Author Topic: The WICKED truth about my training  (Read 371946 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #400 on: September 01, 2007, 05:46:12 AM »
BACK!!!    after having a mildly shitty chest day yesterday...I refused to have a bad back day. I think I took care of it nicely.

bent over barbell rows:

365x20x1+3rp  why I didn't go right into 365 after the warmup I'm not sure...either way I'm happy with the end result

seated cable rows:

300(whole stack)x15x1+8rp+5rp

HS plate loaded high pulls: unilaterally..

4platesx9x1+3rp+3rp right side (pathetic)
4platesx11x1+5rp left side   (no extra rp set...royally toasted after the first one)

plate loaded rows: unilaterally

5platesx15x1+6rp+4rp right side
5platesx20x1+6rp left side  (I got started and didn't stop that first set til I collapsed unlike on my right side where I should've sucked it up.

rear delt dumbbell raises:



  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #401 on: September 01, 2007, 08:29:01 AM »
i'd pay money to see that 365 for 20 set. ::)

Last people that offered to pay money for what I claimed bailed out saying fake plates and shit no matter what my depth was. I don't give a shit anymore lol I'm just here to work. I do wonder how I doing them looks though because I feel it in my lower lats where people say it's an upper/middle back exercise.  ???  I will work with 365 til I'm confident that I'm not heave ho'n 405. I'm starting deeper with the row though like in the shawn ray vid to where It's just below my knees and row it up. I'm sure the last few reps in that set looked alot shittier than the rest but my back felt jacked after it. It's either work with 365 til it's cake or play with 405 not knowing if I'm really doing much with it or not...  :-\


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #402 on: September 01, 2007, 08:37:42 AM »
back pic from yesterday... I need a better camera phone if that's all I'm going to use. Back up to 250 while going on 4 weeks off.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #403 on: September 01, 2007, 09:24:58 AM »
Those DBs for Tris have a nice feel. They let the joints go where they feel best.
They even work good at a incline...

And.. Everyone laughs at those big colored instability Balls, but if you get a large one thats real full,
and arch backwards on it, those dumbell also have a good feel there.

AND.. 1. It can increase your arch for benching  2. you can strategically place the ball to watch the best female ass in the Gym.. ;).

The Squadfather

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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #404 on: September 01, 2007, 09:30:14 AM »
back pic from yesterday... I need a better camera phone if that's all I'm going to use. Back up to 250 while going on 4 weeks off.
red X.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #405 on: September 01, 2007, 07:51:51 PM »
worked for me... i don't see a redx

LEGS!!! Brought the pain today. I went balls out and tried to push my legs beyond what they've seen yet...I had a GOOOD day!


465x12x1+7rp+4rp GOTTA DIG DEEP! Bested my last R/P set both with a total and the initial first set squatting! I'm working on getting the proper back arch as well. It's helping alot with better bar control!

leg press:

720lbswarm up since I feel it abit differently than squats...
1050lbsx26x1+15rp and my legs were FRIED! I wasn't going for another set, I almost didn't make the last rep on the 15rp set.

leg extentions:

120lbsx14x1+4rp+2rp right leg
120lbsx15x1+4rp+2rp left leg

rack deads:
mid shin... few inches off the floor. I just wanted to do some pullin.

675x1xmissed..halfway up and dumped it
635x2x1 EASY!

I'm reracked and regripping ever rep too to take the momentum out of the movement and really work on driving my heels through the floor and hips up through the finish. Only used straps at 600 and heavier! Grip feel strong!

I think I had a pretty good leg day..debating on arms tomorrow.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #406 on: September 02, 2007, 10:46:11 AM »
Arm day turned out to be so so...ripped up the bi's but tri's suffered. I went for floor presses again because they feel different. Why i'm not sure but they do and because I'm weaker in this exercise, though i'm not sure why, I want to do them til I'm better at them.


closed grip floor presses:

315x7x1 slight elbow pain...bumped the weight down
245x12x1 as fast as possible.

v bar pressdowns:  the tricep pump doing these is ridiculous


rope pressdowns:  went a lil lighter due to elbow irritation



seated dumbbell curls:

70lbsx8x1+4rp GOOD DAY! SMOOTH AND CONTROLLED! I cut my sets off the moment I start to cheat. I want good reps not shit.

dumbbell hammer curls:

75lbsx8x1+6rp right side
75lbsx8x1+4rp left side

dumbbell concentration curls:

50lbsx10x1+5rp I'm not sure how strong this is in this particular exercise but DAMN it feels good!


