Author Topic: MATT C CONSIDERS THE 911 HIJACKERS "WAR HEROS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (Read 15959 times)


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Re: MATT C CONSIDERS THE 911 HIJACKERS "WAR HEROS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #100 on: January 10, 2008, 07:02:18 PM »
ah, chill out kh300.  I haven't been squaking the 911 stuff in months.  it came up and I interjected FACT.  There is no official govt story on what happened to building #7.  Nobody knows what happened.  That's odd. 

you're a cop.  Biggest crime in history and you don't even ask why a building disintegrates? Come on, nobody is that stupid.

oh really?


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Re: MATT C CONSIDERS THE 911 HIJACKERS "WAR HEROS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #101 on: January 10, 2008, 07:05:20 PM »
So essentially anyone who thinks about the issue critically rather than believing the official story is an idiot I guess?

No, this is NOT about whether or not the war is right or wrong... It's about supporting the people who are fighting the fight because it's their job.

Is your head really that dense?

For the first time in history, a 47 story skyscraper convert itself from standing, into 20 feet of molten steel and many tons of 100 mc concrete powder, in under 7 seconds.

Yeah, that's kinda important.  No plane hit this building.  Two fires in it.  And this building disintegrated in 7 seconds.

Best part is - the 911 commission never mentions WTC 7.  Not once.  Many govt offices in there, including SEC, Secret services, fbi, etc.  Someone wired their building.  Under their noses?   It makes zero sense.  And since there is no official story that even says fire caused it, what are we supposed to think?  They promised the final findigns 3 years ago.  Still nothing.  It's been cancelled.  Why?

240... I'm not disagreeing or agreeing with you on the point you're making.

MY point is that it's not about the buildings falling down or who or what caused them.

It's about the here and now... Right now, there are soldiers that are dying in a foreign land... right or wrong doesn't matter. They are US troops and US citizens and until they come home, I support them in their desire to stay alive.

This is not about the legality or reasoning behind the fight in Iraq... It's about what is happening now.

I understand your premise, but this is not the correct thread for it... That's all.

no one

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Re: MATT C CONSIDERS THE 911 HIJACKERS "WAR HEROS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #102 on: January 10, 2008, 07:06:32 PM »

That's like your daughter dressing very sexy, and someone raping her and then telling her her it was a shame she was raped and then blaming the way she chose to dress as the reason she was raped. and then telling her she reaps what she sows and then telling you that you have no one to blame but yourself


i missed this.

you, are an idiot.

who made you a moderator here? seriously.

this statement is so stupid i cannot and will not even begin to show you how much of an idiot it makes you look, no matter how much enjoyment i would take in doing so.

go back to watching larry the cable guy and leave the grown up talk to people who know what they are talking about.

fucking retard.


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Re: MATT C CONSIDERS THE 911 HIJACKERS "WAR HEROS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #103 on: January 10, 2008, 07:11:39 PM »
cool tu_holmes, I can respect that.

I support the troops 100%.  I even give em discounts on sites! lol...
I know they give their lives so we can live safe, and live well.  There is no nobler calling.


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Re: MATT C CONSIDERS THE 911 HIJACKERS "WAR HEROS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #104 on: January 10, 2008, 07:36:12 PM »

No, this is NOT about whether or not the war is right or wrong... It's about supporting the people who are fighting the fight because it's their job.

Is your head really that dense?

240... I'm not disagreeing or agreeing with you on the point you're making.

MY point is that it's not about the buildings falling down or who or what caused them.

It's about the here and now... Right now, there are soldiers that are dying in a foreign land... right or wrong doesn't matter. They are US troops and US citizens and until they come home, I support them in their desire to stay alive.

This is not about the legality or reasoning behind the fight in Iraq... It's about what is happening now.

I understand your premise, but this is not the correct thread for it... That's all.

Very well put...alot of guys don't want to go....may not agree going..but we go and we'd like people to support us because they are our fellow citizens.


