the same thing about competitive swimmers that they eat like a horse but burn it off. The problem is I can't burn it off anymore. I would be shocked if I kept a food diary of my gluttony. Below is just today and believe me it's a light day of eating.

two eggs- two strips of bacon-muffins and skim milk

lunch was roast beef sandwich, pomegranate, two bananas, protein shake.

snack: ate potato chips, peanuts and some soft goo candy that resembled an orange slice

Dinner: The wife wants Chinese so we I'm getting chicken and broccoli with wanton soup.

I'm sure after that I will be watching TV eating salsa and corn chips.

Just hopeless. LoL. I eat like a common slob.  Tomorrow is a college football game. My well to do nephew said we can come to his box seats and in the parking lot is a giant cook out. I'm sure between the beer and BBQ stuff I will eat to my hearts content.  The box seat has an open free bar and all the food you can eat too. I guess Sunday I will start eating right.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 12, 2018, 12:50:02 PM
I'm doing a Yates inspired workouts this week. Today  was chest and biceps:

Flat dumbbell bench 1 x 8 85lbs ( all the way down.)
Incline dumbbell bench 1 x 10 70lbs
Flat flies 1 x 15 50lbs
Pulley flies 1 x 14 ( seems to bug my bad shoulder)
Push ups 1 x  to failure.

EZ curl 1 x 14 90lbs
Scott curl 1 x 13
Concentration curl 1 x 14 25lbs
Machine curls preacher 1 x 10

forearm wrist curls 1 x 30 95lbs
reverse grip pulley curls 1 x  12

Ab wheel roll out 1 x 30
Machine crunch 1 x 24 100lbs

Ran two miles after with a quarter mile fast walk warm up and cool down at 3.8 MPH.  The first mile was at 8:57 pace 6.7 MPH and the second in 7.0MPH  8:34 Pace. The last quarter was around mid 7:30 pace.

Gaining weight. Damn beer. LOL.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 13, 2018, 10:24:41 AM
I might end this online journal. I'm sure it's boring. Trained legs today.

Dumbbell squat 1 x 14 85lbs ( Upright back and sank it.)
Hack machine 1 x 13 ( I really sink these and stretch the knees out. Most go shallow with a lot of plates. One guy told me would ruin my knees going so low but I feel the opposite. Flexibility prevents injuries. Having tight joints is where tears happen. )
stiff leg dead 1 x 8 205lbs
Kick back machine 1 x 15 80lbs

Standing calf raise 1 x 15 195lbs
Seated calf 1 x 19 90lbs

4 way neck 1 set per side

Hanging straight leg raise 1 x 25
knee ins 1 x 25
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on November 13, 2018, 01:51:18 PM
I might end this online journal. I'm sure it's boring.

It gets to be something you regret starting in the first place.

Then you feel bad if you stop.

We could both agree to stop posting until at least 1/1/2019 or later.

I keep a written notebook of my workouts anyway.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 13, 2018, 07:14:13 PM
It gets to be something you regret starting in the first place.

Then you feel bad if you stop.

We could both agree to stop posting until at least 1/1/2019 or later.

I keep a written notebook of my workouts anyway.

I kept a journal of my workouts for decades. For my personal perspective it made me too competitive. I made the workouts hellish to soon. I keep track of reps, weight and time it took for the workout. For example on my whole body routines three days a week I would set a goal and then back off 6 workouts. An example of this would be a goal to do full range sets of  press behind the neck with 140lbs. I would start with 115lbs. Every whole body workout I would increase by 5lbs. So Monday would be 115lbs, Wednesday 120lbs, Friday 125lbs. Next Monday 130lbs and so on.   By the time I got to work out 6 it would be so exhausting that I would have to take time off.

 I have worked out enough and I know what my personal records are life time and recent. I still push it but by basically keeping the work outs in my head I'm a little less hard on myself. I don't beat myself up so to speak. If I do my normal 2 sets of 4 reps with 300lbs in the deadlift sometimes I ignite a fire and do a set of 6 reps with 315lbs. Next week I'm down to 300lbs. I will never do sets with 405lbs like I use to but hell it's okay I guess what I'm doing at my age. I think I have a somewhat youthful face and good build I can egotistically say. My mainly white hair is something I can live with. Most guys in their late 50's and early 60's look like hell even if they workout. Not talking about the old men risking health with steroids. They look good but completely fall apart without the assist.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 14, 2018, 09:36:31 AM
Ran 6 x half miles (880 yards)  Quarter mile fast walking warm up 3.8MPH and the same at the end.

In between each set I would walk a quarter mile at 3.8MPH. 

1. 7.1 MPH-8:27 pace
2. 7.1 MPH-8:27 pace
3. 7.5 MPH- 8:00 pace
4. 7.5 MPH - 8:00 pace
5. 7.7 MPH-7:48 pace
6. 8.0 MPH- 7:30 Pace (ran the speed up the last couple of hundred yards. No idea how fast)

Hit the heavy bag after. I like hitting it after a run. It really turns it into an exhausting drill.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 15, 2018, 10:18:07 AM
Back day: Yates style. No warm ups listed. Work out took about 40 minutes.

Pulldown with M.A.G. bar 1 x 13 (stayed fairly upright. I didn't turn the pulldown into a row. )
Cable lat row seated with V handle 1 x 14 180lbs
Single dumbbell row with knee on bench 1 x 12 95lbs
Hammer pull down 1 x 14
deadlifts 1 x 6 315lbs
Weighted hypers 1 x 20 25lbs plate behind head.

Ab wheel roll out 1 x 27
Ab machine crunch 1 x 22 100lbs

Tomorrow is delt/tris with cardio. It's going to be a hard one.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on November 15, 2018, 11:59:45 AM
I keep a notebook so I can remember what I did.

I even make hash marks to count my sets.

I'm feeble.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 16, 2018, 09:17:17 AM
Delt and triceps:  Work out took about 40 minutes. No warm ups listed. I do a minimum amount of warm ups. Many exercises get zero.

Military clean and press 3 x 4  135lbs (Thought I would drop the weight on my head)
Dumbbell delt lateral 1 x 15 30lbs
Machine rear delt laterals 1 x 13 80lbs
Rear delt machine 1 x 12 90lbs
Barbell shrugs 1 x 15 250lbs

Weighted dips 1 x 10 25lbs plate
Single dumbbell two hands behind head 1 x 12 80lbs
Rope push downs 1 x 12 90lbs
Traditional tricep pushdowns 1 x 14

Ab coaster 1 x 37 60lbs
Pulley crunch 1 x 25

I was going to do a double session with cardio but I wasn't feeling it. I will have an all cardio day tomorrow.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 17, 2018, 03:43:25 PM
Cardio treadmill day. 6 x 880 yards (half mile).

Used a warm up of a quarter mile fast walk of 3.8 MPH.  At the end of the work out was a cool down fast walk 3.8 MPH for a quarter mile. I used a rest interval between sets was again a 3.8 MPH walk for a quarter mile rest.

This is the break down of the half mile repeats.

1. Half mile at 7.5 MPH (8:00 pace)
2. Half mile at 7.5 MPH (8:00 pace)
3. Half mile at 7.8 MPH (7:42 pace)
4. Half mile at 7.8 MPH (7:42 pace)
5. Half mile at 8.0 MPH (7:30 pace)
6. Half mile at 8.6 MPH (6:59 pace)

Did this after drinking a few the day before. Boxing drills after the treadmill.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on November 18, 2018, 11:57:04 AM
You in hella good shape, bro.

I'm serious.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 19, 2018, 02:51:29 PM
I'm a broken record with my workouts. Back and chest today.  Thought this week I would use volume or a whole body routine but here I am with a low set routine split routine. I was watching a muscular guy working out. He was using very moderate weights. I give him props for how lean he was. I wouldn't want to be seen using his weights he used but he made a light weight heavy by resting minimally between sets. I'm sure by his last set the light weight felt like 1000lbs.

 I'm always questioning the HIT vs volume question. There is no true definition of Hit except that it's low sets to failure. Personally I would define HIT as anything from one set to three sets per exercise to failure or close to failure. I really think there is a lot of validity to the success of muscular endurance training in the form of volume. Truth be told both are brutal ways to train but for different reasons. It's apples to oranges. In track which is harder? A 400 meter sprinter or a 5K distance runner is terms of effort? Clearly both are brutal. If it's a question of intensity then yes the 400 meter runner has more intensity.  

A HIT guy will do one set to failure of an exercise after warm up if necessary. A volume guy might do 5 sets of an exercise 10 reps.  Sets 1 to 3 won't be to failure. Not to say it will be easy. Set four will be getting close. On set five he fails at 7 reps trying to get his goal of five sets of 10. HIT guys like to brag they work out hard saying volume guys don't. Complete nonsense.

I was listening to a guy that trains mainly with volume. He said that he started lifting during the Arthur Jones craze that was pushed further by Mentzer. He said when he stopped with high intensity and went on to volume he made drastic gains. Is it because he gave his body a new stimulus to adapt to? I don't know. He said he believed it was good to mix up the two from time to time. Arnold use to say he uses volume but it's good to work to a single on various major exercises from time to time to have a heavy weight day.

If intensity was the magic bullet we would all be doing sets of one rep after warm up because that is the highest intensity you can do. It isn't the magic bullet.

I took a picture of myself today and I wish I was leaner. Working on it.  ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 20, 2018, 09:00:47 AM
Cardio day: Almost the same as last but picked up the last half mile.

6 x 880 yards (half mile)

1. Half mile at 7.5 MPH (8:00 pace)
2. Half mile at 7.5 MPH (8:00 pace)
3. Half mile at 7.8 MPH (7:42 pace)
4. Half mile at 7.8 MPH (7:42 pace)
5. Half mile at 8.0 MPH (7:30 pace)
6. Half mile at 8.7 MPH (6:54 pace)

Boxing drills.

Might do 8 x 440 yards (quarter miles) next time to break it up.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 21, 2018, 09:50:15 AM
Leg day: No warm ups listed.

Dumbbell squat 2 x 12 95lbs dumbbells ( deep and upright. All the way down. I was breathing like a race horse)
Hack squats 2 x 12 ( again all the way down. I see guys put a million plates on this and barely do a half squat)
stiff leg dead for hamstrings 1 x 6 205lbs
Kick back machine 2 x12 80lbs ( brutal machine. Don't think this is a lady machine)
leg extension 2 x 12 150lbs
leg curl machine 2 x 12 100lbs
body weight squats 1 x 51 ( didn't know my name after)

Standing calf 2 x 12 180lbs (tried to go deep but when I really go low my tendon gives me aggravation)
seated calf 2 x 15 90lbs  (beginning to wonder if standing no weight single leg calf raises are better than machines. I went on a kick of them after reading a Tnation article and they were hard. Try it. Lock your knee and do calf raises with nothing but body weight on one foot. Most can't get 20 clean full range reps.)

4 way Nautilus neck 2 x 15
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on November 21, 2018, 10:30:11 AM
Single leg calf raises are hard.

Whatever your bodyweight is all on one leg.

Double that and put it on a barbell and do 2-leg calf raises.  I think it will be hard too!

Enjoy the holiday!

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 22, 2018, 06:57:30 PM
Cardio day. I did 8 x 440 yards (quarter miles) Took it easy. Light cardio day.

1. 8.0 MPH 7:30 pace
2. 8.0 MPH 7:30 pace
3. 8.3 MPH 7:14 pace
4. 8.3 MPH 7:14 pace
5. 8.6 MPH 6:59 pace
6. 8.6 MPH 6:59 pace
7. 8.9 MPH 6:44 pace
8. 9.2 MPH 6:31 pace (did the last 100 yards or so at around a 6:00 minute pace)

Had Thanksgiving with the Italian wife and our family. I ate a ridiculous amount of calories today. Just a day of booze and gluttony. 

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 23, 2018, 11:00:06 AM
Trained delt and arms today. Shocked that the gym wasn't crowded today. Maybe everyone is hung over from a two days of having a good time. I tried an exercise I haven't done in decades.  It's the seated dumbbell curl leaning back against an incline bench. So many people do this exercise. Many of the greats like Steve Reeves used it. Now I know why I haven't used it for decades. It just feels wrong for me. Maybe I'm doing something wrong that I'm not aware of. It could be it just doesn't fit my structure. 

I had the usual gym observations. Why do people go to the gym to hang out and talk?  Zero exertion.  Zero conditioning happening. One unusual thing was with the owner is also a personal trainer. Most people who go to trainers are clueless. He's training now a guy who appears to be in really good shape. Why did this guy hire a rep counter?  Most of his clients look like they would be exhausted trying to run around the block.This guy looks in great shape. Just weird.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on November 23, 2018, 02:42:07 PM
Trained delt and arms today. Shocked that the gym wasn't crowded today. Maybe everyone is hung over from a two days of having a good time. I tried an exercise I haven't done in decades.  It's the seated dumbbell curl leaning back against an incline bench. So many people do this exercise. Many of the greats like Steve Reeves used it. Now I know why I haven't used it for decades. It just feels wrong for me. Maybe I'm doing something wrong that I'm not aware of. It could be it just doesn't fit my structure. 

I had the usual gym observations. Why do people go to the gym to hang out and talk?  Zero exertion.  Zero conditioning happening. One unusual thing was with the owner is also a personal trainer. Most people who go to trainers are clueless. He's training now a guy who appears to be in really good shape. Why did this guy hire a rep counter?  Most of his clients look like they would be exhausted trying to run around the block.This guy looks in great shape. Just weird.

"Personal Training" is out of control. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 23, 2018, 06:51:23 PM
"Personal Training" is out of control. 

One female personal trainer is the worst I have ever seen. She picks machines on a whim.  Never corrects their atrocious form. She talks to them through ever single rep about any topic at all like vacations, tv shows and about who they are dating. No exertion is going on. Truth be told this 45 or so year old isn't in good shape. She is just thin. No muscle tone. Instead of teaching her clients how to think and train them self she does the old trainer trick of confusion. Make sure every single workout is completely different so they remain reliant. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 26, 2018, 10:03:45 AM
Trained back and chest today. Felt weak.  Way too much alcohol, calories and lack of sleep. I have to get back on track. Tonight going to bed early.  Going for my first ever massage today. My wife goes and talked me into it. She told me the woman that does it is fantastic. Hope I don't get turned on.  ;D. Said she gives a one hour massage from the bottom of your feet to the top of your head.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on November 26, 2018, 11:10:43 AM
She must be ugly or your wife wouldn't let you go.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on November 26, 2018, 11:40:31 AM
it took someone on this board to make my stubborn ass change a long process of figuribg my stomach issues,i read what you went through ,i wast dying inside but felt crappy every day around my meals due to protein powder i was us8ng for yrs and yrs same one but it wasnt digesting anymore well ,i would make shakes,mix it in greek yogurt you name it .it took months to figure out,

Did you switch to another brand or give up protein power altogether? What about premix protein shakes including those made from vegetable proteins?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 26, 2018, 12:46:16 PM
She must be ugly or your wife wouldn't let you go.

She was so amazing I would ask her out on a date if I wasn't married. Never had a massage before. One hour of her massaging every inch of my body. Sorry for getting in touch with my feminine side.  ;D  I have nothing to judge it against being my first time.  All I can say is wow. Tipped her $20 bucks. No, there was no happy ending. This was a real legit therapeutic message.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 27, 2018, 11:18:23 AM
Cardio day. 6 x 880 yards.

Last half in the high 6 minute mile pace. Hit the heavy bag hard. Really had to gut out this workout. Felt exhausted but glad I got it in.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 28, 2018, 10:50:27 AM
Trained legs today. Had an interesting conversation with a girl working out. She is a black belt and owns a self defense dojo with her husband. She gave digs to the UFC saying they are terrible strikers. She said jui jitsu guys concentrate too much on ground game and not enough on stand up. She also said that there are many techniques not allowed. I told her if they were allowed it wouldn't change anything.  I just walked away shaking my head. Delusion in martial arts runs deep the same way it runs in bodybuilding. I thought UFC #1 settled how much BS traditional martial arts were. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on November 29, 2018, 04:11:19 AM
Trained legs today. Had an interesting conversation with a girl working out. She is a black belt and owns a self defense dojo with her husband. She gave digs to the UFC saying they are terrible strikers. She said jui jitsu guys concentrate too much on ground game and not enough on stand up. She also said that there are many techniques not allowed. I told her if they were allowed it wouldn't change anything.  I just walked away shaking my head. Delusion in martial arts runs deep the same way it runs in bodybuilding. I thought UFC #1 settled how much BS traditional martial arts were. 

Did you bow when you exited the conversation, showing proper respect?

Thankfully you did not upset her or she might have killed you with her one finger death touch.  ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 29, 2018, 09:44:50 AM
I know I'm a broken record here. 6 x half miles for cardio day.

2 x 7.6 MPH (7:54 pace)
2 x 7.8 MPH (7:42 pace)
1 x 8.0 MPH (7:30 pace)
1 x 8.7 MPH (6:54 pace)

Hit the heavy bag for a couple of rounds. Included some knee strikes. Tomorrow is delts and arms. I think an ultimate goal is to get all 6 half miles in the 6 minute range pace. I don't know if that's a realistic goal at my age and weight.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 30, 2018, 10:36:15 AM
Delt and arms:

Clean and military press 3 x 4 135lbs (stayed upright and brought the bar all the way down to press it out)
Dumbbell standing delt press 1 x 12 45lbs
Dumbbell laterals 2 x 10 30lbs
Machine delt laterals 2 x 10 70lbs then 80lbs on the last set.
Rear delt machine 2 x 10 90lbs
barbell shrugs 2 x 10 250lbs

weighted dips 2 x 10 25lbs
two arm one dumbbell behind the neck tricep 2 x 10 75lbs
traditional tricep pushdowns 2 x 12

Alternate bicep dumbbell curl 2 x 8 45lbs
scott barbell curls 2 x 10
scott dumbbell curls 2 x10

forearm wrist curls 2 x 25 95lbs
reverse pulley curls 2 x 12

ab coaster 1 x 40 60lbs
machine crunches 2 x 23 100lbs.

Gym was packed for some reason. So many regulars there. I feel like I have to say hello to everyone as I walk around the gym.  I like to work out and keep to myself but it's gotten to the point where I know everyone. I chat but briefly. I know it's rude but I'm keeping a rhythm to my workout and I sometimes I have to walk away from some people that go to the gym to talk.  

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 01, 2018, 04:26:10 PM
Got on the treadmill today for a cardio session. Ran about 200 yards and said fuck it. Just couldn't face another day on the hamster wheel. Next time I run it will be outdoors by the ocean or nice trail.   I had  5 days of hard workouts in a row. Taking the weekend off. Talked to a real old timer.  He made me feel good about taking the day off. Basically said listen to your body. If you can can say you hit it hard five days in a row then don't look back at a missed cardio session. I think it was Bill Pearl who said if you make your workouts hellish then you will start missing days. Yates said something a little different. He said in effect make the workouts hellish but make sure you have days to recover. This is my unplanned recovery day.

Went home and had family over for dinner. Drank 3 beers. My son in law got my son on face time. He's in the Army Airborne. Turns out he said he will fly in during Christmas. Can't wait.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 03, 2018, 04:25:39 PM
I have a month on my commercial gym membership left. Going to work out at home for awhile. Getting tired of the gym scene. I also stupidly want to see if I can bench again with my bad shoulder. Sounds vain and shows my insecurity but I don't want to be seen with 135lbs on the bar in public.  That's what I would have to start with.  It's amazing that dumbbells don't bother my shoulder to the outrageous extent a barbell does. It seems I just hit a sweet spot by twisting my wrist to where my shoulders don't protest.

Might stop this journal for awhile. It's not like more than two people read it.  ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on December 03, 2018, 06:11:24 PM
I have a month on my commercial gym membership left. Going to work out at home for awhile. Getting tired of the gym scene. I also stupidly want to see if I can bench again with my bad shoulder. Sounds vain and shows my insecurity but I don't want to be seen with 135lbs on the bar in public.  That's what I would have to start with.  It's amazing that dumbbells don't bother my shoulder to the outrageous extent a barbell does. It seems I just hit a sweet spot by twisting my wrist to where my shoulders don't protest.

Might stop this journal for awhile. It's not like more than two people read it.  ;D

Yes, beside me and you there is nobody else.

Careful with the shoulder.  Take time to re-develop flexibility and attachment strength .

Me, I'd start with an empty bar and go up by small amounts over several months.

135 is too much.

You can still do the heavier dumbbells while doing that.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Coach is Back! on December 03, 2018, 06:33:43 PM
56...Shoulder Day

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 04, 2018, 06:09:59 AM
Great training video. I never sit for delt presses. I find it turns slightly into a chest press. I also go all way down and don't stop when humerus bone is parallel to the ground. It limits the weight used but I always try to do an exercise in the hardest way and not the easiest.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 04, 2018, 07:25:34 PM
Two rules that I tried to keep in mind today. One is from Physics 101. A load moved a greater distance is more work than a load moved a shorter distance. Trying to keep range of motion in mind with all exercises. Second is from Kinesiology 101.  Try as we can in bodybuilding the muscle never works in isolation. Any athletic endeavor muscles work in a connected fashion. I often wonder if so called isolation exercises are needed to improve athletic function? The bodybuilding mentality of needing many different exercises for a body part might truly be only beneficial for cosmetic bodybuilding.

Trained Chest and arms. For a couple of years now I have two bad shoulders but one is really gone. In bad times I can barely move my arm but it has seemed to dissipate with self physical therapy. My orthopedic surgeon said I have a slap tear. He said if you are going to have one then I have it at the best possible place looking at my MRI. What ever that means. He advised against surgery but to try physical therapy first. He said if continues to be a problem he would use surgery. I trust this guy. He specializes in the shoulder down. He is not a jack of all joints when it comes to orthopedic surgery.

When I went to him I was in horrible pain and could barely move my arm. The result from the injury was that certain favorite exercises I couldn't do anymore. The bench was out. The press behind the neck was a staple. It was finished. Jerking a weight over head as in push presses and Olympic jerks were out. Every once in awhile I get the urge to try to bench again. It normally ends up in bad shoulder pain and a quick abandonment of the the exercise.  Here I am again trying to do it again. This time I'm lifting really slow with my cadence. In the past I always worked up to around 275-300lbs in my sets with my fitness/bodybuilding type workouts. Now 135lbs feels slightly painful. Here I go again. Only an idiot keeps doing the same things hoping for a different outcome.   ;D

No warms listed. Trained at home.

Bench press with a bar 2 x 6 165lbs then 1 x 1 190lbs, 200lbs and 205lbs (shoulder held up. Slow negative and positive to hopefully avoid injury. So far so good)
Incline barbell press 2 x 6 140lbs (all the way down touching the top of the chest. )
Dumbbell flies 2 x 10 48lbs (at my basement gym I can make odd weights like 48lbs)
Push ups 2 x max (Pushups don't bother my shoulder at all.)

Traditional tricep pushdowns 2 x 10
Skull crushers 2 x 8 (another exercise I abandoned due to elbow pain. Went with a slow cadence and it felt good)
reverse grip holding a handle tricep extensions 2 x 12

Barbell curl 2 x 10 95lbs
Alternate dumbbell curl 2 x 8 43lbs
Scott dumbbell curl 2 x 10

Wrist curls 2 x 20 95lb
reverse wrist extensions using a D.A.R.T. 2 x 15

Situps on a incline board 1 x 25
Weighted crunch 1 x 50 5lbs behind head
pulley crunches 2 x 30

Ivanko gripper 2 x 20

It was nice training at home again. I have a great sound system with a satellite radio. Typing this at night after work. My bad shoulder is sore but nothing major.

Tomorrow is legs. Going to get back to barbell squats. Haven't done them is a long time.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on December 05, 2018, 10:21:42 AM
Good reporting.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 05, 2018, 03:45:17 PM
Trained legs today. Training at home for a change. Feels great. I have been doing the majority of my training in a commercial gym the last 3 years. Going to stick to home training for awhile. Truth be told I can do everything I do in a gym at my home gym.  Doing all kinds of new things like using a barbell for chest instead of dumbbells. Later in the week I will use power cleaning instead of deadlifting. Today I went back to barbell squatting instead of dumbbell squatting. Wow, don't use an exercise for awhile and you sure need a break in period.

1.Leg Press 2 x 12 four plates a side ( I can use a lot more plates if I did shallow leg presses like the majority do with the high back board so the knees hit you before your legs are really bent. I really bend my legs with the back board low. Maybe too deep for knee health. Partials have it's place but don't brag about using 6 -7 plates a side if you are going only about a 40% to 50% of the range of motion.
2.Squats: I did 5 sets 225 to 250lbs I tried to go deep and a moderate cadence. Felt a little off doing them again. I was pre fatigued from the prior leg presses. Dumbbell squats are a killer but it felt good to get back to the barbell.
3.Leg extensions 2 x 20
4.Seated leg curls 2 x 15
5.Standing leg curls 2 x12
6.Body weight no apparatus free squats 1 x 53 reps (Really think this is a great finisher going deep. From the point of conditioning and pump. I remember Wilf Sylvester won the short Mr. Universe in 1975 doing free hand squats along with leg extensions/ leg curl. Here was one of the best bodybuilders on the planet and he used body weight squats. Reported he did 400 reps on leg day. Not sure if it was one set or multiple.

One dumbbell side bends 1 x 15 90lbs
Hanging leg raise 2 x 23
Hip ups 1 x 25 (lie on back and push hip area toward the ceiling with your legs straight up in the air)

Standing calf 2 x 15
Seated calf 2 x 15

Neck helmet 1 set all sides with a traditional head strap for the back of the neck.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 06, 2018, 10:33:43 AM
Ran two mile out side. Didn't set the world on fire with the miles in the 8 minute something range. Hate winter running outside. It creates so much laundry with all the crap you have to wear.  Hit the heavy bag after. Going to make a tweak to my training. Going to try to do cardio 6 days a week. In order to do this I'm going to have some very easy cardio days after lifting. Something like a slow slug two mile run after lifting. On days off I will try to hit it hard. Best laid plans often don't work out but I will see how it goes.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 07, 2018, 02:43:05 PM
Trained back and delts today. Ugh. I did power cleans light after not using them for a long time. They were jamming my bad shoulder. Kept it light to hope to work back into using 225lbs for my sets like I use to. Maybe I'm delusional.

Power cleans: 5 sets of 3 from 135lbs to 170lbs. Wow, ashamed about the weight but I will work on it.
M.A.G bar pulldowns 2 x 10
Low pulley rows with a V handle seated 2 x 12 170lbs
Dumbbell row 2 x 10 80lbs
Reverse grip pulldowns 2 x 10

Shoulder press standing with dumbbells 2 x 10 50lbs. (all the way down. No half reps where the humerus is parallel to the ground. Sure I could use around 80lbs if I used that range of motion)
Dumbbell delt laterals 2 x 10 30lbs
Pulley laterals 1 x 10
Rear delt laterals 2 x 10 35lbs
Barbell shrugs 2 x 10 250lbs

Stiff leg deadlifts off a block 2 x 6 210lbs
Weighted hyper extensions 2 x 15 25lbs ( I use a plate behind my head and the old fashion horizontal back extension bench. I've noticed a lot of guys using the 45 degree hyper bench with a barbell in their hands. Two problems I see with this. The resistance near the drop drops off because the way the 45 degree bench is made. Second using a barbell in your hands decreases the resistance due to the leverage being in your favor. Use a plate behind your head or a barbell on your upper traps Yates/Mentzer style. I was curious about the barbell style with the bar in my hands in the 45 degree back hyper extension bench. I used 135lbs for my reps. I'm telling you the horizontal style hyper bench with a 25 lbs plate behind my head is harder.

ab wheel roll out 2 x 23
Pulley crunches 2 x 30

Opened the pantry to get my gross protein powder. Slammed the door. Went in the fridge and grabbed a nice German beer. That's more like it.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 10, 2018, 06:40:31 PM
Continuing saga of trying to lift with a bad shoulder. If this barbell bench press comeback doesn't work I will go back to dumbbells and just say fuck it.

Chest and arm day:

Barbell bench 2 x 6 175lbs 1 x 1 215 ( Shoulder is holding up but the tweaks are scary. Increasing the weight as a snails pace. Might stick  with the bar for benching and inclines until by my shoulder screams no instead of dumbbells. Next week I will give it a better test with a slow cadence 225lbs.)

Incline bar bench 2 x 6 150lbs. I know I can do a lot more but just doing strict movements for safety. The bar hit the chest each rep)

Flat flies 2 x 10 50lbs

Push ups 2 x max. (One set conventional and one set with perfect pushup handles. The hands twist to the spot they want to go with the push up handles. It has a greater range of motion but it also lessons the resistance by raising the body slightly putting more weight on the feet)

Traditional tricep pushdowns 2 x 10 ( my home unit isn't as smooth as the commercial gym)
Lying tricep extensions with an EZ curl bar 2 x 8 (got a good elbow tweak. Might drop this next time)
Reverse grip D Handle tricep extensions 2 x 12 (zero elbow pain with these)

barbell curl 2 x 10 95lbs
Alternate dumbbell curl 2 x 8 43lbs
concentration curl 2 x 12

wrist curls 2 x 20 90lbs
wrist extensions 2 x 15

Incline sit ups 1 x 27 reps
Weighted floor crunches 1 x 50 (10lbs plate behind head)
Pulley crunches 2 x 25 50lbs

Ivanko gripper  2 x 20 (If I use lower reps the higher resistance digs into my hand too much.)

Immediately after I walked on a treadmill at 3.8MPH and increased the incline 1% each lap for about 45 minutes. Last lap I ran at a little under 7 minute mile pace. Going to see if I can do gentle cardio on my lifting days instead of just lifting.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on December 11, 2018, 03:56:03 AM
I'd go much lighter for awhile with the benches and inclines.  Really super light.  Empty bar.  Add 5 lbs a week.  Sets of 12.  3-5 sets.

The connective tissues are what you need to strengthen and that takes awhile.

Your muscles are stronger than the connective tissues which is what will get hurt.

No reason to go heavy so soon.  Give it time.  No ego.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 11, 2018, 10:11:12 AM
Cardio day. I ran 5.25 miles. Started very slow and had a gradual build up. Cranked the last quarter mile in under 7 minute mile pace. Between walking to warm up and cool down at the end it showed I was on the treadmill for 6 miles. 5.25 miles was running. Exhausted and a little cranky.  New goal is to do cardio5 to 6 days a week. Don't know if I can keep that up. Cardio on lifting days will be 45 minutes of fast walking with a quarter mile run at the end to remind my legs I'm a runner and not a walker. Off to work soon.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on December 11, 2018, 11:16:03 AM
I have a month on my commercial gym membership left. Going to work out at home for awhile. Getting tired of the gym scene. I also stupidly want to see if I can bench again with my bad shoulder. Sounds vain and shows my insecurity but I don't want to be seen with 135lbs on the bar in public.  That's what I would have to start with.  It's amazing that dumbbells don't bother my shoulder to the outrageous extent a barbell does. It seems I just hit a sweet spot by twisting my wrist to where my shoulders don't protest.

Might stop this journal for awhile. It's not like more than two people read it.  ;D

There's nothing wrong with benching 135 lbs. Probably nobody at the is watching. If they are and they care how much you bench, let them think what they will. Another thing, if dumbbells don't bother your shoulder, why not just stick with them. They are a better way to exercise your upper body anyway.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 11, 2018, 07:21:34 PM
There's nothing wrong with benching 135 lbs. Probably nobody at the is watching. If they are and they care how much you bench, let them think what they will. Another thing, if dumbbells don't bother your shoulder, why not just stick with them. They are a better way to exercise your upper body anyway.

Stop it Prime, you are making too much sense. I will see how this bench goes. It's going semi okay.  I will test the shoulder with 225lbs next bench day. If it amounts to my shoulder screaming  I will revert back to dumbbells. You're right though. Dumbbells might be a better tool to use anyway. It just bothers me with all the working out I do that I can't bench anymore. It's very odd how dumbbells don't give me the grief like the bar does. One more week. If 225lbs goes well I will stick with the program. One think for sure. Over 55 we are all one rep away from damaging our body because of ego coming into our workouts.

Enough about my training journal. How are your workouts going?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 12, 2018, 04:37:25 PM
Leg day:

Leg press 2 x 12 (4 plates a side and some smaller ones. Low back board and seriously bent my legs)
squat 5 sets from 135lbs going up to 260lbs (Tried to go deep. Not quite ass to grass but low. Right knee makes awful sounds)
leg extension 2 x 20
seated leg curl 2 x 15
Standing leg curl 2 x 12
Free hand no weight squats 1 x 55 reps. ( I swear by the value of these. zero aches with these. Great conditioning and the pump is great. Aids with flexibility too.)

Hanging leg raises 2 x 23 reps( semi straight legs. Lifted them up high. I swear I gain a temporary half inch of height with this)
Hip ups 1 x 27

Standing calf 2 x 15 (I'm making a conscientious effort not to go to deep. I get tendon pain going too deep)
Seated calf 2 x 15 90lbs
Tibialis anterior work with a DART 1 x 20 (no cosmetic value but a tremendous aid against pronation and shin splints)

Neck work: One set all four sides with a weighted helmet.

Finished with about 40 minutes of fast walking on an incline.  I walk at 3.8 MPH. I start out at zero grade (incline). Every lap (quarter mile) I go up a 1% grade. When I hit 7% grade I went back to zero grade for the last lap. Takes about 40 minutes. I don't remember exactly.  It's light cardio. Tomorrow I will do hard cardio on a non lifting day.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on December 13, 2018, 03:51:59 AM
You are the "Cardio Master".

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 13, 2018, 05:44:37 AM
You are the "Cardio Master".


When I run with a devoted runner who does nothing else it brings me back to reality that my cardio stinks. Working on it. I want a big gas tank and not just a big engine. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on December 13, 2018, 10:19:32 AM
When I run with a devoted runner who does nothing else it brings me back to reality that my cardio stinks. Working on it. I want a big gas tank and not just a big engine.  

Why don't you train for marathons if that is your goal?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 13, 2018, 08:31:55 PM
Why don't you train for marathons if that is your goal?

Never said I wanted to run a marathon or it was my goal. Never said I was a bodybuilder either. I enjoy the challenge of strength training and endurance training. I think Brad Harris the actor had a similar approach. He lifted hard and included sprints and distance running in his program. Arnold tried to get him to compete but that wasn't his goal. He was a just a life time trainer. I was a sprinter in high school and college. I competed briefly in boxing and that taught me the value of having a gas tank of endurance. I also believe strongly in the health benefits of cardio though nothing is a cure all. It does put the odds in your favor though through lowing the risk factors. I was just reading how anti cardio Charles  Poliquin the strength coach was regarding running in an Ironman article he wrote. He died at 57.  I don't know what he died from but if it was from the number one killer of  man a heart attack it might have been prudent in retrospect to have included cardio in his program.

Regarding your question about whether I will run a marathon, who knows is my response. Anyone can run a marathon. It's a question of how fast you can run a marathon. A six hour marathon is quite different from running a 3 hour marathon. Yet every major marathon open to the public has a huge number of people coming in at the 5 and 6 hours mark.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 14, 2018, 11:07:49 AM
Back and Delts:

Power cleans 3 x 3 150-155-160 (Planned to go heavier but shoulder said no. I think I have to realize my limitations)
M.A.G. bar pulldowns 2x10
Seated long pulley rows with a V handle 2 x 12 170 (all the way out and back)
One arm dumbbell row off a bench 2 x 10 80lbs ( all the way out and up)
reverse grip pulldowns 2 x 10

Standing delt dumbbell press 2 x 10 50lbs. ( all the way down. No half reps like everyone is doing today.  I don't sit because if I lean back with my ass slightly forward it's a partial pec incline. I can use a lot more weight but I'm trying to target the delts)
Dumbbell laterals 2 x 10 28lbs (I can make a odd poundage like this at home)
Pulley delt laterals 1 x 10
Seated rear delt dumbbells 2 x 10 35lbs

Semi stiff deadlift off a block 2 x 6 210lbs ( I get a good hamstring stretch with this)
Weighted hyper extensions 2 x 15 25lbs plate behind my head. I use the old fashion horizontal lower back hyper bench. Much more effective and harder than the new 45 degree hyper benches where the resistance disappears near the top of the movement.)

Ab wheel roll outs 2 x 22
cable ab crunches 2 x 25 50lbs ( I sit in conventional lat machine pulldown. Instead of  facing the machine I reverse it and face out. I hold a V handle at the back of my head as I crunch down. Good movement if done right.

I finished with light cardio like I mentioned last time. 3.8MPH starting at zero grade or incline. Each quarter mile I go up 1% grade. When I got to 7% I completed that lap and went back down to zero for the final lap. I will tell you I felt this cardio after this weight workout. Drinking a disgusting Organic vegetable protein drink as I type this. My stomach can't tolerate milk base proteins sweetened with those chemical sugar substitutes.

I remember when Bill Pearl said when he hit 55 he stopped caring about the weight on the bar. He wasn't concerned with hot dogging (the term he used) as he explained it. He just wanted a good workout. I tried to turn back time and tried to get back into power cleans and benching with a bar. I have to realize I'm not a kid anymore. If I don't train smart I could be one rep away from not being a lifter anymore. Even though from time to time I try to get back into benching with a bar it's clear that it's over. For decades I always did my last set with 275 to 300. That is over. Not that I was ever a good bencher to begin with. Same with power cleans. Every back day I use to work up to 230lbs in the power clean for my last set. I think for me at this stage, deadlifts and Olympic high pulls are safer.  I'm sure 4 months from now I will get the bright idea to bench with a bar again.  ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 17, 2018, 02:19:58 PM
Trained Chest and biceps Yates style:

Flat Dumbbell bench 1 x 8 80lbs. (Felt awkward having not done them in two weeks. I have to work on getting them dead stop low.)
Incline dumbbell bench 1 x 9 70lbs ( Went all the way down with these.)
Flat Flies 1 x 12 50lbs
Push ups 2 x max

EZ bar curl 1 x 13 90lbs
Alternate dumbbell curls 1 x 9 45lbs
Straight bar pulley curls 1 x 11 (beginning to wonder if these are a better movement than bar curls. Resistance near the top is the difference)
Seated concentration curl 1 x 15

forearm wrist curls 1 x 30 85lbs ( I have a great wrist curl platform made by Jubinville)
reverse wrist extensions 1 x 20 using a D.A.R.T. bar

Ab wheel roll out 1 x 25
floor crunches with feet up on a bench 1 x 50 5lbs plate behind head.
Pulley crunches 1 x 30 50lbs

Ivanko grippers 2 x 25

Got on the treadmill after the weights. 3.8MPH quarter mile warm up and cool down.

First mile: 5.7 MPH (10:30 mile)
Second: 6.0 MPH (10:00 mile)
Third mile: 6.1 MPH (9:50 mile)
Fourth mile: 6.3 MPH (9:31 mile)
Fifth mile: 6.8 MPH (8:49 mile)

Ran a  quarter mile after the 5 mile run in 10 MPH (6:00 mile pace) I do this to remind my legs to remember speed.

Hit the heavy bag after. Normally after being on the treadmill for a 5 mile run with the extra warm up lap/cool down lap with the one quarter mile at 10 MPH the zip off my punches are gone. Today I felt I was killing the bag with hard punches.

Any of you guys ever hear of the annual AOBS dinner? It's a dinner for old time bodybuilders, power lifters and Olympic lifters. Last year they honored Chris Dickerson. Anyway the reason I bought it up was the MC of the event trains at my gym. In his strong man act he goes by the name of the Mighty Stephen.  I think he learned his act from the Mighty Atom. He has an amazing voice. He was singing, "You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch" in the gym.  He actually sounds better than the recording.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on December 17, 2018, 05:57:18 PM
Yes, I've heard about the AOB but never had an interest.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 18, 2018, 10:15:12 AM
Trained legs Yates style of one work set after warm up. Then walked on a treadmill fast on an incline for around 35 minutes.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 19, 2018, 08:17:06 PM
Cardio day. Ran 5.25 miles on the treadmill then hit the heavy bag.  Started with a 10 minute mile and with each mile I went faster. I went  down to a 6 minute mile (10 MPH) for the last quarter. Pulled something in my groin right near the end of the run. I will sleep on it and see how to proceed tomorrow. I have a positive feeling it's a tweak and not serious. Trying to be positive about it. Tomorrow is back. My face is getting gaunt from losing weight. Not a good look.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on December 19, 2018, 08:30:39 PM
Stop it Prime, you are making too much sense. I will see how this bench goes. It's going semi okay.  I will test the shoulder with 225lbs next bench day. If it amounts to my shoulder screaming  I will revert back to dumbbells. You're right though. Dumbbells might be a better tool to use anyway. It just bothers me with all the working out I do that I can't bench anymore. It's very odd how dumbbells don't give me the grief like the bar does. One more week. If 225lbs goes well I will stick with the program. One think for sure. Over 55 we are all one rep away from damaging our body because of ego coming into our workouts.

Enough about my training journal. How are your workouts going?

I am ashamed to admit that they aren't going at all. Aside from doing some stuff at home, like squats, good mornings, leg extensions, calf raises, push-ups, and a few core exercises, I've been lousy about getting to the gym. I did go awhile back and overworked arms to the point where they were sore for almost a week. My flabby gut screams for some cardio, even though my weight is down. I am hovering between 172 and 175 lbs. I will get my ass in gear and I'll remember to go back at it slowly so I don't have another sore arm fiasco. I baby my ancient body so there's not much likelihood of my doing anything stupid enough to mess my joints or ligaments up.

Obviously, I am good about giving advice to everyone else while not taking it myself. ;D

My poor excuse for doing absolutely nothing is that the holidays suck ever since my wife passed.  Three years have gone by and you'd think I'd be doing better.  Somehow I am not. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 20, 2018, 05:28:07 AM
I am ashamed to admit that they aren't going at all. Aside from doing some stuff at home, like squats, good mornings, leg extensions, calf raises, push-ups, and a few core exercises, I've been lousy about getting to the gym. I did go awhile back and overworked arms to the point where they were sore for almost a week. My flabby gut screams for some cardio, even though my weight is down. I am hovering between 172 and 175 lbs. I will get my ass in gear and I'll remember to go back at it slowly so I don't have another sore arm fiasco. I baby my ancient body so there's not much likelihood of my doing anything stupid enough to mess my joints or ligaments up.

Obviously, I am good about giving advice to everyone else while not taking it myself. ;D

My poor excuse for doing absolutely nothing is that the holidays suck ever since my wife passed.  Three years have gone by and you'd think I'd be doing better.  Somehow I am not.  

I hope in time you find peace.

The older I get the more I realize that I cannot let fitness go. It becomes too hard to regain. One lesson I learned regarding lost fitness is to begin with high reps. It seems for a lack of a better term to awaken the muscle memory.  I'm learning this also with cardio. Instead of trying to run a hard two or three miles I have been doing 5 and it's "awakening" my cardio ability. Getting back to high reps about 10 years back I was disgusted with my strength and condition. I used high reps for 4 weeks then found I could get back to the normal rep range stuff. Maybe part bro science but it's my empirical observation in my experiment of one.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 20, 2018, 09:29:33 AM
Back day: No warm ups listed. One set to failure.

Pulldowns with M.A.G. bar 1 x 14 (upright back. I don't lean back to make it a row. All the way down with the bar. Limits the weight you can use but it's more effective.)
Seated low cable pulley row with a V handle 1 x 14 170lbs
Single dumbbell row off a bench 1 x 12 90lbs ( all the way up and down. Too many do this partial weight shifting)
Hammer strength pulldowns 1 x 12

Traditional deadlifts off the floor 1 x 6 315lbs. ( got dizzy with this one. Went slow on the negative for added work)
Weighted back extensions 1 x 20 25lbs plate behind head

ab roll outs 1 x 27
ab machine crunch 1 x 25 100lbs

Walked fast on a treadmill after lifting. Walked at 3.8 MPH. Started at zero grade (incline) for a quarter mile. Each quarter mile I went up 1% incline. I went up to 7% grade (incline)  and finished with a quarter mile on no incline. Took about 35 minutes.  I call this an easy cardio day.  It's still cardio but nothing compared to the 5.25 mile run yesterday.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 21, 2018, 10:04:16 AM
Delt and triceps:Yates style.

Clean and military press 1 x 9 115 (all the way down and tried to stay upright instead of incline pressing it.)
Dumbbell delt laterals 1 x 14 30lbs
Pulley laterals with a D ring handle 1 x 15
Rear delt dumbbell laterals 1 x 14 35lbs
barbell shrugs 1 x 15 250lbs.

Traditional tricep pushdowns 1 x 12
Single dumbbell two hand tricep extensions 1 x 10 75lbs ( tried to go low but elbows are bothering me.)
Rope triceps 1 x 11
dips 1 x 10 ( went deep)

weighted floor crunches 1 x 55 5lbs plate behind head
Pulley crunches 1 x 30

Got a Dtap vaccine prior to training. Thought maybe my shoulder would be sore. I didn't feel the shot and I have zero soreness. Maybe it will kick in tonight. Debating whether to do the cardio or put it off till tomorrow. Feeling washed out. Losing fat rapidly but is this sustainable?  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on December 21, 2018, 11:50:30 AM
Delt and triceps:Yates style.

Clean and military press 1 x 9 115 (all the way down and tried to stay upright instead of incline pressing it.)
Dumbbell delt laterals 1 x 14 30lbs
Pulley laterals with a D ring handle 1 x 15
Rear delt dumbbell laterals 1 x 14 35lbs
barbell shrugs 1 x 15 250lbs.

Traditional tricep pushdowns 1 x 12
Single dumbbell two hand tricep extensions 1 x 10 75lbs ( tried to go low but elbows are bothering me.)
Rope triceps 1 x 11
dips 1 x 10 ( went deep)

weighted floor crunches 1 x 55 5lbs plate behind head
Pulley crunches 1 x 30

Got a Dtap vaccine prior to training. Thought maybe my shoulder would be sore. I didn't feel the shot and I have zero soreness. Maybe it will kick in tonight. Debating whether to do the cardio or put it off till tomorrow. Feeling washed out. Losing fat rapidly but is this sustainable?  

Are you dropping bodyweight?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 21, 2018, 02:44:24 PM
Are you dropping bodyweight?

Yes I am. What's more important is that I can see the difference in the mirror. Again not a bodybuilder. I don't use bodybuilding drugs.  Too tired to run today. Going to see if I can wake up prior to work tomorrow and get the run in. I'm so out of it in the early morning for physical exercise. I don't know how Bill Pearl did it. He rose at 4 AM to train. Must have had a lot of warm ups to get into the groove. Going to start my 5.25 mile run tomorrow with a couple of slow 10 minute miles to wake myself up.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on December 21, 2018, 05:07:09 PM
Yes I am. What's more important is that I can see the difference in the mirror. Again not a bodybuilder. I don't use bodybuilding drugs.  Too tired to run today. Going to see if I can wake up prior to work tomorrow and get the run in. I'm so out of it in the early morning for physical exercise. I don't know how Bill Pearl did it. He rose at 4 AM to train. Must have had a lot of warm ups to get into the groove. Going to start my 5.25 mile run tomorrow with a couple of slow 10 minute miles to wake myself up.

Pearl went to bed around 7PM.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: AbrahamG on December 21, 2018, 06:05:44 PM
I am ashamed to admit that they aren't going at all. Aside from doing some stuff at home, like squats, good mornings, leg extensions, calf raises, push-ups, and a few core exercises, I've been lousy about getting to the gym. I did go awhile back and overworked arms to the point where they were sore for almost a week. My flabby gut screams for some cardio, even though my weight is down. I am hovering between 172 and 175 lbs. I will get my ass in gear and I'll remember to go back at it slowly so I don't have another sore arm fiasco. I baby my ancient body so there's not much likelihood of my doing anything stupid enough to mess my joints or ligaments up.

Obviously, I am good about giving advice to everyone else while not taking it myself. ;D

My poor excuse for doing absolutely nothing is that the holidays suck ever since my wife passedThree years have gone by and you'd think I'd be doing better.  Somehow I am not

I wish there was something that could be said to make you feel better but sadly, there isn't.  My advice is simply to force yourself into the gym.  Maybe if you feel better about yourself other things will slowly fall into place.  That's all I got.  This is my 9th Xmas without my dad and 15th without my mom.  It gets better, but is never the same.  I hope you can find some happiness this Holiday season.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on December 23, 2018, 01:03:57 PM
I am ashamed to admit that they aren't going at all. Aside from doing some stuff at home, like squats, good mornings, leg extensions, calf raises, push-ups, and a few core exercises, I've been lousy about getting to the gym. I did go awhile back and overworked arms to the point where they were sore for almost a week. My flabby gut screams for some cardio, even though my weight is down. I am hovering between 172 and 175 lbs. I will get my ass in gear and I'll remember to go back at it slowly so I don't have another sore arm fiasco. I baby my ancient body so there's not much likelihood of my doing anything stupid enough to mess my joints or ligaments up.

Obviously, I am good about giving advice to everyone else while not taking it myself. ;D

My poor excuse for doing absolutely nothing is that the holidays suck ever since my wife passed.  Three years have gone by and you'd think I'd be doing better.  Somehow I am not. 


Get yourself to the gym. 

Set some goals of some sort.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 24, 2018, 11:09:40 AM
Trained back and chest today. Gym was packed. Early Christmas eve closing. I  made an error doing 6 mile runs in addition to lifting. I think I fried my nervous system.  Had three disturbing days of not being able to sleep like I was doing amphetamines or something. Trying to be good at polar opposites of athletic endeavor is hard for a young man let alone an old man.  Going back to 2 or 3 miles on my off days. If I do hard distance it's going to be once a week so I recover. Luckily I didn't lose too much strength. Had a good training day with the weights today. Backed off the weight very slightly so I could use good form and cadence. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 26, 2018, 12:00:27 PM
Leg day:

Dumbbell squats 2 x 12 85lbs ( Used straps to hold the dumbbells. Upright back and sank them. Really hard exercise)
Hack machine squats 2 x 12 (Went as low as I can go.)
stiff deads 1 x 6 205lbs (got a really good hamstring stretch)
Kick back machine 2 x 12 80lbs
Leg extension 2 x 12 150lbs ( I realize weight is meaningless from brand to brand. My home leg extension is hard with 80lbs)
leg curls 2 x 10 110lbs
body weight squats 1 x 55 (went really deep and didn't flop into the negative part. Great finisher. Good for mobility and conditioning)

Standing calf 2 x 12 (having mixed feelings about using machines for calves. Beginning to think I was getting better results when I was using body weight single leg calf raises with my knee locked. I get tendinitis of my right Achilles going low with calf machines. )  
Seated calf 2 x 15 90lbs  

4 way neck machine. Two sets per side.

Ab coaster 1 x 35 60lbs
Ab crunch machine 2 x 20 100lbs
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 27, 2018, 07:39:09 PM
Did cardio today:

8 x quarter miles. I previously was running 5.25 miles in addition to the warm up and cool down for a total of 6 miles. I was feeling severely burned out from combining that with lifting. Today I did 8 quarter mile intervals but I made it easy with a quarter mile fast walk 3.8 mile rest interval. I usually do quarter mile repeats with a rest interval of  220 yards. I just felt burned out hence the extra rest interval yardage.

8 x 440 yards intervals

1 x 7.7 MPH (7:48 mile pace)
1 x 8.0 MPH (7:30 mile pace)
1 x 8.6 MPH (7:00 mile pace)
1 x 8.9 MPH (6:44 mile pace)
1 x 9.2 MPH (6:31 mile pace)
1 x 9.6 MPH (6:15 mile pace)
1 x 10.0 MPH (6:00 mile pace)

This didn't feel like a hard workout. The long quarter mile walk rests at 3.8 MPH kept everything  easy.  When I'm feeling better and more rested I will take it down to a 220 yard (200 meter) rest period and make it a lot more challenging. Just trying to recover from the burn out I have been feeling. I was going to sleep feeling like I was taking amphetamines I was so wired. Sleeping 4 to 5 hours a night.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 28, 2018, 10:00:27 AM
Trained delt and arms:  

Good workout. I was waiting for the scott curl bench. Two guys were using it.  They left the bar with the plates on it. I was civil when I pointed it out. Hate some stuff about commercial gyms. Here are a few.

1. Leaving plates on bars and machines. Leaving dumbbells on the floor.

2. Shadow boxing  between sets. Thanks for fighting imaginary spooks.

3. The music. The owner loves 70's rock. Nothing wrong with that but he has satellite radio and 300 channels. Same channel every day.  Someone said he got tired of the constant requests for a channel.

4. Guys that tie up multiple pieces of equipment. It's not your private gym. Seen a group of young guys take 6 pair of dumbbells for their circle jerk.

5. Guys that sing loud and off key while wearing ear buds and their beats. Some sing one syllable of a word. Sounds like Spock got drunk and decided to sing a song.

6. Guys and women that sit in machines and watch the world go by.  It's not a chair.

7. Guys that do 6 sets with three minutes between sets and sit in machine for ages.

8. Tied in with number 6, the squat guy. He's a power lifter and does one exercise the squat for one hour. He does a 3 rep set every ten minutes.

9. People that go to the gym to talk endlessly. They are in the gym for 90 minutes but only do three sets of an exercise.

10. The phone person. There is a woman who every single time she comes into the gym she walks in on the phone. Every single exercise she talks on the phone. Every rep. Never stops talking. Who the hell is listening to this on the other end?

11. The gay guys who seem to spend too much time in the locker room.

12. Gym is filled with sick people. One guy is blowing his nose between sets touching every handle in the place.

13.  The old man wearing the shorty shorts from 1980 doing floor exercises with his balls falling out all over the place.

14.  The steroid advice guy. He thinks because he's on cycle he has some great advice but he doesn't know I know what he looks like off cycle.  

15. The guy that never shuts up. Likes to talk endlessly. Hey buddy I will chat but I got work to do.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on December 28, 2018, 10:15:29 AM
I thought you quit the commercial gym for awhile

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 28, 2018, 01:32:59 PM
I thought you quit the commercial gym for awhile


I worked out in my own gym for about 10 days and got bored being by myself. LOL. I do alternate it. For decades my home gym was my primary. For now it's my secondary. I can do just about everything I do in a commercial gym at home. What I do love about the commercial gym I train in is that for the most part it's a really friendly place to work out in. I feel like I know everyone. I do have some bitching about the place as noted.

I do on many occasions like the solitude of my gym. I really like the music selection. No waiting to use anything. I have safety racks for benching and inclining. Sometimes my home unit machines are better than the commercial gym like my leg press machine. Light years better. Better angle and smoother. The commercial model doesn't even have safety catches. Blow out your knee and the weight will crush you. If I'm injured I can use a lighter weight without being self conscience at home too. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on December 28, 2018, 01:37:48 PM
I definitely can understand.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 29, 2018, 11:53:03 AM
Did nothing today but go to work for 4 hours.  Sitting around thinking when to start drinking a cold one.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 31, 2018, 11:51:11 AM
I'm a broken record with this training log. So boring, I know.

Back and Chest day:

Pull ups 2 x 8 ( dead hang and I went up till my elbows were all the way down. Controlled cadence)
Seated pulley long lat pulls with a V handle 2 x 12 170lbs (All the way out and back)
Dumbbell row off a bench 2 x 10 80lbs (dead hang and controlled all the way up)
MAG grip pulldowns 2 x 10

Dumbbell bench 2 x 8 75lbs ( used a lighter weight than usual to use a slow cadence. Shoulder is bugging me. If I do the reps slow, controlled and through a full range it seems to preserve what little function I have. LOL)
Incline dumbbell bench 2 x 8 65lbs (I'll pick up the weight when I'm feeling better)
Flat flies 2 x 10 48lbs. (Yes I can make a 48lb dumbbell in my home gym.)
Push ups 2 x max ( One set conventional and the other with perfect push up bars. I wonder if in time variations of push ups will be all that I do for chest. I bet my chest might even look better doing push ups than using weight)

deadlifts 2 x 4 300lbs then 1 x 1 325lbs ( I deadlift at the end when I'm fatigued. Learned this from Dorian Yates. I can use less weight and be safer from injury.)
Weighted back extensions on a hyper bench 2 x 15 (25lbs plate behind head)

Ab wheel roll outs 2 x 25 (Looked in a mirror doing these and saw  an old grey haired guy looking back at me. Where's my black shoe polish? )
Ab pulley crunches 2 x 25

Did the work out hung over from a party the day before. I don't know why but I seem to remember hung over work outs through the years better than the overwhelming majority when I was sober the day before the workout. Maybe because they were so hard.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 01, 2019, 05:52:35 PM
Walked fast for about a hour and 17 minutes on an isolated trail by my house. Easy cardio yet I think it I did my body good.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 02, 2019, 04:20:23 PM
Trained legs in my basement. Still hitting bodyweight squats after using weights for legs. Why didn't I use this earlier in my lifting days?  Still learning stuff. I did leg press, squats, leg extensions, seated leg curls, standing leg curls for thighs then did 55 reps deep body weight squats smooth cadence squats. They are making my knees feel fantastic. For awhile I the leg press at the commercial gym was grinding my knees to dust. At least it felt that way with the pain and clicking. Now I'm using the much better leg press in my house along with the finish of body weight squats and my knees feel great.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 03, 2019, 07:42:09 PM
Ran 5.25 miles on a treadmill. Hit the heavy bag after.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 04, 2019, 12:30:08 PM
Trained delt and arms. Started with press behind the necks and after three warm ups did a work set. Nope, permanently removed from my catalog. Switched to dumbbell delt press standing.

Daughter is in labor. Going to be a grand dad!!!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 07, 2019, 07:54:57 PM
Hectic couple of days with my daughter having a baby and my son from the Army visiting. Starting tomorrow going to really switch up my work outs for awhile.

 Going old school whole body routines twice a week with a twist. Not going to failure at first and cycling the intensity.  For example if I'm going to do exercise X with a goal of 100lbs for 8 reps I will wait six workouts to get there. So workout one of the six workouts will be using 75lbs for exercise X. Work out two will be 80lbs for exercise X. Three will be 85lbs and so on until I hit my goal of 100lbs. So the cycle starts super easy with super form, full range of motion and almost a super slo mo cadence and gets really hard gradually.  After six whole body workouts with one routine I will switch the routine for completely new exercises. I hope this accomplishes two things. One is to prevent exhaustion through not working to failure until workout six and to get a completely fresh change of exercises when I change things up after exercise day six comes around. Might lift weights just Monday and Friday. I will do bodyweight military type exercises on off days with cardio.

Hopefully this will pan out. Going to use this routine for my first six workouts.

Power cleans 3 x 3 then 1 x 1

barbell squats 2 x 8
lunges 1 x 8

dumbell bench 2 x 6

chin ups 2 x max
seated low lat pulley 2 x 12

military press 2  x 8
dumbbell laterals 2 x 10

weighted dips 2 x 10
barbell curls 2 x 10

ab wheel 2 x max
ab pulley 2 x

standing calf 2 x 15

neck work

Captain crush grippers

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on January 08, 2019, 04:46:11 AM
Congrats on the grandkid!

Life goes on. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 08, 2019, 05:53:48 AM
Congrats on the grandkid!

Life goes on. 

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 08, 2019, 07:07:32 PM
Did my first whole body workout in awhile. Using splits for a long time. I used really embarrassing weights for my first workout.  Tried to make up for the lack of poundage by  using a slow mo cadence and full range of motion. As usual my delicate shoulder wouldn't allow me to jerk the weight after a power clean so I just did power cleans. I think my six workout cycle is a good plan. The workouts will be relatively easy until I hit workout four. The big exercises are getting ten pound increases from workout to workout and the smaller exercises 5lbs increases.

Tomorrow is cardio day, heavy bag and body weight conditioning. Curious to see how my body reacts to these workouts. If I over do the cardio I'm sure to lose muscle and look flat. We will see. I hope I get the full three weeks in so I can see the results of or lack of. Trying to do a whole body routine with the weights twice a week with some body weight stuff on the days off.

In a perfect week it might look like this.

Monday: Whole body routine with the weights
Tuesday: Distance run, heavy bag and body weight exercises
Wednesday: Intensity interval runs, heavy bag and body weight exercises
Thursday: Easy run
Friday: Whole body routine with the weights
Saturday: Off. Drink beer to replace carbohydrates.  ;D
Sunday: Distance run, heavy bag and body weight exercises

Hope I can gut out this routine for the planned three weeks. It's a different path from what I have been doing. If all goes well I will continue. If not I will go back to my split routine.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 09, 2019, 02:45:54 PM
Ran into my first gremlin with the new workout. I ran 5.25 miles. Then hit the heavy bag hard. I was going to some body weight stuff after but I could hardly stand up. Oh, well. I'm not a young man anymore.

 Tomorrow is another run. Friday a whole body routine.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on January 09, 2019, 03:45:36 PM
What are trying to accomplish with this excessive (my opinion) training?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 09, 2019, 07:03:24 PM
What are trying to accomplish with this excessive (my opinion) training?

Getting lean. Lowering visceral and subcutaneous fat. Gaining endurance (gas tank) while maintaining a level of strength and power. I think my methods are working. I do have a good work ethic even if I say so myself. I can't compare myself to drug users but I do get a lot of compliments for being in shape if I vainly say so.  I'm not a bodybuilder.  I'm just a guy whose hobby is training.

 I think a real role model for me is Brad Harris the actor who trained at Gold's with all the legends back in the day. He had a football scholarship to UCLA but hurt his knee and turned to acting. Arnold tried to get him to compete seeing his potential but I speculate he didn't want to use steroids and never competed. He split his time between running, biking and lifting. He included sprints and distance. He reached a period where he didn't use weights for legs. Just for upper body. I always train my skinny legs with weights. LOL.  From what I read about him back in the Golds day he would run plenty of times 5 miles at a pop. His bodybuilding routine generally consisted of three exercises a body part and 3 work sets each exercise for 12 reps. Danny Padilla and  Eddie Giuliani were high rep guys also.  Ed even wrote he couldn't build quality muscle without high reps. So many ways to skin a cat. Brad Harris died at 84 but what a ride. He had outstanding health and physicality almost his entire life. He didn't whimper into his coffin but slid sideways into his coffin saying what a ride.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 10, 2019, 09:01:00 PM
Ran 5.25 miles. Kept the speed slow but felt it for my age and conditioning.

1st mile 11:55
2. 10:00
3. 10:00
4. 9:31
5: 8:57

Did a  quarter mile after the 5 miles in 6:31 pace (9.2 MPH)

Drank beers tonight binge watching Sex in the City with the wife. Fun night. We use to watch it when it was a new show so it was nostalgic for us. Tomorrow I will do a whole body routine with moderate weights. I don't think it's working for me. I will go back to a split Next week.  I have to get this stuff dialed in.

Biggest mistake I'm making is eating too much. I snack like a lunatic. I remember during my high school and college track days and even boxing days I ate three relatively small meals a day. Now in my old age I snack all day like a lunatic. Another is not doing consistent cardio. I think I need to do 4 to 5 days a week. I know I get slightly weaker with too much cardio but being strong with the power lifter fat isn't a good look.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on January 11, 2019, 03:40:52 AM
You can't outrun a bad diet.

Which sounds like what you are trying to do.


Why exercise won't make you lose weight

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 11, 2019, 06:08:08 AM
You can't outrun a bad diet.

Which sounds like what you are trying to do.


Why exercise won't make you lose weight

I don't believe that article what so ever. There is a direct caloric burn but there is an after burn too. There are no fat people running 5 miles fast. CNN is the least trusted news source on cable. That radical article made a big splash then it died out. There is no loss fat program worth a damn without an exercise component. Olympic swimmers are known to eat an insane amount of calories. Many really good marathoners drink beer. True if you eat like a slob you can't out work it with a couple of crap exercise sessions.

I don't know if the study of exercise physiology is really cutting edge yet. A pound of fat is 3500 calories according to some sources. A hard lifting session burns between 150 calories to 250 if your doing some insane lifting. I base my lifting caloric cost guess on a study that put people through a 12 exercise Nautilus circuit to failure with an average 174 calories used. A hard cardio session is 400 to 600 calories. You can see how it will lead to weight loss though the weeks and months.

Arnold, Callard, Franco, Mentzer, Padilla and many others ran during contest prep. I know Mentzer in his retirement years from bodybuilding was against cardio.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on January 11, 2019, 06:27:20 AM
Sure, exercise burns calories not if you eat back all the calories you burned.

That is the focus of the article. 

You can spend the hours of your life on the treadmill like a hamster or you can drink a few less beers and do something more productive.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 11, 2019, 06:19:59 PM
Completed two whole body routines this week and two hard runs. Yesterday I got in 5.25 miles running and .75 miles walking fast for a warm up and cool down. I then went to work where I was on my feet most of the day. Came back and drank some beers. Today I really felt washed out. I did a whole body routine and felt ill and run down. I think it's just exhaustion. Didn't even lift heavy. My power cleans never went over 170lbs for my sets and the squats never over 235lbs.

Power cleans 3x3

squats 2 x 9
barbell lunges 1x8

dumbbell bench 2 x 8

pull ups 2 x max
low cable lat row seated 2 x 12

military press 2 x 8
delt dumbbell laterals 2 x 10

barbell curl 2 x 10
weighted dips 2 x 10

standing calf 2 x 15

weighted back extensions 2 x 15

neck work and gripper work

Tomorrow going to work then doing nothing physical and not drinking. Might take Sunday off too. Haven't decided.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 14, 2019, 01:37:29 PM
Lessons learned and lessons relearned.

  I have been training hard since I was a young teenager.  I was in track in high school and college. I've competed in boxing.  My job required I pass a physical performance test every year or consideration for promotion is out the window. I'm one of the few that completed it without a hiccup for nearly three decades. As everyone does I try to always learn new and better ways to train.  Sometimes it's just change for the sake of change.  I would never consider myself a bodybuilder. I don't use steroids. I think most of the time I am in shape.

  Why do I bring this stuff up?  I always try to tweak my training. If you don't adapt you die but sometimes it's just trying to reinvent the wheel. Lately I learned a lesson. In my youth I could string together 5:15 miles. Not world beating, lol but not slug speed either. I think endurance is incredible important to being a good fighter and for health. One thing I had to learn again is that you can't be a good distance runner and be a good lifter. The body adapts to the stress presented. Run a lot of miles and it signals the body to shed body weight. Run hard enough and it will also shed unneeded muscle along with the fat.  I started doing long runs along with lifting hard. My body started breaking down. Mentally I started breaking down too. Felt like crap.

   I will still run hard. I will still run distance but I have to be wary.  Rest is as important exercise. The old adaptation model is still as factual as it was decades ago. Stress-adaptation-Exhaustion still holds true.  What's also true is that some hold back and get too much rest. A guy that lifts weights twice a week for 45 minutes but can't run a decent mile is not in shape.  

   Trained back and chest today. Felt great despite being in a casino having fun drinking cold ones last night.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 15, 2019, 07:54:44 PM
Did cardio today but trying to not kill my self into the ground with cardio.  I did 8  x quarter miles at an easy pace. Usually I use a 200 meter fast walk in between but today used a full quarter mile walk for recovery between sets. The long slow cardio like running 5 plus miles made me feel like hell when combined with hard lifting. Funny but if I just ran for a couple of weeks I would feel great doing it but combined with lifting is just to much for my mind and body. Realized I have to get more sleep too. Between lifting, running and working it was just breaking myself down. Tomorrow is leg day. I will do legs and nothing else.

1 x quarter mile 440 yards at 8:30 minute mile pace
1 x quarter mile 8:15 pace
1 x quarter mile 8:00 pace
1 x quarter mile 7:42 pace
1 x quarter mile 7:18 pace
1 x quarter mile 7:18 pace
1 x quarter mile 7:00 pace
1 x quarter mile 6:40 pace  (9 MPH)
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 16, 2019, 02:58:56 PM
Trained legs. Then took the dog for a one mile hike in the woods around a lake. I had rubber legs walking around those woods. I had to cross two streams that have make shift log bridges someone built. They are slippery and very unstable. The dog with his four wheel drive legs had no trouble. Me, I was slipping and sliding over the wet wood. I rarely see anyone on this trail around this lake by my house. Today in the snow I saw big boot prints on the trail I take. Normally the prints I see are deer prints. It's so isolated.  My daughter's dog weighs about 20lbs and is useless as protection. Really fun dog though.  At one point the dog was so happy to be outside. He was running in circles and doing flips.  To access this lake you have to walk in between houses.  It's like walking into the twilight zone. One minute you're in a residential neighborhood in NJ and the next you're in the woods in with deer, foxes, snakes, turtles, hawks and geese. Every once in awhile I find an item like a sock on the ground.  Who is in the woods and decides they feel like getting rid of one sock?  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 17, 2019, 07:24:34 PM
Did jack today. Friend's 90 something father took the family car and went missing. Spent the morning looking for him. Cops were tracking his car through toll plaza's.  He was found after a couple of hours. No training today. Went to work and truth be told I needed the time off.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on January 17, 2019, 07:40:34 PM
Did jack today. Friend's 90 something father took the family car and went missing. Spent the morning looking for him. Cops were tracking his car through toll plaza's.  He was found after a couple of hours. No training today. Went to work and truth be told I needed the time off.

Sometimes the Fates conspire to force the rest we need upon us.  This seems to be one of those times, my friend.   :)
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on January 18, 2019, 04:56:15 AM
Every sock has a story.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 18, 2019, 10:15:52 AM
Trained delts and arms: Did somewhat the usual.

Military clean and press 2 x 8 115 (all the way down with the bar to the upper chest. Back upright.)
dumbbell lat raises 2 x 10 30lbs
Single arm pulley delt laterals 1 x 12
Rear delt laterals 2x10 35lbs
Some rotator work
Barbell shrugs 2 x 10 250lbs

Weighted dips 2 x 10 25lbs (went deep)
tricep pushdowns 2 x 10
reverse grip single arm tricep with a D ring handle 2 x 12

EZ barbell curl 2 x 10 90lbs
Alternate dumbbell curls 2 x 8 40lbs
Concentration curls 2 x 12

Forearm wrist curl 2 x 20 95lbs
Reverse wrist extensions 2 x 15

weighted crunches 1x 55 5lbs plate behind head
Pulley crunches 2 x 25

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 18, 2019, 10:18:17 AM
Every sock has a story.

Doing laundry as I type this. Came up with an odd number of socks from the dryer I was pissed but my daughter said the dryer never takes a sock. It gives you a bonus sock. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 19, 2019, 03:33:59 PM
Did nothing today. Went to work and at dinner time took the wife to a seriously good Italian restaurant. There was a line out the door prior to opening. Drank an Italian red and had seafood over pasta with an incredible Marechiara sauce that originated in Naples. NY and NJ has the most incredible food. You want Italian food. Plenty of restaurants owned by real Italians. Want Portuguese food there might be 20 restaurants owned and run by Portuguese people. I could go on with every ethnicity.  Went to an expensive Italian restaurant in South Carolina. It was ketchup on pasta. Pure garbage. No garlic at all.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on January 19, 2019, 05:53:04 PM
Sounds good.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on January 19, 2019, 06:32:42 PM
Trained delts and arms: Did somewhat the usual.

Military clean and press 2 x 8 115 (all the way down with the bar to the upper chest. Back upright.)
dumbbell lat raises 2 x 10 30lbs
Single arm pulley delt laterals 1 x 12
Rear delt laterals 2x10 35lbs
Some rotator work
Barbell shrugs 2 x 10 250lbs

Weighted dips 2 x 10 25lbs (went deep)
tricep pushdowns 2 x 10
reverse grip single arm tricep with a D ring handle 2 x 12

EZ barbell curl 2 x 10 90lbs
Alternate dumbbell curls 2 x 8 40lbs
Concentration curls 2 x 12

Forearm wrist curl 2 x 20 95lbs
Reverse wrist extensions 2 x 15

weighted crunches 1x 55 5lbs plate behind head
Pulley crunches 2 x 25

Good job, brother!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 20, 2019, 04:45:44 AM
Thanks Scott.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 20, 2019, 06:12:55 PM
A thread about something called feeder sets on the main board. I think IronNat remembers as I do that this was called muscle spinning in the 60's.  Anyway,  it's a day off of training so I figure I can play around with this. First I did 100 reps with 10lbs in dumbbell curls. I curled both dumbbells at the same time. Next up was dumbbell tricep extensions. I laid down on a bench  with my palms facing each other. With the ten pound dumbbells I started and had to stop at around 55 reps or so. Took a couple of breaths and got back to it getting to 100 reps. Then I did hammer curls with the two dumbbells curling both at the same time. Let me tell you that the ten pound weight felt like it was million pounds after awhile. Can't deny the pump. My low set protocol doesn't give me anywhere near this pump.  I even measured my little arms afterward. LOL.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 21, 2019, 01:18:12 PM
Trained back and chest today: 

Pulldowns with a mag supinate bar 2 x 10
Seated lat pulley pulls with a V handle 2 x 12 175lbs (all the way out and back)
Single dumbbell rows off a bench 2 x 10 85lbs (all the way out and back)
Reverse grip pulldowns 2 x 10

Dumbbell bench 2 x 8 75lbs (all the way down)
Incline dumbbell bench 2 x 8 65lbs ( Bad shoulder didn't protest too bad)
Flies 2 x 10 50lbs
Push ups 2 x max ( one conventional and one with perfect push up handles)

dead lift 2 x 4 300lbs then 1 x 1 325lbs 
Weighted hypers 2 x 15 25lbs plate behind my head

Ab wheel roll outs 2 x 21
ab pulley crunches 2 x 25
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 22, 2019, 09:04:52 AM
Ran 4 x half miles. Ran them fairly slow and felt my left hamstring tighten. I was going for 6 x half miles but I felt I was close to pulling a hamstring. I quit and hit the heavy bag.  I stretched the hamstring out. Didn't realize how tight I was. I think that my cardio is going to consist of walking for a week or two. I don't need a pulled hamstring that might put me out of cardio for weeks or months. I ran track in high school and college. My sprinting career was over with a hamstring pull. Never got back to that speed again. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on January 22, 2019, 03:25:45 PM
Yes I am. What's more important is that I can see the difference in the mirror. Again not a bodybuilder. I don't use bodybuilding drugs.  Too tired to run today. Going to see if I can wake up prior to work tomorrow and get the run in. I'm so out of it in the early morning for physical exercise. I don't know how Bill Pearl did it. He rose at 4 AM to train. Must have had a lot of warm ups to get into the groove. Going to start my 5.25 mile run tomorrow with a couple of slow 10 minute miles to wake myself up.

When you are too tired to run, walk. According to the website, a 200 pound man would burn 113 calories walking 1 mile at a pace of 4 miles per hour (total exercise duration = 15 minutes).

Ever hear or read about biological clocks. Apparently, different people have different internal clocks. This can affect how long and when we sleep. Our biological clocks drive our circadian rhythms. These internal clocks are groupings of interacting molecules in cells throughout the body. A “master clock” in the brain coordinates all the body clocks so that they are in synch.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 23, 2019, 12:58:18 PM
I have one sore hamstring from yesterday.  Trained legs today. When I got to stiff leg deadlifts for the hamstring I saw stars. I'm glad I didn't push the running yesterday or I would have ripped it. Prime gave good advice. Going on a walking kick for awhile for cardio.  One time I was training for charity cardio 5K. I injured my calf. For ten days before the race all I did was walk fast for 5 miles a day. The day of the race I warmed up with some hundred yard  strides.  I ran the race with little pain and posted a decent time considering the injury.

Walking fast is one best kept secrets.  Young guys thinks it's a joke but it is truly one of the best exercises going.  Here's another secret. Hiking and military Rucking is walking.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Deadpool on January 24, 2019, 06:05:08 PM
dont know about shoulders but i had some elbow problems and i feel using this handle on lat pulldown works very well (thinking of it i assume thats what you guys meant when talking about the v bar, duh!) anyway, lots of handles out there worth experimenting with can make a world of difference working it from a different angle


or use old fashioned wrist straps, take the thumb out of the movement and it changes the angle of attack
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 25, 2019, 07:59:16 AM
or use old fashioned wrist straps, take the thumb out of the movement and it changes the angle of attack

Try this M.A.G. bar.  I had problems with my bicep and shoulder. Zero problems with this.  Best pulldown and row bars made. I was very skeptical when I bought it but it was a home run. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 25, 2019, 04:04:52 PM
Delt and arm day:

Standing dumbbell press 2 x 10 50lbs (all the way down. Easily could use 70lbs plus if I sat and only went down till my upper arm was parallel to the floor. I always try to do an exercise in the hardest way that physics 101 would prove it's more work.)
Dumbbell delt lateral 2 x 10 30lbs
Single arm delt pulley lateral with a D handle 1 x 10
Rear delt lateral 2 x 10 35lbs
Barbell shrug 2 x 10 250lbs

Weighted dips 2 x 10 25lbs (went deep)
Two hand single dumbbell extensions 2 x 10 75lbs
Rope push downs 2 x 12
Single dumbbell behind head extension 1 x 12

Alternate dumbbell curls 2 x 8 45lbs
Rope thumbs up curl 2 x 10
Single dumbbell scott 2 x 10
Concentration curl 1 x 18 reps with a light weight

wrist curls 2 x 20 95lbs
reverse wrist extension 2 x 15 ( used a DART Shin muscle contraption. Found it's excellent for reverse wrist extensions.

Floor crunches with feet up on a bench 1 x 50 10lbs plate behind my head
Pulley crunches 2 x 25

Drank a disgusting vegetable protein drink after.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 27, 2019, 05:33:18 PM
Taking a week off training. Feel like I'm coming down with something. No cardio and no lifting. Mentally I feel like crap. I have a knee giving me problems along with a hamstring. I have other tweaks in the injury department. I have truly trained for well over 6 months without missing a week. Time for some down time. I have some ideas for when I come back that I'm excited about. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on January 28, 2019, 03:45:27 AM
Taking a week off training. Feel like I'm coming down with something. No cardio and no lifting. Mentally I feel like crap. I have a knee giving me problems along with a hamstring. I have other tweaks in the injury department. I have truly trained for well over 6 months without missing a week. Time for some down time. I have some ideas for when I come back that I'm excited about. 

Sound thinking.

Lots of viruses going around.  Wife has been sick for about 10 days.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 30, 2019, 06:25:40 PM
I got bronchitis, chills, cough and aches.  Really broken down. LOL.  Sitting on my ass vegetating all day. Had to get out of the house so I walked the dog in the woods. Came back wheezing from the cold.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on January 31, 2019, 05:21:02 AM
I got bronchitis, chills, cough and aches.  Really broken down. LOL.  Sitting on my ass vegetating all day. Had to get out of the house so I walked the dog in the woods. Came back wheezing from the cold.

That sucks.

Be careful you don't get pneumonia.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 01, 2019, 10:57:57 AM
That sucks.

Be careful you don't get pneumonia.

Had an x-ray. No pneumonia. I had pneumonia one time in my life and would have sworn I had it again.  Just bronchitis. Still sick as dog.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on February 01, 2019, 11:32:40 AM
Had an x-ray. No pneumonia. I had pneumonia one time in my life and would have sworn I had it again.  Just bronchitis. Still sick as dog.

I first had pneumonia as an infant. Every cold has turned into bronchitis since then. My doctor explained that once you get pneumonia you become more susceptible to it. This happens infrequently, but if I get a cold and cannot shake it within a few days, I head to the doctor who prescribes antibiotics. He refers to it as bacterial pneumonia. Wish I knew this growing up and as a young adult because when left to take it's course, I'm hacking for at least three months.

Not sure if it's related, but I also have asthma which causes me to get short of breath more easily. Fortunately, I only had one critical episode asthma attack, requiring emergency hospital care and that was when I was a teenager. On the other hand, I've never knowingly had the flu or its symptoms.

It's currently 19 degrees F in Newark, NJ. Walking your dog in the woods might not be the best idea. At least you don't live in Minneapolis where my niece and her husband do. It is five degrees cooler than Newark. -Up a bit from earlier this week.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 01, 2019, 02:31:18 PM
I first had pneumonia as an infant. Every cold has turned into bronchitis since then. My doctor explained that once you get pneumonia you become more susceptible to it. This happens infrequently, but if I get a cold and cannot shake it within a few days, I head to the doctor who prescribes antibiotics. He refers to it as bacterial pneumonia. Wish I knew this growing up and as a young adult because when left to take it's course, I'm hacking for at least three months.

Not sure if it's related, but I also have asthma which causes me to get short of breath more easily. Fortunately, I only had one critical episode asthma attack, requiring emergency hospital care and that was when I was a teenager. On the other hand, I've never knowingly had the flu or its symptoms.

It's currently 19 degrees F in Newark, NJ. Walking your dog in the woods might not be the best idea. At least you don't live in Minneapolis where my niece and her husband do. It is five degrees cooler than Newark. -Up a bit from earlier this week.

I would have sworn I had pneumonia again.  Can't breath trying to going to sleep at night. I didn't walk the dog. It is under 20 degrees and it's snowing lightly.  Feel bad for him. He lives for his walks in the woods and our little sprint at the end.  Pugs are good sprinters but have zero endurance. Been a rough week. I can't imagine how hard it's going to be hitting the gym again when I'm well.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 08, 2019, 06:02:18 AM
Two weeks of being sick and being immobile. Should have listened to my doctor and let him admit me to the hospital. Feeling slightly better now. I know I will be weak as hell coming back. Walking up the stairs is exhausting. Monday I begin hitting the gym again, God willing.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on February 08, 2019, 08:06:31 AM
Don't rush it.

You'll get back quickly when you resume training.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 10, 2019, 04:30:27 PM
Don't rush it.

You'll get back quickly when you resume training.

Tomorrow I hit the gym. I'm a wreck between being sick as a dog for two weeks, my leg being injured and my perpetual hurt shoulder.  Going to start sick light. I don't care what people think. If I'm using 135lbs for my benches and 250lbs for deads so be it. I will get back in time.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 11, 2019, 02:28:25 PM
First workout since being sick.  I won't put up the weight used because they were a joke. No warm ups listed.

Chest day:

Bench 5 x 4 reps
Incline barbell bench  3 x 6
flat flies 3  x 10
dips 2 x 8
pullover 2 x 10

One giant set for abs
hanging leg raise
weighted crunch
incline situps
machine pulley crunch

Got on the treadmill after and ran two miles at a really slow pace. Felt my left Achilles get tweaked. I think as we age the body gets fragile. I have a slight limp here. Pissed. I ran so slow too.

Ended with no weight single calf raises. four sets.

Feel like I was hit by brick. Benches went surprisingly well considering my messed up shoulder. Started with something I never did before. I did my first warm up with the empty bar. Always thought that was silly watching guys in the gym do that.  I always began warm ups with 135lbs. Anyway the shoulder held up for 5 sets of flat barbell benches. The weight was really light.

My comeback split was inspired by watching Mike O'Hearn videos. From what I can make out he lifts 5 days a week. The split is Chest, legs, delts, arms and back. Cardio in the beginning of the cycle is Monday to Thursday.  Never liked this type of split but I'm going to do it for a two to three weeks.  He also uses around 5 sets of 4 reps in the power lifts to start his cycle.  I think low reps could be disastrous for a "senior" lifter but I used 5 increases in weight for the 5 sets of 4 in the bench. Tomorrow is legs and the squats will be 5 sets of 4 reps too.

Just want to get my strength up.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 12, 2019, 07:21:48 PM
Legs: Recovering from being sick. Weight used is pathetic so I won't put it down.

Power type squats 5 x 4 (Increased weight each set. Low bar placement and stance was slightly wider than shoulder)
Leg press 3 x 10
leg extension 2 x 20
stiff leg dead 3 x 6

Giant set of abs.
Hanging leg raise
weighted crunches
incline sit ups
Pulley crunches

Hit heavy bag for two rounds.
Walked fast on a treadmill with an incline for 34 minutes

Single leg calf raise body weight only 3 sets.

Neck work.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 13, 2019, 09:39:56 AM
Delt day:

Press behind neck 5  x 4 (Light never went over 125lbs but came all the way down with the bar to the traps to start each rep)
Dumbbell press standing 3 x 6
Dumbbell delt laterals 2 x 10
Rear delt dumbbell laterals 2 x 10
barbell shrugs 2 x 10

Giant set of abs:
Hanging leg raise
weighted crunch
incline sit up
pulley crunch

Body weight single leg calf raise 3 x max

I went on the treadmill after but then said to hell with it while warming up. Too tired. Weak from being sick.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 14, 2019, 06:22:44 PM
Still feeling weak and under the weather. Third week of this crap.

Arm day:

Close grip bench 3 x 6
dumbbell lying on bench extensions 3 x 8
traditional pushdowns 3 x 10

EZ curls 3 x 10
alternate dumbbell curls 3 x 8
concentration curls 3 x 12

forearm wrist curls 2 x 20
reverse wrist extensions 2 x 15

weighted crunches 1 x 50
pulley crunches 1 x 25

Tomorrow is back day.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 15, 2019, 10:46:06 AM
Back day:

Deadlifts 5 x 4 (kept it light. 300lbs)
Pulldowns 3 x 10
Seated lat pulls with a V handle 3 x 12
Single dumbbell rows off a bench 2 x 10
Inverted body weight bar rows 1 x 10 (feet on a bench body facing the ceiling. Grab the bar from a smith machine and pull up)
weighted back extensions 2 x 15
pulley crunches 1 x 30

Tired of being sick. Actually had to hock a luggie in my basement. Put in the french drain. Told my wife and now she's pissed. It's always something.

Hopefully I will be back on Monday when I continue the come back.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 18, 2019, 05:16:36 PM
Chest and back: Still weak from being sick. This is ridiculous.

Pull downs with M.A.G. bar 2 x 10 (I don't list the weight because my home unit has so much friction it can't compare to a smooth commercial unit.)
Seated cable rows with a V handle 2 x 12 170lbs (all the way out and back)
Dumbbell rows off a bench 2 x 10 80lbs
reverse grip pulldowns 2 x 10

Dumbbell bench 2 x 8 75lbs (normally I go all the way down. Slightly short stroked it. Felt weak from being sick. I also have been stretching my bad shoulder a lot. I think I made it weak from to much stretching.)
Incline dumbbell bench 2 x 8 (On second set I failed at 7 reps)
flat dumbbell flies 2 x 10 50lbs
Push ups 2 x max

deadlifts 2 x 4 300lbs then 1 x 1with 315lbs
weighted back extensions 2 x 15 (25lbs plate behind my head)

floor crunches 1 x 50 5lbs plate behind head.

Being sick for three weeks has aged me. LOL.  I look in the mirror and I just don't look like myself. Determined to get back. Tomorrow should be a trip. Going to run outside in the cold air. Should be a wheezing coughing fest. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 19, 2019, 07:57:49 PM
Ran two slow miles in the park today. It was 29 degrees and my lungs filled with fluid.  Damn three weeks with bronchitis. I'm 90% better but 100% would be nicer.  ;D  After the run I hit the heavy bag. It felt great to let all my anger out on the bag. Hit it with bad intent.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 20, 2019, 03:33:20 PM
Leg day: Still regaining my strength.

Squats 2 x 8 225lbs (went deep and controlled)
leg press 2 x 12 ( 4 plates a side. Completely bent my legs with the back board low)
Stiff leg deadlifts 2 x 6 205lbs.
leg extension 2 x 20
seated leg curl 2 x 15
standing leg curl 2 x 12

Dumbbell side bend 1 x 15 90lbs
Hanging leg raises 2 x 22
Ab wheel roll out 2 x 22
Hip ups 1x 25 (I lie on the floor and point my legs toward the ceiling lifting my hips toward the ceiling.)

Standing calf raise 2 x 15
seated calf raise 2 x 15 90lbs
tibialis anterior work with a D.A.R.T. device.

Neck work 1 times all sides

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 21, 2019, 08:39:34 AM
Ran two slow miles. Averaged 9:11 pace.  Hit the heavy bag for two rounds.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 22, 2019, 10:56:01 AM
Delt and arm day:

Military press 2 x 8 115lbs (cleaned the weight and went all the way down staying upright so it's not a standing incline press.
Dumbbell lateral raise 2 x 10 28lbs (yes I can make 28 pound dumbbells in my home gym)
Single arm lateral pulley raise 1 x 10
Rear delt lateral raise 2 x 10 35lbs
Barbell shrugs 2 x 10 250lbs

single dumbbell two hand seated tricep extension 2 x 10 75lbs (all the way down)
Traditional tricep pushdowns 2 x 10
One arm reverse grip single handle tricep extension 2 x 12

EZ curl 2 x 10 90lbs
Alternate dumbbell curl 2 x 8 43lbs
One hand pulley curl with a D handle 2 x 12

Wrist curl 2 x 20 95lbs
Reverse wrist extension 2 x 15

Weighted crunches 1 x 55 5lbs plate behind my head
Pulley crunches 2 x 25
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 25, 2019, 09:53:57 AM
Back and chest day:

Gaining strength back.  I guess it was time for my six week attempt to  bench with a bar. Nope the shoulder said. When will I learn? Dumbbells from now on.  Deadlifts are coming back. I deadlift at the end of back and chest. I like to deadlift after I'm prefigured so I can't use heavy weights.  I did 2 x 4 300lbs then 1 x 1 320lbs.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on February 25, 2019, 01:23:15 PM
How much did you try to bench with?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 25, 2019, 07:46:21 PM
How much did you try to bench with?

I did four sets of flat barbell benches ending with 185lbs. My right shoulder just doesn't work without pain and weakness. I guess nothing is wrong with dumbbells. For a strange reason they seem for the most part do not irritate the shoulder. Must have to do with me rotating the wrist to a good position. Noticed the same with pull ups and lat machine pulldowns. A M.A.G. supinate pulldown bar and revolving pull up handles don't irritate the shoulder.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on February 26, 2019, 03:48:35 AM
I've told you this before that you are going too heavy with the bench presses.

You have to master your ego.  Nobody in the gym gives a f*ck what you are benching.

If they do ask just tell them you are rehabbing your shoulder.

You need to start with just the bar.  Do 1-3 sets of high reps.  Add no more than 5 lbs a week.  

You need to strengthen the connective tissues in the joint slowly over time.  

It takes a few months.  You have to be patient.  

185 is way too heavy until you rehab the connective tissues.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 27, 2019, 04:54:04 AM
Slow 2 mile run on Tuesday.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 27, 2019, 07:55:12 PM
Today was leg day. It went well.

Leg press 2 x 12  four plates a side.(back board low and a truly full bend of the legs)
Dumbbell squats 2 x 12 80lbs (Truly one of the best exercises. If you bend over and deadlift the weight you are not doing it correctly. Straight back and sink that ass down till the legs are fully bent)
stiff leg dead off a block 2x6 205lbs
leg extensions 2 x 20
seated leg curl 2x 15
standing leg curl 2 x 12
No weight body weight squats 1 x 50 (Great way to finish legs. Deep squats and controlled negative. None of this crossfit flopping around.)

Ab side bend with one dumbbell 1 x 15 80lbs
Hanging leg raise 2 x 22
Hip ups 1 x 25

Standing calf 2 x 15
seated calf 2 x 15

neck work
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on February 28, 2019, 04:59:31 AM
Just coming off two weeks of downtime due to the flu...Yuck.  I will start out even lighter than I normally do, LOL!  Great reading in this thread!  It along with IroNat's postings are very inspirational!  Thanks!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 28, 2019, 09:31:37 AM
Just coming off two weeks of downtime due to the flu...Yuck.  I will start out even lighter than I normally do, LOL!  Great reading in this thread!  It along with IroNat's postings are very inspirational!  Thanks!

I had the flu two years ago. When the high fever broke it turned into pneumonia. Being in the hospital was really draining. Glad you're feel better. The weights are adjustable.

Walked for one hour and twenty minutes today on a trail near my house. Hit the heavy bag. My voice still sounds like I'm sick but I'm feeling 90% physically.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 28, 2019, 09:34:21 AM
I've told you this before that you are going too heavy with the bench presses.

You have to master your ego.  Nobody in the gym gives a f*ck what you are benching.

If they do ask just tell them you are rehabbing your shoulder.

You need to start with just the bar.  Do 1-3 sets of high reps.  Add no more than 5 lbs a week.  

You need to strengthen the connective tissues in the joint slowly over time.  

It takes a few months.  You have to be patient.  

185 is way too heavy until you rehab the connective tissues.

Just sad that 10 or so short years ago every single chest workout I used 275lbs on my last set and I'm not a big guy.  I said it before. I'm done with the movement. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on February 28, 2019, 01:39:32 PM
Just sad that 10 or so short years ago every single chest workout I used 275lbs on my last set and I'm not a big guy.  I said it before. I'm done with the movement.  

I understand but what you did 10 years ago is irrelevant to where you are today.

Try what I said.  Rehab the joint and connective tissues very gradually.  Start with the empty bar and be patient.

The only thing that holds the upper arm to the shoulder girdle is tendons and ligaments.  Those have to be strengthened before they can sustain heavy loads.


Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 28, 2019, 07:19:27 PM
I have been diagnosis by an orthopedic surgeon upon viewing an MRI that I had a slap tear. An honest surgeon who fixed a complete bicep rupture on me recommended that I forgo the repair on the shoulder. He said no guarantee it would work better after the surgery. He also threw in that I wasn't a kid anymore. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on March 01, 2019, 04:35:08 AM
I have been diagnosis by an orthopedic surgeon upon viewing an MRI that I had a slap tear. An honest surgeon who fixed a complete bicep rupture on me recommended that I forgo the repair on the shoulder. He said no guarantee it would work better after the surgery. He also threw in that I wasn't a kid anymore. 

Well, I wish you as full a recovery as you can attain my friend.  I know how you feel when they tell you that you're no longer a kid.  But still, there's a kid inside all of us and all it takes to bring them to the surface is a smell, a sound or something else that stirs the memories that sleep inside us all.  Good luck!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on March 01, 2019, 04:44:31 AM
If you can do an empty bar without pain, then over time, you can very gradually strengthen the connective tissues to support higher loads.

This takes time though,  Several months.

Go as light as you have to without pain.  Start with an empty bar and add very little weight each week.  2.5 to 5lbs total per week.
If in doubt use less weight.

Week1 - empty bar
Week 2 - empty bar + 2.5 or 5lbs.
Week 3 - empty bar + 5 or 10 lbs

Work up to 3 sets of high reps (20+)

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on March 01, 2019, 04:49:26 AM
If you can do an empty bar without pain, then over time, you can very gradually strengthen the connective tissues to support higher loads.

This takes time though,  Several months.

Go as light as you have to without pain.  Start with an empty bar and add very little weight each week.  2.5 to 5lbs total per week.
If in doubt use less weight.

Week1 - empty bar
Week 2 - empty bar + 2.5 or 5lbs.
Week 3 - empty bar + 5 or 10 lbs

Work up to 3 sets of high reps (20+)

Excellent advice!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 01, 2019, 12:07:52 PM
Trained delts and arms today. Planed to walk after but just shot.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 04, 2019, 11:18:06 AM
Using a Yates inspired routine this week. Chest and bicep today.

Flat Dumbbell bench 1 x 8 80lbs ( went all the way down. No half reps.)
Incline dumbbell bench 1 x 8 70lbs  (deep. No partials. I would be using the 100lbs if I was doing humerus parallel to the ground.)
Flat flies 1 x 14 50lbs
Push ups 1 x max

EZ curl 1 x 15 90lbs
Alternate dumbbell curl 1 x 9 45lbs
Single arm pulley curl 1 x 17
concentration curl 1 x 12

Forearm wrist curl 1 x 25 95lbs
Reverse wrist ext 1 x 25

Sit ups on an incline board 1 x 27
floor crunches with a 5lbs plate behind my head 1 x 55
Pulley crunches 1 x 30

Ivanko gripper work 2 x 20 (used high reps. When I was using low reps with captains of crush it really messed up something in my forearm. Took about a month to heal. Playing it safe with high reps. )

Finished with a fast walk for one hour and twenty minutes on a path by my house.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 05, 2019, 10:55:26 AM
Leg day:

Leg press 1 x 16 four plates a side. Back board low and a full bend of the legs
Dumbbell squats 1 x 14 80lbs. Upright back and ass all the way down
Stiff leg dead 1 x 9 205lbs
leg extension 1 x 25
seated leg curl 1 x 24
no weight free hand squat 1 x 55. I think this is a fantastic finisher

Single dumbbell side bend 1 x 18 90lbs
Hanging leg raise 1 x 25
Hip ups 1 x 27

Standing calf raise 1 x 18
Seated calf raise 1 x 17

neck work

Fast walked one hour and 22 minutes.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 06, 2019, 12:42:10 PM
80 minutes of hiking a trail for cardio. Hit the heavy bag after. Tomorrow is back day.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 06, 2019, 02:34:29 PM
If you can do an empty bar without pain, then over time, you can very gradually strengthen the connective tissues to support higher loads.

This takes time though,  Several months.

Go as light as you have to without pain.  Start with an empty bar and add very little weight each week.  2.5 to 5lbs total per week.
If in doubt use less weight.

Week1 - empty bar
Week 2 - empty bar + 2.5 or 5lbs.
Week 3 - empty bar + 5 or 10 lbs

Work up to 3 sets of high reps (20+)

No amount of exercise will cure my damaged shoulder. A torn labrum doesn't repair itself. I have two choices. Live with the limitation or gamble on surgery that has no guarantee of making my shoulder better after a lengthy rehab. I chose to live with the limitations and my orthopedic surgeon agrees.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 07, 2019, 07:09:38 PM
Pulldown with M.A.G. bar 1 x 11
Seated pulley row 1 x 15 175lbs
Single Dumbbell row off a bench 1 x 12 85lbs (all the way down and up. Strict form.)
Reverse grip pulldown 1 x 12
Deadlift 1 x 6 315lbs
Weighted hyperextensions 1 x 18 25lbs plate behind head
ab wheel roll outs 2 x 22
Pulley crunch 1 x 30

Walked fast for one hour and 17 minutes after. Every once in awhile I would throw in a short sprint from 40 to 100 yards. When I'm doing a walking cardio day I wear blue jeans. I must look odd sprinting with jeans and a black motorcycle jacket.

 Beginning to think that walking is the best cardio for a bodybuilder.  It doesn't interfere with lifting like running can and it melts fat away. You just can't casually walk like 90% of people I see on treadmills. They actually walk to their car faster than they walk on the treadmill. You have to walk fast.

It's really cold in NJ the past couple of days but I found after the first mile and half I can't feel the cold at all. Enough body heat is heating up my winter clothes and I feel 100% comfortable. The trick is to never stop while wet from walking or you're done. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on March 08, 2019, 03:56:44 AM
No amount of exercise will cure my damaged shoulder. A torn labrum doesn't repair itself. I have two choices. Live with the limitation or gamble on surgery that has no guarantee of making my shoulder better after a lengthy rehab. I chose to live with the limitations and my orthopedic surgeon agrees.

Exposure to intense gamma rays will cure you...but you'll get green skin.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 08, 2019, 10:00:42 AM
Trained delts and tris.

Military press 1 x 9 115lbs. Touched the top of my chest without leaning back.
Dumbbell delt laterals 1 x 12 28lbs
Pulley delt laterals 1 x 14
Rear delt dumbbell laterals 1 x 15 35lbs
Shrugs 1 x 12 250lbs

Single dumbbell two hands tricep press 1 x 13 75lbs
Traditional tricep push downs 1 x 14
Single arm reverse grip pulley tricep extension 1 x 15
single dumbell one arm tricep extension 1 x 12

weighted ab crunch 1 x 55 5lbs plate behind head
Pulley ab crunch 1 x 30
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 09, 2019, 04:13:39 PM
Yesterday I did nothing. Went to Atlantic city. Ate a ton of food and drank like a fish.  Found out my son did a load of laundry then went out for an hour. Came back and something happened to the machine and gallons of water continuously flowed out of the machine. Water everywhere. Ugh.  Looked like someone put a hose on the first floor and let it flow for an hour. While dealing with that learned a close young relative was rushed to the hospital.  Crazy 24 hours.

Going to lay low till tomorrow.  :-\
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 11, 2019, 01:34:23 PM
Today Monday 3-11-19 I did chest and bicep in Yates style one set to failure. A little disappointed in that my flat dumbbell bench presses I got one less rep than last week. Rest of the workout went well though. Who knows maybe I unknowingly used a slower cadence than I did last week. Also a ton of cardio could explain it.

After the weight workout I did one hour and 14 minutes of fast walking.  Threw in a couple of short sprints when the mood hit me. I planned to start running this week but a wild night of drinking last Friday in a Casino left me shot. I think I will start running on Wednesday. Tomorrow I will do another walking cardio after legs.

Thinking a lot of about volume but I've been there before. It just doesn't feel right to use a moderate weight for set after set. Maybe I could use heavy weight for one exercise per session. Meaning maybe I will use a progression like this for dumbbell benches of 6-4-2-1 reps but for inclines do 4 sets of 8.  Who knows? Every time I get excited about using volume I give it a go and end up back to my form of HIT.  I just don't like using moderate weight for an endurance type workout.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on March 11, 2019, 02:59:51 PM
Yesterday I did nothing. Went to Atlantic city. Ate a ton of food and drank like a fish.  Found out my son did a load of laundry then went out for an hour. Came back and something happened to the machine and gallons of water continuously flowed out of the machine. Water everywhere. Ugh.  Looked like someone put a hose on the first floor and let it flow for an hour. While dealing with that learned a close young relative was rushed to the hospital.  Crazy 24 hours.

Going to lay low till tomorrow.  :-\

Just read this.

That's sucks.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 12, 2019, 07:07:28 PM
Hit legs today. Might be getting weak from all the cardio. I just want to lose some fat. After legs I did my fast walking thing on a trail for one hour and fifteen minutes. My legs were like jello from the lifting. My occasional sprints were a sorry affair. After that I went to work where I stand the majority of the time. Feels good to sit and type.

Tomorrow is a no lifting day. This week's split is Monday: chest and bicep. Tuesday: legs, Wednesday: off, Thursday: Back and Friday: delts and tricep. It's the split I borrowed for Yates. Doing one set to failure so it's definitely Yates inspired.  One thing I learned about doing one set to the ragged edge is that it's very draining and the CNS suffers after awhile. Getting symptoms like hand tremors.  Today after doing 19 reps in the leg press to complete failure I couldn't do the next exercise for at least three minutes I was so drained.

Hope after my long walks last week and the beginning of this week I'll get a running day in Tomorrow. I know most people who bodybuild couldn't care less about running but I like to me well rounded in Physical culture.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 14, 2019, 10:48:12 AM
Back day today. Mixed results. Deadlifts are down but I've been walking like a lunatic for cardio. Decided to run yesterday and saw the error of my ways. Walking is fantastic for cardio. It doesn't train your fast twitch muscles for running. Getting back to running soon. Going to take awhile to get my running spring in my legs back.  Tomorrow is that last day of the week. Working delts and triceps.  Going back to lifting three days a week next week. Two sets of an exercise instead of one set to failure. That one set to failure stuff gets brutal if you truly rep to an inch of death.

I keep thinking about Bill Pearl's advice. He said train with volume. Use low reps. Don't be a slave to poundage. Let your ego go. Use four to five set per exercise. If you have to use lower weight weight in set four or five do it. Again don't be a slave to the weight. He said high reps is a mistake.  This is the advice I have trouble with but maybe it makes perfect sense. The majority of your sets shouldn't be to failure.  He said if you take too many of your sets to failure then training will become a negative in your life and burn out will follow. (Didn't mean to put words in his mouth.  He said all this in effect.) 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on March 14, 2019, 10:54:11 AM
Back day today. Mixed results. Deadlifts are down but I've been walking like a lunatic for cardio. Decided to run yesterday and saw the error of my ways. Walking is fantastic for cardio. It doesn't train your fast twitch muscles for running. Getting back to running soon. Going to take awhile to get my running spring in my legs back.  Tomorrow is that last day of the week. Working delts and triceps.  Going back to lifting three days a week next week. Two sets of an exercise instead of one set to failure. That one set to failure stuff gets brutal if you truly rep to an inch of death.

I keep thinking about Bill Pearl's advice. He said train with volume. Use low reps. Don't be a slave to poundage. Let your ego go. Use four to five set per exercise. If you have to use lower weight weight in set four or five do it. Again don't be a slave to the weight. He said high reps is a mistake.  This is the advice I have trouble with but maybe it makes perfect sense. The majority of your sets shouldn't be to failure.  He said if you take too many of your sets to failure then training will become a negative in your life and burn out will follow. (Didn't mean to put words in his mouth.  He said all this in effect.)  

I never read anything by Pearl suggesting low reps.  Everything was 8-12 reps.  That's the typical rep range used in bodybuilding.

He did say not to train to failure.  He used high volume as far as exercises and sets.  Typical drug split.

He used veterinary steroids beginning in the later 1950s so his advice about training is of marginal use if you are natural.

He promoted Sri Chimnoy's absurd lifting feats which is very odd.

He goes to bed at 7PM and gets up at 2-3 AM which is also unusual.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 15, 2019, 03:25:46 AM
I never read anything by Pearl suggesting low reps.  Everything was 8-12 reps.  That's the typical rep range used in bodybuilding.

He did say not to train to failure.  He used high volume as far as exercises and sets.  Typical drug split.

He used veterinary steroids beginning in the later 1950s so his advice about training is of marginal use if you are natural.

He promoted Sri Chimnoy's absurd lifting feats which is very odd.

He goes to bed at 7PM and gets up at 2-3 AM which is also unusual.

Bill talks about lower reps 6 to 8 in his 20 months to a champion physique series that he use to offer for free on his web site. Sometimes up to 10 reps for legs. I think at one point he wanted to charge for his extensive Champion physique series and it can no longer be found on his site. His web site also seems corrupted.  Maybe his web site is being neglected in his old age and fell into disrepair.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on March 15, 2019, 03:42:09 AM
Bill talks about lower reps 6 to 8 in his 20 months to a champion physique series that he use to offer for free on his web site. Sometimes up to 10 reps for legs. I think at one point he wanted to charge for his extensive Champion physique series and it can no longer be found on his site. His web site also seems corrupted.  Maybe his web site is being neglected in his old age and fell into disrepair.  

I found it.  6-8 reps.  Still I wouldn't call that low reps. 

His workout plans are on his site under "Streaming Full Movie Creed II".
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 15, 2019, 09:53:45 AM
Trained delt and triceps using one work set to failure. Feel burned out.  Going to go back to my three lifting days for the week next week. Cardio when lifting is a fine line. Doing cardio with lifting you will get lean. Do too much cardio and you get weak and drained. Sometimes I envy people I know who don't lift and only do cardio. Doing both is definitely a balance act. I want to do well with lifting and ok with cardio.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on March 15, 2019, 10:31:41 AM
Bill talks about lower reps 6 to 8 in his 20 months to a champion physique series that he use to offer for free on his web site. Sometimes up to 10 reps for legs. I think at one point he wanted to charge for his extensive Champion physique series and it can no longer be found on his site. His web site also seems corrupted.  Maybe his web site is being neglected in his old age and fell into disrepair.  

No doubt Pearl changed things up every once in a while. -Gotta keep your body guessing or it gets bored and won't respond. I recently regressed to the old standard of the three threes; 3 sets of 10, 3 times a week. This is were I started when I was a kid. Although it won't make me a kid again, it does build muscle.

Unlike Pearl, I'm just getting started when he retires at 7:00 p.m. and I often don't go to bed until 2:00 a.m.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 15, 2019, 02:29:33 PM
No doubt Pearl changed things up every once in a while. -Gotta keep your body guessing or it gets bored and won't respond. I recently regressed to the old standard of the three threes; 3 sets of 10, 3 times a week. This is were I started when I was a kid. Although it won't make me a kid again, it does build muscle.

Unlike Pearl, I'm just getting started when he retires at 7:00 p.m. and I often don't go to bed until 2:00 a.m.

Last time I talked to Pearl I asked him if he is still training at his advanced age. He's nearly 90. He told me he's training to have the strength to be able to wipe his own ass. True story.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 17, 2019, 06:35:56 PM
Excited about tomorrows workout. I hope to kill it. Famous last words.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 18, 2019, 11:08:37 AM
Back in a commercial gym. Back and Chest:

Pull down with M.A.G. bar 2 x 10
Seated cable row 2 x 12 170lbs
Dumbbell row off a bench 2 x 10 85lbs
Hammer strength pulldown 2 x 10

Hammer bench 2 x 8
Incline dumbbell bench 2 x 8 ( all the way down)
Flat dumbbell fly 2 x 10 45lbs
Cable fly 2 x 10
Push ups 1 x max

deadlifts 2 x 4 300lbs then 1 x 1 320lbs.
Weighted back extension 2 x 15 with a 25lbs plate behind head

Ab wheel roll out 2 x 22
Machine crunches 2 x 22

Drank a vegetable protein shake after.  It was fun training in a commercial gym again. It's like I never left. Think I was too excited working out and really pushed the pace. Very short rest between sets.

 Two smokin hot girls working out. That's rare for this hard core gym. Most hot girls go to the posh beautiful gym a mile away. They have brand new everything. Most of the equipment in the hard core place looks like it came off of Craig's list.  Most young women that come into the hardcore place look around for 30 seconds and run out the door. It's full of old people, convicts, power lifters, hard core trainers and retired cops/firemen.  I trained at the beautiful gym about 3 years ago. Women dress to impress. The personal trainers look like wannabe models. The equipment looks like it just rolled off the show room new. Perfect rubber flooring, 30 treadmills, cardio stuff of every conceivable variation; rubber encased dumbbells,  and a protein bar. It's also full of steroid users. We have them in the hardcore place too but the fancy gym is saturated with them.

For me the hardcore place is where I like to train. A 45lbs plate is a 45lbs plate no matter where you train. I like the environment of serious trainers. It was a rare site to see anyone deadlift in the fancy gym. The hardcore gym it's an every hour occurrence. The owner even provides chalk.  Use chalk in the fancy place and you will be given a warning. Don't get me wrong. The fancy place has everything a hard core trainer could think of.  It's the environment I don't like. The thing I miss the most from the posh gym are the incredible women that worked out there. The all wore the sheer yoga panty hose pants. Many even had their hair done and make up. It was quite a sight and a pleasant distraction.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 19, 2019, 08:46:44 AM
Ran two slow 9:11 minute pace miles. Then hit the heavy bag.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 20, 2019, 09:01:48 AM
Leg day: Legs are weak from all the walking I did a week or so ago.

Squats 4 x 8 Up to 260lbs. Thinking this might be another exercise I might leave off the menu. I feel dumbbell squats work better for me.
Dumbbell squats 2 x 12 80lbs (Again, upright back and sank the ass low)
stiff dead 2 x 6 205lbs
Leg kick back machine 2 x 12 (this is a killer. Only see girls on it. Put the pin in low and it's murder)
leg extensions 2 x 12 (felt weak in these. Blame the 5 miles a day I was doing.)
lying leg curls 2 x 12

standing calf 2 x 12
seated calf 2 x 15

4 way neck 2 x 20

ab wheel 2 x 22
ab coaster  1 x 35 60lbs.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 21, 2019, 09:25:49 AM
Cardio day: On treadmill. Raining.

6 x half miles. No warm listed.

1. 6.5 MPH-9:14 pace
2. 6.7 MPH-8:57 pace
3. 6.9 MPH-8:42 pace
4. 7.1 MPH-8:27 pace
5. 7.3 MPH-8:13 pace
6. 7.5 MPH-8:00 pace (came down to the 7:42 pace for the last quarter mile.

Whacked the heavy bag hard for two rounds.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 22, 2019, 10:32:17 AM
Delt and arm day:

Clean and press 2 x 8 115LBS ( bar all the way down before press out. No lean back.)
Dumbbell laterals 2 x 10 30lbs
Machine delt lateral 2 x 10 80lbs
Dumbbell rear delt 2 x 10 40lbs
Machine rear delt 2 x 10 90lbs
Barbell shrugs 2 x 10 250lbs

dips 2 x 8 25lbs ( tried to go low)
Single dumbbell two hand seated tricep extensions 2 x 10 75lbs
tradition tricep pulley pushdowns 2 x 12
reverse grip single arm pulley extensions 2 x 10

Alternate dumbbell curls 2 x 8 45lbs
Scott barbell curs 2 x 12 ( I think if I could do one exercise for biceps this would be it)
EZ bar pulley curls 2 x 10

Wrist curls 2 x 25 95lb
Reverse pulley curls 2 x 10

Ab coaster 1 x 35
ab machine crunch 2 x 20 100lbs
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 23, 2019, 04:53:38 PM
Went to work then drank 4 beers and two shots of Conor McGregor whiskey.  It's good stuff but it will never be given a good review by whiskey snobs because it's attached to him.  Keep drinking Johnny Walker Blue. I'm saying it here. The emperor has not clothes. That stuff at $200 a bottle is crap.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on March 23, 2019, 05:29:13 PM
My go to bourbon, scotch are:

Grant's Family Reserve Scotch
Evan Williams Black Label bourbon
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 25, 2019, 11:01:05 AM
Back and chest today. Did four exercises for back and four for chest. Finished with deadlifts. Since I was prefatigued I couldn't handle much weight. The deadlifts were 2 sets of 4 with 300lbs. Then one rep with 330lbs.  I've been thinking of putting them in first on back and chest day so I could use more weight but I'm afraid of injury at my age. I already had a complete bicep rupture about 15 years ago. Took about 6 months to regain strength back in that arm. 

I realize that I have to diet if I want to achieve my goals but hell I'm not a bodybuilder. I don't compete.  I might be dead of old age in 15 to 20 years.  If I want a fucken beer and want to stuff my face with as many slices of pizza I can eat I will.  Then again sometimes I think I would look so much better on the beach minus 10 to 15lbs.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 26, 2019, 08:10:21 PM
Cardio day:  Nothing earth shattering. 6 x half miles. Listened to Motown stuff on the treadmill. 4 Tops and others.

1. 6.7 MPH-8:58 Pace
2. 6.9 MPH-8:42 Pace
3. 7.1 MPH-8:27 Pace
4. 7.3 MPH-8:13 Pace
5. 7.5 MPH-8:00 Pace
6. 7.7 MPH-7:48 pace

Whacked the heavy bag for two rounds after. Every time I see someone else hitting the bag they are soft hitting it with arm punches instead of throwing their body into the punches. It's primary a  weight lifting gym so it's to be expected. Today I had to wait for the bag and a guy was punching it with some power. Nothing spectacular but then he started kicking it. Amazing kicking power. I talked to him after. He said he was a Division one wrestler in college and he dabbled in some Muay Thai. The thud of his shin hitting that bag was scary. Definitely crack some ribs or knock some one out cold with that. Very impressive. If he gets his punching game right he will have the whole package. Punching, kicking and ground game.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 27, 2019, 12:12:16 PM
Trained leg today. 

Squats 4 of 8 working up to 265lbs.
Dumbbell squats 2 x 12 85lbs
Stiff leg deads 1 x 6 205lbs
Kick back machine 2 x 12 (brutal machine. I think it's better than the leg press)
leg extensions 2 x 12 150lbs ( I realize weight is meaningless from machine to machine. The machine in my house I use 80lbs)
traditional leg curs 2 x 10 100lbs
leg adduction and abduction 1 x 12 ( realized I killed the spelling.)

standing calf 2 x 12 180lbs (again the weight is meaningless from machine to machine)
seated calf 2 x 15 90lbs

Hanging leg raise 2 x 22
seated knee ins 2 x 20

four way neck machine

Pissed off. Found the only protein that doesn't have any effect on my stomach. It's  Fairlife protein shakes. Very high in protein. It's milk based but truly has no lactose. Every lactose free protein based on whey gives me the runs. This  My wife who has not done any exercise in decades found out she likes my expensive bottles of Fairlife protein.  $30 for 12 premade bottles. She thinks they are a delicious milk shake. I'm fucked. She is sitting on the couch as I type sucking one down.  What the fuck?  Going to find the most disgusting flavor they make. She said to me I need protein too. For what?  Sitting down for 10 hours too much for your muscles? 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 29, 2019, 09:43:05 AM
Delt and arm day.

Gym observation. Is everyone delusional today? Never saw this decades ago. Every one is short stroking the movement to handle heavy weight. If there is any doubt find out how you can make a movement harder rather than easier.  Doing half incline presses and half deadlifts off the racks isn't making an exercise harder. For every guy training hard there are 20 wasting their time. One steroid user might have done an exercise every five minutes. Sometimes ten as he talked on the phone. Another guy walked on the treadmill slower than he walked into the gym. No bs.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 01, 2019, 01:03:32 PM
Monday so it was back and chest:

M.A.G. pulldowns 2 x 10 (fairly upright. No lean back turning it into a row)
Cable row with a V handle 2 x 12 170lbs
Dumbbell row off a bench 2 x 10 85lbs ( All the way up and down)
Hammer pulldown 2 x 10

Hammer incline press 2 x 8 (two plates a side. All the way down. Something feels off with this. Might have to drop it)
Incline press 2 x 8 75lbs (all the way down. No half reps)
Flat flies 2 x 10 45lbs
Cable fly crossovers 2 x 10 (They have two machine for this. One machine 40lbs is heavy. It was taken. I used the other one with 60lbs pounds it felt lighter than the other machines 40lbs)

Deadlift 2 x 4 315lbs  (felt dizzy afterwards)
Weighted hyper back extensions 2 x 15 25lbs plate behind my head (Used the old fashion and more effective horizontal back extension bench. The new 45 degree one the resistance drops off at the top. You don't want that)

Ab wheel 2 x 23
AB crunch 2 x 20 (This gym has two different models. I tried the one nobody uses and I thought it was great.  Usually guys put the seat at the maximum height then use their body weight to crunch the weight down instead of using abs.)

Beginning to think bodybuilding is just bs.  It's fueled by insecurity.  Do drugs and take compliments from the clueless about your cosmetic drug muscles. Does anyone need 4 different movements per body part to improve athletic function?  Can any current Olympia contestant clean and jerk 315lbs? I doubt it. Can they do anything athletic? In the past AAU Mr. America you had to earn athletic points by putting up a total in Olympic lifting. I can't imagine a current Olympia contestant that is capable of running a half mile at a  speed a chubby house wife can do.  If the drugs were cut out for 6 months would look very ordinary which begs the question how much do drugs contribute to the muscles?  

I think the bodybuilders in the 50's had it right. Work out three days a week. Train the whole body in one session.  Have a career  and job to report to. Have a family life.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on April 01, 2019, 01:44:50 PM
Hormones, specifically testosterone, is what builds muscle.

It's not protein powders or vitamins.

Without the male hormone we are eunuchs.

Whether it's natural or artificial, testosterone is the key to muscle.

As regards whole body training look up the greats of the 1940's like Steve Reeves or Clancy Ross.

Another would be Harold Poole's early 3 day routine before he got into the D-bol.  It's even more basic.

(I moved the rest of my post to my own training log so as not to clutter Oldtimer's).

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 02, 2019, 07:29:49 PM
Ran 6 x half miles.

1. 6.7 MPH-8:57 pace
2. 6.9 MPH-8:42 pace
3. 7.1 MPH-8:27 pace
4. 7.3 MPH-8:13 pace
5. 7.5 MPH-8:00 pace
6. 7.8 MPH-7:42 pace

When I finished the six intervals I walked for a cool down. I felt dizzy and unstable. Don't know what was going on?  Was it just fatigue, heart problem, or neurological. One of the last times I ran I went to use my phone to message and I couldn't type because my hands were shaking really bad. Wondering if it's an early warning of Parkinson or some other problem? Could it just be fatigue and age?  I train hard then I party the weekend away drinking. Maybe I'm just getting too old and not giving myself enough down down. Just saw a guy I worked with 30 years ago. He was fat and looked like a tired  old man. He called me kid and said you will see it's tough when you get older. I know I'm two years older than him. I guess he didn't know.

Whacked the heavy bag for two rounds after. Felt I was off my game hitting it.  Here's to better days.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on April 03, 2019, 04:00:40 AM
You might want to see a doctor and get a checkup.  When is the last time you had a physical/EKG?

You train hard and could just be over-exerting yourself, particularly with all the running you do.

Combined with the weights it could be too much.  Chronic over-training.

And what's up with the boozing?  Are you really over-doing it?

I have a few drinks a week but just a shot or two when I drink.  Limit it to that.  Usually liquor but beer sometimes.  Just one beer.

I can't run and even walking too much makes my knee ache pretty bad.  I'm hobbling after walking a mile or two.

Tore my inside knee meniscus kicking a heavy bag years ago and it's been lousy ever since even after arthroscopy.  No pain fortunately unless too much walking.

Wish I never kicked that bag!   >:(

It would be nice to train like I was 20 years old but I'm 60.  Hard to believe I'm as old as that.  I know you are around 60 too.

Got to use your head when you train.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 03, 2019, 10:33:10 AM
Trained legs today. Felt much better physically today. Slept for 8.5 hours instead of my usual 5.5 hours. Beginning to wonder if training to failure all the time is good for the spirit and body? What did Lee Haney say? Stimulate don't annihilate. Bill Pearl said the same in his own way.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on April 03, 2019, 10:43:55 AM
Trained legs today. Felt much better physically today. Slept for 8.5 hours instead of my usual 5.5 hours. Beginning to wonder if training to failure all the time is good for the spirit and body? What did Lee Haney say? Stimulate don't annihilate. Bill Pearl said the same in his own way.  
good man,,,keep going ,things could be worse ,imagine not working out at all..,im doing so much better ,,recovered from divorce,dating old classmate of mine nice girl.only 1 kid 17 yrs old he is,my issue id tougher 3 kids still younger side...i fixed my stomach issues like u on my own ,feeling physically great and in shape
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on April 03, 2019, 02:28:39 PM
Trained legs today. Felt much better physically today. Slept for 8.5 hours instead of my usual 5.5 hours. Beginning to wonder if training to failure all the time is good for the spirit and body? What did Lee Haney say? Stimulate don't annihilate. Bill Pearl said the same in his own way.  

One thing here.

You trained legs 3 days in a row.

You did deadlifts and hypers on 4/1,  Deads hit the quads, hamstrings and lower back.  Then 4/2 you ran and hit the bag which also uses the legs.  Today 4/3 you trained legs.

Over-training, my brother.  No recovery time.  No healing time.  The symptoms you describe are classic over-training effects.

How about taking a day off between training?  Rest, recovery, healing.  No weights, no running, no nothing.  Rest.

Read a book, watch a movie, get a hobby, whatever.  No training.

If you want to split your workout do push/pull/legs or push/pull-legs.  Day off between training.  No running on off days.

Full body do everything but only 1-2 exercises per bodypart.  Running can be scheduled on training days or as a separate training day.

No matter what take a day off between training.  Complete rest.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 03, 2019, 03:03:04 PM
One thing here.

You trained legs 3 days in a row.

You did deadlifts and hypers on 4/1,  Deads hit the quads, hamstrings and lower back.  Then 4/2 you ran and hit the bag which also uses the legs.  Today 4/3 you trained legs.

Over-training, my brother.  No recovery time.  No healing time.  The symptoms you describe are classic over-training effects.

How about taking a day off between training?  Rest, recovery, healing.  No weights, no running, no nothing.  Rest.

Read a book, watch a movie, get a hobby, whatever.  No training.

If you want to split your workout do push/pull/legs or push/pull-legs.  Day off between training.  No running on off days.

Full body do everything but only 1-2 exercises per bodypart.  Running can be scheduled on training days or as a separate training day.

No matter what take a day off between training.  Complete rest.

My split looks like this now. Monday: back and chest, Wednesday: legs; and Friday: Delts and arms.  Three days of lifting. On Tuesday and Thursday I run. Weekends are off. I do push the pedal to the metal Monday to Friday.  I do believe in the health benefits of both strength training and cardio. Strength training is the horse power of the motor. Cardio is the size of the gas tank. Big motor with no tank is worthless as well as the other way around. I do think I push too hard but that's my work ethic. All out or nothing. Work hard and play hard.  Nothing gets me more pissed off than watching guys putting no effort into their workouts. My recent health concerns could be a bunch of factors. If I die today people will say what a muscular corpse.  I might take a day off training tomorrow for rest. I might run. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on April 03, 2019, 04:17:49 PM
My split looks like this now. Monday: back and chest, Wednesday: legs; and Friday: Delts and arms.  Three days of lifting. On Tuesday and Thursday I run. Weekends are off. I do push the pedal to the metal Monday to Friday.  I do believe in the health benefits of both strength training and cardio. Strength training is the horse power of the motor. Cardio is the size of the gas tank. Big motor with no tank is worthless as well as the other way around. I do think I push too hard but that's my work ethic. All out or nothing. Work hard and play hard.  Nothing gets me more pissed off than watching guys putting no effort into their workouts. My recent health concerns could be a bunch of factors. If I die today people will say what a muscular corpse.  I might take a day off training tomorrow for rest. I might run. 

Keep doing what you are doing and you will keep feeling lousy.

it's a basic fundamental of weight training to not train the same muscles two days in a row.  Running is training.

If you are a 'roid user you can do it.  Natty's will just stall out and over-train.

If you die today no one will care what your physique looks like.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 04, 2019, 10:54:51 AM
Ran two miles under 9 minutes miles. Hit the heavy bag for two rounds. Felt I was whacking it hard with bad intent.  During my warm up for the run I felt a little dizzy but it went away during the real run.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 05, 2019, 03:36:21 PM
Delt and Arms:

Standing dumbbell press 2 x 10 50lbs ( I know I could use 70lbs and above if I sat  with my hips out and only lowered to the top of my head like the majority do. I always try to make an exercise harder on the body and not easier. Sitting with your hips out makes it a partial chest incline. Lowering it the the top of your head or slightly lower is a half a rep.)
Dumbbell lateral raises 2 x 10 30lbs (I do them Arnold style. I raise them high like Arnold instead of the parallel method used today.)
Single arm delt lateral 2 x 10 40lbs ( I know pulley systems resistance varies from machine to machine. Weight used is meaningless)
Rear delt machine 2 x 10 90lbs
Barbell Shrugs 2 x 10 250lbs ( I was talking with someone and accidentally used a 5lbs on one side instead of a 10lbs. Pissed)

Single dumbbell behind the head tricep extension 2 x 11 75lbs (Tried to go all the way down)
Traditional tricep pushdowns 2 x 12
Reverse single arm pulley tricep extension 2 x 10 40lbs

EZ curl 2 x 10 90lbs
Scott barbell curls 2 x 10 ( I do these really slow. Afraid to rip a bicep tendon)
Arnold style concentration curls 2 x 12

Forearms wrist curls 2 x 25 95lbs
Dumbbell reverse wrist extensions 2 x 15

Ab coaster 1 x 37 60lbs
Ab crunch machine 2 x 20 110lbs

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 08, 2019, 06:53:53 PM
Back and  chest today:

Yesterday I took the wife out to a Broadway play that our kid's gave us tickets for. It was King Kong.  What a big monkey. It was fun but very different from the usual Broadway play. Good special effects.

 After we had an incredible steak at an Irish restaurant followed by bar hopping in Hell's kitchen. Alternated between Irish bars and Italian.  Notice all the Irish bars hire people from Ireland for bartenders and waitresses for the real accent and ambiance I assume. Sitting at the Italian bar we were next to two gay guys who appear to be out on a date. Yes, NY seems saturated with gay guys. It use to be the village but it's everywhere now. One guy was black and the other white. Heard an accent on the black guy I couldn't place so I asked him," Where are you from? I can't place the accent."  He comes back with what I thought was an angry, " From my mother."  I thought here comes trouble. I should have kept my drunk mouth closed. I think I disarmed him with kindness and he said he was originally from the Bahamas but lived in England for a long time. The last bar we were at was another Irish bar. Has an Irish mob vibe and I didn't feel like it would end there well. Had a Guinness and left.

 Couple of other observations. Most New Yorkers are thin. Very few people own a car in midtown. No where to park it except expensive parking garages. If you have a car there is no where to park once you get to your destination in mid town. Every where is on foot or a cab. Hard to find a fat person compared to NJ.  Walked by Central park and one building had the most expensive Mercedes and Escalades sitting outside with drivers sitting waiting to be needed by their bosses. I think I counted 12 fresh off the show room cars with drivers sitting in them. Imagine having the money to have your driver just sit outside of your building waiting? My wife thinks Howard Stern lives in the building but I don't know.

Came home thoroughly exhausted. Seems like a non stop mini vacation. I forced myself into the gym. I gutted through it. If I had any sense I would have rested all day today. I feel I should have used a brillo pad to wash NY off me.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 09, 2019, 08:07:24 PM
Cardio day: Did 8 x quarter miles (400 meters-440 yards). Nothing crazy. Dipped below 7 minute mile pace at the end. 8.8 MPH was the fastest lap. Hit the heavy bag after.

Going to start a real diet soon. At this age I can't out work the diet. Even though it's often repeated a pound of fat is 3500 calories an I'm sure I'm using a ton of calories working out every week I am eating like a college kid.  Really reckless.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on April 10, 2019, 06:21:53 AM
Just cut back a little bit.

Don't take seconds at meals for example.  Skip the dessert.

Instead of drinking 2 beers have just one.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 10, 2019, 10:52:00 AM
Trained legs today. Completely shot. Now on to yard work.

Found the best protein I have ever had. Found it at BJ's of all places. It's called Fairlife Protein. Comes in 11.5 Oz bottles at a reasonable price for protein. Has 30 grams of protein and zero lactose that upsets my stomach. The taste is the best I have ever tasted in 40 years of drinking protein shakes. I have zero connections to the company. Every single time I drink a "lactose free" whey isolate my stomach does flips and I get the runs. Zero point zero problems with this one cause they don't lie on the label. It's truly lactose free. How they got 30 grams of protein in that little bottle is incredible. The taste is so good my wife is drinking my stash of it and she doesn't work out. Pisses me off.

Ironate I'm going to try to be good regarding diet next week. I really eat and drink like a 22 frat college kid. I have zero restraint. If I didn't work out like a lunatic I would be a fat guy.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on April 11, 2019, 08:56:30 AM
Trained legs today. Completely shot. Now on to yard work.

Found the best protein I have ever had. Found it at BJ's of all places. It's called Fairlife Protein. Comes in 11.5 Oz bottles at a reasonable price for protein. Has 30 grams of protein and zero lactose that upsets my stomach. The taste is the best I have ever tasted in 40 years of drinking protein shakes. I have zero connections to the company. Every single time I drink a "lactose free" whey isolate my stomach does flips and I get the runs. Zero point zero problems with this one cause they don't lie on the label. It's truly lactose free. How they got 30 grams of protein in that little bottle is incredible. The taste is so good my wife is drinking my stash of it and she doesn't work out. Pisses me off.

Ironate I'm going to try to be good regarding diet next week. I really eat and drink like a 22 frat college kid. I have zero restraint. If I didn't work out like a lunatic I would be a fat guy.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 11, 2019, 07:31:20 PM
Cardio day: 8 x quarter miles (400 meters or 440 yards)

My fastest was 8.9 MPH or 6:44 pace.

Felt great for once. Felt like I was clicking on all cylinders.  My goal is to hit the eight quarter mile at 10 MPH (6:00 minute mile pace) eventually. I really believe intervals are one of the quickest ways to get into shape.  I finished hitting the heavy bag as usual.

Tomorrow is delt and arms.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 11, 2019, 07:35:41 PM

I was using Orgain vegetable protein for awhile. I think it's pea, rice and maybe hemp. My stomach did good on that but I still had some stomach issues with it.  I think Fair Life might be the only true lactose free milk based protein. Like I wrote before I can drink it and have zero issues of any kind with it. This is coming from a guy who in his "old" age became super sensitive to all milk products.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 12, 2019, 11:56:34 AM
Delts and arms:

Clean and military press 3 x 5 135lbs (watched a guy doing military presses with 155lbs in the smith machine. Never lowered the weight past his nose and many reps were just to the top of his head. Bodybuilding is full of delusional insecure clowns. He couldn't use 95lbs if he came all the way down.)
dumbbell delt laterals 2 x 10 30lbs
Single arm delt laterals 2 x 10 40lbs
Rear delt machine 2 x 10 90lbs
Barbell shrugs 2 x 10 250lbs ( I could go a lot heavier but it's such a short movement I don't want to short stroke it.)

Weighted dips 2 x 8 25lbs ( dug deep but feel weak from not doing them for awhile)
Traditional tricep pushdowns 2 x 13
Reverse grip single arm tricep extensions 2 x 12 40lbs

Dumbbell alternate curl 2 x 8 45lbs ( Just saw a video of bodybuilding star Richard Baldwin who has amazing arms.  He never does a full range of motion with his curls from the video I saw.  I guess genetics and drugs rules. Hammer curls are short stroked and everything else. )
scott barbell curls 2 x 10
concentration curls 2 x 12

forearm curls 2 x 25 95lbs
reverse pulley curls 2 x 10
wrist dumbbell extensions 2 x 15

Ab coaster 1 x 40 60lbs
ab crunch machine 2 x 20 110lbs

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 13, 2019, 08:18:47 PM
Getting sick of the commercial gym. Just don't like some of the people in the gym. I try to keep to myself and I'm friendly with many but I guess in the end some people annoy the crap out of me. Many people just go to the gym to hang out. Once they get your ear they think you're there for their entertainment. I have been know to cut off people mid sentence. When I lift at home I like the solitude. I get into the zone. One negative for home training is being by myself I sometimes take too long between sets. The positive at the gym is that it really gets my adrenaline up being among other lifters. Also I can do some stuff there I can't do at home like chest cable cross overs and things like Hammer pulldowns.

Told my wife about it. She said do a week at home and a week there. Just might work.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on April 14, 2019, 11:46:53 AM
I have the opposite problem...I tend to train too fast!

So, I time my sets with one of these:

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 15, 2019, 11:21:48 AM
Back and chest:

Pulldowns with a M.A.G. bar 2 x 10
Seated lat pulley row with a narrow V handle 2 x 12 170lbs
Seated dumbbell row off a bench 2 x10 85lbs
Hammer pulldowns 2 x 10

Hammer incline press 2 x 8 (went up to three plates a side)
Incline Dumbbell press 2 x 8
Dumbbell flies 2 x 10
Cable flies 2 x 10

Dead lifts 2 x 4 315lbs
Weighted hypers 2 x 15 25lbs plate behind my head

Ab wheel roll out 2 x 23
Ab machine crunch 2x 25 120lbs

Weight used is meaningless when describing a workout. We all know the majority of trainers cheat every exercise usually by short stroking the movement so they can use a weight they couldn't handle if they did a full range of motion.  Also from machine to machine has different leverages and pulley systems. For example in my home gym I have two standing calf machines. One I use 300lbs plus of plates. The other one is heavy with 155lbs.  The commercial gym I go to when I put the pin in 180lbs and it seems heavy. Three different standing calf machines and I use drastically different weights on the three respective machines. One more example is the leg extension. My home unit is hard with 80lbs of plates.  The commercial gym I put the pin in where it says 150lbs pounds.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 16, 2019, 10:22:20 AM
Cardio day: 8 x quarter miles. Fastest one in 9 MPH or 6:40 Pace. Can't believe how heavy I am. I'm 188 at 5'8".  Way too heavy for me.  Ate fairly well yesterday. Hope to continue today. I don't know if I have the diet discipline but I sure would like to be around 175lbs.   
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on April 16, 2019, 11:56:03 AM
Cardio day: 8 x quarter miles. Fastest one in 9 MPH or 6:40 Pace. Can't believe how heavy I am. I'm 188 at 5'8".  Way too heavy for me.  Ate fairly well yesterday. Hope to continue today. I don't know if I have the diet discipline but I sure would like to be around 175lbs.   

Well, do you look fat?  Have your wife take a pic of you in shorts and see how you look.

I saw a pic of myself on the beach a year or two ago and I was pretty muscular but also had a bloated gut.

I did drop about 20lbs. but I've gained back 5-10.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 16, 2019, 07:09:50 PM
Well, do you look fat?  Have your wife take a pic of you in shorts and see how you look.

I saw a pic of myself on the beach a year or two ago and I was pretty muscular but also had a bloated gut.

I did drop about 20lbs. but I've gained back 5-10.

I guess I have high expectations of myself. No, I don't look fat. Since I don't do drugs and my training is a complete mixture of different modalities I can't call myself a bodybuilder either. I split my time between lifting, running, walking and striking training. I did put up a picture in the beginning of this training log. Maybe page 2 or 3. I'm in better shape than that now. I would put up a picture but on this site someone would soon photo shop it. Of course being natural I can't compare to someone using drugs or those that lie about not using drugs. If  I could lose 10lbs to 15lbs it would be all I could expect at my age and being 100% natural without even testosterone replacement therapy.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on April 16, 2019, 07:41:14 PM
Getting sick of the commercial gym. Just don't like some of the people in the gym. I try to keep to myself and I'm friendly with many but I guess in the end some people annoy the crap out of me. Many people just go to the gym to hang out. Once they get your ear they think you're there for their entertainment. I have been know to cut off people mid sentence. When I lift at home I like the solitude. I get into the zone. One negative for home training is being by myself I sometimes take too long between sets. The positive at the gym is that it really gets my adrenaline up being among other lifters. Also I can do some stuff there I can't do at home like chest cable cross overs and things like Hammer pulldowns.

Told my wife about it. She said do a week at home and a week there. Just might work.

You've previously dealt with this issue, if I remember correctly. Take your smart wife's advice. Obviously, she knows you well. Changing one's routine can be motivating.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on April 17, 2019, 03:11:14 AM
If you don't look fat then no need to drop weight.

Did you start this thread in 2017?  That's as far back as it goes.

Best not to post pics.  Fodder for the mentally ill here.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 17, 2019, 04:26:32 AM
If you don't look fat then no need to drop weight.

Did you start this thread in 2017?  That's as far back as it goes.

Best not to post pics.  Fodder for the mentally ill here.

Time flies. Thought it was a year ago. So two years ago.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 17, 2019, 04:24:35 PM
Trained legs today. I threw in one of those sissy squat benches exercises. After doing 8 reps after squats and hacks it felt like a really bad movement. Very unnatural.  Maybe I should have done a couple of sets and maybe I would have got into a grove. I won't be doing them again.

I did my squats, hacks, kick back machine, leg extensions, and lying leg curls.  After thighs I did my now usual 55 reps of no weight body weight deep squats. I really believe in the gold of this movement.  I actually think a person could have an excellent leg routine using no weight.

I would use something like this.
1. no weight body weight squats
2. Lunge position jumps for height switching legs each jump.
3. no weight body weight one leg stiff leg dead lift
4. walking no weight lunges

5. single leg bodyweight calf raise with knee locked. Seen guys who use a big weight in the standing calf machine struggle to get 15 reps with this.
6. finish with two leg bodyweight calf raise.

I think of Wilf Sylvester winning the short Mr. Universe in 1975 only using body weight squats, leg extensions and leg curls. Previously he used the typical barbell squat, hack machine, leg extensions and leg curls. He said his new system gave him cut up thighs.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 18, 2019, 09:56:09 AM
Ran one mile. Wasn't feeling it. Decided to do 80 yard sprints after. On the last one I pulled my calf.  Well this sucks. I blame making my calf stiff with calf work the day before.  Beginning to think for me at this stage I might give up traditional weight lifting calf work. I have a history of calf pulls and foot problems. All seem to point to calf work in the weight room as the precedent for the injury.  The Achilles is a spring tendon. I really believe it has gives and stores energy. Over stretching the tendon under load for me leaves it tight and inflexible for athletics. I remember Ben Johnson's coach leaving calf work out of the weight room workouts in one article I read. I wonder if it was for the same reason?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on April 18, 2019, 07:42:32 PM
Three warmup sets of DB laterals for delts supersetted with the rear delt machine for my shoulders then the fourth sets were the working ones. Then on to arms.

Doing barbell or dumbbell curls has gotten painful of late so today I just did DB Hammer curls but no supination.  Just Hammer curls. No pain and a good pump.  Three warmups and one working set. 

Then I did the same thing with the Smith Machine and JM Presses.  I finished up with hanging DB wrist curls.  They allow me to use a good weight and they don't hurt.   Three warmup and one working set.  Now I will rest two or three days and start over with back and chest.

Fun times indeed.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on April 19, 2019, 03:53:31 AM
Three warmup sets of DB laterals for delts supersetted with the rear delt machine for my shoulders then the fourth sets were the working ones. Then on to arms.

Doing barbell or dumbbell curls has gotten painful of late so today I just did DB Hammer curls but no supination.  Just Hammer curls. No pain and a good pump.  Three warmups and one working set. 

Then I did the same thing with the Smith Machine and JM Presses.  I finished up with hanging DB wrist curls.  They allow me to use a good weight and they don't hurt.   Three warmup and one working set.  Now I will rest two or three days and start over with back and chest.

Fun times indeed.

No supination?

Your chances of 20 inch arms just went out the window.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on April 19, 2019, 04:54:57 AM
No supination?

Your chances of 20 inch arms just went out the window.

 ;D Yup.  ;D  If only there existed somewhere a mad genius who could invent a supinator machine... ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 19, 2019, 05:04:39 AM
Three warmup sets of DB laterals for delts supersetted with the rear delt machine for my shoulders then the fourth sets were the working ones. Then on to arms.

Doing barbell or dumbbell curls has gotten painful of late so today I just did DB Hammer curls but no supination.  Just Hammer curls. No pain and a good pump.  Three warmups and one working set. 

Then I did the same thing with the Smith Machine and JM Presses.  I finished up with hanging DB wrist curls.  They allow me to use a good weight and they don't hurt.   Three warmup and one working set.  Now I will rest two or three days and start over with back and chest.

Fun times indeed.

I didn't feel like this in my youth but with age comes wisdom. If a movement hurts don't do it even it was effective in the past.

 I don't bench but foolishly try every couple of months. I was never a big bencher anyway but after my work sets and completely warmed up and shot I would try a single. Every work out I would get 275lb to 285lbs. at 180lbs. Now my shoulders makes me scream if I do a couple of sets of benches. I have a torn labrum but the shoulder works with other movements so fuck the bench.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on April 19, 2019, 05:09:18 AM
I didn't feel like this in my youth but with age comes wisdom. If a movement hurts don't do it even it was effective in the past.

 I don't bench but foolishly try every couple of months. I was never a big bencher anyway but after my work sets and completely warmed up and shot I would try a single. Every work out I would get 275lb to 285lbs. at 180lbs. Now my shoulders makes me scream if I do a couple of sets of benches. I have a torn labrum but the shoulder works with other movements so fuck the bench.

Well said, brother.  If I bench, I must use lighter weights and stick to higher reps of twenty or so.  Mostly it is cable crossovers for me and the occasional DB fly. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 19, 2019, 10:02:30 AM
Delt and arms today: Some observations.

Gym was packed. I should have trained at home. New faces in the gym. I guess night time trainers. A lot of buddy training going on. I haven't trained with anyone in many decades. I think it would drive me crazy. I like to do what I want to do.  It seems these teams have pow wows what exercise to do next. If it works for them it's a good thing.

The gym was so packed I had to do exercises not in my rotation. For example at some point in biceps I do scott barbell curls but two guys were hovering over it. Instead I used the curl machine. Forgot how good that machine was. Worked great.

Saw a new free lance personal trainer I never saw before. I can't believe people pay someone to count their reps for them thinking the trainer has some guru type secret knowledge. I was better built than him and he looked about 30 years old. The owner of the gym said I could personal train there as long as I gave him half my take from the clients. Didn't sound like a good deal so I never pursued it. I wish I could be covered by my home owners to train people in my basement. That would be ideal. I have everything to train someone but liability issues stop me. Not zoned for commercial and I doubt homeowners would cover me in a law suit in a commercial enterprise in my house. Personal trainer insurance isn't enough when someone is trying for a mint in court.

I put up a youtube of a MMA fighter who had interesting views on training for MMA. It closely followed the volume vs intensity debate. He clearly followed the volume school of thought and even sounded like Bill Pearl on the matter. He basic view was train hard but not too intensely so you can have more volume which in the end will do you more good than limited training. He gives examples of that in the fight game. He said intensity is important but not for an every day training protocol. It was refreshing to hear his views.

When I was a sprinter in college I thought I could beat other guys by having a better work ethic. Of course innate ability rules. Yes it helped tremendously but also led to burn out and some bad peaking. One guy in particular that I remember appeared to be the laziest trainer. Then I thought he is relying on his God giving innate talent. He would train hard then appear for another training day and completely dog it. I would think back then damn is this guy a slacker.  Maybe he knew how to listen to his body and I was the fool hammering it every single day on the track/weight room.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on April 19, 2019, 11:29:12 AM
There is nothing new with his volume/intensity ideas.

Intensity is generally defined as % of max.

Volume and intensity vary inversely.

Greater volume requires less intensity and vice-versa.

You can train volume or intensity but not both without burnout.  

Drugs obviously change this equation allowing faster recovery.  Weights would be higher also but % used would not differ.

Prilepin's Table is book and verse on this.

While Prilepin's research was with Olympic lifting it's principles apply to powerlifting as well as bodybuilding.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 19, 2019, 11:41:51 AM
There is nothing new with his volume/intensity ideas.

Intensity is generally defined as % of max.

Volume and intensity vary inversely.

Greater volume requires less intensity and vice-versa.

You can train volume or intensity but not both without burnout.  

Drugs obviously change this equation allowing faster recovery.  Weights would be higher also but % used would not differ.

Prilepin's Table is book and verse on this.

While Prilepin's research was with Olympic lifting it's principles apply to powerlifting as well as bodybuilding.

I keep thinking about what Jeff Everson wrote. You don't have to be a scientist to be a good bodybuilder. It was a great article. He basically said we have training theories based on empirical knowledge passed down. He said there are no training facts for optimal training. If we did everyone would be on the same split doing the same exercise using the same reps and sets. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on April 19, 2019, 12:09:58 PM
I keep thinking about what Jeff Everson wrote. You don't have to be a scientist to be a good bodybuilder. It was a great article. He basically said we have training theories based on empirical knowledge passed down. He said there are no training facts for optimal training. If we did everyone would be on the same split doing the same exercise using the same reps and sets.  


Train, recover, repeat.

Increase intensity over time.

What is intensity?

Intensity is not just % max either although in strength training it's generally defined as such.

Intensity in running is a combination of speed, distance, and time.  Could even have load in there if you carried weights while running.

It all comes down to your own recovery abilities and your goals in training.  Too many goals or conflicting goals will prevent progress.

You can't be successful marathon runner and a successful powerlifter or bodybuilder for example.  They conflict and you won't reach your potential in either.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 19, 2019, 03:41:32 PM

Train, recover, repeat.

Increase intensity over time.

What is intensity?

Intensity is not just % max either although in strength training it's generally defined as such.

Intensity in running is a combination of speed, distance, and time.  Could even have load in there if you carried weights while running.

It all comes down to your own recovery abilities and your goals in training.  Too many goals or conflicting goals will prevent progress.

You can't be successful marathon runner and a successful powerlifter or bodybuilder for example.  They conflict and you won't reach your potential in either.

I can't help but think of the way distance runners train how maybe we can learn something from them in the weight room. They train most of the year doing distance runs. Many are LSD (long slow distance).  It's all about getting the miles in. Don't get me wrong it's not easy training but isn't ragged to the death training either. As they get closer to the season they start including interval training to turn that acquired gas tank into speed. Instead of heading out for super long runs they save their long run for one day a week. Their distance runs turn into 5 say 5 to 10 miles instead of 15 mile plus runs.  Their intervals might start as sets of two mile repeats. Closer to season it becomes sets of half miles and quarter miles.

Maybe in lifting it might be a good idea to use volume and taper to low sets increasing the intensity vs the volume. Some trainers accomplish this with using high reps then reducing. Maybe using something likes sets of 12 to 15. Then taper for the next cycle  to 6 to 10 reps. 

Then again this isn't rocket science. It's picking stuff up and putting it down then look in the mirror to see if it's working. LOL.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 20, 2019, 07:52:12 PM
Did jack today. I went to work and came home doing nothing. Went to a real high class Italian restaurant. Ate like a king with my wife. Came home feeling great. Went into the back yard and made a fire. Played Sinatra, Martin, Buble' and Louie Prima from a nice quality Bose speaker. The sky was amazing. Broke out some quality Tequila. Sure I even danced a little but my memory is slightly faded as I type this in bed. Haven't had a fire in awhile. We use to make it a regular thing in the winter. Amazing being in the dark having a cocktail by the dancing flames.  Soon summer will come and that will be abandoned. Floating in the pool will be the center of the summer. Sometimes the little things in life are truly what's life is all about. It's not the  hall marks. It's sitting in the dark having a drink with the girl you love as your knuckle head dog explores the yard. It's having your daughter come over with her daughter puts everything in life into perspective. At the end of your life if you have one person that mourns your loss you have lived the life that can't be improved on.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on April 20, 2019, 07:59:59 PM
I am a big fan of most of those guys, the sole exception being Bubbles  ;D.  For whatever reason, I can no longer listen to his singing.  It's not that he's bad, I just can't abide him anymore. 

Louie and Keely make me smile.  Louie Prima was the voice of King Louie in the 1967 Disney classic, "The Jungle Book".  Of course we all failed to realize that King Louie was transspecies... ;D ;)
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 21, 2019, 12:16:19 PM
I am a big fan of most of those guys, the sole exception being Bubbles  ;D.  For whatever reason, I can no longer listen to his singing.  It's not that he's bad, I just can't abide him anymore. 

Louie and Keely make me smile.  Louie Prima was the voice of King Louie in the 1967 Disney classic, "The Jungle Book".  Of course we all failed to realize that King Louie was transspecies... ;D ;)

Just got the best of Dean Martin.  Of course he could fill 5 CD's with his best of. The CD I got is fantastic. I just blasted it on my way to work the other day. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on April 21, 2019, 12:27:29 PM
Just got the best of Dean Martin.  Of course he could fill 5 CD's with his best of. The CD I got is fantastic. I just blasted it on my way to work the other day. 

He is another favorite of mine.  I mourn the passing of so many great singers...I am a big fan of Barry Manilow and my younger brother would raz me all the time until he went to a farewell concert recently with his wife.  He said Manilow was actually very good.   He is more a traditional Country music guy. Nothing wrong with that! ;D

When I train it is usually to Jazz or50s/ 60s/70s/80s music.  Today it was chest/back to heavy metal with my son.  I will have to rest tomorrow and the do shoulders and arms on Tuesday.  I am beat.   ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 21, 2019, 08:00:38 PM
He is another favorite of mine.  I mourn the passing of so many great singers...I am a big fan of Barry Manilow and my younger brother would raz me all the time until he went to a farewell concert recently with his wife.  He said Manilow was actually very good.   He is more a traditional Country music guy. Nothing wrong with that! ;D

When I train it is usually to Jazz or50s/ 60s/70s/80s music.  Today it was chest/back to heavy metal with my son.  I will have to rest tomorrow and the do shoulders and arms on Tuesday.  I am beat.   ;D

Barry Manilow?  You lost me on that one. Her name was Lola. She was a show girl. Just having fun. If you enjoy his music then that's all that matters. He did write the songs that made the young girls cry. Seriously I remember he use to be a jingle writer for commercials. He must have a lot of money. I remember back in the day my wife would say he has to be a homosexual and I would argue that he was married. The wife was right.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on April 21, 2019, 08:28:37 PM
Barry Manilow?  You lost me on that one. Her name was Lola. She was a show girl. Just having fun. If you enjoy his music then that's all that matters. He did write the songs that made the young girls cry. Seriously I remember he use to be a jingle writer for commercials. He must have a lot of money. I remember back in the day my wife would say he has to be a homosexual and I would argue that he was married. The wife was right.

A dear friend of mine worked for him years ago and told me he was homosexual.  While I can and do judge people by their actions I am by no means God (if he exists), ergo my judgment matters not at the end of all things.

Bruce Johnston of the Beach Boys wrote "I Write the Songs" but Manilow gave it life and meaning.  Be well, my friend.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 22, 2019, 06:33:19 PM
A dear friend of mine worked for him years ago and told me he was homosexual.  While I can and do judge people by their actions I am by no means God (if he exists), ergo my judgment matters not at the end of all things.

Bruce Johnston of the Beach Boys wrote "I Write the Songs" but Manilow gave it life and meaning.  Be well, my friend.

You too. Believe me I don't care if he is a homosexual. I believe the greatest voice in Rock is Mercury from Queen. Saw Queen back in the day and it was a show for the ages. I hope I wasn't insulting because I don't share your appreciation of Manilow.  He has a huge following and you only get that by being a consummate professional and putting on a great show. Some people like Apples. I like Oranges. Like the line from My Fat Greek Wedding, "In the end we are just fruits." What I just typed makes no sense. Off my game. LOL.

Missed a workout today. Exhausted and feeling down. I went to the gym and loaded the bar.  Lifted it for 7 reps and put it down. I walked out of the gym defeated. Maybe I need the time off. Going to get to bed early and hopefully kill it tomorrow.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 23, 2019, 09:35:19 AM
Had to double up today. Missed yesterday's weight work out. Lifted for back and chest then ran for two miles. It's around 72 degrees here in Jersey. Beautiful day.

Pulldowns 2 x 10
Low cable rows 2 x 12 170lbs
Dumbbell rows 2 x 10 85lbs
Hammer pulldowns 2 x 10

Hammer incline 2 x 8 Up to three plates a side
Dumbbell incline 2 x 8 70lbs (all the way down and slow reps)
Flat flies 2 x 10 45lbs
Cable flies 2 x 12
Push ups 1 x max

Deadlifts 2 x 4 315lbs
Weighted hyper extensions 2 x 15 25lbs plate behind head

Ab wheel roll outs 2 x 23
ab machine 2 x 22 120 lbs.

Gym observations: Watched a 350lbs monster doing concentration curls with pretty good form with 85lbs.  That would break my arms.

On another note I have to get serious about losting 10lbs to 15lbs.  I'm 5'8" 190lbs and I look my best at 175lb to 180lbs. Trying to figure the best routine for that. I flip flop between two decisions. Work out the whole body with weights twice a week and the rest cardio. Or use volume with moderate weights and lift 5 times a week with short cardio after. I hate combining cardio on the same day even though it works. I did it today and felt like I was running in slow motion.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on April 23, 2019, 02:20:59 PM
Had to double up today. Missed yesterday's weight work out. Lifted for back and chest then ran for two miles. It's around 72 degrees here in Jersey. Beautiful day.

Pulldowns 2 x 10
Low cable rows 2 x 12 170lbs
Dumbbell rows 2 x 10 85lbs
Hammer pulldowns 2 x 10

Hammer incline 2 x 8 Up to three plates a side
Dumbbell incline 2 x 8 70lbs (all the way down and slow reps)
Flat flies 2 x 10 45lbs
Cable flies 2 x 12
Push ups 1 x max

Deadlifts 2 x 4 315lbs
Weighted hyper extensions 2 x 15 25lbs plate behind head

Ab wheel roll outs 2 x 23
ab machine 2 x 22 120 lbs.

Gym observations: Watched a 350lbs monster doing concentration curls with pretty good form with 85lbs.  That would break my arms.

On another note I have to get serious about losting 10lbs to 15lbs.  I'm 5'8" 190lbs and I look my best at 175lb to 180lbs. Trying to figure the best routine for that. I flip flop between two decisions. Work out the whole body with weights twice a week and the rest cardio. Or use volume with moderate weights and lift 5 times a week with short cardio after. I hate combining cardio on the same day even though it works. I did it today and felt like I was running in slow motion.

You switch things out pretty often. I'd say that is a good part of your continued success. It appears from this post, you have yet to revert to working out at home again.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on April 23, 2019, 03:37:45 PM

On another note I have to get serious about losting 10lbs to 15lbs.  I'm 5'8" 190lbs and I look my best at 175lb to 180lbs. Trying to figure the best routine for that. I flip flop between two decisions. Work out the whole body with weights twice a week and the rest cardio. Or use volume with moderate weights and lift 5 times a week with short cardio after. I hate combining cardio on the same day even though it works. I did it today and felt like I was running in slow motion.


The solution is to eat less.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 23, 2019, 07:36:33 PM

The solution is to eat less.

Workout plays a huge role in developing a lean muscular healthy physique. I know you are not a fan of cardio. Typing this in bed so I don't have the study from the Journal of Applied Physiology but I will find it to cite at another time that had two groups attempting to lose fat. The study was focused on dangerous visceral fat that is behind the abs surrounding organs that can even act as a hormone producer.  The dangerous internal fat that is responsible for diabetes, high triglycerides, high blood sugar and heart disease. One group dieted and the other did cardio. Both lost fat. The diet only group lost mainly subcutaneous fat while the cardio group lost both subcutaneous and visceral.

In an interesting study at Duke University that was cited in Men's Health magazine on August 2012 tracked two groups. One using only cardio for 8 months and the other only resistance training. The cardio group using the equivalent of jogging 12 miles a week lost 8% of their visceral fat while the weight only group saw no change. I will be the first to say how often these studies are flawed in their design.

A study by St. John's  hospital in Minnesota  along with Arizona University did a study on if lifting afforded a cardio training effect. The results were reported in the April, 1985 issue of the Physician and Sport Medicine.  They used 14 Nautilus machines and rushed the trainers through one set to failure on a whole body routine. While a high heart rate was maintained with peaks and valleys the  mean oxygen uptake wasn't there as in cardio exercise. Some would say this is an example of anaerobic training so it won't have an aerobic training effect. The oxygen uptake was far short of the recommended minimum for Vo2 training. The calories used was relatively low at 171 for the men.  

What point am I driving? A hard weight workout might burn 170 to 350 calories dependent upon effort, time, intensity and muscular endurance used. A hard cardio session can use 300 to 500 calories or more. A pound of fat is 3500 calories. Calculating calories burnt through exertion for a month can give you a rough idea of how much fat can be burned through activity alone.

To get ripped you need both weights, cardio and diet. Even Mentzer who was dead set against cardio in his retirement preaching use to write how he use to both run and bike prior to a contest. Many ripped guys who use only weights use volume and plenty of it. Arnold, Franco, and Zane all did cardio.   I don't believe high intensity weight lifting is a good plan to get lean.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 23, 2019, 07:39:53 PM
You switch things out pretty often. I'd say that is a good part of your continued success. It appears from this post, you have yet to revert to working out at home again.

I do alternate but recently it's pretty much the commercial gym. Almost every thing I can do in the commercial gym I can do at home. I might do my leg workout at home tomorrow.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on April 24, 2019, 04:12:57 AM
You can't outrun a bad diet, which is what you are trying to do, and why your weight is going UP.

Yes, exercise burns calories, everybody knows that. 

The booze and restaurant food you eat easily outdistance all the exercise you do. 

Combine all your exercising with calorie reduction if you are serious about losing weight.

It's not fun but that is what you have to do.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 24, 2019, 02:08:11 PM
Trained legs today: Used my home gym.

Leg press 2 x 12 (low back board and completely bent my legs. None of this carriage moving 15 inches bull shit)
Squat 2 x 8 up to 260lbs ( Tried to go deep and slow)
Squat machine 1 x 10 ( rock bottom)
leg extension 2 x 20
leg curl 2 x 15

Dumbell side bend 1 x 15 90lbs
Hanging leg raise 2 x 23
Hip ups 1 x 25 (hips and feet pushed toward ceiling)
Floor crunches 1 x 50 5lbs plate behind head

Standing calf 2 x 15
Seated calf 2 x 15

Tibalis anterior work 1 x 20 15lbs using a D.A.R.T.

Neck work 1 set a side
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 24, 2019, 02:19:51 PM
You can't outrun a bad diet, which is what you are trying to do, and why your weight is going UP.

Yes, exercise burns calories, everybody knows that. 

The booze and restaurant food you eat easily outdistance all the exercise you do. 

Combine all your exercising with calorie reduction if you are serious about losing weight.

It's not fun but that is what you have to do.

Truth be told I could stay at the weight I am at right now. I am not a bodybuilder.  I have high standards for myself. I vainly say I get compliments on my build on a regular basis. I just want to reach a peak. Again I'm not a bodybuilder. I'm just a guy that likes to work out. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 25, 2019, 07:40:11 PM
Ran two miles today. I did striking training after the run. Tomorrow is delt and arms. Thinking about going to whole body training next week.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 26, 2019, 11:48:14 AM
Delt and arms: Slightly increased the weight in some exercises.

Dumbbell delt press standing 2 x 10 60lbs ( all the way down. No upper arms parallel to the ground half reps while inclining benching the dumbbells seated.)
Dumbbell delt laterals 2 x10 30lbs
Delt lateral machine 2 x 10 80lbs
Rear delt machine 2 x 10 90lbs
Barbell shrugs 2x 10 255lbs

Weighted dips 2x 10 25lbs ( tried to go as low as I could. Last reps I had trouble with lock out.)
Traditional tricep pushdowns with a bar 2 x 13
Rope tricep 2 x 10 90lbs
Reverse grip single arm tricep extension 2 x 12 40lbs

Alternate bicep curls 2 x 8 45lbs
Bicep curl machine 2 x 10 ( I dropped these for awhile. I think I feel them better than scott curls)
concentration curl 2 x 12

forearm wrist curl 2 x 25 95lbs
reverse grip pulley curl 1 x 20
reverse dumbbell wrist extension 1 x 15

Ab coaster 1 x 40 60lbs
ab machine 2 x 22 130lbs

Drank a Fairlife protein drink after. No doubt the absolute best protein drink I have ever had. Best tasting by a million miles and 30 grams of protein n 11.5 oz.  Truly no lactose. I'm very sensitive to lactose and many whey isolate protein sellers flat out lie about not having lactose. Fairlife is truly lactose free. Zero stomach issues.

Going to take two days off of training. Might do cardio on Sunday. I haven't decided. Missed working out Monday so I compressed 5 days of working out into 4 days. Legs are sore and I rarely get sore. Knees are aching and I rarely have knee issues. Think my body is telling me to chill out.  

Had an interesting conversation with a young guy. He was about 30 and looked fantastic. Not in a posing bodybuilder way but he was muscular and very lean. I told him he was one of the few in the gym that didn't cheat exercises. He said he always does a full range of motion. It does cut the weight you can use but if you're not concerned about impressing others in the gym or stroking your ego then making an exercise as hard as you can make it on your body will yield the best results.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 28, 2019, 05:15:59 PM
Tomorrow I will do a whole body routine. I think whole body routines are the most intense form of training compared to a split. I never understood how some people call it beginner's routines? They obviously never trained the whole body in one day. Mentzer won the IFBB version of the Mr. America using a full body routine. He said he went to a split because a whole body routine was too hard. Same with Viator. He went to a split after his AAU Mr. America win.  I personally like doing multiple exercises per body part. I'm influenced by steroid champions.  In the 40's and 50's whole body routines were the norm for the most part. I like Arthur Jones reasoning of starting with the largest body parts working down to the smallest. Thought about changing exercises each work out for variety but I dismissed it. Going to use what Dickerson suggested. Stick with a plan but change it when you go stale. Also going to cycle the weight used. Going for six increases. My goal weight will be on week six and I will back off 5lbs. to 10lbs per workout.  Meaning if 300lbs is the goal weight for squats then I will start at 250lbs and increase it 10lbs a workout no matter how easy the workout is. I have done this in the past with success. I just have to make sure  the goal weight is a realistic goal.   Also going to watch what I eat somewhat. Famous last words.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on April 29, 2019, 03:43:42 AM
Sounds like a plan.

1-2 exercises per bodypart is enough when you train full-body.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 29, 2019, 08:24:17 PM
I did yard work for three plus hours today of mowing, weed whacking, leaves, and blowing. Then I went to my basement gym. I started with Power clean and jerks 4 x 3.  I haven't done them in long time. The weight used was sad. I use to go up to 225lbs or 235lbs every workout on my last set of power cleans in my general bodybuilding routine ten years ago. After power cleans I went to squats. Felt burned out. Came out of my basement gym and told the same to the wife. She said you haven't missed working out for a week for two years. I though that can't be right. She pointed out we went to California on vacation and Miami the year after I worked out on vacation so I wouldn't miss a week.   Time for a week off. Never had such a long streak before in my life. No wonder my nerves are fried. Think I'm feeling my age a little. Might run a little but I have to give the weights a rest. I won't be posting for awhile but I'll be back.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 03, 2019, 04:00:24 PM
Still not working out and it's weird. No running or lifting. I have been eating insanely.  I will begin again on Monday.  I have been lifting without any real breaks for two years.  Waking up every day I normally gear up for working out. I wake up now and nothing. It's a big change. I think I really needed a week off. I wasn't sleeping because I was so worked up and  andrenilized . I had hand tremors after my run and I was feeling down. I think I just hammered my body into the ground and it effected me mentally. Every set to failure and running hard eventually caused a crash. Then if that wasn't enough I did strike training hitting the bags.  

I have decades of training journals of what went good. I know I can't do what I did in my youth but things can be modified. I thought doing a whole body routine would be a way to go but decided against it. Decided for a 4 week period I would do a Yates inspired routine. One set to failure using a 4 way split. About 10 years ago or so I had a good 4 week peak doing this. Combined it with running and thought I looked pretty good at that peak.

What I would do is figure out what's a good goal weight for my one set to failure.  It can't be a fantasy but realistic.  Then I back off from that 5lbs to 10lbs a week.  So if a goal is say 100lbs for 10 reps then week one of a four week peak can be 70lbs. So week one to failure would be 70lbs and failing at 17 reps for that one work set. Week two would 80lbs and maybe 15 reps to failure.  Week three is 90lbs and Week four is the 100lbs goal trying to rep out as much as I could with good form and cadence. Of course the weight used and reps is just to illustrate the methodology.

As I type this it's Friday and I'm really dying to get back in the gym. I will hold off till Monday. Can't wait. Emil Zatopek who achieved something in the Olympics that will never be broken. He won the 5K, 10K and then entered the Marathon and won. I believe it was his first marathon. He said this about training. Not an exact quote. Training should push the spring in and it springs back. Too much training will break the spring. Another one is Haney's famous, "Stimulate but don't annihilate."  I have a strong work ethic but sometimes the spring can be damaged.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on May 03, 2019, 04:39:39 PM
You can get addicted to training.  The endorphin rush.

You feel you have to train constantly.  You have to lift weights.  You have to run.

If you take a day or two off you feel like you'll detrain.  You have to do more, train harder, run farther, etc.

It's a mental condition like people who always see themselves as too fat or too thin.

Runners have this condition as do bicyclists.  The runner has to run 10 miles a day, every day.  He can't miss his run.

The bodybuilder has to train 6 days a week.  He is never happy with his body.

It's becomes an obsession.  Not good.

Training 2-3 days a week is enough.  4 days a week tops.  No need to spend more time at the gym.

Find something else to do.  Get a hobby.  

Don't spend all your time in a gym.  Don't spend all your time exercising.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on May 03, 2019, 05:07:06 PM
You can get addicted to training.  The endorphin rush.

You feel you have to train constantly.  You have to lift weights.  You have to run.

If you take a day or two off you feel like you'll detrain.  You have to do more, train harder, run farther, etc.

It's a mental condition like people who always see themselves as too fat or too thin.

Runners have this condition as do bicyclists.  The runner has to run 10 miles a day, every day.  He can't miss his run.

The bodybuilder has to train 6 days a week.  He is never happy with his body.

It's becomes an obsession.  Not good.

Training 2-3 days a week is enough.  4 days a week tops.  No need to spend more time at the gym.

Find something else to do.  Get a hobby.  

Don't spend all your time in a gym.  Don't spend all your time exercising.

Well stated. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 06, 2019, 04:13:18 PM
Doing a Yates inspired workout. Used much lighter weights and failed at high reps for a break in period. I left out the weight used because it is light. Using light weights and high reps to failure. I found it's an excellent way to activate muscle memory.

Dumbbell bench 1 x 14
Incline dumbbell bench 1 x 14
Flat flies 1 x 15
Incline flies 1 x 16 (Won't be doing these anymore. It felt painful to the shoulder joint. Done with it.)
Push ups 1 x max

EZ barbell curls 1 x 20
Alternate dumbbell curls 1 x 15
Bar pulley curls 1 x 15
Concentration curls 1 x 25

Forearm wrist curls 1 x 35
Reverse wrist extensions 1 x 31

Ab wheel 1 x max
Incline sit ups 1 x max
Ab pulley crunch 1 x max

Ivanko grip 2 x 20
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on May 07, 2019, 04:00:00 AM
Welcome back!

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on May 07, 2019, 05:09:25 AM
Welcome back!


This ^!  Well done!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 07, 2019, 11:03:29 AM
Thanks for the welcome back guys. The week off felt amazing. It was hard to sit around and do nothing. Felt weird.

Legs: I will put down weights after I get out of my break in period.

Leg press 1 x 17
Dumbbell squats 1 x 15
Squat machine 1 x 12 (I rarely use my squat machine anymore. Don't know why. It's a good movement.)
Stiff dead 1 x 8
leg extension 1 x 30
seated leg curl 1 x 25
no weight free hand squats 1 x 53

Dumbbell side bend 1 x 18
hanging leg raise 1 x 20
Hip ups prone 1 x 20
crunches 1 x 50

Standing calf raise 1 x 25
Seated calf raise 1 x 20
tibalis work 1 x 25

Neck work 1 x each side.

Cardio after weights:  Walked for 30 minutes fast on a treadmill at 3.8 MPH. Every quarter mile I went up 1% grade. Legs feel like rubber. Time to go to work. Ugh. I have usually have a good work schedule where I can work out prior to going. That works for me. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 08, 2019, 05:20:53 PM
Ran two miles and hit the bag. Tweaked my Achilles. Limping around. It's stinks getting old. Going to compensate by walking fast for cardio for awhile.  I heard a guy say in the past you have to be careful working out when you're older. He said, When you get older you're one rep from doing serious damage. I understand that now.  I still try to kill it but shoulder, elbows, knees and other joints can be fragile.  A coworker of mine is a long time power lifter. Now he only dead lifts with a two hand over hook grip. He's concerned with all the bicep ruptures he sees in the gym with aging guys dead lifting.  Smart move on his part.

I know I talk a lot about injuries but it's a real gamble if you are going to workout as hard as you can. I believe Ferrigno, Grimek, Anderson, and even Clarence Bass had their hips replaced or operated on. Arnold, Baldwin and Zane had shoulder operations. I can also bring up a lot of other guys but my memory is fuzzy. I think Ferrigno had knee replacement. Few go to war with weights and come out unscarred. Usually the guys that use volume come out in better shape but then you have guys like Dickerson who seems to be an orthopedic wreck. He can barely walk. Maybe it was the Olympic lifting he did back in the day for athletic points for the AAU Mr. America.
I heard he used moderate weights at his best bodybuilding days. I don't have to mention the incredible injuries of Yates and Coleman.

 On my job two guys I worked with were two 400lbs plus benchers with no bench shirts. They both have trouble lifting anything remotely heavy when they got over 45. Some examples of guys that never seemed to have problems is someone like Danny Padilla.  He used the same weight for every set. Usually something like 5 sets of 12 reps. Outside of his heart operation I don't believe he has ever had a serious orthopedic problem.

I know some might counter drug users accelerate the amount of weight they can use drastically in 6 weeks so they are lifting heavier than their connective tissue like tendons and ligaments can keep up with. Valid point but aging affects everyone even naturals like myself.

I'm always searching what the optimal training protocols would be for me. I'm an experiment of one. I have decades of training journals.  What I have found is that sometimes what worked in the youth of 20's, 30's, 40's and 50's does not necessarily translate to what's a good program for my 60's.  Below are some of the strategies I use. Not a panacea.  

1. If an exercise hurts. Get rid of it and never look back. (famous last words. One exercise I have trouble giving up is the barbell bench)

2. Lift with good form and moderate cadence. No explosiveness on bodybuilding exercises. Save the speed for something like power cleans.  

3. Use a full range of motion. Most use a partial range so they can handle "impressive" poundage. Forget the ego. Use good form to target the muscle. Use a moderate rep speed and a full range of motion.  It will limit how much you can lift but you should be concerned with the amount of work your muscle is subjected to and not stroking your ego.  

4. This is a tough one for me. Rest. I violate this one the most. In general I lift three times a week. Body parts get hit directly once a week but as we all know body parts get hit again targeting other body parts. For example training chest with presses your are hitting the tricep and delts. Training back with pulling you are hitting the bicep. Doing deads or cleans on back day with a split you are training legs. What I have been mainly doing is lifting three days a week and running two to three times a week.  Even that proves to be too much at times.

 I never stop thinking about training strategies. It's an obsession. So many ways to skin a cat.  I've trained with whole body routines. Used many various splits. Even used with much success in my 20's  the split Mentzer used for 1980 that he borrowed from Mr. Florida Frank Calta called rotation for recuperation. I trained with high volume in my late teens too. I got really lean but gained little strength. I competed in power lifting in the NJ State championships as a 17 year old in the men's division using about 4 to 5 exercises a session for low reps typical of a power lifting routine. Why do I bring all this up?  It's just even in my 60's I'm still running training strategies through my mind. In the end I think of what Jeff Everson said. He said, "Until pigs fly lifting weights will never be rocket science." He said there are successful lifters who are dumb as rocks and smart lifters who are really bad lifters as well as the other way around.

Tomorrow is back and a long walk before work.  Sometimes I wish I never was involved with weights. I bet I would be healthy, strong and in killer shape if I just did body weight stuff and running. My son in law is a former Marine with three combat deployments. He does Jui Jitsu 5 times a week, body weight stuff and runs. He looks like a healthy athlete who can kick ass.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 09, 2019, 09:45:05 AM
Back day:

Lat pulldown with supinate M.A.G. bar 1 x 12
Seated Cable rows with a V handle 1 x 14
Dumbbell row off bench 1 x 12
Reverse grip pulldown 1 x 13
Deadlift 1 x 6
Weighted hyper extensions 1 x 18
Ab wheel roll out 1 x max
weighted crunch 1 x 50

I was going to do fast walking cardio after but I'm still limping around on my tweaked calf.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on May 09, 2019, 10:47:55 AM
I can't train every day.  It wears me out.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on May 09, 2019, 12:55:19 PM
I can't train every day.  It wears me out.

Me too. It must be an age related thing.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on May 09, 2019, 04:19:46 PM
Me too. It must be an age related thing.

Age has nothing to do with it.  Even when I was young I had the best results taking a day off between workouts.

My best gains were 3 days a week full-body training.  And when I was training with really heavy weights I cut it back even more.

It took me 3-5 days to recover from a heavy squat session.

Unless you are on drugs or cutting up, you need a day off between workouts to recover and heal.  Otherwise you don't recover.

I should rephrase that: "I find a day off between workouts best".

You have to find out what works best for you.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 10, 2019, 10:47:35 AM
Delt and triceps:

Clean and military press 1 x 9
Dumbbell delt laterals 1 x 12
One arm delt pulley laterals 1 x 12
Rear dumbbell delt laterals 1 x 14
Barbell Shrugs 1 x 13

Traditional tricep pushdowns 1 x 15
Rope push downs 1 x 12
One arm dumbbell behind the head tricep extentions 1 x 12
Dips 1 x 12

Weighted ab crunch 1 x 50
ab pulley 1 x 25

Walked fast for 4 miles after. A little hobbled by my tweaked ankle and calf. Walking seemed to loosen it up but it still hurt. I will keep walking unless I start limping then it's bye cardio for awhile.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 11, 2019, 06:06:51 PM
Went to work this Saturday then had to replace half my fence with my son in law. He's a giant of a man at 310 and a jui jitsu guy who competes.  The fence sections must have weighted about 100lbs each and at the end of the day we were completely shot. Had dinner and a few cocktails to end the fence work. It looks amazing. He had plenty of innovation to make it look great. Might do cardio tomorrow but then again I might do nothing.

I might do my usual workouts next week. Thinking about transitioning to using moderate weights and training for muscular endurance instead of strength. My empirical observations of guys that train with volume with moderate weights is that they look amazing. Sometimes the guys that only concentrate on strength look like a typical power lifter and that's not a compliment. I'd rather be built like a male gymnast than a typical power lifter.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 13, 2019, 10:13:26 AM
Back and chest:

Pulldowns with M.A.G. bar 2 x 10 140lbs(upright back and very little lean back)
Seated Cable rows 2 x 12 170lbs (All the way out and back)
Dumbbell row off a bench 2 x 10 85lbs (All the way out and back)
Hammer pulldown 2 x 10

Hammer incline 2 x 8
Incline Dumbbell 2 x 8 (all the way down)
Dumbbell flies 2 x 10 45lbs
Cable flies 2 x 10 50lbs

deadlift 2 x 4 315lbs (slow negative decent. Why are new school guys dropping the weight instead of slowly returning the weight?)
back hyper extensions 2 x 15 25lbs plate behind my head.

Ab roll out 2 x 22
Ab crunch machine 2 x 20 130lbs

Gym observations: I really can't comment about the music. The owner of the gym keeps it on 70's rock. Heard the Stones and the Who. I don't object but damn that's very limited taste in music he has.  I'm the opposite.  I have an eclectic and varied moods for music.  I like rock and pop from the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80,s, 90's and today's hits. Motown is a big favorite. I like big band crooners, especially the Italians. I like Jazz too and even hi energy dance music. The only thing I can't stand is that current trance electronic music that is the rage with kids that take ecstasy. That is garbage. I was even surprised when I popped in the best of Notorious Big CD.  I have to admit the guy had serious talent.  In my retirement job I'm surrounded by 25 to 35 girls and they are surprised the gray haired guy knows all the lyrics to the current hits. LOL.  

Gym was crowded today and I hate that. I know some people feed off that. I hardly talked to anyone. Thinking about taking my ipod to the gym. I only use them for cardio. The women in this gym are a weird mix of old, chubby house wives, and very average women. Very few hot women in this hard core gym.  The gym about a mile away is the fancy gym where the beautiful rich people go. I have to admit when I worked out there the women were amazing. Hair done, make up and those panty hose work out pants. The asses walking were a big pleasant distraction.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on May 13, 2019, 10:33:11 AM
I wish I had bumper plates.

Especially I would like to drop them from head height onto the floor/platform!  ;D

That looks like a lot of fun.

Dropping deadlifts is the new rage I guess.  Avoiding the eccentric part of the movement.

I listen to CD's in my home gym.  I have a lot of them.  I grab a stack and listen to one each workout or so and work through the stack.

Smart to stay away from the gyms with the hot women.  Too much temptation.  :o
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 13, 2019, 10:37:29 AM
I wish I had bumper plates.

Especially I would like to drop them from head height onto the floor/platform!  ;D

That looks like a lot of fun.

Dropping deadlifts is the new rage I guess.  Avoiding the eccentric part of the movement.

I listen to CD's in my home gym.  I have a lot of them.  I grab a stack and listen to one each workout or so and work through the stack.

Smart to stay away from the gyms with the hot women.  Too much temptation.  :o

The gym has Rogue bumper plates. I have bumpers that have no markings on them telling me the manufacturer. They are better quality than Rogue I would argue.  I could really drop them from over head and I don't think they would damage my concrete floor in my basement. They would probably bounce.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 14, 2019, 09:06:57 AM
Cardio day. 6 x half mile intervals. I didn't set the world on fire but I felt it. Then hit the heavy bag. The fastest half was a little under 8 minute miles.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 15, 2019, 09:54:33 AM
Leg day:  

Dumbbell squats 2 x 12 85lbs (Ass to grass with an upright back. Hard exercise. Don't let the two light 85lbs fool you.)
Hack squats 2 x 12 (All the way down. Not crazy about hacks. It seems foot placement on the platform really changes the amount of weigh one can use. Also it's a real back compressor. Actually feel something bad going on with my back from the compression. Might drop them.
Stiff dead 1 x 6  205lbs
Kick back butt machine 2 x 12 70lbs ( Hard fucken machine. I have never seen a guy use it. Brutal)
Leg extensions 2 x 12 150lbs (weight used on machines is meaningless. My home one 80lbs is heavy)
Leg curls 2 x 12 110lbs

Hanging leg raise 2 x 22
Seated knee ins 2 x 25

Four way neck machine 2 x 20

Just to elaborate on dumbbell squats. I never see anyone doing them in the gym. I am the only one. I tried them after reading about them in Ironman magazine. My gym only has one squat rack and it was taken.  The first time I tried dumbbell squats I took my wrist straps and grabbed two dumbbells. At first I found my self semi deadlifting them with minimal knee bend. Thought that can't be the movement. Next I tried upright back and I sunk my butt all the way down with the dumbbells held at my sides. Knocked out 12 reps. My butt was fully down with an upright back when the dumbbells were about 4 inches off the ground. This is it I thought. Targeted the thighs, hips and a little lower back, perfect. Two relatively light dumbbells made me breath like I ran a 400 meter sprint. It was like I found  missing unused exercise. I would love to see a guy who uses 405lbs for his top set for squats take two 120lbs dumbbells and do it the way I described. I bet he would feel it was a brutal exercise.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 16, 2019, 11:02:34 AM
Did the same cardio today 6 x half miles. Last one in 7:30 pace or 8.0 miles an hour. Hit the bag after. Legs are hurting.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 17, 2019, 04:01:13 PM
Delt and arms:

Clean and press 3 x 5 135lbs ( full range and all the way down.)
Dumbbell delt press standing 1 x max 45lbs ( Did this for a pump high reps set)
Dumbbell delt laterals 2 x 10 30lbs
Machine delt laterals 2 x 10 8olbs
Rear delt machine 2 x 10 90lbs
Barbell shrugs 2 x 10 250lbs

Two hand single dumbell tricep extension 2 x 10 75lbs (tried to go all the way down but my elbows protested)
Traditional tricep pulley push downs 2 x 12 (Used the stack but with this pulley system it's not crazy heavy)
Reverse grip single arm pulley triceps 2 x 12 40lbs

Dumbbell alternate curls 2 x 8 45lbs
Machine curls 2 x 10
Scott barbell curls 2 x 10

Forearm wrist 2 x 25 95lbs
Reverse grip pulley curls 2 x 10
reverse wrist dumbbell extensions 1 x 15

Ab coaster 1 x 40  60lbs
Ab machine crunch 2 x 20 130lbs (gym has two ab crunch machines from two different manufacturers. One I use 100lbs and the other 130lbs.

Gym Observations: Said it before. I don't know how personal trainers make a living? I truly have never seen a good trainer. Never. Chubby something girl was paying a mint for a guy to keep here confused by changing exercises every session so she will never learn how to train herself. Truly a rep counter. I wish I was a trainer. I would teach her how to train. How to make up her own routines and how to do it. I would emphasize cardio over lifting for this big girl. Having her do  six exercise for one set then being told the cardio machines are over there is just BS.  

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 20, 2019, 10:52:45 AM
Back and chest today. I think next week will be the start of trying to get lean for the summer.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 21, 2019, 10:50:39 AM
Having continuing problems with my Achilles. Tried to run three miles in a park. I got one mile and I felt like a lame horse. I stopped early after a mile. I guess fast walking is going to be my cardio for awhile. I normally hit the heavy bag after a cardio session. After cardio I'm completely spent but after one slow mile I was relatively fresh. I pounded that bag with bad intent if I say so myself. I was wacking it hard.

Fast walking isn't my first choice for cardio but it gets the job done if you walk fast for about an hour and twenty minutes at a pop. Two weeks of 6 days a week makes a quick noticeable difference.  Burns about 500 calories a pop and done 5 or 6 days a week it adds up. Next week I think I'm going to train for leanness/endurance instead of strength. Famous last words when next Monday rolls around. I am a creature of habit.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 22, 2019, 04:51:46 PM
Leg day. After all the usual stuff like squats, hacks, leg kick back machine, leg extension, and leg curl I did free hand no weight squats.

I know body weight no iron squats are big in Cross fit but not in bodybuilding gyms. There really is gold in using them. Not in the crossfit method of trying to get to a rep number to beat the clock. They look like they are flopping like fish as they drop like rocks ignoring the negative.  After the usual weight stuff for the legs try them. Don't flop down on the negative. Smooth cadence. You are hitting the legs and not trying to beat another person for time.  After weights doing these your legs will be pre fatigued and shot. Knocking out 50 reps will leave them pumped and you should be breathing like a race horse. Go all the way down. No cutting the range of motion short.

I said it before but a good example is Mr. Universe 1975  short class  Wilf Sylvester. He use to use the traditional squats, hacks and the rest. I read for the 1975 Universe he did something some would consider radical. Every leg day he did 400 reps of no weight body weight squats. It's unclear if he was strong enough to do 1 set of 400 reps or it was several sets. After that he did leg extensions and leg curls.  He said this really cut up his thighs.  I haven't heard of any other bodybuilder using them but maybe he was ahead of his time.  

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 23, 2019, 06:21:43 PM
Walked fast on my sore Achilles for an hour and fifteen minutes. Going to continue with the walking instead of running until my Achilles gets better.  Hit the heavy bag after. For you guys that never faced an opponent in boxing it's one of the most exhausting sports. That's why boxers are endurance athletes. Ali when he was beaten by Norton getting his jaw broken came back with a vengeance. He was running 5 miles a day, sparring and doing his bag work.  The second fight he was moving like a well oiled machine and Norton came up short.  Did Delts and arms the day after this. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 27, 2019, 05:21:07 PM
I was going to change things up drastically this week but since I drank like fish on Sunday frying in the pool I'm not. Good times. Doing a Yates inspired one set to failure type training for the week. Maybe next week I will do a volume routine. Did Chest and bicep today. Quick 45 minute hit but doing each exercise for one set to failure so it wasn't easy. Walked a trail after, walking fast for one hour and twenty minutes. I want to run bad but my Achilles wants nothing to do with that.

Beginning to think that we do a lot of good with exercise but we also do bad things to the body. Right now my biggest problem is my Achilles that went south doing 40 yard repeat sprints. My shoulder is shot. My one elbow is giving me trouble. Now my bullet proof knees are giving me slight trouble. I attribute it all to working out.  A couple of months ago I did the popular training supplement called feeders which is basically 1960's super light weight muscle spinning for high reps. I did them for a couple times for triceps and biceps. Surprisingly my troubling triceps felt great like it was lubed up by the flush of blood. It felt great for around a week until I did my usual heavy weight triceps training and then my elbow was sore again.  Makes me think that volume might be better for joint health as I age.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 28, 2019, 10:21:05 AM
Leg day. One work set to failure for the exercises.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 29, 2019, 12:06:22 PM
Walked fast for one hour and twenty minutes on my off day. Hit the bag after. Walked about five miles on trail and didn't see another person.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 30, 2019, 07:07:02 PM
Trained back Yates style. Sometimes one warm up set then one set to failure.

Pulldown 1 x 14 140lbs (On my home unit this is heavy. Kept back upright so I didn't turn it into a row)
Seated lat pulley rows with a V handle 1 x 15 180lbs ( All the way out and back. Ending with an upright back)
Dumbbell row with a knee on a bench 1 x 12 85lbs. (All the way down and up. Moderate cadence)
Reverse grip pull down 1 x 11

Dead lifts 1 x 6 315lbs
Weighted back hyper extensions 1 x 19 25lbs plate behind head. Used the superior horizontal type and not the 45 degree one that lets the resistance drop off at the top.)

Ab wheel 1 x 25
Floor crunch 1 x 50 10lbs plate behind head. ( Every rep the upper back came off the mat high)

After this I went out the door for a hour and 20 minute fast walk. Nursing an Achilles injury. I can't run yet.  Every time I do it swells up and I'm limping. I can walk without aggravating it. This fast walking is actually enjoyable exercise.  I'm burning fat, exercising the heart, and not exhausting myself. I feel pretty fresh when I'm finished with this. Walking fast does look a little funny. I'm sure people are thinking, that guys is sure in a hurry to get some place.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 31, 2019, 03:38:41 PM
Delts and triceps:

Military clean and press 1 x 9 115lbs ( all the way down)
Dumbbell laterals 1 x 15 30lbs
Delt lateral machine 1 x 12 80lbs.
Rear delt machine 1 x 12 90lbs
Barbell shrugs 1 x 13 250lbs

Weighted dips 1 x 9 25lbs (all the way down)
Traditional tricep pushdowns 1 x 14
Reverse grip one arm tricep pulley extentions 2 x 14 40lbs
Two hands one dumbbell behind head tricep extensions  1 x 12 70lbs ( Have trouble going all the way down due to my elbows but I tried to go all the way down low but failed.

Ab coaster 1 x 40  60lbs
Ab crunch machine 2 x 20 130lbs

Went to a park after and walked fast for 5. 2 miles.  Achilles was throbbing after. Damn, can't beat this thing. Beginning to think I have a serious tear in it. It's been bugging me for about a month now. Spend about 90 minutes cleaning the pool after. It's looking crystal clear amazing. Can't wait for tomorrow. Going to walk tomorrow at 530AM prior to work.  After work it's cold beer floating in an inflatable chair to the big band crooners like Sinatra and Martin coming out of an amazing Bose speakers.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on June 01, 2019, 06:45:26 AM

You have to rest the leg if you want it to heal.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 01, 2019, 05:34:34 PM
Ironat, there will be enough time for us to rest when we die in 10 -20 years.

Woke up at 5AM prior to work and walked fast for 5 miles. There is an abandoned railroad tracks near my house from around the 1920's.  The county ripped up the train tracks and put down cinder to make a walking/biking trail. Sad to say it's severely under utilized. I suspect it's because of the isolated nature of the trail.  For example today I did 5 miles and saw one runner. Outside of her I saw no one for 5 miles. Many long areas where you can't see a house from the trail. You could scream for help till your blue in the face and no one would hear you. The young girl I saw was booking at a really fast pace this early morning.  She was a serious runner. I think she was lost in her thoughts but when she got close she looked surprised to see another person. Judging by the way she crossed herself as Catholics do I think she was afraid to see me. Like I said it's very isolated and I understand. If she only knew I would protect her with my Glock if she was accosted on the trail.  I felt like the old man from the movie Home Alone.  Feared but in the end he was the one that saved Kevin.  LOL.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 03, 2019, 03:21:37 PM
Trained chest and biceps. I was happy with the work out. It was a Yates type one work set to failure.  Rested a couple of hours then I ran 3.1 miles. I ran super slow on purpose nursing a sore Achilles. I was almost embarrassed running that slow. Hopefully things will start clicking soon.  Glad I got the cardio in.  Walked fast for around 25 miles last week. I really miss running. Going to revamp my training drastically but I'm waiting for all body to cooperate references being banged up.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 04, 2019, 09:09:14 AM
Leg day: Used the leg press for calves instead of standing leg raises.  It's was some burn. The partials at the end burns the worst but I wonder if they contribute to the tightness in my calves that makes them prone to tearing?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on June 04, 2019, 09:50:09 AM
Leg day: Used the leg press for calves instead of standing leg raises.  It's was some burn. The partials at the end burns the worst but I wonder if they contribute to the tightness in my calves that makes them prone to tearing?

Logic says your calves are tight from running a lot.

Stretch your calves a few times a day every day and see if it helps.  

If you have an injury, train around it.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 05, 2019, 06:49:33 PM
Logic says your calves are tight from running a lot.

Stretch your calves a few times a day every day and see if it helps.  

If you have an injury, train around it.

I disagree with your logic. My calves are getting tight from the unnatural range of motion with calf machines. I think I'm getting micro tears from that from the often repeated drop your heels low to get a good range of motion. In general I'm the biggest proponent of a full range of motion but with calf training under load it can be an unnatural extreme range and the potential for injury high. I have read a great article on T-Nation that said in effect calf machines aren't needed for calf training especially for athletes. The author said calf training should start from the floor for athletes. I know this goes against bodybuilding empirical  shared knowledge concerning calf training.  The sprinter Ben Johnson's coach Charles Merrick Francis was another that stayed away for calf training. In the article he wrote he explained calf training was big during the USSR era for sprinters but he felt the major emphasize should be the femur extension from the hip which he felt was trained best with the squat. He was a fan of the power clean but felt Ben's  form was breaking down with increased weight and he was concerned with potential injury.

Back to my Achilles. I'm convinced I ripped it partially from the insertion by the heel bone. I hope it will mend in time. My wife partially ripped her Achilles in the surf after getting hit by a wave. She had a big visible knot in her Achilles where it tore. Since she is so inactive she got plenty of rest. It actually healed itself in around 6 plus months.  I would have swore that it had to be fixed by an orthopedic surgeon.

I ran like a slug for two miles today like a lame through bread. LOL. If I really did in my athletic function for the rest of my life I did it fighting the good fight. If I say so myself I was explosive for the first 4 sets  of 40 yard sprints. I think it went on the fifth set of 40 yard repeats.  I'm convinced if you push training with the pedal to the metal something is going to break. Playing it save doesn't get you to where you want to go. I remember when my college sprinting time came to an end. I pulled my hamstring and just like that it was over. In a sport where tenths of a second matter I was never going to be the same that year so it was over. Not that I had any potential to be a world beater. LOL.

I don't know if I should stretch a tear. That is a mistake. I will do very gentle stretches tonight with this device.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on June 06, 2019, 04:36:50 AM
Your calf muscles are shortened from all the running you do.

Putting them under excessive load with heavy weight in a stretched position to which they are not accustomed is causing your pain and injury.

In addition you do not allow them to heal because you keep stressing them.

I agree you should let them heal before stretching, or only stretch if you have no pain.  If you get pain stop,

To permit healing you have to back off running and training that area.

There is no common sense reason to continue abusing your body to the point of injury and beyond.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 06, 2019, 05:59:43 PM
Back day:

Pull down 1 x 14 140lbs. (kept back upright. Could have used a lot more weight with a lean back.
Seated low cable row 1 x 14 180lbs.
Dumbbell row knee off a bench 1 x 15 85lbs (stretched low and all the way up)
Reverse grip pulldown 1 x 12 125lbs (upright back and full range of motion)
Dead lifts 1 x 6 315lbs (off the floor)
Weighted back hyper extensions 1 x 20 25lbs plate behind head
Ab wheel roll out 1 x 25
Ab pulley crunch 1 x 40

Walked fast on a trail for 5 miles. It was over 85 degrees and humid. Really felt the heat after awhile.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 07, 2019, 09:03:13 AM
Trained delts and triceps. Used one set to failure after warm up. After I did 6 x half mile runs slow. Did striking drills after.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 10, 2019, 05:42:50 PM
Trained back and chest. I was going to change things up but using a tried and true workout.  

M.A.G. bar pulldowns 2  10 140lbs (No lean back to turn it into a row)
Seated lat pulley row 2 x 12 170lbs
Dumbbell row with knee on bench 2 x 10 85lbs
Hammer pulldown 2 x 10

Hammer incline bench 2 x 8

Dumbbell incline bench 2 x 8 70lbs (Slow and all the way down. Really went for time under tension. I just don't get guys doing that upper arm parallel to the ground half reps. Reminded me awhile back alternating on the incline dumbbell bench with a guy. I was using the 80lbs at the time and he had the 110lbs. I went all the way down and he did what 99% of the gym does with those half reps. I just went along doing my thing then he had to say it. " I started with 80lbs and worked up to the 110lbs. Next set I grabbed his 110lbs and did the same exact form as him and out repped him. He said something to effect, "Why are you using 80lbs if you can use 110lbs?" Damn, bodybuilding is full of insecure guys who are delusional about how strong they are.

Dumbell flat flies 2 x 10 45lbs. (Again tried to get a great stretch and a smooth cadence)
Pec pulley flies 2 x 12 (Just started using them about 6 months ago. I think most guys call them crossovers. I have mixed feeling about them. I might go to the pec deck where you hold the handles. I always felt a strain using it but I think I stretched out too much)
Push ups 1 x max

Deadlifts 2 x 4 315lbs (from the floor)
Weighted hyper extensions 2 x 15 25lbs plate held behind my head.

Ab wheel roll out 2 x 22
ab machine crunch 2 x 20 130lbs ( weight is meaningless. They have two different manufacturers ab machines. One 100lbs is ton of weight and the one I used 130lbs felt kind of light. I really try to crunch using it. So many put the seat high throw their body weight into it. Big mistake in the technique of targeting the abs)

After I went for a fast walk that lasted one hour and sixteen minutes. Really think this is doing my body good. Getting leaner. My goal is 5 days of cardio.  For the longest time I was doing two to three a week. Not enough. On a negative note I'm feeling a bit drained but strength is still good.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 11, 2019, 06:12:04 PM
Did 6 x half miles. Fastest in  7:48 pace or 7.7 MPH. Achilles is hurting moderately. Did strike training after.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on June 12, 2019, 08:28:08 AM
Good job.  You are training hard.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 12, 2019, 10:08:48 AM
Leg day:  Feeling burnt. No cardio today after the weights today. I will do the cardio tomorrow. One observation about the hack machine in the commercial gym. I thought it didn't have a safety stop because even with going deep I never hit it. Today on one of my reps I hit it. Nothing freaks me out more than leg machines like the leg press and hack squat machines that don't have a safety stop. The leg press machine in this place is an antique with no safety stop. If you blow out a knee or are too fatigued to get the rep you're fucked.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 13, 2019, 06:57:19 PM
6 x half miles again. Achilles is feeling slight improvement. Afraid if I sprint it will rip.  Took the half miles downs to a 7:30 miles. Felt like I was playing with danger. After seeing NBA Durant rupture his after a calf strain I'm trying to be conservative with how I push it. Tomorrow is delt and arms. I will walk fast for five miles afterward. That seems gentle on the Achilles. If I do have a small tear it will take months to heal.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 14, 2019, 06:35:10 PM
Trained delts and arms. Finished with a fast five mile walk. Going to biking next week till this damn Achilles heals. I'm not a big fan of biking but it's great for running injuries. Getting on the scale tomorrow to see if the three weeks of 5 day a week cardio made a difference. I see it in the mirror and how my belt fits but curious to see what the scale will reveal. I will not post if I didn't lose weight.  ;D. I was 188lbs three weeks ago.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on June 15, 2019, 05:27:50 AM
Good idea on the biking.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 15, 2019, 03:08:51 PM
Walked fast for 5 miles before work. In three weeks I feel like I'm getting lean but I only lost three pounds.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on June 15, 2019, 05:24:08 PM
Walked fast for 5 miles before work. In three weeks I feel like I'm getting lean but I only lost three pounds.

How you look is really what counts.

Do you monitor your caloric intake?

Sometimes when you workout hard you eat more and therefore maintain your weight.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 17, 2019, 05:34:56 PM
Looking better with the walking. Just not showing it on the scales. I wonder if it has something to do with the weekend beer fests in the pool. Ummm, I wonder?

Doing a Yates type one set to failure for the week. Today was chest and bicep.  Did my fast walking thing and the clouds opened up. I was getting drenched. Walking past the trails parking lot they had free dog plastic bags. Wrapped my phone, wallet and Ipod in the bag and I was good. Took off my soaked shirt and just enjoyed the walk. For some reason I didn't take the Glock. While the rain wouldn't hurt it but I would hate to get the holster soaking wet.

  I've been saying it for awhile but I'm going to change up my workouts soon. I think it's time to think about joint preservation.  Grinding my shoulder, elbow and knees for what is for me heavy weights might be a mistake without changing up the routines from time to time.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: AbrahamG on June 17, 2019, 10:41:10 PM
Looking better with the walking. Just not showing it on the scales. I wonder if it has something to do with the weekend beer fests in the pool. Ummm, I wonder?

Doing a Yates type one set to failure for the week. Today was chest and bicep.  Did my fast walking thing and the clouds opened up. I was getting drenched. Walking past the trails parking lot they had free dog plastic bags. Wrapped my phone, wallet and Ipod in the bag and I was good. Took off my soaked shirt and just enjoyed the walk. For some reason I didn't take the Glock. While the rain wouldn't hurt it but I would hate to get the holster soaking wet.

  I've been saying it for awhile but I'm going to change up my workouts soon. I think it's time to think about joint preservation.  Grinding my shoulder, elbow and knees for what is for me heavy weights might be a mistake without changing up the routines from time to time.

Are you still fucking on the regular?  Asking for Prime.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 18, 2019, 10:53:23 AM
Trained legs today in Yates fashion. One set to failure after warm up.  This is a really a sick way to train.  I dreaded this workout for hours prior. Not a good thing.

Leg press 1 x 15 (4 plates a side with some smaller plates. Fully bent legs and do mean fully with a low back board.)
Dumbbell squats 1 x 14 85lbs (Upright back and ass all the way down till I couldn't go any further down.)
Stiff dead 1 x 6 215lbs ( Stood on a platform and touched the bar to the top of my feet each rep)
leg extension 1 x 25
Standing leg curl 1 x 15

Dumbbell side bends 1 x 15 95lbs single dumbbell
Hanging leg raise 1 x 26
Hip ups off the ground 1 x 25
Knee ins off a bench 1 x 25

Standing calf 1 x 15
Seated calf 1 x 20

Tibalis anterior work using a D.A.R.T.  1 x 20

Neck work with a weight helmet. One set a side for 20 to 15 reps
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on June 18, 2019, 11:11:35 AM
What is a D.A.R.T.?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 18, 2019, 06:49:46 PM
What is a D.A.R.T.?

It's a device to train the tibialis anterior.

The gastrocnemius, tibialis posterior and soleus muscles of the lower leg performs plantar flexion or pushing your foot down rising on your toes. The tibialis anterior performs the opposite dorsiflextion bringing your foot toward your shin.

Arnold use to do a few sets having his heels on a block and bringing his foot up toward his shin  for the tibialis anterior. I'm sure it wasn't for a cosmetic muscle but for injury prevention. Runners get shin splints and other over use injuries sometimes from an imbalance in strength between the two opposing muscles. Dancers in particular ballet dancers often have these issues with strains, hair line fractures and inflammation. I use it because I'm a runner and I believe it makes the foot more stable.  I only use one set a week.

I apologize for the long winded explanation. Though it's not meant for it I also use that device for wrist extensions and it works fantastic for that purpose.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 19, 2019, 03:39:17 PM
Tried to go for a short two mile run. My Achilles was throbbing. No walking and no running for awhile. Going to see if I can bike. If I can't bike without pain I'm just going to lift without cardio.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 20, 2019, 08:38:48 AM
Trained back for around 40 minutes. Used one set to failure. Reps used are somewhat approximate from memory. Sometimes I don't know my own name after a hard set.

M.A.G. bar pulldowns 1 x 14 140lbs. ( straight back no lean back to make it a row. Dead hang to bar touching clavicle area)
Seated cable long lat pulls with a V handle 1 x 14 180lbs
Dumbbell row with knee on bench 1 x 12 90 lbs (all the way down and up)
Hammer pulldowns 1 x 12 (I like these. They start out as a pull down but end up as a row)

Deadlifts off the floor 1 x 6 315lbs (I should get stronger in these and all exercises since I'm giving up cardio due to my Achilles problem until it heals. I remember about 4 years ago I injured my foot and I could barely walk for 6 months. I made really good gains in lifting since I wasn't splitting my time between the two disciplines of strength and cardio.
Weighted back hyper extensions 1 x 20 25lbs plate behind head. Might start using a barbell behind the traps

Ab wheel out 1 x 25
Ab machine crunch 1 x 24 140lbs

Trained in the commercial gym with bright green running shorts and a tank top. Felt a little foolish because I stood out like a neon sign.  ;D Whole new crop of characters in the gym now that high school and college is out. Never seen half of these people. Saw a college kid hitting the heavy bag. He was doing some fancy dancing footwork. He was hitting the bag lightly.  Asked him if he ever boxed and he said no. He said all he knows about the sweet science was from Youtubes.  I give him credit for adding strike training to his routine.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 24, 2019, 03:28:14 PM
Took an extra day off. We had a big pool party on Sunday. Still feeling the effects. Going to try something really different from what I have been doing. Going to do a volume workout. I should know if it's doable for me after the first workout tomorrow. Going to use supersets and moderate weights.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on June 24, 2019, 05:25:03 PM
Took an extra day off. We had a big pool party on Sunday. Still feeling the effects. Going to try something really different from what I have been doing. Going to do a volume workout. I should know if it's doable for me after the first workout tomorrow. Going to use supersets and moderate weights.

Going to train around the leg?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 24, 2019, 06:22:43 PM
Going to train around the leg?

My Achilles hurts so no cardio like walking or running. Maybe biking. I have to test that calf biking.  Calf training will be no weight on the floor body weight calf raises. I think I can do that relatively pain free.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 25, 2019, 10:27:21 AM
Too busy of a weekend. I will hold off doing new workouts. I did my usual back and chest. Two work sets and exercise for four exercises a body part.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 26, 2019, 02:28:00 PM
Leg day: Broken record of what I do.  This Arthur Jones, Mentzer, Darden and Yates method of training to near failure is horrific.  Yet, I keep doing it.  ;D  Hit legs then floated in the pool. Today in NJ it's 90 and pure sun today. I looked in the mirror and while I don't look remotely like a drug using bodybuilder I think I'm looking pretty good for real natural.

Dumbbell squats 2 x 12 85lbs (Again upright back and sinking to the maximum.)
Hack Squats 2 x 12 (Sank every rep. I see guys putting an incredible of amount of plates on the machine doing shallow squats with their feet near the top of the platform for better leverage.
Stiff deadlifts 2 x 6 210lbs
Leg kick back machine 2 x 12 (The most brutal machine I have ever used maybe outside of the Nautilus leg extension and leg press superset combo.)
Leg extension 2 x 12 150lbs
Lying leg curl 2 x 12
No weight body weight free hand squats 1 x 55 ( deep and using the negative. None of this crossfit garbage of flopping into the bottom trying to get reps in to beat the clock. In bodybuilding think of how you can make an exercise harder on yourself and not easier. You are working to make a muscle adapt and not to stroke your ego.

I have a sore Achilles and I'm using a method I read about in T-Nation.  I lock my leg and do single calf raises with no weight on a flat surface. If you lock your leg even with using no weight it's a challenge. Hold the top position for one or two seconds. Guys that use 300lbs in standing calf raises always have a slight bend in their legs that they are using to shove the weight up. Some even slightly bend their back that they are using to assist.  If you ever decide to use this no weight method use strict form.  I would be surprised if you could do 20 or 30 reps going all the way up and down with a locked knee on one leg. Holding something for balance shouldn't be used to assist the reps. Ultimately there should be nothing to hold for balance doing the reps. It should be repeated about 5 days in a row.  

Neck work 2 sets per side on the Nautilus four way machine. Best neck machine of all time.

Hanging straight leg raises 2 x 22
Knee ins off a bench 2 x 25

One last point. Stop listening to drug users. If you want to take their advice take it when they are off all drugs and testosterone replacement. Odds are you will say I'm not taking advice off that out of shape mess.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 27, 2019, 09:50:02 AM
Cardio day: Rode a bike today instead of walking or running. Zero pain on my Achilles.  I haven't been on a bike in two years. Played it conservative and rode what I think was 7 miles. My bike legs aren't there. I went out too fast and was hurting toward the end. Felt great to do something different physically. There is an old abandoned rail road track the county turned into a trail. It's small gravel. My wide tire hybrid was perfect for it. No cars.  Finished with hitting the heavy bag.  I guess this will be my primary cardio for awhile. It was fun being on a bike though I can't wait to get back to running.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 28, 2019, 03:53:08 PM
It was delt and arm day:

Dumbbell press 2 x 10 55lbs (All the way down done standing.)
Dumbbell laterals 2 x 10 30lbs
Machine delt laterals 2 x 10 80lbs
Rear delt machine 2 x 10 90lbs
Barbell shrugs 2 x 10 250lbs

Traditional tricep pushdowns 3 x 10 120lbs this machine. It varies so much from machine to machine)
Tricep machine 2 x 10  90lbs (Haven't done these in awhile. Thought they were great. The picture below shows a similar machine.)
Reverse grip single arm tricep extension 2 x 10 40lbs

Alternate dumbbell curls 2 x 8 45lbs
Machine scott curls 2 x 10
Standing Arnold concentration curl 2 x 12

Fore arm wrist curl 2 x 25 95lbs.
reverse grip pulley curls 2 x 12
Single arm dumbbell wrist extensions 1 x 15  (Placed wrist on a flat surface and reverse raised the hand doing extensions)

Ab pulley twists 2 x 12 (Grabbed a handle and twisted my body standing. Twisted in the opposite direction for rotation)
Ab Coaster 1 x 42 60lbs
Ab crunch machine 2 x 20 130lbs

Single leg calf raise on the floor with knee locked 3 x 13 then using both feet 1 x 50

When finished I went to the ocean and tried to body surf. The water was really warm but there were no waves. I go to the beach in a relatively unknown Joe local place. Very few people, mainly families. It was about 90 today. After that I drove home and did a couple of laps in my pool. Summer has hit NJ. The pool was warm too.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on June 29, 2019, 08:33:09 AM
It was delt and arm day:

Dumbbell press 2 x 10 55lbs (All the way down done standing.)
Dumbbell laterals 2 x 10 30lbs
Machine delt laterals 2 x 10 80lbs
Rear delt machine 2 x 10 90lbs
Barbell shrugs 2 x 10 250lbs

Traditional tricep pushdowns 3 x 10 120lbs this machine. It varies so much from machine to machine)
Tricep machine 2 x 10  90lbs (Haven't done these in awhile. Thought they were great. The picture below shows a similar machine.)
Reverse grip single arm tricep extension 2 x 10 40lbs

Alternate dumbbell curls 2 x 8 45lbs
Machine scott curls 2 x 10
Standing Arnold concentration curl 2 x 12

Fore arm wrist curl 2 x 25 95lbs.
reverse grip pulley curls 2 x 12
Single arm dumbbell wrist extensions 1 x 15  (Placed wrist on a flat surface and reverse raised the hand doing extensions)

Ab pulley twists 2 x 12 (Grabbed a handle and twisted my body standing. Twisted in the opposite direction for rotation)
Ab Coaster 1 x 42 60lbs
Ab crunch machine 2 x 20 130lbs

Single leg calf raise on the floor with knee locked 3 x 13 then using both feet 1 x 50

When finished I went to the ocean and tried to body surf. The water was really warm but there were no waves. I go to the beach in a relatively unknown Joe local place. Very few people, mainly families. It was about 90 today. After that I drove home and did a couple of laps in my pool. Summer has hit NJ. The pool was warm too.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Rmj11 on June 29, 2019, 05:48:22 PM
It was delt and arm day:

Dumbbell press 2 x 10 55lbs (All the way down done standing.)
Dumbbell laterals 2 x 10 30lbs
Machine delt laterals 2 x 10 80lbs
Rear delt machine 2 x 10 90lbs
Barbell shrugs 2 x 10 250lbs

Traditional tricep pushdowns 3 x 10 120lbs this machine. It varies so much from machine to machine)
Tricep machine 2 x 10  90lbs (Haven't done these in awhile. Thought they were great. The picture below shows a similar machine.)
Reverse grip single arm tricep extension 2 x 10 40lbs

Alternate dumbbell curls 2 x 8 45lbs
Machine scott curls 2 x 10
Standing Arnold concentration curl 2 x 12

Fore arm wrist curl 2 x 25 95lbs.
reverse grip pulley curls 2 x 12
Single arm dumbbell wrist extensions 1 x 15  (Placed wrist on a flat surface and reverse raised the hand doing extensions)

Ab pulley twists 2 x 12 (Grabbed a handle and twisted my body standing. Twisted in the opposite direction for rotation)
Ab Coaster 1 x 42 60lbs
Ab crunch machine 2 x 20 130lbs

Single leg calf raise on the floor with knee locked 3 x 13 then using both feet 1 x 50

When finished I went to the ocean and tried to body surf. The water was really warm but there were no waves. I go to the beach in a relatively unknown Joe local place. Very few people, mainly families. It was about 90 today. After that I drove home and did a couple of laps in my pool. Summer has hit NJ. The pool was warm too.

Your routines are very similar to what Frank Calta recommended. Personally I tried this way of training, low sets all to failure, but I tend to burn out quickly. I prefer volume with only going 1-3 reps shy of failure on each set. 4 sets per exercise keeping to the same weight each set but the reps drop down as I progress through the sets from fatigue. This creates a natural pyramid so I do 12-15 on the first set then 10-12, 8-10, 6-8 on the following sets.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 29, 2019, 06:45:10 PM
Your routines are very similar to what Frank Calta recommended. Personally I tried this way of training, low sets all to failure, but I tend to burn out quickly. I prefer volume with only going 1-3 reps shy of failure on each set. 4 sets per exercise keeping to the same weight each set but the reps drop down as I progress through the sets from fatigue. This creates a natural pyramid so I do 12-15 on the first set then 10-12, 8-10, 6-8 on the following sets.

Frank Calta trained with an average of 4 sets an exercise. Sometimes more. I do remember Mike Mentzer took his rotation for recuperation split but never gave him credit for it. For those of you that don't remember his split it was three days a week. He split his body in half.  Monday was A. Wednesday was B. Friday was A.  Next week was Monday was B. Wednesday was A. Friday was B.  So body parts got hit once or twice a week in the rotation. Frank called it Rotation for Recuperation. Same exact split Mentzer used in his best ever condition.

I'm thinking about going to volume soon.  Using the same weight each set is another thing I'm thinking about using. Danny Padilla did the same I read that by a guy that use to train with him. If I'm not mistaken I think Pearl also in general used the same weight. If you use short rests between sets the first set should be easy but like you said as you progress through the sets the last set is hard.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 29, 2019, 06:51:56 PM

I have always been a low set trainer. One warm up set in general. No warm sets as I progress through a body part. I go close to failure on the first set and the second is to failure. Sometimes I use one set to failure. It's a brutal way to train. Giving everything you got to one set is hard on the body, mind and spirit. The most I have ever gotten with one set to failure is one month of training. Then I start breaking down. It's too much punishment. Two sets allow me to use intensity but not that white hot edge of coming close to death that one set is. Truth is one or two sets it's still high intensity.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 01, 2019, 07:25:54 AM
Broken record here. I was going to volume this Monday but life got in the way.  Heading to Manhattan for a stay over. Woke up at 6AM and did back and chest. Only two people in the gym.  One young guy was actually practicing doing full squat snatches in this mom and pop gym.  I was impressed. You just don't see that today.  This 20 something kid has great flexibility. He can get a perfect rack on his cleans and when he squats it's olympic squats rock bottom.  Told him that in his weight class he actually has the potential to be a State champ.  He would just have to specialize a bit more instead of all his bodybuilding stuff. I don't think he realizes how much potential he has.  He said he's working on it.  I do wonder if he's using steroids though. He has that slight moon face water retention look. Just might be the way he looks. LOL.

Like I said in the beginning it was only two people. Then it was as if a bus arrived and the door kept opening.  Soon the place was packed. One blonde hottie who had a ten body and a 9 face was doing curls in front of the window. I think she caught me checking out her ass.

I have to stop typing soon.  Going to drive to the NY Waterway Ferry from Jersey. We have a blast walking around.  I know the beer will flow.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 03, 2019, 10:36:59 AM
Trained legs today. Actually trained calves light. The bad Achilles held up. Used light weight and tried to really careful with rep cadence.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on July 03, 2019, 11:53:00 AM
Trained legs today. Actually trained calves light. The bad Achilles held up. Used light weight and tried to really careful with rep cadence.