  • Getbig II
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #407 on: September 02, 2007, 04:05:46 PM »

Closed grip pull downs: 200x12x1 (warmup),260x12x1,300x6x1

bent over barbell rows: 135x15x1,225x15x1,275x10x1

t-bar rows: 5platesx12x1,6platesx12x1,8platesx10x1

hammer strenght unilateral rows 4 plates (per side) x10x1, 5 platesx8x1, 5 plates plus a 25lb rider on top x8x1


closed grip bench press: 135x15x1,225x15x1,315x10x1, 365x8x1 for partials

hammer strength dips:[/b 6 platesx10x1,8 platesx10x1,10 platesx6x1

machine french press (No spotter can safety help with this weight so a machine is what I feel to be my best choice to still be able to use this beneficial movement without much risk of injury.) 245x10x2


dumbbell shrugs for speed: 125'sx20x3 AS FAST AS POSSIBLE

power shrugs 135x15x1,315x10x1,405x10x1,495x8x1

Still on a cutting diet but am GAINING strength every couple of weeks. The more I read it the more it looks as if I've got too much going on for triceps but not too worried atm. No loss in strength and benching keeps getting easier. For not I'll continue with what I've got going on. No real loss in size yet on most body parts though. Arms are still 18" on the right and 17 and 1/4 on the left (not thrilled about that). Chest is at 47" but I know that'll come down alot when I hit about 215ish. Hopefully still be over 42" when I'm done cutting. BOTH quads are an even 27" so I'm not fretting too much over them. They're starting to overtake my shoulder width so I'm going to have to address one of two things. Bring down the quad work and start working more on detail and seperation or find a way to bring my shoulders up. =

So in 5 and a half months your bent over row went up 90 pounds and 10 reps. I'm not going to call you out like alot have done on this board, but will ask what exactly are you taking? Doing the same lifts workout after workout while on AAS, you will get very strong very quick, BUT whenever you come off, you will fall quick. I don't mean a month or 6 weeks off either, I mean 6-9 months clean. I didn't read threw your whole log, but I assume you are on AAS because those lifts are pretty much impossible for a natural, especially one who has only been "seriously lifting" for two years. You need to post vids so we can see your form. I have been lifting for 15 years and can't do some of the things you claim, I really want to see your form on these. Especially the SLDL, I can do 450 for a couple with the bar going down to touch my shoes, you make me look like a bitch though, I want to see how you are doing these, or at least explain them to us. Not trying to start anything, but some things just aren't adding up. So, what are you taking?


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #408 on: September 02, 2007, 04:45:54 PM »
Juice...plain and simple.

Been off a few weeks and my lifts haven't really gone up so much as i've changed my training style around abit. I've had two cycles within this amount of time too so I'm not sure why everyone is the least bit surprised.


  • Getbig II
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #409 on: September 02, 2007, 06:18:56 PM »
Juice...plain and simple.

Been off a few weeks and my lifts haven't really gone up so much as i've changed my training style around abit. I've had two cycles within this amount of time too so I'm not sure why everyone is the least bit surprised.

Now that makes more sense and the lifts are more believable as well. Just be careful, getting so strong without a very good base can spell MAJOR trouble for joints and tendons. Pay more attention to your training while off and keep that same intensity, even though it gets much harder. Using MAX-OT or Westside style training is a good way to maintain most of your strength gains while off. You will lose strength though, it just happens. If you can stay within 30-40 pounds of the major lifts after being off for more than 3 months , you've done good. Even if the AAS ester says 3 weeks and it's gone, it lasts much longer usually. It takes a good 4-6 weeks off before the evil signs of withdrawal show their head. Make your workouts short and sweet, 3-4 days max a week. Stay as strong as you can, and the next time you jump on, you'll get even stronger than the last cycle. Make sure to get clean though before hopping back on, getting on too soon after a cycle will only spell disaster when you finally do come off for a long period of time. Be safe and good luck


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #410 on: September 02, 2007, 06:50:43 PM »
Yeah right now i'm 4 days on one or two days off depending and I've changed my workouts to less volume but with more intensity and have up'd my food intake so much that i'm actually gaining weight on a regular basis. I was actually rather conscious of gaining too much strength and pusshing too hard too fast for fear of injuries or tears. The muscles outgrowing the tendons and ligament strength which usually takes 2-3 times longer to adapt that muscle tissue itself. I've actually dropped the weigth in a few exercises and plan to run with a certain weight in each exercise for awhile for mre reps vs. going up in weigth as fast as possible. I want to be big but, I want to live to tell about it.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #411 on: September 03, 2007, 06:20:55 AM »
Since today is my off day, I'm at work bored as balls due to the holiday, I'm going to post my current goals and give myself something to shoot for. I also need to remember to get a note pad and bring it with me. All the rp set and rep numbers and getting hard to remember.