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Re: MATT C CONSIDERS THE 911 HIJACKERS "WAR HEROS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #105 on: January 10, 2008, 08:25:57 PM »
All that military might and it's taking over 5 years to get a handle on a bunch of "rag heads".  All that bravado, tough talk and flag waving and people are scared of a bunch of anorexic, leaf eating Muslims in caves. What a joke.


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Re: MATT C CONSIDERS THE 911 HIJACKERS "WAR HEROS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #106 on: January 10, 2008, 08:53:40 PM »

you couldn't touch a nerve on me to save your life. i know an imbicile when i hear one. your idiocy only comes second to the fact that you know nothing of global politics- and you're a moderator here? lol.

no matter how it shapes up cupcake, im right. you're wrong. live with it.

afterall, you'll be the one living in fear the rest of your pathetic life, wondering when the next attack will come, afraid to travel abroad or even get on a plane without apprehension inside of your own borders.

keep toeing the line. your country is using you as pawns and a disposable resource, and you are too stupid and blind to see it.

sleep tight, asshole.


(edit: just for you, stud: 

you are now reaping what you sow.

it's just a shame innocent lives are being lost over it.

but blame no one but your own establishment.)

I figured all you'd have to say in return was 99% ad-hom and 1% argument (if you could even call it that)

When you get the brains or the balls to come up with an argument to what i said, please feel free to post.

Until then you are what i thought you were:  a dumb ass.


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Re: MATT C CONSIDERS THE 911 HIJACKERS "WAR HEROS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #107 on: January 10, 2008, 08:57:16 PM »

i missed this.

you, are an idiot.

who made you a moderator here? seriously.

this statement is so stupid i cannot and will not even begin to show you how much of an idiot it makes you look, no matter how much enjoyment i would take in doing so.

go back to watching larry the cable guy and leave the grown up talk to people who know what they are talking about.

fucking retard.


More evidence of your inability to formulate an argument but instead just throw out ad-hom.

I'll add, "weak" to dumb ass when describing you.

Meanwhile I'll be waiting for your argument........are you up to it?  Are you afraid?  Or can i just expect more ad-hom?   


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Re: MATT C CONSIDERS THE 911 HIJACKERS "WAR HEROS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #108 on: January 10, 2008, 08:59:34 PM »
All that military might and it's taking over 5 years to get a handle on a bunch of "rag heads".  All that bravado, tough talk and flag waving and people are scared of a bunch of anorexic, leaf eating Muslims in caves. What a joke.

That's more of a testament to the United States NOT going in there and leveling innocent civilians.

Do you disagree?


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Re: MATT C CONSIDERS THE 911 HIJACKERS "WAR HEROS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #109 on: January 11, 2008, 08:00:57 AM »
All that military might and it's taking over 5 years to get a handle on a bunch of "rag heads".  All that bravado, tough talk and flag waving and people are scared of a bunch of anorexic, leaf eating Muslims in caves. What a joke.

Have u been there..nope guess not..ever shut the hell up. U'd shit ur pants.


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Re: MATT C CONSIDERS THE 911 HIJACKERS "WAR HEROS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #110 on: January 11, 2008, 08:02:40 AM »
That's more of a testament to the United States NOT going in there and leveling innocent civilians.

Do you disagree?

Pretty much...anytime we have a shot at these guys we smoke them. They were making IEDs in their Golden Mosque last year..we found out and smoked the whole place. We do what we have to...but we generally play by the rules. Holmes is on a roll.

Camel Jockey

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Re: MATT C CONSIDERS THE 911 HIJACKERS "WAR HEROS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #111 on: January 11, 2008, 11:46:26 AM »

No, this is NOT about whether or not the war is right or wrong... It's about supporting the people who are fighting the fight because it's their job.

It's no ones obligation to respect immoral acts. Just because you think it offensive doesn't mean he can't express his opinion. And I don't give a shit if it their "job", as they had a choice.

No doubt the service men and women are brave.. But to overlook what they're scrafice has done is foolish. It's lead to the destruction of a country, theft of natural resources and many other things.


