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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: Howard on January 04, 2006, 11:59:34 AM

Title: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Howard on January 04, 2006, 11:59:34 AM
These kind of threads are always good for a few laughs on here.
Ok, while far from themost retarded thing , I saw a guy doing these odd form lat pulls today. He had a light wt and was pulling it down to his upper abs.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: BGSLVOWNR on January 04, 2006, 12:06:34 PM
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: deliciousmoth on January 04, 2006, 12:16:54 PM

gotta love the shadow boxers..... i always ask them if they are winning

saw a guy the other day kicking a 10lb medicine ball around the equipment like he was fucking pele. he would weave in and out of the equipment like he was jooking his opponents..... ::)
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: suckmymuscle on January 04, 2006, 12:20:22 PM
These kind of threads are always good for a few laughs on here.
Ok, while far from themost retarded thing , I saw a guy doing these odd form lat pulls today. He had a light wt and was pulling it down to his upper abs. For some  reason he must have felt this was a correct rep. He then moved on to this seated curl machine, where you rest each elbow on the pad and do a curl with the handle. It is a good bicep isolation move but this guy was doing them with his elbow OFF the pad, moving it up and down with his arm kinda locked in a 90 degree position.Of course he had on this BIG, thick wt belt, really tight and a towel around his neck tucked into his sweat shirt, like an ascot  :Dand knee high tube socks :P
I enjoying watching others when doing cardio, especially if they look wacky :o


  I see it everyday. It's called "pilates".

Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: brianX on January 04, 2006, 12:44:44 PM
1. Some clown doing hack squats on a 45 degree calf machine.

2. Fat bastard doing quarter reps on the bench press with 315.

3. Wigger basketball player getting CRUSHED trying to bench 280.

4. Male college student getting stuck on the leg press with 50 lb.

5. Powerlifter guy unloading one side of a 400 lb barbell in a power cage, and the startled look on his face when said bar flies into a glass window.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: WiseGuy on January 04, 2006, 12:45:19 PM
a few types in my gym...

Mr partial rep:
this guy is like a  twig and on EVERY lift he uses huge poundages but moves the weights like three inches... benches, squats, leg presses...whatever

cardio and ab member:
they always do the same fucking thing EVERY time they go to the gym.....abs and cardio, its as if the weights have  fucking leprosy or somthing

 in an effort to get their whole body workout down to like 10 minutes, they use items such as towels, belts and water bottles to "tie up" machines so nobody elese can use them and interrupt their circuit....funny thing they always look the same month after month

boyfriend/girlfriend duo-this guy is a huge pussy following his girlfriend from station to station like a douche doing every exercise in perfect synchronization...they should go to the olympics and stop going to my gym

fat trainer: it seems every trainer at my gym is a slob... training a slob

hot milf- you can tell this 40 something is quivering for a hard f**k and they look hot also.... I like to see older chicks take  care of their body...too bad that pussy is collecting nothing but dust...f**k!

I'm done


Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: The Luke on January 04, 2006, 01:05:49 PM
True story:

This weirdo at my gym (skin-tight short shorts, girls strappy tshirt, everything black) who fancied himself a budding Arnold asked me and my training partner to spot him while he was doing squats.

Big mistake.

I wasn't going to help this arrogant narcissist, but the gym instructor (a good friend of ours) announced (with a wink) that Spandex Boy (not that he called him that) was going to squat 315 lbs for two sets of 20 reps and really needed three people to spot him. My training partner and I agreed despite our bafflement. After all, how often do you see someone with 19 inch thighs beat the gyms squating record. (I'd set the record with 405 for 10 a week previously)

My training partner and I took our positions either side of the rack, the instructor gave Spandex Boy a lift off.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13... 14, 15... 16... 17... 18... 19... and... 20!

We racked the weight.

The bar never moved, each rep consisted of Lycra Man breaking the lock in his knees and then restablishing that lock out position.

Now I've seen some weird shit in gyms: topless trainer, Swiss ball squats, Swiss ball overhead presses, half squats, quarter squats, one-eighth squats.... but QUARTER-INCH SQUATS!!!

We stood around in amazement as the Lycra-Spandex Wonder prepared for his second set.

The Wonder adjusts himself under the bar, adjusts his prominent lycra wrapped package... concentrates... blocks out everything else... concentrate... focus... you can do it... grit the teeth... and.... and... one... two... three... LIFT!.... ARRRGGHHHH!!!


The Wonder strains once more...

Still nothing.

Seems my training partner and I had rather mischieviously re-racked the weight ONE pin lower than the Wonder usually used. Now he can't get the bar out of the rack.

Did we laugh? Did we mock and jeer him?


We implored him to continue:
"Com'on dude! You can do it!"
"One more rep! Com'on big man!"
"Do it! Do it!"
"One more for the mass Diesel!" the top of our lungs... for five minutes... The Wonder passed out from effort.

The 315 remained racked throughout.

The Luke
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Karl Kox on January 04, 2006, 01:06:44 PM
these skinny little fucks that walk around that think there are all big and shit..
they don't have good form the have like 13in. arms but they walk around like they are big.

Or there is skinny fags that think everyone who is bigger than them are on steroids, I got threw doing curls the other day and a kid made a injecting motion in to his leg to his friend as if to say I was on gear. That dumb ass I weigh like 180 what a Idiot.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: sarcasm on January 04, 2006, 01:10:19 PM
the funniest are the douchebags who unload the leg press one side at a time and then act shocked when the thing flips over.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: gibberj2 on January 04, 2006, 01:13:53 PM
i've seen a guy do 2 inch squats with 6 plates on each side... the crazy thing was that he was supersetting with the calve machine and had that totally stacked with all the weight possible. he was using up all the 45's in the leg room and everyone was pissed.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Karl Kox on January 04, 2006, 01:14:50 PM
what do yall think about the arm band I- pod holders

gay or not gay
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: sarcasm on January 04, 2006, 01:15:42 PM
i had a clown ask me to spot him on seated calf raises, hahaha, this douchebag had 6 plates on it and didn't even have enough strength to unrack the weight.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Karl Kox on January 04, 2006, 01:16:37 PM
did you say no
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Bossa on January 04, 2006, 01:22:19 PM
I HATE the gym ninjas! There is a guy that stands in the middle of the gym floor and starts doing all these crazy kicks like he thinks he is Jet Lee.

There is this really wierd guy that wears the same outfit every day (track suit from the 70's about 2 sizes too small) and I kid you not he stands in front of the mirror with a towel around his neck and does this body shake thing like a boxer before a fight trying to keep loose...onkly thing is he never does anything but that?!

Another guy who has a serious mullet and always works out in daisy dukes and combat boots and an 80's tank

Another guy doing seated hammer bench and bouncing the arms off the rubber so hard the whole machine moved a few feet each set

Funniest thing I have seen though was this guy when i was in university...obviously on lots of sauce (boils everywhere) and he was not he used to walk around carrying a football all the time and whenevr he saw a skinny guy he'd ram teh ball in there belly and yell "HAND OFF" so anyways he is doing chins and decides to take his shirt off (in teh school gym) so a guy on the football team  (who had all the football strength records of all time) who is a huge O-lineman walk up, goes on teh other side of the chin bar and yells an inch from his face "put your fuckin shirt on and get the f**k out of here before a ram a barbell up your homo ass" teh "toughguy" grabbed his stuff and was hilarious
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: bigally on January 04, 2006, 01:23:10 PM
what do yall think about the arm band I- pod holders

gay or not gay

Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: sarcasm on January 04, 2006, 01:24:11 PM
did you say no
i'm usually not mean to people so i helped him then when he was done i asked him why the fuck he felt like he had to go so heay on that exercise, he said i want bigger calves, i said you have to move the weight to get bigger calves, the way i look at it is that you never know when you might need somebody's help so i usually never refuse.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Karl Kox on January 04, 2006, 01:25:15 PM
you sound like a nice guy
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Hendrix on January 04, 2006, 01:36:16 PM
Going for an impossible 600 bench after doing 500 got the weight of the rack and watched it come crashing down to my chest luckly my 2 mates who were LAO saved me.
Saw one guy screaming and grunting with 130 on the bar and the owner of the gym telling him to quiet down.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: phyxsius on January 04, 2006, 01:38:39 PM
A fat guy who load up the bench plates, lift off the pegs and lowered it down a few inches and push back up again. He continue doing that for a good 10 reps. I guess he must be training his elbows
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Bluto on January 04, 2006, 01:39:59 PM
Another guy who has a serious mullet and always works out in daisy dukes and combat boots and an 80's tank

Hey man, nothing wrong with that!  ;D
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: gmflex on January 04, 2006, 09:07:22 PM
a fat guy doing lunges and falling down ;D
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Double XL on January 04, 2006, 09:14:38 PM
In 2001 a mother put her child in a cradle right next to me doing flat presses with 70s or 75s (can't remember which).  Definitely enough to kill the baby, and had I just dropped the weight without paying attention, it would have.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Double XL on January 04, 2006, 09:29:12 PM
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Loomis on January 04, 2006, 10:13:18 PM
I saw a guy doing karate on the treadmill.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: tommywishbone on January 04, 2006, 10:29:32 PM
I saw a guy riding his skateboard on the treadmill. He did it all the time at Gold's Venice. I thought it was pretty cool but retarded at the same time.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: hutch7 on January 04, 2006, 11:18:19 PM
saw a skinny dude wearing 10 layers of clothing to look huge
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: weedoutheweak on January 05, 2006, 01:35:21 AM
Saw a guy giving himself an injection right out in the open of the locker room.  Now he could have been a diabetic, but I would bet against it.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: gibberj2 on January 05, 2006, 01:52:24 AM
so who cares if he gave himself an injection? this isn't the say no to drugs site.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: weedoutheweak on January 05, 2006, 02:20:21 AM
so who cares if he gave himself an injection? this isn't the say no to drugs site.

No, it's not a say no to drugs site, but it is a "what's a retarded thing that you witnessed in a gym" thread.  Doing illegeal drugs in a public place (especially where cops train), filled w/ staff (the bacteria), might qualify as being retarded. 

Maybe you should reread the title of the thread.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Bluto on January 05, 2006, 02:45:33 AM
Saw a guy giving himself an injection right out in the open of the locker room.  Now he could have been a diabetic, but I would bet against it.

Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Mark1 on January 05, 2006, 03:27:23 AM
People falling off the treadmills is always good for a laugh...

I was next to a chick once and she turned it right up in an attempt to show off. She fell over the back and was on all fours patting the treadmill with her hands trying to stop her face hitting it.  ;D I couldnt help it and pissed myself laughing.

We had another guy in my old gym that couldnt handle his protein drinks so he'd go to a corner and fart then walk back to where he was working out. The problem was the smell would follow him everywhere.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: weedoutheweak on January 05, 2006, 03:42:41 AM
People falling off the treadmills is always good for a laugh...

I was next to a chick once and she turned it right up in an attempt to show off. She fell over the back and was on all fours patting the treadmill with her hands trying to stop her face hitting it.  ;D I couldnt help it and pissed myself laughing.

We had another guy in my old gym that couldnt handle his protein drinks so he'd go to a corner and fart then walk back to where he was working out. The problem was the smell would follow him everywhere.

"We had another guy in my old gym that couldnt handle his protein drinks so he'd go to a corner and fart then walk back to where he was working out. The problem was the smell would follow him everywhere."

Was this me?
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Zugzwang on January 05, 2006, 04:25:59 AM
I remember some guy telling me and some others in the locker room that if you have a shower immediately after your workout you will undo everything you just achieved - "It shrinks the muscles, man!" He then got really quite angry when everyone ignored him and got into the showers.

I haven't heard it before or since.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Palpatine Q on January 05, 2006, 05:09:27 AM
In 2001 a mother put her child in a cradle right next to me doing flat presses with 70s or 75s (can't remember which).  Definitely enough to kill the baby, and had I just dropped the weight without paying attention, it would have.

Holy Shit.      That's one of the stupidest things I've ever heard, gym or not.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: phyxsius on January 05, 2006, 05:24:41 AM
A big guy, pro built, doing arm workout, flexing it between sets and claimed himself to be 100% natural  ;D
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: blinky on January 05, 2006, 05:26:27 AM
1. watching a guy traing shoulders on the leg abductor machine

2.watching a guy who weighs about 180 benching 315 and BOUNCE it off his chest every talkin like 5-6 inches

3. guys who wear jeans when they train
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Bluto on January 05, 2006, 05:28:59 AM
I remember some guy telling me and some others in the locker room that if you have a shower immediately after your workout you will undo everything you just achieved - "It shrinks the muscles, man!" He then got really quite angry when everyone ignored him and got into the showers.

