Author Topic: Ironage B.S. re old time use of steroids  (Read 77217 times)


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Re: Ironage B.S. re old time use of steroids
« Reply #75 on: August 06, 2007, 06:00:32 PM »
I don't know why you would regret it. You have great stories and facts to share on a truly great legend. I hope you can share more with us. It is a real shame that there are not more men in this sport like Steve. I feel this sport would gain in every way if there where.
    Please keep up the info line and pictures. :)


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« Reply #76 on: August 08, 2007, 10:54:51 AM »

Figo,  I was born in the 70s...lived a hooterite type of existence on a ranch in Montana...didn't spend as much time with Steve as I would have liked to...thought he was God when I got a horse for my birthday...knew he was a cowboy, cattle rancher and an actor before I realized he was a bodybuilder when I saw this...

I can only imagine having an interest in bbing, and discovering my relative was the most popular bber of his era, the most symmetrical physique ever, and a standard-bearer to this day... :o 

I don't feel comfortable saying much more because I don't want people to think I mention Steve to get attention. I sent this thread to a couple of family members and a few friends of Steve. I wanted to know their opinion on some things...and don't want them to read me talking about myself in here...especially since I have not done it anywhere else...except to share some pictures with Serge on the french board for fun. I'm not really that interesting anyway. I hope you understand. If we become friends, I'll show you some pictures...if you still have interest. Not that many people know I'm one probably cares. The only reason I posted was because I had to talk about Steve a little bit. I hope I don't regret it.
I speak for my fellow posters when I say, we definitely want to know more >:(!
Where else are we gonna get this kind of info? You grew up with a legend! Please share more. If anyone else has a prob, and makes this a problem, I'm sure Onlyme or Ron will sort it out. Don't take it personally, as these guys flame and insult every pro and legend on this board, even Serge :-\.

BEAST 8692

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Re: Ironage B.S. re old time use of steroids
« Reply #77 on: August 08, 2007, 11:24:24 AM »
reeves was a legend alright and deserves all due respect but tbh i couldn't care less for his physique.

unfortunately i grew up with arnold's physique saturating the movie screens and mags and, to look at steve now, all i see is a guy that pales by comparison.

all this talk of him having the perfect male physique seems a little trite, but i have no doubt that steroids have had a significant influence on my own perceptions.


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Re: Ironage B.S. re old time use of steroids
« Reply #78 on: August 08, 2007, 11:35:17 AM »
reeves was a legend alright and deserves all due respect but tbh i couldn't care less for his physique.

unfortunately i grew up with arnold's physique saturating the movie screens and mags and, to look at steve now, all i see is a guy that pales by comparison.

all this talk of him having the perfect male physique seems a little trite, but i have no doubt that steroids have had a significant influence on my own perceptions.

Steroids have definitely done that to us...

We all have different physique aspirations, obviously Arnold and peers were awesome, but Reeves was way ahead of his time.

BEAST 8692

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Re: Steve
« Reply #79 on: August 15, 2007, 12:29:36 PM »
My position, is that I, like many others, think Reeves was phenomenal, a genetic gift, that through hard-work, propelled himself to stardom, and even if it wasn't through bbing, he probably would have excelled at something else.

With regards to steroids, I would like to believe he was clean, as like anyone else, we need someone to look up to, especially in this day and age when we've become so cynical and judgemental, that we think any guy with muscle is on the juice.
I've got nothing against steroids nor people who use, and would have none less for Reeves neither, had he used, but a "clean" champion with a fantastic physique inspires one more, even if one takes steroids.

I started this thread to vent my frustation at people who refuse to face the reality that todays "monsters" who they dislike so much, got the drug-taking precedent from their idols. Even the site enhancing oils that get abused today were used more intelligently back in the day. I'm referring to the 70's and 80's, when the experimenting began.

As far as Reeves goes, M in M, you knew him, so I gotta respect that, I don't know anything else besides what I've read in magazines, or the factual internet evidence and theories ;D.
Did you spend much time with him, whats the age gap, when did you realize your relative was a legend in bbing?

Another thing, when is someone gonna ask if Eugene Sandow was natural...?

Which, of course, begs the question, was Louis Cyr the first strongman to use Anapolon?

some excellent points made Figo and MIM.

sandow obviously had an extremely well developed physique and, if it were not for the simple fact that steroids weren't available during his peak years, people would be accusing him also.

i don't know whether reeves used or not and i don't give a damn either way tbh. i never even knew the man so i am not fit to judge.

one thing i'm certain of however, he will remain one of the greatest bbers of all time.

