Author Topic: >* The New Locker Room *<  (Read 861170 times)


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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1825 on: June 26, 2008, 12:53:47 AM »
hey guys, my training partner is getting married this saturday, do you think it would be ok to give him gear as a present?


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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1826 on: June 26, 2008, 09:22:55 AM »
hey guys, my training partner is getting married this saturday, do you think it would be ok to give him gear as a present?

Yeah, just wrap it up and place it with the rest of the gifts, should make for a wonderful picture session at the reception... ;D



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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1827 on: June 26, 2008, 09:48:16 AM »
If it was me it would be cool! Actually it would be great...

Arnold jr

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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1828 on: June 26, 2008, 11:14:36 AM »
hey guys, my training partner is getting married this saturday, do you think it would be ok to give him gear as a present?

Ask yourself if that's what you would want. After you answer yes, go ahead and give it to him.


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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1829 on: June 26, 2008, 12:35:25 PM »
Ask yourself if that's what you would want. After you answer yes, go ahead and give it to him.

I actually would like it myself and my training partner would like it too, his fiancee is a nurse an she's been telling him to get back on the sauce, because she REALLY likes big men. But i think that i'll give them a nice sword, because that will last a lifetime instead of 8 weeks.

Btw: I really like overloads idea of putting the gear out in the open with the other gifts seeing that half the guest are cops...
 ;D  8)  :o


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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1830 on: June 26, 2008, 12:42:36 PM »
luolamies my brithday was last month and i didnt get a present from you...   :D


how tight wouuld it be to get a few kits of serostim and a box of testovix amps?  :o


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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1831 on: June 26, 2008, 12:52:40 PM »
Candidizzle i know you are kidding, but you should had mentioned something and i actually would had sent something...

Btw: serostim is non-existent here or else my BF would be way lower, sad but true.


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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1832 on: June 26, 2008, 01:01:23 PM »
you are too kind !

yes i am thinking about making a trip to thailand or romania or south america just to run some human grade gear cheap and legally !  i talk to a dude from paraguay who posts here and he gets a one month supply of gh (4 iu per day) for roughly 60 american at the hospital in his town !

Arnold jr

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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1833 on: June 26, 2008, 01:02:11 PM »
Candidizzle i know you are kidding, but you should had mentioned something and i actually would had sent something...

Btw: serostim is non-existent here or else my BF would be way lower, sad but true.

My birthday is October 31


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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1834 on: June 27, 2008, 05:50:14 PM »
I'll admit, I use the term "lunatic" very loosely when speaking of him...there is no question that the guy is educated...and being educated is a large part of what being a leader of our country is about...we don't' want an idiotic moron at the helm. After all, one of the best pieces ever written about this comes from the Federalist Papers written by Madison and Hamilton. It was Hamilton who said in Fed 51:

"The minds of the massive is ever changing. Therefore, let us give control to the first class because it is the mass that is subject to mob rule." (I paraphrased this quote as best as I can recall it. I actually have a copy of the Fed papers left over from school, but in no mood to pull it out...this was the jist.)

What we can take from Hamilton's regards to the "First Class" he is not speaking of the wealthy, but rather the educated. During the early years of our country, although many of the educated were indeed wealthy, our country established the first place on earth where educated and wealth were not both requirements to be deemed "First Class."

But the problem with candidates like Obama IMO is they go against the very fabric of what our country is intended to be. Again, I point to Hamilton's word in the same Fed 51:

but what is government itself, but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? If neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself.”

With the socialistic ideology of Obama, too much control is given to the government...too much responsibility is placed on the government. The way I see it. I do not want the government to have more responsibility then necessary over me or my family. I do not want my well being or my families well being to be put in the hands of our government more then need be. This is why this country was founded, so that men could live by their own hand, not by the hand of a controlling big brother.

So you're a conservative who wants small government?

I understand your point of view and to an extent I think you have a valid point.

What I disagree with is the assertion that Obama in some way limits the individuals ability to succeed in this country.

What Obama is doing is merely giving more people a level playing field from which to work from.

Do you understand how badly Bush's economic policies have hurt this country?

The Dollar is not even used anymore as the main currency because it's devalued internationally.

Bush's foreign policy has been a disaster for us..........not only in economic terms but in the lives of our servicemembers who were put in harm's way for nothing.