Have patience and allow it to get stronger gradually.  Avoid re-injury.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 04, 2019, 04:05:30 PM
Rode my bike 7.1 miles. I know for guys into bikes that's a joke distance but it was with a heavy hybrid on a small rock trail.  Hit the heavy bag after.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: illuminati on July 04, 2019, 05:18:29 PM
Hit the heavy bag after.

What did she do Wrong - She not going to be Happy with you
And likely not cook you’re dinner.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 04, 2019, 06:59:31 PM
What did she do Wrong - She not going to be Happy with you
And likely not cook you’re dinner.


I'd comment but she has told me repeatedly I have to fall asleep sometime. I'm afraid. Very afraid.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 05, 2019, 02:15:47 PM
Trained delt and arms. I walked past a thick hot young lady who just finished a set on the kick back machine. I said, "Maybe the hardest machine in the gym."  She said," I have a better one in my home gym at my house up north."  I live by the ocean. I asked her, "You have selectorized commercial gym equipment in your house?" She said, " Yes, in my main house. I'm training here because I'm at my vacation house where I keep my boat in the back."  Plenty of houses on the bay where the rich people pull their boat right up to their house and tied it off.  Imagine having enough money to walk through your yard to your floating boat ready to go? If I wasn't married and 40 years younger. LOL.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on July 05, 2019, 04:47:01 PM
Trained delt and arms. I walked past a thick hot young lady who just finished a set on the kick back machine. I said, "Maybe the hardest machine in the gym."  She said," I have a better one in my home gym at my house up north."  I live by the ocean. I asked her, "You have selectorized commercial gym equipment in your house?" She said, " Yes, in my main house. I'm training here because I'm at my vacation house where I keep my boat in the back."  Plenty of houses on the bay where the rich people pull their boat right up to their house and tied it off.  Imagine having enough money to walk through yard to your floating boat ready to go? If I wasn't married and 40 years younger. LOL.

Be careful...that was an invite if I ever heard one.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on July 05, 2019, 06:21:34 PM
Trained delt and arms. I walked past a thick hot young lady who just finished a set on the kick back machine. I said, "Maybe the hardest machine in the gym."  She said," I have a better one in my home gym at my house up north."  I live by the ocean. I asked her, "You have selectorized commercial gym equipment in your house?" She said, " Yes, in my main house. I'm training here because I'm at my vacation house where I keep my boat in the back."  Plenty of houses on the bay where the rich people pull their boat right up to their house and tied it off.  Imagine having enough money to walk through yard to your floating boat ready to go? If I wasn't married and 40 years younger. LOL.

Be careful...that was an invite if I ever heard one.

I agree!


Sorry...I did not want to resist.   ;D

As you are married, you did and well done, sir!  I shall be reading both of your training threads, catching up if you will.  I tried lifting today for the first time in quite a while.  Weak. Four sets total with very light weight but it was good to be in there.  Thank you gentlemen!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 05, 2019, 06:39:46 PM
Be careful...that was an invite if I ever heard one.

I forgot the amusing parts of today's workouts. The gym owner said he was really sunburned. He lifts up his shirt and hits an ab shot to show me the sunburn.  ;D

The second is a guy that appears to be juiced was doing Trap bar deadlifts. He is a really hard trainer. I give him that much. I truly have only tried the bar once before with maybe two plates on either side.  I thought it was much easier than a barbell deadlift because the handles are higher cutting the range. This guy was getting something like 6 reps with three plates on each side. I have no clue what the Trap bar weighs.  I was doing barbell curls watching between sets with his personal trainer guru. Yes, on the East coast we have Charles Glass type guys. I decided to see if what he was doing was really hard. I asked if I could try between his sets?  I did one rep and decided it was foolish to be deadlifting after biceps. Already tore off my bicep over 10 years ago. The funny part is my youthful self I would have tried to out repped him just to show off and stroke my ego.  Now even though I think I could have out repped him I put the weight down and apologize for ruining his concentration. I should have kept to myself and finished my bicep workout.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 05, 2019, 06:44:49 PM

I agree!


Sorry...I did not want to resist.   ;D

As you are married, you did and well done, sir!  I shall be reading both of your training threads, catching up if you will.  I tried lifting today for the first time in quite a while.  Weak. Four sets total with very light weight but it was good to be in there.  Thank you gentlemen!

I guess this is gym bro advice. Then again it's empirical knowledge gained from decades of lifting.  I believe the best way to activate muscle memory after being inactive is high reps. Use a light weight and rep out.  Then gradually lower the reps and increase the weight over the weeks. Something about high reps that wakes up a muscle that activates muscle memory. I don't have a double blind study with 8 thousand test subjects to back me up but I believe in what I wrote. Any way good luck. Some say muscle memory is a gym bro term with no science to it. I say it's factual. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on July 06, 2019, 05:21:17 AM

I agree!


Sorry...I did not want to resist.   ;D

As you are married, you did and well done, sir!  I shall be reading both of your training threads, catching up if you will.  I tried lifting today for the first time in quite a while.  Weak. Four sets total with very light weight but it was good to be in there.  Thank you gentlemen!

Glad you are back, Sir Scott.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on July 06, 2019, 06:55:36 AM
Glad you are back, Sir Scott.

Thank you my brother! That means a great deal to me. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 06, 2019, 09:54:31 AM
Rode bike again for 7.1 miles on a trail. Hard to get any speed on a trail with the mix of rocks, cinder, ruts and uneven ground. I was a pool of sweat when I came home. I can hear the thunder in the distance. I beat the rain.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 07, 2019, 04:27:23 PM
I had this week off. Spent time in the ocean, pool parties, Manhattan and most of all drinking alcohol.  It was fun. I got in three weight workouts and two cardio days last week. I feel way too big and not in a good way. Tomorrow I return to seriousness.  Wow, did I have a blow out week.  My wife pointed out I didn't have a week off of work in 10 months. Kind of shocked by this.  Didn't realize.  September is a Canada vacation then heading to Myrtle beach for a week. I'm really tempted to try to run but I think that would be foolish even if it feels 90%. One run and I could be limping around on my bad leg. Just got new running shoes for motivation. Running is fundamental to so many sports like boxing, MMA, Wrestling, football,soccer, basketball and a host of others. Most hate running because it's too much work and they want the easy route. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 08, 2019, 07:29:23 PM
Trained chest and bicep.  After I ran a super slow two mile on a soft treadmill. Really just a slow shuffle. Achilles isn't healed but I hope I didn't add to the damage. A couple more weeks of this I'm going to an Orthopedic surgeon for xrays and a MRI. Afraid of the results. Coming back from an Achilles operation at my age is going to be hell to come back from. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on July 09, 2019, 05:41:39 AM
You need to get serious about letting the leg heal.

So far you have not.

Case in point: Riding 7 miles on mountain bike

What do you think a doctor would advise you?  

Do you think he would tell you to ride 7 miles on rough trails on a mountain bike with an injured Achilles tendon?

Would he tell you to run 2 miles on a treadmill with an injured Achilles tendon?
You are going to a surgeon for an MRI who might recommend surgery and a LENGTHY convalescence, yet you are not willing to take a month or two off from training to just rest.

Think about it.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 09, 2019, 06:32:27 PM
Trained legs today. Went back to the barbell squat today.  Felt a little awkward since I haven't been doing them for awhile. The weight used was light.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 10, 2019, 05:55:46 PM
Ran two slow miles at 9:30 pace. Used brand new running shoes that are stability rated to stop pronation.  Hit the heavy bag after as usual on cardio day.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 11, 2019, 06:43:31 PM
Back day:

Pulldowns with a M.A.G bar 1 x 14 140lbs ( upright back. No lean back to make it a row. Touched chest each rep and full extension)
Seated lat cable rows 1 x 14 180lbs ( All the way out and back)
Dumbbell rows with knee on bench 1 x 12 90lbs ( Full extension and all the way up with a controlled cadence)
Hammer pulldown 1 x 13
Deadlifts 1 x 6 315lbs (I like deadlifts after lats. I'm all warmed up and prefatigued so it limits the weight used. Learn that from Yates. I know most do deadlifts first on back day)
Weighted hyper extensions 1 x 20 25lbs plate behind head.
Ab wheel roll out 1 x 25
Ab crunch machine  1 x 20 150lbs ( I know weight is meaningless from machine to machine.)

Tomorrow is delts and triceps.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 12, 2019, 04:10:07 PM
Delt and triceps:

Military clean and press 1 x 9 115lbs. (all the way down. No half reps.)
Dumbbell delt laterals 1 x 14 30lbs
Machine delt laterals 1 x 12 80lbs
Rear delt machine 1 x 12 90lbs
Barbell shrugs 1 x 14 250lbs ( controlled cadence all the way up and down. I could put 315lbs like most people and do seizure partial shrugs)

Traditional tricep pushdowns 1 x 18 (stack. The stack isn't that impressive. Might be 80lbs on my friction ridden home unit)
Reverse grip single arm tricep extension 1 x 13 40lbs
Triceps machine 1 x 16 100lbs
Dips 1 x 10 bodyweight ( dug deep. So many are doing these partials. I don't get it. Bodybuilding is such bullshit. Do an exercise the hardest way to stress your muscle to adaptation. Never stroke your ego by doing an exercise the easiest way to use a big weight)

Ab coaster 1 x 41 60lbs
Ab crunch machine 1 x 22 150lbs

Ran one mile in the park and it was close to a humid 90 degrees. I completed the lifting portion in about 30 minutes. I was shot doing it so quick.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 13, 2019, 05:09:49 PM
Ran two miles at 6AM before work. It was warm and I was dripping sweat.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 16, 2019, 04:22:43 AM
Trained back and chest: The commercial gym's AC was broken. I noticed it was hot but never realized the AC was off. Had a really tough workout drenched in sweat. My hands were so wet even with chalk I had trouble gripping the bar for deadlifts.  At the end the owner said, I forgot to tell you the AC is out. Felt out of it most of the day after. I thought I was just having a bad workout day due to the fatigue of the weekend and two pool parties.  Thought the gym looked pretty empty.

Had one gym observation. One young guy around my size is getting ready for competition.  He looks great but not overly huge. What he has is freaky strength for someone that is around 190lbs. His last set in benching with perfect from he had 365lbs on the bar benching it like it was nothing. I've seen all the big guys with barrel chests and wide grip pushing 400lbs plus essentially pushing the bar 12 inches off their chest. This guy was pushing the bar over 24 inches off his chest. Thought the guy was a beast for his weight.

Leg after close to 8 weeks is finally getting better. Still not right but much better. I will baby it with slow runs now. I gain weight really fast without cardio. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 17, 2019, 06:06:36 AM
Ran two slow miles yesterday. Brutally hot.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on July 17, 2019, 07:31:04 AM
Trained back and chest: The commercial gym's AC was broken. I noticed it was hot but never realized the AC was off. Had a really tough workout drenched in sweat. My hands were so wet even with chalk I had trouble gripping the bar for deadlifts.  At the end the owner said, I forgot to tell you the AC is out. Felt out of it most of the day after. I thought I was just having a bad workout day due to the fatigue of the weekend and two pool parties.  Thought the gym looked pretty empty.

Had one gym observation. One young guy around my size is getting ready for competition.  He looks great but not overly huge. What he has is freaky strength for someone that is around 190lbs. His last set in benching with perfect from he had 365lbs on the bar benching it like it was nothing. I've seen all the big guys with barrel chests and wide grip pushing 400lbs plus essentially pushing the bar 12 inches off their chest. This guy was pushing the bar over 24 inches off his chest. Thought the guy was a beast for his weight.

Leg after close to 8 weeks is finally getting better. Still not right but much better. I will baby it with slow runs now. I gain weight really fast without cardio. 

Glad to hear your leg is improving.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 17, 2019, 01:47:38 PM
Glad to hear your leg is improving.

Thanks, slowly but finally going in a good direction. Still can't run fast or too long.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 17, 2019, 02:02:57 PM
Leg day: My membership in the commercial gym has run out. Good excuse to stay at home and train for awhile. Nursing a sore calf.

Leg Press 2 x 12 410lbs (I do something few trainers do. I fully bend my legs with the leg press. My tibia and fibula come really close to my femur. Yates got a good bend when he leg presses. I could pile on the plates and have the back board high and call it a "full" rep when my knees contact my body but that's not bending the leg. I always sacrifice weight used by making an exercise harder so I'm working the muscle hard and not stroking  my ego.)
Squats 2 x 8 225lbs-250lbs Using a light weight and sinking it. Trying to be mindful of my Achilles.
Stiff leg deads 2 x 6 205lbs
leg extension 2 x 20
Seated leg curl 2 x 15-13 reps (Used too much weight and couldn't get 15 reps on the second set)
No weight body squats 1 x 55 (sank each rep. Didn't flop down into the negative like a cross fitter. These are gold)

One dumbbell side bend 1 x 15 90lbs
Hanging straight leg raise 2 x 22
On back on floor hip raise with feet pointing toward the ceiling 1 x 25

Leg press calf 2 x 25 (slightly hurt then the pain seemed to alleviate somewhat. )
Seated calf raise 2 x 15 90lbs ( no pain with them.)
Stretched the calves out after

Neck training one set per side with a neck helmet.

Really hot in NJ.  About 95 and really humid. In my basement gym it was about 70 degrees I estimate and I was sweating like crazy. Normally the basement is cool. After the workout I floated in the pool for about an hour. I don't think I can get any darker. Starting to look weird with so much tan.  Fall will be hear soon enough and I will be pale again.  ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 18, 2019, 10:51:40 AM
Achilles feels 85% there. Just hobbled for two months. I thought for sure I  partially tore it. Now I think it was a very minor tear but a severe inflammation response. My father and sister suffered from really bad arthritis.  I think as I age I have that severe inflammation response to injuries.

Anyway I ran two miles today.  A young guy joined me on the trail in front of me. Maybe between 21 and 25.  I tried like hell to keep up with him foolishly.  It's just my nature.  I couldn't catch him but he never got too far in front of me. At the end I looked at my time for the two miles and while I wasn't setting the world on fire I was very pleased to run sub 9 minutes miles. First time in two months I felt like I was back in the running game. Looking forward to improving but I will take it very slowly.  I don't need that damn Achilles to swell up again.

Hit the heavy bag as usual after.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 19, 2019, 10:00:50 AM
Delt and arms:

Standing dumbbell press 2 x 10 50lbs ( all the way down.I can take 80lbs sit down in a bench and slide my ass out to make it a partial incline press and do half reps. I think the way I do it is more stressful on the delts.)
Dumbbell delt lateral raises 2 x 10 30lbs ( I do them like Arnold and Franco. I go high. It has come into fashion to to partials)
Single arm pulley delt raises 1 x10
Rear delt raises on a bench 2 x 12 35lbs
Barbell shrugs 2 x 10 250lbs ( Again continuing with the theme of make an exercise harder and not easier I attempt to get the best range of motion sacrificing weight)

Seated two arm one dumbbell tricep extension 2 x 12 75lbs ( dug low. I have some arthritis in my elbow. I do what I can with the range)
Rope tricep extensions 2 x 12
Reverse grip one arm pulley triceps extention 2 x 12
Body weight dips 1 x max

EZ curls 2 x 10 95lbs
Alternate dumbbell curls 2 x 8 45lbs
Concentration curls 2 x 17 ( Pump set)

Barbell wrist curls 2 x 20 95lbs
Reverse grip wrist extensions 2 x 15

Weighted  crunches 1 x 55 10lbs behind head
Pulley crunches 1 x 40

Enjoyed the solitude working out in my basement gym. I like controlling the music too. Sounds like way out there stuff by I felt I was in a zone. No distractions. Just training. Felt almost like meditation. Now I have to clean the pool.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 20, 2019, 04:39:16 PM
Woke up early and ran two easy miles. I then went to work. After it was 98 in NJ. Floated in the pool drinking German beer. Enjoyed myself a bit too much. Drying out tomorrow. Soon I think I can start picking up the cardio intensity.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 22, 2019, 01:20:15 PM
Chest and bicep during one set to failure per exercise.

Dumbbell bench 1 x 8 80lbs (all the way down. No stopping when the upper arm is parallel to the ground. )
Incline dumbbell bench 1 x 9 70lbs
Dumbbell flies 1 x 15 50lbs
Push ups 1 x max

EZ curl 1 x 15 90lbs
Alternate dumbbell curl 1 x 10 45lbs
Pulley bar curl 1 x 12
Concentration curl 1 x 11

Wrist curls 1 x 27 95lbs
Reverse wrist extensions 1 x 20

Incline situps 1 x 30
Floor crunches 1 x 50 with a 10lbs plate behind head
Pulley crunches 1 x 40

Ivanko gripper 2 x 20

Planned on running after but I had to mow, weed whack and blow the lawn.  It's over 95 degrees here. I was done after.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 23, 2019, 04:28:39 PM
Leg day.  Did my usual but dropped the body weight squats I'm so fond of. Started to have knee problems and this exercise was the only thing new in my routine. Dropped it and the knee felt better. Maybe it's the high reps. Maybe I wasn't aware I was twisting on the way down tweaking it. Just noticed my knee was getting worse and worse. The only thing new in the leg routine was free hand squats that I added a couple of months ago. I might add them back in the future but for now giving my bad left knee a break.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 24, 2019, 01:55:43 PM
Cardio day but I bailed. Long work day and I just said fuck it. Sometimes that's exactly what you need to do. Tomorrow is back. I hope to kill it.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on July 24, 2019, 11:40:15 PM
Cardio day but I bailed. Long work day and I just said fuck it. Sometimes that's exactly what you need to do. Tomorrow is back. I hope to kill it.

Thought you were retired.  I am just kidding you. It was a long hard day for me as well. I decided to buy new cookware...took most of the day. Gym mañana.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 25, 2019, 06:29:21 PM
Thought you were retired.  I am just kidding you. It was a long hard day for me as well. I decided to buy new cookware...took most of the day. Gym mañana.

I am retired. I don't consider my part time job as being employed. It's not a career but something to supplement my retirement. I work three times a week, sometimes four. So 14 hours to 20 hours a week.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 25, 2019, 06:32:47 PM
Trained back today.  I think I need a break from deadlifting. Going to take a page from Ironate and use power cleans. Going light but I think my back needs a break from the grinding deadlifts. Going to begin light to hopefully get into the groove of Power cleans. I have done any in long time if you don't count the clean and press.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 26, 2019, 11:16:17 AM
Trained delt and tricep. One work set to failure after warm up. Workout took about 40 minutes. Training to failure is getting old. Going to make a change to working out this coming Monday. Not sure what I will be doing. Going to float in the pool now and look at the sky.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 28, 2019, 07:58:25 PM
Excited about the new training week tomorrow. Going to give emphasis to  running since my Achilles is about 85% good. After two plus months of pain I'm happy with that. Going on a new direction. I will train the whole body in one training session. Monday and Friday though the days aren't written in stone. So Monday and Friday is lifting. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday will be running. I will also cut my beer consumption. Damn I love beer but I'm gaining too much weight. I still look good but I think it would be better for my health if I was lighter.

I'm going to lift light at the beginning of the 6 workouts cycle. I will compensate for the low weight by doing the reps slowly with a full range of motion. Every workout will be progressively harder. At the sixth workout I will be working out hard. I will either continue  the whole body routines with completely new exercises for an additional 6 workouts or go back to what I normally do.  

The intensity parameters will be something like this. Lifting for the whole body Monday and Friday. Six lifting workouts. So it will be a three week cycle. Six increases of weight. I will pick a goal weight for workout 6 then back off 5lbs to 10lbs each workout. So workout one might be 175lbs., workout two is 185lbs, workout three 195, and so on to workout six my goal weight of 225lbs. Since 175lbs isn't that taxing I will make up for it with slow reps. I know this sounds confusing but hopefully I didn't make it sound like rocket science.  ;D The goal weight is actually be a weight I'm capable of using right now but I know the running will weaken me somewhat. Like I said I want to be a better runner for awhile and let lifting take a back seat.

On running days I will hit the bag and do body weight exercises.

The best laid plans often don't work out for me but I will see where this takes me.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on July 29, 2019, 03:59:27 AM
Sounds like a plan.

Have fun!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 29, 2019, 11:38:10 AM
Monday 7-29-19 workout. Super light and almost slo mo reps. Haven't use a whole body routine in ages. My goal is to start very light.  Use a full range of motion and a slow cadence. Not quite super slo mo reps but slow. You can laugh at the weights I'm using but again it's a break in period and slower than normal reps.

Power clean and jerks  3 x 3 135-140-145lbs then 1 x 1 160lbs

Olympic squats 2x 8 205lbs then 1 x 1 225lbs ( went down really slow)
Lunges 1 x 8 45lbs

Dumbbell bench 2 x 8 55lbs (yes, a baby weight. Slow and all the way down. Feels good not going to failure like I normally do)

Chins 4 x 3 (had real problems going from a dead hang to touching the bar almost to the upper chest in a slow cadence. Elbows all the way down)
Seated lat cable row 2 x 12 145lbs (It was easy but again this is a break in period for whole body routines for me.)

Military press 2 x 8 90lbs (touched the bar to the upper chest region each rep. Stayed upright. Nice and slow reps)
Dumbbbell lateral delt raise 2 x 10 20lbs

Dips 2 x 10 bodyweight. dug deep.

Barbell curls 2 x 10 70lbs

Hanging straight leg raises 2 x 15

Leg press calf 2 x 15 225lbs

Back hyper extensions 2 x15 5lbs plate behind head

Neck work with a neck helmet

Felt good not going to failure, almost refreshed. I hope I have a good run tomorrow. I will do some body weight stuff after. Next weight workout will be Friday.  I will slowly bring up the intensity. Lifting twice a week and so it will be a three week cycle.  After six weight  workouts I will either start again with a completely revamped whole body routine or ditch it for my usual routines.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 30, 2019, 10:38:37 AM
Ran two slow 9 minute miles but I felt it in the 90 degree high humidity heat. Hit the heavy bag after. I was going to do body weight exercises like push ups and chins but I was shot from the heat. Thinking about running the Marine Corp 5k on the boardwalk by me in Jersey September.  A couple of years ago a terrorist put a pipe bomb in a garbage can near the route.  The amount of security is huge now. I don't know if I can get into any type of decent running shape by then but I will give it a shot. I run for health and it's hard to really push the pace now. My goal is to complete it in the 7 minute mile and change pace. I don't know if I'm delusional considering my weight now.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on July 30, 2019, 11:15:35 AM
Ran two slow 9 minute miles but I felt it in the 90 degree high humidity heat. Ht the heavy back after. I was going to do body weight exercises like push ups and chins but I was shot from the heat. Thinking about running the Marine Corp 5k on the boardwalk by me in Jersey September.  A couple of years ago a terrorist put a pipe bomb in a garbage can near the route.  The amount of security is huge now. I don't know if I can get into any type of decent running shape by then but I will give it a shot. I run for health and it's hard to really push the pace now. My goal is to complete it in the 7 minute mile and change pace. I don't know if I'm delusional considering my weight now.  

If the race is an event which interests you, you should train for it. Is your weight an issue? September is not far off which doesn't give you much time to healthfully lose much weight. -Maybe 5 lbs. or so.

When my son was in D.C. last month, he went for a run in the heat plus humidity. He's an avid runner. He said he had to cut the run short because of the effects of the weather. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 31, 2019, 04:58:42 PM
The heat was again off the charts hot. Around 95 with high humidity. Ran two miles again. Improved my time from yesterday. Felt really dangerously drained when I went home.  Felt weak trying to open the door to my house.  Drank a ridiculous  amount of water like it was nothing along with salt and two bananas for potassium.

 In my 30's I thought nothing of going out for hard 7 miles runs in heat like today. Even though sometimes I was a little delirious after.  ;D  Maybe now at my age I'm playing a dangerous game in this heat. The only other runner I saw to today on the popular running path in this park was a teenage girl. My usual method of operation is to do striking drills on a heavy bag after a run. Had no energy for this.

 One last point. Maybe a bit of bro science here but I lean out running in the heat faster as opposed to running in winter weather. I think exercise physiologists would say that isn't true but I believe the body adapts to the stress presented. Running in this heat has my body screaming get rid of that subcutaneous fat insulating my body that is  keeping heat in.

Tomorrow will be another running day. Going to try to do it before the mid day heat. Friday is my whole body lifting day. I will still be using light weight but I will gradually ramp it up.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on August 01, 2019, 04:17:02 AM
Don't kill yourself.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 01, 2019, 04:40:53 AM
Don't kill yourself.

If I do I will die in shape.  ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: illuminati on August 01, 2019, 06:05:37 AM
If I do I will die in shape.  ;D

And Happy doing something you Enjoy.

Only let’s hope that Day is a Long Long Way Off.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on August 01, 2019, 09:24:45 AM
NY Times article:

Why So Many of Us Don’t Lose Weight When We Exercise
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on August 01, 2019, 12:19:39 PM
NY Times article:

Why So Many of Us Don’t Lose Weight When We Exercise

Didn't read the article. The simple formula for weight loss is less calories in than expended.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 01, 2019, 07:14:20 PM
NY Times article:

Why So Many of Us Don’t Lose Weight When We Exercise

That article made quite a wave. It made a wave because it goes against established science and it's biased to come to it's shocking conclusion. It has been refuted and doesn't go along with what exercise physiologists have found in the majority of studies. Simply put a pound of fat is 3500 calories. Going for three mile run might burn 375 calories. It also makes your metabolism burn more calories. Adding muscle through weight lifting also also causes your metabolism to burn more calories.

Many studies have found through skin fold calipers and hydrostatic weighing that cardio burns fat. Just through empirical knowledge if you took someone who doesn't run and then have them run 2 miles four times a week there will be a drastic difference in a month if the intensity is enough. I'll take Doctor Cooper's 40 years of research into that exact topic over that flawed study.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 01, 2019, 07:27:12 PM
Ran two miles today and hit the heavy bag. I took it easy because the heat is having it's effect on me. Tomorrow is lifting. Saturday I will run at 6AM to avoid the heat. I find I'm really stiff in the morning so I won't set the world on fire with a hot pace but I want to push it. I think I have been dogging my running workouts because of recovering from an injury. I think I'm well enough to run hard now.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: illuminati on August 02, 2019, 02:06:26 AM
NY Times article:

Why So Many of Us Don’t Lose Weight When We Exercise

NY Times  Article  ::)

As Oldtimer has said - Stick with what we know works,
That article is useless.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on August 02, 2019, 03:30:26 AM
The gist of the article is that unless purposely restricting calories, people tend to eat more when they exercise.

They get hungry and eat back what they burned off.  As a result they don't lose weight, even gain weight.

You can't outrun a bad diet.

You'll be more successful losing weight by eating less along with exercising than exercising alone.

You can run around like a chicken, spend hours in the gym, etc. but if you stuff your face later you will just tread water as far as weight loss.

You have to track your caloric input/output to determine this.

Losing weight is unpleasant.  You have to take in less calories than your body uses.  You will be hungry.  You will not feel full.

OT has been posting for months about his inability to lose weight.  He is even gaining weight.  Even with all the exercise he does he doesn't lose weight.
I'm don't believe he's ever seriously cut back on what he eats and drinks.  

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on August 02, 2019, 10:32:12 AM
The gist of the article is that unless purposely restricting calories, people tend to eat more when they exercise.

They get hungry and eat back what they burned off.  As a result they don't lose weight, even gain weight.

You can't outrun a bad diet.

You'll be more successful losing weight by eating less along with exercising than exercising alone.

You can run around like a chicken, spend hours in the gym, etc. but if you stuff your face later you will just tread water as far as weight loss.

You have to track your caloric input/output to determine this.

Losing weight is unpleasant.  You have to take in less calories than your body uses.  You will be hungry.  You will not feel full.

OT has been posting for months about his inability to lose weight.  He is even gaining weight.  Even with all the exercise he does he doesn't lose weight.
I'm don't believe he's ever seriously cut back on what he eats and drinks.  

There's a lot of truth to this. It's exactly what happens to me. When I'm working out I eat more consistently than when I'm not....usually adding in at least two protein drinks a day. Fortunately, being overweight has never been a problem for me as I tend to be too lean.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 03, 2019, 11:42:50 AM
Not lifting for the rest of the week.  Unplanned break from lifting. Decided with just one super light whole body routine this week I prefer a split routine. In the past I had some good success with whole body routines. I like doing at least three to four exercises per body part. Just makes the workout interesting. Some say certain exercises are either contraction, mid range or stretch.  I don't know if I subscribe to that completely but there is some truth to it.

Tonight taking the wife to my favorite Italian restaurant. This Italian family opened a restaurant years back. It's so popular people line up at dinner opening hour. Amazing food. I'm so disappointed in Italian food when I leave the New Jersey and New York area. We have a high concentration of Italians and there are so many great Italian restaurants. Another big favorite of mine is Portuguese food. There is a big concentration of Portuguese people in Newark, NJ.  The restaurants are off the chart amazing. I've heard they are big with the Jersey mob but I don't know about that stuff.

Monday I'm doing something I never do. Going to train with another guy. He is a fellow Troop. I remember during swim training when we were being trained for a month on boats and water operations he played the "unconscious" guy in the water to save. Being in the water is one of my weaker attributes.  ;D  Don't get me wrong I can swim but I'm no where near as good as some of these super swimmers. Dragging his ass many yards in the water was exhausting. Looking forward to seeing him. Haven't seen him in 10 plus years. Judging by his recent pictures he's a hard trainer.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 05, 2019, 08:56:16 AM
Back the same old. Back and chest;

Pulldown with M.A.G. bar 2 x 10 140lbs (No lean back. All the way up and down)
Seated cable row with a V bar 2 x 12 170lbs (Full stretch out)
Dumbbell row off a bench 2 x10 85lbs
Hammer pull down 2 x 10

Hammer bench 2 x 8 230lbs
Incline Dumbbell 2 x 8 65lbs (slow full reps)
Flat flies 2 x 10 45lbs
Pec deck 1 x 10 (irritated the pec tie in. I won't go back to it)
Cable cross overs 1 x 10
Push ups 1 x max

deadlifts 2 x 4 315lbs
Weighted back hyper extensions 2 x 15 25lb plate behind head.

Ab wheel roll out 2 x 22
Ab crunch machine 2 x 20 130lbs
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 06, 2019, 10:28:09 AM
6 x half mile intervals. Kept the speed low so I wouldn't irritate my Achilles. Fastest one was 7:45 mile pace or 7.8 MPH.  Hit the bag after. In between sets I walked fast for a quarter mile at 3. 8 MPH. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 07, 2019, 09:47:01 AM
Leg day: I realize weight used on machines are meaningless since from manufacture to manufacture the weight used differs due to different angles, pulleys and leverages. An example of this is the standing calf machine. I have two in my basement and there is one in the commercial gym I go to.  One machine I use 325lbs, another 155lbs and the gym one I use 180lbs.  

Dumbbell squats 2 x 12 85lbs (straight back and sinking butt all the way down. I don't deadlift the weight. It's a squat. Dumbbells held at sides with straps)
Hack squats 2 x 12 (I sink it. Actually weak on them. Then again many of the people don't go deep.)
Stiff dead 2 x 6 205lbs
Leg kick back machine 2 x 12 70lbs (Told a girl this is the hardest machine in the gym while chatting with her. She told me to suck it up.  ;D)
leg extensions 2 x 12 120lbs
leg curls 2 x 12 100lbs

Standing calf 2 x 12 180lbs
Seated calf 2 x 15 90lbs

4 way Nautilus neck machine 2 sets per side

Ab wheel roll out 2 x 22
Ab crunch machine 2 x 20 140lbs

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 08, 2019, 10:16:25 AM
6 x half miles. Fastest in 7:24 pace or 8.1 mph.  Hit the heavy bag after.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 09, 2019, 02:55:12 PM
Delt and arms:

Clean and military press 2 x 5 135lbs (all the way down)
Dumbbell delt press standing 1 x 10 50lbs ( all the way down)
Dumbbell delt lateral 2 x 10 30lbs
Delt machine lateral 2 x 10 80lbs
Rear delt machine 2 x 10 90lbs
Barbell shrugs 2 x 10 250lbs

Weighted dips 2 x 8 25lbs ( went deep)
Traditional tricep push downs 2 x12
Tricep machine extensions 2 x 10 90lbs
Single arm tricep dumbbell extensions 1 x 12

Dumbbell alternate curls 2 x 8 45lbs
Scott barbell curls 2 x 10
Concentration curls 2 x 12
Machine curls 1 x 10

Barbell wrist curls 2 x 25 95lbs
Reverse grip pulley curls 2 x 10

Ab coaster 1 x 40 60lbs
Ab crunch machine 2 x 20 140lbs
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on August 09, 2019, 03:07:32 PM
Good reading from both of you gentlemen.  Not training for a few days as I am waiting to be fitted with a new leg brace.  It's gonna be Christmas in August!  Or maybe September.  Soon!  I keep falling over, LOL!  Of course if they take too long, I will just crawl between exercise machines.  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Right now I am listening to Patsy Cline...God I am old. Be well OT and IroNat!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 11, 2019, 08:16:16 AM
Good reading from both of you gentlemen.  Not training for a few days as I am waiting to be fitted with a new leg brace.  It's gonna be Christmas in August!  Or maybe September.  Soon!  I keep falling over, LOL!  Of course if they take too long, I will just crawl between exercise machines.  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Right now I am listening to Patsy Cline...God I am old. Be well OT and IroNat!

Machines might be your best friend since you have a bad leg.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 12, 2019, 08:18:23 PM
Back and chest today. Had a great workout then spent about an hour in the ocean.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on August 13, 2019, 03:33:32 AM
Back and chest today. Had a great workout then spent about an hour in the ocean.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on August 13, 2019, 06:21:17 AM
Back and chest today. Had a great workout then spent about an hour in the ocean.

when i was down there by you there is a small personal training gym across from lava java cafe'great cofee'btw,,,did u ever train in there its very small..we rent next door from there.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 13, 2019, 07:00:34 PM
I never did. Use to be a gym in Sea side Heights but it went under.  Closest real gym is Retro on SH 37 west bound. Less than 15 minutes from where you vacation. Really partied way too much this summer. Something about the sun, water and booze going together.  I close my pool early in September because I'm near the woods and too many leaves start falling in. A couple of the beaches near me still have life guards in September. Best time to hit the beach. The water is warm and the crowds are gone.

Took today's planned cardio off. Had to much going on between a getting eye glasses and going to work. Felt bad about missing it but truth be told I know I will be strong in tomorrow's leg session since I didn't run today.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 14, 2019, 04:07:59 PM
Trained legs today.  The strange thing was I forgot to do leg extensions. Did my squats, hacks, stiff dead, kick back machine, leg curls, standing calf, seated calf, abs and neck.

After the workout I had to drive an hour to take care of some administrative stuff with my ex job. Went to what might be the best deli in the state of NJ. Looks like the Italian mob owns the place.  Insane the stuff they have in there. Came home and cleaned the pool. Suddenly it hit me. I didn't do leg extensions. I went into my basement gym. Warmed up with a set then did two hard sets.  My knees are hurting slightly. I really wonder if leg extensions are bad for your knees? Had no knee complaints after my leg workout. After doing leg extensions my knees were aching.  For many years they used that movement for rehab but many are of the opinion it's a bad movement for knee health now.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on August 15, 2019, 04:17:42 AM
Trained legs today.  The strange thing was I forgot to do leg extensions. Did my squats, hacks, stiff dead, kick back machine, leg curls, standing calf, seated calf, abs and neck.

After the workout I had to drive an hour to take care of some administrative stuff with my ex job. Went to what might be the best deli in the state of NJ. Looks like the Italian mob owns the place.  Insane the stuff they have in there. Came home and cleaned the pool. Suddenly it hit me. I didn't do leg extensions. I went into my basement gym. Warmed up with a set then did two hard sets.  My knees are hurting slightly. I really wonder if leg extensions are bad for your knees? Had no knee complaints after my leg workout. After doing leg extensions my knees were aching.  For many years they used that movement for rehab but many are of the opinion it's a bad movement for knee health now.

I think if your knees are healthy you can do them.  I used to do them all the time when I was younger without a problem

If you've had knee problems in the past then they could be irritating.  

Going too heavy on them is probably not wise.  Keeps reps high around 20 or higher.  

You probably should have skipped them since you had already trained earlier.  You had cooled off and had already fatigued your legs.

Leg extension type exercises are a staple in knee rehab.

The straight leg raise below is a form of leg extension.


Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 15, 2019, 11:05:02 AM
Did 6 x half miles. Fastest in 7:30 mile pace or 8 MPH.  Hit the bag after.

Below is both pro and con leg extension for knee health.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on August 15, 2019, 12:18:13 PM
With leg extensions, I believe using too much resistance can be problematical. When I was in physical therapy following knee surgery, the therapist discouraged doing extensions. This was interesting since the doctor prescribed leg extensions with no added resistance the second week following the surgery. The therapist had me doing very light leg presses, one leg at a time. It has been years since the meniscus surgery and my knees are fine. I do leg extensions on a regular basis. I believe it is best to do them when you are warmed up.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on August 15, 2019, 01:05:35 PM
Leg extensions along with behind neck presses are on the "no-no" list nowadays.

However, many did them with no problems in the past.

I guess you have to try them out for yourself.  Best to use light weights at first.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 16, 2019, 05:29:16 AM
Leg extensions along with behind neck presses are on the "no-no" list nowadays.

However, many did them with no problems in the past.

I guess you have to try them out for yourself.  Best to use light weights at first.

True, I did press behind the neck for many decades with zero problems. Now I can't do them without pain. I think it has to do with shoulder flexibility. The bench is a mobility destroyer.  If you have tight shoulders doing something like the press behind the neck is asking for a tear.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 16, 2019, 12:41:22 PM
Trained delts and arms today.  One observation. Very few appear to be lifting. Most come to chat. Two young guys must have talked 10 minutes between sets.  I'm on my third exercise and they are going on their second set. So many people go to the gym to bull shit. I thought it was only the old guys. They go to have some kind of a social life. Besides hi and bye my conversations with people are very short. Today I broke my standard method of operation by chatting with a guy doing deadlifts. Talked about the positives and the negatives of the double over grip with hook grip vs the standard alternate grip for deads. That conversation turned into the benefits of the power clean over the deadlift. Suddenly I found myself to be a yanking Nancy and got back to the solitude of the work of the workout.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on August 16, 2019, 02:22:57 PM
It's always been the same at any gym I've been to.

The gym is a social place for many people.

Training is hard work and who wants to do that?

Do a few sets of curls, flex the arms and head over to the juice bar...

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on August 16, 2019, 02:27:31 PM
It's always been the same at any gym I've been to.

The gym is a social place for many people.

Training is hard work and who wants to do that?

Do a few sets of curls, flex the arms and head over to the juice bar...

I care less whether other folks are at the gym to socialize, except when they monopolize equipment I'm waiting to use.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 16, 2019, 04:38:32 PM
I care less whether other folks are at the gym to socialize, except when they monopolize equipment I'm waiting to use.

Not a question of caring but an observation for me. Yes, I do care when they talk endlessly when I want to go on to my next set.  I sometimes cut them off saying I have to get to my next set.  I know one guy took offense and he doesn't chat with me anymore. I take my workouts seriously and I have work to do.  I remember one guy telling me I was out of shape because I was breathing so hard and my shirt was drenched. He never gets out of breath and his shirt is dry. He doesn't break a sweat working out because he is not exerting himself.  

Anyway, there are so many things to observe with human nature. Don't get me going on the locker room situation. Let's just say I might go in there once a year. I avoid it. One convict was screaming at a guy in the gym with plenty of threats of violence. The gym owner got between them. At one point I thought the convict was going to hit him with a plate.  The other guy left the gym and the convict remained. I call him convict because of his criminal convictions both old and recent.  Nice guy to talk with. I asked him what the hell was that about. He said the guy dropped his pants playing with his cock staring at him.  I started laughing and he seemed to let his temper go. I guess the guy was looking for a "date" thought if he's in the locker room he's there looking for sex too. Anyway soon after; maybe a month, the convict's house was raided with a swat team. The rumor was he was dealing drugs. I don't know if they were recreational, steroids or both.

So many observations in the gym.  It's like going to the zoo.  One guy looks like a real gargoyle. He's old and hunched over. The poor guy can barely walk. He shows up at the gym with this knock out blonde. She always has her hair done and make up on with lip stick to work out. I don't know if she is flirting with me or she is  really friendly.  I guess it's the cynic in me that I can't give her the benefit of the doubt that she is just a friendly person. Shame on me. Never seen a more mismatched couple. I know it makes me sound like a scum bag for observing this. If they are happy who am I to comment but I can't help it.  ;D

I find it really odd the women who just use the cardio equipment. I see the same women time after time go on a treadmill, elliptical, or bikes that rarely if ever use the weights.  Why join a gym for that?  Buy a treadmill and stay home if you don't want to run outside. Different strokes for different folks. ...and so on and so on and scooby scooby do on.  Sly and the Family Stone for you younger guys.

I should stick to my basement gym.  Then I can only be critical of myself.  ;D  

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on August 17, 2019, 05:23:09 AM
You can't help but make observations.

There's some wacky peeps out there.

Just think of all these wacky people driving cars around? 

Kind of dangerous.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on August 17, 2019, 06:29:45 PM
Not a question of caring but an observation for me. Yes, I do care when they talk endlessly when I want to go on to my next set.  I sometimes cut them off saying I have to get to my next set.  I know one guy took offense and he doesn't chat with me anymore. I take my workouts seriously and I have work to do.  I remember one guy telling me I was out of shape because I was breathing so hard and my shirt was drenched. He never gets out of breath and his shirt is dry. He doesn't break a sweat working out because he is not exerting himself.  

Anyway, there are so many things to observe with human nature. Don't get me going on the locker room situation. Let's just say I might go in there once a year. I avoid it. One convict was screaming at a guy in the gym with plenty of threats of violence. The gym owner got between them. At one point I thought the convict was going to hit him with a plate.  The other guy left the gym and the convict remained. I call him convict because of his criminal convictions both old and recent.  Nice guy to talk with. I asked him what the hell was that about. He said the guy dropped his pants playing with his cock staring at him.  I started laughing and he seemed to let his temper go. I guess the guy was looking for a "date" thought if he's in the locker room he's there looking for sex too. Anyway soon after; maybe a month, the convict's house was raided with a swat team. The rumor was he was dealing drugs. I don't know if they were recreational, steroids or both.

So many observations in the gym.  It's like going to the zoo.  One guy looks like a real gargoyle. He's old and hunched over. The poor guy can barely walk. He shows up at the gym with this knock out blonde. She always has her hair done and make up on with lip stick to work out. I don't know if she is flirting with me or she is  really friendly.  I guess it's the cynic in me that I can't give her the benefit of the doubt that she is just a friendly person. Shame on me. Never seen a more mismatched couple. I know it makes me sound like a scum bag for observing this. If they are happy who am I to comment but I can't help it.  ;D

I find it really odd the women who just use the cardio equipment. I see the same women time after time go on a treadmill, elliptical, or bikes that rarely if ever use the weights.  Why join a gym for that?  Buy a treadmill and stay home if you don't want to run outside. Different strokes for different folks. ...and so on and so on and scooby scooby do on.  Sly and the Family Stone for you younger guys.

I should stick to my basement gym.  Then I can only be critical of myself.  ;D  


Well, having only yourself to criticize might get really boring and it would be such a downer. However, if I had a basement, I'd have a gym in it. Sometimes, (more lately) I like staying home. Minus any equipment to speak of, my home workouts are limited.

I'm surprised you only use the locker room once a year. If you get as sweaty as you suggest, isn't it uncomfortable leaving the gym in wet clothes? What do you do in the winter? It's probably not the best idea to go out in freezing temperatures wearing wet, sweaty gym clothes and no jacket.

The most shocking thing I think I've seen in a gym locker room was about a year ago and these two fellows were kissing at the local 24 Hour Fitness club near where I live.  Although it was only a brief, sweet kiss,  there were other dudes around...either a brave or stupid thing to do. Nobody said anything, but they surely saw them. -Hard not to miss. Seen them since, but not kissing.

At a different gym, there was this biker looking older fellow standing around naked in the locker room who had so much cock jewelry on that it was hard not to notice. He was not only wearing several cock rings, his dick head was pierced and he was wearing a large thick ring through that hole. He also had a lot of tattoos. He seemed in no hurry to put some clothes on.

It would be a bit weird to get hit on in the locker room. I'd very likely ignore the person and get out of there as quickly as possible. I don't think I'd say anything to them. I definitely wouldn't make a scene like the convict did.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 17, 2019, 06:49:48 PM
Well, having only yourself to criticize might get really boring and it would be such a downer. However, if I had a basement, I'd have a gym in it. Sometimes, (more lately) I like staying home. Minus any equipment to speak of, my home workouts are limited.

I'm surprised you only use the locker room once a year. If you get as sweaty as you suggest, isn't it uncomfortable leaving the gym in wet clothes? What do you do in the winter? It's probably not the best idea to go out in freezing temperatures wearing wet, sweaty gym clothes and no jacket.

The most shocking thing I think I've seen in a gym locker room was about a year ago and these two fellows were kissing at the local 24 Hour Fitness club near where I live.  Although it was only a brief, sweet kiss,  there were other dudes around...either a brave or stupid thing to do. Nobody said anything, but they surely saw them. -Hard not to miss. Seen them since, but not kissing.

At a different gym, there was this biker looking older fellow standing around naked in the locker room who had so much cock jewelry on that it was hard not to notice. He was not only wearing several cock rings, his dick head was pierced and he was wearing a large thick ring through that hole. He also had a lot of tattoos. He seemed in no hurry to put some clothes on.

It would be a bit weird to get hit on in the locker room. I'd very likely ignore the person and get out of there as quickly as possible. I don't think I'd say anything to them. I definitely wouldn't make a scene like the convict did.

I go in work out clothes and leave in workout clothes like 95% of this gym does. Same when I drive to a location like a park or the boardwalk to run.  I keep a towel to sit on in my car. So you bring a change of clothes and shower in the gym?  I only did that when I worked out during work hours. Since I retired and work a part time retirement job that isn't the case.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on August 17, 2019, 07:02:28 PM
I go in work out clothes and leave in workout clothes like 95% of this gym does. Same when I drive to a location like a park or the boardwalk to run.  I keep a towel to sit on in my car. So you bring a change of clothes and shower in the gym?  I only did that when I worked out during work hours. Since I retired and work a part time retirement job that isn't the case.

Yeah well, I don't like wearing workout clothes outside the gym. I have an old gym bag my wife bought me loaded with workout clothes, including gloves and shoes. All of the gyms I go to have pools, so I keep swimwear in the bag too. There is also a towel for those times I'm either at a gym that doesn't provide them or I forget to take one from the front desk. Whenever I go to the gym, I change into suitable clothing and lock my stuff in a locker. Occasionally, when I use the sauna, steam room or pool, I'll shower before getting dressed. Obviously time isn't an issue, since I am retired and pretty much have all the time I need to make my workouts as comfortable as possible.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 19, 2019, 12:33:58 PM
Yeah well, I don't like wearing workout clothes outside the gym. I have an old gym bag my wife bought me loaded with workout clothes, including gloves and shoes. All of the gyms I go to have pools, so I keep swimwear in the bag too. There is also a towel for those times I'm either at a gym that doesn't provide them or I forget to take one from the front desk. Whenever I go to the gym, I change into suitable clothing and lock my stuff in a locker. Occasionally, when I use the sauna, steam room or pool, I'll shower before getting dressed. Obviously time isn't an issue, since I am retired and pretty much have all the time I need to make my workouts as comfortable as possible.

Just be aware that gym lockers are a big target for theft. 95% of all padlocks and be opened in seconds if you know what you are doing. My daughter had cash taken out of her wallet when she was in high school and the lock was closed when she returned to her locker in high school. My son showed her how easy it is to open a padlock and she never kept valuables in her locker again. The tool used to open the lock is very tiny and concealable. Takes seconds.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 19, 2019, 12:44:06 PM
Trained back and chest. I really have to get serious about diet. Don't get me wrong. I'm not fat. Just not where I want to be. Damn I love beer in the sun floating in a pool with Big band music.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on August 19, 2019, 03:25:08 PM
Trained back and chest. I really have to get serious about diet. Don't get me wrong. I'm not fat. Just not where I want to be. Damn I love beer in the sun floating in a pool with Big band music.

Well, if you're not fat don't worry about it.

Do you think you are too heavy and it is endangering your health?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 19, 2019, 06:07:46 PM
Well, if you're not fat don't worry about it.

Do you think you are too heavy and it is endangering your health?

I would like to be very lean.  Most guys that think they are normal are carrying over 20% fat.  A 190lbs guy with 20% would look great for a normal guy but not an athlete. Most of the public would say he's in shape.  190lbs with 20% is carrying 38lbs of visceral and subcutaneous fat with 152lbs lean. Now if he got down to 10% fat that would make most men looked ripped. Maybe not in the steroid cosmetic definition but amazing looking for a natural guy lifting weight. At ten percent he would carry 19lbs of fat and would 171lbs lean if he still weighed 190lbs.  I know it's impossible to lose a lot of fat and not lose muscle if you're a natural. Just trying to make a point about being lean. Quite a difference in how the two would look. In terms of health yes leaner is better unless you go to Clarence Bass extremes.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on August 20, 2019, 04:31:53 AM
I was thinking about this.  If it was me, I wouldn't drop all that weight (unless you are fat) because you will lose muscle and when you get to our age you want to hang on to as much muscle as you can. Sarcopenia is around the corner for us.  It gets harder and harder to build new muscle and we are going to get weaker and weaker.  So I wouldn't do it.

But, if that's your goal you need to eat less calories and drop a lot of weight.

I weigh 216 at 6'2".  Not lean by any stretch.  Probably 18-20% bf.

I've gotten down to 190 and I don't feel good that light.  I feel scrawny.  I'd have to be 190 to get real low bodyfat %.

You'd have to go to 160-170.  

That's a BMR of around 1500-1600 cal/day so you'd be limited to eating maybe 2,000 cals a day to stay there including your extra cal burn from exercising.

I figured you're 5'9" and 60 years old.  

You can figure it yourself for more accuracy.  It's just cals in/cals out.

You're in really good shape so maybe you don't have to lose that much weight.

You should figure out your bodyfat %.  Get some calipers and do a multiple skinfold measurement with them.  You can look up how to do it.  Calipers are cheap.

You have to count calories everyday until you get it worked out.  

If that's what you really want then that's how you do it.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 20, 2019, 07:12:12 PM
Calipers are inaccurate in my opinion. I was trained how to use them years ago on my job. They came up with the calculations using so called hydrostatic weighing as the standard. One thing is for sure you have to be experience in how to use them and secondary problem is that people carry fat in different areas. I'm guessing they didn't use a large pool of people when they came up with the calculations and then comparing them to the hydrostatic under water weighing result. No matter how out of shape I am my tricep skin thickness is paper thin. While my chest always carries fat.  Same with my thigh. Really thin fat pinch.  One notoriously bad fat testers are those electronic gadgets. Some even come with a disclaimer that it's inaccurate with athletes with low body fat. I paid for one that cost me a nice buck. I could get one reading and an hour later get a different reading but it always displayed it down to the tenth but it could give a different reading of 2 percent.

I guess what I'm trying to convey in my convoluted thoughts on fat measurement is that underwater weighing is the gold standard.  Fat floats and muscle sinks. They got the calculations down on that method on target. The best way for most people is to look in the mirror or with a picture. It doesn't lie unless you're delusional on how you really look. I weigh close to 190lbs at 5'8" or 5'8"and a half.  ;D I would be in much better shape and leaness at 175lbs. Damn beer and cocktails.

Today was 6 x half miles.  Went down to 8.0 MPH or a 7:30 mile on the last one.  I was hurting going to work. I guess my old body stiffens up driving to work after that and I got out of the car limping.  ;D I felt good after walking around at work. Hit the bag after the run as is my stadard operating procedure and surprised myself how hard I was hitting. Thought the run took all my power away because I was exhausted.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on August 21, 2019, 05:57:34 AM
Calipers are quite accurate if you use them correctly and do multiple skinfold measurements but if you don't mind paying for a water test go for it.

I just thought it would be useful to know where you are currently before you decide to make changes.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 21, 2019, 02:19:38 PM
I disagree. You can have two different people using calipers and come up with a different fat percentage readings.  It's all about the pressure of the pinch. Even those that have a clicker to tell you when you reached the ideal level of pressure on the pinch it can give you different readings. How is it accurate when one person takes multiple pinch areas then another does the same while coming up with different fat percentages? Did the person being evaluated gain or lose fat in a minute?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 21, 2019, 02:30:33 PM
Trained legs today.  Lightened the calf machine weight used to achieve a more precise exercise performance. Coming to believe that extreme range of motions with the Achilles isn't a safe method concerning calf training.  Maybe that only applies to me.  Powering out of an extreme negative range just takes the spring out of my sprint instead of contributing to it. Remember reading about Charlie Francis who was Ben Johnson sprinting coach. He had him do no calf work in the weight room. He said in effect that sprinting took care of that. He felt and I hope I'm not putting words in his mouth but sprinting is achieved by essentially jumping forward from a powerful extension from the hip and thigh muscles.  He concentrated on power cleans, bench and squats as the primary exercises used to increase his sprinting power. I know about the steroids. You don't have to mention it.  ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on August 22, 2019, 02:50:28 PM
This is the fat caliper I have.  It's very inexpensive.

It's impossible to vary the pressure of the pinch because it has a release that clicks when you do it.


Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 22, 2019, 06:49:18 PM
Ran a mile today. Just a slug run in the 8 minute range.

Thinking about ending this log. It really serves no purpose.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on August 23, 2019, 12:37:55 PM
Ran a mile today. Just a slug run in the 8 minute range.

Thinking about ending this log. It really serves no purpose.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 23, 2019, 01:13:52 PM

I'd put up some pictures but I'm built like an athlete and not a bodybuilder. In 3-2-1, I would be photo shopped probably with some porn angle. LOL.  I feel the workouts are pretty repetitive.

I did delt and arms today. Felt I pushed it hard. I started with military presses cleaning the bar from the floor with 135lbs. I went all the way down and was pretty upright so I wasn't doing a standing incline press. Got that extra rep I failed with so many times. Got a recent personal record.

Observations for NJFlex. A couple around 35-40 or so work out at the same time. He was always telling her what to do and always in her face about it. Weeks back she told him she didn't want his personal training advice anymore.  She really got in his face. LOL.  They are both in good shape. When I first came in I gave her man a quick hello because he was near where I was working out. He's loud and likes to hold court with who ever engages with him. Doesn't seem like a bad guy but I'm there to work out and not listen to his BS. One of the last conversations I over heard from him was him telling a guy gesturing at me that I hit like a mule but if you know martial arts you know how to use that power against someone. Very martial arts zen philosophy.  ;D Really turning this nothing story into a lot of wasted typing. Later during the workout I was in the same section as his girl and said hello. Thought she was overly enthusiastic in the chit chat that followed. Definitely thought she was flirting with me.

This gym is a hard core mom and pop kind of place. It has everything you need though. The equipment is about 30 years old I bet and some things maybe more. I think they have the original Hammer bench machine. The interesting thing is the carousel of people behind the counter. Never know who will be sitting there. I think he gives out free memberships for manning the desk.  

Left the gym and found a thick blonde from the gym maybe 30 years old having an emotional conversation in the parking lot. Thought about saying something to her but she seemed both angry and emotional. Better not to interfere.  

My observations today stink I know. LOL.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on August 23, 2019, 01:37:45 PM
I'd put up some pictures but I'm built like an athlete and not a bodybuilder. In 3-2-1, I would be photo shopped probably with some porn angle. LOL.  I feel the workouts are pretty repetitive.

I did delt and arms today. Felt I pushed it hard. I started with military presses cleaning the bar from the floor with 135lbs. I went all the way down and was pretty upright so I wasn't doing a standing incline press. Got that extra rep I failed with so many times. Got a recent personal record.

Observations for NJFlex. A couple around 35-40 or so work out at the same time. He was always telling her what to do and always in her face about it. Weeks back she told him she didn't want his personal training advice anymore.  She really got in his face. LOL.  They are both in good shape. When I first came in I gave her man a quick hello because he was near where I was working out. He's loud and likes to hold court with who ever engages with him. Doesn't seem like a bad guy but I'm there to work out and not listen to his BS. One of the last conversations I over heard from him was him telling a guy gesturing at me that I hit like a mule but if you know martial arts you know how to you that power against someone. Very martial arts zen philosophy.  ;D Really turning this nothing story into a lot of wasted typing. Later during the workout I was in the same section as his girl and said hello. Thought she was overly enthusiastic in the chit chat that followed. Definitely thought she was flirting with me.

This gym is a hard core mom and pop kind of place. It has everything you need though. The equipment is about 30 years old I bet and some things maybe more. I think they have the original Hammer bench machine. The interesting thing is the carousel of people behind the counter. Never know who will be sitting there. I think he gives out free memberships for manning the desk.  

Left the gym and found a thick blonde from the gym maybe 30 years old having an emotional conversation in the parking lot. Thought about saying something to her but she seemed both angry and emotional. Better not to interfere.  

My observations today stink I know. LOL.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on August 23, 2019, 03:51:55 PM
Ran a mile today. Just a slug run in the 8 minute range.

Thinking about ending this log. It really serves no purpose.

Maybe no purpose for you, but sharing your routines, consistency and dedication to good health and fitness is beneficial and inspirational to the rest of us.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on August 23, 2019, 03:57:28 PM
I'd put up some pictures but I'm built like an athlete and not a bodybuilder. In 3-2-1, I would be photo shopped probably with some porn angle. LOL.  I feel the workouts are pretty repetitive.

I did delt and arms today. Felt I pushed it hard. I started with military presses cleaning the bar from the floor with 135lbs. I went all the way down and was pretty upright so I wasn't doing a standing incline press. Got that extra rep I failed with so many times. Got a recent personal record.

Observations for NJFlex. A couple around 35-40 or so work out at the same time. He was always telling her what to do and always in her face about it. Weeks back she told him she didn't want his personal training advice anymore.  She really got in his face. LOL.  They are both in good shape. When I first came in I gave her man a quick hello because he was near where I was working out. He's loud and likes to hold court with who ever engages with him. Doesn't seem like a bad guy but I'm there to work out and not listen to his BS. One of the last conversations I over heard from him was him telling a guy gesturing at me that I hit like a mule but if you know martial arts you know how to you that power against someone. Very martial arts zen philosophy.  ;D Really turning this nothing story into a lot of wasted typing. Later during the workout I was in the same section as his girl and said hello. Thought she was overly enthusiastic in the chit chat that followed. Definitely thought she was flirting with me.

This gym is a hard core mom and pop kind of place. It has everything you need though. The equipment is about 30 years old I bet and some things maybe more. I think they have the original Hammer bench machine. The interesting thing is the carousel of people behind the counter. Never know who will be sitting there. I think he gives out free memberships for manning the desk.  

Left the gym and found a thick blonde from the gym maybe 30 years old having an emotional conversation in the parking lot. Thought about saying something to her but she seemed both angry and emotional. Better not to interfere.  

My observations today stink I know. LOL.

Is being built like an athlete, not a great thing? You are probably healthier (and in better shape) than a lot of bodybuilders are. I get the reluctance to post photos. However, you are not someone who gets a lot of shit or is controversial like some of us are. There's not much reason to mess (photoshop) your photos unless you do it to make yourself look more like a bodybuilder.  ;)
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 23, 2019, 04:12:28 PM
Maybe no purpose for you, but sharing your routines, consistency and dedication to good health and fitness is beneficial and inspirational to the rest of us.

Thank you for the kind words.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 26, 2019, 11:11:45 AM
Today Monday is a scheduled training day. Just taking it off. I just feel like I need the time off. I need a day to do nothing. I qualified with work shooting a 200 rounds today and I think it stressed me out that I can't see well anymore even with glasses.  I shot okay but no where near my standards. Seeing some of those rounds land off target just reminds me of my aging.  I wouldn't have missed in my younger days. Having such a hard time with my vision. I can correct my vision to 20/20 with glasses then I have poor near vision to see the sights clearly. You need both to be a good shot. Progressives don't help. It's like a sense of pride is gone. Hell no one remains young. Maybe I just need more practice and I can shoot better with my limited vision. It doesn't feel like a victory when you hear you qualified instead of great shooting. I don't expect anyone to understand and I realize it sounds trivial.  I have been qualifying to carry for around 35 years. I qualified with the revolver snub I carried for 35 years and one of those new fangled Glocks.

Going to get a good night's sleep and I'm going to kill it in the weight room tomorrow. Going to red line it with the rest between sets and the total duration. Going to get that extra rep.  I feel the fire burning in me as I type. Tomorrow will be intense.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on August 26, 2019, 11:26:59 AM
Today Monday is a scheduled training day. Just taking it off. I just feel like I need the time off. I need a day to do nothing. I qualified with work shooting a 200 rounds today and I think it stressed me out that I can't see well anymore even with glasses.  I shot okay but no where near my standards. Seeing some of those rounds land off target just reminds me of my aging.  I wouldn't have missed in my younger days. Having such a hard time with my vision. I can correct my vision to 20/20 with glasses then I have poor near vision to see the sights clearly. You need both to be a good shot. Progressives don't help. It's like a sense of pride is gone. Hell no one remains young. Maybe I just need more practice and I can shoot better with my limited vision. It doesn't feel like a victory when you hear you qualified instead of great shooting. I don't expect anyone to understand and I realize it sounds trivial.  I have been qualifying to carry for around 35 years. I qualified with the revolver snub I carried for 35 years and one of those new fangled Glocks.

Going to get a good night's sleep and I'm going to kill it in the weight room tomorrow. Going to red line it with the rest between sets and the total duration. Going to get that extra rep.  I feel the fire burning in me as I type. Tomorrow will be intense.

Have you tried contacts? With them there are more options for correcting vision. You could wear one in your dominate eye that works with the site and one in the other eye that works in general. Mono vision isn't for everyone, but I might be just the ticket for you.

My vision is compromised too. I'm currently using two different prescriptive eye drops in addition to wearing glasses. My ophthalmologist is monitoring my glaucoma, macular degeneration, dry eye syndrome and beginning cataracts. I'm happy just to be able to see.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 26, 2019, 12:10:35 PM
Hope your vision gets better Prime.  Sounds like you have a real problem instead of my problem of pride. Might try one contact in and one out. Who knows it might work.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 27, 2019, 09:12:24 AM
Trained back and chest. Wow, the gym was packed. Tall blonde maybe 6' tall. She is new to the gym.  :P  Very few hot women go to this hardcore gym.

We have the biggest human I have ever seen in my gym. His name is Bruce and he has to be over 350lbs muscular pounds. He's built like a strong man but pretty lean. Big lats going into a somewhat small waist. Today he was training arms and they are the size of my thigh.  Really nice soft spoken guy. He's a cop and he has such a laid back disposition.  He lifts heavy weights but he trains like a bodybuilder instead of a strong man. Never seen him squat or deadlift. Really is a sight to see. I don't know how he fits in his car. Where does he buy a shirt?  

I know back in the day guys wore sunglasses if they didn't want to bs with people and slow down their work out. Now it's ear buds. I get it.  The only problem is when you don't notice the ear buds and talk to someone. I like the ones that sing off key intelligible phrases from their tune.  Sounds like an animal howling.  "Give it to me baby iwon othe oto eewwww!" WTF?  

I live near the shore and bay. I don't fish but for some reason everyone is catching blow fish. I never heard of people catching blow fish around here.  Everyone in the gym is saying stuff like, "I caught 30!" and they are trading phones for pictures. Aren't they dangerous if not prepared right?  

The owner calls the box of chalk he keeps behind the counter cocaine for a laugh.  So I play along with it. Can I have the block of cocaine?  Those not in on the joke give us a look.

Two gyms in town.  The million dollar palace. Trainers roaming around in matching polo shirts and khaki pants. Maybe 30 plus pieces of new cardio equipment. Beautiful flooring is everywhere. New equipment everywhere but for some strange reason the barbells look like Grimek used them in 1930. Other than that it's where the beautiful people work out. Gorgeous women everywhere wearing those panty hose yoga pants. Guys dress in proper work out clothes. Steroid guys everywhere and the place looks amazing. Then there's the other gym where I train. Maybe 7 treadmills that are 20 years old. The equipment is 30 plus years old. You can dead lift here unlike the the fancy place. Chalk flies and guys dress to train hard core so they are not fashion conscious. No pretentious attitudes here. Smiling old people train along side some of the animals. Everything is functional except their garbage leg press machine. Looks like the first commercial 45 degree unit ever made. The angles are all wrong. I noticed Yates and Coleman trained in a hard core place. Sergio trained at a YMCA.  Vince's where Larry Scott trained at was no where near a fancy gym. Sometimes these beautiful gyms aren't conducive to the hard core training mind set. Then again it's the person training that matters and not the place.  My basement gym is pretty hard core.

I noticed how many people drive decent cars as opposed to 25 years ago.  I think leasing (a long term rent of a car) give the illusion that everyone is loaded.   The parking lot has many really nice cars.

Anyway enough gym observations. I have to get ready for work. My retirement job has really hot looking girls that work there. Nice views.



Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on August 27, 2019, 01:01:50 PM
Hope your vision gets better Prime.  Sounds like you have a real problem instead of my problem of pride. Might try one contact in and one out. Who knows it might work.

Our vision often gets worse as we age. There are ways to slow down or even arrest some of the causes. It is prudent to have an annual eye exam by an ophthalmologist.   
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 28, 2019, 10:24:11 AM
Tuesday was back and chest. Today Wednesday was legs. I never work out back to back when I do multiple work sets. Damn this is tough without a day off break in between. Tomorrow I'm hitting delt and shoulders. Just condensing the weeks work outs so I can enjoy this last real weekend of summer. The pool closes next week. Happy and sad about it.  If the pool was open one more week I would be dead from alcohol poisoning.  ;D  I find nothing more relaxing than floating in an inflatable chair with a cocktail looking at the clouds listening to Dean Martin, Louie Prima, Buble and Frank Sinatra through a Bose speaker. Damn can't wait for Friday.  Got some nice steaks too.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on August 28, 2019, 01:25:25 PM
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on August 28, 2019, 02:05:06 PM
Tuesday was back and chest. Today Wednesday was legs. I never work out back to back when I do multiple work sets. Damn this is tough without a day off break in between. Tomorrow I'm hitting delt and shoulders. Just condensing the weeks work outs so I can enjoy this last real weekend of summer. The pool closes next week. Happy and sad about it.  If the pool was open one more week I would be dead from alcohol poisoning.  ;D  I find nothing more relaxing than floating in an inflatable chair with a cocktail looking at the clouds listening to Dean Martin, Louie Prima, Buble and Frank Sinatra through a Bose speaker. Damn can't wait for Friday.  Got some nice steaks too.  

Wish I had a raft and a pool to float around in while sipping a whisky sour and listening to Nina Simone. If I lived much nearer to you, I'd invite myself over to join you in your cool pool. :) Our neighborhood association pool closes on Labor Day. It is 90 degrees and climbing today. Staying inside as much as possible where the thermostat is set to keep the house a cool 74 degrees.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 28, 2019, 07:26:08 PM
Wish I had a raft and a pool to float around in while sipping a whisky sour and listening to Nina Simone. If I lived much nearer to you, I'd invite myself over to join you in your cool pool. :) Our neighborhood association pool closes on Labor Day. It is 90 degrees and climbing today. Staying inside as much as possible where the thermostat is set to keep the house a cool 74 degrees.

Haven't heard of someone drinking a whiskey sour in many decades. Maybe back to the 70's. Now you got me curious to know what it tastes like. Going online to check what goes in that. Nina Simone is a great choice.  Might throw her in the rotation.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on August 29, 2019, 03:39:53 AM
Whiskey Sours are good!  Also try a Mint Julep.

My favorite summer drink is the Gin & Tonic. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 29, 2019, 08:14:40 AM
Trained delt and arms this Thursday.  The giant Bruce was in the gym.  I was doing Scott curls off a preacher bench and used a little short four foot barbell they have.  Told the 350lbs plus giant this is a little barbell for small guys like me and he cracked up.  

A friend had his 17 year old daughter in the gym. She was looking at the ab coaster machine and asked her dad how to use it. He told me to show her so I did. On the negative they have a stopper to keep it on the rails but one of them is broken.  She does the positive stroke then as fast as she can she does the negative and breaks off the stopper and the the thing came off the rails. lol. She says to her father, I broke the machine and his eyes get wide.

Tomorrow is 87 in Jersey. Going to have a mini pool party with family.  Sad the pool will be closed in a few days. I have a feeling we are going to have a warm September but since my pool is near the woods the leaves will start coming down. End of a good summer. Wish I could live in an area where it's hot and sunny year round but I can't leave my kids. Stuck in New Jersey.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on August 29, 2019, 11:25:15 AM
Whiskey Sours are good!  Also try a Mint Julep.

My favorite summer drink is the Gin & Tonic. 

Is it it's bitterness that is appealing to you?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on August 29, 2019, 12:02:32 PM
Is it it's bitterness that is appealing to you?

Gin & Tonic?

It's refreshing.  Gin and Tonic are made for each other.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 31, 2019, 06:53:27 PM
Hit my all time highest body weight. I'm 194lbs at 5'8". I don't look bad but I know I can look better lighter.  I feel strong but my cardio is suffering. I have two vacations planned for September. Come October it's on like Donkey Kong or what ever hep kids say.  Actually going to watch what I eat.  Believe me I eat anything and everything I want until I can't eat no more. That has got to stop.  ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on August 31, 2019, 07:04:58 PM
Hit my all time highest body weight. I'm 194lbs at 5'8". I don't look bad but I know I can look better lighter.  I feel strong but my cardio is suffering. I have two vacations planned for September. Come October it's on like Donkey Kong or what ever hep kids say.  Actually going to watch what I eat.  Believe me I eat anything and everything I want until I can't eat no more. That has got to stop.  ;D

I'm no doctor, but it seems to me you'd feel better slimmer.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on September 01, 2019, 06:24:44 AM

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 01, 2019, 09:14:24 AM


How did you get actual footage of me at the back yard bbq?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on September 01, 2019, 10:28:26 AM
How did you get actual footage of me at the back yard bbq?

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on September 01, 2019, 01:08:09 PM
How did you get actual footage of me at the back yard bbq?


Eating "clean" got nothin' on eatin' "heavy", eh my brother?  ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 02, 2019, 06:24:06 PM
Chest and bicep Dorian Yates style: Took about 40 minutes

Flat Dumbbell bench 1 x 9 80lbs (All the way down. I could grab the 100lbs plus and do what everyone does and stop 6 inches or more short on the down stroke)
Incline bench 1 x 10 70lbs (all the way down. Controlled cadence. Slow negative)
Flat fly 1 x 15 50lbs
Cable cross overs 1 x 18 (weight was too light)

EZ bar curls 1 x 14 95lbs
Dumbbell alternate curls 1 x 10 45lbs
Machine curls 1 x 12
Concentration curls 1 x 12

Wrist curls 1 x 30 95lbs
Reverse grip curls 1 x 14
Dumbbell wrist extensions 1 x 12

Ab wheel roll out 1 x 25
Ab machine crunch 1 x 22 140lbs.
Tried the big ball for crunches. Never tried it before. I don't know if I'm doing it wrong but it didn't feel like a good movement to me.

After lifting I went out to my car where I had my running shoes and grabbed my Ipod.  Started talking to guy who left the gym and slammed the door of the car with my keys in it. Had to call the wife to bail me out using the guy's phone. I wondered if I even knew her phone number since it's programmed in my phone that I didn't have. She was debating whether or not to pick up the phone because she thought it was spam. She came back with my spare set of keys I was ready for the cardio portion of the workout. I ran two miles on the the treadmill with a quarter mile warm up and quarter mile cool down. Also added in one extra quarter mile of a fast lap. So in the end 2.25 miles of work cardio and a half mile in total of warm up and cool down. Really glad I got the cardio in. Achilles is about 90% good. Can't really explode into a sprint but for gentle running it holds up.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on September 03, 2019, 04:01:57 AM
That sinking feeling when you lock your keys in the car!  Ugh.  :-[

I still remember a time when I was a kid when my father locked the keys in the family car while he, my older brother and me were in a store parking lot.

Glad you were able to get help.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 03, 2019, 09:13:24 AM
Trained legs: One set to failure minus a warm up set if needed.

Leg Press 1 x 18 4 plates a side and did it with a low back board and fully bent the legs.
Dumbbell squats 1 x 14 80lbs ( upright back and ass all the way down)
stiff leg deadlifts 1 x 8 205lbs (stood on a block for a stretch.  I do them like Grimek in that I try to go low)
leg extension 2 x 25
seated leg curl 2 x 18

Single dumbbell side bend 1 x 18 95lbs ( Some say this gives you a wide waist. I don't see it for me. More concerned about athletic function benefits)
Hanging straight leg raise 1 x 25
Hips ups 1 x 25 ( On back with leg up. Move hips toward ceiling)

Standing calf 1 x 18 ( I don't know why I train legs. I have zero calves. Bill Grant's calves dwarf mine.  ;D)
Seated calf 1 x 20 90lbs ( I try to go reseansoble low and all the way up.)

Neck work with a neck helmet. Trained all sides. Did rotation work with just hand resistance.

Had plans for cardio but between work and my wife's health needs it's a bust with that. Tomorrow's another day. 

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 04, 2019, 04:03:51 PM
Ran two miles in 90 degree humid heat. I didn't think it was so hot until I was running.  Whoa! My shirt was completely drenched when I went to the gym after to do some bag work. In NJ it's back to school. The gym was empty at noon time. Two other guys working out. I live near the ocean so during the Summer the gym is packed with vacationers, high school and college students.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 05, 2019, 09:10:40 AM
Back day: Woke up with a sore throat. I bet it was all those doctor offices I've been taking my wife to.  Ever look at the seats in doctor's offices?  They are all stained with what appears to be skid marks and urine stains. Ugh. One doctor's office I refused to sit down.

Pulldowns with M.A.G. bar 1 x 14 ( upright back and all the way up and to the upper chest region)
Long pulley rows with a V handle 2 x 13 180lbs ( all the way out and back)
Dumbbell rows off a bench 1 x 14 85lbs
Hammer pulldowns 1 x 10
deadlifts off floor 1 x 6 315lbs
Ab wheel roll outs 1 x 25
Ab crunch machine 1 x 25

I have work later where I stand a lot of the time. I believe people sit too much. It isn't healthy.  The guys that sit all day at work then go to a gym to sit in machines are really doing them self a disservice in terms of health. I often hear from people that are new to running how much their abs and back hurt. It's because they are not use to supporting their own body weight and the muscles have to develop and strengthen to hold their body up while doing an athletic activity. I work with guys that literally can't stand for an hour.  You should be able to stand for 8 plus hours if the need arises.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on September 06, 2019, 05:33:35 AM
NICE MAN...are you doing less volume as a change temporarily or for a few weeks maybe?i agree with your people sit and sit,then sit at gym ,,what are u resting your set get a 15 30 sec rest then bang next set.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 06, 2019, 05:48:30 AM
NICE MAN...are you doing less volume as a change temporarily or for a few weeks maybe?i agree with your people sit and sit,then sit at gym ,,what are u resting your set get a 15 30 sec rest then bang next set.

I do this from time to time. It has pluses and minuses. Taking one set to the ragged edge is draining it's self. I'm breathing like a race horse. On the other hand that workout took about 35 minutes.  I don't time between exercises but yes I try to go fast. It's not a fun way to train but I feel I recover better from one work set. I do a warm up if needed on an exercise. On pulldowns, long lat pulls, and deads I did one warm up set. Very minimal and non taxing warm up set. For example deads got a warm up set of 1 x 3 with 225lbs then to my work set of 315lbs for 6 reps.

Today is delts and triceps.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 06, 2019, 09:58:45 AM
Delt and triceps:

Military clean and press 1 x 10 115lbs (All the way down with elbows going all the way down. Slow cadence)
Dumbbell laterals 1 x 14 30lbs
Single arm pulley delt laterals 1 x 15 40lbs
Bent over rear delt laterals 1 x 12 45lbs
Barbell shrugs 1 x 15 255lbs ( I notice two methods in the gym. 1. Put 400lbs on the bar and have a seizure of partial movements. 2. Raise your delts high  and down. I use the latter.)

Weighted dips 1 x 8 25lbs ( went deep. Feeling a little weak with these. Not sure why. I have been having some shoulder issues but nothing major)
Single dumbbell behind the head with two hands triceps 1 x 13 80lbs
Rope tricep 1 x 18
Tricep machine 1 x 14 90lbs

AB crunch machine 1 x20 150lbs
Ab wheel roll out 1 x 25

A 90 year old guy who's a vet was working out with the gym owner who was training him. About a month ago the nice old guy said," Told a guy in here I was a veteran and he said, "The north or the south?"  We both laughed.  Today I saw him and asked him who did he fight for the north or the south? He had no recollection of telling me the previous and it was awkward.  Then about 10 seconds later he said I fought for George Washington those damn Red Coats. Crisis averted.

The lifting took me about 35 to 40 minutes. Then I hit the treadmill. Ran two miles not counting the quarter mile warm up and quarter mile cool down.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on September 06, 2019, 01:14:55 PM
Chest and bicep Dorian Yates style: Took about 40 minutes

Flat Dumbbell bench 1 x 9 80lbs (All the way down. I could grab the 100lbs plus and do what everyone does and stop 6 inches or more short on the down stroke)
Incline bench 1 x 10 70lbs (all the way down. Controlled cadence. Slow negative)
Flat fly 1 x 15 50lbs
Cable cross overs 1 x 18 (weight was too light)

EZ bar curls 1 x 14 95lbs
Dumbbell alternate curls 1 x 10 45lbs
Machine curls 1 x 12
Concentration curls 1 x 12

Wrist curls 1 x 30 95lbs
Reverse grip curls 1 x 14
Dumbbell wrist extensions 1 x 12

Ab wheel roll out 1 x 25
Ab machine crunch 1 x 22 140lbs.
Tried the big ball for crunches. Never tried it before. I don't know if I'm doing it wrong but it didn't feel like a good movement to me.

After lifting I went out to my car where I had my running shoes and grabbed my Ipod.  Started talking to guy who left the gym and slammed the door of the car with my keys in it. Had to call the wife to bail me out using the guy's phone. I wondered if I even knew her phone number since it's programmed in my phone that I didn't have. She was debating whether or not to pick up the phone because she thought it was spam. She came back with my spare set of keys I was ready for the cardio portion of the workout. I ran two miles on the the treadmill with a quarter mile warm up and quarter mile cool down. Also added in one extra quarter mile of a fast lap. So in the end 2.25 miles of work cardio and a half mile in total of warm up and cool down. Really glad I got the cardio in. Achilles is about 90% good. Can't really explode into a sprint but for gentle running it holds up.

It is impossible for me to lock my keys (fob) in the car. The doors won't lock unless the fob is outside the car. The key, should I ever need it, is inserted into the fob.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 07, 2019, 04:58:27 AM
My Chevy has a traditional key. My wife's car has a push button start and you can't lock the doors if the car is in park if the keys are in it.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 11, 2019, 10:34:55 AM
Trained back and chest after driving 12 hours the day before. Think it was a mistake. My son took my car because his was in the shop. My lifting straps were in it. I grabbed a ratty old pair I had as an extra. On dumbbell lat rows the strap broke and it yanked my arm hard when it broke. My shoulder felt instant pain.  Hope it's a temporary set back.

 Made me think that after 55-60 years of age you are one rep away from serious damage at all times. I know all about the old men that basically train on three lifts that show good numbers but they are not training like an athlete. I remember reading an interview with Bill Pearl. I think it was in the old Iron Man magazine. He said after 55 he checked his ego at the door. He stopped using what for him was heavy weights. He called it hot dogging when I was talking with him. I think he uses hot dogging for the expression showing off. What's doing more work? Doing 2 x 6 reps with heavy weights in a bench or doing 5 sets of 10 reps with a moderate/light weight?  I know it's apples to oranges.  50 reps to 12 reps and it becomes muscular endurance to intensity.  If intensity was the magic bullet and it's not we would be getting better results doing 4 sets of 1 rep.

I will see how this shoulder feels in the morning.  I think I better pay more attention to injury prevention.

Gym Observation:  A really hot tiny blonde personal trainer was training an old lady who could barely stand.  What do you think you would do with this woman? I know what I would do. Everything would be function based and not taxing.  The really cute personal trainer started her doing around 4 sets of dumbbell curls.  After the 4 sets the woman was done sitting in a chair. End of session. WTF?  I would have her walking 1 to 2 MPH on the treadmill starting at 5 minutes. Then quarter or less body weight squats while I held her hands. Every thing else would be baby dumbbells like 2.5 lbs.  Never near failure.  Compound movements would be the majority of work.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on September 11, 2019, 10:51:01 AM
Trained back and chest after driving 12 hours the day before. Think it was a mistake. My son took my car because his was in the shop. My lifting straps were in it. I grabbed a ratty old pair I had as an extra. On dumbbell lat rows the strap broke and it yanked my arm hard when it broke. My shoulder felt instant pain.  Hope it's a temporary set back.

 Made me think that after 55-60 years of age you are one rep away from serious damage at all times. I know all about the old men that basically train on three lifts that show good numbers but they are not training like an athlete. I remember reading an interview with Bill Pearl. I think it was in the old Iron Man magazine. He said after 55 he checked his ego at the door. He stopped using what for him was heavy weights. He called it hot dogging when I was talking with him. I think he uses hot dogging for the expression showing off. What's doing more work? Doing 2 x 6 reps with heavy weights in a bench or doing 5 sets of 10 reps with a moderate/light weight?  I know it's apples to oranges.  50 reps to 12 reps and it becomes muscular endurance to intensity.  If intensity was the magic bullet and it's not we would be getting better results doing 4 sets of 1 rep.

I will see how this shoulder feels in the morning.  I think I better pay more attention to injury prevention.

Gym Observation:  A really hot tiny blonde personal trainer was training an old lady who could barely stand.  What do you think you would do with this woman? I know what I would do. Everything would be function based and not taxing.  The really cute personal trainer started her doing around 4 sets of dumbbell curls.  WTF?  

Hope your shoulder isn't badly hurt.  Most likely not but it'll be sore.

Well, you know what to do.

I'd describe over 55 as being brittle.  You can crack if you do something a little off.  Like I have been doing squat cleans for months with no problem but the other day maybe was a little off and now my lower back is hurting.  Before that it was my knee (which is ok now) and before that my left elbow and before that...well, you get the picture!

With that old lady I'd use bands or resistance tubes to train her until I thought she might be ready to handle weights.

If the old lady is really decrepit the best thing might be just gentle movements with no weight or resistance at all.

But I'm not a certified personal trainer! 

Tube handles are easy on the hands.


Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 11, 2019, 11:33:16 AM
Hope your shoulder isn't badly hurt.  Most likely not but it'll be sore.

Well, you know what to do.

I'd describe over 55 as being brittle.  You can crack if you do something a little off.  Like I have been doing squat cleans for months with no problem but the other day maybe was a little off and now my lower back is hurting.  Before that it was my knee (which is ok now) and before that my left elbow and before that...well, you get the picture!

With that old lady I'd use bands or resistance tubes to train her until I thought she might be ready to handle weights.

If the old lady is really decrepit the best thing might be just gentle movements with no weight or resistance at all.

But I'm not a certified personal trainer! 

Tube handles are easy on the hands.


Tubing is a good idea. Hope the lower back is coming around. Glad the knee finally came around. My knee was bugging me and I suspected body weight squats were the problem. Taking a hiatus from them and the knee feels good. I will return to them shortly. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 12, 2019, 09:08:14 AM
Trained legs today in my basement.  Still feeling the effects of my mini vacation to Niagara Falls. Got stuck in traffic returning to Jersey and a 7 hour trip turned into an 11 hour trip. 11 hours in the car made this old body really stiff and not in the good places.  Lifting this week is tough. The shoulder trap tie in I hurt yesterday feels better but still painful.  I think this will be a week or two set back.  

Gym Observations: Since I trained at home the music was fantastic.  Every time I looked in the mirror a good looking guy looked back at me.  I haven't trained in my basement for awhile and walked right into a spider web.  Didn't plan on getting aerobics in today but that spider web sure helped. The wife says the same thing she always says when I come up, "Did you have a nice workout?"  I really think she believes I'm having fun working out. Nope, it's work like digging a ditch. I like the results but I would never say it's fun.  It's like banging your head against a concrete wall. It feels so good when you stop.  Not to be all negative there is a zen zone I go into and I'm sure many others get into where it becomes a  road to being in peace with your self.

Tomorrow is delts and arms. This will be a good test of the injury. I don't think this one is bad. Just a painful tweak.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on September 12, 2019, 07:19:07 PM
Trained legs today in my basement.  Still feeling the effects of my mini vacation to Niagara Falls. Got stuck in traffic returning to Jersey and a 7 hour trip turned into an 11 hour trip. 11 hours in the car made this old body really stiff and not in the good places.  Lifting this week is tough. The shoulder trap tie in I hurt yesterday feels better but still painful.  I think this will be a week or two set back.  

Gym Observations: Since I trained at home the music was fantastic.  Every time I looked in the mirror a good looking guy looked back at me.  I haven't trained in my basement for awhile and walked right into a spider web.  Didn't plan on getting aerobics in today but that spider web sure helped. The wife says the same thing she always says when I come up, "Did you have a nice workout?"  I really think she believes I'm having fun working out. Nope, it's work like digging a ditch. I like the results but I would never say it's fun.  It's like banging your head against a concrete wall. It feels so good when you stop.  Not to be all negative there is a zen zone I go into and I'm sure many others get into where it becomes a  road to being in peace with your self.

Tomorrow is delts and arms. This will be a good test of the injury. I don't think this one is bad. Just a painful tweak.  

When you take a trip, occasionally pull your car over jump out and do some stretches or calisthenics.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 13, 2019, 04:26:57 PM
Today was delt and arms:

I really couldn't tell where the pain was coming from in my right delt. It was just generalized pain. Now I know plain and clear. It's my rear delt. Hopefully a tweak that will heal quickly.  Tired to use the rear delt machine and it was too painful.  I used dumbbells instead and while painful, I stupidly could force out the reps.

Gym Observations:

I used the deadlift only bar for shrugs. What makes it a deadlift only bar you ask?  It's engraved, deadlifts only.  I used it because I like the thick knurling.  Saw a guy getting set up for deadlifting. I told him to take the bar and I would use another. He's a gym rat regular.  Never heard him talk before. He had the gayest affect in his voice. I was a little bit taken back.  Maybe the single sentence of, "I'll use this one" isn't enough to come to a conclusion. I'm not biased nor a bigot.  Just didn't expect that voice to come out of this built guy.  It's like hearing Tyson for the first time saying, he's going to rip your head off. First you're scared but then you think, hey wait a minute.  Did that voice just come out of this wrecking machine?

Gaining too much weight.  One of my favorite shirts is stretched tight with gaps between the buttons.  Damn, after next week I will be on vacation. Not a time to watch what I eat.  I guess if I was a permabulker I would be thrilled. I don't look sloppy but I do need to get back on track.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on September 14, 2019, 04:00:04 AM

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 14, 2019, 03:29:04 PM
Did jack today. Went to work for a half a day then came home and watched the series, "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel."  Good series and well done.  Didn't want to see it because the wife recommended it and I thought another chick drama.  It is funny and very interesting. Drinking German beer binge watching it. Just threw a whole mess of scallops into virgin olive oil, butter with razor sliced garlic. We had it with a tuna steak.  Heading to bed early. Training tomorrow on Sunday. Something I never do but I want to push my training week early because next Friday we are driving down to Myrtle beach, South Carolina. Just hope big sharks are not in the water like last time. I could have pet them as they swam by. Not doing any lifting down there but I will try to run every day. I have enough scallops left over to put on linguine tomorrow for lunch.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on September 14, 2019, 05:36:56 PM
Today was delt and arms:

I really couldn't tell where the pain was coming from in my right delt. It was just generalized pain. Now I know plain and clear. It's my rear delt. Hopefully a tweak that will heal quickly.  Tired to use the rear delt machine and it was too painful.  I used dumbbells instead and while painful, I stupidly could force out the reps.

Gym Observations:

I used the deadlift only bar for shrugs. What makes it a deadlift only bar you ask?  It's engraved, deadlifts only.  I used it because I like the thick knurling.  Saw a guy getting set up for deadlifting. I told him to take the bar and I would use another. He's a gym rat regular.  Never heard him talk before. He had the gayest affect in his voice. I was a little bit taken back.  Maybe the single sentence of, "I'll use this one" isn't enough to come to a conclusion. I'm not biased nor a bigot.  Just didn't expect that voice to come out of this built guy.  It's like hearing Tyson for the first time saying, he's going to rip your head off. First you're scared but then you think, hey wait a minute.  Did that voice just come out of this wrecking machine?

Gaining too much weight.  One of my favorite shirts is stretched tight with gaps between the buttons.  Damn, after next week I will be on vacation. Not a time to watch what I eat.  I guess if I was a permabulker I would be thrilled. I don't look sloppy but I do need to get back on track.

Buy a larger size shirt.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 14, 2019, 05:47:52 PM
Buy a larger size shirt.

I like you Prime. You're a problem solver. I didn't see it at first but that's what you are. Keep doing what you're doing. Making my world better one problem at a time. Also thanks for the heads up on Magnum condoms. Who the hell can use ordinary tiny scum bags?  They were so tight they were like a tourniquet.  Since you told me about Magnum condoms I'm all loosy goosy now instead of constricted. No more rolling down half way anymore. I'm protected with the Magnums all the way down. It's a getbig miracle.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on September 15, 2019, 04:28:36 AM
I like you Prime. You're a problem solver. I didn't see it at first but that's what you are. Keep doing what you're doing. Making my world better one problem at a time. Also thanks for the heads up on Magnum condoms. Who the hell can use ordinary tiny scum bags?  They were so tight they were like a tourniquet.  Since you told me about Magnum condoms I'm all loosy goosy now instead of constricted. No more rolling down half way anymore. I'm protected with the Magnums all the way down. It's a getbig miracle.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 16, 2019, 10:10:59 AM
Trained chest and bicep Yates style. One set to failure.

Dumbbell bench 1 x 8 85lbs (slow and all the way down negative)
Incline bench 1 x 10 75lbs (again full range. No 3/4 or half reps)
Flat fly 1 x 15 50lbs
Cable cross overs 1 x 14 50lbs

EZ bar curl 1 x 14 90lbs
Alternate dumbbell curls 1 x 10 45lbs
Machine curls 1 x 10
Concentration curl 1 x 15

Wrist curls 1 x 30 95lbs
Reverse grip pulley curls 1 x 12

Ab roll out 1 x 26
Ab crunch machine 1 x 23 150lbs

Ran slow for two miles on the treadmill at 9:42 pace or 6.2 MPH. Used a quarter mile warm up and a quarter mile cool down. So 2.5 miles of cardio total. Got home and mowed the grass. It was a good day for a moe but who ever thought of growing green plants you have cut every 10 days should be covered in KY and thrown into a gay nightclub naked. Really, mowing is bull shit.  I'd rather wash the dog's butt.

One more digression. I'm tired of all these women on my facebook giving them self credit for being alive by putting a fit bit on. One woman bought one and said I walked 3 miles today.  I asked her where?  She said, " No, I didn't go anywhere. I just bought a fit bit and it says I got 3 miles in today."  She wants credit for being alive. Now she thinks she is exercising because she put the watch on her wrist.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on September 16, 2019, 01:16:09 PM
Having a lawn to mow is a conspiracy by lawn mower makers, the yard care industry, fertilizer and weed control companies, and the petroleum industry.


Check out this article:
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on September 17, 2019, 12:50:47 AM
Having a lawn to mow is a conspiracy by lawn mower makers, the yard care industry, fertilizer and weed control companies, and the petroleum industry.


Check out this article:

Maybe this is why I put in artificial turf....just to foil the conspirators.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 17, 2019, 10:38:31 AM
Trained legs today. I was going to do cardio after but I could barely walk and was shot. Thinking about going to a whole body routine so I can have more days to do cardio.  I often heard for decades that a whole body routine is for beginners. I think from my experience it's absolutely the hardest routine you can do. That's why I often start one then switch back to a split. I have to stop training to exhaustion with whole body routines. Maybe make it a 6 workout peak. Meaning for an exercise example I will do something like workout one will be with 100lbs, Workout two will be 105lbs.  Workout three is 110lbs. Ending with workout six at 125lbs. The first workout with 100lbs will be easy but I won't add any extra reps. I will use a slow cadence and a full range of motion to make it harder. Workout 6 will be to failure. So if I do three workouts a week then that week will be weight increase 1, 2 and three. The next week will be 4,5 and 6. I guess this all sounds confusing but in my head it's not.  After 6 progressions then all the exercises are changed. Who knows I've been here before and bailed on whole body exercises. After this week it's a South Carolina Myrtle beach vacation and I'm not lifting even though a great gym is down the block.

I do know I need a break and the vacation from lifting will do me good.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on September 17, 2019, 02:12:19 PM
Trained legs today. I was going to do cardio after but I could barely walk and was shot. Thinking about going to a whole body routine so I can have more days to do cardio.  I often heard for decades that a whole body routine is for beginners. I think from my experience it's absolutely the hardest routine you can do. That's why I often start one then switch back to a split. I have to stop training to exhaustion with whole body routines. Maybe make it a 6 workout peak. Meaning for an exercise example I will do something like workout one will be with 100lbs, Workout two will be 105lbs.  Workout three is 110lbs. Ending with workout six at 125lbs. The first workout with 100lbs will be easy but I won't add any extra reps. I will use a slow cadence and a full range of motion to make it harder. Workout 6 will be to failure. So if I do three workouts a week then that week will be weight increase 1, 2 and three. The next week will be 4,5 and 6. I guess this all sounds confusing but in my head it's not.  After 6 progressions then all the exercises are changed. Who knows I've been here before and bailed on whole body exercises. After this week it's a South Carolina Myrtle beach vacation and I'm not lifting even though a great gym is down the block.

I do know I need a break and the vacation from lifting will do me good.

My experience is when using the right routine, a 3 day a week weight training program works and progression is possible. Just vary your movements and keep the number of sets and reps reasonable enough that you leave the gym feel great. If you don't end the workout until completely wiped out and ready to drop, you will end up missing days because hitting the gym becomes drudgery.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on September 17, 2019, 03:00:57 PM
Here's some ideas for full-body workouts:

The Minimalist
Front squat
Standing calf raise
Bench press
Upright row
Incline dumbbell curls
Tricep pushdowns
Deadlift or Grip (Deadlift once per week)
*3 times a week / 3 sets of 8-10 reps per exercise.

Leroy Colbert
Leg curl
Standing calf raise
Seated calf raise
Bench press
Incline dumbbell flyes
Barbell row
Upright row
Rear dumbbell lateral
Incline dumbbell curls
Tricep pushdowns
Deadlift or Grip (Deadlift once per week)
*3 times a week / 3 sets of 8-10 reps per exercise.

Rotation Method
With either above start with a different large bodypart each workout.
Always do biceps/triceps/deadlift/grip last.
Don't superset.

Vince Gironda 8 x 8
Front Squat
Standing calf raise
Bench to neck
Lat pulldown
Upright row
Incline dumbbell curl
Tricep pushdowns
*At least 2 days off between workouts.
8 sets of 8 reps per exercise/ 30 second rest between sets.

The Ultra Minimalist
Overhead press
Deadlift (once per week)
*3 times a week / 3 sets of 8-10 reps.

George Eiferman Routine

Standing calf raise
Hack squat
Bench press
Dumbbell flyes
Db lateral raises
Db alternate press
Db row
Barbell curl
Db concentration curl
Wrist curl
Db side bends
Sit-ups 3 x 8-12
*All 3 sets of 7-10 reps except sit-ups.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on September 17, 2019, 03:17:57 PM
Thanks so much for posting these routines. I copied and saved them. Headed back to the gym soon, maybe as soon as tomorrow. I was looking for some workout ideas.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on September 17, 2019, 03:33:12 PM
Thanks so much for posting these routines. I copied and saved them. Headed back to the gym soon, maybe as soon as tomorrow. I was looking for some workout ideas.

The trick with full-body routines is not to do too much.

The Vince Gironda routine is only meant to be done for a short time like a couple weeks.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on September 17, 2019, 04:36:09 PM
The trick with full-body routines is not to do too much.

The Vince Gironda routine is only meant to be done for a short time like a couple weeks.

Of the routines you listed, Vince's was my least favorite.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 17, 2019, 06:34:32 PM
Thanks for the input.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 18, 2019, 01:28:53 PM
Back day:

Pulldowns 1 x 14 (Up right back and all the way down)
Low pulley lat rows 1 x 14 180lbs
Single dumbbell on bench row 1 x 12 85lbs
Hammer strength pulldown 1 x 12

Deadlift 1 x 6 315lbs.  (Controlled negative)
Weighted hyper extensions 1 x 20 25lbs plate behind head

Ab wheel roll out 1 x 27
Ab crunch machine 1 x 22 150lbs

I want to write more but my dog is humping his bed and my wife is yelling at him. She can be a boner killer sometimes.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on September 18, 2019, 01:49:32 PM
Back day:

Pulldowns 1 x 14 (Up right back and all the way down)
Low pulley lat rows 1 x 14 180lbs
Single dumbbell on bench row 1 x 12 85lbs
Hammer strength pulldown 1 x 12

Deadlift 1 x 6 315lbs.  (Controlled negative)
Weighted hyper extensions 1 x 20 25lbs plate behind head

Ab wheel roll out 1 x 27
Ab crunch machine 1 x 22 150lbs

I want to write more but my dog is humping his bed and my wife is yelling at him. She can be a boner killer sometimes.

Tell your wife that dogs only do what comes naturally and to leave him be. Does she think the dog should adhere to her idea of human etiquette?  ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 18, 2019, 03:14:47 PM
Tell your wife that dogs only do what comes naturally and to leave him be. Does she think the dog should adhere to her idea of human etiquette?  ;D

She also yells at me when I hump my bed.  ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 19, 2019, 09:45:10 AM
Delts and triceps: Work out took about 35 minutes.

Military clean and press 1 x 9 115lbs ( took the bar all the way down to the upper chest)
Dumbbell laterals 1 x 14 28lbs
Single arm pulley laterals 1 x 15
Rear delt laterals 1 x 12 35lbs ( seated and bent over)
Barbell shrugs 1 x 16 250lbs

Two arm dumbbell behind the head triceps 1 x 15 75lbs
Traditional tricep pushdowns 1 x 14
Reverse grip tricep one arm pulley 1 x 12
Dips 1 x 10 ( went deep and was weak from doing triceps prior)

Floor crunch 1 x 53 10lbs plate behind by head
Pulley crunches 1  x 30
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on September 19, 2019, 09:48:10 AM
Delts and triceps: Work out took about 35 minutes.

Military clean and press 1 x 9 115lbs ( took the bar all the way down to the upper chest)
Dumbbell laterals 1 x 14 28lbs
Single arm pulley laterals 1 x 15
Rear delt laterals 1 x 12 35lbs ( seated and bent over)
Barbell shrugs 1 x 16 250lbs

Two arm dumbbell behind the head triceps 1 x 15 75lbs
Traditional tricep pushdowns 1 x 14
Reverse grip tricep one arm pulley 1 x 12
Dips 1 x 10 ( went deep and was weak from doing triceps prior)

Floor crunch 1 x 53 10lbs plate behind by head
Pulley crunches 1  x 30
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 19, 2019, 06:53:41 PM

One work set to failure. If I need a warm up set I will do it. For leg presses I do two non taxing warm up sets then one set to failure. Getting back to the previous work out I clean and press the empty bar for about 8 repts then get to the real work set to failure. Dumbbell laterals I use two 5 pound plates for 8 reps in a non taxing warm up. Some exercises get zero warm up because I'm already warmed up. Another example is deadlifts when I use Yates style. I do my deadlifts after lats so I'm pretty warmed up. I use 225lbs for three reps then load it to 315lbs for my failure set. Presently stuck at 6 reps. I'm sure if I did it at the start of my back warm up I could 8 reps or more.

I treat warm up sets as a sometimes necessary evil when doing Yates style. If I need it I will do it but for most exercises I am already warmed up from previous exercises so none is needed. I don't always work  out like this. Normally I do two work sets per exercise. I never consider a non taxing warm up as a set. They are too easy.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 24, 2019, 06:03:35 AM
On vacation this week. No lifting. Just some light cardio.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on September 24, 2019, 07:21:50 AM
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 24, 2019, 04:01:59 PM

Thanks, in Myrtle beach. The ocean is hot and the beer is cold. I spend 2 to 3 hours in the ocean every day. I think it was around 88 today with pure sun. Doing only runs and body surfing for exercise.  Italian wife made King crab legs, shrimp, yellow rice with crab cakes. Having a Stella now after dinner. She has chocolate cake waiting. Looking out my balcony 22 stories up at the pool area.  Blasting Dean Martin on my balcony. I wonder if the pent house resident will complain?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on September 25, 2019, 06:19:27 PM
Here's some ideas for full-body workouts:

The Minimalist
Front squat
Standing calf raise
Bench press
Upright row
Incline dumbbell curls
Tricep pushdowns
Deadlift or Grip (Deadlift once per week)
*3 times a week / 3 sets of 8-10 reps per exercise.

Thank you for posting these routines.

-Started the above routine last Friday. It's a pretty fast and easy workout. I felt exhilarated at the finish....could have done more, but didn't. Repeated it on Monday and added 10 minutes on the stationary bike as a warm up. Gonna hit the gym tomorrow with the same routine including the warm up. Oh, and I also added ab crunches at the end both days. Just sore enough that a two day recovery seems like a good idea. I suppose after I get back into it for awhile, I can hit the gym every other day.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on September 26, 2019, 05:06:49 AM
Thank you for posting these routines.

-Started the above routine last Friday. It's a pretty fast and easy workout. I felt exhilarated at the finish....could have done more, but didn't. Repeated it on Monday and added 10 minutes on the stationary bike as a warm up. Gonna hit the gym tomorrow with the same routine including the warm up. Oh, and I also added ab crunches at the end both days. Just sore enough that a two day recovery seems like a good idea. I suppose after I get back into it for awhile, I can hit the gym every other day.

Glad to hear it.  The tendency to add more and more exercises to a full-body routine is a common one.  If you start to lose that "exhilarated" feeling that is most likely the reason.

Intensity will also increase as you get stronger and use more weight.  You may find recovery taking a bit longer as a result.

I train 3-days per week and find the 2 consecutive days off at the end very welcome.  However, I often do not have the best workouts after those two days off.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on September 26, 2019, 12:52:43 PM
Glad to hear it.  The tendency to add more and more exercises to a full-body routine is a common one.  If you start to lose that "exhilarated" feeling that is most likely the reason.

Intensity will also increase as you get stronger and use more weight.  You may find recovery taking a bit longer as a result.

I train 3-days per week and find the 2 consecutive days off at the end very welcome.  However, I often do not have the best workouts after those two days off.

I'm off to the gym now for my minimalist workout.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on September 27, 2019, 09:26:54 AM
Glad to hear it.  The tendency to add more and more exercises to a full-body routine is a common one.  If you start to lose that "exhilarated" feeling that is most likely the reason.

Intensity will also increase as you get stronger and use more weight.  You may find recovery taking a bit longer as a result.

I train 3-days per week and find the 2 consecutive days off at the end very welcome.  However, I often do not have the best workouts after those two days off.

To get started, I took two days of rest between training days. I think I could cut that down to one day off between workouts and two on the weekend.

I've been lifting for all of my adult life. And yet, it feels like I am just a beginner. This is probably because, I'm still learning to make adjustments to accommodate the effects of being 75 years old. Even with excellent health, I cannot do what I could when I was in my 30's.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 30, 2019, 11:35:08 AM
Back and chest. Haven't lifted in 9 days due to vacation. Feeling spent. I was going to do volume but I want one more week of my regular lifting before moving to an endurance based lifting schedule.

Pulldown 2 x 10 140lbs Up right back and all the way down and out. I know many lean back to make it a half a row but I like to do this strict with a slow cadence.
Seated Lat cable rows 2 x 12 170lbs
Dumbbell rows off a bench  2 x 10 85lbs (A couple of weeks ago I hurt a rear delt doing these. Tried to do these nice and controlled. )
Hammer pulldown 2 x 10

Dumbbell flat bench 2 x 8 80lbs (all the way down. No half upper arms parallel to the floor reps)
Incline dumbbell inclines 2 x 8 70lbs ( all the way down and slow)
Flat flies 2 x 10 50lbs
Cable flies 2 x 10
Push ups 1 x max

Deadlifts 2 x 4 315lbs
Weighted hyper extensions for lower back 2 x 15 25lbs plate behind head. Used the old fashion horizontal bench and not the new 45 degree ones where the resistance disappears at the top.

Ab wheel roll out 2 x 22
Ab machine crunch 2 x 20 150lbs

Gym observations: Same characters as always. I like to keep to myself. There's a medical doctor who trains there who is a bull and we chatted a bit. He's a regular guy. No airs about him being an MD.  

Saw a guy benching 485lbs. He wore a sling shot bench shirt I think it's called. He also had a guy put a board on his chest.  Benching has gotten strange today.

Another guy uses the gym owner as his trainer. He is a real HIT type guy. Really strong and I suspect he's a user. Uses very limited exercises. He might use three or four exercises a session if I got it right.

I see the same heavy set woman in the gym every time I am there. She lifts hard but really dogs cardio. Her time would be better spent doing cardio. I'm sure Ironate would disagree.

I know this sounds vain.  When I lift I don't wear my wedding ring. It cuts in to my finger with some lifts. Again this sounds vain but more than a few women are giving me the I'm available vibe when they chat with me.

The gym is with no doubt a germ haven.  Just think every bar you touch has been touched by maybe 75 people in the last 24 hours. One surely was a guy that has his finger up his nose at a  traffic light. Another is a guy who doesn't wash hands after wiping his ass. Then there's the guy who wipes his running nose with his hand.  I bet there is a guy who scratches his fungus itchy feet before putting his socks on for the gym.  I could go on.  I alcohol my hands as I leave the gym then wash my hands when I get home.  

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on September 30, 2019, 11:41:25 AM
This is one of the reasons I wear gloves when working out. Unfortunately, the tips of my fingers are still exposed. There are germs everywhere you go and on everything you touch, not just at the gym.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on September 30, 2019, 12:39:29 PM
All those germs will keep your immune system strong.  To get more benefit lick your fingers.  :D

The fat lady needs to eat less.  No more Oreos! You should tell her.  ;)

I take my wedding ring off before training too.  Otherwise it would get bent.  Of course I train at home so there are no strange women to fend off.

They make silicone wedding bands so you can keep the women off you while training in public gyms. Might be a good idea to keep yourself out of trouble :)

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on September 30, 2019, 07:59:04 PM
Aside from its smaller size this looks exactly like a Doc Johnson silicone cock ring.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 01, 2019, 06:43:08 PM
Cardio today: 

Walked at  3.8 MPH and every quarter mile lap I increased the grade (elevation) 1%.  I started at zero percent grade and ended at 12% going back to zero for the final quarter mile. On a side note I found walking on an incline really helped my one bad Achilles. I think it stretched it out under load. Been about 5 months or so since I injured it. I don't even know anymore how long it's been since that foolish day of doing 40 yard wind sprints that I fucked it up. It got better but it always bugged me. I was hobbled at first but it got better but never 100%.

 I was doing the incline fast walking on vacation too. I got off the treadmill and the calf felt normal. Thought it would swell up later but typing this 10 hours later it still feels good.

Treadmill fast walking work out: Typed it out just to make it clear what I did.

3.8 MPH at zero grade for a quarter mile
3.8 MPH at 1% grade for a quarter mile
3.8 MPH at 2% grade for a quarter mile
3.8 MPH at 3% grade for a quarter mile
3.8 MPH at 4% grade for a quarter mile
3.8 MPH at 5% grade for a quarter mile
3.8 MPH at 6% grade for a quarter mile
3.8 MPH at 7% grade for a quarter mile
3.8 MPH at 8% grade for a quarter mile
3.8 MPH at 9% grade for a quarter mile
3.8 MPH at 10% grade for a quarter mile
3.8 MPH at 11% grade for a quarter mile
3.8 MPH at 12% grade for a quarter mile
3.8 MPH at 0% grade for a quarter mile

Hit the heavy bag after for a couple of rounds. Left the gym soaking wet in sweat.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on October 02, 2019, 06:51:24 AM
Take a shower.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 02, 2019, 01:19:14 PM
Leg day:

Dumbbell squats 2 x 12 85lbs (Straight back and butt to the ground. Used straps to hold the dumbbells at my side)
Hack squat 2 x 12 (I do these almost like a sissy squat. Deep all the way down)
Stiff dead 2 x 6 205lbs
Kick back machine 2 x 12 ( Hardest machine in the gym)
Leg extension 2 x 12 150lbs.
Leg curl 2 x 12

Standing calf 2 x 12 180lbs
Seated calf 2 x 15 90lbs

Hanging leg raise 2 x 22
Seated knee ins 2 x 25

Nautilus four way neck machine (A really good neck machine.)
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 03, 2019, 10:32:39 AM
Cardio Day:

Walked for nearly an hour at 3.8 MPH on a treadmill. See Tuesday's post for the methodology. Hit the heavy bag after.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 04, 2019, 01:37:30 PM
Delt and arm day today: 

Instead of doing my boring list of things I did I will mentions a couple of things. I rarely do one arm single dumbbell tricep extensions. It hurts my elbow. Today I really lightened the weight and did the movement slow and full range with 12 reps. No problems. I think sometimes in the attempt to use more weight the movement gets jerky and out of the groove. Makes me think sometimes putting the ego on the shelf and making a moderate weight heavy is a sane approach.

My wife is having problems with compressed nerves in her neck and excruciating pain. We saw a neuro surgeon who took a long time to say what was going on with her. He showed us the MRI's and she has three vertebrate pushing on nerves in her neck. Making one arm very weak and in pain. He said for temporary relief prior to spinal surgery he was going to use a pulley with weights and a head harness to pull her head up to create space for the nerve. Made me think. When I do military presses sometimes I have a shooting pain in my neck. I can alleviate the pain almost instantly by pushing up on my head. So I'm creating space for the the nerves between my vertebrate.

For decades I have used low sets and the high intensity model of working out. I'm happy with the results being a natural but wondering if I have been limiting myself by not doing more sets and cutting back on the weight.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on October 04, 2019, 03:54:29 PM
Delt and arm day today: 

Instead of doing my boring list of things I did I will mentions a couple of things. I rarely do one arm single dumbbell tricep extensions. It hurts my elbow. Today I really lightened the weight and did the movement slow and full range with 12 reps. No problems. I think sometimes in the attempt to use more weight the movement gets jerky and out of the groove. Makes me think sometimes putting the ego on the shelf and making a moderate weight heavy is a sane approach.

My wife is having problems with compressed nerves in her neck and excruciating pain. We saw a neuro surgeon who took a long time to say what was going on with her. He showed us the MRI's and she has three vertebrate pushing on nerves in her neck. Making one arm very weak and in pain. He said for temporary relief prior to spinal surgery he was going to use a pulley with weights and a head harness to pull her head up to create space for the nerve. Made me think. When I do military presses sometimes I have a shooting pain in my neck. I can alleviate the pain almost instantly by pushing up on my head. So I'm creating space for the the nerves between my vertebrate.

For decades I have used low sets and the high intensity model of working out. I'm happy with the results being a natural but wondering if I have been limiting myself by not doing more sets and cutting back on the weight.

Sorry to hear about your wife.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 04, 2019, 04:11:40 PM
Sorry to hear about your wife.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on October 04, 2019, 06:13:21 PM
Delt and arm day today: 

Instead of doing my boring list of things I did I will mentions a couple of things. I rarely do one arm single dumbbell tricep extensions. It hurts my elbow. Today I really lightened the weight and did the movement slow and full range with 12 reps. No problems. I think sometimes in the attempt to use more weight the movement gets jerky and out of the groove. Makes me think sometimes putting the ego on the shelf and making a moderate weight heavy is a sane approach.

My wife is having problems with compressed nerves in her neck and excruciating pain. We saw a neuro surgeon who took a long time to say what was going on with her. He showed us the MRI's and she has three vertebrate pushing on nerves in her neck. Making one arm very weak and in pain. He said for temporary relief prior to spinal surgery he was going to use a pulley with weights and a head harness to pull her head up to create space for the nerve. Made me think. When I do military presses sometimes I have a shooting pain in my neck. I can alleviate the pain almost instantly by pushing up on my head. So I'm creating space for the the nerves between my vertebrate.

For decades I have used low sets and the high intensity model of working out. I'm happy with the results being a natural but wondering if I have been limiting myself by not doing more sets and cutting back on the weight.

Give your wife my best. Spinal issues especially in the neck area are horrendous. Do the pinched nerves cause her to get migraines? My son-in-law has this issue as a result of an IED going off near him, when he was in Irag. One of the treatments that helps him get some relief is botox. TCP was also helping, but he started having a side effect that was worse than the migraine, cyclic vomiting syndrome.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 05, 2019, 01:39:00 PM
Give your wife my best. Spinal issues especially in the neck area are horrendous. Do the pinched nerves cause her to get migraines? My son-in-law has this issue as a result of an IED going off near him, when he was in Irag. One of the treatments that helps him get some relief is botox. TCP was also helping, but he started having a side effect that was worse than the migraine, cyclic vomiting syndrome.

No but she has balance issues, one arm weakness, incredible pain and the hand is hard to use. Nerves are being pressed on in her neck. He said there is no pain in her arm. It's in the brain that control the nerves going to her arm. She has had a couple of good weeks. I would hate to see her arm atrophy because she is afraid of the operation but it's major surgery. Through the front of the neck moving the esophagus and trachea. A lot of sensitive stuff there. He said he would remove the cushions between the vertebra and replace it with plastic. He would free up the channels for the nerves.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 06, 2019, 12:44:46 PM
I was on the treadmill today walking fast using the incline for about 40 minutes. Finished with a quarter mile lap at a 7 minute mile pace to remind my body I'm not a walker but a runner.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 07, 2019, 10:53:31 AM
Back and chest then 35 minutes on the treadmill.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on October 07, 2019, 01:57:02 PM
Back and chest then 35 minutes on the treadmill.

That's what I call an abbreviated workout................. ........................ .......................r eport.  ;)
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 08, 2019, 11:02:29 AM
Cardio day:

I did about 55 minutes on the treadmill. Just spent.  Hit the heavy bag after as usual.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 09, 2019, 11:48:14 AM
Leg day at home. My leg press machine is fantastic. The one at the gym stinks. I had a lot of knee pain till until I realized it's the commercial gym's leg press. The angles are all wrong.

I did a couple of things different. I used the leg press for calves instead of my stand up unit. Also realize my seated calf machine is way better than the commercial gym I go to. Somethings are better at the commercial gym like their pulleys. My dumbbells are better. I have two treadmills in my home gym. The good one needs repairs so the commercial Landice in the commercial gym is a dream surface to run on. I balked when a repair man said $550 to fix it my good treadmill.  Needs a belt and a reverse the running surface. I guess this stuff is boring. Just pointing out that the commercial gym has some better stuff and some worse stuff than I have.

My knees are better and just about mint now. Maybe next week I will finish legs with no weight body weight free hand squats like I was doing for awhile. Fantastic exercise especially if you go deep and control the cadence to avoid flopping down like cross fitters.

I got about a two hour break and now I'm going to hit cardio.  Nothing really hard on this leg day. Went from 192 to 186lbs in around two weeks. I want to continue the down ward trend. I don't know if I can but I would like to get to 171 lbs. When I was a sprinter in college I was around 160 and ended competitive running around 171lbs. My times were going down as working part time, full time school, girls and partying like crazy led to my times going down. Women makes the knees weak.  

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on October 09, 2019, 02:41:10 PM
Leg day at home. My leg press machine is fantastic. The one at the gym stinks. I had a lot of knee pain till until I realized it's the commercial gym's leg press. The angles are all wrong.

I did a couple of things different. I used the leg press for calves instead of my stand up unit. Also realize my seated calf machine is way better than the commercial gym I go to. Somethings are better at the commercial gym like their pulleys. My dumbbells are better. I have two treadmills in my home gym. The good one needs repairs so the commercial Landice in the commercial gym is a dream surface to run on. I balked when a repair man said $550 to fix it my good treadmill.  Needs a belt and a reverse the running surface. I guess this stuff is boring. Just pointing out that the commercial gym has some better stuff and some worse stuff than I have.

My knees are better and just about mint now. Maybe next week I will finish legs with no weight body weight free hand squats like I was doing for awhile. Fantastic exercise especially if you go deep and control the cadence to avoid flopping down like cross fitters.

I got about a two hour break and now I'm going to hit cardio.  Nothing really hard on this leg day. Went from 192 to 186lbs in around two weeks. I want to continue the down ward trend. I don't know if I can but I would like to get to 171 lbs. When I was a sprinter in college I was around 160 and ended competitive running around 171lbs. My times were going down as working part time, full time school, girls and partying like crazy led to my times going down. Women makes the knees weak.  

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 09, 2019, 06:36:32 PM

I got pretty small bones.  I'm not a bodybuilder. Yes, 180lbs is good for my height but athletically 170lbs is even better.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on October 10, 2019, 06:04:04 AM
I got pretty small bones.  I'm not a bodybuilder. Yes, 180lbs is good for my height but athletically 170lbs is even better.
I here you i'm the same small joints,i was light 140 lbs when i started lifting ,i gained 30 lbs 1st yr or so training ,i'm 5'7 ish lol and settled in 180 185 ..
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 10, 2019, 10:04:02 AM
I here you i'm the same small joints,i was light 140 lbs when i started lifting ,i gained 30 lbs 1st yr or so training ,i'm 5'7 ish lol and settled in 180 185 ..
My wrists are under 7". Real bird bones. I started high school at 118. I graduated around 145lbs. A girl where I work wanted to measure my wrist for a bracelet she was buying her boy friend. I'm way more muscular at around the same height. Told her to add an inch to the measurement and she told me when she gave it to him it was too tight. LOL. My father and his brother weighted about 150lbs max.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 10, 2019, 10:18:31 AM
Cardio day:

8 x quarter miles (440 yards)  I did it well within my capability. The fastest was 6:59 mile pace. Nothing crazy.  Coaxing cardio gains instead of sledge hammering them. Did my usual boxing drills after.  When I know it goes against the current science but when I lose fat it first comes off my face. I hate it. Wish it came off my chest and stomach first.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on October 10, 2019, 01:25:47 PM
I got pretty small bones.  I'm not a bodybuilder. Yes, 180lbs is good for my height but athletically 170lbs is even better.

I'm a giant compared to you and NJFlex. My wrists measure 8.5" Used to be 5' 11 1/2", but I've shrunk two inches over the last 6 decades.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 11, 2019, 01:01:37 PM
Trained delts and arms. I think the added cardio is doing me good. At 186 lbs now. After delt and arms I did about 35 minutes on the treadmill of fast incline walking.

Changed up a few things. Used a rope for triceps instead of the straight bar. Finished triceps with one set of body weight dips. After doing triceps doing dips was tough. On biceps I really went all out on a biceps machine so when I got to concentration curls my biceps were burning. I already had a complete bicep rupture in the past so I'm a little sensitive to it happening again. Struggling to get the final reps in concentration curls I banged the dumbbell against my head. I guess that's why we are iron warriors.  ::)

Feeling a little weak from 6 days of cardio. I feel I'm going it a good direction. I will see if I can keep this up. My face is looking a little lean. Egotistically I feel I'm looking pretty good. Of course a steroid user would disagree.  ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: AbrahamG on October 11, 2019, 05:14:12 PM
I'm a giant compared to you and NJFlex. My COCK measures 8.5" Used to be 9.75", but it's shrunk since I've stopped banging dudes.

You always keep it real.  Respect.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on October 12, 2019, 10:48:18 AM
You always keep it real.  Respect.

I wish.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 14, 2019, 07:15:03 PM
Did Chest and biceps Yate's style of one set to failure. A couple hours later I did 8 x quarter miles on the treadmill. Nothing crazy. Fastest quarter was a little under 7 minute mile pace.

I spent some time with a pen and pad. Next week I will begin whole body routines. It will go something like this. No warm ups listed.

Cleans 3x3 then 1 x 1

squats 2 x 8

barbell bench 2 x 6

pull ups 2 x
Low pulley cable row with a V handle 2 x 12

military press 2 x 8
Dumbbell laterals 2 x 10

Tricep extensions with an EZ bar leaning back against a scott bench reverse 2 x 8
barbell curls 2 x 8

Situps on an incline 1 x

standing calf raise 2 x 15

Weighted back extensions 2 x 15
Neck four sides

Method used will be lifting twice a week. I would do three but I am running on off days. I won't go to failure till the last day of a 6 workout increase. To clarify again lifting twice a week. I will pick a goal weight for the max day. It won't be crazy. So for example Monday might be 175lbs. Friday will be 185lbs. Next week Monday will be 195lbs. Next week Friday will be 205lbs. The progression is for 6 workouts. So nothing near failure till the sixth workout. It will be good not the fry the nervous system with failure based training. No extra reps will happen with the lighter weight. The cadence might be slower with perfect form. I know many will say why not hit max weight from the get go. Trying to use what power lifters and Olympic lifters have been using for ages. They always cycle up to failure. Every training session is not a lift till your blue in the face session. Maybe a month or two before a competition. I did this years ago after an operation and found it kept me fresh to hit the cardio hard. When I recovered from the operation and started to lift every session to exhaustion Jones/Mentzer style I found I had nothing left to effectively do cardio.  I really believe in the benefits of cardio and the results when added to a lifting program. After six increases in weight I will switch exercises.

We will see. Often the best laid plans...... This really applies to lifting plans for me. Let me get this training week out of the way and hopefully the whole body routine will work. The bench press with a  bar will be the most challenging with my damaged shoulder. It will be light and a slow cadence. I will do what I can do and forget the rest.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 15, 2019, 07:18:33 PM
Legs: Trained them with one set to failure after warm up. That one set to failure is a brutal way to train. Had to hold onto something because I was breathing so hard. At the end of thighs I use free hand squats again. Just a 1 x 50 with a moderate cadence so I wasn't floppy down like a cross fitter. After legs I walked on an incline for around 40 minutes at a fast pace. Trained at home.

Leg press 1 x 15 4 plates a side with a low back board so I could fully bend my legs. The leg press has to be the biggest monkey spanker ego stroker equipment in the gym. Seen guy put every 45lbs plate they can find only to do a range of motion that is a next to nothing. One trick is to put the back board up high so the thigh touch the chest with no leg bend.

Dumbbell squats 1 x 14 85lbs (You know the drill. Upright back and not bending  over to deadlift the weight. Sink the butt until it won't go any deeper.

Stiff leg deadlift off a platform 1 x 8 205lbs. Fists touch the top of my feet.

leg extension 1 x 25
Seated leg curl 1 x 20

Free hand no weight body weight squats 1 x 50 ( no dropping like a shot penquin. Controlled negative. If you look like a Youtube of a cross fitter trying to beat the clock to get reps, you are doing them wrong.)

Dumbbell side bend with one dumbbell 1 x 18 90lbs
Hanging straight leg raise 1 x 25
Hips ups off the floor 1 x 25 (do a partial leg raise off the floor then shoot the hips toward the ceiling)

Standing calf 1 x 18
Seated calf 1 x 20
Tibalis work 1 x 20

Neck four ways with a neck helmet.  

After lifting I took a half hour break then got on the treadmill. Walked at 3.8 MPH. First quarter mile on level grade. Second at 1% incline for a quarter mile lap. Third lap it was at 2% grade incline. I did this till I hit 7%.  Then finished a final quarter mile at 0% grade, level surface. I find this was a non taxing way to get some cardio in. Took around 35-40 minutes if memory serves me.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 16, 2019, 01:10:26 PM
Cardio day: Did 8 x quarter miles (440 Yards or roughly 400 meters). Fastest in 6:44 pace or 8.9 MPH for the quarter mile. Hit the bag after with bad intent. My body is hurting now. Limping a little. Getting old stinks.  ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on October 16, 2019, 02:15:50 PM
Legs: Trained them with one set to failure after warm up. That one set to failure is a brutal way to train. Had to hold onto something because I was breathing so hard. At the end of thighs I use free hand squats again. Just a 1 x 50 with a moderate cadence so I wasn't floppy down like a cross fitter. After legs I walked on an incline for around 40 minutes at a fast pace. Trained at home.

Leg press 1 x 15 4 plates a side with a low back board so I could fully bend my legs. The leg press has to be the biggest monkey spanker ego stroker equipment in the gym. Seen guy put every 45lbs plate they can find only to do a range of motion that is a next to nothing. One trick is to put the back board up high so the thigh touch the chest with no leg bend.

Dumbbell squats 1 x 14 85lbs (You know the drill. Upright back and not bending  over to deadlift the weight. Sink the butt until it won't go any deeper.

Stiff leg deadlift off a platform 1 x 8 205lbs. Fists touch the top of my feet.

leg extension 1 x 25
Seated leg curl 1 x 20

Free hand no weight body weight squats 1 x 50 ( no dropping like a shot penquin. Controlled negative. If you look like a Youtube of a cross fitter trying to beat the clock to get reps, you are doing them wrong.)

Dumbbell side bend with one dumbbell 1 x 18 90lbs
Hanging straight leg raise 1 x 25
Hips ups off the floor 1 x 25 (do a partial leg raise off the floor then shoot the hips toward the ceiling)

Standing calf 1 x 18
Seated calf 1 x 20
Tibalis work 1 x 20

Neck four ways with a neck helmet.  

After lifting I took a half hour break then got on the treadmill. Walked at 3.8 MPH. First quarter mile on level grade. Second at 1% incline for a quarter mile lap. Third lap it was at 2% grade incline. I did this till I hit 7%.  Then finished a final quarter mile at 0% grade, level surface. I find this was a non taxing way to get some cardio in. Took around 35-40 minutes if memory serves me.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 16, 2019, 03:37:20 PM

Why don't you take the cap lock off? 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on October 17, 2019, 05:28:27 AM
Why don't you take the cap lock off?  


Why don't you take the cap lock off?

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on October 17, 2019, 09:38:38 AM
Why don't you take the cap lock off? 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 17, 2019, 06:10:07 PM
Back day Yates style: No warm ups needed.

Pulldown with M.A.G. bar 1 x 14 (Didn't lean back to make it a half a row. Stayed upright. Slow negative.)
Low pulley lat pull 1 x 15 180lbs
Dumbbell row off a bench 1 x 12 85lbs
Hammer pulldown 1 x 13 (I like this machine. It's half a pulldown and half a row)

Deadlifts 1 x 6 315lbs  (doing so much cardio I was weak doing these. Thought I would fail on the the 4th but got 6.
Weighted hyper extension 1 x 15 25lbs plate behind head ( Used the hyper bench in the gym. Horrible. It's one of those 45 degree hyper benches. The resistance falls off at the top. The old fashion horizontal one is superior and the one I have in my house.

Ab wheel roll out  1 x 26 reps
Ab crunch machine 1 x 22 150lbs.  

Cardio: Immediately after I walked fast on a treadmill using an incline for about 40 minutes.  My Achilles into the insertion into the heel bone swelled up and now I'm limping again. Going to have to see a doctor about it. It's been going on too long. I thought it was getting better and now I'm in pain again. Going to use the bike for cardio. It's getting cold in NJ.  I guess I'm going to have to figure out how to use the exercise bikes in the gym.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 18, 2019, 03:36:01 PM
Trained delts and triceps Yates style:  No cardio today.  Feel weak lifting and I think it's too much cardio. After lifting I went to a chain restaurant for lunch. I won't go back there. Not a fan of Restaurants that are chains.  After we made a spur of the moment decision to hit the movies. Picked the movie JUDY.  No homo.  If Renee Zellweger doesn't get the Academy award for that movie the Academy is a scam.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on October 19, 2019, 05:10:42 AM
Just saw this quote that might be applicable to your case:

"You can't work too hard, but you can work too much."
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 19, 2019, 06:08:27 PM
Just saw this quote that might be applicable to your case:

"You can't work too hard, but you can work too much."

Applicable? I trained one set to failure per exercise the whole week. Aerobics by it's very definition involves endurance. I will admit I fucked up my Achilles by being overly obsessive to a work ethic to succeed. I remember when Yates saying in effect if he didn't red line he wouldn't have been a champ and he probably would have no injuries. He pushed to the limit and in the end fucked up his body. I'd like to think I was in shape not by steroid definitions for over 45 years. Now I'm hobbled now. I see the specialist in a week. Let's see what the doctor has to say. I hope I don't need tendon surgery. Hoping for a cortisone shot and a stop walking and running on it for a couple of months.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on October 20, 2019, 05:35:15 AM
Applicable? I trained one set to failure per exercise the whole week. Aerobics by it's very definition involves endurance. I will admit I fucked up my Achilles by being overly obsessive to a work ethic to succeed. I remember when Yates saying in effect if he didn't red line he wouldn't have been a champ and he probably would have no injuries. He pushed to the limit and in the end fucked up his body. I'd like to think I was in shape not by steroid definitions for over 45 years. Now I'm hobbled now. I see the specialist in a week. Let's see what the doctor has to say. I hope I don't need tendon surgery. Hoping for a cortisone shot and a stop walking and running on it for a couple of months.

That quote was from Arthur Jones by the way.

Some points to consider and I hope you do not get upset about my observations.

Are you comparing yourself to Yates, who was taking massive amounts of drugs to help him recuperate?  

Are you training for a world title like Yates was?  

For what purpose are you beating your body into a state of injury?

Do you think the workout your body takes from cardio does not require recovery time?

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 20, 2019, 09:44:35 AM
That quote was from Arthur Jones by the way.

Some points to consider and I hope you do not get upset about my observations.

Are you comparing yourself to Yates, who was taking massive amounts of drugs to help him recuperate?  

Are you training for a world title like Yates was?  

For what purpose are you beating your body into a state of injury?

Do you think the workout your body takes from cardio does not require recovery time?

Using Yates as an example of a guy that pushes it to the limit. Of course I'm not comparing myself to a steroid champion.  Nothing has ever been achieved in lifting without great effort and a work ethic. Every day I'm is the gym I see the 90% of the guys put little effort into their workouts. They are on cruise control.  The guys busting their ass are the ones that look good genetics aside.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 21, 2019, 02:01:51 PM
Ending this thread. Might continue at a later date. Still training. Lifted for over an hour today lifting hard.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on October 21, 2019, 02:18:15 PM
Sorry you decided to end this thread. I look forward to reading posts here. I've learned much about different training methods and routines
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 21, 2019, 04:00:38 PM
Sorry you decided to end this thread. I look forward to reading posts here. I've learned much about different training methods and routines

Thanks for saying that. Like I said I might continue it at a later date. I feel it was time consuming even though I'm a really fast typist from years of doing it at work.

You're a good guy even if you are a misguided super liberal.  ;) Take no offense. Just playing.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on October 21, 2019, 04:03:48 PM
Thanks for saying that. Like I said I might continue it at a later date. I feel it was time consuming even though I'm a really fast typist from years of doing it at work.

You're a good guy even if you are a misguided super liberal.  ;) Take no offense. Just playing.

And you are a misguided (super) conservative.....but, it's all good!  ;)
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 28, 2019, 05:18:52 PM
I guess few read this thread but maybe Ironat will remember my endless complaining about my calf and tendon pain that was limiting my running. Saw a doctor today and he said it's probably tendinitis. He took an xray just in case. He's looking at the film and he says when did you break your fibula? He showed me the xray and said see the bulge on your bone right here? That's bone repairing the break. It was easy to see how the bone was fucked up. Then he shot up my Achilles with cortisone. That hurt a bit. Sometimes I'm too dedicated for my own good.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on October 28, 2019, 05:27:15 PM
I guess few read this thread but maybe Ironat will remember my endless complaining about my calf and tendon pain that was limiting my running. Saw a doctor today and he said it's probably tendinitis. He took an xray just in case. He's looking at the film and he says when did you break your fibula? He showed me the xray and said see the bulge on your bone right here? That's bone repairing the break. It was easy to see how the bone was fucked up. Then he shot up my Achilles with cortisone. That hurt a bit. Sometimes I'm too dedicated for my own good.

Yup! Glad you figured that out. There is a lot of middle ground between the fellows who never lifted a weight and the ones who exerted themselves to the point of injury and pain. Exercising and eating well should make you feel good, not lousy.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on October 28, 2019, 05:39:25 PM
Any idea when you broke the fibula?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 28, 2019, 07:54:52 PM
Any idea when you broke the fibula?

I think it's a really old break. Maybe high school but who knows.  I remember being in a lot of pain in high school for about six weeks then again I can think of more than a couple times in my life when I was limping around from pain in that leg. Yes, from running. The Achilles tendinitis probably has nothing to do with it. The doc said without an MRI I can't tell if it's a tendon tear but I will treat as if it's tendinitis. Cortisone shot and  anti inflammation drugs. He said Achilles tendon repairs have a low percentage of returning athletes back to where they were before the injury.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 18, 2019, 05:50:51 PM
I'm still doing the same old crap despite thinking about changing routines every week. I did one set to failure. Today was chest and bicep.

Dumbbell flat bench 1 x 8 80lbs (all the way down with a slow cadence)
Incline dumbbell bench 1 x 10 70lbs (all the way down again with a slow cadence)
Flat fly 1 x 14 45lbs
Pulley cross over flies 1 x 17 50lbs

Dumbbell alternate curl 1 x 11 45lbs
machine preacher curl 1 x 12
Pulley curl with a straight bar 1 x 15
Concentration dumbbell curl seated 1 x 12

wrist curls 1 x 27 95lbs
reverse grip pulley curls 1 x 13
Place forearm on a horizontal surface with a dumbbell for wrist extensions 1 x 16

Ab wheel roll out 1 x 27
Ab crunch machine 1 x 23 160lbs

Ran on the treadmill relatively slow for three miles after lifting. Also used a quarter mile for a warm up and a quarter mile for a cool down for a 3.5 mile total. Running really slow. My Achilles feels great but I don't want to get back into running too quickly and re injure it.  One guy was on the treadmill running really fast for an hour. I had to tell him it was impressive. He said he was training for a marathon and this was his easy day. What????

I like to train for both lifting and cardio. A strong motor without a gas tank is a waste. The same the other way around.

Cardio does so many health benefits.

1. Creates more red blood cells for oxygen.
2. Your resting heart rate decreases showing the heart muscle is stronger and more efficient.
3. It decreases subcutaneous fat levels
4. Decreases visceral fat levels especially around the liver that can lead to metabolic diseases
5. Increases HDL
6. Lowers blood sugar levels
7. Lower blood fat levels in the form of triglycerides.
8. It can lower cholesterol
9. It can lowers high blood pressure
10. It improves mood which many runners can attest.
11. It gives you a bigger gas tank and that's the reason so many boxers, wrestlers and MMA guys put their time on the road.
12. Load bearing cardio like running builds stronger bones.
13. It increase capillaries around the heart that can be the difference between life an death during a heart attack.
14. I could type more but I'm fast approaching the reason I stopped my training log. Just not enough time in a day to keep this log up that no one reads anyway.  ;D

A lot of incredible press and first page google look ups have centered on an article first published in the NY Times. It has been circulating incredible with people who don't do cardio. The premise of the article was that cardio has no impact on weight loss. It was and is a junk science article. You don't even need scientific proof but just use empirical proof to know that the conclusions found isn't true. The scientific proof is there too. Take a person that doesn't do cardio and have them run three miles a day 6 days a week  for a couple of weeks and the fat loss will be dramatic.    To lose fat you need less calories in. You have to use more calories physically. You have to hype your metabolism through exertion. The body adapts to the stress presented. Exercise isn't a cure all for health nor a panacea. It has kept more people alive by far than it has killed.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on November 18, 2019, 07:16:30 PM
It is good to see that you are still gracing us with posts about your routines. You definitely put a lot of thought and energy into your posts. There's something to learn from every one of them.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on November 19, 2019, 05:16:32 AM
Calories out exceeds calories in = weight loss

Exercise adds to calories out as long as you don't eat those calories back because the exercise increased your appetite.

OT, you gained weight even though you were running your azz off.  Why?

Eating/drinking too much.

Cardio is good for building endurance and increasing calories out.  No argument.

You can't outrun a box of Oreos.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 19, 2019, 07:12:34 PM
Leg day:

Dumbbell squats 1 x 14 85lbs (Upright back and ass sunk to the bottom. Brutal exercise)
Hack machine 1 x 15
Stiff leg deadlifts 1 x 8 205lbs
Leg kick back machine 1 x 12 (One of the hardest machines I have ever used. It's like doing a one leg squat)
Leg extension 1 x 15 150lbs
Lying leg curls 1 x 17 100lbs

Standing calf 1 x 18 ( Used a light weight and precise form due to my fear of re-injuring my Achilles.)
Seated calf 1 x 20 (Again used a light weight but did it with a slow cadence to avoid injury)

Four way Nautilus neck machine. (Best neck machine I ever used)

Hanging straight leg raise 1 x 26
Bench knee ins 1 x 27

After lifting I went on the treadmill and warmed up by walking fast for a quarter mile then ran mile. I kept the speed down again I don't want to reinjure my achilles. Used a slow quarter mile slow down fast walk.

Hit the heavy bag for two rounds after the run.

Felt I had a great day working out. Tomorrow is a non lifting day. I have a plan to do 3.5 miles run tomorrow.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 20, 2019, 03:44:09 PM
Ran three miles with an additional quarter mile warm up and cool down.  Ran at a moderate pace. I didn't kill it.  So it was 3.5 miles total. I did my usual boxing drills after the cardio. Recovering Achilles felt good but I can't push the pace at this point. Egotistically I say I get a lot of comments about how hard I hit the bag. Sometimes I feel I want to get back in the ring but I know as someone in my 60's it's delusion.  I wouldn't be fast enough to block punches nor the timing to compete with someone in their 20's.  They say the last thing to leave a fighter is his power punch.  Too bad everything else leaves.  ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on November 20, 2019, 03:46:57 PM
Ran three miles with an additional quarter mile warm up and cool down.  Ran at a moderate pace. I didn't kill it.  So it was 3.5 miles total. I did my usual boxing drills after the cardio. Recovering Achilles felt good but I can't push the pace at this point. Egotistically I say I get a lot of comments about how hard I hit the bag. Sometimes I feel I want to get back in the ring but I know as someone in my 60's it's delusion.  I wouldn't be fast enough to block punches nor the timing to compete with someone in their 20's.  They say the last thing to leave a fighter is his power punch.  Too bad everything else leaves.  ;D

What is great about your routines is how comprehensive and varied they are. Do you still jump rope?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 20, 2019, 05:57:08 PM
What is great about your routines is how comprehensive and varied they are. Do you still jump rope?

Haven't jumped rope in quite awhile. When my rope broke I just kind of forgot about it. I feel running has me covered for cardio. Now you got me thinking. I really don't need one more thing to do in my routine?

 I'm always looking for a new challenge. I've considered TRX but never took the leap.  Maybe if I took a class it would change my mind.  I really don't know too much about the exercises one can do with it. Is is more gimmick that useful? I don't know. Sometimes the best tech is the lowest tech.

  I'm convinced I could have a great body with a comprehensive body weight routine. I have just been lifting weights for so long I would feel I was missing something by not using weights. I have seen amazing physiques from serious body weight exercisers. Maybe not in the drug bodybuilding world but in the real athletic world.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on November 20, 2019, 08:53:25 PM
Haven't jumped rope in quite awhile. When my rope broke I just kind of forgot about it. I feel running has me covered for cardio. Now you got me thinking. I really don't need one more thing to do in my routine?

 I'm always looking for a new challenge. I've considered TRX but never took the leap.  Maybe if I took a class it would change my mind.  I really don't know too much about the exercises one can do with it. Is is more gimmick that useful? I don't know. Sometimes the best tech is the lowest tech.

  I'm convinced I could have a great body with a comprehensive body weight routine. I have just been lifting weights for so long I would feel I was missing something by not using weights. I have seen amazing physiques from serious body weight exercisers. Maybe not in the drug bodybuilding world but in the real athletic world.

I've experienced results from both body weight and resistance added routines. My guess is consistency is key no matter what array of exercises one does. Just do something and do it regularly.

Jumping rope and using a hula hoop are two good exercises I've lost the knack for doing at all well.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 21, 2019, 09:32:28 AM
Back day:

Pull downs with a M.A.G bar 1 x 14 140lbs (I kept my back upright and came all the way down. I know the current popular way to do it is to come a quarter of the way down then lean back and make the final part of the rep a type of row. I just feel it more in the lats the way I do it with a moderate cadence. The other way I could use a lot more weight but I see it as almost a row)

Lat pulley rows 1 x 14 180lbs (All the way out and all the way back with no lean back at the end. Moderate cadence)

Dumbbell row off a bench 1 x 11 95lbs (All the way down and all the way up. I stress the performance of an exercise because it's a nightmare seeing the stuff I see in the gym. Zero thought to the kinesiology of the muscle being worked.)

Hammer strength pulldowns 1 x 13 (mixed feeling about this one but my lats do get sore. It truly is a pulldown and and a row combined.)

deadlifts 1 x 6 315 lbs.

Weighted hyper extension 1 x 25lbs (plate behind my head. I prefer this to the common holding the plate at the chest. The leverage is more against your back holding the plate there. A light barbell on the traps works good too. )

Ab wheel roll out 1 x 30
Ab machine crunch 1 x 27 160lbs

After lifting I ran a short mile at a relaxed pace 8:57 minute pace or 6.7 MPH. Warmed up with a quarter mile fast walk and a quarter mile cool down fast walk for a total of 1.5 miles.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 22, 2019, 10:08:24 AM
Delt and triceps:

Dumbbell press standing. 1 x 12 50lbs (I do it standing because seated too many guys don't sit upright and it becomes an incline press.  I go all the way down till I can go no further. No upper arms parallel  to the floor stuff.)

Dumbbell delt laterals 1 x 15 30lbs
Machine delt laterals 1 x 11 80lbs (The machine is good because it starts the resistance when the arms a pinned to my sides)
Rear delt laterals standing 1 x 14 45lbs
Barbell shrugs 1 x 18 250lbs (concentrated on squeezing up my delts up.)

Traditional tricep pushdowns 1 x 18
Machine tricep 1 x 12
Reverse grip D handle tri pulley 1 x 13 40lbs
dips 1 x 10 no weight added

Ab coaster 1 x 42 60lbs
Ab crunch machine  1 x 22  160lbs

Ran a relaxed mile after. I just won't push myself now with running. I can feel my gas tank getting bigger.  Hopefully soon I can have a run to failure.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on November 22, 2019, 12:32:03 PM
Take caution with those dips. It's good you do them with no added weight. A few people I know, including my sister have torn their delts doing dips. I do dips as well as pull ups most often on a weight assisted machine.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 22, 2019, 12:39:39 PM
Take caution with those dips. It's good you do them with no added weight. A few people I know, including my sister have torn their delts doing dips. I do dips as well as pull ups most often on a weight assisted machine.

The average girl doesn't have the strength to do dips. She must have been strong. I did the dips with no added weight because I did three triceps exercises prior to the dips. When I do dips first I generally use a 25lbs plate. I always try to go deep. Never had a shoulder issue with them but the flat bench with a bar is a different story.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on November 22, 2019, 01:51:07 PM
The average girl doesn't have the strength to do dips. She must have been strong. I did the dips with no added weight because I did three triceps exercises prior to the dips. When I do dips first I generally use a 25lbs plate. I always try to go deep. Never had a shoulder issue with them but the flat bench with a bar is a different story.

Her then husband talked her into it, or so she told me. He was and is very strong. My sister? Not so much.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on November 22, 2019, 07:43:45 PM
Delt and triceps:

Dumbbell press standing. 1 x 12 50lbs (I do it standing because seated too many guys don't sit upright and it becomes an incline press.  I go all the way down till I can go no further. No upper arms parallel  to the floor stuff.)

Dumbbell delt laterals 1 x 15 30lbs
Machine delt laterals 1 x 11 80lbs (The machine is good because it starts the resistance when the arms a pinned to my sides)
Rear delt laterals standing 1 x 14 45lbs
Barbell shrugs 1 x 18 250lbs (concentrated on squeezing up my delts up.)

Traditional tricep pushdowns 1 x 18
Machine tricep 1 x 12
Reverse grip D handle tri pulley 1 x 13 40lbs
dips 1 x 10 no weight added

Ab coaster 1 x 42 60lbs
Ab crunch machine  1 x 22  160lbs

Ran a relaxed mile after. I just won't push myself now with running. I can feel my gas tank getting bigger.  Hopefully soon I can have a run to failure.

As with IroNat's thread, very inspirational brother!
Thank you!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 23, 2019, 02:01:22 PM
Saturday I went to my part time retirement job and now I'm drinking Guinness watching college football. No exercise today. Even walking slow to the fridge to get my beer. Mentally I'm feeling so much better now that I'm back to including running in my training. I was feeling down with just lifting. Just me. Running has definitely put me in better spirits.

I did a paper in college about a guy that who was depressed and then was diagnosed with diabetes and heart disease. He was obese with a big gut and skinny legs. He was now suicidal. He never worked out in his adult life. He decided he would induce a heart attack by running to kill himself.  He went out for a run and he went as hard as he could to exhaustion. He felt like he was going to die but he didn't.  As the exhaustion wore off he felt better  emotionally. The next day he felt he was having a good day reference his depression. That night he went out for another run but this time he wasn't trying to kill himself. To shorten the story he kept his running up. He lost body fat and his blood sugar levels went down. He now no longer had diabetes. He also wan't depressed.  

Should someone diagnosed with heart disease start running? Absolutely not without a doctor's approval.  One thing is certain in the majority of those that had a heart attack the rehab involves cardio exercise. The heart is a muscle after all. It needs exercise more than your bicep does. Exercise has never been a panacea but for all that have dropped dead exercising it has prevented countless people from dying from the number one killer of man.  Put the odds in your favor. I find those that have no use for cardio are often those that get exhausted from trying to run around a  block or a pick up touch football game. It's easier to put it down that put forth the effort and train. If bodybuilders on stage had to show off their heart muscle they would train it as hard as they train their bicep. The best way to illustrate my point is to get in a boxing ring with an opponent or wrestle on the mats. Many a guy who thought they were in shape are shocked after 90 seconds to two minutes they cannot go on.  No gas tank.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 25, 2019, 03:14:45 PM
Back and chest: Everything done with a true full range of motion and a moderate cadence.

Pulldown with a M.A.G. bar 2 x 10
Pulley lat pulley rows seated with a V handle 2 x 12 170lbs.
Dumbbell row with a knee on a bench 2 x 10 85lbs
Hammer strength pulldowns 2 x 10

Dumbbell flat bench 2 x 8 80lbs. (went all the way down.)
Incline dumbbell bench 2 x 8 70lbs (went all the way down with a slow negative)
Flat flies 2 x 10 50lbs (slow cadence)
Pulley flies 2 x 10 50lbs (every time I do this my shoulders are hurting. I keep changing the angle.)
Push ups 1 x max

Deadlifts 2 x 4 315lbs (slow negatives)
Weighted back hyper extensions 2 x 15 25lbs plate behind my head

Ab wheel roll out 2 x 22
Ab machine crunch 2 x 21 160lbs

Ran a slow mile after. Ran a 9:31 mile or 6.3 MPH. I really felt it doing it immediately after lifting. I will start pushing the speed but all concern goes to my Achilles. As my custom I walk fast for quarter mile prior to the run and walk fast for a quarter mile after the run so  1.5 miles of cardio.

Tomorrow I pick up my son from the airport. He's in the Army Airborne. I haven't seen him in a year. Can't wait. He's stationed in Alaska and has one tour of Afghanistan.  He loves Alaska. His new found hobbies are mountain climbing, snow boarding amazing secluded mountains in Alaska; salmon fishing and target shooting competitions. He doesn't hunt but has seen amazing amount of wild life like bears, moose, wolves and other things like eagles. It truly is the last frontier from the pictures. He sent a picture of him taken by his fellow soldiers that looks like 50 miles of untouched and unexplored land behind him.  It's so behind the times that they still have a Block Buster in the town. Drive a few miles out of the town and you are in the middle of no where. Hope to go for a run with him tomorrow. I know I can't keep up but I'm sure he will have mercy on his old man.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 26, 2019, 10:46:46 AM
Cardio day:  Did a three mile run.  Ran at 6.0 MPH or 10 minute mile pace for most of the run. Got down to 7.1 MPH and 8:27 minute mile pace. Nothing crazy but I got a good sweat going. Hit the bag after.

On the treadmill the guy next to me was built like a power lifter.  He was short and stocky with big arms. I was shocked how well he ran. He ran around the same speed as me and I'm guessing for about 3 miles like I did. He's a professional fire fighter.  He has a great combo of strength and cardio. Looking at his stocky build you could easily see him doing well in power lifting.  What's shocking is seeing this fire hydrant run. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on November 26, 2019, 10:59:01 AM
Cardio day:  Did a three mile run.  Ran at 6.0 MPH or 10 minute mile pace for most of the run. Got down to 7.1 MPH and 8:27 minute mile pace. Nothing crazy but I got a good sweat going. Hit the bag after.

On the treadmill the guy next to me was built like a power lifter.  He was short and stocky with big arms. I was shocked how well he ran. He ran around the same speed as me and I'm guessing for about 3 miles like I did. He's a professional fire fighter.  He has a great combo of strength and cardio. Looking at his stocky build you could easily see him doing well in power lifting.  What's shocking is seeing this fire hydrant run. 

People with shorter legs have to run faster to keep up with long legged folks. My inseam is 31" which is kind of short for a guy my original height. But now that I've shrunk they are about right.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 27, 2019, 12:13:18 PM
People with shorter legs have to run faster to keep up with long legged folks. My inseam is 31" which is kind of short for a guy my original height. But now that I've shrunk they are about right.

As long as your legs are long enough to reach the ground you're alright.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 27, 2019, 12:44:32 PM
Leg day:

Dumbbell squats 2 x 12 85lbs (upright back holding the dumbbells at my sides. Sink the butt to the ground. I keep repeating this because it's true. It's a brutal exercise if you're not deadlifting the weight but squatting with it. )
Hack squats 2 x 12 ( I sink them all the way down)
Stiff leg dead 2 x 6 205lbs
Leg kick back machine 2 x 12 70lbs (Feels like a one legged squat if you use a full range of motion. Hard as hell. I might be the only guy using this machine.)
Leg extension 2 x 12 150lbs
Leg curl 2 x 12 100lbs

Standing calf 2 x 12 (went light with calf work. Rehabbing an injury)
Seated calf 2 x 15

Nautilus 4 way neck 2 sets each side

Hanging leg raise 2 x 22
Knee ins on a bench 2 x 25

Gym observation: Young kid about 21 or so that really shows potential to be an Olympic lifter. He powerlifts, bodybuilds and messes around with Olympic lifting. He's flexible, powerful and fast. I keep telling him with a little work he could be the State champ in Olympic lifting. He cleans 225lbs like it's a feather. If he fully squat cleaned I'm sure he could get 300lbs in a couple of weeks. I told him awhile back that he had potential and today I saw him working on form for snatches. Hope he finds a good coach. I bet with three months of just Olympic lifting training he would be a beast. He's around 5'10" and 190 of pure lean muscle.  

Owner of the gym is a great guy. Lean tall and thin guy but he has power lifting trophies. I think he deadlifted around 650lbs if my memory serves me.

I see the same little old man all the time. He does multiple sets but only uses machines he can sit in.  Never breathes hard and loves to observe everyone working out from the seat of what ever exercise machine he's sitting in. Looks like the cartoon old man in that flying house movie.  

Felt like hell heading to the gym today.  Just wasn't into it. As soon as I was into it I got into that zen zone and pushed on.  Sitting here drinking a Fairlife protein shake. 30 grams of protein. Truly no lactose because it's manufactured by a no lactose milk company. I have a problem with lactose like almost 20% of the adult population. I get zero point zero stomach upset with this stuff. Tastes amazing and I have been buying protein stuff for 40 years. You can get it at BJ's. Best part is that it's reasonably priced unlike all the fart powders on the market that come from the same source but sold under different labels.

Ever buy a shirt then think, what was I thinking? Well, I wore that shirt to the gym. It's the brightest red shirt I have ever seen on a human. Picked it up in a store for something like $8 bucks. I won't wear it in public. Looks like I have flashing strobe light on me it's so loud. Long story short I was in South Beach Miami and went into a very expensive boutique clothes store. What do I see?  My shirt on a hanger selling for $85 bucks. Same exact shirt. Next addition of the Oldtimer training log I will tell you about the socks I bought.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on November 27, 2019, 03:30:36 PM
Hawaiian shirts look great in Hawaii.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on November 27, 2019, 06:36:41 PM
Leg day:

Dumbbell squats 2 x 12 85lbs (upright back holding the dumbbells at my sides. Sink the butt to the ground. I keep repeating this because it's true. It's a brutal exercise if you're not deadlifting the weight but squatting with it. )
Hack squats 2 x 12 ( I sink them all the way down)
Stiff leg dead 2 x 6 205lbs
Leg kick back machine 2 x 12 70lbs (Feels like a one legged squat if you use a full range of motion. Hard as hell. I might be the only guy using this machine.)
Leg extension 2 x 12 150lbs
Leg curl 2 x 12 100lbs

Standing calf 2 x 12 (went light with calf work. Rehabbing an injury)
Seated calf 2 x 15

Nautilus 4 way neck 2 sets each side

Hanging leg raise 2 x 22
Knee ins on a bench 2 x 25

Gym observation: Young kid about 21 or so that really shows potential to be an Olympic lifter. He powerlifts, bodybuilds and messes around with Olympic lifting. He's flexible, powerful and fast. I keep telling him with a little work he could be the State champ in Olympic lifting. He cleans 225lbs like it's a feather. If he fully squat cleaned I'm sure he could get 300lbs in a couple of weeks. I told him awhile back that he had potential and today I saw him working on form for snatches. Hope he finds a good coach. I bet with three months of just Olympic lifting training he would be a beast. He's around 5'10" and 190 of pure lean muscle.  

Owner of the gym is a great guy. Lean tall and thin guy but he has power lifting trophies. I think he deadlifted around 650lbs if my memory serves me.

I see the same little old man all the time. He does multiple sets but only uses machines he can sit in.  Never breathes hard and loves to observe everyone working out from the seat of what ever exercise machine he's sitting in. Looks like the cartoon old man in that flying house movie.  

Felt like hell heading to the gym today.  Just wasn't into it. As soon as I was into it I got into that zen zone and pushed on.  Sitting here drinking a Fairlife protein shake. 30 grams of protein. Truly no lactose because it's manufactured by a no lactose milk company. I have a problem with lactose like almost 20% of the adult population. I get zero point zero stomach upset with this stuff. Tastes amazing and I have been buying protein stuff for 40 years. You can get it at BJ's. Best part is that it's reasonably priced unlike all the fart powders on the market that come from the same source but sold under different labels.

Ever buy a shirt then think, what was I thinking? Well, I wore that shirt to the gym. It's the brightest red shirt I have ever seen on a human. Picked it up in a store for something like $8 bucks. I won't wear it in public. Looks like I have flashing strobe light on me it's so loud. Long story short I was in South Beach Miami and went into a very expensive boutique clothes store. What do I see?  My shirt on a hanger selling for $85 bucks. Same exact shirt. Next addition of the Oldtimer training log I will tell you about the socks I bought.  

I once read in a men's magazine that all gym clothes should be black...that way you don't have to waste time trying to figure out what to wear to the gym.

Happy Thanksgiving. Take tomorrow off from training. You can make up for it on Friday.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 27, 2019, 06:50:04 PM
I once read in a men's magazine that all gym clothes should be black...that way you don't have to waste time trying to figure out what to wear to the gym.

Happy Thanksgiving. Take tomorrow off from training. You can make up for it on Friday.

Same to you. I never take the time to figure out what to wear to the gym. It's usually running shorts and a tank top. My son agreed to go for a run with me tomorrow but he is out with his friends hitting bars. Bet he will be in no shape to run tomorrow. Then again the young can pull off some amazing feats. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on November 27, 2019, 06:53:06 PM
Same to you. I never take the time to figure out what to wear to the gym. It's usually running shorts and a tank top. My son agreed to go for a run with me tomorrow but he is out with his friends hitting bars. Bet he will be in no shape to run tomorrow. Then again the young can pull off some amazing feats. 

You're his dad. Pull rank. No matter what shape he's in, insist he run with you. Serves him right for having a good time tonight. Are you running before or after dinner?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 29, 2019, 08:44:20 PM
Trained delt and arms:  My two sons never lifted weights despite having a really good gym in basement at their disposal. Today my son on leave from the Army said he was going in the basement to lift. He's into lifting since joining the military.  It was back day for him. He weighs around a light 160lbs from all the military running and pt. He quickly loaded up 315lbs for deadlifts  and did multiple sets for 4-6 reps. From there he went to pull ups, pull downs, low pulley rows and finished with some shrugs.  It was the first time I ever lifted in my basement with anyone else. After that he went off with my other son for simulated rock climbing. He's into real mountain climbing in Alaska where he is based.

Military clean and press 2 x 6 115lbs (took the bar all the way down to my clavicles. No half reps)
Dumbbell delt laterals 2 x 10 30lbs
Single arm delt pulley laterals 1 x 10
Rear delt  dumbbell laterals seated 2 x 10 35lbs
Barbell shrugs 2 x 11 250lbs ( Tried to do them precise and strict.)

Seated single dumbbell two hands tricep. 2 x 10 70lbs ( tried to go as low as my arthritic elbow would let me behind my head)
Single dumbbell tricep standing behind the head with one arm 2 x 12
Dips 2 x 10

EZ barbell curls 2 x 10 90lbs
Alternate dumbbell curls 2 x 8 42lbs (Yes I can make that odd weight at home)
Dips 2 x 10 (dug deep to go low.)

Forearm wrist curls 2 x 20 95lbs
Wrist extensions with a DART contraption 2 x 15

Feet up on bench ab crunch 1 x 50 5lbs plate behind head
Pulley crunch 2 x 40

No running afterward. Realized I was frying my nerves lifting hard and running after on the same day.  Maybe due to my age I realize that while it can be done it's just to much.  Going to run about three days a week and call it a day. Trying to do lifting and running hard especially on the same day is almost suicidal hard and also fries my nerves. Thinking when I lift on a day it will only be lifting. When I run it will only be a running only day. Both on the same day is devastating for someone my age.

 I remember back in the day at Fort Dix they had us doing about 8 hours of class room academics. Marching drills, shooting, swimming, boxing, ground fighting, running 3 miles in the morning and 5 miles after 45 minutes of body weight exercise in the afternoon were thrown into the day. All done on 4 to 5 hours of sleep.  Some times less. It was six months of this. I remember a drill Sergeant telling us if anyone wanted to kill our self he would tell us how. He marched us to the train tracks and told us the times the trains came through. To be young again. Good times. Another memory came to mind. There was a bad snow storm in the middle of the night. We were woken up and told stand at attention in the storm. I watched the snow grow on the shoulders and cover of the guy in front of me. This went on for about an hour. Then with no explanation we we told to fall back into the barracks. The next day drill instructor came in and I caught a glimpse of a dust bunny in his hand. While standing at attention with our eyes locked front  I took another glance at his hand and he threw it on the floor. Our floor and equipment was so clean you could eat off of it. All shoes and boots were gleaming spit shined. Our clothes were pressed and folded exactly alike.  While in the class room for academics we found our beds, books, clothes and shoes were thrown out the window. The failure rate was about 50% of those quitting or medically out for injuries.  No wonder I'm a little nuts.  Okay, a lot nuts.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 02, 2019, 03:02:42 PM
Did Back and Chest. I wanted to mix stuff up so I tried to do somethings different. Tried exercises out of my typical rotation. My reward is a sore shoulder.  ;D

Power cleans 3 x 3 then 1 x 1 (My poor form combined with a piss poor rack led to a jammed shoulder. A man has to realize his limitations with age. I can do snatches without joint issues. Maybe in my 60's that will be my quick lift. I just love power cleans but if I try to jerk it from the push press position it makes my shoulder scream.)

Pull ups 1 x max
Pull up machine 2 x max (I will never do this machine again. I feel the assist is for the weak.  ;D
Seated lat pulley pulls 2 x 12 ( I normally use a V type handle. This time I used a long bar. Definitely hit different parts of the back)
T Bar row 2 x 10 (Used the old fashion Franco T bar row. Again another exercise I haven't used in awhile.)
Hammer pull down 2 x 10 (Here's a repeated exercise)

Flat dumbbell bench 2 x 8 ( My shoulder was fried from the power cleans.)
Incline dumbbell bench 2 x 8 (Used a light weight and slow cadence. My shoulder thanked me for taking it easy)
Dumbbell flat flies 2 x 10
Cable pec flies 2 x 10
Push ups 1 x max ( This has always been a fantastic exercise. Never bothers any joint. )

Ab wheel roll outs 2 x 22
Ab machine crunch 2 x 20

After working out  for over 4 decades pretty consistently I've come to some conclusions that this work out bought out to light again. As you age if something hurts don't do it. Even if it was a really a productive exercise in the past. Don't discount your empirical knowledge of what exercise works for you body as you age.  I can't do a power clean and jerk as part of a general bodybuilding program without damaging my body.  A few years ago an orthopedic surgeon told me I have a slap tear of the shoulder labrum.  If I avoid push presses, too many pull ups; max barbell benching, and a few other things my shoulder quiets down. As I age in general I try to give as much consideration to joint health as I do muscles. This work out reminded me I'm not a kid but I pretend to be.  I really want to include a quick lift. Maybe a conventional snatch or even a dumbbell snatch.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 03, 2019, 10:56:04 AM
Cardio day: Did 9 x quarter mile repeats. Taking it easy. Warmed up with a 3.8MPH walk. I went a little faster with each quarter mile to gradually acclimate myself to the intervals. Started off at 6.7 MPH or 8:57 minute mile pace. Ended with 9.2 MPH or 6:31 minute mile pace. Cooled down  with a 3.8 MPH quarter mile walk. Hit the bag after for two rounds.

Smart phones are getting a little disturbing. I train at varying times and locations. I got off the treadmill and drank water checking my phone. Walking to the heavy bag in the back of the gym my phone lit up. The phone said, "Start the three minute countdown timer?"  How does the phone know I'm in front of the heavy bag?  How can they GPS me indoors? Not the first time it happened.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 04, 2019, 06:14:51 PM
Trained legs at home. I like training at home for a change. I have satellite radio there. It's great to play music that I like for lifting. It's always high energy stuff. Some things in my gym are better than the commercial gym. Below is a  break down of what's better, the commercial gym or my home gym.

leg press- my gym. My leg press has the perfect angle and it's smooth. The commercial gym has a leg press that a bomb couldn't break but it's  really badly designed. My knees hurt for after using that one and mine is zero problems.

Hack machine-commercial gym. Nothing wrong with mine but it has permanently build in safety stops. I can go deeper with the commercial gym's one. Hate hitting that safety stop with my home unit.

Squat racks- mine. The commercial gym has the typical power cage squat rack. My squat rack has safety bars set at the perfect depth for me. I can never get the power cage safety bars set at the right depth. Either to low or too high.

Leg extension-commercial gym. Mine has little resistance at the start.

Seated leg curl- Mine. The commercial gym doesn't have one. Only standing and lying.

Standing calf- toss up. Maybe a slight edge to my tuff stuff calf machine

Seated calf- mine. Their machine has the foot block angled as an odd angle. The whole thing is just made wrong.

Neck machine-commercial gym. They have a 4 way Nautilus neck machine. At home I use a weight helmet. Gets the job done but the Nautilus machine is aces.

Ab work- It's a tie. I have the same hanging ab straps. While I don't have a crunch machine I do crunches on the floor with a plate behind my head. I also find if I sit in my lat machine seat backward I can grab a V handle and do weight crunches. It feels fantastic. I rarely use it but I have an adjustable slant board for sit ups. I quickly get sick of this exercise but I have to admit when ever I use it my abs get sore contrary to the common theory that situps don't hit the abs.  

One good thing about my home gym is that I can dress anyway I want. I try to dress decent for the commercial gym. At home I wear ratty training shorts that I should have thrown out years ago. Typically just wear a white undershirt. My hair is uncombed. At the gym I don't want to look like a slob so it's new gear to train there. Anyone reading this ridiculous paragraph about what I wear. LOL.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 05, 2019, 07:22:18 PM
Cardio day: Did the same 8 x quarter miles. I think over the Thanksgiving day week I definitely gained weight. I've been eating cake and pie every single day with no end in sight. Still three pies in the fridge
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 06, 2019, 11:48:48 AM
Delt and arms day:  

Clean and press 2 x 6 135lbs (took the bar all the way down. No half reps)
Dumbbell press standing 1 x 10 45lbs (All the way down and slow)
Delt dumbbell laterals 2 x 10 30lbs
Delt pulley laterals 2 x 10 40lbs
Rear delt dumbbell laterals 2 x 10 45lbs
Barbell shrugs 2 x 12 250lbs (Tried to do it in full range instead of jerking it up)

Skull crushers 2 x 8 ( tweaked elbow, rats)
Traditional pushdowns 2 x 12
Tricep machine 2 x 10 100lbs
Reverse D ring single arm tricep 2 x 12

Alternate dumbbell curls 2 x 8 45lbs
Concentration curl 2 x 12
Machine curls 2 x 10

Wrist curls 2 x 25 95lbs
Reverse pulley curls 2 x 10
Dumbbell wrist extensions  2 x 15

Ab coaster 1 x 40 60lbs
Ab crunch machine 2 x 20

The owner of the gym is into the martial arts and owns a dojo next to the weight gym. His style is Kempo Karate.  He said they practice disarming a guy with a knife. I just had to voice my opinion that a half alive guy with a knife is very hard to disarm.  He thinks he can do it and said his black belts practice with a real knife.  I think it comes down to the old Aikido method of having a passive opponent. I like boxing, wrestling, BJJ, Muay Thai and mixed martial arts because they practice with a real opponent fighting back.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on December 06, 2019, 01:44:32 PM
Delt and arms day:  

Clean and press 2 x 6 135lbs (took the bar all the way down. No half reps)
Dumbbell press standing 1 x 10 45lbs (All the way down and slow)
Delt dumbbell laterals 2 x 10 30lbs
Delt pulley laterals 2 x 10 40lbs
Rear delt dumbbell laterals 2 x 10 45lbs
Barbell shrugs 2 x 12 250lbs (Tried to do it in full range instead of jerking it up)

Skull crushers 2 x 8 ( tweaked elbow, rats)
Traditional pushdowns 2 x 12
Tricep machine 2 x 10 100lbs
Reverse D ring single arm tricep 2 x 12

Alternate dumbbell curls 2 x 8 45lbs
Concentration curl 2 x 12
Machine curls 2 x 10

Wrist curls 2 x 25 95lbs
Reverse pulley curls 2 x 10
Dumbbell wrist extensions  2 x 15

Ab coaster 1 x 40 60lbs
Ab crunch machine 2 x 20

The owner of the gym is into the martial arts and owns a dojo next to the weight gym. His style is Kempo Karate.  He said they practice disarming a guy with a knife. I just had to voice my opinion that a half alive guy with a knife is very hard to disarm.  He thinks he can do it and said his black belts practice with a real knife.  I think it comes down to the old Aikido method of having a passive opponent. I like boxing, wrestling, BJJ, Muay Thai and mixed martial arts because they practice with a real opponent fighting back.

-Can't lift more than 20 lbs. for the rest of the month according to the doctor who preformed my surgery last Monday. Heck, my head weighs more than 20 lbs.  ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 06, 2019, 02:45:07 PM
-Can't lift more than 20 lbs. for the rest of the month according to the doctor who preformed my surgery last Monday. Heck, my head weighs more than 20 lbs.  ;D

What did you have done if you feel free to share?  Hope you heal quickly.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on December 06, 2019, 03:00:40 PM
What did you have done if you feel free to share?  Hope you heal quickly.

-Had a polyp cut out. It couldn't be done during a recent colonoscopy because of it's location near a bundle of nerves and because it required stitching the cut shut. The good news is no more colonoscopies. Yahoo! The next one would have been in 5 years. Doctors don't like to do them on people who are 80 years old unless there is reason to suspect something is wrong.

The actual surgery only took a 30 minutes. Butt, I was at the day surgery center for more then 5 hours. I've had no pain at all. This is not unusual for me. I must have a very high pain threshold or I can mentally block it out. There will be no opiates ever, if I have any say about it.

It is very likely benign according to the doctor. -Won't know for sure until it is analyzed by the lab.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on December 06, 2019, 03:19:42 PM

The owner of the gym is into the martial arts and owns a dojo next to the weight gym. His style is Kempo Karate.  He said they practice disarming a guy with a knife. I just had to voice my opinion that a half alive guy with a knife is very hard to disarm.  He thinks he can do it and said his black belts practice with a real knife.  I think it comes down to the old Aikido method of having a passive opponent. I like boxing, wrestling, BJJ, Muay Thai and mixed martial arts because they practice with a real opponent fighting back.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 06, 2019, 04:09:19 PM
-Had a polyp cut out. It couldn't be done during a recent colonoscopy because of it's location near a bundle of nerves and because it required stitching the cut shut. The good news is no more colonoscopies. Yahoo! The next one would have been in 5 years. Doctors don't like to do them on people who are 80 years old unless there is reason to suspect something is wrong.

The actual surgery only took a 30 minutes. Butt, I was at the day surgery center for more then 5 hours. I've had no pain at all. This is not unusual for me. I must have a very high pain threshold or I can mentally block it out. There will be no opiates ever, if I have any say about it.

It is very likely benign according to the doctor. -Won't know for sure until it is analyzed by the lab.

Glad it appears to be a success.  Hope the lab gives good news.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 07, 2019, 07:43:18 PM
Did cardio this Saturday. Slowly but surely increasing the speed on my 8 x quarter miles. I hope to keep a slow progression but it's hard at my age. I remember when I was about 17 I thought a six minute mile was dog slow and now it seems like lightening. I guess we all age and get old. No one dies in shape unless they get hit by a bus. I would state my goals for 8 x quarter miles but if I miss it I will eat crow.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 09, 2019, 12:12:51 PM
Back and Chest: The usual stuff. Did it after a hard night in Atlantic city in the casinos the day before.   I was in a penthouse bar called the Vue in the Claridge and I realize the woman talking to my wife is an old transvestite or what ever term applies today. I can't keep up. She says to her, " I know gorgeous men and your husband is a gorgeous man."  All night I had to hear my wife called me a gorgeous man.   ;D  Finished the night of beer drinking with an Old Fashion.  Since the bar tender knows me he over did it with the bourbon. Had nightmares that the casino hotel was on fire and every stair case was filled with smoke. Strange but fun night.

Tomorrow is interval day. 8 x quarter miles. Wish I could say  they were sprints but I'm so slow at my age that they are pathetic but I'm working on it.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 10, 2019, 09:27:39 AM
Interval cardio day: 8 x quarter miles. Fastest in 8.7MPH or 6:54 minute mile.  Hit the heavy bag after. Completely soaked in sweat. Think I'm still sweating out whiskey from Sunday. I'm never satisfied but I'm doing okay for my age. Especially for a guy that is 100% drug free.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 11, 2019, 05:17:44 PM
Trained legs today:

Dumbbell squats 2 x 12 two85lbs dumbbells held at sides with straps.  (Upright back and sank the ass all the way down. I'm the only one in the gym doing this movement. I think some big barbell squat guys would be humbled how little weight they would need for this movement if done correctly. It reminds me how few huge squatters are capable of a one leg body weight only squat. I know other factors come into play like balance and flexibility but you would think a 600lbs squat guy could do one full one leg squat but they can't. )
Hack squats 2 x 12
Stiff dead 2 x 6 205lbs (touched knuckles on the top of my feet.)
Kick back machine 2 x 12 (So impressed with this machine. It's a one leg squat with a get full range with hard glute involvement)
leg extensions 2 x 12 150lbs
leg curl 2 x 12

Standing calf raises 2 x 15
Seated calf 2 x 15

4 way Nautilus neck machine 2 x 15 each side

Hanging leg raise 2 x 22
Knee ins 2 x 25

Feel I'm really getting this old body in good shape. Again, I'm not a bodybuilder. I don't participate in a sport that is based on drug use. I think I'm really getting into good shape and there's snow on the board walk. LOL.  Just wonder if I can induce a heart attack by training too hard.  :-\

I watch the gym owner train this bodybuilder who is into real high intensity lifting. He looks like a juicer.  He trains about 30 minutes to 40 minutes tops. Two or three exercises per body part with his split. A lot of yelling from him. He looks about 215lbs really lean pounds at around 5'10". He's almost ripped and quite lean. He always warms up with non taxing 10 minutes of cardio on an elliptical.  Today was chest day. Three exercises. Bench, incline flies and dips. I think he usually does triceps on chest day but I didn't notice him doing it. He did around 3 or 4 sets of benches with a top set of 365lbs for two reps then a back off set of 225lb with chains attached. Quick 3 sets of incline flies with 45lbs then three sets of body weight dips. He used the big ball for crunches at the end. He's in an out of the gym again in under 45 minutes.  What I find unusual is that he pays for a trainer. Do you really need a trainer to do benches, flies and dips?

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on December 11, 2019, 08:20:31 PM
Trained legs today:

Dumbbell squats 2 x 12 two85lbs dumbbells held at sides with straps.  (Upright back and sank the ass all the way down. I'm the only one in the gym doing this movement. I think some big barbell squat guys would be humbled how little weight they would need for this movement if done correctly. It reminds me how few huge squatters are capable of a one leg body weight only squat. I know other factors come into play like balance and flexibility but you would think a 600lbs squat guy could do one full one leg squat but they can't. )
Hack squats 2 x 12
Stiff dead 2 x 6 205lbs (touched knuckles on the top of my feet.)
Kick back machine 2 x 12 (So impressed with this machine. It's a one leg squat with a get full range with hard glute involvement)
leg extensions 2 x 12 150lbs
leg curl 2 x 12

Standing calf raises 2 x 15
Seated calf 2 x 15

4 way Nautilus neck machine 2 x 15 each side

Hanging leg raise 2 x 22
Knee ins 2 x 25

Feel I'm really getting this old body in good shape. Again, I'm not a bodybuilder. I don't participate in a sport that is based on drug use. I think I'm really getting into good shape and there's snow on the board walk. LOL.  Just wonder if I can induce a heart attack by training too hard.  :-\

I watch the gym owner train this bodybuilder who is into real high intensity lifting. He looks like a juicer.  He trains about 30 minutes to 40 minutes tops. Two or three exercises per body part with his split. A lot of yelling from him. He looks about 215lbs really lean pounds at around 5'10". He's almost ripped and quite lean. He always warms up with non taxing 10 minutes of cardio on an elliptical.  Today was chest day. Three exercises. Bench, incline flies and dips. I think he usually does triceps on chest day but I didn't notice him doing it. He did around 3 or 4 sets of benches with a top set of 365lbs for two reps then a back off set of 225lb with chains attached. Quick 3 sets of incline flies with 45lbs then three sets of body weight dips. He used the big ball for crunches at the end. He's in an out of the gym again in under 45 minutes.  What I find unusual is that he pays for a trainer. Do you really need a trainer to do benches, flies and dips?


Apparently, he does.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: AbrahamG on December 11, 2019, 09:30:58 PM
Back and Chest: The usual stuff. Did it after a hard night in Atlantic city in the casinos the day before.   I was in a penthouse bar called the Vue in the Claridge and I realize the woman talking to my wife is an old transvestite or what ever term applies today. I can't keep up. She says to her, " I know gorgeous men and your husband is a gorgeous man."  All night I had to hear my wife called me a gorgeous man.   ;D  Finished the night of beer drinking with an Old Fashion.  Since the bar tender knows me he over did it with the bourbon. Had nightmares that the casino hotel was on fire and every stair case was filled with smoke. Strange but fun night.

Tomorrow is interval day. 8 x quarter miles. Wish I could say  they were sprints but I'm so slow at my age that they are pathetic but I'm working on it.

Did you pull a Fredo?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 12, 2019, 10:10:37 AM
Did you pull a Fredo?

I didn't.  ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 12, 2019, 10:12:05 AM
Interval day.  8 x quarter miles. Fastest in 8.9 MPH or 6:44 minute mile pace. These intervals are getting old.  Hit the bag after. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 13, 2019, 09:27:42 AM
Delt and arms:

Clean and press 2 x 8 115lbs (all the way and a slow negative.)
Dumbbell delt Laterals 2 x 10 30lbs
Single arm delt pulley lateral 2 x 12 40lbs
Rear delt dumbbell lateral 2 x 12 45lbs
Dumbbell shrugs 2 x 12 95lbs (Just don't like dumbbell shrugs as much as the barbell. It doesn't seem to hit them the same way. Now pro Dorian Yates says the opposite. He said in effect you can use less weight and it hits the traps harder.)

Dips 2 x 12 slow negatives and deep
Traditional tricep pushdowns 2 x 12
Tricep machine 2 x 12

Alternate dumbbell curls 2 x 8 45lbs
Machine curls 2 x 10 (I have a repaired ruptured bicep that I'm careful with. Used light weight and slow cadence to make up for the light weight)
Pulley curls 2 x 12

Wrist curls 2 x 25 95lbs
Reverse grip pulley curls 2 x 12

Ab coaster 1 x 40 60lbs
Ab crunch 2  x 22 150lbs.

I would recommend checking out Clarence Bass's web site. Full of great information with the studies to back it up. He's a lawyer by trade and he really does his research regarding fitness. I know some would say he's just a little guy but that's his genetics. He has done a 225lbs snatch and a 300lbs clean and jerk for being a light weight. That's impressive for a gym rat. He's honest about his past very limited steroid use and how he didn't like the up and down effect of the drugs. He has trained for many decades steroid free. Getting back to his site he really touches all bases of resistance training, diet and cardio. To this date his combined books and web site represent the best I have seen in information of elite fitness. He is in his 80's and still plugging along.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on December 13, 2019, 10:17:05 AM
Another day of rest.  ::)
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 13, 2019, 02:06:29 PM
Another day of rest.  ::)

If you are referring to me and not yourself I am resting.  Drinking a Corona right now.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on December 13, 2019, 02:14:21 PM
If you are referring to me and not yourself I am resting.  Drinking a Corona right now.

Good for you. Actually, I was lamenting for myself. There is nothing that makes me want to lift more than being told I can't. This doctor ordered 20 lb limit for 30 days is going to kill me. If I try an cheat, my daughter will give me holy hell.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 13, 2019, 06:07:14 PM
Good for you. Actually, I was lamenting for myself. There is nothing that makes me want to lift more than being told I can't. This doctor ordered 20 lb limit for 30 days is going to kill me. If I try an cheat, my daughter will give me holy hell.

Heal up quick.  Use the 30 days to plot your return. I always found after surgery and illness my muscle memory responded best to high reps and light weight. It seemed to "wake" up the muscles.  That's my bro science explanation but I believe it. Use slow cadence high reps with light weights. The muscles will be in ship shape for heavier weights in no time.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on December 15, 2019, 06:36:07 AM
Heal up quick.  Use the 30 days to plot your return. I always found after surgery and illness my muscle memory responded best to high reps and light weight. It seemed to "wake" up the muscles.  That's my bro science explanation but I believe it. Use slow cadence high reps with light weights. The muscles will be in ship shape for heavier weights in no time.

This is what I do anytime I don't or cannot train for a period of two or more weeks.  It just makes sense.  Well said, my friend.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on December 15, 2019, 06:19:15 PM
Heal up quick.  Use the 30 days to plot your return. I always found after surgery and illness my muscle memory responded best to high reps and light weight. It seemed to "wake" up the muscles.  That's my bro science explanation but I believe it. Use slow cadence high reps with light weights. The muscles will be in ship shape for heavier weights in no time.

Good advice. Thanks. I see the doctor on Wednesday. Maybe I can talk him into a shorter time period.  :)
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 16, 2019, 12:10:32 PM
Trained back and chest:

One of the gym rats is a medical doctor. He is strong as an ox. Chatted with him and he was a cop for ten years and got sick of it. He went to medical school after.  Very impressed the weights he lifts. I fear for his joints. He's not a spring chicken.

Saw a college kid doing snatches and clean and jerks. You don't see that often in a bodybuilding gym.  He was doing full squat snatches and cleans. Fantastic form. He said he is 5'9" and could never touch the net in basketball. After doing the olympic lifts he can easily dunk now. He learned something about the athletic power transfer of the quick lifts that I learned many decades ago.

I lifted strong today despite feeling like hell the day before. Go figure. Some days I use the same amount of weight but make the weight heavier by using slow negatives and performing the lift in the hardest way instead of the easiest way.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 17, 2019, 09:40:55 AM
Cardio day:  8 x 440 yards or quarter miles. Fastest was 6:44 pace or 8.9 MPH. Walked fast in between each set. Hit the bag after. 

Little history on interval training to improve endurance.  When the world's track athletes were trying to break the 4 minute mile most were doing 5 to almost 20 miles a day in training. Roger Bannister was in medical school and had limited time to train. He might be the first high intensity training guru of the past. While some track athletes for the mile did some intervals their training centered on distance training. Most of Roger Bannister's training was 10 x quarter miles repeats. When he burned out from this high intensity he would go mountain climbing for a work out and diversion.  While there were four athletes in the world that could have broken the barrier Roger was the first. He did it on a dirt cinder track. His time on a modern surface track is speculated to have been 7 to 8 seconds faster. Track elite athletes of today from sprinters to 10K runners spend plenty of time doing intervals. I would like to take my own intervals down to 200 meter repeats but it might be too intense for my damaged Achilles. It's slow and steady at my age. Explosive sprints are out of the question now and maybe forever. I had my day in the sun. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 18, 2019, 01:32:48 PM
Leg day:  Increased the weight with the calf work but limited the eccentric stretch.  Felt strong.  On my last rep with hacks I decided to really go to maximum depth. Knee tweak.  >:( Nothing serious. Nothing like trying to walk around with a thigh pump.  Felt like Frankenstein.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 19, 2019, 10:17:41 AM
Cardio day: 8 x quarter mile repeats. Fastest in 9.1 MPH or 6:36 minute mile pace. Hit the heavy bag after. Getting closer to that 6:00 minute mark. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on December 19, 2019, 03:50:27 PM
Yesterday, my doctor released me to go to the gym with the proviso that I mainly do cardio and lift only using light dumbbells and preferably only upper body movements.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 19, 2019, 08:17:57 PM
Yesterday, my doctor released me to go to the gym with the proviso that I mainly do cardio and lift only using light dumbbells and preferably only upper body movements.

That's good to hear. Use light dumbbells with high reps with perfect form. Make the weight heavy by using a moderately slow cadence. Maybe body weight squats and body weight lunges. Of course this is all with the okay of your doctor. Then again you can do all upper body and use a bike for legs could be another approach to regaining your health.

Never be embarrassed by using super light weights. I worked with a guy who had brain cancer. Between the operation and all the chemo he has been through he's a shell of himself. He said at first he was embarrassed coming to the gym but he got over it. Now feels in light of his circumstances he is working as hard as anyone in the gym in terms of effort. Who knows maybe he is even working harder minus the poundage to prove it.

Another example was famed Cardiologist George Sheehan. In college he was a track star but soon with work and his big family he stopped running. At age 45 feeling out of shape he began to run again. At age 50 he ran the first sub 5 minute mile by a 50 years old. His early books on running were amazing dealing heavily with philosophy.

 Why did I bring him up?  He was diagnosed with terminal prostate cancer. In the early 90's I ran in a hilly 5 mile road race. I was a sprinter in high school and college but I still could run okay for distance. I think I ran with him in the last race he ever ran in. Prior to the race he was seated at a table autographing books. I knew he had cancer from all the articles on him in the Running magazines. I talked with him briefly. I asked him how he was feeling.  "Ask me after the race, " he said solemnly. After the gun went off I concentrated on staying with the lead woman.  We were running slightly under 7 minute miles and few above. The hills were killing me. At the end of the race I wondered where the doctor was.  Staying by the finish line he came in dead last of the maybe 75 runners. He looked like death coming in. He refused to not finish. In my mind that was probably the hardest he has ever run but it was his slowest. He died soon after. What I'm trying to convey in the end we are in competition with our self ultimately. We all have our handicaps but we do what we can do. So get on that exercise bike and lift those 5 to 20 lbs dumbbells. In time you will be lifting heavy weights. If it's not to be then be the best you can be with what you got.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 20, 2019, 10:25:01 AM
Delt and arms:

Clean and press 2 x 8
Dumbbell laterals 2 x 10
single arm pulley laterals 1 x 10
Rear delt dumbbell 2 x 10
Barbell Shrugs 2 x 10

Weighted dips 2 x 8
Traditional tricep pushdowns 2 x 14
Single arm tricep pulley with a reverse grip 2 x 12

Alternate dumbbell curls 2 x 8
Machine curls  2 x 10
Standing pulley curls. 2 x 12

wrist curls 2 x 25
Reverse grip pulley curls 2 x 10

Ab coaster 1 x 41
Ab machine crunch 2 x 22

Had an interesting conversation with a well built guy who uses a trainer. I was puzzled why a guy that is obviously an advance lifter would use a trainer? He said if it wasn't for the trainer he wouldn't work out. Thought it was bizarre but it works for him. He lifts hard core but wow, he wouldn't train if he didn't have a trainer? He also said he liked the fact that he didn't have to think. He said he just does what he is told. He has a lot of faith in his trainer who is also the owner of the next door owner of the Karate Dojo where he also trains.  

Saw an old man doing an exercise I never done before.  Not a rocket science or an obscure exercise. Just one I never did before.  He faced away from a double armed pulley machine. Put the handles low, arms slightly behind him  and curled from there. I could feel the tension immediately on the bicep. I know you're probably saying WTF, it's pulley curls. Just doing two arms at once facing away from the machine hit the bicep in a stretched position with a full range. I don't know. It just felt great.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on December 20, 2019, 01:04:30 PM
That's good to hear. Use light dumbbells with high reps with perfect form. Make the weight heavy by using a moderately slow cadence. Maybe body weight squats and body weight lunges. Of course this is all with the okay of your doctor. Then again you can do all upper body and use a bike for legs could be another approach to regaining your health.

Never be embarrassed by using super light weights. I worked with a guy who had brain cancer. Between the operation and all the chemo he has been through he's a shell of himself. He said at first he was embarrassed coming to the gym but he got over it. Now feels in light of his circumstances he is working as hard as anyone in the gym in terms of effort. Who knows maybe he is even working harder minus the poundage to prove it.

Another example was famed Cardiologist George Sheehan. In college he was a track star but soon with work and his big family he stopped running. At age 45 feeling out of shape he began to run again. At age 50 he ran the first sub 5 minute mile by a 50 years old. His early books on running were amazing dealing heavily with philosophy.

 Why did I bring him up?  He was diagnosed with terminal prostate cancer. In the early 90's I ran in a hilly 5 mile road race. I was a sprinter in high school and college but I still could run okay for distance. I think I ran with him in the last race he ever ran in. Prior to the race he was seated at a table autographing books. I knew he had cancer from all the articles on him in the Running magazines. I talked with him briefly. I asked him how he was feeling.  "Ask me after the race, " he said solemnly. After the gun went off I concentrated on staying with the lead woman.  We were running slightly under 7 minute miles and few above. The hills were killing me. At the end of the race I wondered where the doctor was.  Staying by the finish line he came in dead last of the maybe 75 runners. He looked like death coming in. He refused to not finish. In my mind that was probably the hardest he has ever run but it was his slowest. He died soon after. What I'm trying to convey in the end we are in competition with our self ultimately. We all have our handicaps but we do what we can do. So get on that exercise bike and lift those 5 to 20 lbs dumbbells. In time you will be lifting heavy weights. If it's not to be then be the best you can be with what you got.

This is all good news and advice. All of which I am okay with including not trying to do the same stuff I once did when I was younger. My goals are different then they were when I was in my 30's, 40's, 50's and 60's.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 20, 2019, 02:36:14 PM
This is all good news and advice. All of which I am okay with including not trying to do the same stuff I once did when I was younger. My goals are different then they were when I was in my 30's, 40's, 50's and 60's.

Goals change as they should regarding training as  we age. I asked Bill Pearl if he was training at his advanced age? He told me he was training to retain his ability to wipe his ass on his own.  That gave me a laugh.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 21, 2019, 06:34:17 PM
No training today. Went out to our favorite Italian restaurant owned by an Italian family. Every seat in the place was taken within 5 minutes of opening the doors.  Tonight we drank a bottle of  red from Italy with a nice seafood dish with  Marechiara sauce. Giant shrimp, clams, mussels and squid over linguine. Finished with a hot chocolate volcano with gelato. My blonde Italian wife never looked better by the flicking candle light of the restaurant table.

Came home and was drinking some German beer when the door bell rang and there were about 15 kid carolers at the door.  A really good night.  Life is good. Trained hard for five days in a row from Monday to Friday. Enjoying this weekend off. Going to have cocktails tomorrow too.

Tomorrow my daughter and her husband are celebrating Christmas. She is an intensive care nurse and he is a cop. Both will be working Christmas eve and Christmas. We get two  Christmases this year. Our grand daughter will get gifts on both days.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 23, 2019, 04:28:07 PM
Back and chest day:

Trained at home. Blasted music of my liking from satellite radio. I really do have a great set up at home. Always been a home trainer for the most part though I do mix in commercial gyms. The past three years the majority of my training has been in a commercial gym.

Pulldowns 2 x 10 ( Upright back with no lean back. It limits weight but I feel it more in the lats than the lean back version)
Seated pulley lat rows 2 x 12 170lbs ( I go all the way out and back.)
Single dumbbell row with knee on bench 2 x 10 85lbs Dead hang and all the way up.)
Reverse grip pulldowns 2 x 10

Dumbbell flat bench 2 x 8 75lbs. (tweaked my shoulder picking up a rug shampoo machine with my out stretched arm. I used a relatively light weight but made it heavy by going full range and a controlled cadence)
Incline dumbbell bench 2 x 8 65lbs ( Again I made light weight heavy with my sore shoulder)
Flat flies 2 x 10 50bs (got a good stretch but judging by the throbbing of my delt it was a mistake)
Push ups 2 x max (regular and the second set I used my perfect pushup handles. They give a greater range of motion and it's true it lets your hand rotate the way they want which is safer in my view)

Deadlifts 2 x 4 315lbs. (Wanted to start increasing the weight for these. I know I could use a lot more but when combined with hard running my hip has been throbbing a bit at night. Made the weight heavier by going slow on the negative.)
Weighted hyper extensions 2 x 15 25lbs plate behind my head

Ab wheel roll out 2 x 22
Floor crunches 1 x 50 5lbs plate behind my head and heels on a bench.

Thinking as I age I have to start thinking about joint health and longevity in this game. Hope I can exercise into old age but in order to that I have to make sure I don't break the machine (body) by damaging it with too much exercise.

 I have been reading almost every thing Clarence Bass has written. He really has an incredibly knowledge concerning training. Yes, I know he's a little guy but that his genetics and not his training. He's still lifting at 83.  He has had two hip replacements among other health issues that he is completely honest revealing. He had stopped squatting and deadlifting in his older years. I assume that goes for the Olympic lifts.

I have stopped through the years doing many exercises. Press behind the neck that I have used for over 40 years with zero problems has been out for years. My personal opinion is that it's not bad for shoulders. If you have poor shoulder flexibility it does have the potential for injuring and causing tears. I can't do it anymore. Always did my sets from my traps to full extension with over 135lbs. Now if I use 125lbs my shoulders will ache.  Again I think it's lack of flexibility. The military press and the dumbbell press are my shoulder pressing movements.

My shoulders and pec tie in ache after chest day.  Thinking about going to the barbell incline, weighted dips and push ups as my chest exercises.  I'll see how that works out. The three chest exercises mentioned don't seem to bother my shoulders. I think the key as you age is to discard or even just rotate exercises to stop the wear and tear.

Overall I feel I look good and I vainly say I get compliments on my build. No, I'm not a bodybuilder and could never place third in a  Mr. Podunk contest.  Hopefully I will avoid the surprise heart attack that afflicts so many my age. I worked with three guys who were gym rats that died working out. Two were running and one was lifting. One of the guys that died while running had a prior heart attack. The two runners were in their 40's and the lifter in his late 50's. Another guy I worked with had a heart attack while lifting when he was around 62.  He made it. Still bikes and lifts but he has a ton of orthopedic problems. Hip and knee replacements. He's about 65 now.

Anyway, tomorrow is cardio day. I hope I live.   ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on December 23, 2019, 08:09:40 PM
I couldn't stop myself. Afraid my leg muscles would completely atrophy, I did bodyweight leg work last night. Leg extensions, toe touches for hams and lunges for quads. My leg muscles are alive today.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 24, 2019, 11:14:59 AM
Didn't get my cardio day in.  Watching the grand daughter and Christmas Eve is here. I will get my leg workout in on Christmas day though.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on December 24, 2019, 11:20:51 AM
Didn't get my cardio day in.  Watching the grand daughter and Christmas Eve is here. I will get my leg workout in on Christmas day though.

It's almost time for you to get into your Santa outfit.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 26, 2019, 07:27:29 PM
Leg day: Prime I didn't know Santa was a lady man using gloves to lift.

Leg press 2 x 12
Squats 2 x 12
Stiff leg dead 2 x 6
leg extension 2 x 20
Seated leg curl 2 x 15

Single dumbbell side bend 1 x 15
Hanging straight leg raise 2 x 22
Hip ups on the floor 1 x 25

Leg press calf raise 2 x 25
Seated calf raise 2 x 15

Neck work: One set each side

Gym Notes: Completely spent from Christmas, family, drinking and other factors. This leg workout was hard because I felt spent going in. Glad I gutted it out.It's done. Tomorrow is delt and arms.

 Haven't done leg press calf raises for awhile. They really feel like donkey calf raises. I'm always afraid my feet will slip and the weight will come crashing down. I know some have an ideal leg length and can do them with the weight holder unmoved. I have to open the weight holder. I get good reps and couple of burns at the end. Felt dizzy after some sets during this leg day routine. I attribute it to exhaustion.

As good as squats are I think the leg press when properly used have been the reason for the improvement in thigh development we have seen in pro bodybuilders today. Look at guys like Yates, Paul Dillette and so many more. The 45 degree leg press has been responsible for the incredible thighs we see today in my opinion. Yes, Tom Platz from the 80's had incredible thighs from squatting and the hack machine. The problem with leg press machines are some are built fantastic and some you wonder if the guy that designed it ever used it in training.

I truly have never dieted for for more than a week in my life. I think it's time to begin. I'm not fat but I could really use to lose 15lbs to get that lean look I want.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 27, 2019, 11:36:30 AM
Delt and arms:  I dreaded this day since I hurt my delt last week picking up a carpet cleaner with my out stretched arm to clear some stuff in the garage. I have been lifting for 45 plus years. I was a sprinter in high school and college. Also did other athletic things like boxing and a ton of training for my job. That's a lot of wear and tear. Ugh.  

Clean and press 2 x 8 (Hurt but not excessively.)
Dumbbell delt press standing 1 x 10
Dumbbell delt laterals 2 x 10
Machine delt laterals 2 x 10
Dumbbell rear delt  laterals 2 x 10
Front barbell raise for front delts 1 x 10
Upright row 1 x 10
Barbell shrugs 2 x 10

Seated two hand single dumbbell behind the heat tricep extension 2 x 12
Traditional tricep pushdowns 2 x 12
Single dumbbell behind the head 1 x 10
Reverse grip one arm tricep extensions 1 x 12

Alternate dumbbell curls 2 x 8
Concentration curls 2 x 12
Machine curls 2 x 10
Pulley curls 1 x 10

Wrist curls 2 x 25
Reverse grip pulley curls 2 x 12

ab coaster 1 x 40
Ab crunch machine 2 x 22

Left gym and my shoulder is screaming. Ugh. Took a prescription anti inflammatory. Feel better as I type. The gym was packed. College and high school are off as well as new year resolution people. In three weeks they should all be gone.  I hate a packed gym. I'm friendly with people but I mainly keep to myself and get the job done.  The women like to talk to me. Maybe I give off a lonely vibe. I'm there to do work and not be a social mixer type guy. Thinking at this age with wear and tear I should be training for volume with moderate weight to tire out the muscle through endurance exhaustion rather than through strength exhaustion if that makes sense to the reader. Do I have any readers?   ;D

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 30, 2019, 04:08:35 PM
Got on the scale today and I hit 200lbs at 5'8". I think I look good but too heavy. No one would ever call me fat. I've have been training really consistently for three years with very little time off. Going to add some diet changes after New Years eve.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on December 31, 2019, 04:23:43 AM
Do I have any readers?   ;D

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on December 31, 2019, 04:43:14 AM


I read both of your threads.  It gives me inspiration and if I may be so "sensitive",  ;D hope. Thanks, lads!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on December 31, 2019, 06:50:15 AM
Have your wife take a few pics of you in your skivvies, front, back, sides.

Then you can really see what you look like.

My wife took a few pics of me on the beach a couple years ago and I was amazed how heavy I looked.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 31, 2019, 09:20:02 AM
Have your wife take a few pics of you in your skivvies, front, back, sides.

Then you can really see what you look like.

My wife took a few pics of me on the beach a couple years ago and I was amazed how heavy I looked.

I live by the beach so I have pictures. I look good. Am I super lean? No.  Taking a week off. Letting my body heal up. No running and no lifting.  I never take time off and I think it will do me good.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on December 31, 2019, 04:53:01 PM
Got on the scale today and I hit 200lbs at 5'8". I think I look good but too heavy. No one would ever call me fat. I've have been training really consistently for three years with very little time off. Going to add some diet changes after New Years eve.

I measured my height this morning and it appears I've continued to shrink. My height was 69". My weight this morning was 174 lbs. If I could move some weight (probably more fat than muscle) from my waist and back to my legs I'd be very happy or maybe not. I never seem to be satisfied with my appearance. Time to get serious about going to the gym.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 04, 2020, 04:18:56 PM
The great experiment begins Monday. I'm finally doing it. Going to do volume with moderate weights for awhile. If the experiment fails it's back to low sets to failure.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on January 04, 2020, 04:37:02 PM
The great experiment begins Monday. I'm finally doing it. Going to do volume with moderate weights for awhile. If the experiment fails it's back to low sets to failure.

If you stick with it, you will see success.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: chaos on January 05, 2020, 08:03:44 AM
The great experiment begins Monday. I'm finally doing it. Going to do volume with moderate weights for awhile. If the experiment fails it's back to low sets to failure.
#metoo. Until the end of January. Then it's back to heavy weight/low reps.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on January 05, 2020, 09:37:28 AM
Just don't overdo it.

When you change your routine you do things you are not used to and you can injure yourself.

You might want to start easy, light weight, a set or two only per exercise, until you acclimate. 

Take a week or two before you ramp it up.  Add weight and sets gradually.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on January 05, 2020, 06:41:17 PM
#metoo. Until the end of January. Then it's back to heavy weight/low reps.

How old are you now? There comes a time when it is a good idea to change things up permanently. Nobody will think the worse of you if your not hefting around those big boys.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 06, 2020, 12:28:55 PM
Trained back and chest. I had to make changes in weight due to my grinding shoulder that decided to give me grief about two weeks ago. It's grinding. Getting old stinks. I lightened up my chest weights. For a long time I got by with using dumbbells. While they hurt a lot less than the barbell bench getting them into position and ending the exercise can cause trauma. Saw an interesting bar for bench where is has several hands facing position. It might be something I will invest in.

 I've been lifting for 47 years. That's a lot of where and tear among my other athletic abuse on my body.  My son in law weighs about 310 and practices jui jitsu. My other daughter is engaged to a guy that rolls on the mats 5 days a week. They both want to grapple with me saying I'm in great shape. Nope I have incredible mileage on my 61 year old body. They complain about the injuries they get from fighting and they are in their early 30's. Nope, my days of fighting are over.

If I had to do it over again I would use nothing but body weight and running.  Maybe I would have arrived in better shape minus the dents and scratches.

Anyway this is picture of the bar I'm thinking of getting for benching. Maybe it will give me another 10 years of legit hard core training.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 07, 2020, 09:59:13 AM
Cardio: 8 x quarter miles (440 yards or 400 meters) Fastest in 7:14 minute pace or 8.3 MPH. Hit the heavy bag after. With my shoulder giving me grief I felt I wasn't hitting the bag 100% with that arm. Pissing me off.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on January 07, 2020, 02:47:29 PM
Are you doing your volume routine?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 07, 2020, 03:13:52 PM
I don’t want to aggravate my shoulder so I put it off.  Using moderate weight for anything that might aggravate it. I figure doing a lot of sets would not be a prudent move right now.  (Had to change this post. Can't type on a phone)
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on January 07, 2020, 06:47:40 PM
I don’t want to aggravate my shoulder so I put it off.  Using moderate weight for anything that might aggravate it. I figure doing a lot of sets would not be a prudent move right now.  (Had to change this post. Can't type on a phone)

Well it sure wouldn't be prudent to use heavy weights doing shoulder work or any other exercise you think might aggravate it. May stick to arms, legs and abs for awhile until the shoulder gets better. Are you icing it or using heat?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 07, 2020, 08:06:53 PM
Well it sure wouldn't be prudent to use heavy weights doing shoulder work or any other exercise you think might aggravate it. May stick to arms, legs and abs for awhile until the shoulder gets better. Are you icing it or using heat?

Neither, using prescription anti inflammatory medicine. Might see the orthopedic surgeon. I know a good one. If you don't need an operation he will not push it unlike 99% of ortho guys. Just hate the whole MRI thing. Then again if something is broken it's the only way to to see soft tissue damage. Last time with the other delt he shot it with cortisone and it gave me enough relief so I could train again. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on January 07, 2020, 11:56:20 PM
Neither, using prescription anti inflammatory medicine. Might see the orthopedic surgeon. I know a good one. If you don't need an operation he will not push it unlike 99% of ortho guys. Just hate the whole MRI thing. Then again if something is broken it's the only way to to see soft tissue damage. Last time with the other delt he shot it with cortisone and it gave me enough relief so I could train again. 

Not fond of MRI's myself, being as how I suffer from claustrophobia. Wouldn't an ultrasound be a better way to see what's going on with your shoulder? It is super quick and easy. Awhile back, I had a lump on my upper forearm near the inside of my elbow that magically appeared after a blood draw. When it didn't go away on it's own after a couple of weeks, the doctor scheduled an ultrasound which confirmed it was a hematoma. A few weeks later, it was gone. The ultrasound took all of maybe 15 minutes.

"Ultrasound imaging uses sound waves to produce pictures of muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves and joints throughout the body. It is used to help diagnose sprains, strains, tears, trapped nerves, arthritis and other musculoskeletal conditions. Ultrasound is safe, noninvasive, and does not use ionizing radiation."
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 08, 2020, 01:18:18 PM
Leg day. Felt like I was pushing it really too hard. My legs were so weak when I was done a took a wrong step and had to grab something to keep from falling.  ;D I have zero calf development but when uninjured they work pretty good as in sprinting. Thighs aren't bad but no where near bodybuilding like.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on January 08, 2020, 01:25:08 PM
Leg day. Felt like I was pushing it really too hard. My legs were so weak when I was done a took a wrong step and had to grab something to keep from falling.  ;D I have zero calf development but when uninjured they work pretty good as in sprinting. Thighs aren't bad but no where near bodybuilding like.

Slow down...don't fall down. There's no rush.

Calves are a dead giveaway as to our genetic makeup. Forearms are too. But to lesser degree. I'd be very surprised if my calves measured more than 15". Sprinting is all about short-term muscular endurance and not muscle size.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 08, 2020, 03:27:22 PM
Slow down...don't fall down. There's no rush.

Calves are a dead giveaway as to our genetic makeup. Forearms are too. But to lesser degree. I'd be very surprised if my calves measured more than 15". Sprinting is all about short-term muscular endurance and not muscle size.

I disagree to slight extent.  Sprinting is all about power.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on January 08, 2020, 04:42:38 PM
I disagree to slight extent.  Sprinting is all about power.

You may be right but that's not what I read.

"Short-term muscular endurance: Sports that require short, intense bursts of activity require an athlete to have short-term muscular endurance. These sports include sprinting, football and soccer. With training, short-term endurance lets the players deal with fatigue and lactic acid build-up in the muscles."
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 08, 2020, 06:44:23 PM
You may be right but that's not what I read.

"Short-term muscular endurance: Sports that require short, intense bursts of activity require an athlete to have short-term muscular endurance. These sports include sprinting, football and soccer. With training, short-term endurance lets the players deal with fatigue and lactic acid build-up in the muscles."

Don't believe everything you read.   ;D In the end it's just working out. Hardly rocket science. Lifting weights has never been an erudite actively despite all the degrees and certificates they hand out for exercise physiology. There have been successful bodybuilders who can't remember what they did last work out and those that tediously plot out every move. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on January 08, 2020, 07:28:54 PM
Don't believe everything you read.   ;D In the end it's just working out. Hardly rocket science. Lifting weights has never been an erudite actively despite all the degrees and certificates they hand out for exercise physiology. There have been successful bodybuilders who can't remember what they did last work out and those that tediously plot out every move. 

So true. As I've said (mostly to myself) just get your ass to the gym and do something. Anything is better than sitting on your ass doing nothing except complaining about how unfit your feel.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 09, 2020, 09:34:16 AM
Cardio: 8 x quarter miles. Fastest in 7 minute mile pace. Hit the heavy bag after. Discussed my shoulder issue with the gym owner. He has a ton of trophies for power lifting and is a black belt in Kempo Karate. He said try benching with pinning the elbows into the sides of my chest. He said too much stress on the pec/delt tie in keeping the elbows out. Going to give it a shot. He said keep it as tight as I could in. He said a lot of guys with shoulder issues can bench that way.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 10, 2020, 12:15:55 PM
Delt and arms:

Finished the workout with rotator cuff exercises.  I did 3 of the 5 directions for rotator cuff training that I  know of.   Two just escaped my memory.  Now I wait the see how my delt feels. Will it swell up internally or be better for my effort today? 

A hot little blonde asked my how my New Years Eve was? She was in this glute machine that has her on all fours as she kicks back. Her tits were hanging halfway out of the body suit top.  She had to know in that position what's happening with her top.  :P 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 11, 2020, 05:23:00 PM
Did jack today. It's a planned day off. Went to work then came home and had four German beers. Nice chill finish to the day.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 13, 2020, 05:24:15 PM
Trained back and chest. Back is working great. All pulldowns, rows and deadlifts went well. Chest is a different story. Used slightly lighter weight. Delt hurt slightly but two hours after the workout I guess everything swelled up. Getting old stinks.

Gym observations:  Two huge bench press guys were lifting. I think one weighs about 220lbs and the other I heard say he weighs 232lbs. One got up to 460lbs and the other 405lbs. I trained back, chest and abs with 11 exercises. They both were still  on the flat bench when I left. I think one had elbow pain because between his many sets he would do tricep extensions with a light dumbbell. One strange thing was one also did seated calf raises in between the benching. My workout took me about 75 minutes so these two guys were basically doing one exercise for one hour and 15 minutes plus. Wow!

The day before I was in Atlantic city staying over for mini vacation. We ate two really great meals while there and the alcohol flowed. This morning when I got up I thought I looked pretty good. WTF? How did that happen. I think it's the diuretic effect of the beer.  ;D  

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Obvious Gimmick on January 13, 2020, 06:13:16 PM
Damn those are some strong dudes.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 13, 2020, 06:59:24 PM
Damn those are some strong dudes.

One trains everything. The other with the bigger bench is basically a bench guy. Yes, a big bench but I'm not overly impressed with bench specialists. It's sick all those plates on the bar. It would break my arms to unrack that weight. I wouldn't spot a guy with that weight. If they blew out their shoulder you really need one strong guy to spot or two guys on each end.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Obvious Gimmick on January 13, 2020, 09:15:14 PM
i love those guys. We have one. We call him "inmate 147." He walks around with ILS and only does bench and reverse wrist curls. Fuvking hilarious. White tweaker always sporting the wife beater.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 14, 2020, 06:47:04 PM
Cardio: 8 x 440 yards (quarter miles-400 meters) fastest in 8.6 MPH or 6:59 mile pace. I really have to pick up the pace on these things. My mind and spirit is willing but my body is not.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 15, 2020, 01:41:02 PM
Trained legs: Legs stink but a necessary evil. I was strong in everything except leg extensions. I blame the reps missed from yesterday's cardio session. I did standing leg curls instead of lying leg curls. Haven't done them in so long it took some reps to get into the groove. I find if the training session isn't perfect I leave pissed off. I failed at 10 reps in the leg extension instead of my usual 12 or so. One exercise out of 11 exercises on thigh, calf, ab and neck day I missed some reps on but that's what sticks in my mind. Accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative comes to mind. Wait, that's an old song isn't it?

 Took a high strength anti inflammatory my doc prescribed yesterday. Seemed to really take the pain out of my shoulder. Going to take it for a week or more. Actually slept pretty good without the throbbing.

Going to make some changes for shoulder injury recovery. For pecs these are the changes.

1. Hands facing dumbbell flat bench
2. Hands facing dumbbell incline press
3. Dips (strangely I know dips bother a lot of people's delts but it never bothered my delts)
4. Push ups. (They actually make my shoulders feel  good)

For delts I'm going to use Dumbbell press but not go as deep as I usually go. Normally I feel going through a full range of motion keeps joints flexible but when injured pressing out of full stretch position will lead to an exasperation of the injury if micro tears exist.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on January 15, 2020, 01:59:13 PM
Trained legs: Legs stink but a necessary evil. I was strong in everything except leg extensions. I blame the reps missed from yesterday's cardio session. I did standing leg curls instead of lying leg curls. Haven't done them in so long it took some reps to get into the groove. I find if the training session isn't perfect I leave pissed off. I failed at 10 reps in the leg extension instead of my usual 12 or so. One exercise out of 11 exercises on thigh, calf, ab and neck day I missed some reps on but that's what sticks in my mind. Accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative comes to mind. Wait, that's an old song isn't it?

 Took a high strength anti inflammatory my doc prescribed yesterday. Seemed to really take the pain out of my shoulder. Going to take it for a week or more. Actually sleep pretty good without the throbbing.

Going to make some changes for shoulder injury recovery. For pecs these are the changes.

1. Hands facing dumbbell flat bench
2. Hands facing dumbbell incline press
3. Dips (strangely I know dips bother a lot of people's delts but it never bothered my delts)
4. Push ups. (They actually make my shoulders feel  good)

For delts I'm going to use Dumbbell press but not go as deep as I usually go. Normally I feel going through a full range of motion keeps joints flexible but when injured pressing out of full stretch position will lead to an exasperation of the injury if micro tears exist.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 15, 2020, 02:12:13 PM

Thanks for the back up that I am going in the right direction with my choices.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on January 15, 2020, 02:36:10 PM
seriously though,at this point i did dame thinking omg'i am going to shrink'less size...loss of strenght,ect,,your body will look the same and when you do decide to diet into more leaner look'you mentioned'your build will possibly benefit from more sets/reps..its not like your going to do 20 sets per body part lol,,,
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 16, 2020, 09:39:48 AM
Cardio: 8 x 440 yards (quarter miles or 400 meters). Fastest one in 8.7 MPH or 6:54 minute mile pace. Broke into the six something range. Still slow but it feels good to hit the under seven minute mile pace. Heavy bag work after. I guess due to the anti inflammatory I'm taking it let me hit the bag with bad intent. I was whacking it like a wack a mole on steroids.  ;D

Gym observations: A really curvy 30 something year old blonde with a thick perfect ass smiled at me when we passed each other in the cardio section. Yes, that's what am reduced to.  Being happy a girl smiled at me.   ::)  

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on January 16, 2020, 12:35:18 PM
Cardio: 8 x 440 yards (quarter miles or 400 meters). Fastest one in 8.7 MPH or 6:54 minute mile pace. Broke into the six something range. Still slow but it feels good to hit the under seven minute mile pace. Heavy bag work after. I guess due to the anti inflammatory I'm taking it let me hit the bag with bad intent. I was whacking it like a wack mole on steroids.  ;D

Gym observations: A really curvy 30 something year old blonde with a thick perfect ass smiled at me when we passed each other in the cardio section. Yes, that's what am reduced to.  Being happy a girl smiled at me.   ::) 

I think having someone you find attractive smile at you is a great reason to workout at the gym as opposed to at home.  Someone flirting with you is not a reduction. It is a compliment.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: AbrahamG on January 16, 2020, 05:27:02 PM
Cardio: 8 x 440 yards (quarter miles or 400 meters). Fastest one in 8.7 MPH or 6:54 minute mile pace. Broke into the six something range. Still slow but it feels good to hit the under seven minute mile pace. Heavy bag work after. I guess due to the anti inflammatory I'm taking it let me hit the bag with bad intent. I was whacking it like a wack a mole on steroids.  ;D

Gym observations: A really curvy 30 something year old blonde with a thick perfect ass smiled at me when we passed each other in the cardio section. Yes, that's what am reduced to.  Being happy a girl smiled at me.   ::)  

Next time you see her there pop a cialis and slip into a 90's style training singlet.  Then when you pass her on your way to the drinking fountain confidentally say "sup".
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 16, 2020, 06:23:26 PM
Next time you see her there pop a cialis and slip into a 90's style training singlet.  Then when you pass her on your way to the drinking fountain confidentally say "sup".

I got game. I generally use, What Up instead of sup.  That's how I roll. I still have my clown training pants from the 80's. I'll perfect the look with a fanny pack and a mullet. I don't use cialis because of that four hour erection thing. I have to stare at pictures of the mayor of bodybuilding to make it go down. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: AbrahamG on January 16, 2020, 07:04:33 PM
I got game. I generally use, What Up instead of sup.  That's how I roll. I still have my clown training pants from the 80's. I'll perfect the look with a fanny pack and a mullet. I don't use cialis because of that four hour erection thing. I have to stare at pictures of the mayor of bodybuilding to make it go down. 

Dangerous strategy.  What if it doesn't go down? 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 16, 2020, 07:16:47 PM
Dangerous strategy.  What if it doesn't go down? 

It always goes down when looking at his pictures. How dare you? On the rare occasion it doesn't I use a mallet.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 17, 2020, 02:52:41 PM
Trained delt and arms:  Used a new exercise. I never used it before. I saw an old guy doing it. It might be my favorite bicep exercise. The picture is below. Having the arms start behind your back seems to really give a complete contraction.

 Lately I have been training triceps and finishing with one set of body weight dips. Since the triceps are shot it doesn't take many reps to hit failure.