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Re: Ironage B.S. re old time use of steroids
« Reply #80 on: August 22, 2007, 11:21:17 PM »
Thank you Eric, Figo and Beast.
Someone started this thread's topic a week or so ago, and I wrote a few comments on it:

It was started up in response to Reg Park's interview. I had more to write but was busy traveling. I think in regards to the discussion on that thread and this one...people have a better understanding of history the more willing they are to do the research and to know the people individually. Every man's life is a different story. To understand how life is for someone helps to know what kind of person they are and what choices they had available to them. Then it's easier to understand how they made their way through life.

U are so full of it....

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Re: Ironage B.S. re old time use of steroids
« Reply #81 on: August 23, 2007, 02:00:31 AM »
It is well known that Steroids did not even hit America until Steve was retired from bodybuilding. Only an idiot would say Steve was using in the 1940's, Steroids were not even being used then for sports in any country. The first time steroids were used by the American olympic lifters  was 1956,  they were introduced around  1954 so everyone after that is suspect.
U are so wrong wrong...only a retard would state what u just the whole thread


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Re: Ironage B.S. re old time use of steroids
« Reply #82 on: August 23, 2007, 04:52:29 AM »
Above pic is unbelievable :o Genetics, anyone...?

BEAST 8692

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Re: Ironage B.S. re old time use of steroids
« Reply #83 on: August 23, 2007, 11:04:43 AM »
Innocent until proven guilty I say - if you guys have no proof then his natural status stands.


then ronnie, cutler and markus are natural because i have no proof otherwise.

there is no actual proof either way but why do people care so much?

reeves was a great bber and those that knew him (i'm not one of them) say he was a good man too, so i'll go with that.

MIM has produced some absolutely golden narative and pics. we appreciate it tremendously and it has certainly caused me to respect the man moreso.

BEAST 8692

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Re: Ironage B.S. re old time use of steroids
« Reply #84 on: August 29, 2007, 01:42:35 AM »
markey should NEVER be compared with reeves. not even on a message board.


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Re: Ironage B.S. re old time use of steroids
« Reply #85 on: August 29, 2007, 06:55:00 AM »
Markey does look flippin good there...  ;D

But looks like a bit of a scuba diver to me...

Reeves looked better many decades ago, and with todays training, supplementation and diets... he would've looked light-years ahead still.
Isn't Markey considerably shorter than Reeves?
Only 4 men can say they really followed the Reeves legacy, with albeit lesser genes, they achieved phenomenal, proportionate physiques, with classic lines whilst representing their respective eras' conditioning: Zane, Paris, Benfatto, Labrada. Milos also had amazing physique, but some disproportion, hence not quite on par.

My 2 cents, I'm sure many will disagree.

BEAST 8692

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Re: Ironage B.S. re old time use of steroids
« Reply #86 on: August 29, 2007, 07:59:33 AM »
Markey does look flippin good there...  ;D

But looks like a bit of a scuba diver to me...

Reeves looked better many decades ago, and with todays training, supplementation and diets... he would've looked light-years ahead still.
Isn't Markey considerably shorter than Reeves?
Only 4 men can say they really followed the Reeves legacy, with albeit lesser genes, they achieved phenomenal, proportionate physiques, with classic lines whilst representing their respective eras' conditioning: Zane, Paris, Benfatto, Labrada. Milos also had amazing physique, but some disproportion, hence not quite on par.

My 2 cents, I'm sure many will disagree.

yes, gotta hand it to markey, he's got great legs there. i get the feeling they're a strong body part for him.

the type of hardness, seperation and detail i see there looks a little like he might have used something for that shoot.

that's the problem, after what i've seen of people who are on/off it is nearly impossible to tell these days who's using what so i couldn't care less.

markey's structure is nowhere close to reeves though. he is too short, not wide enough in lats or shoulders, too big a waist, skinny arms and, did i mention narrow as hell.

the muscle development and basic structure just isn't there. in that pic he's all legs and hardness, condition. the kind of condition that could very easily be the results of some winny, deca, clen, t3. you just never know these days and, from his posts, he does seem very insecure and widening the pics ??? can't see an insecure guy like that risking being less than his best without tech.

2c spent.


