Author Topic: Letters to Milos from Bahrain, Thailand and Singapore BB Federation  (Read 8933 times)


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Re: IFBB backed up their boy Paul Chua...
« Reply #75 on: October 20, 2007, 12:00:06 PM »

I don't think Chick gives a shit one way or the other what happens with IFBB amateurs in Asia. 

His focus is on defending corruption in the Professional league.  ;D

Chick is a IFBB Pro athlete rep, hi not the vice or the president of the IFBB. You guys need to ask Rafael Santoja opinion on this subject.

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Re: IFBB backed up their boy Paul Chua...
« Reply #76 on: October 20, 2007, 01:52:35 PM »
Chick is a IFBB Pro athlete rep, hi not the vice or the president of the IFBB. You guys need to ask Rafael Santoja opinion on this subject.

That was kinda my point.  :-\
Ron: "I am lazy."


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Re: Letters to Milos from Bahrain, Thailand and Singapore BB Federation
« Reply #77 on: October 20, 2007, 03:01:26 PM »

Our Mission   
For decades now, Paul Chua has systematically used the power of his position as Secretary General of the Asian Bodybuilding Federation (ABBF) and Vice President of the International of Bodybuilders (IFBB) to practice official corruption by selling titles and first position placements to the highest bidder. At the last Asian Games in Doha, informed sources alleged that each gold medal was sold to the highest bidder by Paul Chua for US$75,000.00

To cover up his tracks he has also through the years thrown the book at athletes and officials by suspending them or threatening them with suspension when faced with exposure.  Entire national committees have been decimated or removed and replaced with compliant officials - lackeys who would do his bidding to enable him to carry out his grand scheme of selling bodybuilding titles, a most profitable venture for him.  Compliant judges are handpicked to do his bidding to ensure that the winner is the preordained one – the one with the payola, who has greased Mr. Paul Chua’s palm.

Such a climate of fear has grown up in Asian bodybuilding that no athlete or official dares to cross his path especially with his record of removing and suspending or threatening with removal or suspension, athletes/officials and even affiliates in virtually every territory in which the ABBF has an affiliate.

However, in this day and age, it is impossible for a crook like Paul Chua to evade exposure and arrest on corruption charges forever.  It is with this in mind that the conveners of this site have set up this site to allow anyone who has any knowledge of Paul Chua’s misdeeds or criminal acts to post their complaint(s) either anonymously or with full or partial identity.  Please note that to enable us to build a case and to file a criminal complaints report with the FBI or the Singapore Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau, only complaints duly signed with full identity and contact details such as addresses and telephone numbers disclosed and verified will be useful.

You can rest assured that the confidentiality of your complaint will be guaranteed by this site!


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Re: Letters to Milos from Bahrain, Thailand and Singapore BB Federation
« Reply #78 on: October 20, 2007, 03:13:52 PM »
props to milos for saying it like it is

this industry is full of people who say shit just to kiss up to someone, its a breath of fresh air when people just say it like it is

Frank D. Law

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Re: Letters to Milos from Bahrain, Thailand and Singapore BB Federation
« Reply #79 on: October 20, 2007, 07:30:57 PM »
Milos does say it like it is!  Refreshing!  Unfortunately, this admirable trait does land him in hot water from time to time - especially, the Paul Chua affair and his allegations of official corruption in the Asian Games by Paul Chua, Secretary General of the Asian Bodybuilding Federation and VP of the IFBB.  His reward for his efforts to clean up the sport?  A 1 year supension from the IFBB Pro League led by the unsconcionable Jim Manion.  Again unfortunately, every single one of Milos' allegations against Paul Chua is true!  Also unfortunately (for Paul Chua) this action against Milos was a mistake - a BIG MISTAKE for it finally aroused a sizeable community in Asian Bodybuilding and gave us the courage to take this action!

For many decades now, Asian bodybuilders and Officials (apart from Paul Chua's lackeys and sycophants) have cowered in the face of the propensity of this man to SUSPEND anyone who even remotely resembles a threat to exposing his corrupt ways. 

What are the ways.  He places compliant judges willing to do his bidding in the Asian Games and the SEA Games and then proceeds to sell the gold medal to the highest bidder, often for staggering sums reaching US$75,000.  Why is he able to do this?  Because, unlike the USA, Asian Governments lavish massive cash rewards (sometimes, even houses and prime real estate) for gold medals in these Games.  This explains the anomaly and unique phenomena of many Asian bodybuilding champions winning multiple Mr. Universe titles and then the very next week, lose to some nobody at the SEA Games!  The reason is simple - Paul Chua has no control over the judging at the Mr. U's and Asian Governments do not care two hoots about that title, so Paul leaves these non-Games titles basically alone, as they do not attract the larghese of Asian Governments! 

But wait, justice is finally on the way!  A website called has finally gone LIVE to collect and collate evidence to put Paul Chua where crooks like him belong - in the slammer!