 Used a new crunch machine. Never used this type before. It felt awkward but when I went to my usual seated crunch machine I couldn't get my usual reps so it definitely hit the abs hard.  Going to use it again.

 For delts I lightened the weight for dumbbell delt press. I kept my palms forward in a traditional manner. If I would have done it again I would have done hands facing because my delts throbbed. For some reason keeping the hands facing each other when delt or pec pressing it seems to not aggravate tendons like the traditional method.

I feel I'm slowly getting to where I want to be.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on January 17, 2020, 02:56:33 PM
Trained delt and arms:  Used a new exercise. I never used it before. I saw an old guy doing it. It might be my favorite bicep exercise. The picture is below.  Lately I have been training triceps and finishing with one set of body weight dips. Since the triceps are shot it doesn't take many reps to hit failure. Used a new crunch machine. Never used this type before. It felt awkward but when I went to my usual seated crunch machine I couldn't get my usual reps so it definitely hit the abs hard.  Going to use it again. For delts I lightened the weight for dumbbell delt press. I kept my palms forward in a traditional manner. If I would have done it again I would have done hands facing because my delts throbbed. For some reason keeping the hands facing each other when delt or pec pressing it seems to not aggravate tendons like the traditional method.

I feel I'm slowly getting to where I want to be.
Great,,,,I think if u incorporate a slightly modified diet not starving yourself but cut 10 lbs or so your body will respond to the training and visually you might get where you want to be too
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 20, 2020, 12:36:23 PM
Back and chest:

M.A.G. bar pulldown 2 x 10 (Kept back upright and a full range of motion)
M.A.G seated row pulley row with the short bar 2 x 12 170lbs (Just got this bar. Pictured below. Found I had trouble keeping a grip with this and I don't have that problem with the pulldown. I have to get use to this one. I bought it because I'm so impressed with the pulldown bar. On a side note the rubberized coating smells really bad.  Wow.
Dumbbell row off a bench 2 x 10 85lbs
Hammer pulldown 2 x 10

Flat bench hands facing dumbbell bench 2 x 8 70lbs  (felt weird. Never do these. Trying to protect my bad shoulder. Felt like a cheat fly. It still irritated my shoulder so I might as well go back to palms facing my feet again.)
Incline hands facing dumbbell bench 2 x10 (First set felt good. Second one irritated my good shoulder. I'm doomed. LOL)
Dips 2 x 8 ( went deep. Wondering if it's healthy for my bad shoulder but it didn't seem to irritated it though. )
Push ups 1 x max

Dead lift off the floor 2 x 4 315lbs (these were really easy. I should up the weight)
Weighted hyper extensions 2 x 15 25lbs plate behind the head

Ab wheel roll out 2 x 22
Lying ab crunch machine 2 x 15 (Used too much weight being new to this machine. I know better for next time.)

I see an orthopedic surgeon on Friday for my bad shoulder. I'm sure he will order an MRI. Also sure he will want to operate. I hope he gives me a cortisone shot that will take out the inflammation. I've had good results with that in the past. My body seems to get rid of the swollen tendon irritation with a good cortisone shot. Not sure but I might postpone the operation unless he tells me it's completely fucked up and convinces me. I just can't take being out of action for 4 to 6 months. At this age I will deteriorate quick. In the past when I had a bicep operation that put me out of the weight room for serious workouts for 6 months I became really lean from turning my focus into running. I shocked myself how good I got and lean I got.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on January 20, 2020, 12:49:07 PM
Why not just rest the shoulder?

Take a break from whatever's irritating it?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 20, 2020, 01:23:30 PM
Why not just rest the shoulder?

Take a break from whatever's irritating it?

You make too much sense. I'm afraid of deteriorating. I want the MRI to see if there is clear damage.  If there is no real damage like a torn rotator cuff ,bone squeezing a tendon he could shave down or a badly torn labrum I just might take a month off of training. I did take off a week of training a short while ago and it didn't make a difference. I might need a month off of no lifting and no heavy bag work.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Obvious Gimmick on January 21, 2020, 06:51:53 PM
how old are you OT? I'm 50 never had any serious injurys. Knock wood. Good luck with that MRI. Keep us informed. Misery loves company 🙂
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on January 21, 2020, 07:04:20 PM
You make too much sense. I'm afraid of deteriorating. I want the MRI to see if there is clear damage.  If there is no real damage like a torn rotator cuff ,bone squeezing a tendon he could shave down or a badly torn labrum I just might take a month off of training. I did take off a week of training a short while ago and it didn't make a difference. I might need a month off of no lifting and no heavy bag work.

Unreasonable fear is a negative emotion which can bring an otherwise healthy person down. One thing I've experienced is that my body takes longer to recover. Several weeks or a month laying low may just get you back to where you prefer to good health.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 22, 2020, 05:22:59 PM
Trained legs hard today. Everything went well and I left feeling it was a great workout. Seeing an orthopedic surgeon on Friday for my shoulder. I'm sure he will xray me that day for bone impingement and order an MRI for next week. Getting back to the leg workout. I did the leg press, dumbbell squats, leg extensions, seated leg curls then finished with body weight deep squats for 52 reps. The weight exercises pre fatigued my thighs and the body weight squats gave them a pump and fried them. Edit:  For hamstrings I left out I did stiff legged dead lifts and seated leg curls.

Did this workout in my basement gym. I don't like using a music ipod for lifting but the wife wanted it quiet because my baby grand daughter was sleeping. Normally I blast music from some nice quality speakers I have.

Regarding the calf part of the workout. We all have heard for decades always go for that stretch in calf training regarding bodybuilding. I always have whether standing, seated or leg press calf variation. I'm beginning to wonder about that advice. I'm questioning a lot of my long held beliefs. Going too deep with calf training and trying to come out of the weakest part of the ROM can cause not only injury but a stretch to the Achilles that can be a negative for athletics. The Achilles not only acts as a tendon but also as a spring in conjunction with the calf muscles for jumping, sprinting, and walking. Forcing an extreme stretch to it under load is like over stretching a rubber band. It loses it's elasticity and it's function to store energy for a powerful explosive push in sprinting.  Anyway that's my bro science but I'm sticking with that explanation. I remember when Ben Johnson was heavily into supplementing his workouts with lifting and yes steroids they stopped direct calf workouts in the weight room. They didn't give an explanation except saying that hip extension through squats and power cleans were more valuable toward improving the sprint than calf work. I speculate that sprint training and calf work led to poorer performance and maybe even calf strain. I always have noticed the more calf work I did in the weight room the more my calves and Achilles would bug me during running.  In the end I believe there should be stretch doing calf work but it shouldn't be exaggerate to push out of under load. Sometimes I trust my empirical knowledge more than some chubby PHD's research in exercise physiology.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: AbrahamG on January 22, 2020, 05:25:31 PM
Trained legs hard today. Everything went well and I left feeling it was a great workout. Seeing an orthopedic surgeon on Friday for my shoulder. I'm sure he will xray me that day for bone impingement and order an MRI for next week. Getting back to the leg workout. I did the leg press, dumbbell squats, leg extensions, seated leg curls then finished with body weight deep squats for 52 reps. The weight exercises pre fatigued my thighs and the body weight squats gave them a pump and fried them.  

Did this workout in my basement gym. I don't like using a music ipod for lifting but the wife wanted it quiet because my baby grand daughter was sleeping. Normally I blast music from some nice quality speakers I have.

Regarding the calf part of the workout. We all have heard for decades always go for that stretch in calf training regarding bodybuilding. I always have whether standing, seated or leg press calf variation. I'm beginning to wonder about that advice. I'm questions a lot of my long held beliefs. Going too deep with calf training and trying to come out of the weakest part of the ROM can cause not only injury but a stretch to the Achilles that can be a negative for athletics. The Achilles not only acts as a tendon but also as a spring in conjunction with the calf muscles for jumping, sprinting, and walking. Forcing an extreme stretch to it under load is like over stretching a rubber band. It loses it's elasticity and it's function to store energy for a powerful explosive push in sprinting.  Anyway that's my bro science but I'm sticking with that explanation. I remember when Ben Johnson was heavily into supplementing his workouts with lifting and yes steroids they stopped direct calf workouts in the weight room. They didn't give an explanation except saying that hip extension through squats and power cleans were more valuable toward improving the sprint than calf work. I speculate that sprint training and calf work led to poorer performance and maybe even calf strain. I always have noticed the more calf work I did in the weight room the more my calves and Achilles would bug me during running.  In the end I believe there should be stretch doing calf work but it shouldn't be exaggerate to push out of under load. Sometimes I trust my empirical knowledge more than some chubby PHD's research in exercise physiology.  

Inadequate hamstring work detected.   ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 22, 2020, 05:28:00 PM
Unreasonable fear is a negative emotion which can bring an otherwise healthy person down. One thing I've experienced is that my body takes longer to recover. Several weeks or a month laying low may just get you back to where you prefer to good health.

Thanks for the thoughtful input. Always appreciated. I have friend that that pushes some big numbers in the gym. He once said bodybuilding has nothing to do with health among other gems he has spoken. One time he said. "Running is like hitting yourself in the head with a baseball bat. It feels so good when you stop." Due to a life time of lifting weights he has been operated on three times that I know about. I told him about my shoulder issues. He said, " It could be worst. You could have a big nose and big ears."  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 22, 2020, 05:29:17 PM
Inadequate hamstring work detected.   ;D

I must have left out I did stiff legged deadlifts 2 x 6 205lbs off a block going low and seated leg bicep curls for 2 x 15 today.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: AbrahamG on January 22, 2020, 05:31:41 PM
I must have left out I did stiff legged deadlifts 2 x 6 205lbs off a block going low and seated leg bicep curls for 2 x 15 today.

That's more like it. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on January 23, 2020, 12:13:40 AM
Thanks for the thoughtful input. Always appreciated. I have friend that that pushes some big numbers in the gym. He once said bodybuilding has nothing to do with health among other gems he has spoken. One time he said. "Running is like hitting yourself in the head with a baseball bat. It feels so good when you stop." Due to a life time of lifting weights he has been operated on three times that I know about. I told him about my shoulder issues. He said, " It could be worst. You could have a big nose and big ears."  

A gym friend from awhile back had three shoulder surgeries as a direct result of his pushing his body too far. Had he not died of cancer (unrelated), he'd probably have had even more surgeries on his shoulders  (even though his doctor said no more were possible), because some people, like him, never learn. Needless to say, Bill was quite a character. Miss him.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 23, 2020, 04:34:39 PM
Trained delts and arms.  I’m in so much pain right now seven hours later. Maybe it’s time for moderate weights.  Not comparing my self to Bill Pearl but he said at 55 he gave up lifting heavy weights.  I’m close to 61.  Maybe it’s time to stop the ego lifting and to be more concerned with possible injuries and joint health.

 Read a story in Men’s health about a teacher that ruined his shoulder wrestling with a high school kid fooling around. . After the operation the only thing he could do was running and he was modest at first about it.  When he returned to lifting he said he used light weight with high reps going for the burn with perfect form. He basically said he had to get rid of ego.  The results from his picture was a ripped physique with great abs.  Maybe it’s time to forget about the weight used.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on January 24, 2020, 07:36:38 AM
Trained delts and arms.  I’m in so much pain right now seven hours later. Maybe it’s time for moderate weights.  Not comparing my self to Bill Pearl but he said at 55 he gave up lifting heavy weights.  I’m close to 61.  Maybe it’s time to stop the ego lifting and to be more concerned with possible injuries and joint health.

 Read a story in Men’s health about a teacher that ruined his shoulder wrestling with a high school kid fooling around. . After the operation the only thing he could do was running and he was modest at first about it.  When he returned to lifting he said he used light weight with high reps going for the burn with perfect form. He basically said he had to get rid of ego.  The results from his picture was a ripped physique with great abs.  Maybe it’s time to forget about the weight used.
yes and no,,,what you can handle heavy do what you cant adjust...example i can do all kinds of delt work pain free for the most part'and my right delt is SO SO,,,lateral raise either are smooth and nice or feel like my shoulder is gonna po..15/20/25's are easy and reps 15 like nothing i pick up 30's and it feels like 50's
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 24, 2020, 07:49:33 AM
Saw the orthopedic surgeon today. A really young doctor then again every doctor seems young to me now. He had me hold my arms in various positions while he pushed. He couldn't budge my arms. He said, you're really strong and he said you have a lot of shoulder muscle. I guess he is use to dealing with old decrepit people and other badly injured people. Going for an MRI but he said he thinks it a sprain that will take months to heal. I went through this once before. That doctor said you can sprain your  shoulder like you can sprain your ankle. Some ankle sprains take many months to heal. His advice was to lift 30% lighter and to hit the bag at half speed till I heal. He was a a Rugby player in college. So he knows about athletes unlike so many doctors that haven't done a push up in 30 years.

Doing no lifting, cardio, striking training today. Just chillin.   ;D  

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 24, 2020, 08:34:13 AM
yes and no,,,what you can handle heavy do what you cant adjust...example i can do all kinds of delt work pain free for the most part'and my right delt is SO SO,,,lateral raise either are smooth and nice or feel like my shoulder is gonna po..15/20/25's are easy and reps 15 like nothing i pick up 30's and it feels like 50's

Yes, we all do what we can do. I don't bench with a bar anymore. Every time I think I can go back reality hits me in the face after a work out or two. Recently a power lifter has me convinced I can bench again if I keep my elbows tightly packed to my sides. I'm tempted but no.

So many things we shouldn't be doing as we age. Will there be exceptions to the rule? Of course there will. There is always going to be a three lift specialist that can do a power lifting half squat with 500 pounds plus that is 65 years old. Below are some things we should be wary of in lifting as you age. These are my opinions and not medical advice. It's my own empirical knowledge and yes call it bro science if you want. Some of it applies just to me. See a doctor for his opinion. I'm not a doc.

Barbell squat: As we age the space between vertebra can crush nerves. Pushing into the bar is compressing your spine. This stenosis can put you in a world of hurt. You can also accelerate the hip joint wear. I believe Clarence Bass, Grimek, Paul Anderson, and Ferrigno all had hip joint operations.

Leg Press: I think it's a safe exercise for the most part but when using crushing weights with partial range it's grinding your knees to dust. Will it affect all? Of course not.

Hack squats: Many think these are safe but again if you use a partial movement one can compress the spine in a perfect storm of pushing the shoulders into the pads and your strongest muscles the hip jamming the spine.

Bench press: So many have ruined shoulders and elbow from the bar bench. It might take benching in your 20's, 30's and 40's but it appears few escape damage from this lift. It's an unnatural movement. By it's very nature of lying on a narrow bench it articulates the delts and pecs in an unnatural movement. It also through time makes for very inflexible shoulder joints priming a tear.

Press behind the neck: I have done these for around 40 years plus but had to stop recently because they hurt. I read an interesting article that said the press behind the neck doesn't cause delt problems. It does reveals inflexible shoulders that will lead to a tear. In other word it doesn't cause delt problems. It reveals a problem.Don't know what to believe with this but the author's reasoning struck a chord with me.

Extreme range of motion doing calf work: We have all been advised through decades of magazines to use the maximum range of motion for the best results. I think using an extreme range under load puts the tendon in it's weakest stretched position to come out of.

Stiff leg deadlift: For the most part I always used this lift when I had back pain. It stretches the bicep femoris or hamstrings. Often that's the culprit with lower back pain.  Also the lower back gets stretched.  As you age with the cushions between vertebra become compressed and now you're bending under a load squeezing them in one direction. I still always include this lift but I use a slow cadence and slow negative. I also limit the sets.  

Preacher bench curls: I know a few that have detached their bicep doing them. Never jerk from the stretched position. It might be wise not to go to failure with this.

Deadlifts: Using the alternate hand grip puts the supinated hand in peril of a ripped bicep. While not common it's a risk. Better to use a double hands over with a hook grip. One thing that young men can get away with but it's insanity for older is the rip the bar off the ground method. Jerking the weight off the floor to get that momentum is putting a crazy amount of force on the body. I believe an older man should gradually apply pressure till the bar is off the ground. You might lift less but it will be safer.

I think the best advice is if the exercise hurts don't do it.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on January 24, 2020, 01:18:25 PM
Trained delts and arms.  I’m in so much pain right now seven hours later. Maybe it’s time for moderate weights.  Not comparing my self to Bill Pearl but he said at 55 he gave up lifting heavy weights.  I’m close to 61.  Maybe it’s time to stop the ego lifting and to be more concerned with possible injuries and joint health.
 Read a story in Men’s health about a teacher that ruined his shoulder wrestling with a high school kid fooling around. . After the operation the only thing he could do was running and he was modest at first about it.  When he returned to lifting he said he used light weight with high reps going for the burn with perfect form. He basically said he had to get rid of ego.  The results from his picture was a ripped physique with great abs.  Maybe it’s time to forget about the weight used.

Slowly but surely, you are coming to realize that it is time to make some changes. I don't know that I agree with giving up weights altogether. But, there comes a time when you realize (if you are smart) you have nothing to prove and no need to try. I am all for going lighter and allowing the body more recovery time. it's that or possibly end up incapacitated or cripple. I have 15 years on you and zero injuries from sports. Pay attention to what your body is trying to tell you. It's not easy, but it can be done.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on January 24, 2020, 01:20:34 PM
Saw the orthopedic surgeon today. A really young doctor then again every doctor seems young to me now. He had me hold my arms in various positions while he pushed. He couldn't budge my arms. He said, you're really strong and he said you have a lot of shoulder muscle. I guess he is use to dealing with old decrepit people and other badly injured people. Going for an MRI but he said he thinks it a sprain that will take months to heal. I went through this once before. That doctor said you can sprain your  shoulder like you can sprain your ankle. Some ankle sprains take many months to heal. His advice was to lift 30% lighter and to hit the bag at half speed till I heal. He was a a Rugby player in college. So he knows about athletes unlike so many doctors that haven't done a push up in 30 years.

Doing no lifting, cardio, striking training today. Just chillin.   ;D

Your doctor seems like a smart man with great advice.  

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on January 24, 2020, 01:41:37 PM
Yes, we all do what we can do. I don't bench with a bar anymore. Every time I think I can go back reality hits me in the face after a work out or two. Recently a power lifter has me convinced I can bench again if I keep my elbows tightly packed to my sides. I'm tempted but no.

So many things we shouldn't be doing as we age. Will there be exceptions to the rule? Of course there will. There is always going to be a three lift specialist that can do a power lifting half squat with 500 pounds plus that is 65 years old. Below are some things we should be wary of in lifting as you age. These are my opinions and not medical advice. It's my own empirical knowledge and yes call it bro science if you want. Some of it applies just to me. See a doctor for his opinion. I'm not a doc.

Barbell squat: As we age the space between vertebra can crush nerves. Pushing into the bar is compressing your spine. This stenosis can put you in a world of hurt. You can also accelerate the hip joint wear. I believe Clarence Bass, Grimek, Paul Anderson, and Ferrigno all had hip joint operations.

Leg Press: I think it's a safe exercise for the most part but when using crushing weights with partial range it's grinding your knees to dust. Will it affect all? Of course not.

Hack squats: Many think these are safe but again if you use a partial movement one can compress the spine in a perfect storm of pushing the shoulders into the pads and your strongest muscles the hip jamming the spine.

Bench press: So many have ruined shoulders and elbow from the bar bench. It might take benching in your 20's, 30's and 40's but it appears few escape damage from this lift. It's an unnatural movement. By it's very nature of lying on a narrow bench it articulates the delts and pecs in an unnatural movement. It also through time makes for very inflexible shoulder joints priming a tear.

Press behind the neck: I have done these for around 40 years plus but had to stop recently because they hurt. I read an interesting article that said the press behind the neck doesn't cause delt problems. It does reveals inflexible shoulders that will lead to a tear. In other word it doesn't cause delt problems. It reveals a problem.Don't know what to believe with this but the author's reasoning struck a chord with me.

Extreme range of motion doing calf work: We have all been advised through decades of magazines to use the maximum range of motion for the best results. I think using an extreme range under load puts the tendon in it's weakest stretched position to come out of.

Stiff leg deadlift: For the most part I always used this lift when I had back pain. It stretches the bicep femoris or hamstrings. Often that's the culprit with lower back pain.  Also the lower back gets stretched.  As you age with the cushions between vertebra become compressed and now you're bending under a load squeezing them in one direction. I still always include this lift but I use a slow cadence and slow negative. I also limit the sets.  

Preacher bench curls: I know a few that have detached their bicep doing them. Never jerk from the stretched position. It might be wise not to go to failure with this.

Deadlifts: Using the alternate hand grip puts the supinated hand in peril of a ripped bicep. While not common it's a risk. Better to use a double hands over with a hook grip. One thing that young men can get away with but it's insanity for older is the rip the bar off the ground method. Jerking the weight off the floor to get that momentum is putting a crazy amount of force on the body. I believe an older man should gradually apply pressure till the bar is off the ground. You might lift less but it will be safer.

I think the best advice is if the exercise hurts don't do it.

Almost all exercises can be replicated using machines. In my opinion, when exercising this way, you can better concentrate on strict form and controlled jerky movements which increase the chance of fucking something up, like your shoulder joints.

Due to degenerative disc disease, my spine has compressed at least 2" over many years. I haven't done traditional barbell squats in ages. Most gyms have a good selection of squat machines that control the movement. For balance, I do body weight squats and lunges. Keeping my balance doing lunges takes a lot of concentration.

I like your advice, "If it hurts, don't do it." Much better than 'no pain, no gain'.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on January 24, 2020, 02:12:53 PM
Yates said if he didn't push it to the limit he would have no injuries. He also said he wouldn't be Mr. Olympia. I have pushed it to the limit for so many decades. I never played it safe. I take great pride that I can go for a run with a 25 year old for a three mile run at a good pace. I take pride I can go in a pick up two hand touch football game with young people and out sprint a young man for a touch down. I take pride that I can run most young men into the ground lifting. I take pride that the black belts in my gym say I punch like a mule and never seen anything like it. I also have paid the price for that. A big price.

There is definitely nothing wrong with being proud of your accomplishments. There is also nothing wrong with taking good care of your physical health.

Oldtimer's Epitaph

He could keep pace with a 25 year-old in a 3 mile run.
He could out sprint a young man in a touchdown during a pickup football game.
He could out power lift most young men.
He could punch like a mule, according to black belt holder's at his gym.
He was willing to pay whatever price it took to maintain his pride.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 24, 2020, 02:25:37 PM
There is definitely nothing wrong with being proud of your accomplishments. There is also nothing wrong with taking good care of your physical health.

Oldtimer's Epitaph

He could keep pace with a 25 year-old in a 3 mile run.
He could out sprint a young man in a touchdown during a pickup football game.
He could out power lift most young men.
He could punch like a mule, according to black belt holder's at his gym.
He was willing to pay whatever price it took to maintain his pride.

I say with all modesty.  ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 25, 2020, 03:15:05 PM
Looking to forward to Monday and a  volume routine.  Doc told me to lower my weight till I'm better and I think I will listen. Waiting for my MRI to get approved so I can see if there is any damage that shows up on the image.  If it's truly a bad shoulder sprain I will be pissed but grateful I don't need an operation. Meanwhile taking powerful anti inflammatory drugs. They really take out the pain to a major extent.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on January 25, 2020, 06:50:54 PM
Looking to forward to Monday and a  volume routine.  Doc told me to lower my weight till I'm better and I think I will listen. Waiting for my MRI to get approved so I can see if there is any damage that shows up on the image.  If it's truly a bad shoulder sprain I will be pissed but grateful I don't need an operation. Meanwhile taking powerful anti inflammatory drugs. They really take out the pain to a major extent.

One thing you forgot to mention, of which you should be most proud, is your tenacity. You never give up. You are always looking to the future.

Anti-inflammatory meds are great. Even over the counter Aleve helps the pain in my hands subside. So, now that you've mentioned anti-inflammatory meds, I am going to go take an Aleve because my hands presently hurt like shit.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 27, 2020, 11:02:44 AM
I don't think my shoulder could handle volume at this point so I stuck with moderate weights but I still went to failure for one work set. Chest and bicep day.

Flat dumbbell bench 1 x 13
Incline dumbbell bench 1 x 13
Flat dumbbell flies 1 x 22
Push ups 1 x max

EZ bar curl 1 x 20
Alternate dumbbell curls 1 x 15 each arm
Straight bar pulley 1 x 15
Dumbbell preacher curl 1 x 25

forearm wrist curl 1 x 35
Reverse wrist extensions 1 x 30

Incline sit ups 1 x 25
Crunches 1 x max
Pulley crunches 1 x 50

After I ran two slow miles after lifting.  I did some stretching after mainly for shoulders and calves. I want to do volume but I feel the set after set would lead to inflammation in my shoulder.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on January 27, 2020, 02:06:58 PM
3x10 with 30 second rest between sets:
Seated d-bell curls
Triceps push down
Standing EZ curls
Triceps  overhead extensions
Barbell wrist curls
Reverse EZ curls

10 min. Cardio
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 27, 2020, 06:08:46 PM
3x10 with 30 second rest between sets:
Seated d-bell curls
Triceps push down
Standing EZ curls
Triceps  overhead extensions
Barbell wrist curls
Reverse EZ curls

10 min. Cardio

Good going. Start a thread! What type of cardio did you do?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on January 27, 2020, 07:26:41 PM
Just a fast walk on the treadmill. Kept my pulse in the low 90's. No 100 mile runs like you do. ;) Not going to start my own thread until I actually stick with it for awhile. Don't want to look like a quitter.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 28, 2020, 10:26:55 AM
Legs:All to failure. Reps are an estimation from memory.

Leg press 1 x 20 ( after this going to failure I had to rest almost 3 minutes. I felt sick.)
Dumbbell squat 1 x 16 (Again felt wiped out)
Stiff dead 1 x 10
Leg extension 1 x 30
Seated leg curl 1 x 25
Body weight squats 1 x 55

Standing calf 1 x 20
Seated calf 1 x 21
Tibilalis work 1 x 20

Neck 1 set per side.

I'm really beginning to think that one set to failure might not be a great plan for a guy in his sixties. My breathing and pulse red lined after every set. I had to bend over to catch my breath. I'm in decent cardio shape too. Thought this might be a great way to induce a heart attack. Today's workout took place in my house.

 Once I was working out at the commercial gym and a bench and curl guy said I was out of shape because I was breathing so hard in between sets. He said with much self back patting he never gets winded like I do. Hell this pudgy guy couldn't keep up with me through half any of my workouts. Yes, he has a big bench. That's the exercise he does every single time he's in the gym.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on January 28, 2020, 11:35:22 AM
What about warm up set's? Or, is the weight light enough you don't need them. Not that long ago, I'd do a 25 rep warm up on the leg press using 200 lbs. It is rare for me to become winded during workouts. Now, if I went out right now a swiftly walked the approximately 10 blocks up my hill, i'd be winded. I know this because it's happened in the past.

Gonna work hams and calves today at the gym.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 28, 2020, 06:23:32 PM
What about warm up set's? Or, is the weight light enough you don't need them. Not that long ago, I'd do a 25 rep warm up on the leg press using 200 lbs. It is rare for me to become winded during workouts. Now, if I went out right now a swiftly walked the approximately 10 blocks up my hill, i'd be winded. I know this because it's happened in the past.

Gonna work hams and calves today at the gym.

I do a warm up sets for major movements. The leg press gets two. You never get winded exercising? You don't get winded lifting?  So you do hard sets of leg presses, squats, lunges, stiff leg deads and the rest and you just get a glow while breathing just a little bit hard?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on January 29, 2020, 05:58:32 AM
It's like interval training.  Just don't kill yourself.

I breathe pretty hard after most sets.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on January 29, 2020, 11:30:35 AM
I do a warm up sets for major movements. The leg press gets two. You never get winded exercising? You don't get winded lifted?  So you do hard sets of leg presses, squats, lunges, stiff leg deads and the rest and you just get a glow while breathing just a little bit hard?

It is rare for me to get winded exercising with weights. The heavier the weight the slower my pace is. I don't do hard sets of anything these days. Back when I did and I felt taxed, I'd rest longer between sets. This is especially true of heavy leg work. At least for me, there is no need to kill myself working out in order to benefit from the exercise. I've never been highly competitive even when I was a kid.   
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 29, 2020, 05:39:10 PM
Ran by the ocean today. It was cold with the wind blowing hard. Called off running after 1.2 miles due to cold induced asthma. I couldn't breath. I've been doing to much treadmill work. My body sure rebelled running in the cold. Going to acclimate my lungs to running outside again.  Came home and did strike training on my home heavy bag. I have to admit I like the one at the commercial gym. It has a  lot of give and my home one is way more solid. Not good for the joints. I hit lighter with my bad shoulder. Friday is MRI day. With the MRI they should get a good image of the tendons, ligaments, bursa, labrum, and the rest. Hopefully I don't need an operation. The surgeon said with his initial evaluation that he wants to avoid surgery but can't make a complete decision with an image. Xrays he can only see bones clearly and soft tissue with a blur. MRI lets him see the soft tissue crystal clear. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 30, 2020, 10:32:06 AM
Back day: I did warms where needed. Otherwise one set to failure. Reps are from memory and sometimes an approximation. It took about 40 minutes.  A friend of mine in the gym who is the biggest human I ever seen was giving me advice on bad shoulders. I don't know how big he is but I'm guessing 6'3" and well over 350lbs muscular pounds. He's built like a strong man competitor and not a bodybuilder. His neck is bigger than my thigh.  I don't know how he fits in his car. He's a cop but has a voice like Tyson in that he talks in a soft voice that doesn't go with his menacing appearance. He never squats or deadlifts. He does use massive weights but some weeks he uses very human weights. He says it's all according to his training methods. I told him I'm using protein supplements and in a month I'll be as big as him. We had laugh over this. While talking about bad shoulders a 74 year old guy I really am in awe of because of his intense training heard our conversation. He said, "Welcome to being old."  

Pull down with medium M.A.G supinate bar 1 x 15
Cable long pull with a M.A.G. supinate row bar 1 x 14
DB row off a bench 1 x 15
Narrow grip pulldown with a M.A.G. supinate 1 x 14
deadlifts 1 x 6
Weighted hyperextensions 1 x 20
AB wheel roll out 1 x 26
Ab lying crunch machine 1 x 20
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on January 30, 2020, 11:32:40 AM

Your shoulder can't be too bad if you can do all that.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 30, 2020, 03:29:11 PM
Sleepless nights and a lot of throbbing pain begs to differ.  It clicks and grinds. Sometimes I have to force it over head because it’s stuck with pain that can take my breath away.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on January 30, 2020, 03:58:10 PM
Sleepless nights and a lot of throbbing pain begs to differ.  It clicks and grinds. Sometimes I have to force it over head because it’s stuck with pain that can take my breath away.

You got inflammation in there.  Got to rest it.

Take ibuprofen to reduce the inflammation.  But you have to lay off.

The ibuprofen will make you think you're better but you aren't and you'll make it worse if you train the area.

Just work legs for awhile.  Nothing upper body.  No hitting the bag.  Nothing.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on January 30, 2020, 06:44:27 PM
You got inflammation in there.  Got to rest it.

Take ibuprofen to reduce the inflammation.  But you have to lay off.

The ibuprofen will make you think you're better but you aren't and you'll make it worse if you train the area.

Just work legs for awhile.  Nothing upper body.  No hitting the bag.  Nothing.

So, this raises the question of osteoarthritis and that when it flares up it can actually be because of inflammation. Generally speaking osteoarthritis has been considered a non-inflammatory disease. But lately, there has been new thinking about this. Aleve, which is an anti-inflammatory is the one few over the counter meds which gives me instant relief when my arthritis flares up.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on January 31, 2020, 04:45:16 AM
So, this raises the question of osteoarthritis and that when it flares up it can actually be because of inflammation. Generally speaking osteoarthritis has been considered a non-inflammatory disease. But lately, there has been new thinking about this. Aleve, which is an anti-inflammatory is the one few over the counter meds which gives me instant relief when my arthritis flares up.

Aleve is Naproxen.

Like Advil is Ibuprofen.

Their fine as long as you don't take them all the time which can cause major problems.

When you have inflammation you have to "get out of your own way".  Reduce the inflammation so the joint can stop irritating itself.

This inflammation becomes chronic if you keep training the area.  It just won't go away.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 31, 2020, 07:36:50 AM
Taking a prescription strength anti inflammatory meloxicam. Maximum dose. It takes a lot of the pain away but it returns when I stop taking it.  I take advice on the what drugs to take from my orthopedic surgeon and my daughter who is a doctor of pharmacology.

Had my MRI today. I will review the results with the orthopedic surgeon on Friday. He said on my initial consultation he doesn't want to operate mentioning that I look like an in shape 40 year old. He knows athletics. He played Rugby in college. The surgeon did say to lift reduced weights for delt and pec exercises.  After delt day I'm in serious pain after for two to three days then it starts to dissipate.

I've been lifting weights since I was 13.  That's well over 40 years of lifting. That's a lot of wear and tear from lifting besides other physical endeavors.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Obvious Gimmick on January 31, 2020, 10:11:18 AM
. The surgeon did say to lift reduced weights for delt and pec exercises. 
Did you tell him you're a getbigger? We don't reduce the weight, we up the dose.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 31, 2020, 01:34:41 PM
Did you tell him you're a getbigger? We don't reduce the weight, we up the dose.

LOL, seriously I don't use. Today was delt and triceps. My delts are screaming. Tried to use really good form. Foolishly used decent weights.  Having trouble raising my arm over my head right now.

I'm very anti bodybuilding drugs. It's all temporary muscles. The sad part is the drug addicts who use steroids, growth hormone, insulin, anti estrogens, LH hormones and speed think the praise they get for their body is due to their effort. They know deep down inside how they look without the assist. Suddenly their work ethic and knowledge is worthless.  

Steroids also have a profound mental effect.  While on you feel confident and aggressive. There is a feeling almost of joy and euphoria.  When completely off many users get depressed, meek and nervous.  They start craving to go back on cycle to feel "normal".  It becomes a drug addict cycle of using then going off then craving again.

 I've known so many users that keep a crumpled up picture of them self in their wallet to show people when the sad part is the person standing in front of you is out of shape. I train naturally. I look muscular and get that egotistical praise but could never compare to a user. That's alright. I know what looks amazing now won't look amazing in six months. One guy actually said he was off bodybuilding drug because he was in between contests. I asked him what he was on while he was "off"  and he said straight testosterone, HCG Luteinizing  hormone and anti estrogen/LH simulator as in Clomid. Just insanity.  I think so many people involved in bodybuilding are warped and have low self esteem.  So many have low confidence and low self esteem that they would risk health so they can be called a man by strangers for their drug physique.

On a different topic but maybe related. It takes extreme work ethic to achieve anything in this life. Yes, some are lucky they found a way to make money or are born with an athletic physique. The majority have to work. Yates was asked in light of his injuries if he would have done anything different. At the time he answered if he did he wouldn't be a multiple time Mr. Olympia. Maybe he feels differently now that he is retired.

I know a guy that played in the NFL in the 70's as a lineman for seven years for the Detroit Lions.  He had both knees replaced. If I'm not mistaken multiple shoulder operations and a replacement. He had so many concussions that he has mental problems. In the 70's his best pay day year was 200K. He said if he was a line man now in the NFL he would be set for life with the millions he would be paid. He played pop warner football in grade school, high school, division I college and again 7 years in the NFL.  He is monster sized.  He looked at me at the beach and said you look in shape.  He said look at me. I was a professional athlete and my body is so fucked up I have trouble doing push ups. It seems he is bitter. He never wants to talk about football. He works as an insurance car adjustment agent. He has a very modest pension from the NFL for his head injuries.  I bet he won't watch the Superbowl this year. He has found peace finally getting married. He loves his dogs and writes fiction. I read one of his books and it sounds like it's a factual account of his life. On a another side note my wife grew up as a girl across the street from him. She said one day she saw him and his brother fighting. One was pounding the other with a cinder block.  Why did I bring this up?  Just that his passion to be the best lineman in the NFL led him to destruction.  He lived a life many would envy and if he had to live his life again he said he would never  have played football.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Obvious Gimmick on January 31, 2020, 02:00:49 PM
I did 2 legit cycles in my early 30s. I liked it. I am on TRT now.I get 150mg of test C a week. That puts me about 700 ng/ml.  I feel great!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 31, 2020, 02:29:20 PM
I did 2 legit cycles in my early 30s. I liked it. I am on TRT now.I get 150mg of test C a week. That puts me about 700 ng/ml.  I feel great!

I asked my doctor for TRT because I was around 300.  He sent me to an endocrinologist. A hormone doctor. That doctor said, "You are muscular and you said you have a healthy sex drive. What do you think getting extra testosterone will do for you?"  He said the number range has been developed by the testosterone manufacturer's sponsored studies.  He said they are meaningless numbers. He went on to say general practitioner  doctors are prescribing testosterone in amazing numbers. He told me that it will increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Surprisingly he left it up to me. He said, "Your choice. Do you want a prescription for test or not. Your choice." I asked him what he would do with my numbers?  He said I wouldn't take it.  He did leave me with this advice. He said testosterone rises as you get leaner. He said get as lean as you can.

 On a side note again I did see another doctor a year or two prior to the endocrinologist. He was a urologist.  I was concerned about heart attacks with testosterone and he put me on Clomid. Clomid is used on women with breast cancer. A side effect was it was found to increase testosterone and fertility in males. It's used for fertility with guys with low sperm counts who are trying to get their wives pregnant. It's used for fertility for a short period. I used it for about 6 weeks and my test count was around 700 on it. I went for a check up and my doctor a urologist was out and his covering urologist was there. He was amazed he prescribed clomid. He said in studies of guys using it for fertility they found an increase in brain cancer. He said don't take it anymore. I found later that the doc prescribing it for me left the group urologist practice.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on January 31, 2020, 03:46:27 PM
I asked my doctor for TRT because I was around 300.  He sent me to an endocrinologist. A hormone doctor. That doctor said, "You are muscular and you said you have a healthy sex drive. What do you think getting extra testosterone will do for you?"  He said the number range has been developed by the testosterone manufacturer's sponsored studies.  He said they are meaningless numbers. He went on to say general practitioner  doctors are prescribing testosterone in amazing numbers. He told me that it will increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Surprisingly he left it up to me. He said, "Your choice. Do you want a prescription for test or not. Your choice." I asked him what he would do with my numbers?  He said I wouldn't take it.  He did leave me with this advice. He said testosterone rises as you get leaner. He said get as lean as you can.

 On a side note again I did see another doctor a year or two prior to the endocrinologist. He was a urologist.  I was concerned about heart attacks with testosterone and he put me on Clomid. Clomid is used on women with breast cancer. A side effect was it was found to increase testosterone and fertility in males. It's used for fertility with guys with low sperm counts who are trying to get their wives pregnant. It's used for fertility for a short period. I used it for about 6 weeks and my test count was around 700 on it. I went for a check up and my doctor a urologist was out and his covering urologist was there. He was amazed he prescribed clomid. He said in studies of guys using it for fertility they found an increase in brain cancer. He said don't take it anymore. I found later that the doc prescribing it for me left the group urologist practice.

It's called the practice of medicine for a reason.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 05, 2020, 05:24:36 PM
Still training. I just don't feel like filling out this training log. Today was legs with about 45 minutes of fast treadmill walking on an incline after lifting.  When I got off the treadmill a guy I don't know said, "You were on that thing for a long time. Look at all the sweat on your shirt."  How do you respond to that?   ;D I mumbled, "Thanks".  

Thought about it for a really long time. I think I have to go to moderate weights and volume to preserve my joints. I just hate to do multiple sets.  I like to warm up and do one or at the most two sets to failure. Just hit it till you can't get another rep and move on. When I do multiple sets like 4 or 5 per exercise I feel like I'm wasting my time in the first sets. Then again it really is two different training protocols. Both are hard in their own ways.

 A 400 meter runner might do 8 x 200 meter repeats in his training. It's brutal training and considered high intensity in the running world. They might do variations of interval training on other days from shorter or longer interval repeats. A miler would never say a 400 meter sprinter  training is easy compared to them.  Conversely  a 400 meter sprinter wouldn't  say that about the miler either. The miler might go out for runs every day of 5 to 10 miles off season and as the season gets closer use intervals of something like 800 meters to 400 meter repeats. One is intensity over volume. The other is volume over intensity. Apples and Oranges but both are hard work. It's like the high school kid that runs with the leaders of a marathon race for two blocks and declares they aren't running that fast but he knows after four blocks he would be sucking wind and the elite marathoners are running that speed for 26 miles.

I have an aversion to volume work. Truthfully rarely used it. The longest I used it was when I was around 18-19.  I have to admit I was very lean but hated being seen using moderate weights.  I just remember doing set after set of an exercise and only really feeling it on the last set as my stamina ran out.

This reminds me of a story of Chris Dickerson back in the day. A guy from my gym watched him train in a gym in NY saying he really uses light weights. An example of this is lat seated pulley pulls with the pin in the 160lbs plate slot.  He then said on his next visit he asked if he could train with him. He said he couldn't keep up. What appeared to be light weights got very heavy after doing 6 sets of an exercise with little rest in between sets. I also read about another guy who said in effect the same thing about training with Steve Davis. He said he used the same weight for every set  for T bar rows with 115lbs. What he thought was light weights got very heavy as Steve rested very little between sets and moved from one exercise to another like a machine.

Just trying to make the point that volume isn't easy even if the weight used gives the appearance the guy is dogging  it.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on February 06, 2020, 03:35:31 AM
"Today was delt and triceps. My delts are screaming. Tried to use really good form. Foolishly used decent weights.  Having trouble raising my arm over my head right now."

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 07, 2020, 02:54:13 PM
The orthopedic surgeon went over my MRI with a another MD in training. He said I have a partial rotator cuff tear with a minor labrum tear he isn't concerned with. He was showing the doctor in training for orthopedics I presume the muscles around the joint. He said I had plenty of muscle. His plan is no surgery for now. He wants physical therapy for rotator cuff strength/balance but more importantly shoulder flexibility.  He talked a lot but to condense it he said it's a relative minor tear but it causes a lot of pain.  Talking about the pain he said did you ever have an ingrown nail in your toe? He said the pain is high but in the scheme of things it's isn't a major problem. He said after a month of physical therapy working on flexibility and rotator work he will reevaluate.  

Trained delts and triceps today. Used light weights for delts. For rear delts my go to is the bent over dumbbell laterals. Sometimes the rear delt machine. Today I used a pulley that is the same exercise some physical therapists use in shoulder rehab. Felt it was the most range of motion I could do for the rear delts. Started light and went to medium weights. Might keep this one in. The pain in my delt limited me with tricep work. Had to be creative.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on February 07, 2020, 03:03:17 PM
The orthopedic surgeon went over my MRI wit a another MD in training. He said I have a partial rotator cuff tear with a minor labrum tear he isn't concerned with. He was showing the doctor in training for orthopedics I presume the muscles around the joint. He said I had plenty of muscle. His plan is no surgery for now. He wants physical therapy for rotator cuff strength/balance but more importantly shoulder flexibility.  He talked a lot but to condense it he said it's a relative minor tear but it causes a lot of pain.  Talking about the pain he said did you ever have an ingrown nail in your toe? He said the pain is high but in the scheme of things it's isn't a major problem. He said after a month of physical therapy working on flexibility and rotator work he will reevaluate.  

Trained delts and triceps today. Used light weights for delts. For rear delts my go to is the bent over dumbbell laterals. Sometimes the rear delt machine. Today I used a pulley that is the same exercise some physical therapists use in shoulder rehab. Felt it was the most range of motion I could do for the rear delts. Started light and went to medium weights. Might keep this one in. The pain in my delt limited me with tricep work. Had to be creative.

This is great news!

One thing I hope you did was clear which exercises you can do for now, including how much resistance is okay. I'm surprised you did any exercise involving your shoulders. Wouldn't it be better to wait until after you've seen the PT and gotten clearance on what is and what isn't okay?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 07, 2020, 03:29:55 PM
This is great news!

One thing I hope you did was clear which exercises you can do for now, including how much resistance is okay. I'm surprised you did any exercise involving your shoulders. Wouldn't it be better to wait until after you've seen the PT and gotten clearance on what is and what isn't okay?

That makes too much sense Prime.  My work ethic has become obsessive and compulsive.  I egotistically take pride in my appearance and I know at my age I could lose it quick. The doctor did say to use 30% less weight for anything involving the shoulder and take nothing to failure. I'll see what the physical therapist says also. They can't see me for 10 days. I only did physical therapy once when I had a bicep rupture. I wasn't too impressed with what they had me doing there. In other words no magic or secrets. Hoping since the shoulder is such a complicated joint that can move in so many directions they will have some great stretches and rotator cuff ideas. On the internet just today I learned some of their methods but I will wait for what the physical therapists recommends for me. The doctor wrote on the prescription include home exercises for rehab too.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on February 08, 2020, 06:23:24 AM

You're like an addict who can't give up the pipe.

Take a step back and look at your behavior objectively.  It's foolish.

This is your thread and you can keep posting all this nonsense about hurting yourself training and how you can't stop, you can't rest, you have to look good, etc.

It's a lot of BS.  Attention seeking.  After awhile it becomes whining.

You won't use common sense.  You won't take advices.  Your behavior is like these idiots on here who take all those drugs you rant against.

So, go on and keep f*cking yourself up.  Go for it.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 08, 2020, 03:37:04 PM

You're like an addict who can't give up the pipe.

Take a step back and look at your behavior objectively.  It's foolish.

This is your thread and you can keep posting all this nonsense about hurting yourself training and how you can't stop, you can't rest, you have to look good, etc.

It's a lot of BS.  Attention seeking.  After awhile it becomes whining.

You won't use common sense.  You won't take advices.  Your behavior is like these idiots on here who take all those drugs you rant against.

So, go on and keep f*cking yourself up.  Go for it.

Go fuck yourself Iron Nat. I would love to see the shape you're in.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on February 08, 2020, 06:23:41 PM
That makes too much sense Prime.  My work ethic has become obsessive and compulsive.  I egotistically take pride in my appearance and I know at my age I could lose it quick. The doctor did say to use 30% less weight for anything involving the shoulder and take nothing to failure. I'll see what the physical therapist says also. They can't see me for 10 days. I only did physical therapy once when I had a bicep rupture. I wasn't too impressed with what they had me doing there. In other words no magic or secrets. Hoping since the shoulder is such a complicated joint that can move in so many directions they will have some great stretches and rotator cuff ideas. On the internet just today I learned some of their methods but I will wait for what the physical therapists recommends for me. The doctor wrote on the prescription include home exercises for rehab too.

I've had great luck with physical therapy the times I've needed it. Lindsey has been my primary therapist each time I've gone. She's great. She gives a wonderful massage...not too hard and not too light. If you don't think you're getting what you should out of it, tell your therapist. If that doesn't make it better, change your therapist. It's your money. You are the boss.

Ego is good. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be the best you can be, regardless of age. Jeeze, if I can still drag my ancient ass to the gym, you can too. You are just a kid compared to me. Maybe it is just your nature to be obsessive - compulsive. Many people are. Just don't let it make you crazy. Can't tell you how many times I've gotten a few blocks from the house only to turn around and go back by just to make sure I closed the garage door. Now I have an app I can check which is much less bother.

I'm glad you asked you doctor for training advice. You are lucky, some doctors don't know shit about weight training. Seems like yours does.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 09, 2020, 02:41:12 PM
Did a little cardio today.  Went to a funeral yesterday with a plenty of family then the repast.  We were there for hours seeing relatives and friends we haven't seen in a long time. It was a good send off. So nothing physical yesterday.

Treadmill walking. Put it on a fast walk at 3.8 MPH. Nothing crazy but not slow. I call this work out the ladder. It starts at zero elevation or grade and every lap meaning a quarter mile the elevation is raised 1%.  It's been a very effective workout through the years. I came up with the idea after an arm operation about 15 years ago. I couldn't lift weights. I couldn't jar my arm running. I started walking on a treadmill playing with the elevation. I was on that thing twice a day sometimes. A morning and an afternoon second session. Once the cast and sling came off I went to go for a run and was really surprised how good a shape I was in. It was about two month of this walking routine or so. My blood pressure was 110/65. My resting heart rate was always around 60.  I felt great.

Lap one: zero percent grade-elevation so level ground at 3.8 MPH for a quarter mile.
Lap two: 1% grade/elevation
Lap three: 2% elevation
Lap four: 3%
Lap five: 4%
Lap six: 5%
Lap seven: 6%
Lap eight: 7%
Lap nine: 8%
Lap ten: 9%
Lap eleven: 10%
Lap twelve: 11%
Lap thirteen: 12%
Lap fourteen: 0% grade

Work out took about 55 minutes.  The elevation provides a nice gentle stretch and workout for the calf too.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on February 09, 2020, 02:53:05 PM
Did a little cardio today.  Went to a funeral yesterday with a plenty of family then the repast.  We were there for hours seeing relatives and friends we haven't seen in a long time. It was a good send off. So nothing physical yesterday.

Treadmill walking. Put it on a fast walk at 3.8 MPH. Nothing crazy but not slow. I call this work out the ladder. It starts at zero elevation or grade and every lap meaning a quarter mile the elevation is raised 1%.  It's been a very effective workout through the years. I came up with the idea after an arm operation about 15 years ago. I couldn't lift weights. I couldn't jar my arm running. I started walking on a treadmill playing with the elevation. I was on that thing twice a day sometimes. A morning and an afternoon second session. Once the cast and sling came off I went to go for a run and was really surprised how good a shape I was in. It was about two month of this walking routine or so. My blood pressure was 110/65. My resting heart rate was always around 60.  I felt great.

Lap one: zero percent grade-elevation so level ground at 3.8 MPH for a quarter mile.
Lap two: 1% grade/elevation
Lap three: 2% elevation
Lap four: 3%
Lap five: 4%
Lap six: 5%
Lap seven: 6%
Lap eight: 7%
Lap nine: 8%
Lap ten: 9%
Lap eleven: 10%
Lap twelve: 11%
Lap thirteen: 12%
Lap fourteen: 0% grade

Work out took about 55 minutes.  The elevation provides a nice gentle stretch and workout for the calf too.  

Seems like fun. I like playing around with changing the grade on the treadmill. It helps with the boredom of cardio.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 11, 2020, 11:05:34 AM
Back and chest: Going for one more week of hard training then going to consult my physical therapist whether it would be a good idea to take a month off of lifting. My orthopedic surgeon said lift 30% lighter for chest and shoulders. Want to hear what the physical therapist says.

Pulldowns with M.A.G. bar supinate 2 x 10 140lbs (upright back and full range of motion. I could use a hell of a lot more if I used the lean back method and stopping 6 inches from the top of my chest but I feel this strict version more.)
Seated lat pulley rows with a V handle 2 x 12 170lbs
Dumbbell rows off a bench 2 x  10 85lbs (all the way out and all the way up)
Hammer strength pulldowns 2 x 10

Hammer incline press 2 x 8 (It just feels like it doesn't follow a natural path yet it does have it's pluses)
Dumbbell inclines 2 x 8 70lbs (strict and slow with a full range. )
Dumbbell flies 2 x 10 45lbs (again strict and slow)
Pulley flies 2 x 12 50lbs per arm

Deadlifts 2 x 4 315lbs ( I really should up the weight. I'm pretty shot at the end of the workout so 315lb feels heavy but I know I should start upping the weight.)
Weighted back hyper extensions 2 x 15 (25lbs plate behind my head. Traditional horizontal hyper bench. The new 45 degree ones are garbage as the resistance goes away at the top of the movement. )

Ab wheel 2 x 22
Ab machine 2 x 20 150lbs

Gym Observation: One of  the most beautiful girls I have ever seen was was working out. She really could be movie star. She was wearing those sheer yoga pants. Every time I tried to check her out I think I got caught. She was doing plenty of bent over hip exercises and every time I tried to get a peek she was looking right at me.  At least she smiled. 

A guy about 71 was telling me about his training life.  His advice is sometimes you have to take a month off.  The alternative is to have a pussy weight month.  He said every body needs a break.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Obvious Gimmick on February 11, 2020, 12:22:08 PM
My 2 cents. Move those deadlifts to the front of your session. Easy to get hurt especially if your already burnt.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 11, 2020, 07:15:21 PM
My 2 cents. Move those deadlifts to the front of your session. Easy to get hurt especially if your already burnt.

I have the opposite opinion but I appreciate your reasoning.  I put them at the end so I'm fatigued and completely warmed up so I will use less weight. When I was younger I always did them first so I could move the most amount of weight. When I got into my late forties I always did my deadlift sets at the end of back day. I always use to end the work out with sets of 405lb but now 315lbs feels heavy especially if I use a slow negative each rep. I find I try to do an exercise in the hardest way and not the easiest because in the end we are trying to stress the body. I do this by emphasizing the negative, moderate cadence and finding the fullest range of motion I can do. It lowers the weight used but in the end it makes a medium weight heavy. One pro that did it that way was Yates regarding putting deadlifts at the end of back day.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on February 12, 2020, 01:34:32 AM
I have the opposite opinion but I appreciate your reasoning.  I put them at the end so I'm fatigued and completely warmed up so I will use less weight. When I was younger I always did them first so I could move the most amount of weight. When I got into my late forties I always did my deadlift sets at the end of back day. I always use to end the work out with sets of 405lb but now 315lbs feels heavy especially if I use a slow negative each rep. I find I try to do an exercise in the hardest way and not the easiest because in the end we are trying to stress the body. I do this by emphasizing the negative, moderate cadence and finding the fullest range of motion I can do. It lowers the weight used but in the end it makes a medium weight heavy. One pro that did it that way was Yates regarding putting deadlifts at the end of back day.

Likewise, I do leg presses and squats at the end of my routine. If I did them at the beginning I wouldn't be completely warmed up and I'd probably be too exhausted to complete my routine.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 12, 2020, 10:19:02 AM
Leg day:

Dumbbell squats 2 x 12 85lbs (held at the sides like a farmer's walk. Upright back and sink the butt bending the legs fully. Never deadlifting the weight. Deep squat every rep)
Hack squat 2 x 12 (ass to grass reps. Might drop these. Felt the hip joint protesting a bit)
Stiff leg dead 2 x 6 210lbs (Touched the top of my feet with the bar each rep)
Leg kick back machine 2 x 12 70lbs (great machine)
Leg extension 2 x 12 150lbs
Leg curl 2 x 12 100

standing calf 2 x 12
seated calf 2 x 15

four way neck 2 x 15-20

Hanging leg raise 2 x 22
Seated knee ins 2 x 25

Rotator work: Saw a guy doing an interesting rotator exercise. Hard to describe. I tried it with very light weight. Seemed to really hit the shoulder right. Used baby weights almost like a warm up. My partially torn rotator cuff handled it well.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on February 12, 2020, 11:08:30 AM
Try not going so deep on the hack squats. Might save your hips.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 12, 2020, 05:20:51 PM
Try not going so deep on the hack squats. Might save your hips.

My reasoning with doing exercise through a full range of motion is common physics 101. A load moved a greater distance is more work. Having said that there might be something to saving aging joints through doing partial range like the majority of all age guys do. The hardest range of say a standing shoulder press is the lowest part. The upper ranges are the easiest. The most dangerous to the joint is the stretch position under load.  Guys that do half rep presses might be saving their joint but then again doing half range motion keeping the humerus parallel to  the ground will also force a guy to use a lot more weight to make it hard when doing half reps. What's the answer?  Don't know.

Prime you might be right.  I think I will just exchange hacks with another movement. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on February 12, 2020, 05:37:57 PM
My reasoning with doing exercise through a full range of motion is common physics 101. A load moved a greater distance is more work. Having said that there might be something to saving aging joints through doing partial range like the majority of all age guys do. The hardest range of say a standing shoulder press is the lowest part. The upper ranges are the easiest. The most dangerous to the joint is the stretch position under load.  Guys that do half rep presses might be saving their joint but then again doing half range motion keeping the humerus parallel to  the ground will also force a guy to use a lot more weight to make it hard when doing half reps. What's the answer?  Don't know.

Prime you might be right.  I think I will just exchange hacks with another movement. 

The answer is that you can save your hip joints or end up having them replaced someday. Shouldn't be a problem, the recovery from hip replacement is usually easier than it is from knee replacement. Then again, sometimes the surgery doesn't leaves you with less mobility. If that happens you won't have to worry about ass to the grass any longer because you won't be able to do it.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 12, 2020, 05:51:26 PM
The answer is that you can save your hip joints or end up having them replaced someday. Shouldn't be a problem, the recovery from hip replacement is usually easier than it is from knee replacement. Then again, sometimes the surgery doesn't leaves you with less mobility. If that happens you won't have to worry about ass to the grass any longer because you won't be able to do it.

Ever see the video of a person that had to have their knee replacement replaced?  It's brutal. The doc has to use a mini sledge hammer and many whacks to remove the appliance.  I think it inserts into the femur. 

Regarding hip replacement it's so common now with lifters. Some famous names like Grimek, Bass, Ferrigno, Anderson and many others had hip replacement.  Makes me think if all those barbell squats for many decades are grinding the joint to dust.  Then again there are so many people who are completely inactive their whole life that have hip replacement. I know a woman in her late fifties who hasn't done one single form of exercise since high school who had to have both hips replaced. Maybe there is a problem with decades of heavy squats and deadlifts being bad for the joints but on the other hand doing absolutely nothing promotes weak bone deteriorating joints too. 

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on February 12, 2020, 05:57:49 PM
Ever see the video of a person that had to have their knee replacement replaced?  It's brutal. The doc has to use a mini sledge hammer and many whacks to remove the appliance.  I think it inserts into the femur. 

Regarding hip replacement it's so common now with lifters. Some famous names like Grimek, Bass, Ferrigno, Anderson and many others had hip replacement.  Makes me think if all those barbell squats for many decades are grinding the joint to dust.  Then again there are so many people who are completely inactive their whole life that have hip replacement. I know a woman in her late fifties who hasn't done one single form of exercise since high school who had to have both hips replaced. Maybe there is a problem with decades of heavy squats and deadlifts being bad for the joints but on the other hand doing absolutely nothing promotes weak bone deteriorating joints too. 

My sister-in-law had one of her hips replaced she's always been very active, but has not lifted weights. She says the surgery reduced a lot of the pain she was having. My brother-in-law had one or both of his hips replaced. He's a big (not fat) dude. 6'4" and probably 260 lbs. He's had nothing but trouble with the replaced hip joints. Some people get osteoarthritis in their joints when the get older and some don't. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 13, 2020, 10:31:50 AM
Cardio day:

Treadmill walking. It's pouring outside.  I walked at 3. 8 MPH. Every quarter mile lap I went up a 1% grade or elevation. Started at zero and went up to 12% grade. After hitting 12% I did the final lap at 0% grade. Decided to remind my legs that it's just not for walking. At the end I  ran a quarter mile at 8.6MPH or 6:59 pace. After that  a cool down lap.  I totaled 4 miles.

No hitting the bag after as is my custom. Too much shoulder pain.  

Going to a fine Italian restaurant after my part time job tonight for a late night candle lit pre Valentine dinner with my wife. Every time I'm out of state away from NY/NJ Italians I can't find a decent Italian restaurant. I remember being in South Carolina where a NJ Italian opened a small Italian restaurant. I was so excited to go. It tasted like he wasn't using garlic and the sauce was sweet. I asked him about it and he said Southerners don't have any refinement. They use to complain about the food until he "Kraft" it up for them. Even food from North Jersey in general differs from south Jersey.  I think the best restaurant experiences are in fairly urban areas where immigrants settled. In Asbury Park near me an Ethiopian restaurant opened. No clue what that is?  Roast Zebra?  I have to give it a shot.  In NJ in Newark they have the Iron Bound section where the Portuguese settled. The best restaurants in my life are there. Maybe the classiest too. Brazilians are moving to the area too and they have their own restaurants. When I want just a great steak and potatoes you can't beat some of the NY Irish restaurants. One in particular is amazing. I love hearing the Irish accents but just a little concerned about the Irish mob that has rumored to be infiltrating Hell's kitchen area. Enough about food. Getting hungry. Where's my bag of gummy bears?

Gym observation from today.  I train in a gym that has serious members but the morning crowd also has a ton of old people. They sure love to chat more than they work out.  I find I have to avoid some of them. They sure slow up a workout. One guy in particular one time actually did two sets in one hour.  There are a few hard core seniors. One is 74 and is just amazing. Lean and almost ripped. Has a young man's voice. He is not big. Maybe a very conditioned 155lbs. Concerned about the heavy weights he uses. I asked him about his training and he told me he has his limitations but works around them. Could have fooled me. He does stuff like pull ups then swings his body horizontal and does rows from the chin up bar facing the ceiling. I'm like damn!  He does sprint intervals on the treadmill like a young man.  He will either live to be a healthy 90 or drop dead tomorrow. I've always been of the opinion it's not the length of life but how many years you are active and healthy. Some 90 year olds have been weak and frail for 40 years.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: AbrahamG on February 13, 2020, 11:56:53 PM
I've had great luck with physical therapy the times I've needed it. Lindsey has been my primary therapist each time I've gone. She's great. She gives a wonderful massage...not too hard and not too light. If you don't think you're getting what you should out of it, tell your therapist. If that doesn't make it better, change your therapist. It's your money. You are the boss.

Ego is good. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be the best you can be, regardless of age. Jeeze, if I can still drag my ancient ass to the gym, you can too. You are just a kid compared to me. Maybe it is just your nature to be obsessive - compulsive. Many people are. Just don't let it make you crazy. Can't tell you how many times I've gotten a few blocks from the house only to turn around and go back by just to make sure I closed the garage door. Now I have an app I can check which is much less bother.

I'm glad you asked you doctor for training advice. You are lucky, some doctors don't know shit about weight training. Seems like yours does.

Does Lindsey have nice tits?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on February 14, 2020, 12:47:41 AM
I wouldn't know she always kept her blouse on.  ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 14, 2020, 05:49:58 AM
A physical therapist giving massages? Never thought a physical therapist who goes through 6 to 7 years of school giving massages.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on February 14, 2020, 11:12:29 AM
A physical therapist giving massages? Never thought a physical therapist who goes through 6 to 7 years of school giving massages.

It's not like a regular massage, it is very specific. The last time my doctor prescribed physical therapy, it was for my lower back. That was the only area she massaged, mainly to loosen the tension in the muscles. She also facilitated stretching movements. Regular exercises, moist heat application and Tens therapy were usually setup and managed by assistants. I don't think it would be prudent to have just anyone massage sensitive areas, such as the back and spine.

Sometimes I have complete whole body deep tissue massages by a licensed massage therapist who is also a friend. He went to college and does continuing education to maintain his license. This is different from what a physical therapist does.

My primary care physician is a DO. Doctors of osteopathic medicine have medical school training including a focus on the muscular and skeletal systems to treat problems throughout the body. In my opinion a DO is preferable to a chiropractor. DOs are also less likely to treat every ailment by prescribing medications. Dr. Young has "popped" my back in place more than a few times. Unlike a chiropractor, one manipulation is often enough to fix the problem, whereas many chiropractors will set you up with appointments on a continuing schedule.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 14, 2020, 11:21:06 AM
Trained delts and arms: Going to take a couple weeks off of lifting. Only cardio. My body is breaking down. I start physical therapy for the shoulder Monday. Going to concentrate on giving the body a break from lifting and trying to improve my V02. When I get back to lifting it will be baby weights with a slow progression back. Going to see if two weeks off gives me some relief. If it does I might stretch it to two more weeks for a month. If two weeks show no improvement I will get back to the surgeon. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on February 14, 2020, 04:53:24 PM
Trained delts and arms: Going to take a couple weeks off of lifting. Only cardio. My body is breaking down. I start physical therapy for the shoulder Monday. Going to concentrate on giving the body a break from lifting and trying to improve my V02. When I get back to lifting it will be baby weights with a slow progression back. Going to see if two weeks off gives me some relief. If it does I might stretch it to two more weeks for a month. If two weeks show no improvement I will get back to the surgeon. 

Wise man!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 17, 2020, 01:47:48 PM
Doing mild cardio and stretching. Walked fast for 90 minutes today. Also working on flexibility.  I had my first day of physical therapy. The Physical therapist who has his PHD said shockingly that he read the notes from the Orthopedic Surgeon but something else is going on in addition to the partially torn rotator cuff. He said I do have a partially torn rotator cuff but my strength in what is still attached is excellent. He said the pain is coming from impingement.  He talked at length the tests he did and the symptoms I exhibit. He said the tendon is being crunched and is being inflamed causing a lot of pain. He said the good thing is that MRI shows a partially torn rotator cuff but testing its strength is excellent to reiterate. Seeing this guy three times a week. I will see how it progresses. No lifting for now.

I'm reading everything I can about impingement and lifting. There is a guy on youtube who was the physical therapist for the NY Mets. He's an avid lifter.  His site on youtube is AthleanX. I use to watch his videos and thought it was just a gimmick and foolishly disagreed with a lot of what he had to say. Wow, was I wrong. Now from what I have learned from reading, talking to my orthopedic surgeon and physical therapist is that he really makes a lot of sense. So much of what we do in lifting could be improved but we rely on empirical knowledge gained from the champs. Considering how many have wrecked shoulders like Arnold, Zane, Stallone, Draper, Ferrigno, Corney and so many more maybe we can learn something from these new age experts.  One thing I won't do again is dumbbell flies for the chest.  Better ways to do it with cables and that technique is on the site Athlean X. Another thing that aggravates impingement are stuff like upright rows and dumbbell side laterals for delts. The best way is not to pretend to pour a pitcher of water. Stuff like that are not good for delt health. Seen the best way is to bend over slightly and keep the thumb up and that opens up the shoulder instead of crunching the tendon.  Just little tricks of kinesiology matters.  Another example is benching. Keeping the elbows out while benching has been called the bodybuilding method to build big pecs. The safer method is to keep the elbows closer to the sides of your body like power lifters do. This old dog is learning new tricks. Just learned a new way to curl that I never thought of.  Also learned of new way to train the rear delt that is healthier for the delt. I will save it for another post.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on February 17, 2020, 03:17:28 PM
Doing mild cardio and stretching. Walked fast for 90 minutes today. Also working on flexibility.  I had my first day of physical therapy. The Physical therapist who has his PHD said shockingly that he read the notes from the Orthopedic Surgeon but something else is going on in addition to the partially torn rotator cuff. He said I do have a partially torn rotator cuff but my strength in what is still attached is excellent. He said the pain is coming from impingement.  He talked at length the tests he did and the symptoms I exhibit. He said the tendon is being crunched and is being inflamed causing a lot of pain. He said the good thing is that MRI shows a partially torn rotator cuff but testing it's strength is excellent to reiterate. Seeing this guy three times a week. I will see how it progresses. No lifting for now.

I'm reading everything I can about impingement and lifting. There is a guy on youtube who was the physical therapist for the NY Mets. He's an avid lifter.  His site on youtube is AthleanX. I use to watch his videos and thought it was just a gimmick and foolishly disagreed with a lot of what he had to say. Wow, was I wrong. Now from what I have learned from reading, talking to my orthopedic surgeon and physical therapist is that he really makes a lot of sense. So much what we do in lifting could be improved but we rely on empirical knowledge gained from the champs. Considering how many have wrecked shoulders like Arnold, Zane, Stallone, Draper, Ferrigno, Corney and so many more maybe we can learn something from these new age experts.  One thing I won't do again is dumbbell flies for the chest.  Better ways to do it with cables and that technique is on the site Athlean X. Another thing that aggravates impingement are stuff like upright rows and dumbbell side laterals for delts. The best way is not to pretend to pour a pitcher of water. Stuff like that are not good for delt health. Seen the best way is to bend over slightly and keep the thumb up and that opens up the shoulder instead of crunching the tendon.  Just little tricks of kinesiology matters.  Another example is benching. Keeping the elbows out while benching has been called the bodybuilding method to build big pecs. The safer method is to keep the elbows closer to the sides of your body like power lifters do. This old dog is learning new tricks. Just learned a new way to curl that I never thought of.  Also learned of new way to train the rear delt that is healthier for the delt. I will save it for another post.

Excellent read...I have had similar pain recently delt RIght side.doing what you did and tried around it best I can.worked around the pain ,did not shut it down like you.probably should of .made some adjustments and recently improved enough to get presses back up dB for chest and fr press .lost a bit of strength but not enough to hurt my ego,had to let it go.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 17, 2020, 04:19:33 PM
Excellent read...I have had similar pain recently delt RIght side.doing what you did and tried around it best I can.worked around the pain ,did not shut it down like you.probably should of .made some adjustments and recently improved enough to get presses back up dB for chest and fr press .lost a bit of strength but not enough to hurt my ego,had to let it go.

Go to that site I was talking about. Some excellent stuff about how to modify exercises. Stretch the hell out of your shoulder too. Using 5 different stretches for my shoulder. Lifting weights ultimately isn't a natural thing. Years and decades of lifting leads to a lost of range in a joint. Benching is the worst for making shoulders tight.

 Another point that I touched upon on my post is many exercises for bodybuilding with barbells and dumbbells are flat out bad for joints. I talked about two, the pec dumbbell fly and the delt lateral dumbbell raise. Both close the gap that the delt tendon passes through causing the tendon to inflame and cause pain. I'm beginning to think doing calf exercises with an extreme stretch under load is really bad for the Achilles.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on February 17, 2020, 06:31:17 PM
Doing mild cardio and stretching. Walked fast for 90 minutes today. Also working on flexibility.  I had my first day of physical therapy. The Physical therapist who has his PHD said shockingly that he read the notes from the Orthopedic Surgeon but something else is going on in addition to the partially torn rotator cuff. He said I do have a partially torn rotator cuff but my strength in what is still attached is excellent. He said the pain is coming from impingement.  He talked at length the tests he did and the symptoms I exhibit. He said the tendon is being crunched and is being inflamed causing a lot of pain. He said the good thing is that MRI shows a partially torn rotator cuff but testing its strength is excellent to reiterate. Seeing this guy three times a week. I will see how it progresses. No lifting for now.

I'm reading everything I can about impingement and lifting. There is a guy on youtube who was the physical therapist for the NY Mets. He's an avid lifter.  His site on youtube is AthleanX. I use to watch his videos and thought it was just a gimmick and foolishly disagreed with a lot of what he had to say. Wow, was I wrong. Now from what I have learned from reading, talking to my orthopedic surgeon and physical therapist is that he really makes a lot of sense. So much of what we do in lifting could be improved but we rely on empirical knowledge gained from the champs. Considering how many have wrecked shoulders like Arnold, Zane, Stallone, Draper, Ferrigno, Corney and so many more maybe we can learn something from these new age experts.  One thing I won't do again is dumbbell flies for the chest.  Better ways to do it with cables and that technique is on the site Athlean X. Another thing that aggravates impingement are stuff like upright rows and dumbbell side laterals for delts. The best way is not to pretend to pour a pitcher of water. Stuff like that are not good for delt health. Seen the best way is to bend over slightly and keep the thumb up and that opens up the shoulder instead of crunching the tendon.  Just little tricks of kinesiology matters.  Another example is benching. Keeping the elbows out while benching has been called the bodybuilding method to build big pecs. The safer method is to keep the elbows closer to the sides of your body like power lifters do. This old dog is learning new tricks. Just learned a new way to curl that I never thought of.  Also learned of new way to train the rear delt that is healthier for the delt. I will save it for another post.

As you are being reminded, our bodies are very complex. Seems like you are in good hands now between your doctor and your physical therapist. My guess is as long as you continue to follow their advice, you'll see improvement in injury caused pain in your deltoids. What you said about dumbbell flies makes excellent sense. I never attempted very much weight doing those. My preference is using a pec deck....similar movement with much less stress on the delts, I would imagine.

My current routine includes upright rows. I do them using cables and very light weight which works for me. I can't manage side laterals using a cable for some reason, so I just use really light 15 lbs or less. The other day I did them using 7.5 lbs. One might say, why bother. Here's why. I actually felt it, but in a good way not an 'uh oh' way.  :)

No gym for me Saturday, Sunday and today. Saturday and Sunday, not only was my back acting up, so was my gut. Today, I had a board meeting which is held in another city about 50 miles away from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. After stopping for a French Dip sandwich for lunch on the way home, I was bumping up against commuter traffic. So, keeping my fingers crossed the back and stomach are good tomorrow, because I have nothing else going on that cuts into my gym time.

I weighed 180 lbs. this morning. I actually feel better at 175 lbs. and my clothes fit better. I had cottage cheese, OJ and coffee for breakfast; screwed lunch with the French Dip and fries and going for a light dinner tonight...probably an Evol frozen entrée which is less than 400 calories.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 18, 2020, 09:35:03 AM
90 minute fast walk again and stretching. Doing a lot of research on alternate exercises and physical therapy. Old dogs and learn new tricks.

Prime keep working out. It troubles me you are doing upright rows. Many can get away with them for a time, sometimes decades but they close the space the delt tendon runs through and that could lead to a host of problems. Try two dumbbells for upright rows but do them with the thumbs up lead all the way to the top. That's external rotation and a safer way of doing it.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on February 18, 2020, 11:09:28 AM
90 minute fast walk again and stretching. Doing a lot of research on alternate exercises and physical therapy. Old dogs and learn new tricks.

Prime keep working out. It troubles me you are doing upright rows. Many can get away with them for a time, sometimes decades but they close the space the delt tendon runs through and that could lead to a host of problems. Try two dumbbells for upright rows but do them with the thumbs up lead all the way to the top. That's external rotation and a safer way of doing it.

Thanks. I will give the dumbbell upright rows a try. I've done them using free weights on a bar and more recently using cable with no issues. My current resistance level is a mere 60 lbs. Another exercise which doesn't seem to adversely affect me is good-mornings. I've done them with no added resistance and I've done them with a fairly light barbell across my shoulders. Dead lifts, on the other, hand have become almost impossible because of my weakened arthritic grip.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on February 18, 2020, 07:34:03 PM
90 minute fast walk again and stretching. Doing a lot of research on alternate exercises and physical therapy. Old dogs and learn new tricks.

Prime keep working out. It troubles me you are doing upright rows. Many can get away with them for a time, sometimes decades but they close the space the delt tendon runs through and that could lead to a host of problems. Try two dumbbells for upright rows but do them with the thumbs up lead all the way to the top. That's external rotation and a safer way of doing it.
I begrudgingly like you stopped all upright rows they are painful now.i can somewhat pull off cable version .
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 19, 2020, 01:49:40 PM
I begrudgingly like you stopped all upright rows they are painful now.i can somewhat pull off cable version .

You have to externally rotate to open the joint. This can be accomplished by using dummbells and thumbs rotated to the ceiling as the dumbbells rise. At the ending with thumbs pointing behind you at the top. You can also do this with a rope. Once the concept of external rotation is realized so many exercises can be modified. Go on that Athleanx site. You will see there examples of what I'm talking about.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 19, 2020, 01:55:00 PM
Walked for five miles today. Tried to keep the pace up but sometimes I start to day dream. After I did about 20 minute of stretching for the calves, lower back, legs and shoulders. I just said the hell with stretching for so many years. Maybe a little here and there. I think I'm dangerously tight. Shocked how much progress I have made especially with my calves and shoulders. Most big bench press guys are stiff as a board with shoulders and pecs increasing the odds of a tear.

An example of how may day went today. It’s not easy being me. Decided to go to Walmart to buy some very light dumbbells to rehab my bad shoulder. While I’m there I thought, I could use new underwear. Walking toward the cash register I see bananas so I got them too. I realize there are no cashiers at all in Walmart. Only self check out. I’m stuck. I can’t figure out how to pay for bananas. I look like a lunatic. I’m the guy that likes to hang out in my underwear eating bananas lifting dumbbells. A worker yells, “At six help the guy with the bananas.” I go from Walmart to the park. Guess again, I’m walking to rehab a bad calf. I see a lady walking a dog. Thought I would make her laugh. I said, “Your dog looks like my Uncle Fred.” She grabs the dog and puts him in the car peeling out from the park. An old man sitting on a park bench is laughing hysterically over and over again saying, “Uncle Fred, uncle Fred!” Then I stepped in dog shit. I want a do over for today. Going to bed for a few hours and waking up again. Going to try this day again. Now heading to the physical therapist.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on February 19, 2020, 02:04:29 PM
Walked for five miles today. Tried to keep the pace up but sometimes I start to day dream. After I did about 20 minute of stretching for the calves, lower back, legs and shoulders. I just said the hell with stretching for so many years. Maybe a little here and there. I think I'm dangerously tight. Shocked how much progress I have made especially with my calves and shoulders. Most big bench press guys are stiff as a board with shoulders and pecs increasing the odds of a tear.

An example of how may day went today. It’s not easy being me. Decided to go to Walmart to buy some very light dumbbells to rehab my bad shoulder. While I’m there I thought, I could use new underwear. Walking toward the cash register I see bananas so I got them too. I realize there are no cashiers at all in Walmart. Only self check out. I’m stuck. I can’t figure out how to pay for bananas. I look like a lunatic. I’m the guy that likes to hang out in my underwear eating bananas lifting dumbbells. A worker yells, “At six help the guy with the bananas.” I go from Walmart to the park. Guess again, I’m walking to rehab a bad calf. I see a lady walking a dog. Thought I would make her laugh. I said, “Your dog looks like my Uncle Fred.” She grabs the dog and puts him in the car peeling out from the park. An old man sitting on a park bench is laughing hysterically over and over again saying, “Uncle Fred, uncle Fred!” Then I stepped in dog shit. I want a do over for today. Going to bed for a few hours and waking up again. Going to try this day again. Now heading to the physical therapist.  

Seems like you've had quite a day. Lucky that it is still early enough to give it another try.  ;D

2 lb. dumbbells at Walmart

Haynes tighty whitey's


A dog named Fred....seriously!   Fred is famous for adopting 9 ducklings.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 20, 2020, 10:15:08 AM
Went to physical therapy. Wow are there a lot of banged up people there. The therapist yanked on my arm in various positions. I don't know if it's temporary but there was no catches.  Most of the snap crackle and pop is gone from the shoulder. No sticking points raising my arm.  I left there and walked fast for 5.5 miles.  A couple of slow 50 yard runs thrown in when I felt like it. After that I stretched for 20 minutes or so. My shoulders have a lot more mobility so I'm gong in a forward direction. Flexibility is always an after thought with me. I felt as long as I could sprint, run, lift weights, punch and other athletics who cares if I could bend my self into Gumby. I guess I forgotten how it safe guards against injuries. A tight joint is a joint waiting for an injury to occur. Too much flexibility is no good too but there is a sweet spot. I'm as inflexible as man made out of brick. Working on it.

Off to my part time retirement job. There's a girl there dating a chiropractor for long time. He had a shoulder operation then during recovery he had a horrible infection. That led to a second operation to the same shoulder. The guy was out of work for a year. He had to bring in other chiropractors to run his business. Then when he thought he could go back his other shoulder when bad and he had an operation on the other one. I believe he lost his business and is out of work. Looking at him his ordeal has seemingly destroyed his health because he looks sickly to me. These labrum, rotator cuff, tendon repairs seem like every day ordinary operations  but when the go wrong they can fuck up your life. Heard of one guy who was a gym rat  who said after his rotator cuff surgery his shoulder was done and it was nothing but high reps and light reps from now on. He could no longer lift heavy or even medium weights.

Wife wants me to take a month off from lifting. Going to take two weeks off then reevaluate.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on February 20, 2020, 07:06:52 PM
Went to physical therapy. Wow are there a lot of banged up people there. The therapist yanked on my arm in various positions. I don't know if it's temporary but there was no catches.  Most of the snap crackle and pop is gone from the shoulder. No sticking points raising my arm.  I left there and walked fast for 5.5 miles.  A couple of slow 50 yard runs thrown in when I felt like it. After that I stretched for 20 minutes or so. My shoulders have a lot more mobility so I'm gong in a forward direction. Flexibility is always an after thought with me. I felt as long as I could sprint, run, lift weights, punch and other athletics who cares if I could bend my self into Gumby. I guess I forgotten how it safe guards against injuries. A tight joint is a joint waiting for an injury to occur. Too much flexibility is no good too but there is a sweet spot. I'm as inflexible as man made out of brick. Working on it.

Off to my part time retirement job. There's a girl there dating a chiropractor for long time. He had a shoulder operation then during recovery he had a horrible infection. That led to a second operation to the same shoulder. The guy was out of work for a year. He had to bring in other chiropractors to run his business. Then when he thought he could go back his other shoulder when bad and he had an operation on the other one. I believe he lost his business and is out of work. Looking at him his ordeal has seemingly destroyed his health because he looks sickly to me. These labrum, rotator cuff, tendon repairs seem like every day ordinary operations  but when the go wrong they can fuck up your life. Heard of one guy who was a gym rat  who said after his rotator cuff surgery his shoulder was done and it was nothing but high reps and light reps from now on. He could no longer lift heavy or even medium weights.

Wife wants me to take a month off from lifting. Going to take two weeks off then reevaluate.

You are doing great. Take your recovery one day at a time and take as much time as you need to reevaluate how much or what exercises you can do safely. For now, go with what the experts say you should be doing and you will continue to heal and feel better and better. Don't do too much to soon. That could be counterproductive.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: AbrahamG on February 20, 2020, 09:55:43 PM
Seems like you've had quite a day. Lucky that it is still early enough to give it another try.  ;D

2 lb. dumbbells at Walmart

Haynes tighty whitey's


A dog named Fred....seriously!   Fred is famous for adopting 9 ducklings.

That is a very full set of balls.  You are asking for trouble by posting such a pic.  You know that, right?  LOL.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on February 21, 2020, 12:14:01 AM
That is a very full set of balls.  You are asking for trouble by posting such a pic.  You know that, right?  LOL.

Hmm, you're right. I hadn't noticed. I must be slipping!  ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 21, 2020, 03:04:29 PM
Broken record here. Walked 6 miles fast outside.  Threw in about five 40 yard stride runs. No where near a sprint. I did a bunch of stretching when I got back.

 Going to take one more week away from lifting and then reevaluate with the physical therapist. The physical therapist isn't in shape in the traditional sense. He's a ball room dancer and is proud he can twist himself into a pretzel because he is so flexible. He is skinny with no muscle and a small pot stomach. He's about 60 years old. When I bring up lifting he has a general idea about it but a weight room gym rat would realize quickly he doesn't lift and has never lifted. His first question he asked me about my lifting was how much can you bench? When I told him I don't bench he never asked how much can you clean and jerk, snatch, deadlift or squat?

  The shoulder has no catches and the popcorn noise when I move the arm is just about gone. I will go over the exercise substitutions I will use when I get back to lifting. Some unusual exercises I will be using. All substituted to preserve and improve shoulder health. On a later post.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 22, 2020, 06:31:58 AM
Incline walking on the treadmill today at 3.8 mph.  I was on for 55 minutes as soon as I woke up.  Surprisingly lost five pounds this week. I’m sure some of it is water but my face is getting thinner.  Did a little over 32 miles for the week. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on February 22, 2020, 10:26:20 AM
Incline walking on the treadmill today at 3.8 mph.  I was on for 55 minutes as soon as I woke up.  Surprisingly lost five pounds this week. I’m sure some of it is water but my face is getting thinner.  Did a little over 32 miles for the week. 
COOL,you wanted to lean out see where it goes ,post a pic when you at leanest point you wanted.then hit the weights again with new approach.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on February 22, 2020, 10:50:58 AM
Incline walking on the treadmill today at 3.8 mph.  I was on for 55 minutes as soon as I woke up.  Surprisingly lost five pounds this week. I’m sure some of it is water but my face is getting thinner.  Did a little over 32 miles for the week. 

I'm not sure I can walk 3.8 mph without breaking into a run. I'll give it a try at the gym today. What did you have the incline set to?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 22, 2020, 11:45:46 AM
COOL,you wanted to lean out see where it goes ,post a pic when you at leanest point you wanted.then hit the weights again with new approach.

I think I will use low sets to failure periodically now. Over 40 years of that now.  :-[  I think I will use more sets now for the most part. Hard to get ripped training for strength. I don't want to post pictures here. The coming photoshops would be brutal. LOL. I really have zero calf development. Since I don't use steroids and I have never called myself a bodybuilder I know the abuse from the peanut gallery would be coming. I consider myself an aging athlete. Taking another week off of lifting then maybe one more. The shoulder is really beginning to feel good. I will never be ripped at this age. I work out hard but I play hard too. Nothing better than floating in the pool having beers in the sun. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 22, 2020, 11:51:41 AM
I'm not sure I can walk 3.8 mph without breaking into a run. I'll give it a try at the gym today. What did you have the incline set to?

See a recent earlier post. I start at zero incline for one lap that is a quarter mile on most American treadmills. Every lap I go up in incline 1%. Looks like this. First lap 0% incline, second lap 1% incline, third lap 2% incline and so on. When I get to 12% incline I complete that lap and finish at an easy 0% incline. Nice workout. Low stress to joints. Nice relatively gentle stretch to the calf too. If you can go from 0% increasing 1% each lap all the way to 12% you should be a healthy range of cardio vascular strength.  Takes around 55 minutes if I remember correctly.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on February 22, 2020, 05:04:49 PM
See a recent earlier post. I start at zero incline for one lap that is a quarter mile on most American treadmills. Every lap I go up in incline 1%. Looks like this. First lap 0% incline, second lap 1% incline, third lap 2% incline and so on. When I get to 12% incline I complete that lap and finish at an easy 0% incline. Nice workout. Low stress to joints. Nice relatively gentle stretch to the calf too. If you can go from 0% increasing 1% each lap all the way to 12% you should be a healthy range of cardio vascular strength.  Takes around 55 minutes if I remember correctly.

Seems like too much work. I'm not sure I could do 55 minutes straight of cardio without boring myself to death. Also, never tried a 12% incline. Cannot imagine that much incline while walking at 3.8 mph. Just posted about the today's cardio in my log. I did gradually increase the incline, starting at 2.5% while walking at 2.5 mph. Each minute I increased the speed by a tenth of a mile per hour. Raised the incline to match the speed in .5% increments. I ended up peaking at 3.8 mph with an incline of 3.5 over 20 minutes including the cool down.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 23, 2020, 12:53:28 PM
Seems like too much work. I'm not sure I could do 55 minutes straight of cardio without boring myself to death. Also, never tried a 12% incline. Cannot imagine that much incline while walking at 3.8 mph. Just posted about the today's cardio in my log. I did gradually increase the incline, starting at 2.5% while walking at 2.5 mph. Each minute I increased the speed by a tenth of a mile per hour. Raised the incline to match the speed in .5% increments. I ended up peaking at 3.8 mph with an incline of 3.5 over 20 minutes including the cool down.

I either blast music or use no music. I find cardio gives me a lot of creative thoughts. It also is the best anti depressant I could imagine.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on February 23, 2020, 02:00:04 PM
I either blast music or use no music. I find cardio gives me a lot of creative thoughts. It also is the best anti depressant I could imagine.

I probably have adult ADHD. My mind wanders from thought to thought. My attention span is lousy. One of my biggest downfalls is that I am incredibly impatient.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 23, 2020, 06:53:00 PM
Tomorrow is another busy day. Can't wait to get back to lifting. Shoulder feels great. Very little pain. Going to take another week off lifting though. I also want to see how it feels off of the prescription anti inflammatory I'm on. Doc gave me the maximum dose so I'm wary that I'm feeling great but it could be the drugs and inflammation will bring back the pain when I stop taking the drug. Arthritis runs in the family. My sister was disabled from it when she reached about 64.  Her hands are mangled now at 71. My father had to take very short strides as he aged due to it.

 I'm on the gun range bright and early tomorrow. Going to shoot 200 rounds. I got new glasses and I hope it will aid my lousy vision that keeps getting worse with age. My son is in the Army Airborne and has 20-15 vision and sees like an eagle. I wish I had that vision. After shooting comes a 6 mile fast walk then 20 minutes of stretches. Physical Therapy after that then  a plumber is coming over to look at a leaking pipe buried between floors in my house. Glad I got the day off of work.

  Really itching to get back in the weight room. I know at the minimum I need another week or two off.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 24, 2020, 03:40:47 PM
Walked fast for a little under 6 miles. It's an out and back trail.  On the return I would occasionally break out into strides for about 40 yard runs.  I think I'm doing too much stretching. I have zero spring in my legs. The stretching for the shoulders though feels fantastic.  The physical therapist is using what looks like jui jitsu holds gently rotating my arm in the socket. The rotator cuff work is really too easy with light bands and baby dumbells.  He said it's all part of the plan to use those little pink dumbbells. I think I'm also healing my self with the twenty minutes of stretches I am doing now. Next Monday I think I'm going back to lifting.  

Looking over trying new splits, new exercises and different methods. It's hard to change what has worked for so many years.  I've actually been looking at Shawn Perrine's method for getting ripped.  He has an unusual method. This is from memory and I could have it wrong but this is his split. Day one: Back, bicep and forearms. Day two: Chest and Triceps. Day Three is thighs and shoulders. Abs is every workout and calves on two of the training days. Here's what's unusual about it.  He supersets an exercise for a body part that on that day is not dedicated to.  Sounds confusing but stay with me. If Day one is Back and bicep he will super set some chest and tricep on day one. Not anything taxing.  He might start back with hard chins. His super set with hard pull ups might be relatively non taxing push ups for chest. So it might be 4 sets of 10 pull ups and super setting 3 sets of push ups but not max pushups. On day one when he got to say curls for bicep he might superset high rep easy tricep rope push downs. So the primary muscles on the split gets worked hard but the secondary relatively easy.  So body parts get hit hard on their designated day but the body part resting gets stimulation on their rest day. I thought it was a very interesting twist on training. Every exercise that's a primary for that day gets a secondary non taxing stimulation for the resting body part. Anyway it's something to consider. So many ways to skin a cat but in the end it's just lifting weights and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to do it.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on February 24, 2020, 04:26:12 PM
Walked fast for a little under 6 miles. It's an out and back trail.  On the return I would occasionally break out into strides for about 40 yard runs.  I think I'm doing too much stretching. I have zero spring in my legs. The stretching for the shoulders though feels fantastic.  The physical therapist is using what looks like jui jitsu holds gently rotating my arm in the socket. The rotator cuff work is really too easy with light bands and baby dumbells.  He said it's all part of the plan to use those little pink dumbbells. I think I'm also healing my self with the twenty minutes of stretches I am doing now. Next Monday I think I'm going back to lifting.  

Looking over trying new splits, new exercises and different methods. It's hard to change what has worked for so many years.  I've actually been looking at Shawn Perrine's method for getting ripped.  He has an unusual method. This is from memory and I could have it wrong but this is his split. Day one: Back, bicep and forearms. Day two: Chest and Triceps. Day Three is thighs and shoulders. Abs is every workout and calves on two of the training days. Here's what's unusual about it.  He supersets an exercise for a body part that on that day is not dedicated to.  Sounds confusing but stay with me. If Day one is Back and bicep he will super set some chest and tricep on day one. Not anything taxing.  He might start back with hard chins. His super set with hard pull ups might be relatively non taxing push ups for chest. So it might be 4 sets of 10 pull ups and super setting 3 sets of push ups but not max pushups. On day one when he got to say curls for bicep he might superset high rep easy tricep rope push downs. So the primary muscles on the split gets worked hard but the secondary relatively easy.  So body parts get hit hard on their designated day but the body part resting gets stimulation on their rest day. I thought it was a very interesting twist on training. Every exercise that's a primary for that day gets a secondary non taxing stimulation for the resting body part. Anyway it's something to consider. So many ways to skin a cat but in the end it's just lifting weights and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to do it.

You said. "It is hard to change what has worked for years." Well, it seems to me it hasn't worked in every way. How did you wreck your shoulder? If it is a result of an exercise routine, you cannot say that routine worked to protect your shoulder from injury.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 24, 2020, 05:53:01 PM
You said. "It is hard to change what has worked for years." Well, it seems to me it hasn't worked in every way. How did you wreck your shoulder? If it is a result of an exercise routine, you cannot say that routine worked to protect your shoulder from injury.
You make a valid point but in all athletics injuries are a part of the game. If you want to play it safe lift light weights or sit in a chair 16 hours a day.  Then you will die from stuff like heart disease and diabetes.

 The best part of hurting my shoulder are the things I have learned about injury prevention.  Shoulder flexibility is a big one. Other things I learn is how so many standard exercises in bodybuilding can contribute to problems. Maybe not in a year. Maybe not in a decade but over time will lead to issues. Genetics also play a huge role in joint health.

 I'm not comparing myself to professional elite drug using bodybuilders like Yates and Coleman but look at how they wrecked their bodies. I'm sure many will say they got stronger faster than their joints and structure could adapt to because of the drugs. When Yates said if he played it safe he would have his joint health but he wouldn't have been a world champ he was making a valid point. He pushed it to destruction.  Even in other sports like marathon running is pushed to the destruction of the body.  Marathon champs have a very short shelf life. The body can't take it. Same as MMA fighters but I digress. Reading World champ Alberto Salazar's biography shows the extremes he took to be a champion. He raced in 90 degree weather dueling other world class elite runners.   He pushed so hard he nearly died from a heart attack which I'm convinced was from taking his running to an extreme level of running 100 plus mile weeks at a sick pace.  If he played it safe and cut his running to 50 miles a week and slowed down he would be healthy today but he would have never been a champ.  I remember in Track in high school and college there was always the guy that was great but  had a lousy work ethic. Their superior innate talent made them good. Then you had someone like me with limited talent for sprinting but worked my ass off.

Off my soap box.  I look to forward to the near future where I will just log my training days here instead of talking about not being able to train because my body is wracked up. To reiterate I have learned a lot of good stuff about how to proceed with lifting. Safer ways of doing stuff. I remember when Bill Pearl wrote at 55 he stopped caring about what was on the bar. He called it hot dogging meaning showing off with heavy weights. A more ordinary gym rat like Clarence Bass had to give up dead lifts, clean and jerks and squats as he aged I believe I read. We are all an experiment of one with our unique characteristics. If we were all the same there would be only one optimal way to train. We all would be lifting on the same program with the same split and exercises.

One last note. I thought it would be fun to log my work outs and thoughts here. Now I wonder what I was thinking? I use to log my workouts for decades in note books. I have a big pile and many I have thrown out over the years. The past maybe five years I have used no log and often increasing the weight used wasn't a consideration. It was maintenance but pushed to the limit to maintain if that makes any sense. I remember Dave Draper said in effect at 55  your best days in bodybuilding are behind you. I find the guys that are making personal records left and right in training over 55 were the guys that never pushed the physical in their 20's and 30's. Of course they can make gains they never had before.

Enough pontificating. It's not fun nor interesting to read I know.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on February 24, 2020, 07:05:31 PM
You make a valid point but in all athletics injuries are a part of the game. If you want to play it safe lift light weights or sit in a chair 16 hours a day.  Then you will die from stuff like heart disease and diabetes.

 The best part of hurting my shoulder are the things I have learned about injury prevention.  Shoulder flexibility is a big one. Other things I learn is how so many standard exercises in bodybuilding can contribute to problems. Maybe not in a year. Maybe not in a decade but over time will lead to issues. Genetics also play a huge role in joint health.

 I'm not comparing myself to professional elite drug using bodybuilders like Yates and Coleman but look at how they wrecked their bodies. I'm sure many will say they got stronger faster than their joints and structure could adapt to because of the drugs. When Yates said if he played it safe he would have his joint health but he wouldn't have been a world champ he was making a valid point. He pushed it to destruction.  Even in other sports like marathon running is pushed to the destruction of the body.  Marathon champs have a very short shelf life. The body can't take it. Same as MMA fighters but I digress. Reading World champ Alberto Salazar's biography shows the extremes he took to be a champion. He raced in 90 degree weather dueling other world class elite runners.   He pushed so hard he nearly died from a heart attack which I'm convinced was from taking his running to an extreme level of running 100 plus mile weeks at a sick pace.  If he played it safe and cut his running to 50 miles a week and slowed down he would be healthy today but he would have never been a champ.  I remember in Track in high school and college there was always the guy that was great but  had a lousy work ethic. Their superior innate talent made them good. Then you had someone like me with limited talent for sprinting but worked my ass off.

Off my soap box.  I look to forward to the near future where I will just log my training days here instead of talking about not being able to train because my body is wracked up. To reiterate I have learned a lot of good stuff about how to proceed with lifting. Safer ways of doing stuff. I remember when Bill Pearl wrote at 55 he stopped caring about what was on the bar. He called it hot dogging meaning showing off with heavy weights. A more ordinary gym rat like Clarence Bass had to give up dead lifts, clean and jerks and squats as he aged I believe I read. We are all an experiment of one with our unique characteristics. If we were all the same there would be only one optimal way to train. We all would be lifting on the same program with the same split and exercises.

One last note. I thought it would be fun to log my work outs and thoughts here. Now I wonder what I was thinking? I use to log my workouts for decades in note books. I have a big pile and many I have thrown out over the years. The past maybe five years I have used no log and often increasing the weight used wasn't a consideration. It was maintenance but pushed to the limit to maintain if that makes any sense. I remember Dave Draper said in effect at 55  your best days in bodybuilding are behind you. I find the guys that are making personal records left and right in training over 55 were the guys that never pushed the physical in their 20's and 30's. Of course they can make gains they never had before.

Enough pontificating. It's not fun nor interesting to read I know.

I'm old. I have a longer attention span than most millennials do, which is that of a gnat. So, I didn't find your post boring or too long to read. I can't disagree with any of your reasoning. However, keep in mind that it is in our nature to justify what we already believe to be true It's probably why so many of us are such slow learners. Instead of embracing new ideas, we often reject them without giving it much thought at all.

A good example of this is my recent 'back to the gym' routine. In times past, I would revert to whatever routine I was last doing. Of course, after taking time off, my strength was diminished. Not being able to lift as much as before felts like a negative even though I could reason that it is to be expected. The result of this thinking was too many false starts. I've only been back at it for a few weeks, so it is too soon to tell, but I feel different and more positive about my workouts this time then in some previous times.

I am also working out at a different time of the day then I ever have before. For some reason, I thought I was at my peak in the evening. Mid afternoon seems to be my new peak time and I think I actually have more energy than I did later in the day. Duh! Another interest thing is that there seems to be less distractions in the earlier part of the day. Unless I went to the gym really late at night, it would often be crowded with all those folks who still have to work for a living during the day. I have not had to wait to use equipment so far. Being impatient, this is a real bonus for me.

When coming back from an injury, I think there is also a little devil's voice whispering let's see if we're as good as before and so we go back to the very thing that got us into trouble. This reminds me of a fellow who worked out at a gym I did for many years. He had something like three or four surgeries on his shoulders or maybe it was always the same shoulder. After he was healed and his doctor released him to workout, he'd go right back to the crazy lifting style and routine as he had before. You'd think....but that's not always the case, is it?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 27, 2020, 07:42:31 PM
I'm old. I have a longer attention span than most millennials do, which is that of a gnat. So, I didn't find your post boring or too long to read. I can't disagree with any of your reasoning. However, keep in mind that it is in our nature to justify what we already believe to be true It's probably why so many of us are such slow learners. Instead of embracing new ideas, we often reject them without giving it much thought at all.

A good example of this is my recent 'back to the gym' routine. In times past, I would revert to whatever routine I was last doing. Of course, after taking time off, my strength was diminished. Not being able to lift as much as before felts like a negative even though I could reason that it is to be expected. The result of this thinking was too many false starts. I've only been back at it for a few weeks, so it is too soon to tell, but I feel different and more positive about my workouts this time then in some previous times.

I am also working out at a different time of the day then I ever have before. For some reason, I thought I was at my peak in the evening. Mid afternoon seems to be my new peak time and I think I actually have more energy than I did later in the day. Duh! Another interest thing is that there seems to be less distractions in the earlier part of the day. Unless I went to the gym really late at night, it would often be crowded with all those folks who still have to work for a living during the day. I have not had to wait to use equipment so far. Being impatient, this is a real bonus for me.

When coming back from an injury, I think there is also a little devil's voice whispering let's see if we're as good as before and so we go back to the very thing that got us into trouble. This reminds me of a fellow who worked out at a gym I did for many years. He had something like three or four surgeries on his shoulders or maybe it was always the same shoulder. After he was healed and his doctor released him to workout, he'd go right back to the crazy lifting style and routine as he had before. You'd think....but that's not always the case, is it?

Great post Prime. I've seen plenty of self destructive lifters. I might be one of them but I think it's more age at this point. I knew one guy that completely messed up his body in the pursuit of a big bench. When he finally couldn't bench anymore he gave up lifting. I guess no one told him there are about 100 exercises in the weight room outside of the bench. Prime I know you are lot older than me but I think the athlete I once was is taking a hit in my sixties.  I have to be smarter about the way I train and have to acknowledge I have a lot of training miles on my odometer meaning wear and tear. I'm not a spring chicken but more of a winter chicken.

This week so far I walked 18 miles at a fast pace. Last week I believe it was over 30 I think. I think I'm breaking down from last weeks total and this week.  It's freezing but I'm going to see if I can bundle up for a bike ride tomorrow in my hybrid bike on the trail.  I think it will be a good way to end the week of cardio. The shoulder feels pretty good but the calf and now the foot is acting up. Biking should be a good non aggravating cardio tool for tomorrow. Depends on the temperature. I start lifting on Monday going to break into it with lighter weights and new exercises done with the thought of do no harm.

 Reading and looking at youtubes of guys like gym rat Jeff Cavaliere who is actually a physical therapist. I use to dismiss his videos but the more I thought about injury prevention and kinesiology I realize a lot of what he has to say rings true. Going to incorporate some of his ideas into my training. His youtube channel is Athlean X.  Really great stuff.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 28, 2020, 12:15:02 PM
Got a bunch of rubber bands for band training. Lowest is 10lbs and the highest is 110lbs. I hate the strength curve of exercise bands. It works for some exercise and for a few it's all wrong. Looking forward to incorporating some band work into the workouts.

Going to use the single arm bench press with a band standing. Crossing the hand across mid line.  In my home gym I don't have the proper pulleys to do this. Another is rear delt work.  Again in the commercial gym I will use a pulley.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on February 29, 2020, 12:11:43 PM
Bands can be very useful.

Did you buy the bands online?

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 29, 2020, 01:40:26 PM
Bands can be very useful.

Did you buy the bands online?

I have one heavy duty band that is really thick. No weight listed on it. I just added a 40lbs band I bought at dick's and decided to go on Amazon to see what they had and I bought a whole set. Inexpensive but I'm just using it for specific purposes. Maybe three exercises.  Mainly for as a corrective range of motion. I have a pulldown machine and a low row but not an adjustable height pulley machine like my commercial gym has. I will use the bands for my pulley work when I'm at home.

The three exercises with bands I am adding are these three.
1. One arm press standing pushing the arm across mid line.
2. Rear delt starting with the arm all the way across the body
3 Standing chest fly band continuing past mid line.

Going to be using some different weight exercises with a thought to keep external rotation to the rotator cuffs instead of internally rotating them irritating the tendon starting Monday.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 02, 2020, 12:47:47 PM
Got back to lifting. Back and chest. Lowered the weights approximately 10% to get back into the groove.

Pull ups 2 x max (weak in these.  All the stretching I have been doing no doubt contributed)
Low lat pulley rows with a V handle 2 x 12
Dumbbell row off a bench 2 x 10
MAG bar pulldown 2 x 10

DB bench 2 x 8
Incline  bench 2 x 8
Flat flies 2 x 10
Push ups 2 x max (one set regular and one set with handles)
Exercise band punch outs with hand going across midline 1 x 10
Exercise band one arm fly standing 2 x 10 with arm going across mid line (rubber band said 50lbs but no clue how they determine that?)

Deadlift 2 x 4
Weighted back hyper extensions 2 x 15

Ab wheel 2 x 20
Pulley crunch 1 x 40

While working out I began thinking about simplifying my workouts. Might do it once I get back into the groove of lifting. I figure one week with about 90% weights then one week with close to 100% effort. Then I will reevaluate.  I don't consider myself a bodybuilder and I wonder if I would be better off doing something like one exercise a body part for say two weeks then changing things up?  

After lifting I walked fast for one hour and sixteen minutes. These fasts walk definitely burns fat but it also takes the spring out of my step. I will try a slow run tomorrow and see how the Achilles holds up.  I was in Atlantic city the day before eating in a restaurant like a king. I have to eat right today. So far so good. It's 5:25PM and ate about 850 calories so far.  Time for dinner and late snack so it's a low calorie day.  

Omit entry: The flat flies were a mistake. Thought I could go light with strict form. I'm hurting now. Probably not a move I can use anymore.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 03, 2020, 09:47:14 AM
Ran a slow two miles. Warmed up walking and some ultra slow running for about 600 yards prior to the run. I started the run at a girly pace and ended at a slug pace but was pleased I was able to run.  My pace was 9:50.  I drove from the park to the commercial gym. Hit the heavy bag for two rounds. The shoulder held up.

 Even though it's a non lifting day I did the following. Nothing to failure. No heavy weights. Just getting some blood in the muscles. I got the idea from  Shawn Perrine who said in effect it's good to have a very light day for muscle stimulation when it's not their day to get hit hard. I did the following. Again, just light weights.

Dumbbell upright rows 3 x 12 (Thumb up and outside at the top for exterior rotation so there is no impingement.)
Rope push downs 3 x 12
Dumbbell curls 3 x 12 (Using two dumbbells curling them at the same time)
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on March 03, 2020, 11:15:45 PM
Ran a slow two miles. Warmed up walking and some ultra slow running for about 600 yards prior to the run. I started the run at a girly pace and ended at a slug pace but was pleased I was able to run.  My pace was 9:50.  I drove from the park to the commercial gym. Hit the heavy bag for two rounds. The shoulder held up.

 Even though it's a non lifting day I did the following. Nothing to failure. No heavy weights. Just getting some blood in the muscles. I got the idea from  Shawn Perrine who said in effect it's good to have a very light day for muscle stimulation when it's not their day to get hit hard. I did the following. Again, just light weights.

Dumbbell upright rows 3 x 12 (Thumb up and outside at the top for exterior rotation so there is no impingement.)
Rope push downs 3 x 12
Dumbbell curls 3 x 12 (Using two dumbbells curling them at the same time)

Do you prefer doing dumbbell curls simultaneously or alternating?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 04, 2020, 05:49:46 AM
Do you prefer doing dumbbell curls simultaneously or alternating?

For decades I alternated them. You can use a bigger dumbbell while the other arm rests. For the first time yesterday I tried two at the same time. Different feel and I had to use less weight.  Many ways to skin a cat.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 04, 2020, 02:49:15 PM
Leg day: I haven't lifted in two weeks plus giving my body a break walking 6 miles most days and fast pace. Wow, this leg workout hurt.  

Leg press 2 x 12 ( low back board and legs fully bent. Questioning my full range of motion. The majority do half reps at best and this gives them the ability to pile on the plates. Heard a guy say the most important range is the end range for athletics. Never heard that point of view before. He produced studies showing that quarter squats produced higher vertical leaps and sprinting speeds than ordinary squats. Going full range fully bending my legs certainly reduces the weight I can use making it harder. Maybe I should do some shallow leg presses for one set at the end with a lot of plates and join the club.

Dumbbell squats 2 x 12 85lbs (Straps and two 85lbs. DB's held at sides sinking the butt all the way down. Brutal exercise. A little weight goes a long way. )

Stiff dead off a block for a full stretch 2 x 6 205lbs

Leg extensions 2 x 20
Seated leg curls 2 x 15

No weight squats 1 x 50 (sinking the butt down. Love this finisher.)

Side bend with one dumbbell 1 x 15 90lbs
Hanging leg raise 2 x 22 (Legs almost straight trying to get the hips up)
Hip ups pushing feet toward ceiling 1 x 25

standing calf raises 2 x 15 135lbs I have two standing units in my basement.  One it takes about 300lbs plus in plates to be hard and the other 135lbs is hard. Just different leverages.
Seated calf raise 2 x 15

Neck work four sides for one set.

Stretched for about 15 minutes or so. Did 9 stretches for shoulders. Two for calves. These are  problem areas for me.
Also did external rotation and internal with an exercise band.  The third was done with a dumbbell. In a future post I hope to remember to include pictures of rotator strengthening exercises. I think barring having a completely wrecked labrum or a detached rotator cuff tendon and lot of problems with the shoulder can be improved with stretching and light rotator stuff exercises. Never look at rotator work at a typical bodybuilding methodology. You want to strengthen this small muscles for shoulder health and to not inflame tendons or even rip a rotator by trying to muscle a rotator cuff exercise. It's slow and steady. Nothing to failure. Full range. A little work goes a long way. Stretching for one week for tight shoulders can give a lot of relief.  Tight shoulders can get small tears that can feel like hell. Also you have to stop exercises that can cause impingement. Stuff like dumbbell lateral raises with the pouring the pitcher motion can cause eventual trouble for some. Another is doing a pulldown and rotating your forearms forward while pulling down. Some find they can't bench anymore and I am one of them. I found keeping the elbows tucked in lessons the pain and for some removes the source of aggravation. Another thing that works for some is benching with a reverse grip. Yes, palms toward your head. Just use safety bars. Some find the decline press is surprisingly pain free. I just have a problem doing these by myself. The risk of getting stuck with a bar heading to my neck keeps this exercise out of my rotation. Maybe I will ask a guy to spot me but truth be told most spotters don't have a clue. They love wrapping their paws around the bar and pulling up as you do reps. I have to remind guys only assist if I'm stuck. I once saw studies saying that the decline press is superior to the flat and incline with electronic muscle activation markers but I'm suspicious about the accuracy. Yates once said the decline was the best chest press of them all but in his prime he always started with the incline.  I'm not a doctor or a physical therapist so check with your health care professional.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 05, 2020, 04:15:18 PM
Tried to run but Achilles said no.  Walked five miles fast and that didn’t seem to aggravate it. Hit the heavy bag. Just pissed off with things in my personal life.  Hit the bag with a little too much malice.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on March 05, 2020, 06:40:57 PM
Tried to run but Achilles said no.  Walked five miles fast and that didn’t seem to aggravate it. Hit the heavy bag. Just pissed of with things in my personal life.  Hit the bag with a little too much malice. 

Better the bag than some person.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 06, 2020, 06:52:05 PM
Delt and arms: Feels like my arms deflated with the two week plus break I took.

Military press cleaned from the floor 2 x 8 115lbs (Had so much anxiety about these. I'm doing so much shoulder stretching I thought I would be weak but I got the reps out going all the way down.
Dumbbell delt laterals 2 x10 ( thumb up to avoid impingement. Started with 20lbs and the last set was 25lbs. Felt good. No shoulder aggravation)
Front delt raises 2 x12 (Hard to type how I did them. I went face front on an incline bench. My face in a towel. Raised the dumbbells thumbs up. These are new to me. Heard a lot of crackling in my delt. Not sure if this is a healthy exercise for me. Kept it light.)
Rear delt pulley 2 x 12 (Pic below. That's not me)
barbell shrugs 2 x 12 250lbs (tried to get the best range of motion)

Tricep push downs 2 x 12 ( I used the stack but on this pulley it isn't that much weight. It says something like 150lbs but in no way is it that much)
Tricep machine 2 x 12 100lbs
Reverse grip one arm pulley tricep extensions 2 x 12

EZ curl 2 x 10 90lbs
Preacher machine 2 x 10
Arnold concentration dumbbell curl 2 x 12 (I don't feel these to much and I think I got the form down.)

Wrist curls 2 x 25 95lbs (At my home gym I have the wrist curl bench and works amazing. In the this commercial gym I place a block under my feet sitting on a bench and use my knees for a wrist platform. Not an ideal way to do this.)
Reverse wrist curls 2 x 12

Lying crunch machine 2 x 20 (the type where you pull your feet in as you crunch)
ab seated crunch machine 2 x 15 (seriously forgot the weight I use and used too much. I like to get at least 20 reps)

Gym observations: Some seriously big guys working out. One guy I'm trying to decide if he is a user. I believe so. He lets the gym owner train him. It's high intensity for a few exercises. While not a big guy he uses big weights. He looks to be about 210lbs.  He works out with over 300lbs for his reps in the bench. Today he did full squats with around 350lbs.  I realize these aren't world class elite stuff but in the gym rat category it's hard core. He seems to be a nice guy but he has that lat spread semi tensing thing going on that doesn't look natural.  Trains really hard with high intensity. His workouts maybe last 30 to 40 minutes.

Talked briefly with this one guy who looks about 40 years old. He said everything was going great working out and after a workout he mowed the lawn. He felt a pain in his stomach and the result was a double hernia. After the operation he won't train with heavy weights. I can't blame him. He feels his stomach couldn't take it. He said it took him a long time to mourn so to speak that his hard core training was gone. I can relate.

 The owner won many a deadlift competitions in power meets. He never deads anymore again due to injury. He is finished but he has a ton of cool trophies on display.  

One old man training  chumped on gum with his mouth open repeatedly and continuously  for every second he was in the gym.  He looked like a cow or something with his big jowls going up and down.  It was freaking me out.

Came home and felt the inside of my shoulder swelling. I will make the best of it.

This is a mom and pop hardcore gym. Most of the equipment is 30 years old and mixed stuff. Chalk flies and many members are hard core. Down the road is the posh gym. All new matched equipment. Dumbbells are encased in rubber. Perfect rubber flooring and it looks like a show case. I worked out there about 4 years ago. The thing I miss about the place are the incredible women that work out there. Hot women love to work out there. In the gym I work out now a woman will walk in  and have a disgusted look on their face then walk out. Not that it's not clean. It's a completely functional gym with a great atmosphere of people too. It just doesn't look like a place where the beautiful people work out at in.  It looks like a place smelly fat power lifters who smell like BO and ben gay work out,  shouting every rep. The women at the posh place wear that shear panty hose yoga pants with a sheer top and hair done to impress. You can see the thongs right through the panty hose bottoms. Yes, I'm a perv. I like big butts and I cannot lie. You other brothers can't deny. We have a couple of hotties in the hard core place but it you can't swing a dumbbell without nearly hitting a hot chick in the posh place. I want to work out there just to see the sights.

What's the deal with CDB oil? The owner recommends it for everything from anxiety, pain and dandruff. There isn't an ailment that it's not good for. Sounds like the way pot heads talk about marijuana like it's a medicine for what ever ails you.  He tells people he has the quality stuff and not the rip off stuff that does nothing. It's something like $50 a container. WTF?  I don't know if it's a nation wide thing or just my town in NJ but signs are in every strip mall as we call them here to buy the stuff.

Do guys in your gym sing unintelligible lyrics to the song playing in their ear buds? I constantly hear guys yelp something or yell out a oooh baby baby out of mid air then I realize they have ear buds in. One guy in particular I guess can't hear anything with the music blasting. He puts the pin in the weight stack and at the conclusion of his reps he drops the stack of plates sounding like a gun shot. I bet he can't hear what the hell he is doing.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on March 06, 2020, 10:55:43 PM
Delt and arms: Feels like my arms deflated with the two week plus break I took.

Military press cleaned from the floor 2 x 8 115lbs (Had so much anxiety about these. I'm doing so much shoulder stretching I thought I would be weak but I got the reps out going all the way down.
Dumbbell delt laterals 2 x10 ( thumb up to avoid impingement. Started with 20lbs and the last set was 25lbs. Felt good. No shoulder aggravation)
Front delt raises 2 x12 (Hard to type how I did them. I went face front on an incline bench. My face in a towel. Raised the dumbbells thumbs up. These are new to me. Heard a lot of crackling in my delt. Not sure if this is a healthy exercise for me. Kept it light.)
Rear delt pulley 2 x 12 (Pic below. That's not me)
barbell shrugs 2 x 12 250lbs (tried to get the best range of motion)

Tricep push downs 2 x 12 ( I used the stack but on this pulley it isn't that much weight. It says something like 150lbs but in no way is it that much)
Tricep machine 2 x 12 100lbs
Reverse grip one arm pulley tricep extensions 2 x 12

EZ curl 2 x 10 90lbs
Preacher machine 2 x 10
Arnold concentration dumbbell curl 2 x 12 (I don't feel these to much and I think I got the form down.)

Wrist curls 2 x 25 95lbs (At my home gym I have the wrist curl bench and works amazing. In the this commercial gym I place a block under my feet sitting on a bench and use my knees for a wrist platform. Not an ideal way to do this.)
Reverse wrist curls 2 x 12

Lying crunch machine 2 x 20 (the type where you pull your feet in as you crunch)
ab seated crunch machine 2 x 15 (seriously forgot the weight I use and used too much. I like to get at least 20 reps)

Gym observations: Some seriously big guys working out. One guy I'm trying to decide if he is a user. I believe so. He lets the gym owner train him. It's high intensity for a few exercises. While not a big guy he uses big weights. He looks to be about 210lbs.  He works out with over 300lbs for his reps in the bench. Today he did full squats with around 350lbs.  I realize these aren't world class elite stuff but in the gym rat category it's hard core. He seems to be a nice guy but he has that lat spread semi tensing thing going on that doesn't look natural.  Trains really hard with high intensity. His workouts maybe last 30 to 40 minutes.

Talked briefly with this one guy who looks about 40 years old. He said everything was going great working out and after a workout he mowed the lawn. He felt a pain in his stomach and the result was a double hernia. After the operation he won't train with heavy weights. I can't blame him. He feels his stomach couldn't take it. He said it took him a long time to mourn so to speak that his hard core training was gone. I can relate.

 The owner won many a deadlift competitions in power meets. He never deads anymore again due to injury. He is finished but he has a ton of cool trophies on display.  

One old man training  chumped on gum with his mouth open repeatedly and continuously  for every second he was in the gym.  He looked like a cow or something with his big jowls going up and down.  It was freaking me out.

Came home and felt the inside of my shoulder swelling. I will make the best of it.

This is a mom and pop hardcore gym. Most of the equipment is 30 years old and mixed stuff. Chalk flies and many members are hard core. Down the road is the posh gym. All new matched equipment. Dumbbells are encased in rubber. Perfect rubber flooring and it looks like a show case. I worked out there about 4 years ago. The thing I miss about the place are the incredible women that work out there. Hot women love to work out there. In the gym I work out now a woman will walk in  and have a disgusted look on their face then walk out. Not that it's not clean. It's a completely functional gym with a great atmosphere of people too. It just doesn't look like a place where the beautiful people work out at in.  It looks like a place smelly fat power lifters who smell like BO and ben gay work out,  shouting every rep. The women at the posh place wear that shear panty hose yoga pants with a sheer top and hair done to impress. You can see the thongs right through the panty hose bottoms. Yes, I'm a perv. I like big butts and I cannot lie. You other brother can't deny. We have a couple of hotties in the hard core place but it you can't swing a dumbbell without nearly hitting a hot chick in the posh place. I want to work out there just to see the sights.

What's the deal with CDB oil? The owner recommends it for everything from anxiety, pain and dandruff. There isn't an ailment that it's not good for. Sounds like the way pot heads talk about marijuana like it's a medicine for what ever ails you.  He tells people he has the quality stuff and not the rip off stuff that does nothing. It's something like $50 a container. WTF?  I don't know if it's a nation wide thing or just my town in NJ but signs are in every strip mall as we call them here to buy the stuff.

Do guys in your gym sing unintelligible lyrics to the song playing in their ear buds? I constantly hear guys yelp something or yell out a oooh baby baby out of mid air then I realize they have ear buds in. One guy in particular I guess can't hear anything with the music blasting. He puts the pin in the weight stack and at the conclusion of his reps he drops the stack of plates sounding like a gun shot. I bet he can't hear what the hell he is doing.

Ear buds should be outlawed in gyms. No only can people not hear what themselves they can't hear anyone else. So when you ask someone wearing ear buds if there done with some equipment you want to use, they don't hear you. When this happens I make the assumption that their done whether they like it or not.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 07, 2020, 05:33:41 PM
Ear buds should be outlawed in gyms. No only can people not hear what themselves they can't hear anyone else. So when you ask someone wearing ear buds if there done with some equipment you want to use, they don't hear you. When this happens I make the assumption that their done whether they like it or not.

I don't mind people listening to the music they enjoy while lifting. Some do it so people won't talk to them slowing down their exercise routine. My gym has a lot of old people in the morning that just love to talk. They can really bog down your routine if you're polite and listen to them drone on.  The gym for them is not about training but about socializing.

Today is a day off from training. I just did shoulder stretching. Long day of work and then watching my toddler grand daughter till her father came to get her.  Exhausted as I type this and having a cold beer.  Only had one beer in the fridge. I will switch to wine. I have a nice Italian valpolicella. A dry red that I love. Might tell the wife to put on heels and a mini skirt. She might tell me to go to hell.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on March 07, 2020, 05:56:15 PM
I don't mind people listening to the music they enjoy while lifting. Some do it so people won't talk to them slowing down their exercise routine. My gym has a lot of old people in the morning that just love to talk. They can really bog down your routine if you're polite and listen to them drone on.  The gym for them is not about training but about socializing.

Today is a day off from training. I just did shoulder stretching. Long day of work and then watching my toddler grand daughter till her father came to get her.  Exhausted as I type this and having a cold beer.  Only had one beer in the fridge. I will switch to wine. I have a nice Italian valpolicella. A dry red that I love. Might tell the wife to put on heels and a mini skirt. She might tell me to go to hell.

Which was more exhausting, watching your granddaughter or work? Toddlers can really run a person ragged. Don't tell you wife what to wear, just tell her you want to take her out for a fun evening. On the other hand if you're exhausted, maybe order in and have some fun at home.

Speaking of grandchildren, my daughter and son-in-law have been working on their future granddaughters nursery all last week. The painted the room and shampooed the carpet. Finally all the gifts from the baby shower last Saturday have a home and are no longer covering the dining room table and floor around it.

No beer or wine for me. I have not had any alcoholic beverages of any kind at home for the last month or so. I did go out one night last week and ordered two scotch rocks before switching to water. When I drink at home, I drink too much. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 07, 2020, 06:07:19 PM
Which was more exhausting, watching your granddaughter or work? Toddlers can really run a person ragged. Don't tell you wife what to wear, just tell her you want to take her out for a fun evening. On the other hand if you're exhausted, maybe order in and have some fun at home.

Speaking of grandchildren, my daughter and son-in-law have been working on their future granddaughters nursery all last week. The painted the room and shampooed the carpet. Finally all the gifts from the baby shower last Saturday have a home and are no longer covering the dining room table and floor around it.

No beer or wine for me. I have not had any alcoholic beverages of any kind at home for the last month or so. I did go out one night last week and ordered two scotch rocks before switching to water. When I drink at home, I drink too much. 

Watching a toddler is way more exhausting than work. You have to be on top of them every second of the day or they will get into trouble. Never have a second to complete a thought, lol. No wonder only young women can have kids.  On the top side are the hugs I get when I dropped her off and the biggest smile and wave good bye.  If there are a glimpse of angels on earth it is a wee one running around with a smile and joy.  In her face is everything that is beautiful in this world.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on March 07, 2020, 06:18:45 PM
Watching a toddler is way more exhausting than work. You have to be on top of them every second of the day or they will get into trouble. Never have a second to complete a thought, lol. No wonder only young women can have kids.  On the top side are the hugs I get when I dropped her off and the biggest smile and wave good bye.  If there are a glimpse of angels on earth it is a wee one running around with a smile and joy.  In her face is everything that is beautiful in this world.

Yes, at that age most kids a filled with joy, love and a ton of energy. It's a beautiful thing. Relish it. When they become teenagers they are bored, jaded and act like everything is a burden. Then a few years after that, like their mid to late twenties, they become human again.

My son was the exception. He was great throughout his childhood, although very independent. He never gave us a lick of trouble. His sister was a different story during her teen years. Her idea of independence was rebellion and lots of drama. Fortunately, she grew up and matured into the fine woman that she is today.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 08, 2020, 11:27:25 AM
Yes, at that age most kids a filled with joy, love and a ton of energy. It's a beautiful thing. Relish it. When they become teenagers they are bored, jaded and act like everything is a burden. Then a few years after that, like their mid to late twenties, they become human again.

My son was the exception. He was great throughout his childhood, although very independent. He never gave us a lick of trouble. His sister was a different story during her teen years. Her idea of independence was rebellion and lots of drama. Fortunately, she grew up and matured into the fine woman that she is today.

I have four adult kids. Two girls and two boys. The thing I'm must proud of is how tight they all are. I can die knowing they will look out for each other. Girls definitely have a lot more drama in their teens and early twenties.  One is a doctor of pharmacology, an intensive care nurse studying to become NP in psychiatry, an Army Airborne soldier and a son that does something with computers at his company. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on March 08, 2020, 02:01:03 PM
I have four adult kids. Two girls and two boys. The thing I'm must proud of is how tight they all are. I can die knowing they will look out for each other. Girls definitely have a lot more drama in their teens and early twenties.  One is a doctor of pharmacology, an intensive care nurse studying to become NP in psychiatry, an Army Airborne soldier and a son that does something with computers at his company. 

Seems like you and your wife raised four responsible adults. -Not an easy feat these days. I am proud of both the people my wife and I raised. They are both have great values and like your four they are very close considering their geographical distance.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 09, 2020, 12:32:26 PM
Back and chest:

Chins-zero, they hurt too much. Tried to do one rep and called it a day for them.
Pull downs 2 x 10 140lbs (Upright back. I could use much more weight with the lean back method but I feel it more staying upright)
Seated cable lat rows 2 x 10 170lbs
Dumbbell rows 2 x 10 85lbs
Hammer pulldown 2 x 10

Dumbbell incline press 2 x 8 70lbs ( did them slow and all the way down.)
Dips 3 x max (tried to dig deep. Strangely they don't bother my shoulder. I really should make this a primary movement)
One arm push out with a cable 3 x 12 (Hard to describe. I'm standing and it looks like I'm going a one arm standing bench press but the twist is I bring the hand across mid line at full extension. Really felt these in the pecs. Much safer exercises for the shoulder joint than flies. Arm starts bent like you are benching the weight.)
Push ups 1 x max

Deadlifts 2 x 4 315lbs (broken record using this weight.)
Weighted lower back hyper extensions 2 x 15 25lbs plate behind head.

Did some pullovers with a dumbbell for the stretch.  

I'm firm in my thinking after this week I'm going to volume to give my joints a break and to give my muscles a more endurance based stimulation.  

Got a Calvin Klein slim fit dress shirt from Amazon at the door today.  I have an athletic build but these shirts are meant to fit guys built like  skinny run way models or distance runners. The shirt is tight even while fitting the neck. My advice is guys who lifts weight to stay  away unless you're slim and ripped like a good 5 K runner. No one would accuse me of being huge at 185 and 5'9". Ok, 5'8" and a half.  ;D Damn I'm not fat in the least but this shirt is making it hard to breathe.  Just a bad look.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on March 09, 2020, 09:00:21 PM
Back and chest:

Chins-zero, they hurt too much. Tried to do one rep and called it a day for them.
Pull downs 2 x 10 140lbs (Upright back. I could use much more weight with the lean back method but I feel it more staying upright)
Seated cable lat rows 2 x 10 170lbs
Dumbbell rows 2 x 10 85lbs
Hammer pulldown 2 x 10

Dumbbell incline press 2 x 8 70lbs ( did them slow and all the way down.)
Dips 3 x max (tried to dig deep. Strangely they don't bother my shoulder. I really should make this a primary movement)
One arm push out with a cable 3 x 12 (Hard to describe. I'm standing and it looks like I'm going a one arm standing bench press but the twist is I bring the hand across mid line at full extension. Really felt these in the pecs. Much safer exercises for the shoulder joint than flies. Arm starts bent like you are benching the weight.)
Push ups 1 x max

Deadlifts 2 x 4 315lbs (broken record using this weight.)
Weighted lower back hyper extensions 2 x 15 25lbs plate behind head.

Did some pullovers with a dumbbell for the stretch.  

I'm firm in my thinking after this week I'm going to volume to give my joints a break and to give my muscles a more endurance based stimulation.  

Got a Calvin Klein slim fit dress shirt from Amazon at the door today.  I have an athletic build but these shirts are meant to fit guys built like  skinny run way models or distance runners. The shirt is tight even while fitting the neck. My advice is guys who lifts weight to stay  away unless you're slim and ripped like a good 5 K runner. No one would accuse me of being huge at 185 and 5'9". Ok, 5'8" and a half.  ;D Damn I'm not fat in the least but this shirt is making it hard to breathe.  Just a bad look.

If the fabric gaps open between the buttons, the shirt is too tight. Sure hope there's a lot of spandex in that model's shirt and pants. Otherwise, it might be difficult for him to breathe much less move. ;) I have 17" to 17 1/2" neck. If I buy a ready made dress shirt that fits my neck, it is way too large around my waist, but it is easier to find my 34" sleeve length that size. I am definitely a candidate for custom dress shirts. Fortunately, I don't have much a occasion to dress up these days. Can't remember the last time I wore a tie. So, I buy my shirts in a size large and just don't button them at the neck. I also tend to look for slim cut shirts. My chest shoulders and arms are nothing as big as the model shown in your post are.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 10, 2020, 10:48:51 AM
Today was biking for cardio. I haven't done this for awhile. I only rode 7 miles but I tried to push the pace. My biking legs are gone but I hope to have them back soon. I was breathing hard so this is a good substitute for running. Went in my basement and whacked the bag for two rounds. A little lame with my bad arm but still felt like I was hitting it hard.

It was nice riding the trail.  The gravel slows me down but it's still the same amount of work as riding fast on the road. It's so isolated that I made people jump of their skin as I passed them. Thought I would warn the next person who was two mom's pushing strollers. I said,"How's it going? On your left."  The two jumped out of their skin like a serial killer was behind them.  When they saw it was a guy on a bike they laughed.

Finished with shoulder stretching and rotator cuff work. Used a band for two rotator cuff movements and a light dumbbell for the third.

My brother back when I was around 40 asked me to do a gigantic bike tour in Iowa. He was heavily into bike riding. Little did I know it was around 100 miles a day for five day and the pace was pushed.  The temperature was around 90 every day. We slept in hot tents at night.  I couldn't sit down after the week from sitting on that tiny racing bike seat.  Now I ride 7 miles and I'm dying.   ::)
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on March 10, 2020, 11:45:11 AM
Today was biking for cardio. I haven't done this for awhile. I only rode 7 miles but I tried to push the pace. My biking legs are gone but I hope to have them back soon. I was breathing hard so this is a good substitute for running. Went in my basement and whacked the bag for two rounds. A little lame with my bad arm but still felt like I was hitting it hard.

It was nice riding the trail.  The gravel slows me down but it's still the same amount of work as riding fast on the road. It's so isolated that I made people jump of their skin as I passed them. Thought I would warn the next person who was two mom's pushing strollers. I said,"How's it going? On your left."  The two jumped out of their skin like a serial killer was behind them.  When they saw it was a guy on a bike they laughed.

Finished with shoulder stretching and rotator cuff work. Used a band for two rotator cuff movements and a light dumbbell for the third.

My brother back when I was around 40 asked me to do a gigantic bike tour in Iowa. He was heavily into bike riding. Little did I know it was around 100 miles a day for five day and the pace was pushed.  The temperature was around 90 every day. We slept in hot tents at night.  I couldn't sit down after the week from sitting on that tiny racing bike seat.  Now I ride 7 miles and I'm dying.   ::)

The good news is that you'll be back in the groove in no time. I live on a steep hill. That last time I took the bike out after not riding for awhile I headed up the hill after about two blocks, I was feeling it. Had to zig-zag the next couple of blocks to make the hill climb less steep. I haven't been on my bike for awhile again. When next I take it out I'll go down the hill and ride it on the main road that runs parallel to the Willamette river and is almost flat. Of course, I'll probably have to walk it back up the hill at the end of the ride.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 11, 2020, 10:34:30 AM
Trained legs: Always fun.  I was strong in most movements but weak in leg extensions. I normally fail at 12 reps but I failed at 10 reps. I'm blaming the biking the day before and all the stretching I've been doing. Two guys coughing their heads off in the gym. I blame that gym when ever I get sick. Germs live on every surface for 8 plus hours and every handle has been held by at least 50 guys.

Staggered out happy with my leg day work out. Sitting here typing drinking a Fairlife protein bottle. 30 grams of lactose free milk derived top grade protein of the best tasting protein I ever had.  Can't wait to wash the germs off me. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 11, 2020, 04:16:26 PM
The good news is that you'll be back in the groove in no time. I live on a steep hill. That last time I took the bike out after not riding for awhile I headed up the hill after about two blocks, I was feeling it. Had to zig-zag the next couple of blocks to make the hill climb less steep. I haven't been on my bike for awhile again. When next I take it out I'll go down the hill and ride it on the main road that runs parallel to the Willamette river and is almost flat. Of course, I'll probably have to walk it back up the hill at the end of the ride.

Walking up a hill is still great cardio at the end.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on March 12, 2020, 12:39:46 AM
Walking up a hill is still great cardio at the end.

Particularly the hill I live on. In a matter of a couple of blocks it goes from about 30 ft above sea level to the 500 ft elevation right in front of our house. believe it or not I've seen people who look as old as me riding their bikes up this hill. I've also seen young healthy looking people walking theirs. Guess it all depends on how good a shape your in and how accustomed you are to the hill climb. One thing is for sure, If I were to ride my bike up my hill on a daily bases, I'd have those enormous quads I always dreamed of having.  ;)
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 12, 2020, 10:42:09 AM
Rode bike hard for about 40 minutes. The seat was loose off it's mount toward the end. Loose and moving back and forth. Made due and pedaled in.

 Hit the bag after pretty good.  I have prescription anti inflammatory drugs in me. Made my shoulder tolerated whacking the bag hard with the drug in me. I boxed briefly in my 20's.  Five fights in the ring.  One loss. I realize the level of opponents I fought were not the elite but they were tough guys. My loss was to a guy who was training for the Golden Gloves competition. My first fight. Had no clue what I was doing. Left my self open. Never moved my head. While he covered up I opened a barrage of blocked punches  leaving my self open for every over head right he threw.  I was seeing little birdies fly around my head.

 Decided I want to stay pretty so I made the command decision that being punched in the face isn't a fun sport. I think I hit just as hard or harder now. What I don't have is the reflexes, defense, or the movement. They say the last thing to leave an aging fighter is the big punch. I wonder how long it will be before that is gone too?

Having a good training week. Can't wait to hit the gym tomorrow.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on March 12, 2020, 11:48:32 AM
Watched boxing on television with my stepdad in the 1950's. That's the extent of my boxing experience. Getting beat up was never one of my ambitions.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 12, 2020, 06:38:58 PM
Watched boxing on television with my stepdad in the 1950's. That's the extent of my boxing experience. Getting beat up was never one of my ambitions.

I beat myself up way too often.  Then a wise man had a talk with me and pointed it out. Hopefully I've stopped and have seen the error of my ways. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on March 12, 2020, 06:43:46 PM
I beat myself up way too often.  Then a wise man had a talk with me and pointed it out. Hopefully I've stopped and have seen the error of my ways. 

It was (and maybe still is) manly to box. At least that's what I thought until a real man (my stepdad) said it was for fools. At least that's what he responded when I asked him to teach me to box.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 14, 2020, 11:29:53 AM
It was delt and arms on Friday:

Military clean and press 2 x 8 115lbs ( all the way down and no half reps)
Dumbbell delt lateral raises 2 x 10 25lbs ( Thumbs up for external rotation to free up impingement.)
Dumbbell front delt raises 2 x 10 ( Instead of to the absoulute front they were raised from a V positions. The physical therapist said it was healthier for the shoulders)
Face pulls with external rotation 3 x 10 (I never do them and it felt awkward. I was going to drop them but today I feel good soreness in the rear delts and upper back region so I might keep them in.
Rear delt band pulls 2 x10 (I hate the strength curve of bands. Too easy in the beginning and hard at the end. )
Barbell shrugs 2 x10 250lbs ( Tried for a full range)

Rope pushdowns 2 x 12 (My home unit isn't as smooth as the commercial gyms)
Seated ez curl bar tricep extensions 3 x 10 ( I reverse the scott curl support and use it for an angled back support)
Single dumbbell one hand tricep extension 1 x 12
Reverse grip single tricep pulley extension 1 x 12

ez curl 2 x 10 90lbs
seated dumbbell curls 2 x 10 (never did these before. Not sure if I will continue with them. Felt a little awkward to me. A favorite or Reeves)
concentration curl 2 x 12

wrist curls 2 x 20 95lbs
wrist extensions 2 x 15

Crunches with feet up on a bench 1 x 50 (Used a 5lbs plate behind my head)
Pulley crunches 1 x 40

Went to a casino after for a stay over with the wife. We go once a month usually on a Sunday. My retirement job was shut down Saturday so we went on prime time Saturday. We drank and ate like royals. We finished the night going to our favorite pent house bar on top of a huge hotel there. It's very intimate and beautiful. It also has an outdoor area. Like I said before we go on a quiet Sunday. This Saturday the doors open to the bar and music is blasting and it's a packed Saturday night. They have a DJ. First thing we realize it's filled with gays with some straight people. Never knew it was a popular Saturday night gay destination. No homo. It was a mad house.  Some hot girls were dancing too.  I woke up the next morning and realize my wife went down to gamble. I'm naked in the bed and I hear something. Casinos are noisy but it sounds like it's by the door. I get up with intentions to look out the peep hold and the door opens. A maid came into the room and I'm buck naked. She says, " In broken English, "Sorry, sorry." First time that ever happened.   ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on March 14, 2020, 02:23:06 PM
It was delt and arms on Friday:

Military clean and press 2 x 8 115lbs ( all the way down and no half reps)
Dumbbell delt lateral raises 2 x 10 25lbs ( Thumbs up for external rotation to free up impingement.)
Dumbbell front delt raises 2 x 10 ( Instead of to the absoulute front they were raised from a V positions. The physical therapist said it was healthier for the shoulders)
Face pulls with external rotation 3 x 10 (I never do them and it felt awkward. I was going to drop them but today I feel good soreness in the rear delts and upper back region so I might keep them in.
Rear delt band pulls 2 x10 (I hate the strength curve of bands. Too easy in the beginning and hard at the end. )
Barbell shrugs 2 x10 250lbs ( Tried for a full range)

Rope pushdowns 2 x 12 (My home unit isn't as smooth as the commercial gyms)
Seated ex curl bar tricep extensions 3 x 10 ( I reverse the scott curl support and use it for an angled back support)
Single dumbbell one hand tricep extension 1 x 12
Reverse grip single tricep pulley extension 1 x 12

ez curl 2 x 10 90lbs
seated dumbbell curls 2 x 10 (never did these before. Not sure if I will continue with them. Felt a little awkward to me. A favorite or Reeves)
concentration curl 2 x 12

wrist curls 2 x 20 95lbs
wrist extensions 2 x 15

Crunches with feet up on a bench 1 x 50 (Used a 5lbs plate behind my head)
Pulley crunches 1 x 40

Went to a casino after for a stay over with the wife. We go once a month usually on a Sunday. My retirement job was shut down Saturday so we went on prime time Saturday. We drank and ate like royals. We finished the night going to our favorite pent house bar on top of a huge hotel there. It's very intimate and beautiful. It also has an outdoor area. Like I said before we go on a quiet Sunday. This Saturday the doors open to the bar and music is blasting and it's a packed Saturday night. They have a DJ. First thing we realize it's filled with gays with some straight people. Never knew it was a popular Saturday night gay destination. No homo. It was a mad house.  Some hot girls were dancing too.  I woke up the next morning and realize my wife went down to gamble. I'm naked in the bed and I hear something. Casinos are noisy but it sounds like it's by the door. I get up with intentions to look out the peep hold and the door opens. A maid came into the room and I'm buck naked. She says, " In broken English, "Sorry, sorry." First time that ever happened.   ;D

You probably made the maid's day.  ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: AbrahamG on March 15, 2020, 10:50:30 PM
It was delt and arms on Friday:

Military clean and press 2 x 8 115lbs ( all the way down and no half reps)
Dumbbell delt lateral raises 2 x 10 25lbs ( Thumbs up for external rotation to free up impingement.)
Dumbbell front delt raises 2 x 10 ( Instead of to the absoulute front they were raised from a V positions. The physical therapist said it was healthier for the shoulders)
Face pulls with external rotation 3 x 10 (I never do them and it felt awkward. I was going to drop them but today I feel good soreness in the rear delts and upper back region so I might keep them in.
Rear delt band pulls 2 x10 (I hate the strength curve of bands. Too easy in the beginning and hard at the end. )
Barbell shrugs 2 x10 250lbs ( Tried for a full range)

Rope pushdowns 2 x 12 (My home unit isn't as smooth as the commercial gyms)
Seated ez curl bar tricep extensions 3 x 10 ( I reverse the scott curl support and use it for an angled back support)
Single dumbbell one hand tricep extension 1 x 12
Reverse grip single tricep pulley extension 1 x 12

ez curl 2 x 10 90lbs
seated dumbbell curls 2 x 10 (never did these before. Not sure if I will continue with them. Felt a little awkward to me. A favorite or Reeves)
concentration curl 2 x 12

wrist curls 2 x 20 95lbs
wrist extensions 2 x 15

Crunches with feet up on a bench 1 x 50 (Used a 5lbs plate behind my head)
Pulley crunches 1 x 40

Went to a casino after for a stay over with the wife. We go once a month usually on a Sunday. My retirement job was shut down Saturday so we went on prime time Saturday. We drank and ate like royals. We finished the night going to our favorite pent house bar on top of a huge hotel there. It's very intimate and beautiful. It also has an outdoor area. Like I said before we go on a quiet Sunday. This Saturday the doors open to the bar and music is blasting and it's a packed Saturday night. They have a DJ. First thing we realize it's filled with gays with some straight people. Never knew it was a popular Saturday night gay destination. No homo. It was a mad house.  Some hot girls were dancing too.  I woke up the next morning and realize my wife went down to gamble. I'm naked in the bed and I hear something. Casinos are noisy but it sounds like it's by the door. I get up with intentions to look out the peep hold and the door opens. A maid came into the room and I'm buck naked. She says, " In broken English, "Sorry, sorry." First time that ever happened.   ;D

Go on........
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on March 16, 2020, 09:27:34 AM
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 16, 2020, 06:31:38 PM

Shocking the Governor closed every gym in the state. My part time retirement job just went to full time because of this hysteria.  The highway was empty heading to work. An insane amount of people are out of work right now. This politicizing of this disease has an agenda. Crash the stock market. Make unemployment go into double digits. Crash the GDP prior to the election. The news providers are complicit with the Democrats spreading fear and hysteria. Then blame Trump when the economy crashes so people vote Democrat. It's a coup attempt. 20K plus died from the ordinary flu this season in the US.  No fear generated. World wide pneumonia killed way more that Corona world wide. Obama had way more deaths and infected with the Swine flu. No panic. This is a planned coup. Those that have died the majority are the elderly and those with compromised health. The majority 97% to 98% will recover in two weeks with no lasting health consequences. I feel terrible for those that have died and those who are ill.

Trained Chest and biceps in my basement after work. I think I'm spoiled working part time. Being at work all day and hitting my basement gym at 7PM felt insane. I like to train in the AM. Good time to invest in some Iron master or Powerblocks with a bench for guys that don't have a home gym.  I know the commercial gym I belong to in addition to my home gym will find a way to stay open. I bet he locks the front door but opens the rear door in a furtive attempt to keep the gym open.  

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on March 16, 2020, 07:20:27 PM
Shocking the Governor closed every gym in the state. My part time retirement job just went to full time because of this hysteria.  The highway was empty heading to work. An insane amount of people are out of work right now. This politicizing of this disease has an agenda. Crash the stock market. Make unemployment go into double digits. Crash the GDP prior to the election. The news providers are complicit with the Democrats spreading fear and hysteria. Then blame Trump when the economy crashes so people vote Democrat. It's a coup attempt. 20K plus died from the ordinary flu this season in the US.  No fear generated. World wide pneumonia killed way more that Corona world wide. Obama had way more deaths and infected with the Swine flu. No panic. This is a planned coup. Those that have died the majority are the elderly and those with compromised health. The majority 97% to 98% will recover in two weeks with no lasting health consequences. I feel terrible for those that have died and those who are ill.

Trained Chest and biceps in my basement after work. I think I'm spoiled working part time. Being at work all day and hitting my basement gym at 7PM felt insane. I like to train in the AM. Good time to invest in some Iron master or Powerblocks with a bench for guys that don't have a home gym.  I know the commercial gym I belong to in addition to my home gym will find a way to stay open. I bet he locks the front door but opens the rear door in a furtive attempt to keep the gym open.  

I call bullshit on you coup attempt suggestion. If that were the case the only place shutting down because of the virus would be the U.S. Trump is not dictator of the entire world and with any luck, he never will be. If he fucks up handling the coronavirus, he may lose some support, but for the most part he can do no wrong when it comes to his base.

Oregon's governor is busy shutting down businesses too. So far she hasn't gone after the gyms. We currently have 47 known cases of coronavirus in the state and she's ordered bars and restaurants to close. That's insane. Lots of seniors and other folks rely on eating out a lot. I'm one of those people. Had lunch at Subway today. I was the only person actually eating in the restaurant. Everyone else took their orders to go. One family was eating their meal at one of the outside tables. Fortunately it's not cold and wet today. Schools are closed but all those kids on free and reduced lunch programs can pick up meals between 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. I have no idea what's happening with kids in daycare/after school care. Almost all of their parents work. There's probably a lot of very young kids staying home alone which is not great at all.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 16, 2020, 07:35:03 PM
At work they had on CNN all day today. It was hour after hour of blaming Trump and hyping the disease.  First we had the Russian collusion that after 30 plus million couldn't be proved. Then we had the Ukraine coup. The Kavanaugh lies. Now we have hysteria drummed up by the complicit media.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on March 16, 2020, 07:45:29 PM
At work they had on CNN all day today. It was hour after hour of blaming Trump and hyping the disease.  First we had the Russian collusion that after 30 plus million couldn't be proved. Then we had the Ukraine coup. The Kavanaugh lies. Now we have hysteria drummed up by the complicit media.

Don't watch CNN. In fact, don't watch any news (okay, so maybe a few minutes of the 6:00 p.m. news). Doing so is almost guaranteed to make you feel worse and get stressed. The blame game is idiotic. Shit happens. This virus is nobody's fault, not even Trump's. Trump is just an idiot. Therefore he says a lot of idiotic things and makes himself look foolish. He's an easy target. I think he's doing the best he can with this. There's no rehearsals for pandemics. We've all doing the best we can to cope.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 17, 2020, 05:53:47 PM
Don't watch CNN. In fact, don't watch any news (okay, so maybe a few minutes of the 6:00 p.m. news). Doing so is almost guaranteed to make you feel worse and get stressed. The blame game is idiotic. Shit happens. This virus is nobody's fault, not even Trump's. Trump is just an idiot. Therefore he says a lot of idiotic things and makes himself look foolish. He's an easy target. I think he's doing the best he can with this. There's no rehearsals for pandemics. We've all doing the best we can to cope.

Trump is actually a genius. The idiot was Obama who did so bad in law school he wouldn't release his grades. Obama couldn't talk without a teleprompter. Trump can talk for a long period of time without one. What he is doing with the Corona virus is unrepresented in it's scope. He shut down flights from China. He shut down flights from Europe. With the help of the Governors he is shutting down the country essentially for two weeks. He said about 10 days ago we would have a vaccine to which he was mocked by the expert scientists on the liberal news providers. Today it was announced the vaccine is going into clinical trials. He is considering sending a check to those who are unemployed to bridge the gap till all the shut down businesses are open again. Tests for the virus are being release already after three weeks which is way faster than Obama with the Swine flu.  

Trained legs: Can't get use to training after work. It seems when I leave work the day is over. It's time to relax but no I have to get to my basement gym. For me ideally,  working out before work is the way to go.  Did a Yates type workout with one work set after warm up to exhaustion. Glad I got the workout in but I wasn't at the top of my game. I know the majority of the working world hits the gym after work but I don't feel it's an ideal way to go. You do what you have to do. I worked the craziest schedules for almost 30 years. I worked all three shifts in the span three weeks always getting my work outs in.

On a side note I saw a guy in a McDonald's drive through projectile  puke what looked like a gallon of green beer. It was so fucken green.  I made a mental note to never drink green beer.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: jpm101 on March 18, 2020, 12:19:04 PM
 Personally I'm a American National, not an American citizen and can not vote in national elections (president for example).  Grew up and living in SoCal since I was 10 years old.

Given all that, and trying not to get too political, have to agree with oldtimer1 about Trump. Make no mistake, the U.S. would be considered on a war footing with regards to the over hyped panic of the corona virus (more than one strain). So some drastic actions are being put into place.

Love or hate Trump, so far he has plowed through all the Washington bureaucracy and put life saving measures into high speed. Something a well experienced business executive, not the usual political cover your ass Washington hack, would do. Time is critical in all of this. With this, Trump is taking a massive political risk himself, but that seems not all that important to him at the moment.

Making this exercise related now, after my above sounding board..

6X6's, while  using multi joint exercise, have performed minor miracles on many guys over the years. Squat cleans, hack squats,push presses,hi-pulls....serious movements for serious results. Throw in cheat BB curls and straight up weighted dips for arm work.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 18, 2020, 07:06:13 PM
Personally I'm a American National, not an American citizen and can not vote in national elections (president for example).  Grew up and living in SoCal since I was 10 years old.

Given all that, and trying not to get too political, have to agree with oldtimer1 about Trump. Make no mistake, the U.S. would be considered on a war footing with regards to the over hyped panic of the corona virus (more than one strain). So some drastic actions are being put into place.

Love or hate Trump, so far he has plowed through all the Washington bureaucracy and put life saving measures into high speed. Something a well experienced business executive, not the usual political cover your ass Washington hack, would do. Time is critical in all of this. With this, Trump is taking a massive political risk himself, but that seems not all that important to him at the moment.

Making this exercise related now, after my above sounding board..

6X6's, while  using multi joint exercise, have performed minor miracles on many guys over the years. Squat cleans, hack squats,push presses,hi-pulls....serious movements for serious results. Throw in cheat BB curls and straight up weighted dips for arm work.

Corona is related to SARS. Similar make up. SARS made a big splash then died out. Cases are going down in China if you can believe them but look at South Korea. Their cases are going down. America's cases will rise as the tests are being distributed and implemented. Still under 100 deaths. I believe what a biologist in Israel wrote who studies viruses. I could site what he wrote but it's on my phone. I'm using a lap top. He believes it will get worst then it will dissipate. This isn't the Spanish flu that killed millions. Our entire economy is collapsing right now. Still 100 deaths. That's about 6 weekends in the summer of people being shot in Chicago.    
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 19, 2020, 11:57:11 AM
Trained back:  Think I'm getting old. It was a tough workout today. Did the Yates one set to failure thing after warm up. I want to go to volume but my job just increased my hours and these quick workouts are great for the limited time I have.  

Pulldowns 1 x 12

Low cable seated lat pulls with a V handle 1 x 14

Dumbbell rows off a bench 1 x 15

reverse grip lat pulldowns 1 x 12  ( I think I'm beginning to see clearly what exercises are irritating the supraspinatus tendon of the rotator cuff and this is one of them. Maybe a wider grip will make more space for the tendon. I think though I will drop it. )

deadlifts 1 x 6 315lbs (At my age I'm not trying for personal records. A short 15 years ago I use to end my back workout with a final set of deadlifts at 405lbs for my last set every workout. I feel if I keep it around 300lbs to 315lbs I'm keeping my back strong and healthy without being overly concerned about injuries. I also always do deads last when I'm tired and weakened so I don't have to pile on the plates. I believe Yates did the same thing. He put them in the end when he was exhausted to limit the weight.)

Weighted lower back hyper extensions 1 x 20 (One of the best exercises you can do for a healthy lower back)

Ab wheel 1 x 25
Pulley ab crunch 1 x 45

Tomorrow is delts and tris.  Buying a decline bench for pecs. Just what the doc ordered for shoulder pain. No stress to the irritated tendon. Using a lot of strategies to preserve my lifting.  Hopefully I can extend hard training for another 10 years before I go into that dreaded old man workouts.  I know one guy around 73 if I can remember his age  who is not a big guy but lean and muscular. He still lifts and trains brutally hard. It's impressive. The other day he was sprinting on a treadmill after lifting. Amazing. His voice is crystal clear like a young man and doesn't have that old man's voice yet. The guy still drinks beer every weekend. His wife is about 10 years younger than him but looks older.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on March 19, 2020, 04:50:47 PM
Trained back:  Think I'm getting old. It was a tough workout today. Did the Yates one set to failure thing after warm up. I want to go to volume but my job just increased my hours and these quick workouts are great for the limited time I have.  

Pulldowns 1 x 12

Low cable seated lat pulls with a V handle 1 x 14

Dumbbell rows off a bench 1 x 15

reverse grip lat pulldowns 1 x 12  ( I think I'm beginning to see clearly what exercises are irritating the supraspinatus tendon of the rotator cuff and this is one of them. Maybe a wider grip will make more space for the tendon. I think though I will drop it. )

deadlifts 1 x 6 315lbs (At my age I'm not trying for personal records. A short 15 years ago I use to end my back workout with a final set of deadlifts at 405lbs for my last set every workout. I feel if I keep it around 300lbs to 315lbs I'm keeping my back strong and healthy without being overly concerned about injuries. I also always do deads last when I'm tired and weakened so I don't have to pile on the plates. I believe Yates did the same thing. He put them in the end when he was exhausted to limit the weight.)

Weighted lower back hyper extensions 1 x 20 (One of the best exercises you can do for a healthy lower back)

Ab wheel 1 x 25
Pulley ab crunch 1 x 45

Tomorrow is delts and tris.  Buying a decline bench for pecs. Just what the doc ordered for shoulder pain. No stress to the irritated tendon. Using a lot of strategies to preserve my lifting.  Hopefully I can extend hard training for another 10 years before I go into that dreaded old man workouts.  I know one guy around 73 if I can remember his age  who is not a big guy but lean and muscular. He still lifts and trains brutally hard. It's impressive. The other day he was sprinting on a treadmill after lifting. Amazing. His voice is crystal clear like a young man and doesn't have that old man's voice yet. The guy still drinks beer every weekend. His wife is about 10 years younger than him but looks older.

Remember the old days when we worked at our jobs all day before we hit the gym and had a full on work out, then we headed home and mowed the lawn, plus later maybe took the wife out to dinner and dancing and back home for some nooky before falling asleep for the night? Those were the days my friend....those were the days. They're long gone.  :(
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 19, 2020, 04:58:16 PM
Yes raising my four kids working swing shifts while getting my work outs in were almost a blur in my life.  Now we watch our grand daughter two to three times a week. I have a part time job three days a week. I have a lot of time to work out now but my energy levels are not the same. Working on the house is a  thing I despise. Lawn stuff and cleaning the pool is something I hate.  I have an okay lawn but my pool I keep crystal clear and clean.

I remember Larry Scott in his prime would work a eight hour day. Get a two hour workout in then attend night school. In the interview he said he had his hardest workouts because this days were very focused.  As we age we have more time for recreation but limited energy as we age.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on March 19, 2020, 05:12:03 PM
Yes raising my four kids working swing shifts while getting my work outs in were almost a blur in my life.  Now we watch our grand daughter two to three times a week. I have a part time job three days a week. I have a lot of time to work out now but my energy levels are not the same. Working on the house is thing I despise. Lawn stuff and cleaning the pool is something I hate.  I have an okay lawn but my pool I keep crystal clear and clean.

I remember Larry Scott in his prime would work a eight hour day. Get a two hour workout in then attend night school. In the interview he said he had his hardest workouts because this days were very focused.  As we age we have more time for recreation but limited energy as we age.

One of my younger brothers just retired a few months ago and he just does "projects" around the house like repair his deck, paint, etc. and then he goes for motorcycle rides.  He no longer trains but that could change as soon as he goes to move something that no longer moves for him, LOL!

Keep training, brother!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on March 19, 2020, 05:24:46 PM
Yes raising my four kids working swing shifts while getting my work outs in were almost a blur in my life.  Now we watch our grand daughter two to three times a week. I have a part time job three days a week. I have a lot of time to work out now but my energy levels are not the same. Working on the house is thing I despise. Lawn stuff and cleaning the pool is something I hate.  I have an okay lawn but my pool I keep crystal clear and clean.

I remember Larry Scott in his prime would work a eight hour day. Get a two hour workout in then attend night school. In the interview he said he had his hardest workouts because this days were very focused.  As we age we have more time for recreation but limited energy as we age.

Although I sleep longer, my energy levels are pretty good when I'm awake. What kills me is boredom. I really need to get out and do more. But, not right now.

Since spending a fortune on having the front landscaped recently, I hired the landscaper to maintain the yard. Mowing wouldn't be hard because the grass areas are minimal. In addition to spring and fall cleanup, pruning, weeding and feeding are all taken care of. I even bought a few perennials and placed them, thinking I'd plant them later. The gardener planted them for me without me asking. This very complete service only runs me $300 a month.

Don't you cover the pool during the cooler months? Living in Southern California when I was a kid the pool was never covered. I did the pool maintenance because my step-dad was always working....I guess so he could afford the payments on the property. I also, took care of a menagerie of farm animals including my horses. This involved twice a day feeding and water, plus shit duty. I hauled the bales of hay, alfalfa, and straw from the front driveway all the way to the back of the property in a wheelbarrow. This was a 300 ft. trek each way. Gardening has always been a hobby of mine, even as a kid. My stepdad did like to mow the grass on a rare weekend when he wasn't working.    
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 19, 2020, 05:31:13 PM
One of my younger brothers just retired a few months ago and he just does "projects" around the house like repair his deck, paint, etc. and then he goes for motorcycle rides.  He no longer trains but that could change as soon as he goes to move something that no longer moves for him, LOL!

Keep training, brother!

If you don't train you age rapidly.  My orthopedic surgeon said I have have the body of a very in shape 40 year old. Made me feel good.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on March 19, 2020, 05:43:01 PM
Quote from: oldtimer1
Posted on: Today at 04:31:13 PM
If you don't train you age rapidly.  My orthopedic surgeon said I have have the body of a very in shape 40 year old. Made me feel good.

Excellent!  I have begun training again  (a short time ago) but it is weird for me.  I remember being much stronger and I cannot imagine the pain and longing someone that was a champion must have.  But then, they have some great memories to help, eh?  So do I!

My brother is in better shape than me.  He can also run. I can limp, LOL!  I have a buddy at work that hurt his leg and we plan on entering the three legged race if they have it at any picnics this year. But I don't need a walker or a wheelchair so I am way ahead of a great many people I have seen at the doctor and PT.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 19, 2020, 05:44:00 PM
Although I sleep longer, my energy levels are pretty good when I'm awake. What kills me is boredom. I really need to get out and do more. But, not right now.

Since spending a fortune on having the front landscaped recently, I hired the landscaper to maintain the yard. Mowing wouldn't be hard because the grass areas are minimal. In addition to spring and fall cleanup, pruning, weeding and feeding are all taken care of. I even bought a few perennials and placed them, thinking I'd plant them later. The gardener planted them for me without me asking. This very complete service only runs me $300 a month.

Don't you cover the pool during the cooler months? Living in Southern California when I was a kid the pool was never covered. I did the pool maintenance because my step-dad was always working....I guess so he could afford the payments on the property. I also, took care of a menagerie of farm animals including my horses. This involved twice a day feeding and water, plus shit duty. I hauled the bales of hay, alfalfa, and straw from the front driveway all the way to the back of the property in a wheelbarrow. This was a 300 ft. trek each way. Gardening has always been a hobby of mine, even as a kid. My stepdad did like to mow the grass on a rare weekend when he wasn't working.    

Only costs you $300 a month for a lawn guy? That's a lot of money.  I can get a lawn guy to come twice a month for under $100.Maybe you have a lot more property than me.  Yes, my pool is covered in the winter. Just referencing obligations in life that we all have. Energy levels is a relative thing. No one has the energy levels of their youth.  Time yourself for a five mile run and compare it to your youth. It's an eye opener.  I have always been a physical person so I have both mental and written records of what I could do. Even though I was more of a sprinter I remember how running under 6 minute miles was never an issue. Now I can't do it.  Maybe if I gave up lifting and devoted 8 months of six day a week for running workouts barring injuries I could get back. Same with lifting. I worked with some guys that are powerlifters who into their 50's are still lifting big numbers but they are specialists. They also look in horrendous shape with fat bodies but hell they can do the three lifts in big numbers. I would never want to look like them on a beach.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on March 19, 2020, 06:40:30 PM
Only costs you $300 a month for a lawn guy? That's a lot of money.  I can get a lawn guy to come twice a month for under $100.Maybe you have a lot more property than me.  Yes, my pool is covered in the winter. Just referencing obligations in life that we all have. Energy levels is a relative thing. No one has the energy levels of their youth.  Time yourself for a five mile run and compare it to your youth. It's an eye opener.  I have always been a physical person so I have both mental and written records of what I could do. Even though I was more of a sprinter I remember how running under 6 minute miles was never an issue. Now I can't do it.  Maybe if I gave up lifting and devoted 8 months of six day a week for running workouts barring injuries I could get back. Same with lifting. I worked with some guys that are powerlifters who into their 50's are still lifting big numbers but they are specialists. They also look in horrendous shape with fat bodies but hell they can do the three lifts in big numbers. I would never want to look like them on a beach.  

First off, they aren't lawn guys. They are gardeners. A lawn guy mows your lawn, period. If the lawn guy you can get comes twice a month for $100 that's $200 for showing up once a week. Except during winter months, during the growing season with an irrigation system mowing once a week may not be often enough, depending on what kind of grass you have. Who trims your smaller trees and shrubs? Who does the weeding and some of the seasonal planting? Who fertilizes the lawn and gardens. Who does fall and spring clean up? Who spreads mulch? The gardeners I use do all that, not just mow the lawn. Also, it is the same company that installed my landscape. Any plants that don't survive the first year are automatically replaced, no questions asked.

My lot is around 10,000 sq. ft. or 100 X 100. It's not a city lot, but it isn't a large lot either. My previous home's yard was 100 X 130 and the house had a small footprint. It took about an hour and a half to mow the lawn because there was a lot of it. I did this myself.

I have not run or jogged in several years. Not since I had knee surgery which caused ongoing nerve pain in my right leg and total numbness in my right foot. These things are only now starting to improve. Still, if I walk any distance my foot gets painfully numb. I've experienced times when I literally couldn't take another step and had to sit down for quite awhile before I could walk again.

One time when I went downtown with my family for a tour of the underground tunnels where people were once shanghaied aboard foreign ships to never be seen again. We walked many blocks to get to the entrance. by that time my foot was killing me. I called for an Uber driver to take me home while everyone else took the tour.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 20, 2020, 11:43:13 AM
Delt and triceps:

Military press 1 x 9
Dumbbell lateral raises 1 x 14 (Thumbs up and slightly bent over)
Dumbbell front raises 1 x 15 ( Not directly in front but forming a V while standing raise with thumbs up held dumbbells)
Rear delt dumbbell raises 1 x 14
Face pulls with external rotation at the end 1 x 12
Barbell shrugs 1 x 15

EZ curl bar seated tricep extensions 1 x 8 ( I reverse the scott curl to use as a back brace to do tricep extensions)
Typical tricep extensions 1 x 9
Rope tricep 1 x 15
Single dumbbell with one dumbbell 1 x 12 (really weak with these with one arm. I blame my shoulder)

Weighted crunches 1 x 55
Pulley crunches 1 x 50

Not a doctor or a PhD in physical therapy. Consult a doctor for your bad shoulder. Having a badly torn labrum or a torn rotator cuff can be made worse by trying to heal it on your own. I can say what works for me. First stretch your shoulders. Most guys that lift have really tight shoulders and they don't even realize it. I use seven to nine different  stretches at a time. It really makes a difference with mobility and pain.

Second use rotator cuff exercises with bands or very light weights. Never use anything to failure.  You are making these small muscles stronger to prevent injuries not to power lift with them. Light and not close to failure. If you have access to a pool you can do great rotator cuff exercises by pushing water with an open hand. Do a search of the various rotator cuff exercises.

Lastly especially older guys have to modify what they do in the gym. For some it will be no more bench pressing. Some can get by with pinning their elbows to their sides as they bench. Others can get by with doing stuff like benching with dumbbells with hands facing with elbows tight to the body. Some find that decline pressing  alleviates all pain for pec pressing. Some have to give up upright rows. The internal rotation and it increases impingement pain. Upright rows with dumbbells with this modification works for many with shoulder pain. Pull the dumbbells with thumbs up rotating outside all the way to the top rotating out exaggerated at the top. I highly recommend looking at videos on AtheleanX on Youtube. Regarding delt presses it can be a challenge. For me strict military presses work best. The Arnold dumbbell press works keeping the elbow forward at the beginning then rotate on the way up. Find the sweet spot of minimum pain as you rotate up.

For some taking a month off is the fix to allow inflamed tendons to calm down. If you're an athlete that's really tough to do. Also older athletes deteriorate quick and find it harder to return. Again to reiterate some orthopedic problems need surgical repair. Trying to "fix" them by stretches or rotator work can actually make it worst. A lot worst.  Consult a doctor. My MRI showed a partially torn supraspinatus rotator cuff. When he tested the strength of what was left he told me he was hesitant to operate on it. He said most with fully torn or partial tear of that rotator cuff have no strength of that muscle. He said I have plenty of strength left. I went through physical therapy and I thought a lot it was meant  for elderly decrepit people. An example of this he made me do delt laterals with thumbs up with 2.5 lbs dumbbells. The therapist pointed out I had terrible shoulder flexibility which I'm presently working on. Next step for me is cortisone injections that I respond really well to. I just might have to live with the limitations and yes the pain. Tendon repair works optimal when it's fresh. This injury happened a week before Christmas.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 23, 2020, 05:49:15 PM
Trained chest and bicep Yates style of one warm up if needed and one set to failure. My job increased my hours due to the virus. Now today they tell me they won't need me for a week. I feel bad for all the guys out of work.  The economy is crashing.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 24, 2020, 09:08:37 AM
Leg day: This single set to exhaustion is brutal.  Thought I was going to pass out a couple of times and or puke. Doing leg press with a weight I haven't used in years. Got to 12 and thought that was the limit but pressed on to 15.  Damn that was hard. One set to failure has a purpose and is a valid training technique. I also think it can't be your only training protocol. Burn out is quick with this technique.

 Imagine if someone said do you want to run a fast mile? Then he said specificity of training applies so we only train in the mile. Keep a note book and every training session you will try to beat your record in the mile. Absolute madness right?  A beginner could make rapid progress using this insane protocol but anyone with experience would actually get slower from burn out. That's exactly what high intensity gurus recommend. Training till you're blue in the face should be done as a training tool but not the exclusive training protocol.

Sitting here chillin with a protein shake. A friend once said, "Training is like hitting yourself in the head with a baseball bat. It feels so good when you stop." 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: AbrahamG on March 24, 2020, 11:33:16 PM
Trained chest and bicep Yates style of one warm up if needed and one set to failure. My job increased my hours due to the virus. Now today they tell me they won't need me for a week. I feel bad for all the guys out of work.  The economy is crashing.

Training like Dorian produced my best results in the 90's.  I too feel horrible for the people out of work.  My wife and I are thus far beyond blessed.  I'm still working full time and even getting overtime.  My work has a great gym, so I'm not missing any workouts.  At all.  She actually has two full time jobs which she is doing from the home.  The one job is  usually about a 45 minute drive and the other involves travel as well.  So, she is saving probably conservatively two tanks of gas each week. 

I remarked to a buddy earlier today in the work gym that I want the govt to get checks out yesterday to only the people that need them.  There is no reason we should be getting anything.  I'll take it, no doubt but it would really feel dirty.  Especially the plan where we'd each get a grand plus $500 per kid and we have two of them.  That would give us 3 grand.  I'd make damned sure to put it into the economy the second we are back up and running.  But you get my point. 

I'd like to start a social media campaign calling for everybody that is working and can afford it to get the fuck out of the house as soon as it's safe.  Go out to eat.  Go out for coffee.  Go to movies.  Etc. Etc.  If we are locked down for 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 6 weeks or whatever.  When we go back out to eat, instead of tipping 20%, tip 40% for the same amount of time things were sidelined. 

I have lots of assholes here at work that want us shut down to get the "2 weeks of paid vacation".  I keep telling these assholes what if in that two weeks we lose clients resulting in lay offs, etc?  Jealous because they perceive people are getting paid to stay home. 

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 25, 2020, 10:04:17 AM
Training like Dorian produced my best results in the 90's.  I too feel horrible for the people out of work.  My wife and I are thus far beyond blessed.  I'm still working full time and even getting overtime.  My work has a great gym, so I'm not missing any workouts.  At all.  She actually has two full time jobs which she is doing from the home.  The one job is  usually about a 45 minute drive and the other involves travel as well.  So, she is saving probably conservatively two tanks of gas each week. 

I remarked to a buddy earlier today in the work gym that I want the govt to get checks out yesterday to only the people that need them.  There is no reason we should be getting anything.  I'll take it, no doubt but it would really feel dirty.  Especially the plan where we'd each get a grand plus $500 per kid and we have two of them.  That would give us 3 grand.  I'd make damned sure to put it into the economy the second we are back up and running.  But you get my point. 

I'd like to start a social media campaign calling for everybody that is working and can afford it to get the fuck out of the house as soon as it's safe.  Go out to eat.  Go out for coffee.  Go to movies.  Etc. Etc.  If we are locked down for 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 6 weeks or whatever.  When we go back out to eat, instead of tipping 20%, tip 40% for the same amount of time things were sidelined. 

I have lots of assholes here at work that want us shut down to get the "2 weeks of paid vacation".  I keep telling these assholes what if in that two weeks we lose clients resulting in lay offs, etc?  Jealous because they perceive people are getting paid to stay home. 


Don't be concerned with me. I am retired but I  have a healthy pension. That job I was referring to is a part time retirement job that I do for the Sheriff. When I was working my job had many gyms in different locations. Some top shelf ones too. That is a big benefit to being employed with a work gym.  Glad you are doing well financially. Sounds like you two are a hard working couple taking care of your kids. I have four kids but they are all adults so no additional checks for me. All of my kids are employed so far through this mess. It does seem the whole neighborhood here is out of work. If the country isn't opened up soon we are going warp speed to a Depression the world has never seen before if this country doesn't open for business soon. 50,000 last year died from pneumonia last year in this country. No panic or hysteria over this contagious upper respiratory disease. This flu season 36,000 died from the common flu. No hysteria in the US. Under a 1000 dead from Corona and the stock market crashed, people's life savings are gone, millions out of work, GDP is going to crash. Enough of my rant.

I have trained with high intensity forever. I was heavily influenced by Arthur Jones as a teenager and later by Mike Mentzer. In my 60's I can't help wonder if I made the right decision in my training life. As you know that one set to failure after warm up is brutal. Danny Paddila said when he tried high intensity he didn't get the results he wanted and he was using maximum weights. I don't want to put words in his mouth but he said dreading workouts was also a factor. His exact words were the workouts got scary.

I chat with Bill Pearl from time to time and he said in effect if workouts get so hard you will dread training then miss workouts. He said training longevity is a big part of training. It certainly appeared both Mentzer brothers gave up training in their 20's. Could the brutality of the workouts been a contributing factor?

I could be wrong. Viator by many accounts trained with volume. He was the poster child for Jones but a guy who trained in the same gym with him said he was using 16 sets a body part. I have had a lot of success using one or two work sets per exercise. Just as I age my joints are paying the price for the many decades of training I have.  Too much grinding and tears.  I feel I could give a lot of good advice to younger guys but who would listen?  ;D  One is to keep your shoulder joint flexible. It might cost you some pounds off your single but it will save your joint.

I beginning to think that muscles grow best through muscular endurance and not through strength training for single rep maxes. In other words volume.  I'm going to give it a valid chance soon. Maybe next week.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 25, 2020, 12:00:20 PM

8 x 400 meters.  Ran them slow and controlled. I will be a build up to decent speed this month and April. Quarter mile fast walk prior and after the 8 x 400. If my body holds up I will be back in no time to running with some speed.

Hit the heavy bag after for two rounds. The heavy bag in the commercial gym I belong to has a lot of give. My heavy bag is one of those leather ones. It's pretty firm. Not great for the joints. I highly recommend hitting a heavy bag for guys that have never used one. If you can find a guy that knows striking to give you the basic punches and stance it will help a lot.  You punch with your whole body and not with your arm.  It's a hell of a upper body cardio workout. If you can throw in some Muay Thai kicks and knees all the better.

Got my decline bench today. It is awkward getting into it and has some potential for injury. I'm sure my skill using it with dumbbells will increase with use. I only used light dumbbells to get the hang of it. I found with the 65lbs dumbbells I was using it was fairly easy to sit up with them instead of dumping it.  Really felt it in the chest and zero shoulder pain. Looking forward to putting it into my chest routine. Also tried a little roman chair work with it. Really felt it. Never used a roman chair type movement before. This unit seems ideal for it. The angle is adjustable. Not sure if an extreme angle is more beneficial than a moderate decline. I guess I have to try different angles.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on March 26, 2020, 12:56:20 AM

8 x 400 meters.  Ran them slow and controlled. I will be a build up to decent speed this month and April. Quarter mile fast walk prior and after the 8 x 400. If my body holds up I will be back in no time to running with some speed.

Hit the heavy bag after for two rounds. The heavy bag in the commercial gym I belong to has a lot of give. My heavy bag is one of those leather ones. It's pretty firm. Not great for the joints. I highly recommend hitting a heavy bag for guys that have never used one. If you can find a guy that knows striking to give you the basic punches and stance it will help a lot.  You punch with your whole body and not with your arm.  It's a hell of a upper body cardio workout. If you can throw in some Muay Thai kicks and knees all the better.

Got my decline bench today. It is awkward getting into it and has some potential for injury. I'm sure my skill using it with dumbbells will increase with use. I only used light dumbbells to get the hang of it. I found with the 65lbs dumbbells I was using it was fairly easy to sit up with them instead of dumping it.  Really felt it in the chest and zero shoulder pain. Looking forward to putting it into my chest routine. Also tried a little roman chair work with it. Really felt it. Never used a roman chair type movement before. This unit seems ideal for it. The angle is adjustable. Not sure if an extreme angle is more beneficial than a moderate decline. I guess I have to try different angles.

When doing declines, my preference is for the steepest angle.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 26, 2020, 03:37:20 PM
Trained back today. Yates one set to failure after warm up.  

Pulldowns 1 x 12 (Used a M.A.G. supinate bar. Upright back with no lean back)
Seated low pulley lat pulls with a V handle 1 x 14
Dumbell lat rows off a bench 1 x 12
One hand pulley row 1 x 12 (Used a high handle while standing. Pulled from high to behind me. Wish I had a better picture than the one below. Thought it was hard on impingement. Don't know why it hurts but I feel it has slight internal rotation)

Deadlift 1 x 6
Weighted lower back hyper extension. 1 x 20

Ab wheel 1 x 25
Ab pulley 1 x 50
Roman decline chair 1 x 20 (weak on these. I think the decline is making harder than normal roman chairs)

Workout took about 40 minutes. When training to failure it takes awhile to get my breath back.  If I wasn't training to failure the workout I bet it would take about 20 minutes.  

Went down to the bay after the workout. Saw swans, egrets, hawks and Canadian geese. Pure sun today and people were walking on the bay side boardwalk in big numbers. A cop pulled up and was stapling signs about the Corona crisis.  Two girls were doing a workout using two dumbbells. Saw them doing dumbbell curls and tricep extensions. I don't know what they were doing before the I got there.  Good to see that in light of the gyms being closed. Came home and sat in the back yard listening to Sinatra, Martin and Prima while drinking German beer. My weight is dropping. I don't fully understand why. I went from around 191 to 184.  I would love to get close to 175. I don't know if that's in the cards for me. Consider Richard Baldwin came in second in the Universe weighing around 173lbs and 5'8".  No, I'm not comparing myself to a probable steroid user. If in doubt and if you care about how you look prioritize being lean above all else. You might look good in a shirt bulked up and power lifting but when you take the shirt off at the beach no one at all will think you're in good shape.

Tomorrow is delt and triceps.  I really hope next week is the week my work schedule and personal life schedule will allow me to experiment with volume.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on March 26, 2020, 05:50:31 PM
Trained back today. Yates one set to failure after warm up.  

Pulldowns 1 x 12 (Used a M.A.G. supinate bar. Upright back with no lean back)
Seated low pulley lat pulls with a V handle 1 x 14
Dumbell lat rows off a bench 1 x 12
One hand pulley row 1 x 12 (Used a high handle while standing. Pulled from high to behind me. Wish I had a better picture than the one below. Thought it was hard on impingement. Don't know why it hurts but I feel it has slight internal rotation)

Deadlift 1 x 6
Weighted lower back hyper extension. 1 x 20

Ab wheel 1 x 25
Ab pulley 1 x 50
Roman decline chair 1 x 20 (weak on these. I think the decline is making harder than normal roman chairs)

Workout took about 40 minutes. When training to failure it takes awhile to get my breath back.  If I wasn't training to failure the workout I bet it would take about 20 minutes.  

Went down to the bay after the workout. Saw swans, egrets, hawks and Canadian geese. Pure sun today and people were walking on the bay side boardwalk in big numbers. A cop pulled up and was stapling signs about the Corona crisis.  Two girls were doing a workout using two dumbbells. Saw them doing dumbbell curls and tricep extensions. I don't know what they were doing before the I got there.  Good to see that in light of the gyms being closed. Came home and sat in the back yard listening to Sinatra, Martin and Prima while drinking German beer. My weight is dropping. I don't fully understand why. I went from around 191 to 184.  I would love to get close to 175. I don't know if that's in the cards for me. Consider Richard Baldwin came in second in the Universe weighing around 173lbs and 5'8".  No, I'm not comparing myself to a probable steroid user. If in doubt and if you care about how you look prioritize being lean above all else. You might look good in a shirt bulked up and power lifting but when you take the shirt off at the beach no one at all will think you're in good shape.

Tomorrow is delt and triceps.  I really hope next week is the week my work schedule and personal life schedule will allow me to experiment with volume.

180 lbs try for now and train in that condition tighten up see how ya look
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 27, 2020, 03:15:44 PM
Delt and triceps:

Dumbbell press standing 1 x 10. Felt weak with them. I've been doing the military press with a bar for a long time. I have to get back in the groove with them as my injured shoulder gets stronger)
Dumbbell lateral raise 1 x 14 (Kept thumbs up while slightly bending over so there would be no impingement.
Dumbbell front raise 1 x 15 (Arms not directly in front but formed a somewhat V shape with my arms holding thumbs up. Physical therapist recommended this to me.)
Rear delt dumbbell raise 1 x 13
Face pulls with external rotation at the end 1 x 12
Barbell shrugs 1 x 12 (Increased the weight I normally used which is a rarity these days.)

Seated EZ bar tricep extension 1 x 10 ( sit and reverse a scott curl bench for back support. I think I used too much weight cause I wasn't getting as low as I could. The photo is not me.)
Rope pushdowns 1 x 15
Single dumbbell one hand behind the head tricep extension 1 x 14 (Always been weak with these. I used a really light weight and went slow and deep. Almost embarrassed to do these in a commercial gym because I can't use serious weight with these.)
Reverse grip D ring tricep press down 1 x 15

Weighted crunch 1 x 50
Pulley crunch 1 x 40
Incline bench crunches 1 x 20
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 28, 2020, 09:45:41 AM
Cardio: 8 x 440 yards. Started slow and did the last one in 7:48 pace or 7.7 MPH. Heavy bag work after. I always feel good after a hard cardio session. It's like an anti depressant.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 31, 2020, 10:18:35 AM
I experimented this weekend with volume. It's just not for me. Doing set after set with moderate weights feels like a waste of time.  Yes, I get it. The majority of people successfully train this way I know.  Back to my usual low set methods.  

Trained back and chest today.  I made three changes from the usual. I added barbell rows.  I did decline dumbbell presses. Good movement. What was really different is I did a flat bench with a barbell. A power lifting friend of mine knows I have a bad shoulder. This happened awhile back.  He had me bench with just a bar and said I was doing what most bodybuilders do benching with my shoulder splayed out wide. He said to keep my elbows pinned to my body or as close as I could get them when I benched. I took his advice and put it away. After back today I decided to bench really light with my elbows as close to my body as I could benching.  Started with the bar. I then did a couple of sets with 135lbs. Surprisingly my shoulder felt okay. I kept adding weight and sets. Once I got to 200lbs I felt a slight pain in my shoulder and my experiment was over. Going to try this again next chest day I think. I will see how I wake up tomorrow.  Sometimes this rotator cuff has a delayed swelling up and pain. Well see. I don't know if it's in the cards again but I sure would like to start building up the weight again in the bench. It's been so many years. I'm probably kidding myself. I get this benching bug about every 6 months and I quickly drop it. I had a good run with it if that exercise is over.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 01, 2020, 01:47:33 PM
Leg day:  I changed out my usual dumbbell squats for barbell squats. I haven't done them for a really long time. Felt weak. I thought dumbbell squats would preserve my barbell squat strength but it didn't. I guess I'm just out of the groove with them.  

leg press 2 x 12
barbell squat 5 x 8 then 1 x 1 (Yes five sets. Haven't done them in many months. Probably over a year. I'm working on retraining my self on them)
leg extension 2 x 20
seated leg curl 2 x 15

Single dumbbell side bend 1 x 15 (so much hate for this exercise. I think it's a great exercise.
hanging straight leg raise 2 x 22
Pelvis ups 1 x 25 (On back lift legs up pushing your hips toward the sky)

standing calf raise 2 x 15
seated calf raise 2 x 15
tibalis work 1 x 20

Neck work
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on April 01, 2020, 02:33:29 PM
Leg day:  I changed out my usual dumbbell squats for barbell squats. I haven't done them for a really long time. Felt weak. I thought dumbbell squats would preserve my barbell squat strength but it didn't. I guess I'm just out of the groove with them. 

leg press 2 x 12
barbell squat 5 x 8 then 1 x 1 (Yes five sets. Haven't done them in many months. Probably over a year. I working on retraining my self on them)
leg extension 2 x 20
seated leg curl 2 x 15

Single dumbbell side bend 1 x 15 (so much hate for this exercise. I think it's a great exercise.
hanging straight leg raise 2 x 22
Pelvis ups 1 x 25 (On back lift legs up pushing your hips toward the sky)

standing calf raise 2 x 15
seated calf raise 2 x 15
tibalis work 1 x 20

Neck work

Are you holding the barbell behind your neck as opposed to in front? Is it possible that little change in weight placement from dumbbell squats to barbell squats is what makes the difference?

I am telling myself daily that I will start my home exercise routine however limited it will have to be. It hasn't happened. I just don't feel inspired yet.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on April 02, 2020, 03:36:03 AM
I am telling myself daily that I will start my home exercise routine however limited it will have to be. It hasn't happened. I just don't feel inspired yet.

You were doing well in the gym.

Don't quit.  Here's a good way to start.
If you have some bands or elastic equipment you can add some curls and pulls.

Warmup.joint rotations
3x30seconds bodyweight squats
3x30 seconds pushups
3x30seconds knee-ups

Takes about 10minutes
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on April 02, 2020, 03:16:38 PM
You were doing well in the gym.

Don't quit.  Here's a good way to start.
If you have some bands or elastic equipment you can add some curls and pulls.

Warmup.joint rotations
3x30seconds bodyweight squats
3x30 seconds pushups
3x30seconds knee-ups

Takes about 10minutes

I can be a little dense at times. Does this mean as many as I can do in 30 seconds for a total of 90 seconds or does it mean 30 repetitions within 30 seconds?

I've been doing the core exercises I learned from when I was in physical therapy for my back. When I don't do them for awhile, I start to stiffen up and my back hurts in the mornings after I wake up.

I bought some plants almost a month ago for the gardens. I hadn't planted them yet and I asked the gardener not to bother with them. Anyway I spent about 1:30 digging in the dirt. (It's clay so it's not so easy to dig). This is probably the most exercise I've done all week.

You are right, I was doing well at the gym and I was already seeing results. My skinny quads grew close to an inch. Sloughing off doesn't make sense because it would put me back to square one.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on April 02, 2020, 04:58:36 PM
I can be a little dense at times. Does this mean as many as I can do in 30 seconds for a total of 90 seconds or does it mean 30 repetitions within 30 seconds?

I've been doing the core exercises I learned from when I was in physical therapy for my back. When I don't do them for awhile, I start to stiffen up and my back hurts in the mornings after I wake up.

I bought some plants almost a month ago for the gardens. I hadn't planted them yet and I asked the gardener not to bother with them. Anyway I spent about 1:30 digging in the dirt. (It's clay so it's not so easy to dig). This is probably the most exercise I've done all week.

You are right, I was doing well at the gym and I was already seeing results. My skinny quads grew close to an inch. Sloughing off doesn't make sense because it would put me back to square one.

As many good reps as you can do in 30 seconds.

I forgot to put calf raises in there.

For variation you can alternate the sets between exercises like cross-training.  

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on April 03, 2020, 11:47:05 AM
I took your exercise advice last night. although it didn't seem like I was doing very much, I felt it this morning. Not sore but a little tighter feeling.

There are two types of knee ups. One is done standing and the other lying. Do you have a preference?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 03, 2020, 11:59:33 AM
Trained delt and arms:

Military press 2 x 8 (Went all the way down to my clavicles.)
Dumbbell laterals 2 x 12 (thumbs up)
Front delt laterals 2 x 10 (thumbs up)
Rear dumbbell laterals 2 x 10
face pulls with external rotation 2 x 12
barbell shrugs 2 x 10

Single dumbbell two hand behind head tricep extension 2 x 12
Rope tricep 2 x 12
Single dumbbell one hand behind the head tricep extension 2 x 12

EZ curl 2 x 10
standing dumbbell curls 2 x 10
concentration curl standing 2 x 12

wrist curls 2 x 25
wrist extension 2 x 15

Weighted crunch 1 x 50
Pulley crunch 1 x 50

Hopefully tomorrow is a cardio day.

 I read about a high school teacher who was a gym rat. I read this in Men's Health years ago.  He was fooling around wrestling with a friend and tore his rotator cuff. It was so bad he could barely move his arm. He had it operated on and it just wasn't the same. He felt like he had no strength in the arm. During his time off he got really out of shape.  He decided to do what he could and that was running. He started at a slow two miles then after awhile he was logging ten mile days. He tried to get back into lifting but his arm wouldn't cooperate. What he did was to use high reps and light weight for the burn. Between the running and his light weight high rep lifting routine he has a ripped physique that looks amazing. I'm sure fans of steroid bodybuilding might not be impressed but for a guy on the beach I'm sure he impressed a lot of people.  Just bringing this up that the guy was given a bad deal but he found a way to improvise and he probably exceeded his expectations. In the article which is a couple of years old the before and after pictures were really something. He had amazing abs.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on April 03, 2020, 12:09:43 PM
I took your exercise advice last night. although it didn't seem like I was doing very much, I felt it this morning. Not sore but a little tighter feeling.

There are two types of knee ups. One is done standing and the other lying. Do you have a preference?

I'll reply in your training thread.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on April 03, 2020, 12:14:14 PM
Do a different one each time for variety.

Basically you want some form of squat, press, calf raise, ab exercise, and if you have dumbbells or bands do a pulling exercise or a curl of some sort.


Thighs: Squat, lunge, wall sit, etc.
Calves: single leg, two leg, etc
Press: pushup variation, dip, band press, etc
Pull: band row, db row, band pull, db curl, band curl, bunji cord, etc.
Abs: knee-up, crunch, leg raise, plank, etc.

I may just have to spring for some bands. The one's I've been thinking about aren't cheap, but then nothing worth having is cheap these days.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 04, 2020, 11:25:37 AM
Cardio day: Treadmill workout. Ran slow but I still felt it.

8 x 440 yards or one lap.

1. 6.3 MPH-9:31 pace
2. 6.5 MPH- 9:14 pace
3. 6.7 MPH- 8:57 pace
4. 6.9 MPH-8:42 pace
5. 7.1 MPH-8:27 pace
6. 7.3 MPH-8:13 pace
7. 7.5 MPH-8:00 pace
8. 7.7 MPH-7:48 pace

Hit the heavy bag after.  Achilles is holding up. I will try to pick up the pace next time I do an interval workout. Funny thing happened on the last lap. It felt like I was running on an incline so I hit the decline button to make sure it was level. I must have hit the incline button instead. I think I had it up unknowingly to a 8% grade.  I started feeling like I couldn't finish the last lap.  Thinking I was getting sick cause it isn't that fast I glanced at the read out and I was running on an incline. Damn I have to be more careful. Once I leveled it out I felt fine.  Not use to my own treadmill because I have been using the gym's treadmill. 

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on April 04, 2020, 11:39:55 AM
Cardio day: Treadmill workout. Ran slow but I still felt it.

8 x 440 yards or one lap.

1. 6.3 MPH-9:31 pace
2. 6.5 MPH- 9:14 pace
3. 6.7 MPH- 8:57 pace
4. 6.9 MPH-8:42 pace
5. 7.1 MPH-8:27 pace
6. 7.3 MPH-8:13 pace
7. 7.5 MPH-8:00 pace
8. 7.7 MPH-7:48 pace

Hit the heavy bag after.  Achilles is holding up. I will try to pick up the pace next time I do an interval workout. Funny thing happened on the last lap. It felt like I was running on an incline so I hit the decline button to make sure it was level. I must have hit the incline button instead. I think I had it up unknowingly to a 8% grade.  I started feeling like I couldn't finish the last lap.  Thinking I was getting sick cause it isn't that fast I glanced at the read out and I was running on an incline. Damn I have to be more careful. Once I leveled it out I felt fine.  Not use to my own treadmill because I have been using the gym's treadmill. 

How can you not know the incline is at an 8% grade when you on the treadmill? You must really zone out when you run.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 04, 2020, 03:40:43 PM

How can you not know the incline is at an 8% grade when you on the treadmill? You must really zone out when you run.

I must have been day dreaming on the treadmill until the exertion hit me hard.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on April 04, 2020, 03:42:51 PM
I must have been day dreaming on the treadmill until the exertion hit me hard.

Ha, ha. I bet you were....dreaming of running through the woods.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 04, 2020, 03:46:24 PM
Ha, ha. I bet you were....dreaming of running through the woods.

I think I was having my reoccurring dream of eating a giant marshmallow. It's getting expensive replacing all those pillows.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 06, 2020, 03:25:27 PM
Ran two miles outdoors. Felt I was going slug speed but my GPS watch had an error message so I didn't have confirmation.  Tomorrow is weights.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on April 06, 2020, 07:21:04 PM
How’s your weight?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 07, 2020, 05:56:24 AM
How’s your weight?

Stopped going lower.  Since work cut my work days down I find myself having more cocktails. Everyday is Saturday. Just realized the error of my ways and cut back. Still around 185. Sure would like to go under 180lbs. My job schedule is really changing rapidly with this virus. Hard to plan workouts when I don't know my schedule in advance. I know for sure I have a 8 hour Wednesday but after that I wait for the phone message.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on April 07, 2020, 01:25:57 PM
My weight has remained steadily between 176 - 179 since all this started. I'm eating light to make up for the lack of exercise. There will be no cocktails for me. It would be too easy to fall back into drinking too much during these times when there is less to do to keep busy.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 07, 2020, 03:07:49 PM
Back and chest:

Pull ups 2 x max (weak on these because of my bad shoulder.)
Low cable lat pulls with a V handle 2 x 12 170lbs
Dumbbell rows off a bench 2 x 10 80lbs.
M.A.G. pulldowns 2 x 10

Bench press 1 x zero (  Shoulder said no, no benches for you. I did one rep with 135lbs to begin my warm up)
Decline Dumbbell bench 4 x 8 ( These give me zero shoulder grief. On top of it I feel the whole pec sore the next day.)
Dips 2 x 10 (Went deep and controlled. I didn't use any weight so the shoulder isn't aggravated.  Made up for it with a slow cadence and deep dips)
Push ups 2 x max (one regular and one with perfect push up handles)

Dead lifts 2 x 4 315lbs (These were tough. Felt a little weak from the run yesterday)
Weighted hyper extensions 2 x 15 25lbs plate behind my head

Ab wheel roll out 2 x 22
ab pulley 1 x 50

Observations: Dorian Yates really praises decline benches. He said you will realize how much pec involvement there is when you get to your second pec movement. I follow a physical therapist who is a gym rat on youtube. His channel if I got the name right is AthleanX.  He also praises declines and dips. He said the strands on the pec muscles follow the function of the decline and dips. What makes the decline press great for some guys with shoulder problems is that it takes the anterior delt out of the equation.  

Ab wheel roll out has been a go to for awhile. When I first included them my abs were really sore the day after but it's another exercise that can tighten up the shoulder joint. Do an exercise through a partially movement and you will create a flexibility problem. I try to roll out as far as I can go but it's not 100% flat.  

During today's workout I tried hands facing each other bench with dumbbells. I just wanted to feel the movement.  Only did it once before after reading it's a good way to bench with shoulder issues. I don't know if it will be true for you but I wasn't strong on this. It's not the same as regular dumbbell benches where your palm faces your feet. To me it felt more like a modified dumbbell fly so I couldn't use the same weight as a typical dumbbell bench.  

Regarding supplements I just use a multi vitamin I pick up in the big box stores and protein. I use a product called Fairlife I get in BJ's. 30 grams a bottle of the absolute best tasting protein I ever had and might have tried them all. It's also truly lactose free that gives me the runs.  I have had so many whey isolates that have lactose free on the container and I am here to tell you they are liars. Remember no regulation on supplements by the government. Fairlife is made by a company that makes lactose free milk so you know it's legit. I use to use creatine and I am a res ponder to it but it gave me bad kidney tests so I gave it up. Whether it's a false positive because of the creatine use or it was fucking up my kidneys I don't know. All I know is when I stopped using it my tests came back normal. I don't want to play games with kidney health.

Tomorrow is cardio if I'm not hobbled in the morning. My prescription arthritis medicine works amazing but I have to take the maximum dose and the doctor said it increases the risk of heart attacks. Considering I'm in my sixties working out hard with weights and cardio it concerns me. I take the medicine for a week and feel great. Then when I go off  I start to slide back into arthritis pain.  I have to see the doc again and see if he feels the risks are worth it. Tired of seeing doctors that have never exercise in their life. I swear sometimes I think they picture me doing a couple of jumping jacks and stretches calling it a work out like they probably do.  

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 08, 2020, 05:19:08 PM
Warmed up for cardio on the treadmill then went outside for my run. Said fuck it I'm tired and came back in. Sometimes you just have to say fuck it.  I will be back tomorrow.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 09, 2020, 10:28:27 AM
Leg day:

Leg press 2 x 12 (full bent my legs. Sometimes I wonder if I should pile on the plates and do those quarter knee bends everyone does)
Dumbbell squat 2 x 12 (upright back- sink ass all the way down-held dumbbells at sides with straps)
Stiff leg dead 2 x 6 (on platform all the way down. Brush the top of my feet with the barbell)
Leg extension 2 x 20
Seated leg curl 2 x 15

One dumbbell side bend 1 x 15 (This exercise gets a bad rap. I don't know why)
Hanging straight leg raise 2 x 22
Hip ups 1 x 25 (leg raise with hips shooting toward the ceiling)

Leg press calf raise 2 x 25 (I don't even know why I train calves. I have zero development. They work for running but I almost look deformed with my non existent development. Bill Grant laughs at my calves. He said, "How are you able to stand up?" Tommy the hit man Hearns said, "Those are some mighty tiny calves."
Seated calf raise 2 x 15
Tibialis work 1 x 15

Neck work

Gym Observations: Not many because I'm in my basement. Driving the wife crazy blasting thumping Dance music from the basement. I listen to all types of music. Today I wanted dance music.

 The Governor of NJ said you can't go to a super market without a mask. I can't find them anywhere. Amazon has  one to two month delivery on them. Going to put a bag on my head. A man has to eat.

  Looking at the mirror in my gym I realized how white my hair is. I grew up with jet black hair. For the longest time it was a mixture. Now it's almost pure white.  The wife loves it. Sometimes I think I want to color it but nothing looks more silly than a man with a mature face with jet black or brown hair. It just screams I'm old and even looks worst than grey hair.

I feel like I've been hit by a truck by this leg workout.  I have to get in the shower. Wife jerked me off with vaseline last night. Last time it happened I came three times trying to wash that shit off.  Sorry for the bad joke. A little delirious here.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on April 09, 2020, 11:32:49 AM
What is the arthritis medicine you are taking?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on April 09, 2020, 11:45:58 AM
Leg day:

Leg press 2 x 12 (full bent my legs. Sometimes I wonder if I should pile on the plates and do those quarter knee bends everyone does)
Dumbbell squat 2 x 12 (upright back- sink ass all the way down-held dumbbells at sides with straps)
Stiff leg dead 2 x 6 (on platform all the way down. Brush the top of my feet with the barbell)
Leg extension 2 x 20
Seated leg curl 2 x 15

One dumbbell side bend 1 x 15 (This exercise gets a bad rap. I don't know why)
Hanging straight leg raise 2 x 22
Hip ups 1 x 25 (leg raise with hips shooting toward the ceiling)

Leg press calf raise 2 x 25 (I don't even know why I train calves. I have zero development. They work for running but I almost look deformed with my non existent development. Bill Grant laughs at my calves. He said, "How are you able to stand up?" Tommy the hit man Hearns said, "Those are some mighty tiny calves."
Seated calf raise 2 x 15
Tibialis work 1 x 15

Neck work

Gym Observations: Not many because I'm in my basement. Driving the wife crazy blasting thumping Dance music from the basement. I listen to all types of music. Today I wanted dance music.

 The Governor of NJ said you can't go to a super market without a mask. I can't find them anywhere. Amazon has  one to two month delivery on them. Going to put a bag on my head. A man has to eat.

  Looking at the mirror in my gym I realized how white my hair is. I grew up with jet black hair. For the longest time it was a mixture. Now it's almost pure white.  The wife loves it. Sometimes I think I want to color it but nothing looks more silly than a man with a mature face with jet black or brown hair. It just screams I'm old and even looks worst than grey hair.

I feel like I've been hit by a truck by this leg workout.  I have to get in the shower. Wife jerked me off with vaseline last night. Last time it happened I came three times trying to wash that shit off.  Sorry for the bad joke. A little delirious here.

Your gym observations are a riot!

If you color your hair, it is best to go light because it looks more natural. If you had black hair, try coloring it medium or even light brown. Just for men works pretty well and it is not permanent like some, it is a tint that eventually washes and fades out. I learned this from when I used to color my mustache. My mustache was a reddish brown before it went gray. If I colored it brown, I looked like Pancho Villa according to my wife. So I ended up coloring it sandy blond and that looked natural. It is shaved off now because I am too lazy to bother with it. Another option is to go to a hair salon and have it professionally colored. They can color it is such a way that it looks natural even when it is growing out.

When you play dance music, does it make you want to dance between sets? LOL! I like dance music when I'm on the treadmill because it helps with the boredom and puts some pep in my step.

If you have a handkerchief, you can make a mask using that. There's directions online. A bandanna works great because you can tie where like a bank robber would. I've seen a lot of people at the store wearing these. If your wife uses feminine pads, you could wear that as a mask....I saw some photos of people doing is pretty funny.

You wait until the next day to shower after sex? Hmm....must get kind of smelly. ;)   I wish I had someone to who would give me a hand-job. I have to do it myself which isn't as much fun because it is too predictable. Since I had the prostatectomy, semen isn't a problem because there isn't any.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on April 09, 2020, 12:10:52 PM
You could wear your wife's panties or your own underwear for a mask.

Be creative.  Have fun with it

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 09, 2020, 12:58:39 PM
What is the arthritis medicine you are taking?

The common Meloxicam 15 MG.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on April 09, 2020, 01:09:30 PM
The common Meloxicam 15 MG.

In addition to the negative side effects that most NSAIDs cause, and which Meloxicam also does, I've always been very hesitant to use NSAIDs while training.

The pain relief makes you think you can train but you risk injuring yourself further because you train through the pain.

"Hey, my shoulder doesn't hurt anymore!  Let's train!"

Well, your shoulder still hurts but you can't feel it.

You are not ok but the NSAID makes you think you are.  So you hurt yourself more.  

Pain is your body telling you that you are hurting yourself.  

Why do you feel you need to take this drug all the time?

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 09, 2020, 04:18:24 PM

In addition to the negative side effects that most NSAIDs cause, and which Meloxicam also does, I've always been very hesitant to use NSAIDs while training.

The pain relief makes you think you can train but you risk injuring yourself further because you train through the pain.

"Hey, my shoulder doesn't hurt anymore!  Let's train!"

Well, your shoulder still hurts but you can't feel it.

You are not ok but the NSAID makes you think you are.  So you hurt yourself more.  

Pain is your body telling you that you are hurting yourself.  

Why do you feel you need to take this drug all the time?

NSAID's takes out inflammation. It not a pain pill like an opium or synthetic opium derivatives like Oxycontin .  When inflammation goes down the pain goes away. I listen to my doctor but I don't take the pills all the time. There are people with bad arthritis that take them year round. That won't be me. I take it for awhile when I can't take the pain anymore. Maybe you should look into anti inflammatory drugs for your knees. For some they work miracles. I also have impingement. When the rotator cuff tendon is inflamed it drags over bones. When under control with the anti inflammatory the impingement goes away.  

The orthopedic surgeon who examined me looked at my MRI images and said I have a partially torn rotator cuff of the supraspinatus.  He place my arms in various positions and  tried to push my arms down and the soft doctor couldn't do it. He said he was an athlete in college but there is no remaining evidence of that now. I assume he is use to working with decrepit old people, severe accidents like automotive, and people who are really banged up unable to move their arm.  He said he was hesitant to operate on an arm that showed so much remaining strength from the partially torn muscle. Again I assume from his stand point if the arm isn't completely useless from the rupture why start cutting? I will see him again for a cortisone shot in the near future. I respond really well to cortisone from prior injuries.

I was taking to my friend an ex boxer today who was big in amateur circles during the time I boxed. He said he can't use one arm anymore to punch due to his damaged shoulder. He's around 66 years old.  He can't run anymore too.  He lifts light for conditioning. What he does now is ride a racing bike hard. He does regular rides from 20 to 50 miles every time he takes his bike out. I just bring this up because I applaud his hard core training that transitioned from what he can't do to what he can.  

I hope I can keep training hard till I'm 70. I will leave you with this. A guy I worked with in his late 60's moved to Florida with his wife for retirement. Soon after his wife died. Here he was in a new state with no friends or family. He heard of a running club and thought it would be great way to stay in shape and make new friends. He never was a serious runner. Just a couple of charity 5k's through the years. Long story short he has competed all over the world and in his 70's was a world age group champion. His best races for the marathon were close to 7 minute miles. If that doesn't impress you most young guys can't run a single 7 minute mile. He's close to 80 now and slowing down but he looks youthful, goes deep sea fishing and has a girlfriend younger than him.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on April 09, 2020, 05:23:39 PM
I guess I like to bust your balls.  ;)

Find a way to train that does not cause you physical pain so that you no longer need to take a drug that has negative side effects.

NSAIDs are anti-inflammatory but they are also painkillers.  

They allow you to perform by masking the pain.  This is why NFL players line up to get a shot of Toradol before games.

The NFL player decides to sacrifice his body for money and fame.  The monetary reward is high for him, perhaps worth being physically debilitated in his later years after retirement.

The inflammation will not go away if you continue to inflame the joint by training it.  If you continue irritating the joint it leads to arthritis.

Your stories of these other people are irrelevant to your own situation which is unique to you.

Your orthopedist does not recommend surgery because he does not believe the risk/reward benefit of surgery is worth it.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 09, 2020, 06:20:21 PM
I guess I like to bust your balls.  ;)

Find a way to train that does not cause you physical pain so that you no longer need to take a drug that has negative side effects.

NSAIDs are anti-inflammatory but they are also painkillers.  

They allow you to perform by masking the pain.  This is why NFL players line up to get a shot of Toradol before games.

The NFL player decides to sacrifice his body for money and fame.  The monetary reward is high for him, perhaps worth being physically debilitated in his later years after retirement.

The inflammation will not go away if you continue to inflame the joint by training it.  If you continue irritating the joint it leads to arthritis.

Your stories of these other people are irrelevant to your own situation which is unique to you.

Your orthopedist does not recommend surgery because he does not believe the risk/reward benefit of surgery is worth it.

You must be fun to hang out with. They are pain killers mainly because of the anti inflammation effect. Your digs and advice go ignored. If I wanted advice from a loser in life I will let you know.   ;)
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on April 09, 2020, 06:28:00 PM
You must be fun to hang out with. They are pain killers mainly because of the anti inflammation effect. Your digs and advice go ignored. If I wanted advice from a loser in life I will let you know.   ;)

"NSAIDs are among the most common pain relievers in the world."
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 10, 2020, 11:48:36 AM
"NSAIDs are among the most common pain relievers in the world."

Exactly as I said. It relieves pain by taking out inflammation.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on April 10, 2020, 12:02:57 PM
Exactly as I said. It relieves pain by taking out inflammation.

So you don't feel the pain in your joints when you train and then you further injure yourself.

That's what I'm saying.

If it healed your injury then you wouldn't need to take it anymore.  You wouldn't need it.

If you need to take it so you can train then you are only making yourself worse.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on April 10, 2020, 12:07:18 PM
You must be fun to hang out with. They are pain killers mainly because of the anti inflammation effect. Your digs and advice go ignored. If I wanted advice from a loser in life I will let you know.   ;)

Have you ever tried Aspercreme? I use it on my hands everyday. Since it's not going through your digestive system, it should be relatively safe.

Aspercreme has an anti-inflammatory effect (it is not an anti-inflammatory medication), reducing the swelling and inflammation in the affected muscles and joints. It diffuses and infuses quickly into the painful areas, and it has deep-penetrating action resulting in long-lasting relief.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 10, 2020, 04:44:45 PM
Delt and Arms:

Military press 2 x 8
Dumbbell lateral raise 2 x 12 (Thumbs up slightly bend over)
Dumbbell front delt raise 2 x 12 (thumbs up with arms slightly in a V shape)
Rear delt raises 2 x 12
Face pulls 2 x 12
Dumbbell shrugs 2 x 12

Rope tricep 2 x 12
Single dumbbell two hand dumbbell extension 2 x 12
Reverse grip single arm pulley tricep extension 2 x 12

EZ curl bar 2 x 10
Alternate dumbbell curls 2 x 8
Arnold concentration curls 2 x 12

Wrist curls 2 x 25
Wrist extension 2 x 15

Weighted crunches 1 x 50
Pulley crunches 1 x 50

Home gym observations:

Looking in the garage to pull out one of my protein bottles I saw an unused protein container in the garage. Must have been there for years. I looked at the expiration and it's a 2021 date. WTF?

Guys are hinting they want to work out in my basement gym. Just can't do it. I was going to invite a select few but the wife rightfully said we have a granddaughter we watch several times a week.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 11, 2020, 05:14:30 PM
Have you ever tried Aspercreme? I use it on my hands everyday. Since it's not going through your digestive system, it should be relatively safe.

Aspercreme has an anti-inflammatory effect (it is not an anti-inflammatory medication), reducing the swelling and inflammation in the affected muscles and joints. It diffuses and infuses quickly into the painful areas, and it has deep-penetrating action resulting in long-lasting relief.

I will give it a shot but have trouble believing  it's penetrating the joint. My wife has some.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on April 12, 2020, 08:33:22 AM
I will give it a shot but have trouble believing  it's penetrating the joint. My wife has some.
I used bio freeze pre and post workouts when my shoulder was bad and only temp effect.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 12, 2020, 03:04:41 PM
Cardio:  Did my usual treadmill interval workout. 8 x 440 yards (quarter mile). Each set a little faster than the last. Didn't kill it but I felt it.  Hit the heavy bag after pulling my punches but hit it hard near the end.  

Flex and Prime I will try that stuff and see if it makes a difference.  I was just reading an old interview with Chris Dickerson during his best years around the early 80's. He sure had a long period of competing. He was asked what was the difference in his training back in the day and now. He said in effect without putting words in his mouth that he used to train heavy and feels that was a mistake. He said moderate weights gave his muscles more stimulation and saves his joints. In his elderly years though his joints are a mess. Back in the day when he competed in the AAU Mr. America he had to have athletic points so he had to Olympic lift the day of the contest to show he wasn't a mirror athlete. Certainly a lot of wear and tear through the years.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on April 13, 2020, 12:40:48 AM
Cardio:  Did my usual treadmill interval workout. 8 x 440 yards (quarter mile). Each set a little faster than the last. Didn't kill it but I felt it.  Hit the heavy bag after pulling my punches but hit it hard near the end.  

Flex and Prime I will try that stuff and see if it makes a difference.  I was just reading an old interview with Chris Dickerson during his best years around the early 80's. He sure had a long period of competing. He was asked what was the difference in his training back in the day and now. He said in effect without putting words in his mouth that he used to train heavy and feels that was a mistake. He said moderate weights gave his muscles more stimulation and saves his joints. In his elderly years though his joints are a mess. Back in the day when he competed in the AAU Mr. America he had to have athletic points so he had to Olympic lift the day of the contest to show he wasn't a mirror athlete. Certainly a lot of wear and tear through the years.

Hot damn. It was Easter Sunday. Take a day off every once in awhile, you won't fall apart. I keep reading post where it is clear you are thinking about other ways to train, but you can't seem to do that. Change is good. You'll be surprised at how good it is.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on April 13, 2020, 06:38:52 AM
Hot damn. It was Easter Sunday. Take a day off every once in awhile, you won't fall apart. I keep reading post where it is clear you are thinking about other ways to train, but you can't seem to do that. Change is good. You'll be surprised at how good it is.
I DID LEGS yesterday ,after kids went home after weekend with me...nothing else to do.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on April 13, 2020, 09:39:33 AM
I DID LEGS yesterday ,after kids went home after weekend with me...nothing else to do.

Sometimes having nothing else to do can be inspiring. Doing something is always better than doing nothing. During this time demanding personal distancing, we hopefully find more inventive ways to occupy our time. Working legs always works for me.

Since no one else in my house celebrates Easter, I did it for myself. Like when my wife was still alive, I fixed an Easter dinner of ham with scalloped potatoes and green peas. All that was missing was the deviled eggs made using hard boiled Easter eggs. I think the rest of the folks had their usual which is pizza.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 13, 2020, 04:46:47 PM
Chest and bicep: I did it Yates style one set to failure sometimes after a warm up set.

Dumbbell flat bench 1 x 10 (I normally fail at 7 or 8 reps. Kind of shocked I got 10)
Incline dumbbell bench 1 x 9
Decline dumbbell bench 1 x 9 ( I really think this is a home run exercise. Might be the reason for the extra reps I got in the flat press)
Dumbbell flies 1 x 12 (I was going to eliminate this exercise but my delt is feeling good today)
Push ups 1 x failure

EZ curl 1 x 12
Alternate dumbbell curl 1 x 10
Scott single dumbbell curl 1 x 11
Concentration curl seated 1 x 13

Wrist curl 1 x 27
Wrist extension 1 x 20

Incline sit ups 1 x 27
weighted crunch 1 x 55
Pulley crunch 1 x 52

Gym Observations:  My oldest son actually joined me. He was on the treadmill. He has such potential as a runner but he gave it up. Always felt bad about it. It felt good seeing him go for a short run. My workout is over and I hear him playing his Fender Strat.  Sounds beautiful. He was a lead guitar player in a garage band doing original music. He plays a fusion between jazz and rock. Sounds great. That's another thing he left behind with his running. Now he's playing again. When he was about 10 he use to hit the heavy bag with me. He was a really small kid. We went over a friend's house and his father wanted to show us how his son hit the bag in his garage. I watched him tap it a couple of times. His father said to my son, "Want to try it?"  My son exploded into it like a savage and I could see the look in that father's face. A memory that will stay with me. Even my wife who was there was shocked how he hit.  Anyway it was good to have a little company in the my basement today. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on April 13, 2020, 04:53:25 PM
Chest and bicep: I did it Yates style one set to failure sometimes after a warm up set.

Dumbbell flat bench 1 x 10 (I normally fail at 7 or 8 reps. Kind of shocked I got 10)
Incline dumbbell bench 1 x 9
Decline dumbbell bench 1 x 9 ( I really think this is a home run exercise. Might be the reason for the extra reps I got in the flat press)
Dumbbell flies 1 x 12 (I was going to eliminate this exercise but my delt is feeling good today)
Push ups 1 x failure

EZ curl 1 x 12
Alternate dumbbell curl 1 x 10
Scott single dumbbell curl 1 x 11
Concentration curl seated 1 x 13

Wrist curl 1 x 27
Wrist extension 1 x 20

Incline sit ups 1 x 27
weighted crunch 1 x 55
Pulley crunch 1 x 52

Gym Observations:  My oldest son actually joined me. He was on the treadmill. He has such potential as a runner but he gave it up. Always felt bad about it. It felt good seeing him go for a short run. My workout is over and I hear him playing his Fender Strat.  Sounds beautiful. He was a lead guitar player in a garage band doing original music. He plays a fusion between jazz and rock. Sounds great. That's another thing he left behind with his running. Now he's playing again. When he was about 10 he use to hit the heavy bag with me. He was a really small kid. We went over a friend's house and his father wanted to show us how his son hit the bag in his garage. I watched him tap it a couple of times. His father said to my son, "Want to try it?"  My son exploded into it like a savage and I could see the look in that father's face. A memory that will stay with me. Even my wife who was there was shocked how he hit.  Anyway it was good to have a little company in the my basement today. 
You seem like a great father that’s something to be said .esp in this day and age
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 13, 2020, 06:45:02 PM
You seem like a great father that’s something to be said .esp in this day and age

Thank you for saying that. I do have great kids. I'm proud of their accomplishment but it pales in comparison to what loving decent people they are. I know when I'm gone they will be tight and look out for each other. One is a doctor of pharmacology, another an Intensive care nurse working in a hospital that's near a corona hot spot; my youngest is in the Army Airborne with one tour of Afghanistan and the son mentioned still lives at home and does something with computers with electrical design.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on April 13, 2020, 07:43:20 PM
You seem like a great father that’s something to be said .esp in this day and age

Yes he does. There is nothing better than being able to look back on the great stuff your kids did while they were growing up and the wonderful people they have become as adults. You have all this ahead of you still.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: AbrahamG on April 13, 2020, 10:33:41 PM
Thank you for saying that. I do have great kids. I'm proud of their accomplishment but it pales in comparison to what loving decent people they are. I know when I'm gone they will be tight and look out for each other. One is a doctor of pharmacology, another an Intensive care nurse working in a hospital that's near a corona hot spot; my youngest is in the Army Airborne with one tour of Afghanistan and the son mentioned still lives at home and does something with computers with electrical design.

Nothing but respect for you and your children.  I have 3 cousins (one a phy asst, one a nurse and the other a path asst).  All 3 are recovering from covid-19 as is their mother and father aka my aunt and uncle.  They are scheduled to return to work next week.  All 3 will be working the covid floor/unit at their respective hospitals.  For all the despicable behaviors going on in the world today, it's comforting to know we have real life heroes among us. 