Bush's former press secretary came clean and exposed the whole administration for what they were.........con artists.

You need to watch Chris Matthew's Hardball sometimes and you'll get a real understanding of what Bush's people did and are continuing to do until they leave office.

The NeoCons are not even conservatives........... they SPENT their way through his presidency.

The fact that McCain is even in this presidential race shows just how much the Republican brand is disliked right now.

McCain is more of an independant than a Republican.

He'll still lose to Obama but, he'd have a better shot than any other Republican out there because he is about as different from Bush as you can get.

That's a good thing, BTW.

Look around you man, do you listen to the news?  Do you see where the majority of the people in this country are going?  The old fashion "American way of life" is long gone.  People are just trying to keep thier heads above water.  Things have not gone even close to good in the last 8 years here and they are getting worse FAST.  Who's threatening the "American way of life?"  And really what does that mean now?

The "boy" comment sounded very redneck too.

Most people are worried about surviving financially, whether that fits the "American way of life" or not.

It's about survival.

"your boy" is a term of endearment, it's not a racial thing, it's slang.

Yes we do dissagree.  I never stopped thinking you were cool either.  The majority of the people are not seeing the American way of life that is the point I was making.  These are not lazy people who are not trying, they are hard working people who have seen thier jobs dissapear.  What I see is a big huge pit that has been dug and its gonna take a long time to get out.  When Bush took office the gov was operating under a surpluss, now we are in debt up to our eyeballs with everybody.  Our money is worthless and the world thinks (cause we are) we are a bunch of war mongers.  Please lets not get started on that huge waste of money and lives that is dragging this place into the gutter.

Did you see the last unemployment #'s?  Again not people who are not trying to "help themselves"  Not people who are looking for government handouts, which is the defense conserves use.  I would hate to be a kid just out of school now entering the job market.  The domino effect of all of this will be tramatic to all.  Where will it end?

Sorry man but I think Obama stands for the American dream, he just wants many more people to share in it and not by giving it to them, but by giving them a chance.

Now I far from perfect and at times have had racist feelings.  The same thoughts of "hey these people just are not trying hard enough"  Sometimes on my way to work I drive thru some of the tuffest neighborhoods in Chicago, west side.  And I see lots of able body men just kind of hanging out or doing whatever, but they are not at work?  Someone could say what a bunch of bums.  Well in reality there is no jobs for THEM.  They are truely dis-enfranchised, lost and not wanted anywhere.  Where do they go?  Yes Im sure some are not trying and are trying to take advantage, but you will find that in any neck of the woods.

I was at a stop light on North ave and Austin in Chicago.  And sometimes the poor will come up to your car to clean your windshield to try and make some change.  This older probally late 40's black guy walked up to the truck in front of me and started to try and spray the guys windsheild.  Well the driver went off on the guy calling him names and cussing him out, I could see how irate the driver was he was waving his hands all about.  Then the guy walked up to my truck and started to spray the window to clean it.  At first I tryed to wave the guy off, but the poor guy was about crying and he said to me "please dont yell at me, your not like the other guy. Please dont hate me, I gotta try. I gotta keep trying"  I gave him some change and drove off as he thanked me.  This encounter left a mark on me.  We are all human. we all need a job and this was the best he could do right now.  I dont see a corporation hiring him any time soon, he may not even have an address.

Good that you see how the reality of being human can change your feelings.

I've never had that experience because I live in the suburbs, but I've given to homeless people.

One time when I was in the military, I got some T-Rations from a friend who was a cook and I threw them in my trunk because I knew when I was out on the freeway, I'd eventually come upon some homeless people which is common in (El Paso) Ft. Bliss where I was at the time.

I remember the guy was really disheveled, had a beard, dirty.........probably thought I was a threat, but I motioned him over and gave him about five large tins of food......each of them could feel about ten people or so.

There are going to be people who don't want to work in any city.........but they won't have anything to show for it.

There's no reason to hate people who have no ambition, their quality of life is enough of a punishment.

I'm a ghost in these killing fields...


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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1835 on: June 28, 2008, 06:40:45 AM »

Good that you see how the reality of being human can change your feelings.

I've never had that experience because I live in the suburbs, but I've given to homeless people.