Goals to shoot for by the end of the year....

bench 405 for 10 EASY reps and bench close to 500 as possible.
barbell curl 160 for an easy rep or two.
dumbbell curl 75 for a few strict reps
dead lift 700 or pretty damn close
squat 465 for 20 reps. With the RP sets only having 30 seconds rest between start to stopping...I know if I push it hard, I can get this. though just thinking about it makes me want to puke. Though my first goal is 465 for 15.
get back to using the 100's for dumbbell flyes with ease
do sets of 10 with perfect form on bent over barbell rows with 405lbs
hit 260lbs with reasonably bodyfat level
get arms to break 18.5" and legs to break 28"
that's all I can really come up with right now. If I keep pushing it and putting the food down to grow, this should be reasonable I think.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #412 on: September 05, 2007, 05:50:57 AM »
Chest!! (from yesterday)

flat bench:  changed my bench grip by the request of a friend to try and get something resembling more of a westside barbell recommended grip. It's a few fingers on the ring away from being a close grip. WTF! Which is pretty much how things ended up rep wise! Grip makes that big of a difference apparenlty...


dumbbell flat bench: 

125'sx12x1+10rp (30sec rest)  strange how I both gas out and recover so quickly in this one....

plate loaded bench press:

5plates and a 10 on each sidex6x1+3rp  went up 20lbs but probably shouldn't have...


seated military press:


dumbbell side laterals:


Deloaded a lil today. I was told it's good to bring the weight down and not try to tear yourself apart each day in the gym. It's either deload and go a lil easier for a few days or take a week off. Soon I'll take some time away but not yet. Since everything has either been sore LONGER than usual and my joints starting to ache a little, I figured it could use a lighter day.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #413 on: September 06, 2007, 07:11:20 AM »
BACK!!!  did a few things today...

bentover barbell rows:
  been doing these slow and controlled and not getting into a groove and start swinging.

365x18x1+6rp (24 total reps..bested last week by one!!! progress is progress!)

seated cable rows: same thing here...gained another rep!


hammer strength plate loaded rows:

5platesx19x1+6rp gained here on the left side
5platesx17x1+8rp gained here as well on the right side though why this is more difficult on the right than the left I'll never know.

supported t-bar rows to finish...

2platesx10x1 first time ever doing these...felt good! I'd rather do these than regular t-bars if they continue to feel good in the movement. My low back scares me abit during regular tbars off the floor so I'l do these last because it's not a power exercise what so ever.


rear delt dumbbell raises:  while laying on a bench with a slight incline

50lbsx20x1+15rp  raised this up 20lbs and it was still easy. I'm not sure if rear delts should be done after back work already but they're coming in big and thick and stand out on a side shot so it must be doing some good

TRAPS!!! I've skipped out on these for awhile...

barbell shrugs:

500x22x1+12rp NO legs involved. I make sure I pause at the bottom of each rep and pull as if I'm trying to touch my shoulders to my ears. I should probably ove up to 600 again with this exercise but since I've skipped them for two weeks straight, I didn't want to push it.

FOREARMS!!! I'm going to start doing these every other day along with abs to see if that's what it'll take to get them to respond...

behind the back wrist curls:


Looks like a big day it all done right on an hour's time. I think today was a good day overall and it's nice to see progress in the exercises I've been doing.

*pic* I feel like I'm brining up the overall thickness of my back now...


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #414 on: September 06, 2007, 05:21:58 PM »
LEGS!!! oh I brought the pain today...the other clowns in the gym are lucky I left the place standing when I was done! DAMN i love to squat!!!


315x5x1 prep
465x14x1+8rp+6 rp with 45 rest between rp sets! 2 MORE REPS THAN LAST WEEK ON THE FIRST SET! SO happy with it! 28 total reps!!!

rack deads mid shin..