On a training note, my buddy is letting me train in his mma gym starting this morning.  He has a decent little weight room.  He assures me that since the shut down only him and his girl have been using anything in their.  Count me among the blessed.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on April 14, 2020, 05:59:43 AM
Nothing but respect for you and your children.  I have 3 cousins (one a phy asst, one a nurse and the other a path asst).  All 3 are recovering from covid-19 as is their mother and father aka my aunt and uncle.  They are scheduled to return to work next week.  All 3 will be working the covid floor/unit at their respective hospitals.  For all the despicable behaviors going on in the world today, it's comforting to know we have real life heroes among us. 

On a training note, my buddy is letting me train in his mma gym starting this morning.  He has a decent little weight room.  He assures me that since the shut down only him and his girl have been using anything in their.  Count me among the blessed.
nice post ...
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: AbrahamG on April 14, 2020, 01:51:24 PM
nice post ...

Thanks man. In real life I'm not an asshole.  :)
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 14, 2020, 04:42:58 PM
Nothing but respect for you and your children.  I have 3 cousins (one a phy asst, one a nurse and the other a path asst).  All 3 are recovering from covid-19 as is their mother and father aka my aunt and uncle.  They are scheduled to return to work next week.  All 3 will be working the covid floor/unit at their respective hospitals.  For all the despicable behaviors going on in the world today, it's comforting to know we have real life heroes among us.  

On a training note, my buddy is letting me train in his mma gym starting this morning.  He has a decent little weight room.  He assures me that since the shut down only him and his girl have been using anything in their.  Count me among the blessed.

Thanks for the kind words.

Leg day: Used a Yates work out. Work was long and mentally tiring. Just wanted to hit it and to get it over.  I upped the weight  for the first time in a long time on some exercises. Felt completely spent when I came up from the basement. I always do the grill work. Wife didn't even ask me to do it and next thing I know she is outside cooking. My man card is revoked today. Glad she took mercy on me.

Leg Press 1 x 12
Dumbbell squats 1 x 12
Stiff leg dead 1 x 8
leg extension 1 x 25
Seated leg curl 1 x 15

Single dumbbell side bend 1 x 15
Hanging straight leg raise 1 x 25
Hip ups 1 x 25

Leg press calf 1 x 30
Seated calf 1 x 20
tibalis work 1 x 20

Neck work 1 x 20 all sides.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 16, 2020, 09:33:01 AM
Took Wednesday off. Today Thursday was back Yates style

Pulldowns with a M.A.G bar 1 x 12  140lbs (tried to do pullups but the shoulder hurt too much. Kept back upright with the pulldowns. I don't like the lean back and jerk method. I'm sure I could use 200lbs plus with that method. All the way out and all the way down)
Seated cable long pulls with a V shape handle 1 x 14 170lbs (all the way out and back)
Dumbbell row 1 x 12 85lbs (dead hang and all the way up)
Barbell row 1 x 10 135lbs (Haven't used these in awhile. I do it the old school version bent over like Arnold and Franco. That semi upright version Yates does doesn't feel right to me. Maybe I haven't given it enough time.)

Dead lifts 1 x 6 315lbs (That last rep hurt from exhaustion)
Weighted hyper extensions 1 x 20 25lbs plate behind my head

Ab wheel roll out 1 x 25
ab machine pulley 1 x 50

Pullover with a barbell 1 x 11 (rehab for my shoulder. Really weak from the stretch position.)
Used a hard ball against a wall for pressure point therapy on my rotator cuff from the back. One really painful area I tried to work out. Some people swear by rollers and ball pressure therapy. I will give it a try.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 19, 2020, 06:16:20 AM
Was this site hacked? Couldn't sign on for days. Even today Sunday the site is not operating correctly.

Last Friday I did delts and triceps. After I was finished I did rotator cuff work and shoulder stretching. Adding a new stretches with this plastic thing called a rotator. It actually duplicates two jui jitsu holds.  ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 19, 2020, 06:17:44 AM
If this site is hacked and it gets completely deleted like Ironage I just want to say good bye to everyone.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on April 19, 2020, 11:06:33 AM
If this site is hacked and it gets completely deleted like Ironage I just want to say good bye to everyone.

Me too. It's been real (sort of).
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 23, 2020, 07:15:17 PM
My plan was to train back and chest today. Finished lats and went to chest. Flat dumbbell completed. Went to inclines with a moderate weight something didn't feel right. My method of operation is that I never quit once started. I left today. Having trouble lifting my arm over my head. It just might be prudent at my age to say I had a good run and to lift for endurance so to speak. I have often said to those with compromised function that they should do what they can do and fuck what they can't. Meaning if you can't do incline presses then forget them and never look back. Bill Pearl's master piece Keys to the Universe has  a ridiculous amount of exercises per body part. I've dumped so many exercises. I rarely barbell squat anymore. One of my favorite exercises and one I credit for my best body part my delts was the press behind the neck is now finished. Curls with a straight bar is rarely used. One of my favorite exercises the power clean and jerk is another rarely used exercise. Thinking about doing something like 4 x 6 reps so it keeps the poundage down. Read Albert Becckles used a lot of sets of the power clean. A rare exercise for bodybuilders. I know Mentzer used it for a period. I think he said his best was something like 335lbs. A really good weight for a power clean. I'm not going to compare myself to a steroid using pro bodybuilder but I would work up to every back workout for my last set with 225lbs to 230lbs for a power clean and jerk.  I realize nothing special but for a natural little guy who didn't specialize in the lift  but used it as part of a bodybuilding routine it felt like an accomplishment for me.

I'm a constant reader about exercise in all it's forms.  Reading a lot about high reps lately. I just might try it.  I know when I read about feeder sets on the main board I gave it a shot. I did one set for biceps of 50 reps and the same for triceps. I had relatively minor bicep tendon soreness prior to trying feeder reps. Nothing major but it was bugging me. One set of feeder reps and it went away. Maybe from the flush of blood.  The pump was unreal and something I'm not accustomed to since I'm a low set trainer. Another thing I read about high reps was from Greg Zulak (spelling?). If I got his writing down from memory he used to do around 8 reps for thighs. His thighs weren't growing. He then did four sets of 50 reps for the leg press and his thighs took off.  Now I would never go that high. If I did the weights would be super light. It just opened my eyes to the value of high reps. The writer Greg Zulak emphasized in the article the value of the pump regarding bodybuilding.

Anyway I'm laying low this week. I think I will do about four days in a row of light running. When I come back I hope to try volume and higher reps. The main obstacle is my retirement job and it's constantly changing schedule.  I never know from week to week what days I'm working because of this virus situation and it's pissing me off. Hey, at least I'm working during this plague. So many are hurting.

Drinking a Guinness. The wife is doing that Zoom thing I think it's called with her girlfriends. They all seem to talk at once. I don't know how they can have a conversation like that.  Bunch of motor mouths.  Can't wait till the pool opens. Maybe I can get them over for a pool party.  
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: AbrahamG on April 23, 2020, 07:34:03 PM
My plan was to train back and chest today. Finished lats and went to chest. Flat dumbbell completed. Went to inclines with a moderate weight something didn't feel right. My method of operation is that I never quit once started. I left today. Having trouble lifting my arm over my head. It just might be prudent at my age to say I had a good run and to lift for endurance so to speak. I have often said to those with compromised function that they should do what they can do and fuck what they can't. Meaning if you can't do incline presses then forget them and never look back. Bill Pearl's master piece Keys to the Universe has  a ridiculous amount of exercises per body part. I've dumped so many exercises. I rarely barbell squat anymore. One of my favorite exercises and one I credit for my best body part my delts was the press behind the neck is now finished. Curls with a straight bar is rarely used. One of my favorite exercises the power clean and jerk is another rarely used exercise. Thinking about doing something like 4 x 6 reps so it keeps the poundage down. Read Albert Becckles used a lot of sets of the power clean. A rare exercise for bodybuilders. I know Mentzer used it for a period. I think he said his best was something like 335lbs. A really good weight for a power clean. I'm not going to compare myself to a steroid using pro bodybuilder but I would work up to every back workout for my last set with 225lbs to 230lbs for a power clean and jerk.  I realize nothing special but for a natural little guy who didn't specialize in the lift  but used it as part of a bodybuilding routine it felt like an accomplishment for me.

I'm a constant reader about exercise in all it's forms.  Reading a lot about high reps lately. I just might try it.  I know when I read about feeder sets on the main board I gave it a shot. I did one set for biceps of 50 reps and the same for triceps. I had relatively minor bicep tendon soreness prior to trying feeder reps. Nothing major but it was bugging me. One set of feeder reps and it went away. Maybe from the flush of blood.  The pump was unreal and something I'm not accustomed to since I'm a low set trainer. Another thing I read about high reps was from Greg Zulak (spelling?). If I got his writing down from memory he used to do around 8 reps for thighs. His thighs weren't growing. He then did four sets of 50 reps for the leg press and his thighs took off.  Now I would never go that high. If I did the weights would be super light. It just opened my eyes to the value of high reps. The writer Greg Zulak emphasized in the article the value of the pump regarding bodybuilding.

Anyway I'm laying low this week. I think I will do about four days in a row of light running. When I come back I hope to try volume and higher reps. The main obstacle is my retirement job and it's constantly changing schedule.  I never know from week to week what days I'm working because of this virus situation and it's pissing me off. Hey, at least I'm working during this plague. So many are hurting.

Drinking a Guinness. The wife is doing that Zoom thing I think it's called with her girlfriends. They all seem to talk at once. I don't know how they can have a conversation like that.  Bunch of motor mouths.  Can't wait till the pool opens. Maybe I can get them over for a pool party.  

Next time the wife is zooming or group video chatting you ought to subtly walk behind her naked as a jaybird.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 23, 2020, 07:48:38 PM
Next time the wife is zooming or group video chatting you ought to subtly walk behind her naked as a jaybird.

Don't think it didn't cross my mind.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: AbrahamG on April 23, 2020, 07:51:23 PM
Don't think it didn't cross my mind.

When my kids were babies and toddlers, my wife was in a "mom's club".  Playdates with her, other moms and their rotten kids.  We had alphabet letters on the fridge and one night I pieced a couple together and spelled "dick hole".  Not realizing the next days get together was at my house.  Another mom found my handiwork and my wife wasn't exactly pleased with me.  Still makes me laugh. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 23, 2020, 09:02:48 PM
My wife isn't the most tech savvy person. I once sent her a sext. She responded sending it to one of her friends who I'm sure is scarred for life.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on April 23, 2020, 10:10:41 PM
My plan was to train back and chest today. Finished lats and went to chest. Flat dumbbell completed. Went to inclines with a moderate weight something didn't feel right. My method of operation is that I never quit once started. I left today. Having trouble lifting my arm over my head. It just might be prudent at my age to say I had a good run and to lift for endurance so to speak. I have often said to those with compromised function that they should do what they can do and fuck what they can't. Meaning if you can't do incline presses then forget them and never look back. Bill Pearl's master piece Keys to the Universe has  a ridiculous amount of exercises per body part. I've dumped so many exercises. I rarely barbell squat anymore. One of my favorite exercises and one I credit for my best body part my delts was the press behind the neck is now finished. Curls with a straight bar is rarely used. One of my favorite exercises the power clean and jerk is another rarely used exercise. Thinking about doing something like 4 x 6 reps so it keeps the poundage down. Read Albert Becckles used a lot of sets of the power clean. A rare exercise for bodybuilders. I know Mentzer used it for a period. I think he said his best was something like 335lbs. A really good weight for a power clean. I'm not going to compare myself to a steroid using pro bodybuilder but I would work up to every back workout for my last set with 225lbs to 230lbs for a power clean and jerk.  I realize nothing special but for a natural little guy who didn't specialize in the lift  but used it as part of a bodybuilding routine it felt like an accomplishment for me.

I'm a constant reader about exercise in all it's forms.  Reading a lot about high reps lately. I just might try it.  I know when I read about feeder sets on the main board I gave it a shot. I did one set for biceps of 50 reps and the same for triceps. I had relatively minor bicep tendon soreness prior to trying feeder reps. Nothing major but it was bugging me. One set of feeder reps and it went away. Maybe from the flush of blood.  The pump was unreal and something I'm not accustomed to since I'm a low set trainer. Another thing I read about high reps was from Greg Zulak (spelling?). If I got his writing down from memory he used to do around 8 reps for thighs. His thighs weren't growing. He then did four sets of 50 reps for the leg press and his thighs took off.  Now I would never go that high. If I did the weights would be super light. It just opened my eyes to the value of high reps. The writer Greg Zulak emphasized in the article the value of the pump regarding bodybuilding.

Anyway I'm laying low this week. I think I will do about four days in a row of light running. When I come back I hope to try volume and higher reps. The main obstacle is my retirement job and it's constantly changing schedule.  I never know from week to week what days I'm working because of this virus situation and it's pissing me off. Hey, at least I'm working during this plague. So many are hurting.

Drinking a Guinness. The wife is doing that Zoom thing I think it's called with her girlfriends. They all seem to talk at once. I don't know how they can have a conversation like that.  Bunch of motor mouths.  Can't wait till the pool opens. Maybe I can get them over for a pool party.  

It's interesting how you keep reminding yourself the hard way...meaning by doing too much or using too much weight. At least you are paying attention to what your body is trying to tell you, if if it takes you a few reminders before you respond.

I'm all for high reps and less weight. Mobility is more important at this point than strength or size. Although, 25 reps on the leg press can give one an impressive pump.

Have not tried the Zoom thing yet. Next Monday's NW Labor Council meeting will be a Zoom meeting. It should be interesting. Specially if about 75 people show up log on to it.

How does a pool party work when folks are wearing paper masks? I guess they could keep their heads above water while swimming in the pool. Or, are you thinking of the kind of pool party where no one actually takes a dip in the pool? They just walk around in swimsuits.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on April 24, 2020, 05:40:21 AM
Interestingly, just about any exercise can be done without pain if the resistance is reduced.

Even behind neck presses can be done.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 24, 2020, 05:52:58 AM
It's interesting how you keep reminding yourself the hard way...meaning by doing too much or using too much weight. At least you are paying attention to what your body is trying to tell you, if if it takes you a few reminders before you respond.

I'm all for high reps and less weight. Mobility is more important at this point than strength or size. Although, 25 reps on the leg press can give one an impressive pump.

Have not tried the Zoom thing yet. Next Monday's NW Labor Council meeting will be a Zoom meeting. It should be interesting. Specially if about 75 people show up log on to it.

How does a pool party work when folks are wearing paper masks? I guess they could keep their heads above water while swimming in the pool. Or, are you thinking of the kind of pool party where no one actually takes a dip in the pool? They just walk around in swimsuits.

Talking about July. If this acts like seasonal flu it should be in very low numbers by then. The drop in new cases is substantial. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 25, 2020, 09:10:07 PM
Felt like I missed several days here because the site was down. I will start again today. I walked fast on a treadmill for a quarter mile then ran three miles. Had a quarter mile cool down at the end. Each mile faster than the last but nothing crazy. I threw in some inclines along the way but nothing crazy. The running portion went like this for each mile regarding incline.  Quarter mile flat, second quarter one percent grade, third was a 2% grade and the final lap of the mile was again on level ground. That's how I ran the three miles. Truth be told they were relatively slow miles. Hope to pick up the speed tomorrow. Ran to Rick Springfield of all things on my IPOD. He keeps an excellent beat to run with. Going to run a bit before coming back to  hit the weights. I use to take a week off after training hard for a month in the past. It's something I abandoned the past few years. I'm doing it again. 

I also did shoulder rehab today. Three rotator cuff strengthening exercises and eight different shoulder stretches. So many different stretches for shoulders.

Observations: After running in the basement I came up to sirens and blasting music. Turns out it's a 15 year olds birthday today down the cul de sac. With this virus I guess he couldn't have a proper party. About four cop cars and a parade of cars with balloons tied to the cars when by his house beeping the horns and sirens. Some one was being a DJ blasting music from their front lawn. People were all out on the curb and by the front of the their houses. It was like a block party with social distancing.  One woman was dancing wildly shaking her ass to the music. If I had a couple of dollar bills I would have made it rain. Since I didn't have any cash on me I slid my credit card down the crack of her ass. (Just wanted to see if anyone was reading.  ;D)  It was beautiful sunny day after many days of rain and clouds. The neighborhood was out in force. Again by their own houses. I ran today with very little Achilles aggravation.  Just came up to bed like an old man though. Stiff as a board. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on April 25, 2020, 09:38:15 PM
All I can say is that if you got close enough to swipe your credit card in a dancing woman's ass crack, you weren't practicing social distancing. Shame on you. Hope you sang Happy Birthday at least. LOL.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on April 26, 2020, 05:40:30 AM
This is Getbig.

We need pics or a video!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 26, 2020, 01:11:18 PM
I have video of the car parade for the birthday but not of the hot mom dancing. I was too busy watching.

Ran three miles on the treadmill again with a quarter mile fast walk warm up and fast walk quarter mile cool down so 3.5 miles of cardio.  I picked up the pace from yesterday. Trying to cut down on my drinking. Only working two days a week now so it feels like I'm on vacation all the time.  Too much time on my hands and the wife keeps the garage fridge stocked with beer. Bad combination.  I am lucky to have a decent home gym.  I think of all my friends at the commercial gym. A lot of dedicated guys. They must be really pissed. One contacted me I believe hinting if he could train at my house but wife said absolutely no and she is right. He lives in town that is a bad hot spot for the virus here in NJ and we watch our grand daughter. Feel really bad I can't make the offer. 

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on April 26, 2020, 11:47:34 PM
Today I ordered reusable masks with insert charcoal filters plus a box of 50 extra filters from Amazon for all of us here at the house. Hope they arrive before we don't need them any longer.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 28, 2020, 06:00:00 PM
Today I ordered reusable masks with insert charcoal filters plus a box of 50 extra filters from Amazon for all of us here at the house. Hope they arrive before we don't need them any longer.

Just realize a Chinese guy handled your masks.  ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 29, 2020, 11:54:51 AM
Back and chest:

Power cleans 4 x 6 (felt good doing a fast movement again. Kept the reps high so the weight would be relatively light)

Pulldown with a M.A.G. bar 2 x 12
Seated lat pulley rows 2 x 12 ( I normally use a traditional V handle attachment. This time I used one that is slightly wider. I have so many attachments. Figure I would try something different.)
Dumbbell row off a bench 2 x 10
Single arm pulldown standing 2 x 12 (Felt a little awkward.  See picture below)

Bench press 3 x 8 (Used a light weight. Swore I would never do them again. Kept elbows very close to the body)
Decline Dumbbell bench 2 x 8
Dips 2 x 10 (Went deep with these.  As with the bench I went slow and controlled. )
Push ups 2 x max (One regular and one with perfect push up handles. Beginning to think these are the healthiest thing you can do for your shoulders.)

Weighted Hyper extensions 2 x 15

Incline situps 1 x 25
Pulley crunches 1 x 50
Incline roman chair 1 x max. (felt pain in my lower back doing these. Might drop them.)

Gym Observations: Actually happened yesterday.  I was in the back yard with the wife listening to music off a Bose speaker having some cocktails.  Those little speakers sound great but I digress.  I started to do a comical dance to make my wife smile. Then that dance broke into some crazy free style. I'm Cuban and Puerto Rican so it's in my DNA to move to music, lol.  She was laughing at my comedy moves. When I was finished I saw in the next yard over a whole mess of people were out on a deck staring at me.  ;D They couldn't see my wife laughing cause she was off to the side smoking a cigarette by my garage.  So here I am doing a dance that would make Jerry Lewis proud apparently all by myself.  It ain't easy being me. When can I show my face again in the neighborhood?  Then again I don't want to live in a world where you can't spontaneously break into a dance.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on April 29, 2020, 12:40:15 PM
That's a good one!   ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on April 29, 2020, 12:47:00 PM
Back and chest:

Power cleans 4 x 6 (felt good doing a fast movement again. Kept the reps high so the weight would be relatively light)

Pulldown with a M.A.G. bar 2 x 12
Seated lat pulley rows 2 x 12 ( I normally use a traditional V handle attachment. This time I used one that is slightly wider. I have so many attachments. Figure I would try something different.)
Dumbbell row off a bench 2 x 10
Single arm pulldown standing 2 x 12 (Felt a little awkward.  See picture below)

Bench press 3 x 8 (Used a light weight. Swore I would never do them again. Kept elbows very close to the body)
Decline Dumbbell bench 2 x 8
Dips 2 x 10 (Went deep with these.  As with the bench I went slow and controlled. )
Push ups 2 x max (One regular and one with perfect push up handles. Beginning to think these are the healthiest thing you can do for your shoulders.)

Weighted Hyper extensions 2 x 15

Incline situps 1 x 25
Pulley crunches 1 x 50
Incline roman chair 1 x max. (felt pain in my lower back doing these. Might drop them.)

Gym Observations: Actually happened yesterday.  I was in the back yard with the wife listening to music off a Bose speaker having some cocktails.  Those little speakers sound great but I digress.  I started to do a comical dance to make my wife smile. Then that dance broke into some crazy free style. I'm Cuban and Puerto Rican so it's in my DNA to move to music, lol.  She was laughing at my comedy moves. When I was finished I saw in the next yard over a whole mess of people were out on a deck staring at me.  ;D They couldn't see my wife laughing cause she was off to the side smoking a cigarette by my garage.  So here I am doing a dance that would make Jerry Lewis proud apparently all by myself.  It ain't easy being me. When can I show my face again in the neighborhood?  Then again I don't want to live in a world where you can't spontaneously break into a dance.
cool...i tried this i saw video pro in my area training client pushup start 1 rep to top count 4 secs then 2 reps 4 secs,3 reps 4 seconds ect,,,i did 2 sets i did 8 reps 1st round then second round got up to 7 reps..its tough.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 30, 2020, 11:43:05 AM
Cardio day: 

1. Walked fast at 3.8MPH for a quarter mile
2. Ran a mile at a moderate pace
3. 4 x quarter miles. Each one faster than the last
4. Cool down of a 3.8 MPH for a quarter mile

Hit the heavy bag for two three minute rounds.

Tried something a power lifting friend recommended.  Hung dead from a pull up bar with a supinate grip. He said it really helped his bad shoulder. I did two 12 second hangs. I will keep it up for a couple of days. He really knows training having competed at a very high level. He looks at things through with  a narrow viewpoint of power lifting but he knows his stuff.  I have zero interest in power lifting but I will heavily consider any advice he gives me. He has been competing for decades and has trained with many world class lifters.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on April 30, 2020, 12:00:14 PM
Did you feel any relief in your shoulders by hanging from the bar? Doing this makes sense since it is basically a stretch. It seems like something a physical therapist might suggest. If you are tempted to do a couple of pull-ups or chins, don't do them. I turned a couple of the core exercises for my back into movements and was told be my therapist not to do that because it can be counter productive.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 30, 2020, 02:02:42 PM
Did you feel any relief in your shoulders by hanging from the bar? Doing this makes sense since it is basically a stretch. It seems like something a physical therapist might suggest. If you are tempted to do a couple of pull-ups or chins, don't do them. I turned a couple of the core exercises for my back into movements and was told be my therapist not to do that because it can be counter productive.

Too early to say. I'll see how it goes. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 01, 2020, 06:33:35 PM
Leg day:

Leg Press 2 x 12 (I put the back board low and I fully bend my legs)
Dumbbell squat 2 x 12 (Upright back and sink my ass all the way down)
Stiff dead 1 x 6 (I stand on a block and come down with the bar to the top of my feet)
Leg extension 2 x 20
Seated leg curl 2 x 15
Body weight deep squats 1 x 55

Hanging leg raise 2 x 22
Hip ups 1 x 25

Standing calf 2 x 15
Seated calf 2 x 15
Tibalis work 1 x 15

Neck: One set per side.  (I use a weight helmet in my home gym)

Gym observations:  Since I'm training at home I don't care how I dress for my basement gym. I have these very loud emerald green shorts. They are old shorty shorts like the NBA use to wear. My neighborhood humiliation continues. My wife called me out to look at new grass I planted after I finished my workout. Of course the neighbors are outside. I got black socks on and bright green NBA shorty shorts. They are the same neighbors that saw me doing a Jerry Lewis dance in the back yard. I might as well go all in an buy a tarzan outfit.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 02, 2020, 11:00:35 AM
Cardio day:

Ran 2.1 miles outside. It's the nicest day of the year. Pure sun and 71 degrees with a light breeze.

In a previous post I wrote about a power lifting friend who said to hang from a chin bar with a supinate grip for my shoulder problem. It seems to help.  I also externally rotate my arm by just twisting it. Wow, it seem to get rid of most of the impingement. I think he's on to something.

Ended the day having cocktails by the fire. I'm going to be hurting tomorrow.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 03, 2020, 01:31:46 PM
Delt and arms:

Military press 2 x 8
Delt dumbbell laterals 2 x 12 (thumbs up)
Delt front dumbbell raises 2 x 12 ( thumbs up and arms at a V shape instead of straight ahead)
Rear delt raises 2 x 10
Head level rope pulls 2 x 10
Barbell shrugs 2 x 10

Traditional tricep pushdowns 2 x 10
Single dumbbell two hands tricep extension seated 2 x 12
One arm dumbbell behind the head tricep extension 2 x 12 (really weak with these.)

EZ barbell curl 2 x 10
Seated on an incline bench dumbbell curl 2 x 15 (Felt pain in the delts. I'm through with this one)
Concentration curl 2 x 12

Wrist curl 2 x 20
Wrist extension 2 x 15

Weighted crunch 1 x 50
Pulley crunch 1 x 50

Tomorrow is an off day. Just going to work and chillin after. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 08, 2020, 11:28:52 AM
I've been neglecting this training diary.  I will try to be more on top of it for my millions of readers. Okay my two readers.  ;D

Whole body routine today:  Trying to go old school for awhile. I really believe training the whole body in one training session is way harder than a split. The best thing about it is when you're done you hit everything. You don't get delt and triceps in one day then work gets in the way of doing another day of your split. This is one and done.

 Also another aspect is that training three days a week your body parts are hit three times a week.  Let's say on your one body part a week  split you're doing six sets of triceps on your tricep training day. Now you switch to a whole body training system. On Monday it was two sets of triceps. Wednesday another two sets and Friday the same. Using a whole body routine you are hitting triceps directly with the same six sets as you did on the split. So many different splits that might dispute what I wrote.

Anyway doing a whole body routine is real old school. It takes me back to the days of Grimek, Reeves, Kono, Sansone, and the list goes on. Back in the day so many bodybuilders competed six months out of the year in Olympic lifting then for six months bodybuilding. They were real athletes. They all had jobs and families. Now no one seems to have a job. They have endless time to train and take their drugs. Guys back in the day were winning Gold medals in the Olympics like the great Schemansky while working full time. He had to beg to have time off to compete in the Olympics. When his boss said no he had to quit his job so he could go and win a Gold medal. Doing a whole body routine mentally takes me back to a day when men were men. 

Power clean and jerk 3 x 3

Barbell squats 2 x 8 then 1 x 1
Standing leg curl 2 x 15

Decline dumbbell bench 2 x 8

M.A.G. supinate pulldown 2 x 10
M.A.G. close grip supinate seated lat row 2 x 12

Military press 2 x 8 (Cleaned the weight first)
Dumbbell lateral raise 2 x 12

Dips 2 x 10
Barbell curls 2 x 10

Incline sit ups 1 x 22
Floor crunches 1 x 50

Weighted hyper extension 2 x 15

No weight single leg calf raises 3 x 15 (learned about this from a physical therapist who wrote an article in Testosterone nation. I don't want to put words in his mouth but most guys using machines for calf work are unknowingly cheating. A
little leg bend. A little hip bend. Guy will use 300lbs, 400lbs and more. Now take the same guy and have them lock their knee. Hold onto something with just finger tips. Only enough for balance and do one leg calf raises.  The goal is to stand on one foot with no block with the knee locked while holding onto nothing and do calf raises all the way up. Many guys won't be able to do 20 if they are using the form I talked about.

Finished with neck work.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on May 08, 2020, 02:51:39 PM
Good routine.

Even though I give you a hard time now and then for training through injuries, as one of your two readers I respect you for your work ethic.   ;)

I've always liked training full-body.  What may be the best thing about it is that you don't train everyday.  You rest and recover.

When I first started training as a teenager I was so gung-ho I trained everything everyday.  More is better!

It wasn't until I read a book that said you train one day, rest the next, that I started to make gains.

I've trained in all ways, even 6 day double splits, but my best gains have always been doing full-body 2-3 times a week.

Sometimes even once a week is enough if you are training really heavy. 

Like you, I enjoy training so taking rest days is not fun.  I want to train!

We need to listen to our bodies and if we need an extra day off we should take it and then come back fully recovered.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on May 08, 2020, 03:20:01 PM
Training in threes is classic. Workout 3 days a week, doing 3 sets of 10 using one or two movements per body part, depending on your level of pure gold. It is how I trained for years and like you, revert to it every so often just to mix things up.

My log entries this week are weak (as in not posted). I have still been working out though. So after I go get a burger and fries for lunch, I'll post up what I've been doing...exercise-wise. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on May 08, 2020, 03:22:12 PM
Training in threes is classic. Workout 3 days a week, doing 3 sets of 10 using one or two movements per body part, depending on your level of pure gold. It is how I trained for years and like you, revert to it every so often just to mix things up.

My log entries this week are weak (as in not posted). I have still been working out though. So after I go get a burger and fries for lunch, I'll post up what I've been doing...exercise-wise. 

I hope you don't have to kick a homeless person over that hamburger.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 08, 2020, 04:14:42 PM
Good routine.

Even though I give you a hard time now and then for training through injuries, as one of your two readers I respect you for your work ethic.   ;)

I've always liked training full-body.  What may be the best thing about it is that you don't train everyday.  You rest and recover.

When I first started training as a teenager I was so gung-ho I trained everything everyday.  More is better!

It wasn't until I read a book that said you train one day, rest the next, that I started to make gains.

I've trained in all ways, even 6 day double splits, but my best gains have always been doing full-body 2-3 times a week.

Sometimes even once a week is enough if you are training really heavy. 

Like you, I enjoy training so taking rest days is not fun.  I want to train!

We need to listen to our bodies and if we need an extra day off we should take it and then come back fully recovered.

With a whole body routine if obligations get in the way if you can just get one workout in for the week it's not just maintenance it's still moving forward.  I think three is optimal but two is very close behind especially if the weight used is high. I know I won't stick with it forever but for now it's something I hope to stick with for a couple of weeks. Like I said before it's much harder than a split. Something exhausting about hitting it all in one work out.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 09, 2020, 11:16:46 AM
Cardio day:  Just wasn't feeling it today. Ran a slug mile and called it a day. Here's to better days.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on May 09, 2020, 11:50:02 AM
I hope you don't have to kick a homeless person over that hamburger.

Me neither. If I saw a homeless person standing around outside a burger joint, I'd buy hamburger to give to them instead of handing them cash. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 09, 2020, 01:11:12 PM
I'm sitting here thinking about working out as I do everyday.  Had a bad run today but I'm not letting it weigh on me. I'm always very interested on how other guys train.

Sitting here thinking about a commercial gym I worked out at about three years ago. They had a personal trainer who was in his late 20's.  He wasn't big by any stretch but he was ripped and looked amazing. Maybe 5'9" 165.  Built like maybe Shawn Perrine the late editor of the Weider magazines. Just looked in amazing shape.  The reason why I bring him up is because I was very surprised seeing him train. The guy used 135lbs for squats. On back day he was doing deadlifts. He appeared to warm up with 135lbs. Nope, every set was with 135lbs. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Don't get me wrong working out for high reps and short reps could be very deceptive in terms of effort. Just blew me away he looked so good using lights weights. 

Sorry for the rambling. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on May 09, 2020, 01:17:31 PM
I'm sitting here thinking about working out as I do everyday.  Had a bad run today but I'm not letting it weigh on me. I'm always very interested on how other guys train.

Sitting here thinking about a commercial gym I worked out at about three years ago. They had a personal trainer who was in his late 20's.  He wasn't big by any stretch but he was ripped and looked amazing. Maybe 5'9" 165.  Built like maybe Shawn Perrine the late editor of the Weider magazines. Just looked in amazing shape.  The reason why I bring him up is because I was very surprised seeing him train. The guy used 135lbs for squats. On back day he was doing deadlifts. He appeared to warm up with 135lbs. Nope, every set was with 135lbs. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Don't get me wrong working out for high reps and short reps could be very deceptive in terms of effort. Just blew me away he looked so good using lights weights. 

Sorry for the rambling. 

Could be you caught him on his light day or he was on drugs or he's the next Steve Reeves.

If you're training for looks do higher reps like 8-15.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on May 09, 2020, 01:51:12 PM
Could be you caught him on his light day or he was on drugs or he's the next Steve Reeves.

If you're training for looks do higher reps like 8-15.

That's me. I never thought much about training for strength. Looking good and feeling good are my goals.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 09, 2020, 06:05:30 PM
Could be you caught him on his light day or he was on drugs or he's the next Steve Reeves.

If you're training for looks do higher reps like 8-15.

Who knows? Then again it's pretty hard to look bad at that age if you train.  I'm sure I looked way better than him at that age but never the less I was impressed with his conditioning. Ripped chest and super defined arms. Oh, well, I guess I have to be happy to being the top of the food chain for old broken down guys. LOL.

On a side note every summer I always put out a big push to look good for summer. With Covid and ever changing work schedules while drinking like a fish with injuries I'm way  behind the eight ball. I have to get my act together. It's one week into May. Tick tock mother fucker.  Tomorrow is the day. Whole body routine and Monday before I get to work I hope to rise at 5AM and get a real cardio day in before the work day. .
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 10, 2020, 12:31:23 PM
Did my whole body routine again. I will keep the exercises the same for four more workouts. I upped the weight either 2.5lbs, 5 lbs or 10lbs per exercise. If all is planned I will hit peak weight for me on workout six.

Power clean and push press 3 x 3 (These are so exhausting that I seriously wonder if I can finish the workout after these)
Barbell squat 2 x 8 then 1 x 1 (Trying to go low. Olympic stance with olympic shoes. High bar placement)
Standing leg curls 2 x 15 (I actually do these standing on a block with an old fashion Iron boot with a dumbbell bar through the hole with plates.  Old guys will know what I'm talking about.)

Decline dumbbell bench 2 x 8 (loving these. My bad shoulder loves them too)

M.A.G bar supinate pulldown 2 x 10
M.A. G narrow bar supinate seated lat long pull 2 x 12

Military press 2 x 8 (Shoulder protested so I warmed up more and it loosened up enough to do these.)
Dumbbell delt laterals 2 x 12 ( thumbs up slightly bent over. A Physical therapist told me about this. Then I saw another lifting physical therapist said the same. Pouring the pitcher movement can cause impingement.

Weighted dips 2 x 10 (These don't bother my bad shoulder for some reason)
Barbell curls 2 x 10

Situp on an incline 1 x 24
Weighted crunches 1 x 50

No weight single leg calf raises 3 x 16

Neck work.

Whole body routines are a shock to the system no doubt.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on May 10, 2020, 02:45:36 PM
If you feel wiped out with full-body reduce the amount of what you are doing.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 10, 2020, 03:33:17 PM
If you feel wiped out with full-body reduce the amount of what you are doing.

Do you take it easy when you work out?  I always try to red line the tach.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on May 10, 2020, 04:04:40 PM
Do you take it easy when you work out?  I always try to red line the tach.

Lower the amount of exercises you do or the number of sets for example while still including a press, pull, squat, calf raise.

You can still go all out on the ones you continue to do.

Once you aclimate you can always add more stuff depending on how you feel.


2 sets each

Decline press
Lat pull down
Barbell curl
Standing calf raise

The next workout you could repeat or do this

Military press
Barbell row
Leg press
Reverse curl
1 leg calf raise

Change the order as you prefer.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 13, 2020, 11:34:00 AM
Did another round of a full body routine. Retyping the same crap.

Power clean and push press 3 x 3 (On the last set I nearly crashed and burned with the bar over head. Had to take a few steps forward to maintain balance.

Barbell squats 2 x 8 then 1 x 1
Standing leg curl 2 x 12

Decline dumbbell bench 2 x 8 ( love these. Zero delt pain)

MAG supinate pulldown 2 x 10
M.A.G. supinate long pull seated 2 x 12

Military press 2 x 8
Dumbbell laterals 2 x 10

weighted dips 2 x 10
barbell curls 2 x 10 ( I have been using EZ curl bar for a long time. Switching bar to a straight bar seems like magic. Really feeling it. I switched to EZ curl because my shoulder. It seem to make a big difference.)

No weight single leg calf raises 3 x max

Weighted back hyper extensions 2 x 15

Incline situps 1 x 27
Weighted crunches 1 x 50

neck work

One thing about these workout is I'm not enjoying them. It's nice to stay on a body part for a couple of exercises.

 Haven't done power cleans in ages. My technique wasn't good.  The worst part is the jerk or more accurately the push press.  I see the potential for injury. Thought I was going to drop the barbell today. I had to run for balance. On another jerk I hit my nose of all things. I remember in the past every single bodybuilding back day I use to go up to 225lbs or 230lbs on my last set of power cleans. It was great power cleaning that weight then getting it over head. I wonder if I specialized how much I could have lifted?  Now it's 175lbs feels like I'm cleaning and jerk a lot of weight. Considering I haven't done them in years I bet I could lift 225lbs if I stay with it. I just have to think about the risk to benefit ratio. Right not I think I'm too old to do something like that now.   
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on May 13, 2020, 03:09:16 PM
Did another round of a full body routine. Retyping the same crap.

Power clean and push press 3 x 3 (On the last set I nearly crashed and burned with the bar over head. Had to take a few steps forward to maintain balance.

Barbell squats 2 x 8 then 1 x 1
Standing leg curl 2 x 12

Decline dumbbell bench 2 x 8 ( love these. Zero delt pain)

MAG supinate pulldown 2 x 10
M.A.G. supinate long pull seated 2 x 12

Military press 2 x 8
Dumbbell laterals 2 x 10

weighted dips 2 x 10
barbell curls 2 x 10 ( I have been using EZ curl bar for a long time. Switching bar to a straight bar seems like magic. Really feeling it. I switched to EZ curl because my shoulder. It seem to make a big difference.)

No weight single leg calf raises 3 x max

Weighted back hyper extensions 2 x 15

Incline situps 1 x 27
Weighted crunches 1 x 50

neck work

One thing about these workout is I'm not enjoying them. It's nice to stay on a body part for a couple of exercises.

 Haven't done power cleans in ages. My technique wasn't good.  The worst part is the jerk or more accurately the push press.  I see the potential for injury. Thought I was going to drop the barbell today. I had to run for balance. On another jerk I hit my nose of all things. I remember in the past every single bodybuilding back day I use to go up to 225lbs or 230lbs on my last set of power cleans. It was great power cleaning that weight then getting it over head. I wonder if I specialized how much I could have lifted?  Now it's 175lbs feels like I'm cleaning and jerk a lot of weight. Considering I haven't done them in years I bet I could lift 225lbs if I stay with it. I just have to think about the risk to benefit ratio. Right not I think I'm too old to do something like that now.

I'm taking a few days off to rest my typing/keyboard fingers.  ;D  Not really, but I did take a couple of days off.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 14, 2020, 12:09:32 PM
Walked fast for five miles today. Then hit the heavy bag.  Walking fast really does work magic with fat loss but it's so time consuming.  When I go on a walking kick I make quick progress of fat loss in two weeks if I'm able to do it 5 to 6 days a week for 5 to 6 miles. What usually happens is after two weeks I get sick of the time commitment. Walking for over an hour is a big block of time. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on May 14, 2020, 12:27:26 PM
Walked fast for five miles today. Then hit the heavy bag.  Walking fast really does work magic with fat loss but it's so time consuming.  When I go on a walking kick I make quick progress of fat loss in two weeks if I'm able to do it 5 to 6 days a week for 5 to 6 miles. What usually happens is after two weeks I get sick of the time commitment. Walking for over an hour is a big block of time.

I prefer walking on a treadmill for safety reasons, but that's not currently possible so I'll hit the sidewalk instead.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 14, 2020, 03:17:49 PM
I have an amazing trail by my house. It's an abandoned rail road track from the 1920's.  The county converted it into a walking/biking trail. It goes on for about 7 miles before you have to go through a town to continue.  It's so isolated and lightly used sometimes I don't see another person for miles.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 15, 2020, 01:21:51 PM
Ran two slow miles in the 80 degree humid heat today.  I'm slacking a bit on the weight training. I've been hitting the weights hard for two years with very little time off.  I just might do cardio for four more days. It feels great to get out there and run even though I can't push the speed due to my fucked up Achilles. Nice just to do a 9:30 Miles in the heat today.

Spent a lot of time on pool cleaning and yard prep for the upcoming summer. Getting to be pool water guru. If the pool isn't crystal clear and clean I go nuts. Got to the point where I go over some other pool and I think what the fuck are you doing? This isn't clean.  LOL.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on May 15, 2020, 01:48:56 PM
I have an amazing trail by my house. It's an abandoned rail road track from the 1920's.  The county converted it into a walking/biking trail. It goes on for about 7 miles before you have to go through a town to continue.  It's so isolated and lightly used sometimes I don't see another person for miles.

You lucky to have such a great place to run in peace. Springwater corridor in Portland will eventually be 21 miles long when it is completed. Unfortunately, being in the city, there is a problem with homeless folks along the corridor. (

There are shorter trails and paths near to where I live which go through fairly rural areas and connect the many parks we have. Some are reserved for walkers and runners only.




Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 15, 2020, 06:40:31 PM
Stunning trails Prime. Yes, isolated trails can be a danger. I've had a run in with a lunatic that had a weapon behind his leg he wouldn't show me. He kept accusing me of cursing at girls walking a pit bull. All I said was, hold the dog tight as I ran by.   He kept coming at me with his body bladed holding something behind his leg. Was it a firearm, knife or a blunt force object?  More times than not I carry a Glock or a Snub nose  now.  I ran the trail  today and I guess because of the nice weather I actually saw about 6 people on the trail. Yesterday I saw an unarmed county security guard on a bike riding the trail.  Nice to see it but if push came to shove I would be protecting him and not the other way around, lol.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on May 15, 2020, 08:32:21 PM
Mary S. Young Park is about a half mile from my house. It is a beautifully natural place to spend an hour or so getting in touch with nature at it's best. The water at the end of this trail is the Willamette River. I've been down this path many times with the dogs. First photo is the bareness of winter and the second one with the emergence of spring and the last of this series is in the lushness of summer.




Here's what you get at the end of this path.



A challenging route to take coming back up from the river to the top of the park. Even the dogs get winded on this wooden platform path.


And for when you don't feel like a hike and your pups do, there's the off leash dog park section.



Halloween at Mary S. Young....monsters in the park


Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 16, 2020, 04:50:44 PM
Ran three miles today. Lower temperatures, it was about 72 today.  Going to run only for two more days before getting back into lifting.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on May 16, 2020, 05:28:48 PM
I'm braving shorts and a tee shirt even though the high today was only 64 degrees. Worked in the yard weeding the rock garden.  Lots of bending involved.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 16, 2020, 05:50:25 PM
I'm braving shorts and a tee shirt even though the high today was only 64 degrees. Worked in the yard weeding the rock garden.  Lots of bending involved.


I had a painter working on my house and he left his strap on knee pads. I text him several times and he never came back for them. Weeding my back yard it was a bitch. I got the knee pads and it was so easy now to weed.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on May 16, 2020, 05:57:15 PM
I have knee pads that I bought at Home Depot made for gardening. Because the gardener also weeds each week, there's not enough weeds in one spot to warrant using them. After weeding the entire front and side yards, I had maybe two handfuls of weeds. The knee pads really come in handy when I'm planting annuals and such.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 17, 2020, 06:44:12 PM
Ran 2.2 slow miles at a 9:30 pace. Feels so good to run outside.  The treadmill is a medieval torture device so it feels good to get outside and run. I have a brother in law who always was a great runner. I think in 40 years of running he ran once on a treadmill. He said it blows his mind that anyone would exercise on such a thing when you can go outside.

 I think I will run one more day and the day after get back to the Iron. My daughter bought me a book that's titled,  "Spark". It's written by a psychiatrist about the effect of aerobic exercise and the mind. One of my daughters is a critical care nurse and close to getting her nurse practitioners license in psychiatry.  She said it was very interesting.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 18, 2020, 05:19:24 PM
Ran early before work at 5:30AM.  Really hard to get these old bones working right out of bed.  Tomorrow is another run but I will start lifting again tomorrow too. Now I got five days of running in a row under my belt. Haven't done that in ages. Feels great doing cardio again. Thought I would never be able to run again consistently.  I know I gently have to push the pace or risk injury again. Still it takes be back even though now I'm running  slug miles now. Suddenly I'm back again running 8 fast miles with the high school track team through the scenic views of Manhattan across the river.  Winning my first 440 sprint against guys from Bronx college Suny.  Running in formation in Fort Dix with some of the baddest mother fuckers I ever had the privilege of being around. In the words of Major Richard Winters I was never a hero but I served in a company of heroes. Tomorrow I will put my ear buds in and hit my garmin hitting the miles. Two things I never ran with in decades ago. Suddenly I will be young again. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 20, 2020, 03:17:14 PM
Ran two miles in a park.  Came home and lifted for back and chest. I know I'm a broken record on training.

Pulldown with a MAG bar 2 x 10
Seated lat pulls with a V handle 2 x 12
One arm Dumbbell row off a bench 2 x 10
Reverse grip pull downs 2 x 10

Decline Dumbbell bench 2 x 8 (all the way down)
Weighted dips 2 x 10 (tried to dig deep)
Incline dumbbell bench 2 x 8 (I did these with a really slow cadence to avoid aggravating my shoulder. I think it worked. I will know better tomorrow. Using a slow positive and negative I made a light weight heavy.)
Push ups 2 x max (regular and the second set with perfect push up handles

Dead lift 2 x 4
Weighted back hyper extensions 2 x 15

Weighted crunches 1 x 50 ( I hold a plate behind my head)
Pulley crunches 1 x 50

Tomorrow I'm going for a run and I'm going to conscientiously push the pace. Nothing crazy. Trying to get leaner for the summer. Every year I try to make a push for the summer and I feel I'm a little behind schedule.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 21, 2020, 04:09:17 PM
Another 2 mile run. Heavy bag work after. Found out in my little office part time job that 3 of the 5 girls that work there have covid. WTF?  I was tested for covid and had the anti body blood test too today. I feel fine and will find out in 3 to 5 business days. When I work there I alcohol everything with 90% alcohol.  My seat, everything around my cubicle; the electronic time clock and  the door handles gets disinfected. I also alcohol my hands and wash my hands too many time to count. I hope the girls are okay. They are mainly young women with the exception of one 62 year old woman who is a diabetic who walks like a cripple.  I fear for her.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 22, 2020, 07:51:28 PM
Leg day today:

My usual workout system. I might be using what's best for me.

Leg press 2 x 12 (low back board. I would really concentrate on fully bending my legs)
Dumbbell squats 2 x 12 (Upright back and really sank them. Dumbbells held at sides with straps.)
Stiff dead 2 x 6 (On a block brushing the top of my feet with my fists.)
leg extension 2 x 20
Seated leg curl 2 x15
Free hand no weight squats 1 x 55 (sank them)

Standing calf 2 x 15
Seated calf 2 x 15

Side bend holding one dumbbell 1 x 15
Hanging straight leg raise 2 x 22
Hip ups 1 x 25

Neck work
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 22, 2020, 08:28:59 PM
My training philosophy. I like to do one or two sets to failure after a warm up if the warm up was needed. I like to train body parts once a week directly.  A typical split is Monday-Back and chest; Wednesday-legs and Friday-delts and arms with weekends off.  Of course the training days of the week aren't written in stone. Many like to say body parts should be worked twice a week.  You can never truly isolate a body part in general. Body parts are hit twice a week on my routine because of over lap.  Here's a few examples of over lap. When training back and chest the tricep and biceps get worked hard. The pushing and pulling are training the arms. On back/chest day I always include either a power clean, deadlift or even a snatch.  That is hitting the legs. On leg day the back gets hit with squats.  Incline benching is also hitting shoulders. On delt/arms day doing dips or close grip bench for triceps  you're hitting chest.  The body is trained not in isolation but systemically even while using a split.

When ever I think about doing volume something doesn't feel right about it. The lower weight needed to get that volume in bugs my ego. Doing  sets without pushing hard those first sets seems like a waste of time.   

On this system I try to do cardio at minimum twice a week. Sometimes more. I remember for awhile I would go for a 75 minute fast walk five days a week. It would melt the fat but the time commitment was too great with the lifting.  What I'm doing now is running for two to three miles on off days. Intervals work great and I like to do them on a treadmill. The potential for injury is there with running fast. About 8 months ago I was doing 40 yard repeats feeling fast as hell for my age and felt my one Achilles go. Trip to the doctor and he said I have a partial tear. I guess he weighed the risk to benefit and said he wouldn't operate. Told me for athletic performance many athletes are unhappy with the Achilles  repair and it's all doctors doing Achilles repair on athletes. He said it's unlike other tendons in that it stretches under load and returns energy somewhat. It's just not the same and I don't think it ever will be the same. I had a good run. Getting old stinks.  I just do what I can do now regarding running. I run at a much slower pace.  So far it's holding up pretty good.

I use to keep a training diary for years. When I was around 60 I felt what am I doing with that now?  For me it makes my training too rigid and too planned.  I'm not going to get much stronger.  So it's almost maintenance but I believe training longevity even with using the same weights is a step forward.

Anyway I trained legs today. I was completely spent after.   I still have nearly non existent calves. I remember a guy saying in the gym how do you walk on those sticks?  They worked pretty good for athletics for many years at least.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on May 22, 2020, 08:31:49 PM
I reallly need to read this and Ironnat's thread more as yoou are both very inspiring.  Thanks, brother!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 24, 2020, 02:45:52 PM
My insanity.  Trained delts and arms nursing a mild hang over. Yesterday was sunny and we were in the back yard with the eclectic combination of Guinness and Czechoslovakia beer listening to big band music and the crooners of that era.

Dumbbell shoulder press 2 x 10
Delt dumbbell laterals 2 x 10 (thumbs up. Surprisingly I have picture of Arnold doing it this way that I recently discovered)
Rear delt cable 3 x 12 (relatively new exercise for me. I had to play around with the poundage to get it right)
Face pulls 2 x 12 (I think I'm using too light of a weight.)
Dumbbell upright row with external rotation (Thumbs up rotating the hands as I pulled up. Hands faced the wall behind me at the end of the movement. )
barbell shrug 2 x 10

Close grip bench 2 x 8 (Haven't done this in ages. Felt pain in the front delts)
Lying tricep extensions with an EZ curl bar 2 x 8 (Usually hurts my elbows but not today. Very good tricep exercise)
Single dumbbell behind the head tricep extension with one hand 2 x 12 (I can't get over how weak I am on this movement. Maybe because I go really low? )

Straight bar curl 2 x 10 (I usually use an ez curl bar. This is a superior movement but it's also harder on my shoulder. Today it worked out great)
Alternate dumbbell curls 2 x 8 (These are an old standard of mine)
Concentration curls 2 x 15 ( Used a lighter weight to get a pump)

wrist curl 2 x 25
wrist extensions 2 x 15

Weighted crunches 1 x 50 (I know recent "science" states conventional sit ups don't hit the abs hard. I just know every time I do incline situps by abs are sore as hell the next day. I have to bring that movement back)
Pulley crunches 1  x 50

The pictures show half of my basement. I didn't show the other side.  This is where I do this insanity we called bodybuilding.  Sometimes I think I would be healthier and happier if I was just a pure runner. Go out to the beach and hit the board walk for 45 minutes and I would be done with exercise for the day. In all candor lifting is great but the best mood elevator is cardio training. Great book on that topic is called Spark by Doctor Ratey on how it's a great anti depressant and even increases the function of the brain.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on May 25, 2020, 07:22:59 AM
You live a nice life,,,I like your honesty,,,only knock is when you say you wish
You ran instead,enjoy what your heart took you and enjoy the build that came of it.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 25, 2020, 01:56:05 PM
Flex looking at a beach cam for Seaside Heights.  The boardwalk is very lightly utilized this Monday. I bet Lavalette is the same. I might run the Lavalette boardwalk tomorrow.  I will let you know how the crowds are. I have a feeling it's going to have very few people on it.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 26, 2020, 04:57:38 PM
Back and chest: I know broken record here.

M.A.G. grip pulldown 2 x 10 140lbs ( I could handle a lot more if I did the lean back shove. Easily 200lbs. plus)
Seated lat pull 2 x 12 170lbs (All the way out and back)
Dumbbell row 2 x 10 80lbs ( full stretch and all the way up)
Reverse grip pulldowns 2 x 10

Decline dumbbell bench 2 x 8 70lbs. ( If I did half reps like 90% do I would use 100lbs plus)
Weighted dips 2 x 10
Incline Dumbbell press 2 x 8 ( shot from the two previous exercises. Slow full negative and all the way out)
Push ups 2 x max ( great finisher)

dead lifts 2 x 4 315lbs ( I know I could handle a lot more but this is enough for at this stage of my life)
Back hyper extensions 2 x 15 25lbs plate behind my head

Weighted crunches 1 x 50 (5lbs plate behind my head)
Pulley crunches 1 x 50 ( use a lat pulldown machine using a V handle.  Held the handle behind my head and crunch down. Very effective exercise)

 Gym Observations: I have none. Lifting at home. Went to the boardwalk with the wife after. It was sad. Bars and restaurants closed.  Arcades, amusement rides and stores closed too.  The crowds were about 25% of what they should have been.  Sick of these blue state governors trying to destroy the economy for politics to get rid of Trump.  Let people earn a living and get back to work.  Jobs are being destroyed and businesses won't be there when the economy opens up. Seems the only people that don't care about being stopped from working by these blue state dictators are those getting a government check and those who are well off. The common man is close to losing their house and the ability to take care of their family.  The beach was really empty too.  It was a really sunny day in Jersey. Went in the back yard with the 70 degree weather and sun having a couple of cocktails.  Played a wide range of music like Motown, 80's and some old school stuff.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 28, 2020, 12:51:14 PM
Leg day:

Leg press 2 x 12 (all these machines are built differently. I bought one for home use and it's the best one I ever used.  I know it wouldn't last in a commercial environment but perfect for my home gym. I don't put the weight of a car on it and do  quarter knee bends. I put the back board way back and fully bend my knees. four plates a side feels like a million pounds when done like that.
Dumbbell squats 2 x 12 80lbs with straps. Dumbbells held at sides ( upright back and sinking the butt. Brutal exercise. You don't need a lot of weight. This isn't a dead lift but a squat.
Stiff leg deadlift off a platform 2 x 6 205lbs (Many of the reps I touch the top of my feet with my fists)
leg extensions 2 x 20
seated leg curls 2 x 15

Side bend with one dumbbell 1 x 15 90lbs
Hanging leg raises 2 x 22 (used semi straight legs)
Hip ups 1 x 25 (on back legs up in the air and raise hips to ceiling.)

Leg press calf 2 x 25
Seated calf raise 2 x 15
tibialis work 1 x 20 with 15lbs ( I use a device called a D.A.R.T. It's popular with runners and dancers for shin splint prevention)

neck work 1 x 20 a side

Feeling exhausted lately.  I think it's too much drinking. They closed my office because more than half of the office came down with covid with one death. I'm negative. Seven days a week of nothing but training and yard work. I find my self drinking every other day. That has to end. The picture of dumbbell squats differs slightly from the way I do it. I sink my butt lower and a little more upright.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on May 28, 2020, 01:34:21 PM
Stimulate don't annihilate.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 28, 2020, 07:33:32 PM
Stimulate don't annihilate.

Have you been talking to Haney again?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on May 28, 2020, 07:53:04 PM
Can't post in my workout routine because I haven't been doing one this week. Yeah the gym is open. Monday I didn't go because their short hour schedule didn't mesh with mine. On Tuesday thru today, I convinced myself that I'd need an appointment to get in so I made a point of getting busy doing other stuff, like buying plants for the  yard and new cushions for the patio furniture in preparation for the big father's day event my daughter is planning.

Places are opening up, but in their effort to meet social distancing requirements, the reopening becomes a very odd experience. I took myself out to breakfast the other day more than have the booths and tables were unavailable for seating so there was definitely not a crowd, which is very unusual for this restaurant. I got the feeling that the waitress didn't want to be there because the service stank and she's usually a great server. I had avocado toast with basted eggs. There was no salt or pepper on the table, so I asked her if she could bring me some. I'm sitting there thinking my eggs are getting cold but not wanting to eat eggs without salt and pepper. Apparently she forgot. I noticed a salt shaker on a vacated booth near me, so I grabbed it, salted my eggs and avocado toast and ate my luke warm meal. Guess I shouldn't complain because I did get cream for my coffee and a $5.00  birthday discount when I don't think I had one coming....maybe she knew she screwed up. Tipped my usual 20% on the pre-discounted bill. But hey, she's pretty and she's always nice and friendly towards me....kind of like she's flirting. Yeah, in my dreams. She's young enough to be my daughter.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 29, 2020, 05:38:03 AM
Happy birthday Prime!  Here's to hot eggs with condiments.

 I drive by the commercial gym and the parking lot is a strange sight being empty. It seemed we had a regular crew there. All the same faces and we knew one another.  I wonder how pissed off they are at not being able to train? I know some of the guys were 5 to 6 day a week regulars. I am lucky to have a complete home gym that I can do just about anything I can to in the commercial gym.  I wonder how the regular gym rats are adapting? Did they give up training?  Did they improvise?  I know a really big guy that had two pieces of gym equipment and he's doing great. He has two 80lbs dumbbells. He's staying in  great shape with those.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on May 29, 2020, 08:02:21 AM
Obvious Gimmick has been a no-show since April 25.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on May 29, 2020, 02:19:46 PM
Obvious Gimmick has been a no-show since April 25.

Being a no show is cause for concern these days. Hope Obvious Gimmick is well.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 31, 2020, 08:21:57 AM
Yesterday I delt and arms:

Dumbbell presses standing 2 x 10 50lbs (all the way down. No half reps.  If I did this seated with my ass slightly out and did the typical half reps I'm sure I could use the 80lbs.  The goal should always be to do the exercise in the hardest way and not the easiest)
dumbbell laterals 2 x 10 25lbs ( thumbs up)
Rear delt laterals 2 x 10 35lbs
face pulls 2 x 12 70lbs
band rear delt work 1 x 10
barbell shrugs 2 x 10 250lbs ( I see guys doing this with 400lbs barely moving their delts)

Close grip bench 2 x 8 135lbs (I use a really close grip with a ez curl bar. Wish I could use more weight but I have to use what my messed up shoulder will allow.
Lying tricep extensions with an ez curl bar 2 x 8 85lbs ( I will drop these. elbow hurt)
typical tricep push downs 2 x 10

Barbell curl 2 x 10 95lbs
Alternate dumbbell curl 2 x 8 45lbs
concentration curls 2 x 18 ( pump set to failure)

wrist curls 2 x 25 95lbs
wrist extensions 2 x 15

weighted crunches 1 x 55
pulley crunches 1 x 50

Another long pool day after. Getting a deep tan already and it's not even June.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on May 31, 2020, 12:54:45 PM
Yesterday I delt and arms:

Dumbbell presses standing 2 x 10 50lbs (all the way down. No half reps.  If I did this seated with my ass slightly out and did the typical half reps I'm sure I could use the 80lbs.  The goal should always be to do the exercise in the hardest way and not the easiest)
dumbbell laterals 2 x 10 25lbs ( thumbs up)
Rear delt laterals 2 x 10 35lbs
face pulls 2 x 12 70lbs
band rear delt work 1 x 10
barbell shrugs 2 x 10 250lbs ( I guys doing this with 400lbs barely moving their delts)

Close grip bench 2 x 8 135lbs (I use a really close grip with a ez curl bar. Wish I could use more weight but I have to use what my messed up shoulder will allow.
Lying tricep extensions with an ez curl bar 2 x 8 85lbs ( I will drop these. elbow hurt)
typical tricep push downs 2 x 10

Barbell curl 2 x 10 95lbs
Alternate dumbbell curl 2 x 8 45lbs
concentration curls 2 x 18 ( pump set to failure)

wrist curls 2 x 25 95lbs
wrist extensions 2 x 15

weighted crunches 1 x 55
pulley crunches 1 x 50

Another long pool day after. Getting a deep tan already and it's not even June.

While you are tanning, I am rusting. Rain yesterday and today.  :(
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 31, 2020, 07:04:16 PM
Ran two miles today and hit the heavy bag. A young girl about 20 something was running in front of me. I couldn't catch her. Beginning to think I have to drop some weight if I want to keep up with these young people.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on June 01, 2020, 08:26:43 AM
Ran two miles today and hit the heavy bag. A young girl about 20 something was running in front of me. I couldn't catch her. Beginning to think I have to drop some weight if I want to keep up with these young people.

She needs to gain weight.  Buy her more food.

I know you're kidding but you realize you aren't 20 anymore.  You are slowing down and to most observers, are an old fart.

Pretty soon you'll be walking with a cane and mumbling to yourself.

I'll be there too with my walker. 

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 01, 2020, 02:07:12 PM
Ran 3.2 miles on the boardwalk. Saw a couple of hotties in skimpy bathing suits. It was worth driving to the beach to run. 

IronNat, I don't know if I'm delusional but I still look pretty damn good both facially and physique wise for someone born in the 50's.  I'm also modest too.  I'm sure steroid users would blast my body but I never said I was a bodybuilder. I like to think of myself as an aging athlete. Like you I'm natural.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on June 01, 2020, 03:22:52 PM
Ran 3.2 miles on the boardwalk. Saw a couple of hotties in skimpy bathing suits. It was worth driving to the beach to run. 

IronNat, I don't know if I'm delusional but I still look pretty damn good both facially and physique wise for someone born in the 50's.  I'm also modest too.  I'm sure steroid users would blast my body but I never said I was a bodybuilder. I like to think of myself as an aging athlete. Like you I'm natural.

Yes. If there is one thing people consistently say about you is that you are modest.  ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 01, 2020, 03:55:59 PM
Yes. If there is one thing people consistently say about you is that you are modest.  ;D

It's my best quality. I smell good too.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 02, 2020, 01:05:00 PM
This week I'm switching it up to Dorian Yates one set to failure routine. It's either no warm up, one or two non taxing warm up sets. 

Decline Dumbbell press 1 x 10
Weighted dips 1 x 12
Incline dumbbell press 1 x 10
Pushup 1 x max

Barbell curl 1 x 13
Alternate dumbbell curls 1 x 9
Single arm pulley curls 1 x 14
concentration curl 1 x 13

wrist curl 1 x 27
wrist extension 1 x 17

Incline situps 1x 24
Weighted crunches 1 x 55
Pulley crunch 1 x 55

Ran two miles after. Getting humid in NJ.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on June 02, 2020, 01:09:28 PM
One set should be enough if you go to failure.

Do you get a pump?

Why do you need multiple exercises for each bodypart, like 4 bicep exercises?

If you go all out why not just do this?  Then next time do different exercises. 

Decline Dumbbell press 1 x 10
Barbell curl 1 x 13
wrist curl 1 x 27
Incline situps 1x 24

Next time:

Weighted dips 1 x 12
Alternate dumbbell curls 1 x 9
wrist extension 1 x 17
Weighted crunches 1 x 55

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 02, 2020, 03:10:02 PM
I agree with you but lifting with barbells and dumbbells is an imperfect method training a body part. Some exercises are mid range dominate. Some are stretch and some are lock out dominate for lack of a better term. Barbell curl could be a mid range. Pulley curl is a peak contraction and a reverse grip chin for bicep is stretch dominate. True this is minutia. Could it be that it's fun to do different exercises as a psychological factor too?  Also what I'm truly doing is four sets to failure for bicep but using different exercises. Just doing one exercise for one set to  failure per bodypart would be a seriously short work out.

Do I get a pump? Yes, I do but of course nothing like a volume pump. I remember Mr. Canada Cardillo used two sets to failure for a long time but he then went to one set to failure. When he switched to one set he increased the reps slightly to get a pump. I do the same but it isn't by design. Doing one set to failure is a big motivator to get extra reps. If your doing multiple sets no one can truly be going to failure every set. If you did every subsequent set would have lower reps if the same weight was used. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 03, 2020, 12:32:15 PM
Leg day:

Leg press 1 x 15 four plates a side. (Low back board and completely bending my legs as in a full squat.)
Dumbbell squat 1 x 14 85lbs (Upright back and sinking the ass down)
Stiff dead 1 x 8 205lbs (On a block brushing my fist on the top of my feet. Not fully locked knees)
leg extension 1  x 26 ( What a burn)
Standing leg curl 1 x 18 (Haven't done these in awhile)

Hanging straight leg raise 1 x 25
Hip ups 1 x 30

Leg press calf 1 x 30
seated calf 1 x 20
tibalis work 1 x 20

Neck work

Gym notes: I don't know why I do calf work. I have the longest shins and the skinniest calves. I think boxer Tommy Hearns laughs at my calves.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on June 03, 2020, 12:53:37 PM
This week I'm switching it up to Dorian Yates one set to failure routine. It's either no warm up, one or two non taxing warm up sets. 

Decline Dumbbell press 1 x 10
Weighted dips 1 x 12
Incline dumbbell press 1 x 10
Pushup 1 x max

Barbell curl 1 x 13
Alternate dumbbell curls 1 x 9
Single arm pulley curls 1 x 14
concentration curl 1 x 13

wrist curl 1 x 27
wrist extension 1 x 17

Incline situps 1x 24
Weighted crunches 1 x 55
Pulley crunch 1 x 55

Ran two miles after. Getting humid in NJ.

Were you not counting the pushups  as you were doing them?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 03, 2020, 01:16:03 PM
Were you not counting the pushups  as you were doing them?

I just max out. Different amount every time usually. I'm pre fatigued too from the prior chest exercises. As you know it's probably along with pull ups the most cheated exercises in terms of range of motion..
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on June 03, 2020, 07:38:18 PM
Were you not counting the pushups  as you were doing them?

I just max out. Different amount every time usually. I'm pre fatigued too from the prior chest exercises. As you know it's probably along with pull ups the most cheated exercises in terms of range of motion..

I only asked because I am obsessive about counting reps, which I suspect is actually counterproductive (how's that for a convoluted statement?). What I mean is when you count reps you have an idea in your head how many you can do before failure. Let's say you maxed out at 20 reps the last time. So in your mind once you reach 20 reps it's all downhill, but if you weren't counting you might be able to do a third more before you actually failed. Maybe this isn't how your mind works, but it is now mine does. On the opposing side of this, if you did 20 reps the last time you did them, in your head you know you have to at least get to 20 this time or you're going backwards.

When I am at the gym working out, I actually write down everything I do on a mini spread sheet so I can measure my improvement, including the number of reps, sets and resistance. After a long layoff, I pull out my old tablet and use it to see how much I have or haven't lost by acting like a sloth.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on June 04, 2020, 03:59:55 AM
Do your calves first in your workout, not last.

Think of your workout as "Calves and then some other stuff".

You also need more volume.  1 set is not enough.  3 sets of each exercise.  Keep your sets close together.  30 seconds max rest
between sets.  Train them two or three times a week.

Another option is to superset the different exercises.  No rest between supersets.

Jump start your calves by doing 3-5 sets of 100 reps plus 5-10 burns of bodyweight calf raises only on a block for a few days in a row to shock your calves and open up the blood vessels.  Your calves will inflate and you'll get a massive pump.

This will jumpstart your calves and get the blood into them. Then back to 3 sets of max reps for each of your calf exercises.  Keeps reps in the range of 10-25 reps.

Practice flexing your calves too when they are pumped. 

Now, all the distance running you do is messing up your calves and making the calf muscles stringy and tough and keeping them small. 

Think about what marathon runners look like.  Stringy and small.  Overtraining. 

Calves need rest and recuperation time just like any other muscle.

No need to thank me for the "unasked for" advices.  Always glad to help.  ;)
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 04, 2020, 04:30:22 AM
Do your calves first in your workout, not last.

Think of your workout as "Calves and then some other stuff".

You also need more volume.  1 set is not enough.  3 sets of each exercise.  Keep your sets close together.  30 seconds max rest
between sets.  Train them two or three times a week.

Another option is to superset the different exercises.  No rest between supersets.

Jump start your calves by doing 3-5 sets of 100 reps plus 5-10 burns of bodyweight calf raises only on a block for a few days in a row to shock your calves and open up the blood vessels.  Your calves will inflate and you'll get a massive pump.

This will jumpstart your calves and get the blood into them. Then back to 3 sets of max reps for each of your calf exercises.  Keeps reps in the range of 10-25 reps.

Practice flexing your calves too when they are pumped. 

Now, all the distance running you do is messing up your calves and making the calf muscles stringy and tough and keeping them small. 

Think about what marathon runners look like.  Stringy and small.  Overtraining. 

Calves need rest and recuperation time just like any other muscle.

No need to thank me for the "unasked for" advices.  Always glad to help.  ;)

Even when I was on the track team in college as a sprinter they were small and they obviously were functional. I wasn't using distance as a training protocol but doing sets of sprints. You're right about volume and frequency for hypertrophy.  HIT doesn't pump a muscle as well as volume. Training with low sets and body parts once a week are great for strength though. I never train calves first because for me it destabilizes my legs for thigh work as in squats or any standing exercises. In the end genetics rule. Bill Grant trained the hell out of his calves. He had amazing arms and small calves.

Conditioning is very important for me so I run.  Having a big gas tank is important for me. I'm not a bodybuilder. I remember a chubby guy in the gym saying heart disease and being heavy runs in his family. Heart disease and being fat runs in his family because nobody runs in his family is a more likely explanation. Running isn't a cure all but it puts the risk factors on your side. Also having a big gas tank is just an important part of combat training. At this age I don't box and practice jui jitsu anymore but without a doubt running improves your gas tank in those activities. Truth be told most gym rats couldn't box against an opponent for more than one round because of exhaustion. Just seen it too many times in the ring with novice wanna be fighters. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on June 04, 2020, 05:09:11 AM
Do your calves first in your workout.

It won't affect your thigh training much at all.

Trust me.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on June 04, 2020, 01:22:49 PM
... I remember a chubby guy in the gym saying heart disease and being heavy runs in his family. Heart disease and being fat runs in his family because nobody runs in his family is a more likely explanation....

Are people fat because they don't run or a do they not run because they are fat?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on June 04, 2020, 01:32:26 PM
Are people fat because they don't run or a do they not run because they are fat?

The eternal question.

Maybe they just eat too much?

How far do you have to run to burn off these...OT would know.


Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 04, 2020, 06:39:58 PM
The eternal question.

Maybe they just eat too much?

How far do you have to run to burn off these...OT would know.



I wouldn't know because I don't eat doughnuts. 

A hard lifting session burns off about 200 calories. I can cite sources. Running two miles is another 250 or so calories. Both burn calories after the immediate cost of the activity.  A pound  of fat is 3500 calories. Just using the immediate cost of the exercise activity for 5 days a week of will lead to a loss of of 2.5 pounds of fat a month. 30 pound of fat for the year if all is a constant. Of course nothing is rigid about calorie expenditures of exercise as it's fluid.  I just know I can make drastic changes in fat loss in three weeks using  additional cardio when I have a lay off. I know you don't like cardio because it's too much work and it leads me to believe you are chubby.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 04, 2020, 07:03:41 PM
The AC broke in my house and it was about 85 degrees out. Today was the first day of officially using the pool for hours. I deviated from the usual big band swing singers to Motown.  Floated for hours having a few cocktails. Prior I ran two miles then I  did some heavy bag work. Also did some no weight free hand exercises.

The AC repairman came over and it took him awhile to fix the AC condenser. He was an Asian with a heavy accent. I offered him a chair and a pad to kneel on while he worked but he turned me down. After he fixed it he spent about 30 minutes talking to the wife and I. He explained AC and heating repair. It was an education but a little awkward talking to him while we were in the pool. Typing this freezing in my bedroom. I have to turn the AC down.

In the winter we make fires listening to music in dark watching the shimmering fires. In the summer it's all about the pool and ocean. This was the first time we spent hours in the pool. Life is good. My daughter and my grand daughter even dropped by.

Tomorrow is back day. Hope to kill it and do some cardio too.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on June 04, 2020, 08:24:40 PM
Where is the plain old fashioned cake donut in this box? These are all too sugary for my liking.


Much better.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 05, 2020, 01:05:21 PM
Back day:

Pulldowns with M.A.G. supinate bar 1 x 12 140lbs
Seated long pulls with a V handle 1 x 14 170lbs (all the way out and back)
Dumbbell row off a bench 1 x 12 85lbs (strict form)
Reverse grip pulldown 1 x 12

deadlifts 1 x 6 315lbs (slow on the negative. )

Weighted hyper extension 1 x 20 25lbs plate behind my head.
Floor crunches 1 x 50 10lbs plate behind my head
Pulley crunches 1 x 55
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on June 06, 2020, 04:37:20 AM
I know you don't like cardio because it's too much work and it leads me to believe you are chubby.

I'll have to don my thong and show you how ripped I am.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 06, 2020, 11:39:00 AM
Delts and triceps:

Dumbbell press 1 x 11
Dumbbell lateral raises 1 x 15
Rear delt lateral raises 1 x 14
Face pulls 1 x 17
Band rear delt work 1 x 12
Barbell shrugs 1 x 14

Narrow grip bench 1 x 9
Skull crushers: On the first rep I felt my tricep tendon hurt. Fuck this movement for me.
Single dumbbell two hands dumbbell behind my head 1 x 14
Tricep pushdowns 1 x 12
Weighted dips 1 x 11

weighted floor crunches 1 x 55
Pulley crunch 1 x 51

Ran two miles after.

I was thinking about putting up some video of me training. Then I came to my senses.  I put up a little on my facebook and it was well received but my facebook friends aren't assholes.  ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on June 06, 2020, 12:49:50 PM

I was thinking about putting up some video of me training. Then I came to my senses.  I put up a little on my facebook and it was well received but my facebook friends aren't assholes.  ;D

Good thinking.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on June 06, 2020, 01:47:19 PM

I was thinking about putting up some video of me training. Then I came to my senses.  I put up a little on my facebook and it was well received but my facebook friends aren't assholes.  ;D

Facebook is about 180 degrees away from Getbig. Whatsaap offers different levels of privacy. My granddaughter and daughter use Whatsapp to share pictures with family and invited friends only. So folks post training videos on their Youtube channel. There's a potential for making money from that if you get enough followers.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on June 06, 2020, 02:02:50 PM
I'll have to don my thong and show you how ripped I am.


Oldtimer looks pretty lean in photos. He does a lot of cardio. Not sure that's the reason though. It could be genetics. I have to force myself to do cardio because it is so boring. At about 5'10" and 175 lbs. I wouldn't say I'm chubby but I am also not 'ripped'. I'll leave the thong show to you.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on June 06, 2020, 02:30:07 PM
6'2" 218

I'm a double for Steve Reeves but better looking.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on June 06, 2020, 03:17:57 PM
6'2" 218

I'm a double for Steve Reeves but better looking.

I envy you that!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on June 06, 2020, 04:34:18 PM
I envy you that!

The Scott!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on June 06, 2020, 04:40:14 PM
6'2" 218

I'm a double for Steve Reeves but better looking.

Proof or it isn't true.  :)
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 06, 2020, 07:35:50 PM
Like I wrote previously I posted a video of me training back on my Facebook. A facebook friend of mine who won the Most Muscular award and best legs in the AAU Mr. America contest said, I look in good shape.   :)  He's either blowing smoke up my ass or he means it. I choose the later, lol.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 09, 2020, 11:17:21 AM
Trained back and chest:

Working out filming some stuff. Realized after viewing the video I wasn't going as deep as I thought with declines. Going to lighten the dumbbells so I can go deeper. Video is a good tool. I use it a lot when I'm practicing striking drills. I'm not getting in the ring anytime soon  8) but I just want to make sure I'm doing correct drills.

I eventually have to lighten the weights and increase the reps.  The tweaks keep adding up. Sprained my foot of all things deadlifting. No clue how that happened. I did 8 sets for lats and 8 sets for chest. Added some lower back work and abs.

Going to go into the pool and maybe do some laps.  86 and pure sun in Jersey today. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on June 09, 2020, 07:30:44 PM
Trained back and chest:

Working out filming some stuff. Realized after viewing the video I wasn't going as deep as I thought with declines. Going to lighten the dumbbells so I can go deeper. Video is a good tool. I use it a lot when I'm practicing striking drills. I'm not getting in the ring anytime soon  8) but I just want to make sure I'm doing correct drills.

I eventually have to lighten the weights and increase the reps.  The tweaks keep adding up. Sprained my foot of all things deadlifting. No clue how that happened. I did 8 sets for lats and 8 sets for chest. Added some lower back work and abs.

Going to go into the pool and maybe do some laps.  86 and pure sun in Jersey today.

I did back and chest today but did a variation of H.I.T.  two pre-exhaust tri-sets of Stiff-Arm Lat pulldowns followed by cable rows and finally close-grip palms up pulldowns. 

Chest was over real quick as I went to failure and it happened FAST.  Pec-Deck superset with vertical machine bench press.  It hurt in a wrong way and so I stopped after the first superset.  But I am happy to be exercising again and your thread along with IroNat's keeps me motivated.

That and I just watched "Athena" from 1954 with Steve Reeves, Dick Dubois, Jane Powell, Debbie Reynolds, Edmund Purdom and Vic Damone.  Reeves and Dubois were great and I've always been a fan of everyone else in the film, especially Powell, Reynolds and Purdom.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 09, 2020, 08:13:53 PM
Can't go wrong watching Reeves movies for motivation. Has there ever been a better movie star face on an amazing physique than Reeves? 

Regarding pre exhaust I haven't done real pre exhaust since about 1983. It was really effective and with youth I obtained my best ever physique of my life but I drifted away from it.

What hurt you with chest? Was it the pec flies? I think flies whether with dumbbells or machine are a young man's exercise. Some would say it should never be used as it puts a lot of leverage on your structure at the stretch position asking for an injury. Look at the physical therapist's site who is a gym rat youtube site called AthleanX.  He's  anti fly for the chest and he gives his reasons. He said a better method is to stand and get one pulley at chest height and to push out crossing mid body plane. I guess seeing the video is better than me using words. Kind of like punching motion with a pulley handle and I don't mean with speed.

 So many accepted ways of doing bodybuilding exercises are just wrong and unhealthy. Just because with youth we got away with them doesn't mean it's a good exercise. On that youtube channel he hits a lot of exercises that are wrong for your joints and he always offers a better way to do them. Granted he has a doctor degree in physical therapy and was a trainer for the NY Mets I believe but I still never accept everything he says as gospel but he is on target more than he isn't.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on June 09, 2020, 08:22:39 PM
The vertical bench press puts my wrists at in a very uncomfortable position and it's difficult to get positioned.  I may have to use ace bandages for support of my wrists but workarounds are to be expected for me!  I just didn't want to do the second set because my wrists really ached in a bad way. 

Oddly enough, regular DB Flyes on the bench feel good to me but I don't have a flat bench...Yet!  One day maybe.  I had to get rid of my flat bench and my seated calf machine as I didn't use them much and  my wife kept on me until I said, fine and got ride of them.   She said it would give me more room and then proceeded to fill the space with more Christmas, Halloween and assorted other holiday crap.   ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 10, 2020, 05:14:04 PM
Ran two miles in the 90 degree heat on the boardwalk. Very few babes.  I was hoping for a bunch of bikini babes as usual. Covid is really keeping the crowds away. Only saw a few.  One really big girl was eyeing me like I was a pork chop covered in gravy. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on June 11, 2020, 03:56:13 AM
Ocean City, NJ boardwalk and beach was very busy yesterday and packed on the weekend.

Hardly anyone masked.

Loads of people on the beaches and boardwalks but businesses still not allowed to open.  Ridiculous.

This is a neat site with cams on the shore.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on June 11, 2020, 11:38:22 AM
The vertical bench press puts my wrists at in a very uncomfortable position and it's difficult to get positioned.  I may have to use ace bandages for support of my wrists but workarounds are to be expected for me!  I just didn't want to do the second set because my wrists really ached in a bad way. 

Oddly enough, regular DB Flyes on the bench feel good to me but I don't have a flat bench...Yet!  One day maybe.  I had to get rid of my flat bench and my seated calf machine as I didn't use them much and  my wife kept on me until I said, fine and got ride of them.   She said it would give me more room and then proceeded to fill the space with more Christmas, Halloween and assorted other holiday crap.   ;D

Next time she pulls this nonsense, tell her she's FIRED!  Be a man.  ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on June 11, 2020, 02:04:18 PM
Next time she pulls this nonsense, tell her she's FIRED!  Be a man.  ;D

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 11, 2020, 03:14:07 PM
Ocean City, NJ boardwalk and beach was very busy yesterday and packed on the weekend.

Hardly anyone masked.

Loads of people on the beaches and boardwalks but businesses still not allowed to open.  Ridiculous.

This is a neat site with cams on the shore.

Thought you lived in NY?  You live in Jersey? If you're not from the area, Ocean city, NJ has a strange rule of not selling alcohol.  Zero bars and no alcohol at restaurants.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on June 11, 2020, 03:16:20 PM
Thought you lived in NY?  You live in Jersey?


Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 11, 2020, 03:27:37 PM
Leg day:

It was really tough. Yesterday we had a low key pool party for immediate family. It was sunny and the beer was cold. I was out in the sun for hours and today I'm really drained. Just powered through the workout. Felt I was pushing it right to the edge.  Completely shot and vegetating on the couch.

 Ordered new living room furniture through the internet from South Carolina. They got 3K of my money. About a week later I contacted them and said what's the time frame to get the stuff. They said two months to make and up to 20 days to arrive. WTF? Today is bulk pickup which is quarterly and I have to put my living room set on the curb. I guess beach chairs will rule for a long time till I get my stuff. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on June 11, 2020, 03:41:26 PM
Leg day:

It was really tough. Yesterday we had a low key pool party for immediate family. It was sunny and the beer was cold. I was out in the sun for hours and today I'm really drained. Just powered through the workout. Felt I was pushing it right to the edge.  Completely shot and vegetating on the couch.

 Ordered new living room furniture through the internet from South Carolina. They got 3K of my money. About a week later I contacted them and said what's the time frame to get the stuff. They said two months to make and up to 20 days to arrive. WTF? Today is bulk pickup which is quarterly and I have to put my living room set on the curb. I guess beach chairs will rule for a long time till I get my stuff.

Not sure what you mean by living room set. Back in the day (before either of us was born), a living room or parlor set would be a sofa and a couple of matching chairs. Anyway, custom furniture has always taken about 3 months to be made and delivered. High Point, North Carolina was once the furniture manufacturing capital of the world. A lot of high quality furniture has been built in North and South Carolina.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 11, 2020, 04:05:29 PM
Not sure what you mean by living room set. Back in the day (before either of us was born), a living room or parlor set would be a sofa and a couple of matching chairs. Anyway, custom furniture has always taken about 3 months to be made and delivered. High Point, North Carolina was once the furniture manufacturing capital of the world. A lot of high quality furniture has been built in North and South Carolina.

Not custom but made to order from their catalog. Just looking to get a love seat, couch and a living room chair. Our last set was only bought 4 years ago and it's showing terrible wear. I have two living rooms in my house  and the furniture in the one we rarely utilize was from a company that's out of business. Anything I bought from the company has held up amazingly well. I looked up the company and found a furniture maker bought the name of the out of business company. He has almost their full line but he has nothing made. Everything is made when ordered. I think I misspoke. The company is out of North Carolina.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 13, 2020, 04:31:13 PM
Trained delt and arms today. Used a new exercise for biceps. Never see anyone do this at the gym. Learned it from the site Athleanx on youtube. For my biceps I did alternate dumbbell curls 2 x 8 45lbs dumbbells. Then I did this new exercise. It really makes you supinate your hands and works peak contraction great. I used a light weight and high reps since I wanted to get into the groove of the exercise. I did 3 sets of 20. What a pump and burn. Finished with two sets of concentration curls. I like the new movement I'm doing. Seems to work out well for peak contraction. 

After training I went to the beach with the wife. It was so crowded it seemed like prime time July here. I was surprised. Thought it would be pretty empty with the covid thing going on. It was packed with plenty of eye candy. My wife's friend joined us. She wears a bikini at 57. She pulls it off. Everyone seemed to be six feet apart. One woman said to my wife who stood and walked to see dolphins going by, "You have to move you're too close."  She wasn't.  I looked over at the couple. Both about 50 years old. The guy had dirty hair hanging in a pony tail half way down his back weighing about 145lbs at 5'10" of zero muscle and she had the typical butch hair cut. Two Bernie voters no doubt.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 15, 2020, 06:50:13 PM
Ran 8 x quarter miles with a quarter mile fast walk warm up and a quarter mile cool down. I think as I age warming up and cooling down are important to avoid heart attacks. I didn't do anything crazy speed wise. I think from a lifting stand point I'm doing well but I really let my cardio slip.  Too much drinking on days off from lifting. Days that I should have been doing cardio. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on June 15, 2020, 07:39:43 PM
Trained delt and arms today. Used a new exercise for biceps. Never see anyone do this at the gym. Learned it from the site Athleanx on youtube. For my biceps I did alternate dumbbell curls 2 x 8 45lbs dumbbells. Then I did this new exercise. It really makes you supinate your hands and works peak contraction great. I used a light weight and high reps since I wanted to get into the groove of the exercise. I did 3 sets of 20. What a pump and burn. Finished with two sets of concentration curls. I like the new movement I'm doing. Seems to work out well for peak contraction. 

After training I went to the beach with the wife. It was so crowded it seemed like prime time July here. I was surprised. Thought it would be pretty empty with the covid thing going on. It was packed with plenty of eye candy. My wife's friend joined us. She wears a bikini at 57. She pulls it off. Everyone seemed to be six feet apart. One woman said to my wife who stood and walked to see dolphins going by, "You have to move you're too close."  She wasn't.  I looked over at the couple. Both about 50 years old. The guy had dirty hair hanging in a pony tail half way down his back weighing about 145lbs at 5'10" of zero muscle and she had the typical butch hair cut. Two Bernie voters no doubt.

No doubt.  ::)
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on June 16, 2020, 08:03:44 AM
Trained delt and arms today. Used a new exercise for biceps. Never see anyone do this at the gym. Learned it from the site Athleanx on youtube. For my biceps I did alternate dumbbell curls 2 x 8 45lbs dumbbells. Then I did this new exercise. It really makes you supinate your hands and works peak contraction great. I used a light weight and high reps since I wanted to get into the groove of the exercise. I did 3 sets of 20. What a pump and burn. Finished with two sets of concentration curls. I like the new movement I'm doing. Seems to work out well for peak contraction. 

After training I went to the beach with the wife. It was so crowded it seemed like prime time July here. I was surprised. Thought it would be pretty empty with the covid thing going on. It was packed with plenty of eye candy. My wife's friend joined us. She wears a bikini at 57. She pulls it off. Everyone seemed to be six feet apart. One woman said to my wife who stood and walked to see dolphins going by, "You have to move you're too close."  She wasn't.  I looked over at the couple. Both about 50 years old. The guy had dirty hair hanging in a pony tail half way down his back weighing about 145lbs at 5'10" of zero muscle and she had the typical butch hair cut. Two Bernie voters no doubt.

Sounds best to stay as far away from them as possible.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on June 16, 2020, 08:04:34 AM
Ran 8 x quarter miles with a quarter mile fast walk warm up and a quarter mile cool down. I think as I age warming up and cooling down are important to avoid heart attacks. I didn't do anything crazy speed wise. I think from a lifting stand point I'm doing well but I really let my cardio slip.  Too much drinking on days off from lifting. Days that I should have been doing cardio. 

You're definitely falling apart, bro.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on June 16, 2020, 04:37:28 PM
Ran 8 x quarter miles with a quarter mile fast walk warm up and a quarter mile cool down. I think as I age warming up and cooling down are important to avoid heart attacks. I didn't do anything crazy speed wise. I think from a lifting stand point I'm doing well but I really let my cardio slip.  Too much drinking on days off from lifting. Days that I should have been doing cardio.

Get yourself a sports watch that monitors you heart rate as you run.

( This one is almost $400 on sale....which isn't much to spend to stay heart healthy.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 16, 2020, 05:40:47 PM
Prime I don't see the point in monitoring your heart rate. Staying in the fat burn zone by heart rate is just discredited science. Today I just did the same 8 x quarter miles. Nothing insane but dipped into the 7 minute plus mile pace. Doing this after work. I can't stand working out after work. My workouts go the best if I can get a workout in prior work. Luckily I only work an average of 3 days a week with varying hours from 8 to 4 hours in my retirement job. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 17, 2020, 02:53:21 PM
Tired and I'm doing nothing.  Tomorrow is another day.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on June 18, 2020, 03:36:22 AM
Tired and I'm doing nothing.  Tomorrow is another day.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 19, 2020, 03:22:57 PM
Chest and Arms day:

Bench press 2 x 6 then 1 x 1 (testing the bad shoulder. Used light weights. So far so good)
Incline barbell 2x6
Decline dumbbell 2 x 8
Flat fly 2 x 10 (I have to see how the joint swelling is tomorrow. Feel really good as I type this about 5 hours after)

Rope pushdowns 2 x 12
Single dumbbell two hands behind head 2 x 12
Traditional tricep pushdowns with a straight bar 2 x 10
Single dumbbell one hand behind head 1 x 12

Barbell straight bar curl 2 x 10
Alternate dumbbell curl 2 x 8
Single dumbbell plate held curls 2 x 15 (See earlier post for an explanation. Great peak movement)
Concentration curls 1 x 12

Wrist curls 2 x 25
Wrist extensions 2 x 15

Weighted ab crunch 1 x 50 (held plate behind head)
Pulley crunch 1 x 50

Ran 1.48 miles after in the humid hot sun. Surprised at my pace given by my GPS Garmin watch considering I just lifted. Very satisfied with the speed. I will intentionally try to kill it next time I run if all eight cylinders are firing. Having all cylinders firing is an increasingly rare thing but I felt great today. Lifting went well as well as the running.  Did my usual floating in the pool afterward. Very intense sun even though it was only about 80 degrees. Really brown tan now. From a physique perspective it really improves the look. Zane always competed with a deep tan in his later years. Sad to see him so fragile looking now. Getting old happens to all of us.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on June 19, 2020, 05:36:32 PM
Stay light on the bench press.  Stay healthy.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 19, 2020, 05:46:40 PM
Stay light on the bench press.  Stay healthy.

I kept it light. Nothing over 200lbs for now.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on June 20, 2020, 03:48:24 PM
Prime I don't see the point in monitoring your heart rate. Staying in the fat burn zone by heart rate is just discredited science. Today I just did the same 8 x quarter miles. Nothing insane but dipped into the 7 minute plus mile pace. Doing this after work. I can't stand working out after work. My workouts go the best if I can get a workout in prior work. Luckily I only work an average of 3 days a week with varying hours from 8 to 4 hours in my retirement job.

Who cares about being in the fat burning zone? When I'm exercising, I burn a few calories and expend some energy. There are many other reasons to monitor one's heart rate.,oxygen%20more%20efficiently%20than%20before.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 20, 2020, 07:17:05 PM
I would guess the majority of people using heart rate monitors doing cardio are trying to keep their heart rate in the fat burn zone. They are afraid of exerting them self too much going into the glycogen zone burning sugar. The basic truth is the more you exert yourself the more fat you burn regardless of what fuel you are burning. Yes, a 6 minute mile is metabolically greater than a 12 minute mile.

Today I ran two miles in the heat feeling pretty good lately.  My previous interval session put some spring back into my legs. Looking forward to another interval session then testing the results with a two or three mile run. Drank too many beers and even ate pie after dinner. This summer pool weather is going to kill me. Tomorrow is father's day. Another day of partying. Thank God, Monday is work.  ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on June 20, 2020, 09:36:13 PM
I trained back and chest today.  Five sets of 10 reps X two exercises.  Light weights too.  I have never been strong on bench but since I have the vertical bench press machine, I did them without fear of getting stuck.  I also do the pec-deck.  Back was straight arm pulldowns as I am trying to simulate the excellent Nautilus Pullover machine and then after those 5 sets, I did 5 sets of 10 reps on lat pulldowns.

I have been thinking of getting a fApple iPhone as my children want me to get a fApple Watch because I tend to fall.  Frequently. I am now on my 9th cell phone in far less than two years due to falling. So this watch with the iPhone will call a family member or even 911 if I do not get up.  Having literally knocked myself cold a few times, I suppose I should get this phone and watch.

It would be able to do some of the things you guys mention such as heart-rate and maybe pulse.  I tried to go to the fApple store today but it was a madhouse of weirdos and I didn't want to wait in line for at least an hour so I left.  Do any of you have one of these iPhone/Watch combinations or poerhaps a simialar android setlup?

I'm giving in and getting the polio crutches next week. Dammit.  All my life I've NEVER had alcohol or drugs because I wanted to be healthy.  Then I fall off a roof and a couple of years later, one of my co-workers was trying to move a rack of equipment weighing 500+ pounds and it overcame him and began crushing him so I got under it somehow and when it fell I took the weight and the hit.  I messed up my shoulders but he is alive and that is what matters. He is a good man with a wife and two wonderful children.  I can only do DB laterals with 10 or so pounds.  I've worked  hard to get up there but when I get to a heavier weight it just seems to mess me up.  Yes.

I need the advices of good men such as you gentlemen and I am serious.  I'm not really complaining, more whining really.  I just want  a path back, if you will.  If not, I will just continue to read this and IroNat's thread and as I just did, watch the old film Athena with Steve Reeves and Dick Dubois for inspiration.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on June 21, 2020, 07:00:15 AM
I trained back and chest today.  Five sets of 10 reps X two exercises.  Light weights too.  I have never been strong on bench but since I have the vertical bench press machine, I did them without fear of getting stuck.  I also do the pec-deck.  Back was straight arm pulldowns as I am trying to simulate the excellent Nautilus Pullover machine and then after those 5 sets, I did 5 sets of 10 reps on lat pulldowns.

I have been thinking of getting a fApple iPhone as my children want me to get a fApple Watch because I tend to fall.  Frequently. I am now on my 9th cell phone in far less than two years due to falling. So this watch with the iPhone will call a family member or even 911 if I do not get up.  Having literally knocked myself cold a few times, I suppose I should get this phone and watch.

It would be able to do some of the things you guys mention such as heart-rate and maybe pulse.  I tried to go to the fApple store today but it was a madhouse of weirdos and I didn't want to wait in line for at least an hour so I left.  Do any of you have one of these iPhone/Watch combinations or poerhaps a simialar android setlup?

I'm giving in and getting the polio crutches next week. Dammit.  All my life I've NEVER had alcohol or drugs because I wanted to be healthy.  Then I fall off a roof and a couple of years later, one of my co-workers was trying to move a rack of equipment weighing 500+ pounds and it overcame him and began crushing him so I got under it somehow and when it fell I took the weight and the hit.  I messed up my shoulders but he is alive and that is what matters. He is a good man with a wife and two wonderful children.  I can only do DB laterals with 10 or so pounds.  I've worked  hard to get up there but when I get to a heavier weight it just seems to mess me up.  Yes.

I need the advices of good men such as you gentlemen and I am serious.  I'm not really complaining, more whining really.  I just want  a path back, if you will.  If not, I will just continue to read this and IroNat's thread and as I just did, watch the old film Athena with Steve Reeves and Dick Dubois for inspiration.

Sir Scott,

I don't know anything about Apple stuff.

Keep training.  I've read stories of people seriously injured who through consistent weight training have made tremendous recoveries of physical abilities.

Train light for reps in the range of 8-20 or so and be patient.  Try to train those areas where you have suffered to help regenerate nerve endings.  Be consistent.  Don't overdue it.  Use bodyweight only if necessary.

You are an inspiration to us, brother.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on June 21, 2020, 07:22:05 AM
Sir Scott,

I don't know anything about Apple stuff.

Keep training.  I've read stories of people seriously injured who through consistent weight training have made tremendous recoveries of physical abilities.

Train light for reps in the range of 8-20 or so and be patient.  Try to train those areas where you have suffered to help regenerate nerve endings.  Be consistent.  Don't overdue it.  Use bodyweight only if necessary.

You are an inspiration to us, brother.

Thanks, brother.  I have some nerve damage in my one leg and both arms.  Like I said, my co-worker (and good friend) is still with us and that's what matters most.

I was stronger about 5 years ago but my doctor's think it's not just age but the fall and the heavy rack that I got hit with.  I am far better than so many people I've seen in this world.   You, oldtimer1 and even Prime are inspiring to me.  I will train shoulders and arms today.  I've thought about training my one good leg but that would make the whole "fiddler crab" thing even funnier to see, LOL!  But I will ask my doctors this coming week as maybe it will help me.

Thanks again!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 21, 2020, 12:45:24 PM
I trained back and chest today.  Five sets of 10 reps X two exercises.  Light weights too.  I have never been strong on bench but since I have the vertical bench press machine, I did them without fear of getting stuck.  I also do the pec-deck.  Back was straight arm pulldowns as I am trying to simulate the excellent Nautilus Pullover machine and then after those 5 sets, I did 5 sets of 10 reps on lat pulldowns.

I have been thinking of getting a fApple iPhone as my children want me to get a fApple Watch because I tend to fall.  Frequently. I am now on my 9th cell phone in far less than two years due to falling. So this watch with the iPhone will call a family member or even 911 if I do not get up.  Having literally knocked myself cold a few times, I suppose I should get this phone and watch.

It would be able to do some of the things you guys mention such as heart-rate and maybe pulse.  I tried to go to the fApple store today but it was a madhouse of weirdos and I didn't want to wait in line for at least an hour so I left.  Do any of you have one of these iPhone/Watch combinations or poerhaps a simialar android setlup?

I'm giving in and getting the polio crutches next week. Dammit.  All my life I've NEVER had alcohol or drugs because I wanted to be healthy.  Then I fall off a roof and a couple of years later, one of my co-workers was trying to move a rack of equipment weighing 500+ pounds and it overcame him and began crushing him so I got under it somehow and when it fell I took the weight and the hit.  I messed up my shoulders but he is alive and that is what matters. He is a good man with a wife and two wonderful children.  I can only do DB laterals with 10 or so pounds.  I've worked  hard to get up there but when I get to a heavier weight it just seems to mess me up.  Yes.

I need the advices of good men such as you gentlemen and I am serious.  I'm not really complaining, more whining really.  I just want  a path back, if you will.  If not, I will just continue to read this and IroNat's thread and as I just did, watch the old film Athena with Steve Reeves and Dick Dubois for inspiration.

Wow, some story about the roof fall. Is the roof fall the cause of your balance issues?  Is the balance issue a brain or inner ear problem? Any opinion I give regarding your medical issues take with a grain of salt knowing I have no medical background. That is a really tough obstacle to over come. Maybe a doctor can write you a prescription for a physical therapist so you can work on balance issues with a professional a couple of days a week. I have a low opinion of most physical therapists but I'm sure there are some good ones out there. Has the balance issues been addressed by a health professional?

Again take this as coming from a person with no medical background. I found two methods for myself when I found myself out of shape. One is to do exactly what you are doing. Light weight and perfect form till you are back in the groove. Another involves high reps. Never be afraid of high reps and moderate weight. It will burn like crazy but for me seems to wake up muscle memory.  Doing sets of 15 or even 20 with light weights will reactivate your muscles so when you go back to "normal" reps you should progress quickly barring set backs from your medical state.  Maybe even do a rep progression like Kai Green does minus the produce. He uses in plenty of exercises three sets of 20-15-12 with increasing weight each set. I digress but here's a story about high reps. A guy who is a school teacher hurt his rotator cuff severely wrestling with a young man. It was so bad he felt his lifting was over because even after the operation he couldn't use the arm for anything regarding lifting. He went on a very successful running program. He still desired to lift but couldn't figure out how because the shoulder was just destroyed even with the surgery. He devised a program with really light weights but high reps. He said he goes for the burn and not for the weight used. His body is really impressive. Maybe not in the body building standard but by the ripped athlete standard.

Regarding regaining your balance that might be something for a health professional. Can you walk for 20 minutes or is too dangerous to do with your balance?  I know on a treadmill it really can throw a healthy person's balance off. It's not natural to run and for you brain not to see things move meaning your visual environment. As crazy as it sounds I think the treadmill has increased my balance but could be deadly dangerous for you. Maybe a simple drill of standing on one leg and trying to increase the time every day making sure you have something to grab could help. I know Clarence Bass does this every day to increase balance. I think walking outside can be something that can increase balance but I just don't know if it's safe for you. I don't want you to break a hip, arm or bang your head in a fall.

Sorry for your health set backs. The frustration and even depression can really be aggravating.  Do what you can do and fuck the rest.  I know a guy that was a bench specialist. When he had elbow problems and a unsuccessful elbow operation his benching 405lbs was over. For him that was the only lift. He trained the bench, biceps and triceps. Nothing else. After that he told me how down he was. I guess his self image was all tied up in that bench. He felt he was stronger than everyone because of that bench and it must have done a number on his ego.  I told him there are 40 plus other exercises in lifting but he gave up lifting because to him there was only one lift the bench. Thought it was sad. The reason I bought this up is do what you can do and forget the rest. Also never think body weight exercises are second rate to lifting. I'm sure a lot of elite military would disagree. Wish you the best and stay in touch with your progress or set backs.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on June 21, 2020, 04:29:05 PM
I trained back and chest today.  Five sets of 10 reps X two exercises.  Light weights too.  I have never been strong on bench but since I have the vertical bench press machine, I did them without fear of getting stuck.  I also do the pec-deck.  Back was straight arm pulldowns as I am trying to simulate the excellent Nautilus Pullover machine and then after those 5 sets, I did 5 sets of 10 reps on lat pulldowns.

I have been thinking of getting a fApple iPhone as my children want me to get a fApple Watch because I tend to fall.  Frequently. I am now on my 9th cell phone in far less than two years due to falling. So this watch with the iPhone will call a family member or even 911 if I do not get up.  Having literally knocked myself cold a few times, I suppose I should get this phone and watch.

It would be able to do some of the things you guys mention such as heart-rate and maybe pulse.  I tried to go to the fApple store today but it was a madhouse of weirdos and I didn't want to wait in line for at least an hour so I left.  Do any of you have one of these iPhone/Watch combinations or poerhaps a simialar android setlup?

I'm giving in and getting the polio crutches next week. Dammit.  All my life I've NEVER had alcohol or drugs because I wanted to be healthy.  Then I fall off a roof and a couple of years later, one of my co-workers was trying to move a rack of equipment weighing 500+ pounds and it overcame him and began crushing him so I got under it somehow and when it fell I took the weight and the hit.  I messed up my shoulders but he is alive and that is what matters. He is a good man with a wife and two wonderful children.  I can only do DB laterals with 10 or so pounds.  I've worked  hard to get up there but when I get to a heavier weight it just seems to mess me up.  Yes.

I need the advices of good men such as you gentlemen and I am serious.  I'm not really complaining, more whining really.  I just want  a path back, if you will.  If not, I will just continue to read this and IroNat's thread and as I just did, watch the old film Athena with Steve Reeves and Dick Dubois for inspiration.

How do polio crutches differ from other crutches? Imagine if you'd not lived a healthy life and suffered those accidents. No matter how careful we are, we never know when something unforeseen might happen.

A few years back, a woman rear ended a vehicle my daughter was a passenger in. The impact was enormous since the woman was on her phone and didn't look up in time to hit the breaks before she hit them. The force was so great it pushed their Ford Escape, which was stopped waiting for the light to change at the bottom of a long on-ramp several yards forward and nearly into the traffic on to I-205. All the airbags deployed, causing my daughter to hit her head twice against the support post between the front and back doors. Years later she still suffers memory loss, cluster and severe  migraine headaches, and occasionally total blackouts.

You should be able to get your Apple or Android watch from your carrier. You could also check one of the big box stores, like Best Buy and probably get one for half the price you'd pay your carrier. I'm partial to Samsung which they also carry.  You will still need an Iphone or a Smart phone to make phone calls from your watch. This is a big investment, so you'll want to be sure you get something that does what you need it to.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on June 21, 2020, 07:21:23 PM
How do polio crutches differ from other crutches? Imagine if you'd not lived a healthy life and suffered those accidents. No matter how careful we are, we never know when something unforeseen might happen.

A few years back, a woman rear ended a vehicle my daughter was a passenger in. The impact was enormous since the woman was on her phone and didn't look up in time to hit the breaks before she hit them. The force was so great it pushed their Ford Escape, which was stopped waiting for the light to change at the bottom of a long on-ramp several yards forward and nearly into the traffic on to I-205. All the airbags deployed, causing my daughter to hit her head twice against the support post between the front and back doors. Years later she still suffers memory loss, cluster and severe  migraine headaches, and occasionally total blackouts.

You should be able to get your Apple or Android watch from your carrier. You could also check one of the big box stores, like Best Buy and probably get one for half the price you'd pay your carrier. I'm partial to Samsung which they also carry.  You will still need an Iphone or a Smart phone to make phone calls from your watch. This is a big investment, so you'll want to be sure you get something that does what you need it to.

I call the crutches with forearm brackets "polio" crutches because they remind me of the ones the March of Dimes pictures had as a child.

I had a woman hit me at metered on-ramp where I was waiting my turn. She had a seizure (I saw her in my rear-view mirror and knew I was in for it) and hit me going approximately 40 mph.  She totaled the car I was in, even bending the frame from the rear causing it to buckle.

I was fine. I wish your daughter all the best and hope that if it doesn't get better, then at the least I hope it never gets worse.   

I ordered that new iPhone SE today.  Once I figure that outt I will order a watch.  Thank yuo!

I did shoulders and arms today.  10 sets each of ten reps for a total of 30 sets.  Light weights of 10 to 30 lbs. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 21, 2020, 07:22:51 PM
I did legs today. I was really feeling out of it but I pushed through. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on June 21, 2020, 07:23:47 PM
I did legs today. I was really feeling out of it but I pushed through.

Excellent!   ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 23, 2020, 05:55:54 PM
Back and delts:

Trained after work with my new covid office schedule. I use to work afternoons going into the night. A perfect system for me. Hit the gym in the morning. Go to work then after work it's time to chill. I can't stand going to work then hitting the gym. I'm so drained at the end of the work day. At my retirement job I don't even do anything physical. I guess it's just the nervous energy of being somewhere dealing with people. Hate this system. Tomorrow I'm going to try to run prior to work. Knowing me the alarm will go off and I will reset the clock going back to sleep. I know many people where I live in central Jersey work in Manhattan. I don't know how they work out. Two hour draining commute each way must be brutal. Then again when I worked my real career at the end I drove 105 miles to work each way for about a year. I guess we all do what we have to do to survive and pay the bills.

Pulldowns with a M.A.G. bar 2 x 10 140lbs (I try to use form perfect. Trying to preserve my joints. All the way down and up)
Seated lat pulley rows 2 x 12 170lbs
dumbbell lat row off a bench 2 x 10 80lbs
reverse grip pulldowns 2 x 10

Military barbell press 2 x 8 115lbs (touched clavicles on the down stroke)
dumbbell laterals 2 x 12 25lbs ( thumbs up. no pouring pitcher motion that can cause impingement.)
Rear delt dumbbell 2 x 10 35lbs (seated on a bench bent over)
rope pulls face level 2 x 12 75lbs

deadlifts 2 x 4 315lbs
barbell shrugs 2 x 10 250lbs
Weighted hyper extension 2x15 25lbs plate behind head. 

Feet on bench crunches 1 x 50 10lbs plate behind head

Thinking about replacing deadlifts with snatches for awhile. I got into them maybe 7 years ago or so and it was fun. Just concerned if I do them now I'm going to break something in my body, lol. They were really challenging but they were exciting to do. Explode into an athletic movement instead of grinding away reps on bodybuilding exercises. I use to use  2 x 4 then 2 x 2 after warm up. I rarely did a single. More of a conditioning exercise than looking for my one rep max.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on June 23, 2020, 07:13:27 PM
I call the crutches with forearm brackets "polio" crutches because they remind me of the ones the March of Dimes pictures had as a child.

I had a woman hit me at metered on-ramp where I was waiting my turn. She had a seizure (I saw her in my rear-view mirror and knew I was in for it) and hit me going approximately 40 mph.  She totaled the car I was in, even bending the frame from the rear causing it to buckle.

I was fine. I wish your daughter all the best and hope that if it doesn't get better, then at the least I hope it never gets worse.   

I ordered that new iPhone SE today.  Once I figure that outt I will order a watch.  Thank yuo!

I did shoulders and arms today.  10 sets each of ten reps for a total of 30 sets.  Light weights of 10 to 30 lbs.

I feel very fortunate in that I have never been in a major auto accident. It is interesting that yours was so similar to my daughter and son-in-law's situation. Makes me wonder if getting hit while waiting to enter the freeway is a fairly common occurrence. In my daughters situation both vehicles were totaled.

Your younger than me (isn't everyone?), but at any age falling is no joke. Many, people get seriously hurt this way. My equilibrium isn't as good as it once was. There have been times when I felt as if I was going to fall because I got off balance, (notice I didn't say unbalanced). :) One thing I found which seems to help restore my sense of balance is walking on the treadmill. When I first got back on it after a longtime not using one, I had to hold on to the handrails. I really felt lame...but I did stay upright.

You and the other folks here are killing me. Good for you sticking with your workout routine. I've been an absolute slug these past few weeks. I don't even have a good excuse since the gym I frequent is open again. Maybe being almost a 'shut-in' for a couple of months has heightened my fear of crowds or even just going out. That's not a good thing because I could easily never leave the house again.

On a positive note, the weather has been really good lately. I've managed to do an hour or more of gardening each day which is something I from which I get a lot of pleasure.

I hope the iPhone and the Apple watch will be all that you hope for. Apple products are not cheap. My son-in-law wants me to trade in my desktop computer for an iMac. I like the one with a 27" screen because I can also use it to watch TV and stream videos to watch from bed. I wear hearing aids which are designed to be used with an iPhone and I have an Android phone. Probably need to think about changing that too.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 24, 2020, 02:59:46 PM
Two slug miles in the humidity. Disgusted with the time but I have to keep telling myself a bad run is better than no run. Tomorrow is a another day. Time to jump in the pool and crack open a cold one.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 29, 2020, 07:23:14 PM
Took a couple of days off. Hit back and chest today. Back training went great. I tried to do barbell benches but immediately regretted it. Went to declines but the irritation was done. I think as we age we have to constantly modify what we do.  No shame in dropping an old reliable exercise. I have friend my size and about my age still pushing around 400 in the bench. His elbow is in constant pain and his shoulders. Further he has no visible development from pushing that heavy weight. His arms are tooth picks and his chest is flabby. Sometimes I think he would be better off for muscle stimulation if he did sets of 12-15 reps with perfect form and light weight. 

These are some bad exercises for me right now for chest concerning my shoulder. Bench, DB inclines and flat flies. Barbell incline is something I might try for awhile. DB Inclines I think I'm just hurting the shoulder getting into position.  Kicking them up and going down is a lot of rotational force. Wish I was young again.

These don't seem to cause me any grief. Decline dumbbell, weighted dips and push ups. I guess it's not a bad thing to be stuck with. Heard Zane used decline flies when his shoulder went bad. Might give them a shot too.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on June 30, 2020, 04:26:11 AM
What weight did you use in the bench presses?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 30, 2020, 04:42:49 PM
What weight did you use in the bench presses?

I did a warm up with 135lbs and my shoulder screamed. Maybe I should have used the bar first and then the warm up weight. No problem though. Like I wrote I have alternatives that are just as good.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 30, 2020, 04:56:09 PM
I trained legs after work.  I can't stand working out after work. Working out before work has always worked best for me. I know the gyms are packed after five but it sure isn't my choice. How do people work out late?  I'm wired out of my mind now.  Leg presses, squats, stiff deads and all the rest isn't conducive to sleep  for an early bed night for work.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on June 30, 2020, 06:45:00 PM
Nice rich ,,with gyms out of luck a bit more ,,your one lucky dude,,,,my home set up has kept me well ,,I feel good and in usual summer look...heavy weights aside I get a nice pump with what I have at home.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 30, 2020, 07:11:10 PM
Nice rich ,,with gyms out of luck a bit more ,,your one lucky dude,,,,my home set up has kept me well ,,I feel good and in usual summer look...heavy weights aside I get a nice pump with what I have at home.

True I haven't missed a planned workout. I drive by the commercial gym about a mile from my house and it's weird to see the parking lot empty. I feel sorry for the owner. It really is a mom and pop operation. He also owns the karate dojo and barber shop next door. All closed down. The barber shop just opened a couple of days ago. I've gotten so good at cutting my own hair I don't know if I will go back.

What type of equipment do you have at home?  I know a guy I use to work with has two 80lbs dumbbells and he looks great. If you have a will there will be a way.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on June 30, 2020, 07:22:17 PM
True I haven't missed a planned workout. I drive by the commercial gym about a mile from my house and it's weird to see the parking lot empty. I feel sorry for the owner. It really is a mom and pop operation. He also owns the karate dojo and barber shop next door. All closed down. The barber shop just opened a couple of days ago. I've gotten so good at cutting my own hair I don't know if I will go back.

What type of equipment do you have at home?  I know a guy I use to work with has two 80lbs dumbbells and he looks great. If you have a will there will be a way.
My bedroom is part gym,lol I have bench does inc,flat,decline,bells 15,20,30,35,50,60,curl bar,heavy bands,I only miss heavy leg work,I make it work I lunge up 4 flights steps in apt building with 35 in each hand I dbell squat,I’m good actually considering
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on June 30, 2020, 08:35:09 PM
Nice rich ,,with gyms out of luck a bit more ,,your one lucky dude,,,,my home set up has kept me well ,,I feel good and in usual summer look...heavy weights aside I get a nice pump with what I have at home.

I suspect if this pandemic starts having more of a resurgence, our governor will shut the gyms, restaurants and gyms down again. I've only gone once since it reopened. I was bothered by the fact that other folks were not wearing masks. I like being fit and healthy. If I were to contract COVID-19, I could become neither fit nor healthy....or I could die. None of which seems worth the risk of working out at the gym just yet.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on July 01, 2020, 05:32:57 AM
I suspect if this pandemic starts having more of a resurgence, our governor will shut the gyms, restaurants and gyms down again. I've only gone once since it reopened. I was bothered by the fact that other folks were not wearing masks. I like being fit and healthy. If I were to contract COVID-19, I could become neither fit nor healthy....or I could die. None of which seems worth the risk of working out at the gym just yet.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on July 01, 2020, 10:01:59 AM

I did a warm up with 135lbs and my shoulder screamed. Maybe I should have used the bar first and then the warm up weight. No problem though. Like I wrote I have alternatives that are just as good.

I do 10 reps just the bar.

Add two 25s and do 5 reps

Then the two 45s and do 1 rep.

Then go up from there in increments.

What I would do in your case, since you have the shoulder issue, is start with the empty bar and do 3x12 the first day.  That's all for the bench.

Then add 5 lbs each workout and keep doing 3x12.  Keep adding 5 lbs each workout.  This will give your connective tissues time to strengthen.

Right now, your muscles are way stronger than your connective tissues.

Say you bench twice a week, go up by only 5lbs each workout.

Day 1 - bar
2 - bar + 5
3 - bar + 10
4 - bar + 15

In ten weeks you will be at bar + two 45s.

Always 3x8-12.
If you can't get 3x8-12 then stay at the same weight until you can.

No need to go lower reps at this stage of the game being old farts.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 01, 2020, 10:47:20 AM
I think my shoulder is done having that tear to my supraspinatus. This happened December 2019 well past the date of a successful operation.  From previous tendon repair I know success goes down drastically after a week.  A fresh tear can be repaired and the tendon can actually grow back I to the bone.  A late term tendon repair is just tying the dying tendon or a cadaver tendon to an anchor bolt in the bone.  I wouldn’t want to lift with that type of repair. I can do declines, dips and pushups. Not a bad choice.  I can even do light inclines if I keep my elbows tight to my body. 

Really considering high reps with tight form. I just might be getting too old to push 6 to 8 reps. Maybe 12 to 20 is better.  I know that bodybuilder Momo that died from a heart attack after using diuretics used around 15 reps per set.  Also Kai Green uses in general three sets per exercise of 20, 15 and 12 reps.  I just got a booklet about Johnny Fuller.  He did many sets with over 30 reps.  I don’t care how many steroids he took it had to be light weights.

Sometimes I wonder about my sanity.  I always use over 315lbs for my deadlift sets and just watched a video of Jay Cutler training after retirement and his heaviest set for dead’s was 185lbs.  He still weighs over 250lbs. Maybe I’m tempting Faith. The body gets fragile with age. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on July 01, 2020, 11:48:44 AM
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on July 01, 2020, 02:32:36 PM
I think my shoulder is done having that tear to my supraspinatus. This happened December 2019 well past the date of a successful operation.  From previous tendon repair I know success goes down drastically after a week.  A fresh tear can be repaired and the tendon can actually grow back I to the bone.  A late term tendon repair is just tying the dying tendon or a cadaver tendon to an anchor bolt in the bone.  I wouldn’t want to lift with that type of repair. I can do declines, dips and pushups. Not a bad choice.  I can even do light inclines if I keep my elbows tight to my body. 

Really considering high reps with tight form. I just might be getting too old to push 6 to 8 reps. Maybe 12 to 20 is better.  I know that bodybuilder Momo that died from a heart attack after using diuretics used around 15 reps per set.  Also Kai Green uses in general three sets per exercise of 20, 15 and 12 reps.  I just got a booklet about Johnny Fuller.  He did many sets with over 30 reps.  I don’t care how many steroids he took it had to be light weights.

Sometimes I wonder about my sanity.  I always use over 315lbs for my deadlift sets and just watched a video of Jay Cutler training after retirement and his heaviest set for dead’s was 185lbs.  He still weighs over 250lbs. Maybe I’m tempting Faith. The body gets fragile with age. 

I know those weights I was quoting you sound ridiculous but doing it that way is just to give your connective tissues time to strengthen.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 01, 2020, 04:22:27 PM
I know those weights I was quoting you sound ridiculous but doing it that way is just to give your connective tissues time to strengthen.

What you're saying makes sense but I think the barbell bench can only cause more wear and tear to to this vintage "car". Funny I can do some movements that involve the delts and pec tie in with little aggravation. Others feel like my body can't move that way anymore. I always give this advice for others with compromised aging bodies, Do what you can and fuck the rest. I should take that advice.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 01, 2020, 04:37:58 PM
Trained delt and arms. I mentioned that single dumbbell curl movement previously.  Scroll up to see the picture or on the previous page. It keeps your hands with the narrow grip in the supinate position. Looks like nothing but I did two sets of 20 reps at the end of my bicep portion of the training day. The cramping and pump was fantastic. 

Trying to resist the cold beer in the fridge. It's screaming to me from the garage, "Drink me. I promise you will feel great in the morning. I won't make you smooth. You won't do something stupid like contact old girlfriends on facebook. You can trust me. I'm your friend. I promise you're a good dancer. Drink a couple and show your wife your dance moves while dancing on the kitchen table.  You're also good at yodeling. Your neighbors would really enjoy you yodeling the theme from Godfather in the back yard" 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on July 01, 2020, 05:21:03 PM
Trained delt and arms. I mentioned that single dumbbell curl movement previously.  Scroll up to see the picture or on the previous page. It keeps your hands with the narrow grip in the supinate position. Looks like nothing but I did two sets of 20 reps at the end of my bicep portion of the training day. The cramping and pump was fantastic. 

Trying to resist the cold beer in the fridge. It's screaming to me from the garage, "Drink me. I promise you will feel great in the morning. I won't make you smooth. You won't do something stupid like contact old girlfriends on facebook. You can trust me. I'm your friend. I promise you're a good dancer. Drink a couple and show your wife your dance moves while dancing on the kitchen table.  You're also good at yodeling. Your neighbors would really enjoy you yodeling the theme from Godfather in the back yard"

Wowie zowie, one cold beer really has a profound affect on you.  ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 01, 2020, 05:26:48 PM
Yes, just one Prime.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on July 01, 2020, 05:29:14 PM
Yes, just one Prime.

You must have a huge refrigerator.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on July 02, 2020, 04:50:31 AM
You must have a huge refrigerator.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on July 02, 2020, 12:15:19 PM

Hope your wife doesn't see this.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 02, 2020, 07:20:19 PM
Did nothing today.  So to recap Monday I did Back and chest. Tuesday it was legs. Wednesday was delt and arms. Thursday was off. Lifting three days in a row was something I thought I could never pull off but I did it. On delt day I felt strong military pressing which is surprising considering the pain I was in benching on chest day. Tomorrow if I do anything it will be cardio. In actuality I didn't drink yesterday. Tomorrow is another story. I will probably run then float in the pool listening to Motown. I'm on a Motown kick lately. Some good stuff to be found in that genre.

After all these years of lifting I'm still trying to figure it all out.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 04, 2020, 03:52:07 PM
Back and chest: Felt strong. Changed two things. Added Barbell rows which I haven't done in ages.  I also started chest with barbell inclines. I kept the elbows tight and in close.  Barbell inclines didn't aggravate my shoulder. It's all about arm position. After the workout I went into the pool and used water resistance for rotator cuff work. It works great. I keep the hand open and push against the water as fast as I can in various rotator cuff movements.

Pulldowns 2 x 10
Low pulley rows 2 x 12
Dumbbell Rows 2 x 10
Barbell rows 2 x 10 (stood on a block and did the old fashion bent over version instead of the 45 degree that gained favor since Yates famously used it)

Incline barbell press 3 x 6 (made sure to touch the chest each rep)
Decline dumbbell press 2 x 8
Weighted dips 2 x 10 (dug deep)
Push ups 2 x max (try to make a point to keep the back straight and come all the way down. I try to go down to an inch of the floor.)

Dead lifts 2 x 4
Weighted back hyper extensions 2 x 15

Weighted floor crunches 1 x 50 (plate behind the head)
Pulley crunches 1 x 50

Gym observations:  Since I'm working out at home I have to give this observation. The block got a permit for block party. They closed down the street. They got music blasting and kids are playing in the street. I got no idea who is paying for the bouncing house and ice cream truck.  I was never asked. I just got a flyer to say come join us. I hear Neil Diamond blasting, Sweet Caroline.  I think the thing was organized by the new addition families to the development. These young parents are having fun. I just feel I'm too old to be part of the fun. I will go out to see the fire works they promised and to make sure my house doesn't get burnt down by an errand rocket. Nothing like drunks and fireworks that go so good together.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on July 04, 2020, 05:27:23 PM
Back and chest: Felt strong. Change two things. Added Barbell rows which I haven't done in ages.  I also started chest with barbell inclines. I kept the elbows tight and in close.  Barbell inclines didn't aggravate my shoulder. It's all about arm position. After the workout I went into the pool and used water resistance for rotator cuff work. It works great. I keep the hand open and push against the water as fast as I can in various rotator cuff movements.

Pulldowns 2 x 10
Low pulley rows 2 x 12
Dumbbell Rows 2 x 10
Barbell rows 2 x 10 (stood on a block and did the old fashion bent over version instead of the 45 degree that gained favor since Yates famously used it)

Incline barbell press 3 x 6 (made sure to touch the chest each rep)
Decline dumbbell press 2 x 8
Weighted dips 2 x 10 (dug deep)
Push ups 2 x max (try to make a point to keep the back straight and come all the way down. I try to go down to an inch of the floor.)

Dead lifts 2 x 4
Weighted back hyper extensions 2 x 15

Weighted floor crunches 1 x 50 (plate behind the head)
Pulley crunches 1 x 50

Gym observations:  Since I'm working out at home I have to give this observation. The block got a permit for block party. They closed down the street. They got music blasting and kids are playing in the street. I got no idea who is paying for the bouncing house and ice cream truck.  I was never asked. I just got a flyer to say come join us. I hear Neil Diamond blasting, Sweet Caroline.  I think the thing was organized by the new addition families to the development. These young parents are having fun. I just feel I'm too old to be part of the fun. I will go out to see the fire works they promised and to make sure my house doesn't get burnt down by an errand rocket. Nothing like drunks and fireworks that go so good together.

Interesting.  I'm surprised they could get a permit for a block party.

I think you made a wise move to avoid such a gathering in Covid times.

A long time ago I lived in the city and it was like WW3 on the 4th of July, a real artillery bombardment.

I'd go out in the morning and there would be firecrackers and bottle rockets all over the place.

A whole squadron of military jets flew over my house this afternoon around 5:30.

6 F-16s
5 F-22s (?) escorting a B-2 Stealth bomber
5 F-15s escorting a B-1 bomber
1 B-52

Probably on the way to McGuire AFB.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on July 04, 2020, 06:41:20 PM
Interesting.  I'm surprised they could get a permit for a block party.

I think you made a wise move to avoid such a gathering in Covid times.

A long time ago I lived in the city and it was like WW3 on the 4th of July, a real artillery bombardment.

I'd go out in the morning and there would be firecrackers and bottle rockets all over the place.

A whole squadron of military jets flew over my house this afternoon around 5:30.

6 F-16s
5 F-22s (?) escorting a B-2 Stealth bomber
5 F-15s escorting a B-1 bomber
1 B-52

Probably on the way to McGuire AFB.
Now that I’m divorced few yrs and have 3 kids always go to see fireworks tradition ,I bought some fireworks at store all colorful stuff and some crackle. With it,,great time they loved it 4 of us And it was fun to do instead of the usual.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 04, 2020, 07:20:14 PM
The fireworks for my neighborhood block party were professional grade. I have no clue who paid for it. Really was amazed they were neighborhood fireworks. The usual town fireworks were all cancelled and every surrounding town. Glad some benevolent neighbor stepped up and blew up the sky with incredible fireworks. Must have cost a fortune.  The launching point was only about 200 feet from my house.

Iron nat, no doubt they were going to refuel at McGuire to head back to their normal base. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on July 04, 2020, 11:21:27 PM
It's 11:10 p.m. and the noise is down to an occasional boom. Two of our three puppies hate the 4th because the noise totally unnerves them. I just collected Lucy from her hiding spot where she goes when she's frightened, which is the small space between the toilet and the tub. All three pups got puppy sized doses of CBD oil, which has made today a little less stressful for them.

There were no block parties around here, just the usual neighbors who shoot off fireworks every year.

I've been unusually tired today. I slept well last night. But I was so tired today that I ended up taking a long nap this afternoon. Now I am really ready to climb in bed. Other than that, I feel fine. Weird.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on July 05, 2020, 03:20:49 AM
The fireworks for my neighborhood block party were professional grade. I have no clue who paid for it. Really was amazed they were neighborhood fireworks. The usual town fireworks were all cancelled and every surrounding town. Glad some benevolent neighbor stepped up and blew up the sky with incredible fireworks. Must have cost a fortune.  The launching point was only about 200 feet from my house.

Iron nat, no doubt they were going to refuel at McGuire to head back to their normal base. 

Just read it was this...
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 06, 2020, 05:59:38 PM
Trained legs before work. Work up at 5:30AM.  I was so stiff but as I got into the workout everything clicked. Not an ideal time to train for me. My stiffness is the worst in the morning. This retirement job is becoming a bitch stealing my free time but I need the money to make ends meet.

Only swapped out one exercise from normal. Instead of leg press calf I did standing calf. I went to work exhausted but I felt in good spirits. Worked 10A to 6P. Tomorrow is delts and arms then work. 

I work with hot young girls in the office but once I got over the eye candy I can't believe how stupid some of them are. They know everything but they use google. If it's on a google search they accept it as the authority of fact. Just sad. The majority are progressive liberals. As good looking as they are they either have no man in their life or dating a real loser.

One girl is a stunning blonde think Jennifer Aniston type from Friends. She is about 35. Dates a 50 year old doctor that lost his doctor license for an unknown reason. He is addicted to pain pills from three failed shoulder operations. He lost his practice. He has a criminal record that she defends buying hook, line and sinker his explanation. His  children from his previous marriage won't talk to him.  Now he leeches off her living in her house while he collects social security disability. She doesn't own the house but gets it rent free from retired doctor who has her care for his horses. He recently got a job off a friend that only gave it to him so he could be his drinking partner.

The other blonde might be even more stunning. She comes across as so pleasant until you get to know her then you see the bitch nastiness that come out of her out of nowhere. She is about 35 too. She is probably bitter she doesn't have a husband and the beautiful house. How can that be, she must ask herself? The third is just a kid of around 25.  Sweet kid with a smile that lights up a room. A real movie star smile. She is Mexican but you would be guessing if someone asked her nationality if you didn't know. Some off the other girls that float in out of the office I could write a book on. Some are decent and some despicable. Two are around my age. I can deal with them so much easier than the young girls. I don't know what it is about young unmarried girls that they think they know everything about life. Maybe it's a defense mechanism because they are miserable  with their lot in life. My retirement job is in security.  All long day of hanging out doing nothing.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on July 06, 2020, 06:08:46 PM
You know the saying:

 "Don't shit where you eat."

Women with bad choices in men really mess up their lives.  They usually start making bad choices when they're young.

Those 35 year olds have probably been used and abused by men since they hit puberty.

It's sad but they're damaged goods.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 06, 2020, 06:13:13 PM
You know the saying:

 "Don't shit where you eat."

Women with bad choices in men really mess up their lives.  They usually start making bad choices when they're young.

Those 35 year olds have probably been used and abused by men since they hit puberty.

It's sad but they're damaged goods.

How does that apply here? I'm not banging them.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on July 06, 2020, 06:37:54 PM
How does that apply here? I'm not banging them.

I know you aren't.

Fortunately, we are men of experience and wisdom and we can resist these types.

Being old farts helps of course.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on July 06, 2020, 07:28:27 PM
I know you aren't.

Fortunately, we are men of experience and wisdom and we can resist these types.

Being old farts helps of course.

Yup.  I prefer older women as they expect not "less", just more of what I am capable of.  I have more in common with a mature woman than I do a younger one. 

Ben Franklin said all cats are gray in the dark.  To that I say, in the dark one sees with their heart as well as their hands.  And if you are fortunate enough to have shared a lifetime together, you will see with those shared memories too.

I did not train today.  Too weak.  I hope to lift tomorrow and do back and chest.  The last time I got my ten sets of each bodypart for ten reps so now I start over with a little more weight.

This is similar to how I trained in the squat decades ago. I started with sets of 20, 20, 5 (50 lbs heavier) and then 20.  When all sets were completed with those reps, I added 5 pounds to the bar.  It took me close to a decade to be able to easily squat 500+ pounds for sets of 20 reps.  Of course I don't expect to be that powerful ever again but you gentlemen are like I was.  A man that wants to be stronger and better built regardless of age.  You two are an inspiration to me and I am telling you the truth.  I admire your style.

Take care, gentlemen!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on July 07, 2020, 12:16:11 AM
Being the oldest of you, I have no special wisdom about dating women.

No girl I ever dated was any less than a very classy person. Guess you could say I dated and married up. I went out with about four girls before I met my wife. Never dated another woman since. My volunteer work puts me in the company of a lot of single senior ladies. If I wanted to, I could get a date pretty easily. Thing is, I lived almost my entire life with a completely wonderful woman. No other would stand a chance with me. I wouldn't put someone through that.

My late wife is probably shaking her finger at me and giving me her famous "stink eye", because she wanted me to get married again. Too bad Margie, It's not gonna happen.   
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 07, 2020, 12:44:48 PM
Scott, 500lbs for sets of 20!!!!  That’s Elite powerlifting.   What could you do for a single?  750lbs?

Trained Delts and arms.  Woke up at 5:30Am and got to work in the gym.  Wow was I stiff and out of it.  Seems I woke up pretty quick.  Got into the groove quickly.  It’s just that first walk down the stairs after being asleep feels like hell.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on July 07, 2020, 03:44:09 PM
Scott, 500lbs for sets of 20!!!!  That’s Elite powerlifting.   What could you do for a single?  750lbs?

Trained Delts and arms.  Woke up at 5:30Am and got to work.  Wow was I stiff and out of it.  Seems I woke up pretty quick.  Got into the groove quickly.  It’s just that first walk down the stairs after being asleep feels like hell.

I asked two good coaches what they thought and both said at least 700 lbs.  One was our own coach here on the forums and the other one was in Florida.  I never thought I was good enough to enter a powerlifting meet as I could not really bench nor deadlift.  For whatever reason I got very strong on all manner of leg work.   I think it was once I got it down and saw what it was doing to me, I got hooked BIG time!  I got up to a bodyweight of 250 lbs. and I know my bodyfat was at least in the 20%+ range but I no longer tried to compete in bodybuilding competitions so it didn't matter as much to me.

I have done 225 lbs. for 100 reps on the squat and 300 or 315 (memory is goofy!) for 50 reps and I recall watching a WSM where they did a "leg extension" with girls for the weights (at least I think that was it, LOL!).  So I did 750+ in the gym for multiple reps until the machine actually broke.  But bench and DL?  I was and remain a pussy!

Since my accident I can no longer do squats and I eschew any leg work as my bad leg looks weird enough without have a huge leg on the other side, LOL!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 07, 2020, 04:00:01 PM
Really impressive squats.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on July 07, 2020, 05:28:38 PM
Really impressive squats.

Thank you.  I hated leg work but two friends of mine at the gym told me about J.C. Hise and the 20 rep breathing squats with milk routine.  I was a laborer and so I drank half & half, kefir and whipping cream along with up to 3 gallons of milk a day for the calories (and protein) too.  I burned it up at work digging ditches and moving stuff.

It worked  I gained 100 lb of body-weight and just kept going to 250 lbs.  That was heavy enough at 6'1+.

On certain movements such as barbell bent-over rows I was kinda strong but I didn't do them like Yates or Coleman where you practically stand up and do this short range of motion thing.  I did mine at 90 degrees and pulled to the stomach. 

Basics like dips (which I can no longer do, dammit!  ;D) became a staple after my friends talked to me about Marvin Eder and his dipping strength.  I never got close to his poundages, LOL!  My daughter sent me a photo of me at 230 lbs or so holding her as a newborn and another when I was 250 lbs.   I had forgotten how large I once was.  Time runs us all over, brother.  ;D

When I was about 120 lbs Ken Waller sold me a Gold's Gym tanktop and he told me good luck growing into a (I think) 3XL.  He was great to me as were Robinson, Columbu and some others at the original Gold's.  I would visit every few months for inspiration.  They were honest about the steroid thing and I watched them train off and on season.  Basic stuff was the staple for those guys especially off season so you and IroNat are right on track!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 08, 2020, 04:39:35 PM
Thank you.  I hated leg work but two friends of mine at the gym told me about J.C. Hise and the 20 rep breathing squats with milk routine.  I was a laborer and so I drank half & half, kefir and whipping cream along with up to 3 gallons of milk a day for the calories (and protein) too.  I burned it up at work digging ditches and moving stuff.

It worked  I gained 100 lb of body-weight and just kept going to 250 lbs.  That was heavy enough at 6'1+.

On certain movements such as barbell bent-over rows I was kinda strong but I didn't do them like Yates or Coleman where you practically stand up and do this short range of motion thing.  I did mine at 90 degrees and pulled to the stomach. 

Basics like dips (which I can no longer do, dammit!  ;D) became a staple after my friends talked to me about Marvin Eder and his dipping strength.  I never got close to his poundages, LOL!  My daughter sent me a photo of me at 230 lbs or so holding her as a newborn and another when I was 250 lbs.   I had forgotten how large I once was.  Time runs us all over, brother.  ;D

When I was about 120 lbs Ken Waller sold me a Gold's Gym tanktop and he told me good luck growing into a (I think) 3XL.  He was great to me as were Robinson, Columbu and some others at the original Gold's.  I would visit every few months for inspiration.  They were honest about the steroid thing and I watched them train off and on season.  Basic stuff was the staple for those guys especially off season so you and IroNat are right on track!

I do rows the same way bent over. I keep my knees slightly bent to take the strain off the lower back.  Thinking about doing the  almost upright version like Yates but it seems the range of motion is much less. Then again it sure worked for him.

Regarding dips I see guys in the gym with a ton of weight but they hardly bend their arms. It seems so much of bodybuilding involves delusion.  I think Coleman said it, "Everyone wants to be big but no one wants to lift heavy weight." I would change it to, Everyone wants to be big but know one wants to do a full range of motion.

I wish I could have gone with you to the original Golds. I was in awe of those guys in my younger years. Then as I matured not so much but it was a magical time in my youth. I actually thought  I could look like them if I lifted weights. Then I learned of the chemical secret.  So many in my gym were seeing the same doctor back in the day. Almost all his clients were bodybuilders.  He would write a prescription for any steroid a bodybuilder wanted. Eventually he was investigated and I think his license was revoked. This was before they made steroids a schedule felony drug. He killed himself after this. He had pictures of bodybuilders all over his office.

Today's work out didn't go as planned. I was going to do an early morning cardio day. My alarm went off and I checked my email. I couldn't focus trying to read. I figured the blurriness was due to being sleepy. Then came the migraine. I was finished. I had lightening flashes before my vision. Today's workout was canned. Tomorrow is another day. I was so excited to get out of work today I ran to my car with the girls laughing. Yes, I have Thursday to Sunday off!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on July 08, 2020, 05:41:20 PM
I do rows the same way bent over. I keep my knees slightly bent to take the strain off the lower back.  Thinking about doing the  almost upright version like Yates but it seems the range of motion is much less. Then again it sure worked for him.

Regarding dips I see guys in the gym with a ton of weight but they hardly bend their arms. It seems so much of bodybuilding involves delusion.  I think Coleman said it, "Everyone wants to be big but no one wants to lift heavy weight." I would change it to, Everyone wants to be big but know one wants to do a full range of motion.

I wish I could have gone with you to the original Golds. I was in awe of those guys in my younger years. Then as I matured not so much but it was a magical time in my youth. I actually thought  I could look like them if I lifted weights. Then I learned of the chemical secret.  So many in my gym were seeing the same doctor back in the day. Almost all his clients were bodybuilders.  He would write a prescription for any steroid a bodybuilder wanted. Eventually he was investigated and I think his license was revoked. This was before they made steroids a schedule felony drug. He killed himself after this. He had pictures of bodybuilders all over his office.

Today's work out didn't go as planned. I was going to do an early morning cardio day. My alarm went off and I checked my email. I couldn't focus trying to read. I figured the blurriness was due to being sleepy. Then came the migraine. I was finished. I had lightening flashes before my vision. Today's workout was canned. Tomorrow is another day. I was so excited to get out of work today I ran to my car with the girls laughing. Yes, I have Thursday to Sunday off!

Are you prone to getting migraine headaches? Do you know what causes you to have them? My son-in-law gets debilitating migraines as a result of and IED when he was in Iraq. He gets botox shots at the V.A. as a means of prevention. Sometimes the shots work and sometimes not. He was also prescribed cannabis, which works too but has the unfortunate side effect of causing cyclic vomiting syndrome which has put him in the hospital a couple of times. I think he's stopped or cut way back on using it.

I had a few migraines when I was in my teens. Have not had any since, thank goodness. Those migraine headaches would get so bad that I'd pass out.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 08, 2020, 06:56:15 PM
Are you prone to getting migraine headaches? Do you know what causes you to have them? My son-in-law gets debilitating migraines as a result of and IED when he was in Iraq. He gets botox shots at the V.A. as a means of prevention. Sometimes the shots work and sometimes not. He was also prescribed cannabis, which works too but has the unfortunate side effect of causing cyclic vomiting syndrome which has put him in the hospital a couple of times. I think he's stopped or cut way back on using it.

I had a few migraines when I was in my teens. Have not had any since, thank goodness. Those migraine headaches would get so bad that I'd pass out.

It's hereditary. My brother who is 73 suffered from them but they phased out as he aged. I had them with debilitating frequency in my 40's but now in my 60's it's maybe 8 a year.  My oldest son has a terrible problem with them in his late 20's. Some of my triggers are lack of sleep, sulfur in dried fruit, chocolate and too much staring at a light as in computer. My son's work involves 8 plus hours of computer work then he uses the computer for recreation.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 10, 2020, 04:54:02 PM
Trained back and chest. I feel I'm looking good this summer. Yes, a vain and egotistical thing to type. I couldn't compare to any drug user so a picture will never be on this site. I would be photo shopped with some homo theme for sure. LOL.

I was in the pool for hours the day before drinking beer in the hot sun.  I was exhausted going into this workout but I gutted it out.  Always a sense of satisfaction of getting a work out in when I'm not running on all cylinders. Tomorrow is a first run after not running for maybe two weeks. My kids got me a fancy GPS to replace my old one that acted up from time to time. I just hate trying to figure out technology. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 12, 2020, 06:58:12 PM
Leg day: Only work sets shown. No warm up sets. I've been talking to a few champs through the computer. One said he would do many work up sets before counting sets for an exercise. I either do one, two or zero warm up sets. Usually by the third exercise for a body part I don't need a warm up.

Leg press 2 x 12 (tried to do semi slow negative. These are done with a full knee bend like an ass to grass squat)
barbell squats 4 x 8 then 2 sets of one rep (Did more sets because I have been away from the movement for so long. My depth was bad. Only slightly lower than parallel. I will get deeper as I progress I hope. )
Machine squats 1 x 10 ( I have been letting my squat machine collect dust. I forgot how good a movement it is. I go rock bottom with these. I have a unit made by tuff stuff. )
Leg extensions 2 x 20
Seated leg curls 2 x 15

Single dumbbell side bend 1 x 15
Hanging straight leg raise 2 x 23 (good for abs but also great for decompressing the back)
Hip ups 1 x 25 (On back on a pad on the floor. Raise legs and pick your hips up off the floor pushing your feet toward the ceiling.)

Standing calf 2 x 15
Seated calf 2 x 15
Tibalis work 1 x 20

Neck work all four sides 1 x 20

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on July 13, 2020, 03:26:50 AM
I only count work sets.

For example, presses I usually do 3-4 warmup sets.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 14, 2020, 05:13:31 PM
Trained delts and arms today early morning before work. I'm a little tired and very stiff in the morning but once I get into it I have a great workout. It's very much like meditation or maybe even zen like. I usually blast the music from a nice stereo system I have. Since everyone is sleeping I put in ear buds and lifted.  Since I don't drop weights unless I'm Olympic lifting I think for the most part I'm quiet. Came out of the basement exhausted but feeling great. I get off of work at 6PM. Toward the end I was shot. I know many people run hard in the morning before work and lift early. I think Bill Pearl for many decades got up at 4AM to work out. I now think it's not a bad system. After work you can just chill.  People that drive over an hour to work then work 8 to 12 hours and drive back are completely shot and often even the most dedicated can't bring them self to get to the gym. I think during work days I will stick with the pre work workouts. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on July 15, 2020, 06:54:30 AM
That's a nice squat machine.  Wish I had one or a leg press.

Pearl used to (maybe still does) get up really early like you said but he also went to bed about 7:30PM.

Much is made of his vegetarianism but he did not become a vegetarian (lacto-ovo) until age 39 (1969).

By that time he had already won 4 Mr. Universe titles and Mr. USA.

Mark Wahlberg supposedly gets up at 2:30AM, works out at 4:30-5AM, goes to bed 7 or 8PM.

Most people don't get enough sleep.

I think regular hours are very important but not everyone's schedule is so constant as to allow it.  Either that or they just don't want to adhere to such.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 15, 2020, 04:13:12 PM
That's a nice squat machine.  Wish I had one or a leg press.

Pearl used to (maybe still does) get up really early like you said but he also went to bed about 7:30PM.

Much is made of his vegetarianism but he did not become a vegetarian (lacto-ovo) until age 39 (1969).

By that time he had already won 4 Mr. Universe titles and Mr. USA.

Mark Wahlberg supposedly gets up at 2:30AM, works out at 4:30-5AM, goes to bed 7 or 8PM.

Most people don't get enough sleep.

I think regular hours are very important but not everyone's schedule is so constant as to allow it.  Either that or they just don't want to adhere to such.

I'm blessed to have a leg press, hack and a squat machine. I  actually think the squat machine hits the legs better than the hack but others might disagree.

Last I heard Bill Pearl is having health problems. He really is up there in age. I think it's Parkinson's disease.

The older I get the less I can sleep. I normally get around 6 hours, sometimes less. On really rare days I get 9 hours I feel great mentally and physically.

Marky Mark getting up at 2:30 sounds nuts. My last year of real work I had to get up at 3:30AM to get to work on time.  I always got my workouts in when I got home. I strongly suspect Walberg is a user.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on July 15, 2020, 05:08:30 PM
I'm blessed to have a leg press, hack and a squat machine. I  actually think the squat machine hits the legs better than the hack but others might disagree.

Last I heard Bill Pearl is having health problems. He really is up there in age. I think it's Parkinson's disease.

The older I get the less I can sleep. I normally get around 6 hours, sometimes less. On really rare days I get 9 hours I feel great mentally and physically.

Marky Mark getting up at 2:30 sounds nuts. My last year of real work I had to get up at 3:30AM to get to work on time.  I always got my workouts in when I got home. I strongly suspect Walberg is a user.

Check out Bill Pearl's latest Facebook post. I doubt the photo of him on his timeline is current.  If it is, he's found the fountain of youth. The photos of his home gym make it look like a great place to work out. Maybe I'll take him up on the invite. Medford is a couple of hundred miles south of me. Kind of a long ways to go for a work out. He announced that he has Parkinson's in 2016.  He was born in 1930 meaning he's almost 90 years old.

He gets up at 3:00 A.M. to train six days a week. He first does some cardiovascular training and stretching and is then joined at 4:30 sharp by his training partners — including Judy, also a bodybuilder. Their workout lasts about 2 hours.


Marky Mark is definitely an early riser, but he also goes to bed early at 7:30 p.m. So, if all that is true, he gets about 7 hours sleep each night. More power to him. I couldn't follow that schedule nor would I want to. Our biological clocks are usually set similar to daylight and darkness. Sunset today in Los Angeles which is where he lives is at 8:05 p.m. Sunset here in Portland is close to 9:00 p.m.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 16, 2020, 07:34:35 AM
Who is that a picture of? That's not Bill Pearl.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on July 16, 2020, 01:26:52 PM
Who is that a picture of? That's not Bill Pearl.

Bill Pearl is using it as his profile picture on his Facebook page. Here's another photo of him in a similar shirt.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on July 16, 2020, 01:42:28 PM
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 17, 2020, 11:40:24 AM
I haven't run in maybe three weeks. I ran today and did surprisingly well.  I didn't set the world on fire but had a decent slow run.  More importantly nothing hurt. Saw my neighbor on the trail. He is only around 45 years old but what is shocking is he looks out of shape.  The reason why it's shocking is he use to compete in marathons and post really decent times. I guess between family, work and job he let running go getting chubby.  He was going so slow it was a shock to me. I bet he was going for a long run.  I just did two miles at a little over 9 minute per mile pace.

 It's funny with pure runners how they only care about running.  My brother in law was like that. He runs like a deer. Lifting weights is meaningless to him. If you can't run he considers you out of shape.  I think being in shape is a complex matter of different attributes. Though the most important muscle is the heart. Outside of having the right parents of all the things you can do for your health should revolve around keeping your heart going.

I hit the heavy bag after. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on July 17, 2020, 01:25:20 PM
I haven't run in maybe three weeks. I ran today and did surprisingly well.  I didn't set the world on fire but had a decent slow run.  More importantly nothing hurt. Saw my neighbor on the trail. He is only around 45 years old but what is shocking is he looks out of shape.  The reason why it's shocking is he use to compete in marathons and post really decent times. I guess between family, work and job he let running go getting chubby.  He was going so slow it was a shock to me. I bet he was going for a long run.  I just did two miles at a little over 9 minute per mile pace.

 It's funny with pure runners how they only care about running.  My brother in law was like that. He runs like a deer. Lifting weights is meaningless to him. If you can't run he considers you out of shape.  I think being in shape is a complex matter of different attributes. Though the most important muscle is the heart. Outside of having the right parents of all the things you can do for your health should revolve around keeping your heart going.

I hit the heavy bag after.

As a result of arthroscopic knee surgery many years ago, I have neuropathy in my right foot which prevents me running any distance. Even walking can trigger it. My best bet is walking on a treadmill, which I can easily do for 30 minutes.  Supposedly, fast walking is as beneficial for cardiovascular fitness as running.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on July 17, 2020, 01:49:54 PM


That's not Bill Pearl.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on July 17, 2020, 02:08:59 PM
Well, you are correct it is not the bodybuilder Bill Pearl. It is in fact a different Bill Pearl. Not sure how I confused the two except for both have Facebook pages and have the same name. I've changed the photo to the correct Bill Pearl.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 17, 2020, 04:19:48 PM
As a result of arthroscopic knee surgery many years ago, I have neuropathy in my right foot which prevents me running any distance. Even walking can trigger it. My best bet is walking on a treadmill, which I can easily do for 30 minutes.  Supposedly, fast walking is as beneficial for cardiovascular fitness as running.

Fast walking is excellent for your health.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 21, 2020, 04:30:00 AM
Still training. I'm just not posting about it. Growing weary of this site. I belong to a running board where people seem intelligent, decent and actually train. This site is the dregs of society truth be told. Very few people I would ever want to have a beer with here. Fans of bodybuilding have always attracted a strange group of individuals.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on July 21, 2020, 06:18:42 AM
Still training. I'm just not posting about it. Growing weary of this site. I belong to a running board where people seem intelligent, decent and actually train. This site is the dregs of society truth be told. Very few people I would ever want to have a beer with here. Fans of bodybuilding has always attracted a strange group of individuals.

Same here.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on July 21, 2020, 06:06:17 PM
Still training. I'm just not posting about it. Growing weary of this site. I belong to a running board where people seem intelligent, decent and actually train. This site is the dregs of society truth be told. Very few people I would ever want to have a beer with here. Fans of bodybuilding have always attracted a strange group of individuals.

Sometimes it feels exactly as it is.  We are just human.  Every single one of us.  But...If you take a moment to think of family and friends you will begin to realize that you are also the reason people smile.  And laugh. And care about one another. 

Training is just one facet of what it is to live a full life.  Training is not living but it adds to life.  It feels good to look good and to be stronger than the average man and not just for your age.   When I had faith, I had no doubt that even those I never met while alive I would someday meet and shakes hands with.

My faith is gone but only in the hereafter and not in people. You and IroNat are just two of the good ones here. You share your training and as noted here, your frustrations.  That is what friends are for.  Even those we may never meet.

If you are fortunate enough to have someone in your life that actually cares about you and truly loves you as you should be and you love them?   Then perhaps there is a God.  I know...I've said it before but it bears repeating:

Love is friendship set to music and that music, if you are fortunate, becomes the soundtrack of two lives that have become one.   I attended the funeral of a friend today and it has affected me.  Death is a part of life.  I tend to think it is the end but my friend and his entire family are devout followers of the Nazarene.  They really are. 

What does my inane rambling have to do with training.  Nothing.  And everything.  Life is not really a matter of it is, what it is.  Because it can be what we make of it.  You guys are good people.  In all ways and for always, be well.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 22, 2020, 01:02:22 PM
Sometimes it feels exactly as it is.  We are just human.  Every single one of us.  But...If you take a moment to think of family and friends you will begin to realize that you are also the reason people smile.  And laugh. And care about one another. 

Training is just one facet of what it is to live a full life.  Training is not living but it adds to life.  It feels good to look good and to be stronger than the average man and not just for your age.   When I had faith, I had no doubt that even those I never met while alive I would someday meet and shakes hands with.

My faith is gone but only in the hereafter and not in people. You and IroNat are just two of the good ones here. You share your training and as noted here, your frustrations.  That is what friends are for.  Even those we may never meet.

If you are fortunate enough to have someone in your life that actually cares about you and truly loves you as you should be and you love them?   Then perhaps there is a God.  I know...I've said it before but it bears repeating:

Love is friendship set to music and that music, if you are fortunate, becomes the soundtrack of two lives that have become one.   I attended the funeral of a friend today and it has affected me.  Death is a part of life.  I tend to think it is the end but my friend and his entire family are devout followers of the Nazarene.  They really are. 

What does my inane rambling have to do with training.  Nothing.  And everything.  Life is not really a matter of it is, what it is.  Because it can be what we make of it.  You guys are good people.  In all ways and for always, be well.

Thanks for sharing your sincere thoughts. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 22, 2020, 01:16:19 PM
Got out of bed in the morning and did legs. I’m beginning to hate early morning training.  Doing squats in the early morning in my sixties isn’t fun.  Monday I did back and chest.  Tuesday I went for an early morning run.  Wednesday today I did legs. Surprisingly my running times are improving.  My only change to my routines is going back to the barbell squat and using the machine squat after.  I feel spring in my strides.  Maybe my inflammation problem is having a good spell.  Feel like I have young legs again.  Sitting at work typing this.  Going to jump in the pool after work.   
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on July 22, 2020, 01:34:13 PM
Still training. I'm just not posting about it. Growing weary of this site. I belong to a running board where people seem intelligent, decent and actually train. This site is the dregs of society truth be told. Very few people I would ever want to have a beer with here. Fans of bodybuilding have always attracted a strange group of individuals.

I am going to make a concerted effort to limit my Getbig activity to this thread. This is like a little island of sanity in an otherwise insane board. I suspect it is going to be difficult after 16 years of posting on Getbig. I'm sure there are many good people here, some of whom I've enjoyed getting to know. Overall though my experience on Getbig is too negative and not beneficial to my overall health.

Haven't done anything today. In fact, I didn't get out of bed until noon. I may go for a walk later which is pretty good exercise due to the terrain around this neighborhood.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 22, 2020, 06:34:25 PM
Wonder if I should make my own board. The best board on bodybuilding use to be Ironage. Still a lot of messed up characters but it was kept civil. Shawn Perrine the owner even got major employment out of it in the bodybuilding community.  He died too young. I just don't want the time commitment. I would need moderators. How about Scott, Prime and Iron nat? I will think about it. Between working out, work and watching my grand daughter I feel like I'm being pulled in a lot of directions.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: AbrahamG on July 22, 2020, 07:14:12 PM
Wonder if I should make my own board. The best board on bodybuilding use to be Ironage. Still a lot of messed up characters but it was kept civil. Shawn Perrine the owner even got major employment out of it in the bodybuilding community.  He died too young. I just don't want the time commitment. I would need moderators. How about Scott, Prime and Iron nat? I will think about it. Between working out, work and watching my grand daughter I feel like I'm being pulled in a lot of directions.

Serious question Oldtimer.  I am missing a couple sets of dumbells to be able to train to my liking.  I have lots of the 1 inch plates in order to make up my missing dumbbells.  I'm thinking about getting a set of spin lock dumbells.  The question is what size?  I've seen them range from 13.7 inches to 17 inches.  Do you have any experience with these?  Thanks bud.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 23, 2020, 03:23:46 AM
Serious question Oldtimer.  I am missing a couple sets of dumbells to be able to train to my liking.  I have lots of the 1 inch plates in order to make up my missing dumbbells.  I'm thinking about getting a set of spin lock dumbells.  The question is what size?  I've seen them range from 13.7 inches to 17 inches.  Do you have any experience with these?  Thanks bud.

What size dumbbells are you looking to make?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: AbrahamG on July 23, 2020, 03:42:55 PM
What size dumbbells are you looking to make?

Probably could live with 85's.  So 4 ten pound plates on each side of the dumbbell.  105's would be nice to accommodate dumbbell shrugs but I will be just fine with 85's.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Montague on July 23, 2020, 04:28:12 PM
I am going to make a concerted effort to limit my Getbig activity to this thread.

Glad to see you're finally "throwing in the towel."
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: AbrahamG on July 23, 2020, 04:48:23 PM

Glad to see you're finally "throwing in the towel."

You should consider following suit.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on July 23, 2020, 05:07:28 PM
Probably could live with 85's.  So 4 ten pound plates on each side of the dumbbell.  105's would be nice to accommodate dumbbell shrugs but I will be just fine with 85's.

I cannot even pick those up anymore, LOL!  Train hard, my young friend!  Oldtimer and IroNat are good guys and have years of experience.  Weightlifting isn't rocket science but it helps to have help sometimes.

Be well!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 23, 2020, 05:54:02 PM
Probably could live with 85's.  So 4 ten pound plates on each side of the dumbbell.  105's would be nice to accommodate dumbbell shrugs but I will be just fine with 85's.

Sorry for the late reply. My son thinks he has covid so a lot of chaos here. I think mine are 15 Inches. I measured them and came up from the basement then the chaos started and I forgot the measurement. He has a fever. I guess he will get tested tomorrow. I can easily make 85lbs and have some room to spare. My ten pound plates are York and they are thick.  I also have some Indian made ten pound plates that are thinner and larger in diameter. I can make 105lbs when I add them. I know some are concerned with the end bar sticking out but it has never been a problem. Doing inclines you will quickly learn that kicking them up using the side of the plate works perfectly.  The bar sticking out is never a problem.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: AbrahamG on July 23, 2020, 06:11:15 PM
Sorry for the late reply. My son thinks he has covid so a lot of chaos here. I think mine are 15 Inches. I measured them and came up from the basement then the chaos started and I forgot the measurement. He has a fever. I guess he will get tested tomorrow. I can easily make 85lbs and have some room to spare. My ten pound plates are York and they are thick.  I also have some Indian made ten pound plates that are thinner and larger in diameter. I can make 105lbs when I add them. I know some are concerned with the end bar sticking out but it has never been a problem. Doing inclines you will quickly learn that kicking them up using the side of the plate works perfectly.  The bar sticking out is never a problem.

Sorry to hear about your son.  Hope he recovers quickly.  Thanks for the reply.  All the best.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on July 24, 2020, 03:18:37 AM
Wonder if I should make my own board.

Better get your own temperature checked.

Hope your son recovers quickly.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 24, 2020, 10:03:06 AM
Turns out the vertigo and nausea was the result of his migraine headaches. He has no temperature and didn't realize the symptoms as they came on strong. He's recovering today. Thanks for the concern. Yesterday I came up from the basement and he said he was very sick and thought initially it was covid.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on July 24, 2020, 10:57:09 AM
Great to hear it's not Covid but sorry to hear about the migraines.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 24, 2020, 06:44:48 PM
Great to hear it's not Covid but sorry to hear about the migraines.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on July 24, 2020, 06:49:02 PM
Great to hear it's not Covid but sorry to hear about the migraines.

Good news, indeed!  Hope all goes well!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 24, 2020, 06:54:21 PM
Trained delt and arms today. More of the usual. Helped the wife baby sit my one and half year old grand daughter. I am wiped out beyond belief. No wonder most women can't have kids after 50. You have to be in constant motion for hours. I'm shot. She wanted to go out in a rain storm and put on her rain boots. I couldn't find an umbrella so I grabbed the picnic bench giant umbrella and ran with her holding that giant thing. She likes Gene Kelly during that Dancing in the rain scene. Here I am dancing with the biggest umbrella looking like a fool but she got it. I could tell she got the connection between one of her favorite videos and me with the umbrella singing completely out of tune by her smile.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on July 25, 2020, 08:44:10 AM
Trained delt and arms today. More of the usual. Helped the wife baby sit my one and half year old grand daughter. I am wiped out beyond belief. No wonder most women can't have kids after 50. You have to be in constant motion for hours. I'm shot. She wanted to go out in a rain storm and put on her rain boots. I couldn't find an umbrella so I grabbed the picnic bench giant umbrella and ran with her holding that giant thing. She likes Gene Kelly during that Dancing in the rain scene. Here I am dancing with the biggest umbrella looking like a fool but she got it. I could tell she got the connection between one of her favorite videos and me with the umbrella singing completely out of tune by her smile.

That is a great film!  I just watched "Hello Dolly" from '69 which was directed by Gene Kelly.  I enjoy a good musical and one of my favorites is "Guys and Dolls". 

Today I will train back and chest.  Got a good  bill of health yesterday and so I am allowed to proceed toward "Intensity...Intensified"!   ;) ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 25, 2020, 05:01:29 PM
That is a great film!  I just watched "Hello Dolly" from '69 which was directed by Gene Kelly.  I enjoy a good musical and one of my favorites is "Guys and Dolls". 

Today I will train back and chest.  Got a good  bill of health yesterday and so I am allowed to proceed toward "Intensity...Intensified"!   ;) ;D

I just watched Guys and Dolls two weeks ago. Great seeing Sinatra in it. Today I ran for two miles then destroyed any benefit of the run by drinking in the pool for hours. It was  good Saturday though.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Princess L on July 27, 2020, 05:49:42 PM
I am going to make a concerted effort to limit my Getbig activity

Does that mean you'll be spending all that extra free time in downtown Portland?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on July 27, 2020, 06:02:02 PM
I just watched Guys and Dolls two weeks ago. Great seeing Sinatra in it. Today I ran for two miles then destroyed any benefit of the run by drinking in the pool for hours. It was  good Saturday though.

It's a great film and Sinatra is my personal favorite singer.   One of my Aunts went to school with Marlon Brando.  I've seen the pictures from then.  They were great friends and of course she followed his career throughout the years.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 28, 2020, 04:23:29 PM
Trained early morning while everyone in my house slept. Strange lifting with earbuds.  I normally blast the stereo.  I find lifting early morning is tough. Once I get warmed up it all starts going but in the beginning I just want to can it and go back to bed. LOL.

Pulldowns 2 x 10
Seated long cable rows 2 x 12
DB lat row with one knee on a bench 2 x 10
Reverse grip pulldown 2 x 10

Decline dumbbell bench 2 x 8
Decline flies 2 x 10 (These hurt my shoulder a little)
Weighted dips 2 x 10
Push ups 2 x max

Deadlifts 2 x 4
Weighted back extensions 2 x 15

Weighted crunch 1 x 55
Pulley crunch 1 x 50
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 29, 2020, 04:13:43 PM
Ran two miles at a 9:30 per mile pace early before work. Only on other soul on the trail by my house and it was a young 25 or so year old girl who waved and smiled. It's a runner thing. You mainly run by yourself and when you see another runner especially on an isolated trail you feel like someone is sharing your misery.  ;D

I did a slight pump for arms and delts with 15lbs dumbbells. Just wanted to loosen up my achy joints with some light pump sets. I usually hit the heavy bag after a run but I wanted to give my body a break from that pounding.  I egotistically say from watching other boxers and martial artists I do hit like a mule. My ground game is weak but when it comes to striking I still have it but I pay the price after. Hitting the heavy bag is an incredible work out but damn it can also mess up the joints.   
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 30, 2020, 03:58:03 PM
Started my leg day today. I stopped after about 15 minutes. Just exhausted. I went in the pool and stayed there for about 3 hours. I rarely stop after I start. Just felt completely out of it exhausted.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 03, 2020, 06:32:58 PM
Did back and chest. Early morning workouts are tough.

MAG pulldown 2 x 10 (140lbs. I do these really strict. I feel they work better than the heave lean back pulldown. I don't know maybe I'm wrong because most use the latter)
Seated Lat pulley row with a V handle 2 x 12 170lbs. Again I use a full stretch and tried to use perfect form
Dumbbell row off bench 2 x 10 80lbs (Dead hang then all the way up)
reverse grip pulldown 2 x 10 

Decline dumbbell bench 3 x 9 ( I use a moderate decline. Wondering if I should increase the angle?)
Weighted dips 3 x 10 (dug deep for a full stretch)
Push ups 2 x max (regular push ups and push up handles)

Deadlift 2 x 4  315lbs
Weighted hyper extensions 2 x 15 25lbs plate behind head.

weighted crunches with feet up on a bench 1  x 55 5lbs plate behind head
Pulley crunches 1 x 50 50lbs

Had a discussion with a guy who said don't be afraid of high reps. He said he does sets of 15 in general. Some of the points discussed was it's safer, pump, endurance and it burns calories. I'm sure some the points are debatable. I know during my brief volume period when I was around 19 or so my max singles went to hell but I really leaned out and that's a good thing.

I said it before here. I had bicep tendon aggravation.  I did a couple of super light rep sets. I did one set of around 50 and a second set to failure at a lower rep range. I did rest pause to get a second set of around 50.  The next day I noticed the tendon inflammation was gone. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 04, 2020, 04:17:48 PM
Ran two mile today.  As I was running down my block a neighbor was looking in the trunk of his car. I said, hello and he jumped about two feet off the ground. I guess he never saw me. Made me laugh pretty hard.

Sure would like to be under 180lbs. I get close but not there. I'm 184lbs today.  No, I don't diet. Just had chocolate covered raisins. I think I would look great at 175lbs at 5'8" but I'm not willing to give up beer or eating to my hearts content.  ;D

Giving my shoulders a break and not hitting the heavy bag. Watching video of Mike Tyson in his prime before booze, drugs and the fast life got to him.  He hit the bag brutally.  A friend of mine boxed and he said he was in the gym with both Gerry Cooney and Tyson on separate occasions.  He watched both hit the bag. He said he would have got in the ring with Cooney in a heart beat but when he saw Tyson hit a 300lbs heavy bag it was fearful to watch.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 05, 2020, 06:30:47 PM
Leg day this morning. Woke up and walk down the stairs holding the banister so I wouldn't fall I was so stiff and in pain. Somehow I got the leg day in before work. Life would seem easier if I just rested every day like 99% of people my age. Then again I would deteriorate and age quick.

Leg press 2 x 12 (fully bending my legs. four plates a side but the back board is all the way low and again I fully bend my legs like an ass to grass squat.)
Dumbbell squats 2 x 12 80lbs dumbbells (no one does this exercise in any gym I have been in. Just rereading the book Zane put out years ago that's a collection of his training journals. Wow, he used them. He called them dumbbell hack squats but it's what I do.)
Stiff dead 2 x 6 205lbs
leg extensions 2 x 20
Seated leg curls 2 x 15

Single dumbbell side bends 1 x 15 90lbs. (People hate this exercise but It seem to provide a lot of stabilization to my core)
Hanging straight leg raise 2 x 22 (I'm beginning to hate this exercise. It's just hard)
Lying hip ups 1 x 25 (Raise the hips off the floor with the legs pointed toward the ceiling.)

Standing calf raise 2 x 15 ( My calves really are horrifically bad. I still train them)
Seated calf raise 2 x15

Neck work with a weighted helmet. 1 x20 a side. ( High reps really make the neck respond. )

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 07, 2020, 06:09:39 PM
Delt and arm day:

Dumbbell press standing 2 x 10 (Haven't done these in awhile. With my shoulder issues the actual safest exercise for me is the barbell military press but I got bored.)
Dumbbell laterals 2 x 10 (Thumbs up. Helps with impingement.)
Dumbbell rear laterals 2 x 10
Face pulls 2 x 12
Barbell shrugs 2 x 10

Rope tricep pushdowns 2 x 12
Single dumbbell two hands tricep press behind head 2 x 12
Reverse grip single arm tricep extension 2 x 12

Alternate dumbbell curls 2 x 8
Narrow grip barbell curls 2 x 10 (Actually I have never in my life done these. Keeps the hands really supinated. Felt good. I think I might keep them in for awhile.)
Concentration dumbbell curl 2 x 12

Wrist curl 2 x 25
Reverse wrist extension 1 x 15

Weighted floor crunches 1 x 50
Pulley crunches 1 x 50

Got all my house chores out of the way today namely laundry, pool cleaning, yard clean up after a storm; and mowing. I have nothing to do tomorrow but go for a run. Thought I would float in the pool playing music with a few cocktails. Now I hear more storms are coming. I hope they are wrong.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on August 08, 2020, 07:26:49 AM
Good to read, brother!  I hope to train today.  I like rain but understand what you are saying.  One of my brothers and his wife are in Sturgis for the Rally.  They arrived yesterday. I have never been except vicariously through their photographs they send me.

Thanks for the inspiration!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: escrima on August 08, 2020, 07:29:57 AM
I just watched Guys and Dolls two weeks ago. Great seeing Sinatra in it. Today I ran for two miles then destroyed any benefit of the run by drinking in the pool for hours. It was  good Saturday though.
you don´t burn much in two miles anyway.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on August 08, 2020, 07:49:06 AM
You can't outrun an Oreo cookie.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: escrima on August 08, 2020, 07:52:54 AM
You can't outrun an Oreo cookie.
end of the Day if you drink Beer on a regular basis then it´s pissing in the wind.
Diet is still king
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on August 08, 2020, 08:55:18 AM
I just ate two big pieces of banana bread slathered with butter, a thick pork chop, and at least a dozen Oreos.

Yesterday had two cans of beer.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on August 08, 2020, 12:47:27 PM
I just ate two big pieces of banana bread slathered with butter, a thick pork chop, and at least a dozen Oreos.

Yesterday had two cans of beer.


There is no life if we don't at least put an effort (once in awhile!) into living.  Well done, brother!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 08, 2020, 02:19:42 PM
you don´t burn much in two miles anyway.

I'm certainly leaner  and in better shape than that that guy.  I would love to go for run with him. There is an after burn. It's just not the calories used during the activity. You can run an easy 5 miles or a hard one mile. It's both the intensity and the duration. I know most bodybuilders are seriously against any form of running. Two miles can be an easy activity or a brutal activity. All depends on how fast your run.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 08, 2020, 02:20:46 PM
You can't outrun an Oreo cookie.

Says the chubby guy. Bullshit. Cardio is so important to being lean.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on August 08, 2020, 02:32:40 PM
Says the chubby guy. Bullshit. Cardio is so important to being lean.

No need to attack me.  You're a class guy so I'd expect better.

What you eat trumps cardio by a mile, unless you want to spend hours a day doing cardio.  Who wants to spend hours doing cardio?

I'm not saying cardio is not good for endurance.  It is good for that.

Will it make you live longer or avoid a heart attack?  Nope.

It's just not efficient for weight loss compared to reducing calories.

Combined with lower calories it will help you drop off those few last pounds but in no way will it overcome too much food and drink.

You just can't do enough cardio to work off the calories that exceed normal daily metabolic needs if you overeat a lot.

Don't assume I don't do cardio.  I did 30 minutes on the airdyne yesterday including 10 minutes of sprints.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 09, 2020, 03:54:16 PM
Being out of cardio shape is a risk factor for heart disease. A huge percentage of cardiac patients are put on an aerobic exercise programs recovering from surgery. The 50 plus years of statistics from Doctor Cooper is vast. Yes, being in cardio shape is good for your heart. Those that have a heart attack while doing aerobic type exercise isn't proof of anything but an statistical anomoly.  Aerobic exercise has prevented more heart attacks than it has caused. The heart is a muscle. Regarding life extension Cooper used a bell graph showing those that exercised aerobically did live longer. The downside of the bell was those that did excessive cardio didn't.

If you were to run two miles a day hard six days a week for two weeks you would lose fat that wouldn't account for the caloric cost during the activity.

You use rationalization against aerobic type exercise might stem from it being too hard for you. You have  bias against aerobics exercise then you come with a non sequitur that you use an air dyne. 

Today I ran two hard miles. You can put me down for it as your usually do but but I lose weight drastically when I have a good cardio program going.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 12, 2020, 07:03:52 PM
Missing a lot of workouts here out of laziness. Yes, working out hard but I'm not posting it. Yesterday I did 2.2 miles run early before work. Today was a hard leg workout before work.

Rereading Zane's book about his workout journals. Learned some good stuff. Dumbbell squats is something I have never seen in the gym. I am the only one doing them in my gym. Reading his workout journals and he used them. He called them Dumbbell hack squats but it's the same thing I do. I have no clue why he calls them dumbbell hack squats.

Another thing I learned is how much pain his shoulder was giving him. He took a lot of pain medicine because of it. He also was pretty strong for a guy that wasn't huge. Yes, some times of the year he used a lot less weight and I assume it was off cycle. For many guys back then they would only use steroids for  the one big contest each year. The rest of the year they would do without.

Last point is he used a lot of cardio. It was either running, walking or biking.  He mentions it a lot through his journals. Arnold, Callard and Franco use to run too. More recently Yates and Ronnie used walking on treadmill and stationary cycling.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 14, 2020, 09:38:55 AM
Trained Delt and arms today.  I've been planning a whole body routine instead of my split. Thinking it over so I can lift twice a week to three times a week to free time for other activities.  I have a love hate relationship with whole body routines. If you have ever red lined it for whole body routines then you know it's truly is the hardest way to train. It's devastating to the body. When ever I hear people say it's a beginner routine loses all credibility with me. Split routines are way easier.

    When I use whole body routines I do it the way Arthur Jones said to do it. Largest to the smallest body part unless something conflicts. The general order for me is as shown below.

     Power exercise-legs-chest (done out of order so I don't do back to back pressing)-back- shoulders-triceps-biceps- calves- abs-neck. 

     This is my old reliable whole body routine.  It's a killer if you push yourself. No warm ups shown. I do them if I need it.

1. Power cleans and jerks 3 x 3 then 1 x 1
2. Squats 2 x 8 then 1 x 1
3. Standing leg curls 2 x 12
4. Dumbbell bench press 2 x 8
5. Pull ups 2 x max
6. Seated lat cable rows 2 x 12
7. Military press 2 x 8
8. Dumbbell delt laterals 2 x 10
9. Weighted dips 2 x 10
10. Barbell curls 2 x 10
11. Standing calf raise 2 x 15
12. Sit ups 1 x max on an incline
13. Weighted hyper extensions 2 x 15
14. neck work one set for each side.

The weight progression at this point maybe due to my age is a six workout progression.  So if I'm training three days a week I will hit the heaviest weight on workout six.  I plot out a goal for workout six and back off each workout 5lbs to 10lbs depending on the exercise. Some times I can use fractionalized plates for less progression. I guess it's hard to convey what I'm saying. Let's say my goal is a 35lbs plate behind my head for weighted hyper back extensions?  If I'm working out Monday-Wednesday and Friday it will look like this. Monday I will use 10lbs. plate behind my head for weighted back extensions. I can do additional reps but I won't. I will stop at 15 reps. Wednesday I will use 15lbs. Same again. I can do more reps but I will stop. Friday will be 20lbs.  Next week Monday I will use 25lbs plate. Wednesday will be 30lbs.  and Friday I will shoot with for my goal of 35lbs plate behind my head.  The first week with the 10lbs the reps will be slow in both directions. I will make it harder by doing that. By the time I get to 35lbs it will be a normal rep cadence. After I hit the goal weight it's always good to completely change each exercise. It's good for the mind and body. 

Having typed all this who knows what I will do next week. When I was younger I planned workouts with a notebook. I recorded every rep, weight and time it took to complete the workout.  I still have many of those journals. No,  in my sixties I can't come close to doing what I could when I was younger. The last great peak I had I was around 50.  I'm just trying to hold it together now.

Even though I train with a split for the majority of my training I think there is gold in whole body routines. The body fatigues as a unit systemically.  It's not localized to a body part. Also it becomes more athletic using the majority of compound movements instead of so much isolation.  The body when doing any athletic sport works as a unit and not in isolation.  If you wanted to make a better fighter, running back or a sprinter would you have them doing leg extensions or curls? Odd are a competent trainer or coach would have them doing something like power cleans, snatches and full squats with a pressing motion. Me, I'm struck in the bodybuilding mentality.  If I had my senses I would train like an athlete instead of a bodybuilder. 

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on August 14, 2020, 11:46:46 AM
Do you feel like you are getting a complete triceps and biceps workout using this routine?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 14, 2020, 04:52:26 PM
Do you feel like you are getting a complete triceps and biceps workout using this routine?

Why not? Curious why you would ask that? Barbell curls for the biceps and dips for the triceps. Also chins and cable rows work the biceps and dumbbell bench and military hits the triceps again.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on August 14, 2020, 05:08:28 PM
Why not? Curious why you would ask that? Barbell curls for the biceps and dips for the triceps. Also chins and cable rows work the biceps and dumbbell bench and military hits the triceps again.

Just making the comparison between whole body routines and targeted routines wherein one hits the same muscle group directly using a variety of exercises, i.e. seated dumbbell curls, standing cable EZ bar curls, standing reverse grip curls, concentration curls. Likewise a full array of triceps exercises, of which there are many to choose from.

Almost all exercises involve more than one muscle group. Some more directly than others.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 15, 2020, 10:52:20 AM
Just making the comparison between whole body routines and targeted routines wherein one hits the same muscle group directly using a variety of exercises, i.e. seated dumbbell curls, standing cable EZ bar curls, standing reverse grip curls, concentration curls. Likewise a full array of triceps exercises, of which there are many to choose from.

Almost all exercises involve more than one muscle group. Some more directly than others.

I love split routines and the fun of doing a variety of exercises.  Some exercises are stretch orientated. Some are mid range and some are contraction priority. In reality this is minutiae.  Bottom line it is fun to do a variety of exercises for each body part. A whole body routine doesn't leave room for that luxury.  When Monday gets here I will decide to go the whole body route or do another split.  My work schedule opened up so I will have more days off for awhile. Having that luxury makes the split more appealing. Only thought of whole body routines because I had too much work obligations lately.  Now the wind is shifting at work and I have more days off next week.  :)

Prime, do you think anyone trains on this site?  It seems no one talks about training anymore on the main board.  I can condense the typical thread comments as the following. "You are an asshole and I can kick your ass"  "You couldn't kick a little girls ass."  "Put up a picture of your scary physique."  "Fuck you, your mother has one leg shorter than the other and every time she tries to walk she ends up walking in a circle."  "I will kill you for talking about my mother."  "I'm scared. You don't even lift."   
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on August 15, 2020, 01:10:40 PM
Ha, ha, those "posts" are a great assessment of the average contributor on Getbig. If you take an objective look at most of what's posted, you'd think that the age of the average people here are somewhere between 13 and an immature 18 year old. Of course I am no one to talk because I've definitely fallen prey to the particularly rank posts about me and sometimes I respond at the poster's level. I really need to practice ignoring those posts. That recent poll as to whether I should leave the board or not was just dumb. I'll leave the board when I choose to or I die.

You, Ironat, NJflex, occasionally The Scott and me seem to be the only people posting anything really bodybuilding related on a regular basis. I've even noticed when Ron puts up competition results hardly anyone comments on them. I guess you could also say that a few of The Coach's posts are bodybuilding related....mostly about his diet, which is crazy restrictive. At least he looks like a competitive bodybuilder in his photos.

Whatever happened to people having lively adult conversations that sometimes included politics? My best friend is very conservative, her partner is more liberal, we often have political discussions. She absolutely did not like Bill Clinton because she believe as president he should have been a moral leader. I felt like his private business should be of no concern to anyone outside the people directly involved. We had very different points of view and had some lively conversations over this.

You and I have our differences of opinion about politics, etc. We have had respectful discussions. We've not resorted to name calling. It can be done when people act like adults. Now, the Scott is another much hated. It must be eating him alive.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 16, 2020, 08:17:59 AM
Interesting article on heavy weights vs light weights. It seems they both work. It's just the intensity of effort. Kind of like comparing a quarter mile sprinter to a 10K guy. They both train hard but it's apples to oranges.

Two extremes here.  One guy warms up with non taxing weight  then hits an exercise for one set to failure where he couldn't get another rep.  The second guy does the same exercise for 5 sets.  First set of 10 reps is well within his capacity.  He could have got 17 reps if he pushed it. Second set he gets 10 reps and he could have got 15 reps. Third is another ten. It's getting hard now.  He could only gotten about 12.  Fourth he gets 10 but wonders if he could have gotten 11. The fifth  set he fails at 9. 

Arguably who is getting the most amount of work for the muscle?  Intensity guys will say the first because he failed at 10 and if you put a gun to his head he couldn't have gotten 11 reps.  The volume  guy would say mathematically and finite reasoning says the volume guy had more work and stress to build the muscle.  If intensity was the magic bullet wouldn't it reason to do sets of one rep after warming up so you could do the most intense training possible?

Anyway this article is  on the Clarence Bass site. It cites of course increased endurance is the result of volume with light weight and I assume higher reps. I'm also sure it doesn't assist with one rep maxes.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 17, 2020, 04:25:38 PM
Whole body routine before work today. Every one is sleeping and I'm in my basement with ear buds in lifting iron. I should have my head examined.

Power cleans 3 x 3 (These are a fun lift. I used light weights since I haven't used them in a awhile)

Barbell Squats 2 x 8 then 1 x 1 (Another exercise I rarely use now. Shoulders are screaming from holding the bar)
Standing leg curls 2 x 12 ( Felt good. I've been using the seated leg curl for a long time now.)

Decline Dumbbell bench 2 x 8 ( I think I have to increase the angle. I just set the adjustable bench when I got it and never experimented.

Pull ups 5 x 3 ( I know 3 reps.  :-\ I did them very slow and full range. Dead hang to having the elbows all the way down at the end of the concentric portion of the rep. Rested little between sets. Break in exercise. I haven't done these in  a long time.
Seated lat cable rows 2 x 12

Military press 2 x 10
Dumbbell laterals 2 x 12 (One set thumbs up and one conventional.)

Barbell curls 2 x 10 ( fairly narrow grip.)
Weighted dips 2 x 10

No weight single leg calf raises 2 x max

Weighted lower back hyper extensions 2 x 25

Neck work

I really don't enjoy whole body routines. I like to stay with a body part with a different exercises. I know if you are enjoying a workout you're not training hard enough but something about a whole body routine I just don't want to use anymore. Maybe it's the lack of a pump. Maybe it's the whole body exhaustion thing. Having said that I didn't use max weights for me in this workout so I couldn't say with a straight face I red lined the tach on the workout. Taking two days off of lifting and I will decide what I want to do for the rest of the week.

 The power cleans were fun but I have a lot of trouble racking the weight with my arthritic and damaged shoulders. Wonder if I'm causing more harm than benefit from the exercise. It sure is fun doing the quick lifts though. I remember when Bill Starr wrote an article in the old Ironman a couple of decades ago. He was said a good quick lift for an older trainer was actually a snatch.  He stated his reasoning and it made some good points. When I used the snatch maybe 10 plus years ago I used the old fashion split snatch.  I might do an exercise I never did before too. I saw a video of three guys having a clean and press contest with dumbbells. Highest reps one. They looked like they were dying at the end. I just have a fear of injury at my age. Doing something stupid at this age could be very damaging.  ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on August 17, 2020, 11:59:26 PM
Whole body routine before work today. Every one is sleeping and I'm in my basement with ear buds in lifting iron while every one is sleeping. I should have my head examined.

Power cleans 3 x 3 (These are a fun lift. I used light weights since I haven't used them in a awhile)

Barbell Squats 2 x 8 then 1 x 1 (Another exercise I rarely use now. Shoulders are screaming from holding the bar)
Standing leg curls 2 x 12 ( Felt good. I've been using the seated leg curl for a long time now.)

Decline Dumbbell bench 2 x 8 ( I think I have to increase the angle. I just set the adjustable bench when I got it and never experimented.

Pull ups 5 x 3 ( I know 3 reps.  :-\ I did them very slow and full range. Dead hang to having the elbows all the way down at the end of the concentric portion of the rep. Rested little between sets. Break in exercise. I haven't done these in  a long time.
Seated lat cable rows 2 x 12

Military press 2 x 10
Dumbbell laterals 2 x 12 (One set thumbs up and one conventional.)

Barbell curls 2 x 10 ( fairly narrow grip.)
Weighted dips 2 x 10

No weight single leg calf raises 2 x max

Weighted lower back hyper extensions 2 x 25

Neck work

I really don't enjoy whole body routines. I like to stay with a body part with a different exercises. I know if you are enjoying a workout you're not training hard enough but something about a whole body routine I just don't want to use anymore. Maybe it's the lack of a pump. Maybe it's the whole body exhaustion thing. Having said that I didn't use max weights for me in this workout so I couldn't say with a straight face I red lined the tach on the workout. Taking two days off of lifting and I will decide what I want to do for the rest of the week.

 The power cleans were fun but I have a lot of trouble racking the weight with my arthritic and damaged shoulders. Wonder if I'm causing more harm than benefit from the exercise. It sure is fun doing the quick lifts though. I remember when Bill Starr wrote an article in the old Ironman a couple of decades ago. He was said a good quick lift for an older trainer was actually a snatch.  He stated his reasoning and it made some good points. When I used the snatch maybe 10 plus years ago I used the old fashion split snatch.  I might do an exercise I never did before too. I saw a video of three guys having a clean and press contest with dumbbells. Highest reps one. They looked like they were dying at the end. I just have a fear of injury at my age. Doing something stupid at this age could be very damaging.  ;D

If you are not enjoying your workout you are probably training too hard instead of not hard enough. I believe when you finish your routine, you feel good, not exhausted. That way you'll look forward to the next workout instead of dreading it. This is just my opinion, but I think you are way to hard on yourself.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 18, 2020, 05:07:05 AM
If you are not enjoying your workout you are probably training too hard instead of not hard enough. I believe when you finish your routine, you feel good, not exhausted. That way you'll look forward to the next workout instead of dreading it. This is just my opinion, but I think you are way to hard on yourself.

Prime what you said is actually what Bill Pearl wrote several times. He said in effect if you push yourself too hard then you will dread working out. This will lead to missed workouts.  He said longevity is an important part of working out. Also never forget what Lee Haney was fond of saying, " Stimulate don't annihilate."  Getting back to Pearl he wrote training to exhaustion was wrong.

Prime look at this link written by Bill Pearl and scroll down to the bottom where he talks about training to failure. He agrees with you point by point.

I wrote to Pearl awhile back and he wrote when he got older he didn't "hot dog" anymore. I think his slang meant show off in the weight room. In another article I read where he was interviewed he said around age 55 he stopped caring about the weight on the bar.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on August 18, 2020, 01:48:00 PM
Prime what you said is actually what Bill Pearl wrote several times. He said in effect if you push yourself too hard then you will dread working out. This will lead to missed workouts.  He said longevity is an important part of working out. Also never forget what Lee Haney was fond of saying, " Stimulate don't annihilate."  Getting back to Pearl he wrote training to exhaustion was wrong.

Prime look at this link written by Bill Pearl and scroll down to the bottom where he talks about training to failure. He agrees with you point by point.

I wrote to Pearl awhile back and he wrote when he got older he didn't "hot dog" anymore. I think his slang meant show off in the weight room. In another article I read where he was interviewed he said around age 55 he stopped caring about the weight on the bar.

I'm with Bill Pearl. He's had a very long life in which he's maintained good health and fitness. He must know what he's talking about.

There have been so many times when  I started a new routine, that I went into it with the train smart approach and gradually started adding exercises, set and reps, plus really pushing y weight limits. It's so easy to fall into this habit. After all it is known as progressive weight training.

Set reasonable limits and stick to them. In the long haul you'll be glad that you did.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 18, 2020, 05:54:24 PM
Ran two miles today. Disappointed with the time. At this age sometimes I go for a run sometimes and I feel relatively young but most of the time I run and feel like a decrepit old person.  Ran two miles a little under 10 minute miles. Pathetic. Just felt like my legs wouldn't work. Going to try it again tomorrow and I hope to red line the pace.  Maybe I'm not recovered from the whole body routine I did the day before. I hate aging. I look at the civilians I work with that are around my age and whether female or male and they look like absolute shit.  Egotistically I say  I know  I'm doing something right.

 I remember being about  16 years old and running a sub 6 minute mile was as easy as hell.  I remember thinking back then I will always be able to "jog" a mile in the sub 6 minute pace.  Now running a 8 minute mile feels so fast. I think it's just age. No one escapes it. Some specialize in a specific athletic endeavor as they age and can still do some impressive stuff. I know they can't do anything athletic outside of their specialty because of their age. My friend is the typical 60 something power lifter. He is fat and soft with zero muscles it seems. Uses about 2 to 4 exercises a training session. He can push impressive powerlifting  numbers in his narrow athletic quest. I know if he did a pick up two hand touch game with college guys he would be winded quick and as slow as molasses.  Something to be said for just being fit.

I might have mentioned it before but Joe Weider and his empire was located in the city I grew up in New Jersey. As a 8 year old or so I would would walk in and the guys there would give me stacks of expired magazines. I actually still have one in tatters. Still a better magazine than anything put out. I think it was from 1966.  Had Rick Wayne on the cover. The cover is gone. Anyway it put the bodybuilding bug in my brain. At 17 I bought a bunch of Jubinville stuff. Some of it amazingly I still have. It was great seeing Joe Weider in his prime. Wearing a suit he looked so big to a little kid that I was.

In retrospect I wish I never was exposed to bodybuilding. It's a drug sport. I would have been so better off health wise and conditioning wise if I was mainly a body weight exercise guy who ran for conditioning. I would be ripped and in great health. Instead I'm training with weights too much and doing too little conditioning exercises.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 20, 2020, 06:01:53 AM
Yesterday I did a Yates workout. One set to failure after warm up if needed. Reps listed are generally accurate but they are from memory so sometimes a guess. I don't use a workout journal anymore.

Dumbbell flat bench 1 x 10 (Slow negative. Trying hard not to aggravate my shoulder)
Decline Dumbbell bench 1 x 10
Flat flies 1 x 14 (used a moderate weight and tried to use a slow rep cadence )
Push ups 1 x max (these are hard do to right after flies)

Barbell curl 1 x 12
Alternate dumbbell curl 1 x 10
Narrow grip barbell curls 1 x 14 (Really liking this exercise)
Concentration curls 1 x 13

Wrist curls 1 x 20
Wrist extensions 1 x 20
Ivanko gripper 2 x 20

Incline sit ups 1 x 25
Pulley ab crunches 1 x 50

Yesterday after my workout my daughter asked for help in getting furniture from Costco for her house. Thought it was a box or two.  Turned out to be bed set, two dressers, armoire, two night stands and something else. The boxes were heavy. I was moving it with her big Polish boyfriend. One item was in his pick up truck. I went to push it toward the gate to get ready to remove it and I saw stars with my shoulder pain. These bulky items are awkward to lift in a box. She closes on her house on Friday so all this stuff is sitting my house and now I got to move it to her house in three days. This time up stairs. Told her she has to get a hand truck and ratchet straps for this. I had such a good workout and felt I caused damage moving this crap.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 20, 2020, 04:13:15 PM
Leg day: Yates style. One set to failure after warm up if needed.

Leg press 1 x 15
Dumbbell squat 1 x 15
Stiff dead 1 x 8
leg extension 1 x 25
Seated leg curl 1 x 18

one dumbbell side bend 1 x 18
Hanging straight leg raise 1 x 25
Hip ups 1 x 30

Standing calf 1 x 20
Seated calf 1 x 18

Neck work

After I cleaned the pool and filled a cooler with beer. Floated in an inflatable chair listening to Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin.  A lot of live night club stuff. Wish dinner clubs could come back to that.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on August 20, 2020, 04:42:05 PM
Leg day: Yates style. One set to failure after warm up if needed.

Leg press 1 x 15
Dumbbell squat 1 x 15
Stiff dead 1 x 8
leg extension 1 x 25
Seated leg curl 1 x 18

one dumbbell side bend 1 x 18
Hanging straight leg raise 1 x 25
Hip ups 1 x 30

Standing calf 1 x 20
Seated calf 1 x 18

Neck work

After I cleaned the pool and filled a cooler with beer. Floated in an inflatable chair listening to Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin.  A lot of live night club stuff. Wish dinner clubs could come back to that.

What amount of weight are you using on these 1 set, high rep exercises?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 20, 2020, 07:00:29 PM
What amount of weight are you using on these 1 set, high rep exercises?

I stopped listing weights because it's irrelevant to another trainer.  Take two guys doing a leg press. One does shallow leg bends and the other completely fully bends his legs. Which is working harder? How can they compare weight used?  I might do slow reps and another is doing fast reps. Bodybuilding is full of delusional people and it seems the majority uses a short range of motion so they can handle the big weights. 

 I remember one day doing sets of  dumbbell shoulder presses with 55lbs. I went all the way down as far as my arms could go. The guy I was lifting with took the 80lbs and never let his humerous bone go below parallel. So what is that? A half press? He told me he started training using the fifties but now he proudly said he's up to the 80lbs.  My next set I took his 80lbs and did the exact range of motion he did with a set. Instead of seeing my point he asked why was I using the 55lbs if I could handle the 80lbs? Was he so delusional he couldn't see I was moving the weight each rep through a greater range of motion than what he was doing? Bodybuilding is full of delusional insecure guys. No, I'm not a strong man. I do think I'm a hard trainer though.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on August 21, 2020, 03:46:34 AM
Injuries often happen when we do something we aren't used to doing.

I injured my bicep tendon a few months ago doing heavy low cable rows when I hadn't done them in a long time.

My knee was sore for weeks after taking a walk on uneven terrain.

Stuff like that.  Like lifting boxes.

I was helping my daughter move a month or so ago and I bent low to pick up a mattress and got a back spasm.

It can happen when you're younger too.  I had the worst back spasms ever 30+ years ago after doing seated presses.

Anytime you change exercises you have to be careful and not go too heavy at first.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 21, 2020, 07:33:52 AM
Injuries often happen when we do something we aren't used to doing.

I injured my bicep tendon a few months ago doing heavy low cable rows when I hadn't done them in a long time.

My knee was sore for weeks after taking a walk on uneven terrain.

Stuff like that.  Like lifting boxes.

I was helping my daughter move a month or so ago and I bent low to pick up a mattress and got a back spasm.

It can happen when you're younger too.  I had the worst back spasms ever 30+ years ago after doing seated presses.

Anytime you change exercises you have to be careful and not go too heavy at first.

Regarding seated lat pulley rows I have hurt my bicep tendon in the past too. Try a slightly wider handle. I found that helped me. Instead of the conventional V type handle try a M.A.G. handle or just use a wider one. The wider handle eliminated the strain for me. The one pictured is somewhat like the one I use when my bicep gets aggravated. Another thing I found when using the typical V handle for lat rows is the grip used makes a big difference regarding bicep strain. Hard to explain with words but I will give it a shot. When grabbing the V handle take a loose grip then push your  inside wrists toward each other. Then tighten your grip to begin the exercise.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 21, 2020, 10:22:46 AM
Back day:

Pull ups 1 x max ( weak in these because I haven't done them for a long time. Did them twice this week. Tomorrow is the third time.
MAG bar pull downs 1 x 11 140lbs with an upright back. No lean back heaves. All the way down and all the way out.
Seated lat pulley rows 1 x 14 170lbs
Dumbbell row off a bench 1 x 12 85lbs
Deadlift 1 x 6 315lbs
Lower back hyper extensions 1 x 20 25lbs plate behind my head
Weighted crunches 1 x 50
Pulley crunches 1 x 25 (I increased the weight from what I was doing)

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on August 21, 2020, 02:01:38 PM
I stopped listing weights because it's irrelevant to another trainer.  Take two guys doing a leg press. One does shallow leg bends and the other completely fully bends his legs. Which is working harder? How can they compare weight used?  I might do slow reps and another is doing fast reps. Bodybuilding is full of delusional people and it seems the majority uses a short range of motion so they can handle the big weights. 

 I remember one day doing sets of  dumbbell shoulder presses with 55lbs. I went all the way down as far as my arms could go. The guy I was lifting with took the 80lbs and never let his humerous bone go below parallel. So what is that? A half press? He told me he started training using the fifties but now he proudly said he's up to the 80lbs.  My next set I took his 80lbs and did the exact range of motion he did with a set. Instead of seeing my point he asked why was I using the 55lbs if I could handle the 80lbs? Was he so delusional he couldn't see I was moving the weight each rep through a greater range of motion than what he was doing? Bodybuilding is full of delusional insecure guys. No, I'm not a strong man. I do think I'm a hard trainer though.

All of what you wrote is correct. That doesn't mean there isn't value in know what other's are doing with regard to all aspects of weight training which includes how much weight one lifts in any given exercise. There is no harm in someone saying I use X amount of weight and I go deep, with great concentration on strict form and speed of movement. That gives the reader a full picture of how you preform the exercise. It's not about who can lift more. The variables in weight training are endless. I lift a lot less poundage today then I did in my 20's and 30's which suggests age might be yet another variable to consider.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on August 21, 2020, 02:05:06 PM
Injuries often happen when we do something we aren't used to doing.

I injured my bicep tendon a few months ago doing heavy low cable rows when I hadn't done them in a long time.

My knee was sore for weeks after taking a walk on uneven terrain.

Stuff like that.  Like lifting boxes.

I was helping my daughter move a month or so ago and I bent low to pick up a mattress and got a back spasm.

It can happen when you're younger too.  I had the worst back spasms ever 30+ years ago after doing seated presses.

Anytime you change exercises you have to be careful and not go too heavy at first.

This is so true. I have put my lower back out dozens of times over the years, never once was it when I was exercising. It always was when I was doing something where I neglected to think about form, like when moving boxes or in my case just turning or twisting the wrong way.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 22, 2020, 06:50:17 AM
When I was young I hurt my lower back a lot. I now attribute it too training too much.  I never gave the lower back a break. Heavy deadlifting one day and the next day power lifting type squats. The day after power cleans. When it went out it would be out for a week but it came back fine. Too be young again. My training partner from back in the day of my late teens and early 20's just had major lower back surgery in his 60's. He blames the lifting we did in our youth. He also was a butcher lifting lot of heavy beef boxes. 

Now knock on wood my lower back seems bullet proof. Wish I could say the same for my shoulders.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 22, 2020, 12:21:17 PM
Delt and tricep day. No warm ups listed. Sometimes I use them most times I don't.

Clean and press 1 x 9
Dumbbell delt laterals 1 x 15
Rear delt dumbbell laterals 1 x 14
Face pulls 1 x 15 (These feel really shoulder health friendly. Maybe it's the full range of motion the rear delts get)
Barbell shrugs 1 x 15

Rope tricep 1 x 16
Seated EZ bar tricep extensions 1 x 8
Single one arm tricep extensions behind the head 1 x 13
Reverse grip single arm tricep extension 1 x 15

Weighted crunches 1 x 50
Pulley crunches 1 x 35

Tomorrow is a big moving day to get all the heavy furniture my daughter stored in my house to the house she bought. Ugh. Kill me now. Most of it is going up to the second floor. Glad her young big boyfriend is going to be there. He's damaged too I heard. His arm broke in pieces when he accidentally ran off a ledge with a ten foot drop head first years ago. He broke the fall with his arm that shattered. Impressive operation scars. He's strong and big though. I also have my oldest son to help. Lifted five days this week. Going to take a couple of days off of lifting to recover. My body feels beat up.

I have a beach vacation coming up in mid September. Trying to decide whether to join a gym for a week there. They have a hard core gym about a two blocks from where we stay. Come to think of it with covid will the gyms be open in South Carolina? Wonder if I'm being too obsessive about working out? I could use a week off. I like to body surf in the ocean and have been known to do that for hours. That's some kind of workout? No?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on August 22, 2020, 12:38:25 PM
Take the week off and recover/heal up.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 22, 2020, 12:56:02 PM
Take the week off and recover/heal up.

You are probably right. Enjoy my week off.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on August 22, 2020, 05:10:31 PM
Take the week off and recover/heal up.

I agree. There's a reason it's called a vacation.

The word vacation means "exemption from service, respite from work," and traces back to vacāre, "to be empty, be free, have leisure."
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on August 24, 2020, 04:30:32 AM
A vacation, as long as it's not too long (like a week), is an excellent time to take a break from training.

Train right up to the start and then off for a week.

I'm doing this myself soon.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 24, 2020, 10:43:44 AM
Ran two slug miles today.  My new watch has a heart monitor.  I could tell by the heart rate I wasn’t pushing it.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on August 24, 2020, 02:37:41 PM
Ran two slug miles today.  My new watch has a heart monitor.  I could tell by the heart rate I wasn’t pushing it.

Do you think you are in an over-trained state?

I read that sometimes it can take awhile (weeks even) to recover from a severely over-trained state.

I did exhausting car repairs the past couple weekdays/weekends and I was beat.  Today I worked out in the AM and a few hours later took a two hour nap.  I took at least an hour nap late afternoon yesterday afterwards too and could have slept all the way to morning.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 24, 2020, 04:58:29 PM
Do you think you are in an over-trained state?

I read that sometimes it can take awhile (weeks even) to recover from a severely over-trained state.

I did exhausting car repairs the past couple weekdays/weekends and I was beat.  Today I worked out in the AM and a few hours later took a two hour nap.  I took at least an hour nap late afternoon yesterday afterwards too and could have slept all the way to morning.

I lifted 5 times last week and yesterday I helped my daughter move. The furniture she bought is serious quality and heavy. Getting it up to the second floor of the house she bought was a bitch. I had her strong fresh off the boat Polish boyfriend and my son. It took three of us to get it up the narrow stair way to the second floor. It was a bitch. End of the day I was limping. I took some aspirin.  In the morning I didn't feel bad and went for a run but judging by my time I was still hurting from the moving of furniture

Yes, I know I flirt into over training. I think the biggest symptom I recognize is depression.  It's just a deep down exhaustion. Both of use are the same age I think.  Sometimes after week of training like a lunatic I do get really down. Another symptom I think is not being able to sleep well. Many times I wake up at 4AM unable to get back to sleep.

It is a balancing act and maybe I'm not the one to espouse on it. Do too much and exhaustion, depression and insomnia can be the result as well as over use injuries. Be lazy and take it easy all the time and your wasting your time trying to keep in good shape.  I normally feel great after a run for hours before I fade but there's something about training to failure that leaves the body is shock state after awhile.

I could have wrote this one sentence as follows to answer your question. I don't know.  I just know when I was a real athlete I  only felt I could compete with some one genetically gifted was to out work them.  Some times this worked and some times not.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on August 24, 2020, 11:33:50 PM
I lifted 5 times last week and yesterday I helped my daughter move. The furniture she bought is serious quality and heavy. Getting it up to the second floor of the house she bought was a bitch. I had her strong fresh off the boat Polish boyfriend and my son. It took three of us to get it up the narrow stair way to the second floor. It was a bitch. End of the day I was limping. I took some aspirin.  In the morning I didn't feel bad and went for a run but judging by my time I was still hurting from the moving of furniture

Yes, I know I flirt into over training. I think the biggest symptom I recognize is depression.  It's just a deep down exhaustion. Both of use are the same age I think.  Sometimes after week of training like a lunatic I do get really down. Another symptom I think is not being able to sleep well. Many times I wake up at 4AM unable to get back to sleep.

It is a balancing act and maybe I'm not the one to espouse on it. Do too much and exhaustion, depression and insomnia can be the result as well as over use injuries. Be lazy and take it easy all the time and your wasting your time trying to keep in good shape.  I normally feel great after a run for hours before I fade but there's something about training to failure that leaves the body is shock state after awhile.

I could have wrote this one sentence as follows to answer your question. I don't know.  I just know when I was a real athlete I  only felt I could compete with some one genetically gifted was to out work them.  Some times this worked and some times not.

Depression is a serious issue. Training your ass off won't fix everything. It is better than drinking yourself into oblivion (as I've been known to do). But ultimately, you'll need to get to the root of what's causing it before you can begin to learn how best to deal with it. Unfortunately, it's not like some virus that will eventually go away on its own. -Wish it were.

You've alluded to your physical prowess as a young man. You are no longer that young man. Be proud of what you could accomplish then and be just as proud of what you can do now. Rather than compare yourself to a twenty year old, compare yourself to your contemporaries. I think you will quickly learn that you are still at the top of the heap.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on August 25, 2020, 04:10:16 AM
Wise words, Prime.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 25, 2020, 09:39:11 AM
Ran 2.1 miles. Surprised with the time.  Heading in a good direction.   Yesterday’s bad run was from my Daughter’s moving day.  Feeling good now and not so beat up from lifting heavy furniture.  .  Hope to have a another good run after lifting tomorrow. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 26, 2020, 03:20:03 PM
Chest and bicep:

Flat Dumbbell bench 1 x 8 75lbs. (all the way down. No partial reps and a slow cadence)
Decline dumbbell bench 1 x 9 68lbs (Yes in my home gym I can make 68lbs dumbbells.)
Flat flies 1 x 12 50lbs
Push ups 1 x max reps

Barbell curls 1 x 12 95lbs
Alternate dumbell curls 1 x 10 45lbs
Narrow grip barbell curls 1 x 14 80lbs
Concentration curls 1 x 13

Wrist curls 1 x 25 95lbs
Wrist extensions 1 x 20

Incline sit ups 1 x 30
Pulley crunches 1 x 30 (increased the weight. Normally go for around 50 reps)

I was going to go for a run after but I was a little shot so I canned it. Tried to float in the pool after for relaxation but it was too cold. I think it was around 65 last night and only 80 during the day with a chilling wind.

I came in to watch a rerun I taped of the 2019 college track championships. Nothing wrong with having a slim, muscular physique. Looks good on the beach and in dress clothes. Amazing times in the races.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 27, 2020, 06:01:03 PM
Thought it would be a great day to chill with the wife poolside. Then my relatives said let's have a pool party. Ugh. I just wanted to chill. I cleaned the pool and it took an hour. I then lifted for leg day. After I mowed the grass and weed wacked. Then the tornado came. Coolers and food with music blasting. After many hours I was shot. I brought a bottle inside of Patron and dropped it. Patron everywhere.  One relative kept going to her car to smoke pot. What the hell? Now the tornado is gone. I really hope I can float in the pool tomorrow listening to Sinatra looking at the clouds in quiet.  I need a break.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 28, 2020, 04:41:24 PM
Did jack today. Just walked on the boardwalk.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on August 29, 2020, 06:28:45 AM
Did jack today. Just walked on the boardwalk.

Some thoughts of  mine...

Easy walking is good for recovery.  Low stress. 

I always had best results taking a rest day between workouts.  This was the tried and true method for nattys in the old days. 

Once steroids came along the game changed and people found they could train everyday because the drugs put them in a constant state of anabolism.

Youth may also allow you to do this because your hormone levels are at their peak.  Even in my youth I still found a day off to work best.  I wrestled in high school and was always in an over-trained state and that was really not good.  It sucked then and it sucks now.

Running 3 miles would not be a rest day if I was also weight training the next day or the same day.  If I ran 3 miles then I'd have to train upper body the next day but not legs.  Even so, the running, if intensive, would probably affect my recovery for my next weight workout.  If it was relaxed it most likely would not.  Easy walking, light jogging would be ok.  What would make it intensive?  Competitiveness, trying to improve my time, trying to be faster, etc.  Pushing yourself.

Dorian Yates advised not to do cardio on weight workout days as it would impede muscle recovery.  He did light cardio on off days. The key here is non-stressful cardio.   

Intensive weight training affects your nervous system and you need recovery time.  If you keep draining your body and nervous system and don't allow it to recover you eventually end up in an over-trained state which can result in feeling like crap both physically and mentally.

If you look forward to training you are likely not over-training.  If you have to force yourself, or dread having to train you likely are.  Training refers to both weights and running in your case.  Training encompasses all of it. 

The body and mind are interconnected. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 29, 2020, 11:22:07 AM
I find that training to positive failure becomes sick brutal after awhile. Danny Padilla touched on it in an interview. I don't want to put words in his mouth but it sounded like he was dreading working out with HIT. He used the word scary. He said he used seriously heavy weights and the worst part was he didn't see the results he obtained from his normal training.

Yes, Ironat. Too much stress is no good for the mind or body.  Only some bodybuilders train to failure. Olympic and Powerlifters rarely train to failure. Not complaining but I had a full week from going to work, watching my daughter's toddler for 14 hours a day on my off work days and last week moving my daughter to her new house. Everyone has house chores but doing ordinary stuff like mowing, weed wacking and no never ending cleaning of the pool got to me. Add one day my in law relatives invited them self over with an hour's notice for a pool party they wanted to have for them self sent me into a head spin. I am retired and I want to move down south where I don't have obligations. My kids and Grand daughter keeps me here.

Trained back today. Everything to failure. As I'm typing my daughter just asked me to go over her house to move her kitchen cabinets higher so her new fridge will fit that she didn't measure for.  ::)  The girl makes well over 100K. Can't she hire someone? 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on August 29, 2020, 12:10:55 PM
I find that training to positive failure becomes sick brutal after awhile. Danny Padilla touched on it in an interview. I don't want to put words in his mouth but it sounded like he was dreading working out with HIT. He used the word scary. He said he used seriously heavy weights and the worst part was he didn't see the results he obtained from his normal training.

Yes, Ironat. Too much stress is no good for the mind or body.  Only some bodybuilders train to failure. Olympic and Powerlifters rarely train to failure. Not complaining but I had a full week from going to work, watching my daughter's toddler for 14 hours a day on my off work days and last week moving my daughter to her new house. Everyone has house chores but doing ordinary stuff like mowing, weed wacking and no never ending cleaning of the pool got to me. Add one day my in law relatives invited them self over with an hour's notice for a pool party they wanted to have for them self sent me into a head spin. I am retired and I want to move down south where I don't have obligations. My kids and Grand daughter keeps me here.

Trained back today. Everything to failure. As I'm typing my daughter just asked me to go over her house to move her kitchen cabinets higher so her new fridge will fit that she didn't measure for.  ::)  The girl makes well over 100K. Can't she hire someone? 

All that stuff you mentioned is stressful and messes with your training.  It burns your nervous energy and if it's physical lifting like that moving furniture affects your recovery there too.

So, no wonder you didn't feel 100%. 

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 30, 2020, 05:22:15 PM
Delt and triceps: Done one set to failure. Warms ups used if needed.

Military press 1 x 9 115lbs (All the way down to the clavicles. No half reps)
Dumbbell laterals 1 x 15 30lbs (Thumbs up)
Dumbbell rear laterals 1 x 14 38lbs (Yes, I can make 38lbs dumbbells with my spin locks)
Face pulls 1 x 20 75lbs
Barbell shrugs 1  x 15 250lbs (tried to go full range and controlled. No monkey fucking a football shoulder jerks.)

Rope tricep 1 x 15
Seated tricep extensions with an EZ bar 1 x 8
Single arm behind head dumbbell tricep extensions 1 x 13
Reverse grip single arm tricep pulley extensions 1 x 14

Weighted crunches 1 x 55
Pulley crunches 1 x 45

John Cardillo a Mr. Canada from the 80's trained one set to failure. I use to read about guys that trained with low sets back in the day. Cardillo said in an article I read if you're going to do one set to failure then make sure you are doing relatively high reps. Interesting methods he used.  He also fasted one day a week. He was ripped. I just looked him up to see if there was anything about him on the internet. I found an article but I don't believe the weights attributed to him. I have read he used various splits. One was an upper and lower body split. Another was similar to what I use in general. Split the body in three ways and lift three days a week. One article said he also ran three days a weeks. I've had good results with that.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 31, 2020, 04:52:35 PM
Ran my two miles today before work.  I always try to run in lightweight shoes but I'm not that 160lbs college sprinter anymore. I just bought slightly bulky stability running shoes. I think at this stage of the game I need them for injury protection.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on August 31, 2020, 05:02:27 PM
I find that training to positive failure becomes sick brutal after awhile. Danny Padilla touched on it in an interview. I don't want to put words in his mouth but it sounded like he was dreading working out with HIT. He used the word scary. He said he used seriously heavy weights and the worst part was he didn't see the results he obtained from his normal training.

Yes, Ironat. Too much stress is no good for the mind or body.  Only some bodybuilders train to failure. Olympic and Powerlifters rarely train to failure. Not complaining but I had a full week from going to work, watching my daughter's toddler for 14 hours a day on my off work days and last week moving my daughter to her new house. Everyone has house chores but doing ordinary stuff like mowing, weed wacking and no never ending cleaning of the pool got to me. Add one day my in law relatives invited them self over with an hour's notice for a pool party they wanted to have for them self sent me into a head spin. I am retired and I want to move down south where I don't have obligations. My kids and Grand daughter keeps me here.

Trained back today. Everything to failure. As I'm typing my daughter just asked me to go over her house to move her kitchen cabinets higher so her new fridge will fit that she didn't measure for.  ::)  The girl makes well over 100K. Can't she hire someone?

When you reinstall the cupboard, install it caddywompus and then refuse to fix it. She'll get the idea and hire someone next time.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 31, 2020, 05:17:08 PM
When you reinstall the cupboard, install it caddywompus and then refuse to fix it. She'll get the idea and hire someone next time.

I assume you're joking. I would never do that to my daughter. In the end she got her friend an amazing tool guy. He can fix any car and rip apart a bathroom and re do it in two days. He got the fridge in.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 01, 2020, 07:27:34 PM
Ran two miles prior to work this Tuesday. I wake up in a stupor. Limp down stairs. Eat a bowl of cheerios then go in the basement to run a slow quarter mile on the treadmill to warm up. Then I go outside to run the two miles on a trial near my house. I get to work all fired up and by 1PM I'm dragging.

I think I taking it too easy with these two mile runs. Tomorrow I hope to push the time. Famous last words.

I haven't hit the heavy bag in awhile. My shoulder feel so much better. Going to whack it hard on Friday to see if it's a real contributor to my problem. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on September 01, 2020, 11:56:29 PM
I assume you're joking. I would never do that to my daughter. In the end she got her friend an amazing tool guy. He can fix any car and rip apart a bathroom and re do it in two days. He got the fridge in.

I was joking. You are obsessed with perfection in everything you do. Clearly, there is no way you would ever relax or let your daughter down.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on September 01, 2020, 11:57:15 PM
so when is that vacation going to happen?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 02, 2020, 08:04:39 AM
so when is that vacation going to happen?

Heading to South Carolina 9-11-2020.  Going to be body surfing for hours every day in the surf. Eat a great meal someplace. Then have cocktails on the beach or balcony. The place has three balconies facing the ocean. One in each bedroom and the living room. Really looking forward to it. This week is moving my son into his place. Tired of moving my kids. Well it's time to lift weights and go for a run.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on September 02, 2020, 01:37:17 PM
Heading to South Carolina 9-11-2020.  Going to be body surfing for hours every day in the surf. Eat a great meal someplace. Then have cocktails on the beach or balcony. The place has three balconies facing the ocean. One in each bedroom and the living room. Really looking forward to it. This week is moving my son into his place. Tired of moving my kids. Well it's time to lift weights and go for a run.
Nice man,I still body surf too,,,this year waves were lame last year they were destructive when we were there u couldn’t ride them in it was violent one after another crashing on beach no less last July.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 02, 2020, 04:51:01 PM
Nice man,I still body surf too,,,this year waves were lame last year they were destructive when we were there u couldn’t ride them in it was violent one after another crashing on beach no less last July.

My experience is that the waves and under tow in South Carolina are milder than Jersey.  A couple of major differences is the water is sick warm in South Carolina. Another think where I go is a little scary. One year I saw everyone go out of the water. I stayed in. Then I observed everyone was looking at the water at the same area. I thought a kid was missing and I came in as fast as I could. What slowed me were three big sharks that went past me in front of me in maybe four feet of water. I could have pet them. What all the people were looking at were all the sharks going by. It spooked me for about thirty minutes when I made it to shore but I figured I'm on vacation and what are the  odds of getting killed by a shark. I went back in but my heart rate was a little higher than usual.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 02, 2020, 05:04:55 PM
I did chest and bicep today then ran two miles. Used one set to failure like Yates.