I haven't heard it before or since.

You mean it isn't true? And here I am being called "Stinky" for all those years for nothing  >:(
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: phyxsius on January 05, 2006, 05:31:17 AM
You mean it isn't true? And here I am being called "Stinky" for all those years for nothing  >:(

I don't know about this one.. We need a pro's opinion
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: de Rooij on January 05, 2006, 06:55:33 AM
A guy farting out loud while bending over doing one-arm dumbbell rows! Hilarious!!!
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Mars on January 05, 2006, 07:02:06 AM
Well the thing i see a lot is beginners doing exercises which are not necessary yet (like shrugs, cable cross) and fat people who are training abbs.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: de Rooij on January 05, 2006, 07:13:28 AM
and fat people who are training abbs.

Exactly....there's this myth that doing crunches will trim away the belly
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Slick Vic on January 05, 2006, 07:18:32 AM
I wouldn't call this retarded but VERY annoying. People lounging around on the gym floor/machines talking on their cell phone. I've even seen people actually STOP in the middle of a set to answer their cell.  ::)
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Mars on January 05, 2006, 07:25:37 AM
Yes, and people who goes to the gym especially for the social talk.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Palpatine Q on January 05, 2006, 07:26:05 AM
THere was a guy doing crunches DIRECTLY in front of the locker room entrance. People were literally stepping over him.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Mars on January 05, 2006, 07:26:32 AM
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: jem123 on January 05, 2006, 07:30:27 AM
I rememember see 2 guys doing forced reps on ABS. I also remember the same guys used to bench press from the floor instead of from the bench.

I think they gave up the sport a long time ago.

I also love the guys who come to the gym once a year, usually about 3 weeks before vacation and train like a pro using forced, negatives, partials, supersets. They also scream the fucking gym down when they are training.After the vacation you don't see the bastards until the same time next year.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: drkaje on January 05, 2006, 07:35:50 AM
Guys in spandex.

Guys in those weird pants from the 80's. Can't remember the name but they are baggy and look like something from an old Van Halen video.

People who talk. My GF doesn't talk to me at the gym, beyond hi/by.

Fags in cut up t-shirts. I'm so sick of these dorks walking around showing nipples. Nipples on women = good. Nipples on guys = bad. I swear some guys are wearing less than women at my gym.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Mars on January 05, 2006, 07:35:54 AM
What about these beginners who are taking up way too much weight.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: 240 is Back on January 05, 2006, 07:42:39 AM
People dropping weights. Nothing annoys me more.  There is never a reason to let a pair of 30's drop from waist level after a monster set of swinging standing DB bicep curls.  >:(
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: dr.chimps on January 05, 2006, 07:47:13 AM
Back in university, almost twenty years ago, there used to be this guy who did handstands all the time. Guy was about 5'6" with a fu manchu and about 135 sickly dry looking pounds. Bit odd I guess, but he used to wear those nylon gay 70's running shorts that split right up to the waist so when he did these his shorts fell down and his gear was on show. I guess this was his point, or angle for cruising. Like those skunks who stand on their forelegs to spray. Anyway, everyday we trained that summer it seemed that guy did his thing and for the most part everybody, the odd comment aside, did their best to ignore him. Until.....just before September we noticed he was gone. Story came down that his act did not find favour with the returning football players, who are territorial fckers especially around the weightrooms, and one of them carried/swung an oly bar into the legs he was presenting. Problem solved. Would have loved to have seen that.   
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: davie on January 05, 2006, 08:01:16 AM
I dont like dissin folk as im sure watching me doing cleasn must look weird to some folk. (i get looks when deadlifting as only a select folk in my gym have anyidea what im doing, and they think im gonna hurt myself until they see me lift it,satisfaction).

BUT.... There was this really thin guy doing cable curls with like whole stack but at bottom of each rep he'd like kinda squat down and pik weight up, the squat then curl it back up,hard to xplain..equally hard to watch and understand what he doing.
Another guy doing pulldowns getting lifted off the chair after every rep and only pulling the bar down like 6 inches.
Saw m8 of mine in gym for 1st time in ages yesterday he was doing super light benches, his technique went as follows....take bar of rack (arms at lockout) lower bar down towards his bellybutton, and then keeping it a couple inches off his stomach move it up to his neck,then back to his nipples and then press it back up again, then repeat cycle for 8 reps. i stood and watched in amazement (he then taught technique to guy he was training with). The bar never touched his stomach,chest,neck, but hole ting was weird to watch.

Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: drkaje on January 05, 2006, 08:15:45 AM
I also love it when people talk on their cell phones between sets.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: ToxicAvenger on January 05, 2006, 08:30:56 AM
I also love it when people talk on their cell phones between sets.

my brother does that and it absolutely annoys the piss outta me..esp when i'm training with him...leave the fucking phone in the car..

also the Rogue talker : this guy will come up and start a conversation right in the middle of your set...and will continue to ignore the annoyed looks you give him. usually a really nice dude but still...and god forbid he's talking and yiou'r timing your sets...there is no natural break in his conversation so you can run off to your next set.

also the rogue spotter : this guy will come up and spot ya whether ya need it or not...i'm recovering from a shoulder injury (well recovered) so i do my chest exercises really slow (for now at least)..this guy took it upon himself to think that my slow motion ws actually me struggling and came to my rescue complete with motivational slogans while i dumbell pressed 50s  :-\
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: WiseGuy on January 05, 2006, 08:39:10 AM

it means you are gay AND you have twig for an arm...

Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: drkaje on January 05, 2006, 08:44:36 AM
What about these beginners who are taking up way too much weight.

.... and therefore need a spot every fvcking set. >:(
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Dan-O on January 05, 2006, 08:58:19 AM
A few weeks ago I saw a dipshit guy talking on his cell while he was doing hack squats.  That's focus for ya. ::)
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: bigtmoney on January 05, 2006, 09:23:33 AM
I've only been lifting for around 10 months, so I don't know if I'm qualifed to comment on goes anyway.

There's a group of guys that come to my gym every monday morning at 6 am and do nothing but tricep movements and pushups....granted they have great arms but that's all they do and it's the only day and time I see them in the gym...morning or night!  They have this leader me and my buddy call him captain arms, he instructs them on pushups and and dips etc.

They have this thing where they do pushups with a 45lb plate on their backs, but they only go down an inch or two every rep.  I made a comment as we were passing one day, that if they would do a full rep each pushup they wouldn't even need to use the plate.  You have to see these guys, every exercise they do, they do these partial reps.  It's hillarious, one of them even tried to do pushups with his hands on an exercise ball and his feet on that little pilate platform (half ball) thing.  Each time he tried to push himself up he fell off the balls and on the floor.

I also saw a girl the other morning doing situps on an exercise ball while talking on her cell the entire time. ;D
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Traps Hoolihan on January 05, 2006, 09:51:48 AM
When you're gearing up for a set of squats and a guy and his girlfriend are kissing right next to you. >:(
Also the old guys who walk around the locker room/stand in front of the mirror butt-ass naked!
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Bossa on January 05, 2006, 10:22:29 AM
When you're gearing up for a set of squats and a guy and his girlfriend are kissing right next to you. >:(
Also the old guys who walk around the locker room/stand in front of the mirror butt-ass naked!

There is a guy at my gym that does that and always coats his balls in gold bond powder getting it all over the changeroom floor in the process
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Palpatine Q on January 05, 2006, 10:48:59 AM
my brother does that and it absolutely annoys the piss outta me..esp when i'm training with him...leave the fucking phone in the car..

also the Rogue talker : this guy will come up and start a conversation right in the middle of your set...and will continue to ignore the annoyed looks you give him. usually a really nice dude but still...and god forbid he's talking and yiou'r timing your sets...there is no natural break in his conversation so you can run off to your next set.

also the rogue spotter : this guy will come up and spot ya whether ya need it or not...i'm recovering from a shoulder injury (well recovered) so i do my chest exercises really slow (for now at least)..this guy took it upon himself to think that my slow motion ws actually me struggling and came to my rescue complete with motivational slogans while i dumbell pressed 50s  :-\

HaHaHaHA!!!  The rogue spotter , I fVcking hate that guy!!  I know exactly what you mean. Your'e pushin up the last couple reps and WHAMMO!! some douchebag is magically standing over you yelling "two more!!!, C'mon you got it !!!" AS HE TAKES THE WEIGHT AND COMPLETELY FVCKS UP YOUR SET.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: The Luke on January 05, 2006, 12:20:45 PM
I can trump everything posted so far...

I have seen.... I kid you not... 30degree incline BEHIND the neck presses... on a Smith machine!!!

Simply get in position for incline Smith machine presses, lower the bar to about eight inches off the chest, tuck your head forward, lower the bar BEHIND your head... smacking the bar against the crown of your skull several times... touch bar to the back off the neck, then reverse the procedure.

Each rep took the guy 40-50 seconds to complete.

I set him straight, told him any time he needed pointers on how to do an exercise he could simply ask me and I'd take the time to show him. He never did.... continued with his own "creative" exercise regimen and ruptured three consecutive disks in his spine about six months later.

The Luke
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: sarcasm on January 05, 2006, 12:23:23 PM
I can trump everything posted so far...

I have seen.... I kid you not... 30degree incline BEHIND the neck presses... on a Smith machine!!!

Simply get in position for incline Smith machine presses, lower the bar to about eight inches off the chest, tuck your head forward, lower the bar BEHIND your head... smacking the bar against the crown of your skull several times... touch bar to the back off the neck, then reverse the procedure.

Each rep took the guy 40-50 seconds to complete.

I set him straight, told him any time he needed pointers on how to do an exercise he could simply ask me and I'd take the time to show him. He never did.... continued with his own "creative" exercise regimen and ruptured three consecutive disks in his spine about six months later.

The Luke
maybe he didn't ask you how to do anything because you're skinny.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: hangclean on January 05, 2006, 01:10:18 PM
I rememember see 2 guys doing forced reps on ABS. I also remember the same guys used to bench press from the floor instead of from the bench.

I think they gave up the sport a long time ago.

I also love the guys who come to the gym once a year, usually about 3 weeks before vacation and train like a pro using forced, negatives, partials, supersets. They also scream the fucking gym down when they are training.After the vacation you don't see the bastards until the same time next year.
Those are called floor presses and they are a common and effective way to train the bench press.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: gammahydroxy on January 05, 2006, 06:12:21 PM
how all those stupid people who do hundreds of situps with 20% + bodyfat..I'm talking fat asses who will never diet down to below 10% to actually see those abs..that gets me everytime.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: WillRiker on January 06, 2006, 01:27:39 PM

HaHaHaHA!!!  The rogue spotter , I fVcking hate that guy!!  I know exactly what you mean. Your'e pushin up the last couple reps and WHAMMO!! some douchebag is magically standing over you yelling "two more!!!, C'mon you got it !!!" AS HE TAKES THE WEIGHT AND COMPLETELY FVCKS UP YOUR SET.

Rogue spotter's should not be alllowed in the gym. Only solution, tell everybody that you do not want help and if somebody is coming near you: shout no i got the weight!
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Karl Kox on January 06, 2006, 01:41:43 PM
two things

  Today I saw a guy standing on the bench of the bench press doing shoulder shrugs with the bar from the bench, which I thought was kinda retreaded in it's self, but then the dumb mother fucker fell off with the bar and everything.  He did not get hurt but he was very embarrassed.

 The other thing I saw yet another skinny little fuck in the gym today who spent more time looking at him self in the mirror then he did lifting.   I am not trying to be raceset but most of these skinny fucks I see walking around doing this are Mexican.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: sarcasm on January 06, 2006, 01:45:43 PM
two things

  Today I saw a guy standing on the bench of the bench press doing shoulder shrugs with the bar from the bench, which I thought was kinda retreaded in it's self, but then the dumb mother fucker fell off with the bar and everything.  He did not get hurt but he was very embarrassed.