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Re: MATT C CONSIDERS THE 911 HIJACKERS "WAR HEROS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #112 on: January 11, 2008, 11:53:49 AM »
It's no ones obligation to respect immoral acts. Just because you think it offensive doesn't mean he can't express his opinion. And I don't give a shit if it their "job", as they had a choice.

No doubt the service men and women are brave.. But to overlook what they're scrafice has done is foolish. It's lead to the destruction of a country, theft of natural resources and many other things.

And Iraq was doing so well before we got there  ::)

If you think that the armed forces are fighting for oil, you are crazy.

Camel Jockey

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Re: MATT C CONSIDERS THE 911 HIJACKERS "WAR HEROS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #113 on: January 11, 2008, 11:54:36 AM »
They didn't have havens before?  They had all of Afghanistan, they had money that wasn't frozen, they didn't have other governments looking for them like they are now, they did have Western public opinion as much against them as they are now, their  network was dealt a strong blow, they have American Special Ops running missions on them all over the place...........

Tell you what.. Ask yourself this question: Are there now more terrorists than before?

Their money frozen? Why has heroin production shot up after the invasion? Aren't they using proceeds from opium harvests to combat US forces and train more terrorists?

The US' actions have urked those stupid, worthless bearded morons.. Now they've got a cause stronger than ever and they're not affraid of dying for it. Of course that's not bad for this country as it's en excuse to fuck around in that area even more so.

I payed like 3.30 a gallon to fill up my brothers car.. If it would have been 4 bucks, then I guess a few thousands civilian deaths, civil war, an isurgency, people having their lives torn apart means jackshit.  ::)

And western opinion means jackshit. Many in the west despise their government(expecially the younger generation) because of this war for oil.

Camel Jockey

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Re: MATT C CONSIDERS THE 911 HIJACKERS "WAR HEROS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #114 on: January 11, 2008, 11:56:11 AM »
World demand going up caused the US to invade. That much is obvious.

And Iraq isn't better off.

Camel Jockey

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Re: MATT C CONSIDERS THE 911 HIJACKERS "WAR HEROS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #115 on: January 11, 2008, 11:57:52 AM »
Ozmo is the only voice of reason in this thread. Camel "I'm a future suicide bomber" Jockey seems to like talking out of his ass. Not surprising considering his mouth is firmly attached to Nasser's sphincter. Inhaling all that methane must be going to his head.

You accuse me of terrorism for stating an opinion on a bbing forum?

You can't even stomach the values of your own country.. Too bad.

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Re: MATT C CONSIDERS THE 911 HIJACKERS "WAR HEROS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #116 on: January 11, 2008, 11:59:39 AM »
If you think that the armed forces are fighting for oil, you are crazy.

HH6 is a major, I believe.  He admits it's about oil.  Pegg admitted it was about oil and bases.

Ask ANY military man if its about oil - and 99% will say yes.  It's also what has been said by every candidate, dem and republican.  It's also what's been said by Greenspan and a ton of other people in DC.  It's what the world says.

Actually, it might be easier to find a list of people who say it WASN"t about oil.  Aside from some guy named CARTEL here on getbig, everyone else - Bush included, last dec 14 06 in the rose garden speech) admitted the war was about controlling oil.


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Re: MATT C CONSIDERS THE 911 HIJACKERS "WAR HEROS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #117 on: January 11, 2008, 12:00:53 PM »
It's no ones obligation to respect immoral acts. Just because you think it offensive doesn't mean he can't express his opinion. And I don't give a shit if it their "job", as they had a choice.

No doubt the service men and women are brave.. But to overlook what they're scrafice has done is foolish. It's lead to the destruction of a country, theft of natural resources and many other things.

No one is "overlooking" what has been going on... I'm very adamant about how much I think the "War in Iraq" is wrong, but I'm not going to belittle those over there fighting, no matter how much I detest it.

Apparently the issue people are having is separating the two.

I have no such issue... I can separate the fact that a soldier is over in a foreign land and being shot at and deserves my support from the actual "reason" that they are there, no matter how wrong that reason may be.