Flat dumbbell bench 1 x 8 ( shoulder was protesting)
Decline dumbbell bench 1 x 9
weighted dips 1 x 10 ( tenth rep was a little ragged)
Dumbbell flies 1 x 14 (shoulder didn't like this one either. I should know better.)

Barbell curls 1 x 14
Dumbbell curls 1 x 14
Narrow grip curls 1 x 15
Concentration curls 1 x 14

Wrist curls 1 x 30
Reverse wrist extensions 1 x 21

Incline sit ups 1 x 30

Took a break for about an hour then drove to a park. Ran two mile and I was disappointed with the time but considering I did it after lifting I guess I can't be disappointed. I run with a Garmin forerunner gps watch 235. My third gps watch and the best. Gps watches are in general really are finicky technology. They often fail and have glitches. I've been using this and so far it hasn't failed me yet.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on September 02, 2020, 06:56:27 PM
Are u going to train home now or go back to gym ,,,my gym is open and doing all things needed,,,my dad is 77 and finished his home gym during this nice setup he’s never going to gym again.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 03, 2020, 05:22:11 AM
Are u going to train home now or go back to gym ,,,my gym is open and doing all things needed,,,my dad is 77 and finished his home gym during this nice setup he’s never going to gym again.

I talked to my gym's owner. It's a mom and pop operation. Not a chain. He doesn't know how he going to manage having the equipment six feet apart. He also said who wants wear a mask while training?  He said he probably is going to an outside swipe lock on his door. When it hits capacity it won't let anymore in. All of his equipment is tight and right next to each other. He would have to get rid of half his equipment to comply with the Jersey order of six feet space. I feel bad for him. He is not a chain or a franchise that has the money to put up Plexiglas between the treadmills. I know he is pissed. It might destroy his business. What restaurant or gym could survive with 25% income?

I'm staying in my basement gym for now.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on September 03, 2020, 05:37:45 AM
I talked to my gym's owner. It's a mom and pop operation. Not a chain. He doesn't know how he going to manage having the equipment six feet apart. He also said who wants wear a mask while training?  He said he probably is going to an outside swipe lock on his door. When it hits capacity it won't let anymore in. All of his equipment is tight and right next to each other. He would have to get rid of half his equipment to comply with the Jersey order of six feet space. I feel bad for him. He is not a chain or a franchise that has the money to put up Plexiglas between the treadmills. I know he is pissed. It might destroy his business. What restaurant or gym could survive with 25% income?

I'm staying in my basement gym for now.

He could rope off every other machine or something like that.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 03, 2020, 01:45:23 PM
Trained legs today Yates style. One set to failure. 

Leg press 1 x 15 four plates a side with a low back board completely bending my legs like an ass to grass squat.
Dumbbell squats 1 x 13 85lbs dummbbells ( Ass all the way down with an upright back. Zane calls these dumbbell hack squats)
Stiff deads off a block 1 x 8 205lbs
leg extensions 1 x 25
Seated leg curls 1 x 18

One dumbbell side bend 1 x 18 90lbs dumbbell ( Everyone is against these. I think they are important for stabilization and torso strength.
Hanging straight leg raise 1 x 25
Hip ups 1 x 26

Standing calf 1 x 20
Seated calf 1 x 20
tibalis work 1 x 20

Neck work.

As soon as I came up the stairs from my basement gym my wife had our grand daughter toddler in her car seat coming from the car. The seat with her weighs about 40lbs is my guess. The wife has  spinal cord issues and has trouble so I grabbed the seat with her.  It felt like 500lbs after the workout.  ;D  After that I headed off to help my son move. Yes, my daughter bought a new house and it was moving days last week. Today it was my oldest son moving into his apartment. He got all Ikea funiture so the boxes were relatively light and we had five people putting the stuff together. Never seen furniture like this. Do the Swedes really use this stuff? 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on September 03, 2020, 04:53:34 PM
Are u going to train home now or go back to gym ,,,my gym is open and doing all things needed,,,my dad is 77 and finished his home gym during this nice setup he’s never going to gym again.

I should have your dad send me some pointers. Setting up a home gym seems prudent....specially for folks who are your dad's and my age.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on September 03, 2020, 04:58:55 PM
I talked to my gym's owner. It's a mom and pop operation. Not a chain. He doesn't know how he going to manage having the equipment six feet apart. He also said who wants wear a mask while training?  He said he probably is going to an outside swipe lock on his door. When it hits capacity it won't let anymore in. All of his equipment is tight and right next to each other. He would have to get rid of half his equipment to comply with the Jersey order of six feet space. I feel bad for him. He is not a chain or a franchise that has the money to put up Plexiglas between the treadmills. I know he is pissed. It might destroy his business. What restaurant or gym could survive with 25% income?

I'm staying in my basement gym for now.

For now, 25% is better than no income. Either way there are bills to pay.

One has to make and appointment to workout at 24 Hour Fitness. You are allowed a 90 minute window. When I went by there recently, there was maybe three or four cars in the parking lot. Before COVID-19 the lot was full most of the day and early evening.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: AbrahamG on September 03, 2020, 05:31:32 PM
I've finally finished my basement gym.  Been training here the past two weeks.  Michigan is opening gyms next week.  I'm going to train at home as well as my works gym since it's opening next week as well.  As far as I'm concerned, gym owners and other businesses should continue to get assistance until they are able to operate at full capacity. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 03, 2020, 06:06:16 PM
I've finally finished my basement gym.  Been training here the past two weeks.  Michigan is opening gyms next week.  I'm going to train at home as well as my works gym since it's opening next week as well.  As far as I'm concerned, gym owners and other businesses should continue to get assistance until they are able to operate at full capacity.

I can almost do everything I do in a commercial gym at home. Wish I had a real pulley station so I could do more pulley stuff. The commercial gym has something like this. I find so many new things I can do with a station like this. Like low two hand pulley curls. Of course chest cross overs. Punching out with one hand is a favorite. The best is incline benching with two pulley handles crossing over at the end. Other stuff like torso twists is amazing too. I would love to have it in my basement but it's just a home gym. Truth be told the older I get the more I realize that no one is at a disadvantage with a minimalist gym. Sure it's nice to have many exercise options but it's not necessary.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: AbrahamG on September 03, 2020, 08:00:35 PM
I can almost do everything I do in a commercial gym at home. Wish I had a real pulley station so I could do more pulley stuff. The commercial gym has something like this. I find so many new things I can do with a station like this. Like low two hand pulley curls. Of course chest cross overs. Punching out with one hand is a favorite. The best is incline benching with two pulley handles crossing over at the end. Other stuff like torso twists is amazing too. I would love to have it in my basement but it's just a home gym. Truth be told the older I get the more I realize that no one is at a disadvantage with a minimalist gym. Sure it's nice to have many exercise options but it's not necessary.

I don't have any pulleys.  What is your opinion of those portable ones?  I would mount it to the chin up bar on my rack.  I don't have any more room for additional equipment.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 04, 2020, 04:42:40 AM
I don't have any pulleys.  What is your opinion of those portable ones?  I would mount it to the chin up bar on my rack.  I don't have any more room for additional equipment.

Portable ones? Can you put up a picture?  Wait, do you mean something like this pictured below?  I see no reason why it couldn't work. Just have to make sure the mounting bar is fully secure. I know the company that makes TRX suspension exercise straps sells a very sturdy looking mounting bracket. If you have a power rack that should be sturdy enough for it.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: AbrahamG on September 05, 2020, 10:10:00 AM
Hilarious. That's the one I was looking at.  Thanks.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 05, 2020, 03:24:17 PM
Back day: 

Pull ups 2 x max (did the reps all the way up and dead hang. Limited the reps but I really felt it.)
Pulldowns 1 x 14 (I keep an upright back. I know the majority lean back and heave but rightly or wrongly I believe it hits the lats better done strict. Willing to listen to other opinions on this.)
Low cable seated rows with a V handle 170lbs 1 x 15 (My back was pumped after this)
Dumbbell rows off a bench  1 x 14 85lbs
Deadlifts 1 x 6 (the usual 315lbs. Felt somewhat easy today. I guess because I didn't run yesterday
Weighted Hyper extensions 1 x 20 25lbs plate behind my head.

Weighted crunches 1 x 60 5lbs plate behind head (Seem this is the most corrupted exercise in history. People just bend their neck instead of raising their upper back off the floor.)
Pulley crunches 1 x 25 (increased the weight to lower the reps. I've been doing about 50 reps with this. Increasing the weights had me failing around the 25 rep range. )

After I hit the pool drinking Guinness. September in NJ is a wide range of weather. It was around 75 and sunny.  The water was cool but we had a great time. Tomorrow is delt and triceps.

 A friend invited us to her beach house tomorrow  that's about 100 feet from the beach.  Excited about it. She is a hot tall 58 year year old or so that looks amazing in her bikini. Her two sons are giants that played division I football. Really enjoyed watching them play on tv. She was always in the stands and when the commentator would mention her sons on tv we would call her to let her know. She had high hopes they would make  the pros but anyone that seriously knows sports know only the best of the best get that call. Her one son was a starting linebacker at Boston for awhile but making it to the pros wasn't in the cards. He works on Wall street so he landed on his feet. Instead of making 10 million in three years to exit with injuries and no job, he surely will make ten million in 30 years. Her two sons are friendly giants that could pull my arms out of my sockets. They always call me sir making me feel old. Going to body surf with some alcohol in me tomorrow. Yahoo!!!

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on September 05, 2020, 03:26:39 PM
Back day: 

Pull ups 2 x max (did the reps all the way up and dead hang. Limited the reps but I really felt it.)
Pulldowns 1 x 14 (I keep an upright back. I know the majority lean back and heave but rightly or wrongly I believe it hits the lats better done strict)
Low cable seated rows with a V handle 170lbs 1 x 15 (My back was pumped after this)
Dumbbell rows off a bench  1 x 14 85lbs
Deadlifts 1 x 6 (the usual 315lbs. Felt somewhat easy today. I guess because I didn't run yesterday
Weighted Hyper extensions 1 x 20 25lbs plate behind my head.

Weighted crunches 1 x 60 5lbs plate behind head (Seem this is the most corrupted exercise in history. People just bend their neck instead of raising their upper back off the floor.)
Pulley crunches 1 x 25 (increased the weight to lower the reps. I've been doing about 50 reps with this. Increasing the weights had me failing around the 25 rep range. )

After I hit the pool drinking Guinness. September in NJ is a wide range of weather. It was around 75 and sunny.  The water was cool but we had a great time. Tomorrow is delt and triceps.

 A friend invited us to her beach house that's about 100 feet from the beach.  Excited about it. She is a hot tall 58 year year old or so that looks amazing in her bikini. Her two sons are giants that played division I football. Really enjoyed watching them play on tv. She was always in the stands and when the commentator would mention her sons on tv we would call her to let her know. She had high hopes they would make  the pros but anyone that seriously knows sports know only the best of the best get that call. Her one son was a starting linebacker at Boston for awhile but making it to the pros wasn't in the cards. He works on Wall street so he landed on his feet. Instead of making 10 million in three years to exit with injuries and no job, he surely will make ten million in 30 years. Her two sons are friendly giants that could pull my arms out of my sockets. They always call me sir making me feel old. Going to body surf with some alcohol in me. Yahoo!!!

Body surfing and alcohol are a bad mix.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 05, 2020, 03:30:03 PM
Body surfing and alcohol are a bad mix.

I disagree. It's the best mix.  9 out of 10 drunks agree.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on September 05, 2020, 03:52:57 PM
I disagree. It's the best mix.  9 out 10 drunks agree.

Yes they agree, right up until the time they get caught in the undertow and drown.

There's a favorite swimming spot on the Clackamas river known as High Rocks. The name stems from the fact the there a cliff like bank where people can dive into the river. There's also a lot of recreational boating on the Clackamas river. Every years several people drown there. Maybe a few less this year because of the pandemic.

PORTLAND, Ore. — AMR announced Thursday popular swimming spots along area rivers will be without lifeguards this year because of the coronavirus.

Certain areas are more concerning than others. At High Rocks, along the Clackamas River in Oregon City and Gladstone, swimmers are at higher risk of drowning because of fast-moving water, and many people jump from the towering rocks there and into the river.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 05, 2020, 06:16:41 PM
Somebody tell a joke here. It's getting too dark.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 06, 2020, 06:49:57 PM
Delt and triceps: Yates style of one set to failure.

Military press 1x9
Dumbbell laterals 1 x 15
Rear delt dumbbell laterals 1 x 14
Face pulls 1 x 21
barbell shrug 1 x 15

Rope tricep 1  x14
EZ curl bar tricep extensions seated 1 x 8
Reverse grip single arm pulley tricep extension 1  x 13
Single dumbbell behind the head using one arm 1 x 13

Weighted crunches 1 x 50
Pulley crunches 1 x 30

Went to the beach. Tried to body surf but the waves were small. I go to a family beach. Rarely see any true racy bathing suits. Today was not that day. Plenty of ass hanging out of thongs and semi thongs with cleavage to match. The women didn't disappoint. I fell asleep on a blanket and woke up feeling like I was baking. Prime would be happy to hear I didn't drink on the beach. I waited till I came home and drank pool side. Had a horrible late night snack. It comprised of ice cream, gummy bears and some potato chips. I don't know how I'm not a big soft fat guy.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 08, 2020, 04:09:53 PM
Ran two miles and hit the heavy bag prior to work.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 09, 2020, 09:12:54 AM
Did an abbreviated workout this morning.  I didn’t set the alarm correctly before work.

Power clean 4x3
Military press 1 x 9
Dumbbell delt lateral 1x15
Concentration curl 2x12
Two arm two dumbbells tricep extension 2x10

Decided to take off 10 days off from lifting.  Going on vacation starting Friday. If I break the self imposed lifting break on vacation it will be light pumping. A friend of mine that did really well in the Mr. America in 1976 trains at a gym a block away from my condo.  If he invites me to train with him then I will train hard.  I won’t mention his name.  I have a feeling he wants nothing to do with this site.   
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on September 09, 2020, 01:48:29 PM
Did an abbreviated workout this morning.  I didn’t set the alarm correctly before work.

Power clean 4x3
Military press 1 x 9
Dumbbell delt lateral 1x15
Concentration curl 2x12
Two arm two dumbbells tricep extension 2x10

Decided to take off 10 days off from lifting.  Going on vacation starting Friday. If I break the self imposed lifting break on vacation it will be light pumping. A friend of mine that did really well in the Mr. America in 1976 trains at a gym a block away from my condo.  If he invites me to train with him then I will train hard.  I won’t mention his name.  I have a feeling he wants nothing to do with this site.   

Your friend is a smart man.

It is interesting that you are setting up reasons to workout during your short vacation. Why am I not surprised about this?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 11, 2020, 05:06:23 PM
I'm in North Carolina heading down to Myrtle. Still debating whether to workout or just enjoy myself. I bought my boxing gloves so I will probably end up working out. Nice gym about 2 blocks from my condo with a heavy bag. If I wasn't so much of a lunatic I would take a week off and do nothing but body surf.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: AbrahamG on September 11, 2020, 05:09:12 PM
I'm in North Carolina heading down to Myrtle. Still debating whether to workout or just enjoy myself. I bought my boxing gloves so I will probably end up working out. Nice gym about 2 blocks from my condo with a heavy bag. If I wasn't so much of a lunatic I would take a week off and do nothing but body surf.

Are you an avid boxing fan?  Or just enjoy boxing training?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 11, 2020, 05:41:48 PM
Are you an avid boxing fan?  Or just enjoy boxing training?

Both and I use to box. Had five fights in the ring in my twenties. I was 4-1. The first fight I had no idea what I was doing and was in the ring with a NY golden gloves competitor who out weighed me by twenty pounds in a gym boxing match. I saw little birdies going around my head when the ref stopped the fight saving me from going to sleep. LOL.

 I stopped boxing for two reasons. If you never went in the ring with someone I can tell you it's a brutal sport. You play basketball. You play football. You don't play boxing. The second reason is that my face was getting ugly. Apparently you're not supposed to block punches with your face. I'm still pretty so I got out in time. Today it's just about the workout and the enjoyment of hitting a heavy bag that doesn't punch back.  I vainly say I've been told by young fighters that I hit the bag hard with bad intent.  Just don't get me in the ring. While I still have power punches I bet my reflexes are horrific and my endurance is probably terrible with a young fighter. Best thing for me is too hit the heavy bag and do boxing drills watching the sport on tv. I will never get in the ring again but my son in law who competes in sport jui jitsu keeps trying to goat me into the ring. He's 6'4" about 310lbs. Nope, I will just have a beer with him. I still think I can hang with him in boxing. I know I'm delusional. He's not a good striker but he is great on the ground. He does come from a family of fighters.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 13, 2020, 11:28:08 AM
In South Carolina  on vacation. A gym a block away from my condo charged me $26 dollars for a week's membership. I have a feeling I'm not in New Jersey anymore. Used some stuff I never have access to use.  I trained back and chest.  Used a lazy man's pull up assist machine. For chest they had a decline Hammer strength bench. Is it me or do so many of the their machines seem to fight your joints natural paths?  Declines with dumbbells is one of the few chest exercises that don't hurt my shoulders. These Hammer declines made them scream.

 Tried to do deadlifts but the knurling on their bars were completely smooth. With no chalk I couldn't grip the bar. My grip failed before my back. Had 315lb on the bar and my grip slipped on the third rep. In my basement gym I have an excellent power bar that glues to my hand. In the commercial gym I go to at home they have an excellent power bar. Ran into this in the past where a commercial gym has super expensive equipment but cheap out on the barbells they have.  All of their barbells should be thrown out. Just junk.

  Tuesday is leg day. They have a leg press machine I never seen before. They also have a Hammer squat machine I want to try too.  It's fun trying new stuff. When I get to delt and arm day they have a seated dip machine that looks interesting. I don't know if it will feel different from conventional weighted dips but I guess I will find out.

 Tomorrow is heavy bag and maybe some speed bag work. Their heavy bag is one of those very long MMA type bags. Maybe I will work on low kicks since the bag is so long.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on September 13, 2020, 11:58:43 AM
Are you staying right in Myrtle Beach or north or south of Myrtle Beach?  I've been there many times over the years.  Last time maybe 10+ years ago stayed in North Myrtle.  Do you go to those all-you-can-eat crab restaurants?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on September 13, 2020, 01:16:09 PM
In South Carolina  on vacation. A gym a block away from my condo charged me $26 dollars for a week's membership. I have a feeling I'm not in New Jersey anymore. Used some stuff I never have access to use.  I trained back and chest.  Used a lazy man's pull up assist machine. For chest they had a decline Hammer strength bench. Is it me or do so many of the their machines seem to fight your joints natural paths?  Declines with dumbbells is one of the few chest exercises that don't hurt my shoulders. These Hammer declines made them scream.

 Tried to do deadlifts but the knurling on their bars were completely smooth. With no chalk I couldn't grip the bar. My grip failed before my back. Had 315lb on the bar and my grip slipped on the third rep. In my basement gym I have an excellent power bar that glues to my hand. In the commercial gym I go to at home they have an excellent power bar. Ran into this in the past where a commercial gym has super expensive equipment but cheap out on the barbells they have.  All of their barbells should be thrown out. Just junk.

  Tuesday is leg day. They have a leg press machine I never seen before. They also have a Hammer squat machine I want to try too.  It's fun trying new stuff. When I get to delt and arm day they have a seated dip machine that looks interesting. I don't know if it will feel different from conventional weighted dips but I guess I will find out.

 Tomorrow is heavy bag and maybe some speed bag work. Their heavy bag is one of those very long MMA type bags. Maybe I will work on low kicks since the bag is so long.

So much for taking a vacation from working out. -Didn't even last one day.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 13, 2020, 04:13:27 PM
Ironnate, I go every year.  I try to avoid the tourist buffets.  They are too packed and have sneaky ways they bill you like including the tip on the bill and not telling you so you tip twice. Another thing they do there is to tell you what price it is but never tell you certain items like crab is extra.

 The south has really strange taste in food. I'm spoiled by NY.  I had a steak down here and it tasted surgery. When asked they said it's their special steak coating. WTF?  I also got a shrimp cocktail expecting the sauce would have horseradish in it.  They gave me a sweet BBQ sauce to dip the shrimp.  The Southern Italian restaurants avoid garlic and the sauce/gravy tastes surgery. Not one Italian to be found working in them either. Another WTF?

Staying in a luxury condo that I rent.  Three balconies facing the Ocean.  I body surfed and stayed in the water for two hours today. It’s not like NJ.  Not a lifeguard insight.  Trained in a decent Mom and Pop gym. Plenty of the southern girls are hot but all the men are soft with bellies with strange hair cuts that look like a blind person did it. A certain percentage I found of the southern girls like to pretend they are tough. Usually the southern Virginia ones.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 15, 2020, 08:16:51 AM
Trained legs in the vacation gym.  Used a Hammer strength squat machine.  It limited me to a little lower than a half squat but it felt like a good movement. Also tried a leg press machine I never saw before. Not sure of the brand. It could have been a Hammer too. Very smooth. The leg extension and leg curl machines in the place were really badly designed. Maybe I didn't have the adjustments dialed in. Strange but they didn't have in this big gym a stand up calf machine. Never seen that in a bodybuilding type gym. Only a broken down seated. One of the few gyms I've been to that allows outside personal trainers. They were everywhere.

One thing I have never seen before was this crazy cardio machine. I will have trouble describing it. A girl was using it and it looked bizarre.  You make a sides way circle with one leg then the other. It looks really strange in use. I put a picture of it below.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on September 15, 2020, 10:36:33 AM
Trained legs in the vacation gym.  Used a Hammer strength squat machine.  It limited me to a little lower than a half squat but it felt like a good movement. Also tried a leg press machine I never saw before. Not sure of the brand. It could have been a Hammer too. Very smooth. The leg extension and leg curl machines in the place were really badly designed. Maybe I didn't have the adjustments dialed in. Strange but they didn't have in this big gym a stand up calf machine. Never seen that in a bodybuilding type gym. Only a broken down seated. One of the few gyms I've been to that allows outside personal trainers. They were everywhere.

One thing I have never seen before was this crazy cardio machine. I will have trouble describing it. A girl was using it and it looked bizarre.  You make a sides way circle with one leg then the other. It looks really strange in use. I put a picture of it below.

The 24 Hour Fitness near me has several of those machines. They actually have them from two different manufactures and each has slight variations from the other. You should give it a try. I've done so and I found it to be killer.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 16, 2020, 04:22:05 PM
Trained delts and arms.  Hit the heavy bag prior.  Alternated bag use with a young personal trainer. Not putting him down but he hit the bag less than manly.  He sure looked the part with the muscles though.   He asked me if I was a boxer.  Sorry for the vanity post but it happened. 

The only difference was a seated dip machine and what I think was a Nautilus bicep curl machine.  This gym had the usual machine sitters watching people workout.  What the fuck is wrong with these people? Beginning to think working out at home is right for me. On a side not my butt is so sore from the Hammer strength V squat machine. Whoa!  Going to use my squat machine more. 

On another side note ammo is impossible to find. If you do it’s outrageously priced.  Thanks BLM.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 18, 2020, 12:32:34 PM
Trained the whole body in one shot. I'm on vacation so I'm working out in a gym that is really unfamiliar to me. Slows me down a little hunting for the equipment I want to use.

Leg press 3 of 12 Hammer strength leg press machine. So different from my leg press unit is the position you leg press from. Seems more hip dominate than quad.
Hammer strength V squat 2 of 12  two plates a side (Hit the lower safety catch each rep to make sure I was going deep)

Hammer pull down 2 x 10 two plates a side
Seated lat pulley rows 2 x 12 180lbs (This unit was attached to a pulldown unit that was close and across from me. Pretty blonde doing pulldowns right in front of me. A little distracting.)

Flat bench dumbbell bench press 2 x 8 70lbs (Went all the way down with a slow cadence trying not to aggravate my shoulders)
Cable flies 2 x 12

Hammer delt press 2 x 12
Machine laterals 2 x 12

Machine dips 2 x 10 ( Fantastic machine. It was a Precor dip machine. Perfectly designed.)
Machine curls 2 x 12 ( I want to say this machine was a Nautilus but I'm not sure. Two independent curling handles.)

Rogue reverse lower back bench 2 x 12 (I really didn't like this movement.  My lower back hurt after using it. )

Body weight single calf raises 2 x max

Forgot to do abs. The gym was so busy my head was spinning seeing all the hot girls in this place. The commercial gym I go to back home has very few good looking women. It's a hard core gym but it also attracts plenty of seniors because of the price and the owner never has a contract. Pay for a month or four and your membership is over. He plays no games.

Used a lot of machines instead of free weights at this gym. Maybe I should be heading in that direction as I age. It sure protects the joints but it takes out the balance component and maybe a little of the athletic component. I think all trainers should include a quick lift like a dumbbell snatch or a power clean. It makes lifting an athletic endeavor instead of a static exercises. I have to get back to that.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on September 19, 2020, 02:00:55 PM
I worked pecs yesterday and as part of that workout used this exact piece of equipment. It is an excellent machine.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 21, 2020, 06:41:10 PM
Back to my home gym.  Got up early and lifted before work. I find it so hard to lift early. I'm stiff as a board and sleepy. Once I get the first exercise over with I wake up and my joints start to get lubed.

Pulldown with MAG bar 2 x 10
Low cable row with a V handle 2 x 12 170lbs
Dumbbell row with a knee on the bench 2 x 10 80lbs
Reverse grip pulldown 2 x 10

Dumbbell flat bench 2 x 8 70lbs. ( Used a slow cadence and a full range of motion. Trying to protect my shoulders but I think this might be off the menu soon. Felt pain doing them. Listened to Clarence Bass on a youtube. Damn he's 83 now. I've been buying his books forever now. He said in effect exercises he can't do anymore he finds a substitute and he feels he is not missing out if I heard it correctly. There are so many exercises out there. Never feel that an exercise is mandatory. )
Dumbbell declines 2 x 8 65lbs (This might be my go to chest exercise from now on. Really causes no impingement or strain on the tendon. Might have to increase the grade of the decline. I have a very adjustable bench. Not sure if I found the best angle.)
Dips 2 x 10
Push ups 2 x max (regular push ups and perfect pushup handles. Push ups are really underrated in the body building world. It's a great finisher.  It also rarely bothers my shoulders.)

Dead lift 2 x 4 315lbs (back is still in pain from trying reverse back extension bench on vacation.)
Weighted back extensions 2 x 15 25lbs plate behind head.

Weighted floor crunches with feet up on bench 1 x 50
Pulley crunches 1 x 50

Went to work and I felt great for a couple of hours then I started to fade.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on September 21, 2020, 06:52:31 PM
Back to my home gym.  Got up early and lifted before work. I find it so hard to lift early. I'm stiff as a board and sleepy. Once I get the first exercise over with I wake up and my joints start to get lubed.

Pulldown with MAG bar 2 x 10
Low cable row with a V handle 2 x 12 170lbs
Dumbbell row with a knee on the bench 2 x 10 80lbs
Reverse grip pulldown 2 x 10

Dumbbell flat bench 2 x 8 70lbs. ( Used a slow cadence and a full range of motion. Trying to protect my shoulders but I think this might be off the menu soon. Felt pain doing them. Listened to Clarence Bass on a youtube. Damn he's 83 now. I've been buying his books forever now. He said in effect exercises he can't do anymore he finds a substitute and he feels he is not missing out if I heard it correctly. There are so many exercises out there. Never feel that an exercise is mandatory. )
Dumbbell declines 2 x 8 65lbs (This might be my go to chest exercise from now on. Really causes no impingement or strain on the tendon. Might have to increase the grade of the decline. I have a very adjustable bench. Not sure if I found the best angle.)
Dips 2 x 10
Push ups 2 x max (regular push ups and perfect pushup handles. Push ups are really underrated in the body building world. It's a great finisher.  It also rarely bothers my shoulders.)

Dead lift 2 x 4 315lbs (back is still in pain from trying reverse back extension bench on vacation.)
Weighted back extensions 2 x 15 25lbs plate behind head.

Weighted floor crunches with feet up on bench 1 x 50
Pulley crunches 1 x 50

Went to work and I felt great for a couple of hours then I started to fade.

Well done, brother! 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 21, 2020, 07:06:31 PM
Well done, brother!

Thanks, trying to fight the good fight. Read your latest workout. It's inspirational that you are training with your serious set backs. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 22, 2020, 06:19:44 PM
Ran two miles prior to work. Hit the heavy bag after.  Think I'm still exhausted from vacation. About six hours into my shift I thought I was going fall asleep.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on September 23, 2020, 03:44:50 AM
Ran two miles prior to work. Hit the heavy bag after.  Think I'm still exhausted from vacation. About six hours into my shift I thought I was going fall asleep.

Listen to your body and mind and get enough rest.  Perhaps reduce intensity, shorten workouts, etc. 

If that doesn't work drink coffee!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 23, 2020, 03:57:33 AM
Listen to your body and mind and get enough rest.  Perhaps reduce intensity, shorten workouts, etc. 

If that doesn't work drink coffee!

I never drink coffee. I think I had it twice in my life. I see how people crave it almost like a drunk and that disturbs me. I have an addictive personality so too speak and I don't need another vice. My wife is like a zombie prior to coffee and after she becomes a motor mouth. I really don't want another vice in my life. On vacation I drank beer every day. That's a bad enough vice as it is.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on September 23, 2020, 04:59:25 AM
Coffee really affects some people.  I can drink a cup and then take a nap.

Get more rest. 

What time do you go to bed at night?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on September 23, 2020, 12:04:32 PM
Coffee really affects some people.  I can drink a cup and then take a nap.

Get more rest. 

What time do you go to bed at night?

That's me too. Coffee has no effect on my ability to sleep. But then, I usually have one or two cups a day, maybe three if I have one in the evening.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 23, 2020, 12:18:45 PM
Coffee really affects some people.  I can drink a cup and then take a nap.

Get more rest. 

What time do you go to bed at night?

Last night about 9:30PM.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 23, 2020, 12:31:36 PM
Leg day at home:

Leg press 2 x 12 four plates a side. Low back board and I fully bent my legs. While on vacation it brought to light how so many leg press machines are designed differently. Mine is more thigh dominate. The commercial Hammer one I used was hip dominate. My butt was so sore the next day.
Dumbbell squats 2 x 12 80lbs (Dumbbells held at sides with straps and I sunk my butt all the way down.)
Machine squat 1 x 10 two plates a side. Super slow negatives and ass to grass.
Stiff dead 2 x 6 205lbs
leg extensions 2 x 20
seated leg curls 2 x 15 (actually like my cheap home unit better than the commercial one I used on vacation.)

Single dummbell side bend 1 x 15 90lbs
Hanging leg raises 2 x 22 (straight legs)
Floor hip ups 1 x 25 (feet to the ceiling and lift the hips toward the ceiling.)

Standing calf 2 x 15
Seated calf 2 x 15 (In the commercial gym about 5 months ago a guy put a ridiculous amount of plates on the machine and did these short choppy calf raises. I really  don't know how he doesn't rip something.)
tibialis work 1 x 20

Neck work. One set a side.

Baby sitting the grand daughter today. When she goes home we are having a fire and some cold ones in the dark. In August my son in law noticed a lot of shade on the pool. He offered Monday to cut some trees down while I was at work. I came home from work and it looked like a chain saw massacre.  What the hell am I going to do with all these down branches and trees behind my fence? I think he just likes cutting down trees. What the hell? 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on September 23, 2020, 12:35:26 PM
Leg day at home:

Leg press 2 x 12 four plates a side. Low back board and I fully bent my legs. While on vacation it brought to light how so many leg press machines are designed differently. Mine is more thigh dominate. The commercial Hammer one I used was hip dominate. My butt was so sore the next day.
Dumbbell squats 2 x 12 80lbs (Dumbbells held at sides with straps and I sunk my butt all the way down.)
Machine squat 1 x 10 two plates a side. Super slow negatives and ass to grass.
Stiff dead 2 x 6 205lbs
leg extensions 2 x 20
seated leg curls 2 x 15 (actually like my cheap home unit better than the commercial one I used on vacation.)

Single dummbell side bend 1 x 15 90lbs
Hanging leg raises 2 x 22 (straight legs)
Floor hip ups 1 x 25 (feet to the ceiling and lift the hips toward the ceiling.)

Standing calf 2 x 15
Seated calf 2 x 15 (In the commercial gym about 5 months ago a guy put a ridiculous amount of plates on the machine and did these short choppy calf raises. I really  don't know how he doesn't rip something.)
tibialis work 1 x 20

Neck work. One set a side.

Baby sitting the grand daughter today. When she goes home we are having a fire and some cold ones in the dark. In August my son in law noticed a lot of shade on the pool. He offered Monday to cut some trees down while I was at work. I came home from work and it looked like a chain saw massacre.  What the hell am I going to do with all these down branches and trees behind my fence? I think he just likes cutting down trees. What the hell? 
Free firewood, bro.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on September 23, 2020, 02:13:43 PM
Leg day at home:

Leg press 2 x 12 four plates a side. Low back board and I fully bent my legs. While on vacation it brought to light how so many leg press machines are designed differently. Mine is more thigh dominate. The commercial Hammer one I used was hip dominate. My butt was so sore the next day.
Dumbbell squats 2 x 12 80lbs (Dumbbells held at sides with straps and I sunk my butt all the way down.)
Machine squat 1 x 10 two plates a side. Super slow negatives and ass to grass.
Stiff dead 2 x 6 205lbs
leg extensions 2 x 20
seated leg curls 2 x 15 (actually like my cheap home unit better than the commercial one I used on vacation.)

Single dummbell side bend 1 x 15 90lbs
Hanging leg raises 2 x 22 (straight legs)
Floor hip ups 1 x 25 (feet to the ceiling and lift the hips toward the ceiling.)

Standing calf 2 x 15
Seated calf 2 x 15 (In the commercial gym about 5 months ago a guy put a ridiculous amount of plates on the machine and did these short choppy calf raises. I really  don't know how he doesn't rip something.)
tibialis work 1 x 20

Neck work. One set a side.

Baby sitting the grand daughter today. When she goes home we are having a fire and some cold ones in the dark. In August my son in law noticed a lot of shade on the pool. He offered Monday to cut some trees down while I was at work. I came home from work and it looked like a chain saw massacre.  What the hell am I going to do with all these down branches and trees behind my fence? I think he just likes cutting down trees. What the hell?

Too late now, but you should have marked the trees you wanted cut down by tying a ribbon around them. That's was the city arborist does when they need to cut trees at a park or in a parking strip. On private property, the owner does it if they want to avoid any confusion about what to cut and what not to cut.

The city of West Linn requires you get a permit to cut any trees, even though they are on your property. Once the city arborist makes sure the trees meet the criteria for cutting them down, signs are posted for a couple of weeks so neighbors have the opportunity to voice any objections. The trees must be under a certain size or they pose a treat to the property. Dead trees qualify. Heritage trees, like the firs and the oak in front of my house are considered heritage trees. If I wanted to cut them down, the process would be extensive and the city could still not issue the permits. If you cut them anyway, you are fined. Not sure how much. Over the last 20 years, I've had 10 trees removed and I've replaced 6 with new trees that don't get as big.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 25, 2020, 12:31:28 PM
Trained delt and arms.  Only difference from the usual is that I used the narrow grip bench for triceps. So many love this movement but it feels awkward for me.

Military press cleaned from the floor 2 x 8 115lbs (took the bar all the way down to the clavicles each rep)
Dumbbell laterals 2 x 12 25lbs (Thumbs up version to avoid impingement. I go high with these like Arnold. It's the fashion now to stop below parallel.
Rear dumbbell laterals 2 x 12 35lbs
Face pulls 2 x 15 75lbs
Barbell shrugs 2 x 10 250lbs ( I try to do a full movement instead of jerks)

Rope tricep 2 x 12
Close grip bench 2 x 6 (I know they are a favorite of many but I just don't feel them hard in the tricep. Maybe I never gave them a fair chance.)
Reverse grip single tricep pulley push downs 2 x 12

Alternate dumbbell curls 2 x 8 45lbs
Narrow grip barbell curls 2 x 10 80lbs (I like the way they keep the hand supinated.)
concentration curls 2 x 12

forearm wrist curls 2 x 20 85lbs (I was using 95lbs forever and found with the lighter weight I could get a better and fuller contraction.)
Reverse wrist extension 2 x 15  (Used too much weight. Thought it could lead to an injury. Using a lighter weight next time. I use a Dard contraption that is meant to train the tibialis muscle. I found if I sit on a bench with my feet on a block using my knees for a platform it's an excellent wrist extension device.

Took the dog in the wood by my house.  I live in a suburban development.  If I walk in between some houses I can go onto a trail that goes around a lake in the woods. It's really rare to see another person. The trees makes the place silent. Feels like I'm fifty miles from another person.  It also can look ominous. Just seen to many weird things like a Harley helmet floating in the lake. I wish I had the time to elaborate on this sanctuary of solitude with the dog.

I saw a little girl around 9 years old on the trail. It's a rare sight to see anyone. She was calling for her lost dog. In the distance I could hear her mother calling the dog's name too. I looked for the dog in the woods and when I came out the mother looked frantic pushing a baby stroller looking. Then I heard her husband yelling, "I got the dog he was hiding under the deck." Glad they found their family member.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on September 26, 2020, 08:19:27 AM
Cool doggy.

You are hitting it hard in the gym.  Way to go.

Those DARD devices are neat.  I'm too cheap to buy one.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 26, 2020, 12:28:24 PM
Cool doggy.

You are hitting it hard in the gym.  Way to go.

Those DARD devices are neat.  I'm too cheap to buy one.

The dog belongs to my daughter. He comes over our house when she has a work conflict and no one will be home. She and her husband work 12 hours days. The dog is a character and a half.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on September 26, 2020, 03:09:39 PM
The dog belongs to my daughter. He comes over our house when she has a work conflict and no one will be home. She and her husband work 12 hours days. The dog is a character and a half.

One can see that this puppy is a character from this photo. I don't believe I have ever seen a dog with this expression as in looking out to the corner of their eye. Maybe it has something to do with it's pug face as opposed to having at least a bit of a snout. Maybe it is because this dog is pissed about something.

"Side-eye may be a way for dogs to say "Back off," and usually precedes some sort of aggression, especially if they've been guarding something like a toy — or food — and suddenly feel threatened."

My dog Lucy uses her ears to express herself. In the shot below she's being passive. When she's alert her ears go up sometimes all the way and other times only half way up. She has even raised one ear straight up and left the other bent. She also expresses herself with her tail, which is either tucked or stick out horizontally, either wagging or not. 

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 26, 2020, 06:49:58 PM
Many pugs have that crossed eye look.  His vision isn't the best. No better buddy in the world.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on September 27, 2020, 10:29:52 AM
Many pugs have that crossed eye look.  His vision isn't the best. No better buddy in the world.

Our Lab is such a sweet soul.  It is a crime we age, pets included.

I worked out this morning prior to loggging in here. 

10 sets of 10 machine bench press with 50 lbs.  I have no idea what that really weighs but the first five set were "easy" and then it got difficult. I'm in the garage and our pooch leaves when I exercise.  He used to stay but having fallen over a few times in front of him I think he just doesn't want to see that.  He's a good friend.

Later today I may try the same thing with 10 of 10 on my lat pulldown with 50 lbs.  I feel better so my doctors said if I feel good its fine but if I become dizzy i am to stop immediately and recover and go inside.  That's when I may try and watch "The Boys".

Thanks for the inspiration gentlemen!

Edit:  I did 5 sets of 10 reps on stiff arm pulldowns and then 5 sets of medium grip palms up pulldowns.  Weigh was 35 to 55 lbs.  Ouch.  I am done for the day. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on September 27, 2020, 02:16:20 PM
Many pugs have that crossed eye look.  His vision isn't the best. No better buddy in the world.

Interesting. I did not know this.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 28, 2020, 04:15:26 PM
Ran 2.1 miles before work. Pleased with the time considering my weight and limited running. I don't know if I can do it but I really want to get in at least 5 runs this week. Found a guy on the internet who runs seriously and lifts like a bodybuilder. Very impressive runner for a big guy. I'm just suspicious he's a juicer.  He generally trains twice a day. Early morning run and lifting later in the day. I really try to stay away from double sessions. Too old for this and have responsibility like work and watching my grand daughter. I believe his basic job is to train. His results is amazing. Former Army infantry soldier.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 29, 2020, 12:59:02 PM
Ran again for two miles. Tried to push the pace and I’m please that the time went down. Tomorrow I might run for three miles then lift later. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on September 29, 2020, 02:07:23 PM
Ran again for two miles. Tried to push the pace and I’m please that the time went down. Tomorrow I might run for three miles then lift later.

I used to run when I was a kid.   ;D  2nd grade through high school but not once I started weight training as I burn enough calories as it is.

I just did 10 sets of 5 to 20 reps on my pec-dec.  I was too tired to do lat pulldowns after that but will make an effort to do them later on as I like to think I am doing better each day.  Listening to my favorite George Harrison album, "All Things Must Pass" as I write this and sip on a 44 ounce cup of watered down cranberry juice!  I think the album is 50 years old now.  I was around when it came out and that is both a comfort and a terror.   ;) ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 29, 2020, 04:47:52 PM
I used to run when I was a kid.   ;D  2nd grade through high school but not once I started weight training as I burn enough calories as it is.

I just did 10 sets of 5 to 20 reps on my pec-dec.  I was too tired to do lat pulldowns after that but will make an effort to do them later on as I like to think I am doing better each day.  Listening to my favorite George Harrison album, "All Things Must Pass" as I write this and sip on a 44 ounce cup of watered down cranberry juice!  I think the album is 50 years old now.  I was around when it came out and that is both a comfort and a terror.   ;) ;D

 Ten sets, wow!  I long time friend of mine was friends with George Harrison. George played my friend Alfred's guitar and said it had a good sound. He has no proof of this other than his word. It's an expensive guitar as it is but it be worth a lot more if he had proof Harrison played it. He does have a picture of George and him. He said he use to listen to him play the guitar just them. How many people had a private audience of George either composing, playing and creating music? 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 30, 2020, 01:10:42 PM
Taking a week off lifting. Going to run every day for a change of pace. Ran 3.3 miles today on the beach board walk.  Ran slow but I haven't run that far in awhile. Always feel mentally great after a cardio session.  A good book on the topic of cardio training and improvements to mental function/mood is the book Spark by Doctor John Ratey MD.  It's really dry because he sounds like he is writing to fellow doctors instead of the public at times but it's impressive in it's conclusions.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on October 01, 2020, 08:59:44 AM
I am anxious to see if your break from lifting actually lasts an entire week. Past attempts to do this suggest otherwise. ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on October 01, 2020, 09:51:08 AM
I am anxious to see if your break from lifting actually lasts an entire week. Past attempts to do this suggest otherwise. ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 01, 2020, 04:44:33 PM
Forth day in a row of running. Ran 3.2 miles. An approximately 25 year old girl passed me on the trail. She has an ass like J Lo.  I refused to let her leave  me in the dust so I increased my speed and kept within 20 feet of her. I could sense she was slowing and after about a half mile she stopped running. I continued on.  Don't know if she was running a mile or ten. Her ass was just amazing.  My times are coming down. Tomorrow is day five of running. Running the Lavalette boardwalk. NJ Flex is familiar with it. No lifting this week so far.

Had some foot pain this morning. Rolled it out on a hard ball. It almost instantly made my foot feel better.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on October 01, 2020, 05:48:57 PM
Forth day in a row of running. Ran 3.2 miles. An approximately 25 year old girl passed me on the trail. She has an ass like J Lo. I refused to let her leave  me in the dust so I increased my speed and kept within 20 feet of her. I could sense she was slowing and after about a half mile she stopped running. I continued on.  Don't know if she was running a mile or ten. Her ass was just amazing.  My times are coming down. Tomorrow is day five of running. Running the Lavalette boardwalk. NJ Flex is familiar with it. No lifting this week so far.

Had some foot pain this morning. Rolled it out on a hard ball. It almost instantly made my foot feel better.

That's called stalking, bro. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 01, 2020, 07:24:03 PM
That's called stalking, bro.

It's a running thing. You always try to beat the person in front of you.  Should I have slowed down? In my younger days if anyone passed me it was ON.  Now it's slow pokes passing me. Once I was dueling a guy for 4 miles years back. He stopped about a mile before my finish and said, I wish I could train with you all the time. You really pushed me. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on October 02, 2020, 04:12:16 AM
It's a running thing. You always try to beat the person in front of you.  Should I have slowed down? In my younger days if anyone passed me it was ON.  Now it's slow pokes passing me. Once I was dueling a guy for 4 miles years back. He stopped about a mile before my finish and said, I wish I could train with you all the time. You really pushed me. 

If she was ugly would you have chased her too?  ;)

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 02, 2020, 08:41:33 AM
If she was ugly would you have chased her too?  ;)

In my younger days no one passed me. Now it's a common thing. I still fight to right the wrong of passing me.  ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on October 02, 2020, 11:05:01 AM
In my younger days no one passed me. Now it's a common thing. I still fight to right the wrong of passing me.  ;D

Now if you were clever you would have said "In my younger days the women chased me."


Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on October 02, 2020, 01:48:19 PM
Now if you were clever you would have said "In my younger days the women chased me."


It wouldn't surprise me if they still do. Oldtimer is a good looking fellow. NO HOMO!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 02, 2020, 06:43:27 PM
It wouldn't surprise me if they still do. Oldtimer is a good looking fellow. NO HOMO!

Thank you as the only one on this board that knows what I look like.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 03, 2020, 03:38:48 PM
Ran two miles today. So I got five days of running in this week. Happy about that. Nothing crazy. Took the week off of lifting. I think I will be back to lifting on Monday. I hope I can run four days a week next week. Best plans don't always work out but I will try.

My kids got me for Christmas one of those expensive Garmin watches.  Just realized I could set the watch for interval workouts of my choosing. In NJ wear I live you can't walk on school grounds to workout on the track. It's trespassing.  Always missed track intervals with the precise measurements. In college and High school it was stuff like 8 x 220 yard repeats. A ladder of 440-330-220-110-440-330-220-110 was one workout among many.  Any way doing repeat sets on a treadmill isn't the same. Now I have a track wherever I run with the GPS Garmin. I programed 8 x 264 yards. Not sure when I will include it in my workouts.

Read a nice article in Men's Health when it was a good magazine years back.  They had a personal trainer who was a competitive sprinter in his day. He was basically saying that power is something that is quickly lost with aging. It's not to be confused with strength. It's how quick you can generate force. Many fighters can't bench 225lbs but they can explode into a punch. Anyone think Mayweather could bench 185lbs?  I bet if you were in the ring with him feeling his punches it would feel like he benches 500lbs. Anyway back to the article in Men's Health.  He had older trainers on the track doing repeat interval sprints. One guy if my memory serves me was in his late 40's. He was shocked how he couldn't sprint worth a damn. His jogging routine didn't stimulate the explosive muscles even though he was in good cardio shape.  Training with this sprinter trainer he felt himself getting more explosive with every workout.

Is that a good idea for a guy in his 60's like me?  Probably not. I partially tore my Achilles doing 40 yard repeats about a year back.  I actually felt very explosive but on my fourth repeat I felt the Achille's go. It's still not right but I'm sure I could benefit from doing longer sprints at 80% speed. I programmed the watch for 8 x 264 yards almost like the old days. I couldn't get 220 yards in the watch. I can't wait to do it. Anyone know a cheap place to get crutches?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 04, 2020, 02:38:23 PM
Took today off. Not drinking or doing anything physical. Walked the dog in the woods for about a mile.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on October 04, 2020, 02:54:33 PM
I read a good way to do sprints is to warm up with some easy running, then sprint until you get tired, then back to a jog, then sprint again.

Interval training I guess.

Sprinting is good for flexibilty in the hips.  I read that famous Olympic gymnast coach for the women wouldn't let them ride bikes because he said it made them less flexible.  He had them run sprints.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 04, 2020, 04:11:06 PM
I read a good way to do sprints is to warm up with some easy running, then sprint until you get tired, then back to a jog, then sprint again.

Interval training I guess.

Sprinting is good for flexibilty in the hips.  I read that famous Olympic gymnast coach for the women wouldn't let them ride bikes because he said it made them less flexible.  He had them run sprints.

Exactly what I want to do some days. Really excited about the functions of the watch I got. I warm up with easy running. It records the distance, speed, and heart rate. Then I hit a button and sprint the distance I programed the watch for. It will vibrate on my wrist when I hit the end. They I jog/walk the rest period I put into the watch. It will vibrate and it's time for another "set".  At the end I have a cool down jog/walk. It will record that too. It can keep the training log with the times for each "set" in the watch memory or I can  write it in a training journal.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 05, 2020, 04:49:11 PM
First day lifting in around 10 days if my memory serves me. It was back and chest day. 

Pulldowns with a MAG bar 2 x 10
Seated cable rows 2 x 12 170lbs
Dumbbell rows with knee on a bench 2 x 10 80lbs
Reverse grip pulldown 2 x 10

Flat dumbbell bench 2 X 8 70lbs ( I did full range slow rep benches. My bad shoulder felt pretty good. Maybe the break from lifting did it good)
Decline dumbbell 2 x8 65lbs (Again slow full range benches. If anyone has a bad shoulder try these. For me it's a pain free movement for my bad shoulder)
Dips 2 x 10 ( full range. Yates said in effect on a video that the decline press really hits the whole chest hard and you will realize this with any movement that follows it.)
Push ups 2 x max.

Dead lifts 2 x 4 315lbs (felt weak with these. I think the five days of running took it out of me for deads. Felt a little faint afterwards. I think I wasn't breathing forcing out those reps. Normally I feel like I could get more reps or use more weight. Not today. Those sets took me to the very edge. 
Weighted hyper extensions 2 x 15 with a 25lbs plate behind my head.

Weighted crunches 1 x 55 10lbs plate behind my head. Very conscious of form with this. I think it's the most bastardized exercise. Most move their head and do not take the upper back off the floor to crunch it to the pelvis.
Pulley crunches 1 x 25 60lbs

I worked out prior to work. I was up around 5:30AM.  Working out stiff and half awake is a challenge for me. When I finished my basement workout I found my wife in the kitchen.  Told her I  really felt faint and dizzy.  Maybe I should get my heart checked out. My wife says I shouldn't get up out of bed and then lift weights like a lunatic at my age.  Next time I'm going to walk a quarter mile on the treadmill prior to lifting in the morning. Just a little overall warm up so I'm not jumping out of bed and lifting.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on October 05, 2020, 05:09:17 PM
First day lifting in around 10 days if my memory serves me. It was back and chest day. 

Pulldowns with a MAG bar 2 x 10
Seated cable rows 2 x 12 170lbs
Dumbbell rows with knee on a bench 2 x 10 80lbs
Reverse grip pulldown 2 x 10

Flat dumbbell bench 2 X 8 70lbs ( I did full range slow rep benches. My bad shoulder felt pretty good. Maybe the break from lifting did it good)
Decline dumbbell 2 x8 65lbs (Again slow full range benches. If anyone has a bad shoulder try these. For me it's a pain free movement for my bad shoulder)
Dips 2 x 10 ( full range. Yates said in effect on a video that the decline press really hits the whole chest hard and you will realize this with any movement that follows it.)
Push ups 2 x max.

Dead lifts 2 x 4 315lbs (felt weak with these. I think the five days of running took it out of me for deads. Felt a little faint afterwards. I think I wasn't breathing forcing out those reps. Normally I feel like I could get more reps or use more weight. Not today. Those sets took me to the very edge. 
Weighted hyper extensions 2 x 15 with a 25lbs plate behind my head.

Weighted crunches 1 x 55 10lbs plate behind my head. Very conscious of form with this. I think it's the most bastardized exercise. Most move their head and do not take the upper back off the floor to crunch it to the pelvis.
Pulley crunches 1 x 25 60lbs

I worked out prior to work. I was up around 5:30AM.  Working out stiff and half awake is a challenge for me. When I finished my basement workout I found my wife in the kitchen.  Told her I  really felt faint and dizzy.  Maybe I should get my heart checked out. My wife says I shouldn't get up out of bed and then lift weights like a lunatic at my age.  Next time I'm going to walk a quarter mile on the treadmill prior to lifting in the morning. Just a little overall warm up so I'm not jumping out of bed and lifting.

While you're having your heart checked out, see if you can have your head checked out too because you are so hard headed that it seems like you keep pushing your limits over and over again. :)

I check my pulse, oxygen saturation and blood pressure every morning within an hour of getting out of bed. Since I purchased a wrist cuff that reads blood pressure, pulse and any heartbeat irregularity, I have checked it consistently everyday. I use a finger device to check my oxygen saturation. I download the results to an app on the smart phone, so that there is a record. Everything was good this morning except my atrial fibrillation was acting up (irregular heart beat). Usually, I know if this is happening because it causes me to feel anxious, faint and I might pass out. It happens rarely, but is still concerning since people with A-Fib are more prone to strokes.

Have you ever been checked for atrial fibrillation or flutter? The symptoms you were having this morning mirror the one's I have when my heart valves is fibrillating/fluttering.

Oh btw, your workout looks good. Why are you stiff when you first get out of bed? The only stiffness I ever had after a good night's sleep was 'morning wood'.  Unfortunately, that's just a memory at this stage of my life.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on October 05, 2020, 06:24:24 PM
While you're having your heart checked out, see if you can have your head checked out too. There must be a reason why you are such a slow learner. :)

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 05, 2020, 06:43:21 PM
While you're having your heart checked out, see if you can have your head checked out too. There must be a reason why you are such a slow learner. :)

I check my pulse, oxygen saturation and blood pressure every morning within an hour of getting out of bed. Since I purchased a wrist cuff that reads blood pressure, pulse and any heartbeat irregularity, I have checked it consistently everyday. I use a finger device to check my oxygen saturation. I download the results to an app on the smart phone, so that there is a record. Everything was good this morning except my atrial fibrillation was acting up (irregular heart beat). Usually, I know if this is happening because it causes me to feel anxious, faint and I might pass out. It happens rarely, but is still concerning since people with A-Fib are more prone to strokes.

Have you ever been checked for atrial fibrillation or flutter? The symptoms you were having this morning mirror the one's I have when my heart valves is fibrillating/fluttering.

Oh btw, your workout looks good. Why are you stiff when you first get out of bed? The only stiffness I ever had after a good night's sleep was 'morning wood'.  Unfortunately, that's just a memory at this stage of my life.

I suffer from arthritis like my father and my sister. Very surprised at your age you don't feel stiff when you get up. So you wake up and go down the stairs  the same way as you do at 4PM? 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on October 06, 2020, 04:03:59 AM
Overnight you're muscles and tendons shorten also which causes that morning stiffness, especially after you workout.

Prime doesn't workout so maybe that's why he doesn't get stiff, however, it seems unusual for a late 70s man not to have any discomfort.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on October 06, 2020, 01:16:04 PM
Overnight you're muscles and tendons shorten also which causes that morning stiffness, especially after you workout.

Prime doesn't workout so maybe that's why he doesn't get stiff, however, it seems unusual for a late 70s man not to have any discomfort.

Prime does workout. When he doesn't go to the gym, he works out at home. He doesn't always lift weights. The only days does not exercise are Sundays, vacations and days when he is actually sick, which is rare. First thing this morning, he did 3 X 15 glute raises and 3 X 20 squats.

Yes, he sometimes gets sore, specially if he does something different. Yesterday, he worked in the garden for 3 hours pruning and raking. He was sore afterwards. This morning he was fine. Yes, sometimes he's stiff in the morning when he first gets up. More often than not, when he wakes up after a night's sleep his lower back doesn't function without giving mhim pain until he moves around some.

Right now, he still cannot raise his right elbow all the way to parallel with his shoulder. The pain hits at about 3/4 of the way up.

Prime was mostly kidding Oldtimer yesterday. But, he is concerned about Oldtimer being dizzy and faint during and after a morning workout. He has also noticed that Oldtimer just pushes through when something isn't right. Oldtimer's dedication to exercise is remarkable. Prime thinks that there are  occasions when Oldtimer should pay attention to what his body is telling him and take it easy for awhile. Prime has around 15 years more experience than Oldtimer and he sometimes likes to be a wise-ass.  :) 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on October 15, 2020, 03:54:50 AM
Good one, Prime!  ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on October 19, 2020, 10:36:33 AM
OT has not posted here since 10/5.

Most likely he just got sick of posting.

I can understand it. 

It becomes something that you feel you can't stop doing or you'd be giving up, even though you're still working out just the same.

Good on you, OT. 

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 02, 2020, 07:43:23 PM
Still training. Never missed a workout. Just needed a break from all the negativity on this board.

Power cleans and push jerks 2 x 3 (light. Haven't done these in awhile. The jerks were a little scary with my bad form. For decades I always worked up to 225 to 230 with these. I couldn't imagine that right now.)
Pulldowns 2 x 12
Seated pulley lat pulls 2 x 12
Dumbbell row off a bench 2 x 10
Reverse grip pulldowns 2 x 10

Dumbbell shoulder press 2 x 10 ( all the way down. No typical half reps where the humerus is parallel to the ground)
Dumbbell delt laterals 2 x 12 ( thumbs up to avoid impingement.)
Dumbbell rear delt laterals 2 x 10
Face pulls for rear delts and traps 2 x 12 (these are really making my bad shoulder feel better)
Dumbbell shrugs 2 x 16

Weighted lower back hyper extensions 2 x 15

Weighted crunches 1 x 50
Pulley crunches 1 x 55

That work out was yesterday. Today I ran two miles on a trail near my house before work then hit the heavy bag. I first warmed up on the treadmill at home. I can't run cold anymore in the morning. Just too stiff from my arthritis. Developing a knob on one elbow like Dickerson.

 I've been thinking for a long time now about lifting lighter. Making a light weight heavy through a slower cadence and a shorter rest between sets. I've been reading a lot about guys that trained in the gym with the champs. I love these first hand accounts. The one I read the other night was great. A guy loved to train heavy and Bill Pearl said we have some serious champs working out at the gym this afternoon if you want to watch and learn something. What he saw was Lee Haney in his prime using 185lbs for barbell rows. He also observed him using 115lbs for the press behind the neck working up to 135lbs. Am I making light of those weights? No, just saying I'm sure they made a moderate weight heavy. I also heard about Tom Platz alternating 40lbs chest flies with a 135lbs barbell for benches.  Dickerson using 160lbs in the seated lat pulley rows. I could go on. What I'm trying to get at is so much of what we read is just straight out bull shit. No champ is doing 5 sets of 405 for ten reps in the bench  every time he works chest for twenty sets of four different exercises. Yes, the champ are strong. It doesn't mean they are doing crazy numbers every typical workout. Of course they are drug users. So many gym rats are one trick ponies.  They have their pet big lifts and in truth are very human in other lifts. Sometimes working the muscle instead of the ego will get you better results. Results are what matters and not stroking your ego.  Do a full range of motion. Don't rest too much between sets.  Do an exercise in the hardest way possible and not the easiest way to show off fake strength. Don't put the weight of a car on the leg press then do shallow leg dips grinding your knees to dust.

Vince use to push limiting your rest between sets to under 30 seconds for a quality workout.  He just might have been onto something. I was in an email correspondence with a guy that trained with Steve Davis.  Observing him train he thought what light weights he used. Then when he trained with him he had trouble keeping up. His back rows with 115lbs got really heavy with the high reps and short rests between sets. The work out felt like a hard distance run. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on November 03, 2020, 05:01:46 AM
Some studies have been done that show even quite high reps cause hypertrophy as long as you go to failure.

Of course your max strength will go down a lot.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 03, 2020, 12:21:43 PM
Some studies have been done that show even quite high reps cause hypertrophy as long as you go to failure.

Of course your max strength will go down a lot.

True, Clarence Bass has some good research on that.  I never thought intensity meaning low sets to failure is the magic bullet for muscular development.  Always felt the best method is training for muscular endurance.  Not to be confused with cardio.  If intensity was the magic bullet we would all warm up and do sets of one rep because that's the most intense training anyone could do.  Four sets of one rep in the bench. Four sets of one rep in the curl.  Sounds insane because it is.  Intensity has never been the magic bullet. What comes close to the magic bullet is multiple sets with only the last set going to failure. I've been brain washed by the HIT religion to think the best productive way to train is low sets to failure.

Kennedy from Muscle Mag once addressed this topic. To digress for a second he's the first one to come up with pre fatigue super sets. It wasn't Mentzer or Arthur Jones. Jones took Kennedy's pre fatigue concept and ran with it not giving him credit. Getting back to the topic Kennedy said two sets is better than one set. Three sets is better than two sets. What he said is the benefit of an additional set goes down exponentially with each set. Making up percentages to make a point here but one set might be 70% of the return in benefit you can get.  Doing two sets might give you and additional 20%. Doing a third another 5%. A forth another 2.5 %. Of course the made up percentages are just to make a point.

In the end it's just lifting weights. It's not rocket science. Some of the most intelligent  trainer's physiques stink and some of the dumbest mother fuckers that walked the planet look amazing. They couldn't tell you what they had to eat for lunch the day before let alone how they trained their chest the week before. Like Jeff Everson said, "Until pigs learn how to fly bodybuilding will never be rocket science."
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 04, 2020, 10:14:28 AM
I keep wanting to switch to volume but here I am again.  Workout took about 40-45 minutes.  Can't beat high intensity for a short workout but it's brutal to continue an exercise till you can't get another rep getting  blue in the face.

Chest and bicep day:  Watched a youtube of Yates training a guy for inspiration.  Warm up sets if needed are not listed.

Incline barbell bench 1 x 8
Decline dumbbell bench 1 x 9
Flat dumbbell flies 1 x 14
Weighted dips 1x 10
Push ups 1 x 24 (straight body and all the way down. The prior exercises kept the reps down.  Push ups is one of those exercises delusional or clueless guys do with a short range of motion.  I remember one police academy recruit didn't qualify for the academy and he sued saying guys were hired that didn't pass the push up requirement.  After that they filmed recruits and so many were shocked that their 60 push ups were counted as zero reps.

Barbell curl 1 x 14
Alternate dumbbell curls 1 x 10
concentration curl 1 x 15
Single arm pulley curls 1 x 14

Wrist curls 1 x 24
Reverse wrist extensions 1  x18

Incline sit ups 1 x 30 (Sit ups suck.  They are really hard.)
Pulley crunches 1 x 55

Ivanko gripper 2 x 20

Thinking about going for a run now. Beautiful sunny day in NJ today. Might can it. Can't decide.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 05, 2020, 11:14:26 AM
Leg day: Increased the weight in many exercises. These Yates inspired workouts are brutal. Comparing apples to oranges but single sets to failure is brutal compared to volume. Then again it's two different types of pain.

Leg press 1 x 15

Dumbbell squats 1 x 13 (Never seen anyone use this exercise. I read Frank Zane's training diaries and I found he used them.  He called them dumbbell hack squats. If you try them use straps for a grip. Upright back and concentrate on sinking your butt bending your legs. If you are deadlifting the dumbbells that's not the movement. )

Machine squats 1 x 10 (I always use to use machine squats but I have gotten away from them. I used a hammer strength squat machine on vacation and I thought it was a good movement. My tuffstuff squat machine feels like a cross between a hack and machine squat. Great movement. Just a little scary because the fixed safety catch is so low I can't even come close to it with a full squat. I just hope I don't blow out a knee because I will be fucked without a safety catch.)

Stiff deads 1 x 8 (I stand on a block so I can clear the 45lbs plates. In a commercial gym I use use a collection of 25lbs plates to get the stretch. )

leg extension 1 x 20
Seated leg curl 1 x 16

One dumbbell side bend 1 x 15

Hanging leg raise 1 x 25 ( try to really get my feet high curling my hips up)
Hip ups 1 x 30 ( on my back and push my hips toward the ceiling)

Standing calf raise 1 x 15
Seated calf 1 x 20

Tibalis work 1 x 20
Neck work 1 x all four sides. Finished with manual rotation using my hands for resistance.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on November 05, 2020, 12:10:06 PM
30 second rest between sets is the way to go. You get a great workout in less time and you are essentially getting your cardio by not letting your heart get completely down to a resting rate. The only time 30 second rests gets difficult is with squats and leg presses. At least that's how it is for me.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 05, 2020, 07:32:03 PM
30 second rest between sets is the way to go. You get a great workout in less time and you are essentially getting your cardio by not letting your heart get completely down to a resting rate. The only time 30 second rests gets difficult is with squats and leg presses. At least that's how it is for me.

30 seconds is great for volume and light to moderate weight. If you're pushing what is for you heavy weights it's not enough to recover from a set. You're right, minimum rest between sets is a great way to get into condition.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 05, 2020, 07:54:57 PM
I talked about doing an exercise in the hardest way possible and not the easiest to create the most stress on a muscle for adaptation. I just saw a video on youtube about a Marine corp chin up champion.  Their rules are you have to clear your chin and then extend fully as in a dead hang. His advice was always shorten the range of motion and do the the exercise in the easiest way possible. Here is some of his advice.  Look up at the sky and bend your head back so your chin is at the maximum height. That way it will shave off four inches or so of the range of motion. Second is to take a wide grip again to shorten the range of motion. Lastly was to ignore the eccentric or negative rep completely.  Go down as fast as you can under no resistance even pushing on the bar to increase the downward velocity. 

If you want to increase the strength of your arms and lats optimally you should ignore that advice. Yes you will get less reps. Take a  shoulder width grip. Use the negative stroke as part of the rep by going down under control. Don't stop the positive or concentric portion of the rep when your hit your chin. Stop when your elbows are completely down. Often that is way past your chin. The goal is to increase work and not to  decrease work. Getting 10 chins in this manner is more effective than getting 20 partial range junk pull ups.

Don't get me going on push ups.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 06, 2020, 07:32:22 PM
Ran two miles then hit the bag today. Thought I was going fast but I was running a little over 9 minutes  miles. I guess slow for a young man but okay for me?  I have to pick up the pace. This is embarrassing. Anyway I felt great psychologically most of the day because of the run. It's a great antidepressant.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 07, 2020, 02:22:09 PM
Back day: No warms ups listed. Increased weight in almost all exercises.

Power cleans and push jerks 3 x 3

Pulldown with a M.A.G bar 1 x 13
Seated lat cable rows 1 x 14
One arm Dumbbell row with a knee on the bench 1 x 12
Reverse grip pulldown 1 x 11

Weighted lower back hyper extensions 1 x20

Weighted crunches 1 x 60
Pulley crunches 1 x 55

Power cleans are fun to do but I feel they are a time bomb waiting to go off for me.  I will continue using them till I drop the bar on my head.  ;D  I like the explosive lifts. They build power and athleticism. Using moderate weight for now.  On a side note I was talking to a cross fit girl at my job.  She said she competes nationally. She might have weighed 155lbs.  She was a  pretty girl but had a thick neck. I asked her what she could clean and jerk and she said 230lbs if my memory serves me. Cross fit is really into the Olympic lifts. Impressive lift for a girl that size.

After lifting I went to the Seaside Heights boardwalk here in NJ with the wife. It was 74 and sunny. The boardwalk was packed.  The restaurants and bars were hopping. Looking out over the ocean there were many boats. A couple of sail boats went by or should I say Yachts? If you don't know Seaside it's not a place for Harvard preppies. Bike gangs gangs walk among some dregs of society but don't get me wrong, plenty of decent people too. Hung out at the Beach Comber roof top bar. It was packed like summer.  They must have called in a ton of staff for this beautiful day.  Even the bouncers were there.  Another bar called Spicy's was rocking with live music.  Pretty girls were everywhere. During the summer dogs are not allowed on the boardwalk but today I lost count of the dogs. One last observation. Does every girl working as a bartender or waitress have fake giant bouncing boobs?  I guess they are tip makers.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 08, 2020, 04:14:39 PM
Finished out my training week with Delt and triceps. Again no warm ups sets listed.

Clean and military press 1 x9
Dumbbell delt laterals 1 x 15
Rear delt dumbbell laterals 1 x 14
Rope pulls 1 x 16
Barbell shrugs 1 x 16

Tricep push downs 1 x 11
Seated tricep extensions leaning against a scott curl pad 1 x 10
Rope tricep 1 x 15
Reverse grip single arm tricep pulley 1 x 13

Weighted crunches 1 x 60
Pulley crunches 1 x 40

I remember reading every thing I could about Yates one set to failure routine. The best gains I ever made with it was around the year 2000 in my early 40's.  I made one modification that I think really made the routine work great. I would start the routine with a moderate weight which meant I would fail at a fairly high rep count. Every week I would increase the weight and the reps for failure would come down.  An example is I would use a weight in squats that would have me failing at around 20 reps. The next week I would add weight and fail at 15.  Next again I would add weight. Usually it would bring my rep count down but to my surprise as a long time trainer I would get the same amount of reps or just a little under for some exercises. Anyway I would keep doing that until I was in the 8 to 12 rep range for all exercises. During that time I  was doing cardio four times a week.  This routine really got me in great condition. Every week I seemed to get tighter and more muscular. This type of training to failure for one set is brutal.  No one wants to do exercise after exercise to failure. It's mentally draining and physically draining. One mistake I made but how can it be a mistake if I got results was I did to many exercises per body part. I guess I was younger then and I would never do the same today. Here's an example of what I did for back at a body weight of around 180lbs while running hard four days a week.

Power cleans and jerks 3 x 3 175lbs, 180  and 185lb then 1 x 1 with 225lbs. My jerk was more of a push press like on the Superstars competition. Meaning sloppy.
Deadlifts 1 x 6 300lbs
Stiff deads 1 x 6 225lbs
Pull ups 1 x max
Seated lat pulley 1 x 12 190lbs
Dumbbells row with knee on bench 1 x 15 90lbs
Reverse grip pulldowns 1 x 12
Weighted back hyper extension 1 x 15 35lbs plate behind head
Ab work

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 09, 2020, 05:12:01 AM
Getting into a rut with these two mile runs before work.  Shockingly I recorded the same time three runs in a row. How is that mathematically possible? I guess it's the same math used to count ballots after midnight. My young neighbor who is about 45 and on the local police swat team said after I told him I'm slowing up, "At least you're still doing it."  Going to hit the heavy bag for a while after I stop dripping sweat all over my key board.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on November 09, 2020, 05:52:32 AM
Getting into a rut with these two mile runs before work.  Shockingly I recorded the same time three runs in a row. How is that mathematically possible? I guess it's the same math used to count ballots after midnight. My young neighbor who is about 45 and on the local police swat team said after I told him I'm slowing up, "At least you're still doing it."  Going to hit the heavy bag for a while after I stop dripping sweat all over my key board.


Have you tried running faster or slower?

Walk the two miles and check your time?  If it's the same something is definitely up.

Is your watch broken?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 09, 2020, 01:15:40 PM
Just a freak coincidence. I can’t win the lottery but this happened.  The watch works perfect. A $350 dollar GPS watch.  Bet that won’t happen for the rest of my life. Couldn’t do that without watching the watch for a million bucks. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on November 10, 2020, 05:11:30 AM
You're getting close to the line.  ;)

60 minutes / 9 = 6.67 minutes per mile.

Don't feel too badly.  I'm trying to just keep walking.


Is it jogging or running?

"Jogging is slower and less intense than running. The main differences are pace and effort. One definition of jogging speed is 4 to 6 miles per hour (mph), while running can be defined as 6 mph or more."
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 10, 2020, 10:38:02 AM
I certainly run faster than 6 miles an hour which is a ten minute mile.  No runner uses miles per hour unless they are on a cheap or old treadmill that doesn’t have a toggle switch to go from MPH to pace. Ran two miles today.  They have conversion tables for those interested in mph and the conversion to miles per minute/seconds.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 11, 2020, 05:52:22 PM
11-10-2020: Ran two mile and I'm finally improving.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 11, 2020, 05:55:37 PM
11-11-2020: Today was a scheduled training day. Felt really washed out. I started chest and half way through it I called it quits. Pretty rare for me. Instead I went to the park with my granddaughter and watched her on the play ground. After I watched a movie with the wife with some cold ones. I think all this training to failure is working on my nerves. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 12, 2020, 12:46:23 PM
11-12-2020: Taking this day off too. In about 5 years I rarely have started a weight workout then quit after a few exercises. I bet I haven't done that three times in five years. Since I did that yesterday I'm doing nothing today. Maybe tomorrow. That's a real sign of my body saying take a breather and chill.  So I will. 

Might have to cut back the drinking. I don't think I have a problem but I bet I have a few cold ones three to four days out of the week.  That's  too much. Years back I tore my bicep off my arm and had to have surgery. I didn't drink for five to six weeks and I remember thinking how good I was feeling. I could only do cardio for about 6 weeks.  I didn't want to do anything in the weight room with my compromised arm. My running took off without the booze. I was running with guys whose only exercise was running I was beating them.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 13, 2020, 11:57:29 AM
Did my usual routine.  Going to go to volume soon. Famous last words.  ;D Back and chest day. No warm ups sets listed.

Pulldowns with a M.A.G. bar 2 x 10 (Didn't list weight cause one machine 200lbs feels light and another 100lbs feels heavy)
Seated pulley lat rows with a V handle 2 x 12 170lbs (All the way out to stretch and return)
Dumbbell rows with knee on a bench 2 x10 80lbs (dead hang the weight before pulling it all the way up)
Reverse grip pulldowns with a straight bar 2 x 10 (these are slightly irritating my bad shoulder)

Dumbbell flat bench 2 x 8 80lbs ( all the way down. No half reps. If I did the typical half reps millennials use today I would use the 100lbs or more. I have to use a lighter weight to protect my bad shoulder and make it harder by slowing the rep)
Decline dumbbell bench 2 x 8 (Had trouble here cause on my last rep to failure with the flat bench took everything I had)
Weighted dips 2 x 10
Push ups 2 x max (regular and perfect push up handles. I feel the push up handles give me a better stretch but less resistance because some of the weight is shifted to the feet. Not enough to be of consequence. )

Deadlifts 2 x 4 315lbs (I've been running more than normal. Really took it out of my deadlift. Normally I always complete these and feel I could have used more weight. Not today.)
Weighted traditional back extensions 2 x 15 with a 25lbs plate behind my head

Weighted crunches 1 x 60
Pulley crunches 1 x 55

Whenever considering range of motion try to do the longest. Physics 101 is that the amount of work is weight times distance. Sure you could grab the big dumbbells for your presses if you don't go deep but isn't the goal to make your body stronger through adaption from a stress?  So much of bodybuilding is just delusional ego stroking. Taking drugs thinking that body is real when you know deep inside you look like shit without the assist. Putting the weight of a car on a leg press to barely bend your knees so you can say you use 900lbs. I've seen old ladies that can barely walk do shallow leg presses with a million plates. When you do pull ups don't stop when your chin clears the bar. Stop when you can't go any higher and your elbows are down at your sides then go to a dead hang. Sure it could limit you to 8 reps but is the 30 reps of kipping, sticking your chin up and ignoring the negative making it a harder or easier exercise?  When in doubt do the exercise the hardest way and not the easy way to stroke your  ego.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on November 13, 2020, 12:12:15 PM
You're strong dude, especially for an old fart.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 13, 2020, 01:02:25 PM
You're strong dude, especially for an old fart.

Odor isn't everything. Seriously not strong but I egotistically defy anyone to say I don't work out hard. If anything I take pride in my workout ethic. Ironat you should take the trip east on 195 and south on the Parkway to work out with me. We can take the work out to the edge of death. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on November 14, 2020, 04:39:25 AM
Odor isn't everything. Seriously not strong but I egotistically defy anyone to say I don't work out hard. If anything I take pride in my workout ethic. Ironat you should take the trip east on 195 and south on the Parkway to work out with me. We can take the work out to the edge of death. 

If my foot ever gets better I may take you up on it.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 14, 2020, 02:14:49 PM
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 15, 2020, 01:16:21 PM
Leg day:  It's a bitch.  Close to failure on the first set and to failure on the second.

1. Leg Press 2 x 12 (I've notice the different designs of leg presses. I guess I said this on prior posts. Some are hip dominate and some are thigh. My leg press is thigh. I fully bend my legs like I'm going an ass to grass squat.)
2. Squat machine 2 x 10 (This is a better exercise than I realized. Always thought I had to barbell squat. Nope this machine is incredible. I go down till my legs are fully bent with a somewhat narrow stance)
3. Dumbbell squat 1 x 10 (legs were completely shot at this point.)
4. leg extension 2 x 20
5. seated leg curl 2 x 15

1. One Dumbbell side bend 1 x 15
2. Hanging leg raise 2 x 22
3. Hip ups lying on the floor 1 x 27

1. Standing calf raise 2 x 15
2. Seated calf raise 2 x 15
3. Tibalis work 1 x 20

1. Neck work four sides

Observations:  I've got away from from machine squats. Now that I'm back I don't know how I got away from the movement. When I got to leg extension I was weak showing how much they took out of my legs.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on November 15, 2020, 01:46:18 PM
I often warm up with leg extensions prior to doing squats or leg presses.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 16, 2020, 04:21:38 PM
I often warm up with leg extensions prior to doing squats or leg presses.

So many guys do.  I'm use to do it back in the late 70's and early 80's doing the pre exhaust superset.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 16, 2020, 04:51:12 PM
11-16-2020: Alarm went off today for an  early morning run before work. I rolled over and turned it off. That extra sleep felt great. My thighs are so sore and it has to be the squat machine from yesterday. Looking forward to see what  difference in my training routine this machine will make. I owned this machine for over ten years but I drifted away from using it. Now I'm back.

Certain machines seem amazing in my opinion.  The Nautilus pull over machine is one. I wish I had one but it's too expensive and big for a residential house. The Nautilus pullover hits the lats perfectly. The two Nautilus neck machines were fantastic.  The hammer squat machine is a really good one but a big negative is that it limits the range of motion. A recent big favorite of mine is a kick back machine that no one uses in the commercial gym I was going to before covid. Hits the butt and thighs amazingly well. It's brutally hard too. It was like a one leg squat with a perfect backward groove. This really increased my sprinting speed but it also got me in trouble when I was doing 40 yard sprints about a eight plus months ago and I partially torn my Achilles. I can say with almost certainty that for a short sprint I was almost as fast in my 60's as I was when I was a high school and college sprinter. Now the Achilles can't support sprinting but I had a decent run.  A good reminder that when you are over 60 you are one rep or one athletic activity from ruining your body. Everyone gets old and it spares no one. Not to say injuries only effect old people.

Tomorrow is delt and arms before work. I will get up this time. Nice to get the workout over for the day early morning before work. Hard to roll out of bed and start lifting. At least it's hard for me. If you roll out of bed and can start lifting hard God bless you. I have to warm up before hitting that set to failure in the dark before work. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on November 17, 2020, 04:11:07 AM
11-16-2020: Alarm went off today for an  early morning run before work. I rolled over and turned it off. That extra sleep felt great. My thighs are so sore and it has to be the squat machine from yesterday. Looking forward to see what  difference in my training routine this machine will make. I owned this machine for over ten years but I drifted away from using it. Now I'm back.

Certain machines seem amazing in my opinion.  The Nautilus pull over machine is one. I wish I had one but it's too expensive and big for a residential house. The Nautilus pullover hits the lats perfectly. The two Nautilus neck machines were fantastic.  The hammer squat machine is a really good one but a big negative is that it limits the range of motion. A recent big favorite of mine is a kick back machine that no one uses in the commercial gym I was going to before covid. Hits the butt and thighs amazingly well. It's brutally hard too. It was like a one leg squat with a perfect backward groove. This really increased my sprinting speed but it also got me in trouble when I was doing 40 yard sprints about a eight plus months ago and I partially torn my Achilles. I can say with almost certainty that for a short sprint I was almost as fast in my 60's as I was when I was a high school and college sprinter. Now the Achilles can't support sprinting but I had a decent run.  A good reminder that when you are over 60 you are one rep or one athletic activity from ruining your body. Everyone gets old and it spares no one. Not to say injuries only effect old people.

Tomorrow is delt and arms before work. I will get up this time. Nice to get the workout over for the day early morning before work. Hard to roll out of bed and start lifting. At least it's hard for me. If you roll out of bed and can start lifting hard God bless you. I have to warm up before hitting that set to failure in the dark before work. 

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 17, 2020, 06:07:22 AM
11-17-2020 Tuesday: Just finished delts and arms before work.  I like blasting music when I work out but with the wife sleeping I had to use ear buds. When I'm in the gym I always heard guys with ear buds singing some unintelligible lyrics sounding like a coyote caught in a trap. It always sounds like Oooooh baby diga, bitga, whoo whoo.  I wonder if I sing out loud with ear buds sometimes. Shoot me now if I do.

Work out went well. I like training before work on work days. I like getting it out of the way. Such a relief when I get off of work in the dark that I don't have to lift. Just eat dinner then Netflix and chill. Does that slang have any hidden meaning?  I work in an office of knock out young girls and last time I said, " I'm going home to Netflix and chill," they burst out laughing.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 19, 2020, 07:38:47 PM
Thinking about buying a neck machine for my basement gym.  I have to stop this insanity. Every time I reach for the credit card I stop myself asking do I really need it? . I could get by with the weighted helmet that I use but the neck machine at the commercial gym that is a Nautilus brand I think spoiled me.

I envy bodyweight trainers. They run distance and sprint. They might have dipping bars, pull up bar and maybe some gadget like TRX.  I'm no better off than them for having all the bodybuilding body part equipment I have.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: AbrahamG on November 19, 2020, 11:31:05 PM
11-17-2020 Tuesday: Just finished delts and arms before work.  I like blasting music when I work out but with the wife sleeping I had to use ear buds. When I'm in the gym I always heard guys with ear buds singing some unintelligible lyrics sounding like a coyote caught in a trap. It always sounds like Oooooh baby diga, bitga, whoo whoo.  I wonder if I sing out loud with ear buds sometimes. Shoot me now if I do.

Work out went well. I like training before work on work days. I like getting it out of the way. Such a relief when I get off of work in the dark that I don't have to lift. Just eat dinner then Netflix and chill. Does that slang have any hidden meaning?  I work in an office of knock out young girls and last time I said, " I'm going home to Netflix and chill," they burst out laughing.

When you are on the brink of retirement you ought to say it again.  If they laugh again, brandish your cock for them and let's see who laughs last.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on November 20, 2020, 12:11:29 AM
Thinking about buying a neck machine for my basement gym.  I have to stop this insanity. Every time I reach for the credit card I stop myself asking do I really need it? . I could get by with the weighted helmet that I use but the neck machine at the commercial gym that is a Nautilus brand I think spoiled me.

I envy bodyweight trainers. They run distance and sprint. They might have dipping bars, pull up bar and maybe some gadget like TRX.  I'm no better off than them for having all the bodybuilding body part equipment I have.

Go for it! Spend some money on a neck machine if that's what you like to use. You've earned it. It is not insanity to spend money on something you love doing. Some folks blow a fortune on overpriced sports cars, some take trips, some blow a lot of buck gambling. Money is meant to be spent. And it helps the economy which is tanking right now because of the pandemic.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 20, 2020, 09:17:20 AM
Go for it! Spend some money on a neck machine if that's what you like to use. You've earned it. It is not insanity to spend money on something you love doing. Some folks blow a fortune on overpriced sports cars, some take trips, some blow a lot of buck gambling. Money is meant to be spent. And it helps the economy which is tanking right now because of the pandemic.

You might have given me the kick I need.  I sold some junk on craig's and I have the cash to buy the neck machine I was looking at.  I dread the day I down size to a small retirement house. I just have way too much crap in this house. I'm sure i I will have to give away for free much of the equipment I accumulated. Told the wife I will have something like power blocks with a bench with a chin/dip attachment that I can shove in a closet. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on November 20, 2020, 10:39:57 AM
You might have given me the kick I need.  I sold some junk on craig's and I have the cash to buy the neck machine I was looking at.  I dread the day I down size to a small retirement house. I just have way too much crap in this house. I'm sure i I will have to give away for free much of the equipment I accumulated. Told the wife I will have something like power blocks with a bench with a chin/dip attachment that I can shove in a closet.

There's no rule that says you have to downsize at some point. If you get to the point that you can't climb stairs (which you won't) have a lift put in or add a bedroom suite on the main floor. Believe you will lift until the day you die and you will. The power of believing is amazing.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 20, 2020, 12:13:51 PM
There's no rule that says you have to downsize at some point. If you get to the point that you can't climb stairs (which you won't) have a lift put in or add a bedroom suite on the main floor. Believe you will lift until the day you die and you will. The power of believing is amazing.

It's financial. I have a big house with high house taxes.  I work part time in retirement.  My house is nearly paid off. I could sell this house and move to a small retirement ranch quitting my retirement job. That would free up so much monthly money and put a nice amount in the bank. I would join a commercial gym again but keep a little home gym too severely down sizing from the gym I have now.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on November 20, 2020, 02:56:09 PM
It's financial. I have a big house with high house taxes.  I work part time in retirement.  My house is nearly paid off. I could sell this house and move to a small retirement ranch quitting my retirement job. That would free up so much monthly money and put a nice amount in the bank. I would join a commercial gym again but keep a little home gym too severely down sizing from the gym I have now.

Would you stay in NJ?

Even a ranch has a basement for a gym.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 20, 2020, 04:46:27 PM
Would you stay in NJ?

Even a ranch has a basement for a gym.

I would stay in the same town.  Huge retirement areas by me. The houses are small and cheap with low taxes. I can't move out of NJ with my granddaughter and kids are here. I have one in Alaska.

Trained back and chest.

I actually think I'm looking pretty good now I vainly say.  I'm happy with how I look right now and I'm never happy. Again I'm not a bodybuilder and never called myself one. I like to think of myself as an aging athlete.  ::)

When I watch videos of guys training more times than not I say to myself why are they training with such bad form with a limited range of motion? I guess drug use fixes everything.

Pulldown 2 x10 with a MAG bar. I have a plate loading lat machine. I thought I messed up loading it and it pissed me off.
Seated lat pulley rows 2 x 12
Dumbbell rows off a bench
Pulldowns 2 x 10 with a MAG bar. I repeated the exercise this time with the correct weight.

Decline dumbbell bench 2 x 8
weighted dips 2 x 10
dumbbell flies 2 x 10
push ups 2 x max

deadlifts 2 x 4  Might get away from these for awhile. I feel slight lower back pain and I don't need another injury if this is a warning sign. I might try a single before I leave them alone for awhile. Yes, I never learn.
Weighted lower back extensions 2 x 15

Weighted crunches 1 x 60
Pulley crunches 1 x 40
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on November 20, 2020, 04:51:18 PM
It's financial. I have a big house with high house taxes.  I work part time in retirement.  My house is nearly paid off. I could sell this house and move to a small retirement ranch quitting my retirement job. That would free up so much monthly money and put a nice amount in the bank. I would join a commercial gym again but keep a little home gym too severely down sizing from the gym I have now.

Truth be told, there is a good chance you will downsize your workouts over the next 10 years anyway, so less equipment would be needed. Like Ironat mentioned, many ranch houses in your part of the country have basements. Although if you had your ranch built or bought one you could afford to remodel, you could add a room just for your workouts. Most basements are so gloomy. In warmer winter climates, putting your car in a garage isn't as big a deal as it is where you live. Converting a garage or part of it to a workout room might be an option. With a garage you can always brighten it up by adding some windows and even glass garage doors, which look great and let in a lot of light.

Check this ranch house out. It has a three car garage. That leaves two stalls for your cars and one for your gym setup.


Doesn't this look cool? It even has a punching bag, so you can keep up on your boxing skills.


Have you thought about moving to another state where property taxes aren't so high? New Jersey is known for having very high property tax rates. How about somewhere warmer where you could enjoy having a pool that you could pretty much use year around.

Homeowners in New Jersey pay the highest property taxes of any state in the country. In fact, rates in some areas are more than double the national average. The average effective property tax rate in New Jersey is 2.44%, compared to the national average of 1.08%.

Oregon not all that warm but check out our property tax rate. Southern Oregon is warmer and because much of it is rural it is more conservative politically. Josephine county, which is were Grants Pass is located, voted Republican in the previous five Presidential elections.
In the last Presidential election, Josephine county remained very strongly Republican, 60.4% to 30.2%.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on November 20, 2020, 05:23:59 PM
He wants to stay near his kids so moving far away is out.

That is a cool garage gym.  I don't think the houses OT is talking about will have 3 car garages

My basement has windows so it's not gloomy but in any event it has a couple flourescent lights so it's well lit.

The school taxes in NJ are outrageous which is 75% of the property taxes.  I pay over $11k and my house is not anything special, a 50 year old tract home.

That 2.44% is lower than what I pay.  2.44% of what is not stated.

Where I live is a nice town so it's a shame the taxes are so high. NJ generally has good schools and a lot of money is spent.  If you have kids in school you get something out of it.  Even though all this school tax is being paid the state teachers retirement is underfunded to the max.  Someone's pockets are being lined with silk.

A friend of mine moved to NC around 20 years ago with 4 kids in school.  He said the schools there are bad and you have to send your kid to private schools.  He got another job in PA so they moved there.

I've heard public schools in Florida are bad too.

So, there's often a reason for low taxes.  Of course other states fund things differently and get revenue in other ways.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 20, 2020, 05:59:41 PM
My house taxes are 9K a year and it seem to go up every couple of years. I do love where I live. It's a semi rural part of ocean county.

I'm not sure if I posted this before. Some pictures of my basement gym. I have trained in large sheds, garages and basements.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 20, 2020, 06:01:13 PM
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 20, 2020, 06:02:37 PM
Last I have. Really hard to get a sense of the basement from the pictures. It has two sides.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 20, 2020, 06:05:27 PM
I have more pictures. I might post them.  This gives you an idea of my home set up.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on November 20, 2020, 07:01:39 PM
Your house looks newer and better (at least the basement does) than mine but my taxes are higher.  You have a pool too and I don't.

My assessment is under actual value so if my house was assessed at actual I'd be paying even higher.

I'll bet my school taxes are higher or the county I'm in (Mercer) is higher taxes than OC.

We have high state tax and high sales tax and now even the gas tax is high after the Fatman approved it.

Pennsylvania has lower taxes depending on the county.

The Fatman...


Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 20, 2020, 08:09:47 PM
My house is around 18 years old. It still seems new to me. I came from modest means so it seems like a dream house to me. My pool that I spend a lot of time at in the summer. It's a split between the ocean and the pool. I own a lot of the land past the fence.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 20, 2020, 08:14:30 PM
Your house looks newer and better (at least the basement does) than mine but my taxes are higher.  You have a pool too and I don't.

My assessment is under actual value so if my house was assessed at actual I'd be paying even higher.

I'll bet my school taxes are higher or the county I'm in (Mercer) is higher taxes than OC.

We have high state tax and high sales tax and now even the gas tax is high after the Fatman approved it.

Pennsylvania has lower taxes depending on the county.

The Fatman...


I appealed my assessment and won. It's a bit more complicated than most realize. Most comps are not accepted.  It helps that I have a sister in law in real estate in southern California that walked me through it. Most people on my block got denied when they appealed.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on November 21, 2020, 04:12:53 AM
Your pool looks really nice.

Our town was re-assessed a number of years ago.

I got mine knocked down too by appealing it at the time.

I'll bet different counties have different tax rates in NJ like some other states do.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 21, 2020, 04:42:05 AM
Your pool looks really nice.

Our town was re-assessed a number of years ago.

I got mine knocked down too by appealing it at the time.

I'll bet different counties have different tax rates in NJ like some other states do.

True, about the tax rates. What also effects taxes is the value of the house according to location in NJ.  The same exact house in Bergen county could be worth three times the price of the same house in Ocean county where I live. Tiny houses in East Rutherford NJ go for close to a million and over a million because it's such a short hop to NYC.  Small condos in Hoboken are worth more than my 3K square foot house.   
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on November 21, 2020, 04:55:42 AM
True, about the tax rates. What also effects taxes is the value of the house according to location in NJ.  The same exact house in Bergen county could be worth three times the price of the same house in Ocean county where I live. Tiny houses in East Rutherford NJ go for close to a million because it's such a short hop to NYC.  Small condos in Hoboken are worth more than my 3K square foot house.   

Yes, you are right.  Close to the city in North Jersey it's crazy, and often it's so congested.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 22, 2020, 11:41:18 AM
Leg day:

Leg press 2 x 12 four plates a side and as deep as I could slowly go. I couldn't go any deeper if I had no weight on the machine.
Squat machine 2 x 10 two plates a side. Ass to absolute grass. Super slow negative
Dumbbell squats 1 x 12 80lbs dumbbell in each hand. Upright back and ass to maximum depth. Zane called these dumbbell hack squats
Leg extension 2 x 20
Seated leg curl 2 x 15

Single dumbbell side bend 1 x 15 90lbs
Hanging straight leg raise  2 x 22
Hip ups off the ground 1 x 30 (On back pushing the hips to the ceiling while the legs are raised.

Standing calf 2 x 15
Seated calf 2 x 15 (I have the smallest calves on the planet)

Neck work 1 set per side ( I use a an old fashion weight neck helmet. Really a motorcycle helmet with a dumbbell bar attached. Remember the old Ironman ad for it?

There has to be an easier hobby. I'm sure Iron nat can attest to this. 95% plus of guys our age don't exercise or if they do they work out like pussies.  They look so old too or should I say they look their age? Steroids age you just judging by how users look. If you train hard naturally and do cardio getting a good night's sleep you really can find the fountain of youth. One of the best forms of cardio is fast walking. It doesn't exhaust you and makes you feel great. It gives almost all of the health benefits of cardio and you're just walking fast.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on November 23, 2020, 08:49:12 PM
I appealed my assessment and won. It's a bit more complicated than most realize. Most comps are not accepted.  It helps that I have a sister in law in real estate in southern California that walked me through it. Most people on my block got denied when they appealed.

I got lucky several years ago when after one of the many remodeling upgrades I've had done which required permits and those triggered the county assessors office to pay me a visit. When I answered the door, the assessor recognized me from the gym. He asked me a couple of questions about the remodel but didn't ask to come in to see what was done. Even though I added some square footage to the house and in doing so made it obvious that there was one more bedroom and bathroom than they had on the books, the remodel didn't increase my property tax assessment at all. This is one of those times when my gym membership paid me some unexpected benefits.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 24, 2020, 10:46:18 AM
When they came to assess my house they came unannounced.  Thought it was a scam to get in my house.  I wouldn’t let him in.  I made some phone calls and it was legit.  They told me if I don’t let him in then they assess the max. I ran down the block to get him.  He looked in my basement to see if it was finished and he said he was done. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 24, 2020, 10:55:16 AM
Trained delts and arms before work.  On my second set of military presses I felt a sharp pain in my good shoulder. Finished the workout but I’m beginning  to think that it would’ve been wise to tire the muscle out with volume, moderate weight and short rests between sets. 

To give an example I would use something like 5 sets of 10 reps. Trying to set a time record to get the 50 reps.  Then heavy weights couldn’t be used.  Even though the first set could be for 18 reps I would stop at ten reps to race through the 50 reps as in Five sets of ten. The old saying, make a light weight heavy. 

At work and the shoulder feels sore but not crazy pain so I think it’s a mild sprain. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on November 24, 2020, 11:13:24 AM
When they came to assess my house they came unannounced.  Thought it was a scam to get in my house.  I wouldn’t let him in.  I made some phone calls and it was legit.  They told me if I don’t let him in then they assess the max. I ran down the block to get him.  He looked in my basement to see if it was finished and he said he was done.

In most cases, it is a good idea to let the county tax assessor in to your home.

This is what Layni S Rothbort, Real Estate Attorney in Millburn, NJ had to say about letting the tax assessor inside your home.

Yes. You absolutely do have the right to refuse the tax assessor entry. However, if you do so, the assessor will then be entitled to make certain assumptions about the value of your house by using information regarding the house in file with the building department as well as the values if neighboring houses to come up with a value for your house, all of which may not be as accurate picture of the value of your house as he would have if he were allowed to see it firsthand. In addition, you will not have a leg to stand on if you try to appeal the assessment; taxpayers who do not allow the assessor in almost always lose their appeals. So consider your course of action carefully.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on November 25, 2020, 10:07:31 AM
Good job, OT.  This thread and IronNat's are what keeps me think about training even when I can't train.  ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 25, 2020, 11:05:42 AM
Good job, OT.  This thread and IronNat's are what keeps me think about training even when I can't train.  ;D

Do what you can and forget the rest. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 25, 2020, 11:39:50 AM
I had a planned cardio day but a close family member came down with covid. Had to run out and get a test. Took the wind out of my sails to train. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 26, 2020, 11:48:03 AM
Can't believe a second family member tested positive. One is in his early 70's and the the other 30. Only the 30 year old have we been in recent contact.   Both are pretty sick but not to the point where they have to be in the hospital. I got tested yesterday. I feel fine.  Waiting for the results.

Today was cardio 8 sets of quarter miles reps. I never pushed hard thinking I don't want to be worn out in case I'm positive. Kept half of the rep intervals in the 7.5 MPH or 8:00 minute a mile range. Felt like I had a good workout but never pushed myself hard. I walked fast in between sets. After I hit the heavy bag. 

Wife is pissed the turkey came out dried out. I don't know if we got an old bird or if it was over cooked. She is a great cook but stuff like this happens. No family is coming over because of the positive tests. The kids are driving over and the wife is giving them a food bag to go.  Really stinks. Normally the house is packed.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on November 26, 2020, 12:02:17 PM
I had a planned cardio day but a close family member came down with covid. Had to run out and get a test. Took the wind out of my sails to train.

I bet it did. May the rest of your family and you stay healthy and that your family member with covid gets well quickly. When do you get the results of you test back?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on November 26, 2020, 12:16:52 PM
Can't believe a second family member tested positive. One is in his early 70's and the the other 30. Only the 30 year old have we been in recent contact.   Both are pretty sick but not to the point where they have to be in the hospital. I got tested yesterday. I feel fine.  Waiting for the results.

Today was cardio 8 sets of quarter miles reps. I never pushed hard thinking I don't want to be worn out in case I'm positive. Kept half of the rep intervals in the 7.5 MPH or 8:00 minute a mile range. Felt like I had a good workout but never pushed myself hard. I walked fast in between sets. After I hit the heavy bag. 

Wife is pissed the turkey came out dried out. I don't know if we got an old bird or if it was over cooked. She is a great cook but stuff like this happens. No family is coming over because of the positive tests. The kids are driving over and the wife is giving them a food bag to go.  Really stinks. Normally the house is packed.

Let's hope we are all back to normal by next Thanksgiving. Christmas this year is likely to be limited to small gatherings as well.

There are six of us counting my great-granddaughter in the house which is the max you're supposed to have total and there's a  limit of two households according to the directive from our Governor. No doubt there are people who will ignore this and have lots of family together in one house. Oh, and the recommendation is for people stay outdoors, which wouldn't be very comfortable since the high today is expected to be 48 degrees. At least it's not raining.

When someone on Getbig poses the question of if anyone actually know someone who has Covid you can answer that you do and that Covid is real. -Can't believe there are still people who think it is all a hoax.

I haven't heard of anyone getting Covid in my circle of friends and family, which is great. My friends who have underlying conditions, mainly compromised immune systems have become absolute hermits in order to stay virus free.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 26, 2020, 04:59:20 PM
I bet it did. May the rest of your family and you stay healthy and that your family member with covid gets well quickly. When do you get the results of you test back?

Not sure. I think the lab was closed for Thanksgiving. Took the test the day before. My daughter said the results go to the doctor first and if he releases it then I can see it online. I assume he calls first if it's positive. Since my daughter is a doctor she said she will go into the system every day to check.

Thanks Giving was really sad. Just me and the wife. The kids did the zoom thing with all of us. A little hard to hear but it was the best we could do.  My one daughter's birthday is tomorrow so we will be doing the zoom thing again tomorrow. She came over today briefly and we were all wearing masks. She said she wants the tests results before staying over longer and she stayed briefly.   

Saw my son in Alaska on the zoom call. He was busy making a Thanks Giving dinner for his Army buddies. He heard they were going out on the town doing the drinking thing. He told them to come over his apartment and they could have Thanks giving there. Proud he is looking out for these young guys in the military. Having been that young laugh out loud I know the trouble a bunch of young guys with money in their wallet can get into in a bar. One thing I learned about the military are the guys are tight. My son is now a senior guy in the military at the young age of 22.  Glad he has the maturity to keep the privates under him out of trouble.  He made a turkey, macaroni and cheese. Typical guy in the military. His apartment has only a bed and a couch.  I bet a bunch of guys will be sleeping on the floor. He said an Army guy can fall asleep anywhere whether it's mud, rain or a ditch. 

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 28, 2020, 10:30:32 AM
The two family members with covid are getting better. It seems like they had a bad chest cold. Both were miserable but never so bad as needing hospitalization. The wife and I got our results late yesterday. Both negative.

Really dogged a workout today. I only did four sets of 3 reps in the power clean and push press. On my last one my damn good shoulder gave me grief. Instead of soldiering on I called the rest of the workout off. Am I lazy or finally thinking with my head?  I will regroup and press on next week. Going to walk with the wife by a hidden gem boardwalk near my house that borders a river that meets the bay.  A beautiful area that isn't know to many people that live in the area. The small board walk is about a mile each direction.   
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on November 29, 2020, 05:20:29 PM
Good rich,,hope all stays well .keep plugging along as usual.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 30, 2020, 10:39:55 AM
Good rich,,hope all stays well .keep plugging along as usual.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 30, 2020, 10:54:35 AM
Trained back and chest before work.  Great workout.  I always finish chest with push-ups. Great way to end the chest workout.  Added wheel roll out for abs again.  I dropped them thinking they were aggravating my shoulder but I felt nothing.  Another change was my flat dumbbell benches.  Angled my wrists to a position that didn’t bother the shoulder and kept the elbows in toward the body. I slowed the reps down using a  lighter weight.  Just watched a video by Yates where he said it’s not the weight used but how you do the exercise.   
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on November 30, 2020, 02:22:34 PM
The two family members with covid are getting better. It seems like they had a bad chest cold. Both were miserable but never so bad as needing hospitalization. The wife and I got our results late yesterday. Both negative.

Really dogged a workout today. I only did four sets of 3 reps in the power clean and push press. On my last one my damn good shoulder gave me grief. Instead of soldiering on I called the rest of the workout off. Am I lazy or finally thinking with my head?  I will regroup and press on next week. Going to walk with the wife by a hidden gem boardwalk near my house that borders a river that meets the bay.  A beautiful area that isn't know to many people that live in the area. The small board walk is about a mile each direction.

It is good to read that you and your wife are negative. Glad you family members are getting better too.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 01, 2020, 11:43:19 AM
Did cardio today 8 x quarter miles repeats. . Got into the seven minute mile something pace toward the end. At end I hit the bag for a couple of three minute rounds.   Sitting  at work exhausted.  My abs are sore. From the ab wheel or running?  Whenever I run after taking a break from it my abs get sore.   
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 02, 2020, 03:00:09 PM
Leg day:

Leg press 2 x 12
Squat machine 2 x 10
Dumbbell squat 1 x 12
Stiff dead 1 x 6
leg extension 2 x 20
Seated leg curl 2 x 15

Single dumbbell ab side bend 1 x 15
Hanging straight leg raise 2 x 22
Hip ups lying on back 1 x 26

Standing calf raise 2 x 15
Seated calf raise 2 x 15
tibalis work 1 x 20

neck work four sides.

Said it before. I'm really liking the squat machine. My thighs and butt are sore as hell after I use this and I rarely get muscle soreness from lifting. Joint and tendon pain, a big yes but rarely muscle soreness. The squat machine for me hits the thighs perfect. Maybe my chicken legs will grow.  ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on December 02, 2020, 03:04:14 PM
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 03, 2020, 10:52:15 AM
Doing nothing physical today.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on December 03, 2020, 01:04:46 PM
Leg day:

Leg press 2 x 12
Squat machine 2 x 10
Dumbbell squat 1 x 12
Stiff dead 1 x 6
leg extension 2 x 20
Seated leg curl 2 x 15

Single dumbbell ab side bend 1 x 15
Hanging straight leg raise 2 x 22
Hip ups lying on back 1 x 26

Standing calf raise 2 x 15
Seated calf raise 2 x 15
tibalis work 1 x 20

neck work four sides.

Said it before. I'm really liking the squat machine. My thighs and butt are sore as hell after I use this and I rarely get muscle soreness from lifting. Joint and tendon pain, a big yes but rarely muscle soreness. The squat machine for me hits the thighs perfect. Maybe my chicken legs will grow.  ;D

Let me know if your 'chicken legs' grow. Mine are chicken legs as well. Hips around the widest point are 38" and 22.5" thighs. My calves are maybe 15".
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 03, 2020, 02:07:38 PM
Thighs 24.5 and calves 14.5 here.  Measured thighs at the largest point. I weight 185lbs at 5'8".  Never heard a bodybuilder measure their hips.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on December 03, 2020, 03:02:33 PM
Thighs 24.5 and calves 14.5 here.  Measured thighs at the largest point. I weight 185lbs at 5'8".  Never heard a bodybuilder measure their hips.

The reason I mentioned hips is because at their widest point the measurement includes the glutes. Squats not only increase quad size but also the size of the gluteal muscles. I'm 2" taller than you are and weigh about 10 lbs less. However, I have relatively short legs.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 03, 2020, 04:15:22 PM
The reason I mentioned hips is because at their widest point the measurement includes the glutes. Squats not only increase quad size but also the size of the gluteal muscles. I'm 2" taller than you are and weigh about 10 lbs less. However, I have relatively short legs.

Very true. The glutes are the largest muscles in the body. They are  the main mover in jumping, sprinting, lifting from the ground and much more. Squats, deadlifts, leg press and many other exercises exercise the glutes.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 04, 2020, 12:38:11 PM
Delt and arms day. I tried the so called Arnold press. It just felt awkward. Holding the weight in the curl position just felt weird to press from with the twist. Couldn't use real weight. Switched back to conventional dumbbell presses trying to get into a good position to avoid shoulder pain. Little tweaks in positioning make a big difference.

 Also tried the upright row with dumbbells with external rotation as a rehab exercise. Hard to explain in print but as you pull up you externally  rotate on the way up with the hands leading the elbows doing an outward circle on the rise with the two dumbbells.

 My delt dumbbell laterals were also done with thumbs up bent over slightly.  Wish I knew these things when I was younger I'm sure I would have less problems with my delts now.

   Other changes is I now do my barbell curls with a narrow grip. It really changes the curl to a peak exercise by supinating the hands.

   Back to using the ab wheel.

    I feel I could get a better pump doing more sets. I know I can. Will it mean better growth? I don't know. One trainer wrote  he used to train thighs really heavy for sets of 8-10 reps but couldn't get his thighs to grow. He decided to give a  trial with high reps. For example he was using 50 reps in the leg press. He said this made his thighs grow again. After awhile he took it down to 25 reps and was still growing. He felt it improved circulation to the muscle.  He soon applied that to other body parts and felt it made a major improvement. Not arguing high reps are better than low. Just relaying his experience.

Arnold dumbbell press 2 x 8 (Felt really awkward. I was using moderate weights and kept feeling out of the groove)
Conventional dumbbell press standing 2 x 10
Dumbbell delt laterals 2 x 12 (thumbs up slightly bend over)
Seated rear dumbbell delt laterals 2 x 10
Rope face pulls 2 x 12 ( Should be on everyone's list of exercises for shoulder pain)
Barbell shrugs 2 x 10
Dumbbell upright rows with external rotation with the hands leading 1 x 10 (Done as a rehab exercise.)

Conventional tricep pushdowns 2 x 10
Single dumbbell two hands seated tricep extentions 2 x 12 ( I lean back against a scott curl attachment spun backwards)
Reverse grip single arm tricep extension holding a D handle 2  x 12

Alternate dumbbell curls 2 x 8
Narrow grip barbell curls 2  x 10
Concentration curl 2 x 12

Wrist curls 2 x 25
Wrist extensions 2  x15
Ivanko gripper 2 x 20

Ab wheel  2 x 22

rehab stretch 1 x 10 dumbbell pullover stretching out the shoulder. Light weight and done for the stretch and not development.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 06, 2020, 11:46:53 AM
8 sets of 440 yard intervals.  Last three in the high seven minute pace range. Hope to get to that 8 MPH range in a week or two. That is if I don't break down. Hit the bag too for two rounds. Hitting the bag is outstanding cardio too. Nice to do something explosive in exercise.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 07, 2020, 10:59:04 AM
Going back this week to one set to failure. Shoulder and Achilles are feeling the best they have felt in a year.   Wish I knew what I know now about injury prevention.  In no particular order I will list some thoughts.   Maybe this stuff only applies to me. Even doing a “harmful” exercise you could get away with it for years and in some cases decades before it comes to bite you.  Typing this in a phone at work and I can’t stand typing on glass.

1.Press behind the neck.  I have mixed feelings about this one. Reason being it promotes flexibility which is healthy for the shoulder.  It’s often repeated that it causes impingement.  I used it for over 30 years with zero problems.  Now I have a bad shoulder  and I can’t do them.   Is it a lack of flexibility or is it jamming my shoulder?

2. Chest flies: Putting your arm out like a lever against the joint while impinging the tendon is not a good idea.

3. Benching without keeping the elbows tight to the body is a mistake I’ve done for years.  Not doing this puts the joint in a position that isn’t healthy for the joint and it also limits how much you can lift. 

4. Decline bench.  Found this is one of the healthiest movements for the chest.  It also hits the chest hard.

5. Pull downs with a straight bar.  These aggravated my shoulder and when I changed to a supinate medium grip M.A.G bar it became a pain free movement.

6.  Too much lower back work.  At one point during my training in my 20’s I did cleans, pulls, dead lifts, stiff deads, power lifting squat and back extensions in the same week.  Needless to say  my back went  out a lot. Now through most of my 40’s, 50's and 60's my lower back is bullet proof.

7.  Hanging leg raises decompress the spine and assists lower back health.  Not a cure all but it sure helps. 

8.  If you have a shoulder problem doing the pouring the pitcher dumbbell laterals is unhealthy because it impinges the tendon. Keep your  thumb up and bend slightly forward.  Your delt will thank you for not doing this exercise for decades. A bad exercise you might get away with for a year or a couple of decades but for the majority it's going to bite you eventually.

9. When using rotator cuff training it’s not a development exercise but rehab health one.  Smooth slow movements with light weights.  Trying to make your delt healthy and not cause more damage by jerking heavy weight on your rotator cuff muscles. 

10.  Stretch the delt out. So many ways to do that. Learn the various stretches. The bench especially contributes to shoulder inflexibility.  Wish I knew how to use them but using Old fashion Indian club swings increases the range of motion in all planes and directions.  A guy at the gym explained how it helped his bad shoulder. As lifters we over use weights in the same movement time after time when shoulders move in so many directions that you can get an overuse injury by making  the shoulder tight making it primed for a tear.  Do rotator cuff work, stretch and do some dynamic movements with Indian clubs.

11.  Face pulls have aided my shoulder health. It hits a spot no other exercise does and counters the pull from all that pressing.

12. If you're in your 60's and were a really good sprinter in your youth don't think you can rip 40 yard all out repeats. You think you are still explosive but damn that Achilles rip isn't fun. Damn it felt like I was as fast as I was in my youth till fate grabbed me said, "You see that grey hair on top of your head?  Cut the nonsense."

These are just a few of my thoughts .  I’m at work so I get interrupted. Might continue this at a later time.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 08, 2020, 09:24:44 AM
Trained legs hard today. Early morning workout before work. I’m at work sitting here like a zombie. 

Thought of another thing that could be problematic to health for older guys.  Doing squats and hacks can compress the spine causing nerve pain.  Something about some hack machines that really can do a number on the spine. Safer alternatives are dumbbell squats, lunges  and the leg press.  Guys doing dumbbell squats disregard them thinking they squat 300lbs so they need two 150lbs dumbbells. If you keep your back upright and sink your butt down then two 85 lbs dumbbells can put you in a world of hurt.  No weight squats are fantastic too.  I know Universe winner Wilf Sylvester and Serge Nubret used them.  I just heard of a third pro but the name escapes me now.

Thought of another point.  You know the calf drill.  Get an extreme calf stretch for maximum development.  I think that’s a mistake for so many, especially older guys.  Coming out of a maximum stretch under load is not healthy for the Achilles or for the plantar area.  If you want to keep that Achilles healthy use walking, running and walking on an incline can contribute to keeping it pliable.  Pushing out of an extreme stretch under load can injure it. I remember reading about the Sprinter Ben Johnson’s coach stopping calf work in their lifting routine.  I wonder if he came to the same conclusion? I know after calf work the day after I have trouble with my runs. Again this these thoughts are my opinions and my empirical knowledge.  Consult your doctor or physical therapist. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 10, 2020, 06:49:11 PM
Back day Yates style. Used slightly heavier weight than I normally do. I try to do everything strict with a full range of motion. The reps are very controlled both positive and negative.  I don't use momentum by heaving the weight.

M.A.G pulldown 1 x 12 150lbs (Upright back and all the way out and I touch the upper part of my chest on the down stroke. I know I could use a lot more weight if I used the lean back method but I think my strict method is working for me.)
Seated cable row 1 x 14 180lbs (all the way out and back)
Dumbbell row off a bench 1 x 14 85lbs ( dead hang and all the way up)
Reverse grip pulldown 1 x 13 (Going to have think of an alternative. Gives my shoulder area grief)
Deadlift 1 x 6  315lbs (Nearly dropped it on the 6th.  I just started using gripper work earlier in the week and my grip seems worse. Very controlled deads. I try to feel the negative too by going down slow. The gym owner of the commercial gym I go to said I do deads very slow. It's by design. Far too many lift the weight then practically drop it for the negative)
Weighted back extensions 1 x 20 25lbs plate behind my head.

Ab wheel 1x25
Weighted crunches 1 x 35 15lbs behind head (One of those exercises if you use too much weight you can be delusional that you are doing the exercise properly for the abs. I think I'm dropping down to 10lbs next time. )
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on December 12, 2020, 07:38:30 AM
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 13, 2020, 01:34:25 PM
Took the weekend off. Did nothing. I'll kick in on Monday.

 Iron nat I got the Serge Nubret free hand no weight squats off of the Three More Reps book series. Wilf Sylvester no weight body weight squats was in an article in a Weider mag. I have both in my house.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on December 13, 2020, 02:34:02 PM
I remember that book.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 14, 2020, 05:07:54 PM
Had my Yates one set to failure week last week. Back to two work sets per exercise after warm up if necessary. First set is near failure and the second is to failure. Early morning work out. Had a great pump. I don't know why.  Just felt the pump in my back after just one set. Felt strong so I slowed the reps  when I could. Thinking I didn't do cardio for the week could be the reason I felt strong and the reason for the strong pump.  Many times doing cardio too intensely will take it out of your weight work out.

I did back and chest. Old school split that worked then and works now. I believe in doing a full range of motion and if in doubt I slow the cadence down of the rep. Simple physics. A weight moved a greater distance is more work than a weight moved a shorter distance. So much of bodybuilding is pure bullshit. When I see a guy sit in bench to do delt dumbbell presses and slide his ass out a couple of inches so it's a semi incline bench. Then they go no lower than the upper arms parallel to the ground which is a half rep in my book. Sure you can grab the 85lbs and tell people that's the weight you use but it sure would be more work if you were standing and going all the way down. My thoughts about form will be on this post.

Pulldowns with a supinate MAG bar 2 x 10  (I don't know if I'm right with this. I do it strict with an upright back. All the way out to stretch and I touch the upper chest with the bar. I know the majority do a lean back heave so it's half a pulldown and half a row. Guys with great lats use this method and a ton more weight can be used. Going to stick with my version but I could be wrong doing this. Maybe the answer lies in between. Lean back somewhat but do them strict with a full range of motion.

Seated lat rows with a V handle 2 x 12 (Another exercise I do strict. Watching guys in the gym I noticed most use a short range of motion. Neither all the way out nor all the way back.)

Dumbbell rows on a bench 2 x 10 (Dead hang and all the way up. I was on T nation and saw three videos of guys instructing how to do this exercise and I wanted to scream at my computer. Sloppy and a short range of motion.)

Reverse grip pulldown 2 x 10 (do these with a narrow grip and it can impinge the shoulder. I'm stronger with a narrow grip but doing them with a medium grip gets a thank you from my bad shoulder.

Dumbbell flat bench 2 x 8 (I go as low as I can. Since I'm not using heavy weights due to my shoulder I try to make a light weight heavy. I keep my elbows close to the body but not super tight. Just enough just to keep my shoulder happy.)

Decline dumbbell bench 2 x 8  (If you haven't done these or haven't never done these you have to give it another try. One of the best pec exercises and for me zero delt/ pec tie in pain. It can really be a great save for guys with comprised, injured worn out shoulders )

Weighted dips 2 x 10 ( I know many have problems with these but it never gives my joints any problems.)

Push ups 2 x max ( I think there is something really healthy about training the pecs with pushups. Your back isn't locked on bench and everything moves the way it's intended to move)

Dead lifts 2 x 4 ( go slow on the negative. In the gym it seems to be the norm to only do the positive stroke. Seen too many practically drop the weight on the negative. I know it pisses off the gym owner. Just prior to covid he bought rubber bumper plates and put up a sign to only use them for deadlifting. No wonder so many gyms out law deadlifts.

Weighted back extensions 2 x 15 ( I give this exercise a lot of credit for the good health of my lower back. I use the old school horizontal bench and not that terrible 45 degree job you see everywhere. The 45 degree one the resistance drops off to nothing near the top. The horizontal one is felt through to the top. Add the semi stiff dead and you have a complete range of motion exercise for the lower back. I do the semi stiff dead on leg day.)

Ab wheel roll out 2 x 22
Seated knee pull ins 2 x 25
Pulley crunches 1 x 60

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 16, 2020, 10:44:15 AM
Trained legs this Wednesday.  Really felt exhausted prior but I push on through it. Feel like I got hit by a Mack truck tired. The workout was productive though. I felt I didn't cheat any exercise and got the reps in.

Bad snow event expected. I can hear the slush and wind beginning.

Leg press 2 x 12 Four plates a side and some 5lbs. Bent the legs completely.
Squat machine 2 x 10 2 plates a side. (Bent my legs until they couldn't go lower on this squat machine. Said it before. Some designs of leg presses seem more hip dominate. Mine is thigh and I can actually fully bend my legs like a deep olympic squat)
Dumbbell squats 1 x 12 80lbs dumbbells (ass to grass with an upright back)
stiff deads 2 x 6 205lbs (on a block and a good stretch)
leg extensions 2 x 20
seated leg curls 2 x 15 (pad that goes on top of thigh was really pushing on a sensitive part of the thigh)

Standing calf 2 x 15
Seated calf 2 x 15
tibalis work 1x 20

Neck work: one set per side.

There has to be an easier hobby.  This is pure work. My friend once said that lifting weights is like hitting yourself in the head with a base ball bat. It feels so good when you stop.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 17, 2020, 04:57:39 PM
Day off of training.  I was sitting around thinking how I did the press behind the head for 40 years without a problem.  I use to go all the way down to the traps every rep too. Now I don’t use them.  Too much pain.  Today I just wanted to see if I could do them.  I had an empty bar and couldn’t go down further than about half way down my head.  I did six reps.  I added two tens to bring it to 65lbs for six.  This time I got it to my traps.  It hurt but not extremely so. Brought the weight to 75lbs for another 6 reps.  All the way down to the traps and up.  I could feel slight strain but I also felt my shoulders loosening up.  Went to 95lbs and took it off the squat rack for another six. Is this really happening?  I put 115lbs.  I did it but felt like I was tempting fate with my bad shoulder. Final weight was 135 lbs. All pushed off my traps. 

I want to see if my shoulder scream in protest later or is this really working to loosen up my shoulder?  Curios to see how I wake up tomorrow. Tomorrow is my real delt and arms. If my shoulder feels good I might start back with the press behind the neck. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: ThisisOverload on December 17, 2020, 05:03:44 PM
That's a good amount of weight. I've never really done them because i have long arms and they always felt uncomfortable. Same thing with behind the head pulldowns.

I know a lot of people that swear by them, maybe just a little stretching and loosening up will help.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on December 17, 2020, 05:07:10 PM
Day off of training.  I was sitting around thinking how I did the press behind the head for 40 years without a problem.  I use to go all the way down to the traps every rep too. Now I don’t use them.  Too much pain.  Today I just wanted to see if I could do them.  I had an empty bar and couldn’t go down further than about half way down my head.  I did six reps.  I added two tens to bring it to 65lbs for six.  This time I got it to my traps.  It hurt but not extremely so. Brought the weight to 75lbs for another 6 reps.  All the way down to the traps and up.  I could feel slight strain but I also felt my shoulders loosening up.  Went to 95lbs and took it off the squat rack for another six. Is this really happening?  I put 115lbs.  I did it but felt like I was tempting fate with my bad shoulder. Final weight was 135 lbs. All pushed off my traps. 

I want to see if my shoulder scream in protest later or is this really working to loosen up my shoulder?  Curios to see how I wake up tomorrow. Tomorrow is my real delt and arms. If my shoulder feels good I might start back with the press behind the neck.

So, you actually did train today even if it was only your rear delts, traps, triceps and anterior serratus.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 17, 2020, 07:03:30 PM
So, you actually did train today even if it was only your rear delts, traps, triceps and anterior serratus.

More like goofing around. I get in these moods where I have to try stuff. Sometimes it's a new stretch, a weight movement I never used/rarely used or I get an idea.   ;D  Remember when I read about feeder sets. I only did for two days but I had to try it. The pump was unreal but I stopped thinking that probably won't amount to real growth. I could be dead wrong on that. My wife knows I will be sitting by the computer reading Tnation, this site or some youtube when I have to try it in the basement.

 Sometimes the new thing works out great but many times it's a bust. An example of this is when a saw a guy doing curls with a single dumbbells in a unique way. He put the dumbbell on it's end and cupped two hands under the plates. Then he did close grip curls. I found it really kept the hands supinated but the grip on those plates wasn't the best or safest when fatigued. I then just grabbed a barbell and did close grip curls with that and found it was almost the same movement.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on December 18, 2020, 01:20:14 AM
More like goofing around. I get in these moods where I have to try stuff. Sometimes it's a new stretch, a weight movement I never used/rarely used or I get an idea.   ;D  Remember when I read about feeder sets. I only did for two days but I had to try it. The pump was unreal but I stopped thinking that probably won't amount to real growth. I could be dead wrong on that. My wife knows I will be sitting by the computer reading Tnation, this site or some youtube when I have to try it in the basement.

 Sometimes the new thing works out great but many times it's a bust. An example of this is when a saw a guy doing curls with a single dumbbells in a unique way. He put the dumbbell on it's end and cupped two hands under the plates. Then he did close grip curls. I found it really kept the hands supinated but the grip on those plates wasn't the best or safest when fatigued. I then just grabbed a barbell and did close grip curls with that and found it was almost the same movement.

It's great that you are open to trying new ways to exercise. It keeps things interesting even when something isn't all it is cracked up to be. I'm still learning how to use the bands I bought. According to the program, I should have done workout 1 again tonight, but I was still kind of sore from Monday's workout so I decided to take another day's rest and get to it tomorrow. It's hard to imagine how only 4 push exercises done to failure can really accomplish much. But hey, I'm sore which is usually a good sign that I worked something in a new way.  Variety is the spice of life and the stuff of good exercise.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 18, 2020, 07:41:10 AM
It's great that you are open to trying new ways to exercise. It keeps things interesting even when something isn't all it is cracked up to be. I'm still learning how to use the bands I bought. According to the program, I should have done workout 1 again tonight, but I was still kind of sore from Monday's workout so I decided to take another day's rest and get to it tomorrow. It's hard to imagine how only 4 push exercises done to failure can really accomplish much. But hey, I'm sore which is usually a good sign that I worked something in a new way.  Variety is the spice of life and the stuff of good exercise.

Remember Soloflex? It was the same concept. Wow did they sell a ton of those machines but then it fizzled out. I'm shocked they are still in business. The cost of the machine and attachments are through the roof. Close to $4K with attachments. You would really have to be committed to that thing to make that type of investment. It also takes a small footprint in your house to have that system instead of conventional weights.

 When I down size to free more finances I will go to simple system of something like powerblocks and their bench with attachments. On a side note Ironmaster and Powerblocks can't sell their products because they are made in China.  They haven't had a complete inventory in many months.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: ThisisOverload on December 18, 2020, 12:19:34 PM
My brother still has an old Bowflex in his garage.

It's not too bad, just feels a little awkward.

He got it in the late 90's while in college.

I think it's just a fancy clothing rack now. ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on December 18, 2020, 02:17:54 PM
No doubt Soloflex is a quality exercise machine. It is more complex to setup and takes up more space then least the X3-Elite bands, which fit in the box they came in and easily slides under the bed. Setting up different exercises is effortless and quick. Soloflex offers a greater variety of movements than do bands. No matter whether you use, Soloflex, Nautilus, free weights or bands, none are miracle muscle builders....there is no such thing. Put the work in and you'll get results no matter what your choice of equipment is. Anything is better than nothing.

The one difference so far with bands is working until failure for good results. For me, it is really going to take some time to adapt, since this is not anything I've ever done before. The first step is for me to stop counting reps because when I do, I automatically set limits on how many reps I can do based on past experience. It means making a mind set change which is sometimes difficult for some of us to do.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 18, 2020, 07:28:24 PM
Delt and arms today.  Haven’t done cardio in two weeks and I’m feeling strong because I'm not shot from doing cardio. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on December 19, 2020, 12:16:44 AM
Delt and arms today.  Haven’t done cardio in two weeks and I’m feeling strong because I'm not shot from doing cardio.

It is always a good idea to change things up every once in a while.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 19, 2020, 08:16:45 AM
Sounds a little like my training attitude through the years.

This is by Nick Bare. He was an Army Ranger. He started a very modest supplement company in college and continued during his military time. Now he is a multimillionaire with a huge supplement company. I love his training philosophy.  He has ever changing goals from marathons, triathlons, power lifting, Olympic lifting and cross fit.  He trains with weights while going for really fast 10 mile plus runs. He loves hard training. He is the master of no pursuit but is damn good in everything he pursues.

"Fitness Goals Are Personal.
Everyone has their own reasons to chase a fitness goal, improve their health and “Go One More”, but I want to explain my passion for fitness as a whole.
I love weight training, running, powerlifting, bodybuilding, cycling, swimming, ruck marches, triathlons, marathons...all and every type of fitness.
For me it’s not the specific training type that I fall in love with - it is the physical, mental and educational benefits that come from it.
Three years ago I was trying to get as big/strong as possible, then I wanted to experiment with Olympic weightlifting and CrossFit style training and now I’m focused strictly on endurance.
With every style of training I get the opportunity to humble myself and learn so much by immersing myself within it - there is no substitute for just doing it (while many others will read about it and become subject matter experts).
Building fitness is an opportunity and as I’ve matured through these last 30 years of life I’ve realized “fitness is not one dimensional”, but I love learning through humbling first hand experience.
These experiences not only build my educational resume, but also allow me to help many others through their fitness journey’s as well.
No style of personal preference fitness is superior to another - it’s personal."
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 21, 2020, 04:32:20 PM
Trained Chest and bicep one set to failure Yates style. Full range of motion. No half reps or 3/4 reps.

Flat dumbbell bench 1 x 7 Failed at 7 but was hoping for 8. Really pissed I didn't get it but my shoulder is compromised by injury. I actually should be happy with that.
Decline dumbbell bench 1 x 10
Weighted dips 1 x 12
Push ups 1  x max

Barbell curl 1 x 14
Alternate dumbbell curl 1 x 10
Single arm pulley curls 1 x 13
Concentration curl 1 x 14

Wrist curls 1 x 26
Reverse wrist extension 1 x 20

Ab wheel roll out 1 x 25
Pulley crunch 1 x 35

Tomorrow is the dreaded leg day, lol.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 22, 2020, 02:23:24 PM
In the dungeon training legs. Up at 4AM before work.  I get home from work at 7pm so this system works for me.  Hate training early morning. I’ m too stiff.  If I wait till after work I’m too tired.  So this is what I do on work days. 

Leg press 1 x 15
Squat machine 1 x 10
Dumbbell squat 1 x 13
Stiff dead 1 x 8
Leg extension 1x 25
Seated leg curl 1x15

Side bend one dumbbell 1x15
Hanging straight leg raise 1x25
Hip ups 1x30

Standing calf 1x20
Seated calf 1 x 20
Tibalis work 1x 20

Neck work: 1 set a side. 

I increased the weight used from what I normally used.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 24, 2020, 12:22:46 PM
Trained back one set to failure after warm up. I'm sure volume trainers probably think it's a vacation from training but it's actually a brutal way to train. I was having anxiety about the deadlift part of the work out all day prior to hitting the gym. Pushing every exercise till you can't get another rep is hard on the mind.  Beginning to think it should be used with very limited cycles. If someone had a training system of digging a deep ditch every other day they soon would begin to dread the workout. They will soon be missing their digging the ditch workout because it's a stress to the mind, body and sprit.  Bill Pearl said it best. To paraphrase he said if you train to failure too much you will soon dread your workouts and will be forced to miss workouts in time. He said, "Consistency is an important part of success with a training program."

If a runner said I'm going to become a better runner by running to failure every day and recording the time to beat it each training day a competent coach would say that's insanity and it won't make you a better runner. Might work for a novice but not an experience runner. A good runner will train hard but will never expect to take it to the ragged edge each training day.

If a bodybuilding HIT coach applied the protocol to running he would be a failure as a coach. I could hear the reasoning right now. Since I'm the coach of a miler he will only run a mile because of specificity of training. I want the runner to train to failure. So every mile run after warm up will be all out and recorded. I'm sure the first two weeks will show promise for this training protocol then the times would go down hill. The HIT bodybuilding coach will now say instead of training 6 days a week he will train less being obviously exhausted. I will have him train for four days a week. Suddenly the times are good again before going down hill again. Now the coach wants three day a week training then two day a week training. When no further improvement is recorded he will declare he reached his genetic potential.  Insanity?  Of course it goes without saying.  It's the same nonsense that is applied to bodybuilding by these HIT gurus. 

Train hard and brutal but if you make exhaustion your training protocol then exhausted you will be.

Merry Christmas!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on December 24, 2020, 03:59:14 PM
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 25, 2020, 09:27:34 AM
Trained delt and triceps this Christmas day.   Merry Christmas you filthy animals and a happy new year. We are watching our grand daughter while Mom is working the covid intensive care floor of the hospital.  My daughter's husband is going to work for the late shift as a cop. Got the pup too. He won't take off his Christmas present hat. Has to show everyone.  He's even sleeping with it.  Struts likes he's the cat's pajamas wearing it.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on December 25, 2020, 11:27:58 AM
Happy Xmas, OT.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on December 25, 2020, 01:21:51 PM
Cute puppy. Too bad about your daughter and son-in-law having to work on Christmas day. Since they are "essential workers" have they been vaccinated yet? If not, do they have a choice? Can they decline the vaccination?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 26, 2020, 05:03:16 AM
Cute puppy. Too bad about your daughter and son-in-law having to work on Christmas day. Since they are "essential workers" have they been vaccinated yet? If not, do they have a choice? Can they decline the vaccination?

My daughter working in the covid ward of critical care/ ICU has the vaccine.  My son in law no,  but he had covid under a month ago. It seemed like he had bronchitis coughing bad and he lost a lot of weight. I assume he has anti bodies now to protect him until he gets the vaccine. He had a call of a covid victim needing to get transported to the hospital and he responded with the ambulance crew. He told the other cops he would take the call since he just recovered from it. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 26, 2020, 05:08:02 AM
Excited about a new addition coming to my home gym that I ordered. It's called monkey feet. A modern upgrade to iron boots. I use an iron boot standing on a wood block for stand up leg curls. It works fantastic when the straps don't fail and they fail too often even with the upgraded straps I use. Someone came up with a fantastic modern version that kind of looks like a ski boot that clamps a dumbbell. Going to use it for leg curls and a few other exercises. I will review it after I get it.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on December 26, 2020, 06:11:12 AM
Trained delt and triceps this Christmas day.   Merry Christmas you filthy animals and a happy new year. We are watching our grand daughter while Mom is working the covid intensive care floor of the hospital.  My daughter's husband is going to work for the late shift as a cop. Got the pup too. He won't take off his Christmas present hat. Has to show everyone.  He's even sleeping with it.  Struts likes he's the cat's pajamas wearing it.
My sister has 2 pugs ,second set ,one dies she matches up another fawn color
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 26, 2020, 07:13:52 AM
My sister has 2 pugs ,second set ,one dies she matches up another fawn color

Never thought I would like a little dog but my daughter's dog is so loyal, fun and has so much personality.  We go on woods adventures walking a deer trail around a lake that is so isolated I see maybe three people a year there. The dog has found turtles, snakes, herons, eagles, wood peckers, squirrels, deer and foxes.  The pug can sprint like Carl Lewis but has zero endurance.  Forty yard sprint and the dog is finished.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on December 26, 2020, 09:24:47 AM
Never thought I would like a little dog but my daughter's dog is so loyal, fun and has so much personality.  We go on woods adventures walking a deer trail around a lake that is so isolated I see maybe three people a year there. The dog has found turtles, snakes, herons, eagles, wood peckers, squirrels, deer and foxes.  The pug can sprint like Carl Lewis but has zero endurance.  Forty yard sprint and the dog is finished.
Yes ,,my sisters dogs go wild when they see me jump up and down until i pet them both ,then there dead tired tounge  hanging out of mouth.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 28, 2020, 04:38:33 PM
Woke up early and trained back/chest. 2 work sets after warm up if needed.  Four exercises  for each body part.  I always used around 405lbs for my last set in deadlifts in my late 40's. Now 315lbs seems to be a good way to end the work out for my sets. The body is delicate now and while I could lift more in some exercises like the dead,  I don't want to risk damage.  It's not sick heavy and it's not too light. In your 60's you are really one rep away from causing permanent damage by increasing the odds pursuing the poundage. I really like throwing in deads after completing back and chest. The body is completely warmed up. It  lessons the weight used due to fatigue but it has the same benefits.

 On my feet a lot at work. Sitting here like a zombie after I got home.   Tomorrow is cardio time before work. Hoping to get four miles in. I hope I don't roll over and turn the alarm off.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 29, 2020, 05:00:23 PM
Woke up nice an early for a treadmill cardio day. The plan was a four miler.  In my basement one light was out and the other flickering. I got 9 foot ceilings in the basement so here I am searching for lightbulbs and digging out a ladder. I then got on the treadmill and after a half mile I just felt exhausted so I said fuck it. Went back to bed but couldn't get to sleep thinking about the alarm going off. I went back in the basement and thought I would hit the heavy bag. I never hit that thing fresh. It's always after cardio. Thought the punches were with bad intent and hard. After two minutes the mount broke and the damn thing fell on the ground. Fuck!  I should have turned off the alarm and slept in till work. Good thing about being alive. Tomorrow is another day. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 30, 2020, 03:32:09 PM
Leg day:

Leg press 2 x 12
squat machine 2 x 10
Dumbbell squat 1 x 12
Stiff dead 2 x 6
leg extensions 2 x 20
standing leg curl 2 x 12

Single dumbbell side bend 1 x 15
Hanging straight leg raise 2 x 22
Hip ups 1 x 25

standing calf 2 x 15
seated calf 2 x 15
tibialis work 1 x 20

neck 1 x 20 each side.

I think next week I'm taking off from lifting and going to concentrate on running for a week.

On a side note as I wrote in the previous post my heavy bag fell from metal fatigue in the screws that broke in half. It happens from time to time.  Normally I screw the bracket back up with lag screws then hoist the heavy bag up a ladder and hook it back up to the carabiner snap hook. I can tell I'm getting old. I pick up the heavy bag. I think it weighs about 100lbs and I can't reach the snap hook. When I was younger I could balance on the ladder and lift the bag up to get it connected. I couldn't do it. My wife is now up the ladder and on the count of three I lift the awkward heavy bag over head so she can connect it. Aye caramba.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on December 30, 2020, 05:06:17 PM
A good exercise is carrying the heavy bag around but then you'd have to take it down.

Actually they recommend not leaving a heavy bag hanging because the filling settles and compacts.

You have a big basement so you could do farmers walks or other types of carries.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 30, 2020, 06:44:15 PM
A good exercise is carrying the heavy bag around but then you'd have to take it down.

Actually they recommend not leaving a heavy bag hanging because the filling settles and compacts.

You have a big basement so you could do farmers walks or other types of carries.

A quality bag takes a long time to settle  to stone near the bottom. Then it's time to buy another one. Had this current bag for around five years. It's getting harder but I think I have another year or two in it.

I have never done farmer's walks.  A guy down the block from me has an amazing garage gym. During Covid he graciously let his friends use it. Always a ton of activity by his garage.  I refused the use of my basement with guys I know from the commercial gym because I didn't want a bunch of guys in my house. One reason was because of liability and mainly I didn't want to increase the odds of getting covid. I haven't been back to the commercial gym since this thing started. I was going to but my wife talked me out of it.  Getting back to farmer's walks it's a common sight to see a guy walking down the block holding dumbbells doing it.  The owner of the garage gym is a retired cop who puts on strong man acts for church events.  He even has a strong man log. I think it's only  about 200lbs but it's awkward to lift from the ground to overhead. I was going to try it but I came to may senses and thought here comes another injury.  I never attempted the lift.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on December 31, 2020, 03:47:46 AM
Try farmers walks with fat grips on heavy dumbbells.

You can also wrap a hand towel around the handle.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 31, 2020, 07:34:23 PM
If anyone is reading this have a Happy New Year and hopefully the best training year of your life.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on January 01, 2021, 04:18:09 AM
If anyone is reading this have a Happy New Year and hopefully the best training year of your life.

Same to you, OT.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 01, 2021, 11:12:03 AM
Delt and arms this New Years day. My arms keep getting smaller as I age. I might need more pumping exercises or a fountain of youth. Started with the military press.  Had a lot of right shoulder pain. On the 8th rep the pain hit me hard. I think the miltary press is going on the list of exercises I shouldn't be doing anymore. For the past 6 weeks every time I try to do them I'm having trouble with them. With dumbbells I can put them in a sweet spot where it doesn't aggravate. So dumbbells it is.

Military press 1 x 8
Standing dumbbell press 1 x 10
Dumbbell lateral raise 2 x 12 with thumbs up while slightly bend over.
Rear delt dumbbell raise 2 x 10
Face pulls 2 x 12
barbell shrugs 2 x 11

Weighted dips 2 x 8
EZ bar tricep extensions leaning back against a scott curl bench spun backwards 3 x 8
Rope push downs 2 x 12

Alternate dumbbell curls 2 x 8
Narrow grip barbell curls 2 x 12
Concentration curls 2 x 12

Wrist curls 2 x 25
Reverse wrist extensions 2 x 15

Weighted crunches 1 x 60
Pulley crunches 1 x 35
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on January 01, 2021, 08:04:35 PM
Delt and arms this New Years day. My arms keep getting smaller as I age. I might need more pumping exercises or a fountain of youth. Started with the military press.  Had a lot of right shoulder pain. On the 8th rep the pain hit me hard. I think the miltary press is going on the list of exercises I shouldn't be doing anymore. For the past 6 weeks every time I try to do them I'm having trouble with them. With dumbbells I can put them in a sweet spot where it doesn't aggravate. So dumbbells it is.

Military press 1 x 8
Standing dumbbell press 1 x 10
Dumbbell lateral raise 2 x 12 with thumbs up while slightly bend over.
Rear delt dumbbell raise 2 x 10
Face pulls 2 x 12
barbell shrugs 2 x 11

Weighted dips 2 x 8
EZ bar tricep extensions leaning back against a scott curl bench spun backwards 3 x 8
Rope push downs 2 x 12

Alternate dumbbell curls 2 x 8
Narrow grip barbell curls 2 x 12
Concentration curls 2 x 12

Wrist curls 2 x 25
Reverse wrist extensions 2 x 15

Weighted crunches 1 x 60
Pulley crunches 1 x 35
I just started dB bell presses again and love them ,again I have same issue on delt like’s been better though.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 02, 2021, 06:19:51 AM
I just started dB bell presses again and love them ,again I have same issue on delt like’s been better though.

Try doing the dumbbell delt lateral raise with thumbs up slightly bent over. Much healthier for the joint and contrary to popular opinion it hits the side delt great. Pouring the pitcher movement causes impingment. I could send you a video of a physical therapist for the NY Mets saying the same.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on January 02, 2021, 12:54:24 PM
Try doing the dumbbell delt lateral raise with thumbs up slightly bent over. Much healthier for the joint and contrary to popular opinion it hits the side delt great. Pouring the pitcher movement causes impingment. I could send you a video of a physical therapist for the NY Mets saying the same.
I do them that way read it when u posted it while ago,I play with the movement to get it with no pain,I do cable version too
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 02, 2021, 05:14:19 PM
I do them that way read it when u posted it while ago,I play with the movement to get it with no pain,I do cable version too

Just noticed you have blue stars. I didn't know you competed. The only sport I competed in the weight sports was power lifting and that was a long time ago. It was the NJ State Championship. I think it was 1976 or 77. 

On a side note my wife invited her two blonde friends to Spicy's in Seaside to have a drink and a late lunch. They invited their guys.  Soon it was the six of us. I backed out not wanting to be exposed to covid. Wife was pissed but I made it this far. In my retirement job I work with four women. Three of them caught it and one of them died a week after getting sick. I obsessively wash my hands, wear a mask at work and alcohol everything at my desk. The thought of sitting with four people I don't normally hang with just made me take pause.

Wife told me I already accepted the invitation and said, you're backing out one block from the restaurant?  I would love to hang with three blonde chicks but I'm not going to risk it. My wife got over it and I felt I made the right move. Days ago a big strong guy I know died from covid very quickly. His facebook is filled with him doing muscle poses, lol.  He competed in arm wrestling at a high level. He's dead in his early 50's.

Yes, I know the odds are with me of not catching it and  being able to get over it are in my favor.  I was hospitalized with pneumonia a couple of years back. The thought of a disease that takes away your ability to breath scares me I admit. I had one and it was disturbing being in the hospital.  In the bed next to me was a guy on his last leg in life.  After I was discharged I couldn't imagine he made it. God rest his soul if he didn't.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on January 02, 2021, 07:07:40 PM
Smart thinking.  You went against the group pressure and did what you thought was right.

Your wife was exposed and could have brought it back to you right?

We can only control what we can control.  Good job, bro.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 03, 2021, 05:13:17 AM
Smart thinking.  You went against the group pressure and did what you thought was right.

Your wife was exposed and could have brought it back to you right?

We can only control what we can control.  Good job, bro.

We both backed out so she couldn't bring it back to me.  Seems we are near the finish line with the vaccine coming out. With herd immunity and the vaccine this covid should start dying out. Many viruses also weaken in time too. Seems some catch it and feel slight cold symptoms. Some have a terrible chest cold like my son in law. Then we have the unfortunate ones that go into critical care quickly. I don't want to be in any of the three categories.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on January 03, 2021, 06:52:26 PM
Try doing the dumbbell delt lateral raise with thumbs up slightly bent over. Much healthier for the joint and contrary to popular opinion it hits the side delt great. Pouring the pitcher movement causes impingment. I could send you a video of a physical therapist for the NY Mets saying the same.

Good for you and your delts. On the other-hand, something in my right deltoid is still giving me problems. There are times when I'm lifting a coffee cup for sip and it feels like that delt is so weak that I am going to drop the cup. I mentioned this shoulder problem to my doctor last September, he didn't feel where anything seemed wrong and suggested if it didn't get better in a few weeks to let him know and he'd schedule an MRI. Yeah, I know it has been more than a weeks, but I've been putting it off, because sure as shit, as soon as the MRI is scheduled, the problem will resolve itself.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on January 04, 2021, 03:45:04 AM
When you have an injury, train around it.

Once you are pain free, resume training the area but go extremely light.  Build up very gradually over time.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 04, 2021, 05:17:32 PM
Taking the week off of lifting but not training. Ran slow two miles today and hit the heavy bag. The miles were at 6 MPH or 10 minute miles. Just enough to get the blood circulating. I just might do cardio the whole week and give my joints a break from lifting. In my younger days I always took a week off from time to time. As I age I don't give myself any break from lifting so this is a deserved break. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: AbrahamG on January 04, 2021, 10:12:04 PM
Just noticed you have blue stars. I didn't know you competed. The only sport I competed in the weight sports was power lifting and that was a long time ago. It was the NJ State Championship. I think it was 1976 or 77. 

On a side note my wife invited her two blonde friends to Spicy's in Seaside to have a drink and a late lunch. They invited their guys.  Soon it was the six of us. I backed out not wanting to be exposed to covid. Wife was pissed but I made it this far. In my retirement job I work with four women. Three of them caught it and one of them died a week after getting sick. I obsessively wash my hands, wear a mask at work and alcohol everything at my desk. The thought of sitting with four people I don't normally hang with just made me take pause.

Wife told me I already accepted the invitation and said, you're backing out one block from the restaurant?  I would love to hang with three blonde chicks but I'm not going to risk it. My wife got over it and I felt I made the right move. Days ago a big strong guy I know died from covid very quickly. His facebook is filled with him doing muscle poses, lol.  He competed in arm wrestling at a high level. He's dead in his early 50's.

Yes, I know the odds are with me of not catching it and  being able to get over it are in my favor. I was hospitalized with pneumonia a couple of years back. The thought of a disease that takes away your ability to breath scares me I admit. I had one and it was disturbing being in the hospital.  In the bed next to me was a guy on his last leg in life.  After I was discharged I couldn't imagine he made it. God rest his soul if he didn't.

Pneumonia is no joke.  I had it when I was 25 and seemingly invincible.  I should have went to the ER.  Instead I cried myself to sleep and went to my doc in the morning.  Fortunately, he was able to give me a shot and a couple of prescriptions and I started turning the corner right away.  Kudos on you for doing what you felt was right and your wife as well.  It isn't so much dying of covid that I'm worried about.  It's about the long lasting side effects that many experience. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on January 04, 2021, 10:30:28 PM
We both backed out so she couldn't bring it back to me.  Seems we are near the finish line with the vaccine coming out. With herd immunity and the vaccine this covid should start dying out. Many viruses also weaken in time too. Seems some catch it and feel slight cold symptoms. Some have a terrible chest cold like my son in law. Then we have the unfortunate ones that go into critical care quickly. I don't want to be in any of the three categories.

Let's hope we are about to see a turn around on Covid-19. With the new strains being found and that nobody knows if the current vaccines will work or work as well with them, anything is possible. I am going to think as positively about the pandemic coming to an end soon. Like with most folks the restrictions are really getting old.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on January 05, 2021, 03:29:03 AM
Let's hope we are about to see a turn around on Covid-19. With the new strains being found and that nobody knows if the current vaccines will work or work as well with them, anything is possible. I am going to think as positively about the pandemic coming to an end soon. Like with most folks the restrictions are really getting old.

People are tired of the restrictions and this is causing some people to become reckless in their behaviors.

If you're in a high risk group you have to continue be careful.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: ThisisOverload on January 05, 2021, 11:31:10 AM
A good exercise is carrying the heavy bag around but then you'd have to take it down.

Funny you mention that, i've always had a heavy canvas bag in the garage since i was in high school. I always considered putting it up and taking it down as part of the workout. It's challenging until you get the grip down.

I have a canvas and thai bag in my garage now.

Years ago when i trained Muay Thai, we had to carry the 90 pound canvas bag on our shoulders and run up and down stairs. It was a killer cardio workout.

Still to this day i'll do a little bag work maybe once a week. My wrists are in bad shape so i can't go crazy, but it's fun to hit the bag every now and then.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: ThisisOverload on January 05, 2021, 11:40:23 AM
We both backed out so she couldn't bring it back to me.  Seems we are near the finish line with the vaccine coming out. With herd immunity and the vaccine this covid should start dying out. Many viruses also weaken in time too. Seems some catch it and feel slight cold symptoms. Some have a terrible chest cold like my son in law. Then we have the unfortunate ones that go into critical care quickly. I don't want to be in any of the three categories.

A good friend of mine from middle/high school died of Covid on Saturday. His mom died on the 22nd and spread it to him. This is the first person i know personally that died or even had to go to the hospital. He was on a ventilator for 5 days.

To be fair, he was a very large man in his mid 40's; drank a lot and smoked socially, but not someone i would think was unhealthy, although i'm not too sure as i haven't spent time around him in 10 years.

I know several people who just felt bad for a few days and recovered. Some laid up in bed for a week and others just felt bad for a few days.

I've been taking it seriously, not for me but for others. When i was up in the mountains last week, when we went to town there were people everywhere. I didn't really want to go to the grocery store, but we need a few items. The place was jammed full of people, i kept looking at my GF like "where did these people come from"? It was just as crowded as last holiday pre-Covid.

My parents are getting the vaccine and my sister too. My little sister criticizes me for waiting, but with all these new strains and unknowns i'll wait several months to see how effective it is.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on January 05, 2021, 12:13:39 PM
People are tired of the restrictions and this is causing some people to become reckless in their behaviors.

If you're in a high risk group you have to continue be careful.

Right, people in high risk groups have more to lose, possibly their lives. I don't believe I will get or die from Covid-19. No absolute reason for this except that I am in excellent health. As tired as I am of the restrictions because of Covid-19, I follow them. I will continue to wear a mask when in situations that don't allow for social distancing or are indoors in public places where masks are required anyway. This is not just for my protection, but for the protection of others, particularly those who statistically are more likely to become seriously ill from the virus.

I really feel for businesses that are greatly impacted by Covid-19, such as most gyms, restaurants, bars and theaters etc. In Oregon, restaurants and bars can only offer food to go and recently 2 alcoholic drinks to go per person. Where you can drink them is also dictated by law. You probably have to take them home or to someone else's home, as I don't think you can drink them in public or certainly not while driving.

So as to not get my hopes up, I am trying not to think about flying to Germany to visit my family there next fall. Much closer to home, my closest friends and I have not been able to socialize because they are both in a high risk category and barely ever leave the house. Christmas eve another really good friend stopped by dressed up like Santa. Although I did not recognize him at first we had a nice visit sans masks and we even gave each other a hug. After which I had a moment of concern because of the possible exposure to Covid-19.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 05, 2021, 12:34:32 PM
A lot of talk about different strains.  My daughter is a doctor of pharmacology.  She told me the vaccine works against the new strains too.

No lifting today.  Ran another two miles. Ran into 9 minute something range.  Felt really spent. My heart rate monitor said 203 for the max. I never get above 180 running normally. A little disturbing. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on January 05, 2021, 01:29:02 PM
A lot of talk about different strains.  My daughter is a doctor of pharmacology.  She told me the vaccine works against the new strains too.

No lifting today.  Ran another two miles. Ran into 9 minute something range.  Felt really spent. My heart rate monitor said 203 for the max. I never get above 180 running normally. A little disturbing.

Well, I hope your daughter is correct. So far, Pfizer and Moderna are hopeful that their current vaccines are effective against current new strains of Covid-19. However, they are still in the testing phase. And Moderna and Pfizer representatives have stated unless the virus mutates substantially, the current vaccines should protect against variants. 'Should protect' and 'works' are not exactly the same statements. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: ThisisOverload on January 05, 2021, 01:47:09 PM
I hope that is the case too. But i'm very sceptic about it and would rather wait and see how it plays out over the next several months.

203 is pretty high, but it depends on how long you were in that range.

My GF can get her HR up to 180+ just by jogging; it takes a lot to get mine above 180.

I tend to stay around 130 when i'm lifting. I don't run much anymore, but i have hit 190 when mountain biking on an incline.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 05, 2021, 06:09:03 PM
Well, I hope your daughter is correct. So far, Pfizer and Moderna are hopeful that their current vaccines are effective against current new strains of Covid-19. However, they are still in the testing phase. And Moderna and Pfizer representatives have stated unless the virus mutates substantially, the current vaccines should protect against variants. 'Should protect' and 'works' are not exactly the same statements.

Realize you are googling stuff that has to be presented for legal reasons. The same mechanism why the vaccine works is the same against the new variant. If they came out with a vaccine for the new variant it would be the same vaccine mechanism we have now. Flu vaccines have to change because the new strains are truly different.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on January 05, 2021, 07:12:34 PM
Realize you are googling stuff that has to be presented for legal reasons. The same mechanism why the vaccine works is the same against the new variant. If they came out with a vaccine for the new variant it would be the same vaccine mechanism we have now. Flu vaccines have to change because the new strains are truly different.

No doubt, your daughter is well versed in her field and therefore knows what she's talking about when it comes to vaccines against Covid-19 and the new strains.

I find it interesting that some people act as though Googling a question about something to learn more about it is a mistake. Implying that any information available via Google and by extension the internet is invalid. Usually, there are several sources provided via Google. It behooves anyone using Google and the internet as a resource on any subject of interest to thoroughly check validity of several sources of information. Generally speaking there is more than one answer to every question or solution to any problem.

Much of what folks post here and in other blogs on the internet are nothing more than opinions with nothing to back them up.     
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 06, 2021, 03:36:54 AM
No doubt, your daughter is well versed in her field and therefore knows what she's talking about when it comes to vaccines against Covid-19 and the new strains.

I find it interesting that some people act as though Googling a question about something to learn more about it is a mistake. Implying that any information available via Google and by extension the internet is invalid. Usually, there are several sources provided via Google. It behooves anyone using Google and the internet as a resource on any subject of interest to thoroughly check validity of several sources of information. Generally speaking there is more than one answer to every question or solution to any problem.

Much of what folks post here and in other blogs on the internet are nothing more than opinions with nothing to back them up.   

I don't have a lot of faith in google. They let you see what they want you to see. Often opposing views are buried in the search. Not sayin you Prime but far too many look at the first page of a google search and accept it like gospel and as proof. Seen too much revisionist history on the first few pages of Goggle. Wiki always has an agenda the way they accept and present their history.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on January 06, 2021, 06:47:58 AM
A good friend of mine from middle/high school died of Covid on Saturday. His mom died on the 22nd and spread it to him. This is the first person i know personally that died or even had to go to the hospital. He was on a ventilator for 5 days.

To be fair, he was a very large man in his mid 40's; drank a lot and smoked socially, but not someone i would think was unhealthy, although i'm not too sure as i haven't spent time around him in 10 years.

I know several people who just felt bad for a few days and recovered. Some laid up in bed for a week and others just felt bad for a few days.

I've been taking it seriously, not for me but for others. When i was up in the mountains last week, when we went to town there were people everywhere. I didn't really want to go to the grocery store, but we need a few items. The place was jammed full of people, i kept looking at my GF like "where did these people come from"? It was just as crowded as last holiday pre-Covid.

My parents are getting the vaccine and my sister too. My little sister criticizes me for waiting, but with all these new strains and unknowns i'll wait several months to see how effective it is.
I have taken as many precautions as I can in work and outside to obey these COVID laws,I’m not totally naive in that it doesn’t exist at times i think it’s a overblown flu until I here stories from customers of mine who had it ,as of yesterday customers family had degrees of it kids and her husband and herself she said it was wild how she felt,and a guy who’s sisters husband died in days no health conditions she was sick mildly he got it and lost breathing quickly and was released from local hospital and died.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: ThisisOverload on January 06, 2021, 01:01:35 PM
I don't have a lot of faith in google. They let you see what they want you to see. Often opposing views are buried in the search. Not sayin you Prime but far too many look at the first page of a google search and accept it like gospel and as proof. Seen too much revisionist history on the first few pages of Goggle. Wiki always has an agenda the way they accept and present their history.

Google is a search engine, nothing more. It provides data to match your "search" with a basis of previous search queues based on the words you type.

Nothing posted is to be taken as truth, it's just data so a person can form their own conclusion based on research. Many articles are factual and complete, but i find most are incomplete and based off opinion of the author. No different than me posting my thoughts on GB. ;D

That's why i don't take most search results as gospel, with a little research it's easy to see how biased or incomplete the data is. Just source checking the author can easily provide a lot of missing data.

It's like when i was in college for engineering, the more data we sampled, the easier it was to dissolve the inaccurate data and formulate our own conclusions, based on evidence. A lot of data we sampled was not entirely accurate.

I'm not picking on Prime, or anyone on GB, but it does seem that a lot of people just google search and take it as proof, when it is just data.

There is no one back checking all this data and if the data is wrong or incomplete, there is no recourse. That's why most universities still will not allow this information in a research paper or experiment, because anyone can post an article these days, without a control or peer review.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: ThisisOverload on January 06, 2021, 01:03:55 PM
I have taken as many precautions as I can in work and outside to obey these COVID laws,I’m not totally naive in that it doesn’t exist at times i think it’s a overblown flu until I here stories from customers of mine who had it ,as of yesterday customers family had degrees of it kids and her husband and herself she said it was wild how she felt,and a guy who’s sisters husband died in days no health conditions she was sick mildly he got it and lost breathing quickly and was released from local hospital and died.

Yeah that's why i'm taking it seriously. There are people literally dieing within a few days from this. I think it's pretty rare, but it's enough to make me concerned.

Most of the people i know who got it are under 50. My issue is that if i get it and spread it to my parents or someone at risk, i'm not ok with that.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on January 06, 2021, 01:33:46 PM
Google is a search engine, nothing more. It provides data to match your "search" with a basis of previous search queues based on the words you type.

Nothing posted is to be taken as truth, it's just data so a person can form their own conclusion based on research. Many articles are factual and complete, but i find most are incomplete and based off opinion of the author. No different than me posting my thoughts on GB. ;D

That's why i don't take most search results as gospel, with a little research it's easy to see how biased or incomplete the data is. Just source checking the author can easily provide a lot of missing data.

It's like when i was in college for engineering, the more data we sampled, the easier it was to dissolve the inaccurate data and formulate our own conclusions, based on evidence. A lot of data we sampled was not entirely accurate.

I'm not picking on Prime, or anyone on GB, but it does seem that a lot of people just google search and take it as proof, when it is just data.

There is no one back checking all this data and if the data is wrong or incomplete, there is no recourse. That's why most universities still will not allow this information in a research paper or experiment, because anyone can post an article these days, without a control or peer review.

Let's say you are right that Google data is nothing more than falsehoods and lies and that when you read something on Google that was published by what has always been considered a reliable source, that information can no longer be trusted because you used Google to find it. What's your recommendation for people who want to find out and read more about any topic that interests them?

If you go the library for information you'll find it, but how do you know if it is anymore valid than what you found from searching about it on the internet. The answer is you don't. Before the internet, many folks used Encyclopedias, which may or may not have been anymore accurate than a Google search is.

The problem isn't Google or any other of the many internet search engines, it is that many people accept the first article they find as being completely factual and go no further. Without further investigation, someone really has no idea what is fact and what is an opinion or at least bias in someway.

Just for fun, Google internet search engines and see what comes up. Be sure to read several results, because a lot, if not most have differences of opinion as to which are the best and which are the worst search internet search engines. Anyway, it is an interesting exercise.

One that I don't recommend is Quora, which is literally nothing more than peoples' opinions. Lastly, if you Google something and the result is something which was said on Getbig, it probably isn't something anyone should rely on as being factual. LOL!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 06, 2021, 01:34:12 PM
I live near a hot spot in NJ.  The ICU ward is overflowing.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on January 06, 2021, 01:39:22 PM
I don't have a lot of faith in google. They let you see what they want you to see. Often opposing views are buried in the search. Not sayin you Prime but far too many look at the first page of a google search and accept it like gospel and as proof. Seen too much revisionist history on the first few pages of Goggle. Wiki always has an agenda the way they accept and present their history.

You'll note that most often I cite the resources for what I write about that I've made clear isn't just my opinion. People can challenge those resources, I certainly check and challenge other folks sources, if I think they are presenting inaccurate or biased information.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 06, 2021, 03:04:12 PM
I did nothing today.  Exhausted. Yesterday I was at work and a black guy who I learned later from the Ivory Coast got into a domestic with his wife. He was rag dolling her in parking lot shaking her. I tried to call 911 as I'm walking up on them. A taxi cab driver broke them up then he didn't want to get involved and took off. Then it was me pushing him back.  Maybe I'm getting old in my old age but my heart was racing. Would I have to throw down with him? Does he have a weapon?  Four cop cars showed up.  Since I walked off my retirement job my boss wasn't to thrilled I got involved. Forgot to mention they took turns holding a 2 year old during this. In the end the wife took the baby and ran into a Verizon store. He wanted to go into the store and I told him I wouldn't let him. 

Came home and my throat was killing me. What the fuck? A rotten day at work and now this. Do I have covid now?  I think running earlier on a trail in the woods exposed me to a lot of allergens like mold from wet leaves.  Woke up better. I was going to run today as I wanted to run 6 days out of the 7 day week being off from lifting. The wife told me I'm walking like an old man and I told her I was just stiff from the morning run. Tomorrow I'm running by the beach. No trees and wet leaves.  Hopefully I won't have the allergens there.

If I'm boring the hell out of you guys with this crap let me know. I will stop posting. I will get back to lifting probably next Monday.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on January 06, 2021, 04:09:21 PM
You had a major adrenaline rush dealing with that couple.
Fight or flight response.
On another matter...
Why do you overtrain yourself to the point of physical breakdown?
What is the point?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on January 06, 2021, 04:13:04 PM
I did nothing today.  Exhausted. Yesterday I was at work and a black guy who I learned later from the Ivory Coast got into a domestic with his wife. He was rag dolling her in parking lot shaking her. I tried to call 911 as I'm walking up on them. A taxi cab driver broke them up then he didn't want to get involved and took off. Then it was me pushing him back.  Maybe I'm getting old in my old age but my heart was racing. Would I have to throw down with him? Does he have a weapon?  Four cop cars showed up.  Since I walked off my retirement job my boss wasn't to thrilled I got involved. Forgot to mention they took turns holding a 2 year old during this. In the end the wife took the baby and ran into a Verizon store. He wanted to go into the store and I told him I wouldn't let him. 

Came home and my throat was killing me. What the fuck? A rotten day at work and now this. Do I have covid now?  I think running earlier on a trail in the woods exposed me to a lot of allergens like mold from wet leaves.  Woke up better. I was going to run today as I wanted to run 6 days out of the 7 day week being off from lifting. The wife told me I'm walking like an old man and I told her I was just stiff from the morning run. Tomorrow I'm running by the beach. No trees and wet leaves.  Hopefully I won't have the allergens there.

If I'm boring the hell out of you guys with this crap let me know. I will stop posting. I will get back to lifting probably next Monday.

I know the feeling. I have allergies, sometimes my nose runs and my eyes water and other times I get a sore throat. Before Covid-19, I thought nothing of it. Since the pandemic began, every little thing like this has me wondering if it is Covid-19.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 06, 2021, 05:13:08 PM
You had a major adrenaline rush dealing with that couple.
Fight or flight response.
On another matter...
Why do you overtrain yourself to the point of physical breakdown?
What is the point?

I'm taking a week off of lifting so I don't know what you are referring to? Many runners run 6 days a week.  I don't believe in the relaxing method of getting in shape. Having a good work ethic will take you far. Yes, I have injuries. The body is worn out. I have been training hard for 45 years. I think for strength and cardio I'm in the upper tier for my age.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 06, 2021, 05:35:57 PM
I just got my monkey feet boot. For standing leg curls in my home gym I use to use an iron boot with a dumbbell attached. I stand on a block and it's an excellent method for a home gym. The problem I have is no matter what straps I use they slip on occasion and the boot goes flying off my foot. I have been using my seated leg curl machine but I have to admit I feel the standing one more if done correctly. 

I saw an advertisement for this contraption and it seemed like a modern improvement to the iron boot. There are other exercises you can do with it but I got it primarily  for standing leg curls. Here are the positives. It holds the dumbbell securely. I had no fear of it coming off. Once on your foot is in it seems like a secure connection. Never felt it would come off. Here are the negatives. I wear a small size 9 and I used my usual training shoes that are what they call a cross running shoe. I could barely fit my sneaker into the boot. I think a lot of people will find they have that problem. I actually found an old pair of dress shoes that fits in the boot that I will use with it. The second problem is that the ratchet system was hard to engage. Once connected though it held great. I feel it was worth the money.  If you keep the knee from swaying it's a fantastic leg curl variation.

There are other uses for the boot like leg extensions, high knee lift and kick backs that I might experiment with.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 14, 2021, 11:36:48 AM
Monday I got back and chest in. Tuesday nothing but some heavy bag stuff. Wednesday was legs. Thursday was a fast walk outside for an hour and 15 minutes. Hope to get some long walks in. I feel I'll be too injury prone if I tried to do distance runs at the 190 something I am right now. I got delicate bird bones. Going to run again when I dip below 185lbs and even that's too heavy.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on January 14, 2021, 03:57:22 PM
Today is a day off between the last two and the next two on. Seems like I am always taking days off. LOL. After yestday's routine, my right shoulder isn't a troubling as it has been. Maybe the key is to keep exercising it.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 15, 2021, 06:44:48 AM
Today is a day off between the last two and the next two on. Seems like I am always taking days off. LOL. After yestday's routine, my right shoulder isn't a troubling as it has been. Maybe the key is to keep exercising it.

Keep moving is the key.  Those that rest all the time start to rust.  On a side note I had a memory of a guy in da gym that used light weights and high reps. Great physique. I would shake my head watching him squat with 135lbs for his sets. He used light weights for everything. Short rests between sets. He looked amazing. Maybe not by steroid guy's standards but from a looking ripped and athletic viewpoint. Personally I would be embarrassed using such light weight but that speaks about my sensitive ego and not about the protocol that worked for him. That guy might be right on target. He was built like the now deceased editor of Muscle and Fitness Shawn Perine if I have his name spelled right. He was about 5'9" and 160lbs looking like an athlete.  Then again I wonder if Shawn was a user? Nearly impossible for a non user to get that ripped and dense even if he weighs a feather.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on January 15, 2021, 01:52:19 PM
Keep moving is the key.  Those that rest all the time start to rust.  On a side note I had a memory of a guy in da gym that used light weights and high reps. Great physique. I would shake my head watching him squat with 135lbs for his sets. He used light weights for everything. Short rests between sets. He looked amazing. Maybe not by steroid guy's standards but from a looking ripped and athletic viewpoint. Personally I would be embarrassed using such light weight but that speaks about my sensitive ego and not about the protocol that worked for him. That guy might be right on target. He was built like the now deceased editor of Muscle and Fitness Shawn Perine if I have his name spelled right. He was about 5'9" and 160lbs looking like an athlete.  Then again I wonder if Shawn was a user? Nearly impossible for a non user to get that ripped and dense even if he weighs a feather.

No doubt there are some folks who manage to look ripped without using steroids. I'm much rather look like Shawn Perine than Sean Allan. 5'9" at 160 lbs. is leaner than I am. 5'10" @ 175 lbs. and Shawn is more muscular than me. Clothes often hang better on slim people. Since most of us wear clothes much of the time, it only makes sense to strive for being trim and fit.

I enjoy routines where the weights aren't overly heavy, the reps higher and with minimum rest between sets. My body thanks me for that too.

Using these XL3 Elite bands is challenging because I have no idea how to calculate the resistance in terms of how much weight I'm lifting for whichever exercise I am doing. There's probably some formula for that, but I'm okay with not knowing. Sometimes when you lift a lot of weight you  expect it to be a problem and so it is. It is self defeating.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 15, 2021, 06:47:45 PM
Trained delts and arms today.  New addition were drag curls as in Vince's gym.  It's a much greater range of motion than conventional curls. It really limits the weight too.  If you look at the position the arms are in both curls with relation to gravity then I think Vince was on to something. Don't know if this will be a permanent addition but it really does make curls strict and again through a greater range of motion. At the top with conventional barbell curls there isn't much stress on the bicep. With drag curls the weight is there through the top contraction. Try it. Keep the bar as close your body as you can as you curl. I think you will feel the difference immediately.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 16, 2021, 03:03:26 PM
Walked fast for 4.7 miles on my off lifting day.  It feels fantastic as an exercise. It's not exhausting and puts me in great sprits. I walk a very lightly used trail that use to be old rail road tracks from the 1920's or so.  They pulled the tracks out and put down cinder through the woods where . Great place to walk, run or use a mountain tired bike. It can be very isolated at spots so I carry protection.

One guy was speed walking too and we were going about the same speed so we started chatting. He said, "The women sure seemed frightened when they see me." I told him, " It's very isolated and to see a man without seeing another person for miles  is a little unsettling." He went on, "It's like they think I'm a serial killer or something. I could see you weren't scared."  I told him, " What are the odds of two serial killers being on the trail at the same time?"  He ran in the other direction. Some people are so sensitive.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 17, 2021, 09:59:48 AM
Another 4.8 mile fast walk. Hit the bag after. Walking takes a long time and a sick amount of steps. Another week of this and I'm running again. I'm walking and thinking damn this is taking a long time. I saw a couple of people jog right past me and I was walking pretty fast. I think if you could do one exercise for the rest of your life this would be it.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 18, 2021, 06:43:22 AM
No doubt there are some folks who manage to look ripped without using steroids. I'm much rather look like Shawn Perine than Sean Allan. 5'9" at 160 lbs. is leaner than I am. 5'10" @ 175 lbs. and Shawn is more muscular than me. Clothes often hang better on slim people. Since most of us wear clothes much of the time, it only makes sense to strive for being trim and fit.

I enjoy routines where the weights aren't overly heavy, the reps higher and with minimum rest between sets. My body thanks me for that too.

Using these XL3 Elite bands is challenging because I have no idea how to calculate the resistance in terms of how much weight I'm lifting for whichever exercise I am doing. There's probably some formula for that, but I'm okay with not knowing. Sometimes when you lift a lot of weight you  expect it to be a problem and so it is. It is self defeating.

Don't worry about the actual numbers of the resistance bands. They vary according to the stretch.  I remember working out in a gym in the early 80's.  The gym owner had all the pound numbers off the machines. He numbered them 1,2,3,4 etc where you placed the pin.  He felt that it was important not to pursue some weight number.

Pounds vary from machine to machine according to pulleys and leverage points. In the commercial gym I work in the standing calf machine is super hard for me at 180lbs. where I push the pin in.  In my home gym I have two standing calf machines. One I use over 300lbs and the other is super hard at 160lbs. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on January 18, 2021, 10:45:08 AM
Don't worry about the actual numbers of the resistance bands. They vary according to the stretch.  I remember working out in a gym in the early 80's.  The gym owner had all the pound numbers off the machines. He numbered them 1,2,3,4 etc where you placed the pin.  He felt that it was important not to pursue some weight number.

Pounds vary from machine to machine according to pulleys and leverage points. In the commercial gym I work in the standing calf machine is super hard for me at 180lbs. where I push the pin in.  In my home gym I have two standing calf machines. One I use over 300lbs and the other is super hard at 160lbs.

I've had the same experience with standing calf machines at various gyms. On some I can use a couple hundred pounds and on some others 60 lbs and I have trouble.

I get that the resistance on straps or bands increases with the amount of stretch. It is an interesting concept. So far, I am noticing some positive results from using these bands. I am still using the thinnest one in the set of 4 sizes. Since it is recommended to go to failure, when the number of reps before that happens gets too high, I jump up to the next size band.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 18, 2021, 11:24:36 AM
I've had the same experience with standing calf machines at various gyms. On some I can use a couple hundred pounds and on some others 60 lbs and I have trouble.

I get that the resistance on straps or bands increases with the amount of stretch. It is an interesting concept. So far, I am noticing some positive results from using these bands. I am still using the thinnest one in the set of 4 sizes. Since it is recommended to go to failure, when the number of reps before that happens gets too high, I jump up to the next size band.
They only give you four bands?  I thought for the price of that thing they would have given many more.  I guess you can use two at a time too?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on January 18, 2021, 05:06:01 PM
They only give you four bands?  I thought for the price of that thing they would have given many more.  I guess you can use two at a time too?

Doubling up is a real possibility for someone. It will probably take me the rest of my life just to work the the four of them. Some exercises call for doubling the one band and with others like curls and squats you use it as one. Squats will probably be the first exercise where I will use a heavier band. These bands are substantial. They are definitely not as flimsy as the ones you usually see folks working out with.

The entire kit consists of the 4 bands, a floor plate to stand on and to thread bands under and a heavyweight aluminium bar with hooks attached at each end to thread the bands through. He should add individual handle grips for variety. As a equipment owner, I think you have free access to all his written literature too....for whatever that's worth.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 18, 2021, 05:47:14 PM
 I trained chest and bicep Yates style.

Incline Dumbbell press 1 x 9
Decline dumbbell press 1 x 10
Weighted dips 1 x 8
Push ups 1 x max

Alternate dumbbell curls 1 x 10
Drag barbell curls 1 x 13
Dumbbell curls drag style 1 x 12
concentration curls 1 x 13

wrist curls 1 x 25
wrist extensions 1 x 20

ab wheel roll out 1 x 25
pulley crunches 1 x 40

After lifting I walked fast for 4.8 miles.  Really enjoying these trail walks. An incredible mood elevator.  I will do these long walks for another week then slow running will be brought in.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on January 19, 2021, 05:44:42 AM
I trained chest and bicep Yates style.

Incline Dumbbell press 1 x 9
Decline dumbbell press 1 x 10
Weighted dips 1 x 8
Push ups 1 x max

Alternate dumbbell curls 1 x 10
Drag barbell curls 1 x 13
Dumbbell curls drag style 1 x 12
concentration curls 1 x 13

wrist curls 1 x 25
wrist extensions 1 x 20

ab wheel roll out 1 x 25
pulley crunches 1 x 40

After lifting I walked fast for 4.8 miles.  Really enjoying these trail walks. An incredible mood elevator.  I will do these long walks for another week then slow running will be brought in.
how many warm up sets/light do you do before the heavy set /failure one?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 19, 2021, 06:21:17 PM
how many warm up sets/light do you do before the heavy set /failure one?

Depends on the exercise.  Many times for a body part the first exercise I use needs a warm up then the subsequent exercises doesn't need it. Below is today's work out. I admit I would be better off with more warm ups. I do the minimum I can so I can really hit the real work set. Warm us should be easy and non taxing. I know Yates was criticized for for not calling counting his warm up sets but they were non taxing. He did something like this for his inclines. Set one: 1 x 8  135. Set two: 1 x 8 225. Set three: 1 x 6 315lbs.  Then the real set was  1 x 8 with 415lbs. Even Yates said on tape that sometimes when he gets to exercise two or three for a body part no warm up is needed.

Leg press 1 x 13 (two prior warm up sets. One warm up set to 12 and the second warm up with increased weight is one set of 8
Dumbbell squats 1 x 12 ( no warm ups sets. I'm sweating and breathing like a race horse after that one set to failure leg press.
Stiff dead lift 1 x 8 (One set of six for a warm up with a lighter weight.)
Leg extension 2 x 23 ( No warm up)
Standing leg curl 1 x 15 (No warm up set)

Single dumbbell side bend 1 x 18
Hanging straight leg raise 1 x 25
Hip ups off the floor 1 x 25

Standing calf 1 x 20 ( no warm up)
Seated calf 1 x 19 (No warm up

Neck one set of each side (One warm up set for around 8 reps. The one work set per side is around 20 reps with increased weight.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 20, 2021, 11:23:40 AM
Should be a cardio day for me but yesterday I got my second covid shot. I have chills, fever and aching bones.  They say that's your body ramping up anti bodies so it's a good thing.  I had no reaction to the first shot. They say this should only last a day or two.  My sister in law died today too.  She was always in my life and like a real sister to me.  I'm on the couch just feeling like crap.  At least my grand daughter is coming over with her puppy.  It's always a tornado of love when she comes over.  First thing she will do I bet will be  grabbing her stuffed bear that's bigger than me. Got it at Costco. It's gigantic.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: ThisisOverload on January 20, 2021, 04:10:04 PM
Keep moving is the key.  Those that rest all the time start to rust.  On a side note I had a memory of a guy in da gym that used light weights and high reps. Great physique. I would shake my head watching him squat with 135lbs for his sets. He used light weights for everything. Short rests between sets. He looked amazing. Maybe not by steroid guy's standards but from a looking ripped and athletic viewpoint. Personally I would be embarrassed using such light weight but that speaks about my sensitive ego and not about the protocol that worked for him. That guy might be right on target. He was built like the now deceased editor of Muscle and Fitness Shawn Perine if I have his name spelled right. He was about 5'9" and 160lbs looking like an athlete.  Then again I wonder if Shawn was a user? Nearly impossible for a non user to get that ripped and dense even if he weighs a feather.

I think that physique is attainable naturally. To stay that lean without drugs, you need a good diet and cardio program; also need many consistent years of lifting under your belt. There are thousands of Ironman contestants that look like that.

A lot is genetics too, some people just gain weight easier than others. My brother is almost 50, has not lifted a weight or exercised in 20 years and has a six pack. He's not ripped, but he is lean. Also drinks a lot and eats anything.

One of my best friends competes in Triathlons all the time. He's about 170 pounds and ripped. Not a chance he's on anything. He doesn't even lift weights, just swims a lot.

IME being lean is about 75% diet and 25% activity level. Most American's eat way too much and overeat on carbs/sugars. Another friend of my is from Vietnam and is a vegetarian, he looks like Bruce Lee, no joke. Super lean and decent mass. He works out a lot and is very active. Owns a small Autoshop and is always running around. His two brothers are also very lean and don't lift weights, but play a lot of golf. They always call me fat. ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 21, 2021, 08:10:52 AM
I think that physique is attainable naturally. To stay that lean without drugs, you need a good diet and cardio program; also need many consistent years of lifting under your belt. There are thousands of Ironman contestants that look like that.

A lot is genetics too, some people just gain weight easier than others. My brother is almost 50, has not lifted a weight or exercised in 20 years and has a six pack. He's not ripped, but he is lean. Also drinks a lot and eats anything.

One of my best friends competes in Triathlons all the time. He's about 170 pounds and ripped. Not a chance he's on anything. He doesn't even lift weights, just swims a lot.

IME being lean is about 75% diet and 25% activity level. Most American's eat way too much and overeat on carbs/sugars. Another friend of my is from Vietnam and is a vegetarian, he looks like Bruce Lee, no joke. Super lean and decent mass. He works out a lot and is very active. Owns a small Autoshop and is always running around. His two brothers are also very lean and don't lift weights, but play a lot of golf. They always call me fat. ;D

The overwhelming amount of ironman contestants look no where near Shawn.  Here's a picture of last year's winner. He looks amazing but no where near the physique of Shawn.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 21, 2021, 05:25:47 PM
Today was another scheduled workout day I never did. I'm still suffering from my second covid shot. It's no joke. The fever and chills were terrible.  The bones in my hand were aching like a bad virus bone pain. I got the shot Tuesday. Wednesday I was sick as a dog. Today, Thursday the fever broke but I feel like I was hit by a bus tired. My wife also got the shot Tuesday and didn't have nearly the same reaction. She was a little under the weather the day after and fine today. No clue why it hit me so hard? Slept 10 hours yesterday and my normal is 6. Hopefully tomorrow I will be back on track with training. My daughter told me my reaction is actually a good thing. It means my body is making anti bodies thinking I have covid. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on January 22, 2021, 12:14:15 AM
Today was another scheduled workout day I never did. I'm still suffering from my second covid shot. It's no joke. The fever and chills were terrible.  The bones in my hand were aching like a bad virus bone pain. I got the shot Tuesday. Wednesday I was sick as a dog. Today, Thursday the fever broke but I feel like I was hit by a bus tired. My wife also got the shot Tuesday and didn't have nearly the same reaction. She was a little under the weather the day after and fine today. No clue why it hit me so hard? Slept 10 hours yesterday and my normal is 6. Hopefully tomorrow I will be back on track with training. My daughter told me my reaction is actually a good thing. It means my body is making anti bodies thinking I have covid.

Thanks for the information about the vaccine. I think I will run right out and get it tomorrow....oh wait, it isn't available yet here in Oregon, even for old folks like me.

Like you say, hopefully you'll be back to your old self in short order. Knowing you, missing a day of training must be killing you....of course it won't.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: AbrahamG on January 22, 2021, 12:22:37 AM
Should be a cardio day for me but yesterday I got my second covid shot. I have chills, fever and aching bones.  They say that's your body ramping up anti bodies so it's a good thing.  I had no reaction to the first shot. They say this should only last a day or two.  My sister in law died today too.  She was always in my life and like a real sister to me.  I'm on the couch just feeling like crap.  At least my grand daughter is coming over with her puppy.  It's always a tornado of love when she comes over.  First thing she will do I bet will be  grabbing her stuffed bear that's bigger than me. Got it at Costco. It's gigantic.

Hope you feel better soon.  Very, very sorry to hear about your sister in law.  Condolences.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 22, 2021, 12:04:46 PM
Hope you feel better soon.  Very, very sorry to hear about your sister in law.  Condolences.

Thank you Abraham.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 22, 2021, 12:12:14 PM
Thanks for the information about the vaccine. I think I will run right out and get it tomorrow....oh wait, it isn't available yet here in Oregon, even for old folks like me.

Like you say, hopefully you'll be back to your old self in short order. Knowing you, missing a day of training must be killing you....of course it won't.

In NJ they have a waiting list if you're not in the approved category.  Meaning if they unfreeze 100 shots for 100 appointments and the day of their clinic only 89 show up they are allowed to call 11 on the list. They can't refreeze the left overs.  In NY they have to throw away those shots.  I hit the lottery and got called. I live ten minutes away from the clinic. Again the first shot I felt nothing. The second shot made me very sick.  Now three days after the shot I feel much better. I even worked out though I'm still recovering.  All I can say is I had a fever, my bones hurt and had that virus feeling.  Both my daughters work very closely with covid in their medical jobs. Both told me it's actually good I had such a reaction because it means my body was building anti bodies thinking I was being attacked by covid 19.  Now with exposure to covid my body knows how to fight the virus.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 22, 2021, 03:16:55 PM
Trained back today Yates style.

Pulldowns 1 x 12 (one lighter warm up for 7 reps)
Seated cable lat rows 1 x 13 (One set of 8 reps as a warm up with a lighter weight)
Dumbbell rows off a bench 1 x 12
Reverse grip pulldowns 1 x 11
deadlift 1 x 8 reps ( one set of a warm up for three reps with 225lbs. The work set was with 315lbs)
Back hyper extensions 1 x 20 (plate behind my head)

Ab wheel roll out 1 x 25
Pulley crunches 1 x 40

Felt weak but I forced the workout.  Just a time line to reiterate.  Tuesday second covid shot. Wednesday I was sick as a dog. Thursday the fever broke but I was just exhausted. Friday today I felt good.  Felt weak working out but I  got it in. Expect to be 100% tomorrow. Keeping my fingers crossed. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on January 22, 2021, 06:32:17 PM
In NJ they have a waiting list if you're not in the approved category.  Meaning if they unfreeze 100 shots for 100 appointments and the day of their clinic only 89 show up they are allowed to call 11 on the list. They can't refreeze the left overs.  In NY they have to throw away those shots.  I hit the lottery and got called. I live ten minutes away from the clinic. Again the first shot I felt nothing. The second shot made me very sick.  Now three days after the shot I feel much better. I even worked out though I'm still recovering.  All I can say is I had a fever, my bones hurt and had that virus feeling.  Both my daughters work very closely with covid in their medical jobs. Both told me it's actually good I had such a reaction because it means my body was building anti bodies thinking I was being attacked by covid 19.  Now with exposure to covid my body knows how to fight the virus.

I read about the lottery for the left over vaccines just today in the Oregonian. I'm not on anyone's list for a shot, so it likely doesn't apply to me. I did wonder though how much effort I want to put into getting vaccinated against Covid-19. Normally, I like to sit back and see how things are going before inconveniencing myself for a vaccine.

From what I've read, it looks like people in my age group are eligible for a vaccine sometime in February in Oregon. I won't wait in line for hours to get it. If this means not being vaccinated for a couple of months more or even longer, I am fine with this. Yes, it is a pandemic. That doesn't mean I have to wake up every morning in panic mode.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 22, 2021, 07:03:20 PM
I read about the lottery for the left over vaccines just today in the Oregonian. I'm not on anyone's list for a shot, so it likely doesn't apply to me. I did wonder though how much effort I want to put into getting vaccinated against Covid-19. Normally, I like to sit back and see how things are going before inconveniencing myself for a vaccine.

From what I've read, it looks like people in my age group are eligible for a vaccine sometime in February in Oregon. I won't wait in line for hours to get it. If this means not being vaccinated for a couple of months more or even longer, I am fine with this. Yes, it is a pandemic. That doesn't mean I have to wake up every morning in panic mode.

Here's some information for you from the Army Airborne taken from information from the CDC. Click on the graphic to read.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 23, 2021, 10:19:20 AM
Trained delt and triceps Yates style. Noticed my arm pit on the arm I got the shot was hurting. Daughter said it's inflamed lymph nodes from the shot. Should be gone in a few days. Just glad it wasn't another  injury.

Dumbbell press 1 x 12 (all the way down. No half reps. Warmed up with one set of 7 reps with a light weight)
Dumbbell laterals 1 x 15 (Thumbs up to avoid impingement. Warmed up with a light weight for 7 reps)
Rear delt dumbbell laterals 1 x 14 ( no warm up)
Face pulls 1 x 15 ( no warm up)

Two hand single dumbbell behind the head tricep extension 1 x 12
Tricep pushdowns 1 x 11
Reverse grip single arm tricep extension holding a D shaped handle 1 x 13
Single dumbbell one arm tricep extension behind the head 1 x 12 ( I found with these that that for best effect you have to keep the elbow about mid line with the body. If you don't you can use more weight but it's not a full range of motion. If you have a different experience I would like to hear it.)

Weighted floor crunches 1 x 60
Pulley crunches 1 x 25
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on January 23, 2021, 03:47:45 PM
Here's some information for you from the Army Airborne taken from information from the CDC. Click on the graphic to read.

Thanks. This is all good information. Without a doubt the vaccine seems worth any inconvenience. Unfortunately, it is unlikely to be available before March for healthy people in my age group. Currently daycare and K-12 educational staff are ahead of old folks. Personally, I don't have a problem with this. I'd rather kids get back in school than me getting vaccinated to prevent Covid so I can live a few more years.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 23, 2021, 05:45:00 PM
Thanks. This is all good information. Without a doubt the vaccine seems worth any inconvenience. Unfortunately, it is unlikely to be available before March for healthy people in my age group. Currently daycare and K-12 educational staff are ahead of old folks. Personally, I don't have a problem with this. I'd rather kids get back in school than me getting vaccinated to prevent Covid so I can live a few more years.

Weird in NJ old people, cops and smokers are ahead of teachers. Don't you love the way politicians figure things out? In NYC firemen are ahead of cops. Fucked up world we live in.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on January 23, 2021, 06:11:30 PM
Weird in NJ old people, cops and smokers are ahead of teachers. Don't you love the way politicians figure things out? In NYC firemen are ahead of cops. Fucked up world we live in.

What's fucked up is that something like this should be the dictate of the feds and not state by state. The pandemic isn't any different from one state to the next with the exception of how it is handled. Like I said, old folks like me are the ones most likely to die from it. The people getting vaccinated should be those who have a big future ahead of them and those who can insure that happens. Old people like me are much more likely to die from some illness much sooner then younger folks are. Trust me I don't have a death wish, but young people are the future....not us geezers.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 23, 2021, 06:34:55 PM
What's fucked up is that something like this should be the dictate of the feds and not state by state. The pandemic isn't any different from one state to the next with the exception of how it is handled. Like I said, old folks like me are the ones most likely to die from it. The people getting vaccinated should be those who have a big future ahead of them and those who can insure that happens. Old people like me are much more likely to die from some illness much sooner then younger folks are. Trust me I don't have a death wish, but young people are the future....not us geezers.

Very few people your age survive covid. Then again my coworker who was a world class arm wrestler who benched 500lbs raw a week or two  before he died from covid. From catching it to his death was one week. Only 53. Right now the dead count from covid in many states are as high as it ever was. We need people vaccinated.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on January 23, 2021, 11:49:11 PM
Very few people your age survive covid. Then again my coworker who was a world class arm wrestler who benched 500lbs raw a week or two  before he died from covid. From catching it to his death was one week. Only 53. Right now the dead count from covid in many states are as high as it ever was. We need people vaccinated.

Am I sensing you've had second thoughts? Seems as if not too long ago you thought the whole pandemic thing was a conspiracy designed to keep Trump from winning a second term. Now you think it's real? Now that you've been vaccinated? Well good for you. Whatever in takes to wake people up to the reality of this tragedy is all good.

Not saying I couldn't catch it. But unlike some folks around here, I embraced the idea of wearing a mask when out in public.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 24, 2021, 07:06:27 AM
Am I sensing you've had second thoughts? Seems as if not too long ago you thought the whole pandemic thing was a conspiracy designed to keep Trump from winning a second term. Now you think it's real? Now that you've been vaccinated? Well good for you. Whatever in takes to wake people up to the reality of this tragedy is all good.

Not saying I couldn't catch it. But unlike some folks around here, I embraced the idea of wearing a mask when out in public.

Prime, you must have me confused with someone else.  Never said it was a conspiracy.  My daughters are on the front line with covid in health care. I get first hand reports of how filled the ICU is every week in this hot spot of covid I live in. What I have said is that the draconian shut downs were politically motivated in blue states.  It's amazing that Michigan, Illinois, NY and parts of California are reopening now that Biden is in.  The NJ governor is talking about how stable the numbers are when just a week prior to the inauguration he was saying doom and gloom.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 24, 2021, 02:22:16 PM
Walked fast for an hour and sixteen minutes. It was below freezing but between the walking and the clothes I had on I was actually hot during the walk. Then did some boxing drills. Just finished watching Casablanca with the wife. It still stands up and it's a classic. It helps if you know your history of the time for context. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on January 24, 2021, 03:43:34 PM
Prime, you must have me confused with someone else.  Never said it was a conspiracy.  My daughters are on the front line with covid in health care. I get first hand reports of how filled the ICU is every week in this hot spot of covid I live in. What I have said is that the draconian shut downs were politically motivated in blue states.  It's amazing that Michigan, Illinois, NY and parts of California are reopening now that Biden is in.  The NJ governor is talking about how stable the numbers are when just a week prior to the inauguration he was saying doom and gloom.

Sorry. Didn't mean to confuse you with someone else. Honestly, I never quite got how you could be cavalier about Covid when your family is in a position to know first hand how bad this pandemic is.

I would hate being in a position of deciding whether to shut things down or to let the pandemic play out. Either way, the economic impact is horrendous and you'd be second guessing your response and action.

Governor Brown has made her share of mistakes with her response to the pandemic. At time's it seems like she's damned if she does and damned if she doesn't do what others with less information think she should do. I cannot imagine any governor making the decision to shutdown by themselves, without a ton of advice from those who have more expertise in catastrophic health issues.

February 7th is when folks over the age of 80 can begin getting vaccinated in Oregon....unless the governor changes things again. The latest information is that the week of February 14th is when people over 75 will be eligible for the vaccine. This phase will last two weeks before those over 70 will be eligible.

Like I said, I am fine with folks who work in education being eligible for the vaccine before older folks. Kids need to be in school and that can't happen until the more vulnerable adult educations and other school personnel are protected. One thing for sure is when school starts up again the buildings will be cleaner then they probably ever have been. At least in the District where I worked. A former co-worker and custodian who I speak with frequently has been working cleaning the school he works at all along.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 24, 2021, 03:55:31 PM
Prime, first off I have never supported King Charles the first nor am I am a spaniel. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on January 24, 2021, 11:52:45 PM
Prime, first off I have never supported King Charles the first nor am I am a spaniel.

Very funny!

Actually, if I were to consider having another puppy in my life after Lucy passes, I might choose a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Or I might not, because they are so popular, they are outrageously expensive. Also, I think they are prone to health problems, probably from being inbred.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 25, 2021, 12:22:02 PM
Walked fast for an hours and sixteen minutes. Still on a walking kick.  I will start back up running again soon. A good week or two walking gets everything in order to run at this age.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 01, 2021, 11:57:02 AM
I've been neglecting this thread.  Monday and I decided to do a chest and bicep day Yates style.

Dumbbell inclines 1 x 9  (One lighter set for a warm up for around 6 reps)
Decline dumbbell press 1 x9 (no warm up)
Weighted dips 1 x 10 (no warm up. That tenth rep was pretty ragged)
Push ups 1 x max

Ez curl 1 x 14 (one warm up set with a light weight for 6 reps)
alternate dumbbell curl 1 x 10 each arm
drag curls 1 x 11
concentration curls 1x 15

wrist curls 1 x 30
wrist extensions 1x15

ab wheel roll out 1 x 25
pulley crunches 1 x 60

Finished with a slow mile run on the treadmill. Quarter mile fast walking warm up prior and a quarter mile fast walking cool down after.

Snow storm today in NJ.  I was waiting for work to call to cancel but it didn't come yesterday.  Thought I would give myself 2 plus hours to go 30 miles in the storm. I came out to load my car and big cop was shoveling my drive way. My visibility with  the storm was poor and since he was bundled up I didn't recognize it was my son in law for awhile.  I joined him shoveling and I was no match for his 6'4" 300lbs strength.  Then my phone went off and work was cancelled.  I really thought I would make it to work then get stranded there as the storm progressed. I had plenty of food, water, extra clothes and a cell phone battery charger. Now I'm sitting post workout relaxing looking out the window. 

Title: Snow
Post by: Primemuscle on February 01, 2021, 12:51:48 PM
We had snow here about a week ago. It was nothing like what you've got. Only a couple of inches late in the day and lasted overnight. We don't get snow like you folks in the east do except in the mountains. This winter has been unusually mild. There is even a potted rose in bloom on the patio. Daffodils, crocus, and tulips are coming up and the hellebores are in bloom.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 02, 2021, 12:18:55 PM
Leg day before work. Sure would have been nice to stay in bed rather than training legs so early. 

Leg press 1x13(two light warm up sets)
Squat machine 1x 11
Dumbbell squat 1x13
Stiff dead 1x 8
Leg extension 1x20
Standing leg curl 1x15

One dumbbell side bend 1x16
Hanging leg raise 1x25
Hip ups on the floor 1x26

Standing calf 1x 18
Seated calf 1x 20
Tibialis work 1 x20

Neck work 1 set per side
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: monsterman500 on February 02, 2021, 12:35:13 PM
Leg day before work. Sure would have been nice to stay in bed rather than training legs so early. 

Leg press 1x13(two light warm up sets)
Squat machine 1x 11
Dumbbell squat 1x13
Stiff dead 1x 8
Leg extension 1x20
Standing leg curl 1x15

One dumbbell side bend 1x16
Hanging leg raise 1x25
Hip ups on the floor 1x26

Standing calf 1x 18
Seated calf 1x 20
Tibialis work 1 x20

Neck work 1 set per side
One set? are u using heavy duty principles ? have you a picture of your results?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 02, 2021, 06:41:39 PM
One set? are u using heavy duty principles ? have you a picture of your results?

I'm not a bodybuilder. I don't take steroids. More of a fitness trainer. I generally divide my time training between running and lifting. Yes, I use Jones, Mentzer and Yates training principles with one or two sets to failure. Not putting up a picture. I'm in my 60's. Come to think of it I did put up a picture on page 2 when I was cleaning my pool. I don't even use hormone replacement.  Again, I would never call myself a bodybuilder.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: monsterman500 on February 03, 2021, 04:42:28 AM
I'm not a bodybuilder. I don't take steroids. More of a fitness trainer. I generally divide my time training between running and lifting. Yes, I use Jones, Mentzer and Yates training principles with one or two sets to failure. Not putting up a picture. I'm in my 60's. Come to think of it I did put up a picture on page 2 when I was cleaning my pool. I don't even use hormone replacement.  Again, I would never call myself a bodybuilder.
Fair one mate
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 03, 2021, 07:20:02 PM
Took this Wednesday off. Wow are my thighs sore.  I rarely get sore so I must have taken too many days off of training.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 04, 2021, 09:32:16 AM
Back day: Relatively slow and controlled reps. Tried to slow the negative. I used a warm up set as needed.
Pulldowns 1 x 10 (Used a MAG supinate grip bar. One warm up set of 7 reps with a light weight)
Seated cable rows 1 x 14 180lbs (all the way out and back. One warm up set of 6 reps with a light weight)
Dumbbell rows off bench 1 x 12 85lbs (dead low and all the way up)
Reverse grip pulldowns 1 x 10 (pulled bar to the upper chest region tapping it every rep. Tried to stay fairly upright)

deadlift 1 x 6 315lbs (getting to old for this crap. Three warm up reps with 225lbs)
Weighted back extensions 1 x 20 (25 lbs plate behind my head.)

Ab wheel roll out 1 x 25 ( I sure would like to try a rep from the standing but I'm sure I will break something.)
Pulley crunches 1 x 35
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 05, 2021, 04:57:32 PM
Delt and triceps:

Dumbbell delt presses standing: 1 x 11 ( all the way down as far as I could take it.)
Dumbbell delt laterals 1 x 15 (thumbs up to ease impingement.)
Dumbbell rear delt laterals 1 x 14
Face pulls 1 x 16 (Only started doing these less than a year ago.  Fantastic rear delt upper back movement)
Barbell shrugs 1 x 13 ( I try to go all the way up and slow on the down stroke.)

Single dumbbell two hands seated tricep extension 1 x 14 (because of arthritis I can't fully bend my arms but I go pretty low)
Rope push downs 1 x 17
Reverse grip D ring tricep extensions 1 x 13
Single arm dumbbell behind the head tricep extension 1 x 13 (I keep my elbow straight up.)

Weighted crunches 1 x 50
Pulley crunches 1 x 35
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 07, 2021, 11:15:00 AM
Ran slow for two miles on a treadmill. After the two rounds I ran 3 x 220 yard strides. I can't even call them sprints they were so slow. Suffering from asthma and allergies. I think all the wet leaves and wind is making it hard to breathe for me.  Getting pissed at the weather here in NJ with the snow and rain.  I can't stand running on a treadmill anymore. Hit the bag for two rounds.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on February 07, 2021, 12:20:33 PM
Ran slow for two miles on a treadmill. After the two rounds I ran 3 x 220 yard strides. I can't even call them sprints they were so slow. Suffering from asthma and allergies. I think all the wet leaves and wind is making it hard to breathe for me.  Getting pissed at the weather here in NJ with the snow and rain.  I can't stand running on a treadmill anymore. Hit the bag for two rounds.

Have you had ongoing problems with allergies and asthma or is this just something recent?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 07, 2021, 04:00:49 PM
Have you had ongoing problems with allergies and asthma or is this just something recent?

Always had allergy problems. Mold makes it hard to breeze. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on February 07, 2021, 11:05:30 PM
Always had allergy problems. Mold makes it hard to breeze.

Is there mold in your house or do you just mean in the atmosphere around you?  There are discoveries about mold in our environment and the negative health effects every day.  The college where my wife worked, condemned several new buildings until they underwent mold abatement. Older construction, didn't seem to be as much of a problem.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 08, 2021, 06:24:36 PM
Is there mold in your house or do you just mean in the atmosphere around you?  There are discoveries about mold in our environment and the negative health effects every day.  The college where my wife worked, condemned several new buildings until they underwent mold abatement. Older construction, didn't seem to be as much of a problem.

Zero mold in my house. The house is fairly new. There are wet moldy leaves everywhere. The dog also loves leaves and likes to sit by me after he walks through them when he goes outside. So atmospheric mold blowing around from the leaves.

Another possibility is I'm coming down with pneumonia again.  I was hospitalizes a few short years ago with bacterial pneumonia. I had a horrible fever before my lungs went. I don't have the fever but I recognized how I felt.

Enough about my stuff. There are people with serious illness out there.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 08, 2021, 06:36:35 PM
Chest and bicep day: Still doing the Yates one main work set to failure.

Incline Dumbbell bench 1 x 10  70lbs(All the way down. No half reps. Slow and controlled movement to failure. Problem shoulders are holding up as long as I don't do anything stupid)
Decline dumbbell bench 1 x 9 65lbs
Weighted dips 1 x 8 25lbs (Used to much weight. Wish I failed at around 10 reps. Went deep)
Push ups 1 set of max reps ( I try to tap my chest on the ground each rep to make sure I go all the way down)

EZ curl 1 x 14 90lbs
Alternate dumbbell curl 1 x 10 45lbs
drag curls 1 x 15 65lbs
concentration curl 1 x 13

wrist curls 1 x 30 95lbs
reverse wrist extensions 1 x 20

Ab wheel roll out 1 x 26
Pulley crunches 1 x 35
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 09, 2021, 10:08:17 AM
Leg day before work. 
Leg press 1 x 13
Machine squats 1x 10
Dumbbell squats 1x 13
Stiff dead 1x 8
Leg extension 1x 20
Standing leg curl 1x 10 (Used Monkey feet standing on a block)

Side bend with a single dumbbell 1 x15
Hanging straight leg raise 1x 25
Hip ups off the floor 1x30

Standing calf 1x18
Seated calf 1x 15

Neck work: one set a side. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 11, 2021, 08:08:21 PM
Back day: Upped the weight in almost everything today for back day. Hopefully this will be that last week of the one set to failure stuff. I'm getting that dreading the workout feeling again. Especially on leg day and the deadlift part of the back workout. Might give myself a break from lifting  and emphasize running for awhile. 

M.A.G bar pulldowns 1 x 10 150lbs (No lean back and heave. Stayed fairly upright and touched the top of the chest area each rep)
Seated cable rows 1 x 12 190lbs (all the way out and back)
Dumbbell row off a bench 1 x 12 85lbs (dead hang and all the way up. Had one knee on a bench)
reverse grip pulldown 1 x 10
deadlift 1 x 6 315lbs  (pulled from the floor with slow negative reps)
Weighted lower back hyperextensions 1 x15 35lbs plate behind the head

ab wheel roll out 1 x27 (great ab exercise but I wonder if it's good for the shoulder? Plenty of torque on the shoulder with this)
pulley crunch 1 x 35 ( I sit on a lat machine backwards. I use a V bar behind my head and crunch down. Done properly you really feel in the abs)

Gym Observations: My wife never ventures into the basement.  I don't think she has been down there in two plus years. I could be banging six hoes down there and she would never know.  Even when I do Olympic lifts and sometimes fail with a crash she will say when I come up, "I heard a loud crash. Are you alright?"  Never occurs to her to come down and check my welfare.  I sometimes think I will have a heart attack and be down there for four hours and my wife a would never have a clue that I'm down there for a ridiculous amount of time for a workout. Don't get me wrong my wife is sick smart but if I rely on her for my welfare with a gym accident she isn't the one I could count on. I now go into the basement gym with my phone. Hopefully I will be able to crawl to it before the lights go out from a heart attack.   ;D

I have to get away from deadlifts for awhile and return to power cleans.  I think my back and mind need a break from them. I don't know how guys that deadlift don't have ruined backs. It seems the majority jerk the bar off the floor to start the lift.  I guess that's great for heavier weights but it has to be horrible for the back.

Got around 5 inches of snow today.  It was a good warm up prior to lifting cleaning the cars, shoveling and using a snow blower.

Lifted with a slight hang over. Wife does weight watchers. Not exactly sure what's up with that program but apparently they assign point values to food. If you starve yourself enough you have points left over for the week.  She wanted it to use for cocktails so I joined her watching netflix binging yesterday. Didn't feel so hot when I woke up today.

  We have a reservation for Valentines day Sunday at an authentic family owned Italian restaurant. Going to dress nice in my wise guy best so I will fit in if there are any Soprano types in there.  My wife is a blonde Italian. I jokingly call her Carmela in the place.   

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 12, 2021, 02:15:52 PM
Delt and tricep day:

Standing dumbbell press 1 x 11 50lbs (Slow and all the way down. If I did upper arms parallel to the ground half reps seated I could have used a lot more weight especially with the ass slid out a bit to make it an incline press.)
Dumbbell delt laterals 1 x 17 25lbs
Rear delt dumbbell laterals 1 x 14 35lbs
Face pulls 1 x 17 85lbs
Barbell shrugs 1 x 15 250lbs ( I'm careful to use careful form with this. So many guys crunch nerves in their neck using ridiculous weights with sloppy form with shrugs. I try to smoothly go up and and a controlled down. My wife suffers from stenosis in her neck vertebrate and the nerve pain is excruciating in her arm.  The doc said the pain is actually in the neck but because the nerves are being crunched she feels the pain in her arm.  Nothing is wrong with her arm. The MRI clearly show how the nerves are being crunched in her neck. Nerves can be a problem for so many. A good lifter down the block from me has nerve pain and he has one arm that deteriorated from it. )

Ex bar seated extensions 1 x 10 85lbs
Rope tricep 1 x 14
Reverse D handle tricep extension with one arm 1 x 12
Single dumbbell tricep extension behind the head 1 x 13 (kept elbow pointed high. Many let the elbow drift down to handle a heavy dumbbell)

Weighted crunch with lying with legs on a bench 1 x 50
Weighted pulley crunches 1 x 40 (playing with different weights. A lighter weight can lead to great form but a heavier weight also feels good at times. It's such a short range of motion that it has to be done right.)
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on February 12, 2021, 02:32:36 PM

  We have a reservation for Valentines day Sunday at an authentic family owned Italian restaurant. Going to dress nice in my wise guy best so I will fit in if there are any Soprano types in there.  My wife is a blonde Italian. I jokingly call her Carmela in the place.   

Don't piss off the little guy...he's crazy.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 12, 2021, 02:39:49 PM
He lived near me by the beach for awhile. The restaurant we are going to on Sunday we saw him there. My wife told me that's Joe Pesci eating over there. I dismissed her thinking what would he be doing here? Then I later learned he lived in Lavalette, a shore town near me in NJ.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 16, 2021, 04:52:30 PM
Monday was dud of a workout. I did 3 x 3 reps of power cleans and I called it a day. I was a bit hung over from Sunday's Valentine's dinner. We had a few at the restaurant and then some more at home. I asked the waiter about Joe Pesci and he told me he is a regular. He likes to bring his dates there. The waiter said he would get annoyed when Joe went to the bathroom and asked him to keep his girl company till he got back. The waiter said, "I have work to do."

Tuesday was a back and chest day prior to work. To all the guys that lift hard prior to work I salute you. It's tough. Better than waiting till the end of the work day. When I get off of work my day is now done:

Pulldowns 2 x 10
Seated cable rows 2 x 12
Dumbbell row with knee on bench 2 x 10
Reverse grip pulldowns 2  x10

Flat dumbbell bench 2 x 8
Decline dumbbell bench 2 x 8
Weighted dips 2 x 10
Push ups 2 x max

deadlifts 2 x 4
weighted back hyper extensions 2 x 15

Ab wheel roll out 2 x 22
Pulley crunches 1 x 40
seated knee ins 1 x 25
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 17, 2021, 05:52:09 PM
Wednesday: Ran 2.5 miles by the beach at a slug pace. It was 29 and the wind was blowing.  Came home and did my usual after cardio heavy bag work. Did some shadow boxing too.  Didn't lose a match. The shadows were real punks.  One thing about winter running is it fills up the washing machine. Summer running is shorts and socks. I was dressed like muckaluck of the north running by the ocean today. I hope to get back in good cardio shape.  No Achilles pain. Clicking on all cylinders running except for endurance. That could be improved as long as injuries stay away.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 18, 2021, 07:08:13 PM
Leg day Thursday:  No warm ups shown.

Leg press 2 x 12
Squat machine 2  x10 (pretty much given up on the barbell squat. This gets the job done.)
Dumbbell squats 1 x 12
Stiff dead off a block 2 x 6
Leg extension 2 x 20
Leg curl seated 2 x 15 (still trying to decide which is better. Standing or seated are the only two options I have in my home gym. Both have their positives)

Single dumbbell side bend 1 x 15
Hanging leg raise 2 x 22
Hip ups 1 x 30

Standing calf 2 x 15
Seated calf 2 x 15
tibilalis work 1 x 20

Neck: one set per side.

We had a snow/slush snow fall today.  After legs I got my snow blower out. It kept getting jammed with ice. It's about 20 years old.  It just can't handle ice. It jams up the machine. I turned it off and there is no neutral. Pushing it has to wind the motor so it's like pushing an exercise sled. It was so hard to push into the garage. I pulled out the old shovel and did it the old fashion way. Now I was shot.  I look at my car in the driveway and it has a flat tire. A nail went through it. Changing a tire in the ice slush was a bitch. Felt like a  stock car pit I was moving so fast. Came in soaked from the freezing rain that was now coming down. Watched a movie and when I got up I was walking like Frankenstein. Hope I'm able to get some treadmill time in prior to work tomorrow. Getting too old for this shit. I need a new hobby. 

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on February 19, 2021, 04:12:35 AM
Bad things happen in three's.

Wait for it...

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: monsterman500 on February 19, 2021, 07:51:39 AM
Leg day Thursday:  No warm ups shown.

Leg press 2 x 12
Squat machine 2  x10 (pretty much given up on the barbell squat. This gets the job done.)
Dumbbell squats 1 x 12
Stiff dead off a block 2 x 6
Leg extension 2 x 20
Leg curl seated 2 x 15 (still trying to decide which is better. Standing or seated are the only two options I have in my home gym. Both have their positives)

Single dumbbell side bend 1 x 15
Hanging leg raise 2 x 22
Hip ups 1 x 30

Standing calf 2 x 15
Seated calf 2 x 15
tibilalis work 1 x 20

Neck: one set per side.

We had a snow/slush snow fall today.  After legs I got my snow blower out. It kept getting jammed with ice. It's about 20 years old.  It just can't handle ice. It jams up the machine. I turned it off and there is no neutral. Pushing it has to wind the motor so it's like pushing an exercise sled. It was so hard to push into the garage. I pulled out the old shovel and did it the old fashion way. Now I was shot.  I look at my car in the driveway and it has a flat tire. A nail went through it. Changing a tire in the ice slush was a bitch. Felt like a  stock car pit I was moving so fast. Came in soaked from the freezing rain that was now coming down. Watched a movie and when I got up I was walking like Frankenstein. Hope I'm able to get some treadmill time in prior to work tomorrow. Getting too old for this shit. I need a new hobby.
Why bother? what will one set do?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 19, 2021, 09:40:30 AM
It does a lot.  Strong blood supply to the neck. One set of 25 neck curls.  One set of neck extensions for 20 reps.  One set each for each side of the neck for set of 15 reps.  Some would count that as four sets for neck.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 20, 2021, 10:08:57 AM
Delt and arms:

Military press 2 x 8 (cleaned from the floor)
Delt dumbbell laterals 2 x 12
Delt rear dumbbell laterals 2 x 10
Face pulls 2 x 12
barbell shrugs 2 x 10

Weighted dips 2 x 8
Tricep push downs 2 x 10
Single dumbbell with two hands behind the head tricep extensions 2 x 12

Alternate dumbbell curl 2 x 8
Drag barbell curls 2 x 12
Single dumbbell scott curls 2 x 10

wrist curls 2 x 25
wrist extensions 2 x 15

Weighted crunches 1 x 60
Pulley crunches 1 x50

Drank a Fairlife bottle of protein. Can't believe in that 11.5 OZ bottle it has 30G of whey isolate with truly no lactose.  There is no regulation of supplements and supplement companies can say what ever they want.  Drank enough protein shakes saying no lactose and my lactose sensitive stomach says they are liars.  This one is truly is lactose free. 

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 22, 2021, 04:30:53 PM
This Monday I woke really early  before work.  Went down in the basement for a cardio day and got on that hamster wheel treadmill. Did about a quarter mile and said fuck it. Just not feeling it. I really enjoy running outside. Being in a basement on that thing sometimes feels like torture. This whole week supposed to be above freezing. I have to get out there soon.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 23, 2021, 10:49:52 AM
Back and chest:

M.A.G supinate bar pull downs 2x10
Seated cable lat rows 2x12
Dumbbells row with knee on bench 2x10
Reverse grip pull down 2x10

Dumbbell incline press 2x 8
Decline dumbbell chest press 2x8
Weighted dips 2 x 10
Push ups 2x max

Deadlift 2x4
Weighted hyper extension 2 x 15

Ab wheel roll out 2x22
Pulley crunches 1x 50
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 24, 2021, 07:53:12 PM
Ran one lousy mile today for cardio. Don't know why I'm so out of breath lately. Maybe I'm just out of cardio shape. Still after all these years trying to figure out how to combine cardio and lifting. When I was working full time it was easier. I would go out for a run with a bunch of the guys at lunch. It was encouraged.  Then after work I would lift. It was a good system. Now maybe with age I just can't do two a days anymore. I thought makes me ill. I want to do one workout whether cardio or lifting and be done with it. I only work two days a week being retired and I found lifting prior to work by waking up early works for me. Running is something I really have a problem with early in the morning. Too stiff with age and it's too dark out with winter being here. The trail is impossible to navigate in the dark.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on February 25, 2021, 04:03:51 AM
Ran one lousy mile today for cardio. Don't know why I'm so out of breath lately. Maybe I'm just out of cardio shape. Still after all these years trying to figure out how to combine cardio and lifting. When I was working full time it was easier. I would go out for a run with a bunch of the guys at lunch. It was encouraged.  Then after work I would lift. It was a good system. Now maybe with age I just can't do two a days anymore. I thought makes me ill. I want to do one workout whether cardio or lifting and be done with it. I only work two days a week being retired and I found lifting prior to work by waking up early works for me. Running is something I really have a problem with early in the morning. Too stiff with age and it's too dark out with winter being here. The trail is impossible to navigate in the dark.

Somehow you are over-training and not recovering.

Are you frequently training to failure and thus making constant inroads into your ability to recover?

That could be it.  You have to figure it out.

Be objective and analyze your training program. 

Take the emotion and pride out of your analysis.

It's irrelevant what you did when you were in your 20s, 30s and 40s.  It makes for good fireside conversation but that's all.

In my 20s I was squatting, deadlifting and pressing very heavy once a week.  I was barely able to recover by the next workout then.

I've got video of me still killing it in my 40s.

I'd be delusional to think I could do that now at 62.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 25, 2021, 11:32:28 AM
Somehow you are over-training and not recovering.

Are you frequently training to failure and thus making constant inroads into your ability to recover?

That could be it.  You have to figure it out.

Be objective and analyze your training program. 

Take the emotion and pride out of your analysis.

It's irrelevant what you did when you were in your 20s, 30s and 40s.  It makes for good fireside conversation but that's all.

In my 20s I was squatting, deadlifting and pressing very heavy once a week.  I was barely able to recover by the next workout then.

I've got video of me still killing it in my 40s.

I'd be delusional to think I could do that now at 62.

True I don't take it easy when I train. I do think I'm having some success with my methods considering my age. I don't want to egotistically say I'm in shape for my age but I do get compliments frequently. I'm sure the steroid users would laugh at my body but like I said I'm not a bodybuilder and I don't even use hormone replacement. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 25, 2021, 11:51:25 AM
Leg day!  I was dreading this workout.  Got it done. Didn't list warm ups only the work sets to near failure and failure.