Paul Chua has often confided privately that his secret ambition is to become IFBB President.  This unscrupulous man has advanced so far in the IFBB because of his ability to throw the book at anyone who dares to utter a squeak or threaten to expose his misdeeds, backed as always by the IFBB machinery!  Perhaps, Rafael Santonja should step aside to let Paul attain his aspirations - so that we can have the first sitting IFBB President, sitting in jail!

In any event, spread the word.  The site can be accessed by clicking on in the url or by Googling "Arrest Paul Chua" or even simply, "Paul Chua".  The end is nigh for this IFBB Asian crook of crooks!  We are interested in solid evidence of wrong doing by Paul, so that we can report him to the Singapore Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (where he resides and carries out his crimes)  You can bet that every bodybuilding scribe, magazine and website, plus the mainstream media all over Asia and the world, plus every Bodybuilding Organization and Committee all over Asia and the world will be alerted to the existence of this website of conscience!

Frank D. Law
Arrest Paul Chua Executive Committee 

Frank D. Law

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Re: Letters to Milos from Bahrain, Thailand and Singapore BB Federation
« Reply #80 on: October 20, 2007, 08:23:53 PM »
Just got word that there are pictures floating around of Paul Chua cavorting with Myanmar Generals (members of that murderous regime that just shot pro-democracy protestors/citizens) enjoying dinner with them and presenting them with momentos (IFBB Certificates of Merit?)

It does give you a sense of the values that this man has!  At least Ben Weider was principled enough to refuse to attend this contest in Burma. 

Anyone with pictures of Paul Chua consorting with these murderers, please post on the Arrest Paul Chua website.

Further, I've been informed that Paul Chua is a "Love Rat" keeping a mistress in Kuala Lumpur.  Apparently, he introduces this ex-lady bodybuilder from Hong Kong called "Christina" whom he meets regularly at his love nest in a condo in Kuala Lumpur, conveniently as his wife at official IFBB functions when his wife is not around!  Any one with pictures of Paul Chua with this girl, please post on

What's the IFBB to say of their second most senior official taking advantage of some poor, young and naive figure contestant, participating in a contest that he sanctions?  Aren't there any Codes of Conduct in force?


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Re: Letters to Milos from Bahrain, Thailand and Singapore BB Federation
« Reply #81 on: September 05, 2009, 03:49:48 PM »
 8) ::)


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Re: Letters to Milos from Bahrain, Thailand and Singapore BB Federation
« Reply #82 on: September 28, 2009, 08:08:59 PM »

Milos Sarcev has been in the news lately, with various accusations regarding the IFBB and the Asian Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation. The letters below were provided to present the other side of Milos' story. You'll find three letters from the Bahrain Bodybuilding Association, the Thailand Bodybuilding Association, and the Singapore Bodybuilding Federation.


Ron, you started this thread...Nothing to add as of late?

The Ugly

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Re: Letters to Milos from Bahrain, Thailand and Singapore BB Federation
« Reply #83 on: September 28, 2009, 09:29:08 PM »

Ron, you started this thread...Nothing to add as of late?

Bored, Milos?

Matt C

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Re: Letters to Milos from Bahrain, Thailand and Singapore BB Federation
« Reply #84 on: September 29, 2009, 12:47:22 AM »
Interesting indeed, but Ron is there anything you don't find interesting?


A thread about Milos, some bodybuilding federations and more.

Cleanest Natural

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Re: Letters to Milos from Bahrain, Thailand and Singapore BB Federation
« Reply #85 on: September 29, 2009, 01:45:27 AM »
I'm with Milos on this one


  • Getbig II
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Re: Letters to Milos from Bahrain, Thailand and Singapore BB Federation
« Reply #86 on: September 29, 2009, 02:12:17 AM »
Just got word that there are pictures floating around of Paul Chua cavorting with Myanmar Generals (members of that murderous regime that just shot pro-democracy protestors/citizens) enjoying dinner with them and presenting them with momentos (IFBB Certificates of Merit?)

It does give you a sense of the values that this man has!  At least Ben Weider was principled enough to refuse to attend this contest in Burma. 

Anyone with pictures of Paul Chua consorting with these murderers, please post on the Arrest Paul Chua website.

Further, I've been informed that Paul Chua is a "Love Rat" keeping a mistress in Kuala Lumpur.  Apparently, he introduces this ex-lady bodybuilder from Hong Kong called "Christina" whom he meets regularly at his love nest in a condo in Kuala Lumpur, conveniently as his wife at official IFBB functions when his wife is not around!  Any one with pictures of Paul Chua with this girl, please post on

What's the IFBB to say of their second most senior official taking advantage of some poor, young and naive figure contestant, participating in a contest that he sanctions?  Aren't there any Codes of Conduct in force?

chua screwing christina is a biggest fucking lie i have ever heard.guy is alcoholic got debates,asthma and heart possibly he can fuck her.look at him in person do u really think he is capable of having intercourse.