 The other thing I saw yet another skinny little f**k in the gym today who spent more time looking at him self in the mirror then he did lifting.   I am not trying to be raceset but most of these skinny fucks I see walking around doing this are Mexican.
hahaha, there's this big black dude in my gym prolly 6'3" 290 who does shrugs with the bench bar with 135  he straddles the bench though, this guy saw me doing shrugs with six plates each side in the rack and he said, man you're strong on those, i said you could do this easy if you tried you're 290 and i'm 225, he's big as a house but doesn't push himself at all.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Croatch on January 06, 2006, 02:08:51 PM
hahaha, there's this big black dude in my gym prolly 6'3" 290 who does shrugs with the bench bar with 135  he straddles the bench though, this guy saw me doing shrugs with six plates each side in the rack and he said, man you're strong on those, i said you could do this easy if you tried you're 290 and i'm 225, he's big as a house but doesn't push himself at all.
On your way out, you should have screamed from across the gym, "MONSTER TRICEPS!!"  hahahaha

My favorite people are the ones who hop in the standing power squat machine, load it with 6 plates, then as the come down 3/4 of the way, their form dwindles, butt goes all the way out and their back hunches over.  Completely defeating the purpose of the exercise.  I love these assclowns.  I can't imagine the complexes some of these people must have.  Unless I move 1000lbs 3 inches, I am not a real man!  Pathetic :'(  MONSTER LEGS! hahahahaha
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Jr. Yates on January 06, 2006, 02:59:05 PM
i was coming into the gym and i heard these 2 other guys talking about how its stupid to bring a different pair of shoes to the gym blah blah and how they said fuck you to the sign and just carried their wet, slushy shoes into the gym laughing. I shook my head but later as i was sitting in the military press gettting ready for my next heavy set the idiot kid with his slushy shoes on was doing hack squats with like you guys said 6-7 plates a side only coming down 25% of the way well on his 3rd rep or so his feet slipped out and he feel flat on his ass on the base. I seriously think he shithimself he just grabbed his busted tailbone and gibbled himself to the change room.  I actually had to go to the corner and laugh.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: weedoutheweak on January 06, 2006, 10:44:24 PM
hahaha, there's this big black dude in my gym prolly 6'3" 290 who does shrugs with the bench bar with 135  he straddles the bench though, this guy saw me doing shrugs with six plates each side in the rack and he said, man you're strong on those, i said you could do this easy if you tried you're 290 and i'm 225, he's big as a house but doesn't push himself at all.

A Psychologist would say that Sarcasm constantly brags about his the weight that he "can" move in the gym b/c of an inferiority complex.  This probably stems from a small penis.   Monster Penis hahahahahahahhahahahaha
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: terryb on January 07, 2006, 01:54:37 AM
in the 90s i worked out in ray sparks gym in London  and a guy would train in piss stained longjohns  and then would put his suit on and leave
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Mars on January 07, 2006, 01:58:18 AM
Are you trying to be funny "Weedouththeweak"?
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: phyxsius on January 07, 2006, 03:03:52 AM
A guy came in, change into gym clothes, spray perfume on his entire body, went out and did his workout. After his workout, he was bathed with sweat, he changed his clothing and left..

That made me wonder why the hell he sprayed the perfume for?
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: gibberj2 on January 07, 2006, 03:20:41 AM
I'm guilty of doing something retarded. I was using the cable station and with a big wierd bar that has 2 handles on each side for different grips or something. i was doing wide grip cable rows but standing up.... i saw it in a book, wanted to try it. Anyway I took out the pin to add 10 pounds and the thing fell on my head. right when i got hit instead of focusing on the pain or if i was bleeding or anything i played it cool because it would be really embarrasing if someone came over to see if i had busted my head. it was about 20 minutes before closing time so there was only an old guy and the guy who works there. It hurt much but i was sure i had busted my head. instead of checking for blood which would have someone come over for sure if they had seen the stupidity i did i did another set. Then i went over to the water fountain and drank water for a whole minute so if anyone saw me going to the locker room they'd figure i was going to take a piss but i actually went to check if i was bleeding. i wasn't bleeding. Lucky me.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: bigdumbbell on January 07, 2006, 04:18:50 AM
most fun   a few of us big guys went to high energy aerobics.  nothing like
watching a group of 230+ hams being so agile and clumsy at the same time
we REALLY laughed
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: dmorgan41178 on January 07, 2006, 06:05:36 AM
My wife and I recently moved to the coast of NC from Charlotte. There is a huge difference in the gyms atmosphere and members.
She was training for Natls. and we were hitting legs. the equipment is nice but scattered throughout the gym. The leg ext. machines are by the cardio equipment.
We were warming up and got a bit carried away with heavier weight. My last set was the stack and on the last rep bounced down clanking the plates. My wife points out a senior citizen that had been sitting on the seated ab machine for like 30 minutes. This guy has an oxygen tank and shit on. So he is staring us down. As I walk by him he reaches out to me and motions for me to lean down to him. So I did, and he tells me that my wife and I dont care about him. Im like what? He tell us he has a condition that loud clanking noises make him nervous and causes him stress. Im sitting there like WTF. Im like well it is a gym and the weights are metal? So he keeps going and Im like we are going move over to the other side for now, ok? but no he follows us throughout the gym. I told my wife hey, he got his senior citizen freebie, he starts up again im gonna call his nurse.
So a few days later we were hitting back. doing lat pulldowns on the cybex towers. he decides to come over and linger around while im pulling some heavy weight. i decided i wasnt gonna strain myself another rep to ease it down and let the last one crash. just so happens he was bent over by my stack. he pops looking crazy. two minutes later he comes over and says lets draw a truce. i was like hey its a gym and weights will make noise even without trying to be loud. since then, he leaves us alone, but im like damn. I have been transported by aliens into some strange retartded world.
1. I HATE CELL PHONES IN THE GYM. anyone using one in the gym is screwed.

2. girls that do two days of cardio straight and refuse to eat and are straight skinny beanpoles and never changed shape in like years.

3. custom exercises that make you want to run over to someone and say hey stop! someone is gonna get hurt.

4. The infamous 1/4 inch bench or squat.

5. the guys squatting 135 and moaning and yelling like the earth is shifting

6. the guy or his crew that rolls in on lunch break from job with nasty t-shirt and dirty jeans and workboots to get a few sets of curls and then walk around swoll.

7 the girl at our new gym that runs sideways doing jumping jacks on the tread and backwards and forwards dancing.

8. the guys who never workout but sit around targeting innocent people to harrass about their vast fitness knowledge and that one day when they get their weight and size right they will compete. when asked why dont you diet and compete now, they say i want to know ill win.
they know everything about competing and critique every competitor in the gym but never got a pair of trunks himself. i hate that MF. "if you must critique; you must compete!!"

9. the chick with the gut that always wears the midrift shirt with her gut hanging out and watches constantly to see if some schmoe is checking her out.

10. that SOB that is always on the machine you need next and is using one plate and takes 15 minutes between sets.

damn im getting furious now thinking about it. i may just go to the gym and hit someone with a 10 lb plate.


11. someone mentioned this dick earlier. his stainless steel cofee mug and slugs around on machines sipping his coffee like hes just getting up.


Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: sarcasm on January 07, 2006, 07:46:30 AM
theres a clown in my gym who has to scream and almost smack himself to psych up to sqaut 225 for 15.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: dmorgan41178 on January 07, 2006, 07:54:48 AM
one time in this new asshole gym we are at. wife and i are knocking out some leg presses. we had like 5 plates a side for her and we were getting ready to load more plates for my set. this guy walks over and steps between my wife and the weights and grabs a plate. Now he is up to two plates on the other leg press and before i can say anything my wife is like you fucking asshole you put that shit back. i was like oh ok she got it. i mean they were evenly matched in size and stuff. well wife was obviously stronger. i would have pulled her off before he was hurt too bad. but he stood there like what did i do.  he looked at me and i was like youre gonna get your ass kicked. we have not seen him since. thank God.


12. people that leave stupid weight on machines. we go to the one leg curl where the plates go on each side. someone left a 10 on each side. im like who even uses a fucking 10 on a plate loaded machine.

sacarsm they have to stop this thread its getting me amped up just thinking about. everyone on this thread will hit the gym ready to strangle the next screw up dumb ass. there will be assault cases across the nation and the media will link it to roid rage. LMAO
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: sarcasm on January 07, 2006, 07:56:57 AM
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: buffbodz on January 07, 2006, 07:59:31 AM
two things

  Today I saw a guy standing on the bench of the bench press doing shoulder shrugs with the bar from the bench, which I thought was kinda retreaded in it's self, but then the dumb mother fucker fell off with the bar and everything.  He did not get hurt but he was very embarrassed.

 The other thing I saw yet another skinny little f**k in the gym today who spent more time looking at him self in the mirror then he did lifting.   I am not trying to be raceset but most of these skinny fucks I see walking around doing this are Mexican.

1 walks around as the lookout, while his 2 amigos pilfer the locker room for any unlocked lockers.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: phyxsius on January 07, 2006, 08:00:39 AM
yesterday I saw a guy doing curls and when he's stuck in the middle, he stomped like a girl (leg movement from knee and below) to get the EZ bar up.

I find it funny because everytime he got stuck, he stomp like a girl and his face expression, like someone just stole his candy
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: sarcasm on January 07, 2006, 08:08:18 AM
how about the guys who try to use 5 or 6 plates on the t-bar row with the chest support pad and end up practically standing up with the weight.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: bigdumbbell on January 07, 2006, 08:20:14 AM
how about all the perverts who wear tight clothes !
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Mars on January 07, 2006, 08:32:58 AM
What about these little fucks who say they don't train leggs because they already work them with the heavy construction work they do hahahaha.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: sarcasm on January 07, 2006, 08:34:00 AM
there was a douchebag in last week who had two plates and some change on the hack squat and would lower the weight all the way down so low that the machine was resting on the stops and he would pause and squat it for sets of 1 rep, hahahaha.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Karl Kox on January 07, 2006, 08:40:38 AM
1 walks around as the lookout, while his 2 amigos pilfer the locker room for any unlocked lockers.

you should go in and beat the shit out of them
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Stitch on January 07, 2006, 09:24:49 AM
1. Mr. Too much cologne man. Sometimes I can smell him before I enter the gym.

2. The guy showing middle aged women how to do standing rear delt cable flyes on the crossover machine (and other crap they don't need to know) because it makes him feel macho to show them what he knows.

3. The group of middle aged guys who wear lifting belts that do half reps of everything and look like a fat pile of crap even though they have been lifting for YEARS.

3. The he/she with the gender identity crisis. Walks around the gym like an alpha male, screams when she is lifting and talks about how hard she lifted yesterday when she was in the gym "bodybuilding".

4. The big fat chick working at the front desk.

I could go on, but I'll stop now. :)
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: sarcasm on January 07, 2006, 09:30:14 AM
the pudgy, 20 year old flaming homosexual dude at the front desk, who yells Have a Nice Day sarcastically when you don't acknowledge him.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Mars on January 07, 2006, 09:34:00 AM
You should have punched him in the mouth.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: LLES on January 07, 2006, 01:49:36 PM
We had a guy in a gym I trained at we called "Johnny Powerlifter". John was 5'9 250lbs, fat as a hog, with ,I sh*t you not ,his entire body ,legs & all shaved. He would come in wearing the spandex one piece, carrying his bag full of wraps, chalk, belts, ammonia, ect. He'd wrap his wrists up,cinch his belt up,sniff the ammonia, lay on the bench, fold a towel & lay that on his chest & max out w/ 185 for 5 reps. He would approach every lift like he was getting ready to attempt a world record. Another time, he was getting ready for a big squat (225lbs) he's psyching himself up , does the ammonia, Then ( I swear to God , I'm not making this up)  grabs the power-rack to help cinch the belt tighter , starts shaking & growling & then head-butts the metal tower, and knocked himself cold! The whole gym was rolling on the floor howling. It was f*cking hilarious!!!! Seen him 3 days later w/ his head stitched up. He was so funny, I swear you could hardly work out when he was in there ,which was usually only 45min, hour tops .
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: The Luke on January 07, 2006, 06:20:44 PM
My training partner is a bit of a nutter... not the most mentally stable individual, although we like to think of him as merely eccentric.

Anyway he works as a professional sleight-of-hand artist, (teaching poker players how to cheat, doing close up magic at corporate events and freaking out kids at childrens parties etc. etc).

Anytime we get one of those asshole types in the gym he uses one of his special gizmos to get rid of them:

The telescopic sausage:
this is an inch long roll that slowly elongates over the course of a minute to nine inches. He simply jumps in as a rogue spotter whenever we have a Shouter, a Counter, a Grunter etc. then hangs around complimenting the guy on his physique, lifting style, poundage, whatever... while the lump in his shorts expands to intimidating proportions.

The redneck smile:
same routine as before only using a professionally crafted set of crooked, discoloured prosthetic teeth. It's not so much the revolting teeth, it's the lisp and continuous rasps of spittle that flick from his mouth while he's using it... "Do youth neeth a shpot?"