Leg press 2 x 12 four plates a side. Fully bent my legs like an ass to grass squat.  No quarter presses. No half presses. No high back board so my knees will hit my body before my legs are bent.
Squat machine 2 x 10 two plates a side. I go as low as my body can go. I can't get an lower.
Dumbbell squats 1 x 12 80lbs. Dumbbells held at sides with straps. Upright back and the dumbbells aren't deadlifted. I go down slow and control till my ass can't get any lower.
Stiff dead lift 2 x 6 205lbs. Brush the bar on the top of my feet while standing on a block.

Single dumbbell side bend 1 x 15 90lbs
Hanging straight leg raise 2 x 22
Hip ups 1 x 30 (On back an I push the hips up toward the ceiling.)

Standing calf 2 x 15 (Recently upped the weight on this by 15lbs. Had Achilles problem for about a year and it seems to be finally good.
Seated calf 2 x 15 (Weird but some guys can put a million pounds on these things and I watch Cutler only use two plates a side.  I think it's one of these exercises that with a limited range  guys can pack on the plates. Like Cutler if you use good form you won't be able to load the machine up like your Mike Bridges.
Tibalis work 1 x 20

Neck work: One set per side. One set of neck curls 1 x 25, One set of neck extensions 1 x 20; then it's one set for each side for 1 x 15.  The neck is really pumped up after this with the good blood flow to the neck muscles. I finish off with isometrics with my hands and even some manual head twists using my hands for resistance.  For a very small framed guy I think I have a muscular neck though I'm getting old quick.  ;D  A skinny neck no matter what your development makes you look wimpy.  Same with a fat neck and face.  I also believe neck work contributes to looking better facially but factually I have no proof for my belief.  Just a flabby looking face always seems to go with bad neck. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 27, 2021, 03:22:58 PM
Delt and arms:  No warm ups shown.

Dumbbell standing shoulder press 2 x 10 (felt a slight tweak in my back. I should have walked on a treadmill prior to warm up the whole body.)
Dumbbell delt laterals 2 x 12
Dumbbell rear delt laterals 2 x 11
Face pulls 2 x 12
Barbell shrugs 2 x 10

Weighted dips 2 x 8 
Tricep pulley pushdowns 2 x 10
Single dumbbell two hands tricep extension behind head 2 x 12

Alternate dumbbell curls 2 x 8
Drag barbell curls 2 x 12
Single dumbbell scott curls 2 x 12

Wrist curls 2 x 25
Reverse wrist extensions 2 x 15

Weighted crunch 1 x 50
Pulley crunch 1 x 60

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: monsterman500 on February 28, 2021, 07:48:18 AM
Delt and arms:  No warm ups shown.

Dumbbell standing shoulder press 2 x 10 (felt a slight tweak in my back. I should have walked on a treadmill prior to warm up the whole body.)
Dumbbell delt laterals 2 x 12
Dumbbell rear delt laterals 2 x 11
Face pulls 2 x 12
Barbell shrugs 2 x 10

Weighted dips 2 x 8 
Tricep pulley pushdowns 2 x 10
Single dumbbell two hands tricep extension behind head 2 x 12

Alternate dumbbell curls 2 x 8
Drag barbell curls 2 x 12
Single dumbbell scott curls 2 x 12

Wrist curls 2 x 25
Reverse wrist extensions 2 x 15

Weighted crunch 1 x 50
Pulley crunch 1 x 60
this is a bit too much shoulder work. i would drop the press & just do the laterals as you are getting delts again with weighted dips. as you wrote you felt your lower back too.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on February 28, 2021, 08:09:22 AM
True I don't take it easy when I train. I do think I'm having some success with my methods considering my age. I don't want to egotistically say I'm in shape for my age but I do get compliments frequently. I'm sure the steroid users would laugh at my body but like I said I'm not a bodybuilder and I don't even use hormone replacement. 

You still train all out but not all out all the time.

Example: train to failure on Monday.  The next session don't train to failure. 

You may find your strength increases better doing that.  You might only train to failure every third session, etc. 

See how it goes.

Like running really far or fast one day, then next time easy walking or a light jog.  Lower the stress level to allow recovery, mental as well as physical.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 01, 2021, 06:16:42 PM
You still train all out but not all out all the time.

Example: train to failure on Monday.  The next session don't train to failure. 

You may find your strength increases better doing that.  You might only train to failure every third session, etc. 

See how it goes.

Like running really far or fast one day, then next time easy walking or a light jog.  Lower the stress level to allow recovery, mental as well as physical.

Sounds like good advice. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 02, 2021, 01:51:42 PM
Chest and bicep day: My shoulder is compromised so I make a lighter weight heavy by using a full range of motion and a somewhat slower than normal rep cadence.  No half reps.  All the way down.

Flat Dumbbell bench 1 x 8 75lbs
Decline dumbbell bench 1x 11 65lbs
Weighted dips 1x 10
Push ups 1x max

EZ curl 1x 14 90lbs
Alternate dumbbell curls 1x10 45lbs
Drag curls 1x14 65lbs
Scott single arm dumbbell curls 1x 13 25lbs slow reps

Wrist curls 1x25
Wrist extensions 1x20

Ab wheel 1x25
Pulley crunch 1x40
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on March 02, 2021, 03:21:28 PM
Chest and bicep day: My shoulder is compromised so I make a lighter weight heavy by using a full range of motion and a somewhat slower than normal rep cadence.  No half reps.  All the way down.

Flat Dumbbell bench 1 x 8 75lbs
Decline dumbbell bench 1x 11 65lbs
Weighted dips 1x 10
Push ups 1x max

EZ curl 1x 14 90lbs
Alternate dumbbell curls 1x10 45lbs
Drag curls 1x14 65lbs
Scott single arm dumbbell curls 1x 13 25lbs slow reps

Wrist curls 1x25
Wrist extensions 1x20

Ab wheel 1x25
Pulley crunch 1x40

Good job protecting your shoulder. Keep it up.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 03, 2021, 09:40:46 AM
Leg day:  No warm ups shown. When I go to single set style I up the weight.  Workout is over quicker but sometimes I'm sucking wind so much I  have to rest long between exercises.

Leg press 1 x 12
Squat machine 1 x 10
Dumbbell squats 1 x 12
Stiff dead on a platform 1 x 8
leg extensions 1 x 20
seated leg curl 1 x 15

Single dumbbell side bend 1 x 18
Hanging straight leg raise 1 x 25
Hip ups lying on the floor 1 x 30

Standing calf raise 1 x 18
Seated calf 1 x 18
tibialis work with a dart

Neck work one set a side.

Heading to Atlantic city for a stay over.  My wife and her college girlfriend planned a get together for gambling, restaurant and cocktails.  Unfortunately for me that involves husbands and I have to go. I never met the guy. My wife is saying it will be so much fun to hang together for four or five hours. What the fuck? I have to entertain this guy for that length of time? I have never been a lets have couple get togethers. Yes, maybe I'm unsocial. The guy is around my age but he looks like a typical old man.  Bald head with a pot stomach with facial hair trying to look young like a hipster. Wouldn't doubt he shows up with a Jimmy Buffet parrot type shirt with bare feet and sandals . Lucky for me her girlfriend has big tits.  Going to have to drink a lot to get through this bull shit.   Wish she went on her own. I would have been happy to have some brews and netflix something at home. I just found out they have naked women on the internet. That could kill a couple of hours.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on March 03, 2021, 12:03:42 PM
Keep an open mind.  The guy might be entertaining.

Unfortunately, not everyone can be a stud like you and me.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on March 03, 2021, 12:22:59 PM
Sometimes, life is rough.  :)
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: AbrahamG on March 03, 2021, 03:44:16 PM
Leg day:  No warm ups shown. When I go to single set style I up the weight.  Workout is over quicker but sometimes I'm sucking wind so much I  have to rest long between exercises.

Leg press 1 x 12
Squat machine 1 x 10
Dumbbell squats 1 x 12
Stiff dead on a platform 1 x 8
leg extensions 1 x 20
seated leg curl 1 x 15

Single dumbbell side bend 1 x 18
Hanging straight leg raise 1 x 25
Hip ups lying on the floor 1 x 30

Standing calf raise 1 x 18
Seated calf 1 x 18
tibialis work with a dart

Neck work one set a side.

Heading to Atlantic city for a stay over.  My wife and her college girlfriend planned a get together for gambling, restaurant and cocktails.  Unfortunately for me that involves husbands and I have to go. I never met the guy. My wife is saying it will be so much fun to hang together for four or five hours. What the fuck? I have to entertain this guy for that length of time? I have never been a lets have couple get togethers. Yes, maybe I'm unsocial. The guy is around my age but he looks like a typical old man.  Bald head with a pot stomach with facial hair trying to look young like a hipster. Wouldn't doubt he shows up with a Jimmy Buffet parrot type shirt with bare feet and sandals . Lucky for me her girlfriend has big tits.  Going to have to drink a lot to get through this bull shit.   Wish she went on her own. I would have been happy to have some brews and netflix something at home. I just found out they have naked women on the internet. That could kill a couple of hours.

I don't and have never liked couples bullshit.  Unless it's my siblings or cousins, etc.  I like hanging out with the fellas.  No homo.  Women/girls just aren't as fun to be around.  Unless I'm fixing to fuck a broad, I don't really want to get to know her.  You have my sympathies.  I know I'm a broken record, but pop a 10mg edible before hand.  It makes everything more tolerable and better.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 04, 2021, 09:53:34 AM
It went better than expected. The guy seemed like a nice guy.  My wife's girlfriend was funny making sexual innuendo remarks like when she lost playing a casino machine she looks at me and says with a wink, "I shot my wad." Another time my wife  was playing a machine and she turns to me, " I like to watch" again with a wink.  Now I'm home and hung over. Cardio day will have to wait for another day.  The only part that was a little squirrely was her liquored up girlfriend making wise cracks that she thought were innocuous to our cab driver heading to a restaurant.  I looked at his taxi license and the name was Mohamed and he had an accent. I thought this could go bad quick but he had a sense of humor. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on March 04, 2021, 11:16:57 AM
It went better than expected. The guy seemed like a nice guy.  My wife's girlfriend was funny making sexual innuendo remarks like when she lost playing a casino machine she looks at me and says with a wink, "I shot my wad." Another time my wife  was playing a machine and she turns to me, " I like to watch" again with a wink.  Now I'm home and hung over. Cardio day will have to wait for another day.  The only part that was a little squirrely was her liquored up girlfriend making wise cracks that she thought were innocuous to our cab driver heading to a restaurant.  I looked at his taxi license and the name was Mohamed and he had an accent. I thought this could go bad quick but he had a sense of humor.

While her statements were not out of line, the winks would imply she intended to send a different message. Shot my wad is a common thing to say when you lose all the money you'd planning on gambling with. Like to watch shouldn't mean anything other than what it says. The innuendo is leaving out what she likes to watch. I'm not a gambler, but it can be fun to watch others throw their money away or, even better, win a jackpot.

Whatever, if she was flirting with you in front of your wife and her date, that's just crass.

Too bad you're hung over. It is great that you had a good time though. Even introverts are capable of having some fun every once in a while. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 04, 2021, 02:44:24 PM
While her statements were not out of line, the winks would imply she intended to send a different message. Shot my wad is a common thing to say when you lose all the money you'd planning on gambling with. Like to watch shouldn't mean anything other than what it says. The innuendo is leaving out what she likes to watch. I'm not a gambler, but it can be fun to watch others throw their money away or, even better, win a jackpot.

Whatever, if she was flirting with you in front of your wife and her date, that's just crass.

Too bad you're hung over. It is great that you had a good time though. Even introverts are capable of having some fun every once in a while.

Your diagnosis is that I'm a introvert? I'm the first on the dance floor.  I just don't do the couple thing of idle chit chat get togethers.  If it's your thing that's fantastic.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 05, 2021, 04:19:45 PM
Back day Yates style. No warm ups listed. Full range of motion and a moderate cadence making a moderate weight heavy.

MAG bar pulldowns 1 x 11 150lbs. No lean back and heave. Stayed upright and all the way out and back.
Seated lat row with a V handle 1 x 14 180lbs
Dumbbell row with a knee on a bench 1 x 14 85lbs
Reverse grip pulldown 1 x 12

dead lift 1 x 5 315lbs then 1 x 1 325lbs   I ride the negative down slow every rep. My grip stated to go on the fifth rep so I never attempted the sixth rep. I had the strength but my grip was giving out. I haven't used any grippers for a long time so after the work out I got out my Ivanko gripper thing. Yes, my grip strength has gone down.  Going to work on that. I have a Captain of crush gripper and an Ivanko.

Weighted back hyper extension 1 x 15 35lbs plate behind the head

Ab wheel roll out 1 x 26
Pulley crunch 1 x 40
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 06, 2021, 12:24:26 PM
Delt and triceps to finish off the week: No warm ups listed.

Dumbbell delt press standing 1 x 11
Dumbbell delt laterals 1 x 12
Dumbbell rear delt laterals seated 1 x 14
Face pulls 1 x 17
Barbell shrug 1 x 14

Rope triceps 1 x 16
Skull crushers 1 x 10 ( haven't done them for awhile. Now I remember. My elbow hurts doing them.)
Single arm reverse grip pulley tricep extensions 1 x 12
Behind the head single arm dumbbell extensions 1 x 13

Weighted crunches feet up on a bench 1 x 60
Pulley crunches 1 x 50

Ivanko gripper work 2 x 20 ( I have to get some strength back in my grip for deads. I might go to a hook grip but that hurts like hell for deads.

Trying to avoid alcohol for awhile because of the calories and health reasons. I remember when I had an arm operation I didn't drink for around six weeks or more. I really didn't want to lift compromised for one side of my upper body so I just ran. The weight came off like lightening. My mood was so improved. I really think lifting to failure too much is really bad for your spirits. I remember Padilla in an interview saying the same and Bill Pearl mentioned it too. Pearl said you will dread your workouts. Padilla said the workout got too "scary'.

 Prior to getting my arm wrecked I divided my training between lifting and running so I wasn't good in my standards in either. Now with just running after a few weeks I went for a run with a friend that destroyed me every time we went for a run. Now he was sucking wind now trying to keep up with me. When I started to lift I had zero strength in the arm.  I had difficulty lifting little 3lbs dumbbells with my repaired arm.  At around four months post operation I lifted but I never went to failure.  Lifting like that felt great.  At six months I was back to lifting like a possessed guy again.  I didn't feel well psychologically wise. It's like banging your head against the wall. You'll soon come to dread it.   

What my new plan for the coming week is two lifting days a week.  All the rest running. On running days a very limited body weight or light pumping lifting will take place.  My weight right now is hovering about 190lbs for 5'8".  I look my best at around 175lbs.  Best laid plans don't always work out but I will give it a shot. Wish I was fully retired. I hate the early morning workouts before work and in no way will I hit the gym after work.  So early morning workouts will be the protocol on work days.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on March 06, 2021, 12:55:07 PM
Why lift at all on your running days?

You're going to lift or do bodyweight exercises 7 days a week?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 06, 2021, 01:31:41 PM
Why lift at all on your running days?

You're going to lift or do bodyweight exercises 7 days a week?

Just stuff like push ups and chins.  I'm lifting twice week on a whole body routine.  Technically I'm getting the third day in by doing stuff like a run day on Tuesday with body weight squat and body weight calf raises. On another day doing lats and chest with pull ups and push ups. Another running day will be a light delt and arm day.  So two hard days of lifting and one light day for body parts.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on March 06, 2021, 02:30:13 PM
Ok, that sounds good.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 07, 2021, 10:49:14 AM
A friend asked me to run a charity 5K put on by law enforcement near Trenton, NJ  in May.  Just very far from being in cardio shape right now. A little over a year ago I partially tore my Achilles. Hurt for about a year but I'm finally feeling good with little aggravation in the area. Don't know if it will allow me to do hard running so I'm going to test it with incline walking for a week.  This is what I did today. Going to gradually increase the time and grade (incline) through the week.  I call this my ladder because every lap I go up a 1% incline.

0% grade (incline) at 3.8 MPH for a lap (440 Yards) if reading from Europe you know it's about a 400 meters. 3.8MPH is fast walk.
1% grade for a lap
2% grade for a lap
3% grade for a lap
4% grade for a lap
5% grade for a lap
6% grade for a lap
7% grade for a lap
8% grade for a lap
Finished at 0% grade (incline) for a final walking lap

Achilles felt good walking fast on an incline.  In the coming week I will increase the incline further testing it.  After this walking I did a final run for 220 Yards at a 7:42 mile pace.  I think if you are doing walking workouts you have to remind your body what running feels like to retain that power. 

So that's the plan for the upcoming 5K if I do it. Going to walk for a week with gradual increases to the incline to test the Achilles. I figure if I get to a 12% grade I should be good to start running with a flexible strong Achilles.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on March 07, 2021, 03:56:54 PM
Your diagnosis is that I'm a introvert? I'm the first on the dance floor.  I just don't do the couple thing of idle chit chat get togethers.  If it's your thing that's fantastic.

Currently, I am not getting together with friends or family other than my immediate family. There's this little virus going around that you may have heard about. Maybe I am the one who is an introvert.  ;)
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 08, 2021, 01:30:39 PM
Same workout as yesterday except I went up to level 9% grade.   Also ran a final quarter mile lap at a 7:30 pace.  Hit the heavy bag too.  I really believe in this walking routine gradually increasing the incline by 1% every lap.  Starting at zero incline and ending at zero grade.  In the past if I did this for a week or two I’m doing great when I transition to running. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: chaos on March 08, 2021, 06:13:49 PM
It went better than expected. The guy seemed like a nice guy.  My wife's girlfriend was funny making sexual innuendo remarks like when she lost playing a casino machine she looks at me and says with a wink, "I shot my wad." Another time my wife  was playing a machine and she turns to me, " I like to watch" again with a wink.  Now I'm home and hung over. Cardio day will have to wait for another day.  The only part that was a little squirrely was her liquored up girlfriend making wise cracks that she thought were innocuous to our cab driver heading to a restaurant.  I looked at his taxi license and the name was Mohamed and he had an accent. I thought this could go bad quick but he had a sense of humor.
Is she hot ???
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 08, 2021, 06:29:14 PM
Is she hot ???

Not really but she has big tits and is fun to be with.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 09, 2021, 04:43:50 PM
Walked on the treadmill at 3.8MPH. Started at 0% grade (incline) and every lap I went up 1 %.  Got up to 10% grade and finished with a 0% grade to end the walking.  Before I got off I ran a  lap (440 yard) at 7:24 Pace to remind my body of running. I will keep this up until I go up the ladder of 1% raises per lap to 12% grade.  I can't say it enough. It's an excellent workout.

Anyone that starts at 0% and each lap increase the incline 1% making it finally to 12% should be good to start running. You should be shape enough to run 9:30 mile pace runs or better. Even if you get into running it's good to throw in this walking workout once a week. It keeps your Achilles flexible too. Of course check with your doctor before doing any cardio. You don't want to end up like all those guys who drop dead on the treadmill.

Tomorrow is lifting.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: chaos on March 09, 2021, 04:57:59 PM
Not really but she has big tits and is fun to be with.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 11, 2021, 03:48:29 PM
Still with the cardio and limited lifting. It was 70 degrees and sunny here in NJ. I drove to the park and it was packed after a long cold winter.  Still testing how far I can push this Achilles.  I warmed up with a slow quarter mile then ran a moderate two miles at a little over a 9 minute pace. Roughly about a 6.6 MPH pace.  Felt great running in shorts and a tee shirt. Only very slight pain in the tendon so I think I'm good after a year of aggravation with it. When I get back to lifting I will start posting it. 

I said it before but I have always felt the psychological effects of working out.  Too many session of lifting taking it to the ragged edge sometimes makes me feel down instead of being in good spirits.  Running and stuff like biking is a different animal. It always makes me feel up and it's a powerful antidepressant. It also gets the creative juices flowing. Maybe it's the rush of continual blood pumping into the brain.  A few months back I read a great book by a psychiatrist who put together studies on cardio and the mind. It was an eye opener. The book was really dry but it had some revelations. One was how grades improved in high school kids that did cardio as part of the their health and physical education requirement. It was a professional study. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on March 11, 2021, 04:46:01 PM
Endorphin rush no doubt.

3.8 walking pace is fast.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 12, 2021, 11:01:54 AM
Got a walking treadmill day in today. Now true running begins.  The Achilles is holding up. It's been tested hard this week with all the incline walking and one run.  I think I'm good to go.  I did what I call my  ladder walking program.  Again, starts at zero incline and every lap (quarter mile) it goes up 1% incline or grade. Different manufactures call it either incline or grade. For clarification these are not intervals but continuous walking. Walking on an incline for me seems to keep it flexible and hopefully injury free.

3.8 MPH for a quarter mile (one lap 440 yards) at 0% incline
3.8 MPH for a quarter mile (one lap 440 yards) at 1% incline
                                                                         2% incline
                                                                         3% incline
                                                                         4% incline
                                                                         5% incline
                                                                         6% incline
                                                                         7% incline
                                                                         8% incline
                                                                         9% incline
                                                                         10% incline
                                                                         11% incline
                                                                         12% incline
final quarter mile at 3.8MPH at level ground          0% incline

Hit the heavy bag after.  I will get back to lifting but this week off of lifting has been a well needed break. I usually don't plan breaks and I've been overly obsessive about never giving myself a break so this is a slight change to my method of operation.

I always try to look my best during the summer and I think I'm on track barring injuries. Just losing ten pounds I should be where I want to be. 15lbs would be better but I have to be realistic. I was drinking beer and eating jelly beans binge  watching that Larry David show on HBO last night.   
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 15, 2021, 04:54:34 PM
Back and chest day before work.  I have to wear ear buds because I have to keep the house quiet in these early morning hours. I usually like to blast the stereo. Felt a little weak from all the cardio I did the week before. I was going to radically change my workouts but here I am doing the same old.

MAG grip pulldowns 2 x 10 Increased the weight for the second set
Seated long pulley row with a V handle 2 x 12
Dumbbell rows 2x 10 with knee on the bench
Reverse grip pulldown 2 x 10

Decline dumbbell bench 2 x 8
Weighted dips 2 x 10
Standing one arm band fly 2 x 12 (attached a band to a weight support pillar in my basement. A physical therapist said this is a safer alternative to regular dumbbell flies. No extreme stretch in the beginning with a long lever meaning the arm with a dumbbell. The band has naturally low resistance with the rubber band to start. I really don't like band training. No resistance in beginning then too much at the end. Typing this 11 hours after the workout and my shoulder is hurting slightly. Don't know if it's the culprit but I have a suspicion.)
Push ups 2 x max ( one set regular and one set with those perfect pushup handles. The handles let me get a good stretch too. The handles let your hands go where they want to go so many it's a better option.)

deadlifts 2x 4 (I was in between songs doing these and I never knew the noises my spine makes. It doesn't sound good but no pain. Normally can't hear it because of the loud music.)
Weighted hyper extension 2 x 15

Ab wheel roll out 2 x 22
Pulley crunch 1  x 50

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on March 16, 2021, 04:22:26 AM
Interesting how you can hear all that stuff when you have earplugs/buds in.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on March 16, 2021, 03:32:28 PM
Interesting how you can hear all that stuff when you have earplugs/buds in.

I wear Bose headphones when I watch television. Mainly so I can hear the dialog without having to crank up the volume on the sound bar which would disturb the rest of the folks in the house. They are supposed to be noise cancelling, but they aren' least not when I am wearing my hearing aids.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 16, 2021, 04:57:25 PM
Interesting how you can hear all that stuff when you have earplugs/buds in.

Confused. I wrote I was in between songs. Ear buds doesn't create silence. Even when I shoot firearms in an indoor range I can talk to the guy next to me with ear plugs and ear muffs.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on March 17, 2021, 04:06:36 AM
Confused. I wrote I was in between songs. Ear buds doesn't create silence. Even when I shoot firearms in an indoor range I can talk to the guy next to me with ear plugs and ear muffs.

I understand how you can hear your joints crackling with ear buds in...when you are between songs during the silence.

Same way you can if you plug your ears.  You hear those internal noises.

Do you think I've not shot guns with ear protection and also talked to co-shooters in between firing?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 17, 2021, 10:54:56 AM
I understand how you can hear your joints crackling with ear buds in...when you are between songs during the silence.

Same way you can if you plug your ears.  You hear those internal noises.

Do you think I've not shot guns with ear protection and also talked to co-shooters in between firing?

I don't know what you small town cops do.  You wrote it's interesting how you can hear the spine cracking with ear buds in so I addressed that. Like I said I was confused by your comment.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 17, 2021, 10:58:05 AM
Leg day:  Leg day stinks but a necessary evil.

Leg press 2 x 12
machine squats 2 x 10
dumbbell squats 1 x 12
stiff deads 2 x 6
leg extensions 2 x 20
seated leg curls 2 x 15

Dumbbell side bends 1 x 15 (single dumbbells)
Hanging straight leg raises 2 x 22
Hip ups 1x30

Standing calf 2 x 15
Seated calf 2 x 15

neck work
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on March 17, 2021, 06:09:36 PM
I don't know what you small town cops do.  You wrote it's interesting how you can hear the spine cracking with ear buds in so I addressed that. Like I said I was confused by your comment.

Ok, my bad.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on March 19, 2021, 06:45:29 AM
I wear Bose headphones when I watch television. Mainly so I can hear the dialog without having to crank up the volume on the sound bar which would disturb the rest of the folks in the house. They are supposed to be noise cancelling, but they aren' least not when I am wearing my hearing aids.

Active Noise Cancelling headphones sample via microphones the noise around you and work to cancel out certain frequencies via producing frequencies that are polar opposites.  This is how some luxury cars are so quiet.  I think I got that right as my older brother explained it to me because I have a couple of those kinds of headphones.

As for training I am not yet allowed so I read this and IroNat's thread.  I am listening to DooWop music through my new laptop that I go and a pair of $35 headphones connected to it.  I cannot wear headphones or those in ear things when I do train.  I like music and may turn on the internet radio in the garage when I train. 

We now return control of the thread to you, the people that actually train.   ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on March 19, 2021, 08:36:47 AM
You're always welcome here, Scott.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 19, 2021, 06:13:47 PM
Scott hope you can get back to training soon.

Delt and arms: Just the usual.

Military press 2 x 8 (weight cleaned from the floor)
Dumbbell delt lateral 2 x 12
Dumbbell rear delt lateral 2 x 10
Rope pulls 2 x 12
Barbell shrugs 2 x 10

Tricep pulley push downs 2 x 10
Single dumbbell with two hands triceps 2 x 12
Decline dumbbell extensions 2 x 10 (New exercise for me. Worked out great. Felt great.)

Alternate dumbbell curls 2 x 8
Barbell drag curls 2 x 10
Single dumbbells scott curls 2 x 10

barbell wrist curls 2 x 25
wrist extensions 2 x 15

Weighted crunches 1 x 50
Pulley crunches 1 x 25 (I upped the weight a lot to see how it feels. Normally set the weight for around 50 reps)

Got a new app on my phone called Lose it. It's basically a calorie counter. I wrote in the input area I wanted to lose 10lbs.  It said they set the system to make that goal happen by June and even gave a day that I forgot.  I was going to start today but baby sitting my grand daughter made it a little bit of chaos.  I just plugged in my breakfast. It said I ate half of my allowed calories. Holy smokes!! I had a cheese three egg omelet, hash brown, banana, Orange juice and something I never ever eat a Boston crème doughnut because my grand daughter had one and she  wanted me to have one. This was 50% of my calories for the day. Tomorrow will be the first day of really applying  this app. I think I'm going to be very hungry. Don't know if this is the right method for me but I will give it a shot. Why is losing ten pounds so hard?

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on March 19, 2021, 06:27:33 PM
It sucks.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on March 19, 2021, 07:12:03 PM
Active Noise Cancelling headphones sample via microphones the noise around you and work to cancel out certain frequencies via producing frequencies that are polar opposites.  This is how some luxury cars are so quiet.  I think I got that right as my older brother explained it to me because I have a couple of those kinds of headphones.

As for training I am not yet allowed so I read this and IroNat's thread.  I am listening to DooWop music through my new laptop that I go and a pair of $35 headphones connected to it.  I cannot wear headphones or those in ear things when I do train.  I like music and may turn on the internet radio in the garage when I train. 

We now return control of the thread to you, the people that actually train.   ;D

Very interesting information regarding how noise cancelling head phones work. I just have to remember to remove my hearing aides when wearing the headphones because they are very sensitive and likely work against the noise cancelling science.

Noise canceling is not a feature I have in the last car I has everything else anyone can imagine cameras, auto headlights, door locks and wipers, radar cruise control, Blue tooth and so on. I still like the car, it is paid for and even though it is 5 years old now, I've only put 27,000 miles on I guess I'll keep it for awhile longer.

Gyms are open now in Oregon. They usually have some background music which works for me when training. The next set of hearing aids I get will be able to stream music direct from my phone. The current one's are only compatible for streaming with an IPhone and I prefer an android. I think with the new technology, I could also stream from the television.

Maybe you can't train right now, but I am pretty sure you are welcome in this training thread. It may keep you inspired. And you can always offer advice since you've been training for a long time. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 21, 2021, 01:04:52 PM
For the first time ever I'm trying to diet seriously. My method of operation is grazing all day so it's going to be tough to input what I eat into this program I'm using. It's called Lose It. It's an app on my phone. I did my fast walking incline program today for nearly an hour. The Lose IT app gave me credit for 450 calories. Still have a good amount of calories left for the day with breakfast and lunch over. I just hate it though. Normally I would have had a couple of snacks by now.  I truly eat an incredible amount of calories every day.  The Lose It app said after I put in all my information that my goal of getting to 175lbs would be achieved by June if I followed their program.  I'm around 187lbs now. We shall see. Don't know if I can stick with this. I have a work ethic with working out and zero discipline with eating. I will give it a shot.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on March 21, 2021, 01:30:19 PM
For the first time ever I'm trying to diet seriously. My method of operation is grazing all day so it's going to be tough to input what I eat into this program I'm using. It's called Lose It. It's an app on my phone. I did my fast walking incline program today for nearly an hour. The Lose IT app gave me credit for 450 calories. Still have a good amount of calories left for the day with breakfast and lunch over. I just hate it though. Normally I would have had a couple of snacks by now.  I truly eat an incredible amount of calories every day.  The Lose It app said after I put in all my information that my goal of getting to 175lbs would be achieved by June if I followed their program.  I'm around 187lbs now. We shall see. Don't know if I can stick with this. I have a work ethic with working out and zero discipline with eating. I will give it a shot.

The way to achieve your goal is to do it because you want to and you're choosing to and not because you think you have to.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 21, 2021, 05:43:05 PM
The way to achieve your goal is to do it because you want to and you're choosing to and not because you think you have to.

I'm hungry! Day one of dieting out of the way. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 22, 2021, 04:42:09 PM
Ran two slow miles today in freezing cold. It was 32 when I ran but it got up to around 50 later in the day.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on March 22, 2021, 04:45:35 PM
Ran two slow miles today in freezing cold. It was 32 when I ran but it got up to around 50 later in the day.

Geez, how early in the morning was it when began your run? 50 degrees is almost shorts weather.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 23, 2021, 04:15:21 PM
Geez, how early in the morning was it when began your run? 50 degrees is almost shorts weather.

Just a drastic change of temperature in one day.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on March 23, 2021, 04:18:27 PM
Just a drastic change of temperature in one day.

Not much different than it is here this time of year. Today, it is presently 53 degrees with a low of 35 degrees. At least it isn't raining.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 23, 2021, 04:30:59 PM
Did a Yates type work out. I didn't list warm ups. Sometimes I used one warm up and some exercises got none.

Dumbbell flat bench 1 x 8
Decline dumbbell bench 1 x 10
Weighted dips 1 x 10
Push ups 1 x max (Tried to go low and controlled rep speed.)

EZ bar curls 1 x 14
Alternate dumbbell curls 1 x 10
Drag curls 1 x 13
Concentration curls 1 x 12

Wrist curls 1 x 30
Wrist extensions 1 x 21

Ab roll out 1 x 25
Ab pulley crunch seated 1 x 50

Still using the free Lose it app. They say I can eat 1830 calories a day. It seems drastically low and I'm not feeling great eating so little. The part I really like about the app is that is substracts calories from your workouts. For example for lifting it gives you low, medium or high intensity to choose from and how long the work out took. Naturally there is a lot of guesstimate in their calorie count but it lets me eat more while still staying under that 1800 something guideline they want me to stick to. Their running caloric estimates are probably pretty close. They want the minutes per mile and total time. When I was first experimenting with the app they gave me 450 for a treadmill workout. The extra calories I can eat and still stay under the 1830 is a welcome thing. 

I have to admit I eat too much but  combined with lifting with running and I get lean. Now with age it's like a switch was flipped and I gain weight far too easy.  I could easily get over 200lbs at 5'8" but of course that would include a lot of fat. Last I weighed myself I was 187lbs.  Trying to get to 175lbs. Seems almost impossible but this time I'm actually dieting.  I love to eat what I want when I want. I never withhold food so this is drastic for me.  ;D What is going to happen to cocktail hour tomorrow? 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on March 24, 2021, 05:40:42 AM
Just don't eat sugar and crap and drink booze and you'll lean up.

Really simple.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 24, 2021, 12:42:43 PM
Leg day, Yates style.

Leg press 1 x 12
squat machine 1 x 10
Dumbbell squat 1 x 12
stiff dead 1 x 8
leg extension 1 x 23
seated leg curl 1 x 16

Single dumbbell side bend 1 x 15
Hanging leg raise 1 x 15
Hip ups 1 x 30

standing calf 1 x 18
Seated calf 1 x 16
tiblalis work 1 x 20

Neck work: one set per side.  1 x 25 neck curls, 1 x 15 for each side and 1 x 20 for the neck extensions. Some might call that four sets for neck.  The neck has been the easiest body part for me.  Maybe because of the great blood supply. Personally I just want a "manly" and I have no interest in a huge neck. Not that I could achieve it. LOL.  What I do here with one set per side gives me great results. Sometimes I get on a 2 set per side kick.

Watching my granddaughter today.  She is a toddler.  No wonder women can't have kids after 50 because of menopause. The amount of energy you need to keep up is exhausting.  Between watching her and heading down to my basement gym while she took a nap left me spent. Now her puppy wants a snack. Holy smokes! Getting poked from all angles.  ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on March 24, 2021, 12:47:12 PM
Did a Yates type work out. I didn't list warm ups. Sometimes I used one warm up and some exercises got none.

Dumbbell flat bench 1 x 8
Decline dumbbell bench 1 x 10
Weighted dips 1 x 10
Push ups 1 x max (Tried to go low and controlled rep speed.)

EZ bar curls 1 x 14
Alternate dumbbell curls 1 x 10
Drag curls 1 x 13
Concentration curls 1 x 12

Wrist curls 1 x 30
Wrist extensions 1 x 21

Ab roll out 1 x 25
Ab pulley crunch seated 1 x 50

Still using the free Lose it app. They say I can eat 1830 calories a day. It seems drastically low and I'm not feeling great eating so little. The part I really like about the app is that is substracts calories from your workouts. For example for lifting it gives you low, medium or high intensity to choose from and how long the work out took. Naturally there is a lot of guesstimate in their calorie count but it lets me eat more while still staying under that 1800 something guideline they want me to stick to. Their running caloric estimates are probably pretty close. They want the minutes per mile and total time. When I was first experimenting with the app they gave me 450 for a treadmill workout. The extra calories I can eat and still stay under the 1830 is a welcome thing. 

I have to admit I eat too much but  combined with lifting with running and I get lean. Now with age it's like a switch was flipped and I gain weight far too easy.  I could easily get over 200lbs at 5'8" but of course that would include a lot of fat. Last I weighed myself I was 187lbs.  Trying to get to 175lbs. Seems almost impossible but this time I'm actually dieting.  I love to eat what I want when I want. I never withhold food so this is drastic for me.  ;D What is going to happen to cocktail hour tomorrow?

Isn't the average recommended number of calories for an adult 2,000 per day? Give yourself time to adapt. It is not like you are fasting.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: AbrahamG on March 24, 2021, 07:00:19 PM
@Oldtimer - Have you ever tried a true keto diet?  I love it because you can eat a lot still.  Also, once your body adapts to using fats for energy, you won't lose much strength or muscle as you would restricting calories.  Eat protein and fats with every meal and as many green, fibrous veggies as you feel like.  After two weeks indulge in a grand cheat meal and then once week after that.  I guarantee you'll see results and at a certain point can add in some sensible carbs for a long term more balanced diet.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on March 25, 2021, 04:12:03 AM
@Oldtimer - Have you ever tried a true keto diet?  I love it because you can eat a lot still.  Also, once your body adapts to using fats for energy, you won't lose much strength or muscle as you would restricting calories.  Eat protein and fats with every meal and as many green, fibrous veggies as you feel like.  After two weeks indulge in a grand cheat meal and then once week after that.  I guarantee you'll see results and at a certain point can add in some sensible carbs for a long term more balanced diet.

I've been doing the keto diet for the past couple weeks.  Just meat & eggs with some flax and chia seeds for fiber which have low net carbs.

What kind of veggies can you eat?  Don't you have to stay in the range of 20-50 carbs/day to remain in ketosis?

So, there are limits even on veggies, right?  It would be good to eat more veggies though so let me know.

You go by net carbs, right?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 25, 2021, 04:57:35 AM
@Oldtimer - Have you ever tried a true keto diet?  I love it because you can eat a lot still.  Also, once your body adapts to using fats for energy, you won't lose much strength or muscle as you would restricting calories.  Eat protein and fats with every meal and as many green, fibrous veggies as you feel like.  After two weeks indulge in a grand cheat meal and then once week after that.  I guarantee you'll see results and at a certain point can add in some sensible carbs for a long term more balanced diet.

I should look into it. Ironnat has been telling me I should try it.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 25, 2021, 04:10:27 PM
Ran two miles in a a park that has a one mile loop that's paved. The craziest thing happened. I have been going to this park for about 15 years. It's a walking and bike path.  The only vehicles I have seen on it are town workers emptying garbage cans or working on the sport fields. I'm getting ready to run and here comes a car driving on the path and it's not a municipal vehicle. Only one access to the path a car can get on and this old lady found it. She looked to be 100 years old. Prior to reaching for my phone the cops were there.  Glad she didn't  run over any kids on the path because the park was crowded. The cop showed her how to get her car off the path and waved good bye to the old lady.  The best part about the path is blasting music in my ear buds not worrying about cars.  Though I can see how a car barreling down on me would be motivation to run faster.

I'm always interested in how other guys train especially if they are really motivated and dedicated trainers. I watch youtubes and the majority I dismiss as hand jobs.  I have found some gems. The latest I have been watching is this guy Ryan Humiston. He is a volume trainer to the extreme is my initial  take away. He likes super sets, tri sets, compound sets and drop sets. He also seems adamant about resting for a very short time between sets with a moderate weight with high reps instead of heavy weights, tradition rep range and long rests between sets. He talks about making a light weight heavy and I have always done that with form and range of motion. He will do something like a first set for curls for 30 reps, second set 20-30 seconds later for 25 , Third for 20 and maybe the last for 15. It works for him. Great build. I'm trying to keep an open mind about his lifting approach and he has touched a chord.  He also uses some unusual exercises. One I think he calls a barrel press. Basically a hands facing dumbbell bench press done almost like cross between a fly and a bench. Going to give that one a try. I tried to put up a link to his youtube channel but it keeps saying error.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on March 25, 2021, 04:44:40 PM
Ran two miles in a a park that has a one mile loop that's paved. The craziest thing happened. I have been going to this park for about 15 years. It's a walking and bike path.  The only vehicles I have seen on it are town workers emptying garbage cans or working on the sport fields. I'm getting ready to run and here comes a car driving on the path and it's not a municipal vehicle. Only one access to the path a car can get on and this old lady found it. She looked to be 100 years old. Prior to reaching for my phone the cops were there.  Glad she didn't  run over any kids on the path because the park was crowded. The cop showed her how to get her car off the path and waved good bye to the old lady.  The best part about the path is blasting music in my ear buds not worrying about cars.  Though I can see how a car barreling down on me would be motivation to run faster.

This is an excellent example of when someone should have their drivers license revoked. I am all for seniors renewing their drivers licenses every couple of years using a complete process, including testing vision and a test drive with a rep from the DMV. Driving is a privilege and not a right.

A couple of years back, I took an online defensive driving course as recommended by my insurance broker because it lowers auto insurance rates. I took the course online and passed the test. But, all it proves is that I know the rules/laws not that I am capable physically and mentally of following them.

My car is so loaded with technology that it practically drives itself. There are cameras, warning lights and signals for everything, including changing lanes, backing up, crossing over the center lane or shoulder when marked. Cruise control is radar monitored so that when the vehicle slows down in front of me, my car also slows and then speeds back up when the car in front does. I don't have to look for the controls to turn on the wipers, or lights because they work automatically. Even the high beams and fog lamps are automatic. I can also use voice commands to operate the phone and navigation system (this is something I've yet to master). My previous car was 12 years older and it had none of these sophisticated features.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 26, 2021, 10:12:00 AM
Back day:
M.A.G. grip Pulldowns 1 x 11
Seated cable rows with a V bar 1 x 14
Dumbbell row 1 x 10
Reverse grip pullodowns 1 x 11

Dead lift 1 x 4 (Running yesterday took a lot out me. I normally can hit 6 with 315lbs)
Weighted back extensions 1 x 20

Ab wheel roll out 1 x 26
V ups 1 x 10 ( I have never done this before. Kind of like a leg raise and a crunch. My form was terrible so I dropped it.)
Pulley crunches 1 x 40

I think the run yesterday took a lot out of me.  Felt like I was just forcing my self through the work out. It has happened before. In my youth I would rip a fast 5 miler or 8 x220 yards  then wonder why my squats the next day were weak.  ::) When I was a sprinter in college my squats really went down from the 5 day a week sprint training. Now in old age going for a 2 mile run takes a lot out of me.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on March 26, 2021, 11:37:08 AM
Back day:
M.A.G. grip Pulldowns 1 x 11
Seated cable rows with a V bar 1 x 14
Dumbbell row 1 x 10
Reverse grip pullodowns 1 x 11

Dead lift 1 x 4 (Running yesterday took a lot out me. I normally can hit 6 with 315lbs)
Weighted back extensions 1 x 20

Ab wheel roll out 1 x 26
V ups 1 x 10 ( I have never done this before. Kind of like a leg raise and a crunch. My form was terrible so I dropped it.)
Pulley crunches 1 x 40

I think the run yesterday took a lot out of me.  Felt like I was just forcing my self through the work out. It has happened before. In my youth I would rip a fast 5 miler or 8 x220 yards  then wonder why my squats the next day were weak.  ::) When I was a sprinter in college my squats really went down from the 5 day a week sprint training. Now in old age going for a 2 mile run takes it out of me.

You are not that old....maybe in another decade or so you can say this.  :)
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 27, 2021, 10:32:20 AM
You are not that old....maybe in another decade or so you can say this.  :)

For a guy that workouts like I do I feel old. Maybe because I remember what I was capable of like any guy that was an athlete.  Most guys in their 60's can't run.  They are chubby and their workouts are lame in the gym.  Ever see a 60 something guy run to first base in a park softball game? It's not a pretty sight. Aging stinks. My brother who some say is my mirror image is 73 and a cancer survivor. Looking at him all frail, I wonder if it's my fate too.  We are born weak and die weak.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on March 27, 2021, 12:34:41 PM
For a guy that workouts like I do I feel old. Maybe because I remember what I was capable of like any guy that was an athlete.  Most guys in their 60's can't run.  They are chubby and their workouts are lame in the gym.  Ever see a 60 something guy run to first base in a park softball game? It's not a pretty site. Aging stinks. My brother who some say is my mirror image is 73 and a cancer survivor. Looking at him all frail, I wonder if it's my fate too.  We are born weak and die weak.

Don't worry about things over which you have no control such as the fact that you will likely be around for another 20 years or so. How healthy you'll be and how good you will feel is depends in part on how you take care of yourself. Better to think you won't become frail or get a major illness like cancer than to fret about the fact that anything is possible. With respect to this, try to live in the moment and make each moment count.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 27, 2021, 03:56:58 PM
Delt and triceps: Warm ups not shown. Sometimes one warm up and many times no warm.  Depends on the exercise and how warmed up I am from the previous movement.

Military press 1 x 9
Dumbbell delt laterals 1 x 14
Pulley side laterals for delts 1 x 10
Seated rear delt laterals 1 x 13
Rope face pulls 1 x 14
Barbell shrugs 1 x 15

Tricep push downs 1 x 12
Seated ez bar tricep extensions 1 x 10 (seated leaning back on scott curl pad that was reversed)
Decline dumbbell tricep extensions 1 x 10 ( new in my routine. Excellent movement)
Reverse grip single arm tricep pulley extensions 1 x 11

Weighted crunches 1 x 50
Pulley crunches 1 x 50
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 28, 2021, 05:24:42 PM
Ran two miles and hit the heavy bag.  Thought I was flying but my GPS time shows I wasn't.  ;D

My wife made big burgers with meat from our butcher instead of the supermarket. It was so good I couldn't help my self. I ate two giant burgers. I'm a glutton.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on March 29, 2021, 03:14:53 AM
Ran two miles and hit the heavy bag.  Thought I was flying but my GPS time shows I wasn't.  ;D

My wife made big burgers with meat from our butcher instead of the supermarket. It was so good I couldn't help my self. I ate two giant burgers. I'm a glutton.

 ;D ;D

Your wife is subverting your plan to lose 10-15 lbs by June. She's a devil.  ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on March 29, 2021, 03:30:41 AM
Ran two miles and hit the heavy bag.  Thought I was flying but my GPS time shows I wasn't.  ;D

My wife made big burgers with meat from our butcher instead of the supermarket. It was so good I couldn't help my self. I ate two giant burgers. I'm a glutton.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 29, 2021, 07:17:18 PM

Watched the video. What's the practical application?  Give me some examples of what  a day on that diet would look like? I'm really clueless when it comes to diet. My diet for training is add a protein shake after training. That's it. So eat less carbohydrate sounds like a plan but it seems it works because you eat less calories. It sounds logical that less calories in and more calories out will lead to fat loss.

One guy told me not eating for one day during the week was a quick way to lose weight. I'm not tempted to try a one day fast but I remember Mr. Canada John Cardillo used it.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on March 29, 2021, 07:33:53 PM
Watched the video. What's the practical application?  Give me some examples of what  a day on that diet would look like? I'm really clueless when it comes to diet. My diet for training is add a protein shake after training. That's it. So eat less carbohydrate sounds like a plan but it seems it works because you eat less calories. It sounds logical that less calories in and more calories out will lead to fat loss.

One guy told me not eating for one day during the week was a quick way to lose weight. I'm not tempted to try a one day fast but I remember Mr. Canada John Cardillo used it.

It is good that you are not tempted by this one day a week fast. You have a tendency towards flip flopping through different exercise routines on a daily basis. That's fine.  -Keeps your body guessing, which can be a very productive methodology in exercise. Unfortunately, the same is not true for dieting. Stick with the tried and true diets that have been around forever. They are based on the same principal which is to eat sensibly.

I suspect your biggest hurdle is realizing it is going to take awhile to reach your goal of losing 10-15 lbs. No matter what snake oil type diets there are floating about, you should avoid entertaining them....they never work. One less glass/bottle of beer a day might help get rid of a beer belly though.  ;D

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on March 30, 2021, 03:48:05 AM
Watched the video. What's the practical application?  Give me some examples of what  a day on that diet would look like? I'm really clueless when it comes to diet. My diet for training is add a protein shake after training. That's it. So eat less carbohydrate sounds like a plan but it seems it works because you eat less calories. It sounds logical that less calories in and more calories out will lead to fat loss.

One guy told me not eating for one day during the week was a quick way to lose weight. I'm not tempted to try a one day fast but I remember Mr. Canada John Cardillo used it.

Put some effort into it and watch other videos on his site if you need more info.  There are many.

It's really simple.  Healthy eating.  Increase insulin sensitivity. 
You have to get your wife on board.  No need for her to cook a lot of food for you.

Cut out all high carb foods including the following:
Baked goods
Flour products or things made with flour like pizza.
High carb grains
High carb plant food like potatoes, fruits, certain other veggies.  Check online or the package for carb counts
Processed foods that contain sugars, flour, etc.  No junk.
Alcohol in all forms
Soft drinks
Anything with high net carbs (total carbs - fiber = net carbs)

What you eat:
Meat (no breading)
Fish (no breading)
Cheese (low or no carb which most cheese is, not processed cheese)
Low carb vegetables
Salad (olive oil and vinegar is ok for dressing)
Coconut oil
Sour cream
Heavy cream or half n' half
Olive oil
Chia seeds
Flax seeds
Nuts in small amounts

Low carb = under 100 grams carbs/day.
Keto = 20-50 carbs/day.

Typical meal?  4 eggs fried in butter, meat (bacon, chop, chicken leg quarter), salad or very low carb vegetable, water to drink.
Don't worry about fats.  You need fats. 
Eat two meals a day.  Eat until full.  No between meal eating.
Take a multi-vitamin everyday.

You will find your desire for these high carb foods to go away very soon. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 30, 2021, 05:36:31 PM
Put some effort into it and watch other videos on his site if you need more info.  There are many.

It's really simple.  Healthy eating.  Increase insulin sensitivity. 
You have to get your wife on board.  No need for her to cook a lot of food for you.

Cut out all high carb foods including the following:
Baked goods
Flour products or things made with flour like pizza.
High carb grains
High carb plant food like potatoes, fruits, certain other veggies.  Check online or the package for carb counts
Processed foods that contain sugars, flour, etc.  No junk.
Alcohol in all forms
Soft drinks
Anything with high net carbs (total carbs - fiber = net carbs)

What you eat:
Meat (no breading)
Fish (no breading)
Cheese (low or no carb which most cheese is, not processed cheese)
Low carb vegetables
Salad (olive oil and vinegar is ok for dressing)
Coconut oil
Sour cream
Heavy cream or half n' half
Olive oil
Chia seeds
Flax seeds
Nuts in small amounts

Low carb = under 100 grams carbs/day.
Keto = 20-50 carbs/day.

Typical meal?  4 eggs fried in butter, meat (bacon, chop, chicken leg quarter), salad or very low carb vegetable, water to drink.
Don't worry about fats.  You need fats. 
Eat two meals a day.  Eat until full.  No between meal eating.
Take a multi-vitamin everyday.

You will find your desire for these high carb foods to go away very soon.

Sounds really radical.  Also sounds really high in fats. Have you adhered to this diet strictly?  How did you feel?  Many a bodybuilder have used high protein, high fat and low carb diets.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 30, 2021, 05:58:19 PM
I was going to start a volume training week but life gets in the way. Didn't want to do what for me would be an  experimental workout with an early morning workout before work.  I did one of my usual workouts. I make a moderate weight heavy through controlling rep speed and the range of motion.  For example on deadlifts I do a relatively slow negative. Most people I see in the gym completely discard the negative on deadlifts.

M.A.G pull down 2 x 10 140lbs ( no lean back and I touch the top of my chest each rep. I could use a lot more weight if I used the lean back and heave method stopping the movement six inches from the top of my chest.)
Seated lat pulley rows 2 x 12 170lbs (All the way out and back)
Single arm dumbbell rows with knee on bench 2 x 10 80lbs ( Dead hang and all the way up. Slow controlled reps)
Reverse grip pulldowns 2 x 10

Flat dumbbell bench 2 x 8 70lbs (With my bad shoulder I found that I can make a light weight heavy by doing a full range of motion and slow reps. If I stopped when my upper arms were parallel to the ground as in half reps as is the universal custom in gyms today I could use a lot more weight rather than going for the stretch.)
Decline dumbbell bench 2 x 8 65lbs
Weighted dips 2 x 10
Push ups 2 x max ( regular and one set with perfect push up handles.)

Deadlifts 2 x 4 315lbs (Slow negatives) 
Weighted back extensions 2 x 15 25lbs plate behind the head 

Ab wheel roll outs 2 x 22
Pulley crunches 1 x 40 I keep changing the weight I use with this. Sometimes a lighter weight feels more intense.  Maybe a more complete range of  movement. The true ab contraction is very short.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 30, 2021, 06:01:03 PM
I've felt good on it.

Let's see...for the past year you've been eating like a pig, drinking like a fish, and getting fat, and you're concerned about what I'm eating!

Asshole, you recommended a diet and I simply asked if you use it.  I don't drink like a fish and I'm very far from fat. I'm in good shape.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on March 30, 2021, 06:01:11 PM
Sounds really radical.  Also sounds really high in fats. Have you adhered to this diet strictly?  How did you feel?  Many a bodybuilder have used high protein, high fat and low carb diets.

I'd respond but why bother.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on March 30, 2021, 06:08:05 PM
Asshole, you recommended a diet and I simply asked if you use it.  I don't drink like a fish and I'm very far from fat. I'm in good shape.

You do drink like a fish and you are fat.

You are always posting about how much you drink.

You are 5'8" or so and you weigh 190-200 lbs.  That's fat.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 01, 2021, 04:19:05 PM
You do drink like a fish and you are fat.

You are always posting about how much you drink.

You are 5'8" or so and you weigh 190-200 lbs.  That's fat.

I'm in very good shape by any measurement. Bet I'm leaner than you jerk off.  I drink twice a week. Sometimes three times. Yes, there are social drinkers. You have always been a very hostile strange guy.  I ignored your insults and taunts but no more.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on April 01, 2021, 04:28:39 PM
I'm in very good shape by any measurement. Bet I'm leaner than you jerk off.  I drink twice a week. Sometimes three times. Yes, there are social drinkers. You have always been a very hostile strange guy.  I ignored your insults and taunts but no more.

Unless you come to terms with your problems you can't be cured.

It's too bad you are so insecure about yourself.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 01, 2021, 04:36:26 PM
Leg day:

Leg press 2 x 12 four plates a side (Complete leg bend with a low back board.)
Squat machine 2 x 10 two plates a side (Squat to complete depth.  I couldn't go lower)
Dumbbell squats 1 x 12 80lbs (Using straps and squatting till my butt is all the way down)
Stiff dead standing on a block 2 x 6 210lbs ( touched the top of my feet with each rep)
Leg extension 2 x 20
Seated leg curl 2 x 15

Single dumbbell side bend 1 x 15 95lbs
Hanging straight leg raise 2 x 22
Hip ups 1 x 30 (On my back with my leg ups raising my hip up high curling them in)

Standing calf raise 2 x 15 185lbs ( I use three different standing units. The one in my gym I find 180lbs heavy.  One standing unit in my home gym I find 325lbs feels about the same as the 180lbs in the gym unit. The third unit I'm using now 185lbs is my weight. Different units have different leverage points.  Mentioning weight is useless. It all depends on range of motion and rep cadence. For example doing shallow with leg presses you could put 1000lbs pound on the thing and it wouldn't be as hard as half the weight with a low back board and really bending your legs. One more example are shoulder presses and pec presses where you do have the rep as is the custom in today's gyms. You can grab the giant dumbbells for shoulder presses if your upper arm never goes deeper than parallel to the ground.   

Seated calf raise 2 x 15 95lbs
tibialis work 1 x 20

Neck work: one set per side. I have a four way neck unit machine coming. No more weight helmet soon. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 02, 2021, 09:51:20 AM
Delt and arms: Used a warm set if needed.

Military press 2 x 8  ( touched the clavicle area each rep with the bar. Cleaned the weight to start. Stood upright so it wasn't a standing  incline press)
Dumbbell lateral raise 2 x 12
Rear dumbbell laterals 2 x 11
Face pulls 2 x 12  (tried to rotate out to external rotation at the end of the rep)
Barbell shrugs 2 x 12

Rope tricep 1 x 20 and the next set 1 x 15 (Used the same weight. Trying some high reps for a change)
Decline dumbbell tricep extensions 2 x 10
Single dumbbell one arm tricep extensions 2 x 15

Alternate dumbbell curl 2 x 8
Drag barbell curls 2 x 12
Concentration curls 2 x 12 (One set standing and one sitting)

Wrist curls 2 x 25
Wrist extensions 2 x 20

Weighted crunches 1 x 60
Pulley crunches 1 x 45
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on April 02, 2021, 02:48:25 PM
Leg day:

Leg press 2 x 12 four plates a side (Complete leg bend with a low back board.)
Squat machine 2 x 10 two plates a side (Squat to complete depth.  I couldn't go lower)
Dumbbell squats 1 x 12 80lbs (Using straps and squatting till my butt is all the way down)
Stiff dead standing on a block 2 x 6 210lbs ( touched the top of my feet with each rep)
Leg extension 2 x 20
Seated leg curl 2 x 15

Single dumbbell side bend 1 x 15 95lbs
Hanging straight leg raise 2 x 22
Hip ups 1 x 30 (On my back with my leg ups raising my hip up high curling them in)

Standing calf raise 2 x 15 185lbs ( I use three different standing units. The one in my gym I find 180lbs heavy.  One standing unit in my home gym I find 325lbs feels about the same as the 180lbs in the gym unit. The third unit I'm using now 185lbs is my weight. Different units have different leverage points.  Mentioning weight is useless. It all depends on range of motion and rep cadence. For example doing shallow with leg presses you could put 1000lbs pound on the thing and it wouldn't be as hard as half the weight with a low back board and really bending your legs. One more example are shoulder presses and pec presses where you do have the rep as is the custom in today's gyms. You can grab the giant dumbbells for shoulder presses if your upper arm never goes deeper than parallel to the ground.   

Seated calf raise 2 x 15 95lbs
tibialis work 1 x 20

Neck work: one set per side. I have a four way neck unit machine coming. No more weight helmet soon.

I strongly recommend you keep the resistance light at first and build up slowly on the 4-way neck machine. Otherwise, I used it at the gym and felt like it was a good movement. The only downside was that my neck size didn't match my shirt size  17 1/2" - 34". The waist and torso length made dress shirts look like oversize night shirts.  :)
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 05, 2021, 04:31:06 PM
Back and chest today. Always do my deads near the end of the workout. I'm warmed up and prefatigued.  It makes it hard with a light weight. If I did it in the beginning I would use a lot more weight and at an increased risk for injury. 

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 06, 2021, 03:41:51 PM
Ran a little over 2 miles. Hit the bag for two rounds.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 07, 2021, 11:24:46 AM
Leg day this Wednesday.  My four way neck machine arrived.  Bet it's going to be fun to assemble.   ;D  Completely spent. The first four exercises drain my gas tank.  It's leg press, machine squats, dumbbell squats then stiff dead.  Of course other exercises follow but it's that first four that drains me.  I know I have a decent gas tank.

 Booked a trip for Vegas.  Just found out masks are required outside the pool.  That is going to be a weird tan.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: monsterman500 on April 08, 2021, 09:27:32 AM
You do drink like a fish and you are fat.

You are always posting about how much you drink.

You are 5'8" or so and you weigh 190-200 lbs.  That's fat.
Guy definitely has an alcohol problem. But steroids are taboo  ::) I think he´s drunk most of the time on here
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on April 08, 2021, 10:06:10 AM
OT is a good man but he doesn't listen to advices.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 09, 2021, 07:42:18 AM
Guy definitely has an alcohol problem. But steroids are taboo  ::) I think he´s drunk most of the time on here

You think a guy that drinks three times a week has an alcohol problem?  Then over half of the population have an alcohol problem.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 09, 2021, 11:56:21 AM
Delt and arm day: 

Military press 2 x 8 115 lbs to 135lbs (cleaned the weight off the floor first and tried to stay upright so it's not a standing incline press. All the way down to the clavicle area)
Dumbbell delt laterals 2 x 12 25lbs (slow and all the way up)
Dumbbell rear delt laterals 2 x 11 35lbs
Face pulls 2 x 12 85lbs (I externally rotate my hands upon completion)
Barbell shrugs 2 x 12 255lbs ( I try to go slow with these in the positive and negative. So many guys load up the weight of a Buick and then do these nerve crunching jerks of their shoulders as they compress their vertebrae)

Traditional tricep push downs 2 x 10
Single dumbbell two hands dumbbell behind the head extensions 2 x 12
Decline tricep extensions using two dumbbells 2 x 10
Single dumbbell one hand tricep extensions 1 x 15

Alternate dumbbell curls 2 x 8 45lbs.
Drag barbell curls 2 x 10
Concentration curls 2 x 12

Wrist curls 2 x 25
Wrist extensions 2 x 15

Weighted crunches 1 x 60
Pulley crunches 1 x 35 (I vary the weight on these. Sometimes I use a lighter weight to rep out. Sometimes a heavier weight)

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on April 10, 2021, 04:40:42 AM
You think a guy that drinks three times a week has an alcohol problem?  Then over half of the population have an alcohol problem.

Depends on how much you drink.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 10, 2021, 07:37:13 AM
Depends on how much you drink.

What is your view of what an adult who enjoys having a drink is too much? There isn't a social drinker that doesn't have one too many at some point.  I find people that don't drink or rarely drink think that anyone that comes out of a liquor store or has a drink at home to be a drunk.  I have a brother in law like that. Refused to have a drink pool side or on family gatherings for a holiday for many decades. Said anyone that has a drink every week has a problem. He retired and now drinks a couple of glasses of wine a night. Runs five miles a day too. 

15 drinks or more per week is deemed to be excessive or heavy drinking for men. A standard drink, as defined by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), is equivalent to: 12 fl oz beer, wine glass or a shot of hard liquor.
This is one definition. According to that one I'm not a heavy drinker but I will say this. The calories and carbs are off the chart with beer. One beer is 150 calories. It does add up monthly. A pound of fat is often stated as 3500 calories. A person can add up soda, beer or any other indulgence to see how much weight they can lose using the 3500 standard. I only drink water and a couple of nights a week an adult beverage. Often these low carb diets people think have magical properties in losing weight are due to lower calorie consumption when the actual calorie count is discovered.  Also by restricting carb you it can act as a diuretic losing water weight.

Yes, I don't take advice from you.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: monsterman500 on April 10, 2021, 08:21:26 AM
What is your view of what an adult who enjoys having a drink is too much? There isn't a social drinker that doesn't have one too many at some point.  I find people that don't drink or rarely drink think that anyone that comes out of a liquor store or has a drink at home to be a drunk.  I have a brother in law like that. Refused to have a drink pool side or on family gatherings for a holiday for many decades. Said anyone that has a drink every week has a problem. He retired and now drinks a couple of glasses of wine a night. Runs five miles a day too. 

15 drinks or more per week is deemed to be excessive or heavy drinking for men. A standard drink, as defined by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), is equivalent to: 12 fl oz beer, wine glass or a shot of hard liquor.
This is one definition. According to that one I'm not a heavy drinker but I will say this. The calories and carbs are off the chart with beer. One beer is 150 calories. It does add up monthly. A pound of fat is often stated as 3500 calories. A person can add up soda, beer or any other indulgence to see how much weight they can lose using the 3500 standard. I only drink water and a couple of nights a week an adult beverage. Often these low carb diets people think have magical properties in losing weight are due to lower calorie consumption when the actual calorie count is discovered.  Also by restricting carb you it can act as a diuretic losing water weight.

Yes, I don't take advice from you.

self denial is the first sign of hiding a problem.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 10, 2021, 04:11:23 PM
Ran two miles and a quarter mile on a trail by my house. Ran it in the 9 minute something range. I didn't light the world on fire with the pace. A little over 6 MPH for you treadmill guys wondering what a little over 9 minute pace means. 

Had a good week. Three hard lifting days and if I run tomorrow it will be three running days.  Tomorrow will be boxing drills  and it will be two times for that this week. On Monday I hope to do a big push for summer. I like to peak in condition for July every year. Hitting Vegas in May too. Hope it's fun. The gym is better than most Vegas Casino gyms.  Caesars has 7 pools I believe four of them are reserved for high rollers.   
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on April 10, 2021, 04:26:03 PM
What is your view of what an adult who enjoys having a drink is too much? There isn't a social drinker that doesn't have one too many at some point.  I find people that don't drink or rarely drink think that anyone that comes out of a liquor store or has a drink at home to be a drunk.  I have a brother in law like that. Refused to have a drink pool side or on family gatherings for a holiday for many decades. Said anyone that has a drink every week has a problem. He retired and now drinks a couple of glasses of wine a night. Runs five miles a day too. 

15 drinks or more per week is deemed to be excessive or heavy drinking for men. A standard drink, as defined by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), is equivalent to: 12 fl oz beer, wine glass or a shot of hard liquor.
This is one definition. According to that one I'm not a heavy drinker but I will say this. The calories and carbs are off the chart with beer. One beer is 150 calories. It does add up monthly. A pound of fat is often stated as 3500 calories. A person can add up soda, beer or any other indulgence to see how much weight they can lose using the 3500 standard. I only drink water and a couple of nights a week an adult beverage. Often these low carb diets people think have magical properties in losing weight are due to lower calorie consumption when the actual calorie count is discovered.  Also by restricting carb you it can act as a diuretic losing water weight.

Yes, I don't take advice from you.

My wife was a teetotaler. Compared to her, anyone who had more than a couple of drinks was questionable. My stepdad was the same way. Growing up, there was rarely any alcohol in the house. At least my wife was tolerant. My stepdad was not. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on April 10, 2021, 04:31:55 PM
self denial is the first sign of hiding a problem.

Is admitting to having a few beers every so often and maybe an occasional cocktail denial? I don't see it. I read where Audrey Hepburn had 'two fingers' of scotch daily by her own admission. Some people drink and some people drink to excess. Others don't drink at all but they are addicted to chocolate or pop or whatever. It is a good idea to not be judgmental of others unless they cause you direct harm.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 10, 2021, 04:33:02 PM
My wife was a teetotaler. Compared to her, anyone who had more than a couple of drinks was questionable. My stepdad was the same way. Growing up, there was rarely any alcohol in the house. At least my wife was tolerant. My stepdad was not.

My mother in law had the same bottle of whiskey in the cupboard for 40 years. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on April 11, 2021, 06:12:06 AM

"Not everyone who drinks daily has a drinking problem. And, not all problem drinkers have to drink every day. You might want to get help if you, or a loved one, hides or lies about drinking, has more than seven drinks a week or more than two drinks in one day, or gets hurt or harms others when drinking."
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: monsterman500 on April 11, 2021, 06:25:14 AM
Ran two miles and a quarter mile on a trail by my house. Ran it in the 9 minute something range. I didn't light the world on fire with the pace. A little over 6 MPH for you treadmill guys wondering what a little over 9 minute pace means. 

Had a good week. Three hard lifting days and if I run tomorrow it will be three running days.  Tomorrow will be boxing drills  and it will be two times for that this week. On Monday I hope to do a big push for summer. I like to peak in condition for July every year. Hitting Vegas in May too. Hope it's fun. The gym is better than most Vegas Casino gyms.  Caesars has 7 pools I believe four of them are reserved for high rollers.
Nah you have no problem  ::) getting into condition for what? your Vegas Binges ?  ???
what a jackass !!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 11, 2021, 02:20:46 PM
Got a new addition to the gym. A four way neck machine. I did two circuits of all sides for about 20 reps to try it out. It worked great.  The weight helmet is going in the garbage. 

I'm staying out of commercial gyms for awhile. The majority of my 45 plus years of training has been in basements, sheds and garages. Don't get me wrong I've worked out in plenty of commercial gyms too.  My job had over 10 gyms in different locations that I used too. Working out was encouraged. Too bad none of those gyms are close to me now. Even though I'm retired I could use them.  The closest one is about 40 minutes away and it's not worth the drive. It looks like a commercial gym and the guy that bought the equipment said he had a 50K budget and that was 20 years ago.

 The past five years the majority of workouts were in a commercial gym. It's fun being with other guys into training even if the majority of the gym are people hanging out talking it seems. During this covid I never missed a planned work out. I know the guys from the gym were really hurting missing their workouts. One hinted that he wanted to workout in my basement but I couldn't put my family at risk. He lived in the worst city in the state for covid stats. I think I will just stay a basement trainer for now.  I got everything I need for a great workout. I'm self motivated. The quality of the workout doesn't decrease because I'm at home. a 45lbs is a 45lbs plate.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on April 11, 2021, 04:54:02 PM

"Not everyone who drinks daily has a drinking problem. And, not all problem drinkers have to drink every day. You might want to get help if you, or a loved one, hides or lies about drinking, has more than seven drinks a week or more than two drinks in one day, or gets hurt or harms others when drinking."

Right out of the AA playbook.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on April 11, 2021, 04:59:01 PM
Got a new addition to the gym. A four way neck machine. I did two circuits of all sides for about 20 reps to try it out. It worked great.  The weight helmet is going in the garbage. 

I'm staying out of commercial gyms for awhile. The majority of my 45 plus years of training has been in basements, sheds and garages. Don't get me wrong I've worked out in plenty of commercial gyms too.  My job had over 10 gyms in different locations that I used too. Working out was encouraged. Too bad none of those gyms are close to me now. Even though I'm retired I could use them.  The closest one is about 40 minutes away and it's not worth the drive. It looks like a commercial gym and the guy that bought the equipment said he had a 50K budget and that was 20 years ago.

 The past five years the majority of workouts were in a commercial gym. It's fun being with other guys into training even if the majority of the gym are people hanging out talking it seems. During this covid I never missed a planned work out. I know the guys from the gym were really hurting missing their workouts. One hinted that he wanted to workout in my basement but I couldn't put my family at risk. He lived in the worst city in the state for covid stats. I think I will just stay a basement trainer for now.  I got everything I need for a great workout. I'm self motivated. The quality of the workout doesn't decrease because I'm at home. a 45lbs is a 45lbs plate.

I just noticed from this photo that you have no distractions on the walls of your gym. It does kind of look like a dungeon though. Some bright paint and a few mirrors to check your form while exercising might be useful. Your wife probably wouldn't appreciate it if you posted life-sized photos of hot women in yoga pants on the walls. Am I right?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 11, 2021, 07:51:03 PM
It's a place to train. I'm not concerned with decorations. No carpets, dry wall, warm lighting, or anything else. I like the atmosphere. I have one small mirror by my squat rack. Sometimes when I want to check form use my phone to record the exercise. I was going to put a urinal down there but my wife objected.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on April 11, 2021, 10:03:23 PM
It's a place to train. I'm not concerned with decorations. No carpets, dry wall, warm lighting, or anything else. I like the atmosphere. I have one small mirror by my squat rack. Sometimes when I want to check form use my phone to record the exercise. I was going to put a urinal down there but my wife objected.

Does she go down to the basement much? Do you have some sort of bathroom on that level?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on May 21, 2021, 07:32:14 AM
TO ALL GENTS ON HERE HOPE ALL IS WELL,,,rich i caught up on last few posts here hope all is good as well bbro...i am busy in life 3 kids ,new girlfriend,work ,,,i dont post much at all here i check in still training hard and look my usual condition as well ...
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 07, 2021, 04:17:42 PM
Ran today for one mile. The day before I lifted hard.  It was 95 and very humid. I didn't want to push it. Not a soul on the running path. I was surprised with the time considering I was just jogging above a walk. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 08, 2021, 06:58:26 PM
leg press 2 x 12 ( I use warm up sets as needed. Many times I don't use a warm up at all. For leg press I did two warm up sets prior to the two work sets of 12 reps)
Hack machine 2 x 12
stiff dead 2 x 6
leg extensions 2 x 20
seated leg curls 2 x 15
body weight squats 1 x 55 (slow full descent to a full squat. Great exercise)

dumbbell calf raises 1 x 50 (held the dumbbells at my side. Raised both heels together. No block used.)
No weight knee locked single leg raise 3 x 15 (flat footed off the floor. No block)

I'm developing a different philosophy about calf training for myself. I would never called myself a bodybuilder but I would like to consider myself an aging athlete.  Using standing calf machines, leg press calf and seated calf I found I was injuring my Achilles a lot when I ran. I think it's the over stretching under load with bodybuilding type calf exercises. Here's some bro science but I believe I'm on target. The Achilles tendon more than any other tendon has some stretch in it and some energy return like a rubber band. Too much stretching under load compromises that function.  I found after a calf training session I was very prone to injuring the tendon particularly while sprinting. I think just like a rubber band you can weaken the tendon with too much stretch under load. Everything we have all heard through empirical knowledge of pro bodybuilding was to go for the ultimate stretch.  I don't know about the safety of that anymore if the exercise is used to increase sprinting speed or jumping.

I remember reading about the famous steroid sprinter Ben Johnson's weight routine. For a small guy he was really strong. Three staples in his training was the bench, squat and power clean. He also added a few bodybuilding exercises like curls. He would go over 600lbs in the squat and one time right before the Olympics he was benching with bumper plates not knowing the weight and he did his last set with over 400lbs. Back to calves. His coach eliminated calf exercises in his weight routine. I wonder if it was for the reasons I stated above?

Last exercise of the day was the four way neck machine. 2 sets each direction. Each set was for 25 reps. I noticed the neck is a really responsive muscle. Wondering if it's the blood supply or the magic of high reps. So technically 8 sets for neck. I have always wanted a four way neck machine in my house and I finally got one. The commercial gym I trained at for a few years prior to covid had an old Nautilus four way neck. It was a great machine. I was one of the few members who used it.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on July 09, 2021, 03:45:26 AM
Glad your back posting.

It figures you'd be prone to a calf injury if you ran or did sprints after training calves.

You stressed the achilles tendon with the calf exercises and then put it through even more stress the same day with running. 

Too much stress resulted in the achilles injury.  Too much stress...too little recovery and healing.

As far as Ben Johnson, we don't know what other training he was doing.  Maybe he also did plyometrics which puts a lot of stress on the calves.  Sprinting itself also uses the calves. 

Too much calf work would exhaust his calves and probably make him slower.  I also doubt doing calf raises would be of value to a  sprinter.

Calf raises are a slow movement and sprinting is an explosive movement.  Doing slow movements doesn't make you faster.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 09, 2021, 08:00:57 AM
Glad your back posting.

It figures you'd be prone to a calf injury if you ran or did sprints after training calves.

You stressed the achilles tendon with the calf exercises and then put it through even more stress the same day with running. 

Too much stress resulted in the achilles injury.  Too much stress...too little recovery and healing.

As far as Ben Johnson, we don't know what other training he was doing.  Maybe he also did plyometrics which puts a lot of stress on the calves.  Sprinting itself also uses the calves. 

Too much calf work would exhaust his calves and probably make him slower.  I also doubt doing calf raises would be of value to a  sprinter.

Calf raises are a slow movement and sprinting is an explosive movement.  Doing slow movements doesn't make you faster.

I never ran the same day I  trained calves. Always a day or two after.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on July 09, 2021, 09:00:26 AM
I never ran the same day I  trained calves. Always a day or two after.

I misunderstood your post and thought you meant you went out and sprinted right after training calves.

"I found after a calf training session I was very prone to injuring the tendon particularly while sprinting."

Still, if you hit your calves hard and you haven't recovered yet (even after a day or two) then maybe the chance of injury is greater if you sprint?  Or maybe you didn't warm up enough?

Check out this website.  He has some recommendations about the Achilles tendon.


Achilles Tendon Stretching.  Don't Do It!

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 10, 2021, 07:04:19 PM
I misunderstood your post and thought you meant you went out and sprinted right after training calves.

"I found after a calf training session I was very prone to injuring the tendon particularly while sprinting."

Still, if you hit your calves hard and you haven't recovered yet (even after a day or two) then maybe the chance of injury is greater if you sprint?  Or maybe you didn't warm up enough?

Check out this website.  He has some recommendations about the Achilles tendon.


Achilles Tendon Stretching.  Don't Do It!

I agree that the tendon shouldn't be stretched but it happens during extreme range of motion during weight lifting calf training under load. Just because he calls himself a tendon expert doesn't make it true. The guy who wrote that has a B.A. degree. An Arts degree not even in science and a personal training certificate obtained through the internet that might have taken him two or three weeks. Reading something on google search doesn't make it true. Many easily found articles that show the Achilles tendon  does have elastic energy return. I think I'm right on my explanation why using an extreme range of motion on a calf machine of any kind is a really bad idea for an athlete.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 10, 2021, 07:25:32 PM
Damn I got a ear infection from swimming. Painful and I can't hear out of the ear. At least for now my balance is intact. Doc said it's pretty bad. Haven't had one for 25 plus years. Never know what kind of bacteria could be in the surf.  I hear whales crap in the ocean.

Trained delts and arms:

Standing dumbbell delt press 2 x 10 ( all the way down. I try not to do them seated. I found I would scoot my ass out a bit and turn it into a semi incline press. I see people do this in the gym all the time. Not to say doing a steep incline press isn't good for delts. Add in a half range of motion and they got these huge dumbbells to press. Delusional strength.)

Standing dumbbell delt laterals 2 x 12 ( I lean forward a little. Always make an exercise harder than easier if you want to gain the maximum benefit out of an exercise. Sure you will have to use a less weight but you will receive more benefit.)

Seated bent over dumbbell rear delt laterals 2 x 11
Rope pulls 2 x 12
Barbell shrugs 2 x 11 (I feel these more than dumbbell shrugs but many say the opposite. Can't argue their preference.)

Weighted dips 2 x 8
Single dumbbell two hands tricep extension 2 x 12 (I lean against a scott curl attachment turned around)
Rope tricep 1 x 12
Single dumbbell and single arm tricep extension behind the head 1 x 16 (One elbow is giving me grief. Getting old stinks)

EZ curl 2 x 10
Seated incline dumbbell curl 2 x 12
Single arm dumbbell scott curl 2 x 12

wrist curl 2 x 25
wrist ext 2 x 15

crunches with legs on bench 1 x 50 with a plate behind my head. ( This is one exercise I see trainers giving people who have no clue what they are doing. They all just yank on their head. Of course the movement is to lift your upper body to crunch toward your pelvis.)
Pulley crunches 1 x 55 ( Sometimes I get carried away and use too much weight then I don't feel it in the abs. The connection is greater for me with a lighter weight.)

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 13, 2021, 05:29:52 PM
Back and chest: Broken record training. Woke up at 530A before work and got the work out in.  I find it hard to get loose enough to train in the morning. Going down the stairs are tough.  No warm up sets listed. 

Pulldown with a M.A.G. bar 2 x 10
Seated cable rows with V handle 2 x 12
Dumbbell row with a knee on the bench 2 x 10
Reverse grip pulldown 2 x 10

Flat Dumbbell bench 2 x 8
Decline dumbbell bench 2 x 9
Flat flies 2 x 10 (Stop doing these for awhile to protect my shoulder. Now I think the stretch is beneficial. I don't go for the extreme but just enough by feel. Time will tell.)
Push ups 2 x max (Regular and perfect push ups handles. I like doing some body weight exercises.  I think they are very underrated.)

Deadlifts 2 x 4 ( I haven't been posting in awhile. I was doing power cleans for awhile instead of deads. Last time I did deads prior to today I sprained my calf of all things. Today I felt really strong doing the deads. It actually felt light. My usual 2 sets of 4 reps with 315lbs after working back and chest felt really light. I know I could lift a hell of a lot more putting them in the beginning of the work out but it wouldn't be as safe. I like to be completely warmed up and pre fatigued. It makes a light weight heavy and I think I get more out of the movement. Maybe the break from deads with power cleans did me some good.)

Weighted hyper extensions 2 x 15 (I know today most call them back extensions but I can't get out of the habit of calling them hyper extensions. That was the name in the 70's.

Ab wheel roll outs 2 x 22
Cable ab crunch 1 x 55

Staggered up the stairs and got ready for work. Usually I'm invigorated for work if I work out before. I faded really bad as the day went on.  You guys that aren't in your 60's will know what I'm talking about when you get on in years. So many delusional guys in their 30's and 40's think they will be in excellent shape in their 60's. I'm here to tell you that it's very rare especially if you're not on drugs. Most guys in their 60's look like shit on the beach but look in the mirror with their delusional ego telling them self they look good.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 14, 2021, 10:13:13 AM
Ran a junk mile at a 9 minute pace.  It was 90 degrees and humid. I remember in my 30's and 40's going for 5 -7 miles in this type of heat. More than once I would feel chills and that is a sign of heat exhaustion for me. My wife said I would come in very argumentative until I cooled down.  At my age I know instead of getting some heat exhaustion I could keel over dead. So I only ran one mile. I will pick up the mileage soon. Lifting is my primary exercise activity now but soon I hope to make it an even split or maybe even running dominate for awhile. Did my usual boxing drills after with the heavy bag. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on July 14, 2021, 10:33:50 AM
Really humid today.  Dog days of summer.

The media acts like it never got hot in the past.  All kinds of stories about climate change and doom.

Nonsense.  I'm really sick of all this media bullsh*t.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on July 14, 2021, 11:58:40 AM
Ran a junk mile at a 9 minute pace.  It was 90 degrees and humid. I remember in my 30's and 40's going for 5 -7 miles in this type of heat. More than once I would feel chills and that is a sign of heat exhaustion for me. My wife said I would come in very argumentative until I cooled down.  At my age I know instead of getting some heat exhaustion I could keel over dead. So I only ran one mile. I will pick up the mileage soon. Lifting is my primary exercise activity now but soon I hope to make it an even split or maybe even running dominate for awhile. Did my usual boxing drills after with the heavy bag.

Oregon had over 100 people die as a result of the recent heatwave.....most did not have air-conditioning or some other way to cool down. Physical exertion exacerbates susceptibility to heat stroke. But then, you already know this. Next time swim laps in your pool instead of running in 90° temperatures.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on July 14, 2021, 01:25:28 PM
Oregon had over 100 people die as a result of the recent heatwave.....most did not have air-conditioning or some other way to cool down. Physical exertion exacerbates susceptibility to heat stroke. But then, you already know this. Next time swim laps in your pool instead of running in 90° temperatures.

I stay out of the sun after 10 AM or so.  Any outside activities I finish by then.  Usually do things 7:30-10AM.

Heat index has been around 100 degrees or more lately at peak.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 15, 2021, 07:44:21 AM
I stay out of the sun after 10 AM or so.  Any outside activities I finish by then.  Usually do things 7:30-10AM.

Heat index has been around 100 degrees or more lately at peak.

 I love the heat and the sun.  Just at our age it can be dangerous to work out in this humid weather.  After I hit legs today I will clean the pool and float in the sun for a couple of hours.  Maybe it's my Hispanic blood but I love the heat.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on July 15, 2021, 08:33:08 AM
I love the heat and the sun.  Just at our age it can be dangerous to work out in this humid weather.  After I hit legs today I will clean the pool and float in the sun for a couple of hours.  Maybe it's my Hispanic blood but I love the heat.

I avoid the sun at peak times because of skin cancer.

Haven't had it yet but my father had it.  Do not want.

Plus it ages your skin and makes you all wrinkled and leathery.

Check out the older women and men who are sun-worshippers.  They look bad and their skin is like leather.

Being Hispanic though you may have resistance to it.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 15, 2021, 12:06:05 PM
I avoid the sun at peak times because of skin cancer.

Haven't had it yet but my father had it.  Do not want.

Plus it ages your skin and makes you all wrinkled and leathery.

Check out the older women and men who are sun-worshippers.  They look bad and their skin is like leather.

Being Hispanic though you may have resistance to it.

I think I do because I have great skin. I do know what you are talking about with the leather old ladies at the beach.  They look like old catcher's mitts.  Fair skinned people should avoid the sun. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 15, 2021, 12:49:29 PM
Leg day:  Felt worn out and think it was from being in the pool in the hot sun for hours yesterday.

Leg press 2 x 12 ( Every brand of leg press machine I try has a different feel from the angles. I have a home unit from Serious Steel. I think they are out of business.  It just hits the leg right and it's great for full leg presses. I know the current method is to load up with million plates with a high back board and to barely bend your legs. I just can't believe that's a good thing for development or your joints.

Hack squat 2 x 12 ( I have to admit I'm weak on these or is it my angles of my unit?)  I rarely do hacks but I'm using them again. I stopped using them when I felt my back being compressed. It was a weird sensation but I haven't felt that again. I will ride this out until they give me aggravation again.)

Stiff deads off a block 2 x 6 ( I go for the full stretch. I do round my back somewhat but I have been doing it like that for decades. Always felt it was an excellent supplement to conventional deadlifts.)

Body weight squats 1 x 55 ( really deep and a controlled decent.  I don't flop down like cross fitters trying to beat the clock)

leg extensions 2 x 20
Standing leg curls 2 x 12 ( I use monkey feet standing on a block holding a machine for balance. If you consider buying monkey feet know most running shoes won't fit in the heel section. I actually take off my lifting shoes and I have an old pair of dress shoes that fit in the contraption. I think most will be really pissed when they can't get their athletic shoe into the new fangled boot.  Maybe Chuck Conners will work?)

Single dumbbell side bend 1 x 15 ( I know so many are against this exercise but I have to ask why?  I know someone will google a youtube.  No doubt about it that it hits the side ab muscle. Some will dispute this but grab a 100lbs dumbbell and do reps for each side. Tell me what's sore the day after.)

Hanging straight leg raise 1 x 25 (I really try to round my hips on the up stroke. Am I getting ab involvement or just hip flexors? What ever is true it's a hard exercise.  It also decompresses the back.)

Hip up 1 x 30 (Lay on the floor. Now pick up your legs till they are perpendicular to the floor. Thrust your hips toward the ceiling.)

Two legs calves with two dumbbells 1 x 50 (I am new to this exercise. I use two 25lbs dumbbells.  No block. I rise with both heels in a somewhat controlled positive stroke. After 40 reps my calves were burning. I have three calf machines. Staying away from them for awhile. Having a lot of tendon aggravation when I run the day after calf work. I think it comes from the stretch under load with calf machines.

Single leg no weight with knee locked. 3 x 15 ( I don't use a block. I use my finger tips for balance against a pole. If you keep your knee locked you might be surprised these aren't as easy as it sounds.)

Four way neck machine 2 sets of 25 per side. (My fastest growing body part is my neck. I'm wondering if high reps are the reason. I know most would say some body parts respond best to high reps but I was wondering if I could apply this to all body parts as an experiment.  I know one rep maxes would suffer but are one rep maxes important? Listening to this guy Ryan Humiston on youtube.  I don't want to put words in his mouth but it seems his methodology in general is to do 4 sets with just about no rest between sets. The first could be 20-25 reps. The second after a very short rest might be 17. The third 13 and the fourth maybe 9.  Of course I made up the rep count. Only using it to get the drift of his methodology. He also likes to shock a body part. He does stuff like 100 reps for a deep squat with the bar only.  If you go seriously deep this is really hard.  Just nice to hear someone with a different point of view from the normal 6 to 10 reps and always try to get stronger protocol. You can take your lifting career a lot further trying to improve muscular endurance and please don't confuse the term muscular endurance with cardio.

I've heard a few that lift like this. One guy I know said he was always working his leg with 10 to 12 reps in the big exercises like squats and leg press. One time he started to do set of 25-35 reps and it was torture but his legs started growing. He said he was just pushing so much blood into his legs they started to respond really well and  it was the toughest workouts he ever had. He said the heavy weights with 10 reps were actually an easier workout.

I noticed this in the gym too. A personal trainer who was a young man use to shock me with his "light" weights.  An example was squats with 135 and deadlifts with 135. He took very little rest between sets and pushed the rep count. He really looked ripped. No, he wasn't big but his 170lbs ripped body must turn heads on the beach. 

Some pros use what would be considered light weights. Chris Dickerson was using 160lbs for seated cable lat rows.  Steve Davis did T bar rows with 105lbs.  I heard of a guy that trained with him.  He said he use six quick sets of t bars with little rest in between. The first set was light but by the sixth set it felt heavy.

Am I pushing light weights? No, but pointing out there are ways to make great progress making a light weight heavy.  Weight is relative.  I bet for most of us if we tried 6 sets of 10 reps with 135lbs in the power clean and jerk most wouldn't be able to do it with short rests between sets. Most would say 135lbs is a light weight until you try to do 6 sets of 10 with it. Then it's a very heavy weight.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on July 15, 2021, 02:19:43 PM
I stay out of the sun after 10 AM or so.  Any outside activities I finish by then.  Usually do things 7:30-10AM.

Heat index has been around 100 degrees or more lately at peak.

Here the weather has returned to normal, more or less, around 80° F and sunny with about 30% humity at the hottest time of the day which is usually around 5:00 PM. It is 2:15 PM now and the temperature is 73° and sunny. I don't worry much about the sun because I almost never get a sunburn...just a tan. It stays light until around 9:00 PM. Usually, I work in the garden in the evening. -Never was much of a morning person. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 15, 2021, 04:23:17 PM
Here the weather has returned to normal, more or less, around 80° F and sunny with about 30% humity at the hottest time of the day which is usually around 5:00 PM. It is 2:15 PM now and the temperature is 73° and sunny. I don't worry much about the sun because I almost never get a sunburn...just a tan. It stays light until around 9:00 PM. Usually, I work in the garden in the evening. -Never was much of a morning person.

In Jersey it's two more days of heat and humidity.  90 degrees with no humidity is very different from 90 and high humidity.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on July 15, 2021, 04:32:19 PM
In Jersey it's two more days of heat and humidity.  90 degrees with no humidity is very different from 90 and high humidity.

Don't I know it. The last time I was in DC I went out for a walk between meetings. It wasn't particularly hot out, maybe high 70's but it was so humid, I was completely drenched after walking a couple of blocks. And normally, I am not a big sweater. Do you think people ever get used to it? Over my lifetime, I have lived where it is humid, where it is dry (Southern California) and where the weather is normally very mild.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: AbrahamG on July 15, 2021, 05:05:24 PM
Leg day:  Felt worn out and think it was from being in the pool in the hot sun for hours yesterday.

Leg press 2 x 12 ( Every brand of leg press machine I try has a different feel from the angles. I have a home unit from Serious Steel. I think they are out of business.  It just hits the leg right and it's great for full leg presses. I know the current method is to load up with million plates with a high back board and to barely bend your legs. I just can't believe that's a good thing for development or your joints.

Hack squat 2 x 12 ( I have to admit I'm weak on these or is it my angles of my unit?)  I rarely do hacks but I'm using them again. I stopped using them when I felt my back being compressed. It was a weird sensation but I haven't felt that again. I will ride this out until they give me aggravation again.)

Stiff deads off a block 2 x 6 ( I go for the full stretch. I do round my back somewhat but I have been doing it like that for decades. Always felt it was an excellent supplement to conventional deadlifts.)

Body weight squats 1 x 55 ( really deep and a controlled decent.  I don't flop down like cross fitters trying to beat the clock)

leg extensions 2 x 20
Standing leg curls 2 x 12 ( I use monkey feet standing on a block holding a machine for balance. If you consider buying monkey feet know most running shoes won't fit in the heel section. I actually take off my lifting shoes and I have an old pair of dress shoes that fit in the contraption. I think most will be really pissed when they can't get their athletic shoe into the new fangled boot.  Maybe Chuck Conners will work?)

Single dumbbell side bend 1 x 15 ( I know so many are against this exercise but I have to ask why?  I know someone will google a youtube.  No doubt about it that it hits the side ab muscle. Some will dispute this but grab a 100lbs dumbbell and do reps for each side. Tell me what's sore the day after.)

Hanging straight leg raise 1 x 25 (I really try to round my hips on the up stroke. Am I getting ab involvement or just hip flexors? What ever is true it's a hard exercise.  It also decompresses the back.)

Hip up 1 x 30 (Lay on the floor. Now pick up your legs till they are perpendicular to the floor. Thrust your hips toward the ceiling.)

Two legs calves with two dumbbells 1 x 50 (I am new to this exercise. I use two 25lbs dumbbells.  No block. I rise with both heels in a somewhat controlled positive stroke. After 40 reps my calves were burning. I have three calf machines. Staying away from them for awhile. Having a lot of tendon aggravation when I run the day after calf work. I think it comes from the stretch under load with calf machines.

Single leg no weight with knee locked. 3 x 15 ( I don't use a block. I use my finger tips for balance against a pole. If you keep your knee locked you might be surprised these aren't as easy as it sounds.)

Four way neck machine 2 sets of 25 per side. (My fastest growing body part is my neck. I'm wondering if high reps are the reason. I know most would say some body parts respond best to high reps but I was wondering if I could apply this to all body parts as an experiment.  I know one rep maxes would suffer but are one rep maxes important? Listening to this guy Ryan Humiston on youtube.  I don't want to put words in his mouth but it seems his methodology in general is to do 4 sets with just about no rest between sets. The first could be 20-25 reps. The second after a very short rest might be 17. The third 13 and the fourth maybe 9.  Of course I made up the rep count. Only using it to get the drift of his methodology. He also likes to shock a body part. He does stuff like 100 reps for a deep squat with the bar only.  If you go seriously deep this is really hard.  Just nice to hear someone with a different point of view from the normal 6 to 10 reps and always try to get stronger protocol. You can take your lifting career a lot further trying to improve muscular endurance and please don't confuse the term muscular endurance with cardio.

I've heard a few that lift like this. One guy I know said he was always working his leg with 10 to 12 reps in the big exercises like squats and leg press. One time he started to do set of 25-35 reps and it was torture but his legs started growing. He said he was just pushing so much blood into his legs they started to respond really well and  it was the toughest workouts he ever had. He said the heavy weights with 10 reps were actually an easier workout.

I noticed this in the gym too. A personal trainer who was a young man use to shock me with his "light" weights.  An example was squats with 135 and deadlifts with 135. He took very little rest between sets and pushed the rep count. He really looked ripped. No, he wasn't big but his 170lbs ripped body must turn heads on the beach. 

Some pros use what would be considered light weights. Chris Dickerson was using 160lbs for seated cable lat rows.  Steve Davis did T bar rows with 105lbs.  I heard of a guy that trained with him.  He said he use six quick sets of t bars with little rest in between. The first set was light but by the sixth set it felt heavy.

Am I pushing light weights? No, but pointing out there are ways to make great progress making a light weight heavy.  Weight is relative.  I bet for most of us if we tried 6 sets of 10 reps with 135lbs in the power clean and jerk most wouldn't be able to do it with short rests between sets. Most would say 135lbs is a light weight until you try to do 6 sets of 10 with it. Then it's a very heavy weight.

The hack squat is my favorite leg exercise.  When my local Powerhouse closed in 2008 the next series of gyms I joined did not have one.  About 6 weeks ago I bought a membership at Crunch Fitness solely because they have a hack squat.  4 plates per side is as heavy as I was using back in 2008 at age 35.  It took me 4 workouts with hacks and I'm back to 4 plates per side at nearly 48 years of age.  God, they feel great.  My quad sweep is returning and I get zero pain in my back or knees using this machine.  I'll never use more than 4 plates, but each week I'll see about adding a rep until I can't.  Never again will I go without this exercise. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on July 15, 2021, 05:11:22 PM
The hack squat is my favorite leg exercise.  When my local Powerhouse closed in 2008 the next series of gyms I joined did not have one.  About 6 weeks ago I bought a membership at Crunch Fitness solely because they have a hack squat.  4 plates per side is as heavy as I was using back in 2008 at age 35.  It took me 4 workouts with hacks and I'm back to 4 plates per side at nearly 48 years of age.  God, they feel great.  My quad sweep is returning and I get zero pain in my back or knees using this machine.  I'll never use more than 4 plates, but each week I'll see about adding a rep until I can't.  Never again will I go without this exercise.

Have you ever tried reverse hack squats?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 15, 2021, 05:33:22 PM
The hack squat is my favorite leg exercise.  When my local Powerhouse closed in 2008 the next series of gyms I joined did not have one.  About 6 weeks ago I bought a membership at Crunch Fitness solely because they have a hack squat.  4 plates per side is as heavy as I was using back in 2008 at age 35.  It took me 4 workouts with hacks and I'm back to 4 plates per side at nearly 48 years of age.  God, they feel great.  My quad sweep is returning and I get zero pain in my back or knees using this machine.  I'll never use more than 4 plates, but each week I'll see about adding a rep until I can't.  Never again will I go without this exercise.

Four plates a side is really impressive. It would either  break my back or I would be stuck in the full squat position. Do you go deep with these?  I seriously have no strength with hacks. I go to full depth. Again, really impressive using four plates.

For about a month or two I was using a squat machine in gym and it felt great for the most part but I started having tweaks in the groin area so I substituted the traditional hack machine.  So far no problems with it but I'm not using the crazy weight you are.  I wonder if it's the configuration of my hack that limits the weight or maybe I'm just weak with the movement?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: AbrahamG on July 15, 2021, 06:18:09 PM
Four plates a side is really impressive. It would either  break my back or I would be stuck in the full squat position. Do you go deep with these?  I seriously have no strength with hacks. I go to full depth. Again, really impressive using four plates.

For about a month or two I was using a squat machine in gym and it felt great for the most part but I started having tweaks in the groin area so I substituted the traditional hack machine.  So far no problems with it but I'm not using the crazy weight you are.  I wonder if it's the configuration of my hack that limits the weight or maybe I'm just weak with the movement?

Yeah, I actually touch the bottom.  When I was in my early 20's and at my strongest, I did 6 plates per side for 5-6 reps.  It was heavy though.  I do them 1st after warming up with leg extensions.  Then I move on to leg presses.  I'm only using 5 plates per side for leg presses but I'm doing 10-12 reps.  I feel like I've gotten weaker on those.  I'm also thinking that maybe I should give up leg presses as they seem to have more potential for me to tweak my back. 

@Prime - No, I've never done them.  I've thought about it and I've even tried it without any weights just to get a feel and it just felt too awkward to me.  Maybe I should give them another go.  What are your thoughts on reverse hacks?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 16, 2021, 02:42:19 AM
Yeah, I actually touch the bottom.  When I was in my early 20's and at my strongest, I did 6 plates per side for 5-6 reps.  It was heavy though.  I do them 1st after warming up with leg extensions.  Then I move on to leg presses.  I'm only using 5 plates per side for leg presses but I'm doing 10-12 reps.  I feel like I've gotten weaker on those.  I'm also thinking that maybe I should give up leg presses as they seem to have more potential for me to tweak my back. 

@Prime - No, I've never done them.  I've thought about it and I've even tried it without any weights just to get a feel and it just felt too awkward to me.  Maybe I should give them another go.  What are your thoughts on reverse hacks?

Even more impressive done prefatigued with leg extensions. I'm going to try to increase the weight used but I have no delusion that  I could use even use three plates a side. It's a great movement. My quads the day after are sore.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 17, 2021, 03:03:17 PM
Delt and arms:

Dumbbell delt press 2 x 10 ( started with the military with the barbell but my shoulder hurt. Dropped it immediately.)
Dumbbell delt lateral 2 x 10
Dumbbell rear delt lateral 2 x 11
Face pulls 2 x 12
Barbell shrugs 2 x 10

Single dumbbell two arm tricep extension leaning against a reverse scott bench 2 x 12
Traditional tricep pushdowns 2 x 10 (elbow hurt on one arm. Going to make some changes.)
Reverse grip single arm tricep extension with a pulley 2 x 12

Alternate dumbbell curls 2 x 8
Drag barbell curls 2 x 12
Concentration curls 2 x 12

wrist curls 2 x 25
wrist extensions 2 x 15

Weighted crunches 1 x 55
Pulley crunches 1 x 55

After I ran for a 1.5 mile. It was around 95 and humid. Shocked how slow I ran this but the heat and the weight work out slowed me. Came home and my wife was talking to me a million miles an hour like I just walked across the living room instead of worked out to the edge of death.  ;D  She wanted to know what was wrong as I drenched the kitchen floor with sweat. I wonder if she gets it?

  A guy told me about his friend  that runs 10 plus miles every day and lifts weights. Looking at his pictures he looks like a real athlete being ripped and trim. He told me his wife said, "I'm glad Jack gets a little exercise every day."  That could be my wife so I can relate.

 Jumped in the pool after and that seemed to get my temperature down and my coherency. I was in the pool for about two hours. Got out and cooked amazing T bones from the butcher.  Super market steaks are garbage. It's a shame  that the butcher charges so much but you  have to treat yourself sometimes.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 20, 2021, 01:35:23 PM
I did a whole body routine before work.  Hard to get out of bed at 5AM to lift at this age.  Anyone that says a whole body routine is a beginner routine is just ignorant.  It’s the hardest way to train period. 

Power. Cleans 3x3 (having terrible trouble properly racking the weight due to inflexibility.  Might switch out to the snatch.  I don’t need wrist and elbow flexibility for that.)
Dumbbell squats 2x 12
Standing leg curls 2 x 12
Decline dumbbell bench 2 x 9
Pull down 2x10
Seated cable lat pulls 2x12
Dumbbell delt press 2x 10
Dumbbell delt laterals 2 x 12
Tricep push downs 2x10
Barbell drag curls 2x10
Back extensions 2x 15 (plate behind head)
Standing calf 2x15( yes, back to the calf machine)
Ab wheel 1 x25
Four way neck machine 2x a side

Wife is having a four hour operation tomorrow.  Going to take three days off for this and take a week off from work.  Training related.  The beauty of a whole body is that three times a week is optimal but even if you get one day in for the week you are still in the game. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on July 21, 2021, 03:11:35 AM
Hope all turns out well with the wife.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 21, 2021, 06:36:31 PM
Hope all turns out well with the wife.

Thank you for saying that. It was around a 4 hour operation and maybe 2 hours in the recovery room before I could see her. She is in good spirits and she is drugged. Mostly slept while I was in the room. It was a little disturbing seeing her blond hair matted with blood but I guess that's typical post operation in the neck area. The doctor said no complications.  Looking forward to her regaining her health without pain and getting back the use of her arm.

On a side note I was in the hospital for 14 hours. Came home starving. (bodybuilding related)  Got Chinese food and inhaled it.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on July 21, 2021, 08:12:12 PM
Thank you for saying that. It was around a 4 hour operation and maybe 2 hours in the recovery room before I could see her. She is in good spirits and she is drugged. Mostly slept while I was in the room. It was a little disturbing seeing her blond hair matted with blood but I guess that's typical post operation in the neck area. The doctor said no complications.  Looking forward to her regaining her health without pain and getting back the use of her arm.

On a side note I was in the hospital for 14 hours. Came home starving. (bodybuilding related)  Got Chinese food and inhaled it.

Glad to know your wife got through her surgery okay. You'd think they'd clean up her hair so she would freak out the first time she looks in the bathroom mirror. Keep us posted.

Thanks for mentioning Chinese food, I haven't had dinner yet.....some Won Ton soup from the neighborhood Chinese restaurant will hit the spot. Gonna order it right now. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 22, 2021, 11:22:30 AM
Glad to know your wife got through her surgery okay. You'd think they'd clean up her hair so she would freak out the first time she looks in the bathroom mirror. Keep us posted.

Thanks for mentioning Chinese food, I haven't had dinner yet.....some Won Ton soup from the neighborhood Chinese restaurant will hit the spot. Gonna order it right now.

Thanks, Prime.  They had a paper type head cap but I guess it got saturated. No big deal. That will wash out when she can shower in a couple of days.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 23, 2021, 05:10:41 PM
I'm always interested in different training methodologies.  During the Arthur Jones and Mike Mentzer era there was a big shift to low sets and training to failure with heavy weights even though the majority of champs didn't train that way. Recently there seems to be a trend for lack of a better term for muscular endurance training. Not to be compared to cardio. 

There are a couple of different ways to approach it. The biggest and latest component of this is Ryan Humiston. I would highly recommend his you tubes. I heard he has the fastest growing videos regarding bodybuilding on the platform. I will quickly out line the different methodologies. He likes high reps and very short rests between sets.  Some guys using heavy weights and low sets might think this is easy training. Nope, it's as hard as it gets. It's like a 100 meter runner running with a 10K runners for a quarter mile saying they are not running that fast. Try running a 10K at that speed and get back to me. Ryan also likes super sets, tri sets, giant sets, drop sets and slow reps. What ever is best to fuck you up. 

1. 4x made popular by Holman in Ironman. Basically it's just traditional volume. First set of 10 you might be able to get 16 reps but you get 10 reps. The second set you get 10 reps but you could get 14 if you pushed it. The third you get 10 reps but you could have got 12 reps. The fourth set you get 9 reps and you failed at 9 reps. All four sets are done quickly at maybe 30 seconds between per set.

2. This approached is simple. Four to five sets of high reps. Instead of doing say 4 set of 12 in the leg press you do 4 sets of 25-35 reps plus reps.  Lower weight and a lot more blood pumped that grows  blood pathways. 

3. This method is different.  It's trying to get say 40  to 50 reps.  Say you want to get 40 reps for barbell curls.  You use a light weight and on your first set you get 20 reps at failure. After a short rest you go to your second set.   This time you get 12 reps. The pump is huge.  The third you get 8 reps. The last you get 5 reps. It's basically trying to get a total rep count through sets to failure. You never use a big weight that makes you fail at a low rep count on your first set. Yes, I know that didn't add up to 40 reps.

4. Another method is very traditional. Do five sets of 8 to 12 reps as fast as you can with moderate weights.

Obviously this isn't a method to improve your one rep max.  These methods will improve you muscular endurance and I believe this is the best method to improve muscular size, get you in condition and for definition. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 26, 2021, 10:47:22 AM
I know I'm slacking off keeping up with this journal. I will try to record all training days. Just busy lately.  Today I did 8 x 440 yard (quarter mile) intervals. Walked fast for a quarter mile to warm up and walked a fast quarter mile to end it.  The methodology was to run a quarter mile and walk fast for a quarter mile. Nothing crazy. Just hit a little under 8 minutes mile pace. When I'm out of shape I sweat like crazy doing cardio and I'm drenched in sweat.  I have some work to do. Just bro science but I sweat less the better in shape I am.

My intention was to run and then lift for a Yates type chest and bicep workout. Nope, I got off the treadmill and took a rest and began warming up with light dumbbells for flat dumbbell benches. I grabbed the bigger dumbbells for my one set to failure and just said I'm not up for it. In my best days I had trouble doing doubles and at this age it's foolish to try a hard run and a hard lifting day.  Going to regroup and get back to it tomorrow with a revised plan.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on July 26, 2021, 12:25:05 PM
Keep us informed.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on July 27, 2021, 08:49:09 AM
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 27, 2021, 02:30:44 PM

She is recovering from the surgery.  She sleeps day and night but is getting better. I got her out the other day and she walked for about 4 minutes.  Thanks.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 27, 2021, 02:44:32 PM
Trained back and chest. More of the usual.  Woke up and my gum hurt above a tooth. Thought I had an infection. Dentist said it's no big deal.  Prescribed no medicines and had a fine chick clean my teeth. He said plaque below the gum line can cause gum irritation. Next I'll tell you how I parted my hair on the other side for a mysterious look.  Aren't you glad you are reading this?

My methodology is to make a moderate weight heavy through a full range of motion and smooth moderate speed reps. I don't buy the anything goes as long as you are using a heavy weight. That's when you get guys short stroking a rep for ego and ignoring the negative with fast reps. If you can make a 40lbs dumbbell heavy by doing high reps, slow negatives and moderate speed cadence for your reps and a full range of motion your body will thank you in the future instead of grinding your joints to dust.

Pulldowns 2 x 10
Seated cable rows with a V handle 2 x 12
Dumbbell rows off a bench  2 x 10
Reverse grip pulldowns 2 x 10

Incline dumbbell chest press 2 x 8
Decline dumbbell chest press 2 x 9
Flat flies 2 x 10 ( I dropped these for awhile listening to a physical trainer say how bad they were for the shoulder joint. I don't know. I don't go for the extreme stretch but I think the stretch is helpful. I don't know. I'm always evolving in my training beliefs.)
Push ups 2 x max (I had a little trouble with these. I think I really pushed the flat flies hard and the push ups were getting hard early in the reps.)

Deadlift 2 x 4
Weighted hyper extension 2 x 15

Ab wheel roll outs 2 x 22
Pulley crunches 1 x 55

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 28, 2021, 11:05:30 AM
Cardio day:  8 x 440 yards (quarter mile).  Fastest was in the high 7 minute per mile range.  After I hit the heavy bag for a couple of rounds. Practiced some upper cuts and saw stars from my shoulder. Getting old stinks. I still hit the bag hard. Upper cuts are out.  Jabs, cross, hooks and over hands will have to do.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on July 28, 2021, 11:24:08 AM
Trained back and chest. More of the usual.  Woke up and my gum hurt above a tooth. Thought I had an infection. Dentist said it's no big deal.  Prescribed no medicines and had a fine chick clean my teeth. He said plaque below the gum line can cause gum irritation. Next I'll tell you how I parted my hair on the other side for a mysterious look.  Aren't you glad you are reading this?

My methodology is to make a moderate weight heavy through a full range of motion and smooth moderate speed reps. I don't buy the anything goes as long as you are using a heavy weight. That's when you get guys short stroking a rep for ego and ignoring the negative with fast reps. If you can make a 40lbs dumbbell heavy by doing high reps, slow negatives and moderate speed cadence for your reps and a full range of motion your body will thank you in the future instead of grinding your joints to dust.

Pulldowns 2 x 10
Seated cable rows with a V handle 2 x 12
Dumbbell rows off a bench  2 x 10
Reverse grip pulldowns 2 x 10

Incline dumbbell chest press 2 x 8
Decline dumbbell chest press 2 x 9
Flat flies 2 x 10 ( I dropped these for awhile listening to a physical trainer say how bad they were for the shoulder joint. I don't know. I don't go for the extreme stretch but I think the stretch is helpful. I don't know. I'm always evolving in my training beliefs.)
Push ups 2 x max (I had a little trouble with these. I think I really pushed the flat flies hard and the push ups were getting hard early in the reps.)

Deadlift 2 x 4
Weighted hyper extension 2 x 15

Ab wheel roll outs 2 x 22
Pulley crunches 1 x 55

Pictures or it isn't true.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: AbrahamG on July 28, 2021, 03:24:12 PM
Trained back and chest. More of the usual.  Woke up and my gum hurt above a tooth. Thought I had an infection. Dentist said it's no big deal.  Prescribed no medicines and had a fine chick clean my teeth. He said plaque below the gum line can cause gum irritation. Next I'll tell you how I parted my hair on the other side for a mysterious look.  Aren't you glad you are reading this?

My methodology is to make a moderate weight heavy through a full range of motion and smooth moderate speed reps. I don't buy the anything goes as long as you are using a heavy weight. That's when you get guys short stroking a rep for ego and ignoring the negative with fast reps. If you can make a 40lbs dumbbell heavy by doing high reps, slow negatives and moderate speed cadence for your reps and a full range of motion your body will thank you in the future instead of grinding your joints to dust.

Pulldowns 2 x 10
Seated cable rows with a V handle 2 x 12
Dumbbell rows off a bench  2 x 10
Reverse grip pulldowns 2 x 10

Incline dumbbell chest press 2 x 8
Decline dumbbell chest press 2 x 9
Flat flies 2 x 10 ( I dropped these for awhile listening to a physical trainer say how bad they were for the shoulder joint. I don't know. I don't go for the extreme stretch but I think the stretch is helpful. I don't know. I'm always evolving in my training beliefs.)
Push ups 2 x max (I had a little trouble with these. I think I really pushed the flat flies hard and the push ups were getting hard early in the reps.)

Deadlift 2 x 4
Weighted hyper extension 2 x 15

Ab wheel roll outs 2 x 22
Pulley crunches 1 x 55

No shit though.  I look like half a fag when I part my hair on the right vs the left.  What gives?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 28, 2021, 06:10:09 PM
No shit though.  I look like half a fag when I part my hair on the right vs the left.  What gives?

I only look like a quarter fag when I do that so I can't relate to what you are saying.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: AbrahamG on July 28, 2021, 06:39:46 PM
I only look like a quarter fag when I do that so I can't relate to what you are saying.

Fuck.  I had better butch up before it's too late.   ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 29, 2021, 04:03:13 PM
Leg day:

Leg press 2 x 12
Dumbbell squat 2 x 12
Stiff dead on a block 2x6
leg extension 2 x 20
standing leg curl 2 x 12

Single dumbbell side bend 1 x 15
Hanging straight leg raise 1 x 25
Hip ups off the ground 1 x 30

Standing calf 2 x 15
Seated calf 2 x 15
tibalis work 1 x 15

four way neck machine 2 sets for every side.

Since covid began I started to cut my own hair. Surprisingly I did a good job and each hair cut I got a little better.  I've come to the conclusion that the barbers in my central Jersey town are hacks. No, they don't possess any magical skill.  A matter of fact now that I've been cutting my hair I truly see they  don't put any effort into it.

 Today I fucked up. I went to use the clippers and forgot to put on the spacer.  Cut a really close three inch hole in my head.  Now to fix it I had to do a really tight semi military type cut.  How is this bodybuilding related?  Had my shirt off and I thought I looked tighter in the mirror. Having a good workout week. Last week with my wife's operation I didn't go to work or work out for the week. I really think getting a break from working out did me good. Slept like a tired dog instead of being adrenalized from working out tossing and turning. 

My wife has been holding on to me to walk around but today she got up several times on her own and walked without me. Even took a shower but I had to comb out her hair because she doesn't have the strength yet.  She is on her way.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on July 29, 2021, 08:05:45 PM
I only look like a quarter fag when I do that so I can't relate to what you are saying.

You could go bald like me and then you wouldn't have to worry about which side to part your hair on and whether or not it made you look like one quarter fag.  ;
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 30, 2021, 02:31:24 PM
I had a planned run but decided to rest. Trained four days in a row and I feel a little toasted. Tomorrow is another day.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on July 30, 2021, 03:07:46 PM
I had a planned run but decided to rest. Trained four days in a row and I feel a little toasted. Tomorrow is another day.

Good to see you, brother!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 31, 2021, 07:37:14 AM
Good to see you, brother!

Thanks, Scott.  I'm just a victim of circumstance.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on July 31, 2021, 07:41:07 AM
Thanks, Scott.  I'm just a victim of circumstance.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 31, 2021, 07:54:59 AM
Delt and arms:

Military press, one rep and it hurt. I think this is going to be a discarded exercise. Went to plan B
Dumbbell press 2 x 10
Dumbbell delt lateral 2 x 10
Dumbbell rear delt lateral 2 x 10
Face rear delt pulls 2 x 12
Barbell shrugs 2 x 11

Weighted dips 2 x 8
Single dumbbell two hand seated tricep extensions 2 x 12 (damn elbow is giving me grief.)
Reverse grip single arm tricep extension 2 x 12

Alternate dumbbell curls 2 x 8
Barbell drag curls 2 x 12 (Use to do conventional barbell curls or EZ bar curls primarily.)
Concentration curls 2 x 12

Barbell wrist curls 2 x 25
DART wrist extensions 2 x 20

Weighted crunches 1 x 60
Pulley crunches 1 x 50

Worked out relatively early for a Saturday. Next door is having a birthday party for their one year old. Thought it would be 10-15 people. Looking over their yard they have three giant tents.  Wife told me Elmo is coming. Cars are everywhere. Seems like 50 plus people. Ugh. I hardly know these people. I don't think my wife can go so I have to go it alone.  If someone puts up a youtube of me dancing with Elmo I'm going to be pissed. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 02, 2021, 06:19:39 PM
Ran two miles before work. Around 9 minute miles. Didn't set the world on fire with the speed but I felt it did me good.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 03, 2021, 05:42:30 AM
Chest and arms: No warm ups listed. This reminds me of the workouts I did 20 plus years ago that I had a lot of success with. Naturally the weights used are a lot less. I will see how it goes.

Barbell bench 2 x 6 then 1 x 1 (I used a light weight with my bad shoulders and now a bad elbow. The single rep was just a test with a heavier weight to see if I can still use this exercise.  I discarded the bench many years ago.  When ever I revive this exercise I always regret it.  This time I started super light with slow reps. The single rep was with 200lbs slow mo style. In my 40's I always used 285 to 300lbs so it's sad to use lighter weights.)
Incline barbell bench 2 x6
Decline dumbbell bench 2 x 8
Flat flies 2 x 10

Tricep push downs 2 x 10
Decline dumbbell tricep extension 2 x 12
Rope push downs 2 x 12 (thinking about doing arms with really high reps and low weight to flush it with blood. Might be healthier for the elbows)

Barbell curls 2 x 10
Dumbbell alternate curls 2 x 8
Concentration dumbbell curl 2 x 12

Wrist curls 2 x 20
Wrist extensions 2 x 20

Weighted crunch 1 x 60
Pulley crunch 1 x 50

Now off to work.  I work in an office for my retirement job part time. The small office has four girls working there and they are knock outs. All I hear is guys telling me how lucky I am to work there.  Truth be told they drive me crazy with their liberal democrat pounding ideology but I guess that goes with millennials.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 05, 2021, 11:25:47 AM
Leg day: No warm ups shown.

Leg press 2 x 12
Barbell squats 5 x 8 ( Haven't done barbell squats or a long time. Felt I was going to break something, LOL. Added weight each set. I did bodybuilding type squats. Not an Olympic squat or a power lifting squat. Just did slightly below parallel with mid back bar placement.)
leg extensions 2 x 20
standing leg curls 2 x 12

Dumbbell side bends 1 x 15
Hanging straight leg raise 1 x 26
Hip ups off the floor 1 x 30

Standing calf 2 x 15
Seated calf 2 x 15
tibialis anterior 1 x 20

4 way neck machine 2 sets of 25 reps per side. ( High reps really work amazing with the neck muscles.  I'm beginning to wonder if it would work with the rest of the body for me. I have been reading about successful bodybuilders who use high reps.  It really can be unpleasant to do high reps.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on August 05, 2021, 03:13:22 PM
One way to get unstuck on a leg press is to push on your thighs to get back up.

I got stuck once on a vertical leg press like that so I pushed on the tops of my thighs.

If you train alone better to not go to failure or go so heavy that you get stuck.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on August 05, 2021, 03:57:58 PM
One way to get unstuck on a leg press is to push on your thighs to get back up.

I got stuck once on a vertical leg press like that so I pushed on the tops of my thighs.

If you train alone better to not go to failure or go so heavy that you get stuck.

It's been a very long time since I used the vertical leg press. The angled leg press machines at the gym's I go to now have a built in safety feature that limits how low it will go, which avoids the problem of crushing your chest. At one of the L.A. Fitness gyms I use, they have a couple of horizonal leg press machines which are safer yet. I've always been able to go really heavy on the leg press, much more so than with barbell squats. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 05, 2021, 04:08:27 PM
One way to get unstuck on a leg press is to push on your thighs to get back up.

I got stuck once on a vertical leg press like that so I pushed on the tops of my thighs.

If you train alone better to not go to failure or go so heavy that you get stuck.

My leg press has safety stops set at the proper distance. I can't get trapped. I can't say the same about my squat machine.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on August 06, 2021, 04:00:02 AM
My leg press has safety stops set at the proper distance. I can't get trapped. I can't say the same about my squat machine.

Can you do hacks on your leg press?

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 06, 2021, 05:38:39 AM
Can you do hacks on your leg press?

Yes, not fond of the movement. I do use it from time to time. My squat machine is a much more natural feeling movement till I felt some groin strain. I will get back to using it. Felt good doing barbell squats again. I will see how it goes with it.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 07, 2021, 04:51:22 AM
Yesterday on Friday I warmed up on the treadmill for a quarter mile. My legs were a little sore from squats the day before. I then drove to my favorite park for running.  It's has a one mile oval path. I don't have to be concerned with traffic only kids on these battery powered bikes, unicycles and scooters. They have to regulate these things for park walking path use.  I ran two miles in the low 9 minute pace range. I then came home and did my usual boxing drills with the heavy bag. Had really good snap and power in my shots.

Later I was discussing with the wife what we were going to do with our Sebastian Maniscalco tickets for that night.  It hit me that tonight was the date. We had the tickets for over a year. The show kept getting delayed because of covid. She surprised me by saying she was going to give it a try. I live 40 minutes from Atlantic city. We killed time prior to the show listening to this party cover  band playing a beach bar. At one point all the people dancing did a conga line. It was great watching people having fun after covid. The beach and the bar was packed with people. 

His warm up guy was funny and Sebastian killed it. My wife was laughing hard through the entire show. He had all new material except when he seemed to lose his way and repeated one old bit. It was still funny as hell. He ended the show by doing something he normally doesn't do if you watch his NetFlix specials. He talked about his personal life  without jokes and it was touching. The huge crowd gave him a standing ovation. Took several pictures of my wife smiling. She has an incredible smile.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 07, 2021, 05:13:21 PM
Back and delts: No warm up sets listed.

Power cleans 4 x 3
Pulldowns 2 x 10
Seated cable row 2 x 12
Dumbbell rows with knee on bench 2 x 10
Reverse grip pulldowns 2 x 10

Press behind head 2 x 6 (I did these for over three decades till my shoulder went bad. Figure I would try them again. I touched the traps each rep and my flexibility was bad. Took a few warm ups before I could push the weight off the traps)
Dumbbell delt lateral 2 x 12
Dumbbell rear delt lateral 2 x 11
Face pulls 2 x 12
Barbell shrugs 2 x 11

weighted back extensions 2 x 15 (Plate behind my head)
Ab wheel 2 x 22
Pulley crunches 1 x 40

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on August 08, 2021, 05:14:52 AM

Later I was discussing with the wife what we were going to do with our Sebastian Maniscalco tickets for that night.

I've never heard of this guy.  Will have to look him up.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 09, 2021, 09:56:46 AM
Ran my usual two miles.  Quarter mile was a warm up so I guess you can say two and a quarter miles.  Hit the bag after and then went to work.  At work trying to keep awake. I mentioned it before but I work with four knockout women.  It makes me laugh to see guys that work in different buildings with my job make excuses to stop in to chat.  I hear the girls saying some of them are creepers.  Some? They all are, lol. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 10, 2021, 04:47:12 AM
I was reflecting on last weeks workouts. As I age I discard exercises that cause problems and substitute. I think that's a good practice for a lifter at any age. If anyone tells you an exercise is  mandatory staple know you are talking to a fool.  I discarded barbell squats awhile ago. Last week I revived them. My lower back always seems bullet proof the last decade.  My lower back was bothering me and I blame the barbell squat. 

Another exercise that I loved was the barbell bench. When one shoulder went then the other I shelved it.  Seems every six months I get the urge to do them.  Always ends up with me discarding them. Here I am again. 

Don't ever feel an exercise is a mandatory staple.  To use drug pros as an example Yates at his peak years didn't flat barbell bench.  The flat barbell bench isn't the greatest exercise in the world as one would falsely conclude looking in gyms at the bench and curl crowd. It's a relatively new exercise in the world of lifting. People like doing an exercise while laying on a bed. It causes a loss of shoulder flexibility because of the very nature of the bar hitting your chest after inflating your chest, doing an arch and benching with a wide grip to shorten the range of motion. Olympic lifters that bench are a rarity.  They won't do it because of the loss of flexibility. 

Paul Dilette and Yates both didn't barbell squat. Their main thigh exercise was the leg press. So many bodybuilders keep doing skull crushers tricep extensions till they grind their elbows to dust.  Many other examples. Sometimes just changing the way you do an exercise leads to healthier joints and even better muscle simulation.  A doctor of physical therapy told me delt laterals with a dumbbell can eventually lead to shoulder impingement and tendon damage for many. He said bent over slightly and lift the dumbbell with thumbs up.

If you started to workout in your teens and have been truly dedicated through the decades there will be a lot of wear and tear on your body. True some escape it.  You just can't floor the pedal of a car every time you drive it and expect the car to last.

I think the moral to the story is if an exercise causes you grief get rid of it with no looking back.  A good source to find substitutes is Bill Pearl's master piece, Keys to the Universe. 

The key is to minimize wear and tear while building your body.  Arnold, Zane, Draper, Corney and a host of others had shoulder operations. Anderson, Grimek, Bass, Big Lou and many others had hip operations. Hey, I get it. They are pushing their bodies to the max and something has to give. Just knees, shoulders, pecs, elbows and hips damage can ruin your athletic life.

It brings me to all the heart problems with lifters. Testosterone and their by products like Anabolic steroids make blood thick that can cause strokes and heart attacks. Most users have a raise in blood pressure that can cause heart attacks, strokes and kidney damage. Some say it can thicken the heart too. This is where someone brings up Fixx the guy that wrote the best selling running book way back. Yes, for every heart attack running has cause it has prevented a huge number. The first rehab after a heart attack is walking one treadmill. If it was bad for you they would tell you like the old days to rest till you die.  Nope, cardio doctors  tell you to do cardio exercise after recovery from a heart attack.

Why am I writing this in the early morning hours? I was awakened by a thunder storm and looked out at my pool that was about to over flow. Here I was with the hose back washing it to lower the level before it over flowed and flooded my basement. Because the way my house is situated I have to physically hold the hose like a fireman shooting it over the fence.
I then hit the basement gym for chest and arms.  I started with the barbell bench. First the empty bar. Second set 135lbs, third warm up with 165lbs. Something didn't feel right. I canned the workout. For many years I haven't started a workout and finished it to the best of my memory.  In my 40's my last bench set was always with 275lbs to 285lbs.  Never claimed to be a world killer strong guy.  Now in my 60's that 165lbs felt it was damaging my shoulder. Back to declines and other exercises that work with my body.  Naturally you have to pick what works for yours.

Off to work. The hottest girl in the office yesterday wore a mini skirt.  Think a hotter Jennifer Aniston.  Yes, I'm a dirty old man.  ;D

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on August 10, 2021, 10:52:47 AM

I agree with what you posted.  We have similar views on many things.

Just a thought about benching.  I have never been a big bencher.  I have long arms.

My chest developed well though and I still bench without pain.  Never had shoulder issues from it but never focused on benching like a powerlifter.

Question: At what point did your shoulder start to bother you benching in today's workout?

Empty bar?
165?  Bingo!

165 is too heavy for you at this time.  Go lighter.  Your connective tissues are not strong enough to handle 165.

If you have no pain at 135 then stay there.  Add only a small amount after a few workouts at 135.  2.5 to 5lbs. max. 

135 may be too heavy.  Go lighter then.  Go as light as you need to go.  Better to go extra light and work up gradually, strengthen the connective tissues, etc.

This takes awhile.

I have the same issue with my shoulder when doing pullups or lat pulldowns.  Too heavy and I feel a twinge. Trouble!  So, I go lighter and do 12+ reps.

Take the ego out of training, brother.  Best regards!

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 10, 2021, 11:35:28 AM

I agree with what you posted.  We have similar views on many things.

Just a thought about benching.  I have never been a big bencher.  I have long arms.

My chest developed well though and I still bench without pain.  Never had shoulder issues from it but never focused on benching like a powerlifter.

Question: At what point did your shoulder start to bother you benching in today's workout?

Empty bar?
165?  Bingo!

165 is too heavy for you at this time.  Go lighter.  Your connective tissues are not strong enough to handle 165.

If you have no pain at 135 then stay there.  Add only a small amount after a few workouts at 135.  2.5 to 5lbs. max. 

135 may be too heavy.  Go lighter then.  Go as light as you need to go.  Better to go extra light and work up gradually, strengthen the connective tissues, etc.

This takes awhile.

I have the same issue with my shoulder when doing pullups or lat pulldowns.  Too heavy and I feel a twinge. Trouble!  So, I go lighter and do 12+ reps.

Take the ego out of training, brother.  Best regards!

I have torn labrum on one shoulder and a partially torn rotator cuff in the other. It’s funny that some movements don’t hurt like declines presses.  I will just stick with what doesn’t irritate me.

 Using lighter weight for high reps sounds like a fix for the barbell  bench but that can irritate injuries too like heavy weights. You are right about taking the ego out of lifting as we age.

 I was looking at a bunch of youtubes on Jay Cutler on how he trains now.  He's around 240 to 250lbs. I always use 315lbs for my bodybuilding deadlifts in my back routine. He uses 225lbs. Don't get me wrong I know he could blow me away if he wanted to but it gave me pause. Same with curls. I use 95lbs to 90lbs and he uses 80lbs. Who has better arms? He does by light years.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 12, 2021, 03:20:18 PM
Neglecting this training journal again. My son wants me to run a 5k charity run in about 60 days. Turns out they cancelled the awards ceremony and asking for no spectators citing possible covid shut downs. Sick of this bs. Told him about another December Christmas themed 5K race. If he agrees to that I'm going to shift my training for that. In my youth I was a pretty good runner. Mainly sprinting but I could string sub 6 minute miles without too much difficulty.  Now in my 60's I'm a slug but I truly believe with dedicated training I could surprise myself. Who knows? Delusional? Next week I could change my mind about this. I'm 190lbs and I vainly say I look pretty good at 5'8".  Maybe not in the steroid bodybuilding standard but for the guy walking around the supermarket standard. I know when I'm in a supermarket with a tee shirt babies point, women sigh and men curse at me so I must be doing something right.  ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on August 12, 2021, 03:49:42 PM
Good luck and don't kill yourself in the process.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 12, 2021, 04:15:55 PM
Good luck and don't kill yourself in the process.

If I die it's been quite a ride.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 14, 2021, 09:29:37 AM
I was thinking a lot about training and how to incorporate running into the mix. It's tough. I'm really too old and have too many obligations to do two a days. Going to try today. I was going to go for a run then lift very light after to see how it goes but I changed my mind. I know guys that run can vouch for what I'm saying. It's very difficult to lift hard after running unless you space that hours apart.  If I lift with an involved program it's also the inverse that it's hard to run after. Especially after legs or back. I will compromise this week till I come up with something.

Today was a Yates style work out just because it keeps my strength up and it's short. I didn't time the workout but I bet it was around 45 minutes. Training to failure for one set after a warm up if needed is brutal.  No such thing as rushing to the next exercise as you're sucking air. 

Chest and bicep day:

Incline dumbbell bench 1 x 10 (Tried to go really low. No ego half reps with giant dumbbells.  Went slow  with the negatives. Surprised I got 10 reps. I did one non taxing warm up prior.)
Decline dumbbell bench 1 x 10 (Said it before. If you have bad shoulders give this exercise a shot. It works for me)
Flat bench flies 1 x 14 (Really to the ragged edge)
Push ups 1 x 24 (Did it immediately after the flies. I think I'm going close to all the way down without touching the floor. I have to video my form)

Barbell curls 1 x 14
Alternate dumbbell 1 x 10 each arm
Drag barbell curls 1 x 15
dumbbell concentration curls 1 x 13

forearm wrist curls 1 x 32 reps ( I have to up the weight to bring failure to around 20. Fine balance between making an exercise hard through proper form and the weight used)
Forearm wrist extensions 1 x 25 (Upping the weight)

Weighted floor crunches 1 x 65
Pulley crunches 1 x 60

Just typed this to cool down a bit. After about 40 minutes I ran two miles in 86 degree high humidity pure sun. I think I lost two pound of sweat. No other runners on the trail. Cooling down now.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on August 14, 2021, 10:43:16 AM
Did you ever try something like this...

Monday - weights

Tuesday - rest

Wednesday - run

Thursday - rest

Friday - weights

Sat - rest

Sunday - run

Monday - rest

Tuesday - weights

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 14, 2021, 02:13:14 PM
Did you ever try something like this...

Monday - weights

Tuesday - rest

Wednesday - run

Thursday - rest

Friday - weights

Sat - rest

Sunday - run

Monday - rest

Tuesday - weights


Might work with a whole body routine. The problem I have and it's my personal preference is that I hate whole body routines.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 15, 2021, 06:49:05 PM
Planned to do a two a day of lifting and running but a computer course I needed for work got in the way. Boss told me he heard it will take about an hour. Four hours later steam was coming off the top of my head in anger as I completed it. Fucked up my Sunday plans of things I wanted to get done. Got leg day in. No warm ups shown. Dropped the barbell squat. My lower back was bugging me for days after last weeks barbell squat session. First rule is first do no harm. No exercise is a mandatory. Wish I remembered to do some free hand bodyweight squats after working quads but I actually forgot. Next time. When I do one set to failure in my work set I usually use more weight than I do for a two work sets per exercise work out.

Leg press 1 x 12 (up the weight from my usual. Went rock bottom. Wasn't feeling it. Thought I would canned the workout after this set to failure. I had two prior warm up sets prior to that real work set.

Squat machine 1 x 10 (I like the way this machine works better than the hack. I have tried three brands of squat machines and truth be told I haven't found a bad one)

Dumbbell squats 1 x 12 (Usual drill. Hand straps and dumbbells held at sides. Upright back and sink the ass real low till I can't go any lower. I never seen anyone but me doing this exercise in a gym. Zane called them dumbbell hack squats. They are a brutal exercise if you don't deadlift the weight and do true squats)

Stiff deads 1 x 6 (I stand on block for this with straps)

leg extensions 1 x 20
Standing leg curls 1 x 14

Single dumbbell side bend 1 x 16
Hanging straight leg raise 1 x 26
Hip ups 1 x 32

Standing calf 1 x 18
Seated calf 1 x 19
Tib work 1 x 21

Four way neck 1 set each side
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 16, 2021, 04:22:39 PM
Two mile run and heavy bag before work.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 17, 2021, 05:32:10 AM
Back day: No warm up shown here. One work set to failure.

Pulldown 1 x 11
Seated cable rows 1 x 14
Dumbbell row off a bench 1 x 12
Reverse grip pulldown 1 x 12
dead 1 x 4 (Disappointed in getting only 4 reps. I was going for 6.  I think the running took some of the strength out of me)
weighted hyper extension 1 x 20  (25lbs plate behind my head)

Ab wheel roll out 1 x 27
Ab pulley crunch 1 x 50

Felt dizzy after this workout.  Probably the early morning hours and the deadlifts. Going to make an appointment with a cardiologist. Just talked to a guy around my age. He said he felt because of his age he thought he should see a cardiologist. Turns out he had an aneurysm he didn't know about. The doc told him it was a ticking time bomb and if it burst it would have resulted in a quick death. He had open heart surgery for the repair. He said he feels really weak and the recovery is slow.  He said he worked out four days a week prior but looking at his body prior he must have just did old man effort workouts. Still, imagine having that in your body ready to burst at any minute?  I look at my brother who is my clone as a barometer of health to come. He's 75 and has prostate cancer. His physical activity is distance bike riding. He is rail thin.  So far he's in good heart health.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 18, 2021, 09:32:28 AM
Delt and tricep:  I used a warm up as needed.

Dumbbell Press 1 x 11
Dumbbell laterals 1 x 14
Dumbbell rear delt laterals 1 x 15
Face pulls 1 x 17
Barbell shrugs 1 x 15

Weighted dips 1 x 8
Close grip barbell bench press 1 x 7
tricep pushdowns 1 x 12
Single dumbbell two hand tricep press 1 x 13

Weighted floor crunch 1x 50
Pulley crunch 1 x 60
Seated knee ups 1 x 30 (Not a fan of these.  I just quit at 30 but could have kept going. Maybe if I an figure out how to hold a light dumbbell with my feet I will come back to these. They are just too easy with no weight.)

Nice quick workout. One set to failure can be a bitch. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 19, 2021, 01:05:58 PM
Exhausted from baby sitting my 2 year old granddaughter. No working out. I did have an education on Bubble Guppies, Peppa Pig, Baby Sharks and the new Blues Clues with a gay acting new host. Took a nap when she took a nap and woke up with  her dog standing on my chest with his face in my face.  Took her to target to buy her a toy then to my house for pool time. Bodybuilding related. Her dog won't eat his dog food till I put my bodybuilding chicken in it. Now he is sleeping on his side looking like this.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 23, 2021, 05:11:34 PM
Back and chest today:

Pulldown with a M.A.G. bar 2 x 10 140lbs (No lean back. All the way out and all the way down. Slow tempo reps)
Seated cable row 2 x 12 170lbs (All the way out and back)
Dumbbell row off a bench 2 x 10 80lbs. (dead hang and all the way up)
Reverse grip pulldown 2 x 10 130lbs ( I try to do any pulldown with slow reps. I feel them better than the lean back and heave version with a heavy weight)

Incline dumbbell bench 2 x 8 70lbs ( I go all the way down till I can go no further and I use slow reps to prevent injury and too make a light weight heavy.)
Decline dumbbell bench 2 x 8 65lbs
Dumbbell flies 2 x 10 50lbs ( I dropped these after hearing a physical therapist say how bad they are for the joint but I don't know about that anymore. I think my shoulders are more flexible since I started doing them again. Go figure.)
Push ups 2 x max

Deadlifts 2 x 4 315lbs (Used 225 for three reps for a warm up set. I use slow reps both positive and negative. I can use a more weight but my body is fragile as I age and I don't want to tempt fate.)
Weighted hypers 2 x 15 25lbs plate behind my head. ( I can't emphasize enough how I try to do a full range of motion and controlled speed on the reps)

AB wheel roll out 1 x 25
Pulley crunch 1 x 60 (I sit in a lat pulldown machine backwards with a V bar handle at the top back of my head. I then do crunches from the seated position. I find with these if I use too much weight I lose the feel of the movement in the abs.)

I did the workout in the early morning hours prior to work.  The sun wasn't up and dark out when I began the workout. I was shot coming up the stairs of my basement. My wife proceeded to talk a mile a minute without taking breaks to breath. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 24, 2021, 02:37:09 PM
Leg day.
Leg press 2x12 four plates a side( very deep with a full knee bend)
Squat machine 2x10 with two plates a side. Squatted till I couldn't go lower
Dumbbell Squat 1x 12 80lbs. (Upright back and butt all the way down)
Stiff dead 2x6 205 (on block for a stretch)
Leg extension 2x20
Standing leg curl 2x 12 (used monkey feet and a block)

Single dumbbell side bend 1x15 100lbs
Hanging leg raise 1x25 (almost straight legs)
Hip ups 1x 30

Standing calf 2x15 185lbs
Seated calf 2x 15 90 lbs.

Four way neck machine 2x25 all sides

At work feeling like a zombie after training two days back to back.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 27, 2021, 10:08:21 AM
Delt and arms:

Military Press 2 x 8 115lbs Cleaned the weight and went all the way down to the upper chest region on the negative. I was using 135lbs but felt stress in my partially torn rotator cuff so I make a light weight heavy by going slow on the reps and all the way down.
Dumbbell delt lateral raises 2 x 10 28lbs. (yes I can make a 28 pound dumbbell with spin locks)
Dumbbell rear delt laterals 2 x 11 35lbs
Face pulls 2 x 12 85lbs
Barbell shrugs 2 x 10 250lbs.  I see guys using 405 barely moving their shoulders and they are surely crunching their vertebra that could lead to nerve damage for some)

Weighted dips 2 x 8 25lbs ( dug deep going low)
Tricep push downs 2 x 10 (I don't mention weight because all pulleys are different)
Two hands tricep single dumbbell  while seated 2 x 12 65lbs ( I go as low as I can. The whole dumbbell goes behind my head)
Single dumbbell single arm extension behind the head 1 x 16 ( Just a pump out with a light weight)

Alternate dumbbell curl 2 x 8 45lbs
Seated pulley curls with straight bar 3 x 12 ( I saw this exercise on two different videos. I wanted to try it. You keep your upper arm somewhat parallel to the ground)
Concentration curls seated 2 x 12

wrist curls 2 x 25 95lbs
wrist extensions 2 x 15

Going to float in the pool now. Maybe have a nice cold one. Those who are don't drink alcohol and look down at my twice to three time a week enjoyment of adult beverages can kiss my ass. 

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on August 28, 2021, 04:43:42 AM
Had a couple shots of this over ice yesterday.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 28, 2021, 06:36:30 AM
Had a couple shots of this over ice yesterday.


I was in my pool yesterday with a German beer in the sun after working out.  Black clouds came then thunder and lightening.  Here I was sitting in my floating chair in a down pour.  I refused to leave. Had two more in the rain floating in the pool. I must have been quite a sight for my neighbors.  Music blasting and rain coming down hard with me floating away. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on August 28, 2021, 03:19:56 PM
I was in my pool yesterday with a German beer in the sun after working out.  Black clouds came then thunder and lightening.  Here I was sitting in my floating chair in a down pour.  I refused to leave. Had two more in the rain floating in the pool. I must have been quite a sight for my neighbors.  Music blasting and rain coming down hard with me floating away.

Yes, that would be quite a sight for the neighbors. They probably questioned how many beers you had prior to the downpour.

When I was a kid and lived back east, I remember everyone would rush out of the water when a storm was about to hit. Something about lightning and water don't mix too well....which I believe is a bit of a myth.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 29, 2021, 02:23:28 PM
Yes, that would be quite a sight for the neighbors. They probably questioned how many beers you had prior to the downpour.

When I was a kid and lived back east, I remember everyone would rush out of the water when a storm was about to hit. Something about lightning and water don't mix too well....which I believe is a bit of a myth.

I can't win the lottery but my wife thinks I will win the lottery of being struck by lightening. I was in South Carolina in the ocean when I saw a crowd gather on the beach. Living in NJ that means a bunch of dolphins are going by. Rarely a whale but it happens. Then I thought maybe a kid is missing and I have to help if he's in the water. As I was making my way to the shore three big sharks swam by me so close I could have grabbed one.  They were looking at sharks. When I hit the shore I was spooked for about 30 minutes and my wife was begging me not to go back in. I went back in and had a fantastic time ridding the waves body surfing.  If I can't win the lottery of being eaten by sharks I think I'm good with lightening. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 30, 2021, 01:06:29 PM
Woke up early before work and trained back and chest.  Felt strong.  Might have to do with taking a week off cardio. Some rambling thoughts here. 

I wonder how healthy and safe it is to train to failure at my age?  I remember Bill Pearl said he gave up heavy weights at 55.  In your 60’s you’re always one rep away from doing damage.  Some say use high reps. Other say use non failure sets and volume. Maybe the last set of a four to six sets per exercise should end in failure.  I know four guys under 60 that have died training. Three running and one lifting. 

Another factor is training too failure all the time healthy for the mind.  I did 12 exercises for two sets each all to failure.   That’s 24 sets of failure.  How is that success? 

Imagine if runners trained with failure protocol.  Any one with a little knowledge in training runners would say what I’m going to type insane.  Let’s say you are training a miler.  Using what’s applied to HIT it would go something like this.  Since the mile is the goal he will only run a mile for specificity of training.  Every training day six days a week. He will run those miles to failure.  The novice runner will quickly progress but will soon dread training.  Then after a month or so he will actually get slower. What would a high intensity lifting coach say to do with this runner? You guessed it, less training days. He goes from six to four taking days. He starts to progress again. Soon he hits another plateau. The coach says go down to three days then even two. When no more progress can be found they declare he reached his genetic limit. Insane? Of course but this is the same approach many Hit people apply to lifting. 

Anyway the proper approach to a maximum mile is plenty of distance off season.  Usually varying between 5 to 15 miles. As the season gets close the distance goes down and the intensity up. Getting close to the season they throw in a lot of interval work like 8x800 meters or 10x 400 meters.  They rarely run a mile in training. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on August 30, 2021, 01:37:01 PM
My motto is don't over-exercise, stop and a point where it leaves you thinking you could have done a little more. That way, you are more apt to look forward to the next session. If a person enjoys feeling depleted at the conclusion of a training session, they should ignore what I said.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 31, 2021, 05:58:10 PM
I really want to get my hands around combining running with lifting. Iron nat made a good suggestion. Combine whole body routines with days of running. Split routines leads to too many days of lifting. At least with training the whole body in one shot you can actually take several days off of lifting. I could use them for having running days.

 I think I'm too old to be doing two a days like I did when I was younger. In my forties I would run around lunch time then lift when I got home from work. The system worked great but now with work, age and other obligations it's too much. I hate whole body routines. It's exhausting to do a relatively comprehensive routine and I like to do a variety of exercises per body part. I might get around that by just changing the work out every two weeks or so.

 Might work or I might dump it for stuff that is tried and true for me.  Ran today and hit the heavy bag.  My protocol will be to do a whole body routine then take three days off. On those three days off I will run two to three of those days.  Might look like this.  Monday-whole body routine. Tuesday run, Wednesday run, Thursday off, Friday lift, Saturday run and Sunday run.  Running works best like most cardio when it's repeated frequently.

I know when I recovered from an arm operation I did exactly what I described above. I lifted twice a week and ran the rest. I was in amazing shape.  Again, I'm not a bodybuilder. Another protocol is to use a power lifting type increase in poundage. Meaning for six whole body workouts I will have a mandatory increase in weight each workout. Sound nuts but the weight starts relatively light.  To clarify say I'm doing 2 sets of 10 reps in barbell curls. I know from past experience I top out at around 100lbs.  Doing two workouts a week my goal will be six workouts so a three week peak. First 2 sets of curls will be 75lbs on Monday.  Second whole body routine on Friday I will use 80lbs. Even though I could I won't increase the reps. On Tuesday the next week following three days off I will use 85lbs.  Getting harder but not brutal. The increases will go on till on the third and final week I will use 100lbs on the last workout. It's a good way of having not to failure training but working on a peak.  The last two workouts of the six with be close to failure or to failure.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on September 01, 2021, 03:51:58 AM
Looks like you are on the right track.

When doing whole body routines reduce the volume.  Don't take a split routine and put it all together.

Reduce the volume per workout but do the workout more often.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: ThisisOverload on September 07, 2021, 02:55:42 PM
Got out and cooked amazing T bones from the butcher.  Super market steaks are garbage. It's a shame  that the butcher charges so much but you  have to treat yourself sometimes.

Very true.

I get beef from the local butcher.

It's cheaper if i buy it 100 pounds at a time.

He even puts it in freezer pouches for me.

Cuts it any way i want it, but he will not sell less than 50 pounds and sells in 50 pound increments.

Doing the math, it's like 10% cheaper if i buy 100 pounds.

Good thing i have a deep freeze just for beef and venison.

His fresh non-frozen cuts are very expensive.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: ThisisOverload on September 07, 2021, 03:04:15 PM
Woke up early before work and trained back and chest.  Felt strong.  Might have to do with taking a week off cardio. Some rambling thoughts here. 

I wonder how healthy and safe it is to train to failure at my age?  I remember Bill Pearl said he gave up heavy weights at 55.  In your 60’s you’re always one rep away from doing damage.  Some say use high reps. Other say use non failure sets and volume. Maybe the last set of a four to six sets per exercise should end in failure.  I know four guys under 60 that have died training. Three running and one lifting. 

Another factor is training too failure all the time healthy for the mind.  I did 12 exercises for two sets each all to failure.   That’s 24 sets of failure.  How is that success? 

Imagine if runners trained with failure protocol.  Any one with a little knowledge in training runners would say what I’m going to type insane.  Let’s say you are training a miler.  Using what’s applied to HIT it would go something like this.  Since the mile is the goal he will only run a mile for specificity of training.  Every training day six days a week. He will run those miles to failure.  The novice runner will quickly progress but will soon dread training.  Then after a month or so he will actually get slower. What would a high intensity lifting coach say to do with this runner? You guessed it, less training days. He goes from six to four taking days. He starts to progress again. Soon he hits another plateau. The coach says go down to three days then even two. When no more progress can be found they declare he reached his genetic limit. Insane? Of course but this is the same approach many Hit people apply to lifting. 

Anyway the proper approach to a maximum mile is plenty of distance off season.  Usually varying between 5 to 15 miles. As the season gets close the distance goes down and the intensity up. Getting close to the season they throw in a lot of interval work like 8x800 meters or 10x 400 meters.  They rarely run a mile in training.

I think training to absolute failure is a bad idea as you get older. In fact i don't think it's that great for younger people either. When i was into Oly lifting and power lifting, we never trained to failure, unless it was a Max Effort day and we failed a lift, which is different.

Even in my mid 40's i don't do it anymore. I'll push until i get to what we call positive failure, meaning in order to get another rep you will need to sacrifice your form or have someone touch the weight. Since i train alone, this is the only way i can train anyway, but going to complete failure has never given me results, just injuries.

Do enough to stimulate hypertrophy and call it a day.

Focus on health and fitness.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on September 07, 2021, 03:49:33 PM
I think training to absolute failure is a bad idea as you get older. In fact i don't think it's that great for younger people either. When i was into Oly lifting and power lifting, we never trained to failure, unless it was a Max Effort day and we failed a lift, which is different.

Even in my mid 40's i don't do it anymore. I'll push until i get to what we call positive failure, meaning in order to get another rep you will need to sacrifice your form or have someone touch the weight. Since i train alone, this is the only way i can train anyway, but going to complete failure has never given me results, just injuries.

Do enough to stimulate hypertrophy and call it a day.

Focus on health and fitness.

Bhanky are you reading this? You should.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on September 08, 2021, 09:42:22 AM
Bhanky are you reading this? You should.

Bhanky knows all.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on September 08, 2021, 10:00:59 AM
Bhanky knows all.

One might call him the extreme.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 10, 2021, 03:49:38 PM
I think training to absolute failure is a bad idea as you get older. In fact i don't think it's that great for younger people either. When i was into Oly lifting and power lifting, we never trained to failure, unless it was a Max Effort day and we failed a lift, which is different.

Even in my mid 40's i don't do it anymore. I'll push until i get to what we call positive failure, meaning in order to get another rep you will need to sacrifice your form or have someone touch the weight. Since i train alone, this is the only way i can train anyway, but going to complete failure has never given me results, just injuries.

Do enough to stimulate hypertrophy and call it a day.

Focus on health and fitness.

Good advices. Yes, Olympic lifters and Power lifters don't train to failure on a set so I know what you mean. I competed in powerlifting  briefly back in 1978 or so.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 10, 2021, 04:18:15 PM
This is what was going on with me last week. Felt terrible. Four members of my family were sick with coughing, sore throats and fevers. I never got the fever.

Here's my conversation with a doctor's office. "I have a sore throat without a fever."  Office, " Do you have your covid shots?"  "Yes"  Office, " That means nothing you could still have it."  "Can I see the doctor for my sore throat?" "No, he doesn't see sick people in this covid time. He would call in a prescription but you haven't been here since 2019."  "I haven't been sick."  Office, "Go to an urgent care."  Me, "but you're my doctor."

I go to an Urgent care.  "What's the problem?"  " I have a bad sore throat and feel run down."  Urgent care, "You might have covid."  Now I'm in line for an outdoor covid test.  Doctor looks in my throat.  Doc, "That's some red throat  you got. Guys your age usually don't get strep. Gargle with salt water."
Sitting home with a razor blade throat.  Medical care stinks. They did do a covid test that will take 1 to 3 days for results. Urgent care said they would call if positive but they won't call if negative. No call after three days so I assumed it's negative. I could go online and print out the lab results they told me. I go to print out the negative test and the lab has nothing either positive or negative. I call Urgent care and they said something went wrong with the test. They said, Come back in and we will do it again. Nope, I didn't go back.

My Daughter in the medical profession contacted her job and set me up with a fellow doctor.  They ran multiple tests. Covid, Strep, and multi virus panel.  Turns out I got a virus that affects little kids that is called RSV.  They got me on three prescriptions and soon I was feeling great. 

Trained Chest and bicep one set to failure Yates style. Surprisingly I felt strong.

Dumbbell incline press 1 x 10 70lbs (I make a light weight heavy by going slow in both directions and doing a full range of motion. I feel it's safer and more effective than grabbing 100lbs dumbbells and doing half reps in a rapid cadence like the majority of trainers do today)
Decline dumbbell press 1 x 10 65lbs
Flat flies 1 x 12 50lbs (I try to do these wide like hugging a tree with a good stretch).
Push ups 1 x 23 ( I tried to do these immediately after flies like a pre exhaust. My chest goes very close to the floor on the down stroke)

EZ curl 1 x 13 90lbs (I don't swing with my back to assist. Not super strict but strict enough)
Dumbbell alternate 1 x 10 each arm 45lbs
Drag curls 1 x 15 70lbs (Pull elbows back and keep them there. Drag the bar up the front of your body)
concentration curls 1 x 13

Wrist curls 1 x 25 95lbs
Wrist extensions 1 x 25 (Used a DART bar)

ab wheel 1 x 26 (these can aggravate shoulders)
Pulley crunch 1 x 40

Felt my shoulders were tight so I did pullovers with just an olympic bar. I wasn't doing this for an exercise for development but for the stretch.   I went to the full stretch and held it there for around 6 reps. I held it for a four count.  I might have over done it because my one shoulder was throbbing.

After lifting I went to the treadmill.  I wanted to do an easy cardio session because of sitting around the house for 8 days. Being sick made me a vegetable. I did the following. These are not intervals but continuous walking.

0% incline for a quarter mile at 3.8MPH
1% incline for a quarter mile at 3.8MPH
2% incline for a quarter mile at 3.8MPH
3% incline for a quarter mile at 3.8 MPH
4% incline for a quarter mile at 3.8MPH
5% incline for a quarter mile at 3.8MPH
6% incline for a quarter mile at 3.8MPH
7% incline for a quarter mile at 3.8MPH
0% incline for a quarter mile at 3.8 MPH

I could have done a lot more cardio but I didn't want to push my body too hard after being sick. I then went to the boardwalk and it was packed.  We ate at a Mexican restaurant called Spicy's.  We call September local summer at the beach. The water is warm and the Northern tourists are gone. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on September 11, 2021, 04:24:01 AM
That's a crazy experience with your doctor.

A doctor who won't see you if you're sick.

He must be a "well-patient doctor".  ::)

From what is says here RSV is usually not serious.

"Most RSV infections go away on their own in a week or two.

There is no specific treatment for RSV infection, though researchers are working to develop vaccines and antivirals (medicines that fight viruses).

RSV infections can be dangerous for certain adults. Each year, it is estimated that more than 177,000 older adults are hospitalized and 14,000 of them die in the United States due to RSV infection. Adults at highest risk for severe RSV infection include

    Older adults, especially those 65 years and older
    Adults with chronic heart or lung disease
    Adults with weakened immune systems

Severe RSV Infection

When an adult gets RSV infection, they typically have mild cold-like symptoms. But RSV can sometimes lead to serious conditions such as

    Pneumonia (infection of the lungs)
    More severe symptoms for people with asthma
    More severe symptoms for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (a chronic disease of the lungs that makes it hard to breathe)
    Congestive heart failure (when the heart can’t pump blood and oxygen to the body’s tissues)

Older adults who get very sick from RSV may need to be hospitalized. Some may even die. Older adults are at greater risk than young adults for serious complications from RSV because our immune systems weaken when we are older.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 11, 2021, 05:05:40 AM
That's a crazy experience with your doctor.

A doctor who won't see you if you're sick.

He must be a "well-patient doctor".  ::)

From what is says here RSV is usually not serious.

"Most RSV infections go away on their own in a week or two.

There is no specific treatment for RSV infection, though researchers are working to develop vaccines and antivirals (medicines that fight viruses).

RSV infections can be dangerous for certain adults. Each year, it is estimated that more than 177,000 older adults are hospitalized and 14,000 of them die in the United States due to RSV infection. Adults at highest risk for severe RSV infection include

    Older adults, especially those 65 years and older
    Adults with chronic heart or lung disease
    Adults with weakened immune systems

Severe RSV Infection

When an adult gets RSV infection, they typically have mild cold-like symptoms. But RSV can sometimes lead to serious conditions such as

    Pneumonia (infection of the lungs)
    More severe symptoms for people with asthma
    More severe symptoms for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (a chronic disease of the lungs that makes it hard to breathe)
    Congestive heart failure (when the heart can’t pump blood and oxygen to the body’s tissues)

Older adults who get very sick from RSV may need to be hospitalized. Some may even die. Older adults are at greater risk than young adults for serious complications from RSV because our immune systems weaken when we are older.

You are a google maniac.  Yes, RSV is a bad cold like sickness caused by this specific virus. It's dangerous for kids under 2 and old people. My granddaughter who I probably got it from was in a day care that was shut down for two weeks because it spread like wild fire through the day care. I felt like crap but yes it was only a cold. My throat was on fire and I felt run down. My other relatives had it worst. They had a  fever and a bad cough. Kept me from working out for around 8 days. Many doctors from what I was told won't see you in their office if they suspect you have COVID from a phone interview. It was proven to me contacting two different health providers. Tell your doctor you have a cough, fever or sore throat and see the response.  Odds are they will not want you in their office. It's outrageous. The urgent care had a doctor come out in the parking lot to see me briefly. He did a covid test, listened to my heart and looked in my throat. That's the covid test that had no outcome from the lab. I still wonder what went wrong? As I wrote the second one was negative.

My third attempt at medical care I  was given a Z pac for ancillary bacterial infections that might arise due my history of being hospitalized for pneumonia in the past. Treatment also involves scrips for such things as antihistamines, cortisone spray and anti viral pills if caught soon enough. In the end my body just beat the cold. One day I woke up and felt better.

Anyway I wrote my saga of my cold interfering with training for entertainment value reading my training journal instead of my usual squat 2 sets of 8, leg extensions 2 sets of 20 reps. Nobody got time to read that over and over again.  ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on September 11, 2021, 07:42:51 AM
I'm doing my Prime imitation with Googling.  ;)

Glad you got better. 

What good are these vaccines if the doctors (assuming they are vaxxed) are afraid to see you because they might catch Covid?

It's nuts.

And yes, we all know they are only said to reduce the effects of Covid, like the annual flu vax does with the flu.

Does a doctor not see you because you might have the flu?

What does this tell us about the doctor's confidence in the Covid vax?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 11, 2021, 09:23:22 AM
I'm doing my Prime imitation with Googling.  ;)

Glad you got better. 

What good are these vaccines if the doctors (assuming they are vaxxed) are afraid to see you because they might catch Covid?

It's nuts.

And yes, we all know they are only said to reduce the effects of Covid, like the annual flu vax does with the flu.

Does a doctor not see you because you might have the flu?

What does this tell us about the doctor's confidence in the Covid vax?

I have a concert coming up in Atlantic city.  They said no entrance without a CDC covid vaccine card. Then you have to watch the concert with a mask on? Wait, everyone is vaccinated but we have to wear a mask? This whole dangerous thing being pushed by Democrats is to push massive mail in voting. See, voting in person is dangerous. It's the only way they can win in the mid terms. Newsom is going to win because of massive mail in ballots and 60 days of voting. If he is losing the race a massive amount of ballots for him will be found. Truth be told no matter what Democrats say these ballots are not being signature checked and there is no proof the person's name on the ballot is the one voting. They are just entered into the computer of their choice. I don't know if this part is true but someone said they can tell if it's a Republican ballot or Democrat by a code on the outside of the ballot.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 11, 2021, 09:55:19 AM
Leg day:  Again I make a light weight heavy by using good form, full range of motion and a moderate rep cadence. Getting really tired of training to failure. Going to make a change soon. 

Leg press 1 x 15 (Noticed leg press machines are all different in the angles used. Mind is quad dominate and most are hip dominate in design. I completely fold my legs. If in doubt using a leg press machine lower that  back board for a greater range of motion.

Machine squats 1 x 12 (When I bought this machine I used it for a couple of years then it collected dust in my gym.  Then squats were bothering my lower back and shoulders. I went back to it and it's a fantastic movement.  As you age you have to change and adapt.) 

Dumbbell squats 1 x 12 (Only been doing these for maybe 5 years or less. Wish I knew what a fantastic movement it was earlier on.  Zane called them dumbbell hack squats. When I was younger using 315 with barbell squats in some sets I thought I couldn't find heavy enough dumbbells. Nope, it doesn't take a lot of weight to kick your ass with these.  Again, use wrist straps. Hold the dumbbell at your sides. Heels on the floor. Try to keep your back upright. Concentrate on sinking your ass to the ground. If you are deadlifting the weight bending over with a high ass you are doing the movement wrong.)

Stiff deads 1 x 8 ( I stand on a block of wood to get a good stretch using 45lbs plates on the barbell. When I was in a commercial gym I couldn't find a good block so I used a bunch of 25lbs plates. Luck for me they had a deadlift loading leverage bar that made it easy to load)

leg extensions 1 x 25
Standing leg curl 1 x 11 ( In my home gym I can do standing leg curls and seated. I switch from one to the other but I think I feel the standing the most in the contracted position. Seated is great too though.)

Single dumbbell side bend 1 x 15 ( I know the majority of bodybuilders won't do these. I'm not a bodybuilder.)
Hanging semi straight leg raise 1 x 25
Hip ups off the floor 1 x 31

Standing calf 1 x 20 (I have the smallest calves ever on a human. I don't know why I train them? Running keeps them functional)
Seated calf 1 x 20
tibialis work 1 x 20

four way neck machine 1 x 25 each side. ( Love this machine I bought. I  used to us a weight helmet that was featured in the old ironman magazine. It worked but felt dangerous doing neck curls with my head hanging off a bench. A safer substitute is to lie on a bench. Get a folded towel and hang your head off the bench. Put something like a 25lbs plate on your forehead to do neck curls. Your hand will be used just to balance the plate and they shouldn't assist. The neck pumps up better than any other body part.  Maybe because of the blood supply? Maybe because of the high reps I use?   Nothing looks worst than a muscular body with a pencil neck or a flabby neck and chin area.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on September 11, 2021, 02:15:06 PM
This is what was going on with me last week. Felt terrible. Four members of my family were sick with coughing, sore throats and fevers. I never got the fever.

Here's my conversation with a doctor's office. "I have a sore throat without a fever."  Office, " Do you have your covid shots?"  "Yes"  Office, " That means nothing you could still have it."  "Can I see the doctor for my sore throat?" "No, he doesn't see sick people in this covid time. He would call in a prescription but you haven't been here since 2019."  "I haven't been sick."  Office, "Go to an urgent care."  Me, "but you're my doctor."

I go to an Urgent care.  "What's the problem?"  " I have a bad sore throat and feel run down."  Urgent care, "You might have covid."  Now I'm in line for an outdoor covid test.  Doctor looks in my throat.  Doc, "That's some red throat  you got. Guys your age usually don't get strep. Gargle with salt water."
Sitting home with a razor blade throat.  Medical care stinks. They did do a covid test that will take 1 to 3 days for results. Urgent care said they would call if positive but they won't call if negative. No call after three days so I assumed it's negative. I could go online and print out the lab results they told me. I go to print out the negative test and the lab has nothing either positive or negative. I call Urgent care and they said something went wrong with the test. They said, Come back in and we will do it again. Nope, I didn't go back.

My Daughter in the medical profession contacted her job and set me up with a fellow doctor.  They ran multiple tests. Covid, Strep, and multi virus panel.  Turns out I got a virus that affects little kids that is called RSV.  They got me on three prescriptions and soon I was feeling great. 

Trained Chest and bicep one set to failure Yates style. Surprisingly I felt strong.

Dumbbell incline press 1 x 10 70lbs (I make a light weight heavy by going slow in both directions and doing a full range of motion. I feel it's safer and more effective than grabbing 100lbs dumbbells and doing half reps in a rapid cadence like the majority of trainers do today)
Decline dumbbell press 1 x 10 65lbs
Flat flies 1 x 12 50lbs (I try to do these wide like hugging a tree with a good stretch).
Push ups 1 x 23 ( I tried to do these immediately after flies like a pre exhaust. My chest goes very close to the floor on the down stroke)

EZ curl 1 x 13 90lbs (I don't swing with my back to assist. Not super strict but strict enough)
Dumbbell alternate 1 x 10 each arm 45lbs
Drag curls 1 x 15 70lbs (Pull elbows back and keep them there. Drag the bar up the front of your body)
concentration curls 1 x 13

Wrist curls 1 x 25 95lbs
Wrist extensions 1 x 25 (Used a DART bar)

ab wheel 1 x 26 (these can aggravate shoulders)
Pulley crunch 1 x 40

Felt my shoulders were tight so I did pullovers with just an olympic bar. I wasn't doing this for an exercise for development but for the stretch.   I went to the full stretch and held it there for around 6 reps. I held it for a four count.  I might have over done it because my one shoulder was throbbing.

After lifting I went to the treadmill.  I wanted to do an easy cardio session because of sitting around the house for 8 days. Being sick made me a vegetable. I did the following. These are not intervals but continuous walking.

0% incline for a quarter mile at 3.8MPH
1% incline for a quarter mile at 3.8MPH
2% incline for a quarter mile at 3.8MPH
3% incline for a quarter mile at 3.8 MPH
4% incline for a quarter mile at 3.8MPH
5% incline for a quarter mile at 3.8MPH
6% incline for a quarter mile at 3.8MPH
7% incline for a quarter mile at 3.8MPH
0% incline for a quarter mile at 3.8 MPH

I could have done a lot more cardio but I didn't want to push my body too hard after being sick. I then went to the boardwalk and it was packed.  We ate at a Mexican restaurant called Spicy's.  We call September local summer at the beach. The water is warm and the Northern tourists are gone.

It was a long rough road getting there, but at least now you know you didn't have COVID which should be a relief. Respiratory Syncytial Virus can lead to pneumonia or bronchitis which can be serious. Don't overdo your workouts until you feel better for a few days at least. RSV is spread from person to person pretty much the same way COVID is.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 13, 2021, 05:34:05 PM
Back day: No warm ups listed. Used as needed and some exercises got no warm ups.

Pulldown with supinate M.A.G. bar. 1 x 12
Seated lat cable row with V handle 1 x 13 180lbs ( all the way out and all the way back)
Dumbbell one arm row with knee on bench 1 x 12 85lbs
Reverse grip pulldown 1 x 11
deadlift 1 x 5 reps 315lbs (Damn expected to get 6 reps. Just got gassed at 5 reps. Pissed about this.)
Weighted hyper extension 1 x 20 25lbs plate behind my head

Ab wheel roll out 1 x 26 (think these are bugging my shoulders)
Ab pulley crunch 1  x 40

When I do early morning workouts I can't use my stereo system and I use an Ipod.  It's old and it occasionally gets gremlins in it so I turned it off.  Towards the end of the workout I did it in silence. Wow, I hate that. I like to listen to music as I lift.  Tomorrow is the easiest day of this split. It's delts and triceps. That Ipod better work. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 14, 2021, 06:04:43 AM
Delt and triceps: Always make a weight heaver than it is instead of trying to make a heavy weight lighter by a short range of motion.

Military press 1 x 9 115lbs (cleaned the weight and touched the bar on my upper chest area.  Made the light weight heavy by a full range of motion and a moderate cadence speed of the reps.

Dumbbell lateral raises 1 x 12 28lbs.
Rear delt dumbbell laterals 1 x 15 35lbs
Face pulls 1 x 15 85lbs
Barbell shrugs 1 x 14 250lbs

Weighted dips 1 x 9 25lbs (This is a lift like the leg press where guys short stroke the rep to handle heavy weights. Dig deep. You won't be able to add 50lbs to your waist butt but the  results will be better)

Rope tricep 1 x 20

EZ tricep extentions seated 1 x 8 (My right elbow was screaming. I have to make some changes in tricep work)

Reverse grip D ring on arm push downs 1 x 12

Weighted crunches 1 x 60 10lbs
Pulley crunches 1 x 50

Doing tricep work my elbow doesn't hurt doing dips, close grips and two hand dumbbell tricep behind the head.  I have to be careful and do stuff that doesn't hurt.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 16, 2021, 11:21:09 AM
This Thursday I ran 2 and a quarter miles.  Didn't run fast but around 9:30 miles.  I'm too heavy right now at around 192lbs at 5'8".  I don't look fat but it's too much weight for my slight frame.  Hit the bag after doing boxing drills.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 18, 2021, 10:50:49 AM
Saturday and another day of cardio. Ran two miles at a 9:06 pace.  Still thinking about how the best way for me to combine running and lifting. Iron Nats suggestion makes a lot of sense. Basically two whole body routines a week leaving time for pure running days the rest of the week.

 Basically what I was doing the last couple of years was  a hard split of either three days a week or four. I would try to run the off days but more times than not I was too shot and running days were missed due to fatigue.

 My third option was to do a complete bro split over the course of 5 to 6 days. With the third option I would run prior or after lifting. The lifting sessions wouldn't take a lot of time because of dividing the body with a five day split or a six. I just think I'm getting too old for two a day training.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on September 19, 2021, 05:06:16 AM
The trick is to keep the volume of the full-body workout manageable.

You have to see how you feel.  Drop the volume if you need more recovery.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 21, 2021, 06:26:57 PM
Still hitting it. Just neglecting the training log. One thing I found out is that training with volume seems so foriegn to me.  Stopping a set without going to failure rubs me the wrong way. I do realize power lifters and Olympic lifters rarely train to failure.

I know I'm not giving volume the time it needs. Understand I have been doing low sets for over 45 years roughly. I do remember a period where I did the 20 sets a body part. I ended up pretty lean but weak. I bet my muscular endurance was huge. I was around 17 or 18 at the time.

For now Yates warm up then one set to failure seems the best method for now. I can get the workouts over in 45 minutes leaving time for running. I will see how it goes.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on September 21, 2021, 06:31:52 PM
Still hitting it. Just neglecting the training log. One thing I found out is that training with volume seems so foriegn to me.  Stopping a set without going to failure rubs me the wrong way. I do realize power lifters and Olympic lifters rarely train to failure.

I know I'm not giving volume the time it needs. Understand I have been doing low sets for over 45 years roughly. I do remember a period where I did the 20 sets a body part. I ended up pretty lean but weak. I bet my muscular endurance was huge. I was around 17 or 18 at the time.

For now Yates warm up then one set to failure seems the best method for now. I can get the workouts over in 45 minutes leaving time for running. I will see how it goes.

One of the hardest things anyone ever faces is breaking old habits.

If you make your exercise routine fresh and keep your body guessing, it will benefit it you. There is no set way to do anything. The variables are endless.....take time to explore them.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 21, 2021, 07:07:26 PM
One of the hardest things anyone ever faces is breaking old habits.

If you make your exercise routine fresh and keep your body guessing, it will benefit it you. There is no set way to do anything. The variables are endless.....take time to explore them.

Good advice I admit. Will I break out of my old ways? Probably not.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 22, 2021, 02:18:47 PM
Trained chest and bicep.  Rested about an hour then ran a mile and a quarter. Lifting really took it out of me. Disapointed I called it a day after a short mile an a quarter.  At least the lifting part went really well.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 23, 2021, 10:55:50 AM
Leg day and it was rough.  Completely spent.  I went back to doing one set of no weight squats after I trained legs. It's a great finisher especially if you go deep. I did 50 reps after leg press, machine squats, dumbbell squats,stiff deads, leg extensions and leg curls. 

On a completely unrelated topic I gave myself a hair cut today. During covid I started cutting my hair and I found it's not rocket science.  True I can't do a good fade on myself but a regular hair cut looks better than the hacks I was going to here in central Jersey.  Now almost a year later I think I do a great job.  I cut it once every two weeks. 

I remember back in the day going to club or in a young person's bar most of the guys had a hair cut with decent clothes to impress the woman. Something happened the last 25 years.  Guys go to restaurants in the their bare feet in shower shoes or beach flip flops. Their hair looks like crap with beards that are ungroomed. To top the look they throw on a UFC shirt or some other crap shirt. Most young women still know how to go out with hair done, heels and dresses. I don't know how they put up with going to a restaurant  with these slob guys.   You young guys who have a decent job, in shape, fresh hair cut in decent clothes with decent shoes even with jeans would have women throwing themself at you. You would have no compitition from what I observe everyday.

Yes, I am having a cold one typing this.  I will get back to the topic of training logs.   ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on September 23, 2021, 08:10:14 PM
My thanks to you and IroNat for the inspiration, my friend!  Well done!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 24, 2021, 04:08:55 AM
My thanks to you and IroNat for the inspiration, my friend!  Well done!

In many ways you inspire me by trying with your limitations.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on September 24, 2021, 07:36:01 PM
In many ways you inspire me by trying with your limitations.

Well thank you brother, but there are better people who are far worse off than I.  I have seen them and believe me, their presence and attitude humble me.  You and Nat are as real to me as they are, even though we have not met.  This place is more than a "Matrix" and all because of folk such as yourselves.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 25, 2021, 10:33:57 AM
Back day:  It went well. I've been struggling with deadlifts but I had a good day. I use warm ups if needed. I just do enough so I can get to that one work set to failure.

Pulldowns with medium width supinate M.A.G. bar  1 x 11 145lbs (Up right back. No lean back and heave. Touched the bar to my upper chest region each rep and made the weight heavy by using full range of motion, slow negatives and moderate speed reps)

Seated cable row with a V handle 1 x 14 180lbs ( All the way out and back. Notice a lot of guys in the gym short rep these)

Dumbbell lat rows with knee on bench 1 x 12 85lbs ( dead hang and all the way up. Slow negatives)

M.A.G. supinate short bar pulldowns 1 x 13 125lbs ( made the light weight heavy by going slow. I put up a picture of this bar)

Deadlifts 1 x 6 315lbs (Slow negatives. I've been having trouble with deadlifts lately.  I made it a point to concentrate on keeping the bar close and to breath at the end of the rep. I've been failing at 4 reps with 315lbs lately so now I'm back to my usual 6.)

Weighted hyper extensions on a horizontal hyper bench 1 x 20 25lbs plate behind my head.

Ab wheel roll out from the knees 1 x 26. (If you have shoulder issues be careful with these. A lot of leverage against the joint doing these.

Ab pulley 1 x 50

I like doing these Yates inspired workouts. The thing is after doing a set to failure you just can't jump to your next set unless you're super man and full of drugs. I would like to put on a heart monitor during the workout to see the spikes and how long it stays high during the workout. Also how long it's elevated after. I have one but never used it for lifting.

Waxed my wife's car after.  Perfect weather at around 65 degrees in the shade.  Wax came off easy. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 26, 2021, 01:51:19 PM
Delt and tricep day:  My one elbow has been giving my trouble.  I tried to think of tricep exercises that didn't bother it.  I did dips, narrow grip bench, one dumbbell with two hands behind the head, push downs and single D handle reverse grip extensions.

Had a written conversation with a guy on the board that switched to high reps around 20 per set and he said he is having great workouts and his joints feel better.  I think I mentioned it before but there is a fast rising youtube channel where a guy preaches high reps. His name is Ryan Humiston.  A lot of good advice. I don't agree with him with some things but he has a lot of great advice on his channel. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on September 26, 2021, 01:55:48 PM
Delt and tricep day:  My one elbow has been giving my trouble.  I tried to think of tricep exercises that didn't bother it.  I did dips, narrow grip bench, one dumbbell with two hands behind the head, push downs and single D handle reverse grip extensions.

Had a written conversation with a guy on the board that switched to high reps around 20 per set and he said he is having great workouts and his joints feel better.  I think I mentioned it before but there is a fast rising youtube channel where a guy preaches high reps. His name is Ryan Humiston.  A lot of good advice. I don't agree with him with some things but he has a lot of great advice on his channel.

When I checked out Ryan Humiston on Youtube I was surprised to see I had already subscribed. I'm all for doing high reps as opposed to max weight lifts.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 27, 2021, 12:44:25 PM
Ran 2.4 miles. Hit the bag after.  I know many like to workout in the early morning hours but I find it hard to get moving. Lifting early in the isolation  of my basement does get me into a zen type zone. I think the key for me and possibly others for working out early morning prior to work is the warm up.  For running I walk fast for 220 yards then I run at a pace slightly faster than my planned run for 220 yards.  For lifting it’s doing a a warm up set or two for the first few exercises.  Once into the workout many times I don’t use a warm up for many exercises. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on September 27, 2021, 03:47:04 PM
I've watched a couple of Humiston's videos but he's a 'roider so I ignore his advices.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 27, 2021, 04:34:55 PM
I've watched a couple of Humiston's videos but he's a 'roider so I ignore his advices.

I suspected that too.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on September 28, 2021, 04:15:13 AM
I suspected that too.

Hard to find anybody not using drugs.

Of course there is Bhanky.  ;)
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 29, 2021, 02:33:46 PM
Still on the Yates split and one set to failure. Right now it suits my scheule of work and baby sitting. 40-45  minutes and done.  Today was Chest and bicep day. Never got to the cardio part because I had to watch my granddaughter.  Tomorrow I have the same challenge for leg day.  A two year old is exhausting as running 15 miles. They never stop for a second.   ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on September 29, 2021, 04:35:58 PM
Still on the Yates split and one set to failure. Right now it suits my scheule of work and baby sitting. 40-45  minutes and done.  Today was Chest and bicep day. Never got to the cardio part because I had to watch my granddaughter.  Tomorrow I have the same challenge for leg day.  A two year old is exhausting as running 15 miles. They never stop for a second.   ;D

She's a chip off the Oldtimer1 block....that's why she never stops for a second.  ;)
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 30, 2021, 03:41:57 PM
Leg day: Did the one set to failure after warm up. Had to fit the workout in between my two year old granddaughter taking a nap.  As I was finishing the workout with my neck machine I heard her calling for me.  She was up and I was finished!  I'm toast. 

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on October 01, 2021, 04:31:46 AM
I'm glad you found time yesterday to join me in warning these guys about the abuse of steroids and drugs.

We no doubt have changed lives.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 01, 2021, 06:51:25 AM
I'm glad you found time yesterday to join me in warning these guys about the abuse of steroids and drugs.

We no doubt have changed lives.


Aside from the obvious risks to good health I can't stand when guys take credit for their temporary muscles they got from a syringe.  They should own it. Still waiting for a guy to say, "I look like absolute crap 100% off drugs. No, it's not my training knowledge or work ethic. It's the drugs."
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on October 01, 2021, 11:42:22 AM
Aside from the obvious risks to good health I can't stand when guys take credit for their temporary muscles they got from a syringe.  They should own it. Still waiting for a guy to say, "I look like absolute crap 100% off drugs. No, it's not my training knowledge or work ethic. It's the drugs."

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 01, 2021, 05:20:40 PM
Rest day today. Did jack. Went to a favorite Italian restarant and had bread with dipping oil that was flavored with garlic, herbs and anchovies. Had marechiaro linguine with shrimp, clams, mussles and calamari. Had a California red with the meal. Finished off with something called a chocolate volcano. A hot chocolate cake drizzled with rasberry sauce with a scoop of geloto on the side. I'm not a coffee drinker but the wife had a cappuccino made in this elaborate machine. It was amazing and I don't drink coffee. This Italian coffee could turn me into a coffee drinker in a heart beat.  Came home and had to open the button on my pants. Noticed spots of red on my  shirt that pissed me off. Right into the washing machine. I had to gain a pound or two today. We haven't seen the waiter in a month and he treated us like old friends. Classy joint. If you train hard you should be able to have a meal where you eat till you can't eat anymore with amazing food.  Life is short and enjoying a dinner with a loved one is more important than worrying about your abs sometimes.  ;D  Tommorow is a celery stick. Who am I kidding? I brought home a doggy bag. I will eat it again!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 02, 2021, 03:09:21 PM
Trained back today along with deadlifts. After I did some door repairs my wife wanted that took an hour. I then sat down with my lap top checking emails.

 I have pairs of 80lbs, 85, 90, 95 and 100lbs dumbbells for sale on craigs.  Someone responded they wanted them. I don't want strangers in my basement so I did a farmer's walk up the basment stairs with the dumbbells. Completly exhausted. When I got the two 100lbs I tripped on the second step and fell. Thank God the dumbbells weren't damaged falling on me.  Little birds were going around my head.  In the kitchen my wife said there is blood everywhere. Didn't realize my hand was bleeding. She wanted me to go for stiches but I patched it up. This guy better show up to buy them tomorrow. I have my eye on another piece of equipment. Beggining to think I'm not as young as I use to be.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on October 02, 2021, 03:26:59 PM
It is lucky you weren't injured worse than you were. It's probably a good thing that you carried them upstairs instead of having the purchaser do it, get injured and the sue you.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on October 03, 2021, 03:44:42 AM
Glad you are ok, OT.  It's easy to trip on stairs.

Two 100 hundred pounders at once?  That's a lot.

Maybe next time carry only one bell at a time and hang on to the handrail with the other?

Looked on Craiglist for your dumbbells but no luck.

There seems to be a lot more weights for sale since I last looked.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on October 03, 2021, 07:57:03 AM
Trained back today along with deadlifts. After I did some door repairs my wife wanted that took an hour. I then sat down with my lap top checking emails.

 I have pairs of 80lbs, 85, 90, 95 and 100lbs dumbbells for sale on craigs.  Someone responded they wanted them. I don't want strangers in my basement so I did a farmer's walk up the basment stairs with the dumbbells. Completly exhausted. When I got the two 100lbs I tripped on the second step and fell. Thank God the dumbbells weren't damaged falling on me.  Little birds were going around my head.  In the kitchen my wife said there is blood everywhere. Didn't realize my hand was bleeding. She wanted me to go for stiches but I patched it up. This guy better show up to buy them tomorrow. I have my eye on another piece of equipment. Beggining to think I'm not as young as I use to be.

Whew!  Glad you're okay, brother!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 03, 2021, 03:48:51 PM
A big kid showed up for the dumbbells. Slapped the cash in my hand and did most of the work loading his car. 

Trained delts and triceps: My right hand is sore. One finger is black and blue from the fall. Could have been bad but in the scheme of things I got off easy.

No warm up sets shown.

Standing dumbbell delt press 1 x 12
Dumbbell delt laterals 1 x 15
Rear dumbbell laterals 1 x 14
Face pulls 1 x 18
Barbell shrugs 1 x 12

Dips 1 x 15
Close grips 1 x 8
Two hand single dumbbell behind the head 1 x 12
Push downs 1 x 13
Single dumbbell on arm behind the head 1 x 12

Weighted crunches 1 x 60
Pulley crunhes 1 x 30 (I vary the weight from workout to workout with this. Lighter weight I get better form. When using heavier weight the form is looser. Both are good so I mix it up.)
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 06, 2021, 08:07:16 AM
This 45 years plus of lifting weights has been an obsession.  Truth be told I have so much more potential in running and boxing than bodybuilding but I'm hooked. Just bought this glute kick back machine. Waiting for it to arrive. In the commercial gym I split my time with I saw a selectorized version of this kick back machine.  The guys stayed away from it and only the women used it. I was curious to try it. It was the best machine leg movement I have ever tried. Hits the quads and glutes hard. I remember gasping for breath the first time I used it.

 I noticed my sprinting speed went up rapidedly using this thing. To the point where my thigh power over powered my calf and I got a great injury out of it.  ;D I was doing 40 yard sprints and in my 60's I felt almost as fast as in my youth. I was shocked by the spring in my steps and I attributed it to the addition of the kick back machine. My achilles didn't share my enthusiasm for my regained sprinting speed.

This is a sickness this bodybuilding crap. I would be healthier and more athletic if I did body weight stuff with the addition of running. When it gets here I'll give a review.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on October 06, 2021, 08:26:09 AM


Cool.  Reinvesting the dumbbells proceeds, bro. 

Take it easy in the beginning with it so you don't injure yourself.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on October 06, 2021, 08:29:03 AM
How are you structuring your workouts to accommodate your running?

I know you are posting the workouts but just give me cliff notes like what days you run and what days you train, rest days, etc.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 06, 2021, 09:28:58 AM
How are you structuring your workouts to accommodate your running?

I know you are posting the workouts but just give me cliff notes like what days you run and what days you train, rest days, etc.

Last two weeks I only ran once. I concentrated on lifting.  Today is a day off. Tomorrow I get back.  I was looking over my training logs. I have a stack on my dresser.  Wow, have I gone down hill quick, lol. Looking over old training note books have given me some clues to how to get back.  I guess I'm ahead of the curve for my age. I want to get my VO2 back. If can't make significant progress by concentrating on it I will see a cardiologist to see if I have a problem.  One thing I read clicked with me with a guy that is an amazing runner and lifter.  He said if you want to be a better runner you have to be consistent with training. I am with lifting but I throw in running as an after thought.

Hope your training is going well.  Heading to the boardwalk to eat crap and drink cheap beer in Seaside.   ;D
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on October 06, 2021, 10:02:55 AM
Bruce Lee said in one his books that aerobic capacity declines very rapidly if you lay off.

I guess that means you have to run often to maintain or improve your running.

Keeping training logs is something I do too.  I write down each day's workout in a notebook.  More detail than what I post here.

Went through a few in the past days and can see my strength has declined over the last couple years.  Of course I dropped twenty pounds this year and lost muscle which is probably the cause.

This is why I am cleaning and pressing a lot to get strength back hopefully.  I don't want to regain the weight and fat.

It's hell to get old.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 06, 2021, 02:22:45 PM
Bruce Lee said in one his books that aerobic capacity declines very rapidly if you lay off.

I guess that means you have to run often to maintain or improve your running.

Keeping training logs is something I do too.  I write down each day's workout in a notebook.  More detail than what I post here.

Went through a few in the past days and can see my strength has declined over the last couple years.  Of course I dropped twenty pounds this year and lost muscle which is probably the cause.

This is why I am cleaning and pressing a lot to get strength back hopefully.  I don't want to regain the weight and fat.

It's hell to get old.

The clean and press might be the best exercise. As we age strength is one of the last things to to.  Power goes quick. After 40 is goes down. As you know strength is a separate entity from strength.  Always include some kind of Olympic lifting, jumping or sprinting.  Endurance goes down with age. Not as fast as power. There are many old guys doing the high singles in the weight room but in the scheme of things are not in shape or doing well physically.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 06, 2021, 03:13:05 PM
It is only a sickness and crap if you make it so. Bodybuilding is a form of exercise. Everyone benefits from moderate exercise. Anything, including exercise done in excess can be harmful to one's health. What types of exercise we do is a choice. If one thing isn't working (maintaining or improving your health and wellbeing), try something else. Variety is preferable to stagnation.

Activities such as walking, running or jumping places stress on the Achilles tendon. This contradicts your claim that running would make you healthier. Doing something you enjoy and then complaining about it doesn't make much sense.

Wow are you passive then hostile aggressive.  Complaining?  Really? If my posts offend you don't read them.  All exercise carries risk.  You would be hard pressed to find an individual that worked out hard for decades that doesn't have injuries. Yes, cardio  when weighted against benefit to risk is worth it.  It has prevented more heart attacks than it has caused. That's why after a heart attack for the majority  doctors want you doing cardio during rehab. Yes, I injured my Achilles.  My Achilles is better now. I bet now in my sixties I could beat anything cardio wise you could have done in your 20's at my current age.  Tell me how fast you could run a 100 yards , 440 yards or mile.   
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on October 06, 2021, 06:42:39 PM
Wow are you passive then hostile aggressive.  Complaining?  Really? If my posts offend you don't read them.  All exercise carries risk.  You would be hard pressed to find an individual that worked out hard for decades that doesn't have injuries. Yes, cardio  when weighted against benefit to risk is worth it.  It has prevented more heart attacks than it has caused. That's why after a heart attack for the majority  doctors want you doing cardio during rehab. Yes, I injured my Achilles.  My Achilles is better now. I bet now in my sixties I could beat anything cardio wise you could have done in your 20's at my current age.  Tell me how fast you could run a 100 yards , 440 yards or mile.

I'd have to check, but I don't believe in my reply I even suggested your post offended me. Really, why would I? You were speaking generally and not specifically to me. 

Seems like every so often you get really defensive when it doesn't seem called for. Nothing in my post was meant to criticize you or how you choose to exercise. Maybe I read what you wrote wrongly or maybe you didn't realize how what you said would be perceived. Seems to me, you were criticizing yourself for pursuing bodybuilding type routines as opposed to more athletically oriented ones.

I hope you and I are friends. Friends are honest with one another. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 25, 2021, 06:54:04 PM
Still training. Too lazy to keep up with this journal. Maybe I will start again soon.  I've been reading and looking at youtubes for different training ideologies. I have always been interested in how others train. Lately here are some observations of a couple of volume variations.

1. Ryan Humiston's youtube has exploded. He has an interesting take on working out. Besides using exercise variations I have never seen before he loves high reps.  Very typical of him to do four sets of 20.  He also does century sets too, drop sets, super sets and giant sets.  If I got his philosophy down if he is doing four sets of 20 the first set he takes to failure. He might get 25 reps.  The second after a short rest maybe 18 to failure. The third 15 reps and the fourth 12 reps to failure. All with some forced or cheat reps at the end. Check out his youtube channel. He went from nothing to over a million people watching his stuff.

2. This is the Steve Holman 4x (X stands for sets with his codes)  take on volume. Nothing new to his take. So many pros use it. He will do  4 sets of 10.  He tries to stay away from failure unlike Ryan above who chases it every set. On the 4x the first set will end at 10 even though he could have gotten 15. The second after a short rest he gets 10 but could have gotten 12. Third set he gets 10 but could have gotten 11. Fourth and final set he fails at 8.  Danny Padilla trained like this. Used the same weight every set but he liked 5 sets of 12 in general. Steve Davis too and a host of others trained like this.

3. Then you got Bill Pearl's version of volume. He wanted to avoid failure for every set.  He liked lower reps like 6 to 8 but that wasn't written in stone. He wanted to complete every set without failure in general. He said you can't make training so hellish that you can't keep training longevity because of needed breaks for exhaustion. I'm sure he hit failure but it wasn't something he was aiming for.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 27, 2021, 07:53:54 AM
Trained chest and bicep Monday then had a hard treadmill work out after. Trained legs early yesterday Tuesday and felt in a fog but I got my reps in.  Started feeling under the weather toward the end of my job shift that day. Came home sick as dog and seeing the doc today.

 I think our immunities are compromised. I have been washing my hands, sterilizing my work desk and door. In general trying to avoid close contact with people the best I can. The immune system works by getting stronger from fighting germs. Now we have 8 months plus of avoiding germs.  Our defenses are weakened.  Now that we a back to just about normal we are being exposed to people and the germs are spreading. One example of this was a day care place near me closing for two weeks. They thought it was covid but over half of the kids came down with a bad cold. In my job I'm constantly surrounded by people from all different countries.  It's like the United Nations. Just a few to mention are Mexicans, Africans and Muslims come into my office and judging by their English are fresh from those countries. I wonder what germs they have that I haven't been exposed to? 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on October 28, 2021, 03:59:52 AM
What line of work are you in?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 28, 2021, 08:36:07 AM
What line of work are you in?

I'm retired. I work part time now for a government agency that works with the State Department. It's like the United nations of people. Exposed to a lot of foreigners.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on October 28, 2021, 09:09:07 AM
Did you get the glute kick back machine?

Do you like it?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on October 28, 2021, 12:56:51 PM
Last night was one of the two consecutive nights off on the current Elite 3 bands routine, (yes, still doing bands). Anyway, I took advantage of the freed up time and did 4 sets of 25 BW squats, leg raises and calf raises. Why did I do this? Because my legs are lagging lately. I am not doing enough regular exercise including walking to keep them in shape. Tonight I may use the extra time to work my core including abs.   
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 28, 2021, 03:14:39 PM
Did you get the glute kick back machine?

Do you like it?

It's sitting on a cargo ship container in the Pacific ocean waiting to unload. I hope it wasn't in one of the many of the containers they dumped in the ocean for insurance claims. I'll let it go a month or two then contact American Express for a refund.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 28, 2021, 03:18:41 PM
Last night was one of the two consecutive nights off on the current Elite 3 bands routine, (yes, still doing bands). Anyway, I took advantage of the freed up time and did 4 sets of 25 BW squats, leg raises and calf raises. Why did I do this? Because my legs are lagging lately. I am not doing enough regular exercise including walking to keep them in shape. Tonight I may use the extra time to work my core including abs.

Walking is a great addition to a strength exercise routine.  Bodyweight squats are great. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 29, 2021, 08:45:55 AM
Under the weather this week but I woke up feeling better. I decided to try to experiment with Ryan Humiston type high rep workout. Just a back ground. In my training I try to make a moderate weight heavy by doing a full range of motion and moderate rep speed. I chase failure with somewhat moderate weight. 

Today I went into my basement gym without the thought of working out. Just wanted to do a brief experiment. I did two arm dumbbell curls. It wasn't alternating but curled at the same time. I used a really light weight and the first set I failed at 30 reps. I then went to rope push downs for triceps. Again a light weight. I gutted out about 30 reps again. I went back to the dumbbells for curls. I failed at around 25 reps. I took a very brief rest and got the 5 remaining reps. I went to rope triceps and dropped the weight 10lbs. I failed at 20 reps. I then rest paused it to 30.

I rarely take measurements but I did today. My arms measured the biggest I have ever taped them.  I have taped them after my usual 8 to 12 rep arm workout on occasion so I know my measurements. This added a quarter inch. I know many will say a pump isn't growth. I question this because sarcoplasmic hypertrophy might increase muscular size in the long run.

 Think of it this way. A muscle fiber contracts on or off. With high reps a couple of fibers are contracting at the beginning of the set and toward the end they all are. Danny Padilla said something to the effect that increasing muscular endurance is the key to increasing size. He might be right. If intensity is the key to muscle growth we would be doing sets of single reps after warm up. That would be the most intense way you could train.

 Off on another tangent; I read about a guy that was doing  4 sets of 10 in the leg press with the heaviest weight he could for a long time. For a change he loaded the leg press with a weight for 4 sets of 25 plus. He said his thighs started growing quickly.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on October 29, 2021, 11:43:10 AM
Under the weather this week but I woke up feeling better. I decided to try to experiment with Ryan Humiston type high rep workout. Just a back ground. In my training I try to make a moderate weight heavy by doing a full range of motion and moderate rep speed. I chase failure with somewhat moderate weight. 

Today I went into my basement gym without the thought of working out. Just wanted to do a brief experiment. I did two arm dumbbell curls. It wasn't alternating but curled at the same time. I used a really light weight and the first set I failed at 30 reps. I then went to rope push downs for triceps. Again a light weight. I gutted out about 30 reps again. I went back to the dumbbells for curls. I failed at around 25 reps. I took a very brief rest and got the 5 remaining reps. I went to rope triceps and dropped the weight 10lbs. I failed at 20 reps. I then rest paused it to 30.

I rarely take measurements but I did today. My arms measured the biggest I have ever taped them.  I have taped them after my usual 8 to 12 rep arm workout on occasion so I know my measurements. This added a quarter inch. I know many will say a pump isn't growth. I question this because sarcoplasmic hypertrophy might increase muscular size in the long run.

 Think of it this way. A muscle fiber contracts on or off. With high reps a couple of fibers are contracting at the beginning of the set and toward the end they all are. Danny Padilla said something to the effect that increasing muscular endurance is the key to increasing size. He might be right. If intensity is the key to muscle growth we would be doing sets of single reps after warm up. That would be the most intense way you could train.

 Off on another tangent; I read about a guy that was doing  4 sets of 10 in the leg press with the heaviest weight he could for a long time. For a change he loaded the leg press with a weight for 4 sets of 25 plus. He said his thighs started growing quickly.

I bet he dropped the poundage to something he could handle @ 25 reps. Less resistance often results in better control of the exercise. Varying the range of motion supposedly increases muscle growth.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 30, 2021, 08:20:29 AM
I bet he dropped the poundage to something he could handle @ 25 reps. Less resistance often results in better control of the exercise. Varying the range of motion supposedly increases muscle growth.

Yes, that's the point. He used lighter weights and increased the reps drastically.  I'm just looking into different protocols and theories of training.  Lately there has been a lot of chatter on videos and the internet about the value of high reps. I'm not a fan of really high reps but they do make their debate points for the benefits of high reps.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 02, 2021, 01:38:36 PM
I didn't lift or do cardio for a week while I was under the weather. Today I was going to lift but I just had power clean day for a little break in. I did 3 x 3 then 1 x 1. Very light weights. Stayed around 165lbs. Didn't want to tax myself.  Tomorrow I hope I will be firing on all cylinders. I was pretty sick. I wonder how much strength and endurance I lost. Tomorrow is time to get back to work in the gym.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on November 02, 2021, 04:00:50 PM
I didn't lift or do cardio for a week while I was under the weather. Today I was going to lift but I just had power clean day for a little break in. I did 3 x 3 then 1 x 1. Very light weights. Stayed around 165lbs. Didn't want to tax myself.  Tomorrow I hope I will be firing on all cylinders. I was pretty sick. I wonder how much strength and endurance I lost. Tomorrow is time to get back to work in the gym.

Glad you are feeling better now. Stay well.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 03, 2021, 01:54:49 PM
Trained back and chest. Back went well but I was a little weak on chest. Coming back from  week off because of being under the weather is always a trying time getting back. Surprisingly deadlifts went well. I put the deads at the end of the workout like Yates did so I'm prefatigued and the weight used is lighter.  Did two easy sets of 2 x 4 reps with 315lbs.  I'm sure I can do better if I put them first but the injury potential from using heavy weights and not being completely warmed up isn't worth it at my age. I'm sure I will be back strong after I get this week in. 

Pulldowns 2 x 10
Seated lat cable lat rows 2 x 12
Dumbbell rows off a bench 2 x 10
Pulldows with a narrow hands together supinate MAG bar 2 x 10 (pictured below)

Flat dumbbell bench 2 x 8 (I only used 75lbs but made the weight heavy by going really low. No parallel upper arms to the floor. I went deep with a slow negative.)
Decline dumbbell bench 2 x 8
Flat flies 2 x 10
Push ups 2 x max

Dead lifts 2 x 4
Weighted back extensions 2 x 15

Ab wheel roll out 1 x 26
Pulley crunch 1 x 60
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 05, 2021, 11:16:19 AM
Leg day: No warm ups listed.

Leg press 2 x 12 (Always go really deep on these.)
Squat machine 2 x 10
Dumbbell squat 1 x 12
Stiff dead 2 x 6
leg extensions 2  x20
Seated leg curl 2 x 15

Hanging leg raise 1 x 26
Hip ups lying on the floor 1 x 31

Standing calf 2 x 15
Seated calf 2 x 15
tibalis work 1 x 20

Four way neck machine 2 sets of 25 reps a side.

In a coma as I type this. Really thinking about different training protocols. Very few train to failure from what I see. I wonder how I would be training if I was never exposed to Arthur Jones and Mike Mentzer. I see guys do a set then carry on a conversation immediately after. When I finish a set I pace trying to get my wind back for many hard exercises. About two years ago a bench and curl type guy said to me I was really out of shape by the way I was breathing. While a good bencher I don't think he embraced training to failure. On a side note I know I am in much better condition than my criticizer who by the looks of him couldn't run around a block without keeling over. 

Awhile back maybe 15 years ago my job that I since retired from sent a few of the guys over to a high intensity gym in Belmar NJ. The gym was a shrine to Arthur Jones. The owner really embraced everything Jones said about exercise. It had only machines made by Jones. A complete line of Nautilus and MetX machines. My job had me on a week course involving exercise. On one field trip from the course they wanted us to learn about high intensity training which led the class to this gym.  The owner asked for a volunteer and my hand went up. I was confident in my ability to work hard. Famous last thought not knowing the torture he would put me through.

 He said something to the effect I will now show you how little time you need to work out but it will be brutal. I don't recall  everything he put me through but it was over in I think 20 minutes. I think he had me do 7 exercises for a whole body routine.  It started with the Nautilus leg press to failure with forced reps with him yelling at me to get more reps. I stood up and thought this was brutal and he immediately put me on an exercise bike and said sprint. He watched the controls and yelled for me to speed up if I dipped. I was only on the bike for maybe two minutes but the resistance was high. He then put me on a Metx pullover machine I believe.  My memory is fuzzy. Same protocol with forced reps after failure and another jump on the bike. It went on for 7 machines in total. When I was done I was sick. He told me to lie on the floor so I wouldn't bang my head if I pass out. He complimented me on not puking. While I completely exhausted my self in around 20 minutes covering my whole body and it surely kept my heart rate at the red line of the tach I wondered who could work out like this on a regular basis? He said he would only recommend a work out like this for two days max a week. He said the bike could even be cut out as I progressed. He has since sold the gym and moved to Florida. The owner had an abnormally thick neck as a side note.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on November 06, 2021, 05:46:58 AM
If your experience tells you it works then keep doing it.

If not, then change.

Are you stronger, bigger, better?

Are you moving forward to your goals or not?

Something either works or it doesn't.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 06, 2021, 06:20:41 AM
If your experience tells you it works then keep doing it.

If not, then change.

Are you stronger, bigger, better?

Are you moving forward to your goals or not?

Something either works or it doesn't.

I will never get stronger, faster, bigger or better at my age than I was in my 20's, 30's 40's and even 50's. I just hope to be the best I can be at my present age. As far as change it helps with goals. A runner trains in cycles.  First cycle is slow distance. Next cycle is short distance with more intensity. Moving through the cycles is high intensity intervals. Just wondering if a cycle on lifting volume would do me good? As you can tell I'm a broken record with my training. I'm happy with the results but of course if I didn't think I could do better there would be no point in the endeavor would it?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on November 06, 2021, 11:21:00 AM
Well, you could change things up for a few weeks to break the monotony.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 07, 2021, 06:02:33 AM
My standard split in general is Monday, Back and chest.  Wednesday is legs. Friday is delt and arms then two days off.  It works well for me.  I know many will say you need to work out body parts more than once a week but I do because of over lap.  On back day all the pulling is getting biceps hard. No way from a kinesiology analysis can you avoid the bicep involvement. On Friday biceps gets hit directly again on arm day. Another example is legs get their own day on Wednesday but on back day Monday they are hit hard when I do either power cleans or deadlifts. On it goes. Triceps are being hit hard on chest day with the pushing on Monday and again hit on arm day on Friday.  I could go on for each body part but you get the drift.

 I enjoy hitting a body part with several different exercises to use exercises that work mid range, stretch and the contracted position.  An example is dips or close grips for midrange triceps, Single dumbbell behind the neck with two hands for stretch position and something like two hand kick backs to emphasize the contracted position. 

The split I use the majority of the time also gives me four days off. On two of those days I try to get a run in with some boxing drills that I enjoy. 

I really enjoy hearing how others work out whether it's cross fit, running, martial arts, body weight or weight training.  I see the swing in weight training today seems to be away from the standard 8 to 12 reps into high reps.  I understand why many are going to it. It can be really brutal. I think the guy leading the way for this is this youtuber Ryan Humiston.  He said in effect that adding weight to do a set of 8 is easier that trying to do four sets of 20 with little rest between sets. He sometimes does a single century set (100 reps) and that sounds brutal. He gives the example of how he sometimes does that with squats or hacks.  I saw a couple of videos of the pro Kai Greene that uses high reps. On the video I watched he did three sets of an exercise hitting 20 reps on set one. Around 15 reps on set two and around 12 reps on set three. I'm sure some would argue that what ever a drug using guy does in the weight room isn't proof of a valid training protocol. If intensity was the magic bullet of training we would all be doing something like 4 sets of one rep after warm up. That's the most intense training we could do.  I think Humiston might be on to something. Maybe muscular endurance is the magic bullet of muscle growth.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on November 07, 2021, 07:04:41 AM
I've busted your balls in the other threads but seriously, you could look at high volume training as a combination of weight training and cardio.

Serge Nubret said he didn't do cardio because he got his cardio from his high volume workout.

In addition he did an hour straight of non-stop abs.

You train with multiple sets and short rests between sets. 

4-6 exercises per bodypart, 6-8 sets of 12 reps per exercise, 1 minute rests, six days a week split.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 07, 2021, 09:44:03 AM
I've busted your balls in the other threads but seriously, you could look at high volume training as a combination of weight training and cardio.

Serge Nubret said he didn't do cardio because he got his cardio from his high volume workout.

In addition he did an hour straight of non-stop abs.

You train with multiple sets and short rests between sets. 

4-6 exercises per bodypart, 6-8 sets of 12 reps per exercise, 1 minute rests, six days a week split.

No doubt training with volume burns calories. The most ripped bodybuilder I ever saw back in the day was Joe Means. He was the most muscular man in the 1976 or 75 AAU Mr. America.  He did super sets, tri sets and giant sets. He trained six days a week. At the time he didn't do any cardio.  Surely his method burned up a ton of calories and got him in condition without cardio. Now that he doesn't compete in his late 60's he does a ridiculous amount of cardio on his bike combined with his weight training.

Regarding busting my balls it really has no effect on me. I don't know you so I don't value any negativity you put on me.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on November 07, 2021, 11:35:49 AM
I just ran across this article and thought it was hilarious. DeFranco's Training Rules for Washed-up Meatheads. Here's the link. Hope you get a laugh out of it.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 07, 2021, 02:11:29 PM
I just ran across this article and thought it was hilarious. DeFranco's Training Rules for Washed-up Meatheads. Here's the link. Hope you get a laugh out of it.

I actually know his father well. He was my boss and a beast of a weight trainer. That's a picture of his father holding the single dumbbell. DeFranco the son opened a gym in a rich area of Jersey near where many of the Giants and Jets players lived. Yes they trained at his gym.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on November 07, 2021, 02:15:57 PM

I actually know his father well. He was my boss and a beast of a weight trainer. That's a picture of his father holding the single dumbbell.

Is it a current photo? He looks great for a mature fellow.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 07, 2021, 02:23:02 PM
Is it a current photo? He looks great for a mature fellow.

No it isn't. He's probably around his early 70's now. I think he was the second in the world in arm wrestling and benched drug free and shirt free  440lbs.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on November 07, 2021, 02:28:46 PM
No it isn't. He's probably around his early 70's now. I think he was the second in the world in arm wrestling and benched drug free and shirt free of 440lbs.

It's a relief that he's not in his 70's in that photo, because he sure looks a lot better built than I do these days. I did put some weight back on after posting that skinny photo of myself. Skinny may be healthier, but not looking like a scarecrow makes me feel better. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 07, 2021, 02:33:40 PM
Trained delts and arms:

Military press 2 x 8 (video taped myself. I could have gone three to four inches deeper. I will work on it.)
Dumbbell laterals 2 x 12
Cable one arm delt lateral 1 x 10
Rear dumbbell laterals 2 x 10
Rope pulls 2 x 12
Barbell shrugs 2 x 10

weighted dips 2 x 12
Close grip bench 1 x 8 ( I can't get my safety bars positioned right with my ez curl bar. Going narrow with a straight bar hurts my wrist. The ez bar feels perfect. I don't feel safe doing these without a safety spotting bar)
Reverse grip pulley tricep extensions using two hands 2  x 10
Dumbbell one arm behind the head extension 1 x 12

Alternate dumbbell curls 2 x 8
Drag barbell curls 2 x 12
Scott dumbbell curl 1 x 10
concentration curls 1  x12

Forearm wrist curls 2  x 25
Reverse wrist extensions 2 x 15

Weighted crunches 1 x 50
Pulley crunches 1 x 30
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 07, 2021, 02:42:50 PM
It's a relief that he's not in his 70's in that photo, because he sure looks a lot better built than I do these days. I did put some weight back on after posting that skinny photo of myself. Skinny may be healthier, but not looking like a scarecrow makes me feel better.

I bet he's in his mid 60's in that picture. He has always been in incredible shape. Year in and year out every month of the year he was in shape. Now that I think about it he's 74 I believe now. I haven't seen him in years but I have no doubt unless because of illness he's still built. He was a tough bastard and didn't suffer fools without consequences. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 10, 2021, 03:48:11 PM
Did a Yates type one set to failure Chest and bicep day.

Dumbbell flat bench 1 x 8
Decline dumbbell bench 1 x 10
Flat flies 1 x 14
Push ups 1 x max

EZ Curl 1 x 15
Alternate dumbbell curls 1 x 10
Drag barbell curls 1 x 14
Concentration curl 1 x 13

Wrist curls 1 x 30
Wrist extension 1 x 25

Incline sit ups 1 x 27
Pulley crunches 1 x 40

I think I will try to get three days of cardio in this week if things work out.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 11, 2021, 12:24:53 PM
Leg day:  Knees make a lot of cracking sounds but little pain.  No warm ups listed. One set to failure. I do a warm up set or two on some exercises. Others don't even get one warm up. The leg press gets two warm up sets. The squat machine none as well as the dumbbell squat. Stiff gets one warm up. Leg extension and leg curls get none. Just to give an example.

Leg press 1 x 12
Squat machine 1 x 10
Dumbbell squat 1 x 12
stiff dead 1x 8
leg extension 1 x 23
seated leg curl 1 x 17

Hanging leg raise 1 x 27
Hip ups 1 x 32

Standing calf 1 x 20
Seated calf 1 x 21
tib 1x 21

neck four way machine 1 x 30 all directions

Off to Atlantic city for a stay over.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 13, 2021, 05:24:32 PM

MAG grip supinate pulldowns 1 x 11 145lbs (Upright and all the way down in a smooth cadence. No lean back and heave)
Seated lat pulley rows with a V handle 1 x 14 180lbs (All the way out and all the way back)
Dumbbell lat rows off a bench 1 x 12 85lbs ( dead hang and all the way up.  slow cadence)
Mag narrow grip supinate pulldowns 1 x 14 125lbs ( these feel great)

Deadlift 1 x 6 315lbs (last rep was at the ragged edge for me.  Made me think this is how injuries happen.)
Weighted back hyper extension 1 x 20 (Held a 25lbs plate behind my head.  Used an old school horizontal hyper bench instead of the easier 45 degree one that's in fashion now)

ab wheel roll out 1 x 27
Pulley crunches 1 x 14

Went over my daughter to help her out after with home repair stuff. She bought a fixer upper house and it's has endless fixes going on.  At least she got it cheap because no one wanted it.  Looked like homeless hobos were living in it before and it's beginning to look really nice now. An example of this is a burn mark on the rug that looks like they had some kind of hot plate on it. At least the weird smells are gone.  She has another year of getting the place fixed but it's coming together nicely.  My son from the Army was staying with her and I'm glad he helped me out.  We watched UFC after. Max Holloway won but you wouldn't know it from his face. My face was marked from a heat duct cover falling out of the dry wall cracking me on my face. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on November 13, 2021, 05:38:14 PM
Leg day:  Knees make a lot of cracking sounds but little pain.  No warm ups listed. One set to failure. I do a warm up set or two on some exercises. Others don't even get one warm up. The leg press gets two warm up sets. The squat machine none as well as the dumbbell squat. Stiff gets one warm up. Leg extension and leg curls get none. Just to give an example.

Leg press 1 x 12
Squat machine 1 x 10
Dumbbell squat 1 x 12
stiff dead 1x 8
leg extension 1 x 23
seated leg curl 1 x 17

Hanging leg raise 1 x 27
Hip ups 1 x 32

Standing calf 1 x 20
Seated calf 1 x 21
tib 1x 21

neck four way machine 1 x 30 all directions

Off to Atlantic city for a stay over.

Interesting 1 set of each exercise. Same thing I'm doing using the bands. For me the one downside is that I run out of steam before I run out of strength. For example the first exercise in routine 1 is chest. I can get to 40 reps with not too much effort. The next exercise is triceps. I'm winded long before 40 reps and will sometimes break into 2 sets. This reminds me of something I read that Arnold S. said about reps. I think it was pullups. The idea was to do 50 reps by doing as many as you could with each set until you reached a total of 50. I've been apply this philosophy to working out with the bands and it has helped. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on November 13, 2021, 05:41:05 PM

MAG grip supinate pulldowns 1 x 11 145lbs (Upright and all the way down in a smooth cadence. No lean back and heave)
Seated lat pulley rows with a V handle 1 x 14 180lbs (All the way out and all the way back)
Dumbbell lat rows off a bench 1 x 12 85lbs ( dead hang and all the way up.  slow cadence)
Mag narrow grip supinate pulldowns 1 x 14 125lbs ( these feel great)

Deadlift 1 x 6 315lbs (last rep was at the ragged edge for me.  Made me think this how injuries happen.)
Weighted back hyper extension 1 x 20 (Held a 25lbs plate behind my head.  Used an old school horizontal hyper bench instead of the easier 45 degree one that's in fashion now)

ab wheel roll out 1 x 27
Pulley crunches 1 x 14

Went over my daughter to help her out after with home repair stuff. She bought a fixer upper house and it's has endless fixes going on.  At least she got it cheap because no one wanted it.  Looked like homeless hobos were living in it before and it beginning to look really nice now. An example of this is a burn mark on the rug that looks like they had some kind of hot plate on it. At least the weird smells are gone.  She has another year of getting the place fixed but it's coming together nicely.  My son from the Army was staying with her and I'm glad he helped me out.  We watched UFC after. Max Holloway won but you wouldn't know it from his face. My face was marked from a heat duct cover falling out of the dry wall cracking me on my face.

So you had a face full of narrow parallel lines or a waffle pattern?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 14, 2021, 04:02:20 PM
Delt and triceps: No warm ups shown.

Dumbbell delt press standing 1 x 11
Dumbbell delt laterals 1 x 17
Rear dumbbell delt laterals 1 x 14
Face pulls 1 x 13
barbell shrugs 1 x 13

Weighted dips 1 x 15
Narrow grip bench 1 x 8 (used an olympic bar this time. Not as comfortable as the EZ bar but I can use an Olympic bar with my spotting rack.
Single dumbbell two hand tricep extension seated using a turned around scott bench to lean on. 1 x 13
Reverse grip pulley tricep extension single arm 1 x 15

Weighted crunches 1 x 60
Weighted pulley crunches 1 x 55

I have elbow pain and trying to find exercises that don't aggravate it. My selection today accomplished this.  Some tricep exercises like skull crushers and others make my elbow throb for days. Zero pain today with these choices. I really love the military press with a barbell. Love cleaning it and pressing through the greatest range of motion I can but they can be hard on the rotator cuff as it braces to keep it in the groove. I find zero discomfort with delt dumbbell presses. I will still use the military press but I know where to go when my shoulders need a break.

Going to try to really wake up early before work and to get on the treadmill tomorrow.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 15, 2021, 07:01:38 PM
Did a fast walking treadmill workout today. Walked at 3.8 MPH. Started at 0% level grade but every lap (quarter mile) I upped the incline 1%. I went up to and completed a 8% grade. Finished a final lap at 0% grade. Just to remind my legs about running I ran a lap at a 8 minute mile pace or 7.5 MPH when I finished my walking thing.  Hit the heavy bag after. I think I will stick to fast walking for a week before I break into running again.

Tomorrow I hope to do the same workout but I will finish a 9% grade. I know from previous experience that when I get up to a 12% grade I'm good to start running again. I would strongly urge anyone who wants to get involved in running but hasn't run for ages to commit to a fast walking program using the incline function like the one I am doing. It really primes the legs and heart for a running program.  If you are 30 years old disregard about my thoughts about breaking into running with a walking program. Take your lazy ass out on the street and pound the pavement running.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 16, 2021, 05:24:22 AM
Same thing as yesterday. Walked at 3.8 MPH at 0% grade (incline) and each lap I went up a grade till I completed 9% grade. Final lap was 0% grade.  I then ran at 7:48 pace for a quarter mile and cooled down at 3.8 MPH for a quarter mile. No boxing drills today. While I'm doing these walking drills I find it's always good to end with a running lap for a quarter mile. The purpose of the walking program is to prepare for real running and it's good to remind your legs, lungs and heart what it means to run.  Next time I will walk going up 1% of incline for each quarter mile lap till I complete 10%. Then I will run a lap at 7:30 mile as a running reminder to my body.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 17, 2021, 07:05:43 PM
I wanted to lift but I felt burned out. I played with clean and jerks. I did four sets with light weight. I realize with certainty there are things I shouldn't be doing at my age and one of them are jerks. I don't have the flexibility to rack the weight properly. A lot of the force from my legs after the jerk dip is being transferred right to my shoulders  and rotator cuffs that are in a bad position because of the bad rack. I don't want to tempt fate. If I do Power cleans I won't be jerking the weight over head.