One time when I was in the military, I got some T-Rations from a friend who was a cook and I threw them in my trunk because I knew when I was out on the freeway, I'd eventually come upon some homeless people which is common in (El Paso) Ft. Bliss where I was at the time.

I remember the guy was really disheveled, had a beard, dirty.........probably thought I was a threat, but I motioned him over and gave him about five large tins of food......each of them could feel about ten people or so.

There are going to be people who don't want to work in any city.........but they won't have anything to show for it.

There's no reason to hate people who have no ambition, their quality of life is enough of a punishment.


Well mostly it seems many of the homeless or beggars who approach are just drunken bums who are looking for handouts to buy their next bottle.  But this guy seemed different, more sincere and at least he was offering a service (wash windshield) even though unsolicited for his compensation.  The way he spoke to me in a honest, open, soul baring way is what made me think.  Now I'm not religious but if this story was in the bible it would have worked in there as a lesson to teach.  Here this profound message was being played out right on the streets of Chicago in one of of the most violent, poor neighborhoods in the world, between 2 people, as the sometimes unrelenting world zoomed by around us.

I think what you did, giving food is the best thing to do for these people, that way you know they are not just gonna buy booze or drugs with the money you give them.  I try and carry some crackers or energy bars I dont eat, in my vehicle and give those to homeless who look like they need it.


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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1836 on: June 30, 2008, 02:01:10 PM »
The company i work for supports a feed the homeless shelter around town. every thanksgiving and christmas myself along with a few coworkers go and feed the homeless at these shelters. many of these people are drug addicts and are just trying to get by in life, but many are common people who had a long run of bad luck. i talk to many of them and let them tell their story, most of the stories are heartbreaking and make you view homeless people in a different light...



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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1837 on: June 30, 2008, 02:15:10 PM »
The company i work for supports a feed the homeless shelter around town. every thanksgiving and christmas myself along with a few coworkers go and feed the homeless at these shelters. many of these people are drug addicts and are just trying to get by in life, but many are common people who had a long run of bad luck. i talk to many of them and let them tell their story, most of the stories are heartbreaking and make you view homeless people in a different light...


Props to you Overload!

I have never ever showed any disrespect to the homeless, and never will. Last year I was with my kids and we saw a homeless guy sleeping on the sidewalk, and my children felt so bad for him. They wanted to do something for him so I took them to McDonald's and we got him some food. Lots of the homeless are Vets that have not been able to deal being back in society, or so emotionally distressed they turn to drugs. I will not give them $$, because I don't want to buy them more drugs or booze, but I will feed them when I can.


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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1838 on: June 30, 2008, 02:47:23 PM »
The company i work for supports a feed the homeless shelter around town. every thanksgiving and christmas myself along with a few coworkers go and feed the homeless at these shelters. many of these people are drug addicts and are just trying to get by in life, but many are common people who had a long run of bad luck. i talk to many of them and let them tell their story, most of the stories are heartbreaking and make you view homeless people in a different light...


what kind of bad luck?  was it stuff that could have been avoided if they were more prudent, or was it random accidents that could not have been avoided?

Just wondering because I read something that said that most "lucky" people were lucky because they were able to see and take advantage of good opportunities that came their way.  Maybe it works the other way around.


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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1839 on: June 30, 2008, 06:11:16 PM »
what kind of bad luck?  was it stuff that could have been avoided if they were more prudent, or was it random accidents that could not have been avoided?

Just wondering because I read something that said that most "lucky" people were lucky because they were able to see and take advantage of good opportunities that came their way.  Maybe it works the other way around.

Many are born into poverty.  Yeah some make it out, most dont.  Some made a few bad choices in life, some people are held more accountable for thier actions than others in society, its just the way it is.

When no opportunities come your way it can be hard.  I dont know have you seen the inner city?  Very few opportunities for these people.  There are not enough jobs for people with big degrees let alone someone raised in the ghetto, so they struggle to get by. 

Bottom line is there are alot of good people, strangers even who try and help a fellow human being who has not quite made it in this society or is down.They will not judge them like they are God or something but they may try and make things just a bit nicer for them for a little while.......there is hope for us after all.  These traits are called compassion and maybe even empathy and they are things people with maturity and wisdom have.

The picture is always much bigger than it appears on the surface.


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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1840 on: June 30, 2008, 09:31:59 PM »
Many are born into poverty.  Yeah some make it out, most dont.  Some made a few bad choices in life, some people are held more accountable for thier actions than others in society, its just the way it is.