The contact:
a whitish-blue contact lens. Pop it in, stare unmercilessly at the asshole ruining your workout... then shout: "You lookin' at my eye?!"

Rubber finger:
He loudly slams an extra plate onto the end of a bar right in front of the Shouter/Counter/Bench-hog whatever and then grasps his hand in pain. Thus bursting the small blood packet in his palm, then drops the bloodied rubber finger on the floor... holds up his hand with his double jointed pinky finger folded away out of sight... sighs with disappointment, picks up the finger and wipes the floor with a hankerchief... then wraps the hanky around his hand, pops the severed finger into his pocket and calmly continues his workout. This particular prank has made one person faint and several others puke. Never fails.

Don't know how the guy keeps a straight face... but you can be garaunteed no distractions when your training with him.

The Luke
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: phyxsius on January 07, 2006, 06:35:10 PM
You should have punched him in the mouth.

just shove the 5 pounds plate into his throat
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: bigally on January 07, 2006, 09:38:57 PM
What do you think of a guy working out reading a paper between sets....sitting on a bench??????????

unbelievable............ ...
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: bmacsys on January 08, 2006, 12:55:30 PM
One guy who was doing lat pulldowns to the front about a hundred miles an hour. On one rep on the way up the lat bar just about took his nose off. He was out cold blood spurtingt out his nostrils. Another time a lady smoking cigs as she worked out. You have to remember things were different in 1981. Another guy who was doing hyper extensions on the hyper extension/ crunch machine. He didn't put the pin in. The thing came loose and his legs flew up and his face smashed the base of the machine. Blood everywhere. Another wierdo who was jogging on a treadmill. He cut out two circles in his shirt where his pecs were so the were exposed.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: hillbilly on January 08, 2006, 01:07:18 PM
theres this bodybuilder at my gym hes in good shape but i have know idea how! all i see him do is lift small weights badly, chat on his cell phone and give bad advice (like telling novices that go to him for help that they should not do creatine cus its to dangerous and that it is much safer to stick a needle in there ass!) if i see him doing stabilty ball squats im gonna push him off! WHAT A WANKER!
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: candidate2025 on January 08, 2006, 01:11:18 PM
what do yall think about the arm band I- pod holders

gay or not gay
not gay.

i use mine everytime i workout because i workout at a "family fitness center" and the music they play is horseshit.

im going to switch gyms soon though, because itas gotten to the point now that when ido leg presses, i have to use every single 45 lb plate in the whole fuckin gym. its ridiculous.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: big-n-rich on January 08, 2006, 02:32:14 PM
My favorite is the sub 160 lbs guys that look like they are at the airport carring their bags. They have their chest out, head back, chin up and lats flared so wide you could put a aerobic ball under each arm and still have room for more. They work out in pairs and try to out do each other as the workout goes on, who can get wider and their hands keep getting higher and higher until their practically straight out to their sides. They usually have a t-shirt on that is a size Boys 8-10 or a compression shirt that looks two sizes too small. In the past there were 1 or 2 pairs at the gym. Now I see 8-10 pairs of them, Maybe they have some type of club.
The funniest thing I've seen is about 12 years ago a guy smashing the dumbells together at the top of incline presses. The Gym manager told him to stop it because he might break the welded caps. Sure enough he didn't stop and on one of his later sets one of the caps broke off and he got 3 10lb plates smashing down on his nose. He walked around with two black eyes for 2 weeks. He learned his lesson I never saw him smashing the DBs again.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: gibberj2 on January 08, 2006, 02:59:45 PM
i see how that's retarded but i think you dont like them because they're below 160 pounds. that's not cool because everyone was small at one point before they got bigger. i'm 185 and when i started lifting weights i was 15 years old 5'9" 108. it was a big deal to me when i got to 125 and 135, 145 etc. now 185 12% bf is not a big deal but i still feel small. i think when i reach 210 i won't feel small any more but of course i'll be fatter and have to cut down below 200 to be ripped.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: bigmoss on January 08, 2006, 03:09:14 PM
the weekend arms warrior...

haha this guy brought his own fucking stereo to the gym i swear to god!!! hahaha. fucking big ass stereo and put it another bench. and all this guy does is train fucking biceps, not even triceps, just biceps. he takes the 110-120 lb dumbells, and sways back and forth using as much leverage from all his other body parts. this white guy always wore his gay bandana, the guy is like 40 years old, fat and out of shape.
that has to be the funniest thing i have seen in the gym. bring your own stereo to the gym? wtf!

Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: sarcasm on January 08, 2006, 03:36:48 PM
the funniest thing about the gym is that 95 percent of the time the only guys wearing tank tops and shorts are 160lbs. and all the 285lb. monsters are all covered up in baggy sweats, i heard one of these little scrawny tools talking to one of his friends one time and he says, "we work hard why not show it off", hahahaha, the dude was literally 150lbs. and benching 115 on the Smith Machine.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: tommywishbone on January 08, 2006, 03:38:39 PM
Real things I saw training & working at Gold's Venice:

1) Some old Shmoe shaving a big guys (I'm leaving out the BB's name) back in the shower.
2) Guy chewing tobacco and spitting all the juice on the floor.
3) Guy training legs wearing a towel because he forgot his gym clothes.
4) Pro bodybuilder (no name to protect the stupid) who fell asleep on the threadmill while taking too much nubain.
5) A Pro bodybuilder (no name to protect the BB) who stood in the lobby screaming, "Arthur Jones is God!!" over and over and then ran out of the gym.
6) Guy who was busted going into the Womens locker room 3-4 times and tried the same excuse each time; "The locker rooms aren't properly labeled, it's not my fault!"
7) The guy selling GHB that was really water. I grabbed a bottle of his stuff and chugged the entire 16 oz. bottle to prove my point. The guy ran out of the gym & never came back.
8) The guy who unloaded the Flex leg press one side at a time, while leaving 14-15 plates on one side. It actually pulled the bolts out of the ground and plates & the machine went flying.

I'll think of some more...
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Army of One on January 08, 2006, 03:40:44 PM
What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym

Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: kicker on January 08, 2006, 10:46:40 PM
Once saw a sixties-something woman on the treadmill wearing what appeared to be a two-piece swimsuit, cellulite and saggy bag tits hanging all over the place.  And you would think these folks would have some modesty.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: kicker on January 08, 2006, 11:01:55 PM
Oh, and another vote for the "rogue spotter"...these pricks (usually some teenager skinny little twat) are so annoying.

Also, the guy who loads up the bench to get his buddy to lift like half the weight for him...then after the set the spotter says "that was all you man".

It is quite true in my gym anyway, the guys who really have nothing to show for are always wearing tank-tops or XS shirts; the guys who have size are usually covered up in hoodies or fleeces...and guess who get all the attention?
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Brixtonbulldog on January 09, 2006, 02:15:19 AM
the funniest are the douchebags who unload the leg press one side at a time and then act shocked when the thing flips over.

Ha ha ha... aaahh fuck... good laugh guys.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: phyxsius on January 09, 2006, 04:00:57 AM
A bloke with a poor excuse body walked into the gym with his arms sticking out wider than Ronnie Coleman
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: bmacsys on January 09, 2006, 04:45:35 PM
Real things I saw training & working at Gold's Venice:

5) A Pro bodybuilder (no name to protect the BB) who stood in the lobby screaming, "Arthur Jones is God!!" over and over and then ran out of the gym.

C'mon, give us a hint on this one. Arthur Jones is god.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: bmacsys on January 09, 2006, 04:50:47 PM
I also love it when people talk on their cell phones between sets.

Between sets? I see people doing sets chatting on the fucking things.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: bmacsys on January 09, 2006, 04:58:38 PM
We had a guy in a gym I trained at we called "Johnny Powerlifter". John was 5'9 250lbs, fat as a hog, with ,I sh*t you not ,his entire body ,legs & all shaved. He would come in wearing the spandex one piece, carrying his bag full of wraps, chalk, belts, ammonia, ect. He'd wrap his wrists up,cinch his belt up,sniff the ammonia, lay on the bench, fold a towel & lay that on his chest & max out w/ 185 for 5 reps. He would approach every lift like he was getting ready to attempt a world record. Another time, he was geeting ready for a big squat (225lbs) he's psyching himself up , does the ammonia, Then ( I swear to God , I'm not making this up)  grabs the power-rack to help cinch the belt tighter , starts shaking & growling & then head-butts the metal tower, and knocked himself cold! The whole gym was rolling on the floor howling. It was f*cking hilarious!!!! Seen him 3 days later w/ his head stitched up. He was so funny, I swear you could hardly work out when he was in there ,which was usually only 45min, hour tops .

There is a "powerlifter" like this in every gym.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: bmacsys on January 09, 2006, 05:08:04 PM
One guy at my gym. Here is an example. Say he is doing 4 sets of flat bench. His first set IS ALL FORCED REPS. For the next three sets he goes up in weight yet from the first rep of the first set he has needed a spot. Whats the sense of increasing your poundage when you can't even eke out one rep? Then he does squats with like 750 pounds. His range of motion is 1" MAX! We break his balls saying that the only thing that set of squats works is the callous on his neck.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: bmacsys on January 09, 2006, 05:08:42 PM
A guy who blow drys his cock and balls after he showers.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: trig on January 09, 2006, 05:20:02 PM
"We had another guy in my old gym that couldnt handle his protein drinks so he'd go to a corner and fart then walk back to where he was working out. The problem was the smell would follow him everywhere."

Was this me?

sorry about that, i got some beano today.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: gibberj2 on January 09, 2006, 05:56:25 PM
there's tons of guys who do nothing but forced reps. this is usually the 3 big black guys who bench press together and all do the same weight. the weakest one tries to do the same weight that the strongest guy does and he needs help in every rep.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Hedgehog on January 09, 2006, 06:02:25 PM
Idits who wear a big powerlifting belt throughout the whole workout.

They've usually been bulking since junior high, suffering from ILS, always huffin' and puffin', strangers to the squat rack and usually (if they even work legs) leg press lovers.

Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: body88 on January 09, 2006, 06:23:33 PM
the pudgy, 20 year old flaming homosexual dude at the front desk, who yells Have a Nice Day sarcastically when you don't acknowledge him.


I can just picture the ton

Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: gordiano on January 09, 2006, 06:49:59 PM
the funniest thing about the gym is that 95 percent of the time the only guys wearing tank tops and shorts are 160lbs. and all the 285lb. monsters are all covered up in baggy sweats, i heard one of these little scrawny tools talking to one of his friends one time and he says, "we work hard why not show it off", hahahaha, the dude was literally 150lbs. and benching 115 on the Smith Machine.

Yes, for some reason it is the 150 pounders who feel the need to show off.   ::)

Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: DIVISION on January 09, 2006, 07:02:18 PM
There is a "powerlifter" like this in every gym.

^That's not a powerlifter, just a schmoe.

The gym stops to watch a powerlifter lift.......

I think it's funny personally, everyone automatically loses focus of what they are doing and stops to watch someone press 1,000lbs. on legpress.

Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Gordon_Gekko on January 09, 2006, 08:24:44 PM
C'mon, give us a hint on this one. Arthur Jones is god.

If memory serves me correctly, I'm pretty sure that quote was reported to have been made by Mike Mentzer.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: THE BAD GUY on January 09, 2006, 09:08:33 PM
Don't know if anyone has posted this one but the ULTIMATE!!! best is when some punk kid come in beside you when you are training heavy dumbels for incline and trys to show you that he to can press heavy and so he picks up some shit he cant do then all of a sudden the weight comes crashing down and litterally breaks the guys nose i fucking love it true story happened already 3 times in the same gym.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: onlyme on January 09, 2006, 09:39:02 PM
In Gold's Honolulu first opened Doris Duke trained  there.  Doris at the time was the richest woman in America or close to it.  Her house was vlaued at about $100 million at that time on Diamond Head.  Anyway, she hired a PT who was basically her slave.  She was at least 80+ years old.  He would carry a towel and have to constantly wipe her forehead off.  One day she way doing the leg extension.  She had one plate.  Her trainer was actually helping her lift that, while she was talking on the phone.  It was so funny how she lifted weights and talked on the phone at the same time.

Another maybe not to funny maybe was the guy who always yelled when lifting.  I mean every rep of every set.  Well he apparently yelled to much cause he was on the bench press all alone and doing his regular yelling and lifting combo when he either yelled to loud or lifted to much cause he ended up having a heart attack and died.  The bar ended up breaking a couple ribs too.  It happened just before I got there so I didn't get to see it.