What I should be doing I think at this stage are old fashion split snatches alternating legs.  It doesn't require the flexibility to get my fingers back and my elbows up. Bill Starr the NFL trainer wrote that the snatch can actually be a better exercise for older trainers with shoulder issues. I got on a snatch kick awhile back and I realized I was never going to be able to use heavy weights with it but it was still a great exercise for power. I use to do 2 x 4 then 2 x 2 alternating legs.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 18, 2021, 12:34:41 PM
Trained back and chest.  Broken record of how I repeat workouts.  Had a great workout.  One thing I see in the gyms is a lack of self awareness. What I mean people just don't see how they are training. Incline presses stop short when they could go 4 to 10 inches deeper. Dumbbell rows where they neither go all the way up and dead hang. Leg presses grinding their joints down with the weight of car but barely bending their legs.  I'm guilty of this one to a certain extend. Doing curls moving your elbows forward because the weight is too heavy.  Sure you can't eliminate it unless you are doing a form of a drag curl with light weights. Just saying so many are not hitting their biceps optimally.  Sometimes you just have to lighten the weight to target the muscle you want to hit. Dorian Yates and Shawn Ray for the most part had good form.  Of course drugs and genetic potential trump all. Partials have their place.  It's a tool to use but it should never be a primary way of training so you can stroke your ego so you can use heavy weights.

Keeping with my topic sometimes it appears someone is using a light weight but because of the limited amount of rest between sets, moderate cadence and doing the exercise form in such a manor that it makes a light weight heavy it's not as clear that they are using light weight.  I never claimed to be a strong guy especially in my 60's but here is an example.  Doing incline dumbbell presses years ago I was using 80lbs. Going all the way down with relatively slow negatives.  A guy alternates with me using the incline bench. I believe he grabbed the 100lbs. My memory is fuzzy but it was a lot more than I was using.  He proceeds to knock out reps that stop far from all the way down. I would call them half reps.  No thought to the negative.  He then dumped the dumbbells with a big crash.  I picked up the 100lbs or what ever the weight he was and did the reps like he did doing one more rep. He asked me why I was using the 80lbs when I could clearly use the 100lbs.  He was just clueless. 

It can be summed up by saying make an exercise harder not easier. 

Pulldown 2 x 10 140lbs (upright back and no lean back and heave.)
Seated cable rows with a V handle 2 x 12 170lbs (All the way out and back)
Dumbbell rows 2 x 10 80lbs (All the way up and dead hang)
Narrow grip pulldown 2 x 10 125lbs (slow reps)

Incline dumbbell press 2 x 8 70lbs ( all the way down)
Decline dumbbell press 2 x 8 65lbs (slow and controlled)
Flat flies 2 x 10 50lbs ( I stopped these for a long time because a physical therapist said it's horrible for the shoulder joint. I think if you do them in a very controlled manner the stretch is good for the joint. Then again what do I know? My bad shoulder felt better when I went back to them is all I can say.)
Push ups 2 x max reps (regular and perfect push up handles)

Dead lifts 2 x 4 315lbs (slow negatives. I don't practically drop the weight on the negative like I see in all the gyms lately.)
Weighted hyper bench back extensions 2 x 15 25lbs plate behind my head

Ab wheel roll out 1 x 25
Pulley crunches 1 x 40 (I alternate using heavy and light weights for this.)

Heading out to see a play tonight.  Can't believe we have to bring a covid card to get in. Democrats say we need the shot but then say we need masks so the vaccinated can't spread the disease. This is never going to end. Fauchi is pushing a third shot now.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on November 18, 2021, 01:34:42 PM
Actually, muscle development is often greater with partial range of motion.

Full range of motion often puts joints in dangerous positions resulting in injury.

Olympic lifters are extremely strong but do not do negatives on their lifts.

Did you ever watch Sergio Oliva do presses?  Partial reps.  I've personally known bodybuilders with great shoulder development who did partial reps.  Never full press.  Recall Ferrigno doing barbell presses in Pumping Iron.  1/2 reps.

Danny Padilla never did full range pullups.  He barely got his chin to the bar and never went all the way down.  He did probably 1/4 range pullups.  Great back.

Larry Scott cheated on some of his curling movements.  Great arms. 

It all seems to work.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on November 18, 2021, 01:50:07 PM
Actually, muscle development is often greater with partial range of motion.

Full range of motion often puts joints in dangerous positions resulting in injury.

Olympic lifters are extremely strong but do not do negatives on their lifts.

Did you ever watch Sergio Oliva do presses?  Partial reps.  I've personally known bodybuilders with great shoulder development who did partial reps.  Never full press.  Recall Ferrigno doing barbell presses in Pumping Iron.  1/2 reps.

Danny Padilla never did full range pullups.  He barely got his chin to the bar and never went all the way down.  He did probably 1/4 range pullups.  Great back.

Larry Scott cheated on some of his curling movements.  Great arms. 

It all seems to work.

I think good form is what is most important in bodybuilding training. Variety is too. Using varied ranges of motion can really be beneficial and it keep the training fresh. My form isn't always as it should be. One really has to concentrate on it. If you are worried about hoisting too much weight, it can interfere with where the focus should be. That's when injuries happen.   
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on November 18, 2021, 02:00:27 PM
I think good form is what is most important in bodybuilding training. Variety is too. Using varied ranges of motion can really be beneficial and it keep the training fresh. My form isn't always as it should be. One really has to concentrate on it. If you are worried about hoisting too much weight, it can interfere with where the focus should be. That's when injuries happen.   

What is good form?  Is full range good form or injurious?  Is partial range of motion injurious?

How much weight is too much?  50% of max?  70%?  90%  Funny thing is this doesn't seem to have much to do with injuries.
You're as likely to get injured using 70% as 90%.

You go out for a light jog and pull your hamstring or strain your calf muscle.  Weird.

We don't know much, really. 

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on November 18, 2021, 02:22:05 PM
What is good form?  Is full range good form or injurious?  Is partial range of motion injurious?

How much weight is too much?  50% of max?  70%?  90%  Funny thing is this doesn't seem to have much to do with injuries.
You're as likely to get injured using 70% as 90%.

You go out for a light jog and pull your hamstring or strain your calf muscle.  Weird.

We don't know much, really.

Ha, ha. You know the difference between good form and sloppy form. Both of which can apply to any range of motion. Only you know what your max is. Strength varies from person to person.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on November 18, 2021, 02:27:48 PM
Ha, ha. You know the difference between good form and sloppy form. Both of which can apply to any range of motion. Only you know what your max is. Strength varies from person to person.

All these exercises and machines are synthetic movements.  Someone made them up or invented them.

Someone thinks up an exercise like the bench press and says "go all the way down till the bar rests on your chest."  But who says that is the healthiest way to do it?  You do it and tear your rotator cuff.

Arthur Jones makes a machine and says "lower the weight all the way".  You do it and strain your shoulder.  So, was Jones right?

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on November 18, 2021, 02:29:31 PM
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on November 18, 2021, 02:41:27 PM
All these exercises and machines are synthetic movements.  Someone made them up or invented them.

Someone thinks up an exercise like the bench press and says "go all the way down till the bar rests on your chest."  But who says that is the healthiest way to do it?  You do it and tear your rotator cuff.

Arthur Jones makes a machine and says "lower the weight all the way".  You do it and strain your shoulder.  So, was Jones right?

You make a good point here. That's why it is important to tune in to your own body, since each of us is different. I have a long torso and arms, short legs, a forward head, underdeveloped delts and tend to be not particularly strong. Oh and a messed up right shoulder with a reduced range of motion on that side as a result of a bad fall a year or so ago.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on November 18, 2021, 03:01:10 PM
You make a good point here. That's why it is important to tune in to your own body, since each of us is different. I have a long torso and arms, short legs, a forward head, underdeveloped delts and tend to be not particularly strong. Oh and a messed up right shoulder with a reduced range of motion on that side as a result of a bad fall a year or so ago.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 18, 2021, 08:27:17 PM
Actually, muscle development is often greater with partial range of motion.

Full range of motion often puts joints in dangerous positions resulting in injury.

Olympic lifters are extremely strong but do not do negatives on their lifts.

Did you ever watch Sergio Oliva do presses?  Partial reps.  I've personally known bodybuilders with great shoulder development who did partial reps.  Never full press.  Recall Ferrigno doing barbell presses in Pumping Iron.  1/2 reps.

Danny Padilla never did full range pullups.  He barely got his chin to the bar and never went all the way down.  He did probably 1/4 range pullups.  Great back.

Larry Scott cheated on some of his curling movements.  Great arms. 

It all seems to work.

Olympic lifters are not concerned with hypertrophy but with developing power and strength.

  Given a choice of of a stressor for adaptation it will always be with the exercise doing the most work. Simple physics 101 says distance and the load used equals the work.  Cutting the range equals less work.  Like I said partials have a role in training. It just shouldn't be the primary role. Doing a full range of motion within reason decreases the likelihood of injury because you're training the joint to be flexible.

 Concerning the stars of steroid bodybuilding I had a training partner that said I should never listen to a steroid bodybuilder's advice on anything. True, with out the drugs how do they look? 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on November 19, 2021, 03:49:31 AM
Olympic lifters are not concerned with hypertrophy but with developing power and strength.

  Given a choice of of a stressor for adaptation it will always be with the exercise doing the most work. Simple physics 101 says distance and the load used equals the work.  Cutting the range equals less work.  Like I said partials have a role in training. It just shouldn't be the primary role. Doing a full range of motion within reason decreases the likelihood of injury because you're training the joint to be flexible.

 Concerning the stars of steroid bodybuilding I had a training partner that said I should never listen to a steroid bodybuilder's advice on anything. True, with out the drugs how do they look? 

Without drugs how does anyone who is not Steve Reeves or who has genetic gifts look?

You follow the routine of Dorian Yates/Mentzer, both hugely drug fueled bodybuilders. 

Why would you think techniques promoted by heavy drug using bodybuilders would work for you, a natty?

There is an inconsistency with what you do and your post above.

What seems logical is not always fact. 

So much of what we think is based on bro-science. 

See above video I linked about partial range of motion.  It apparently works and has worked for many over the years.

There are some Oly lifters with fine physiques.  Powerlifters who do full range of motion and have lousy physiques.

For nattys the way your physique looks is usually a result of genetics. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 19, 2021, 11:59:29 AM
Cardio day. Did what I call a ladder in that every lap (quarter mile)  it goes up 1% of incline.  Again started at 0% at 3.8 MPH.  Got up to 10% incline then finished at cool down 0% grade.  Hit the heavy bag after for two rounds.  Felt the punches were hard and crisp. Thrown with bad intent,  ;D. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 19, 2021, 12:30:13 PM
Without drugs how does anyone who is not Steve Reeves or who has genetic gifts look?

You follow the routine of Dorian Yates/Mentzer, both hugely drug fueled bodybuilders. 

Why would you think techniques promoted by heavy drug using bodybuilders would work for you, a natty?

There is an inconsistency with what you do and your post above.

What seems logical is not always fact. 

So much of what we think is based on bro-science. 

See above video I linked about partial range of motion.  It apparently works and has worked for many over the years.

There are some Oly lifters with fine physiques.  Powerlifters who do full range of motion and have lousy physiques.

For nattys the way your physique looks is usually a result of genetics.

I don't follow the routines of Mentzer/Yates. I follow like they did the training methodology of Arthur Jones. True I use Yates's split some times with an exercise selection of my choosing. . At other times the split I use is a back and chest day, leg day and a shoulder/arm day. I don't remember Mentzer or Yates ever using that split or my selection of exercises.

I am a natural. Lifting weight isn't rocket science. Never has been. Drug guys do use many of the same protocols as non drug using lifters. My point is that so many steroid marvels looks like absolute crap without drugs. You have two factors on how you look. One is genetics and the other is work ethic. Given genetics or a work ethic I would choose a lifter with a work ethic to look good as a natural. Drug users throw in a third factor of drugs.  It begs to ask the question and directs to my point. So many drug users look like absolute crap without drugs. Do they have a real work ethic because no matter what they do without drugs they look like crap.  Do they really have exercise knowledge?

All of bodybuilding is bro science. A theory is not fact. Almost all of bodybuilding methods are based on empirical knowledge and passed on knowledge. This is not to be dismissed as junk science. It's to the contrary. It could be the most true science based evidence we have of proper training. Most studies on exercise have a much too small of a sampling of people. You also cannot measure a person's commitment to effort. In other words a sample of people could have one guy who trains to the ragged edge and those that dog the workout.

Of course many Olympic lifters have tremendous physiques. They lift heavy weights. Developing a physique is not their training goal but a by product of their training. If developing their physique was their goal they would train differently so I don't understand as usual your train of thought. My thoughts on training was based on optimizing physique methods. I'm not watching your video. I know you're a big fan of basing your conclusions on google searches and youtubes. I have a little advice. Just because it's on google or youtube doesn't make it true.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on November 19, 2021, 03:43:56 PM
So, I'm confused.  You were mocking the guy in the gym who did partial range of motion but you said partials are useful.

You say your way is best.  On what basis do you conclude that full range is safer and more effective?

This is the reason I challenged your statements.  Nothing to do with drug use.

I personally do full range of motion. 

Of course you can use more weight doing partials.  That's why you do them.  You can load the muscle more with partials and also concentrate on particular areas where you have a sticking point.

You brought drug use into the conversation, not me.

I just pointed out that Danny Padilla did very limited range pullups and he had great development. 

Then you jump on that with the thing about steroid bodybuilders' advice.

Are you saying limited range pullups would not work for nattys?

You imply not to take advice from drug using bodybuilders, but you follow drug users routines like Yates.  You say "I did Yates today" for example.  That would make me think you did a Yates style routine.

That is not a problem if you like it but it is very inconsistent logic.

Then you say I blindly follow the advice of youtubers but I've many times posted NOT to take advice from drug users about training.

You, however, posted links to that guy on youtube who does high reps (who is obviously a drug user).

But you won't watch a video I gave you by a natty bodybuilder?

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 20, 2021, 10:47:17 AM
So, I'm confused.  You were mocking the guy in the gym who did partial range of motion but you said partials are useful.

You say your way is best.  On what basis do you conclude that full range is safer and more effective?

This is the reason I challenged your statements.  Nothing to do with drug use.

I personally do full range of motion. 

Of course you can use more weight doing partials.  That's why you do them.  You can load the muscle more with partials and also concentrate on particular areas where you have a sticking point.

You brought drug use into the conversation, not me.

I just pointed out that Danny Padilla did very limited range pullups and he had great development. 

Then you jump on that with the thing about steroid bodybuilders' advice.

Are you saying limited range pullups would not work for nattys?

You imply not to take advice from drug using bodybuilders, but you follow drug users routines like Yates.  You say "I did Yates today" for example.  That would make me think you did a Yates style routine.

That is not a problem if you like it but it is very inconsistent logic.

Then you say I blindly follow the advice of youtubers but I've many times posted NOT to take advice from drug users about training.

You, however, posted links to that guy on youtube who does high reps (who is obviously a drug user).

But you won't watch a video I gave you by a natty bodybuilder?

You're confused? I clearly said partials are a tool in lifting but shouldn't be the sole training protocol. Yes partials have a place in training. More often than not the majority of guys in the gym do it to stroke their egos about what they can lift. It's builds the little boy in them to say they use 400lbs when they squat when a full range 300lbs would have them pinned. Bodybuilding is an activity that has so many insecure guys that want to prove they are a man. It's easy to use heavy weights if you short stroke a movement but it's delusional strength. I have never seen so much of this back in the gyms in the 70's and 80's as I do today. Everyone thinks they lift heavy but they have to short strokes the lifts to accomplish it. I like Olympic lifting. You either put it over your head or you can't. No way to cheat that to stroke fragile egos. 

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 20, 2021, 10:56:44 AM
Leg day:  No warm ups shown below. Just work sets.

Leg press 2 x 12
Barbell squat 3 x 8 then 1 x 1 (haven't done these in awhile.  Used moderate weights till I get back in the groove again. Working on getting good depth. I'm not doing an Olympic squat or a power squat. I guess you can call it a bodybuilding squat. In between a high bar placement and low power bar placement.  Moderate stance. Letting the hips break first. Slightly below parallel. Hope to go deeper next week)
leg extension 2 x 20
standing leg curl 2 x 12

Hanging leg raise 2 x 22 (fairly straight legs)
Hips ups 1 x 31 ( On back legs facing the ceiling. Raise hips toward the ceiling)

Standing calf raise 2 x 15
Seated calf raise 2 x 15
tibialis anterior 1 x 20 (Used a thing called DART. Very effective)

four way neck machine 2sets of 25 a side.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 21, 2021, 11:05:46 AM
Taking this Sunday off to rest. Tomorrow is a long day of working out in the early morning dark hours then going to work to get home at 7P. Decided to have a chill day today.

 Never knew my training and my thoughts on training pissed off people. I will keep up with my journal as long as it's fun to do it. I look in the mirror and I like what I see. Better built than most 20 something guys but of course I couldn't compare to a steroid user.  I will keep trying to improve though.  Got in three cardio days for the week. Hope to improve on that next week.  I have conviction in my training.  It's never ending it's journey.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 22, 2021, 05:59:13 PM
Delt and arm day.

Military press 2 x 8
Dumbbell laterals 2 x 12
Dumbbell rear laterals 2 x 10
Face pulls 2 x 12
Barbell shrugs 2 x 10

Weighted dips 2 x 12
Single dumbbell two hands behind head tricep extension 2 x 12 (I lean against Scott benched with the benched turned around)
Reverse grip dumbbell pulley single arm triceps extension 2 x 10

Alternate dumbbell curls 2 x 8
Drag curls 2 x 12
Concentration curls 2x 12

Wrist curls 2 x 25
Wrist extensions 2 x 15

Weighted crunches 1 x 60
Pulley crunches 1 x 50

Went to work and started to fade at the end of the day. I like early morning workouts while most are asleep. The solitude in my basement wearing ear buds so I don't wake up the house puts me in a zen zone. I like seeing the darkness leave the windows as the sunrises while I'm lifting.

 I was just notified my kick back machine I bought should arrive tomorrow and I'm excited about it. I first started using one at the commercial gym I went to. Never saw a guy using it. Only women used it. After my regular leg routine I went over to it. Slid the pin in and did a set. It felt fantastic. It felt like a one leg squat but it had a unique movement to it. Your femur travels posterior to your hip. I can't think of any conventional weight room exercise that can accomplish that except that new hip up people are doing with a barbell on their hips with a pad while their upper back is on a bench.  On my next set I adjusted the pin lower to make it hard. It's one of the most brutal machines I have ever used. It really is an amazing leg machine. The kick back machine in the gym might be the exact machine in the photo with the black guy using it. I bought the Titan plate loading one in the second picture. I really hope the machine is made correctly.  If delivered tomorrow I should have it together is a couple of days. I will do a review.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 25, 2021, 03:31:37 PM
Trained back and chest today.  Weird lifting away in a basement and coming out seeing the whole neighborhood packed with cars. Celebrating Thanksgiving on Friday due to conflicting work schedules with the cops and military in my family.  Just weird having nobody here today. We should have a full house tomorrow. 

Got one of two boxes regarding the kick back machine. Box two will be here hopefully tomorrow. 

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on November 27, 2021, 06:41:41 AM
Always fun to get something new. 

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 27, 2021, 10:38:39 AM
Always fun to get something new. 


Still waiting for the second damn box. FedX keeps changing the date.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 27, 2021, 10:51:18 AM
Trained legs.  Added a new exercise.  Using a new version of the iron boot I did single leg knee ups standing on a block. I attached a 20lbs dumbbell to the contraption.  I felt a strain in my groin from all the incline walking I've been doing the last two weeks. This exercise hit that area directly. 

Now I have to hit something called an escape house. My kids love this stuff but I have beyond no interest but going as a good sport because it's my daughter's 34 birthday.  I don't get it. They lock you in a room and you have to find clues to get out?  WTF? I have to pay for this "fun"? 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on November 27, 2021, 12:15:51 PM
Trained legs.  Added a new exercise.  Using a new version of the iron boot I did single leg knee ups standing on a block. I attached a 20lbs dumbbell to the contraption.  I felt a strain in my groin from all the incline walking I've been doing the last two weeks. This exercise hit that arear directly. 

Now I have to hit something called an escape house. My kids love this stuff but I have beyond no interest but going as a good sport because it's my daughter's 34 birthday.  I don't get it. They lock you in a room and you have to find clues to get out?  WTF? I have to pay for this "fun"? 

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on November 27, 2021, 01:02:05 PM
Still waiting for the second damn box. FedX keeps changing the date.

Delivery this time of year is often delayed. I read that it is expected to be worse this year.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 27, 2021, 07:25:12 PM
Delivery this time of year is often delayed. I read that it is expected to be worse this year.

To my shock it got here tonight.  The second box weights 116lbs with no way to grip it on the smooth box. I don't have a hand truck. I pushed it in my garage and will assemble it tomorrow. I'll open the box and take the pieces down the basement. I hope I'm not disappointed in this thing because the kick back machine in the commercial gym was amazing.

The escape room was so much fun for the kids. I enjoyed watching them find the clues. Some of the rooms the opening was so small I had to crawl in. Hard to explain what it is but it's all hidden clues and math problems that leads you to more clues, keys, combinations, needed props like black lights and hidden rooms. They give you an hour to solve it.  My kids solved it with time to spare. The worker who watches you on security type cameras said he was impressed with the speed they solved the room getting to the last clue. I was mainly an observer. I didn't solve or find anything.  My adult kids were running around like crazy trying to solve all the clues that unlocked secret doors and such. The last room was a pizza place with a hidden door. Never heard of this activity before my kids bought it up. Apparently it's very popular.  I'm not a fan but it was fun watching my kids enjoy them self.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on November 27, 2021, 07:31:13 PM
To my shock it got here tonight.  The second box weights 116lbs with no way to grip it on the smooth box. I don't have a hand truck. I pushed it in my garage and will assemble it tomorrow. I'll open the box and take the pieces down the basement. I hope I'm not disappointed in this thing because the kick back machine in the commercial gym was amazing.

The escape room was so much fun for the kids. I enjoyed watching them find the clues. Some of the rooms the opening was so small I had to crawl in. Hard to explain what it is but it's all hidden clues and math problems that leads you to more clues, keys, combinations, needed props like black lights and hidden rooms. They give you an hour to solve it.  My kids solved it with time to spare. The worker who watches you on security type cameras said he was impressed with the speed they solved the room getting to the last clue. I was mainly an observer. I didn't solve or find anything.  My adult kids were running around like crazy trying to solve all the clues that unlocked secret doors and such. The last room was a pizza place with a hidden door. Never heard of this activity before my kids bought it up. Apparently it's very popular.  I'm not a fan but it was fun watching my kids enjoy them self.

The escape room sounds like a blast. Glad you and your family had fun doing it. I'm going to mention it to my kids, specially the grandkids who are young adult parents themselves. I'm probably too old and stupid to be very good at it, but it would probably be a fun time with my family anyway. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 28, 2021, 05:16:36 PM
Got the Titan kick back machine assembled today. Like all Chinese made exercise equipment it was a headache with missing hardware to assemble it. I opened the box and washers/bolts were all over the place. No doubt assembly hardware escaped through a 8" slit in the box. Took me four hours to get it together. I had to go to my personal box of bolts and nuts to find missing items that didn't come with the machine. I'm still short 6 washers. I have to make a trip to the hardware store for that. 

I got it together and did some sets. It's a non lifting day for me so I didn't go all out. The foot pad had two selections. I found the bottom one will be the one I use.  The top felt awkward.  The machine is made with thick metal and seem very sturdy for a home machine. One thing that I'm wary of is the the single bolt that keep the foot plate from spinning. I can see wear happening on that so I have to keep an eye on it.

 My initial impression is that it's not as good as the commercial kick back machine I used in the gym.  All the angles and the foot plate  of the commercial one was just made to perfection.  Don't get me wrong I think I will have great workouts on the Titan plate loaded version but it can't compare.  I wish I could tweak the design. I wouldn't use a V foot plate. It would be flat with a little play in it's spinning range so it would naturally find the perfect position as I performed a rep. I will know more as I use the Titan one in future workouts. I only did three sets. I'm impressed with the thickness of the metal. Seems sturdy.  Time will tell if that single bolt to stop rotation of the footplate lasts. 

I felt the machine hits the thighs and especially the butt hard.  No pancake ass for me as I age, lol.  Told my wife if I drop dead she is in serious trouble with all the  weight lifting crap I have in the basement. Maybe she can sell it with the house? When I moved from my first house to my present house I told the movers ahead of time about the weight lifting stuff. The guy said, I'll move your furniture but that stuff is out of the question.  I did it on my own and I rented a truck. Now I have more stuff than I did back then. My one treadmill weighs 275lbs and there is just no hand holds to pick it up and go up the stairs. I got it in the basement with three guys and my son in law who is as strong as a house and weighs over 300lbs.  We had trouble going down the two flights of stairs. 

If anyone wants to make a basement or garage gym it can become a sickness as you keep adding stuff to make it more like a commercial gym. My advice for what it's worth is to keep it simple. You don't need a lot to body build even though it sure is nice to have the squat racks, leg press, standing calf, seated and a glute machine on leg day. Using a minimalist approach you wouldn't be lacking for anything with a barbell, squat rack and a bench. Maybe add a chin bar. Another minimalist approach is adjustable dumbbells like power blocks or Iron Master dumbbells.  Add their bench with a few attachments and you got gold to work out with.  You don't need much.  Reminds me when I was about 12 and only had two lady dumbbells.  I told my older brother they were too light. He said, "Did you try 50 or 75 reps?  Tell me then they are too light after that."
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on November 29, 2021, 06:39:56 AM
I moved a couple times with pro movers and they moved all my equipment which was a couple thousand pounds of stuff.
Employer paid for the move so it didn't cost me anything.  That must have jacked up the bill considerably.

Getting stuff in and out of my basement requires disassembly.

My neighbor gave me a treadmill and we used a handtruck to cart it down the street to my house.  To get it into the basement I took it apart to get down the stairs.  Those things are heavy.

Enjoy the new equipment!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 29, 2021, 09:48:33 AM
I moved a couple times with pro movers and they moved all my equipment which was a couple thousand pounds of stuff.
Employer paid for the move so it didn't cost me anything.  That must have jacked up the bill considerably.

Getting stuff in and out of my basement requires disassembly.

My neighbor gave me a treadmill and we used a handtruck to cart it down the street to my house.  To get it into the basement I took it apart to get down the stairs.  Those things are heavy.

Enjoy the new equipment!

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 29, 2021, 09:57:39 AM
No warm up sets show

Dumbbell delt press 2x8
Dumbbell delt lateral 2x12
Dumbbell rear delt lateral 2x10
Face pulls 2x12
Barbell shrugs 2x10

Skull crushers 2x12
Tricep cable push downs 2x 10
Reverse grip single arm tricep pulley extension 2x 12

Alternate dumbbell curls 2x8
Drag barbell curls 2x12
Concentration curls 2x12

Wrist curls 2x 25
Wrist extensions 2x 15

Weighted crunches1x 60
Pulley crunches 1x 40

Did this workout early before work.  Beginning to think I should lighten the weight and train for higher reps. I eliminated skull crushers because they hurt my elbow. I used a lighter weight and increased the reps from 8 to 12. My elbow was fine.  I also tweaked the way I did it. Tried to keep the elbows back.

On another note I saw on Jay Cutler’s YouTube page video of him training with the four time strongest man.  He really makes Jay look small. They trained arms in the 60 minute video.  No doubt the strong man was taking it easy.  I found it funny how Jay felt the need to explain to him why he does stuff.  Midway in the hour video the strongman talks about range of motion and lifting. I think his name is Brian Shaw.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on November 29, 2021, 03:44:00 PM
Got the Titan kick back machine assembled today. Like all Chinese made exercise equipment it was a headache with missing hardware to assemble it. I opened the box and washers/bolts were all over the place. No doubt assembly hardware escaped through a 8" slit in the box. Took me four hours to get it together. I had to go to my personal box of bolts and nuts to find missing items that didn't come with the machine. I'm still short 6 washers. I have to make a trip to the hardware store for that. 

I got it together and did some sets. It's a non lifting day for me so I didn't go all out. The foot pad had two selections. I found the bottom one will be the one I use.  The top felt awkward.  The machine is made with thick metal and seem very sturdy for a home machine. One thing that I'm wary of is the the single bolt that keep the foot plate from spinning. I can see wear happening on that so I have to keep an eye on it.

 My initial impression is that it's not as good as the commercial kick back machine I used in the gym.  All the angles and the foot plate  of the commercial one was just made to perfection.  Don't get me wrong I think I will have great workouts on the Titan plate loaded version but it can't compare.  I wish I could tweak the design. I wouldn't use a V foot plate. It would be flat with a little play in it's spinning range so it would naturally find the perfect position as I performed a rep. I will know more as I use the Titan one in future workouts. I only did three sets. I'm impressed with the thickness of the metal. Seems sturdy.  Time will tell if that single bolt to stop rotation of the footplate lasts. 

I felt the machine hits the thighs and especially the butt hard.  No pancake ass for me as I age, lol.  Told my wife if I drop dead she is in serious trouble with all the  weight lifting crap I have in the basement. Maybe she can sell it with the house? When I moved from my first house to my present house I told the movers ahead of time about the weight lifting stuff. The guy said, I'll move your furniture but that stuff is out of the question.  I did it on my own and I rented a truck. Now I have more stuff than I did back then. My one treadmill weighs 275lbs and there is just no hand holds to pick it up and go up the stairs. I got it in the basement with three guys and my son in law who is as strong as a house and weighs over 300lbs.  We had trouble going down the two flights of stairs. 

If anyone wants to make a basement or garage gym it can become a sickness as you keep adding stuff to make it more like a commercial gym. My advice for what it's worth is to keep it simple. You don't need a lot to body build even though it sure is nice to have the squat racks, leg press, standing calf, seated and a glute machine on leg day. Using a minimalist approach you wouldn't be lacking for anything with a barbell, squat rack and a bench. Maybe add a chin bar. Another minimalist approach is adjustable dumbbells like power blocks or Iron Master dumbbells.  Add their bench with a few attachments and you got gold to work out with.  You don't need much.  Reminds me when I was about 12 and only had two lady dumbbells.  I told my older brother they were too light. He said, "Did you try 50 or 75 reps?  Tell me then they are too light after that."

It's different than the kickback machine at the gym I go to, primarily because on it one's torso is lower to the ground so they are kicking back against gravity. Also it has a weight stack and cables.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 01, 2021, 02:14:26 PM
Ran a junk mile and a quarter.  Came back home wheezing like an old man.  I think the combination of the cold and leaves all over the place got to me.  Tomorrow's another day.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on December 01, 2021, 04:06:14 PM
Ran a junk mile and a quarter.  Came back home wheezing like an old man.  I think the combination of the cold and leaves all over the place got to me.  Tomorrow's another day.

Even though we live on opposite sides of the country, there's something going on here too. We're having unusually mild weather. Every so often, sometimes everyday, I get a raspy throat which I keep having to clear of mucus. It's not a cold, the flu or COVID because I don't feel at all sick. It is likely something in the air to which I am allergic. It is definitely annoying though.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 02, 2021, 11:11:11 AM
Chest and bicep day. No warm up sets listed. Just work set.

Dumbbell bench press 1 x 8 (slow negatives and moderate speed positives)
Decline dumbbell press 1 x 10 (made the moderate weight heavy with a full range of motion and slow negatives)
Dumbbell flat pec flies 1 x 15
Push ups 1 x max (done almost right after flies makes it pre exhaust type super set)

EZ curl 1 x 16
Alternate dumbbell curl 1 x 10
Barbell drag curl 1 x 15
Concentration curl 1 x 13

Wrist curl 1 x 30
Wrist extension 1 x 20

Incline sit up 1 x 27
Pulley crunches 1 x 40

I was going to do a little cardio but I feel shot. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 03, 2021, 11:51:58 AM
Leg day: No warm up sets listed.

Leg press 1 x 12 four plates a side with two tens
Squats 1 x 9  205lbs then 1 x 1 225lbs (still getting use to barbell squats after dropping them out of my training for well over a year. I will up the weight significantly every work out. Now I'm just getting into the groove and making the weight heavy by going slow on the negative and relatively deep)
Glute kick back machine 1 x 12  110lbs
leg extensions 1 x 24 ( I won't list the weight. In the commercial gym with a selectorized rack I used 150lbs. My home unit 85lbs is heavy)
seated leg curls 1 x 15

Hanging leg raise 1 x 25 (fairly straight legs tried to curl the hips in at the end of the rep.)
Hip ups 1 x 32 (On back with feet toward ceiling. Raise the hips as high as I can off the floor)

Standing calf raise 1 x 21
Seated calf raise 1 x 20
Tib work 1 x 20

four way neck machine 1 x 25 reps per side.

Took a shower and headed to get my covid booster. My daughter was bugging me to do it.  Last time I had the shot I was sick for four days. Hopefully it won't happen again being a half dose. My wife got the booster and had chills for one night the day after.  My daughter said young people have the worst reaction because their immune system is so strong. She said so many elderly people never have any reactions.  She told me it was good I had a fever and swollen lymph nodes because my body was gearing up it's defenses.  Now if I have the real thing my body knows how to fight it and it's armed and ready to go. 

Regarding the kick back machine it's a good one. Like so many extras I have in the gym I'm glad I got it but it's just an unnecessary extra toy in the arsenal.  Really hits the glutes hard.  It hits the legs hard too.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 05, 2021, 01:41:27 PM
Back day: No warm ups listed.

Power cleans 4 x 3 Heaviest set was 170lbs. Not setting the world on fire at this age. I just hope I get stronger. In earlier years with my fitness routines my usual top set was 230lbs years ago in my late 40's and early 50. No I'm not the power clean king, lol. I doubt I can do that now especially since I do more of a fitness routine with running. Haven't done power cleans in a long time. Power cleans are a fun exercise for me. Fun to do something athletic with weights.

M.A.G bar supinate pulldown 1 x 11 (up right back. No lean back and heave.)
Seated cable row 1 x 14
Dumbbell lat row off a bench 1 x 12
M.A.G. narrow grip supinate pulldown 1 x 12

Weighted lower back hyper extension 1 x 20
Ab wheel roll out 1 x 27
Pulley crunches 1 x 60
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on December 05, 2021, 05:00:30 PM
Back day: No warm ups listed.

Power cleans 4 x 3 Heaviest set was 170lbs. Not setting the world on fire at this age. I just hope I get stronger. In earlier years with my fitness routines my usual top set was 230lbs years ago in my late 40's and early 50. No I'm not the power clean king, lol. I doubt I can do that now especially since I do more of a fitness routine with running. Haven't done power cleans in a long time. Power cleans are a fun exercise for me. Fun to do something athletic with weights.

M.A.G bar supinate pulldown 1 x 11 (up right back. No lean back and heave.)
Seated cable row 1 x 14
Dumbbell lat row off a bench 1 x 12
M.A.G. narrow grip supinate pulldown 1 x 12

Weighted lower back hyper extension 1 x 20
Ab wheel roll out 1 x 27
Pulley crunches 1 x 60

It is good that you are feeling better.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 05, 2021, 05:50:25 PM
It is good that you are feeling better.

The shot reaction only lasted two days.  Short lived and it wasn't even close to how I felt the second shot. Felt a little out of it today but nothing major. I'm glad I got the third shot.  I listen to my daughters concerning health care. I really didn't want it buy my one daughter bugged me for two weeks to get it. Thanks for the kind words. My breathing problems running is just allergy and cold related.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on December 06, 2021, 04:30:10 AM
Are you required to get the booster for your job?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on December 06, 2021, 02:23:40 PM
The shot reaction only lasted two days.  Short lived and it wasn't even close to how I felt the second shot. Felt a little out of it today but nothing major. I'm glad I got the third shot.  I listen to my daughters concerning health care. I really didn't want it buy my one daughter bugged me for two weeks to get it. Thanks for the kind words. My breathing problems running is just allergy and cold related.

From what you say, it seems you and I have similar issues with breathing and allergies. For a few years I had allergy shots on a regular weekly basis. I still had allergies. The frequency of the shots was supposed to taper off to once a month. This never happened. I concluded the whole business was a bit of a scam at the expense of my medical insurance. Kind of like going to some Chiropractors who set you up to come in for an adjustment once or twice a week indefinitely. An OD does an adjustment
once and you're good to go until your back or whatever is out again.

I'm obviously not a doctor, but it seems to me running is beneficial to folks with breathing issues because it forces us to take in more oxygen than we normally would, thus keeping our lungs functioning at a higher level. I miss dancing. When I was young  I could really get a good workout dancing which was infinitely more fun than simply running. I even tried jazz aerobics a few about a great cardio routine.   

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 06, 2021, 04:26:15 PM
Are you required to get the booster for your job?

No, my job actually has no dictate that I know about. None of my supervisors even contact me. They really forget about me. Sometimes I wonder if they know I work for them. The last time I saw any of my bosses was 6 plus months ago.  He dropped by to check out the four girls in my office.  The checks keep coming in. The interview for this government job I got dressed in a suit.  The guy that was supposed to interview me said I see your background and your hired. No other conversation. Then he fingerprinted me and I went home.  It's an odd job but I like it.  I wonder if they watch me at work on the many security cameras?  They just leave me alone so it's a nice part time gig.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 06, 2021, 04:38:23 PM
Delt and triceps day: No warm ups shown. Maxing the reps till I can't do anymore.

Military press (I warmed up then began the first rep of the work set. My delt said no way and I put the barbell down)
Dumbbell press 2 x 11 then 10 reps (For some reason when my rotator cuff acts up I can still do this one)
Dumbbell delt lateral raise 1 x 17
Dumbbell rear delt lateral raise 1 x 14
Dumbbell front delt raise 1 x 10
Face pulls 1 x17
Barbell shrugs 1 x 14

Weighted dips 1 x 15
Skull crunches 1 x 13 (These are normally a killer for my elbow.  Using higher reps and different style has made a difference. Instead of lowering it to my face I now lower it to behind my head. For some reason it's not grinding my elbow)
Traditional push downs 1 x 12
Single arm reverse grip tricep pulley extensions 1 x 13

Weighted crunches 1 x 60
Pulley crunches 1 x 40

Tomorrow I will try to run on the treadmill before work. Last time I tried that I turned the treadmill on half asleep and I turned it off. Going to try walking for something like 3/4 of a mile then doing a very slow mile so hopefully I will be fully awake by then and I can run.  Hope the plan works.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 08, 2021, 09:40:53 AM
Ran 2.5 miles. Damn am I out of cardio shape. Walked 3/4 of mile after. Hit the heavy bag for two rounds. I got new boxing gloves. Had my old ones for 20 plus years. They started to disintegrate.

I ran track in high school and college. I remember when I got out of high school I was a little lost and I spent so many days going to clubs drinking getting home 4AM. I started college after a year of being lost so to speak. One course I took was on fitness and exercise physiology. The woman teaching the course said she will take the class out for a two mile run every day so be prepared. I thought I would wipe the floor with her but my soft club drinking body said different. The first run she dropped me. I was shocked I couldn't keep up. Every day her class met her for run. Long story short the second week I easily dropped her as my young body quickly got into shape.

It taught me a lesson that even though I was young I could still get out of shape. Soon after the college track coach who knew me from high school invited me on the track team. Then I regained some serious conditioning quick. After training with the track team for a few weeks I probably could have run backwards and beaten that professor, lol.

 Running on the treadmill today at a slow speed hurting like hell reminded me of the first few runs with her. I'm a hell of lot older now but I know if I stick with it I should regain some cardio fitness. If not I'm seeing a cardiologist to see if there is a blockage.  Damn I ran slow today and it hurt bad. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on December 08, 2021, 10:16:25 AM
Ran 2.5 miles. Damn am I out of cardio shape. Walked 3/4 of mile after. Hit the heavy bag for two rounds. I got new boxing gloves. Had my old ones for 20 plus years. They started to disintegrate.

I ran track in high school and college. I remember when I got out of high school I was a little lost and I spent so many days going to clubs drinking getting home 4AM. I started college after a year of being lost so to speak. One course I took was on fitness and exercise physiology. The woman teaching the course said she will take the class out for a two mile run every day so be prepared. I thought I would wipe the floor with her but my soft club drinking body said different. The first run she dropped me. I was shocked I couldn't keep up. Every day her class met her for run. Long story short the second week I easily dropped her as my young body quickly got into shape.

It taught me a lesson that even though I was young I could still get out of shape. Soon after the college track coach who knew me from high school invited me on the track team. Then I regained some serious conditioning quick. After training with the track team for a few weeks I probably could have run backwards and beaten that professor, lol.

 Running on the treadmill today at a slow speed hurting like hell reminded me of the first few runs with her. I'm a hell of lot older now but I know if I stick with it I should regain some cardio fitness. If not I'm seeing a cardiologist to see if there is a blockage.  Damn I ran slow today and it hurt bad. 

In the book "Keys To Progress" by John McCallum, the author describes a progressive running routine which makes a lot of sense.

He said go out to a 1/4 mile high school/college track.  The first week you run 1/4 of a lap and walk 3/4 of a lap once around.
The next week you run 1/2 and walk 1/2 around.
Third week you run 3/4 and walk 1/4 around.
4th week you run all the way around once.
5th week you run 1 1/4.

You get the idea.  Keep progressing gradually. 
Can be adapted to one's own fitness level.

Someone in better shape could run farther starting out but the idea is to start light and progress slowly.

Makes sense. 

Typical weekend warrior over 40 goes out to play in his slow-pitch softball game on Saturday after sitting at his desk all week and injures himself.

I know as for myself I have to temper my own enthusiasm when lifting in order not to get ahead of myself so I don't get injured.  Just makes sense.  Staying injury free is #1 so we can make consistent progress in lifting, etc.

We are not in Kansas anymore being 60+ years old.  The journey is what is important. 


Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on December 08, 2021, 11:03:40 AM
In the book "Keys To Progress" by John McCallum, the author describes a progressive running routine which makes a lot of sense.

He said go out to a 1/4 mile high school/college track.  The first day week you walk run 1/4 and walk 3/4 once around.
The next week you run 1/2 and walk 1/2 around.
Third week you run 3/4 and walk 1/4 around.
4th week you run all the way around once.
5th week you run 1 1/4.

You get the idea.  Keep progressing gradually. 
Can be adapted to one's own fitness level.

Someone in better shape could run farther starting out but the idea is to start light and progress slowly.

Makes sense. 

Typical weekend warrior over 40 goes out to play in his slow-pitch softball game on Saturday after sitting at his desk all week and injures himself.

I know as for myself I have to temper my own enthusiasm when lifting in order not to get ahead of myself so I don't get injured.  Just makes sense.  Staying injury free is #1 so we can make consistent progress in lifting, etc.

We are not in Kansas anymore being 60+ years old.  The journey is what is important. 


There is a lot of wisdom in what you write. Even on days when we feel like there is no progress, we need to congratulate ourselves because we showed up and did something instead of giving up and doing nothing.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 08, 2021, 07:00:04 PM
In the book "Keys To Progress" by John McCallum, the author describes a progressive running routine which makes a lot of sense.

He said go out to a 1/4 mile high school/college track.  The first week you run 1/4 of a lap and walk 3/4 of a lap once around.
The next week you run 1/2 and walk 1/2 around.
Third week you run 3/4 and walk 1/4 around.
4th week you run all the way around once.
5th week you run 1 1/4.

You get the idea.  Keep progressing gradually. 
Can be adapted to one's own fitness level.

Someone in better shape could run farther starting out but the idea is to start light and progress slowly.

Makes sense. 

Typical weekend warrior over 40 goes out to play in his slow-pitch softball game on Saturday after sitting at his desk all week and injures himself.

I know as for myself I have to temper my own enthusiasm when lifting in order not to get ahead of myself so I don't get injured.  Just makes sense.  Staying injury free is #1 so we can make consistent progress in lifting, etc.

We are not in Kansas anymore being 60+ years old.  The journey is what is important. 


I'm doing a version of that of my own creation.  I never read that book. I should get it.  I just ordered a book that seemed right up my alley. Supposedly several training routines that Steve Reeves did. I know the routine he used for the Universe. This supposed to have many of his routines. I wish I knew if it was accurate and truthful. I have my suspicions. I thought everything about him training wise was revealed in his books written by him. The book was praised by Bill Pearl so I have to give the author the benefit of the doubt. When I get it I will do a mini review here.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on December 09, 2021, 03:58:29 AM
I'm doing a version of that of my own creation.  I never read that book. I should get it.  I just ordered a book that seemed right up my alley. Supposedly several training routines that Steve Reeves did. I know the routine he used for the Universe. This supposed to have many of his routines. I wish I knew if it was accurate and truthful. I have my suspicions. I thought everything about him training wise was revealed in his books written by him. The book was praised by Bill Pearl so I have to give the author the benefit of the doubt. When I get it I will do a mini review here.

I would like to hear your review of the Reeves book.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 09, 2021, 05:41:18 AM
This is the book. I haven't gotten it yet.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 09, 2021, 10:28:53 AM
Ran two consecutive miles at a moderate speed. Then 2 x 440 yards picking up the pace.  Finished with 1 x 220 yards. Just added the three intervals to remind my body of what fast running is. If you run slow all the time it takes the spring out of your legs and you become a slug runner. Added 1 and quarter miles of fast walking split between warm up, cool down and breaks with intervals. Going to finish this week I think with just cardio.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 13, 2021, 05:33:48 PM
I've been neglected this training journal. Trained back and chest today in the early morning hours. I started an APP called "Lose It" and while it's very easy to use I find it a hassle. I know what needs to be done. I don't need a food log.

On another topic I've often thought about how training effects the mind. I could write a lot about the two different changes in mood that happens with lifting and running. After lifting I feel confident and it feels like a testosterone boost. Sometimes if I string too many weeks of training to exhaustion mentally I start feeling like hell mentally.

 Running can make me feel like I had too many cups of coffee. I can feel energized after but many times I crash hours after. Is it exhaustion due to my age?  I don't know. Hope to get a hard cardio session in tomorrow morning. Much has been written about the phycological affects of cardio.  The vast majority is positive.  I wish more was written on lifting and the mind. Pearl has written that training too much to exhaustion leads to dreading your workout and missed workouts.  Danny Padilla said when he was training with HIT for a period he described a fear of training calling it scary. Olympic lifters and Power lifters rarely train to failure. They cycle their training and they do it failure at the end of some cycles but it's not an every day training goal. 

I think once I get this thing fully figured out I will be too old to lift hard, LOL.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 14, 2021, 04:18:46 PM
Ran 8 x 440 yards or one lap. I did a warm up of fast walking at 3.8MPH for a lap and the same for the cool down.  I walked 3.8MPH for a quarter mile in between the 8 sets. Every working set I went up in speed. Last running quarter was in the high 7 minute range pace.  Hit the bag after.  For me I'm seriously bad cardio shape. Went to work like a zombie tired. It hit me half way through the shift this old man needs a nap, lol. Hope this work out will get some of the cobwebs out of my cardio vascular system and legs. Tomorrow is legs in the gym.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on December 14, 2021, 05:16:37 PM
I've been neglected this training journal. Trained back and chest today in the early morning hours. I started an APP called "Lose It" and while it's very easy to use I find it a hassle. I know what needs to be done. I don't need a food log.

On another topic I've often thought about how training effects the mind. I could write a lot about the two different changes in mood that happens with lifting and running. After lifting I feel confident and it feels like a testosterone boost. Sometimes if I string too many weeks of training to exhaustion mentally I start feeling like hell mentally.

 Running can make me feel like I had too many cups of coffee. I can feel energized after but many times I crash hours after. Is it exhaustion due to my age?  I don't know. Hope to get a hard cardio session in tomorrow morning. Much has been written about the phycological affects of cardio.  The vast majority is positive.  I wish more was written on lifting and the mind. Pearl has written that training too much to exhaustion leads to dreading your workout and missed workouts.  Danny Padilla said when he was training with HIT for a period he described a fear of training calling it scary. Olympic lifters and Power lifters rarely train to failure. They cycle their training and they do it failure at the end of some cycles but it's not an every day training goal. 

I think once I get this thing fully figured out I will be too old to lift hard, LOL.

The APP you started reminded me of one I once tried called 'Cutback Coach'. It is a guide to help you drink less alcohol overtime. It seemed like a sensible idea, so I decided to give it a try. Setting everything up was good. You determined your own goals. To help you achieve them, the coach suggested a plan which was basically just to report how cutting back was going...were you meeting your goals? So far, so good. Then the emails started flooding my inbox, asking for daily reports. When I didn't respond, I'd get additional emails. The result was that I was spending far too much time focusing on how my cutback successes and failures. Never been to an AA meeting, but I imagine it would be like going to them several times a day. Needless to say it was counterproductive. Even after I opted out of the reminders, I kept getting them for quite awhile.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 14, 2021, 07:47:39 PM
The APP you started reminded me of one I once tried called 'Cutback Coach'. It is a guide to help you drink less alcohol overtime. It seemed like a sensible idea, so I decided to give it a try. Setting everything up was good. You determined your own goals. To help you achieve them, the coach suggested a plan which was basically just to report how cutting back was going...were you meeting your goals? So far, so good. Then the emails started flooding my inbox, asking for daily reports. When I didn't respond, I'd get additional emails. The result was that I was spending far too much time focusing on how my cutback successes and failures. Never been to an AA meeting, but I imagine it would be like going to them several times a day. Needless to say it was counterproductive. Even after I opted out of the reminders, I kept getting them for quite awhile.

5 years ago I drank twice a week. I worked part time at a retirement job but it was 5 days a week Monday to Friday. I drank Friday and Saturday night.  I was pretty lean.  The new job I've had for 5 years I find myself drinking 4 days a week because of all the free time I have now. My choice of adult beverage is beer, 150 calories a can. It adds up. Going dry for around two week then I'm going to make it point to indulge only twice a week again. For me it's too easy to sit to watch tv at night with a beer.  It isn't healthy and the calories really add up.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 15, 2021, 06:29:09 AM
Fucken Leg day: As usual I didn't list non taxing warm up sets.
Leg press 2 x 12
Squats 3 x 8 (If I didn't have safety bars spotting for me I would be crushed today. Cause I failed and sunk to the bottom. The bars saved me from being a squished slug. I twisted my knee a bit in the failure. Going to reevaluate  barbell squats again. I can get everything from dumbbell squats with out the spine compressing bar on my spine and with dumbbells there  is no getting stuck. I had my safety bars set so low that as I sank with the barbell I was wondering when I was going to hit them?)
Kick back machine 2 x 12 (breathing like a race horse after these. Great glute and leg machine. Zero spine compression. )
leg extensions 2 x 20
seated leg curls 2 x 15

Hanging leg raises 1 x 27 ( almost straight legs. Tried to curl my hips in.)
Hip ups off the floor 1 x 32

Standing calf raise 2 x 15
Seated calf raise 2x 15
Tibilalis work 1 x 20

four way neck machine 2 sets per side 20-25 reps. ( I do a giant set. First is neck curls, then each side finishing with neck extensions. One after another of 20 to 25 reps. After one circuit I rest about 45 seconds or so and do another one. My neck is pumped.  Then I do isometrics each direction and five twists with my hands for each direction for rotation. Thinking about the pump I get. Wondering if tri sets and giant sets can have the same effect on the other body parts? My neck grows the fastest.  Thinking if I tried high reps and a tri set or giant set would work for say biceps?  I know Larry Scott used tri sets for biceps and Joe Means was a big super set and tri set guy.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on December 15, 2021, 07:09:52 AM
Larry Scott was a big drug guy.  Took loads of D-bol.  Just sayin'. 
Without it he had a good build but was Clark Kent.  D-bol turned him into Mr. Olympia.  Also messed him up and forced his retirement.

Because you have not asked for my advices...I will give it.  :D

High volume/high intensity/balls out routines work great for druggers.  Not well for nattys.  Too much stress on the CNS, cortisol, inflammation.  That's probably why you feel like crap.
You could cycle the intensity somehow so you can recover.

Sounds like you have really blasted your CNS and it's fried.  You have pumped the well dry.  This can take awhile to recover from.  I suggest to keep training but drop the intensity way down.  Stop each set well before failure, at least 2-3 reps out.  Lower the volume to 1-2 exercises per bodypart.  There is no need to do 4-5 exercises per bodypart but you could if you kept the intensity low.  Not just lighter weights but also staying away from failure.

If you feel refreshed after training you are doing it right.  If you feel wiped out you are doing it wrong.
When you feel better watch out for going back to frying yourself. 

My two cents but it's really common sense.  You know this already.

For example, using your workout today as an example:

Leg press or squat - 2x12
Kick back machine or Seated leg curls - 2 x 12

Standing calf raise or Seated calf raise or Tibilalis work - 2x20

Hanging leg raises - 1 x ?

That's all.  No sets to failure.


I've had good results eating like this.  High fat, low carb.
I also have maybe 3 drinks a week.  1 drink in a day. 
Simple whiskey, vodka, gin drinks, schnapps drink. 
Not beer as too many carbs.
Excess carbs get stored as fat.
Eating low carb makes your body burn fat for energy. Improves your insulin sensitivity.

Anything not on the following list I don't eat.  Occasional (once a month) cheat.
If I get hungry I eat nuts, fats, meat, eggs, etc. but no carbs.
You do get some carbs from the green vegetables, nuts, berries.

I think it would work for you too.  Drop the carbs.  It's not as difficult as you think.

Meat, eggs, fish
Non-starch vegetables (green)
Lettuce, radishes, celery, etc.
Berries (but sparingly)
Cheese, cream
Nuts, seeds
Butter, healthy oils

Had a physical in November.  My bloodwork was quite improved.  Cholesterol numbers improved a lot over previous.

Good luck.

I'm hoping to hear about the Steve Reeves book!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 15, 2021, 08:52:35 AM
I read half of the Steve Reeves book.  The author claims he bought from the estate his training journals.  He also uses first hand accounts of how he trained from Grimek observations and Reeves own books.  He also mentions a book that credits Reeves as a co author was published years after his death so he feels it's suspect.

He also speculates that his own hand written journals might have left out exercises because the journals weren't written for us but for him.  For example by first hand accounts he loved using the seated alternate dumbbell curl. It isn't mentioned in most of his journals. He could have said to himself, "I always do these I don't have to write it down."

 Over all it's a very small book that could be read in one sitting in under a hour.  The examples of his hand written journal entries sure look like Reeves distinct hand writing. It's basic whole body routines.  In his other book Building the Classic Physique he says he basically used three exercises a body part for three sets each.  I don't think he concentrated on strength but on bodybuilding but the book gives examples of times where he did. Bottom line is that if you're a Reeves fan you would want this in your collection. If you're a casual fan you might feel the book is a waste in it's brevity.

Did I learn somethin new?  Yes, he sprayed his balls with cold water to stimulate testosterone.  Can you say shinkage?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on December 15, 2021, 11:43:04 AM
I read half of the Steve Reeves book.  The author claims he bought from the estate his training journals.  He also uses first hand accounts of how he trained from Grimek observations and Reeves own books.  He also mentions a book that credits Reeves as a co author was published years after his death so he feels it's suspect.

He also speculates that his own hand written journals might have left out exercises because the journals weren't written for us but for him.  For example by first hand accounts he loved using the seated alternate dumbbell curl. It isn't mentioned in most of his journals. He could have said to himself, "I always do these I don't have to write it down."

 Over all it's a very small book that could be read in one sitting in under a hour.  The examples of his hand written journal entries sure look like Reeves distinct hand writing. It's basic whole body routines.  In his other book Building the Classic Physique he says he basically used three exercises a body part for three sets each.  I don't think he concentrated on strength but on bodybuilding but the book gives examples of times where he did. Bottom line is that if you're a Reeves fan you would want this in your collection. If you're a casual fan you might feel the book is a waste in it's brevity.

Did I learn somethin new?  Yes, he sprayed his balls with cold water to stimulate testosterone.  Can you say shinkage?

Is that in the book for real?  There was another thread here about him running to the fridge to eat protein after ejaculating to replace his "loss".

They say to get your wife pregnant wear boxers so your balls stay cool and you will produce more/better swimmers so maybe that is it.

I wore boxers and my wife got pregnant right away.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on December 15, 2021, 11:57:49 AM
5 years ago I drank twice a week. I worked part time at a retirement job but it was 5 days a week Monday to Friday. I drank Friday and Saturday night.  I was pretty lean.  The new job I've had for 5 years I find myself drinking 4 days a week because of all the free time I have now. My choice of adult beverage is beer, 150 calories a can. It adds up. Going dry for around two week then I'm going to make it point to indulge only twice a week again. For me it's too easy to sit to watch tv at night with a beer.  It isn't healthy and the calories really add up.

It is too bad that I am not fond of beer. A couple of beers every now and then, would be healthier than a couple of shots of scotch.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 15, 2021, 12:46:59 PM
Is that in the book for real?  There was another thread here about him running to the fridge to eat protein after ejaculating to replace his "loss".

They say to get your wife pregnant wear boxers so your balls stay cool and you will produce more/better swimmers so maybe that is it.

I wore boxers and my wife got pregnant right away.

Yes, it's in the book.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 15, 2021, 12:48:07 PM
It is too bad that I am not fond of beer. A couple of beers every now and then, would be healthier than a couple of shots of scotch.

A shot of scotch and a 12 oz can of beer has the same amount of alcohol. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on December 15, 2021, 12:58:34 PM
A shot of scotch and a 12 oz can of beer has the same amount of alcohol.

I don't measure, but I think the term is "two fingers" of scotch. I have large hands, so two fingers is probably the same as a double. It is not unusual for me to have two drinks in an evening. There are 8 doubles in a fifth.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 15, 2021, 03:59:24 PM
I don't measure, but I think the term is "two fingers" of scotch. I have large hands, so two fingers is probably the same as a double. It is not unusual for me to have two drinks in an evening. There are 8 doubles in a fifth.

A standard shot is 1.5 oz.  That is equal to a 12oz beer.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on December 15, 2021, 05:32:20 PM
Same alcohol but beer has around 10 grams of carbs in 12 oz.

Whiskey or vodka has calories but zero carbs.  A shot of 80 proof whiskey has 105 calories.

A whiskey and soda has zero carbs.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 15, 2021, 05:43:09 PM
Same alcohol but beer has around 10 grams of carbs in 12 oz.

Whiskey or vodka has calories but zero carbs.  A shot of 80 proof whiskey has 105 calories.

A whiskey and soda has zero carbs.

I was talking about alcohol content.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 16, 2021, 10:43:34 AM
I did 8 x quarter miles (440 yards or one lap on a track).  Hit the heavy bag after. I ran slightly faster than what I did two days ago.  Fastest was 7.7 MPH or around a 7:48 pace.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 17, 2021, 10:49:47 AM
Delt and arm day. My fifth workout in a row for the week. No warm ups listed. Felt a little weak from yesterdays' cardio.

Standing dumbbell press 2 x 10
Dumbbell delt laterals 2 x 12
Seated rear delt dumbbell laterals 2 x 11
face pulls 2 x 12
barbell shrugs 2 x 10

skull crushers with easy bar 3 x 12 (These always killed my elbow but I tweaked the way I do them and no problem so far. I lightened the weight and increased the reps. Instead of coming down to my face area I'm letting the bar drift behind my head. It made a ton of difference in the torque on the elbow.
Push down pulley triceps 2 x 10
dips 2 x 10 ( I went deep with no weight and immediately after push downs.)

Alternate dumbbell curls 2 x 8
Drag barbell curls 2 x 12
Concentration curls seated 2 x 12

wrist curls 2 x 25
wrist extensions 2 x 15

Weighted crunches 1 x 60 (waiting for a curved back pad to get a larger range of motion. Should come soon. I will see if it works as I anticipate.)
Pulley crunches 1 x 60

Tomorrow is another hard cardio day for me. I hope I don't can it. It would make for me a perfect week of workouts.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 18, 2021, 03:08:53 PM
Did my interval treadmill work.  8 x quarter miles (one lap or 440yards). Walked 3.8 MPH in between sets for quarter mile. Fastest was 7.8 MPH or 7:42 pace.  No heavy bag after.  Giving my shoulders a break.  Had a good work week.  Three hard lifting days and three hard cardio runs.  Slow steady progress on the interval work.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 19, 2021, 10:52:10 AM
Just a ten minute rehab day. I did three rotator cuff movements for one set each with dumbbells.  My right hip is bugging me slightly so a did some leg abduction work using a "monkey feet boot" with a light dumbbell. I stood on a block pulling my leg away in abduction. After the set I immediately felt better from my hip socket. Sometimes you have to hit those little stabilizer muscles. If not you can end up with a lot of grief.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Rmj11 on May 15, 2022, 11:07:18 AM
My standard split in general is Monday, Back and chest.  Wednesday is legs. Friday is delt and arms then two days off.  It works well for me.  I know many will say you need to work out body parts more than once a week but I do because of over lap.  On back day all the pulling is getting biceps hard. No way from a kinesiology analysis can you avoid the bicep involvement. On Friday biceps gets hit directly again on arm day. Another example is legs get their own day on Wednesday but on back day Monday they are hit hard when I do either power cleans or deadlifts. On it goes. Triceps are being hit hard on chest day with the pushing on Monday and again hit on arm day on Friday.  I could go on for each body part but you get the drift.

 I enjoy hitting a body part with several different exercises to use exercises that work mid range, stretch and the contracted position.  An example is dips or close grips for midrange triceps, Single dumbbell behind the neck with two hands for stretch position and something like two hand kick backs to emphasize the contracted position. 

The split I use the majority of the time also gives me four days off. On two of those days I try to get a run in with some boxing drills that I enjoy. 

I really enjoy hearing how others work out whether it's cross fit, running, martial arts, body weight or weight training.  I see the swing in weight training today seems to be away from the standard 8 to 12 reps into high reps.  I understand why many are going to it. It can be really brutal. I think the guy leading the way for this is this youtuber Ryan Humiston.  He said in effect that adding weight to do a set of 8 is easier that trying to do four sets of 20 with little rest between sets. He sometimes does a single century set (100 reps) and that sounds brutal. He gives the example of how he sometimes does that with squats or hacks.  I saw a couple of videos of the pro Kai Greene that uses high reps. On the video I watched he did three sets of an exercise hitting 20 reps on set one. Around 15 reps on set two and around 12 reps on set three. I'm sure some would argue that what ever a drug using guy does in the weight room isn't proof of a valid training protocol. If intensity was the magic bullet of training we would all be doing something like 4 sets of one rep after warm up. That's the most intense training we could do.  I think Humiston might be on to something. Maybe muscular endurance is the magic bullet of muscle growth.

Of course it is. The best bodies ever were built by muscular endurance training. Zane, Reeves, Park, Arnold, Oliva, Nubret, Davis, Gironda, etc used it or incorporated some of it into their training. The answer is staring you right in the face. We don't know exactly why it works but we know that it does work due to real world results.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: ThisisOverload on May 19, 2022, 03:27:10 PM
Anyone heard from Rich?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on May 19, 2022, 03:50:34 PM
Anyone heard from Rich?

He quit Getbig because some a-hole was emailing him personally and harassing him.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: AbrahamG on May 19, 2022, 03:55:25 PM
He quit Getbig because some a-hole was emailing him personally and harassing him.

Who was the a-hole?  Was it the mayor of Regina?  Or someone else?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on May 20, 2022, 05:41:59 AM
Who was the a-hole?  Was it the mayor of Regina?  Or someone else?

No idea but I doubt it was Josh.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: ThisisOverload on May 20, 2022, 12:22:49 PM
That's lame.

Wonder who it was?

Definitely wasn't Josh.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 10, 2023, 02:54:56 PM
Is it safe to come back?  I'm sure nobody cares but I left because of harassing emails. No one knows my email here except two people.  One day I noticed an email and it was threatening. It mentioned getbig and how he had all my passwords and my cloud account. As proof he sent me a picture of my wife and a famous MMA champ. I was shocked. My social media accounts are not open to the public. He started showing me the contents of my emails which further shocked me.  He claimed if you don't believe my capabilities here's proof. He showed me family pictures of members here.  Did he just lift them from facebook and Instagram?  I don't know. I had to leave when my brother in law a really decent human who is a psychiatrist starting getting harassing  phone calls to his office mentioning get big. The guy is a saint of a doctor that has helped so many people.
 That's when I stopped posting here. Some of the email accounts the person said he had the passwords were mine and some he claimed were mine weren't. I started to think is Josh capable of this?  What did I do to piss him off? If I did anything I really don't mean to offend. I did some soul searching and I thought it's either my conservative politics posts or my anti steroid stance.  I just found it amazing that someone could be so obsessed with me.

I will give this another try. If it doesn't work out I will never ever sign on again. Got that Josh if it's you. If I offended you say the word and I will be gone.

I have been training hard. I'm nearly 65.  I don't use any drugs or even hormone replacement. The closest I got is using clomid 7 years ago. I use zero anything. I think I spelled clomid right. Another Doc told me some studies show an increase in brain cancer so I stopped after maybe a month of using it and I never returned.

Regarding training I'm not using heavy weights anymore. My joints are protesting. Going to use light weights with a full range of motion with a slow cadence.  I thought I would use high reps but I came to the conclusion that reps in the traditional 6 to12 can work if short rests between sets are used.  I'm not in anyway a bodybuilder. I'm just into fitness. I use bodyweight, weights and cardio to achieve that. Still doing boxing drills though I haven't been in the ring for almost 40 years.

You can laugh at my body. I do. I'm not a bodybuilder. I'm much leaner now then when this picture was taken 6 months ago. I think I'm not a complete mess nearing 65.  Like I said I'm leaner now. Maybe I will put up an updated picture but I'm afraid knowing this site I will be mocked, lol.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on May 10, 2023, 05:17:20 PM
Welcome back, OT.

Sorry you went through all that.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: The Scott on May 11, 2023, 07:29:53 PM
Is it safe to come back?  I'm sure nobody cares but I left because of harassing emails. No one knows my email here except two people.  One day I noticed an email and it was threatening. It mentioned getbig and how he had all my passwords and my cloud account. As proof he sent me a picture of my wife and a famous MMA champ. I was shocked. My social media accounts are not open to the public. He started showing me the contents of my emails which further shocked me.  He claimed if you don't believe my capabilities here's proof. He showed me family pictures of members here.  Did he just lift them from facebook and Instagram?  I don't know. I had to leave when my brother in law a really decent human who is a psychiatrist starting getting harassing  phone calls to his office mentioning get big. The guy is a saint of a doctor that has helped so many people.
 That's when I stopped posting here. Some of the email accounts the person said he had the passwords were mine and some he claimed were mine weren't. I started to think is Josh capable of this?  What did I do to piss him off? If I did anything I really don't mean to offend. I did some soul searching and I thought it's either my conservative politics posts or my anti steroid stance.  I just found it amazing that someone could be so obsessed with me.

I will give this another try. If it doesn't work out I will never ever sign on again. Got that Josh if it's you. If I offended you say the word and I will be gone.

I have been training hard. I'm nearly 65.  I don't use any drugs or even hormone replacement. The closest I got is using clomid 7 years ago. I use zero anything. I think I spelled clomid right. Another Doc told me some studies show an increase in brain cancer so I stopped after maybe a month of using it and I never returned.

Regarding training I'm not using heavy weights anymore. My joints are protesting. Going to use light weights with a full range of motion with a slow cadence.  I thought I would use high reps but I came to the conclusion that reps in the traditional 6 to12 can work if short rests between sets are used.  I'm not in anyway a bodybuilder. I'm just into fitness. I use bodyweight, weights and cardio to achieve that. Still doing boxing drills though I haven't been in the ring for almost 40 years.

You can laugh at my body. I do. I'm not a bodybuilder. I'm much leaner now then when this picture was taken 6 months ago. I think I'm not a complete mess nearing 65.  Like I said I'm leaner now. Maybe I will put up an updated picture but I'm afraid knowing this site I will be mocked, lol.

Welcome back, OT!  You look great, brother!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 11, 2023, 08:03:35 PM
Thanks Scott, Wes and Iron nat for the welcome back. Maybe I will stick around. Then again maybe I won't.

 Since this is the training log I think I fucked up my knee on the leg press two days ago. Limping around like I'm a cripple.  Didn't hurt too much when it actually happened but I think the inside of my knee swelled after training back today. Nearly fell walking around my house. Trained back today and I semi felt fine until it swelled up tonight.  I think it's a wake up call.

I always heard and believed as we age we are one rep away from fucking our self up.  I hope it's a temp injury and I didn't break anything in there. Always had perfect knees so I thought. Grimek was doing great training in his late 60's I believe when someone young challenged him to keep up squatting going rep for rep. If I got the story straight he permanently fucked up his hip.

Going to train with volume and lighter weights. Getting too old to be doing low sets too failure. I will finish this week with low sets too failure to finish the week. Tomorrow is delt and tri day. I hope it won't put a strain on the knee. Funny my giant son in law just messed up his knee grappling in jui jitsu about six weeks ago. Doc told him he has to go under the knife but he wants to see if it will heal first.

Today I trained back and the knee felt sore but nothing bad. Hours after man was the pain bad.

Used warm ups as needed but trained one work set to failure.

Wide pulldowns 1 x 10 145lbs (strict and slow upright. No bend back and heave. Though so many with a good back swear by that technique of the heave with the lean back.

Seated cable rows with a V handle 1 x 15 180lbs (all the way out and back)

Dumbbell row with one knee on the bench 1 x 12 90lbs

Narrow pulldown 1 x 11

Dead lift, I was hoping to get 6 reps with slow negatives but after the third rep I felt out of position with a tweak and ended it after 3 reps. Did a second set of 3 with 300lbs. I think this might have really aggravated the knee.

Weighted hypers 1 x 20 with a 25lbs plate behind my head. Slow negatives and somewhat slow positive reps.

Ab wheel roll out 1 x 28 reps
AB pulley 1 x 60 reps

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 15, 2023, 05:40:44 PM
Thought I would do a more volume week starting today doing more sets per exercise. I lift in the early morning hours before work. Had every intention of doing it then second guessed myself if I would have enough time. I have to time those workouts on my day off. Today I did back and chest. No warm ups shown.

Power cleans 4 x 3

Wide grip pulldowns with a Mag bar supinated grip 2 x 10
Seated lat cable row with a V handle 2 x 12
Dumbbell lat row with a knee on the bench 2 x 10
Narrow supinated pulldown with a Mag bar 2 x 10

Incline dumbbell bench 2 x 8
Decline dumbbell bench 2  x8
Flat flies 2 x 10
Push ups 2 x max

Weighted hyper extensions 2 x 15

ab wheel roll out 1 x 28
pulley crunch 1 x 47

    Thinking about my experiments with cardio over about 18 months. I ran distance, semi sprint intervals usually about 440 yards; fast walking on an incline treadmill and fast long walks on a trail by my house.

   I have to say I got the best results from fast walking on an isolated trail by my house. The fat melts off. I kept thinking about the reasons why. My guess is as a percentage it uses more fat for fuel than the other cardio methods I used. It can be done for a longer duration. I usually walk the trail at a speed between 3.5 MPH and 4.0 MPH.  I head out to my turn around with pure speed walking. On the return I do a little speed play so to say. I might pick out a land mark such as a fat tree and sprint to it. The distances are from around 200 yards down to as little as 40 yards. Of course those distances are guesses.  Still most of the return trip is fast walking. I think during the fast walking I never really get my heart beat that high except for the semi sprints.

    Fast walking burns roughly 100 calories per mile. Running hard maybe 130.  When you run you are using a higher percentage of sugar as opposed to fat as fuel but of course this is speed dependent.  Just walking five miles fast for five miles 4 times a week adds up to a 2000 calorie deficit for the week. That's over a pound of fat lost every two weeks. Imagine what 5 pounds of fat would look like on a plate.  I'm also positive it hypes your metabolism. After cardio I often feel like I had 4 cups of coffee. I firmly believe in the after burn of cardio. I also believe fast walking spares your muscles. Any lifter that has gone on a running kick can tell you how it sacrifices some muscle. Run a hard five miles and tell me how good your lifts are the day after.

    On a side note don't be like these delusional fit bit people. I was talking cardio with a guy and I told him lately I'm walking five miles a day when I can. He said he got 6 miles. I asked him if he walked on a treadmill or outside? He said, neither. He just put on the watch and it told him the steps and I guess miles at the end of the day. I don't own one. Don't take credit for just being alive. Everyone can rack up miles by putting on a watch unless you're a dud sedentary person. Only count dedicated continuous walking. Low intensity aerobics doesn't count if it's not continuous regarding the health benefits.

    I'm no one to give advice but try walking fast for a month with your lifting. I think you will see noticeable change in four weeks.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on May 16, 2023, 06:55:40 AM
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 16, 2023, 07:12:55 AM
Funny you mentioned Aruba cause my sister in law said I can use her place there.  Going to go next year.  Wife is doing good.  Her spinal cord operation went well.  She is out of pain and slowly getting her health back. Kids are great. How are yours?  As you know I live near the beach. I have been on the beach a couple of days already as well as the bars/restaurants.  We will run into each other some day where you vacation.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 16, 2023, 04:59:31 PM
Walked 5.0 miles today as fast as I could. 2.5 miles walking  out and at the turn around coming back I mixed in some sprints. I pick out arbitrary land marks like big trees for finish lines of sprinting. The distances are from approximately 200 yards down to 40 yards. My first sprint was the long one of about 200 yards. I started this one at the beginning of a guide rail to the end. I haven't done much cardio because I had a bad case of bronchitis I was getting over. Now I feel good. I took off at a good clip and I was just trying to hold my speed till the finish of the guide rail on this trail.  They have guide rail to keep out people with quads to keep it a walking/running/biking path.  I started to suck wind and I was at the end of my wind. Damn I had to walk. Maybe I was still getting over the effects of the bronchitis. I looked up to see how close I got to the end and noticed it went on for about a half mile more. The mo fo's from the county that maintain the trail extended the guide rail while I was sick. I still wonder how far I sprinted till I ran out of gas. I bet it was 300 yards, lol.

When I came back I did a couple of rounds of hitting the heavy bag. I egotistically  say I hit the bag like a mule. When I actually got in the ring in my younger years I had a bad habit of blocking punches with my face. Not a good attribute for boxing. My footwork is really bad too. According to my Hispanic heritage it should be good but it stinks. At this age I will stick to hitting the heavy bag, focus pads and shadow boxing. I don't want to get hit anymore, lol.

When I got to my job I felt great for the first four hours. Then it hit me. I was spent. Now on a sofa at home on my back typing this out. Early bed night. Tomorrow is legs with a sore knee. Going to make some changes to avoid aggravating it. No glute kick backs or dumbbell squats. My deep leg presses will change to the typical half leg presses with higher reps. I will use the squat machine because the machine is much safer. Hopefully the knee will be okay with this. I feel better every day with this knee. Convinced I had a lot of swelling in side it and that is dissipating.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 17, 2023, 03:40:58 PM
I started warming up on leg day doing leg presses and the knee and hip started to hurt. I just quit the training day. So pissed.  I will regroup and come back. I might have to lay off the leg press for a while.  Taking tomorrow off of lifting too. Those heavy leg presses are just grinding my joints to dust, lol.  Running and walking  it only hurts moderately.  The leg press is out for awhile. It goes to the old rule of if it hurts don't do it no matter how much you think you should.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 18, 2023, 01:34:15 PM
Took another day off. Fucken knee.  I did about three hours of yard work if that counts for anything and I know it doesn't. Mowed, weed whacked, blower; vacuumed pollen strings around the pool and got up the last remaining leaves around the pool.  Wore a N95 mask to avoid the pollen and allergens. When I took it off my nose was dirty and I was blowing brown stuff into a tissue. If anyone believes a mask protected you against covid you're a fool.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 19, 2023, 02:36:49 PM
Trained light due to my knee. I did a whole body routine.

Cleans 3 x 3 then 1 x 1

squats 2 x 8 then 1 x 1
standing leg curls 2 x 15
Weighted knee raises 1 x 12

Flat dumbbell presses 2 x 8 (Nice doing these light. Slow and controlled.)
Dumbbell flies 2 x 12

Pull ups 2 x 8
Yates type barbell rows 2 x 10 (Maybe the first time I used these semi upright back rows. I feel it in the middle of my back.)

PBN 2 x 6 (Haven't done these in ages. The flexibility wasn't there. Good thing I was using baby weights)
Delt dumbbell laterals 2 x 16

dumbbell curls standing 2 x 20
dips 2 x 12

standing calf raises 2 x 15

Incline sit ups 1 x 20
Incline leg raises 1 x

Weighted hyper extensions 2 x 15

four way neck machine 2 sets a side.

Ivanko grippers 2 x 20

I realized after this routine there is no way I could have done this routine prior to work in the early morning hours. It just was too long. It makes me think how did I train when I was working revolving long hour shifts with four kids? I always seemed to get the workouts in somehow. Now I have the time working a part time retirement job the thought of long workouts seem like something I don't want to do.

  I hear young men saying they do three on and one off. I wonder how they maintain a career and a family?  My son in law works a similar demanding job as I did and still wrestles three days a week in a jui jitsu dojo.  He's been doing it for years. He just submitted two black belts. I hope he advances because that's his passion. He has zero interest in anything bodybuilding related and he just doesn't get it.  At 300lbs he's big enough. He says stuff like why would anyone want to look like they can kick ass when they can't reference bodybuilders? I can't argue that, lol.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 21, 2023, 05:23:54 PM
The swelling is going down on the knee. It's actually pretty good. The hip is getting better too. I did a cardio day today walking to limit any aggravation to the knee.  I did incline walking on the treadmill. All listed below reference the laps are done with no rest. It's continuous. I think it lasted 61 minutes. I call this workout the ladder. Every lap I go up an incline percent climbing up the ladder. It's easy on the joints but gets the job done. I find if I can get up to 12% going up the ladder I'm in pretty good cardio shape for myself.

3.8 MPH for a quarter mile at zero incline
3.8 MPH for a quarter mile at 1% incline
3.8 MPH for a quarter mile at 2% incline
3.8 MPH for a quarter mile at 3% incline
3.8 MPH for a quarter mile at 4% incline
3.8 MPH for a quarter mile at 5% incline
3.8 MPH for a quarter mile at 6% incline
3.8 MPH for a quarter mile at 7% incline
3.8 MPH for a quarter mile at 8% incline
3.8 MPH for a quarter mile at 9% incline
Getting tough but must finish
3.8 MPH for a quarter mile at 10% incline
3.8 MPH for a quarter mile at 11% incline
3.8 MPH for a quarter mile at 12% incline
I was hurting a little at 12% but wanted to test the knee so I ran a lap.
7.8 MPH for a quarter mile at 0% incline (Knee held up and I was very conscious of wear the turn off cord was.)
Last lap was 3.8 MPH for a quarter mile at 0% grade for a cool down. Covered in sweat.

I did some rehab type work with rubber bands and an ankle strap for leg abductions. When my hip acts up this seems to help. 

Finished with hitting the heavy bag for a couple of rounds.

Prior to working out I saw my doc for an unrelated problem to my joint issues. A really kind nurse saw me prior to the doc and was chatting with me for awhile. She was maybe 70 and I imagine she was working part time to assist her retirement. Her wisdom was deep. She basically told me at my age and hers we are all aging.  She said we all go through it and realize you can't defeat it but you can be the best version of yourself even if it doesn't involve the physical. Except she said it with much more eloquence and poetry than my written word remembrance of the conversation.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 22, 2023, 06:03:35 AM
Really wanted to do volume this week but I just don't think I have the time to do it prior to work. Leaving the job in months then I can do it.

No warm ups listed. One set to failure. I do one to two warm up sets but on many exercises I do none since the previous exercise served as a warm up. Trained chest and biceps.  Took around 40 minutes. Single set to failure Yates style.  The reps listed are sometimes approximate. I don't use a notebook anymore and typed it up after the training session.

Dumbbell incline press 1 x 10
Decline dumbbell press 1 x 10
Flat flies 1 x 15
Push ups 1 x 25 (all the way down)

EZ barbell curls 1 x 15
Alternate dumbbell curls 1 x 10
dumbbell drag curls 1 x 10
concentration curls 1 x 14

wrist curls 1 x 30
wrist extension 1 x 25

Incline situps 1 x 30
Incline leg raises 1 x 15

Ivanko gripper 2 x 20

Finished with about 40 minutes of incline treadmill at 3.8 MPH.

Off to work where I stand on my feet a lot.  I often wonder how much a fit bit would say I stepped if I put one on from the time I got up till I went to sleep? I refuse to take credit for being a alive. I only log dedicated exercise.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 23, 2023, 05:36:24 PM
Leg day:  With a sore hip and knee I went light when I had too.  Again no warm up sets shown. I do one, two or none depending on the exercise. One set to failure. Rep count isn't always accurate. Doing this from memory.

Barbell squat 1 x 10  (I can count on one hand how many times I barbell squatted in the last 12 months. I might stop doing these forever. Even though I was going super light I don't think my old joints can handle it.)

Machine squats 1 x 10 (This was way more joint friendly.  The safety catch on this is fixed and way too low.  I sweat sometimes thinking what I would do if I fail at rock bottom.)

stiff dead 1 x 8 ( Had trouble with flexibility but on the last couple of reps I got low)

leg extension 1 x 25
standing leg curl 1 x 14 (Any variation of leg curls hurts my right leg right at the knee joint for some reason. Can't figure out why.)

hanging leg raise 1 x 29
hip ups on my back 1 x 33

standing calf 1 x 20
seated calf 1 x 20
tibalis raise 1x 20 ( done with a tib contraption I got. A really good movement for runners to prevent injuries

4 way neck machine: One set a side

On a side note.  I saw a video and the guy was giving his opinions from an athletes perspective and not a bodybuilding one. Not to put words in his mouth but he said in effect that standing calf machine and seated do little for an athlete regarding sprinting speed or vertical leap. He said in effect the Achilles the biggest tendon acts as a spring and actually has stretch and energy return in conjunction with the calf contracting.  He instead recommends plyometric type calf jumps. He stressed this will make your calf and Achilles work in an explosive matter making you a better athlete.

  Sometimes I feel stretching calf raises on a calf machine actually weakens the calf for sprinting.  When disgraced steroid sprinter Ben Johnson lifted weights his coach according to an article I read discouraged calf training in the weight room but encouraged such lifts as the power clean, squat and bench. He also allowed him to do what he called fun exercises like curls if he wanted to do them. After awhile he discouraged power cleans cause he was using so much weight and his form wasn't the best. He was afraid of injuries.  Ben was sick strong for 170lbs.  Benching 400 for reps days before the Olympics and crazy squat weights.

I am not a bodybuilder. I care more about athletic performance over looking good in a speedo.  Regarding calf training I think he might be right on target.  On a similar concept I think sometimes my ridiculously deep leg presses over stretched my knee tendon.

I digress and it's unrelated but since the topic is sprinting speed, I never forgot how slow Mike Mentzer was in the 100 yard dash on ABC's Superstars competition. He might have been the slowest athlete there. Mike did good in the push press hitting 320lbs.  A pretty good lift for something bodybuilders don't work on. Big Lou beat him with 325lbs. I know a lot of these current bodybuilders do more in a smith machine or a partial seated. It's a different animal taking the weight off a squat rack and putting it over head without leaning back to make it a standing incline press.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 24, 2023, 03:01:31 PM
Walked fast for 4.7 miles. After I did rotator cuff rehab for about ten minutes. The way I do fast walking is that I walk to the turn around then pick arbitrary marks to sprint to. The first was roughly 200 meters and the rest were roughly 40 meters.

While I was walking a young woman about 25 ran past me in skin tight leggings. I kept thinking what an incredible body on this chick. Thin with a more than an ample ass.  Perfection.

Pool opening and the massive work it takes to get the pool on track. I hope to have it completed by Friday. Drinking cocktails for hours getting it ready.  It's not even hot in NJ. Top temps are around 70.

Tomorrow is back day.  Then fuck with the pool some more.  Nothing is better than floating in a floating chair with a cocktail with some of the big band crooners like Sinatra or Martin on a quality speaker. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 25, 2023, 02:26:17 PM
Back day:  Finishing the week with the one set to failure training. Again warm ups when needed. Training after many beers yesterday poolside. Ugh.

Power cleans 4 x 3 then 1 x 1 (It's a fun exercise and so good for developing power)
Wide grip supinated MAG bar pulldown 1 x 11
Seated lat cable row 1 x 14
Dumbbell lat row one knee on a bench 1 x 12
Narrow grip supinated MAG pulldown 1 x 11

Weighted hyper extension 1 x 20

Ab wheel roll out 1 x 30
Ab pulley crunch 1 x 50

Tomorrow is delt and tricep.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 26, 2023, 10:38:42 AM
Delt and Triceps: No warm ups listed. Used as needed. One set to failure. Reps shown aren't always accurate. Done from memory.

Standing dumbbell delt press 1 x 10
Dumbbell delt laterals 1 x 11
Dumbbell rear delt lateral seated 1 x 14
Face pulls 1 x 19
Barbell shrugs 1 x 14

V bar tricep push downs 1 x 12
Narrow bench 1 x 9
Single arm behind the head standing tricep extension 1 x 13
Dips 1 x 15 (dug deep. See so many doing these shallow)

floor crunches with an ab mat to give a greater range of motion 1 x 50
pulley crunches 1 x 60
decline bench crunches almost like a roman chair 1 x 30

A little rehab work to finish. I did pullovers with two dumbbells to stretch my arms back. I also inhale to stretch the abs. Sometimes I feel tightness in my lower abs and my shoulders get tight. This rehab pullover kills two birds with one rehab exercise.

Waited about an hour then went out the door with music blasting for a 5 mile fast walk.  During the fast walk on the return I would pick various land marks like a big tree to sprint to. Estimated the sprints were between 200 meters down to 40 meters.  My last sprint on the return is roughly 100 meters. Walking fast is a very under rated exercise. I throw in some sprints to remind my body I'm an athlete. Walking fast uses high percentage of fat for fuel. I guess I used about 175 calories for the lifting and maybe 525 for the walk.  Nice calorie deficit to my total calorie count for the day.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 27, 2023, 02:34:49 PM
Did jack shit today.  Cancer runs in my family and yesterday I logged into my blood and urine test I had recently. I'm no doctor but I'm really disturbed.  Doctor's office said they would contract me on Wednesday. Doc is off till then. 

Went to a bay side bar.  Rich people in their huge boats drop anchor and the shuttle boat picks them up to hit the place. It was around 72 and pure sun. The rock band was rocking and the outdoor place was packed. Met a really nice couple next to us at bar and we struck up a nice conversation. They even bought us a round.  Turns out they are going to our favorite vacation area for the first time so we filled them in where to go and what to do.

After we left the huge bay side outdoor bar we went to our pool. It felt really cold but I said fuck it. I sat in a float with a Guinness listening to Sinatra looking at the sky. It was pure sun and no clouds. Made some stuff on the BBQ and now eating great.  The men in my family suffer from cancer and I hope I fair better.  If it hits me I had a good life.  Had a great wife, kids, grandchildren  and career.  No regrets. I want to accomplish more and I might be jumping the gun on the life is over bit. I see a biopsy coming but I don't care.   God has blessed me with a great loving wife. I have been fortunate enough make sure she is well provided for if I expire in the next couple of years. The house will be paid off soon too.

Tomorrow is a cardio day.  I think I am over lifting heavy weights and I know that term is relative.  Heavy weights for me is light for another. Though the classic phrase making a light weight heavy through a full range of motion; limited rest between sets and a slow lifting cadence makes what seems like a light weight very heavy. Lifting for endurance is something I think I want to explore. Who knows what I will do next week in the weight room. We shall see.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on May 27, 2023, 03:13:05 PM
PSA high?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 27, 2023, 05:49:49 PM
PSA high?

That among other stuff that is indicating something is off. Went from 1.6 to way over 4 in 12 months. Never had such bad tests in every conceivable area showing something is going on. Uncle died from it. Father was terminal with it but died from a heart attack. Brother had radiation for it and is messed up down there. Been getting signs something is off. Groin pain, hip pain and not being able to pee sitting. Hopefully worrying for nothing. Just three family members with the same cancer is disturbing.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on May 28, 2023, 03:21:58 AM
That among other stuff that is indicating something is off. Went from 1.6 to way over 4 in 12 months. Never had such bad tests in every conceivable area showing something is going on. Uncle died from it. Father was terminal with it but died from a heart attack. Brother had radiation for it and is messed up down there. Been getting signs something is off. Groin pain, hip pain and not being able to pee sitting. Hopefully worrying for nothing. Just three family members with the same cancer is disturbing.

Sorry to hear this.  And it is odd to have such drastic changes over such a short time period.

Be careful not to jump to conclusions and submit to the knife or drastic treatments right away.

Re-test.  Have them done again.  Go to a different lab.

There have been instances where the lab has messed up with the tests.  Even gave you someone else's results!

I prefer Quest Labs, not Lab Corp.  Maybe you went to Quest already.

Quest has different parameters in testing.  Their "normal ranges" are different than Lab Corp.  Sometimes much different.

However, they could make an error too so re-test. 

Regarding peeing, you might think this odd, but I've been peeing standing up for over a year, into a bottle (2 qt wide mouth plastic juice bottle).

I use one bathroom and my wife uses another so no problem.  I keep the bottle in mine.  When full, dump and flush, etc.

When I was a kid it was always pee standing up into the toilet.  However, that is not sanitary in a home bathroom to do.

I remember being little, standing next to my older brother and crossing streams.  :D

In nature men pee standing up, not sitting.

Much better to do it standing though rather than sitting.  May help you.

A side benefit is your water bill will go down.  Thousands of gallons down.  But that is beside the point.

Hip and groin pain could be caused by other things.  You run a lot for example which stretches out the hips and groin.  Great for that but might make you sore too. 

Article: Non-cancerous-reasons-your-psa-levels-are-high

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 28, 2023, 05:14:44 AM
Sorry to hear this.  And it is odd to have such drastic changes over such a short time period.

Be careful not to jump to conclusions and submit to the knife or drastic treatments right away.

Re-test.  Have them done again.  Go to a different lab.

There have been instances where the lab has messed up with the tests.  Even gave you someone else's results!

I prefer Quest Labs, not Lab Corp.  Maybe you went to Quest already.

Quest has different parameters in testing.  Their "normal ranges" are different than Lab Corp.  Sometimes much different.

However, they could make an error too so re-test. 

Regarding peeing, you might think this odd, but I've been peeing standing up for over a year, into a bottle (2 qt wide mouth plastic juice bottle).

I use one bathroom and my wife uses another so no problem.  I keep the bottle in mine.  When full, dump and flush, etc.

When I was a kid it was always pee standing up into the toilet.  However, that is not sanitary in a home bathroom to do.

I remember being little, standing next to my older brother and crossing streams.  :D

In nature men pee standing up, not sitting.

Much better to do it standing though rather than sitting.  May help you.

A side benefit is your water bill will go down.  Thousands of gallons down.  But that is beside the point.

Hip and groin pain could be caused by other things.  You run a lot for example which stretches out the hips and groin.  Great for that but might make you sore too. 

Article: Non-cancerous-reasons-your-psa-levels-are-high

Yes, Quest was the first one and Lab corp was the second. I would be interested if they test different for the PSA. Last year a cardiologist I saw for a check up did the lab test with Quest. She told me it's not so much the actual number but if it rises quickly from test to test. I never forgot that and now I went up four fold plus in a year with the lab corp test from a GP doctor.

I piss standing up but when I crap it's sitting down. I can't pee that way anymore. It won't work in that position. Thank you for your response. Yes, I won't be quick to go under the knife. I'm sure they want to do a biopsy next and then rate the cancer on something called the Gleason scale.  I read two articles in Men's Health about prostate cancer many years ago when it was a good magazine.  I kept the two magazines  knowing my uncle died a horrible death from it when it spread outside the area. They were very involved articles by two different writers.  Interesting they had the same conclusion. If they had to do it again they wouldn't.  Even though one had targeted radiation and the other so called nerve sparing operation they both couldn't get erections anymore.  They both were pissing in their pants and had to wear pads. One said his urologist told him once it spreads you're in for a world of hurt as it attacks other areas like the bones,  bladder and intestines. Another thing they do is give a pill to shut off your testosterone which they say fuels it's growth. Can you imagine how that would affect lifting? The two different articles said the odds are for many it's such a slow growing cancer that many without treatment will live for years and die from something else like a heart attack.  I don't know if a wait and observe is an option considering my family history but that is what I would prefer to do. Going to read that link you provided now.

Doing google research stuff they treat this with either an operation to cut it out or radiation to burn the prostate dead. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 28, 2023, 05:26:56 AM
Good article Iron nat. I thought prostate cancer was the leading cause of death for men from cancer but the article says it's lung cancer and prostate second.  I don't know if you read the article but it says PSA readings go up as a man ages. Also having an orgasm the day before can make it rise. I really don't know if I did.

Just learned a better blood test is a PHI test. Maybe the doc will do this next.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on May 28, 2023, 07:58:56 AM
Rich,,,nothing to do with you but I had prostate infection 2104 or 15;out of nowhere peeing like crazy,worst pain ever groin to tip penis took 3 months intense antibiotics to kill ,leading up to it I do recall some discomfort in one leg like I overtrained it I thought and peeing different then it came on one day like a volcano erupted.I see a urologist actually a friend sorta lol he’s great at .5 on psa says I have a prostrate 20 something lol.should feel like a ripe fruit no bumps.I hate having 2 fingers jammed in there but hey better than nothing
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 28, 2023, 09:20:07 AM
Rich,,,nothing to do with you but I had prostate infection 2104 or 15;out of nowhere peeing like crazy,worst pain ever groin to tip penis took 3 months intense antibiotics to kill ,leading up to it I do recall some discomfort in one leg like I overtrained it I thought and peeing different then it came on one day like a volcano erupted.I see a urologist actually a friend sorta lol he’s great at .5 on psa says I have a prostrate 20 something lol.should feel like a ripe fruit no bumps.I hate having 2 fingers jammed in there but hey better than nothing

Thanks for sharing the personal experience.  Doc called and said to make an appointment with a urologist. I guess I will see. They say guys with an enlarge prostate often have an urgent feeling to pee but when they do little comes out. I pee like a race horse.  So I don't see how I can have any blockage.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 29, 2023, 05:12:40 AM
Ran two miles yesterday instead of my walk/run usual cardio.  Ran a pathetic time running 9:30 miles but at least I ran.  Hit the heavy bag after. Prior to the run I warmed up on the treadmill walking and running a quarter mile on the treadmill. I hate going outside and running not warmed up. If I do that little quarter mile warm up I can immediately run at a good clip right off the bat.

It's funny in my younger years there was no music or GPS watch. I used nothing or a cheap casio watch to time my routes that were often measured with a car odometer. Now with a phone or gps watch you can get the exact mileage, pace and heart rate. As tech advances I don't even use ear buds anymore. I use a bone conduction head set to listen to music as I run. They can't fall out of your ears like ear buds and are more sanitary than jamming ear buds in. Nothing goes in your ears but the bone conduction part rests on your cheek bones. The sound is amazing and it lets you hear your surroundings a bit better than ear buds. I carry the phone with blue tooth to go to the Shokz head set in a slim snug belly bag. If your are new to GPS watches I would recommend a Garmin brand and any model. The base ones have all the essential info. I was fortunate that my kids gave me an expensive upgrade model for my birthday two years ago. It has more features that I don't need or even know how to use.

Regarding health I'm not drinking for two weeks then limit it to at the most one or two days a week. Not an alcoholic in denial but the amount I drink now isn't a recipe for optimal health. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: chaos on May 29, 2023, 08:24:30 AM
Is it safe to come back?  I'm sure nobody cares but I left because of harassing emails. No one knows my email here except two people.  One day I noticed an email and it was threatening. It mentioned getbig and how he had all my passwords and my cloud account. As proof he sent me a picture of my wife and a famous MMA champ. I was shocked. My social media accounts are not open to the public. He started showing me the contents of my emails which further shocked me.  He claimed if you don't believe my capabilities here's proof. He showed me family pictures of members here.  Did he just lift them from facebook and Instagram?  I don't know. I had to leave when my brother in law a really decent human who is a psychiatrist starting getting harassing  phone calls to his office mentioning get big. The guy is a saint of a doctor that has helped so many people.
 That's when I stopped posting here. Some of the email accounts the person said he had the passwords were mine and some he claimed were mine weren't. I started to think is Josh capable of this?  What did I do to piss him off? If I did anything I really don't mean to offend. I did some soul searching and I thought it's either my conservative politics posts or my anti steroid stance.  I just found it amazing that someone could be so obsessed with me.

I will give this another try. If it doesn't work out I will never ever sign on again. Got that Josh if it's you. If I offended you say the word and I will be gone.

I have been training hard. I'm nearly 65.  I don't use any drugs or even hormone replacement. The closest I got is using clomid 7 years ago. I use zero anything. I think I spelled clomid right. Another Doc told me some studies show an increase in brain cancer so I stopped after maybe a month of using it and I never returned.

Regarding training I'm not using heavy weights anymore. My joints are protesting. Going to use light weights with a full range of motion with a slow cadence.  I thought I would use high reps but I came to the conclusion that reps in the traditional 6 to12 can work if short rests between sets are used.  I'm not in anyway a bodybuilder. I'm just into fitness. I use bodyweight, weights and cardio to achieve that. Still doing boxing drills though I haven't been in the ring for almost 40 years.

You can laugh at my body. I do. I'm not a bodybuilder. I'm much leaner now then when this picture was taken 6 months ago. I think I'm not a complete mess nearing 65.  Like I said I'm leaner now. Maybe I will put up an updated picture but I'm afraid knowing this site I will be mocked, lol.
Welcome back Oldtimer!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 29, 2023, 11:13:34 AM
Welcome back Oldtimer!

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 29, 2023, 11:35:48 AM
Trying to figure out the best way for me and my life style to combine lifting with running.  I come up with schemes and plans then do the same old stuff.  Still on my one set to failure Yates style for now. I think the best thing for me considering my oldest son wants me to do some charity type 5K road races with him is to do whole body routines. I really enjoy variety in training and a whole body routine won't allow that unless you train for a long time. I read Reeves did three exercises per body part and three sets each. His whole body routine must have taken well over two hours. Grimek did one or two exercises per bodypart I believe and that's more reasonable. Well for now it's the same old bs. As usual no warm up sets listed. For the most part I'm through trying to get stronger. I just want to slow the decline. I think what I use to do in my in my younger years and even though I deny it I'm aging.

Chest and biceps:

Incline DB press 1 x 10
Decline DB press 1 x 10
Flat fly 1 x15
Push ups 1 x max

EZ curl 1 x 15
Alternate curl 1 x 10
Dumbbell drag curls 1 x 12
Dumbbell scott curl 1 x 12

Forearm curls 1 x 30
Reverse forearm extensions 1 x 20

Incline sit ups 1 x 30
Incline leg raises 1 x 17
Ivanko gripper 2 x 20

Rested for about an hour then hit the trail running 2 miles at a 9.25 mile pace. Slow but I felt it. Saw two small snakes on the trail.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 30, 2023, 01:47:30 PM
Leg day:

Leg press 1x15. (Relatively light.  Trying to protect my knee)
Machine squats 1x11
Stiff dead 1x8
Kick back machine 1x 11
Leg extension 1x25
Standing leg curl 1x 14

Hanging leg raise1x 28
Hip ups 1x 35

Standing calf 1x 20
Seated calf 1x 20
Tibealis work 1x20

Four way neck: one set each side for 30 reps.

Hate the fact that I had to go lighter on the leg press. I went slow to make the weight feel heavier.  Tomorrow is a cardio day and no lifting day.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 31, 2023, 12:55:35 PM
Day off: Ran 3.39 miles at a slow 10:00 pace. Legs were sore from leg day yesterday.  Came back from the run and hit the bag for a couple of rounds. Feeling exhausted.  Giving up drinking for a couple of weeks.  Just want to see how I feel physically without it. 

Tomorrow is back day with very limited cardio after. I'm 171 at 5'8" as I type.  I want to lose 5lbs more.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 01, 2023, 01:44:39 PM
Back day: No warm ups shown. Yates type workout with one set to failure.

Power cleans 5 x 3 reps, then finished with 1 x 1

Wide grip pulldowns with a supinated MAG bar 1 x 11
Seated cable row 1 x 14
Dumbbell row with knee on a bench 1 x 12
Narrow grip pulldowns with a supinated MAG bar 1 x 11

Weighted back hyper extension 1 x 20 (I use an old school horizontal bench. Much better than the new 45 degree ones)
Ab wheel roll out 1 x 30
Ab pulley crunches 1 x 50

Too tired to do cardio after. Maybe because I was a little tired from cleaning the pool prior to the weight workout. I will do it tomorrow after delts and triceps.  After this back day I floated in the pool for an hour.  Can't believe how dark I got, lol.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: wes on June 02, 2023, 02:57:06 AM
Good stuff Rich.....sorry to hear about the fuckhead who harrassed you..........freakin asshole!!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 02, 2023, 04:03:21 AM
Good stuff Rich.....sorry to hear about the fuckhead who harrassed you..........freakin asshole!!

Changed all my passwords for everything and blocked where I could. It ended. I'm also protected by Daniel's law in NJ. It removed much of my personal information from the internet. If it starts again with getbig references I'm gone. This site isn't worth it.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 02, 2023, 03:52:45 PM
Delt and triceps day:  As usual for this training week no warm up sets shown. For example of warm up sets I use two for military pressing. One for dumbbell delt laterals and none for rear delt laterals, face pulls and barbell shrugs cause the other exercises warmed me up and I'm ready to go.

Military press 1 x 8
Dumbbell delt laterals 1 x 12
Rear delt laterals 1 x 14
Face pulls 1 x 19
barbell shrugs 1 x 14

Tricep V bar pushdowns 1 x 19
Seated leaning back on a scott bench EZ bar tricep extensions 1 x 8 (went too heavy on this and I couldn't as deep as I wanted)
close grip bench 1 x 8 (I use an ez curl bar. It puts my hands in a great position for this narrow grip benching.  The only problem is with a normal bar I have safety racks and they don't work with the short ez bar. I leave the collars off so I can dump it if needed.)
dips 1 x 15 (going deep enough to rip out my shoulders, lol)

crunches 1 x 40 (used an ab pad for a greater range of motion)
pulley crunches 1 x 60

Rested about 45 minutes then warmed up on a treadmill for a quarter mile. Headed out the door running to the trail by my house for 2 miles.  It was approximately 85 degrees and pure sun.  Ran without a shirt and came home leaving a puddle of sweat where ever I stood in the house.  Bet I lost a pound or more of water.  Disappointed with the time I ran but doing it after the lifting so I was a little shot with all those sets to failure.

I'm the lightest I have been in many years. A little disturbing to get on the scale and see the numbers so low.  I found a great free app for recording the food you eat is the Lose It app. Look for the Orange scale when looking for it. Simple to use for non tech people like me. You might need a food scale for some food but for the majority you don't. It also has an amazing amount of brands in it. So if you are eating Mr. Moe's mash potatoes (Made the brand up) it probably has it in there and you pick  the quantity like a cup or cup and a half. When you first get it they will ask your weight and your goal.  Use it for a week without cheating or going over the calories they allot and they will tell you right down to the day when you hit your goal. My initial goal was 174. When I hit that and stayed around there for a long time I decided to go to 167lbs. I started the app again weighing 171. The app tells me without cheating I will hit 167lbs  on July 2nd. If I hit that I will go to a new goal. Are their predictions accurate? Somewhat because of other factors. The app is very generous with working out credit. Plug in your lifting and cardio then you can eat more still hitting the caloric goal for the day.  When I get in a lifting session then a good cardio session it sure makes the day of eating so much more tolerable.  It has also taught me quantity. I can now pour an ounce of chips in a bowl for 140 calories if I want a treat without a food scale. Right now I have only one pair of jeans that fits tight. The rest have the baggy ass jean look that old men have when they put on jeans. The bad part of calorie restriction is I sometimes feel tired and exhausted but that could be something else going on with me, lol. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 03, 2023, 10:20:55 AM
Cardio day: Used the treadmill. It's windy as hell here and looks like rain.

Intervals 8 x 440 yards or once around a track.

Lap #1- 3.8 MPH
Lap #2-6.3 MPH or 9:31 minute mile pace
Lap #3-3.8 MPH
Lap #4-6.7MPH or 9:14 Pace
Lap #5-3.8 MPH
Lap #6-6.7 MPH or 8:57 Pace
Lap #7-3.8 MPH
Lap #8-6.9 MPH or 8:42
Lap #9-3.8 MPH
Lap #10-7.1 MPH or 8:27 Pace
Lap #11-3.8 MPH
LAP #12 -7.3 mph or 8:13 Pace
Lap #13-3.8 MPH
Lap#14-7.5MPH or 8:00 Pace
Lap #15-3.8 MPH
Lap#16-7.7 MPH or 7:48 Pace
Lap #17-3.8 MPH

Notes: Felt pretty good.  Usually do heavy bag work after a pure cardio day but letting a sore shoulder settle down. I hate following a diet. I have an insane appetite and I like to eat. Before I retired the guys at work use to say they never seen a guy eat as much as I do.  Now I'm eating like a bird. Weight is 169lbs today. Breakfast was a half a cup of oatmeal made in water today with one teaspoon of sugar. Two eggs cooked in olive oil. Glass of skim milk and a banana. This interval workout left me in negative calories so far for the day.  Eating lunch as I type. Eating a Marie Callender's chicken pot pie that's 600 calories. Now I'm in positive calorie intake. Later a conservative dinner and a little snacking. I still should have an outstanding day calorie wise.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 04, 2023, 01:32:06 PM
Hit the trail by my house for 3.4 miles. Ran at a 9:38 minute mile pace.  Trying to decide whether to switch things up reference the weight room for next week or do the same old? 

On a different topic I've been reading and viewing a lot of videos on plyometric exercises. If you regularly include stuff like forms of the Olympic lifts you getting plenty of speed strength exercise. If you regularly include sprint workouts that fulfills that important attribute of power training. Power lifting is not power training. Being a good athlete includes having explosive power.  Squatting 600lbs  but not being able to sprint or jump shows a lack of power. It shows good strength but not good power. Power is how fast you can unleash strength. I hope to include some power plyometric moves to my workout. One that I do fairly regular is hitting the heavy bag which is an explosive movement. I touched on the topic a few posts back reference calf training. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 05, 2023, 11:50:22 AM
Trained chest and bicep today. Still doing the Yates one set to failure protocol.  Strength is still good while losing weight so that’s a plus.  I ran a little over two miles after. Diet is on point for eight days so far.  Now at work exhausted, lol. 

Incline dumbbell press 1x 10
Decline dumbbells press 1x10
Flat flies 1x15
Push ups 1x max. (All the way down)

Ez bar curl 1x15
Alternative dumbbell curl 1x10
Dumbbell drag curl 1x 12
Concentration curl 1x14

Wrist curl 1x 30
Wrist extension 1x20
Ivanko gripper 2x20

Incline sit-ups 1x30
Incline leg raise 1x 17

Ran a little over two miles on a trail by my house.  Didn’t see a soul there.

Anyone else have this phenomenon regarding fat loss? I seem to lose fat first in my face and thighs. Abs and chest is the last thing to get lean. Just weird how fat isn't distributed evenly. My skin is paper thin in my bicep and tricep area while It's definitely not in my abs and chest. My face right now is looking a little gaunt and I hate how that looks but I still got a way to go to lose fat in other areas. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 06, 2023, 04:58:30 PM
Leg day: Same old Yates type stuff with one set to failure. Again no warms ups shown.

Leg press 1 x 15 (Went a little heavier with the bad hip and knee. Felt okay for 14 reps and the 15th felt grinding.)
Dumbbell squat 1 x 13
Stiff dead 1 x 10
Machine glute kick back 1 x 13
leg extension 1 x 25
seated leg curl 1 x 17

Hanging leg raise 1 x 30 ( slightly bent legs)
Hip ups lying on a mat 1 x 33 (Lay on back and point feet to ceiling. Raise the hips high pushing the feet toward the ceiling)

Standing calf 1 x 20 (Use a higher weight than I have ever used before. Felt really heavy. Surprise, it hurt my knee slightly)
Seated calf 1 x 20
tibalis work 1 x 22

Four way neck 1 x 30 a side

Tomorrow I hope for a long run on the boardwalk.

 Ate great today except for dinner. I was starving and wanted something fast getting Chinese food. Figuring out the calories it was over 600. WTF! I fucked up. I guess I will fast the rest of the night without a snack. Working out prior to work is great because after work I'm shot. Use to be able to do it back in the day but getting it over first thing means I have nothing to do after work.

Seems to be the same pattern. My alarm goes off and I hobble down the stairs with arthritic joints. Takes me a while to warm up and get everything lubricated. I did two warm up sets for the leg press then I'm fully awake and ready to go. I heard people say they have to be in a gym with other people working out to get them motivated but I never operated that way. I always found working out at home or in the gym to be almost the same. Maybe in a commercial gym I might take less time between sets but that's conjecture.

Thinking about eliminating all classic weight room calf work. Plyometrics seem to be way better than weight work to make them more functional for running, sprinting and jumping.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 07, 2023, 08:40:54 AM
I was planning on a long run for today but I felt exhausted. I went for a short two miles. Thought I was going slow but pleased with the time in general for the shape I'm in now.

 I ran in a different location than from my usual cinder trail in the woods by my house. I ran in a park that has a one mile asphalt path around the park. Met a monster from my commercial gym times before covid.  The kid walks for cardio. I don't know if he's a user but a possibility he's a natural because it seems his condition and size is always roughly the same. If anyone has the base to become a bodybuilding champ it's him. About 5"10" 230lbs of very lean muscle.  His walking is a great option to burn fat and get lean. If someone told me fast walking was a great way to lose fat in my younger days I would have said, I don't do pussy workouts. It took me till I was in my 60's to realize how the fat came off with fast dedicated walking.

Hit the heavy bag for a couple of rounds after. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 08, 2023, 09:29:11 AM
Back day:  Feeling a little weak from all the cardio. Being at this low bodyweight can do that. For me when cardio goes up my lifting goes down. The reverse is also true. Trying to find that balance. Good at everything but master of nothing applies. No warm up sets shown.

Wide M.A.G supinated grip pulldown 1 x 12
Seated cable rows with a V type handle 1 x 14
Dumbbell rows with knee on bench 1 x 12
Narrow M.A.G. supinated grip pulldown 1 x 11

Deadlift 1 x 6 reps  (Used a low weight of 275lbs but I felt it. Running is sapping my strength. I went very slow on the negative to make the light weight feel heavy.  That's not a bad training strategy for me. Instead of making a heavy weight lighter through various techniques it's always better to make a light weight heavier. Think about higher reps, slower cadence, slow negative and a full range of motion.

Weighted lower back extensions 1 x 21 (had to gut out that 21st rep, lol.) Always thought these and stiff deads bullet proof the back.  The back extension bench gets the contracted range of motion and the stiff gets the stretch. 

Ab wheel roll out 1 x 30
pulley crunches 1 x 50

Damn it's smoky in NJ.  Smells like it's a big back yard fire pit is burning somewhere. It smells nice but the sun is blotted out making it colder than it should be. Everyone is complaining about their eyes and throat but I feel nothing. Even went for a run yesterday and felt nothing. The pool is crystal clear clean and I can't go in because it's cold!

Going to the movies with my wife so I can hear her talk through the previews. It's a wonder no one has told her to shut up. Got to love her.  The only person on earth that talks  every time she exhales. She should go to the movie in a black neighborhood. Then the whole place can talk to the screen together. "Careful he's behind the tree!" "That gotta hurt."  "You just chose the movie because you read she shows her boobies."
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: ThisisOverload on June 08, 2023, 06:53:30 PM
Is it safe to come back?  I'm sure nobody cares but I left because of harassing emails. No one knows my email here except two people.  One day I noticed an email and it was threatening. It mentioned getbig and how he had all my passwords and my cloud account. As proof he sent me a picture of my wife and a famous MMA champ. I was shocked. My social media accounts are not open to the public. He started showing me the contents of my emails which further shocked me.  He claimed if you don't believe my capabilities here's proof. He showed me family pictures of members here.  Did he just lift them from facebook and Instagram?  I don't know. I had to leave when my brother in law a really decent human who is a psychiatrist starting getting harassing  phone calls to his office mentioning get big. The guy is a saint of a doctor that has helped so many people.
 That's when I stopped posting here. Some of the email accounts the person said he had the passwords were mine and some he claimed were mine weren't. I started to think is Josh capable of this?  What did I do to piss him off? If I did anything I really don't mean to offend. I did some soul searching and I thought it's either my conservative politics posts or my anti steroid stance.  I just found it amazing that someone could be so obsessed with me.

I will give this another try. If it doesn't work out I will never ever sign on again. Got that Josh if it's you. If I offended you say the word and I will be gone.

I have been training hard. I'm nearly 65.  I don't use any drugs or even hormone replacement. The closest I got is using clomid 7 years ago. I use zero anything. I think I spelled clomid right. Another Doc told me some studies show an increase in brain cancer so I stopped after maybe a month of using it and I never returned.

Regarding training I'm not using heavy weights anymore. My joints are protesting. Going to use light weights with a full range of motion with a slow cadence.  I thought I would use high reps but I came to the conclusion that reps in the traditional 6 to12 can work if short rests between sets are used.  I'm not in anyway a bodybuilder. I'm just into fitness. I use bodyweight, weights and cardio to achieve that. Still doing boxing drills though I haven't been in the ring for almost 40 years.

You can laugh at my body. I do. I'm not a bodybuilder. I'm much leaner now then when this picture was taken 6 months ago. I think I'm not a complete mess nearing 65.  Like I said I'm leaner now. Maybe I will put up an updated picture but I'm afraid knowing this site I will be mocked, lol.

That's wild, i've never heard Josh talk about you, so no idea who did that.

There was a guy on here, Neurotoxin, who used to do this to conservative posters, but not sure he's around anymore.

And FYI, it's crazy easy to steal your passwords and account data, you can pay a hacker $100 to steal all kinds of stuff. It's really easy if you don't have the right computer/internet protection.

Glad you are back, i'm not a fan of your anti-steroid posts, but i respect your opinion.

Keep pushing weights OT. You look great.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 08, 2023, 07:32:54 PM
That's wild, i've never heard Josh talk about you, so no idea who did that.

There was a guy on here, Neurotoxin, who used to do this to conservative posters, but not sure he's around anymore.

And FYI, it's crazy easy to steal your passwords and account data, you can pay a hacker $100 to steal all kinds of stuff. It's really easy if you don't have the right computer/internet protection.

Glad you are back, i'm not a fan of your anti-steroid posts, but i respect your opinion.

Keep pushing weights OT. You look great.

Thanks, I will hang around for a bit.  For around $10 bucks you can get a person's phone, emails, house address and relatives information too. Yes, hackers for pay can get you pass words. In NJ a judge had a person that felt wronged by her court decision came to her house where he shot and killed her son. Now NJ has Daniel's law protecting  for certain professions like mine. I'm covered by it now. Of course nothing is perfect.

I post here for fun and it's a nice diversion.  A couple of people like Wes I have known for many years even before I joined this site. The site also makes me laugh with the insanity. I think anyone that posts on this site has to have a screw loose including me. If I feel this site endangers my family or it becomes an aggravation I will walk away. No big deal and an easy decision.

 I have been lifting for close to 50 years. I started as a young teenager. If anyone doesn't have any potential for muscles it's me. I always was the skinniest kid in school. I weighed 118lbs as a freshman in high school at 5'8". I just enjoy the training aspect. As a kid Weider use to be headquartered in the city I grew up in.  They use to give me stacks of expired magazines when I was around eight years old. That warped my mind thinking I wanted muscles, lol. The insanity continues to the present. Sometimes I think if I wasn't exposed to this I probably would have ended up a body weight exercise guy with running. When my wife then girlfriend found my stacks of bodybuilding magazines in college she thought it was bizarre. She said her four brothers were into football and baseball. None ever in her life time spoke of or mentioned bodybuilding. This bodybuilding is a strange sub culture of a sport. 

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 09, 2023, 08:06:50 AM
Delt and triceps:  No warm up shown.

Dumbbell press 1 x 10 (I do these standing.)
Dumbbell laterals 1 x 19
Rear dumbbell laterals 1 x 14
rope pulls 1 x19
Barbell shrugs 1 x 14

V bar tricep push downs 1 x 20
Single dumbbell two hands sitting leaning back against a scott bench 1 x 13
Narrow bench 1 x 9
Dips 1 x 15 (always dug deep)

Crunches with an ab mat for a greater range of motion 1 x 40
Pulley crunches 1 x 60

Getting ready for to head to a park for a two mile run.  Last week I got five cardio sessions. Hope for the same this week.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on June 09, 2023, 10:53:58 AM
Nice, OT.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 10, 2023, 03:52:36 PM
Nice, OT.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 10, 2023, 04:45:42 PM
Cardio day: 

I haven't run far for a long time. I run on a trail that use to have an active railroad line from the 1920's or so. People from NYC and North Jersey used to come to the town I live in now for stuff like fishing,  hunting, horse back riding and the fancy huge hotel that was here that had big bands, dancing and a huge fancy restaurant. The hotel structure is gigantic and seemed to be made with poured concrete.  That hotel was turned into a massive nursing home now. The tracks were ripped up and the county put down cinder to make a nice biking/walking trail. It's very under utilized and many sections are very isolated. Common for me to not to see a soul for miles sometimes. My turn around is railroad bridge over small river that the local kids use to jump off of in the summer.

Had some crazy encounters there. One time there was two maybe 12 year old girls walking a pit bull. As I was running by the dog was dragging them toward me. Obviously wanted to get at me. I said, "Hold the dog." I kept running and that was the end of the incident.  I hit my turn around point maybe a mile down and came back.  There was a twenty something guy maybe six feet all with blond hair blading his body toward me. He was hiding something in his hand behind his back leg. "What did you say to those girls?"  I told him, "Hold the dog. I thought he was going to get loose and come after me."  He kept getting closer hiding something behind his leg. Was it a knife, gun or a billy? I have no clue. Suddenly he backed off. Did he think I threatened the girls? 

Another time a different loose pit bull started chasing me as I ran coming at full speed. I was sweating getting attacked. When he got close he looked so happy just to run with me.  We ran for awhile and it almost looked like he was smiling at me.  I heard his owner in the distance calling his name and he turned around running toward him

My last dog encounter had me really pissed off. I'm thinking people just let their dogs out of their house because they are too lazy to walk them and they end up on the trail. An old man coming at me said, "There's a loose vicious dog." pointing in the direction I was running. I didn't see anything so I kept running. Suddenly the big junk yard type dog materialized. It had me cornered against a guide rail and it seemed to be getting up it's courage to attack barking and growling. I spoke to the dog in soft tones hoping it would see I wasn't a threat. I thought I was going to get bit fighting the dog when suddenly he saw another loose dog and ran full speed to that dog off the trail. If you want to know I love dogs and have them my whole life.

Other incidents too involving some shady people but I won't bore you with the details. Like I said it's very isolated. Every once in awhile I see a woman running or walking the trail and sometimes I fear for their safety. On the other hand I met so many friendly regulars walking and running the trail. We wave at each other never knowing each other's name. One old man I call Johnny Unitas because he always has his jersey on while walking. He gets a kick that a "young" guy like me knows the quarter back. Again it's so isolated in places. For awhile I made sure I was armed but even carrying a small firearm running is a pain.

To get back to the workout. I did a long one for me. I ran 4.76 miles after a quarter mile warm up run that I won't count. Felt like slowing to a crawl at times but I persevered keeping up my speed.  So spent.  After the granddaughter came by and we went into the pool. Freezing and I was glad to be in only up to my waist.  She wouldn't stop asking me to do a cannon ball. Here I was in a freezing pool doing a cannon ball after all that running. I know it will be an early bed night tonight.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 11, 2023, 09:23:33 AM
Cardio day: Warmed up with quarter mile slug run.  Then ran two miles hard. Humid today and sweating buckets typing this. A little disappointed with the time but glad I got the run in. Tomorrow it's back to the weight room.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 12, 2023, 10:33:05 AM
Back and chest day: Doing two work sets per exercise this week. Getting a little weak from doing cardio five days a week. It’s a trade off. If you want a good gas tank some absolute strength will suffer.

Wide pull-down wit a supinated MAG bar 2x10 (felt a little weak doing these)
Seated lat pull with a V handle 2x12
Dumbbell last row with a knee on the bench 2x10
Close grip pull-down with a MAG supinate handle 2x10

Incline dumbbell press 2x8
Decline dumbbell press 2x 8
Flat dumbbell fly 2x10
Push ups 2x max (one set was with perfect push up handles)

Dead lifts 2x 4 (Weak with these too. Too much cardio. Tweaked my calf too.)
Weighted hyper extension 2x 15

Ab wheel 1x 30
Pulley crunch 1x50
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 13, 2023, 09:24:13 AM
 Cardio day: Ran 2.0 miles. Then hit the heavy bag.  Actually think I’m looking younger with the weight loss. Maybe I’m delusional, lol.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 14, 2023, 11:41:55 AM
Dreaded Leg day:  Since I have been doing five days of cardio a week my legs are a little weak.  Lowered my leg press weight by 40lbs.  Still can't go really deep with out hip pain. I really use to over do the depth but maybe my old joints can't take it anymore.  Still going deeper than the overwhelming majority in the gym. Shallow leg presses seem to be done to ego lift a massive amount of plates.

Doing two sets to failure. The first maybe I could do two more reps and the second is failure. If I truly did the first set at failure the second set would have less reps. Typing the reps from memory. Sometimes they are estimates.

Reference stiff leg deads, I have always done them round back like John Grimek.  I know the current thought is to keep a flat back and stretch the leg biceps.  I think both are good.  Going to lighten the weight next time I think and do flat back stiff deads. I want to see if it's a better option. Round back stretches the lower back muscles and I bet the flat back emphasizes the hamstrings more. 

Leg Press 2 x 12
Machine squat 1 x 10
Dumbbell squats 1 x 12
Stiff dead off a block 2 x 6
Kick back glute machine 2 x 12 (hurt my knees for some reason today.)
Leg extensions 2 x 20
Seated leg curls 2 x 15

Hanging leg raises 1 x 30
Hip ups 1 x 33

Standing calf 2 x 15
Seated calf 2 x 15

Four ways neck machine: Two giant sets working the four sides.  After the neck machine I did isometric holds and twists.

Immediately after I did yard work of mowing, weed wacking and blowing. Can I count this as exercise, lol? Side note. I have a Toro mower that has been working on the first, second or third pull for 30 years. I have never changed the oil. One year I left it out all winter and it was buried in snow a couple of times. I probably jinxed it by typing this.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 15, 2023, 02:21:44 PM
Ran two miles today on my cardio day. I wanted to push it to see where I was cardio wise. Thought I was going fast and was surprised it was a recent personal best.  Of course I wrecked it with guests by the pool drinking beer. Even though it was Corona Premier at 95 calories a bottle and 2.6 carbohydrates I had six. Fuck! It was only 80 degrees today in Jersey but during the night it was cold leaving the pool cold. I think I was in the pool for three hours and started shivering like I was in Alaska. Had three weeks of a perfect diet and today I fucked it up. Tomorrow is another day.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 16, 2023, 10:05:49 AM
Delt and arms: No warm ups shown. I feel a little weak from all the cardio but I'm getting lean.

Military press 2 x 8
Dumbbell delt laterals 2 x 12
Rear delt laterals 2 x 10
Face pulls 2 x 12
Barbell Shrugs 2 x 11

Tricep pushdowns 2 x 10
One arm with one dumbbell behind the head standing dumbbell tricep extensions 2 x 12
dips 2 x 12

Alternate dumbbell curl 2 x 8
drag dumbbell curls 2 x 12
concentration curls 2 x 12

wrist curls 2 x 25
wrist extensions 2 x 15
Ivanko gripper 2 x 20 (one upside down with the gripper)

ab crunches with an ab pad 1 x 40
pulley ab crunches 1 x 60

Dumbbell pullover  1 x 12 (done just for mobility of my stiff joints. Used a light weight and tried to go really far back for the stretch.  It really helps with my bad shoulder.

Trying to motivate myself now for a run but I'm really exhausted from drinking in the sun yesterday. I hear thunder in the distance. Not running.  Tomorrow is another day. 

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 17, 2023, 02:03:57 PM
Cardio day: Ran 4.9 miles on the boardwalk. It was crowded this morning but not bad until I ran on the boardwalk in the next town Seaside Heights where the Jersey Shore was filmed. I was running at a good clip until I hit the crowds. I was weaving like crazy and even had to walk at one point because of the congestion. I decided to hit the side walk off the board walk at the most congested part. I really wished I wasn't slowed down. I would have run a good time. So many good sights on the boardwalk with the women with their ass hanging out of their suits.

Now in the back yard in the pools chillin.  Two of my kids and my granddaughter came by for an early father's day.  My Italian wife made a feast. My oldest daughter gave me a gift certificate to my local butcher that I love for $150 of T Bone steaks. T Bone steaks are another level from the butcher by me from the crap from the super market. The wife got me an over night at a casino with certificate to a Cuban Restaurant. One of my sons is coming over next weekend for my birthday. So three of my four kids will be there. My youngest moved to Colorado after the Army and he can't make it. His back is messed up from being in the Army Airborne with all his jumps but he still deadlifts which I told him to give up but youth is on his side.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 18, 2023, 10:40:44 AM
Ran 2.0 miles today then hit the heavy bag. Nobody was on the trail today.

 Had a nice father's day pool thing with the family yesterday. Today is quiet except for my kids blowing up my phone with happy father's  day stuff.  Happy father's day to all the fathers out there.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 19, 2023, 05:38:19 AM
Back to one set to failure split. Did Chest and biceps today.  I like doing 45 minute weight workouts so I can get a short run in on lifting day. Ran a slug 2 miles after lifting. Lightest I have been in a long time.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 20, 2023, 05:25:41 AM
Leg day blows: One set to failure after warm up.

Leg press 1 x 13
Machine squat 1 x 11
Stiff dead 2 x 6 (did two sets because I'm having trouble getting depth. First set was shallow.)
leg extension 1 x 26
Standing leg curl 1 x 12 (accidently used too much weight. I was wondering what was going on and why were the reps so hard, lol)
Free hand no weight squats 1 x 51 reps (I go deep and I use the negative. I don't flop down like cross fitters going for time. These are great. Good leg pump. Serge Nubret used them as well as Wilf Sylvester the light weight 1975 Universe winner. Wilf Sylvester use to use the traditional squats, hacks, leg extension and curls. For the Universe he used free hand squats, leg extensions and leg curls only.  He said he used 400 reps but never clarified if it was one set or sets. Regarding Serge Nubret I don't believe the amount of reps he claimed but I do take his word he used them. Excellent if you have some pains from doing traditional weight room leg exercises.  Try it. After doing your usual leg routine do one set of deep no weight squats using the negative. I think you will find what a gem they are. Remember go deep and go slow on the negative.)

Hanging leg raise 1 x 30
Hip ups 1 x 33

Standing calf 1 x 20
Seated calf 1 x 20
tibalis work 1 x 20

Four way neck machine 1 x 30 for each side ( I like high reps for neck. The neck pumps amazingly well and I think heavy weights for neck work is a big mistake concerning the injury factor. My wife has so much metal in her spine from her spine operation and I saw first hand how horrific damage to your spine can be. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: wes on June 20, 2023, 10:58:20 AM
Nice journal,lots of hard work.......keep pumping!!!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 20, 2023, 04:18:20 PM
Nice journal,lots of hard work.......keep pumping!!!

Thanks, I think I'm trying shake up the training next week. I got a week off of work. Good time to experiment.  Think I'm doing a bro 5 way split with some super sets and even giant sets. Famous last words. I rarely try something new but I think next week will be the perfect opportunity.  I'm really light but I think I can go another ten pounds but afraid of losing muscle. I'm already a little weak from diet and cardio.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on June 20, 2023, 04:45:47 PM
Hey, I just noticed you are posting on Getbig again today. Welcome back! Glad you decided to give your friends and Getbig another chance. You have been missed by many of us. Please do not leave again and without saying goodbye to those of us who were worried about you.

Life around my house has been more hectic than usual, which isn't saying much except that I've spent less time posting on Getbig. Also, there isn't much to say about my training routine. Haven't been to the gym in eons. Using the Elite bands, I bought during COVID. Because of my inconsistency, I am not just holding my own and not progressing in terms of getting stronger. My weight is constant at around 175 lbs. which is fine. Not ever going to be big. My elaborate scale showed my body fat at a little over 10% including the visceral fat level. My metabolism continues to be incredibly fast which is probably why I don't worry about what I eat.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 21, 2023, 11:02:53 AM
For around 3 weeks I've done some kind of physical training just about 7 days a week. I got on the treadmill today and turned it on. Then I turned it off. Going to an Jersey shore Italian restaurant that I have never been to before. Looking at their web site many celebrities have eaten there. Going to stuff my face like a 300lbs slob and top it off with wine. Felt guilt for not doing the workout considering how lean I am getting. Then I came to the realization that rest is important.  Normally people skip a workout because they are lazy. I wrestled with myself if I was being lazy or needed a break? Looking back at my training journal I decided it was well deserved. Tomorrow is another day. Back day a matter of fact.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 22, 2023, 11:52:50 AM
Back day:  Another day without  cardio. I'm slipping. No fucking up tomorrow. I will get the lifting session in and the cardio.
I know these workouts are broken record. I hope to change up next week. Again, no warm ups shown. Just one work set to failure. Rep counts are sometimes estimates.

Wide MAG grip pulldowns 1 x 12 (Felt strong on these. Last week I felt weak. I guess two days of no cardio let me recuperate)
Seated cable lat pulls using a V handle 1 x 14 (Last rep was a little ugly)
Dumbbell row with knee on bench 1 x 12
Narrow MAG grip pulldowns 1 x 12

Deadlift 1 x 6 (Last time I tweaked my calf and felt weak. Felt stronger today. Still using a light weight but going slow on the negative. Used a light weight of 285lbs. The last commercial gym I trained at had a bunch of powerlifters. Little rant here. I noticed for their sport they don't utilize the negative at all.  Some almost drop it. Use the negative with a slow put down. Don't jerk the bar off the floor to start the lift like powerlifters. You won't be able to use as much weight but everyone should be training the body and not the ego.

Weighted back hyper extensions 1 x 20 (No, I don't hyper extend but they have been called that for so long I keep using it. Maybe I will just called them back extensions.)

Ab wheel roll out 1 x 30 (I think I go pretty far down and extent but I think I have to video it. Filming yourself is a good tool. Sometimes you think you're getting a good range of motion but the video says otherwise.)

Ab pulley crunches 1 x 50 (I sit in a lat pulldown machine facing the wrong way. I grab an ordinary V handle and crunch down. I hold the handle to the top rear of my head and hold it there. Hard to describe but a great way to crunch.)

I was going to run after but I'm too shot. No way will I miss it tomorrow after delt and triceps. Going to rise early about 530A or so to get the workout in. I don't know if I can do it at my age but another 9lbs down in bodyweight would be great if I can do it. One thing I noticed with my weight loss is that I facially look younger. Am I delusional? Could be, lol.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 23, 2023, 09:13:13 AM
Delt and triceps: I don't list warm ups when doing one set to failure. They are not real sets. For example for military presses I first do 8 reps with the bar. My shoulder is a little shot. Then a do some dynamic stretching.  Load the bar with 95lbs for 6 reps as another warm up. Then I load the bar to my working set and do one rep. Then it's a set to failure.

Military press 1 x 8
Dumbbell lateral raise 1 x 19
Rear dumbbell lateral raise 1 x 14
face pull 1 x 19
barbell shrug 1 x 14

Tricep push downs 1 x13
close grip bench 1 x 10 ( I use an ez bar and I leave the collars off in case I get stuck.)
Single dumbbell, single arm tricep extension behind the head 1 x 14 (Really strict with these)
dips 1 x 15 (really deep and controlled negative)

Ran two slow miles after in the 9 minute something pace range.   

Tomorrow the plan is to run for five miles.

I want to change up training for a week or two. Thinking about doing a whole body routine for the week or a bro split. I know, two polar opposites of methodology.    Just for a break from the same old. I will return to my old tried and true.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 24, 2023, 08:46:48 AM
Cardio day: Plans were to run 5 miles at a decent clip. 5 miles running is a long way for me.  I started at an easy pace on the trail.  About a half mile in two guys blow by me like I'm standing still. They were muscular about 6 foot and around 25. Prime of their lives.  It got me mad. Maybe showed me I was dogging the pace so I could get that 5 miles in. I picked up my pace and stayed behind them for a half a mile then I could feel my gas tank emptying as they pulled away. My five miler turned into a 2 miler.  If it wasn't for the slow half mile start I would have in no doubt run a great time for myself. At least they gave me the motivation to pick up the pace at least for a little while.

Came home drenched in sweat. Maybe tomorrow I will get that 5 miler in. Now to do boxing drills and hit the heavy bag.  That is always a great way to end a run.

 Tomorrow is church, run and family coming over. Wife is getting 6 T bone steaks from the butcher. Always amazing and in no comparison to supermarket meat. If you're counting calories and carbs something like whiskey or tequila on the rocks is a great drink. Plan on sitting on my floating chair in the pool with drink in hand watching the granddaughter smile and laugh in the pool.  Eventually she will campaign for pop to do a cannon ball and of course I will comply.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 25, 2023, 05:59:04 PM
Another cardio day:  Ran 3.25 miles. Only 83 but humid. The original plan was 5 miles but it was so humid I thought at my age I could drop dead if I wasn't careful. Family came over for a pool and dinner thing. Pastries/deserts from an amazing Italian place did me in. I've been good with the diet for almost 4 weeks. This is my second failure. About 7 different desert things. We split them all up and I sampled everything. Everyone that came bought food. It's an Italian thing from my wife's side.  Tomorrow I'm back on the wagon. One daughter gave me a gift certificate to a fancy restaurant and the other daughter did the same to another restaurant. At this rate I should 400lbs in a month.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on June 26, 2023, 12:30:13 PM
Humidity has been bad the past few days.

I think you are doing really well.  Stay smart.

You have a super family, OT. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 27, 2023, 08:37:45 AM
Taking a week off of lifting. My work ethic often has me lifting without a break for 6 months or more. I got some nagging relatively minor injuries to my knee, hip, back and shoulder. Think my body is telling me to cut it out for week to let the inflammation  go down.  Walking down the stairs in the morning like an 80 year old till I warm up. Monday I started a work out with power cleans then went to squats. Just felt a black cloud of minor injuries and just not wanting to continue.  I will keep ups with some cardio. Heading to the beach in awhile so I can run the boards if this rain will stops. 

Monday I will come back to lifting.  Also stopped strict monitoring of my diet for the week. I find when I use the diet app for awhile when I stop using it I still stay pretty good but it's better with it.

Heading to Atlantic city for a stay over tomorrow and using a gift certificate to a nice restaurant near our casino my daughter gave us.  Their web site says proper dress required so I guess I'm bringing a jacket. I like to dress casually in a casino with something like a tee shirt, jeans and casual dress shoes. Now I have to pack dress clothes, fuck.  Staying at the Golden Nugget. They seem to have an impressive outdoor pool. Hope it's open.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 27, 2023, 12:26:50 PM
Since this is cardio week I ran 4.93 miles on the boardwalk. 5 miles is a long way for me. I really have to pace myself when I run this far to complete the distance.  Not to many sights. I did see one stop traffic red head. Came home and did my boxing drills/conditioning. My app says I burned about 800 calories. I live close to the boardwalk but there is no direct route for me. The 20 minutes or so drive made my joints so stiff I was old man walking when I got out of my car in my driveway. 

 Moderately crowded for a Tuesday afternoon.  Cops were out in force. Saw about 6 of them on foot patrol.  Seaside Heights, NJ isn't San Francisco.  They will lock you up quick for drunken buffoonery.  The local judge has a low tolerance for stupid behavior too.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 29, 2023, 11:24:42 AM
Really can't wait to get back to lifting. I think the week off is doing me good. My lower back feels great. My knee is good.

Ran 3.11 miles in a park that has a paved one mile loop. It was 84 and hot on the asphalt. Ran with my shirt off getting a tan.  Saw a guy walking from my former gym.  Still wonder if he is natural. He's a big kid. He always drank two energy drinks before he trained. He must have been wired to the max prior to training.

At the end of the run a girl pulled up to me in her car as I walking in the parking lot cooling down. She said, "Did I motivate you every time you passed me?, said with a smile."  Truth be told the girl was 50 years old but at my age that's a young hottie, lol. I chatted a little bit with her and went on my way. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 30, 2023, 03:45:55 PM
Ran two miles in the heat. Saw the woman that was flirting with me the previous day. Waved at her never talking to her and went on my run. She looked a lot better sitting in her car than standing outside it is all I can say, lol.

Floated in my pool chair after the run.  I usually listen to the big band crooners like Sinatra, Prima, Martin and Etta James in the pool. Today I played Spanish hip hop.  I was jamming to it with a bit of alcohol.

Too much going on. I have a pool party down the block tomorrow. Next week I have another pool party on Saturday at another host's house. Tomorrow is my wife's side of the family. Never felt included by these people. I will go but the minute I catch a negative vibe I'll walk the one block down to my pool and enjoy the sun in peace. Years ago I went to the annual pool party and host's aunt told me off about going in the  big inground pool because that's for the children.  Just for the record. My pool is open to adults and children.

Really can't wait to get back to lifting. I think the week off has done me good though.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 01, 2023, 09:03:45 AM
Monday is back to lifting. This Saturday I ran 3.09 miles. Thought I was going great but the watch tells another story. I think I need some intervals on the treadmill to get some quick turn over spring back in my legs. Try it sometime if you logging the miles but getting slower.  Once a week do something like 8 x 400 meters or 6 x 800 meters. It will get the spring (power) back in the legs so the next time you log miles you will glide at a faster pace per mile. Lightest I have been in about 15 years. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 03, 2023, 05:30:40 AM
Woke up nice and early this Monday to work out before work.  Completed lats and I was going onto chest. On my last rep on my last set of incline presses my goal was 8 reps and at 7 reps I was running out of gas.  I think I did the 8th rep concentric positive rep so slow but I refused to give up. That blew my workout.  When went to do declines I was completely shot trying to get reps.

 I think all the cardio I'm doing  combined with my light bodyweight made me weak. The thing is I haven't look this good in a long time even if my low rep strength is suffering. At least my gas tank from the cardio keeps rising. I think I have to give up the training to failure low set training methodology while I'm cutting weight. Where's the pink dumbbells?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 04, 2023, 09:26:20 AM
Keeping with the one set to failure for this week. Yesterday's workout was really terrible with me quitting through the half way point.

Incline dumbbell 1 x 10
Decline dumbbell press 1x 8 (I've been getting 10 reps with this so I'm getting a bit weaker with the running)
flat flies 1 x 15
push ups 1 x max

EZ bar curl 1 x 15
alternate dumbbell curl 1 x 10
drag dumbbell curls 1 x 13 (back against a wall)
concentration curl 1 x 14

wrist curls 1 x 30
wrist extensions 1 x 20
Ivanko gripper 2 x 20

Incline situps 1 x 27
Incline leg raises 1 x 15

Ran 3.4 miles in the heat at a slug pace. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 04, 2023, 07:16:39 PM
Humidity has been bad the past few days.

I think you are doing really well.  Stay smart.

You have a super family, OT.

Thank you
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 05, 2023, 09:27:41 AM
Broken record leg day.  Actually had a decent workout feeling strong especially in the leg press a movement I was having trouble with. The week off did me good. Knee feels good and only very slight hip pain.  Yates type workout with no warm ups listed. I use them if I need them. Leg Presses gets two warm up sets. Stiff dead one. Leg extension and leg curl none.

Leg press 1 x 12
Machine squat 1 x 10 ( I know real squats are better but at my age these are a safe effective alternative.)
stiff dead 1 x 8
leg extension 1 x 25
seated leg curl 1 x 17
Free hand body weight squats 1 x 53 ( I don't flop down.  I try to go deep.)

Hanging semi straight leg raise 1 x 27
Hip ups 1 x 33

Standing calf raise 1 x 20
seated calf raise 1 x 20
tib work 1 x 20
calf hops 1 x 50 (Sprinters use these. Forgot the name for them. Standing with semi stiff knees jumping using calf power alone. Try to minimize any knee action. You want to spring up with your calves alone. Go as high as you can doing these hops. The next time you go for a run you will feel the bounce in your strides from this.)

Four way neck machine: 1 set per side for around 35 reps.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 06, 2023, 09:37:39 AM
Ran 3.2 miles on the boardwalk. Surprisingly it wasn't packed. It was about 85 sunny and humid. Feel like I'm 100 years old and I'm slug running. Legs are sore from yesterday's leg day. Maybe spent too much time in the sun yesterday and it drained me.  Tomorrow is back day.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 07, 2023, 11:19:38 AM
Back Day:  These posts are becoming broken records. Yates type work out with one set to failure. No warm ups listed.

Wide grip M.A.G. bar supinate grip pulldown 1 x 11
Seated lat row with a V bar handle 1 x 14
Dumbbell row with knee on bench 1 x 12
Narrow grip M.A. G. bar supinate grip pulldown 1 x12

Deadlift 1 x 6
Weighted back extensions 1 x 20

Ab wheel roll out 1 x 27
Pulley crunches 1 x 50

I destroyed my legs in the weight room a few days ago and the next day went for a run.  I rarely get sore but wow I had trouble putting on my socks and picking up something on the floor. After back I wasted time on the computer for an hour then drove to a park for a 2 mile run. I've been running slow lately so I really tried to push it. It was 90 degrees and pure sun running on the asphalt. I pushed hard but doing it after back and with  the heat during the run I was a little disappointed with the time. It wasn't a slug run at least. Surprised to see three other runners in this heat.  Of course I was the old man running.  I kept thinking if I die from heat stroke everyone will say what the fuck was he doing running in 90 degree weather at his age, lol. 

The madness continues. Amazon dropped off a weight bench for me to put together to add to my collection of crap. I wanted it because I have been thinking about playing with giant sets and for chest I need three benches. I was thinking about doing a giant set of barbell inclines, flat flies; decline dumbbell bench and push ups. Maybe three or four circuits and I couldn't do it with my  one bench and decline bench. The bench was a bargain at $50 bucks.  Good for light stuff like chest flies.  Read on the reviews a  guy said he was using it for bench squats. He is going to be in a world of hurt when the bench falls apart on him with he hits it too hard with his ass and it collapses. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: ThisisOverload on July 07, 2023, 08:12:00 PM
Keep pushing OT.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 08, 2023, 07:58:45 AM
Keep pushing OT.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 08, 2023, 08:24:22 AM
Delt and tricep day: I won't show warm ups.

Military press 1 x 8
Dumbbell delt laterals 1 x 20
Rear delt dumbbell laterals 1 x 14
Face pulls 1 x 20
barbell shrugs 1 x 14

Tricep pushdowns 1 x 13
Single dumbbell two hands behind head tricep extension 1 x 12
Rope triceps 1 x 15
Dips 1 x 15 (went deep)

Weighted floor crunches 1 x 60
pulley crunches 1 x 60

Waited about a 30 minutes then went for a run in the heat. Really did bad but I will give myself a break because it was right after lifting. I did 2 miles. Tomorrow is no lifting so I hope to get a good run in and not a slug run. Right now I'm at the lightest I have been in maybe 15 years.

I have a giant pool party for my Nephew's daughter's high school graduation.  My wife said 50 people are going. Sounds insane but I will have fun in the pool with my grand daughter.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on July 08, 2023, 08:29:40 AM
How much are you weighing, OT?

I recall you were up around 190 for awhile a couple years ago.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 08, 2023, 08:42:37 AM
How much are you weighing, OT?

I recall you were up around 190 for awhile a couple years ago.

I was heavier than that. I weighed 168 today at 5'8".
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on July 08, 2023, 09:06:59 AM
I was heavier than that. I weighed 168 today at 5'8".


What changes have you noticed in your physique, strength, daily life from this weight reduction?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 08, 2023, 06:31:13 PM

What changes have you noticed in your physique, strength, daily life from this weight reduction?

I lost some strength but I don't do one rep tests but through rep counts I got a little weaker. For example my last couple of years I would end deadlifts sets after lats with 6 reps of 315lbs. Now I fluctuate between 275lbs and 300lbs. Running saps my strength.  For the most part I kept up my strength in most lifts.  My waist definitely got smaller. I also have a bicep vein I didn't have before. Being lean made it appear.

The last shirtless picture I took was last August or so. I will take another one this up coming  August for comparison. I think I lost some muscle but I think I look better being leaner. Maybe I'm delusional. I still would like to get to 160lbs but I don't know if it's in the cards for me at my age and without using test.

Again I'm not a bodybuilder and I would never call myself one. I guess I can say I'm into fitness. I try to do a little of everything so I'm a master of nothing, lol. I get frustrated trying to get better at running. I was a pretty good runner in my younger days. I keep getting slower but I have some good runs from time to time.  Doc, has me making appointments with a urologist and blood oncologist because of bad testing.  I see the blood oncologist in August. I really don't think I have an issue but my damn blood tests say I might. Let's see what the specialist has to say.

Hope, your training is going well. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on July 08, 2023, 06:42:29 PM
Ran 3.2 miles on the boardwalk. Surprisingly it wasn't packed. It was about 85 sunny and humid. Feel like I'm 100 years old and I'm slug running. Legs are sore from yesterday's leg day. Maybe spent too much time in the sun yesterday and it drained me.  Tomorrow is back day.

Central air-conditioning changed how people respond to hot and humid weather. Instead of going to the beach, it drives them indoors. This is why the boardwalk wasn't packed. High humidity can contribute to feelings of low energy and lethargy. When the humidity is high it can prevent the evaporation of sweat. Be careful that you don't overheat, cooking your insides because of an elevated body temperature.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on July 08, 2023, 06:51:18 PM
I was heavier than that. I weighed 168 today at 5'8".

I like to believe this is a healthy weight for your height because I was not far off from this at 5'10" and 172.9 lbs. this a.m. with 10.9% body-fat and 10% visceral fat, which I would like to knock down to 5%.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 09, 2023, 01:16:40 PM
Central air-conditioning changed how people respond to hot and humid weather. Instead of going to the beach, it drives them indoors. This is why the boardwalk wasn't packed. High humidity can contribute to feelings of low energy and lethargy. When the humidity is high it can prevent the evaporation of sweat. Be careful that you don't overheat, cooking your insides because of an elevated body temperature.

NJ beaches are always packed during the summer and the hotter the weather the more crowded it is. I have no clue why the boardwalk wasn't crowded that day but everyone could have been on the beach instead of walking the boardwalk.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on July 10, 2023, 04:19:46 AM
Lower bodyweight is easier on your joints they say.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 10, 2023, 10:24:40 AM
There are many reasons why I like training one work set to failure.   I train before work on most days. Doing a Yates inspired routine gives me the time to do a hard workout.  Three of my workouts take 45 minutes and leg day takes one hour.

For example today I got up at 530am.  I completed chest, biceps, forearms and abs.  After this 45 minute workout I changed into my running shoes and head out the door for a quick two mile run.   

Tomorrow is leg day with no cardio. One hour workout before work fits my schedule.  I keep planning to change things up but for right now this is working.  When I hear guys talk about their two hour workouts I wonder how they fit that in with a career and taking care of a family? Everyone’s circumstances is different but driving an hour to work then working 8-10 hours and having family obligations limits the time for working out.

When I was working shift work, holidays and traveling far I always managed to get my workouts in. Where there is a will you will find a way to do it.  Using a quick 45 minute workout just suits me for now.  I will shake it up soon regarding workout protocol but these workout just work for me.  I had plans of changing this week but waking up in a fog before work it’s just easier time wise to just do a proven workout that has no surprises regarding the time needed. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 11, 2023, 05:31:17 AM
Trained legs today with one set to failure. Used warm ups as needed. I eliminated squats for the most part with a barbell. I feel I'm getting good results without it. The angled leg press might be the reason why the thighs of today's bodybuilders are so huge. Then again it could be tren.

Many years ago I bought a Serious Steel brand leg press and hack combo.  For me it's at the perfect angles to leg press. When I lower the back board to it's lowest setting I can completely bend my knees like an Olympic squat.  Many commercial units seem to be built wrong it seems to me. I'm not the guy with the high back board with a million plates doing half to quarter leg presses.  That might work for many but I always got better results fully bending the knees. Never have the back board at a high setting. You won't be able to bend your legs making you think you are doing full range. One negative is the hack squat part of my leg press/hack combo. I hit the safety stops at about 80% of leg bend making the hack less than optimal. I rarely use it.

My other leg machine is a Tuff Stuff squat machine. I tried a Powertec squat machine. As far as I know they were the original squat machine. They really nailed it with the design. Of course I bought a competitor's version. The Tuff Stuff is good make but no mistake, the Powertec is better.  My Tuff Stuff has a fixed safety stop. It's so low it must have been positioned for a child. At 5'8" using no plates and squatting completely I miss the safety stop by three inches. I would be crushed if I ever got stuck when I have plates on it. Powertec had the safety stop that was just right. It also feels amazing squatting like the designer really took the time to get it right. If I ever have a spare $1000 I just might correct my error and get the powertec. It's that good.

Today's workout:

Leg press 1 x 13  (I don't know what's going on but my knee and hip pain are gone. Maybe the week off of lifting did me good with prescription anti inflammatory drugs. I used a heavy weight for me and it all went good.)

Machine squats 1 x 11 (This is a great movement even if I wish I had another brand. It still gets the job done.)

Stiff dead 1 x 7 ( I lightened the load. I was having lower back problems. I normally use 205lbs. Today I used 165lbs and I slowed down the movement. Especially the negative. My lower back feels good. This is weird exercise for me in that it can fix lower back pain but it can also cause it.  I think the 205lbs was forcing me tweak my back to get the reps in. From 165lbs I will gradually add weight. The lower back feels good today.)

leg extensions 1 x 26
seated leg curl 1 x 17

No weight free hand squats 1 x 54 ( Great finisher.  If you don't go deep you are wasting your time. Use the negative.)

Hanging semi straight leg raises 1 x 30
Hip ups on a mat 1 x 34

Standing calf 1 x 20 ( I'm like Bill Grant the bodybuilder. No amount of calf work will make them better, lol)
Seated calf 1 x 21
Tib work 1 x 21

Four way neck machine 1 set a side for 35-40 reps (If one thing can improve your appearance it's neck work.)

On the bottom are the two of the leg machines I discussed that I used in my basement. 

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 12, 2023, 07:41:34 AM
Cardio day: Hot as hell and humid here in NJ. Damn that Al Gore. We never had hot summers here before he started that global warming crap. 

Ran 3:08 miles in the heat. Surprising in this park I wasn't the only one running. One fool about 30 years old was running with that mask the makes breathing hard to simulate high altitude training. Could you imagine running in the heat with that thing on? He should have taken that mask off and increased his pace if he wanted his training to be more intense. My intensions was to run five miles so I started off slow. After the first mile I thought it's too dangerous to run that far so I cut it to three miles. I picked up the pace for the second mile and third mile. Wish I didn't slug run the first mile because I would have had a good time. After I did my heavy bag boxing drills.

Tomorrow is back day.

Looking at this thread and one other I created have almost a million views total.  Maybe I should take this to youtube? 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 13, 2023, 07:40:49 AM
Trained back today Yates style of one set to failure. Still weak from running and maybe being in the heat too long yesterday. Yesterday I ran in the heat then was in the pool floating for hours.  Some of the hottest days of the year yesterday and today. Drank one too many cocktails too. My deadlifts suffered today.  I have seen this happen many times before when I ran too much.  It' a trade off for me. Getting a good gas tank will sometimes sacrifice single and low rep strength. Around 168-167lbs now. I really think I can go lower. 

Getting ready to run a quick two miles now then hitting the beach. Love the eye candy.  The women are half naked and you don't have to tip.  Edit: Never got to the beach or the two mile run. My wife wasn't up to it. I canned the run too. Tomorrow is another day.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 14, 2023, 05:49:52 AM
Delt and tricep day:  Work up 5:30A.  Had a bowl of cheerios. Hobbled down into my basement.  I warmed up with the empty bar for my clean and press. Next set was 95lbs. Then added weight for my first exercise to failure.

Military press 1 x 8
Delt lateral raise 1 x 20
Delt supraspinatus dumbbells raise 1 x 8 (Looks like a typical lateral raise but the dumbbell is more forward with thumbs up)
Rear delt dumbbell raise 1 x 15
Face pull 1 x 19
barbell shrug 1 x 14

Tricep pushdown 1 x 12
Narrow grip bench 1 x 8
Single dumbbell behind head single hand 1 x 14
weighted dips 1 x 12

weighted crunches 1 x 60
pulley crunches 1 x 60

Warmed up a quarter mile on the treadmill then head out the door for run. Ran sluggish but I thought I was doing pretty good until I saw the time.  I guess tomorrow I will have to push really hard to make up for this slug run.  My heart rate for this run never went over 158 so I think I was dogging it. 

Monday I got firearm training then work so my workout day is shot. I will probably shift Monday's workout to  this Sunday.
I hope to change up my broken record training for next week. The worst thing that could happen is that I won't like the new training protocol. The best could be is that if produces results.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 15, 2023, 07:53:41 AM
Cardio day:  87 and humid at 10AM.  Of course I'm running outside. Ran 2 miles and finally not at a slug pace.  Saw a guy ahead of me in park I was running that looked like one of those pure distance runners. He was tall, skinny with zero body fat.  I caught up to him and passed him.  Not a 100 yards later he whipped by me. He must have been warming up or just slowed his pace for a break. Spend a mile trying to keep up with him as he gradually increased the distance between us. I really like trying to keep up with people faster than me. It increases my competitive sprit to try and beat them. Looking at the guy I think it's a good guess he only runs and probably six days a week for a good amount of distance.  The second lap of this one mile asphalt track around the park I lost sight of him. It was either the end of his miles or he ran off the track.  I won't mention my time because pure runners will laugh but I was very happy with my pace considering my age and the brutal heat. It was a bit of a break through.

 Weighed 167.1 today. Tittering on getting to 166lbs. The body is finally coming together. Now onto some boxing drills then some ultra light beer in the pool. Yes, light beer is crap but I'm trying to watch my girlish figure. My choice lately is Corona premier. It's 90 calories, 4.0% alcohol and 2.6 carbs. Outside of hard liquor on ice it's a great choice for guys on a diet. My one daughter and my grand daughter are coming over. Looks like I will have to do cannon balls for her entertainment.  No rest for the old. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 19, 2023, 08:01:22 AM
I don't think I'm listing workouts this week. Maybe I will start logging again later in the week. 168lbs today. I think I can get to 160lbs to get really lean. I was on a gun range Monday with an old Airborne guy I use to work with. He was making fun of how skinny I was. True I was the leanest guy there. Many lean guys look great with their shirt off but look small in their clothes. Yes, I am small, lol.

I remember Franco said when he came to America to compete he was shocked how big the American bodybuilders looked coming to the contest in their clothes. In the pump up room he said they were all fat. Not comparing myself to a super star steroid champ but saying if you want to impress in clothes the perma bulker look will do it. No need to be in condition. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on July 20, 2023, 03:21:53 AM
Nice going, OT.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 22, 2023, 10:35:42 AM
Still training. Just lazy keeping up this journal.  One thing I have done is lower the weight.  I'm just not as strong around 25lbs lighter. Going for a five mile run in 85 degree humid heat means for me at least that I won't be lifting what for me is heavy weight the day after.  I lowered the weight but not major.  It hurts the ego but it's a trade off.  I tried to make the lighter weight heavy by slowing up the negative and trying for a full range of motion. 

For example when I was 25lbs heavier my sets of dead lifts for 2 of 4 reps after being prefatigued training lats and chest was 315lbs.  Today I used 285lbs and did a pretty slow negative on the reps. 

I guess I can sum up the training now is sometimes to failure but most of the time almost failure.

Things are heating up in New Jersey temperature wise. I plan to go for a long run tomorrow Sunday in the heat.  Monday is legs and I will use a lighter weight in some stuff like the leg press and stiff deads. I think I was grinding my joints to dust if the pain in my knees, hips and lower back were an indication. Since I lightened up the previously mentioned leg exercises suddenly they feel so much better.

Know what really feels great at my age and it's good at any age is to finish the leg routine with is no weight deep squats.  One set of around 50 reps does it for me after legs.  It pumps the thighs up and damn my bad knee feels great after. Just don't flop down into the hole like crossfitters who do them trying to beat the clock. We are trying to exercise the muscle and that involves a controlled negative with a deep depth. 

Anyway it's sunny and the pool is warm. Grand Daughter and her father is coming over.  Luckily her requests for cannon balls will be directed to her father and not me, lol.  My ear drum still hurts from the last time I was here doing them. My son in law is about 6'4" close to 300lbs who competes in jui jitsu.  He has no desire or understanding why anyone would body build lifting weights. He never lifted weight but has sick innate strength. He wants me to return to jui jitsu but I can't stand at this age to wrestle smelly guys trying to make the other tap out. No desire to get into the ring or a roll on a mat.  I just want to do my fitness thing and call it a day.  I remember when a guy from Poland told him he use to kick box in Europe. My son in law playfully challenged him then during their buffoonery he kicked the guy's leg from Poland so hard the guy was limping for a week with a badly discolored leg.  Nope, not even play fighting my son in law.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 23, 2023, 10:24:39 AM
Trying to decide whether to keep up this journal everyday. Anyway, today was a running day. Warmed up with a quarter mile on the treadmill then drove to a park that has a one mile asphalt oval. Ran 3.13 miles. Pleased with the time in this heat.  Didn't set the world on fire with the pace but for me it wasn't a slug run.

Tomorrow is leg day in the weight room in the early morning hours before work.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 24, 2023, 04:43:14 PM
Trained legs before work. I was very stiff from yesterday's run that made my first exercise leg presses a literal pain, lol.  No warm ups listed.

Leg Press 2 x 12
Squat machine 2 x 10
Stiff dead 1 x 6
leg press 2 x 20
seated leg curl 2 x 15
free hand bodyweight squats 1 x 53

Hanging leg raise 1 x 30
Hip curls 1 x 33

standing calf raise 2 x 15
seated calf raise 2 x 15
tib work 1 x 20

Four way neck machine 2 sets a side.

I mentioned this before I think I'm losing muscle trying to get lean. Clarence Bass the lawyer bodybuilder has done extensive research and examples of himself with hydrostatic weighing showed he lost some lean body weight along with the fat. Bass is really intelligent and he made the best of his limited genetics.  Truth be told he was a better Olympic lifter than a bodybuilder.

Maybe juicing to to grills you can retain all the muscle while dieting and doing cardio.  I'm a complete natural and no, I don't use testosterone replacement.  I'm also old.  I think I look better lean with the 25lbs or so weight loss. I have to take pictures and compare it to the one I took last year. My thighs got thinner no doubt and that shows a muscle loss. As I have stated in the past I don't call myself a bodybuilder. I'm just into fitness.  I train hard but no one would confuse me as a bodybuilder.

As I lost weight there is no doubt I lost some strength.  Sometimes I think there is too much emphasis on measuring single reps.  If a guy does five sets of 12 reps of an exercise with X amount of weight weight under a certain time better than he did last week is it a  strength gain?  I say it is.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on July 25, 2023, 08:57:52 AM
I dropped 20-25 lbs over the past two years and definitely lost muscle and strength.

There is no way to avoid it if you are natty.

On the opposite end, if you gain muscle and bodyweight there is no way to also not gain some fat.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 25, 2023, 11:06:15 AM
Ran 2.0 miles before work. Pleased with the time.  Recent personal record even while stepping on a rock.  Thought I broke my foot but after the initial flash of pain I was good.  Finished with some boxing drills then went to work.

Took a picture to compare to last August.  No question I lost muscle.  Maybe getting too thin.  Again, not a bodybuilder. 

Tomorrow is delts and arms. No work tomorrow. Hopefully if I go a little crazy I will run after lifting. Wife wants to hit the beach then the pool with cocktails after I train.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 26, 2023, 03:10:25 PM
Delt and arm day. Thought I would do a bit of volume. First exercise was dumbbell delt presses. I lightened the weight thinking I would do four sets. I thought after two sets, I hate just doing sub maximal sets. The third set I increased the weight and failed at 8 reps. I just can't do submaximal sets. Just feels like a waste of time. Maybe it was just my psychological mind set today.

Dumbbell delt press 3 x 8
Dumbbell lateral raises 2 x 12
Rear delt lateral raises 2 x 11
Barbell shrugs 2 x 10

Tricep pushdowns 2 x 10
Narrow bench press 2 x 8
Weighted dips 2 x 10

Alternate dumbbell curls 2 x 8
Dumbbell drag curls 2 x 10
Concentration curls 2 x 12

Wrist curls 2 x 25
Wrist extensions 2 x 20
Ivanko grippers 2 x 20

Weighted crunches 1 x 60
Pulley crunches 1 x 60

Went to the beach after hoping to body surf waves. No waves today but it was a fantastic beach day. Nice cute blond in front of us on beach.  After, went home to the pool and floated with a light beer. Tomorrow is a cardio day.  Worn out from too much sun. Saturday is going to be close to 100 with serious humidity in NJ.  The highways will be clogged with people trying to get to the beach and broken heroes on a last chance power drive. I will be in the pool.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 27, 2023, 02:37:10 PM
95 degrees and very humid in NJ. I ran two miles. Saw another guy that was about 35 run the same two miles in the opposite direction in the park one mile asphalt path. I took it easy but I was surprised and pleased with the time. The other guy running looked sick after his two mile run. He found shade by a tree with his hands on his knees. I hope he was okay. Told the wife I wonder if I have a genetic advantage to running in hot weather being half Cuban and half Puerto Rican, lol. 

Again it wasn't a work day so I floated in the pool again with light beer listening to the big ban crooners like Sinatra, Martin and James.

Tomorrow is another cardio today and the heat will be here tomorrow too. Don't know whether to do a couple of miles or do 6 x half miles.  I feel I need to do a little speed work to reach a new level. In the past I made rapid improvement doing half mile intervals. It's both hard intensity yet makes gains in VO2.  Doing it too often leads me to burn out. Psychologically it's hard for me to do because I dread it. On the positive side I know just one 6 x half mile session will lead to improvement that is not slight. 

Weighing around 167lbs here. I think losing 8 more pounds is the goal. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 28, 2023, 06:32:22 PM
Got on the treadmill intending to do 6 x 880 yard repeats. As soon as the treadmill started to move I pulled the safety cord out. Just a little burnt.  Too many days running in the extreme heat. It was nice to take a day off. Floated in the pool and listened to French music. I know little to nothing about French song standards but I found it soothing. I just don't hear accordion instruments in typical American music, C'est si bon

Despite all my thoughts about going to volume I find comfort in doing my same old. I know how long the workouts take. I don't even have to think. It becomes almost like meditation cranking out the reps. I will do chest and bicep tomorrow with one set to failure after warm up, Yates style. Then hit the trail by my house for a short run of maybe two miles.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 29, 2023, 03:01:14 PM
Chest and biceps Yates style.

Dumbbell inclines 1 x 10
Dumbbell declines 1 x 9 (I wanted 10 reps so bad)
Dumbbell flies 1 x 15
Push ups 1 x max

Straight bar curls 1 x 12 (Usually do EZ bar curls. I wanted a change and it felt good. Many say straight bar is better than ez bar curls. I think it's best for me to change up from time to time.)
Alternate dumbbell curls 1 x 10
Dumbbell drag curls 1 x 13
Concentration curls 1 x 14

Wrist curls 1 x 33
Wrist extensions 1 x 20
Ivanko grippers 2 x 20

Incline sit ups 1 x 30
Incline leg raises 1 x 15

Ran two miles after in the heat. Slow time but it was pretty close after lifting. After I mowed the law, weed whacked and blew the cut grass. Do I get calorie deficit credit for the lawn work? After had the family over for the pool thing BBQ. Turned on the filter and nothing. WTF?  I thought it could be one part and here I was driving to the pool store in 97 degree weather to get it. The guy said like I thought it could be a $20 gasket or an $800 dollar motor. I came back and installed the gasket. Yes, it worked!

So today was lifting, running and yard work.  I'm shot but all is good.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 31, 2023, 05:17:22 AM
Trained back and chest today using two sets to failure per exercise. I mentioned this observation awhile back. Maybe it doesn't apply to drug users.  I try to look at it from an athletes viewpoint and maybe not a bodybuilding one. When getting lean there is no way around it. A true natural like me with no TRT will lose some muscle too with the fat loss. It's a trade off. I lost about 25 pounds and I'm still going down.  I'm not a big man so 25 pounds is huge amount to me. Presently 168lbs yesterday. The opposite is true. If you want to gain strength eat like a hog. You will gain muscle with the fat coming on.

The weight I use is suffering. Instead of seeing this as a pure negative and gaining weight, I'm trying to see the positive. I have lost some strength but I have gained endurance. I have gained a better looking physique. Maybe better health. Not comparing myself to a professional bodybuilder like Bill Pearl but I remember when he said at about 55 years old he no longer cared what weight was on the bar. He let it go.

I also read about a school teacher in Men's health that was pushing the weight. He had a bad rotator cuff injury when he was fooling around play wrestling with another guy.  He had to let lifting go after the injury and the operation. During recovery he decided to run in place of lifting. When he returned to lifting he used high reps and light weights.  His pre injury picture and post with the light lifting was pretty drastic. Maybe not from a drug bodybuilder viewpoint but in my eyes he looked amazing with a ripped body.  He told Men's health don't be afraid of light weights.

Does this mean I'm lifting pink dumbbells? No, but doing a set to failure breathing like a race horse then coming back for a second set to failure is insane if you are also running. This is what I'm trying to convey. Go for a five mile run and really push the pace to the point where you are spent.  Next day try to squat your usual weights if you are a train to exhaustion/failure trainer. I bet you see a significant reduction.  Which brings me to what is practical strength for an athlete?  I know it depends on the sport activity but is single rep strength a great attribute in most sports?  Yes a stronger athlete is a better version of himself but define strength. Is it that one rep single or is it the ability to muscularly endure doing something that takes endurance like doing 5 sets of 10 in an exercise? 

From the viewpoint of aesthetics, health and athletic attributes sometimes I think the guys working out in the park doing bodyweight stuff like chins, push ups, body rows, no weight squat, burpees, jumps and the rest might being doing the highest tech anyone can do to be in athletic shape. Sometimes old school is the best school.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 01, 2023, 05:47:26 PM
Getting lazy with the journal. Missing logging the workouts here. Today was a 3.4 mile run before work and heavy bag work.

Thinking about what my short term goals are and how to achieve it. I think I'm going the whole body weight routine.  Split routines have a problem for me. I think I'm pretty dedicated but life gets in the way. Missed days for what ever the reason isn't as simple as just doing the missing part of the split  the next day.

 Do a whole body and you're done. You did it. No missed days. Then you can take one day off and even up to three ,and you're still good. Also your body fatigues as a unit and the fatigue isn't localized to the body part trained.  Also whole body routines is what all athletes should be doing.

Can you imagine an athlete wasting all his time doing a split routine then training for his sport? Think of an MMA athlete. Think he would say it's delt and triceps day in the weight room?  The guy is running, hitting bags, wrestling, sparring then he's doing delt and tricep day in the weight room?  Back in the 50's and 40's it seems all bodybuilders trained the whole body in one session. Don't get me wrong split routines of course have value especially if lifting is your only activity and especially if you're on steroids.

The way I'm going to use whole body routines is the way I did them years ago. I would have a goal to achieve then back it to six workouts prior. Let me explain. Say for chest I'm doing 2 sets of 6 reps for the bench press then the last chest exercise is 2 sets of flies. Knowing from experience say a lifter knows a top weight for him is 225 for bench for 2 x 6 and say 55lbs for 2 x 10 in the flies. To start the six workouts the first workout would be 200lbs for the 2 x 6 reps for the bench. Next whole body day it would 205lbs. The third would be 210lbs. The sixth workout would be hopefully a goal of 225lbs for the 2 x 6. The method is to not go to failure and have plenty of sub maximal workouts working toward the max intensity.  Then after six workouts completely revamp the workout with new exercises doing the same six workouts back off method.

So for six workouts it could look like this.

Power cleans 3 x 3 then 1 x 1

squats 2 x 8 then 1 x 1
leg curls 2 x 12

bench 2 x 6
flies 2 x 10

pull ups 2 x max
Cable lat rows 2 x 12

military press 2 x 8
dumbbell laterals 2 x 10

tricep pushdowns 2 x 12
barbell curls 2 x 10

standing calf 2 x 10

weighted hypers 2 x 15

incline sit ups 1 x max
incline leg raises 1 x max

neck four way neck

After six workouts the change could be something like this

Split snatches 2 x 4 then 2 x 2

machine squats 2 x 10
barbell lunges 2 x 8
stiff dead 2 x 6

barbell inclines 2 x 8
push ups 2 x max

pull downs 2 x 10
dumbbell row 2 x 10

dumbbell shoulder press 2 x 8
delt cable laterals 2 x 12

close grip bench 2 x 8
alternate dumbbell curl 2 x 8

hanging leg raises 2 x 15
roman chair 2 x

seated calf 2 x 15

neck four way

You can at this point with the alternate routine for six workouts go back to A or even come up with a C or even D change of exercises.

Well that's my plan for now.  I can always say to hell with it and do my tried and true routines.  I have an appointment with an oncologist tomorrow for my bad blood tests. Then a urologist a month later for a high PSA reading.  Two different cancer scares at the same time. I feel really good but the stress isn't doing me any good. Hope the oncologist says my general doc is just covering his ass and there is nothing to worry about. Worst case scenario is he tells me I have big ears and I should never wear shorts with my bird legs. 

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 02, 2023, 01:51:28 PM
Saw the blood oncologist today as per the request of my general doctor. He said I could have leukemia but he has to run more tests. He said the tests will be available to him in three days but he is on vacation for a week but will call me when he gets back. He said it's a preliminary test but if positive he has to do another test and will go from there. I'm not concerned because I feel okay. Looking at the waiting room was sad. All these old decrepit people on their last last leg. I'm sitting there tanned and lean and dare I say built, feeling guilty I'm sitting among them. He did ask me if I used steroids and I honestly answered, I don't.  One of the rare docs that know how to deal with people and answered all my questions and explained everything that he was thinking. I'm very confident I found the right guy. If it's nothing or if I have limited days I'm okay with it. My wife is taken care of because of my planning.  Again, I feel really good. Ran a good two miles today. A sick guy can't do that.

Tomorrow is the first day of a whole body work out. I'm excited to do it. My vacation plans were ruined because of a very expensive wedding on the opposite coast but my wife was doing (laugh out loud)  research and said she found a vacation place in our budget at our favorite place.  I think we will book it tonight. 

Spent the day after the doctor visit at my favorite place floating in the pool. My local real Italian deli place was selling Mojito soda from Italy. I mixed in Puerto Rican rum and had the most amazing drinks in the pool. 

Tomorrow is a whole body routine then the ocean. Nearby that nutty Jersey Shore cast is filming again. A buddy of mine is providing their security.  For awhile I couldn't be in a bar, restaurant or just walking down the boardwalk without running into Snookie or the Situation, lol.  Hopefully we will have waves to body surf. Last time it was crazy calm. 

Have to go. The wife is cooking Salmon in a pesto sauce. Tomorrow I will post how my whole body routine went.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on August 03, 2023, 04:41:32 AM
Good luck with all this you are going through with the health situation.

As difficult as it is you must stay strong.

All the best, brother.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 03, 2023, 10:02:50 AM
Good luck with all this you are going through with the health situation.

As difficult as it is you must stay strong.

All the best, brother.

Thanks, I feel fine. I will have more answers in around 10 days. I went to do a whole body routine and was exhausted after the power cleans. I don't think it's ill health. I just been running too much and the sun must have got to me yesterday.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 04, 2023, 05:53:59 PM
Got a message on my phone from my oncologist while I ignored the call putting out another fire going on with my life. He said I'm on the spectrum for leukemia. What the fuck does that mean? In his office he said from right to left there is different grades of leukemia.  He originally told me he thinks I'm not on the spectrum but pre leukemia so to speak if I got his explanation correct. That was prior to his blood test looking at my general doctor's ordered blood test. He said he is on vacation for a week, but he will talk to me when he gets back. Seeing doctors suck. They see you for ten minutes and out the door you go. Next patient is waiting to go in the room you were just there. "You might have a life-threatening disease, but he has to see the next patient after your ten-minute visit.

I have noticed I'm getting weak but I'm attributing that to my weight loss and cardio.  Today I ran 5.25 miles at an okay clip. Can a sick guy do that? I'm losing muscle mass but I'm on a cardio kick and I'm staying pretty good with my diet.

I keep thinking of different lifting strategies for the upcoming week. I think if I'm going to keep up this level of running my only choice is to reduce the intensity by going to volume. 

I remember reading an article in the old Ironman magazine about Mr. America Tom Sansone. He was dying of cancer in a hospital but told his training partner when he gets out his plans to get back in shape. He never made it out of the hospital.

I'm torn about writing the above. The only family member that knows this is my wife.  Still the first inning and I'm sure I can be jumping the gun with concern. My uncle, father and brother had cancer. I won't dignify this site about their outcomes. Mixed emotions and might delete all of this. The anonymous nature of this site makes me feel like I can post this.

Any way maybe I will stay on this site. Maybe I won't.  All I know is I'm thinking about tomorrow's run right now.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: AbrahamG on August 04, 2023, 07:59:32 PM
Got a message on my phone from my oncologist while I ignored the call putting out another fire going on with my life. He said I'm on the spectrum for leukemia. What the fuck does that mean? In his office he said from right to left there is different grades of leukemia.  He originally told me he thinks I'm not on the spectrum but pre leukemia so to speak if I got his explanation correct. That was prior to his blood test looking at my general doctor's ordered blood test. He said he is on vacation for a week, but he will talk to me when he gets back. Seeing doctors suck. They see you for ten minutes and out the door you go. Next patient is waiting to go in the room you were just there. "You might have a life-threatening disease, but he has to see the next patient after your ten-minute visit.

I have noticed I'm getting weak but I'm attributing that to my weight loss and cardio.  Today I ran 5.25 miles at an okay clip. Can a sick guy do that? I'm losing muscle mass but I'm on a cardio kick and I'm staying pretty good with my diet.

I keep thinking of different lifting strategies for the upcoming week. I think if I'm going to keep up this level of running my only choice is to reduce the intensity by going to volume. 

I remember reading an article in the old Ironman magazine about Mr. America Tom Sansone. He was dying of cancer in a hospital but told his training partner when he gets out his plans to get back in shape. He never made it out of the hospital.

I'm torn about writing the above. The only family member that knows this is my wife.  Still the first inning and I'm sure I can be jumping the gun with concern. My uncle, father and brother had cancer. I won't dignify this site about their outcomes. Mixed emotions and might delete all of this. The anonymous nature of this site makes me feel like I can post this.

Any way maybe I will stay on this site. Maybe I won't.  All I know is I'm thinking about tomorrow's run right now.

Wishing nothing but good things for you and the family.  Best wishes.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 05, 2023, 09:36:45 AM
Wishing nothing but good things for you and the family.  Best wishes.

Thank you, posts like yours restores my faith in humanity. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on August 06, 2023, 09:15:08 AM
Get a copy of your blood tests for your personal records.

Then look up online how to read the tests.

You will even see different interpretations about test readings depending on what lab did the tests, i.e. Lab Corp or Quest.

You'd be shocked at the differences sometimes.

Never hurts to get second opinions.

Doctors do suck.

Regarding training:  Too much intensity leads to inflammation in your body which can result in negative outcomes healthwise, bad test readings, etc.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 09, 2023, 01:49:03 PM
Still training. Still losing weight. The cancer blood tests are reviewed by a pathologist doctor and given to my oncologist. Waiting for the oncologist to come back from vacation to see what the course of treatment will be.

 Actually had a good run today.  It was 75 degrees and with a nice breeze this morning before the heat came. I just started off saying fuck it. I ran around the one mile asphalt path in this park. Thought after the second lap I should gut out a third. Completed 5.3 miles.  I cleaned the pool and did my favorite activity after of floating in the sun.  Tomorrow is back day and no running.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 10, 2023, 02:07:26 PM
Trained back Yates style.  No cardio today.  Gutted it out.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 11, 2023, 03:32:20 PM
Trained delt and tricep Yates style then ran for two miles. Jumped into the ocean after but it was too rough for the wife so we came back to the pool. We had some good laughs in the pool. I have a big T bone on the grill. Starving, I hope I don't over cook it.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 24, 2023, 12:09:43 PM
Finally feeling better. Oncologist said my numbers are good. Said one more three month test and if good he will see me every six months unless I get sick to notify him. He said when needed, chemo is going to be 20K month for six months but he's very confident with my type cancer he can knock it out.

Leg day: It's tough getting back my previous strength in both cardio and lifting. I red lined today till I was completely spent.  I have to take advantage of good periods like now.

Leg press: Warm up 1 x 12, second warm up 1 x 8, third warm up 1 x 6 then 1 x 13 to failure for my one work set. Kept the back board low. Feet fairly low on the foot platform. Completely bent the legs each rep. Leg press machines seem to be built all different. Some are built whether intentionally or not to be hip dominate as opposed to thigh dominate. If yours has a big foot plate use a lower foot placement to get more thigh involvement. Never pile on the plates to do shallow leg presses.

Dumbbell squats 1 x 12 (held at sides. Sank all the way down with a fairly upright back. If you bend over and deadlift the dumbbells you are not doing dumbbell squats. Zane called these dumbbell hack squats)

Stiff dead:  Warm up 1 x 6 then one work set 1 x 8 ( I do these like Grimek did on a block with rounded back. I know keeping your back straight is the style today but I seem to get a better stretch doing it this way. Both ways are good.)

Hip machine 1x12 ( I like my machine but I see better choices I could have bought at a lower price)

leg extension 1 x25

seated leg curl 1x17

free hand squat 1x 53  (deep and slow)

hanging straight leg raises  1x27

hip ups 1x33 (On back feet toward ceiling. Now shoot your hips toward the ceiling for one rep.)

standing calf  raise 1x20

seated calf 1x 20

neck four way 1 set a side

Drank a Fairlife protein after. They sell them at Costco and BJ's. Best protein I have ever tasted. 30G of First class protein in a bottle. No lactose if your stomach acts up after drinking milk like mine does. Try it. Best protein out there considering the rest are all fart powder proteins that are sourced from the same place but they want you to believe there's is better than the other brand. This is all pre mixed and you can't find a protein drink that tastes better.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 25, 2023, 12:26:06 PM
Chest and bicep day:

Bench press using a barbell 1 x 6 then 1 x 1  (Weak with these. I think I benched with a bar 5 times in 4 years. I usually use dumbbells. I stopped using them because of bad shoulders. I hope to get to a semi respectable weight in time. I used one warm up set with 135lbs for 8 reps)

Incline bench with a barbell 1 x 8 (I have been using dumbbells for inclines for so long it feels weird using a barbell. Truth be told I think the range of motion is longer with a barbell. I think even though I thought I was going deep I'm actually using a larger range of motion with a barbell touching the chest with it. When I think about the position of the handle of a dumbbell relative to my chest doing inclines I'm definitely using a shorter stroke with the dumbbells.

Decline dumbbell 1 x 15 ( I have to up the weight)

Flat flies 1 x 15

EZ bar curls 1 x 15 with one warm up set

Alternate dumbbell curls 1 x 10

dumbbell drag curls 1 x 13

concentration curls 1 x 13

wrist curls 1 x 33
wrist extensions 1 x 20
Ivanko gripper 2 x 20

incline situps 1 x 29
incline leg raises  1 x 17

I got on the treadmill after. Set it at 3.8 MPH.  I did 7 laps of a standard track. Started at 0 grade (incline). Each lap I went up one grade so it was 0 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, 0.  When I hit seven I lowered back to zero for one more lap for 8 laps so far. Finally from there I set the treadmill at an 8 minutes mile (7.5 mph) and jogged a quarter mile with a 3.8 MPH quarter mile lap cooldown.  The reason I do one lap of running if I'm doing a light walking cardio day is to remind my body I'm still a runner.

Also started up on my diet. I use the free Lose It app on my apple phone.  Very easy to use.  It's an orange scale if you look for it. There are other apps that share the name.  It's basically a calorie counter that finds the calories of anything you eat. Again very easy to use. You might need a food scale for some stuff. I use the weight watchers food scale. It weights the plate then you can zero the scale again so it weighs only the food. I was shocked when I first started using the app how the calories quickly added up especially at night watching tv. When I first used the app I lost fat quickly. My only criticism is they give you way too much credit for lifting weights in terms of calories used. For cardio they are pretty much on target. An example the work out above of lifting and cardio it gave me a 628 calorie credit. It's much appreciated though because if I didn't have that credit I would be starving. For my goal they give me 1720 calories a day. If it wasn't for the workout calorie credit I would be chewing on a carrot hating life.  The app also predicts if you are true to being diligent using the app the day you will reach your goal. Pretty damn accurate.   

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 27, 2023, 06:14:20 PM
Back day: One set to failure. Where ever you see a warm up set listed it's a non taxing light weight warm up.

Wide grip supinated pulldowns with a M.A.G. bar 1 x 11 (Used one non taxing warm up set of 6 reps with a lighter weight)
Seated lat cable row using a V handle 1x15 (One non taxing warm set of 7 reps with a much lighter weight)
Dumbbell row with one knee on bench 1 x 13 (No warm ups)
Narrow pulldown with a supinate M.A.G. bar 1 x 12 (no warm up sets)

deadlifts 1 x 6 reps 280lbs (One warm up set with 225lb for three reps. Weak with these but getting my strength back)
Weighted hyper extensions for lower back 1 x 21

Ab wheel roll out 1x 28
Ab pulley crunch 1 x 60

Cardio part of the workout: Set at 3.8MPH for fast walking. One lap was 440 yards which is a quarter mile.
0 incline for  one lap
1% incline for one lap
2 % incline for one lap
3% incline for one lap
4% incline for one lap
5% incline for one lap
6% incline for one lap
7% incline for one lap
0% incline for one lap
0% incline for one lap at 8 MPH(7:30 mile pace)
0% incline for cool down at again 3.8MPH

In bad cardio shape but I was sick for around 2 plus months. Feeling good for some blessed reason. Oncologist is pleased with my numbers but I still have it of course. I guess my body is in somewhat of a remission. Things could change but I will take it.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 28, 2023, 07:07:18 PM
Delt and tricep day:  Used warms up as needed with one set to failure.

Military press 1 x 8 (One warm up set for six reps with a light weight. Second warm up increased the weight and got four reps)

Dumbbell delt lateral raise 1 x 20 (Felt good to rep out. I will use more weight to bring it to around 12 reps failure)

Side delt lateral raise with a pulley 1 x 8

Rear delt lateral 1 x 14

Face pulls 1 x 20 (Felt dead at 19 reps but forced out that last one)

barbell shrugs 1 x 15

Tricep pushdowns with a V type tricep bar 1 x 19

Single dumbbell two hands behind the head 1 x 12

Single dumbbell one hand behind the the head 1 x 11

Weighted dips 1 x 15 (tried to go deep every rep. Felt a lot of chest involvement. Not optimal but not a problem either)

Weighed crunches 1 x 60

Pulley crunches 1 x 70

Pullover using two dumbbells lying on a bench 1 x 12 ( I use these to loosen up the shoulder and the rib cage)

Cardio part of the work out: Same 3.8 MPH for a fast walk.
0 incline for  one lap
1% incline for one lap
2 % incline for one lap
3% incline for one lap
4% incline for one lap
5% incline for one lap
6% incline for one lap
7% incline for one lap
0% incline for one lap
0% incline for one lap at 8.5 MPH for one lap (440 yard/quarter mile. About a 7:00 minute pace)
0% incline for one lap back to 3.8 MPH.

Again the one running lap is to remind my legs that I'm a runner. Too much walking takes the spring out of your legs.

I think Clarence Bass calls it the ownership principle of training. Use ideas of others and maybe for inspiration too. The reality of the ownership principle is to make your training routine your own. Tweak it to your level of fitness and what pleases you and your unique circumstances. If there was one best way of training we would all be doing it. There is no best way. With age and injuries I rarely squat anymore. My ownership is to use stuff like the leg press, squat machines, dumbbell squats and lunges. There is no rule that you have to bench press or squat. Do what works for you. Some really amazing legs have been built without the squat. 

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 29, 2023, 12:23:38 PM
Day off, I did some mild cardio.  Walked 4.8 miles fast on a isolated trail by my house. It use to be rail road tracks in the 1930's.  The county removed the rails and put down gravel.  It goes on forever with some breaks where some towns don't want it to go through their town.  It's about six miles in my town.

 What I do is I went out for 2.4 miles and on the return I do arbitrary sprints. Not really sprints but more like fast strides. Maybe in the six minute mile pace. I don't use a GPS watch for this because I don't want it to be overly competitive. I just time the walk. As I'm walking I will pick a land mark like a big tree or other object and I sprint to it. The distance is always a guess. I figure I vary it from 300 yards to 40 yard sprints. I recover by continuing my walk.  It was about 25 degrees when I was out there. After I came home I hit the heavy bag. I roughly burned about 550 calories. If I reduce my diet by 400 calories from normal I will have a nice 950 deficit for one day. 

I was always a runner but years ago I partially tore my Achilles foolishly doing 40 yard sprints in my 60's. I turned to walking fast which I thought was a joke. Turns out I really enjoyed it. Fast walking doesn't feel like a work out to me. I blast music using my bone conduction headphones and get lost in my thoughts. What was the result? It really shocked me but in the past after about 6 weeks I had no doubt I was not only losing weight but my skin folds for subcutaneous fat noticeably thinned out. I know runners laugh at walkers but it might be the perfect supplement to lifting.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on November 30, 2023, 01:18:49 PM
Another day off. Essentially did the same workout as yesterday.  4.8 miles of fast walking with intermittent strides thrown it that weren't quite sprints but fast running for short arbitrary distances.

 I think it was the Swiss runners that called it Fartlek. They would run slow as a group then one would call out a land mark like a house or big tree. They would all race to see who could get to it first. After that they would resume slow running. I do the old man version of fast walking and relative short runs of around 300 to 40 yards. I swear I think I'm memorizing the the land marks already.  Real distance guys might go for 6 mile run and call out distances from a quarter mile to a mile estimates for their push.

  If you're trying to lose weight use this easy fast walking workout to contribute to the calorie deficit. The only draw back is the time it takes. The big plus is how hard is it to walk fast?  Pretty easy and enjoyable. Just don't walk like a slug. Walk with a purpose to push the walking pace. Too many casual walkers and I firmly believe in fast walking. Doing the grandma slow walk in the park is just too low of an intensity. Walk like you stole something.

I don't know how long my health will be good after being sick for two months but I have to say I'm feeling good now. I will push it for as long as I can.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 01, 2023, 12:05:01 PM
Chest and bicep day: Slowly upping the weight. On one shoulder I have a torn labrum and the other a partial torn rotator cuff along with arthritis. Started benching with a light weight and I am upping the weight 5lbs a week or so with pressing movements. So far so good. I could use more weight but I don't want any injuries so I'm playing the build back slow routine. The reps used could be off. Done from memory hours later.

Bench press 1 x 6 then 1 x1 ( Upped the weight 5lbs from last week. Two non taxing warm up sets before the one work set.)
Incline bench 1 x 8 (Upped the weight 5 lbs from last week. Hope in short time I will handling what is for me decent weight)
Flies 1 x 10 ( I upped the weight from 50lbs to 55lbs to lower reps to failure)
Decline dumbbell bench 1 x 11 (Increased the weight 10lbs from last week. Also meant to do flies last but I forgot so it was kind of a pre exhaust thing going on.)

Barbell curls 1 x 10 (Changed from EZ curl to straight bar. I think an EZ bar is easier and it's also easier on the joints. Just wanted a change.)
Alternate Dumbbell curls 1 x 10
Two dumbbell drag curls 1 x 14
Concentration curls 1 x 14

Wrist curls 1 x 34 reps
Reverse wrist extensions 1 x 15(Increased the weight from last week)
Ivanko gripper 2 x 21 (one set right side up and the second I held the gripper up side down)

Incline sit ups 1 x 30
Incline leg raises 1 x 17

Cardio portion of today's work out: Incline walking.
0% incline for one lap (quarter mile) at 3.8MPH
1% incline for one lap at 3.8MPH
2% incline for one lap at 3.8MPH
3% incline for one lap at 3.8MPH
4% incline for one lap at 3.8MPH
5% incline for one lap at 3.8MPH
6% incline for one lap at 3.8MPH
7% incline for one lap at 3.8MPH
0% incline for one lap at 3.8MPH
0% incline for one lap at 8.7 MPH 6:54 pace (Again to remind my legs I'm a runner and not a walker)
0% incline for one lap at 3.8MPH

Weight is at 173lbs. After I was feeling better I just ate what ever I wanted to gain some weight back from two months of being ill.  Now I want to get back to 164lbs or even lower. Being lean is the best look when you're on the beach or running without a shirt. Being a permabulker looks good in clothes but to an athlete they can see a fatso so you're not fooling anyone, lol.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 02, 2023, 07:26:34 PM
Tired of keeping up with this log. I will pop back in and out to keep up this log when I feel like it. I use to log every thing in notebooks but now in general I just keep a mental notebook.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 05, 2023, 07:07:17 PM
I was thinking about different bodybuilding protocols. At least what I have experienced.

1. One set to failure per exercise after warm up if needed with a non taxing weight. So it's one set and for me failing is not being able to get one rep more.

2. As above but it's two sets high intensity per exercise with non taxing warm ups if needed. The first set if I could put an arbitrary work percentage on a set it would be the first set is around 90% and the second is all out to failure.  So to convey how I use it the first set it would be stopping at say 10 reps when I could have gotten 11 reps to failure and the second set is a true 10 reps to failure.

3.This is something I used and it was very short lived with me. I really should try it again. It's similar to what Ryan Humiston advises on his youtube channel. You do three or four sets not counting a warm up. All sets are to failure. It's a high rep routine. The first set you fail at say 25 reps. After a short rest you again go to failure. This time you fail at say 16 reps. Wait a short time between sets they go for your third set to failure maybe getting 10 reps. Now for the last set and you fail at 6 reps. Naturally relatively light weights are used and the rests between sets are very short. It's a brutal way to train but the pump is incredible.

4. This is how I believe most volume guys train and it was written extensively by Steve Holman in Ironman magazine.  It seems like a sane way to train.  Let's say you're training a body for 4 sets of 12 for an exercise.  The first set you stop at 12 knowing you could have gotten 18.  Short rest and go again. You do the second set and get 12 reps knowing you could have got 15 reps. Third set after a short rest you get your 12 but you could have force out a rep or two more. Last set the fourth you fail at 10 reps. So if you selected the right weigh, it's three sets to non failure but the the last set is a fail.

5. Of course there are so many ways to train.  Just pointing out a few protocols that interest me. I rarely train with super sets, tri sets or giant sets. In the past they didn't interest me. I trained with supers sets during my pre exhaust obsession in the 80's for a few years. Never used giant sets. Makes me wonder how you could come back after one round say for chest and not be forced to lighten the weight? Let's say you do a giant set of bench press-incline press, flies and push ups. How the fuck do you come back for the second round and be able to get the same amount of reps when you began the cycle again?  I would think you would have to select a weight for the first round and stop way in advance of failure for the first cycle. If you're doing say four cycles it sounds brutal.   It makes weight selection critical and maybe lowering the weight every cycle is necessary but I don't have any experience with giant sets. Opposing super sets and pre exhaust yes, but not giant sets or tri sets for the same body part.

Doing some experimenting in the gym tomorrow. I will report back and tell you what I think.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 06, 2023, 02:51:19 PM
I started my workout today with power cleans. I wasn't feeling well so I canned the workout. Beginning to think I can't beat father time or my health. I will modify what I do from now on. Maybe I can learn some new tricks. Sad to say I think my best days are behind me in the weight room. I think I can improve in other ways though. Pissed off that I quit on my second set of power cleans. Drank some Irish Whiskey after and soon I was laughing. Went for a short walk with the wife looking at house Christmas decorations in the dark.  Put me in a better mood with my wife holding my arm in the cold. No one gets out alive and we all have an expiration date. Think I can still figure out how to find an optimal path in the weight room for my unique experiment of one. Hope is something we all need. Going to dial back the intensity.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: wes on December 07, 2023, 09:00:13 AM
I started my workout today with power cleans. I wasn't feeling well so I canned the workout. Beginning to think I can't beat father time or my health. I will modify what I do from now on. Maybe I can learn some new tricks. Sad to say I think my best days are behind me in the weight room. I think I can improve in other ways though. Pissed off that I quit on my second set of power cleans. Drank some Irish Whiskey after and soon I was laughing. Went for a short walk with the wife looking at house Christmas decorations in the dark.  Put me in a better mood with my wife holding my arm in the cold. No one gets out alive and we all have an expiration date. Think I can still figure out how to find an optimal path in the weight room for my unique experiment of one. Hope is something we all need. Going to dial back the intensity.
Just experiment with new tactics Rich.

Your body is probably used to your present workouts and there`s no doubt that shit isn`t getting any easier as we age.  :(

All the best my friend.  ;)
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 07, 2023, 11:57:29 AM
Just experiment with new tactics Rich.

Your body is probably used to your present workouts and there`s no doubt that shit isn`t getting any easier as we age.  :(

All the best my friend.  ;)

Thanks Wes!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 07, 2023, 12:12:32 PM
After feeling like crap yesterday I decided to try it again. I completed it. Used lighter weight for some exercises. Tried to use a full range of motion and a moderate rep cadence. In other words I tried to be strict. Succeeded most of the time. I hate putting the weights used because people cheat like hell working out. A guy doing half rep seated dumbbell press wouldn't be impressed with what this old man uses even though I'm moving the weight 40 to 50% more because I go all the way down. When ever I lift I try to make the exercise harder not easier. Make a light weight heavy.

Power cleans 4 x 3 then 1 x 1 (I quit after my second set yesterday. Felt weak, tired and ill. I completed this exercise today so I felt it was a little victory)

Wide grip M.A.G. supinate pulldowns 2 x 10
Seated lat pulley row with a V handle 2 x 12 (Started to wonder if I could complete this workout)
Dumbbell row with a knee on a bench 2 x 10
Narrow grip M.A.G. supinate pulldowns 2 x 10 (second set the last couple of reps were sloppy)

Dumbbell flat bench 2 x 8 (Tried to dig deep each rep)
Incline dumbbell bench 2 x 8 (Last set I saw stars trying to get that last rep, lol.)
Flat flies 2 x 10 (Used a lighter weight than usual but I did the movement stricter)
Push ups 2 x max (conventional and the second set with perfect push up handles.

Weighted lower back hyper extensions 2 x 15

Ab wheel 1 x 27
Pulley crunches 1 x 50
inflatable big ball crunches 1 x 15 (I bought a ball because I saw everyone doing these in the gym. The jury is still out if I like them and I'm leaning toward giving the ball away. Thought it would be good for a fuller range of motion. Just not feeling it in my abs. Just recently I have been doing a kind of decline roman chair type movement and it seems to hit the abs hard. I will continue using them. I just went into a decline bench and rocked where I felt it the most in my abs.)

Completely spent.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 08, 2023, 11:08:19 AM
Ran 5.16 miles at a slug ten minute pace. Then hit the heavy bag for two rounds. Wife told me I should cut the alcohol down. She said it makes me happy for a couple of hours then the next day I'm down for the whole day. I don't even drink a lot. 3 to 5 drinks three days a week. I guess my body can't handle it like I use to. I'm always a very happy drunk though, lol.  As long as my health is stabilized I will try to keep pushing the workouts. Never know what the future will bring and for now I'm happy to be feeling good.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on December 09, 2023, 07:50:46 AM
Heckuva workouts, OT.

Glad you are feeling better.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 09, 2023, 11:41:00 AM
Heckuva workouts, OT.

Glad you are feeling better.

Thank you
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 09, 2023, 11:56:38 AM
Leg day: No warms shown. Use lighter weight than normal in some exercises.

Leg press 2 x 15 (I think I was grinding my hips and one knee to dust using what was a ton of weight for me. Using a lighter weight and controlling the reps with a slow deep cadence. I keep the back board low so I can really bring the knees back. I just about fully bend my legs. I think I'm on to something using a lower weight and making it stricter.)

Squat machine 2 x 10 (Thought I would die doing these. Use two plates a side and went just about rock bottom for most reps. Might alternate with hack squats)

Dumbbell lunges 2 x 8 (Haven't done lunges in ages. Went deep and used little baby dumbbells. I will build up.)

leg extensions 2 x 20
seated leg curl 2 x 15

Hanging semi straight leg raise 1 x 27
Hip ups 1 x 33 (On back legs toward ceiling push your hips toward the ceiling)

Standing calf 2 x 15 ( I swear I don't know why I train calves? I don't have calves. I never had calves.)
Seated calf 2 x 15
tibalis 1 x 20

Four way neck machine 2x 30 a side

Pushing hard while I'm feeling good. Going to watch the Army vs Navy game. Go Army beat Navy.  I wonder if I can have a lite beer watching the game without my wife nagging me about it, lol. I got the piss Selzer Corona Premier. 90 calories a bottle and 2.6 carbs. 4% alcohol. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 10, 2023, 09:39:45 AM
Got a Shingles shot yesterday. I had a fever all night.  Today's training is shot. Sitting here shivering, lol.   I guess getting sick from the shot for a day or two is better than developing a case of Shingles.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 11, 2023, 07:23:43 PM
That shingles shot gave me a night of grief with a fever. Trained this Monday but I wish I could have done cardio yesterday but I was too sick. I didn't have the fever today and I was only a little achy.

Delt and arm day: No warm ups shown.

Military press 1 x 8  ( I warmed up with two sets and my one bad shoulder was screaming by rep 5 on the work set but I stupidly pushed to 8 reps. I bailed on the exercise and went to standing dumbbell presses. They never seem to hurt my shoulder.)
Standing dumbbell press 1 x 8 (My goal was ten reps but I failed at 8 reps)
Dumbbell delt laterals 2 x 12
Rear delt seated dumbbell delt laterals 2 x11 (These seem to hit hard the contracted position while the face pulls gets the stretch position of the rear delt area)
Face pulls 2 x 12 ( my pulley system has foot brace that perfect for locking my self in for these.)
Barbell shrugs 2 x 12 (I see guys using a million pounds on this exercise using jerking motions and crashing down hard on the negative. It's a good way to cause nerve damage as the nerves between the vertebra gets crunched. Lower the weight and do these strict to semi strict. Do not damage the nerves near the neck region or you will be in for a world of hurt.)

Triceps pushdowns with a V bar 2 x12
EZ curl bar seated tricep extensions with back braced on a scott curl turned backward 2 x8
Reverse grip single arm tricep extensions with a D shaped handle 2 x 10
dips 2 x 12

Barbell curls 2 x 10 (seriously lightened the weight. I think in my effort to increased the weight used my form was getting too sloppy so with lighter weight  I could do it stricter)
Dumbbell alternate curls 2 x 8 (Same as above. I used a lighter weight)
Dumbbell drag curls 2 x 10 ( back against a wall with elbows back)
concentration curl 2 x 12 (Might switch these for single arm scott curls. With me at least I wonder if I'm performing concentration curls optimally?  I think there are so many ways to cheat the bicep with small movements if you're not careful doing these. I should video tape myself. You can learn a lot by taping your self sometimes. For example with face pulls after a review on video I found I held one elbow up higher than the other instead of evenly. I was able to correct it with feedback from watching the video.)

forearm curl 2 x 25
Reverse forearm extensions 2 x 15
Ivanko gripper 2 x 20 (One right side up and the second set holding the apparatus upside down)

Weighted crunches 1 x 60
Pulley crunches 1 x 60
Roman decline bench abs 1 x 30 (Found this through trial and error. Sat in my decline chest bench and found I could do a sought of a roman chair move in the sweet spot hitting the abs hard. I would describe it as a quarter situp but right where it hurts)

Two dumbbell pull overs lying on a bench 1 x 12 (This is just a rehab exercise. To keep the shoulder loose. I take two light dumbbells do reps seeing how far back I can take them.)

Side note: I have trouble squatting due to having trouble getting my hand back to hold the bar. The above exercise pullover helps but I found a better one. I wonder if I could describe it without pictures? Have a smith machine or a squat rack set to around shoulder height. Grab the bar with a palm facing your self. With the other hand grab that wrist holding the bar. With me? Now lower your body bending forward and feel the stretch. Repeat with the other hand. Not sure what magic it works but in one session I was able to get into a squat with hands on the bar with little pain. I don't squat with a bar anymore but if I did I would do this stretch everyday.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 12, 2023, 06:20:57 PM
Cardio day. Rose before work to get it in. I must be getting soft with age but the thought of getting out of my warm bed to run in the 33 degree weather made me balk. Headed to the basement where I again felt I didn't want to run on the hamster wheel of torture.  I just walked for the most part. I call this my ladder workout. Every lap I climb the ladder of intensity if you can call walking intense.

0% incline at 3.8MPH for one lap of a quarter mile
1% incline at 3.8 MPH for one lap
2% incline at 3.8 MPH for one lap
3% incline at 3.8 MPH for one lap
4% incline at 3.8 MPH for one lap
5% incline at 3.8 MPH for one lap
6% incline at 3.8 MPH for one lap
7% incline at 3.8 MPH for one lap
8% incline at 3.8 MPH for one lap
9% incline at 3. 8MPH for one lap
0% incline at 3.8 MPH for one lap
0% incline at 8.6 MPH (6:59 pace for one lap. I nearly fell off the treadmill at the end of the lap. Took a miss step but corrected quick enough.)
0% incline at 3.8 MPH for one lap.

Finished with two rounds of hitting the heavy bag. Worked on the bag with a thought of defense.

Tomorrow is another day off of lifting and I hope to do a mid day park run.  I hate winter weather running.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: chaos on December 12, 2023, 07:40:06 PM
Just getting up and getting it in will help you mentally. No matter how much or how little, every workout is a success.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 13, 2023, 08:59:18 AM
Just getting up and getting it in will help you mentally. No matter how much or how little, every workout is a success.

True and on another topic I use to be obsessed with recording workouts in a notebook. The reality is that your body records the workouts.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: unreasonablereasons on December 13, 2023, 09:10:50 AM
Cardio day. Rose before work to get it in. I must be getting soft with age but the thought of getting out of my warm bed to run in the 33 degree weather made me balk. Headed to the basement where I again felt I didn't want to run on the hamster wheel of torture.  I just walked for the most part. I call this my ladder workout. Every lap I climb the ladder of intensity if you can call walking intense.

0% incline at 3.8MPH for one lap of a quarter mile
1% incline at 3.8 MPH for one lap
2% incline at 3.8 MPH for one lap
3% incline at 3.8 MPH for one lap
4% incline at 3.8 MPH for one lap
5% incline at 3.8 MPH for one lap
6% incline at 3.8 MPH for one lap
7% incline at 3.8 MPH for one lap
8% incline at 3.8 MPH for one lap
9% incline at 3. 8MPH for one lap

0% incline at 3.8 MPH for one lap
0% incline at 8.6 MPH (6:59 pace for one lap. I nearly fell off the treadmill at the end of the lap. Took a miss step but corrected quick enough.)
0% incline at .38 MPH for one lap.

Finished with two rounds of hitting the heavy bag. Worked on the bag with a thought of defense.

Tomorrow is another day off of lifting and I hope to do a mid day park run.  I hate winter weather running.

wow at 3.8? Thats hard man, Id do that at 3.4 at the most. Good job
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 13, 2023, 10:52:14 AM

wow at 3.8? Thats hard man, Id do that at 3.4 at the most. Good job

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 13, 2023, 11:04:20 AM
Said it before, I hate winter running.  All the clothes and laundry stink too. I also at this age get pretty stiff in the cold and it's not the good stiff. Summer running is great. No shirt, shorts and running shoes is how I run in the sunshine. I have to move down south, lol.

 I drove to one of my favorite running spots today that has a 1 mile asphalt loop running path. I wanted to run longer but I wasn't feeling it. The wind was whipping too. I ran two miles at a slug pace. My GPS watch said it was 9:42 pace or 6.2 MPH. Heart rate was really high too. When I run in general I never go over 162 beats per minute and I hit 188 Max heart rate. A little disturbing but last Thursday night I had fever and the runs. Maybe I'm still weakened by that. Sick of being sick. I have to hammer it when I feel good. Tomorrow is Back and chest.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Donny on December 13, 2023, 12:05:25 PM
Said it before, I hate winter running.  All the clothes and laundry stink too. I also at this age get pretty stiff in the cold and it's not the good stiff. Summer running is great. No shirt, shorts and running shoes is how I run in the sunshine. I have to move down south, lol.

 I drove to one of my favorite running spots today that has a 1 mile asphalt loop running path. I wanted to run longer but I wasn't feeling it. The wind was whipping too. I ran two miles at a slug pace. My GPS watch said it was 9:42 pace or 6.2 MPH. Heart rate was really high too. When I run in general I never go over 162 beats per minute and I hit 188 Max heart rate. A little disturbing but last Thursday night I had fever and the runs. Maybe I'm still weakened by that. Sick of being sick. I have to hammer it when I feel good. Tomorrow is Back and chest.
always mix up your running routes. Never be predictable
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 13, 2023, 01:56:57 PM
always mix up your running routes. Never be predictable

I do. Here's a description of the varied places I run. I have a six mile length trail in the woods right by my house. I'm 20 minutes from the beach that has an out and back board walk that's 5 miles.  I have a bay side boardwalk by my house that is about a 2.4 mile run out and back. The park is one of my favorites because it's paved and no cars to be concerned with and a very even asphalt surface. Getting back to the cinder trail by my house it's very isolated. Sometimes I can run 5 miles and not see a soul and sometimes there are questionable characters as well as loose dogs. I hate running with a gun on me even though I carry light weight firearms but that trail can be disturbing with some of the whack jobs I have seen on it. I love the ocean run but sometimes the traffic driving there sometimes is a pain. Turns a short ride into a hassle. About 300 yard run to get to the trail.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Donny on December 15, 2023, 07:15:57 AM
I do. Here's a description of the varied places I run. I have a six mile length trail in the woods right by my house. I'm 20 minutes from the beach that has an out and back board walk that's 5 miles.  I have a bay side boardwalk by my house that is about a 2.4 mile run out and back. The park is one of my favorites because it's paved and no cars to be concerned with and a very even asphalt surface. Getting back to the cinder trail by my house it's very isolated. Sometimes I can run 5 miles and not see a soul and sometimes there are questionable characters as well as loose dogs. I hate running with a gun on me even though I carry light weight firearms but that trail can be disturbing with some of the whack jobs I have seen on it. I love the ocean run but sometimes the traffic driving there sometimes is a pain. Turns a short ride into a hassle. About 300 yard run to get to the trail.
yes i run mainly in the woods near me & wolves are back here big time. I was running one time & i was in a part of the woods where you don´t see anyone with dogs . I met a wolf but it was about 100 metres away & it just stared at me & was standing side on head turned towards me on the track so not scared.
I looked at it for a while & then just ran further but looked back to see if it came after me but it was gone.
I run & cycle different routes though for variety & depending how i feel & weather conditions.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 15, 2023, 05:09:30 PM
Still doing the same old. I'm facebook friends with one of my idols when I was a teenager. He was huge in AAU contests. He's a hero of the HIT crowd but he revealed how he really trains then and now. It's not HIT. Basically it's just about zero rest between sets and I guess you would call it drop sets. A set to failure then 20 seconds of rest. Reduce the weight or now the reps are reduced and do the second set. Then a third set with reduced weight or reduced reps. Just a quick blast with no rest.

I might change my workout soon but still on a Yates inspired workout. No warms ups shown. I used a minimum warm up or no warm ups. One set to failure. Reps used are from memory and could be off.

Chest and biceps:

Flat Dumbbell press 1 x 9  (Used more weight than last week. Got one more rep too!)
Incline Dumbbell press 1 x 8 (Felt strong)
Flies 1 x 17 (felt strong and kept good form)
Push ups 1 x max

EZ curls 1 x 15
Alternate Dumbbell curls 1 x 10
Drag dumbbell curls 1 x 13 (Two dumbbells and back against a wall. Elbows all the way back. Very cramping feel to the biceps. Wonder if it's healthy for the muscle?)
Concentration curls 1 x 14

wrist curls 1 x 35
Reverse wrist extensions 1 x 20
Ivanko gripper 2 x 20 (One set upright and the second set with the thing upside down)

Incline situps 1 x 30 (Wow do I hate these. Very tough)
Incline leg raise 1 x 18 (These suck too)

Cardio portion of the day:

Zero % incline for3.8 MPH for one lap (quarter mile)
1% incline for 3.8 MPH for one lap
2% incline for 3.8 MPH for one lap
3% incline for 3.8 MPH for one lap
4% incline for 3.8 MPH for one lap
5% incline for 3.8 MPH for one lap
6% Incline for 3. 8 MPH for one lap
7% incline for 3.8 MPH for one lap
0% incline for 3.8 MPH for one lap
0% incline for 8.7 MPH for one lap (about 6:54 pace per mile. I do a running lap when I do a walking workout to remind my body that I am a runner. It's important to me. Hope I can get that down to a 6:00 pace soon. Getting old and slug like, lol.)
0% incline for 3.8 MPH for one lap.

As I type I'm drinking Vodka with a drop of lemon juice. Yes, I burn the candle at both ends. Tomorrow is Santa con at the beach by me. It's when a hundred plus drunks dress as Santa and go bar hopping bars as a group. It's fun to watch them.  They drink in a bar then their leader yells, Santa's on the move. Then as a group they go down the boardwalk to another beach dive to continue their partying.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 16, 2023, 03:27:20 PM
Leg day:

No warm ups listed. I did them if I felt the need. One set to failure.

Leg press 1 x 16
Machine squats 1 x 11
Dumbbell lunges 1 x 10
leg extensions 1 x 25
seated leg curls 1 x 16

Hanging semi straight leg raise 1 x 30
Hip ups 1 x 35 ( on back on the floor. Feet toward ceiling. Raised hips high each rep.

Standing calf raise 1 x 21
Seated calf raise 1 x 20
Tibialis 1 x 20

Neck four way: One set a side for 30 reps.

Went to the boardwalk  for Santa com.  About 150 drunks dress as Santa and Mrs Santa going bar hopping. We ended up in the Beach comber in Seaside Heights. The DJ and MC were off the hook. I know I'm getting to old for this but we just sat at the bar having drinks. The girls were dressed in their slutty Santa best with very short skirts with their boobs hanging out. The dance floor was packed. My wife told me the MC a big black guy winked at her, lol.  It was fun seeing the young people dancing and the young women were off the hook hot. I went to the bathroom and when I came back my wife was in a panic. She said a big fight happened feet away from her. We left as the multiple cop cars came.  Wife had no clue what it was about and there was a lot of yelling.  We left and had a great time up to that. The cops arriving asked us what where the fight was and I told them in spilled out to the board walk.

Prior to that fight I took video of the partying. Two girls dancing were dressed in their slutty Mrs. Santa outfits and one had a hard time keeping her tits in her low cut top. So much fun! The DJ was on the stage and the MC was actually sitting at the bar near us with a microphone. He was top shelf good at what he was doing.  Electric crowd dancing. When the fists started flying with $3 dollar shots it was time to leave. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: chaos on December 17, 2023, 08:58:50 AM
Leg day:

No warm ups listed. I did them if I felt the need. One set to failure.

Leg press 1 x 16
Machine squats 1 x 11
Dumbbell lunges 1 x 10
leg extensions 1 x 25
seated leg curls 1 x 16

Hanging semi straight leg raise 1 x 30
Hip ups 1 x 35 ( on back on the floor. Feet toward ceiling. Raised hips high each rep.

Standing calf raise 1 x 21
Seated calf raise 1 x 20
Tibialis 1 x 20

Neck four way: One set a side for 30 reps.

Went to the boardwalk  for Santa com.  About 150 drunks dress as Santa and Mrs Santa going bar hopping. We ended up in the Beach comber in Seaside Heights. The DJ and MC were off the hook. I know I'm getting to old for this but we just sat at the bar having drinks. The girls were dressed in their slutty Santa best with very short skirts with their boobs hanging out. The dance floor was packed. My wife told me the MC a big black guy winked at her, lol.  It was fun seeing the young people dancing and the young women were off the hook hot. I went to the bathroom and when I came back my wife was in a panic. She said a big fight happened feet away from her. We left as the multiple cop cars came.  Wife had no clue what it was about and there was a lot of yelling.  We left and had a great time up to that. The cops arriving asked us what where the fight was and I told them in spilled out to the board walk. I took video of the partying. Two girls dancing were dressed in their slutty Mrs. Santa outfits and one had a hard time keeping her tits in her low cut top. So much fun! The DJ was on the stage and the MC was actually sitting at the bar near us with a microphone. He was top shelf good at what he was doing.  Electric crowd dancing. When the fists started flying with $3 dollar shots it was time to leave.
Slutty Santas Helpers will always raise your spirits!!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 17, 2023, 09:30:01 AM
Slutty Santas Helpers will always raise your spirits!!

Thought Santa only had three ho's. Turns out he had a whole dance floor full.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 17, 2023, 09:33:08 AM
I intended on doing cardio today but a little hung over and just tired. Doing nothing but vegetating.  Going to watch the NY Giant game. NJ/NY Italians are going insane over the quarterback. It's a lot of fun.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 18, 2023, 05:08:39 AM
Back day:

Woke up before work in the darkness and went into my basement. I think guys that train have a warped brain. Most guys are all tucked in dreaming about pancakes in the morning. One set to failure and easy non taxing warm up sets as needed if at all. I hate putting  down the weight used because it is meaningless between trainer to trainer. Some use fast reps and a short range of motion to handle the heavy weight. Some use slow controlled reps and try for the greatest range of motion. Their weight would seem light to many not knowing how they are doing the reps. I don't claim to be strong but I do train hard. I try to make a medium weight heavy the way I use the weight.

Wide grip pulldowns with M.A.G. bar 1 x 11 140lbs ( No lean back and heave. All the way up and down)
Seated cable lat rows with a V bar 1 x 14 ( 180lbs (All the way out with a good stretch and all the way back)
Dumbbell row with knee and one hand on a bench 1 x 12 80lbs (Dead hang and all the way up)
Narrow grip pulldowns with a M.A.G. bar 1 x 12 130lbs ( Big stretch at the top and all the way back with no lean back)

Dead lifts 1 x 6 275lbs (Since I've been sick this is all I could handle. Last year I always used 315lbs)
Weighted lower back hyper extensions 1 x 20 ( I use a 25lb plate behind my head. I use a horizontal type hyper bench. Nice and slow controlled reps)

Ab wheel roll out 1 x 30 (Good for abs but bad for shoulders. I think they make my shoulders tight. Must stretch the shoulders. I hate stretching, LOL)
Pulley crunches 1 x 60 (Sit in lat machine the opposite way. Hold a V type handle and crunch down. Short movement.)