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Re: ironage b.s.
« Reply #87 on: September 03, 2007, 04:08:23 AM »
Here is an interview where Reeves said he never took steroids, although it is well known that he did in fact use them :

Speaking of Franco, I have a classic interview with him on Fox & Friends, when Arnold was thinking of running for Governor. And they asked Franco if he and Arnold used steroids and he said the following statement, word for word. "In the 70's I asked Arnold "What are these steroids that people keep talking about". Arnold got angry at me and said "Forget about that, let's just get to the Gym and TRAIN!!!" "As time went on I'm sure Arnold may have tried a little bit here and there" ::). Try not to put your fist through the computer screen in anger at the hypocrisy of that statement. So according to Franco, the subject of Steroids didn't come up until some 8-10 years into their friendship ;).


haha, in in reality these guys where popping pills by the handful..why wouldnt they? they where obsessed with bodybuilding, aas was cheap and legal....

im tired of hearing that they took way less in the 70s....maybe they didnt use as many different compounds...but they (arnold etc) where using loads of orals.


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Re: Ironage B.S. re old time use of steroids
« Reply #88 on: September 03, 2007, 04:29:55 AM »
It is well known that Steroids did not even hit America until Steve was retired from bodybuilding. Only an idiot would say Steve was using in the 1940's, Steroids were not even being used then for sports in any country. The first time steroids were used by the American olympic lifters  was 1956,  they were introduced around  1954 so everyone after that is suspect.

bullshit, they where available before that.

as for reeves using steroids...its obvious reeves had great structure and genetics...but i certainly believe he used steroids. (specially for a few movies he did in the 60s..when he looked bigger than ever)


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Re: Ironage B.S. re old time use of steroids
« Reply #89 on: September 03, 2007, 04:32:32 AM »
and this markey guy is obviously on steroids..and lots of them.....who could doubt that   ::)

Jay Em

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Re: Ironage B.S. re old time use of steroids
« Reply #90 on: October 09, 2007, 10:54:11 PM »
Not here to join in the debate but to make a quick comment.

I have made a special thread over at Ironage (last year now), showing
pictures and commentary of Steve Reeves' ranch (Valley Center, CA);
talked to his former significant other, ranch hands, and a few others
around the area he lived. I also did the same at IronHistory. It was done
as a tribute to the man, whom I met personally in 1980 in Long Beach, CA,
at the WABBA World (Serge Nubret's organization with Sergio Oliva winner).
I was editor of Muscle Digest. In my writings with Muscular Development
and Strength & Health (via John Grimek) over the years in the 70s, I also
met and conversed with numerous Reeves' friends and fellow trainees,
including George Eiferman and Jimmy Payne.

No matter what--or who--has ever suggested Reeves took steroids are
not dealing with a deck of reality cards. The facts, photos, and common
sense are overwhelmingly stacked against that possibility. It's utter nonsense
and not worthy of debate, in my humble opinion.

I do really appreciate what Made In Montana has written about Reeves,
especially the World War II stuff, which Stunt Movie also has in his briefcase
of info.

Several days ago here in San Diego I met this old buck who happened to
be the husband of Anita Robinson, if I'm not mistaken. I happened to observe
him having this old photo touched up of this beauty from the Muscle Beach
days. We talked and come to find out that Anita and Steve were good
friends, with Steve posing for many photos with her son. He told me that
Anita thought the world of Steve, that he was an incredibly nice guy, and
every one she knew felt the same. I asked him about the possibility of
drugs, just like I have done with everyone I ever met who knew Steve. He
laughed loudly: "Are you kidding...he was a health nut...besides, the guy
didn't need stuff like that, he was already above everyone."

This old-timer promised I could speak to Anita about Steve and even get
a copy of this photo (maybe more) of Steve holding her son as a young
boy as soon as she recovers from an illness.

From the whatever-it-is-worth department.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Ironage B.S. re old time use of steroids
« Reply #91 on: October 10, 2007, 06:10:05 AM »
Not here to join in the debate but to make a quick comment.

I have made a special thread over at Ironage (last year now), showing
pictures and commentary of Steve Reeves' ranch (Valley Center, CA);
talked to his former significant other, ranch hands, and a few others
around the area he lived. I also did the same at IronHistory. It was done
as a tribute to the man, whom I met personally in 1980 in Long Beach, CA,
at the WABBA World (Serge Nubret's organization with Sergio Oliva winner).
I was editor of Muscle Digest. In my writings with Muscular Development
and Strength & Health (via John Grimek) over the years in the 70s, I also
met and conversed with numerous Reeves' friends and fellow trainees,
including George Eiferman and Jimmy Payne.