Another one at another gym was when a current Miss Hawaii cmpetitor was doing db flyes.  The gym had a dog mascot that was a Bull Terrier.  This dog was fucking nightmare.  Anyway the dog came and bit her in the face and she had to get stictches (25) and had to pull out of the Miss Hawaii pagent.  I think she ended up sueing the gym and they settled.  I got a million of them.  Of course one of the worse involved me and the cutting off of my nipple.  I can't belive it happened
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: gibberj2 on January 09, 2006, 10:37:04 PM
cutting off your nipple?! what?! HUH?
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: DIVISION on January 09, 2006, 10:38:44 PM
Of course one of the worse involved me and the cutting off of my nipple.  I can't belive it happened

Someone sliced off your nip, Keith?   ;D

Speak on this!

Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: IronDawg on January 10, 2006, 12:24:18 AM
There is one old lady who walks on the treadmill wearing a plastic poncho and a big bath towel wrapped around her head like a turbin. To top it off, she carries this walking stick and has it slung over her shoulder most of the time. I've even walked up to her, looked up at the ceiling and asked, "we supposed to get rain?". but she just stares straight ahead with a crazy look on her face and says nothing.

There is also a guy that swims laps while wearing tight camo trunks and a scuba mask with a snorkel. It is some funny sh#t!!!
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: blinky on January 10, 2006, 03:51:47 AM
7 the girl at our new gym that runs sideways doing jumping jacks on the tread and backwards and forwards dancing

lol..ive seen this 2
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: WiseGuy on January 10, 2006, 06:33:43 AM
In Gold's Honolulu first opened Doris Duke trained  there.  Doris at the time was the richest woman in America or close to it.  Her house was vlaued at about $100 million at that time on Diamond Head.  Anyway, she hired a PT who was basically her slave.  She was at least 80+ years old.  He would carry a towel and have to constantly wipe her forehead off.  One day she way doing the leg extension.  She had one plate.  Her trainer was actually helping her lift that, while she was talking on the phone.  It was so funny how she lifted weights and talked on the phone at the same time.

Another maybe not to funny maybe was the guy who always yelled when lifting.  I mean every rep of every set.  Well he apparently yelled to much cause he was on the bench press all alone and doing his regular yelling and lifting combo when he either yelled to loud or lifted to much cause he ended up having a heart attack and died.  The bar ended up breaking a couple ribs too.  It happened just before I got there so I didn't get to see it.

Another one at another gym was when a current Miss Hawaii cmpetitor was doing db flyes.  The gym had a dog mascot that was a Bull Terrier.  This dog was fucking nightmare.  Anyway the dog came and bit her in the face and she had to get stictches (25) and had to pull out of the Miss Hawaii pagent.  I think she ended up sueing the gym and they settled.  I got a million of them.  Of course one of the worse involved me and the cutting off of my nipple.  I can't belive it happened

nipple got cut off...

(((((((((((shudder)))))))))))))))   :-X

yes speak on this...

Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: dmorgan41178 on January 10, 2006, 08:18:37 AM
When I was joining my old gym, i was doing cardio on a stari climber located next to a couple of bikes. there was an older guy doing cardio with the towel drapped over his head.. this was back during the election count in florida. so i lean over and say hello and what do you think of all this? he says nothing. so i wait a sec and repeat myself. he nevers looks over or acknowledges me. im like WTF. so im like fuck it. i go down to the front desk getting a shake telling the girl the story. im like man im just trying to be nice atleast he could speak. shes like oh hes deaf. i was like dumbass me. lmao
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Ozzy on January 10, 2006, 08:41:31 AM
This topic rules.

1. The guys that sound like they're blowing a blast of steam out of their mouths every rep. SSSTT SSTT

2. Guys that yell for no reason, when doing light weight. I understand that you need motivation for the heavier stuff, but come on. 225 on the bench and you're yelling YAAAARGH?

3. The shadow boxers mentioned earlier. And (not racist, just pointing out an observation) they are always black.

4. The guys that just stand around watching everyone, taking 20 minutes on a set of one particular exercise. You've all seen em. They just sit on the machine and watch other people work out.

5. Mentioned before, the random guy that comes up to watch you do a heavy set, then shakes his head after you're done, and says a random (albeit positive) comment.


7. The guys working out next to you talking about how they'll never touch creatine, man. I don't do that steroid stuff.

8. The guys that stare at you when you mix some Cellmass after a workout, then talk to each other about what that stuff could have possibly been.

Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: HowieW on January 10, 2006, 09:25:30 AM
I was training on the road  in Alabama and noticed 5 ladies ,  sitting on 2 treadmills. I was going to use the one next to them but was told to move over a couple at least. I realized finally that they were having some kind of bible study/prayer deal going on. They gave me this look like I was crazy to be useing the far end treadmill for cardio and not prayer  ;)
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: drkaje on January 10, 2006, 01:49:48 PM
I'm gonna have to stop reading this thread. It's getting me pissed, LOL!


I don't mean sweat from working out, I mean people who smell like pure ass before working out.

If any of you smelly futhermuckers are reading this..................

People can tell/smell the difference between sweat and BO!!@!!!!!

Don't kid yourself. Cologne, aftershave, right guard or even left guard will not do a damn thing about body odor. Take a shower/bath before the gym. If your job causes that much perspiration during the day, grab a quick shower before working out.

Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: sarcasm on January 10, 2006, 02:30:09 PM
I'm gonna have to stop reading this thread. It's getting me pissed, LOL!


I don't mean sweat from working out, I mean people who smell like pure ass before working out.

If any of you smelly futhermuckers are reading this..................

People can tell/smell the difference between sweat and BO!!@!!!!!

Don't kid yourself. Cologne, aftershave, right guard or even left guard will not do a damn thing about body odor. Take a shower/bath before the gym. If your job causes that much perspiration during the day, grab a quick shower before working out.

theres a couple of dudes like that in my gym one of those dudes always used to want spots on presses, this dude smelled like he was standing in fertilizer, fucking nasty.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: phyxsius on January 10, 2006, 02:34:51 PM
theres a couple of dudes like that in my gym one of those dudes always used to want spots on presses, this dude smelled like he was standing in fertilizer, fucking nasty.

I saw a stinky porky pig yesterday. I couldn't even stand the smell.. The cologne? I used to spray on my nose than let him use on his body.. He just need to get the hell outta there.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Bluto on January 10, 2006, 02:41:19 PM
the weekend arms warrior...

haha this guy brought his own fucking stereo to the gym i swear to god!!! hahaha. fucking big ass stereo and put it another bench. and all this guy does is train fucking biceps, not even triceps, just biceps. he takes the 110-120 lb dumbells, and sways back and forth using as much leverage from all his other body parts. this white guy always wore his gay bandana, the guy is like 40 years old, fat and out of shape.
that has to be the funniest thing i have seen in the gym. bring your own stereo to the gym? wtf!

that fucking rule :D
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: nestor on January 10, 2006, 02:56:04 PM
someone at my gym screams like a woman having a baby everytime he lifts but........the sad part about it its that he lifts shit of weight i always wonder how come he has not been kick out yet?? ???
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: onlyme on January 10, 2006, 10:00:33 PM
Alright I told this story before one here but once more.  First off I know my way around the gy m.  Been training since 1975 or so and seriously since 79'.  I've trained with the biggest names in the industry and at gyms all over the country, China and Mexico.  Maybe 200+ different gyms.  Mostly of course when I traveled. 

Well here is one for the books.  Just happened within a couple years.  I was doing incline I think.  Anyway, there was 315 onthe bar I think and you know when after you do a couple sets you have to sometimes puch the plates back together.  Well I did.  But, in my hast I was behind the bar and took my hand and pushed the plates together.  Well my fucking chest was to close I guess and my nipple got pinched between the plates.

I only had on a t-shirt.  Man I yelled so loud the whole gym just stopped doing everything.  Not one person was moving.  Everyone was just looking me cussing and grabbing my tittie.

I yelled out "My fucking nipple!"  I kept rubbing it while telling everyone that came up to me what happened.  Well then someone says Keith I think you're bleeding.  I look down and my shirt had a bunch of blood on it.  I thoght what the fuck and I lifted my shirt and a few guys were there and they said "dude your fucking nipple is hanging, you cut it off."  I looked down and a piece the size of a small eraser was barely hanging on.  I put a band-aid on it then went home.

Later that night as I was playing with my titties I felt that hanging nipple.  I went into the bathroom. andlooked at it in the mirror.  It looked weird and wasn't sure what to do.  Well I ended up decided to cut it off (the hanging part).  So I iced the shit out of it.  I then took my nailclippers.  I was so fucking scared.  Anyway, I ended up after sevral minutes just doing it and cut the hanging part off with the clippers.  I swear to god I had a wet towel in my mouth and was yelling my brains out.  The the brainiac I was I didn't want it to get infected so I poured some peroxide on it.  FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK, that hurt too.  I swear if there was a camera on me I could have easily won America Funniest Home Videos.  Anyway in short it healed fine.  You can tell some of it is missing but no big deal.  Still have feeling and everything.  Anyway, that is my cutoff nipple story
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: weedoutheweak on January 10, 2006, 10:13:35 PM
Alright I told this story before one here but once more.  First off I know my way around the gy m.  Been training since 1975 or so and seriously since 79'.  I've trained with the biggest names in the industry and at gyms all over the country, China and Mexico.  Maybe 200+ different gyms.  Mostly of course when I traveled. 

Well here is one for the books.  Just happened within a couple years.  I was doing incline I think.  Anyway, there was 315 onthe bar I think and you know when after you do a couple sets you have to sometimes puch the plates back together.  Well I did.  But, in my hast I was behind the bar and took my hand and pushed the plates together.  Well my fucking chest was to close I guess and my nipple got pinched between the plates.

I only had on a t-shirt.  Man I yelled so loud the whole gym just stopped doing everything.  Not one person was moving.  Everyone was just looking me cussing and grabbing my tittie.

I yelled out "My fucking nipple!"  I kept rubbing it while telling everyone that came up to me what happened.  Well then someone says Keith I think you're bleeding.  I look down and my shirt had a bunch of blood on it.  I thoght what the f**k and I lifted my shirt and a few guys were there and they said "dude your fucking nipple is hanging, you cut it off."  I looked down and a piece the size of a small eraser was barely hanging on.  I put a band-aid on it then went home.

Later that night as I was playing with my titties I felt that hanging nipple.  I went into the bathroom. andlooked at it in the mirror.  It looked weird and wasn't sure what to do.  Well I ended up decided to cut it off (the hanging part).  So I iced the shit out of it.  I then took my nailclippers.  I was so fucking scared.  Anyway, I ended up after sevral minutes just doing it and cut the hanging part off with the clippers.  I swear to god I had a wet towel in my mouth and was yelling my brains out.  The the brainiac I was I didn't want it to get infected so I poured some peroxide on it.  FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK, that hurt too.  I swear if there was a camera on me I could have easily won America Funniest Home Videos.  Anyway in short it healed fine.  You can tell some of it is missing but no big deal.  Still have feeling and everything.  Anyway, that is my cutoff nipple story

That is insane
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Mr. Intenseone on January 10, 2006, 10:38:49 PM
Alright I told this story before one here but once more.  First off I know my way around the gym m.  Been training since 1975 or so and seriously since 79'.  I've trained with the biggest names in the industry and at gyms all over the country, China and Mexico.  Maybe 200+ different gyms.  Mostly of course when I traveled. 

Well here is one for the books.  Just happened within a couple years.  I was doing incline I think.  Anyway, there was 315 onthe bar I think and you know when after you do a couple sets you have to sometimes puch the plates back together.  Well I did.  But, in my hast I was behind the bar and took my hand and pushed the plates together.  Well my fucking chest was to close I guess and my nipple got pinched between the plates.

I only had on a t-shirt.  Man I yelled so loud the whole gym just stopped doing everything.  Not one person was moving.  Everyone was just looking me cussing and grabbing my tittie.

I yelled out "My fucking nipple!"  I kept rubbing it while telling everyone that came up to me what happened.  Well then someone says Keith I think you're bleeding.  I look down and my shirt had a bunch of blood on it.  I thoght what the f**k and I lifted my shirt and a few guys were there and they said "dude your fucking nipple is hanging, you cut it off."  I looked down and a piece the size of a small eraser was barely hanging on.  I put a band-aid on it then went home.