To disrespect a person in the Military for doing their job is wrong, and if people can't see that, then those people aren't really worth my time explaining it to.


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Re: MATT C CONSIDERS THE 911 HIJACKERS "WAR HEROS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #118 on: January 11, 2008, 12:06:29 PM »
HH6 is a major, I believe.  He admits it's about oil.  Pegg admitted it was about oil and bases.

Ask ANY military man if its about oil - and 99% will say yes.  It's also what has been said by every candidate, dem and republican.  It's also what's been said by Greenspan and a ton of other people in DC.  It's what the world says.

Actually, it might be easier to find a list of people who say it WASN"t about oil.  Aside from some guy named CARTEL here on getbig, everyone else - Bush included, last dec 14 06 in the rose garden speech) admitted the war was about controlling oil.

You are such a twit.

The government may be in a fight to control oil, but not the individuals on the ground. They don't own the oil companies, they are fighting for much more. They are the ones fighting for honor and hope and freedom.



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Re: MATT C CONSIDERS THE 911 HIJACKERS "WAR HEROS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #119 on: January 11, 2008, 12:09:38 PM »
I might have missed something but where is it wrong to want to secure, what amounts to the most important resource we have. If all that oil was in Sweden and Denmark we would not need to invade..they're not islamic nutbags...the middle east is a friggen mess. These people are nuts and should not be allowed to control such an important resource...forget fair for get morals....neither enter into anybodies foreign policy. The governmnets of the world have a responsibilty to their own people first. Morals and fair are lip service for UN assemblies. We have and we will continue to do whats in our strategic best interest.


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Re: MATT C CONSIDERS THE 911 HIJACKERS "WAR HEROS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #120 on: January 11, 2008, 12:11:44 PM »
Cartel i hear what ur saying..we all sorta fight for our own thing. i fought to make sure I got all my guys home in one piece..i fought to make sure none of our cities ever glow because of these bastrads and the prime reason I make sure the damm Pats go 19-0 and Fenway park last atleast 500 years.  ;D


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Re: MATT C CONSIDERS THE 911 HIJACKERS "WAR HEROS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #121 on: January 11, 2008, 12:19:57 PM »
Cartel i hear what ur saying..we all sorta fight for our own thing. i fought to make sure I got all my guys home in one piece..i fought to make sure none of our cities ever glow because of these bastrads and the prime reason I make sure the damm Pats go 19-0 and Fenway park last atleast 500 years.  ;D

That's exactly what I meant. That's why the US armed forces are the best. Because of men and women like yourself.

You are wrong though, the Pats will be 18-1 with my Cowboys beating them in the SB  ;)


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Re: MATT C CONSIDERS THE 911 HIJACKERS "WAR HEROS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #122 on: January 11, 2008, 12:22:16 PM »
I would like to get there....that means beating the Dolts. I friggen hate manning. But we have the Jags so we'll see. I guess TO will play.

Camel Jockey

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Re: MATT C CONSIDERS THE 911 HIJACKERS "WAR HEROS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #123 on: January 11, 2008, 12:25:25 PM »
No one is "overlooking" what has been going on... I'm very adamant about how much I think the "War in Iraq" is wrong, but I'm not going to belittle those over there fighting, no matter how much I detest it.

Apparently the issue people are having is separating the two.

I have no such issue... I can separate the fact that a soldier is over in a foreign land and being shot at and deserves my support from the actual "reason" that they are there, no matter how wrong that reason may be.

To disrespect a person in the Military for doing their job is wrong, and if people can't see that, then those people aren't really worth my time explaining it to.

Then shut your trap, fool.

Camel Jockey

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Re: MATT C CONSIDERS THE 911 HIJACKERS "WAR HEROS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #124 on: January 11, 2008, 12:26:46 PM »
That's exactly what I meant. That's why the US armed forces are the best. Because of men and women like yourself.

You are wrong though, the Pats will be 18-1 with my Cowboys beating them in the SB  ;)

They'll lose to the Giants so how's that going to take place?