675x1x1 GOT IT! 7 PLATES PER SIDE!!! I know it's midshin and not off the floor but halfway between the floor and my knees..LOVE IT! MAkes me hope I can pull 550 easily off the ground!
675xwishful thinking

I really focused on shoving my feet through the floor and driving my hips up through the movement to hopefully help with my squats!!!

HACKS! none of that to parallel shit here the floor!!!

8platesx18x1+6rp. (24 total) Am very happy with this. I found the perfect stand and foot placing to make my knees feel great AND 10plates was just too hard. I want to float with this weight for awhile and get it easily before moving up.

leg extensions: after all that these were hard as hell

120x10x1+5rp both sides.

seated calf raises:

2plates to failure for a set with a rp set with 5 sec stretch at teh bottom and 5 sec squeeze at the top! I never work calves because they're large as it is and don't want them overblowing my forearms but a lil work won't hurt them.


The Squadfather

  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #415 on: September 07, 2007, 03:30:20 PM »
8 plates per side on the hacks or 8 plates total?


  • Getbig IV
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #416 on: September 08, 2007, 01:58:32 AM »
Depends on how heavy the plates are i guess, It was 18reps so for sure I'd say it would be 4 a side yeah mate?


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #417 on: September 08, 2007, 05:20:16 AM »
8 plates per side on the hacks or 8 plates total? god 8 plates per side would rip my insertions right out of my knees at the bottom of the movement.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #418 on: September 08, 2007, 05:51:32 AM »


seated alternating dumbell curls:

70lbsx9x1+5rp both sides NOT ONLY DID I GET AN EXTRA FIRST SET REP BUT 2 TOTAL MORE REPS AS WELL! VERY HAPPY! I'll move up in weight when I'm hitting 12 reps with this weight on the first set.

dumbbell concentration curls: I'm in love with these. I've not found a single exercise that pumps my biceps up more than this one! My goal is to move 60lbs for easy reps on this exercies..and I'm close!!! Moved up in weight again with this exercise.. 55lbs is where it's at for now...

55lbsx9x1+5rp both sides.

dumbbell hammers:

80lbsx5x1 WAY too much swinging and shoulder movement...I sat my ass down on the bench and did them seated with very controlled motions. The only way I'm going to grow is if my MUSCLES are doing the work and not I scratched that first set.

70lbsx10x1+5rp   I will work with this til I get 12 total reps on the first set before I move up in weight again.

close grip bench press: I started doing these like my other RP exercises instead of powering a couple heavy reps on the last set to see if I can get them to grow...

315x11x1+8rp+5rp (24 total reps with 10sec rest between the r/p)

westside lying dumbbell extensions! VERY comfortable unlike the ezbar extensions..

50lbsx13x1 smoked my tri's!!!

unilateral rope pressdowns: this exercise sucks...I'm going back to v-bars.

100lbsx8x1+4rp both sides.

some ab shit and forearm shit...


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #419 on: September 10, 2007, 06:00:40 AM »
CHEST!!!  I can't decide if I had a good day or not..alot of good things happened and also alot of not so good things...

Incline presses:
  I've noticed I'm weak comparatively in this exercise so I'm going to start doing it for awhile instead of flat bench since I'm already doing dumbbell flat bench  to catch up a lil in this area...


dumbbell flat bench:

125'sx8x1+4rp Okay I lost ALOT of reps in this today...I'm thinking it has something to do with doing inclines instead of flat...I'll take it as a sign.

dumbbell flyes: MADE PROGRESS HERE!



seated military:

225x4x1+1rp THINKING MAYBE THE INCLINES! If I'm going to do inclines, I need to do laterals instead and save the seated military presses for flat bench days...

upright rows:
  I feel I did very well here!


Over all it was hit and miss. I think I need to be pressing 365 on inclines instead of 315 now to try and pack some size and strength into my upper chest and shoulders.

The Squadfather

  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #420 on: September 10, 2007, 08:17:29 AM »
today? when do you train at 3 in the morning?


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #421 on: September 10, 2007, 08:38:24 AM »
today? when do you train at 3 in the morning?

I don't workout in the morning...this was yesterday's workout I'm posting today. Today is back day which I'll post tomorrow. And don't you mean WHERE do I train at 3 in the morning?!