Later that night as I was playing with my titties I felt that hanging nipple.  I went into the bathroom. andlooked at it in the mirror.  It looked weird and wasn't sure what to do.  Well I ended up decided to cut it off (the hanging part).  So I iced the shit out of it.  I then took my nailclippers.  I was so fucking scared.  Anyway, I ended up after sevral minutes just doing it and cut the hanging part off with the clippers.  I swear to god I had a wet towel in my mouth and was yelling my brains out.  The the brainiac I was I didn't want it to get infected so I poured some peroxide on it.  FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK, that hurt too.  I swear if there was a camera on me I could have easily won America Funniest Home Videos.  Anyway in short it healed fine.  You can tell some of it is missing but no big deal.  Still have feeling and everything.  Anyway, that is my cutoff nipple story

LOL Hahahahahahahahahahahaha thats one of the funniest stories I think I've ever heard and I've been around as long as you..LOL.

Okay, here's my story. I've always been known as extremely strong, even now. When I was 17 I was training at Bill Pearls gym in Pasadena. Me and my partner were doing side laterals and back then you went heavy on everything. For our 5th and last set he was spotting me for 6 reps with the 105's on laterals. On the final rep, I came down too close to my d**k and smashed it and my left nut. After I passed out from shock, my partner took me to the emergency room where I was diagnosed with smashed urethra.....the nut was going to be fine in a few hours (thanks for asking). I had a catheter inserted for about a week so I could pee. The worst part of the story was the nurse was ugly as hell. Unlike Onlyme, I couldn't play with my dick because it hurt and was numb.....the catheter and the thought of the ugly nurse didn't help either.
When I came back to the gym, I wasn't greeted with a "Joe, how ya doing" it was nothing but laughter (including Bill himself).....I couldn't help but to laugh right along!

Thats my d**k smashing story!
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: tommywishbone on January 10, 2006, 10:40:20 PM
There is one old lady who walks on the treadmill wearing a plastic poncho and a big bath towel wrapped around her head like a turbin. To top it off, she carries this walking stick and has it slung over her shoulder most of the time. I've even walked up to her, looked up at the ceiling and asked, "we supposed to get rain?". but she just stares straight ahead with a crazy look on her face and says nothing.

There is also a guy that swims laps while wearing tight camo trunks and a scuba mask with a snorkel. It is some funny sh#t!!!
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Bluto on January 11, 2006, 03:31:24 AM
Haha that some funny shit guys. I'm hitting the gym today, I'm glad I won't be doing either incline or side laterals, getting paranoid here  ;D
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: phyxsius on January 11, 2006, 04:52:47 AM
Good stuff in the gym.. Who dare to say going to the gym is boring?

I just came back from the gym today and I saw a guy doing squat with 300 lbs by going down only 10 inches. Scream like a bitch getting raped and annoying as hell.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: NCNPC29 on January 11, 2006, 05:37:38 AM
The most retarded thing I've seen would have to be someone getting kicked out of the gym and their contract torn up for using chalk... needless to say I changed gyms the following week.... funniest thing I've seen was my friend slapping this guy off a life cycle... lolololol... this guy was spreading rumours about my friend so he confronted him and ended up slapping him off the bike... Looked like it was straight out of Saturday Night Live... lolol
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: dawakaman on January 11, 2006, 08:09:39 AM
HAHAHAHA onlyme, that's the second time i read your nipple-story.
OMG, this time it was even funnier...I'm still laughing while typing this LOL!

Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: RUDE BUOY on January 28, 2006, 06:09:53 AM
once saw a guy on a treadmill going so fast not able to keep up get tangled up on his feet and come crashing down on the treadmill and get thrown off shit aint that a bitch??????????????
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: DIVISION on January 29, 2006, 12:21:00 AM

this is an interesting part of the story

What's interesting, Stella, is that I still haven't seen your navel.

What's up with that?

Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Unknown8471 on January 29, 2006, 01:34:47 AM
last year while i was training for foot ball this one kid ( it was his first day of training in his intire life) tried to bench 245lbs. the kid was skiny, and i told him that he would probly kill himself if he tried it. he told me he knew exactly what he was doing. some how i knew it was going to end bad so i wached him. thank god i was rong he was never abel to get the bar off the rests. it was a lot of fun waching him try he made all theas crazy faces and noises. evryoen in the entire gym wached him and lafed. i dont think it will ever be forgoten ither.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: gymrat1 on February 20, 2006, 03:04:24 PM
The most retarded things I've seen people doing in the gym are:
1. Sitting on the Nautilus machines and not exercising.
2. Exercising in the sauna/steam room.
3. Hanging out by the pool, and staring at me with mean faces.
4. Talking or ß!+©#!|\|& a lot.
5. Shadowboxing in a non-boxing gym.
6. Head-stands in a non-yoga gym.
7. Talking on cell phones for extended time periods.
8. Using the sauna heater like a urinal.
9. Sagging pants/shorts.
10. Doing anything in the pool but swimming.
11. Wearing sunglasses indoors/after dark.
12. Carrying a chair around as if the carrier were glued to the seat.
13. Bouncing basketballs anywhere but on the court floor.
14. Wearing baseball caps backwards.
15. Sporting encyclopedias of tattoos.
16. Having long hair/earrings/both. (Men/boys only)
17. Wearing shorts/short skirts outdoors in cold weather.
18. Having a dumb or passé haircut.
19. Wearing a tee/sweatshirt with fraternity/sorority letters.
20. Wearing heavy clothes or rubber/plastic suits in the sauna to sweat off pounds.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: gymrat1 on February 20, 2006, 03:14:00 PM
Another retarded thing some people do in the gym is, they seemingly spend the whole day there.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: HRDCOR on February 20, 2006, 03:28:52 PM
We had this guy once come into the gym with Bike shorts on (you know the one,s, skin tight licra style ), which is nothing exciting realy , but dig this , he had the arse cut out of them and his are pokeing out , and he started to do squats !!!!!! then when told to change or f**k of he went down stairs and got into normal track pants !!! Go figure !!!
Retard !!
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: MassInMass on February 20, 2006, 03:29:48 PM
Guys using thirty-five lb plates...
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: ARMZ on February 20, 2006, 03:42:13 PM
  I have two stories. I was at the front desk checking people in and an older guy came in with no pants on. I thought for sure he'd see himself in a mirror and realize. About 30 mins passed and another member came to me and told me he's working out with no pants just wearing a shirt. I really didn't want to deal with this. Turns out he had Alzheimer's.
  Next one.  Some guy was trying to figure out a machine, he was all tangled up in the thing, so after a few minutes went by he asked me how to use it. I told him it wasn't a workout machine, its for the painters to paint the high walls.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: triple_pickle on February 20, 2006, 04:17:35 PM
Some guy was trying to figure out a machine, he was all tangled up in the thing, so after a few minutes went by he asked me how to use it. I told him it wasn't a workout machine, its for the painters to paint the high walls.
f***ing hilarious
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: WiseGuy on February 20, 2006, 04:53:58 PM
Alright I told this story before one here but once more.  First off I know my way around the gy m.  Been training since 1975 or so and seriously since 79'.  I've trained with the biggest names in the industry and at gyms all over the country, China and Mexico.  Maybe 200+ different gyms.  Mostly of course when I traveled. 
Well here is one for the books.  Just happened within a couple years.  I was doing incline I think.  Anyway, there was 315 onthe bar I think and you know when after you do a couple sets you have to sometimes puch the plates back together.  Well I did.  But, in my hast I was behind the bar and took my hand and pushed the plates together.  Well my fucking chest was to close I guess and my nipple got pinched between the plates.
I only had on a t-shirt.  Man I yelled so loud the whole gym just stopped doing everything.  Not one person was moving.  Everyone was just looking me cussing and grabbing my tittie.
I yelled out "My fucking nipple!"  I kept rubbing it while telling everyone that came up to me what happened.  Well then someone says Keith I think you're bleeding.  I look down and my shirt had a bunch of blood on it.  I thoght what the f**k and I lifted my shirt and a few guys were there and they said "dude your fucking nipple is hanging, you cut it off."  I looked down and a piece the size of a small eraser was barely hanging on.  I put a band-aid on it then went home.
Later that night as I was playing with my titties I felt that hanging nipple.  I went into the bathroom. andlooked at it in the mirror.  It looked weird and wasn't sure what to do.  Well I ended up decided to cut it off (the hanging part).  So I iced the shit out of it.  I then took my nailclippers.  I was so fucking scared.  Anyway, I ended up after sevral minutes just doing it and cut the hanging part off with the clippers.  I swear to god I had a wet towel in my mouth and was yelling my brains out.  The the brainiac I was I didn't want it to get infected so I poured some peroxide on it.  FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK, that hurt too.  I swear if there was a camera on me I could have easily won America Funniest Home Videos.  Anyway in short it healed fine.  You can tell some of it is missing but no big deal.  Still have feeling and everything.  Anyway, that is my cutoff nipple story


I had to rub my nipples and reassure them that would never ever happen to them.......

Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: alexxx on February 20, 2006, 04:56:54 PM
I'm in the steam room with a camera phone trying to take pics of guys he thought were hot.

Hilarious! you looked for this thread all over get big just to make us all known about your sick old man falling out balls sucking that you do!
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: gymrat1 on May 17, 2006, 05:08:18 PM
Yet another retarded thing I've seen in gyms is guys wearing T-shirts with the sleeves & sides cut out.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: badlad on May 18, 2006, 01:11:17 AM
In all the years I have trained the silliest thing I have ever seen in the gym was way back in the day when I looked in the mirror and saw myself after about 6 months of training. (This is the very very early 90's ok).
I was wearing a t shirt with the arms ripped off, lycra bike shorts and purple leg warmers.
I assure you I'm not gay or even remotely curious but looking back on it now - WTF was I thinking? Because I'm pretty sure everyone else in the gym was probably thinking something.
I have no excuses just shocking dress sense.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: ARMZ on May 18, 2006, 01:18:49 AM
Purple leg warmers are not gay at all..
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Mars on May 18, 2006, 01:24:41 AM
The most retarded things I've seen people doing in the gym are:
1. Sitting on the Nautilus machines and not exercising.
2. Exercising in the sauna/steam room.
3. Hanging out by the pool, and staring at me with mean faces.
4. Talking or ß!+©#!|\|& a lot.
5. Shadowboxing in a non-boxing gym.
6. Head-stands in a non-yoga gym.
7. Talking on cell phones for extended time periods.
8. Using the sauna heater like a urinal.
9. Sagging pants/shorts.
10. Doing anything in the pool but swimming.
11. Wearing sunglasses indoors/after dark.
12. Carrying a chair around as if the carrier were glued to the seat.
13. Bouncing basketballs anywhere but on the court floor.
14. Wearing baseball caps backwards.
15. Sporting encyclopedias of tattoos.
16. Having long hair/earrings/both. (Men/boys only)
17. Wearing shorts/short skirts outdoors in cold weather.
18. Having a dumb or passé haircut.
19. Wearing a tee/sweatshirt with fraternity/sorority letters.
20. Wearing heavy clothes or rubber/plastic suits in the sauna to sweat off pounds.

Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: badlad on May 18, 2006, 01:27:13 AM
BTW - I would probably have looked fine if it had just been the previous decade. At least I wasn't wearing a rambo headband.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: nzmusclemonster on May 18, 2006, 01:27:35 AM
i once went into the sauna at the gym and an overweight man was doing naked stretches.

also i get really pissed off when idiots that have been training for jack shit time have a friend come in with them one day and they show them all the "proper" ways to do the exercises and talk as if they know theyr shit
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: karasan on May 18, 2006, 01:51:59 AM
i once went into the sauna at the gym and an overweight man was doing naked stretches.

You didn't tell the whole story,
you quickly get rid of your clothes and started assisted streching, that was a real sight to see  ;D
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: benchthis on May 18, 2006, 02:17:41 AM
shadow boxing
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: karasan on May 18, 2006, 03:23:45 AM
Holy Shit.      That's one of the stupidest things I've ever heard, gym or not.

I guess it was too late for abortion,she gave birth, but didn't wanna feel raising the poor bastard and she tried her chances...
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: onlyme on May 18, 2006, 03:38:11 AM
When I had the Golds here a couple years ago there was an old guy (60) who came in most of the time around 9pm.  The gym closed at 10pm.  This old fart would wash his clothes (brought from home) with the soap they use at gas staions to clean your hands, in the sink and showers.  It would smell the place up.  Well when I heard about this I stayed late one night to close.  He came in.  About 30 minutes later a guy comes up to me to tell me to go look in the sauna.  I said what?  He said just go look in the sauna.  I go in and open the door.  Laying naked on the floor reading a newspaper with clothes pinned on every wall is the old man.  I said what the fuck are you doing .  He said I am drying my clothes.  I said you can't fucking do your clothes in my gym.  He looks at me while I am tearing his clothes off the wall and says "you know I put in the clocks in this place".  I look at him with bewilderment and said "who the fuck cares, dude you're gone"  I have never seen the guys again.  That one takes the cake for wierdess for me.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: bigtraps on May 18, 2006, 06:35:51 AM
Let’s see if I can describe this.  This dork was at the squat rack, setting up to do squats.  He attached those big rubber band things from the pull-up bar at the top of the rack to the bar.  He then pulled a flat bench up into the rack.  So, he goes with his squats…
He was bouncing up and down off the bench … very quickly.  I mean, what the hell.