When no opportunities come your way it can be hard.  I dont know have you seen the inner city?  Very few opportunities for these people.  There are not enough jobs for people with big degrees let alone someone raised in the ghetto, so they struggle to get by. 

Bottom line is there are alot of good people, strangers even who try and help a fellow human being who has not quite made it in this society or is down.They will not judge them like they are God or something but they may try and make things just a bit nicer for them for a little while.......there is hope for us after all.  These traits are called compassion and maybe even empathy and they are things people with maturity and wisdom have.

The picture is always much bigger than it appears on the surface.

Truth spoken here bro!

Arnold jr

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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1841 on: July 06, 2008, 07:28:36 PM »
The site is not at all functional yet, but we are getting ready to launch I am very excited about this site and I really believe it will be one of the best if not the best bodybuilding website on the net.

Yes, there will be a message board, if you want to register ahead of time feel free. The message board is up but not fully functional as of yet.

We will be holding wkly contest for amateur's giving away thousands of dollars to the winners and a sponsorship from As well as a HD video profile to be for BB's to be posted on the site.

Also in the near future, look for
This will be our sister site dealing strictly with fitness and figure and all aspects that entails.



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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1842 on: July 06, 2008, 07:42:03 PM »
Sorry to barge onto you guys board and all, just wanted to wish Arnold best of luck with his site(s) and I think you will do well....

Arnold jr

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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1843 on: July 06, 2008, 07:48:25 PM »
Sorry to barge onto you guys board and all, just wanted to wish Arnold best of luck with his site(s) and I think you will do well....

Thanks CQ. Really looking forward to this thing.

I know people always here that a certain BB related website is going to be the best one yet. But I don't think there is one yet that is offering what we're offering to the people who matter in this sport more then anyone else. After all, who is it that reads these sites, reads the magazines, buys the supplements, goes to the shows and expo's, supports BB more then anyone else? Obviously...the amateur.


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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1844 on: July 06, 2008, 07:50:45 PM »
arnold do something about division please

he is having a little "battel" with me where he keeps deletin my rebuttle to his post filled with baseless attacks and insults...hes supposed to be amoderator and hes acting like a G&O jackass in just about everythread he posts in


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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1845 on: July 06, 2008, 07:53:14 PM »
arnold do something about division please

he is having a little "battel" with me where he keeps deletin my rebuttle to his post filled with baseless attacks and insults...hes supposed to be amoderator and hes acting like a G&O jackass in just about everythread he posts in

you have been insulting him a lot, im pretty tired to see you in this board, its time to get you out of here.


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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1846 on: July 06, 2008, 07:53:20 PM »

now hes somehow locked me out of the thread..

this is what i was posting

what i was posting had ZERO attacks or insults at him, i only told him he was a moderator and he was acting like the G&O and nothing he insulted me with had a base

he deleted it about 20 times


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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1847 on: July 06, 2008, 07:54:39 PM »
The site is not at all functional yet, but we are getting ready to launch I am very excited about this site and I really believe it will be one of the best if not the best bodybuilding website on the net.

Yes, there will be a message board, if you want to register ahead of time feel free. The message board is up but not fully functional as of yet.

We will be holding wkly contest for amateur's giving away thousands of dollars to the winners and a sponsorship from As well as a HD video profile to be for BB's to be posted on the site.

Also in the near future, look for
This will be our sister site dealing strictly with fitness and figure and all aspects that entails.


Awesome man!! AJ is a champion journalist!! as well as trainer and BB.

Arnold jr

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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1848 on: July 06, 2008, 07:55:50 PM »
arnold do something about division please

he is having a little "battel" with me where he keeps deletin my rebuttle to his post filled with baseless attacks and insults...hes supposed to be amoderator and hes acting like a G&O jackass in just about everythread he posts in

You need to PM Division and see if you can't settle this little squabble between you two privately. There is nothing I can do if another mod decides to remove someone else's post...even if I disagree with the reasons it was removed.

Arnold jr

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Re: *****The New Locker Room*****
« Reply #1849 on: July 06, 2008, 07:56:34 PM »
Awesome man!! AJ is a champion journalist!! as well as trainer and BB.

Thanks L2H. Expect to see you over there giving out your own Champion insight!