No matter what--or who--has ever suggested Reeves took steroids are
not dealing with a deck of reality cards. The facts, photos, and common
sense are overwhelmingly stacked against that possibility. It's utter nonsense
and not worthy of debate, in my humble opinion.

I do really appreciate what Made In Montana has written about Reeves,
especially the World War II stuff, which Stunt Movie also has in his briefcase
of info.

Several days ago here in San Diego I met this old buck who happened to
be the husband of Anita Robinson, if I'm not mistaken. I happened to observe
him having this old photo touched up of this beauty from the Muscle Beach
days. We talked and come to find out that Anita and Steve were good
friends, with Steve posing for many photos with her son. He told me that
Anita thought the world of Steve, that he was an incredibly nice guy, and
every one she knew felt the same. I asked him about the possibility of
drugs, just like I have done with everyone I ever met who knew Steve. He
laughed loudly: "Are you kidding...he was a health nut...besides, the guy
didn't need stuff like that, he was already above everyone."

This old-timer promised I could speak to Anita about Steve and even get
a copy of this photo (maybe more) of Steve holding her son as a young
boy as soon as she recovers from an illness.

From the whatever-it-is-worth department.

thanks jay, reeves was great back in his day and from what i have read a nice guy.

but the above is certainly not proof of anything. my opinion is that reeves built a great body without drugs (see pics from when he was 15..he had amazing development already then) but that he later used drugs...also i think he used when he was filming movies in late 50s..early 60s.

reeves would obviously not go around  telling people that he used drugs..but the human mind is constructed in such a way thay you always wanna improve and get better, specially when your obsessed with your body as reeves was. (and all elite bodybuilders are)

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Re: Ironage B.S. re old time use of steroids
« Reply #92 on: October 10, 2007, 08:09:01 AM »
Not here to join in the debate but to make a quick comment.

I have made a special thread over at Ironage (last year now), showing
pictures and commentary of Steve Reeves' ranch (Valley Center, CA);
talked to his former significant other, ranch hands, and a few others
around the area he lived. I also did the same at IronHistory. It was done
as a tribute to the man, whom I met personally in 1980 in Long Beach, CA,
at the WABBA World (Serge Nubret's organization with Sergio Oliva winner).
I was editor of Muscle Digest. In my writings with Muscular Development
and Strength & Health (via John Grimek) over the years in the 70s, I also
met and conversed with numerous Reeves' friends and fellow trainees,
including George Eiferman and Jimmy Payne.

No matter what--or who--has ever suggested Reeves took steroids are
not dealing with a deck of reality cards. The facts, photos, and common
sense are overwhelmingly stacked against that possibility. It's utter nonsense
and not worthy of debate, in my humble opinion.

I do really appreciate what Made In Montana has written about Reeves,
especially the World War II stuff, which Stunt Movie also has in his briefcase
of info.

Several days ago here in San Diego I met this old buck who happened to
be the husband of Anita Robinson, if I'm not mistaken. I happened to observe
him having this old photo touched up of this beauty from the Muscle Beach
days. We talked and come to find out that Anita and Steve were good
friends, with Steve posing for many photos with her son. He told me that
Anita thought the world of Steve, that he was an incredibly nice guy, and
every one she knew felt the same. I asked him about the possibility of
drugs, just like I have done with everyone I ever met who knew Steve. He
laughed loudly: "Are you kidding...he was a health nut...besides, the guy
didn't need stuff like that, he was already above everyone."

This old-timer promised I could speak to Anita about Steve and even get
a copy of this photo (maybe more) of Steve holding her son as a young
boy as soon as she recovers from an illness.

From the whatever-it-is-worth department.

I respect your oppinion but just like made in montana you are trying to sell cucumbers to what gh15 outlined for everyone about reeves.


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Re: Ironage B.S. re old time use of steroids
« Reply #93 on: October 10, 2007, 07:06:02 PM »
there will always be doubt....

unless his body is dug up & maybe some tests run.

Lord Humungous

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Re: Ironage B.S. re old time use of steroids
« Reply #94 on: October 10, 2007, 07:52:16 PM »
I respect your oppinion but just like made in montana you are trying to sell cucumbers to what gh15 outlined for everyone about reeves.