I'm trying to decide if I want to do inclines for awhile and leave the flat barbell bench out and just do dumbbells benching after inclines or what. I've never hit inclines religiously. Only off and on for the past few years. I have a very thick middle and lower chest but nothing at the top. I'm thinking if inclines really do make a difference, I'll know in a few months or so. There's a big strength difference between the flat and incline that's for damn sure.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #422 on: September 11, 2007, 04:55:42 PM »
two days worth of reports...yesterdays' back day and another badass leg day today.


bent over barbell rows:
405x11x1+5rp. I feel like the first 8 reps were the best and after that I started to slop out. I refuse to sling it though. I paused at the bottom and really focused on staying bent over.

plate loaded hs rows:

5platesx20x1 left side
5platesx12x1+8rp right fucking clue what happened here. I'm doing the right side first next time to see if it's just an energy issue. My goal in this exercise is to just continuosly hit 20reps on the first set with it on both sides since I can't add anymore weight on this machine.

close grip lat pulldowns:
220x11x1+8rp. I'm going to cycle this one out with the seated cable rows every other week. I want to get 20 good reps with this weight berfore moving up.

supported t-bar rows:

3platesx6x1+4 rp. I now know why I never got into this kills yoru balls on the support stand. fuck that...


SUPPORTED rear delt dumbbell raises:'s time to bump the weight up again. Even with 60lbs it was easy.


barbell shrugs:

600x10x1+5rp...had great movement on this one. I'll stick with it til it becomes too easy.

speed shrugs with dumbells:

125'sx70x1 with a 1:12 static hold at the end

LEGS!!! !


500x5x1+3rp+6rp. The last set was very easy and should've kept going. My goal in this one is 10 reps now with 500 atm. It was time to move up after all the work I did with 465. I KNOW I can get at least 8 reps on the first set next time. I just pussed out again under this weight..I guess it's a mental thing.

rack deads mid shin:


hack squats:

8platesx20x1+10rp  met my first set target goal and my overall goal today!! I'm still unsure wether or not to move up in weight though. 8 total plates still feels heavy as hell at the bottom. I or two more weeks and then we'll see.

calves will get work tomorrow since i had to skip..


70lb dumbbell wrist curls until failure on both sides....

back day i have mixed feelings about..i moved up in weight and handled 405 easier than ever before but then lost shit on the hs rows..go figure. I did however get alot more reps than last time on the close grip lat pulldowns...

traps got stronger and my leg day speaks for itself....I had a great time pulling and my hacks I destroyed but my stupid fucking squats. I don't get it. I can plug away with 465 for 14 reps on the first set but can't even hit 8 with 500. It's got to be a mental thing. I'm in the fucking cage..It's time to stop being a fuckign pussy and get shit DONE!! It's time to put my walking shoes on a go to fucking work!!! STOP BEING AFRAID OF THE WEIGHT AND OWN THE FUCK OUT OF IT INSTEAD! MAKE IT ONE MORE GOAL I WALK THROUGH ON THE WAY TO THE TOP!!!


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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #423 on: September 11, 2007, 05:05:05 PM »

 I now know why I never got into this kills yoru balls on the support stand. fuck that...

Hahaha funny but true shit Wicked ;D ;D ;D


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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #424 on: September 13, 2007, 06:43:33 AM »
yeah bro..NOT COMFORTABLE AT ALL!  :o ;D



seated alternating dumbbell curls:


dumbbell concentration curls:

55lbsx11x1+4rp right side
55lbsx10x1+5rp left side


incline close grip bench presses:

365x2x1(too heavy...dropped to 315 to get in some good reps)...6repsx1+6rp+4rp

overhead dumbbell extensions:

35lbsx15x1+3rp right side
35lbsx12x1+6rp left side


behind the back barbbell wrist curls:

185x15x1 too easy
205x12x2 still too easy. Looks like the forearms are getting stronger!!

I deloaded a little today exercise wise. THe arms get so much more work during the week that I figured I must be over training since my strenght has started to plateau a little bit. SO I'm going with 2 exercises for both bi's and tri's to see if that makes any difference in reps vs. sets. I know it's time to move up in the dumbbell overhead ext's but since it was the first time to do them, I liked them alot and went with a reasonable weight. Good thing I went with 35lbs instead of 50 like my initial choice..that would've been hell. Lost some strength on the curling movements which led me to think maybe i'm giving the arms too much even after all I do during the week. We shall see!!