Oh I could write a book about the dorks.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: dr.chimps on May 18, 2006, 06:50:29 AM
When I had the Golds here a couple years ago there was an old guy (60) who came in most of the time around 9pm.  The gym closed at 10pm.  This old fart would wash his clothes (brought from home) with the soap they use at gas staions to clean your hands, in the sink and showers.  It would smell the place up.  Well when I heard about this I stayed late one night to close.  He came in.  About 30 minutes later a guy comes up to me to tell me to go look in the sauna.  I said what?  He said just go look in the sauna.  I go in and open the door.  Laying naked on the floor reading a newspaper with clothes pinned on every wall is the old man.  I said what the f**k are you doing .  He said I am drying my clothes.  I said you can't fucking do your clothes in my gym.  He looks at me while I am tearing his clothes off the wall and says "you know I put in the clocks in this place".  I look at him with bewilderment and said "who the f**k cares, dude you're gone"  I have never seen the guys again.  That one takes the cake for wierdess for me.

Only: Are you sure this wasn't a dream? This is really weird stuff. A psychiatrist would lose it trying to analyze this baby. Its got everything: age & time; being naked surrounded by clothes, etc. I am so going to steal this one.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: alexxx on May 18, 2006, 07:05:43 AM
lol everytime I go back to train at the YMCA, because my friends train there, half the members are on balls. They do everything on balls. One legged squats, squat and then press with one arm, ball pushups everything man this is so messed up. They work core. ::)
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Stavios on May 18, 2006, 07:09:09 AM
Your friends must be fucking gay alexxx.
Why are they training there
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: The Ugly on May 18, 2006, 07:10:50 AM
Team Corky. And they prefer "retarrific."
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: alexxx on May 18, 2006, 07:11:31 AM
Your friends must be fucking gay alexxx.
Why are they training there

My two old training partners still train there because they get a free membership from volenteering. Besides their girlfrieds train there too. If you saw them you'd think they are competitive bodybuilders but they are all natural. 5'10" barely 200 with close to 19 inch guns.  8)
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: karasan on May 18, 2006, 07:12:11 AM
lol everytime I go back to train at the YMCA, because my friends train there, half the members are on balls. They do everything on balls. One legged squats, squat and then press with one arm, ball pushups everything man this is so messed up. They work core. ::)

You love balls Alexx, don't you...
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: alexxx on May 18, 2006, 07:12:59 AM
You love balls Alexx, don't you...

I prefer balloons any day. ;)
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Stavios on May 18, 2006, 07:15:15 AM
My two old training partners still train there because they get a free membership from volenteering. Besides their girlfrieds train there too. If you saw them you'd think they are competitive bodybuilders but they are all natural. 5'10" barely 200 with close to 19 inch guns.  8)
everybody has big guns. it piss me off, it is a weak point for me since they are so long....  >:(
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: alexxx on May 18, 2006, 07:16:13 AM
everybody has big guns. it piss me off, it is a weak point for me since they are so long....  >:(

It is a weak point for you because you think of them so.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Stavios on May 18, 2006, 07:19:26 AM
It is a weak point for you because you think of them so.

No really I have shitty genetics for arms.

they look like Milos's
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: alexxx on May 18, 2006, 07:24:09 AM
No really I have shitty genetics for arms.

they look like Milos's

lol Just focus on them more like train them twice a week one heavy day and one pumping day.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Stavios on May 18, 2006, 07:29:37 AM
I have tryed everything, I guess one day they'll catch up.

Right now, CT has me focussing on my back
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: alexxx on May 18, 2006, 07:31:47 AM
I have tryed everything, I guess one day they'll catch up.

Right now, CT has me focussing on my back

 :-\ CT.. have you seen him lately. Go check his program on t-nation I bet you could take him. ;D
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Stavios on May 18, 2006, 08:01:59 AM (

Fuck no, I would  look like a broom stick next to CT
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Ex Coelis on May 18, 2006, 08:28:47 AM

That's actually an old technique for increasing bench strength. Its not as gay as it seemed - it's a legitimate method
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: FatGuy on May 18, 2006, 09:00:44 AM
A fat guy  who load up the bench plates, lift off the pegs and lowered it down a few inches and push back up again. He continue doing that for a good 10 reps. I guess he must be training his elbows

It wasn't me... ;D
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Man of Steel on May 18, 2006, 09:06:33 AM
I posted this once before, but it's deserving of this thread:

About 12 years ago I joined my first "hardcore" gym and I'll never forget one member in particular.  He wasn't a bodybuilder, but had an average (or novice) powerlifter physique.  He stood about 6'4" tall, weighed in the neighborhood of 275 lbs, never combed his hair and always smelled terrible.  He literally left a film of filth on whatever piece of equipment he used.  This guy never spoke to anyone, but he definitely made his presence known during every set of every exercise as this dude yelled and screamed at the top of his lungs during everything.  Ocassionally between sets he'd skulk around the gym and let out a "f**k YOU!!" or "ALRIGHT f**cker!".  He had the worst form I've ever seen and would contort and throw his body around in every direction when performing any and all exercises.  It was the entire weight stack on every machine, the heaviest db's and the heaviest barbells for everything imaginable....keep in mind he did sets of 1-2 reps using 1/16 to 1/2 range of motion for everything (it was 1/2 range at best on rare occassions).  He'd use 150lbs db's for multiple sets of 50 rep 2 inch curls at high speed.....virtually everything was done with a 2-inch range of motion with the worst form and the heaviest weights he could possible use.  My favorite moment was one particular back day in which he loaded a bar for deads (1/16 range reps mind you) with something like 700 was absurd.  Although, what was more unreal was that prior to each "set" he would fart continuously for a solid 3-5 minutes.  Not quietly passing gas, but loud, bellowing farts and he would walk in circle grunting, farting and talking to himself attempting to pump up for each bizarre set.   Keep in mind that all of this occurred - everyday - while he wore a unwashed, sweat-stained, head-to-toe pink track suit.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Dingleberry on May 18, 2006, 09:14:07 AM
Alright I told this story before one here but once more.  First off I know my way around the gy m.  Been training since 1975 or so and seriously since 79'.  I've trained with the biggest names in the industry and at gyms all over the country, China and Mexico.  Maybe 200+ different gyms.  Mostly of course when I traveled. 

Well here is one for the books.  Just happened within a couple years.  I was doing incline I think.  Anyway, there was 315 onthe bar I think and you know when after you do a couple sets you have to sometimes puch the plates back together.  Well I did.  But, in my hast I was behind the bar and took my hand and pushed the plates together.  Well my fucking chest was to close I guess and my nipple got pinched between the plates.

I can't even imagine how much that must have hurt.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Dingleberry on May 18, 2006, 09:16:12 AM
I'm guilty of doing something retarded. I was using the cable station and with a big wierd bar that has 2 handles on each side for different grips or something. i was doing wide grip cable rows but standing up.... i saw it in a book, wanted to try it. Anyway I took out the pin to add 10 pounds and the thing fell on my head. right when i got hit instead of focusing on the pain or if i was bleeding or anything i played it cool because it would be really embarrasing if someone came over to see if i had busted my head. it was about 20 minutes before closing time so there was only an old guy and the guy who works there. It hurt much but i was sure i had busted my head. instead of checking for blood which would have someone come over for sure if they had seen the stupidity i did i did another set. Then i went over to the water fountain and drank water for a whole minute so if anyone saw me going to the locker room they'd figure i was going to take a piss but i actually went to check if i was bleeding. i wasn't bleeding. Lucky me.

hahahaha, I've done that shit too. I've also stood up and hit my head on it.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Man of Steel on May 18, 2006, 11:06:29 AM
hahahaha, I've done that shit too. I've also stood up and hit my head on it.

AHAHAH!!!  You guys are fuggin stupid AHAAHAH!!!

I've done it too.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: onlyme on May 18, 2006, 11:09:15 AM

Only: Are you sure this wasn't a dream? This is really weird stuff. A psychiatrist would lose it trying to analyze this baby. Its got everything: age & time; being naked surrounded by clothes, etc. I am so going to steal this one.

This is true.  I heard it for awhile and finally I decided to hang around and see for myself.  I have not seen this guy since.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: FatGuy on May 18, 2006, 12:08:23 PM
I'm guilty of doing something retarded. I was using the cable station and with a big wierd bar that has 2 handles on each side for different grips or something. i was doing wide grip cable rows but standing up.... i saw it in a book, wanted to try it. Anyway I took out the pin to add 10 pounds and the thing fell on my head. right when i got hit instead of focusing on the pain or if i was bleeding or anything i played it cool because it would be really embarrasing if someone came over to see if i had busted my head. it was about 20 minutes before closing time so there was only an old guy and the guy who works there. It hurt much but i was sure i had busted my head. instead of checking for blood which would have someone come over for sure if they had seen the stupidity i did i did another set. Then i went over to the water fountain and drank water for a whole minute so if anyone saw me going to the locker room they'd figure i was going to take a piss but i actually went to check if i was bleeding. i wasn't bleeding. Lucky me.

LOL...I've done that too.... :P
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Dingleberry on May 18, 2006, 12:20:16 PM
AHAHAH!!!  You guys are fuggin stupid AHAAHAH!!!

I've done it too.

lol!  you stupid fucker! ;D
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Ex Coelis on May 18, 2006, 01:11:51 PM
I don't let this stuff get to me - after all, I'm sure I did half of it when I was younger and trying to be the next Dorian Yates. You can't hold a grudge against these people if they don't know better.

There's just no excuse though for using a squat rack for bicep curls when people are waiting to do squats.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: jaejonna on May 18, 2006, 01:33:55 PM
No really I have shitty genetics for arms.

they look like Milos's

Well we all know what Milos did to fix that !!!
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: LLES on May 18, 2006, 01:53:05 PM
Real things I saw training & working at Gold's Venice:

4) Pro bodybuilder (no name to protect the stupid) who fell asleep on the threadmill while taking too much nubain.

I'd be willing to bet it was Tom Prince, I've heard similiar stories about him doing this when he lived in S.Fla
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: LLES on May 18, 2006, 02:05:39 PM
Then there was the time I joined a new gym & was at the juice bar getting a shake & this little weasle looking guys asked the common question, How much you benchin?" I told him & not really caring but trying to be nice asked him the same to which he replied, "4 plates for reps every chest work-out". Ok, whatever& left .Seen him again 2-3 days later & he did do 4 plates for 3 reps, 4-25lbs plates on each side for 3 reps. I was very impressed, to say the least.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Ozzy on May 18, 2006, 02:11:32 PM
Hey guys, I got one. Just the other day, I saw some older guy in the squat rack. He had 35's on, and WAS FUCKING YELLING AT THE TOP OF HIS VOICE EACH REP. That was pretty gay.

Oh, and again, the other day, at the hack squat machine, this guy who thought he was a stud was doing 3 plates a side with particularly bad form, and after a set of about 5-6 reps he yelled and stepped off the machine and strutted his skinny ass all over the place. I almost went over and put another 5 a side and did a set, just to shut him the fuck up.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: alexxx on May 18, 2006, 02:21:58 PM
I saw this guy at the rich people gym where I used to train.. and the guy was picking his nose all the time. People where looking at him and he kept on doing it. So I went up to him and told him to stop picking his nose. He sorta laughs embarassed then I gave him a dead stare in the eyes and said: "Seriously!" Needless to say he stopped after that.  :)
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Ryu717 on May 19, 2006, 08:41:51 AM
There is a guy in the gym I go to that I call Aqua Man. He has Sport Gogles on , wearing a dew rag , then elbow supports (black  polyurethane )  then black knee supports, and wears a tight wicking t shirt , and bicycle shorts. I just laugh my ass off !
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: LuciusFox on May 19, 2006, 08:48:43 AM
There is a guy in the gym I go to that I call Aqua Man. He has Sport Gogles on , wearing a dew rag , then elbow supports (black  polyurethane )  then black knee supports, and wears a tight wicking t shirt , and bicycle shorts. I just laugh my ass off !