I havent been around here in a while but unless something has changed G15 still hasnt come out to tell us who he is an until he does hes info is no more credible than anyone elses. judging from what ive read about the history of gear and the early photos I would have to say with out a doubt Steve was natural. He was slapped together in pictures during his teen years and his body didnt change except for putting on some mass. I started lifting at 168lbs and im 228lbs now 15 years later. Ive never used any drugs or supplements other than some whey or egg protein. Im sure plenty of retards that look like they have never touched a weight would say ive done some sauce but thats fine by me. Anyway, tons of old timers said Reeves was natural some later guys say he wasnt. I for one follow the creedo believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see and you'll never go wrong. Sorry Seva, G15s info is no more valid than me saying Steve was natural.

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Re: Ironage B.S. re old time use of steroids
« Reply #95 on: October 11, 2007, 07:00:48 AM »

I havent been around here in a while but unless something has changed G15 still hasnt come out to tell us who he is an until he does hes info is no more credible than anyone elses. judging from what ive read about the history of gear and the early photos I would have to say with out a doubt Steve was natural. He was slapped together in pictures during his teen years and his body didnt change except for putting on some mass. I started lifting at 168lbs and im 228lbs now 15 years later. Ive never used any drugs or supplements other than some whey or egg protein. Im sure plenty of retards that look like they have never touched a weight would say ive done some sauce but thats fine by me. Anyway, tons of old timers said Reeves was natural some later guys say he wasnt. I for one follow the creedo believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see and you'll never go wrong. Sorry Seva, G15s info is no more valid than me saying Steve was natural.
::) if u cannot understand why gh15 cannot reveal his identity u need to find another hobby . I just read and paste what he posts because it's FREE. ;)

Lord Humungous

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Re: Ironage B.S. re old time use of steroids
« Reply #96 on: October 11, 2007, 06:20:59 PM »
::) if u cannot understand why gh15 cannot reveal his identity u need to find another hobby . I just read and paste what he posts because it's FREE. ;)

Sorry dude , he was challenged to come up with some proof that he was in the "know" and he couldnt. He said Ron knew who he was and could verify he was the man- Ron did not. Besides if he had a sack he wouldnt hide whom  he is. Lee Priest has been totally open about his use, has he not?? Much like you G15 could be some joker with cut and paste skills. As of yet he hasnt come up with a missing link to prove he knows anything secret. I think many lifters with good genetics could reproduce what Reeves did with out gear. I will have to say hes drug free but my opinion is just that.


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Re: Steve Reeves
« Reply #97 on: October 12, 2007, 05:29:28 AM »
Thank you very much, Jay...more than words can say. You are a gentleman and a good human being. When people come forward with no proof and only rude speculative comments with no appreciation whatsoever for Steve...trying to sell something false about who he was when some of us know better...that tells more about the person running him down who never knew him, than it ever says anything about Steve Reeves. It's rude when people come in with no proof and make suggestive drug use comments that are false...and it's wrong too. One need only to look at the bone structure to see what's going on...

Some people skip over what I wrote, don't care to learn much and prove it with their comments, but some like Figo are fair and want to know the truth. You take the time and consideration to care, Jay, and you show respect...and Lord Humungous, you too. There are others too...and somewhere...Steve appreciates it. I fully believe he lives on still...and I respect him and his memory just the same as if he were in this conversation here with us. The body of The Shape lives on in our memories...his Spirit Lives on forever...

epic naiveness

Lord Humungous

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Re: Steve Reeves
« Reply #98 on: October 12, 2007, 07:15:31 AM »

Jay Em

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Re: Ironage B.S. re old time use of steroids
« Reply #99 on: October 12, 2007, 02:16:53 PM »
Epic stupidity, slaveboy (sorry, man...), but what else can I say.

Respect is something younger dudes are in sorry supply of, but then that's
the sign of the (sorry) times. All this negative nonsense about Reeves is a
pathetic testament to the cop-out that (nearly) suggests ANY and ALL
bodybuilders of any consequence surely took drugs (steroids). It's actually
beyond pathetic.

Try and use philosophy as the Greeks initiated, with reason, logic, and

Get the I-pods out of your sorry asses and get a life. Try and contribute
something to this world and humanity with decency and common sense.

Using your common sense and deduction is like saying an apple came from
an orange seed.

Slaveboy--or anyone else in that persuasion--with all the respect I can
muster: Shut your piehole and go devour a Hercules (Reeves) movie along
with some book on philosophy...I think they may have them at Borders with
the cartoon pop-ups in the children's section.