Off to work I go at my retirement job. Going to quit the job soon. I think I might have a way to make money at home that I have to a least give it a try. I think I will make nothing for about six months setting it up but hopefully it will pay off. I notice when I visit a rich relative in California it seems everybody I meet doesn't goes to work. They all sit in front of a computer at home and wow do they have a lot of money. I wonder if I can do the same. I will probably strike out but I have to try. If it fails I will just be retired feeding squirrels in the park telling young people I use to be in great shape, lol.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 19, 2023, 12:01:20 PM
Delt and triceps day: 

No warm ups listed. Some exercise I use them but for the majority I don't.

Dumbbell delt press standing 1 x 10 (I try to go all the way down. I know the current school of thought is to use heavier dumbbells and do half reps)
Dumbbell delt laterals  1 x 20
Rear delt laterals 1 x 14
Face pulls 1 x 20
Barbell shrugs 1 x 13

Tricep pushdowns with a V shaped bar 1 x 19
Single dumbbell with two hands behind the head seated resting the upper back on a turned around scott benchn 1 x 13
Rope pushdowns 1 x 12
Dips 1 x 14 (Tried to go super low)

Weighted crunches 1 x 60
Pulley crunches 1 x 70

Dumbbell pullover 1 x 12 (I use two dumbbells lying on a bench and I do this more as a rehab exercise to loosen the shoulders and the the abs.)

I was supposed to do some cardio after this but I was shot. Taking a shower I noticed a lump under my armpit in the lymph node area. Called the oncologist and he said come in today. The health stuff never ends.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on December 19, 2023, 12:35:56 PM
Hope the lump is nothing.

Be careful not to overtax yourself and impair your immune system.

You train hard.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 20, 2023, 01:17:15 PM
Hope the lump is nothing.

Be careful not to overtax yourself and impair your immune system.

You train hard.

Oncologist and my primary wanted me to get a flu, shingles, pneumonia, covid booster and RSV shot because of my compromised immune system. I can croak if I catch something if my body can't fight it off. I was getting one a week. He said he believes the vaccines blew up my lymph nodes in my arm pit of my left arm. I naturally thought it was something serious.

The shingles shot gave me a terrible fever but it broke in one day. I got a slew of blood tests coming but he thinks the vaccines are  the reason. He told me to hold off on the covid booster because I had covid in August into September for around 6 weeks or so. I have to have some natural immunity from that. My wife caught covid same time as me. She was sick for a week and I was the sickest I ever was in my life with two ER visits when I thought I was on my way out, lol. 

On a side note I did absolutely nothing today in terms of exercise. The lump in my arm pit is freaking me out but my oncologist is board certified in three fields. If he said it was my body's reaction to all the vaccines then I'll take his word on it. He said the lump should come down. If the blood tests come back and it's the cancer gaining in numbers he will put me on chemo right away. The last test the numbers were low for cancer cells.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on December 21, 2023, 08:02:10 AM
Yikes.  No wonder you had a reaction with all those vaccines in a short time.  That's got to screw with your immune system big time.

I got the shingles vax last winter.  Just some soreness at the injections site with the first shot.  Two shots six weeks apart.

Got my flu shot last month.  No reaction.  I asked for and got the regular flu vax not the new supercharged one they want to give seniors.
Let them test that out on everybody else and see what happens.

I've never had the Covid shot or the RSV.  Will not get the mRNA vax.  Too much evidence of immune system problems with it.

Also have never had Covid.

I take a multi-vitamin every other day.  Every day magnesium, quercetin/bromolein, 10,000iu vit D3, and fish oil.

Also I eat no processed foods, seed oils or sugar, although I'll loosen up a bit on the weekend and have a couple bagels.  I eat meat, whole eggs, nuts, salad, green veggies, occasionally squash.

Have a couple shots of whiskey or liquor a week.  No beer.  Too many carbs and it raises estrogen levels.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Donny on December 21, 2023, 08:15:10 AM
Yikes.  No wonder you had a reaction with all those vaccines in a short time.  That's got to screw with your immune system big time.

I got the shingles vax last winter.  Just some soreness at the injections site with the first shot.  Two shots six weeks apart.

Got my flu shot last month.  No reaction.  I asked for and got the regular flu vax not the new supercharged one they want to give seniors.
Let them test that out on everybody else and see what happens.

I've never had the Covid shot or the RSV.  Will not get the mRNA vax.  Too much evidence of immune system problems with it.

Also have never had Covid.

I take a multi-vitamin every other day.  Every day magnesium, quercetin/bromolein, 10,000iu vit D3, and fish oil.

Also I eat no processed foods, seed oils or sugar, although I'll loosen up a bit on the weekend and have a couple bagels.  I eat meat, whole eggs, nuts, salad, green veggies, occasionally squash.

Have a couple shots of whiskey or liquor a week.  No beer.  Too many carbs and it raises estrogen levels.
stay clean too many people i know have now problems after the Vaccination(s) Boosters etc.
I have never had Covid & was never injected with the poison.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on December 21, 2023, 08:31:54 AM
stay clean too many people i know have now problems after the Vaccination(s) Boosters etc.
I have never had Covid & was never injected with the poison.

Some people were put in an impossible position of losing their job if they refused the mRNA vaccine. 

Terrible coercion.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 21, 2023, 11:01:38 AM
Doing nothing today too. I'm tired and feeling aches. Probably from my last vaccine.

My reactions with vaccines. Of course it could be different for you.

1. covid: felt sick for 4 days

2. flu: Zero reactions

3. Pneumonia: No reaction

4. RSV:  Slight fever and aches. 

5. Shingles: First shot practically nothing. Second shot was a bad one day fever.

The covid shot isn't a fix but it will lesson the illness.  My retirement job is in a passport office. It's like the United Nations of people from all over the world. I'm exposed to so many people. A lot of old people since they don't work their exposure to others is limited to going to the super market and other short treks. I hear old people all the time bragging how they haven't had a cold in years. Yes, it's because you increase your odds by being around a lot of people.  I train at home now and I don't have to use a dumbbell that 50 people touched before in the last 24 hours.

I completely understand those that don't want to get it.  Covid is mutating like the flu. It will be around forever with the new mutations (variants). If you were vaccinated a couple of years ago you probably have zero protection for the new variants. The covid virus is much weaker than it was when it first hit our shores. Like I said before. It was the sickest I have ever been in my life. Probably because of my blood cancer and not being able to effectively fight it.

 I'm not the vaccine enthusiast but my primary and oncologist said it would be a good idea to get them all because of my condition. I caught RSV about two years ago. It's a cold. If I can get a shot to stop it I'm going to get the vaccine.  Who wants a cold?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 22, 2023, 07:28:42 PM
Neglecting this training log. After Christmas I will get back to it. Today I walked fast for 4.7 miles on a trail by my house. Threw in some strides (Not quite a sprint). Maybe six strides, I lost track. I pick out a landmark and semi sprint to it. The distances were 200 yards down to 40 yards. Those distances were all estimates for the strides.

 Fast walking is really magic for melting off fat. You use primarily fat for fuel instead of glucose and you burn approximately 100 calories a mile. So I had a roughly a 500 calorie deficit if you throw in the almost sprints. After Christmas if healthy I hope to get the diet on track along with cardio while lifting. For me that's when the magic happens, lol. Burn about 500 from cardio, eat 500 calories less a day and lose maybe 300 calories from lifting. The fat just melts off.

One thing that's really is a pet peeve of mine is guys throwing on a fit bit or using their phone saying they did 5-10 miles of cardio for just being alive for 16 hours. No, only count dedicated cardio. Cardio has to be continuous and not broken up like life is. The only other cardio I can think of that works is high intensity cardio like doing 8 x 400 meters with fast walking for the break interval. It's delusion that fat house wives do. "I got a fit bit and I don't have to do cardio because according to my fit bit or phone counting steps I get enough cardio in my life as it is." 

Needless to say how you look in the summer will depend on what you are doing right now in the winter. Guys and women who do little during the winter then in May go balls to the wall so they will look good during the summer. It's not going to work unless you are taking drugs or you're 25 years old. Want to look fit and like an athlete this coming summer? The real work begins today and not five months from now. 

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 23, 2023, 02:40:54 PM
Did the same as yesterday. Walked fast for 4.7 miles with a seven  stride semi sprints from 300 yards to 40 yards today.  Just trying to hold it together through the holidays.  After I will get back to real training if health allows. I know I'm up then down but right now my health is good today.  I think tomorrow I will do the same again.  I will pick up lifting on Tuesday December 26th.  I'm looking at all my options regarding lifting and I'm leaning toward really high reps but doing it in a manner that Steve Holman recommends. Something like 4 x 15 per exercise with the first three sets stopping at 15 reps and finishing with a set to failure using the same weight through out. I have to break out of the lifting rut I'm in.  Trying new programs is the way to go I believe but after lifting for so many decades I know I'm set in my ways. 

Someone told me to try this but it sounds extreme. Do three set but all to failure. Aim to fail at something like 50 reps. Rest 30 seconds and go again then fail at something like 35 reps. Rest again and fail at something like 15 reps. Sounds too extreme.

 I remember what the great Bill Pearl said. He said don't train to failure at all. Train hard but never to failure. Sounds like a pleasant way to train but I just don't get how anyone with a work ethic could do that? I think he worked out long and just completing a work out was a feat of endurance.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 24, 2023, 09:57:17 AM
Broken record here. The calm before the storm.  Did the same cardio again mentioned above. Threw in some heavy bag work at the end. I try to limit the heavy bag work to once a week because it can be hard on the joints because of it's ballistic nature. One more day of cardio tomorrow probably then I will work in lifting again.

Merry Christmas you filthy animals. No place it applies more than this site, lol.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: chaos on December 24, 2023, 10:38:55 AM
That second shingles shot seems to be the bad one. Almost everyone I know that has had it gets some sort of reaction to the second shot. Hope you're feeling better. Keep it up!

Merry Christmas!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 24, 2023, 06:15:42 PM
That second shingles shot seems to be the bad one. Almost everyone I know that has had it gets some sort of reaction to the second shot. Hope you're feeling better. Keep it up!

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! My wife had little reaction to it. I heard of a woman being sick for three days after getting it.  Not happy about it but having a one day fever isn't so bad in the scheme of things. One day sick and a couple days of feeling wiped out is a good trade off against getting shingles. Some describe it as getting a bad burn from a flame for six months. Some even get it in their throats and on their eye lids.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 24, 2023, 06:25:14 PM
I debated in my head whether to include this in the training log. I got the idea from Clarence Bass who does it. I'm sure guys with big flat feet and thick ankles have no trouble doing this exercise but I do. Balance goes with age. Two things you need as you age is balance and quick feet to catch yourself when you stumble. A very important thing to have as you age. The quick feet can be fixed with something like power cleans or sprints. Balance is another thing to work on separate.

 I'm sure there are many ways to go about this but this is the simplest. When I take a shower I stand on one foot like a drunk test.  First time I did it I couldn't do it for 10 seconds. Again guys with big flat fat  feet and thick ankles probably have no problem.  I worked my self up to 70 seconds and I actually think my weak ankles are stronger now.  I think I will do this for the rest of my life now before I turn the shower off. If you try it and fail make sure the foot you raise comes down quick and you have something to grab. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on December 25, 2023, 06:13:20 AM
The shingles vax is one of the most risky vaccines as far as bad reactions.

They don't tell you that when you get it.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 25, 2023, 09:09:11 AM
The shingles vax is one of the most risky vaccines as far as bad reactions.

They don't tell you that when you get it.

Heard a lot about bad reactions to the Shingles shot. Then again the wife got the shingles shots with me and had minimal problems while I got a fever. I heard from two different docs that said in general the worse the reaction the better the response of your body's defenses. They said old people never seem to get a huge reaction to vaccines because they produce less antibodies. The pharmacist told me with both shingles shots about the harsh reactions to it. That's why they give a an extra strong dose of the flu shot to those over 65. 

In RNA vaccines if I got the facts right give you a piece of the the RNA single strand of the disease so your body reacts with it's defenses. Then in the future your body knows how to fight the disease. My daughter told me old people barely react to the covid shot while many young people get sick for a day or two after the shot.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 25, 2023, 06:50:42 PM
Another cardio day doing my walk/ run routine. Time to get back to lifting.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 27, 2023, 05:53:12 PM
Chest and arm day: Got hurt. No warms shown on the amount of sets.

Bench 2 x 6 then 1 x 1 (I can count less than 10 times I have benched with a bar in the last 10 years. One shoulder has a torn labrum and the other a partial torn rotator cuff. I usually use dumbbells for chest presses. I really felt strong today with no pain. I was very excited.))

Barbell incline press 2 x 6 ( Wow, so far both shoulders are holding up.)

Dumbbell flies 1 x ? ( Damn the pain hit me hard on my right shoulder. Fuck at least I dumped the dumbbells on the first sign of pain)

Decline dumbbell presses 2 x 8 (If you have shoulder issues the decline press are a God send. It's a shoulder saver for sure)

Traditional tricep push downs 2 x 10
Close grip barbell bench 1 x ? ( shoulder screamed. Fuck again. Stopped after around 4 reps. What did I do?)
Seated tricep extensions with an EZ bar 2 x 8 (leaned against a turned around scott curl pad)
Reverse grip with a D ring tricep extensions pulley 2 x 10 (If you have elbow problems try these. Zero elbow problems with this)
Weighted deep dips 1 x ?  ( I planned on doing 2 sets of 10 but after four reps my shoulder screamed. The earlier flies really fucked me up. I got about four reps and it was too painful. I decided to mess around a little more and call it a day.

Two arm dumbbell curls 1 x 20 then 1 x 15. ( Just for a little pump with light weight)

Hip abduction with a band. 1 x 10 ( I find when my hips bugs me this always feels fantastic. I put a band around a pole in my basement and attach the other end to my ankle moving my leg away from mid line as in abduction. Adduction doesn't have any pain relief for me from hip problems. It would make sense to train both directions but I know what works for me when my hip bugs me. Abduction works.  )

I did three rotator cuff exercises for one set a side. I know I could have choose a fourth pattern of rotator direction but I called it a day.

I think I'm finally coming to the realization I'm not a kid anymore. I have health problems. I'm going to have to plan smarter and think in terms of longevity.  I will tell  you what I come up with but I'm already thinking what needs to be done. I'm not a bodybuilder but I am into fitness. I have to train with that first and foremost when planning a training routine. I have to eliminate high risk exercises that have a higher probability of damaging me. I have some positive vibes about what my plans are. I know no one cares but I will post what I am doing very soon. Tomorrow is hopefully a slow long run. The day after I will make the necessary changes and regroup regarding weight training. Hopefully the pain in my shoulder will be down enough to train effectively. 

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 29, 2023, 08:50:03 AM
Taking a break from weight training for a week or two. I'm not going to log workouts till I return to lifting since this is a lifting site, sort of. Going to concentrate on running for awhile. I don't know if it's my health, age or just a lack of consistency, my running ability is taking a huge dive. Going to work on it for two weeks to get back into the swing of it.  Today I ran two miles at a slug pace. I guess I will get my answer quickly if my running doesn't return to a decent level soon. I have more blood tests coming up in January and February.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 01, 2024, 12:14:31 PM
Well I'm back, lol.  I trained back and chest. The usual and I ditch the plans to change up somethings. Maybe next week. I can't keep banging my head against a wall with training to failure all the time. I have to break down and do some volume where every set isn't to death.  Felt somewhat strong today. Deads are still weak but I can live with 2x4 with 280lbs at the end of the workout when I'm shot. Have to get that low weight up.  Tried to do all my exercises strict with a full range of motion and a medium speed cadence. Not slow mo but not super fast either. I hate listing weight used because so many guys use everything at their disposal to cheat so they can use a big weight. Listing my weights used becomes meaningless. For example I use slow negatives on deads. On one arm dumbbell lat rows I dead hang the weight and pull it as high as possible. I see guys in the gym that do neither. It looks like a monkey humping a football as they take a giant dumbbell and proceed to something they call a dumbbell row. Lighten the weight and train stricter. Your muscle only knows if it's working hard.

Pulldown with a M.A.G bar supinate grip 2 x 10 (no warm ups shown here or below. For this exercise I did one warm up. I stay upright doing these. I wonder if I would have better results if I did the lean back like 99% of the gym does. )

Seated lat pulley rows holding a V handle 2 x 12

Dumbbell lat row with one knee and one hand on a bench 2 x 10

Narrow pulldown with a M.A.G. bar supinate grip 2 x 10

Decline dumbbell chest press 2 x 8 (shoulder pec tie is hurting. These allow me to train the chest with zero pain.)

Incline dumbbell bench 2 x 8 (Used a lighter weight and a strict performance of the exercise so I wouldn't aggravate my shoulder. Thinking about using a more shallow incline than I normally do. Someone on youtube made a convincing theory that a very low incline hits the upper pecs better than the tradition inclines do. I have never used a high incline and I hesitate to give an estimate on degrees. I'm guessing wildly I use a 35 degree incline. Thinking that a even more shallow incline would be safer for the shoulder. Maybe it will hit more upper pec and less front delt and rotator cuff. I can only experiment. )

Decline dumbbell flies 2 x 10 (Never done them before. Saw a picture of Roger Callard doing it. Thought if declines benches don't hurt my shoulder pec tie in maybe these would work too.  For the most part they did. Very little pain. Thinking a safer way to get the same benefit would be hands facing decline press with a wide arch. I will try that next time and maybe ditch flies for awhile till my should feels better.  Again saw someone doing these on a youtube and it made sense but I haven't tried it. Dumbbell flies can be a shoulder wrecker and maybe hand facing decline presses with a wide arch could work. I will let you know if it works for me.) 

Push ups 2 x max (One conventional and the other with perfect pushup handles. The perfect pushup handles provide a deep stretch.)

deadlifts 2 x 4 (Again no warm ups shown. I do a warm up set with 225lbs. On my last rep I put the weight down a little hard and my wife was shouting down the stairs, "Are you alright?"  She hasn't been in the basement literally in years. Told her recently I could be dead from heart attack down there and you wouldn't know it till the morning.

Weighted lower back hyper extensions. 2 x 15 ( I know some use a barbell like Yates but I found for my strength levels a 25lbs behind my head works. On rare occasions I use a 35lbs plate. Saw a picture of Mentzer with a 110 barbell behind his traps. That's some serious strength after deadlifts on a horizontal hyper extension bench.  The new 45 degree benches stink. The resistance disappears nearing the top.

Ab wheel 1 x 28 reps
Pulley crunches 1 x 50

A friend told me years ago, "Working out is like hitting yourself in the head with a baseball bat. It feels so good when you stop."

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 02, 2024, 06:26:08 PM
My alarm when off and it was dark out. Set the alarm early before work. I thought I have to get out of bed and get my running gear on for a long run. I said fuck it and slept in two more hours. Dreamt I was roaming a strange neighbor hood looking in store fronts from the old city I grew up in. Yes, I know I'm fucked up.  Wonder what Frank Zane would say about that dream? I think I'm pretty disciplined for the most part. I was just tired. Too much Holiday stuff.

Going to get my act back together tomorrow.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 03, 2024, 10:10:52 AM
Leg day: Have you noticed by you everyone coughing and hacking? I live in NJ and I'm seeing a lot of it. It freaks me out.
No warm ups shown. Felt a little sluggish but I got the work out in.

Leg press 2 x 12 (low back board and a complete bend of the legs. I know every leg press has a different feel. Mine I can actually bend my legs fully instead of just hinging at the hips.)

Machine squats 2 x 10 Excellent movement. If your gym has a squat machine give it a shot and squat low. Ass to grass. Hard to explain but I squat lower than the machines safety catches. I can see myself being stuck in the complete bottom of a squat with no way out. I might go back to conventional barbell squats because I have safety racks. The machine though is so comfortable with big pads and a hands forward handles. The best squat machine I have tried is the Powertec one. I like it even better than the Hammer strength one. I have a Tough stuff brand. Wish I would have bought the Powertec one.

Dumbbell lunges 2 x 8 (Weak on these. Hoping to improve shortly.

Leg extensions 2 x 20
Seated leg curls 2 x 15

Hanging leg raises 1 x 30 (semi straight legs)
Hip ups 1x35

Standing calf 2 x 15
Seated calf 2 x 15
tibialis 1 x 20

Four way neck machine 2 sets a side (One set is a circuit of front, two sides and rear. I keep the reps high. I found the neck responds best to high reps and I would think you don't want to do low reps with crazy heavy weight where your cervical spine is involved.)

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 04, 2024, 11:21:51 AM
Cardio day:  You thought I was slacking off. I know the pace I used is sad but I'm a work in progress, lol. I will pick up the intensity gradually in the coming weeks/ months. I used a treadmill instead of a track for my intervals. All the high school tracks by me will get a person arrested for trespassing if they find you on the track. A lap refers to 440 Yards, it is slightly longer than  400 meters. I like this workout because it reminds my body what for me is fast running. Of course in my younger years it was a lot faster, lol. I remember one run in my 20's where I dipped into the 51 second speed for a lap. To be young again.   ;D

8 x 440 intervals:

1. Lap (440 Yards) at 3.8 MPH
2. Lap at 6.2 MPH (9:41 per mile pace)
3. Lap at 3.8 MPH rest interval
4. Lap at 6.3 MPH (9:31 Pace)
5. Lap at 3.8 MPH rest interval
6. Lap at 6.5 MPH ( 9:14 Pace)
7. Lap at 3.8 MPH rest interval
8. Lap at 6.7 MPH (8:57 pace)
9. Lap at 3.8 MPH
10.Lap at 6.9 MPH (8:42 pace)
11.Lap at 3.8 MPH
12. Lap at 7.1 MPH (8:27 pace)
13. Lap at 3. 8 MPH
14. Lap at 7.3 MPH (8:13 pace)
15. Lap at 3.8 MPH
16. Lap at 7.5 MPH (8:00 pace. Last 200 yards I increased it into the seven something pace)
17. Lap at 3.8 MPH

Finished hitting the heavy bag for two three minute rounds. Found some protein powder in the pantry. It was vegan and I thought why not finish it up? I don't use powders anymore but use Fairlife pre mixed.  Tastes beyond amazing and a little bottle has 30 grams. Any way I mixed this stuff up and I knew immediately why I stopped using powders. They are hard to mix and tastes like garbage. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on January 04, 2024, 11:37:12 AM
Impressive, OT.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 04, 2024, 01:04:57 PM
Impressive, OT.

I'm trying.  Not going to waste a minute while I feel good.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 05, 2024, 12:47:56 PM
Delt and arm day: No warms ups shown.

Standing dumbbell press 2 x 10 (on second set failed at 8 reps)
Dumbbell laterals 2 x 10
Rear delt dumbbell laterals seated 2 x 10
Face pulls 2 x 12
barbell shrugs 2 x 10

Traditional pulley tricep push downs 2 x 10
Two hand with one dumbbell behind head tricep extension 2 x 12
Weighted dips 2 x 10

Barbell curls 2x10
Alternate DB curls 2x8
Dumbbell drag curls 2 x 12

wrist curls 2 x 25
wrist extensions 2 x20
Ivanko grippers 2 x 20

Weighted crunches 1 x 70
pulley crunches 1 x 60

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 06, 2024, 09:32:56 AM
Cardio day:  Wasn't feeling it today but I pushed through. If you scroll up I did the same 8 x 440 yard intervals like I did above. I went a little faster each run than last time. Last interval was 7.7 MPH or 7:48 minute pace per mile.

I'm still learning stuff. Two things I'm playing with are low incline chest presses and hands facing decline semi fly presses. I look at a lot of youtubes cause I'm always interested in what the other guy is doing.

One guy was saying the angle most do incline chest presses are too severe and works the front delt too hard and not as much pec involvement as you could with a low incline. My adjustable incline has three settings and the lowest is too high.  I took a flat bench and put one end on an approximate 12"  block on one side. It's a low incline. I have shoulder issues and found the decline dumbbell press cause zero problems. My very limited try with the low incline show it might be a shoulder saver to a lessor extent than declines. I will use it for awhile and report back my findings. Excited it might be much better than the old angle I was using.  Time will tell.

The other is a new thought for me on training. I saw a picture of Roger Callard doing decline flies. I never saw anyone doing them in a gym. Again looking for a shoulder saver.  I only did it once and I thought while it irritated the joint a little, it was much better than flat flies. That brings me to a youtube. Saw a guy doing what he called a decline fly presses.   Essentially arching wide almost like a fly but with hands facing pressing it out. You naturally can use more weight than with flies.

Nothing new under the sun what so ever with the sport of picking stuff up and putting it down.  Just new stuff to me I'm experimenting with.

Going to see a guy sing Sinatra stuff with some members of Sinatra's old band today at the Count Basie here in NJ. Just found out the guy singing is the guitarist for the Rock band Creed. A little surprised by that. Should be a good night. I will have JD on the rocks at the place in Frank's honor.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 08, 2024, 04:55:42 AM
Woke up in the morning darkness and went into my dungeon basement. I began to warm up and said fuck this torture. Went back up and realized I had to kill time now before work now. Signed on to this bizarre  site. Tomorrow is another day. That's the problem with training to failure all the time. It makes you dread working out.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 09, 2024, 06:41:21 PM
This time I got up early before work and did it. Used a Yates inspired workout. I will get to volume soon but these short hard workouts fit the bill right now.

Chest and biceps: No warm ups. One set to failure. Sometimes the rep count is off as I'm doing this from memory 12 hours later.

Decline dumbbell bench 1 x 11 (My best amount of reps with that weight)

Low incline dumbbell bench 1 x 10 (I used a flat bench I have and raised it up on a block. Thought it would work great but without a seat to hold me in place it was awkward. Going back to my incline bench. I had high hopes for this.

Decline dumbbell bench/fly 1 x 12 (This was kind of a bust too. I used a hands facing grip and tried to do a hybrid fly and press. Not happy with the movement. Going back to flies)

Push ups 1 x max reps

Straight bar barbell curls 1x15 (Usually use an ez curl bar but lately using a straight bar)

Alternate dumbbell curls 1x10 (Felt a little weak on these. Maybe the straight bar is wearing out the bicep better than the ez curl bar making these seem so hard)

Two dumbbell two hands drag curl leaning against a wall 1 x 13 (Kept the elbows back so it was a drag curl)

Concentration curl 1 x 13 (Did these seated in the typical fashion. Can't decide if doing them standing or with a scott bench is better.)

wrist curl 1 x 33
wrist extension 1 x 20
Ivanko gripper 2 x 20

Incline sit ups 1 x27  (Haven't done these in awhile. Last time I failed at 30)
Incline leg raise 1x 15 (It's a combo leg raise and hip raise. I think these might work better than the hanging leg raise.)

Immediately went into an easy cardio session after lifting.

0% grade (incline ) for one lap (440 yards) at 3.8MPH
1% grade for a lap at 3.8MPH
2% grade for a lap at 3.8 MPH
3% grade for a lap at 3.8 MPH
4% grade for a lap at 3.8MPH
5% grade for a lap at 3.8MPH
6% grade for a lap at 3.8MPH
7% grade for a lap at 3.8MPH
0% grade for a lap at 3.8 MPH
0% grade for a lap at 8.5 MPH or 7:04 minute mile pace ( I do this to remind my body I'm a runner. Too much walking takes the spring out of your legs for running)
0% grade for a lap at 3.8 MPH

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on January 10, 2024, 09:09:56 AM
NICE RICH...good to see you haven't after all these decades give up on your 'exercise'health due to some health issues going on...keep the fight ..
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 10, 2024, 08:03:34 PM
NICE RICH...good to see you haven't after all these decades give up on your 'exercise'health due to some health issues going on...keep the fight ..

I'm feeling good now. I will push when feeling well. For two months last year starting in August I was sick as a dog. Now I'm feeling good. I have so much blood drawn lately. Can't wait to see the latest readings. I really wonder if I'm in remission? I see the oncologist again in February. Hope to hear good news even if it's that I'm stabilized and not advancing.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 12, 2024, 01:58:25 PM
Haven't forgotten about this thread. I just get tired of writing it out.  I also feel it's incredibly repetitive. Most guys find out what works for them and they stick with it. No one wants to read today I did chest and did a barbell bench, incline press and a fly over and over again. I keep talking about going to a volume approach for awhile but I always put it off. I will write it out here when I do.

Today was a mild cardio day.  Walked fast outside for 4.7 miles almost 4.8.  Included six strides. I define strides as not quite sprints but not distance running pace. I pick out a landmark like a big tree on the trail I walk then make a mental note of my estimated distance. The marks I pick are between 300 yards and 40 yards. They are arbitrary.  Good to get a little "explosive" work on my fast walks. Completed the walk in one hour and eight minutes.

After I did heavy bag work for two three minute rounds. If you hit the heavy back video tape yourself.  You can see mistakes like are you covering up defensively? Are you bringing your hands back immediately after a punch? Are you moving your head and body or standing like a statue getting ready to get whacked back.  Also think how you would handle the punches coming to you? Will you cover up, bob and weave; move on your feet back. Just a few of the things I thought of. Work on feints too. Punch feints that are not thrown with bad intend that are meant to elicit a reaction so you can land the second punch with bad intent. Hitting the bag is fantastic workout in itself.  Anyone that has boxed can tell you after the first time by the second round they had trouble keeping up their hands up from fatigue. No wonder boxers and MMA guys do so much road work. Rocky Marciano did 5 to 8 miles a day back in the day.

Getting back to walking I wonder if guys realize what a fat melter fast walking is?  Walk far and fast and after a short week or two you will see a visible difference. Try for 4 to 6 times a week. I discovered the magic of fast walking from when I injured my Achilles sprinting 40 yard repeats. It stopped me from running for a very long time. I found after awhile I could walk with no pain so I did. My skin folds when down pretty quick. You burn about 100-120 calories walking fast per mile. So walking fast like I did today burned about 470 calories and maybe more with the strides thrown in. Hitting the bag for two rounds is about 76 calories. If I decrease my calorie food amount say 500 calories a day it's a huge deficit in a day.  I don't believe in the fuel used theory but walking uses fat for fuel and not glucose if you subscribe to that theory that it's the way to lose fat. I believe in the math of the total caloric cost. Yes, calories in and calories out.  It's just mathematical logic. Many lose weight with low carbohydrate diets for one simple reason. The diets  are lower in calories and it could be water loss too. Anyway between lifting, running, walking and diet you can be a fat burning furnace.  On a side note a true HIT protocol of 12 exercises for one work set was shown to burn less than 200 calories when they were done sitting in Nautilus machines. I know a typical barbell, dumbbell and machine protocol uses more calories than that. Any exercise whether cardio or lifting burns calories despite what previous research shows after the activity is over too.

When I use the term walking fast I'm talking about walking close to 4.0 MPH.  When I walk on a treadmill I set it at 3.8MPH. Go on a treadmill so you know about the pace I'm talking about when I say walking fast for fat loss.  Not talking about an old man stroll in the park.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 15, 2024, 01:20:38 PM
I've been neglecting this training log but I haven't stopped training. Tried some volume but how does anyone with a job and other obligations spend 2 plus hours in a gym almost every day?  I try to get the most bang for the buck and training to failure or near failure with low sets fits my life.

I will try to keep up the log for a week.  As if anyone cares, lol.

Chest and arms: In general two sets to failure. No warm ups if needed shown. I do many exercises without a warm up.

Barbell Bench press 2 x 6 then 1x1  (I get burned every time I barbell bench. My shoulders are shot so I never use a barbell. I use dumbbells instead. Trying again using slow controlled reps so hopefully I wont' fuck up or inflame anything.)

Incline barbell bench 2x6  (I have spotting racks for both flat bench and inclines so I won't die)

Dumbbell decline bench 2 x 8

Flat flies 2 x 10 (Tried to be precise so my shoulders won't scream in protest. So far, so good. )

V bar tricep pushdowns 2x12

EZ bar seated tricep extensions behind the head. 2x8 ( I lean back on scott pad turned around.)

Close grip bench with an EZ bar 2 x 8 (These are great but I keep thinking I'm going to get stuck and die. I can't position the spotter racks with the short bar. The EZ bar just feels right pushing on the curved part of the bar. Going to go to an Olympic bar even though the narrow grip feels awkward compared to the EZ bar. I then can use the spotter racks.)

Single arm reverse grip holding a D shaped handle 2 x 12

Barbell curl 2x10

Alternate dumbbell curl 2 x 8

Two hand dumbbell drag curl 2 x 12 (I lean back against the wall and let my elbows drift back to do the drag)

concentration curl 2 x 8 ( Increased the weight from what I normally use and my form and reps suffered. I might lighten the weight going back to a weight I fail at about 12 reps)

wrist curl 2 x25
wrist extension 2 x 20

Incline sit ups 1 x 29
Incline leg and hip raise 1 x 17
decline crunches 1 x 35 ( I use a decline bench and use the middle part of a sit up for constant tension)

Ivanko gripper 2 x 20

Some notes:  My pecs get more pumped with barbell presses than with dumbbells. For me I think I get a greater range of motion with a barbell. I touch the chest each rep without a crazy arch or a super wide grip. Even on inclines I touch the upper part of my chest with the bar each rep. If you use dumbbells be aware of the handle of the dumbbell. Are you really going deeper than a barbell?  I would argue the overwhelming majority are not coming close to the range of motion with a barbell.  If my shoulders hold up doing barbell benches with my planned slow progression I might even get around to using my McDonald bar collecting dust for decades for stretching presses.  I was never a good bench press guy. Always seems I'm pressing the barbell a mile off my chest. A buddy of mine a competitive power lifter seems to bench the bar a foot off his chest. No wonder he can use a sick amount of weight.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 16, 2024, 05:02:49 PM
Leg day: No warm ups shown. Reps are from memory so they can be off.

Work up nice and early before work. Saw a bunch of slush out there. Had to workout fast so I had time to shovel and clean the cars before heading out for work.

Leg press 2 x 12 (I have lightened the weight I usually use. I think the bone crushing weight was grinding my knee and hip up. Now I use a more precise movement and I don't go to absolute full range of motion anymore.)
Dumbbell squats 1x12 (This is a killer exercise. Use straps and squat deep with an upright back. Do not deadlift the dumbbells. Ass all the way down.)
Squat machine 1 x 10 (If your gym has a good one try it. I'm a big fan of machine squats.)
Stiff dead 1x6
leg extensions 2 x 20
Seated leg curl 2 x 15
Hip machine 2 x 12 (They vary greatly in their worth. Mine is okay not perfect. I have a standing model. The new hip thrust machines that work the glutes where you see all the women on are a fantastic addition to gyms. You will really feel it in your glutes. {Insert joke here}. Really deep squats hits the glutes hard but how many do deep squats? I will answer, very few.

Hanging leg raise with semi straight legs 1 x 29 (This great for traction of the lower back)
Hip ups while lying 1 x 35

Standing calf 2 x 15
Seated calf 2x15
tibalis 1 x 20

Four way neck machine 2 x 25 a side. For the back of the neck instead of using the four way neck machine I used and old fashion neck strap while seated. It felt like I was getting a more direct hit to it with the strap. So I did the front and the sides with the machine and the back with the neck straps.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 18, 2024, 09:31:18 AM
Back and delts:  Felt exhausted to start.

Wide grip pulldowns with a supinate grip with a MAG bar 2x10
Seated pulley lat pulls with a V handle 2 x 12
Dumbbell rows with knee and hand on bench 2 x 10
Narrow grip pulldowns with a supinate grip with a M.A.G bar 2 x 10

Standing delt dumbbell press 2 x 10-8
Dumbbell delt laterals 2 x 12
Seated rear delt laterals 2 x 10
Face pulls 2x12

Started Deadlifts warm ups and said fuck it. Exhausted. Going to pack a suit case and stay over night in Atlantic city going out to eat. Beginning to think due to age and maybe sickness I have to rethink heavy weights changing over to an endurance volume type workouts. This banging my head against a wall going to failure is not going to be a long time lifting model in my senior years. No shame going from a 100 meter sprinter to a 5K runner so to speak. Anyway putting lifting out of my mind for a night of fun. Who knows I might even take the wife dancing.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 19, 2024, 10:36:10 AM
Cut short my workout yesterday when I got to deadlifts. Felt like hell giving up but I was exhausted. Came back today from an Atlantic city over night. Yes, I drank and ate like a hog.  Sitting at home  I was getting more pissed off that I gave up on part of the workout yesterday. I went into the basement and finished it.

Dead lifts: Three warmups then 2x4 using 275lbs then 285lbs. 1x1 300lbs. Yes, I know light weights. Lower back was bugging me a bit from the 45 minutes ride back from AC in the ice.  I think I held my body tight driving from the stress. Doing my best, lol. A short 20 years ago I finished my lat and chest workout doing deadlifts finishing with over 400lbs every back day.

Barbell shrugs 2 x 10

Weighted low back hyper extensions 2x15 (used a 25lbs plate on the back of my head using the old horizontal hyper extension bench. Light years better than those new 45 degree hyper extension benches. I think who every designed them never used the old version. The new ones have the resistance disappear near the top of the movement and the horizontal keeps the resistance there.)

Ab wheel roll out 1 x 30
Pulley ab crunches 1 x 50

Reading interesting stuff from Steve Holman. Of course there is nothing new under the sun regarding lifting but his gift is explaining a training protocol even if he gives it a name like he invented it. Just a few things I find interesting.

4X:  He uses the X as his term for sets so it's 4 sets.  This protocol is as old as lifting. It could be 3 sets or 6 sets. Just if your doing multiple sets say 5 sets of 12 reps the first four you stop at 12 even though you can do more. The fifth set you go all out. You use the same weight throughout. Many champs have trained like this. So set one you stop at 12 but could have got 20 reps. The second set after a short rest you stop at 12 but you could have squeezed out 16. The third you stop at 12 but could have gotten 14. The fourth you stop at 12 but could have gotten 13. The fifth you go all out and fail at 8 reps. I invite you to look up his writings on lifting. Just know he makes up his own terms and it's confusing. He uses the term density for muscular endurance training. So when you hear him use the word  density training think volume training.

Another method that is apparently used by Ryan Humiston. Check out his you tube channel.  I think Holman calls this TORX. It's a high rep method with short rests between sets. Let's say your first set you fail at 30 reps or so. After a short rest you do your second set. This time you fail at say 17 reps. Short rest again and you go for the third set failing at 10 reps. Using the same weight throughout the exercise. Sounds like a brutal way to train with all the failure. Humiston said this is more brutal way to train than when he was using heavy weights and training slow. I believe him.  You have to get rid of your ego training like this. Ryan also recommends the occasional 100 rep set. Doesn't sound like fun. You can briefly rest pause in the goal of getting the 100 reps. Imagine doing a 100 reps in something like a hack squats going deep every rep? I don't know about you but I might have no weight on the weight holders trying to do this.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 22, 2024, 06:46:00 PM
Trained today but I think I will can posting this week. It's like a broken record. I did Chest and biceps with cardio at the end.

After this cycle for the week is over I hope to come up with a new training protocol. Maybe it's unique to me but once I find something that works I ride it out for many years. I remember when I was pre exhausting everything in the early 80's. I stuck with that for about ten years. I did leg extensions superset with squats. Chest flies super set with bench presses. Delt Laterals superset with Press behind the neck. Pullovers super set with chins. The list of pre exhaust goes on.

 Now I'm stuck on a variations of Yates methods. I think I need a break from low sets to failure. Time for volume but I keep backing away from it because my retirement job runs from 10A to 6P. On my feet a lot. I have to squeeze workouts in prior to work and volume can take a lot of time so I keep reverting to my Yates inspired 45 minute weight workouts. Today was about 45 minutes for weights and 45 minutes for cardio.

  I think in the end the experiment of one continues. It will never end. Clarence Bass said trainers should have an ownership philosophy of training. I think he means do what suits your body, life style and interests in training. It will carry you further than going down someone else's trail. Be inspired by what you hear about what someone else is doing but in the end make it your own is the right path.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 23, 2024, 05:25:44 AM
Trained legs today. Getting back into lunges or what they call single leg squats today.  I tried them walking with dumbbells. Something I have never done before. Usually I stand in one spot and lunge alternating legs. I see everyone walking now and wanted to try that. I really don't see the difference in walking and standing still alternating. One thing for sure I'm weak from not using them for ages.  I intend to correct that. It was a nice addition to my leg routine.

I think there is gold in lunges. It's how your legs work to run. I've noticed a surge in people praising lunges in video shorts and rightly so. One video I saw the guy praises them more than squats. Think of the old way of doing Olympic lifts. In the Clean and snatch they used the split technique. No one can argue that it lends itself to more weight that the squat technique. What I will argue is that the athletic transfer from split lifting is greater than the squat method.  Throw in some split snatches to your routine and I bet you will feel your sprinting speed go up quickly.  Want to be a better athlete, use lunges.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 25, 2024, 10:15:08 AM
Simple back workout. Yates one set to failure. No warm sets shown. Used them as I needed. For example for power cleans I started with the empty bar and my second warm up was with 115lbs and my third warm up with 135lbs. Truth is I wasn't feeling it but I powered through the workout. For pull downs I use a supinate M.A.G. bar. I have two. One narrow and one medium wide. I think they are fantastic. I mentioned this before. The rep count isn't always accurate. I do it from memory.

Power clean 3 x 3 then 1 x 1 (I like power cleans because they are athletic and a true power exercise. What I don't like is the arthritis in my elbows and shoulder limits my flexibility in the catch. Sometimes I wonder if I can get more flexibility if I did the movement more often?  I think every lifter should include at least one power movement in their workout that is athletic. Even if you don't catch the weight something like a fast high pull is an incredible exercise. Just pull the bar as if you were cleaning it but never complete the catch. (It is not an upright row but a clean without the catch at the shoulders) When I was a young sprinter it was a staple in my routine.   

Wide grip pulldown 1 x 12
Seated lat cable row with a V handle 1 x 15
Dumbbell lat row with a knee and hand on a bench 1 x 12
Narrow grip pulldown 1 x 12

Weighted back hyper extensions 1 x 21

Ab wheel roll out 1 x 30
Pulley crunches 1 x 50

The workout was over very quick. The one set to failure takes some recovery time between exercises. If you feel like you are about to keel over after a set breathing like a racehorse and know you couldn't have gotten one more rep you did proper training to failure. I didn't time the workout but I believe it was about 45 minutes. The power cleans slows down the workout. Just getting sick of deadlifts lately. Power cleans feels like I'm doing something athletic instead of typical bodybuilding isolation exercises. The body works as a unit in anything athletic and never in isolation. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 26, 2024, 09:58:56 AM
Delt and triceps day:  Still on Yates one set to failure. No warm ups shown but I used them as needed.  An example of this is I used an empty bar then 95lbs for a warm up for military presses. Most exercises get no warm up, especially those where I fail above 12 reps. I try to train strict with a full range of motion. Feeling good health wise. Like I said before, I will red line while feeling good.

Military press cleaning the barbell off the floor 1x8
Dumbbell delt lateral 1 x 20

Dumbbell rear delt lateral 1 x 15

Face pulls 1 x 20 (A relatively recent addition to my workouts. I think I added them about a year or two ago. Great exercise. I have a foot brace so I can brace myself. If I didn't have that the exercise becomes awkward when you add weight.)

Barbell shrugs 1x15 ( I try to do these strict so I sacrifice weight. So many put 300lbs plus and barely move their shoulders up then slam them down to the starting point. Good way to eventually crush nerves that comes out of your cervical vertebrae. I know a guy who is a life time lifter that has one much smaller arm from nerve damage. It was from the arm nerve being crunched that comes out of the vertebrae in his neck.)

Triceps pulley pushdowns 1 x 20 (I thought the exercise felt really easy when I glance down and realized I was using ten pounds lighter than I planned so I repped out to 20)

Single dumbbell with two hands behind the head seated leaning back against a turned around scott bench 1 x 13

Single dumbbell with one hand behind the head 1 x 12 (So weak with these.)

Weighted dips 1 x 10

Weighted crunches 1 x 50
Pulley crunches 1 x 60
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 27, 2024, 12:40:36 PM
Did jack today.  Walked fast for 4.7 miles. On the return I threw in some 400 meters to 40 meter strides (fast but nowhere near sprints). I rarely walk the trail by house on a Saturday. Surprised to see some people on the trail. It's not uncommon to see no one for many miles. It can be isolated.

 Saw four men that looked like outstanding runners.  They had the look of super lean muscle and they were flying. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 29, 2024, 06:17:17 PM
Trained chest and biceps. Even though I wanted to make a change it's so easy to fall back on old habits especially when I just roll out of bed in the dark before work. I know how long tried and true workouts take and wanting to experiment on a workday suddenly sounds stressful. Will it take too long? Will I decide volume isn't for me with the non taxing first few sets? I just fell back into my Yates inspired one set to failure after very non taxing warm up sets if needed. Lifted for about 45 minutes then did about 45 minutes of cardio. Like to talk about a seldom talked about topic of how exercise effects depression, anxiety and the feeling of well being. A whole book was written about the topic of exercise and the mind called Spark by a Psychiatrist whose name escapes me now. The book is pretty dry reading and he only deals with cardio with little about lifting.

Reference the effect of lifting vs cardio on the mind and sprit I sometimes have a dichotomy of feelings. Both for me raises my outlook on life and invigorates.  I have no proof but I feel after a heavy lifting session I gain in testosterone and well being. That I'm tired but I feel great for the day.

Cardio like running and fast walking also makes me feel great initially. The problem I feel and it just can be me is that I feel a crashing of exhaustion later and dare say the jitters? Could it be my age, health and doing this stuff before a long day of work influence how I feel?  Too put what I'm trying to say succinctly. After lifting I feel calm, secure and feel confident. Many of the same feelings with cardio but there are times where I feel run down and jittery like I drank too much coffee. Maybe it's just doing too much without enough recovery time prior to work.

Last week I did four lifting sessions for the week and two cardio sessions. Told the wife last week I might be in remission because I feel fantastic. I will find out shortly with my monthly blood tests if that's the case. Maybe that's a sweet spot for me of combining lifting and cardio.  My typical weekly goal, not often achieved is to have an equal ratio of lifting sessions to cardio sessions for the week when I'm going hard core.

 Today I lifted hard and had a semi hard cardio session. Felt like crap at work.  Tomorrow is just training leg with no cardio. Bet I will be in better sprits tomorrow with the heavy leg day with no additional cardio.   I have been noticing this for a long time. Maybe the cardio is just in simple terms is wearing me out. 

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on January 30, 2024, 07:46:08 AM
Over-Training (Overtonis)
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 30, 2024, 06:35:08 PM
Leg day: Leg day sucks followed closely by back day. Still a broken record with one set to failure sometimes using non taxing warm ups and many times no warm up. When doing one or two sets to failure if you feel the need for a warm up do it but make sure it's non taxing. All you energy should go into that red line one set to failure.

Someone like Yates who uses 415lbs for his barbell inclines for one set to failure starts with 135lbs. Second warm up 225lbs and lastly 315lbs. All of those sets are stopped well within his limit. For a mere mortal like myself, my warm up say for a single set of benches would be an empty bar then one set with 135lbs then load up the bar for that one set.

 Someone using volume doing something like 4 sets would make every set a work set but none to failure is the typical protocol. Leave an exercise with some (reps) unused  in the tank.  Another volume method is to something like 4 sets of 12 with three sets all stopped at 12 knowing you could get more and that fourth set going to failure.

  I think I mentioned it recently but I'm really seeing the gold with lunges. Got away from them for so many years and now I see the tremendous value with them.

  I lift weights like a bodybuilder doing the usual 3 or 4 exercises a body part. I would never would call myself a bodybuilder and looking at me you probably wouldn't either.  ;D  I like to think of my training as athletic but I do realize while I include explosive power stuff, I do way too little. It's so important. Just today I was looking at a montage of NFL running back Christian McCaffrey training. Many including myself consider him the best running back in the NFL today.  The plyometrics and explosive movements were so interesting to watch. I watched the video many times and I forgot where the link is or I would have included it here. He did stuff like quarter squats.  Sled drags, bounding and single leg step ups on bumper plates with a barbell on his back so he's stepping on a raised platform with one leg. Never seen any bodybuilder doing anything like that. He also did the football players favorite the power clean.

  Another video I saw was a guy showing explosive power plyometric type movements for the calves. A basic movement is keeping your knees semi locked and bounding up and down using calf power was one of the drills. So many different drills you can use regarding power movements. One is to get into the starting lunge position with one leg forward and one back. Dip then explode for height switching legs while in the air. Too make it bodybuilding related there is video of Franco jumping with two dumbbells. Sure he saw the value of doing an explosive movement. If nothing else I think every one who does bodybuilding training should include at least one power exercise like a power clean or a snatch.

  That's all I got for today. I'm sure my posts are good for insomnia relief.  Tomorrow is a planned three mile run. Hope I complete it with no glitches.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 31, 2024, 06:21:38 PM
Today was a cardio day and I blew it. Tired and exhausted. Drove to one of my favorite running areas. It's a park that has a one mile asphalt loop. I planned to run three miles and after one mile I said fuck it. Still pissed about that as I'm sitting in bed getting ready to go to sleep. Some say listen to your body. If I did I would eat ice cream sundaes and sleep 16 hours a day. I came back and my wife asked the same question she always asked, "Did you have a good workout?"  Pissed at myself for dogging the cardio.  I hit the heavy bag for a couple of rounds.

Going to regroup and come up with a new plan. Always hated winter running. The obvious alternative is a treadmill but I hate that too staring at a wall running in one spot. I spend a good time with a  word processor  thinking of what I can do cardio wise reference the weather and trying to be consistent with cardio. The best laid plans often never work out but I think I'm on to something. I came up with four different approaches. I will see how they work out.  I will post the results.

My best recent weight was around 164lbs about a year ago. I'm now 174 and I feel like a fat cow. I should go easier on myself because for nearly a decade I hovered about 185 plus and I didn't look that bad. I think I could actually go as low as the high 150's if everything aligns health wise and dedication wise. I'm not a bodybuilder but at 5'8" I thought the body was really coming together at 164lbs. Had a small waist and I was clicking on all cylinders. I have my health limitations but I feel really good lately. I have more blood work coming up in two weeks and I wouldn't be surprised if I'm in remission. If it turns out I'm not it would explain a lot why things aren't going my way reference training. Determined to be in great shape this beach season. It's February in a day. I have to get to work. What determines how you looks this summer is what you are doing right now. Time is running out.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 01, 2024, 11:21:30 AM
Trained back today. Really getting into power cleans even though I can't come close to what I use to use. Something fun about them compared to a grinding deadlift. My form is crap but I'm working on it. Arthritis really is limiting my catch of the weight. I can't bend one arm fully like it's frozen.

I'm always thinking about working out strategies. Everyone as Clarence Bass said must have an ownership principle regarding working out. Meaning be inspired by what you hear others are doing but make it your own.  I'm inspired by Yates but I don't use the same exercises. I always ask what the other guy is doing. It gives me ideas and it gives me inspiration if a guy is having success. It's not unusual for me to be with a pad and pen or computer figuring out strategies that could work for me. Just look at all the split variations. They are all good. So is without saying whole body routines.

I think for an athlete a whole body routine is the best way to add lifting into your training. The body fatigues as a unit and fatigue isn't just localized to the body part trained. Say you're into jui jitsu. You're really dedicated and roll four days a week. Can you do a split weight routine doing body part training in addition? How could you do that with a career and a family?  That's where a whole body routine really shines. Two days a week do a whole body routine in addition to your other physical activities. Never feel like you're not training optimally because you're not doing a split.

For a natural guy a whole body routine might be the "holy" grail of training.  I know it would be optimal to train with a whole body routine three days a week but just two works too. Hell, if life gets in the way using one workout week isn't a big set back. Most train body parts one day a week and with the over lap it isn't completely true but with a whole body you are doing it three days a week. I notice when I do a whole body I get stronger in many movements because they are repeated two to three times a week. Some thing like chins instead of doing them once a week they are hit three times a week and the progress becomes very apparent quickly.

Their is a drawback to whole body routines. They are without a doubt the hardest way to train. Even Mentzer after he won the Mr. America using them said the same. In one training session training legs, back, chest, shoulders, triceps, biceps, calfs and an incidental like neck is exhausting. Needless to say you have to limit your exercises per body part. Exercise choices can be change after a period like two or four weeks to give your mind a fresh outlook on training. Use the best exercises. An example of what I'm talking about is say one cycle you use the bench and flies. After two weeks or more when you change your exercises you use an incline press and say dips.

That's all for now and again if your having trouble with insomnia read my training logs. They will put you to sleep fast.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 02, 2024, 06:46:28 PM
Delt and Tri day: Doing one set to failure after warm up. On a few exercises I raised the weight and lowered the reps.

Military press 1 x 8
Dumbbell delt lateral raise 1x10  (used heavier dumbbells than I usually do. My bad shoulder is paying for it)
Rear delt lateral raise 1x14
Face pulls 1 x 15 (raised the weight. Seems to be the theme of this workout)
Barbell shrugs 1x13 (Upped the usual weight)

Traditional push downs 1x 14
Single Dumbbell with two hands behind the head tricep 1 x 13
Rope push downs 1 x 15
Weighted dips 1 x 10

Weighted crunches 1 x 50 (Used 5lbs heavier a weight than usual.)
Pulley crunches 1 x 60
Decline romans 1 x 40 (felt lower ab strain. I have to be careful)

Tomorrow is running. Gaining weight fast. Looking good but the waist is getting too thick. The weight just keeps creeping up. Getting into old bad habits of eating what ever I want and as much as I want. I have to get back to recording what I eat. Feeling strong but that's because I'm putting on weight. Looking good in a tee shirt is not the same as looking good shirtless. I really hope I don't choke tomorrow so I can get a good run in. Last time I ran really terrible. 

Regarding military presses I have some comments.  On a side note my son while in the military chipped his beautiful perfect teeth military pressing. I never came close to banging my chin or teeth but it makes me wonder if someday I will like he did. He had it repaired.

 For over 30 years my main shoulder pressing movement was the full range press behind the neck. Never had an issue. I think many have such tight shoulders from benching, and the movement requires flexibility that leads to tear injuries.

 Many Olympic lifters practice holding the bar on their traps then they push press it out while dropping into a squat with the bar over head. Never heard them say it was damaging to their shoulders and they use serious weight. I want to get back to the press behind the neck but between my shoulders being all messed up from a partial rotator cuff tear, torn labrum and just inflexibility I don't know if my shoulders can take the movement anymore. The only option is to start very light and work from there if I go back.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 03, 2024, 11:01:17 AM
Did light cardio. Walked fast for 4.7 miles with some strides thrown in. Not a sprint but fast running between 300 yards and 40 yards today. Think I did 7 of them.  Something about fast walking is magic. It melts fat and it doesn't seem like exercise. I do walk really fast though. Something about walking though hurts my ego. Walking is great  for your health but it's hardly seems athletic. I hope to get into good running shape and that means I'm going to have to neglect somewhat the lifting. I'll see how it goes. I use to be good runner. Now you can time my runs with an hour glass.  I just might abandoned this transition to running. I want to be in good running shape by summer but who knows how that will go? Maybe I don't have it in me anymore. I will walk at first before transitioning to slow running and take it from there. I have a fantasy of being able to run like I use to but I will take, he runs great for a 65 year old at this point, lol.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 04, 2024, 01:02:54 PM
This Sunday I did a walking treadmill workout. I call this work out the ladder because every lap you go up 1% incline climbing the ladder of intensity.

Lap 1: 3.8 MPH at 0% incline (grade) for one lap (440 yards-quarter mile)
Lap 2: 3.8 MPH at 1% incline for one lap (440 yards-quarter mile)
Lap 3: 3.8 MPH at 2% incline for one lap
Lap 4: 3.8 MPH at 3% incline for one lap
Lap 5: 3.8 MPH at 4% incline for one lap
Lap 6: 3.8 MPH at 5% incline for one lap
Lap 7: 3.8 MPH at 6% incline for one lap
Lap 8: 3.8 MPH at 7% incline for one lap
Lap 9: 3.8 MPH at 8% incline for one lap
Lap 10: 3.8 MPH at 9% incline for one lap
Lap 11: 3.8 MPH at 10% incline for one lap
Lap 12: 3.8 MPH at 11% incline for one lap
Lap 13: 3.8 MPH at 12% incline for one lap
Lap14: 3.8 MPH at 0% incline for one lap

I think it was harder to type out that workout than it was to do it.

 I remember when I ripped my bicep entirely off my forearm and it balled up at my shoulder decades ago. I thought lifting was over. I had the operation then ordered not to do exercise or even rehab for 6 weeks. I remember doing rehab with stuff like two pound weights and other ridiculous stuff. Even though it was a bicep the whole arm felt destroyed. I remember doing a bench with a 45lbs bar saying to myself lifting was over.

I thought I could go back to being a pure runner. I did workouts like the one above with my arm in a sling. Every day just about I did a challenging walking program on the treadmill.  Then when the sling came off I started running. I found I could run like a deer from the weeks of treadmill walking on an incline. It took six months of really hard work to get the damaged arm working again. I had nerve damage too from the injury.

 At about 6 or 7 months I went back to my orthopedic surgeon and told him I tested the arm with a 405lb deadlift to see if the bicep could take it and he was pissed. He said do you want to wreck my work?  When you have a full tendon rupture it is most repairable in the first five days. I was operated on five days after. All I can say is the doc did a great job. For decades now the arm works.

 Long story short, I got into incredible cardio shape during the injury and rehab. I use to run with two guys from work  that did nothing but running. Prior to the injury I couldn't keep up with them. Fast forward to post injury.

 During lunch at work it was popular with the guys to hit the gym or the road for miles. I ran three miles hard and when I returned to the locker room I found the two guys I work with getting ready to run. Both were super lean pure runners. They were saying, too bad you ran already you could have run with us. Told them I would run again. I blew both of them out of the water running that day.

  Morale to the story. Never underestimate fast walking. It will get you in shape. Put in the miles. Especially if you use a treadmill and an incline. The transition to running will be quick after a break in week if you put in the miles fast walking.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 05, 2024, 06:06:01 PM
Putting off a running dedicated workouts for one more week. The plan for next week is to lift twice a week and run the other days. My planning of workouts is ever evolving at least in my head. This morning before work I planned to do a whole body workout but I didn't think I had enough time so I canned it in favor of the split routine I have been doing lately.  I also hesitated knowing how devastated it leaves me doing an involved full body routine. I said it before and I will say it again a comprehensive whole body routine is the absolute hardest routine you can do.

Today I did chest and biceps. Then did a cardio session of incline walking. I did one lap (quarter mile) of running when I finished my incline walking ladder workout described in a previous post above. I was completely shot but I did it in 6:59 pace or 8.6 MPH.  Later at work about 5 hours into the shift I started to feel like I was crashing.  When I was younger training and going to work was just part of the deal. Now that I'm older it seems it gets harder to do every year. Sitting in bed now at 8:30P so I can get up tomorrow before work to hit legs, ugh. 

I penned out a change in workouts for next week. Hope it works out. I will document it so my one reader can read it, lol.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 06, 2024, 06:38:03 PM
Woke up at 5:30A before work and did legs in my basement.

Walked 3.8 MPH for a quarter mile to wake myself up. No warm ups shown.

Leg press 1 x 13 4 plates a side. (I don't consider it rep until my legs are fully bent like an Olympic squat. It limits the weight because I'm not doing quarter or half leg presses but I feel the long range of motion works the legs harder than piling on plates and barely bending your legs. Get that back board low so you can bend your legs and lighten the weight)

Squat machine 1 x 11 2 plates a side and going rock bottom.

Stiff dead 1x 8 205lbs ( I stand on a block to do these. I go pretty low.)

Lunges 1 x 9 reps a leg. Used really two light dumbbells (30lbs) but tried to be strict and deep with the form.

leg extensions 1 x 27 (No weight mentioned. It just differs from machine to machine. In the gym I had the pin at the 150lbs labeled plate. In my home gym 80lbs feels as heavy at the 150lbs gym machine.

Seated leg curl 1x17

Hanging semi straight leg raises 1 x 30

Hip ups 1x35 (On my back with feet pointed at the ceiling. Raise your hips toward the ceiling off the floor like you are trying push your feet up. Not a leg raise but a hip up so to speak)

Standing calf raise 1 x 17 205lbs

Seated calf raise 1 x 20 90lbs ( seen guys using insane amount of weight in seated calf raises. I can't. Saw a powerlifter had 45lbs plates stacked almost to the end of the weight bar. Then proceeded to move his heels up and down shallow like a monkey humping a football. If I attempted that no doubt I would break something)

Tibalis raise 1 x 22 15lbs with a D.A.R.T type contraption

Four way neck machine 1 x 25 for front and the two sides. For the back I was seated doing a typical neck harness. I feel these more for the back  than the machine for the back of the neck.

I reluctantly put the weights down because it's meaningless. One guy will put 600lbs on the leg press and do shallow leg presses oblivious that  using half that weight but doing slow full range is actually harder. Leg press machine really vary in design.  Some are just made horrible. Some are really good.  I have a cheap Serious Steel leg press and it's designed perfectly for me. I can fully bend my legs with it. I don't think the company exists anymore. Again putting the weight down is meaningless because of differing range of motions and rep speed both positive rep and negative.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 07, 2024, 12:08:17 PM
Got on the treadmill for cardio. Turned it on then said fuck it. I got off.  Sometimes you have to know when to take a day off.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 08, 2024, 11:51:54 AM
Trained back with one set to failure. No warm ups shown. The only exception to one set to failure are the power cleans. You can laugh at the weights I use. I'm 65 with blood cancer. I'm doing my best. I always try to do a full range of motion and a moderate speed rep cadence.

Power cleans 3 x 3  140lbs, 145, 150lbs then 1 x 1 165lbs (I know I can do a lot more but taking a break in period because I haven't been doing these in awhile. My rack or catch is horrific from arthritis and a lack of flexibility. Working on getting those elbows up at the catch. )

Medium wide pulldowns with a supinate M.A.G bar 1 x 12 140lbs (Upright back. No lean back and heave.)
Seated lat pulley rows with a V handle 1 x 14 180lbs (All the way out and back)
Dumbbell rows 1x12 95llb (dead hang and all the way up)
Narrow pulldowns with a supinate M.A.G. bar 1 x 12 135lbs

Weighted lower back hyper extensions 1 x 15 35llbs plate behind my head

Ab wheel roll out 1x30
ab pulley 1 x 50

After I walked fast on a trail by my house for 4.7 miles. The trail is a long abandoned railroad tracks. The county ripped out the tracks and put down cider for walking surface. My turn around is a bridge but I could get many more miles if I wanted because the trail keeps going. It's a nice trail but so isolated. During the fast walk I threw in about 7 stride runs from about 300 yards down to 40 yards. I never put on running clothes for my walks. I must look like a criminal running in my blue jeans when I do my strides. In 4.7 miles I saw three people. One was a very young mother pushing a baby stroller. She must have no fear. Maybe she is packing, lol.  Again a very isolated trail.

I think a conservative estimate for calories used today is about 700.  A pound of fat is 3500 calories. I have to keep creating deficits through exercise and diet. I hope to eat 400 calories less than what I typically eat today. Superbowl Sunday I will eat like a pig.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on February 09, 2024, 06:00:42 AM
In 4.7 miles I saw three people. One was a very young mother pushing a baby stroller. She must have no fear. Maybe she is packing, lol.  Again a very isolated trail.

Definitely not smart for her.

Good workout.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 09, 2024, 12:39:12 PM
Definitely not smart for her.

Good workout.

I'm always looking behind me on the trail and usually carry a .38 snub or a sub compact 9mm. I also carry pepper spray for the wild dogs I encounter. One dog had me pinned against a guide rail on that trail they put up to keep the ATV's off the trail. I love dogs and at the last minute of growling at me he saw another dog and ran for it. Don't get me wrong. I love dogs. I would only pepper spray as a last resort.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 09, 2024, 01:15:42 PM
Delt and tricep day. One set to failure. Upped the weight and lowered the reps in a few exercises. When doing just one set high reps seems to be in order.

Military press 1 x 8 115lbs. (Cleaned the weight and lowered the weight all the way down for a full range of motion)
Dumbbell delt laterals 1 x 10 30lbs
Rear delt laterals 1 x 14 35lbs
Face pulls 1 x 15 100lbs
Barbell shrugs 1 x 14 255lbs (I say this all the time. Be careful with these. You can damage nerves using the weight of house and shrugging  an inch range of motion crashing down on the negative. Better to use a light weight with perfect positive and negative stroke. Damage an arm nerve coming out of your neck and you will have one painful weak arm. The operation to repair that isn't fun.)

Tricep pushdowns 1 x 10 ( I upped the weight and it was too much. My form suffered and elbows hurt.)
Close grip bench 1x9
Rope pushdowns 1 x 19
Weighted dips 1x10 (dug deep and they weren't shallow or half reps.)

Weighted crunches 1 x 50 20lbs behind my head
Pulley crunches 1x60
Decline crunch/situp 1 x 40 (I find the hardest part of the sit up and do a semi crunch situp)

Rehab exercises: I don't even know what to call these. I'm standing and I bend over at about 40 degrees. I hold two dumbbells at my sides I push them back. Seems to make my bad shoulders feel better. The second rehab was pullovers with dumbbells. I don't do these for strength but to get the stretch. I lie on a bench and use a dumbbell in each hand. I start holding them together and each rep I go a little wider then I come back again for a total of 12 reps. Also did a few shoulder stretches. I will describe them at another time. Tired of typing.

For cardio after the weights I walked fast for 4.7 miles with about 7 running strides for an estimated 300 to 40 yards. I felt really fast with the strides. Not exactly sprints but they are fast running. Really surprised how fast I felt doing these.

Having a glass or two (liar, more like four) of Italian Cabernet .  Took a walk on the bayside boardwalk with the wife. When we moved to the area were were shocked driving down by the bay.  Nothing but marsh on the west as far as the eye can see with zero houses. I can't describe how scenic it is. Really is one of the most interesting places in NJ that I have seen. A hidden gem. When we moved we found a little over a  mile board walk by the bay with amazing little (expensive) houses there. Believe me no one outside of this area knows about the bayside boardwalk by my house.  In the summer they have a yacht club that teaches kids how to sail. It's so cute watching these little kids go out in their 5 foot sail boats learning how to sail. Wish I knew how to sail. Can you see me in a little 5 foot sail boat?  In the depths of winter the ice boats come out and  go shockingly fast across the frozen bay on their rails. 

I have to be in remission. Next week I have my monthly blood tests. I see the blood oncologist the week after. Told the wife today I feel damn good. I'm tired most of the time but I don't think it's the cancer. I do burn the candle on both ends. I'm so curious what the blood tests will reveal. About a month ago my lymph glands in one arm pit blew up. Called the doc and he said come in immediately. Lucky for me he wanted to see if it would go down in a week and it did. He said if it doesn't come down he was starting chemo.  To reiterate, I feel pretty good. If the blood tests say other wise I'm going to be pissed.  I'm confident my levels will be good. Wishful thinking? I don't think so. I feel good. I even feel my sex drive is coming back strong. That's a very good sign, lol.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 10, 2024, 11:32:32 AM
Ran 5.26 miles today.  Hit the heavy bag after.  I ran slow but I felt it.  I had doubts whether I would hold up for it but I did. Now sitting like a zombie typing this training log.  Maybe I will take off Superbowl Sunday.  Wife bought ribs and some of the family said they would come. Why don't they hold the damn game on a Saturday. Don't they know a huge percentage of the population has to work the day after?

Weighed 172lbs today. Trying to get to the low 160lbs. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on February 10, 2024, 07:30:24 PM
Nice rich,,,prayers and thoughts are with you…I’m sure you have great support group in family,have to u married an Italian.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 11, 2024, 08:50:36 AM
Nice rich,,,prayers and thoughts are with you…I’m sure you have great support group in family,have to u married an Italian.

She is very Italian, lol. Thank you. I'm feeling really good lately. This coming Wednesday another round of blood tests. Just about every month I'm going.  If I get bad news I will be shocked. The first test with this blood oncologist he sent to a pathologist to hand examine. He gave an exact percentage of how many cancer cells I was producing compared to normal white cells. I don't think he is redoing that test again that cost $10,000.  He running tests that some of which I heard of and some of which I haven't. If he is running that $10K test again my insurance is going to have a fit.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 11, 2024, 08:52:46 AM
Cardio day again. I'm over doing it. Very stiff from yesterday's 5 plus mile run. I just ran a slow 2 miles today and truth be told I should have been doing nothing today. Felt like I was running like a 110 year old man. Ran in the 9 minute/mile range. Super bowl time and I can't even have a beer because my alarm going off Monday at 5AM comes really fast.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 12, 2024, 06:18:03 PM
It was a work out day but tired from the Super Bowl. Normally I wake up early before work and hit the weights. Alarm went on and I reset it. Did jack physically today. I needed the rest. Felt good at work. I normally walk into work completely spent from working out. Felt strangely calm instead of exhausted yet amped out my mind like I had 4 cups of coffee. The morale to the story is rest is good as long as you don't use it as an excuse to be lazy.

On a side note three of the four women I work with could be movie stars and one a model. Yes, that good looking. A 25 year old Jennifer Anniston has nothing on these young blonds. All three not married. I don't know why I typed this? Maybe just because I enjoy when some guy I know comes to see me at work they immediately comment on the girls. It's funny but the friends that are fat and old with gargoyle faces actually think they have a chance with these women. Must be a genetic thing with men to give them confidence with women. Most guys are delusional about their looks. Ask an attractive girl to rate them self and they will say something like a seven but fat ugly slob of a guy will say an eight to a nine.

In bed at 9PM. Rest is good. Hope I don't have my recurring dream of eating giant marshmallows. I can't keep buying pillows. I'll go away now.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 13, 2024, 07:20:36 PM
Chest and arms:

Bench barbell 2x6 then 1 x 1
Incline barbell 2x6
Dumbbell declines 2 x 8
Flat flies 2 x 10

Tricep pushdowns 2 x 12 (Used a V bar)
EZ bar seated leaning back on a turned around scott pad for tricep extensions 3x8
Rope tricep 2 x 10
Dips 2 x 10

Barbell pulley curls with a straight bar 2x10
Alternate dumbbell curls 2x8
Dumbbell drag curls 2 x12
Dumbbell scott curls one arm at a time 2x10

Wrist curls 2 x 25
Wrist extensions 2x 20
Ivanko gripper 2  20

Incline sit ups 1x30
Incline leg raise 1 x 19 ( I think I get more out these than hanging. It's more strict like doing a scott curl as opposed to standing barbell curl)

I've come to the realization that I have to use a diet app. Just winging the diet doesn't work for me. I have to be accountable for everything I eat. I have to get on the scale tomorrow but I think it's obvious to me that I'm gaining weight. When I don't record everything I eat, I just over eat. Again I use the Lose It app on my Iphone.  It's free and simple to use. Using it you just record everything you eat and it shocks me how much I use to eat. Recording just puts it in black and white in your face when to stop eating for the day.

 While I created a deficit from working out I also have to control the eating. My appetite is huge. I can literally gain 5 lbs in week if I'm not vigilant. I've never been disciplined with diet. I hope to lose 10lbs then go for a new goal. That ten pounds in my mind seems like an impossible task.

I was talking to an endocrinologist awhile back. I asked him how to increase natural testosterone fast. He said, Lose body fat. So not only will losing body fat make your body look better it will also increase test.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Donny on February 14, 2024, 03:31:05 AM
Chest and arms:

Bench barbell 2x6 then 1 x 1
Incline barbell 2x6
Dumbbell declines 2 x 8
Flat flies 2 x 10

Tricep pushdowns 2 x 12 (Used a V bar)
EZ bar seated leaning back on a turned around scott pad for tricep extensions 3x8
Rope tricep 2 x 10
Dips 2 x 10

Barbell pulley curls with a straight bar 2x10
Alternate dumbbell curls 2x8
Dumbbell drag curls 2 x12
Dumbbell scott curls one arm at a time 2x10

Wrist curls 2 x 25
Wrist extensions 2x 20
Ivanko gripper 2  20

Incline sit ups 1x30
Incline leg raise 1 x 19 ( I think I get more out these than hanging. It's more strict like doing a scott curl as opposed to standing barbell curl)

I've come to the realization that I have to use a diet app. Just winging the diet doesn't work for me. I have to be accountable for everything I eat. I have to get on the scale tomorrow but I think it's obvious to me that I'm gaining weight. When I don't record everything I eat, I just over eat. Again I use the Lose It app on my Iphone.  It's free and simple to use. Using it you just record everything you eat and it shocks me how much I use to eat. Recording just puts it in black and white in your face when to stop eating for the day.

 While I created a deficit from working out I also have to control the eating. My appetite is huge. I can literally gain 5 lbs in week if I'm not vigilant. I've never been disciplined with diet. I hope to lose 10lbs then go for a new goal. That ten pounds in my mind seems like an impossible task.

I was talking to an endocrinologist awhile back. I asked him how to increase natural testosterone fast. He said, Lose body fat. So not only will losing body fat make your body look better it will also increase test.
Interesting comparision Rich but i use a hanging leg raise bench so my back is supported with the pad. Hanging Reverse Crunches is the ultimate crunch variation.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 14, 2024, 06:20:17 PM
I've been thinking. I have to get more serious about working out. While my health is good I have to put more thought into training and get with the program.  I will type out tomorrow my recent thoughts on the matter. You can read them if you have trouble sleeping.

In my mind I think I have the program that will get me to where I want to be. "The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry, and leave us nothing but grief and pain, for promised joy!" comes to mind. I hope I can implement what I'm thinking of and planning.

 I'm not a bodybuilder. I take zero drugs and not even so called testosterone replacement. I like to think of myself as an athlete but that's debatable at my age. What I picture as success is a lean, strong body with a big gas tank of endurance. I have to get to work.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Donny on February 15, 2024, 05:05:49 AM
I've been thinking. I have to get more serious about working out. While my health is good I have to put more thought into training and get with the program.  I will type out tomorrow my recent thoughts on the matter. You can read them if you have trouble sleeping.

In my mind I think I have the program that will get me to where I want to be. "The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry, and leave us nothing but grief and pain, for promised joy!" comes to mind. I hope I can implement what I'm thinking of and planning.

 I'm not a bodybuilder. I take zero drugs and not even so called testosterone replacement. I like to think of myself as an athlete but that's debatable at my age. What I picture as success is a lean, strong body with a big gas tank of endurance. I have to get to work.

Having a goal in mind is half the battle
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 16, 2024, 07:31:13 PM
Having a goal in mind is half the battle

99% of winning is mental the other half is physical.  I just mangled a quote by Yogi Berra.

Haven't trained in four days. Not feeling well. Every time I think I'm doing well I get a set back. I have to keep pushing when I feel good and resting when I don't. Hopefully two steps forward and one back cause two steps backward and one forward stinks, lol.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 17, 2024, 10:53:54 AM
I can't be consistent with this logging. It seems too much work, lol. Today was a cardio day. A little bit of snow and ice out there so I was on the treadmill. I did 8 x quarter miles (440 yards). The break down is below of the intervals.

First lap (quarter mile) at 3.8 MPH
Second lap at 6.9 MPH (8:42 mile pace)
Third lap at 3.8 MPH (I walk fast for a lap for the rest interval)
Fourth lap at 7.1 Mph (8:27 mile pace)
Fifth lap at 3.8 MPH
Sixth lap at 7.3 MPH (8:13 mile pace)
Seventh lap at 3.8 MPH
Eight lap at 7.6 MPH (7:54 mile pace)
Ninth lap at 3.8 MPH
Tenth lap at 7.8 MPH (7:42 mile pace)
Eleventh lap at 3.8 MPH
Twelfth lap at 8.0 MPH (7:30 mile pace)
Thirteenth lap at 3.8 MPH
Fourteenth lap at 8.3 MPH (7:14 mile pace)
Fifteenth lap at 3.8 MPH
Sixteenth lap at 8.6 MPH (6:54 mile pace)
Seventeenth at 3.8 MPH

After I boxed for two rounds hitting the heavy bad and practiced some defense. I know these times for the intervals are slow as hell but I'm trying. Health willing let's see where I will be come this summer.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 18, 2024, 12:35:29 PM
Went for a run in a park today. I intended to do 3 miles. After one mile in the cold and wind I said fuck it. Came home and had a light beer and the wife said let's go to an Italian restaurant by my house. Had some California Cab wine there and ate great for an early diner.  The music playing was great. Dino and Louie Prima were some of the singers I remember. Came home and I saw the Blanky deadlift thing here. I think I can do that right now and I  bet I'm 60lbs lighter than him. Well at least tomorrow when I'm sober, lol. 

On a side note. I have to say I have a great wife. She's Italian so a little loud and emotional but I wouldn't have it any other way. Her sisters are a natural red head, blond and two a brunettes. Yes, Italians can have those hair colors. My wife was a blond till around 30 where it turned brownish.  I'm drunk and I might delete this post, lol.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 19, 2024, 10:52:32 AM
My workouts have become a broken record. All last week I got out a pen and paper trying to decide what I would be doing this week. It all looked in the end to be overly ambitious. Nothing is worse than thinking you have a great program and in the end it isn't doable. This morning I gathered five sheets of paper of different workouts and decided I'm not even going to attempt it. I will revamp with a new program soon.

 I think it's going to be old school. Going to try to stay away from failure for the most part for awhile. I think staying with the same weight for multiple sets and maybe rep out the last set is something workable. Kind of like what Steve Holman describes with his 4x but call a spade a spade. It's been done well before he called it 4x or Weider research clinic called it a training principle. I don't want to say an easier way to train but maybe shift the weight work to more of a muscular endurance model. Training low sets to exhaustion is getting on my nerves. Just when I try to train any other way I feel like I'm wimping out if I don't do my reps till I'm close to death, lol.

 Having said all that, one more week of one set to failure.  Trained chest, biceps, forearms and abs. Four exercises for chest and four for biceps.

  After lifting I did a cardio session of fast walking on an incline in my ladder routine I typed about previously. I went up to only a 7% grade (incline). Ended it with one lap of (440 yards) at 8.6 MPH or a 6:59 mile pace. 

   I have to cut down on drinking. I only drink three days a week but I think even that's too much.  Yesterday at an Italian restaurant we had a bottle of wine on the table. Today I woke up with what felt like a dead raccoon in my mouth and I felt like Biden walking up a flight of stairs.   

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on February 20, 2024, 12:19:16 PM
You train hard.

Always going to failure is stressful though.

I think you are on the right track.

It's ok to have one drink a day, maybe 5 times a week...1 oz alcohol.

Beyond that is too much.

Cut the carbs and sugars down is my suggestion.

Food is medicine.

I only drink hard liquor as it has no carbs. 

Last nite had a shot of bourbon.

You're a good man so stay alive.

I'm on vacation in Daytona Beach this week.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 20, 2024, 07:05:44 PM
You train hard.

Always going to failure is stressful though.

I think you are on the right track.

It's ok to have one drink a day, maybe 5 times a week...1 oz alcohol.

Beyond that is too much.

Cut the carbs and sugars down is my suggestion.

Food is medicine.

I only drink hard liquor as it has no carbs. 

Last nite had a shot of bourbon.

You're a good man so stay alive.

I'm on vacation in Daytona Beach this week.

Enjoy the beach. When I drink I usually stay way from too many carbs but wine has a lot. I usually drink hard liquor or something like a Corona Premium that is very low in carbs. You recommend five drinks a week. Can I have them all at one sitting?  (Joke) Enjoy your vacation. I have my southern vacation booked for June in South Carolina. It's funny but when I was a teenager I greatly admired the bodybuilder Joe Means. He won best legs and most muscular in the 1975 Mr. America. The gym I train at in Myrtle beach on vacation is the same gym he trains at now.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 20, 2024, 07:53:11 PM
Leg day. Woke up before work and I wasn't happy about it. I was so tempted to go back to sleep. I went in my basement gym and I walked fast for a quarter mile on the treadmill to wake up. I have been finding it's working out really well. It also lessons the arthritic pains I have in one hip and knee.

I don't list warm ups and truth be told I do very few. I did do two sets of warm ups before my one set to failure on the leg press.

 A few days ago I experimented with my hack machine. Found I was really weak in the movement having not done it for quite awhile. What pisses me off about my hack machine is that it has safety stops that are non adjustable.  It feels like I can go about six inches deeper but I hit that safety catch. Maybe I will include them in the future. I just wish I had a hack machine where I could adjust the depth with the safety catch. Then again how deep is too deep before it causes problems?

I'm giving up dumbbell scott curls because I'm feeling a strain. I don't want to rupture my bicep so they are out. On the same concept of going too deep maybe if I went too deep in the hack I could mess up my knees. I don't know. In the commercial gym before covid I could go rock bottom on that machine. It was scary thinking I could have gotten stuck but it felt right. Anyway, only me can type paragraphs on the hack exercise, lol.  Are you getting sleepy reading this?

Sometimes the reps listed are an approximation as it's from memory.

Leg press 1 x 17 (Fore decades I went sick low with these. I started feeling my hip hurting and a knee. Now I go deep but I could go a little deeper but no more will I fully bend the legs. I don't want to damage my body.)

Machine squats 1 x 11 (These feel great on my legs and glutes. I feel like a wimp that I'm not using barbell squats but it's  so easy to do perfect squats with a machine. I will keep the squat machine in my rotation. It works.)

Dumbbell lunges 1 x 9 each leg (For many decades when I used lunges I always used a barbell. Dumbbells are working too. Maybe when I get to a good weight I will use the barbell again.)

Stiff deads off a block 1 x 8 ( I use straps and I slightly round my back to go low. I know the current trend is to keep a flat back but these work for me.)

leg extension 1 x 25

Seated leg curl 1 x 17

Hanging leg raise 1 x 30
Hip ups 1 x 35 (On back and I push the feet toward the ceiling.)

Standing calf 1 x 20
Seated calf 1 x 20
tib work

Four way neck 1 x 30 a side finished with the neck harness seated for the back of the neck for a set.

I staggered upstairs and the wife asked the same question as always, "Did you have a good workout?" I swear I think she thinks I'm having fun down there instead of torturing myself. She must think I have a big smile on my face working out. She never ever goes in the basement. I told her a couple of times, If I drop dead from a heart attack working out she wouldn't notice till about 8 hours after I went into the basement or the next day. She would just think it's a long workout.

 The crazy thing is when she was young she was a great athlete. She could do a standing flip. She even played softball in a bar team with men when she was 16. When I ask her if she wants me to train her she gets a look in her eyes of fear and says no. She says I would be too hard on her. I swear if I handed her a one pound dumbbell she would say I'm trying to kill her with the crazy heavy weight. She has had  major spine problems. She had a very elaborate spine operation. It was very successful and it took away her pain. A neuro surgeon operated.  After that she was actually walking a few blocks everyday but soon gave it up. When we married she was 118lbs pounds. I wish she cared about her health now but her goal now is to not move as much as she can. Yes, I love her.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 21, 2024, 10:57:24 AM
Went to the blood oncologist today. He is board certified in three fields. Maybe the best doctor I have ever dealt with. He's very good at explaining things and takes the time. I was dreading this visit because of the unknown.  He monitors me roughly every month with a bunch of blood tests. He showed me a graph of all the blood tests related to cancer and he said I'm stable from month to month.  He said instead of every month he will see me in six months!  I see this as a home run.  I hate going to that waiting room and seeing all those seriously sick cancer patients and here I am looking healthy. Some are in wheel chairs and some on gurneys. His office is in a hospital. I had a feeling I was in remission because I'm training hard. So my cancer levels are not advancing for now. I will take it. Told him if I die I'm not paying the bill. He gave me a smile.

Regarding the training log. I'm doing jack shit today.  Not sure what the terms means but I think it means I'm doing nothing. If it means some character named jack is pooping I don't mean that.  I got on the treadmill today and started a warm up then said fuck it.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 22, 2024, 10:14:37 AM
Back day:  I rarely get really stiff and sore. Don't know what's going on buy I feel like it's the day after a marathon. I went to pick something off the floor and felt like a 90 year old man, lol. Of course I didn't take a day off and I trained back. Still doing that one set to failure. Reps are not always accurate. Done from memory. No warm sets shown. If I need them I do them but more times than not I go right to the work set.

Medium grip pulldowns with a M.A.G bar 1x12 145lbs (I don't lean back and heave. I know most use that technique but I keep upright and strict. Who knows? Maybe I should use a hell of a lot more weight and use the lean back method where it becomes half a pull down and a partial row. Maybe I'm doing it wrong?

Seated cable rows with a V handle attachment. 1 x12 190lbs (I go all the way out and all the way back trying to never lean back. After I got up from this my one leg hurt. Strangest thing ever. Never felt that before. Did I twist it or is it one of those old man phantom injuries? I can't even pin point where it hurts except more to the inside of the thigh.

Dumbbell row 1 x 10 95lbs (dead hang and all the way up.)

Narrow pulldown with a supinate M.A.G. bar 1x12 (Thought about ending the workout because of the strange pain in my leg but since common sense goes out the window when I train. I continued.)

Deadlifts 1 x 6 275lbs (Used a light weight and since I was prefatigued from training lats I still felt it. The hurt leg held up. Lucky I didn't fuck it up further.)

Weighted hypers for the lower back 1x20 25lbs plate behind my head (I use an old horizontal hyper bench, so much more superior to these new 45 degree benches where the resistance disappears near the top.)

Ab wheel 1 x 30
Ab pulley crunch 1 x 50

Regarding supplements I take a bunch of stuff but sometimes I wonder if it's doing anything?

1. A multi
2. zinc
3. vitamin D
4. Vitamin K (I had a bad PSA test. Urologist said he wanted to do a biopsy where they perforate different sections of your prostate with a thick needle to sent it to the lab. The infection rate is so high they put you on antibiotics after the procedure.  Someone on this board said Vitamin K is great for the prostate. I started taking it. When my urologist took advanced PSA tests they came back normal. Now my dose is six times higher than what I took for that test. No clue if the great secondary test and third advanced PSA test came back great because of the Vitamin K but I will take it for life now.)
5. Fish Oil ( I take a quality fish oil because of the hype of it's good for your heart. If you get lost in google it's very controversial if it does anything good for the heart. One study says yes and then another big study says no. Kind of like vitamin K with the Prostate. I take a quality fish oil so I'm going to error on the side of caution.
6. Magnesium ( I stopped taking this because I suspect it gave me the runs. I will try it again to see if it comes back)
7. On lifting days I take a 30 gram bottle of lactose free Fairlife protein right after the work out. It's light years better tasting than anything I have ever tried in many decades of buying the typical bodybuilding proteins. Zero stomach upset and a lot of first class protein in that little bottle. You can find it in Costco and BJ's.  Don't order it off Amazon. It's sick over priced there.

That's all for today.  Bet you were asleep before you read this sentence.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: SweetDaddySiki on February 23, 2024, 07:35:52 AM
Love your logs Oldtimer and read them daily. What kind of Zinc do you take? I keep reading that some forms of zinc (glycinate or something?) aren't good for you but I don't know how true that is.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 23, 2024, 09:34:04 AM
Love your logs Oldtimer and read them daily. What kind of Zinc do you take? I keep reading that some forms of zinc (glycinate or something?) aren't good for you but I don't know how true that is.

I will admit I know little about supplements. I take zinc gluconate as a separate tablet but what little I have read is that too much zinc is bad for you. I have zinc in my multi which is zinc oxide.  I take the extra zinc every other day so I don't take too much. Bad stuff can happen if you take too much zinc. Do a google search. Too much can lower immunity, HDL, Lower copper and block magnesium absorption. I apologize if I didn't answer your question but truth be told I don't know much about the topic. I just reduced my fish oil because of stomach issues. I was just taking two capsules like it says on the label. Going down to one.

Thanks for saying you read my log. You made my day. Now I know for sure at least two people read my training log, lol. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 23, 2024, 10:01:44 AM
Trained delt and triceps. The plan was to lift and walk fast for around 5 miles outside. In my basement I could hear the rain falling. Fuck. I don't want to do that damn treadmill. Cardio will have to wait till tomorrow. I wasn't feeling well after training yesterday. Strange leg pain I couldn't pin point and just a general feeling like I was getting sick once again. Today I woke up and felt much better. Yesterday I took a prescription anti inflammatory that I assumed helped with the leg pain. 

As usual I won't put down warm up sets. For my military press I did two warm ups. Most exercises get none. I use them as I perceive I need them. Reps are from memory and not always accurate. All work sets to failure.

Military press 1 x 9 115lbs (cleaned the weight and went all the way down on the negative of the press. Why is there an epidemic of people doing partials? I feel it's to impress others with the weight they use. You are there to train your muscles not your ego. Do the longest range of motion you can do. Used a controlled cadence. I digress here but does anyone on earth use the negative in deadlifts? I do.

Dumbbell laterals 1x10 30lbs ( Used a slow cadence. I see everyone is using a very shallow range of motion saying the side delts get hit in only a few inches of movement. I do them full range like Arnold. Yes, different muscle groups work together. The traps work with the delts and if they kick in because I go too high then it's no problem.

Rear delt dumbbell laterals 1 x 15 35lbs (machines are clearly better for these but I don't have a reverse delt machine.)

Face pulls 1 x 20 90lbs ( my pulley machine has a nice place for me to brace my foot to stabilize myself. First time I ever used this movement I could tell it was hitting the rear delts upper back in a good way. Also has some good rotator cuff involvement if you do it right. I use a rope.)

Barbell shrugs 1 x 15 255lbs (I use a light weight but just being around guys in gyms forever this exercise can really fuck up the nerves coming out of your spine. Most use a very short range with the weight of a buick and slam the negative. This is one exercise to do under control.)

Typical tricep pulley push downs with a straight bar 1 x 10 ( I won't put down weight because everyone's pulley system is different. In the the commercial gym I worked out in I used what was labeled 150lbs. In my home gym 80lbs feels much heavier.

Scott tricep extensions with an EZ bar 1 x 10 (Hard to describe. I sit on a bench with a scott curl attachment. I turn the scott curl attachment around in the opposite way so I can sit and brace my upper back as I lean back on it. Then I do behind the head tricep extensions with an EZ bar. 

Rope tricep extensions 1 x 19 (breathing hard on this one. High reps can be torture, lol)

Weighted dips 1x10 (I think Arthur Jones and Mentzer called these the upper body squat. They are great. I try to go as low as possible without tearing someting. I put a picture of my dipping set up.)

Weighted crunches 1 x 50 with 15lbs plates behind my head.

Pulley crunches 1 x 75 (they felt so easy I really repped out. When I got up I saw I didn't use my ordinary weight. I must have been day dreaming)

On a decline bench I do a kind of rocking crunch 1  x 50 (I go back with my hands behind my head to where I feel the abs are working and I use a short range of motion hopefully putting most of the work on the abs.)

The rest is rehab stuff like using light dumbbells to do a stretching pullover. Not done for development but for the stretch.

Using again the free diet app called Lose It.  Felt like I had a really good day diet wise. I will keep it up. Eating right is always a challenge for me. Like a hungry dog I want to eat anything I want when I want. Normally I do. I have to develop some discipline diet wise. I would like to think I have a good work ethic but when it comes to diet I have zero control. Had a good day today so it's a one day streak. A real test is tomorrow. Baby sitting my grand daughter and my wife said she is getting a pizza. Going to have two slices and call it a night. Normally I would eat half the pie.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on February 23, 2024, 05:43:13 PM
Congrats on the health status.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 24, 2024, 05:58:24 AM
Congrats on the health status.

Thanks, I hope it stays there.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 24, 2024, 11:20:00 AM
Walked fast for 4.7 miles. I ran six strides that differed in length from 40 to 200 yards during the fast walk. Then I practiced boxing drills in the basement.  Worked on footwork and for someone that can dance it's not good, lol. 

The diet on day two is going well.  I'm being really strict. Maybe too strict.

I have to get back to a good running program. This pic was taken 20 years ago when I was a kid of 45 years old. I wasn't even running a lot prior to that race. I was running a 6:20 mile when the picture was taken. It felt I was going faster but nope.  When I was in high school and college I was a sprinter but I remember how easy it was for me to run a sub 6 minute mile even though I did sprint training only. Now you need an hour glass to time me but I bet with the right training and health I could run a decent pace again. My brother is 78 and he is running 5K races.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 25, 2024, 01:13:45 PM
Ran two slow miles today.  Felt like a slug.  I guess two bad miles is better than no miles. Like the saying goes no matter how slow you run you are lapping someone that is vegging out on the couch.  Really disgusted with how I dogged it. I think my sluggishness running comes from a lack of consistency. Going for a run then not running for say 3 to 4 days isn't how to get a better gas tank. Running works best when done 4 to 6 days a week.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 29, 2024, 01:07:12 PM
Getting lazy with this training log. Not lifting till Monday.  Going to revamp and do some volume for a change.

     Today I ran 5.2 miles. When finished I did 4x110 yard strides. I hate winter running. Have to dress like I'm going on an expedition to Alaska. Hat, gloves, thermal top, gator with a running jacket and pants. I went out slow but each mile I could feel my body picking up the pace. Going to do my best to keep up good cardio sessions.

     I want to be really lean by Summer. Keeping up with my diet app, Lose It. It's a pain recording everything that goes into your mouth but it's a sure fire way to lose weight quickly. My run today was approximately 700 calories. I'm trying to cut my "normal" eating down around 500 calories today. So a 1200 calorie deficit today.  A good way to think of it is a pound of fat is 3500 calories. A safe guide is to lose one to two pounds a week. Think about what ten pounds of fat would look like on a plate. Fat is both subcutaneous but also visceral. It's the visceral fat that's really dangerous. I'm not a bodybuilder but consider myself an aging athlete. Yes, I do want to look good with my shirt off too. 

   I often hear people say keep it in the fat burn zone and you don't want to be in the glucose (sugar) burn zone. I don't care what fuel you're using for a cardio session or what the ratio is. In the end it's about the calories burned.

    I spend a lot of time thinking about workout strategies. Always interested in what the other guy is doing. I think it was Clarence Bass that used the term the Ownership Principle. The theory as I interpret it is that you have to see what works for others but in the end your workout has to be right for you. No runner or lifter trains exactly like another.  Make your workout your own. Some use one set to failure and some do six sets of an exercise. Do what suits your temperament, goals and results.

    A good example of this was the race for the four minute mile. Roger Bannister was in med school. He had limited time. He kept using 10x 440 yard repeats/intervals without distance runs. His competition were all doing 5 to around 10 miles a day on the road running.  Maybe Bannister was the HIT guy of his time, lol. My point was there were 5 guys really close to breaking the 4 minute barrier each doing different protocols in training. We all know who broke the barrier.

    Just to digress some say the 4 minute mile is broken all the time now. Realize Bannister did it on a dirt cinder track that is really slow compared to today's track high tech surfaces. In the past few years the best tracks in the world have a springy bounce to them. I bet a lot of world records are going down in 2024.  I forgot to add the new carbon fiber spring plate in the shoes. That should disqualify any record made with them. 

    I'm determined to use some volume and short rests between sets.  Going to use four sets per exercise. So if I'm doing say 4 x 12, I'm looking at it as if it's a race to 48 reps. The first set I will stop at 12 even though I can do more. Same with set two and set three. Set four I will rep out if possible. Ideally if I will pick a weight that will have me failing on that last set at something like 8 or 10 if picked a good weight. For clarity is might looks something like this. Set one 12, set two 12 reps; set three 12 and set four maybe failure at say 9 reps. I hope to race through the sets with little rest between sets so moderate weights will be used.

   Best laid plans don't always work out but I'm optimistic. If my health holds up I will do the work. 

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 01, 2024, 07:06:29 AM
Getting ready to head out for a run. A top coach of division I runners and Olympians whose name escapes me said this in effect.  Six months of 85% effort is better than two months of 100% effort then quitting in exhaustion. Maybe wise words for lifters and runners alike. There is time for balls to the wall effort. If you base all your workouts on taking it to an inch of death that's not good. Wish I took that philosophy to heart. In general I always try to redline. That's why I like distance running. You have to pace yourself because if you shoot your wad early you will quit before the desired miles are completed.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 01, 2024, 10:59:59 AM
Ran 5.2 miles again and did 5 x 110 yard strides after. At least I think it's 110 yards. It was the length of a soccer field. After I hit the heavy bag. Just shot now.  Monday I will get back to lifting. Going to sleep good tonight, lol. Anyone wants to know what the purpose of strides are it's to activate the fast twitch and remind the muscles what running fast is like. Doing a distance run the body gets use to the relatively slow running then you can't turn it on.  They are not quite sprints but it's a hell of lot faster than the strides. Maybe in the six minute mile speed.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 03, 2024, 11:35:41 AM
Tomorrow is a lifting day. The big push for summer is here. I always laugh when I hear a guy bought running shoes in May to get into beach shape. Nope, what you do in the winter will determine how you look during summer. Today was cardio. Ran 5.15 miles.  It was finally a sunny day in NJ with a temp of 62 degrees. Ran in shorts and a tee shirt.

 During the run I could hear someone running behind me for about a half mile. Then he blew by me. I was only about a 1.5 miles into my run so I didn't want keep up incase I couldn't keep it up for the 5 miles. I was pissed. Something inside me hates when someone passes me when I'm running. One mile or so down the path there he was walking as I ran past him. Slow and steady wins the race, lol. Then again, who knows how far the guy was running? It could have been two miles or it could have been 10.

  Losing weight too fast I think. Down 2 pounds in about a week. I know one to two pounds is an accepted norm a week for weight loss but it seems a lot for me.  I'll take it though.

   Tomorrow I'm doing something I truly never do. I'm doing volume.  Viator abandoned hit for the 1982 Olympia and started doing high volume.  A guy that use to be a facebook friend said he was in the gym with Viator and counted around 16 sets for a body part when he was training for that Olympia. I don't care what HIT fans say, that was the best condition he ever competed at.

Going to use moderate weight and short rests between sets to race through the workout. I will lift what for me is heavy again but I want to see where this will take me. Many times when I'm lifting heavy my cardio suffers. Seems like my gas tank is spent lifting heavy weights and I'm shot for cardio. Judging from past me I have much more success with getting into cardio condition when lifting moderate weights.

I know most on this site, weights are the priority but I think at my age it will be healthy to pay attention to both. The most important muscle is the heart. It's not the bicep, chest or shoulder muscles. If you had to take out your heart muscle to show the judges at a bodybuilding competition most bodybuilders would be embarrassed, lol. Good thing it's hidden. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on March 03, 2024, 04:48:50 PM
Went to the blood oncologist today. He is board certified in three fields. Maybe the best doctor I have ever dealt with. He's very good at explaining things and takes the time. I was dreading this visit because of the unknown.  He monitors me roughly every month with a bunch of blood tests. He showed me a graph of all the blood tests related to cancer and he said I'm stable from month to month.  He said instead of every month he will see me in six months!  I see this as a home run.  I hate going to that waiting room and seeing all those seriously sick cancer patients and here I am looking healthy. Some are in wheel chairs and some on gurneys. His office is in a hospital. I had a feeling I was in remission because I'm training hard. So my cancer levels are not advancing for now. I will take it. Told him if I die I'm not paying the bill. He gave me a smile.

Regarding the training log. I'm doing jack shit today.  Not sure what the terms means but I think it means I'm doing nothing. If it means some character named jack is pooping I don't mean that.  I got on the treadmill today and started a warm up then said fuck it.
Great news rich
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 10, 2024, 02:00:10 PM
Back to lifting tomorrow! Today was a 5.27 mile run. After the run I did four 110 yard strides. Not sprints but fast.

Going to use a my old reliable Yates inspired routine. I wanted to go to volume but I question if I have the time to do that prior to work? My Yates type routines of doing warm ups if needed then that one set to failure leads to a fast workout. Most workouts average about 45 minutes with legs taking an hour. I know many volume guys will counter if you use moderate weights with a short rest between sets the work out is fast too. I will go to volume for a cycle but I'm waiting for another month or two.  Going to leave this retirement job and my only job will be watching the grand kids from time to time. 

Changing some stuff up with the Yates routine. Going to use a relatively light weight so I will fail at a high rep range. Then gradually adding weight week to week till I'm doing my usual rep ranges. It should take about a month of build up to get there. I tried this years ago with single set to failure training. Start with a modest weight so the reps will be somewhat high at failure then week to week add weight dropping the reps. It worked out amazing but then I was a lot younger. We shall see.

Right now I'm having trouble walking around the house. Damn that run took everything out of me. I'm walking like I'm 140. I know, I know. To Wes that's a youngster.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 11, 2024, 04:28:43 PM
Doing my Yates inspired routine buy I lightened the weight so I fail at high reps. The plan it so keep increasing the weight so the reps come down. Chest and biceps day. Most exercises get zero warm up but if I need them I do non taxing warm ups.

Flat Dumbbell bench 1x13
Incline dumbbell bench 1 x 13
flat flies 1 x 23 (Whoa that's high reps for me to fail out. Light weight. Nothing but a peanut)
Push ups 1 x max (I was shot from that 23 rep fly set.)

EZ curl 1 x 18 ( I have come to the conclusion that I hate high reps)
Alternate dumbbell curl 1 x 36 reps in total
Two arm dumbbell drag curls 1 x 30
concentration curls 1 x 17

wrist curls 1 x 45 (Whoa, too light, lol)
reverse wrist extensions 1 x 40

situp on incline board 1x 20
leg raise on incline board 1x14
ivanko gripper 2 x 20 (one set upside down)

Cardio portion was fast fast walking at 3.8 MPH increasing grade (incline 1% for every lap.) I was on this for about 40 minutes.

The reason for the light weight and the high reps done to failure is because I tried this many years ago. Every week I increased the weight. After one month I thought ( you might have disagreed, lol) I was in fantastic shape.  I was lean, strong and felt I looked pretty decent. Trying it again even though I'm a lot weaker but the concept is still sound.  I think I originally tried this with single sets to failure maybe 20 plus years ago. Something about the high reps primes the muscle for the heavier lower rep training to come. Next week I will go up 5lbs to 10lbs an exercise. If I can keep up the increased weight every week  for a month while my failure stop happens at lower reps I should be in really good shape in four weeks. Just hope I can keep it up. High reps to failure sucks. I will try to embrace the suck.

I realize maybe what I'm trying to convey is confusing. Here's how it looks for a four week period.

Bench 1 x 18. Next week increase the weight. Bench 1 x 12. Increase the weight-bench 1 x 9, Increase the weight-fail at 8 reps.  Typing fast and making a ton of errors. Got stuck in accident traffic coming home from work and the wife is saying she wants to put on our show, LOL.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 12, 2024, 04:58:27 AM
Again one set to failure minus warmups on this leg day. Choose a weight that will have me fail at high reps. Every week I will add weight bringing that rep count down.

Leg press 1x17
squat machine 1 x 13
semi stiff dead 1 x 8 (My only exception to really high reps. Too easy to tweak the back. Used a lighter weight but good form and a full range of motion with semi slow reps)
Kick back machine 1 x 15 (Haven't used this in awhile. Becoming a pussy in my old age with all these machines, lol)
leg extension 1x30
seated leg curl 1 x 20

hanging leg raise 1 x 20 (could have done more. Holding back so no failure.)
Hip ups 1x30 (on back, legs up and moving hip/feet toward ceiling)

standing calf 1 x 23
leg press calf 1 x 20 (Anyone feel this is very similar to donkeys. Didn't go to failure since I haven't done them in awhile. I will soon.)
seated calf 1 x 30
tibialis 1 x 30

neck four way machine 1 x 30 a side

Time to get ready for work. The sun is up and I hear warm weather is coming to Jersey.  I work with hotties. Can't wait to see the skirts and come fuck me heels.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Donny on March 12, 2024, 09:10:02 AM
Again one set to failure minus warmups on this leg day. Choose a weight that will have me fail at high reps. Every week I will add weight bringing that rep count down.

Leg press 1x17
squat machine 1 x 13
semi stiff dead 1 x 8 (My only exception to really high reps. Too easy to tweak the back. Used a lighter weight but good form and a full range of motion with semi slow reps)
Kick back machine 1 x 15 (Haven't used this in awhile. Becoming a pussy in my old age with all these machines, lol)
leg extension 1x30
seated leg curl 1 x 20

hanging leg raise 1 x 20 (could have done more. Holding back so no failure.)
Hip ups 1x30 (on back, legs up and moving hip/feet toward ceiling)

standing calf 1 x 23
leg press calf 1 x 20 (Anyone feel this is very similar to donkeys. Didn't go to failure since I haven't done them in awhile. I will soon.)
seated calf 1 x 30
tibialis 1 x 30

neck four way machine 1 x 30 a side

Time to get ready for work. The sun is up and I hear warm weather is coming to Jersey.  I work with hotties. Can't wait to see the skirts and come fuck me heels.
never really saw the need for these machines but better than crushing your neck with the wrestlers bridge.
unless you´re a pro football player or Grappler i see no reason for such machines which take up space, are expensive & other exercises can be done
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Primemuscle on March 12, 2024, 02:58:30 PM
Oncologist and my primary wanted me to get a flu, shingles, pneumonia, covid booster and RSV shot because of my compromised immune system. I can croak if I catch something if my body can't fight it off. I was getting one a week. He said he believes the vaccines blew up my lymph nodes in my arm pit of my left arm. I naturally thought it was something serious.

The shingles shot gave me a terrible fever but it broke in one day. I got a slew of blood tests coming but he thinks the vaccines are  the reason. He told me to hold off on the covid booster because I had covid in August into September for around 6 weeks or so. I have to have some natural immunity from that. My wife caught covid same time as me. She was sick for a week and I was the sickest I ever was in my life with two ER visits when I thought I was on my way out, lol. 

On a side note I did absolutely nothing today in terms of exercise. The lump in my arm pit is freaking me out but my oncologist is board certified in three fields. If he said it was my body's reaction to all the vaccines then I'll take his word on it. He said the lump should come down. If the blood tests come back and it's the cancer gaining in numbers he will put me on chemo right away. The last test the numbers were low for cancer cells.

The pharmacy where I get all my vaccines suggest waiting two weeks between them. Also, I read that one should wait as long as a year between the pneumonia and flu vaccines. I am living on the edge this year since I have not yet bothered to have any vaccines. I also have not been sick since I cannot remember when. Could this be because my immune system is healthy and fights off anything thrown my way? The Prevnar vaccine, which I had a couple of years ago is a 'one-and-done' shot for adults.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: deadz on March 12, 2024, 03:01:59 PM
The pharmacy where I get all my vaccines suggest waiting two weeks between them. Also, I read that one should wait as long as a year between the pneumonia and flu vaccines. I am living on the edge this year since I have not yet bothered to have any vaccines. I also have not been sick since I cannot remember when. Could this be because my immune system is healthy and fights off anything thrown my way? The Prevnar vaccine, which I had a couple of years ago is a 'one-and-done' shot for adults.
A Libturd caught in another lie. You were going on and on about how sick you were just a few months ago. LIAR!!!!!
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 12, 2024, 04:57:23 PM
never really saw the need for these machines but better than crushing your neck with the wrestlers bridge.
unless you´re a pro football player or Grappler i see no reason for such machines which take up space, are expensive & other exercises can be done

My four way neck machine cost me around $450.  Money well spent. True there are cheaper and effective alternatives. Here's one.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 12, 2024, 04:59:29 PM
The pharmacy where I get all my vaccines suggest waiting two weeks between them. Also, I read that one should wait as long as a year between the pneumonia and flu vaccines. I am living on the edge this year since I have not yet bothered to have any vaccines. I also have not been sick since I cannot remember when. Could this be because my immune system is healthy and fights off anything thrown my way? The Prevnar vaccine, which I had a couple of years ago is a 'one-and-done' shot for adults.

Depends on your exposure too. I have a school age grandchild coming over and in my retirement job I'm constantly surrounded by people from all over the planet. You should hear all the accents. I'm sure if I was fully retired and not exposed to kids in school I would rarely catch anything.

When I caught covid last August I was on a plane coming back from Seattle and it seemed the whole plane was coughing and hacking. Next flight I take I won't only be wearing a mask but a respirator like construction workers use. I'm not kidding.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Donny on March 13, 2024, 03:01:56 AM
My four way neck machine cost me around $450.  Money well spent. True there are cheaper and effective alternatives. Here's one.

I do have a neck harness & have used band resistance for neck training.
Basically i find i get enough out of DB side raises, shrugs & face pulls. another good exercise is lying on a flat bench head hanging off & using a weight plate for resistance.
but of course you know all of this as you´re a seasoned trainer Rich
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 13, 2024, 04:23:42 AM
I do have a neck harness & have used band resistance for neck training.
Basically i find i get enough out of DB side raises, shrugs & face pulls. another good exercise is lying on a flat bench head hanging off & using a weight plate for resistance.
but of course you know all of this as you´re a seasoned trainer Rich

Using a neck harness for extensions while seated and using a folded towel and plate on your forehead for neck curls lying on a bench with your head hanging off are all you need. I like my neck machine but was it needed? No.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Donny on March 13, 2024, 04:42:25 AM
Using a neck harness for extensions while seated and using a folded towel and plate on your forehead for neck curls lying on a bench with your head hanging off are all you need. I like my neck machine but was it needed? No.
I still cringe when i see the wrestlers bridge. I mean Tyson did it & had a bull neck but it always came over as very risky to me.
I do not have a long neck & over development of my traps/neck make me look hunched up if you know what i mean.
I think Reeves said in a book to not over develop the Traps
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: wes on March 13, 2024, 08:50:37 AM
Congrats on the health status.
X 2  :)
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 13, 2024, 11:34:54 AM
X 2  :)

Thanks, hope your cancer stays away too. I still have it but it's stabilized at a low level. Feels like a home run.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 13, 2024, 11:39:50 AM
Cardio day:  Ran 3.1 miles.  I did five 110 yard strides at the end.  It's almost like summer time in NJ. Around 60 and sunny. Passed a girl walking with the most transparent yoga pants. Looked like shear panty hose with a clear red thong on her hot big ass. Wait what was I talking about?  Oh, ya about my cardio day. Also did some pullups and hit the heavy bag for a couple of rounds. My runs are improving. Happy about that.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 15, 2024, 01:48:39 PM
To my one reader who reads this, lol, I will start typing up my workouts again. Slacking off lately with this training log.  I've been running so much I'm actually feeling weak in the weight room but my running keeps getting better. I have to find a balance. I firmly believe if you are trying to be good in two physical endeavors you become average in both. My blood work reference conventional measures like for cholesterol, HDL's, LDL's, sugar and triglycerides are always better when I'm on a good running kick.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 16, 2024, 07:54:18 AM
Going to talk about training to failure and volume (reps in reserve) method. When I train with one set to failure I couldn't get one more rep even if Wes had a base ball hat in hand saying one more rep. The usual protocol for one set to failure is a zero to two non taxing warm up sets then one set to failure. Some exercise need no warm ups because the prior exercise was good enough to warm up the body part. If you truly did one set to real failure and failed at say ten reps there is no way in hell you could do a second set of ten reps. You might fail at ten the first set and then fail at 8 reps for the second. That's true failure using one set to failure.

Sometimes I use the high intensity method of two sets to failure.  I call it failure but truth be told it's more like 95% on the first set and 100% on the second. My goal might be say two sets of 10.  The first set I might be able to get 11 if I pushed to max. Two set method is still high intensity in my book. Some even say three.

Guys like Lee Labrada say they trained HIT and used three work sets and exercise. I agree it's HIT but no way is he going to true failure for three sets unless there is a crazy amount of rest in between sets and your taking a boat load of drugs. It's more like 90% first set, 95% on the second and the last set to failure at 100%. 

Now let's talk about guy's using volume that train with reps in reserve. No way can you do four, five or six sets to failure on one exercise. Volume is a hard way to train unlike some HIT guys would argue against.  It's like a quarter miler saying to a 10K runner his training is easy because the miles he puts in aren't to failure until the last mile. Insanity, right?  Yet, bodybuilders on both camps of the volume and HIT use illogical arguments.

Take some examples of volume trainers. Chris Dickerson would do in the 80's six sets of chins then the second exercise would be seated lat cable rows using a V handle. A guy in the gym told me he saw him using 160lbs in the exercise. Not a bone crushing weight and Christ wasn't a big guy compared to other champs. Consider this though. If he did this after six sets of chins then did 6x10 of seated lat cable rows with very minimal rests between sets he did 60 reps of the exercise!  He then had one more exercise for his lats to go.   Steve Davis worked out in the same manner. Moderate weights with short rests between exercises. Heard someone say he did T bar rows for the lats with 115lbs. Do four exercises for lat including 6 sets of 10 reps with 115lbs with a short rest between sets that 115lbs must have felt like 1000lbs. 

My preference is doing one or two sets per exercise. I like hitting that red hot rev limiter and feeling like  I'm going to keel over after a set. When I do volume I feel like I'm wasting my time until the fatigues kicks in on the third or fifth set.

 Since I'm kicking in a running program with the weights I'm feeling weak. I doubt anyone except a superman can run a hard five mile then do heavy squats the day after.  Volume method (reps in reserve till the last set) sounds to me like a perfect solution for a guy trying to be good at running while still lifting. Leaving my job in a month or two then I will really experiment with volume with running.

Today's work out. Back and chest: Feeling weak from all the running I'm doing lately.

Medium supinate grip pulldown with a M.A.G. bar 2 x 10
Seated lat pulley row 2 x 12 (Usually use the typical V handle. Today I used a wide V handle. Definitely hit the back differently)
Dumbbell row 2x 10 (dead hang and all the way up)
Narrow supinate grip pulldown with M.A.G bar 2 x 10

Flat dumbbell bench 2 x 8
Incline dumbbell bench 2x8
Flat flies 2 x 10
Push ups 2 x max (One regular and the second with those perfect push up handles)

dead lifts 2 x 4
Weighted hyper extensions 2 x 15

Ab wheel roll out 1 x 27
Ab pulley crunch 1 x 50

Some side notes. I think I have to get back to declines. Incline presses are really fucking with my rotator cuffs. I just have it in my head inclines are necessary.  Maybe they are not.  When my shoulders really bug me I use declines, dips, controlled cadence flies and push ups. I might get back to that. I think I ruined my shoulders with a life time of benching with a bar. My first bad injury was in my early 20's.  I used the Chuck Sipes method of partials. He did something like lock out reps. Next phase was quarter reps. Then halves going to full bench presses. After doing partials for awhile my shoulders/pecs were so rock tight. The weight for full benches felt like a feather. Bang my shoulder went. Giving me grief on and off forever. The good news is that declines don't hurt what so ever.  Try them if you have issues but want to train the pecs hard. Dorian Yates praises the movement as well as Dough Brignole who said flat out it's the best pec exercise.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Donny on March 16, 2024, 08:01:46 AM
Brignole used Dumbbells for decline presses but i disagree with his opinion on incline presses.
Incline Press is not as hard on your shoulders than flat press & feels more natural in its performance.
I agree with Jay but as i wrote before, "one man´s meat is another man´s poison"

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Donny on March 16, 2024, 08:08:13 AM
The Flat or Decline will work everything so it´s just about preference in what you´re trying to achieve. I work now more on my upper chest.
I do not need a bulbous hanging chest at 57 (nearly 58) year old.
i feel the incline work helps to give me a better shape for my age but again this is just my opinion.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 16, 2024, 08:11:34 AM
Brignole used Dumbbells for decline presses but i disagree with his opinion on incline presses.
Incline Press is not as hard on your shoulders than flat press & feels more natural in its performance.
I agree with Jay but as i wrote before, "one man´s meat is another man´s poison"

I use dumbbells for the decline too. It's suicidal to do declines with a barbell with out a spotter.  I train in my basement.

 I do agree the barbell bench with a bar is hard on the shoulders. The incline is a safer option but not perfect.  The thing with the bench press with a bar is kind of like smoking. Many get away with it for many decades. Then there are the many that have a heart attack, cancer or breathing problems. On occasion you hear of a person that smoked into their 80's but that is the exception and not the rule. Same with benching with a bar. I did it in my teens, 20's, 30's and 40's. Then in my 50's I had some trouble. Ortho surgeon told me from the MRI I had a partial torn labrum and on the other shoulder a partial torn rotator cuff. In my 60's I gave up the bench press with a bar. On occasion I get the notion to give it another shot. I always come to the conclusion that the barbell bench press is over for me. Why bench when the decline offers zero pain and arguably better pec involvement. Regarding the the incline it bugs my shoulder. Could it be getting the dumbbells in position after the kick up is the shoulder strain? Maybe I will try the bar for inclines again and see how I feel.

Hope you are doing well Donny.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Donny on March 16, 2024, 08:37:19 AM
yes i´m still alive & kicking Rich. I´ve also had a few problems health wise but still train. I am looking forward to a seminar in escrima & am enjoying this as my rolling days on the mats are over.
I suppose it´s like bodybuilding exercises, move on adapt to the situation  :)
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 16, 2024, 09:56:54 AM
yes i´m still alive & kicking Rich. I´ve also had a few problems health wise but still train. I am looking forward to a seminar in escrima & am enjoying this as my rolling days on the mats are over.
I suppose it´s like bodybuilding exercises, move on adapt to the situation  :)

Get well. I have no desire to go back to rolling anymore. My 300lbs 6'4" son in law is very involved and always asks me to go with him.  I have no desire to wrestle any guys anymore. He is full of injuries from it. The thought of a smelly young guy cranking my neck or torqueing my arm in an arm bar is disturbing to me. I have other ways of defending myself, lol. Yes, there are so many exercises. Discard what hurts and find a substitute is a great strategy.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Donny on March 16, 2024, 10:09:34 AM
Get well. I have no desire to go back to rolling anymore. My 300lbs 6'4" son in law is very involved and always asks me to go with him.  I have no desire to wrestle any guys anymore. He is full of injuries from it. The thought of a smelly young guy cranking my neck or torqueing my arm in an arm bar is disturbing to me. I have other ways of defending myself, lol. Yes, there are so many exercises. Discard what hurts and find a substitute is a great strategy.
I am actually lucky to be alive now as i had a very bad heart attack last year.  I recieved two heart stents.
I was feeling bad for a couple of days (bad heart burn ) then i said to my wife one morning i have a weird feeling i´m not ok.
I went under the shower & felt like i was punched in the chest.
I made it to my bedroom & the medics came & saved me.
Unfortunately it runs in my family
Started walking straight afterwards then cycling . Weight training again & martial arts training.
I honestly thought it was my time but fuck it. I can only say my first thoughts in my head were fuck i have a serious problem.. then i felt calm hard to explain.
The body & brain works in many ways we don´t understand.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 16, 2024, 10:44:37 AM
I am actually lucky to be alive now as i had a very bad heart attack last year.  I recieved two heart stents.
I was feeling bad for a couple of days (bad heart burn ) then i said to my wife one morning i have a weird feeling i´m not ok.
I went under the shower & felt like i was punched in the chest.
I made it to my bedroom & the medics came & saved me.
Unfortunately it runs in my family
Started walking straight afterwards then cycling . Weight training again & martial arts training.
I honestly thought it was my time but fuck it. I can only say my first thoughts in my head were fuck i have a serious problem.. then i felt calm hard to explain.
The body & brain works in many ways we don´t understand.

That is disturbing. Glad the stents opened the damaged arteries. Prayers for you and your family.  Heart attacks are the number one killer of man world wide. My thoughts on this is meaningless and your cardiologist is the expert. I worry about heart attacks too. I'm presently trying to put equal weight to cardio and trying to keep my weight down. Trying to be big is foolish.  I've been running hard for distance lately. Sometimes I wonder if I'm going to induce a heart attack?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Donny on March 16, 2024, 11:04:03 AM
That is disturbing. Glad the stents opened the damaged arteries. Prayers for you and your family.  Heart attacks are the number one killer of man world wide. My thoughts on this is meaningless and your cardiologist is the expert. I worry about heart attacks too. I'm presently trying to put equal weight to cardio and trying to keep my weight down. Trying to be big is foolish.  I've been running hard for distance lately. Sometimes I wonder if I'm going to induce a heart attack?
I am lucky that the female Cardiologist who carried out the OP was very good .  can´t remember her name but she was foreign & not German.
I was told later she took over the OP as it was complicated .
It was an Artery in a very dangerous position & responsible for 70% of my heart.  I count my blessings.
none of us know when your time is´s just is the way it is.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 18, 2024, 05:55:02 PM
Leg day: Walked fast for quarter mile on the treadmill to warm up and wake up. Did this workout before work. I use very few warm ups. Sometimes none on the weight exercises.

Leg press 2 x 12 (Using a lower weight than I usually do. What for me was a heavy weight was causing hip pain and knee pain. Used a lighter weight but a more precise style made my hip happy. I used two warms ups prior to the two work sets.)

dumbbell squat 2x12 (Got away from these. They are brutal if you do them right. I was out of the groove doing them and I will get better with the form.  The correct form is to hold dumbbells at the sides with straps. Upright back and sink the butt to maximum  depth. Since I got away from these I found I was bending over a little. If you deadlift the dumbbells you're wasting your time. It's not a dead lift. Zane called these dumbbell hacks.)

Stiff dead 1 x 6 (On a block. Found my flexibility was bad due to all the running I have been doing. Each rep got lower till I hit a good depth. One non taxing warm up set prior)

leg extension 2x20 (One warm up prior)
seated leg curl 2 x 15 (A little weak with these. I blame the running and the basically two weeks I took off lifting)

Hanging leg raise 1 x 27
Hip ups 1 x 30 (This is the method I used today.  I lied down on the floor. I did a leg raise each rep and at the top pushed my feet and hips toward the ceiling. Good movement.)

Standing calf raise 2 x 15 (I have the worst calves on earth. A guy I use to work with use to bust my balls saying how do you stand on those legs?  My thighs aren't bad but the calves look terrible, lol.)
Seated calf raise 2 x 15
tibalis 1 x 20

Four way neck machine 2 sets a side for 30 reps. ( I find neck work to be very satisfying. I use high reps for safety. You don't want to use a heavy weight with your neck especially as you age. The neck is very responsive too. Training your neck also improves your appearance. It gives your face a more masculine look.)

Some thoughts. I have been using the squat machine a lot lately. It's  a great movement. My legs get hit hard as well as the glutes. The dumbbell squats I used today instead of the squat machine are brutal. 

Regarding supplements. Some I use every other day instead of every day. Too much zinc isn't good. I have a multi that has it and separate zinc supplement. I use the zinc supplement every other day. Same with magnesium. If I take it every day  I get the runs.  Same with too much fish oil. I try to take two fish oil caps like the instructions say but sometimes I have to back off to one. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 19, 2024, 06:55:07 PM
Delt and arm day: No warms ups shown. I did a few as needed and they were non taxing. For example for the military press I did two and a couple of arm circles with a 5lbs plate.

Military press 1 x 8 to failure, next set I got 6 reps. (Did this workout before work and as I type this in bed my one shoulder is throbbing. It's strange but standing dumbbell press doesn't irritate my shoulder. I might have to permanently ditch these. If I know myself I won't stop using them until I can barely move my arm, lol.)

Dumbbell delt laterals 2 x 12

Seated rear delt dumbbell laterals 2x11

Face pulls 2 x 12

Barbell shrugs 2 x 10
Traditional tricep pulley push downs 2 x 10
Single dumbbell with two hands behind the head 2 x 12
Rope push downs 2x12
Weighted dips 2 x 10
Barbell curls 2 x 10 (used a lighter weight than normal. I was using too much weight before and I wasn't feeling the bicep working. Too much body English was used to get the weight up.)
Alternate dumbbell curls 2 x 8 (Running too much has really made me weak and I felt it on this exercise.)
Dumbbell drag curls 2 x 12
Concentration curls 2x12
wrist curls 2 x 20
wrist extensions 2x15
Ivanko gripper 2 x 20 (one upright and the second I flipped the thing upside down)
Weighted crunches 1 x 50
Pulley crunches 1 x 50
Planned to end the workout with decline crunches but I had to get ready for work.

I believe in the health benefits of distance running and how it helps so much with getting lean. Here are the drawbacks. When I put too many miles in for the week I feel weak in the weight room. It also seems to shed a some muscle. I can see my legs getting skinny.

Only a superman could run hard for five miles two days in a row then expect to lift good numbers for leg day or for deadlifts. Maybe guys on the juice can recover a lot faster but I can't.

  It seems to follow a pattern with my training. When lifting is going fantastic my cardio abilities go down hill. When my VO2 max is fantastic the weight room suffers. Hard to be master of two differing physical endeavors. Master of none but good in both seems to come to mind.

I think using volume might be the answer while trying to get good running times. Using low sets and to failure might not be a good approach. Volume is more of a muscular endurance type weight workout.  Might be easier to combine the two if heavy weights aren't combined with running. For example I started shoulders today with a planned 2 sets of 8  reps in the military press. I might have more success combining it with running if I did something like 4 x 10 with a moderate weight for the military press. That way the first three sets wouldn't be near failure but if the correct weight was chosen I would fail on the last set of the four sets.

 I remember reading about a guy that lifted heavy but had a perma bulker look. He blew out his shoulder and he left lifting to run while he recovered from the operation. His advise was in effect, Don't be afraid of light weights, high reps and perfect form. The guy was ripped. He looked so much better than the Dad body physique he had before.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 20, 2024, 10:09:11 AM
Did nothing today.  ;D  No work and no work out.  Slept late which is unusual for me with my insomnia. Chillin like a villin. See I'm up with the teenage lingo. Maybe it's down with the teenage lingo? Just found out there's naked women having sex on the internet. I think I'm going to be occupied for awhile. Now where did I put that bottle of whiskey I bought last week? Maybe I left it in the trunk of my car. (Poor attempt at humor)
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Donny on March 21, 2024, 03:36:03 AM
Did nothing today.  ;D  No work and no work out.  Slept late which is unusual for me with my insomnia. Chillin like a villin. See I'm up with the teenage lingo. Maybe it's down with the teenage lingo? Just found out there's naked women having sex on the internet. I think I'm going to be occupied for awhile. Now where did I put that bottle of whiskey I bought last week? Maybe I left it in the trunk of my car.
you know if you´re not sleeping well then maybe you should cut back on the cardio. Instead of running try a bike ride at a leisurely pace which is productive to recovery after weight training on off days.
I think when you´re older burning the candle at both ends is very hard. the body can adapt better to one hard stimulus rather than extreme cardo and heavy lifting.
Maybe you should make either cardio or lifting your no.1 priority.
Both when older are extremely hard if natural like you are.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 21, 2024, 05:06:43 AM
you know if you´re not sleeping well then maybe you should cut back on the cardio. Instead of running try a bike ride at a leisurely pace which is productive to recovery after weight training on off days.
I think when you´re older burning the candle at both ends is very hard. the body can adapt better to one hard stimulus rather than extreme cardo and heavy lifting.
Maybe you should make either cardio or lifting your no.1 priority.
Both when older are extremely hard if natural like you are.

Yes, recovery is important. I took yesterday off and I might take today off too. Yes, I burn the candle at both ends. Drinking booze three days a week isn't helping recovery either. Last week I went running the days after having a few. It really puts me in a deficit. It's also dangerous to run the day after drinking because your heart can go into a dangerous heart rhythm at this age. Going to try moderate weights soon and going to push the running more. When I emphasize running it has a better effect on my blood panel reference markers like blood sugar, triglycerides and HDL's than lifting.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Donny on March 21, 2024, 05:23:45 AM
Yes, recovery is important. I took yesterday off and I might take today off too. Yes, I burn the candle at both ends. Drinking booze three days a week isn't helping recovery either. Last week I went running the days after having a few. It really puts me in a deficit. It's also dangerous to run the day after drinking because your heart can go into a dangerous heart rhythm at this age. Going to try moderate weights soon and going to push the running more. When I emphasize running it has a better effect on my blood panel reference markers like blood sugar, triglycerides and HDL's than lifting.
yes i go cycling now & can vary my speed/intensity to suit me. I actually did a bike test at my cardiologist in January & he was impressed by my score. It was a score normally found in a person at my age without any cardiovascular problems.
so lucky for me my heart itself is fine & the Artery will now have grown over the stents.
It´s like nature growing over an old building, Ivy..etc.  Stents grow into your artery & are grown over with tissue.
On Tuesday i was at a medical check up in Hamburg & was told my resting Heart rate was signs i have always been active therefor i can only conclude that my years of activity probably saved my life & helped the healing process as i have recovered very well.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Donny on March 21, 2024, 05:26:48 AM
anyway i didn´t want to rant about me yes cardio is important regardless what you do.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 21, 2024, 05:42:19 AM
anyway i didn´t want to rant about me yes cardio is important regardless what you do.

The heart is a muscle but most guys interested in bodybuilding treat it as an after thought. It should be given priority since heart attacks are the number one killer of man. If a bodybuilder had to show their heart muscle they would be training it hard but since no one can see it they hardly train it.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Donny on March 21, 2024, 05:57:35 AM
The heart is a muscle but most guys interested in bodybuilding treat it as an after thought. It should be given priority since heart attacks are the number one killer of man. If a bodybuilder had to show their heart muscle they would be training it hard but since no one can see it they hardly train it.
well i won´t rant on about steroids as i have never used them (not against them) but still had a heart attack, even top athletes can have one.
I think regular weight training will give you a good heart workout too in a watered down version compared to cardio obviously depending how you train, PHA ..etc.
Even Vince Gironda who was against cardio was often seen cycling.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 21, 2024, 03:18:09 PM
well i won´t rant on about steroids as i have never used them (not against them) but still had a heart attack, even top athletes can have one.
I think regular weight training will give you a good heart workout too in a watered down version compared to cardio obviously depending how you train, PHA ..etc.
Even Vince Gironda who was against cardio was often seen cycling.

Vince Gironda ran a 2:11 half mile. Not to shabby.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Donny on March 22, 2024, 04:44:45 AM
Vince Gironda ran a 2:11 half mile. Not to shabby.
I never knew that as he was noted as being against cardio. something about cardio depleting hormones.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Donny on March 22, 2024, 04:54:50 AM
he mentions it here in this old article... 

Long distance running also causes hormone loss
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: SweetDaddySiki on March 22, 2024, 05:53:36 AM
he mentions it here in this old article... 

Long distance running also causes hormone loss

Don't forget about Overtonus too.    :D :D :D   
Some of his ideas are great (ex - chest work) but some are way off like Overtonus though I do love that word.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Donny on March 22, 2024, 06:28:21 AM
Don't forget about Overtonus too.    :D :D :D   
Some of his ideas are great (ex - chest work) but some are way off like Overtonus though I do love that word.
he was very Radical !
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 22, 2024, 07:48:16 AM
I never knew that as he was noted as being against cardio. something about cardio depleting hormones.
Yes, he was against running but he did it for a period and was a very good runner.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 25, 2024, 05:02:32 PM
Sorry I haven't been logging. Just lazy. So I apologize to my one reader. Still thinking about the HIT model and the volume (reps in reserve model). I'm reading Personal best, a running book by a top competitor now coach Mark Coogan.  I know most meat head bodybuilder types think there is nothing they can learn about weight training from a distance runner. I disagree and I pick up stuff that applies to lifting. Let me explain. 

The author was a good runner in college  bordering on elite.  During college he took training to the jagged edge every time he ran. That's the way I was in high school and college with my running. Had the mentality if you don't push it close to death you're not a man and have no work ethic. That author was the same way in college. After college he was training with some elite world class runners. What shocked him was many of the workouts weren't hard. He called them B plus workouts. He was use to A plus workouts. What he came to realize is that he was leaving his race on training days and when the race came up he was flat. He was just exhausted and his central nervous system was fried. His recommendation was a runner that accumulated a lot of B plus training days with a few A plus training days will improve better that someone that just hammers it all the time. He ran his best races ever even qualifying for the Olympics using plenty of B plus runs with the occasional A plus effort.

How does this apply to weight training?  It got me thinking. Long time HIT guys all have a period where they are losing strength despite their best efforts. It's just being exhausted. I define HIT as either one or two work sets to failure. I've come to the realization here I am in my mid 60's and I'm still chasing that A plus weight workout.  Ending a set breathing like a race horse and barely able to stand. Sure it shows a work ethic but could it be hurting progress?  Just came to the realization that maybe someone like me that trains most of the time in the Mentzer and Yates protocols that I might do better alternating a week to failure and a week to a B plus workouts. Below is what I'm thinking about doing.

Let me explain.  My chest workout today was this training with one work set to failure after zero, one or two warm up sets.

Dumbbell flat bench 1 x 9 (The 9th rep was failure. All the following reps shown is my failure rep)
Incline dumbbell bench 1 x 10
Decline dumbbell bench 1 x 8
Flat fly 1 x 15

Now the above would be a sample of my heavy week.  Next week will be a B Plus workout using the same weights.
Dumbbell flat bench 1 x 8
Incline dumbbell bench 1 x 8
Decline dumbbell bench 1 x 7
Flat fly 1 x 10

I think alternating will be less draining and might take me further than always pursuing that jagged last rep to failure. Of course taking a week off entirely also has a place in training.

I have stated before I like training with the one set to failure like Yates, Cardillo (Mr. Canada) and Dave Mastorakis. I can't even put Mentzer on that one set list because for his whole bodybuilding career he normally did two work sets an exercise. Something about using a heavy weight and giving it your all then moving on.  Like Yates said if you feel you can do another set with the same amount of reps you didn't go to failure on the first set. Every time I try volume I don't know how anyone holds reps in reserve. If anyone says they do four to six sets of an exercise to failure every set they are telling a tale or doesn't know how to push to true failure. Unless they are decreasing the reps every set. With two sets to failure the first set is near failure and the second is true failure. With the one set model it's give it all or go home.

Today's workout:

Flat dumbbell bench 1 x 9
Incline dumbbell bench 1x10
Decline bench 1 x 8
Flat flies 1 x 15

EZ bar curls 1 x 15 (these got a little sloppy at the end)
Alternate dumbbell curls 1 x 10
Dumbbell drag curls 1 x 13
concentration curls 1 x 13

wrist curls 1 x 32
wrist extensions 1 x 20

Incline sit up 1 x 27
Incline leg raise 1 x 15

Ivanko gripper 2x20

Then jumped on a treadmill for around 42 minutes walking fast at 3.8 MPH increasing the incline every lap (440 Yards or a quarter mile.)

Off to watch an episode of  Curb you Enthusiasm. So think about it. Is having a a week of killer workouts and a B plus workout the week after a good idea? I think it is. Robby used that concept too. He would train the the body in a three way split hard and heavy then the next three day cycle would be easier.  Maybe Robby knew a thing or two.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 26, 2024, 05:29:08 AM
One of those rare nights I slept all night with zero nightmares. 

Leg day:  It was both a great workout and hard to the core. No warm ups shown.  For example for the leg press I walked at 3.8 MPH for a quarter mile on the treadmill to wake up. I do early morning workouts when I have work. Then two sets with a non taxing weight in the leg press. For machine squats I was thoroughly warmed up so I did none.

Leg press 1 x 13 (four plates a side. I know guys will say that's nothing but the picture below is about how deep I go)
Machine squat 1x11 (two plates a side and I go rock bottom)
Dumbbell lunges 1 x 10 ( only used 60lbs but I felt it)
Stiff dead on a platform 1 x 8  205lbs(felt like I was hit with a baseball bat at this point)
leg extensions 1 x 26
Seated leg curl 1 x 17

Hanging leg raise 1 x 27
Hip ups 1 x 34 (On back legs toward ceiling raising the hips like I'm punching the ceiling with my feet)

Standing calf raise 1x21 185lbs
Seated calf raise 1 x 20  90lbs
Leg press calf 1 x 25  two plates a side
tibalis work 1 x 21

Four way neck 1 x 35 a side.

Now off to work.  I'm a big fan of Fairlife protein sold in Bj's and Costco.  30g of protein with truly zero lactose. No stomach upset what so ever. No protein farts.  The taste is off the charts good. You will not find a protein powder that can come close in taste. Expensive but I only use it after weight workouts.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on March 26, 2024, 07:01:12 AM
good stuff rich,,,,good workouts,post a pic fairlife bottle
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 26, 2024, 05:12:51 PM
good stuff rich,,,,good workouts,post a pic fairlife bottle
I think sold in a 12 pack at BJ's and maybe an 18 pack at Costco. Do not order it off Amazon. Rip off prices. Fairlife is a major seller of lactose free milk. As you know supplements are not regulated. I have had plenty of protein powder that says lactose free and my stomach says they are liars. Zero stomach issues with this stuff. 30G in a tiny bottle.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on March 26, 2024, 07:02:02 PM
I think sold in a 12 pack at BJ's and maybe an 18 pack at Costco. Do not order it off Amazon. Rip off prices. Fairlife is a major seller of lactose free milk. As you know supplements are not regulated. I have had plenty of protein powder that says lactose free and my stomach says they are liars. Zero stomach issues with this stuff. 30G in a tiny bottle.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 27, 2024, 04:39:27 AM

Still vacation by me or have you moved onto Aruba?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 27, 2024, 09:17:48 AM
Felt exhausted today. Yesterday I worked legs hard. Then went to work where I'm on my feet a lot. After work I had went to a party for my son from Colorado who is over visiting. I did a short cardio session of a slow 9 minute something mile then hit the bag.  Disgusted that I only ran a mile but sometimes it's not there. I hope this week I will get a 5 milers in to blow the cob webs off my cardio system. Tomorrow is back day.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on March 27, 2024, 09:30:12 AM
What do you have nightmares about?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on March 27, 2024, 11:13:03 AM
Still vacation by me or have you moved onto Aruba?
lol aruba last week may into june 7 days ohhhhh...then aug 10-17 lavalette,good customer mine 2500.00 on the bay by the lavalette tower cove there beautiful place ...can't wait.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 27, 2024, 05:32:53 PM
lol aruba last week may into june 7 days ohhhhh...then aug 10-17 lavalette,good customer mine 2500.00 on the bay by the lavalette tower cove there beautiful place ...can't wait.

I know you don't want to interrupt your vacation time but if you want to meet for a hello let me know. You're one of the few I would meet from this board, lol. I'm less than 20 minutes away.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: njflex on March 28, 2024, 10:39:55 AM
I know you don't want to interrupt your vacation time but if you want to meet for a hello let me know. You're one of the few I would meet from this board, lol. I'm less than 20 minutes away.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 28, 2024, 03:26:25 PM
Back day:  Ugh, very busy with my son visiting from Colorado.  All good stuff but I'm shot. Party at my house for him. Party at my daughter's house for him. Last night was out at beautiful Bayside bar/restaurant.  I'm a little liquored out.  No warm ups shown. I did them if I needed them. Most often no warm up sets. Up the weight in almost everything here. Maybe too much. I feel ill, lol.

Medium grip pulldown 1x11 (Used a M.A.G. bar. Great bar for pulldowns)
Seated lat row with a V shaped handle 1 x 14
One arm dumbbell row with knee and hand on bench 1 x 12
Narrow pulldown with a M.A.G bar  1 x 10
deadlift 1x6 (Ever since I got sick, I've been weak with these. Maybe it's just the running. Maybe I'm just old)
Weighted back hyper extensions 1 x 21 (If you have a choice in your gym always pick the old fashion horizontal hyper bench. The new 45 degree ones have no resistance at the top of the movement.)

Leg kick back machine 1 x 14 ( I know this should be grouped with legs but it hits the glute hard so I threw it in here.)

Ab wheel 1 x 28
Pulley ab crunch 1 x 50

Deadlifts for reps to failure just suck. I just watched a video of a capitulation of guys passing out deadlifting. It was both funny and disturbing as some banged their head on mental objects. I always clear the area so hopefully I won't bang my head if I pass out. 

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 29, 2024, 12:40:39 PM
Delt and Tricep day: Last weight workout of the week. One set to failure and used warm ups as needed. Most of the time no warm up set.  I did the press behind the neck for many decades. Contrary to the belief that they are bad for the shoulders, I think they are good for them. The problems occurs when you don't have the flexibility to do these.  Prime example was me today. I really tried to do them but with the two warm ups I realized my shoulders were so tight it was risky so I stopped after the two warmup. Think about Olympic lifters. The put the bar on the shoulders behind the neck then jerk it up as they drop down into snatch squat with the bar over head. They have plenty of flexibility to do the movement.

Standing dumbbell press 1 x 10
Dumbbell delt laterals 1 x 20 (Sometimes when doing one set to failure I pick a weight where I will fail at a high rep count. It's safer than picking heavy dumbbells and grinding out 8 reps at this age.
Dumbbell rear delt laterals standing bend over 1 x 17
Single arm delt laterals with a pulley using a D shaped handle 1 x 10
Barbell shrug 1 x 14

Traditional tricep push downs on the pulley machine 1 x 13
Seated EZ bar tricep extensions behind the head leaning back against a scott curl pad turned around 1 x 9
Single dumbbell with single hand tricep extensions starting behind the head 1 x 12
Weighted dips 1 x 11

Weighted crunches 1 x 50
Pulley crunches 1 x 60
Decline crunches 1 x 40  ( I lean back where I feel the tension and do very short rocking motion reps.)

Finished with  some shoulder rehab stuff after that I don't really consider part of my lifting routine.

Good week of lifting with lousy cardio for the week but the week isn't over. Hope to run tomorrow. I just read a serious study about predictors of heart attacks. I wish I book marked it. Their conclusion the best predictor of a heart attack is poor cardio vascular exercise tolerance. To put in in simple terms they tested almost 800 people and got a value of their aerobic fitness on a treadmill. The poorest fitness levels had the most heart attacks. I can't find the study but here are some other ones.

Anyway no method to preventing heart attacks is a cure all. Aerobic exercise has prevented more heart attacks than it has caused. If you're old like me get a cardiac exam that includes an ekg while on a treadmill. Many heart problems won't show up until under  the load of cardio. So a resting EKG can come up normal lying on a table and while walking on an incline at a cardiologist office it could go hay wire.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 30, 2024, 12:02:30 PM
Ran 2.57 miles on the Lavalette boardwalk. It's an out and back route.  Ran like a slug with my knee hurting. I rarely have knee problems, WTF?  I clearly have to do more road work once this knee clears up.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 04, 2024, 09:58:03 AM
Neglecting this training log again.  Today was chest and arms. I keep talking about going to volume but every time I do I can't stand repeating an exercise over and over again. I might pick an exercise and do 4 sets of 8 reps. The first set I stop at 8 reps and feel like I'm wasting my time. Same with the second and third though I'm getting tired. Last set I will fail at 7 reps. Makes me wonder why I bothered with the previous sets since they weren't to failure? If anyone says they did 4 sets of 8 reps and every set was failure they are delusional. If you truly did your first set of 8 to failure you would fail at say 7 reps the next set and maybe 5 on the third and so on. What they are actually doing is something like this. First set is 8 but could have gotten 10. Next set is 8 but could have got 9. Third set is 8 and it's a true failure set. Last set is 6 reps.

Chest and arms: No warms are listed. I did them if I needed them. Most exercises have no warm ups. The previous exercise for the body part served as a warm up for most exercises.

Bench with a barbell 2 x 6 then 1x1 (I have a love/hate with this exercise. I blame it for my bad shoulders. I rarely bench anymore because it usually results in screaming shoulders. Look at all the pro bodybuilders with bad shoulders. I went light and strict. I felt it. So out of the grove with these. In my younger days I always went up to 275lbs plus on my last set. Now it's embarrassing but I'm working on it. 

Incline barbell 2 x 6 (I use safety spotting racks for both the bench and inclines. My wife got me them about 40 years ago. They have saved me a couple of times.)

Decline Dumbbell 2 x 8 (I was really weak after the two other pressing movements. I used a lighter weight than normal.)

Flat flies 2 x 10

Triceps pushdows with a upside down V handle 2x12

EZ bar french press seated leaning against a scott bench that's turned around 3 x 8 (did an extra set. Why? I don't know, lol)

Single dumbbell tricep behind the head 2 x 12

Rope pushdowns 2 x 10

Barbell curl 2 x 10 (Using a new philosophy.  I used lighter weight than normal but I did the reps stricter and I normally do my reps strict with a full range of motion. I think I might be on to something. As we fight to increase weight we sometimes do stuff to make the reps like speed the reps up and shifting the body slightly. I used a moderate weight but smoothly did the reps without any back lean. I felt it all in the biceps. I'm lifting lately in my basement. No one to impress with the weight used, lol)

Alternate dumbbell curl 2 x 8 ( Used a lighter weight with the same reasons as above. I think I'm on to something. I usually use 45lbs and I felt I was really good about the form. This time I used the 40lbs and I think I felt it all on the biceps.)

Dumbbell two hand drag curl 2x12 ( I lean against the wall with my feet forward and elbows back)

Concentration curl 2 x 12 (I used my usual weight lately but in the theme of things for the second set I used a lighter dumbbell and I repped out. Felt good.)

Wrist curl 2 x 25 (Keeping with the theme of using a lighter weight but stricter reps I went down in weight)
Wrist extensions 2 x 20

Incline sit ups 1 x 30
Incline Leg raises 1 x 18
Ivanko gripper 2 x 20

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 05, 2024, 11:44:12 AM
Day off from lifting. Warmed up slow running a quarter mile then ran 5.16 miles. After that I did 4x 110 yard strides. Not quite sprints but pretty close. The Garmin watch said 792 calories just for the 5.16 run.  Then hit the heavy bag for two rounds. Burned around 1000 calories today. Hopefully I will eat 500 less calories than I did yesterday for a nice deficit.

Tomorrow is leg day. Going to avoid the big heavy movements for awhile. My knee bugged me a little on the run and my hip felt pretty good. I don't want to back slide and inflame those joints by doing heavy leg presses and machine squats. Don't know yet but I think my compound movements will be something like Goblet squats and free hand squats. Just want the joints to settle down. I know if I piled on the plates with the leg press and squat machine it will aggravate.  I shall return to them but giving myself a break for a week or two.

Something feels really good getting outside and doing some exercise.  Leaves me in better spirits even though I'm completely spent.  Running takes me back to high school, college and Fort Dix military base. At Fort Dix they had basic training at the time and a one mile track. My Outfit used to lap the recruits running on the track and their Sgt use to get pissed asking us not to use the track when he had recruits on it because it was demoralizing to them. Fuck, tell those pukes to get in better shape.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: SweetDaddySiki on April 05, 2024, 12:41:44 PM
Hope you didn't get any damage from the earth shake (as my co-worker calls them) in NJ today. Here in NC we got minor 2 earth shakes this week.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 05, 2024, 01:27:44 PM
Hope you didn't get any damage from the earth shake (as my co-worker calls them) in NJ today. Here in NC we got minor 2 earth shakes this week.

My house rattled and I heard some metal clanging outside my house. Over with in under 15 seconds about. Glad I wasn't doing something like a power clean at the time.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 08, 2024, 01:23:51 PM
I did a full body routine today. I stand by my assertion that it’s the hardest way to train.  No warm ups shown.  Typing this at work.  I’m shot. 

Power cleans 3x3 then 1x1

Squats 2x8 then 1x1
Standing leg curls 2x12

Barbell bench press 2x6 then 1x1
Flat flies 2x 15

Pull ups 2x max
Seated cable rows 2x12

Press behind the neck 2x6 Haven’t done these in ages.  My theory is that they are actually good for your shoulders.  It’s the lack of flexibility that makes the exercise dangerous. I did these full range for the two sets. Started with the bar on the traps.
Dumbbell delt laterals 2x15

Traditional triceps push downs 2x12
Alternate dumbbell curls 2x 10

Leg press calf press 2x20
Tibialis 1x20

Weighted back hyper extensions 2x15

Incline sit-ups 1x20
Incline leg raises. 1x15

4 way neck machine 2x30 a side

Ivanko gripper 2x20

Tired just typing this. My method is to figure out a goal weight then back off that weight for six workouts. Let’s say my goal weight for something was 100lbs. Workout one would find me using 75lbs. I wouldn’t increase the reps unless I felt I messed up on the weight selection very badly then I will rep out. So workout one is 75lbs and workout two will be 80lbs. In six workouts the goal should be hit, hopefully.  So the first few workouts are no where near failure but I still feel it.

I really don’t know how the stars of the day in the 50’s trained with whole body routines.  Just a brutal way to train. The best thing about whole body training is when you train you are completely done. We have all have done splits where life gets in the way. Nothing stinks more than getting say a good chest and bicep workout then the then next day that suppose to be a back and bicep doesn't happen for three days. Maybe one day was over time at work and the next maybe your kid's soccer game. Then the day after you are exhausted and skip it. Of course I will still do splits but what satisfaction it is to have it all done in one shot.

Optimally it's best to do it three days a week but two is still fantastic. Hell even one will hold you over if disaster strikes.  It also gives you time to dedicate time to another sport like Jui jitsu or something like running. If you have a real career, family, have a long work commute and other commitments how can you have time for 2 hour daily split weight workouts?  I think for a high percentage  of guys a whole body routine has the answers.  Tommy Kono who was a good bodybuilder and a hall of fame Olympic lifter was a big proponent of training three days a week. I know today's elite Olympic lifters are usually training 5 to 6 days a week.

One thing that really gets me pissed off when people say it's a beginner routine. Nope, it's the absolute hardest way to train. Splits are easier.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 10, 2024, 09:30:17 AM
Whole body routine again. I did the same as the last post but heavier.

Cleans 3 x 3 then 1 x 1

Barbell squats 2 x 8 then 1 x 1
Standing leg curl 2x12 (Something about standing leg curls that feels great. Maybe it just feels like a more natural movement to me than lying or seated leg curls.  Don't get me wrong. All the variations are good)

Barbell bench press 2 x 6 then 1x1  (Since I have only benched with a bar probably 10 times in the last ten years it feels awkward to me. I usually use dumbbells. So far the shoulder is holding up.)
Flat flies 2 x 15 (I hear so many in videos and print saying these are bad for the shoulders. I feel a slight strain but I think the flat barbell bench is worse for the shoulders. One thing for sure is that the decline press is the safest for the shoulder pec tie in.)

Pull up 2 x max (I do plenty of rest pause with these. Hit the max then after a short rest get 2 more.
Seated lat pulley row 2 x 12 (Using a wider handle than my typical V shaped handle.)

Press behind the neck 2 x 6 (I said last time that I thought the danger with these are doing them with inflexible tight shoulders. I should look in a mirror because my shoulders hurt this time. I think I'm using dumbbells next time.)
Dumbbell delt laterals standing 2 x 15

Upside down V handle tricep push downs 2x12
Alternate dumbbell curls 2 x 10 (superset with the above tricep exercise)

Leg press calf 2 x 25 (These burn)

Weighted Hyper extension 2 x15

Incline sit ups 1x max
Leg raise 1 x max

Four way next 2 x 30 a side

Ivanko gripper 2 x 20

Finished with rehab type stuff for the the hip. I did abduction and adduction. Also threw in knee raises with monkey feet attached to a dumbbell.

Completely shot now. I was thinking about training for aging athletes. I remember Bill Pearl saying when he hit 55 he stopped caring about the weight used and he stopped hot dogging. Hot dogging was the phrase he wrote to me when describing showing off in the gym.

As you age you have to discard exercises that served you so well in your youth but are damaging now. For example if barbell shrugs are giving you shooting nerve pain down your arms now that you're aging you have a choice. Discard it. Use a lighter weight and a slow smooth cadence to see if that will fix the problem.  That goes with a host of exercises. Skull crushers hurt your elbow then get rid of it. There are so many exercises. No rule says you have to barbell squat, deadlift or anything else. If you can't run then walk fast. Can't walk without pain then bike.

The theme of doing what's good for your particular circumstances can be seen with super stars.  Serge Nubret and Mr Universe Wilf Sylvester both used no weight squats in their routines. Wilf use to use the typical barbell squat, hack, leg extension and leg curl.  For the Universe he switched to no weight squats as in calisthenics along with leg extensions and leg curls. He said he did 400 reps but never described how many sets. Serge used them too.  Try them sometime before you dismiss them. Don't flop into the negative and sink really deep. Use the negative. I bet after 50 reps your thighs will be on fire and your thighs will be pumped. 

Regarding reps some say an aging athlete should use high reps. Pearl said low reps as in 6-10.  I have no concrete opinion on this. Many believe an old guy should be using high reps. I don't know. From personal experience I hate doing high reps.

In the end we all know the big fat old guy doing the 600lbs deadlifts or the little skinny 68 year old that runs like a deer. They are the exceptions and the rarified percentage of aging athletes that do remarkable things. For the majority of us that won't apply but you can be the best version of yourself for your age. My goal is to run a local 5K and win my age bracket of 60-69 that they have. I like in the big races that have the age bracket of 65-70.  Those 60 year old kids are fast. I want them out of my bracket, lol. Since I'm a hybrid athlete splitting my time with running and lifting I'm not good at either, LOL. 

Till next time my one reader, LOL.  Going to the mall to buy a pair of trousers.  Been wearing the same dress pants when the need arises forever. They are showing wear. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: SweetDaddySiki on April 10, 2024, 12:27:15 PM
Keep it up OT and don't be afraid to back off and use lighter weights when it comes to full body's.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 10, 2024, 01:35:17 PM
Keep it up OT and don't be afraid to back off and use lighter weights when it comes to full body's.

I am but increasing each workout. It's really great doing an exercise three days a week. I find I get strong quicker than the usual once a week. Just ask your self a question. If you wanted to get stronger in pull ups would you do them once a week or three times a week? I also see this especially with power cleans. Doing them once a week doesn't advance my progress like doing them three times a week. The power cleans flew up today on Wednesday having done them on Monday.  Can't wait for Friday's workout. Don't get me wrong. Once a week training is great especially with over lap stimulation but nothing compares to doing the same exercise three days a week for quick strength gains. It's also great knowing tomorrow I'm doing absolutely nothing but recovering from today's workout.

Just came back from a Bayside restaurant near my house with the wife. Pre summer it was practically empty. It has an inside restaurant and big outside bar. Beautiful views and great food. During the summer it will be packed to unbelievable capacity with rich NY people pulling up in their expensive boats dropping anchor while the Restaurants ferry's platoon boat scoops them up to come to the place as the band turns their amps up to 11.  No band today. Just a gorgeous nice girl waitress telling us about her life. It was a perfect place to be after the workout.

Wife is playing the Mamas and the Papas on a nice Bose speaker in the living room now. I forgot how amazing their voices were and how well they harmonized. Beautiful music.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 12, 2024, 10:58:22 AM
4-12-2-24:  Ugh, that's all I have to say. In the past If I felt a tweak lifting I would push through it and of course it turned it into a big tweak. Doing power cleans and every set I felt pain in my hip and down my thigh. Older and wiser me stopped the workout. Tomorrow is another day.

 Maybe I am doing too much at my age. Bill Pearl said to avoid training to failure and I am always pursuing it. Training to failure and testing that one rep are training protocols for your teens, 20's, 30's, 40's and into your 50's. Into your mid sixties maybe it's time to train hard but back off the failure stuff till the last set using volume.
I think my odometer is pretty high at this point from all the physical stuff I have done in my life. I think the trick is to get into your 70's in one piece and not hobbled with working dick, lol.

Look at all the operations of the pros. Arnold, Lou and Stallone had shoulders. Lou and Clarence Bass had their hips replaced. Never mind all the knee and elbow operation. So far I lucked out with just one orthopedic operation for a ripped bicep.  My orthopedic surgeon is an honest guy when he examined my partially torn rotator cuff on one side and partially damaged labrum on the other. He said he couldn't guarantee me I would be better off after the operation. He said testing both shoulders for strength is that they were very strong in his words and he would advise against operating. He said to use caution with lifting. He doesn't know me very well. I'm joking.

 I have made changes in the the past 10 years. No singles with deadlifts.  I rarely bench with a bar. When my shoulders act up I use decline pressing for zero pain. I also rarely use barbell squats even though I did them twice this week. I found machine squats, dumbbell squats and no weight squats productive. As you age another consideration is compressing your spine as the disks wear out. If they get to compressed anywhere from your neck down you are in for a world of hurt as nerves are crunched.

Yes many old guys and load up the bar in barbell squats and have zero problems but it can be risky as you get white hair and into the grumpy years. Machine squats takes out the balance and much of the lower back compression with barbell squats if you have a forward tilt while squatting. Dumbbell squats are so hard that a much lighter weight can be used with the same benefits. Technique is holding the dumbbell at your sides with straps. Keep an upright back and sink to maximum depth.  If you are bending over you are deadlifting the weight and not doing a real dumbbell squat.

Power cleans 4x3 reps

Anyway off to pick up the grand daughter from school and hang with her and her dog till Mom gets off of work. Then I might have some whisky on the rocks. Is this where a teetotaler calls me a drunk because I have a drink three days a week, lol. I comb my hair with Brylcreem and it doesn't make me a barber. Wait, I do cut my own hair, lol.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on April 12, 2024, 01:14:27 PM
"All you can do is all you can do." -- Al Williams
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 14, 2024, 12:38:24 PM
Neglecting this training log again.  Hope to be up and logging tomorrow. Today I ran slow for 3:11 miles and did about four 50 yard strides after.  My bad leg held up for the most part.  Weight is 172 and now the summer push begins. I want to be 162 for my annual beach vacation in Myrtle beach.  It nuts. I live by the beach but I drive 650 miles to go to another beach, lol. The ocean is so much warmer down there and it's never rough for some reason. In NJ the ocean at times can be a blender of currents and waves.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Donny on April 15, 2024, 06:24:02 AM
Neglecting this training log again.  Hope to be up and logging tomorrow. Today I ran slow for 3:11 miles and did about four 50 yard strides after.  My bad leg held up for the most part.  Weight is 172 and now the summer push begins. I want to be 162 for my annual beach vacation in Myrtle beach.  It nuts. I live by the beach but I drive 650 miles to go to another beach, lol. The ocean is so much warmer down there and it's never rough for some reason. In NJ the ocean at times can be a blender of currents and waves.
I find keeping a training log very tiring & as i wrote before i train more "freestyle" nowadays. I might radically change my mind what exercise i will do because at that moment it doesn´t feel good.
Don´t feel you have to post your workouts but rather just post up the positive ones.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 15, 2024, 05:46:34 PM
I find keeping a training log very tiring & as i wrote before i train more "freestyle" nowadays. I might radically change my mind what exercise i will do because at that moment it doesn´t feel good.
Don´t feel you have to post your workouts but rather just post up the positive ones.

I plot out my workouts in my head and sometimes on paper. You're right though. Many times it's better to freestyle. A workout plotted out can't account for how you feel that day or for any tweaks you have to work around. For some reason I do this especially with triceps but other body parts too. Sometimes for a squatting motion I use a squat machine but I often substitute Dumbbell squats, hacks or free squats. For triceps I switch out so many exercises. Not a quote but Dave Draper but he  said in effect that he can't stay too structured in a workout cause he likes to be able to change things on the fly.

Today I dropped my short lived whole body routine due to a leg and hip bugging me. I took a 25MG of meloxicam and it worked pretty good. I was on 7.5mg and it helped but 25mg worked much better. Can't pin point the pain but it felt like the hip joint and hurt from there all the way down to the knee. 

Thinking I have to be careful about grinding my joints to dust. I have been working out hard from my teens till now. It was high school and college track team. Competed in powerlifting in 1977.  I boxed, jui jitsu and very intensive training at two military bases. Did stuff like ride a bike 500 miles across Iowa in five days with some seriously competitive bike cycle enthusiasts that hammered the pace.  My body has taken a beating. As I mentioned before I use to talk to Bill Pearl through texts. He stressed that a smart man gives up the heavy weights as they age. I believe he said he stopped using heavy weights when he hit 55. 

Today I went back to my Yates inspired one set to failure. I trained chest and biceps  today and it took 45 minutes. Then I spent 45 minutes fast walking on a  the treadmill with an incline. The plan for the week is to complete a week of one set to failure then I might admit I'm not a kid anymore and train for muscular endurance with moderate weights. Five years from now when I'm 70 it would be nice to still be hitting the weights hard and running some miles health willing. I think in order to hit that goal I have to be wiser in what I do and drop the ego.  I have some health challenges but I'm monitored very closely.  So far I'm good.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Donny on April 16, 2024, 02:30:04 AM
As I mentioned before I use to talk to Bill Pearl through texts. He stressed that a smart man gives up the heavy weights as they age. I believe he said he stopped using heavy weights when he hit 55.

yes i spoke 3 times with Bill on the phone he was a great guy. At that time i was really just doing under grip supinated chins for Biceps & Bill said do you have a preacher bench & i got one for my Home Gym after the conversation.
works well with chinning the Bar
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 16, 2024, 03:37:15 AM
As I mentioned before I use to talk to Bill Pearl through texts. He stressed that a smart man gives up the heavy weights as they age. I believe he said he stopped using heavy weights when he hit 55.

yes i spoke 3 times with Bill on the phone he was a great guy. At that time i was really just doing under grip supinated chins for Biceps & Bill said do you have a preacher bench & i got one for my Home Gym after the conversation.
works well with chinning the Bar

The scott can be really hard on the bicep.  I know a guy that ripped his bicep using one. I don't know how Larry Scott used one for decades with really heavy weight without a rupture? 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Donny on April 16, 2024, 05:25:36 AM
The scott can be really hard on the bicep.  I know a guy that ripped his bicep using one. I don't know how Larry Scott used one for decades with really heavy weight without a rupture?
He used a very wide grip too on his curls where as i normally used a much closer one. Sometimes i did it just leaning my arm on an incline bench, but regardless after the Curls you are pre-exhausted so lighter loads are used (if any on chins)...still the muscles are weaker because of this & i suppose in theory could be more open to a tear.
I found chins did it for me body straight & concentrating on the Biceps where as for back i would do Gironda style Sternum chins arching my back bar to sterum leaning back..much more range of motion that a standard pull up.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Donny on April 16, 2024, 05:30:42 AM
looks very awkward to me

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 16, 2024, 05:22:55 PM
Leg day: 4-16-24 Tuesday.

I was cautious about lifting for legs today because my hip and leg hurting the past week. I've been on ridiculously strong anti-inflammatory drug and it's been working amazing. I woke up at 5:30AM and went into my basement. I started by waking myself up by walking fast for a quarter mile on the treadmill. For the first exercise the leg press I did a few warm up sets. My leg felt pretty good. Now to my one set to failure. I lightened the weight and made a point to do slow negatives to make up for the lighter weight. I got to 13 and it felt good.

Leg press 1x13
Machine squats 1 x 10 I could have gotten maybe two more reps but I felt I was playing with fire and wanted to play it safe. I think barbell squats might be permanently out for me. 
Stiff deads 1 x 8 (Lightened the load a little from 205lbs to 185lbs but did them stricter. Still trying not to reinjure my leg.)
Leg extensions 1 x 26
Seated leg curls 1 x 18

Hanging leg raise 1 x 27
Hip ups lying on my back 1 x 34

Leg press calf 1 x 26
Standing calf 1 x 21
Seated calf 1 x 20
tibalis 1 x 20

Neck four way 4 x 20 per side.

At work after lifting I spend most of the 8 hour day on my feet. Thought I would be limping but nope, felt great. The drug is working. I'm usually not into any prescriptions but my leg was hurting. Last time I had problems the Doc gave me 7.5 MG of meloxicam for for a foot injury.  When I  took it I felt amazing. Not only did the foot feel better but every stiffness in my body disappeared. I only used it for a few days. It's a drug that is used for arthritis a lot. My family suffers a lot from arthritis. My sister is practically crippled from it. Her hands are knurly and she has trouble walking. She is only 75.  I think my workout has kept my joints pretty good but I know I from x rays that I have it too but not to her extent. I found a bottle of 25mg of the drug that another doctor prescribed. Now 7.5mg worked but I was in a lot of hip and thigh pain so I took the heavy dose. Holy shit do I feel good.  I will probably take it for 3 more days.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Donny on April 17, 2024, 03:50:49 AM
Leg day: 4-16-24 Tuesday.

I was cautious about lifting for legs today because my hip and leg hurting the past week. I've been on ridiculously strong anti-inflammatory drug and it's been working amazing. I woke up at 5:30AM and went into my basement. I started by waking myself up by walking fast for a quarter mile on the treadmill. For the first exercise the leg press I did a few warm up sets. My leg felt pretty good. Now to my one set to failure. I lightened the weight and made a point to do slow negatives to make up for the lighter weight. I got to 13 and it felt good.

Leg press 1x13
Machine squats 1 x 10 I could have gotten maybe two more reps but I felt I was playing with fire and wanted to play it safe. I think barbell squats might be permanently out for me. 
Stiff deads 1 x 8 (Lightened the load a little from 205lbs to 185lbs but did them stricter. Still trying not to reinjure my leg.)
Leg extensions 1 x 26
Seated leg curls 1 x 18

Hanging leg raise 1 x 27
Hip ups lying on my back 1 x 34

Leg press calf 1 x 26
Standing calf 1 x 21
Seated calf 1 x 20
tibalis 1 x 20

Neck four way 4 x 20 per side.

At work after lifting I spend most of the 8 hour day on my feet. Thought I would be limping but nope, felt great. The drug is working. I'm usually not into any prescriptions but my leg was hurting. Last time I had problems the Doc gave me 7.5 MG of meloxicam for for a foot injury.  When I  took it I felt amazing. Not only did the foot feel better but every stiffness in my body disappeared. I only used it for a few days. It's a drug that is used for arthritis a lot. My family suffers a lot from arthritis. My sister is practically crippled from it. Her hands are knurly and she has trouble walking. She is only 75.  I think my workout has kept my joints pretty good but I know I from x rays that I have it too but not to her extent. I found a bottle of 25mg of the drug that another doctor prescribed. Now 7.5mg worked but I was in a lot of hip and thigh pain so I took the heavy dose. Holy shit do I feel good.  I will probably take it for 3 more days.

yes we are Old Farts now with some aches & pains, do you ever train in a commercial Gym?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 17, 2024, 05:46:32 AM
yes we are Old Farts now with some aches & pains, do you ever train in a commercial Gym?

I was in a commercial gym when covid hit and they all shut down. Lucky I had my home gym so I never missed a workout.

I started to add to my home gym after that to have the equipment I loved at the commercial place. One was a four way neck machine and the other was a kick back machine. The kick back machine I got just isn't as good as the commercial one. I wish I bought the commercial one used. Probably could have gotten it for the same price of the home unit I got. The one I got is in the pictures as well as the commercial one I used. I don't even know the brand of the commercial one but it was the best leg machine I ever used. It was like a one leg squat standing up that had the bonus of posterior femur abduction. It kicked my ass.

I am self motivated. I think I'm in my home gym for good unless I'm on vacation or a friend invites me to their commercial gym.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Donny on April 17, 2024, 06:14:39 AM
I was in a commercial gym when covid hit and they all shut down. Lucky I had my home gym so I never missed a workout.

I started to add to my home gym after that to have the equipment I loved at the commercial place. One was a four way neck machine and the other was a kick back machine. The kick back machine I got just isn't as good as the commercial one. I wish I bought the commercial one used. Probably could have gotten it for the same price of the home unit I got. The one I got is in the pictures as well as the commercial one I used. I don't even know the brand of the commercial one but it was the best leg machine I ever used. It was like a one leg squat standing up that had the bonus of posterior femur abduction. It kicked my ass.

I am self motivated. I think I'm in my home gym for good unless I'm on vacation or a friend invites me to their commercial gym.
your post got me thinking about a simple exercise i do at home lying leg curls,
I for example point my toes away from my legs to work my calves somewhat & the opposite when concentrating on my Hammies & Buttocks.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 18, 2024, 09:12:44 AM
Back day: 4/18/24 Thursday.

My leg and hip continue to heal but I'm wary of fucking it up again.  Still a broken record with the Yates one set to failure thing. For right now it suits my temperament and personality of hitting a set really hard then moving on. Used non taxing warms up sets when needed but for most sets I do no warm ups.

Medium grip pulldowns with a supinate M.A.G bar 1x12 (I don't use the lean back and heave I see everyone doing but I stay upright. I sometimes wonder which way is better? Leaning back and heaving makes it a sloppy row type exercise.  I know the lean back lets you use more weight)

Seated traditional lat rows with pulley using a V shaped handle 1 x 14

Dumbbell row with knee and hand on a bench 1 x 12

Narrow pulldown with s supinate M.A.G. bar 1 x 11

dead lift 1 x 6 ( I was dreading these because I was fearful of injuring my leg. I warmed up with 225lbs and it felt alright. Loaded the bar to 275lbs and I did six reps. Using that light weight and using a slow negative made it tough. Hopefully soon I can get back to using a real weight for this exercise. For me it's also tough to do this exercise if I put in too many miles running. It seems to take the strength out of my legs for pushing the ground for deads. I don't want to get too crazy heavy with the weight in this exercise at this stage in my life but I sure would like to get back to doing six reps with 315lbs again. Then again summer is for summer runs and the deads suffer.

Weighted back extensions 1 x 20 ( I hold a 25lbs behind my head and I use the harder horizontal hyper bench instead of the easy new 45 degree ones where there is zero resistance as you get near the top.

Ab wheel 1 x 27
Ab pulley crunches 1 x 50

Having a good training week so far. So far I got two cardio sessions in this week and hopefully Friday and Saturday I will get two more in. Tomorrow is delts and triceps. Good to end a weight training week on an easier day with something like delts and triceps.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 19, 2024, 08:57:46 AM
4-19-2024, Friday: Delt and triceps day.

   Woke up with a bit of a hang over. Watching a movie last night with the wife on Netflix.  I didn't even get to the part of Netflix and chill. Had some whiskey on ice and I guess I was enjoying it too much.  My goal today was to lift and go for a run. After lifting I was just shot. Tomorrow is another day.  Again, I do warms ups as needed and most exercises don't get a warm up set.

Military press 1x8
Dumbbell delt laterals drop sets:  30lbs-25lbs-20lbs-15lbs and 10lbs (I never did drop sets before. My delts were on fire.)
Dumbbell rear delt laterals drop sets:  30lbs-25llbs-20lbs  (The pump was unreal)
Face pulls 1 x 19
Barbell shrugs 1 x 14

Traditional triceps pushdowns 1x 18 (Used an upside down V handle)
Narrow bench 1 x 9
Rope triceps 1 x 12
Weighted dips 1 x 9

Weighted crunch 1 x 70
Pulley crunch 1 x 60
Romans on a decline bench 1 x 40

Dumbbell pullover 1 x 12 (I use two dumbbells and lie on bench length wise. I don't do these to increase strength. It's just a stretching exercise for my tight shoulders.

Debated in my head whether to start warming up for a run and I thought fuck it. Tomorrow I will get it in. I was looking at videos of a guy 70 years old who was running at 65 but only walks/hikes now at 70.  He lifts but he tries to get in plenty of days of walking. He looked really lean and in shape but no one would confuse him with a bodybuilder. He preaches the low sugar diet.  I do know first hand the power of fast walking. It melts the fat right off. I can see very noticeable results in as little as one or two weeks if I can get in 5 days of 5 miles at a time of fast walking in with weight lifting. The problem for me is as much as I really enjoy putting on my shock wave head set and walking an isolated trail by my house but it rubs me the wrong way.  I view myself as an aging athlete.  As such walking makes me feel like it's a cop out and something house wives do. I try to compensate that feeling by walking really fast and throwing in some strides (semi sprints) as the mood hits me. If I had any sense I would stick with walking.  It's really safe on the joints and it does melt fat off. Try an experiment with yourself if you're healthy. Walk fast for something like 75 minutes a day for 4 or 5 days a week in addition to your lifting. It makes a big difference in how you look in terms of being lean. I'm still trying to fight the good fight and I still try to run.  If I had a brain cell working in my head I would only walk fast for cardio with some strides thrown in as the mood hit me.   My brother is 78 and he is still running. Running slow but running.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Donny on April 19, 2024, 09:04:20 AM
4-19-2024, Friday: Delt and triceps day.

   Woke up with a bit of a hang over. Watching a movie last night with the wife on Netflix.  I didn't even get to the part of Netflix and chill. Had some whiskey on ice and I guess I was enjoying it too much.  My goal today was to lift and go for a run. After lifting I was just shot. Tomorrow is another day.  Again, I do warms ups as needed and most exercises don't get a warm up set.

Military press 1x8
Dumbbell delt laterals drop sets:  30lbs-25lbs-20lbs-15lbs and 10lbs (I never did drop sets before. My delts were on fire.)
Dumbbell rear delt laterals drop sets:  30lbs-25llbs-20lbs  (The pump was unreal)
Face pulls 1 x 19
Barbell shrugs 1 x 14

Traditional triceps pushdowns 1x 18 (Used an upside down V handle)
Narrow bench 1 x 9
Rope triceps 1 x 12
Weighted dips 1 x 9

Weighted crunch 1 x 70
Pulley crunch 1 x
Romans on a decline bench 1 x 40

Dumbbell pullover 1 x 12 (I use two dumbbells and lie on bench length wise. I don't do these to increase strength. It's just a stretching exercise for my tight shoulders.

Debated in my head whether to start warming up for a run and I thought fuck it. Tomorrow I will get it in. I was looking at videos of a guy 70 years old who was running at 65 but only walks/hikes now at 70.  He lifts but he tries to get in plenty of days of walking. He looked really lean and in shape but no one would confuse him with a bodybuilder. He preaches the low sugar diet.  I do know first hand the power of fast walking. It melts the fat right off. I can see very noticeable results in as little as one or two weeks if I can get in 5 days of 5 miles at a time of fast walking in with weight lifting. The problem for me is as much as I really enjoy putting on my shock wave head set and walking an isolated trail by my house it rubs me the wrong way.  I view myself as an aging athlete.  As such walking makes me feel like it's a cop out and something house wives do. I try to compensate that feeling by walking really fast and throwing in some strides (semi sprints) as the mood hits me. If I had any sense I would stick with walking.  It's really safe on the joints and it does melt fat off. Try an experiment with yourself if you're healthy. Walk fast for something like 75 minutes a day for 4 or 5 days a week in addition to your lifting. It makes a big difference in how you look in terms of being lean. I'm still trying to fight the good fight and I still try to run.  If I had a brain cell working in my head I would only walk fast for cardio with some strides thrown in as the mood hit me.
Netflix.. :)  when i want my peace i let my wife watch it. It´s OK but i do like watching Documentaries on there . I just watch less TV these days & i think most people read much less. The Internet was in one way a blessing but in another way a poison.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: SweetDaddySiki on April 20, 2024, 05:20:59 PM
Good point about fast walking. I lift and walk and the walking does wonders for getting lean. I don't have the need to do any other forms of aerobics. I used to think the joint pain issues regarding running were BS until I started running   :)  I found out that it can be true.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 21, 2024, 04:35:21 AM
Good point about fast walking. I lift and walk and the walking does wonders for getting lean. I don't have the need to do any other forms of aerobics. I used to think the joint pain issues regarding running were BS until I started running   :)  I found out that it can be true.

I always say have a 300 calorie or more deficit from lifting and throw in a 300-600 calorie deficit from walking will lead to a quick fat loss. On top of that eat 400 calories less a day diet and the fat will melt off. Walking is so underrated.  Just don't stroll but walk really fast. I still can't go for a long walk without throwing some semi sprints in. Otherwise I feel like chubby housewife doing a power walk, lol. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 21, 2024, 05:34:55 PM
I did nothing this weekend.  For the week I got in four lifting days and two cardio days. Not optimal but I will take it. For the whole week I threw the diet out the window. I ate a sick amount. If I ate a cup cake I went back for another one, lol.

 Monday tomorrow I'm back on the wagon and eating like a skinny chick chewing on a celery stick. I really have to get my act together.  Afraid to get on the scale. Eating big is great for lifting heavy but terrible for  the waist and the heart.

 Just heard of a guy I boxed in 1986 that just died. He knocked me on my ass about 15 seconds into the fight but I got up and we threw down for the rest of the fight. It was a gym fight in the gym. No scoring but I like to think I won. I'm sure he would have said I was delusional. Tough Italian city guy with no fear. I think he had an unexpected heart attack.

  Maybe a different topic but I know three guys that died from heart attacks working out. Two running and one lifting. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Donny on April 22, 2024, 07:11:50 AM
I did nothing this weekend.  For the week I got in four lifting days and two cardio days. Not optimal but I will take it. For the whole week I threw the diet out the window. I ate a sick amount. If I ate a cup cake I went back for another one, lol.

 Monday tomorrow I'm back on the wagon and eating like a skinny chick chewing on a celery stick. I really have to get my act together.  Afraid to get on the scale. Eating big is great for lifting heavy but terrible for  the waist and the heart.

 Just heard of a guy I boxed in 1986 that just died. He knocked me on my ass about 15 seconds into the fight but I got up and we threw down for the rest of the fight. It was a gym fight in the gym. No scoring but I like to think I won. I'm sure he would have said I was delusional. Tough Italian city guy with no fear. I think he had an unexpected heart attack.

  Maybe a different topic but I know three guys that died from heart attacks working out. Two running and one lifting.
Don´t worry about Heart attacks Rich as it will not happen to you. I was out again this morning cycling and felt great. Cycling i now love as i can change up the intensity, sprints & hills.
I see a lot of people now with E-Bikes basically a battery operated bike but i need to do the work.
I´m old school ..ain´t no free dinners just working hard.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 22, 2024, 11:12:28 AM
Ran 5.2 miles today and did some hitting the heavy bag after.  At this age it takes me a mile or two before I feel in the groove for running faster. When I hit mile five it was the fastest mile. After the run I did 4 110 yard strides to remind my legs what fast running is.

So far the diet is on point for today.  Using the diet app I use and I'm killing it so far. I have about a 700 calorie deficit today from just exercise.  Hope to eat at least 400 calories less than I ate yesterday for an 1100 calorie drop. Summer is around the bend. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 24, 2024, 12:55:54 PM
Still on a little break from lifting. It's 72 and sunny in NJ. I didn't want to go down to my dark basement to lift so I went for a run. Ran 3.1 miles and after did five 110yard strides. Ran like a slug in the 9 minute something range. I will return to weight lifting tomorrow.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 25, 2024, 12:58:22 PM
Dragged my ass back to lifting. Today was chest and arms. No warm ups shown.

Flat barbell bench press 2 x 6 then 1x1 (Due to injuries I'm so weak in this lift. I'm determined to get back up in weight. Maybe a foolish desire. All through my 40's and early 50's I always did my last set with something like 250lbs to 285lbs Now with a partially torn rotator cuff on one shoulder and torn labrum in the other I have limitations.  I will push in this lift till it punches me in the face ands says stop you old goat.

Barbell inclines press 2 x 6

Dumbbell decline press 2 x 8 ( I think doing three pressing motions were over kill. Felt weak with these.)

Flat flies 2x10  (I've been reading and seeing so many videos saying how bad these are for the shoulder joint. I always got a good pump and a good stretch with them. I don't know. Maybe someone can point blank convince me they are bad for you and I will stop.)

Triceps pushdown with an upside down V bar 2 x12

Skull crushers with an ez bar 2 x  8 (I've done them for ages then due to elbow pain I stopped doing these for a very long time. I think for decades maybe I was doing these in a non optimal way. I brought the bar down to my forehead. On a youtube video I saw a guy lying on bench bringing the bar behind his head. I tried this method and I didn't have any elbow pain and I felt it fantastic in the triceps.  I learned something new tweaking my form with these.)

Rope push downs 2 x 8 ( I was so weak with theses I had trouble doing them and I believe it do to how effectively the skull crushers were hitting the triceps.  I was shot doing these because of how effective the new form I used.)

dips 2x8 (I used no weight and I'm lucky I got 8.  Very excited about  the tricep pump with the new method of skull crushers.)

Barbell curls 2 x 10. ( I was distracted and I accidently used 10lbs more than I usually do.)

Alternate dumbbell curls 2 x 8 (experimenting using a lighter weight but better form and cadence. I might be on to something.)

Dumbbell drag curls leaning against a wall 2x12

Concentration curls 2 x 12

Wrist curls 2x25
Wrist extensions 2 x 20
Ivanko gripper 2 x 20

Incline sit ups 1 x 29
Incline leg raise 1 x 17

After I went for a fast walk that lasted one hour and fifteen minutes. I threw in a couple of strides too varying from 40 yards to around 150 yards. When I finished I said to my self, you did way too much today, lol.  Feeling like I was hit with a truck. Tomorrow no lifting but hopefully a good cardio day.  I'm 171lbs and I feel like I'm leaning out.  Hope to be 164lbs by my June vacation.

After working out I mowed, weed whacked and used the blower.  Then applied round up. Took about an hour plus doing this. I'm shot.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: SweetDaddySiki on April 26, 2024, 06:58:41 AM
I know these are training logs but what's your diet like and whats your diet plan for getting down 164?
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 26, 2024, 09:18:12 AM
I know these are training logs but what's your diet like and whats your diet plan for getting down 164?

When my diet is on point I use a free phone app call Lose it. It's an Orange icon. There are other apps that share the name so look for the Orange scale. It's simple to use. Eat a bowl of Cheerios just type it in and they give you the calories. Cook an egg in olive oil spray it's in there. For a few items I use a food scale. The app also remembers the favorites you eat putting them on the suggestions you can quickly tap to include.  Sounds complicated but I don't do complicated. It's simple.

They ask what your weight is now and what's your goal? Then will give you an allotted amount of calories for the day.  They will also tell you a good estimate on when you will achieve that goal if you stay with the plan. It's pretty strict. They will allot me something like 1800 calories which is nothing but it has a saving grace.  They track your exercise too.  If you put on a fit bit don't cheat and include being alive as exercise logged. Only logged dedicated exercise.

 For example they give me something like 97 calories for two three minute rounds of hitting the heavy bag. When I go for a fast walk or a run they are pretty accurate with the calories used by distance, time and speed.  The only thing I believe they give too much calorie credit for is weight lifting. They ask you something like did you lift easy, moderate or heavy and how long the work out took you. Way to many calories given but I will take it. So when I go for a run they might give me 500-600 calories in a deficit. Then I go in my basement to hit the heavy bag for two rounds or so for another 97 calories to add to the 1800 calories given for the day but of course you don't have to eat the added calories that is allotted.  A lifting day they might give  400 calories which I think is too much for a stop and go activity.  The beauty of using the app for a couple of weeks is that you can almost accomplish the same without using it if the app puts you in the right eating patterns. I'm not on the app at the moment. In a few days I will be. When I use the app and it's a pain in the ass to log everything you eat but magic happens quick with it.  It really paints a picture of your eating habits when you review what you ate for the day.  Like I said I would like to be 164lbs.  I would be even better lighter but I have to live in reality of my age and health.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 27, 2024, 08:04:16 AM
Some thoughts for today.

Think I'm burned out. I walked fast for quarter lap on the treadmill to wake myself up for leg day. Warmed up with two sets of non taxing leg press.  Loaded up the leg press for the work sets.  I did one set of 12 reps. Then felt completely drained. I think I'm doing too much. I see my legs getting thin from too much running and fast walking. Sad to say I quit the workout and ended it.

Awhile back I talked to Bill Pearl. I know I'm repeating myself here but at 55 he stopped caring about lifting heavy weights. Here I am at 65 trying to crush my joints using what is heavy weights for me. Back then when I talked to him and this is years ago I told him I was thinking about using light to moderate weights. He said I was a smart man.  Pearl always preached to train hard but not to failure.

 Even Danny Padilla said he use to train with HIT and he used serious heavy weights. He said he began to dread the workouts describing them as scary. He went back to his 5 sets of 8 to 12 reps with short rests between sets using the same weight.

  Recently I have been watching a lot of Ryan Humistan videos on youtube. He preaches in effect that when he lifted heavy for something like eight reps it was easier than his new system of short rests between sets  doing 15-to 25  reps with a light weight.  He even does stuff like 100 deep squats with just the bar. His legs look amazing. He preaches very short rests between sets and high reps. Using high reps to failure can be just as draining as low reps to failure.

Maybe Steve Holman had it right when he described his 4X training. Truly nothing new and the majority of bodybuilders train that way. X stands for sets. Holman describes a set in effect like this. 4 x 10 reps using the same weight would be the first set to 10 reps but knowing you could get say 16 or more. Second set stop at 10 reps knowing you could have gotten 14 reps. Third set stop at 10 but you could have gotten 12. Last set you fail at 9 reps. So it's three non failure sets but they are still work sets and not warm ups.

Going to retool and come up with a new strategies.  Adding all this running into the equation is really draining and is apparent when it's time to lift. Trying to be a hybrid athlete is hard. I truly want to be a good runner yet be good in the weight room. When you split your time you become the master of nothing.

Nick Bare is a really good hybrid athlete. If you're not familiar he was an Army Ranger.  While in the Army he made a mail order supplement company that exploded. He lifts and runs hard. He started running marathons and his first attempts were good but nothing amazing. Now he runs sub 3 hour marathons and is built. His approach is to somewhat neglect leg training when he is running a lot. He said you have to prioritize what you are attempting to be good at.  I don't know how he can run 10 miles in the morning then hit the weight room in the afternoon. Some think he juices. Maybe. 

A pioneer of hybrid training was Brad Harris from the old Gold's days. He acted in a lot of movies in Europe but he was known for his great physique. Arnold tried to get him interested in bodybuilding competitions but he had no interest. He use to run distance and sprints. He was unique in that he never trained legs in the weight room saying he got all the exercise his legs needed from running. His lifting was something like three exercises a body part for 3 sets of 12.  When he died in his 80's I was surprised because he seemed like he was indestructible.  Below is a picture of Brad Harris.

It's funny when you talk to distance runners they will describe a good runner as being strong. They consider a typical weight trainer as being weak for not being able to run a few miles at a good clip.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 29, 2024, 04:49:19 PM
Still training but not logging. I will resume the log shortly for my one reader.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 02, 2024, 06:03:55 PM
Taking a break from lifting. Feeling a little burnt out from it.

4-28-2024: Ran 5.16 miles. After I did 4x 110 yard strides. (Almost a sprint but slower because I'm shot from the distance run.)
4-29-2024: Ran 5.05 miles. After I did 4 x 110 yard strides.
4-30-2024: Ran 5.05 miles. After I hit the heavy bag for a couple of rounds
5-1-2024:   Ran 5.14 miles. After I did 5 x 110 yard strides
5-2-2024: Ran 3.08 miles and I pushed the pace faster than my 5 miles runs.

23 miles in five days. Since I took a long break from lifting it's time to get back to it. Tomorrow is a lifting day. I will pick up  running again after two days away from it. I can see my face is getting lean. When I get a gaunt face I don't look good, lol.

Eating a little bit of crap everyday. I have to get back to my diet app and be held accountable.  I did most of the runs in my favorite park that has a roughly one mile asphalt loop. Great running without the fear of getting hit by a car. It sometimes can be packed with walkers. The women walking there are a pain in the ass. If four or five friends are walking they always spread from the left of the path to the right. I made a couple of them jump when I ran passed them coming close.

The other place I've been running is an isolated path that I can access three blocks from my house.  I can run for miles and not see a soul. Great for getting a great workout getting lost in your thoughts but someone will be killed there is my prediction. On some parts of the trail there are no houses that can be seen from the trail  and plenty of woods on either side. I think the occasional women I see running there are foolish.  Picture is the actual trail. Goes on for many miles. Use to be  old railroad tracks that the county removed and put down cinder.   
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 05, 2024, 04:59:19 PM
Ran another 5 miles this Sunday with four 80 yard strides. Tomorrow it's back to the weights after taking a break. Thought about all the plans I had but I will be going back to a Yates type workout for now.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on May 06, 2024, 07:36:51 AM
I think the occasional women I see running there are foolish.  Picture is the actual trail. Goes on for many miles. Use to be  old railroad tracks that the county removed and put down cinder.   

Agreed.  Not smart.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 09, 2024, 01:28:15 PM
Still working out but mainly running. Lost two pounds the last two weeks. Just tired of the training logs. I'm on track to running 25 miles this week. Feeling little weak but the distance running is slowly improving. I have seen my heart rate go down almost every run but my times are slightly improving. I will pick up lifting next week.

I come up with a lot of ideas about lifting routines that never pan out but I have to see if it suits me. Trying to be a hybrid athlete for a 5K I want to run in July. I know right now I can win my age bracket in this little small town 5K but I want to run well and not well for a 65 year old. That's going to take plenty of work.

My idea for a hybrid training protocol is to emphasize the running but trying to find a way to keep my hand in lifting. I went way back in the training notebooks. Going to use my Yates inspired weight workouts of one set to failure per exercise.  The twist is I'm going to use lighter weights but still go to failure. Going back maybe 2 decades when I was doing the serious hybrid thing used very light weights so failure happened from say 12 reps to 20 plus reps. Then every week I increased the poundage and naturally the reps to failure go lower. Hopefully at race time my reps to failure will be in the something like 8-12 reps range. Even using light weights but going to failure at high reps still can lead to burn out. I remember back then it worked fantastic when after a month or so I started using heavy weights. My strength for me was high.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Donny on May 10, 2024, 07:26:25 AM
Still working out but mainly running. Lost two pounds the last two weeks. Just tired of the training logs. I'm on track to running 25 miles this week. Feeling little weak but the distance running is slowly improving. I have seen my heart rate go down almost every run but my times are slightly improving. I will pick up lifting next week.

I come up with a lot of ideas about lifting routines that never pan out but I have to see if it suits me. Trying to be a hybrid athlete for a 5K I want to run in July. I know right now I can win my age bracket in this little small town 5K but I want to run well and not well for a 65 year old. That's going to take plenty of work.

My idea for a hybrid training protocol is to emphasize the running but trying to find a way to keep my hand in lifting. I went way back in the training notebooks. Going to use my Yates inspired weight workouts of one set to failure per exercise.  The twist is I'm going to use lighter weights but still go to failure. Going back maybe 2 decades when I was doing the serious hybrid thing used very light weights so failure happened from say 12 reps to 20 plus reps. Then every week I increased the poundage and naturally the reps to failure go lower. Hopefully at race time my reps to failure will be in the something like 8-12 reps range. Even using light weights but going to failure at high reps still can lead to burn out. I remember back then it worked fantastic when after a month or so I started using heavy weights. My strength for me was high.
I remember years back a guy who was a Sgt in the PTI Corps said to me keep it simple. I now understand this years later
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 10, 2024, 07:32:46 AM
I remember years back a guy who was a Sgt in the PTI Corps said to me keep it simple. I now understand this years later

I enjoy all the options I have in my home gym and in commercial gyms. Truth be told if you want to be a strong athlete all you need is a barbell and squat stands.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Donny on May 10, 2024, 07:59:44 AM
I enjoy all the options I have in my home gym and in commercial gyms. Truth be told if you want to be a strong athlete all you need is a barbell and squat stands.
I worked in Gyms as a trainer & honestly all i did was use the cross trainer for cardio. Serious cardio i did (at the time was running outside).
The Leg press was useful but not as effective as Squats in my home gym.
I saw pussy boys doing endless sets of tricep pushdowns but never parallel bar dips.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 11, 2024, 02:54:46 PM
I worked in Gyms as a trainer & honestly all i did was use the cross trainer for cardio. Serious cardio i did (at the time was running outside).
The Leg press was useful but not as effective as Squats in my home gym.
I saw pussy boys doing endless sets of tricep pushdowns but never parallel bar dips.

I have seen great athletes that only use bodyweight exercises. Look at something like Navy Seal, Force Recon, Green Beret and Rangers. They go through training with bodyweight training. Gymnast are another example. I am not a bodybuilder.  I just like to train no matter what methodology I use. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Donny on May 12, 2024, 04:26:57 AM
I have seen great athletes that only use bodyweight exercises. Look at something like Navy Seal, Force Recon, Green Beret and Rangers. They go through training with bodyweight training. Gymnast are another example. I am not a bodybuilder.  I just like to train no matter what methodology I use.

yes that seems to be a thing with these Guys. Big upper arms ..etc.  seem to do a lot of Dips, pull-ups. posted before but the Videos get you motivated  ;D

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 13, 2024, 07:38:56 AM
     I will get back to logging soon. I am training hard. Reading a book on training for running. I know what you are probably thinking. I'm a lifter on a lifting site, fuck running. Bear with me. His thoughts on training ring true for me in both lifting and running.

The book is Personal Best Running by Mark Coogan. He was an elite runner in college but the big time titles eluded him. He said in training he left it all out on the track every training day. He rated his workouts as A Plus. He and several members of the team sometimes left personal bests on a training day.  Come race day he ran well but many times not as good as some of his training days. As he tried to make Olympic teams and get a spot on the national cross country teams but it always eluded him.

I can relate since I came from a track back ground in high school and college. I was proud of my work ethic. I grew up with Rocky and Arthur Jones. Want to be the best you have to out work everyone I thought. That's also in my immigrant DNA.  I remember another runner who I thought dogged his workouts. He rarely trained hard while I left it all out there everyday. Come race day he was always faster.  I thought he was just more blessed with innate talent. Probably true but he wasn't entering a race completely depleted either.

Back to the author of the book. After college he ran with an elite post college running group composed of top shelf Olympians and other elite runners. One thing shocked him. The training runs weren't balls to the wall. He thought what the hell is going on?  They ran hard but never to the limit. He was discouraged training with this group. Then came races and he started breaking personal records beating some members of a who's who in racing.

Not to put words in his mouth but he said something to the effect that consistent B plus workouts with an occasional A plus will beat a version of yourself that does nothing but A plus workouts.

Having workout growing up with Mike Mentzer, Arthur Jones, Casey Viator and all the rest of the HIT guys I was proud of my work ethic of balls to the wall workouts. Many decades of using heavy weights back then. During those decades I still ran on the occasion but it always was a secondary thought. I couldn't do a consistent running routine. I was too exhausted from lifting. Lifting was my priority.

Now I feel I wasted my talent for being a good runner trying to be a good lifter through the years. Now I'm 65 and wonder if I could ever get back to decent running? I feel running does more for your health than lifting but that's a topic for another day. The best thing to lesson the risk of ill healthy is probably a combination of the two.

My goals are changing.  I want to be a hybrid athlete that has a good cardio gas tank and lift at the same time. How can I achieve that?  I'm going to have to use lighter weights and avoid going to failure on most of my sets. Exhaust the muscle through volume, short rests between sets and more strict rep performance. Best laid plans often fail but that's what I want to do.  Again I spoke to Bill Pearl about this topic and he said, "You're a smart man.", lol.   

Today I started a high intensity workout after a week of daily hard 5 mile runs.  After the third exercise going red in the face feeling faint going to failure I started to think this isn't sustainable if I continue running like I am. No way could I run a hard 5 mile plus then go to exhaustion on every weight exercise.  On my third exercise of failure I was leaning on a wall breathing like a race horse thinking about what kind of hell did I put myself in?  What if instead of doing say one set to failure of seated cable rows I did four sets of cable rows fast where the first three are stopped at say ten reps and the fourth is a failure at 9 reps might be a better route.  The fix for me might me as simple as using my two sets per exercise at a lighter weight not going to failure.

These are my thoughts for this Monday. Hopefully soon I will start logging again.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: SweetDaddySiki on May 13, 2024, 04:57:28 PM
Good post OT!  :)
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 14, 2024, 09:33:15 AM
Ran 5:04 miles on a cinder trail by my house. I burned about 711 calories not counting the quarter mile warm up. Max heart rate was 167. 

Still typing and typing various workouts on my Word processor.  It helps me visualize what the work out will be like if I type it out. Sometimes I plan workouts that are too over my head and I think as I'm working out, what was I thinking? I think it's good to be a little instinctive when you work out instead of sticking to a script. We all have up and down days. I know someone like Yates says he plots it out in his head then recorded it afterward.  Draper said he couldn't be rigid following a scripted workout. I think I'm a little too analytical for my own good.  Some very good world champs don't even know what they are going to do till they get to the gym. Then again you have guys that never deviate. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 16, 2024, 11:18:40 AM
Alright, back to the iron. Chest and biceps day. One set to failure after warm up if necessary. Feeling weak from all the running I have been doing for three weeks. I'm getting less reps but trying to use a good weight. I think it will take me three weeks to get back my strength.

Dumbbell flat bench 1 x 8
Incline dumbbell bench 1 x 8
Flat flies 1 x 12
Push ups 1 x max

EZ curls 1 x 12
Alternate dumbbell curls 1 x 8 each arm
Dumbbell drag curls 1 x 11
Concentration curl 1 x 10

Wrist curl 1 x 25
Wrist extension 1 x 20

Incline sit up 1 x 22
Incline leg raise 1 x 14

Ivanko gripper 2 x 20

Felt good to be back in the weight room. Going for distance runs feel great for mood elevation, health and gas tank but too much is a strength killer.   
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Donny on May 17, 2024, 02:56:36 AM
Alright, back to the iron. Chest and biceps day. One set to failure after warm up if necessary. Feeling weak from all the running I have been doing for three weeks. I'm getting less reps but trying to use a good weight. I think it will take me three weeks to get back my strength.

Dumbbell flat bench 1 x 8
Incline dumbbell bench 1 x 8
Flat flies 1 x 12
Push ups 1 x max

EZ curls 1 x 12
Alternate dumbbell curls 1 x 8 each arm
Dumbbell drag curls 1 x 11
Concentration curl 1 x 10

Wrist curl 1 x 25
Wrist extension 1 x 20

Incline sit up 1 x 22
Incline leg raise 1 x 14

Ivanko gripper 2 x 20

Felt good to be back in the weight room. Going for distance runs feel great for mood elevation, health and gas tank but too much is a strength killer.
I get the low set thing but i won´t go under 2 sets, max 3 if motivated or just using say 2 exercises for a muscle group.
I mean you´re doing 4 sets for chest with different exercise  probably is enough if going to failure
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 17, 2024, 05:49:43 AM
I get the low set thing but I won´t go under 2 sets, max 3 if motivated or just using say 2 exercises for a muscle group.
I mean you´re doing 4 sets for chest with different exercise  probably is enough if going to failure

It suits my personality.  I hit it hard to exhaustion and the workout took something like 40 minutes. When I try volume it just feels weird stopping when I could get more reps. I know some volume guys doing something like this to exhaustion.  First set might be 25 reps to exhaustion. Second set to exhaustion taps out at 18 reps. Third set to exhaustion taps out at 13 reps. Last set is 8 reps to failure.

The traditional volume is doing something like 4x10. First set is 10 reps but could have gotten 15. Second set is 10 reps but could have gotten 13 reps. Third set is 10 reps but could have gotten 11 reps. Forth is failure at 8 reps.

Some volume guys do this to increase the intensity by using short rests between sets to rush the failure point.

Try it sometime.  Say for barbell curls. Do a non taxing warm up set. The key is non taxing.  Then load the bar up and do reps till you are blue in the face and if someone offered you a million you couldn't get an extra rep.  No way could you want to do another set nor could you with the same amount of reps. Truth be told multiple set might be a more optimal way to train but if you could get 95% out of training with that one jagged set and you're not a pro bodybuilder why wouldn't the majority do it? One reason is it's too hard to train that way.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Donny on May 17, 2024, 07:29:48 AM
It suits my personality.  I hit it hard to exhaustion and the workout took something like 40 minutes. When I try volume it just feels weird stopping when I could get more reps. I know some volume guys doing something like this to exhaustion.  First set might be 25 reps to exhaustion. Second set to exhaustion taps out at 18 reps. Third set to exhaustion taps out at 13 reps. Last set is 8 reps to failure.

The traditional volume is doing something like 4x10. First set is 10 reps but could have gotten 15. Second set is 10 reps but could have gotten 13 reps. Third set is 10 reps but could have gotten 11 reps. Forth is failure at 8 reps.

Some volume guys do this to increase the intensity by using short rests between sets to rush the failure point.

Try it sometime.  Say for barbell curls. Do a non taxing warm up set. The key is non taxing.  Then load the bar up and do reps till you are blue in the face and if someone offered you a million you couldn't get an extra rep.  No way could you want to do another set nor could you with the same amount of reps. Truth be told multiple set might be a more optimal way to train but if you could get 95% out of training with that one jagged set and you're not a pro bodybuilder why wouldn't the majority do it? One reason is it's too hard to train that way.
I do like rest-pause reps infact people do them on say squats without realising it.
Standing EZ curls are great.
I honestly think different muscle groups needs their own stimulus and principles.
some muscles need reps, some less.
Rest-pause is painful & extends a set past failure :)
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 17, 2024, 08:12:09 AM
Leg day:  It was tough doing it after having  three weeks off of lifting. I did less reps or less weight. I didn't push to absolute failure in some cases. It's a break in week. The three weeks did me good though for injuries to heal. I used non taxing warm up sets as needed. Reps are approximate.

Leg press 1x12
Machine squats 1 x 8
stiff deads 1x 8
kick back glute machine 1 x 12
leg extensions 1 x 20
seated leg curl 1 x 15

hanging straight leg raises 1 x 20
Hip ups 1 x 30 (On back with feet toward ceiling. Push up like you're trying to push the bottom of your feet toward the ceiling.)

Standing calf 1 x 20
Leg press calf 1 x 20
Seated calf 1 X 20
tibialis 1 x 20

Four way neck 1 x 30 a side.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 18, 2024, 09:40:18 AM
Ran 5.17 miles then 5 x 110 yard strides (semi sprints).  Legs were a little shot from yesterday's leg day. Disappointed with the time but a slow five mile is better than sitting on the couch with a gut.   Tomorrow is back.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 19, 2024, 02:40:52 PM
Trained back one set to failure after a non taxing warm up if needed. Still not clicking on all cylinders for lifting so I would say I'm coming close to failure but not quite. Calling this a break in week. Reps can be approximate because it's from memory.

Medium grip pulldowns with a M.A.G. bar 1 x 11
Seated lat cable rows with a V shape handle 1x13
One arm dumbbell row with knee and hand on bench 1 x 11
Narrow grip pulldown with a supinate M.A.G. bar 1 x 11

Dead lift 1 x 4  ( I was hoping to get 6  reps but I felt a little weak  tapping out at 4 reps)
Weighted low back hyper extensions 1 x 17 (great pump in the lower back)

Ab wheel roll out 1x23
Ab pulley crunch 1 x 50

I hope next week I can handle close to my usual weights and reps. Running like mad for three weeks made me a little weak with the weights. Still a great workout.

Tomorrow is delt and triceps. It's going to be sunny and warm so a short three mile run is on the menu.  Trying to be hybrid athlete that uses weights and runs is tough.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 20, 2024, 08:03:51 AM
Stiff as a board today.  I don't get sore so much as stiff where it hurts to bend over to pick up stuff like a bench or dumbbells on the floor.

Delt and triceps day: One set to failure. Since it's a break in week some sets weren't to failure but close. Reps are approximate. Warm ups as needed.

Military press 1 x 7  (hoping for 8 but got 7.  Next week. Still considering this a break in week so I'm not beating myself up.)

Dumbbell lateral raise 1 x 20    (Yes, the reps are high to failure. I will up the weight soon to bring those reps down. High reps do have value. Especially when you haven't weight trained in a couple of weeks)

Rear dumbbell laterals 1 x 15

Single arm pulley delt laterals 1 x 8

Face pulls 1 x 20

V tri pulley push downs 1 x 20

Skull crushers 1 x 12  (These kill my elbows. I use to bring the bar down to my face. Now I go down behind my head and felt no pain. The tweak in form made all the difference.)

Single arm behind the head dumbbell tricep extension 1 x 15

Dips 1 x 15 ( I always try to go deep with these)

Weighted crunches 1 x 60
Pulley abs 1 x 60
Romans partial situp 1 x 35 ( It's more of a rocking motion. I go to where it hurts the most and I rock there)

Ended with some rehab shoulder work. 

Ran two miles after with six 110 yard strides after.

Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 21, 2024, 11:38:15 AM
No lifting day. Ran 5:04 miles. In the 80's with pure sun. It was tough not being acclimated to the heat. The run hurt.  Hit heavy bag for a couple of rounds. Did some jumping for power.  Jump squats 3x6 15lbs dumbbells. Lunge jumps 3 x 6 10lbs. Pogo jumps 3 x 6, 10lbs.   After the run I had little spring for jumping but I did it anyway. Beginning to think the best explosive exercise is just to sprint but I will use the jumping to see how the benefits are.  I didn't get much air after that run in the heat but the jump squats felt good. Franco use to do them with dumbbells.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on May 22, 2024, 04:11:24 AM
Impressive, OT.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 22, 2024, 06:39:45 AM
Impressive, OT.

Thanks, going to push it while feeling good.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 22, 2024, 07:03:15 AM
5-22-2024: Cardio day.  Ran 5.14 miles not including a quarter mile warm up.  After I did 6 sets of 110 meter strides.  Fast but not quite a true sprint. My Garmin watch says I burnt 712 calories on the 5 mile run.  Throw in the semi sprints and warm up, maybe 850 calories for exercising today.  Going to try to watch what I eat today.

I got a lot of yard work now in prep for the pool opening. Piles of pollen are all over the place I have to vacuum up. Wearing an N95 mask so it might limit the amount of that garbage I breathe. 

Tomorrow is back to my Yates inspired routine and it's chest day. I've been thinking. I have to stop the mentality of trying to get stronger all the time.  Chasing muscular endurance might be the goal now as I age. If we could get forever stronger we would start benching at 100lbs and after 40 decades we would be benching 1200lbs.  We know it doesn't work that way. At what point to we chase other goals? 

I've said it a million times but I don't do it regarding switching up my methodology. Maybe because in my mind it would be to accept defeat but fuck if we are lucky we will all get old. We all know the fat 70 year old that still deadlifts 600lbs.  More power to him in his concentration on the lift but maybe he should be pursuing cardiac health. It's like the bench and curl guys. Okay you have a good bench but you couldn't deadlift that weight.  Not trying to paint a negative picture but saying I want to be well rounded. A hybrid athlete is the best description. I would never call myself a bodybuilder.

Is it better for an older guy to warm up then do one set to failure till your blue in the face? Is it better to do four sets of an exercise ending three of those sets well before failure and on the fourth go for broke?  I see another popular method lately and is use by fantastic bodybuilder friend of mine who is a around 70.  I don't want to mention his name but you might know him.  He does all his reps to failure. His first set he takes a weight where he will fail at around 30 reps. With very little rest he picks up the weight to go again. This time he fails at say 19 reps. Another short rest for his final set he fails at say ten.  Three quick failure sets. It must be brutal.  I think Steve Holman named this Torx training. Just saying my current training of Yates style hitting that one set to failure after a warm up set is very hard on the mind and body. Burn out can come quick and unexpected. What's good about it is that the work outs are short. It also suits my personality of wanting to give it all that I have and then I'm done with the exercise. If you know you have one opportunity to hit that exercise you can go for broke grinding out those reps. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 23, 2024, 06:34:50 AM
It should be a lifting day for me. Taking an unplanned day off of training. My first work set in the weight room was a just fuck it moment.  I need an extra day off to come back stronger. Beginning to see with better clarity how to approach training in my mid 60's.  I believe using one set to failure per exercise while trying to be a good runner is the wrong approach.  If I didn't have such an involved running program it would be a correct choice for me. Since I'm prioritizing running or at least giving 50% of my training effort weekly something has to give. Going to use multiple sets when I come back with moderate weights. If I gave up running and just concentrated on lifting I bet I could still get my weights used up significantly but maybe it's time to work on for lack of a better term muscular endurance.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Donny on May 25, 2024, 03:34:23 AM
It should be a lifting day for me. Taking an unplanned day off of training. My first work set in the weight room was a just fuck it moment.  I need an extra day off to come back stronger. Beginning to see with better clarity how to approach training in my mid 60's.  I believe using one set to failure per exercise while trying to be a good runner is the wrong approach.  If I didn't have such an involved running program it would be a correct choice for me. Since I'm prioritizing running or at least giving 50% of my training effort weekly something has to give. Going to use multiple sets when I come back with moderate weights. If I gave up running and just concentrated on lifting I bet I could still get my weights used up significantly but maybe it's time to work on for lack of a better term muscular endurance.
why not do a Bob Gadja type routine & get muscle with great heart training.


Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 28, 2024, 03:25:05 AM
Still training hard but neglecting the training log. I'm training for local charity type 5K so my concentration on that is taking precedent over lifting right now. The race is in mid July. My goal in this race is to win my age group. Getting better at running has been slow going. Maybe because of health and age my progress has been at a snail's pace but it is going in a positive direction. My cancer levels for blood cancer are low and stabilized for now. My oncologist that had me going for blood tests every month and saw me every month. Last time I  saw him he said he would now see me every six months unless my levels rose or I got sick. I'm 168 and four pounds away from my goal weight.

Maybe I will log what I am doing. Just thought it maybe wouldn't be interesting to those that pursue bodybuilding but might be of small interest to guys that pursue fitness. I'm always interested in what the other guy is doing. It's going to be a sunny hot day. I think I will run 5 miles on the boardwalk. Might see some hotties in bikinis walking. 
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 28, 2024, 11:38:01 AM
Today I ran 5.25 miles. Then my after the run I was doing semi sprints and I pulled a groin muscle on the first one damn.  Came home and did the following. One exercise after another.

Heavy bag for three minutes

free hand squats 1 x max
free hand lunges 1 x max
step up on a 18" bench 1 x max

pull ups 1 x max
body weight bar rows 1 x max ( Set a bar up so you can dead hang facing the ceiling. Put your feet on a bench and row your body weight. Picture below)

Pike push ups with handles 1 x max
Push ups 1 x max

body weight dips

Pull ups with a supinated grip with palms facing face. 1 x max

That was only half of the planned bodyweight routine. I couldn't finish. Pissed off. I think I just went from exercise to exercise too quickly. I was shot after the 5 mile plus run. I have to come up with a plan that I can do strength training with the running. It's tough. I think I just have to lighten the weight.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on May 29, 2024, 10:44:02 AM
Back to the same old for now. Yates type training. One set to failure. Non taxing warm ups as needed.

Dumbbell decline press 1 x 10
Incline dumbbell press 1 x 9
Flat flies 1 x 15
Push ups 1 x max

EZ curl 1 x 15
Alternate Dumbbell curl 1 x 10
Two hands leaning against wall curl with dumbbells (drag curls ) 1 x 13
concentration curl 1 x 13

wrist curl 1 x 30
reverse wrist extensions 1 x 20
Ivanko gripper 2 x 20 ( reversed the apparatus for the second set)

Incline sit ups 1 x 27
Incline leg raise 1 x 15

After I drove to a park an ran a mile. Just shot from yesterday's run, cleaning the pool and too much sun.  I will take tomorrow off from running and just lift for legs. I used today what for me is heavy weights. I really forced out the reps until I was completely shot. All the running lately has got me looking skinny and gaunt looking. My shoulders are disappearing. I really want a complete week of good lifting. Today was a good start.

 I stopped listing weights used because it's meaningless. Most short stroke the reps and use a really fast cadence. A guy who can get 10 reps with 100lbs of an exercise probably couldn't use 80 with a full range of motion and a slower cadence.  Make no mistake the goal is to work the muscle and not stroke the ego. You can do half rep delt dumbbell press with the giant dumbbells but you would get better work out of going all the way down with lighter dumbbells for example. Another example are pull ups. Your goal should be to bring the elbows all the way down to your sides and not just getting your chin over the bar. The worst offenders are the leg press guys with the weight of a buick on the machine.  Lower the back board low so your legs can come back. Completely bend your legs like you are doing an ass to grass squat.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: Donny on May 30, 2024, 02:22:58 AM
Back to the same old for now. Yates type training. One set to failure. Non taxing warm ups as needed.

Dumbbell decline press 1 x 10
Incline dumbbell press 1 x 9
Flat flies 1 x 15
Push ups 1 x max

EZ curl 1 x 15
Alternate Dumbbell curl 1 x 10
Two hands leaning against wall curl with dumbbells (drag curls ) 1 x 13
concentration curl 1 x 13

wrist curl 1 x 30
reverse wrist extensions 1 x 20
Ivanko gripper 2 x 20 ( reversed the apparatus for the second set)

Incline sit ups 1 x 27
Incline leg raise 1 x 15

After I drove to a park an ran a mile. Just shot from yesterday's run, cleaning the pool and too much sun.  I will take tomorrow off from running and just lift for legs. I used today what for me is heavy weights. I really forced out the reps until I was completely shot. All the running lately has got me looking skinny and gaunt looking. My shoulders are disappearing. I really want a complete week of good lifting. Today was a good start.

 I stopped listing weights used because it's meaningless. Most short stroke the reps and use a really fast cadence. A guy who can get 10 reps with 100lbs of an exercise probably couldn't use 80 with a full range of motion and a slower cadence.  Make no mistake the goal is to work the muscle and not stroke the ego. You can do half rep delt dumbbell press with the giant dumbbells but you would get better work out of going all the way down with lighter dumbbells for example. Another example are pull ups. Your goal should be to bring the elbows all the way down to your sides and not just getting your chin over the bar. The worst offenders are the leg press guys with the weight of a buick on the machine.  Lower the back board low so your legs can come back. Completely bend your legs like you are doing an ass to grass squat.

Partial reps can be useful though especially if you´ve an injury. I get what you´re saying about the ego lifters.

However i like doing DB Flys on a floor mat which reduces the range of moment. If i go for the "old school stretch" on a bench i feel weakness due to an old neck problem, C6/C7
some of these old school ideas are not very healthy, work the muscles in a safe range of movement.

I also think the Floor Press is a good exercise if there´s a physical problem.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 01, 2024, 02:31:22 PM
My lifting is going south because I'm trying to do good for an up coming 5K. My legs are thin as well as my body. I feel great though. I also feel weak. I will continue my current running routines till the race then I will work in more lifting.  I am fitting into blue jeans I haven't fit into in many years. Yesterday and today I ran a little over 5 miles. Yesterday on the boardwalk and today in a beautiful park with a paved one mile loop.

Two weeks to vacation and I normally peak for it physical wise. I guess I will be the thin guy this vacation. Really nice gym in Myrtle beach that I use. Looking forward to early morning runs then hitting that gym.
Title: Re: Oldtimer1
Post by: IroNat on June 02, 2024, 03:54:53 AM
My lifting is going south because I'm trying to do good for an up coming 5K. My legs are thin as well as my body. I feel great though. I also feel weak. I will continue my current running routines till the race then I will work in more lifting.  I am fitting into blue jeans I haven't fit into in many years. Yesterday and today I ran a little over 5 miles. Yesterday on the boardwalk and today in a beautiful park with a paved one mile loop.

Two weeks to vacation and I normally peak for it physical wise. I guess I will be the thin guy this vacation. Really nice gym in Myrtle beach that I use. Looking forward to early morning runs then hitting that gym.

You probably look better being lighter.  I'll bet you look younger too.

I'm the same now that I've lost weight.

Was wearing shorts yesterday with a belt and I'm on the tightest belt notch and the shorts are still falling down.  36w shorts.

I used to wear 38w.  Now a 34w is right.  And I need a smaller belt!

However, psychologically we thing we look too thin.