 Is he a cyclist? ???
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: FatGuy on May 19, 2006, 08:55:05 AM
There is a guy in the gym I go to that I call Aqua Man. He has Sport Gogles on , wearing a dew rag , then elbow supports (black  polyurethane )  then black knee supports, and wears a tight wicking t shirt , and bicycle shorts. I just laugh my ass off !

I remember when I first joined the Military they issued me some sport goggles...I used to wear them to the gym to play B-ball... looking back what a geek.....LOL
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: gracie bjj on May 19, 2006, 08:56:29 AM
it had to be me snapping amillion pictures of federov training at our gym,that must have been comical,hell with it at least i got abunch of pics for my photo albums and to put up on these boards so federov fans can see them ;)
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: HowieW on May 19, 2006, 09:13:53 AM
I recently saw one of the most "fruity " looking guys EVER in a gym training.
He was about 60, pale skin, rather skinny , avg ht. He had on designer  jeans and a designer long sleeve sweat shirt-sweater kind of shirt with these "yaht club emblem" white sneakers.
What really topped it off was this scarf he had around his neck , like an ascot . The scarf really looked so fruity and watching him "train" with his personal trainer was priceless.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: FatGuy on May 19, 2006, 09:20:39 AM
The other day this skinny guy probably 11 inch arms was doing preacher curls with the e-z bar with 45's on each side...he would go down without bending his elbows his ass would come completely off the seat...then he added more weight...WTF?
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: HowieW on May 19, 2006, 09:22:45 AM
The other day this skinny guy probably 11 inch arms was doing preacher curls with the e-z bar with 45's on each side...he would go down without bending his elbows his ass would come completely off the seat...then he added more weight...WTF?

But how else can he PREVENT his 11" pipes from growing????

Did he have on a fruity looking little ascot scarf?
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: FatGuy on May 19, 2006, 09:25:38 AM
But how else can he PREVENT his 11" pipes from growing????

Did he have on a fruity looking little ascot scarf?

LOL...No, heavy metal T-shirt and Combat boots....
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: ARMZ on May 19, 2006, 11:40:24 AM
I saw this guy at the rich people gym where I used to train.. and the guy was picking his nose all the time. People where looking at him and he kept on doing it. So I went up to him and told him to stop picking his nose. He sorta laughs embarassed then I gave him a dead stare in the eyes and said: "Seriously!" Needless to say he stopped after that.  :)

You probably made him crap his pants..
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: MCWAY on May 19, 2006, 01:39:39 PM
I'd have to go with one of the "trainers" at Bally having two rotund women do biceps curls and shoulder presses with 10-lb. dumbells........WHILE THEY'RE BOUNCING ON TRAMPOLINES!!!
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Deadpool on May 19, 2006, 01:40:26 PM
yeah, that kind of takes the cake right there
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: gordiano on May 19, 2006, 01:45:10 PM
I saw this dude once, older guy, come in "on" something. Funniest thing, he was doing Kung Fu kicks all over the place. You had to be there.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: ARMZ on May 19, 2006, 01:50:27 PM
I saw this dude once, older guy, come in "on" something. Funniest thing, he was doing Kung Fu kicks all over the place. You had to be there.

haha   yeah we have one of those..  He doesn't workout, just punches the leaves on the plants and stuff..
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: gordiano on May 19, 2006, 01:54:09 PM

haha   yeah we have one of those..  He doesn't workout, just punches the leaves on the plants and stuff..

It was freaky man. But funny. By the end I could not keep from laughing out loud. My training partners started to laugh too. He knew we were laughing, but didn't say shit. To top it off, he had this "Chuck Norris" from the 70's haircut. I wish I had I camera with me, it was priceless.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Deadpool on May 19, 2006, 01:55:37 PM
yeah if you did, you coulda posted pictures of this gem
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: gymrat1 on July 16, 2006, 06:23:38 AM
I heard a guy making a shivering sound when he got in the pool.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Mars on July 16, 2006, 06:39:17 AM
the funniest thing about the gym is that 95 percent of the time the only guys wearing tank tops and shorts are 160lbs. and all the 285lb. monsters are all covered up in baggy sweats, i heard one of these little scrawny tools talking to one of his friends one time and he says, "we work hard why not show it off", hahahaha, the dude was literally 150lbs. and benching 115 on the Smith Machine.

Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: 400kwgtr on July 16, 2006, 07:15:01 AM
I saw this one guy doing bench press years ago and was wearing a pair of those running shorts with the splits up the side of them. He had one of his nuts hanging out of the side for everyone to see. It was very funny, i didnt know if i should tell him or not. This big guy walked past and says to him "hey buddy, one of your nuts are hanging out."  I laughed my head off.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: 250Ben250 on July 16, 2006, 01:24:38 PM
There's a kid at the gym who has some decent size but every time he does standing preacher curls he puts 45's on each side of the EZ curl bar and uses his entire body as a counter weight. The only part of him that touches the ground are his toes about 3 feet stretched out behind him. The funniest thing is seeing how embarassed people get when they ask to work in with him then realize what he's doing.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: sarcasm on July 16, 2006, 01:27:15 PM
saw a father and son duo today each 6 feet and 140lbs. apiece doing endless 100lb. lat pulldown/kneeling cable crunch supersets with the mat on the floor, INTENSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: fearANDloathing on July 16, 2006, 01:29:59 PM
Guys with NO ARMS, NO LEGS, NO CHEST, AND NO BACK, constantly flexing the only muscle group they have. Abs. If I were 135 lbs with a broom stick build,I'd have a constant six pack too. It's really funnt to watch ;D
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: airrick on July 16, 2006, 01:58:12 PM
I see this one dude...   wears the same shit every time hes at the gym, (way baggy pants, and a tore up sleeveless shirt that you would figure, just dont wear at all), and wears a shit load of posing oil and he leaves fucking oil marks on the dam bench.  he then walks around not realizing that hes stankin' cuz the people gives him the "gotdam that smells" look once he walks right by.  he then does the VanDamme stretches and makes sure the ladies check him out lil does he know that the ladies are prolly grossed out by him.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: airrick on July 16, 2006, 03:26:11 PM
AH-HAHAHAHAHA!  Hilarious...

Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: C4Fanatic on July 16, 2006, 06:36:37 PM
I see this one dude...   wears the same shit every time hes at the gym, (way baggy pants, and a tore up sleeveless shirt that you would figure, just dont wear at all), and wears a shit load of posing oil and he leaves fucking oil marks on the dam bench.  he then walks around not realizing that hes stankin' cuz the people gives him the "gotdam that smells" look once he walks right by.  he then does the VanDamme stretches and makes sure the ladies check him out lil does he know that the ladies are prolly grossed out by him.

We got a guy like this at my gym. He's probably late 40's early 50's, in good shape, tan like old leather. Wears a stringer tank top and baggies and before every work out he's in the lounge spraying himself with.................... ........................ ........................ ...............get ready for it...................... ........................ . :o PAM Cooking Spray :o....................... ...............I shit you not!
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: gymrat1 on July 18, 2006, 10:17:19 AM
33. Sporting unsightly piercings, ie lip studs.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: airrick on July 18, 2006, 10:24:29 AM
We got a guy like this at my gym. He's probably late 40's early 50's, in good shape, tan like old leather. Wears a stringer tank top and baggies and before every work out he's in the lounge spraying himself with.................... ........................ ........................ ...............get ready for it...................... ........................ . :o PAM Cooking Spray :o....................... ...............I shit you not!

WOW... PAM cooking spray... i know Vic Martinez uses that for posing but shit he uses it to pose for comps not for working out!!

this dude thinks he's gonna start doing lat spreads so the PAM oil does not make his thumb slip off his waist.

Man, classic case of a dude who doesn't compete but thinks one day he will!

Good one fellow GOLDS GYM bro! HAHAHAHA!!!!
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: MercedesKhani on July 18, 2006, 11:49:32 AM
In my gym, there are gay guys lying on the machines together, making out!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :-\

South Beach baby.  8)
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: swoody on July 18, 2006, 01:14:53 PM
A couple years ago I was at the gym and I saw this fat black wrestling tights, with hair like joe dirt with black lipstick on... running like he was chasing a sausage truck or somethin on the treadmill... with this REALLY intense look on his face... pure focus :) and then he tripped and rode the treadmill on his gut to the floor... funniest shit I've ever seen, but I didn't want to say anything cause the dude kinda scared me:)
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: gibberj2 on July 18, 2006, 06:17:33 PM
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: alexxx on July 18, 2006, 06:19:10 PM

You mean you and chinamen go hand in mouth like noodles and italiens?
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: gibberj2 on July 18, 2006, 06:23:21 PM
wow he doesn't even know how to spell italian... poor alexxx
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: the choad on July 18, 2006, 06:24:09 PM
this thread offends me because i'm retarded.

yes, you are retarded sarcasm...Oh Sorry..I mean Bast :-*
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: the choad on July 18, 2006, 06:33:28 PM
You mean you and chinamen go hand in mouth like noodles and italiens?

yes, Alex i do have him pinned as that type of guy...
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: gymrat1 on August 08, 2006, 04:44:49 PM
34. Kids letting their tongues hang out of thier mouths.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: phyxsius on August 08, 2006, 09:17:19 PM
What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: onlyme on August 08, 2006, 09:44:28 PM
Opps sorry, I thought it said Retarded...............o h it did, then this fits.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Mr. Intenseone on August 08, 2006, 09:45:26 PM
Kamali having 10 spotters on smith squats!
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Captain Equipoise on August 08, 2006, 09:57:43 PM
I'd have to go with one of the "trainers" at Bally having two rotund women do biceps curls and shoulder presses with 10-lb. dumbells........WHILE THEY'RE BOUNCING ON TRAMPOLINES!!!

OMG, you go to my Bally's !?!
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: phyxsius on August 08, 2006, 11:36:05 PM
Opps sorry, I thought it said Retarded...............o h it did, then this fits.

Some mofo posting his own ad in the gym
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Bast000 on August 08, 2006, 11:49:46 PM
I saw this guy doing Hack Squats with no plates on the machine.  Monster resistance.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: RUDE BUOY on August 09, 2006, 12:00:32 AM
savage results
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Bast000 on August 09, 2006, 12:12:24 AM
Yea that was today.  Come to think of it that wasn't the worst thing.

There was this REALLY fat guy on this calf machine (can only be used to do calf extensions).  His feet were placed way too high and he was leg pressing the damn thing like 5 inches   Can't this fucking asshole look at the the picture that shows how to do the fucking thing?

Then this girl that was with him gets on it.  She does put the balls of her feet on the thing but proceeds to to move her feet 1 inch back in forth instead of doing calf raises.

I was about to tell the fat guy how to properly do them but I figured he was beyond hopeless.   He had the worst case of Cankles I've ever seen.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Bast000 on August 09, 2006, 12:16:20 AM
Actually the guy looked a lot like this except with more modern clothing and a beard.

Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: nzmusclemonster on August 09, 2006, 12:28:59 AM
Yea that was today.  Come to think of it that wasn't the worst thing.

There was this REALLY fat guy on this calf machine (can only be used to do calf extensions).  His feet were placed way too high and he was leg pressing the damn thing like 5 inches   Can't this fucking asshole look at the the picture that shows how to do the fucking thing?

Then this girl that was with him gets on it.  She does put the balls of her feet on the thing but proceeds to to move her feet 1 inch back in forth instead of doing calf raises.

I was about to tell the fat guy how to properly do them but I figured he was beyond hopeless.   He had the worst case of Cankles I've ever seen.

Reminds me of this kid that came in one day.... looked like it was his first time in a gym and got under the calf raise machine and started doing squats.... on the calf raise machine  ???
Also this one guy came in one day with his girlfriend... loaded the leg press machine up so it was full with plates either side and got his woman to sit on top whilst he proceeded to do 4 reps with a range of motion of 1/4 of an inch.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: Bast000 on August 09, 2006, 12:33:39 AM
Yea the guy would have been more productive laying on his bed eating donuts and potato chips and watching Geraldo like he probably normally does.
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: bigmc on August 09, 2006, 03:01:48 AM
Sarcasm owning teenagers by flexing every time they come near after racking his 20lb dumbells
Title: Re: What is the most retarded thing(s) you have seen in the gym
Post by: alexxx on August 09, 2006, 08:38:30 AM
Sarcasm owning teenagers by flexing every time they come near after racking his 20lb dumbells

Then puttin his hands in the poor lads shorts and doing a reach around all at the same time telling the kid "you got something stuck in your ass I better suck it out the tube.