Author Topic: Nightmare scenario for the IFBB  (Read 27021 times)


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Re: Nightmare scenario for the IFBB
« Reply #250 on: April 10, 2008, 07:08:23 PM »

And it's been 40 years since your day and you are still a whiny complaining annoying ass gas bag. STOP following BBing if you don't like it, it hasn't changed much since your day and it's not going to change anytime soon, it's obvious that your views are in the minority and BBing will do fine without the likes of you around. Seriously give it up old man, why not start yelling at clouds because they block the sun, maybe you can convince them to go somewhere else so you can always enjoy a bright sunny day. ::)

If you want to follow the BBing you are looking for try finding a natural association and follow that, it's been obvious for years now that the I.F.B.B. is not for you yet you constantly complain and whine about how it's run. Follow another organization if you don't like it, it's not the I.F.B.B.'s fault it's the most sucessful and well known out there it's the fault of all the fans and people who compete within it's ranks, blame them not Bob Chick or the Owners.
Exactly. Can you imagine holding a grudge for over 35 years and still being this pissed off?

G o a t b o y

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Re: Nightmare scenario for the IFBB
« Reply #251 on: April 10, 2008, 07:13:50 PM »
Ron: "I am lazy."


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Re: Nightmare scenario for the IFBB
« Reply #252 on: April 10, 2008, 07:18:56 PM »
Bob is quiet today Vince goes on and on but you can't take the Fact away that the IFBB have Drug Rules that they never use with Pros.All I say is DELETE the Fukin Rule and don't look like Fukin Fools.Simple.DELETE DELETE DELETE. ::)


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Re: Nightmare scenario for the IFBB
« Reply #253 on: April 11, 2008, 12:04:52 AM »
Vince you seem empassioned on these issues, but where is it all going?...Why not start a grass roots movement for the change you want...start out with a web site, recruit others that feel the same way and start letter writing campaigns and organizing protests at shows.

I am not an ageist like many here,  I think you can do it and I dont think it is too late at all. You have the background in the sport and the wisdom and experience to educate others but going on and on here on getbig is a hardly a focused and functional endeavor. On one hand you are preaching to the deaf and the other you are preaching to the choir. 

I say do something about it, if you think its impossible and too late then you are losing to the smaller minds and catatonic automatons in this sport that accept whatever they are fed.


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Re: Nightmare scenario for the IFBB
« Reply #254 on: April 11, 2008, 10:01:55 AM »
It's amazing how Bodybuilders of yesteryear were so smart.

They saw Vince coming & had enough foresight to not say anything about their drug habits.

They KNEW that one day there would be an internet for Vince to be telling all their stories.


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Re: Nightmare scenario for the IFBB
« Reply #255 on: April 11, 2008, 02:36:45 PM »
Vince take up the challenge just like nycbull suggests it only takes one man to make a change. ;D


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Re: Nightmare scenario for the IFBB
« Reply #256 on: April 13, 2008, 05:27:59 PM »
Now that Bagdahd Bob deal is funny and clever.
I leave and go hiking for a few days and the same crap is being argued ad naseum, and some of you think I am a broken record. I am sorry I even started this thread  ::)

Howie, when you are gone for a while I can't tell if it's because you are back on your meds or off again.  ???


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Re: Nightmare scenario for the IFBB
« Reply #257 on: April 13, 2008, 05:59:34 PM »
So now you wish you hadn't started this thread??Why have the powers that be contacted you and put the needle into you?.Howard you are right to challenge and ask questions.They the IFBB have benign Drug Rules and NEVER Drug test.It's time to stand up and tell them DRUG TEST PROS.


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Re: Nightmare scenario for the IFBB
« Reply #258 on: April 13, 2008, 06:03:21 PM »
So Howard if your son wanted to be a IFBB Pro would you tell him go for it son it's a fair playing field they the IFBB have great Drug testing and the sport is SAFE and good for your health.hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm m ::)


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Re: Nightmare scenario for the IFBB
« Reply #259 on: April 13, 2008, 06:04:51 PM »
No Howard your quote is Not the Joke the IFBB Drug Rule is the Fukin JOKE. ::)


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Re: Nightmare scenario for the IFBB
« Reply #260 on: April 13, 2008, 06:29:00 PM »
I was hiking with the dogs around the state parks of NE Georgia, really pretty.No internet and fairly private.
Sometimes ya gotta get away and chill out.I love the gym , but the mountians are just awesome.
Talk about a fun, scenic way to do cardio ;)
As for the meds... :o

Sounds awesome!!!   :) You need to stop taking this place so seriously though.

Vince B

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Re: Nightmare scenario for the IFBB
« Reply #261 on: April 13, 2008, 10:31:54 PM »
Thought for a moment there I would have to clean up the sport all by myself. I don't admire the guys who juice to the gills. That is crazy.


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Re: Nightmare scenario for the IFBB
« Reply #262 on: April 14, 2008, 03:26:15 PM »
Vince will make a change for the better.IFBB Drug Rule = No Fukin Drug Rule. ::)


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Re: Nightmare scenario for the IFBB
« Reply #263 on: May 28, 2008, 04:01:25 PM »
A thread exposing Paul Chua:

Hi all,

This might be old news for you, but it is time that we blow the cover off the biggest IFBB cover-up of the Decade!

It is with utter dismay that I have learnt from the ABBF website, that Milos Sarcev has been suspended by the IFBB for one year over his allegations of contest fixing by Paul Chua, the Sec. Gen. of the ABBF.

In my respectful view, this decision is viewed in Asia as chalking one up for injustice. With due respect, the IFBB Pro League Disciplinary Committee has committed a grave travesty against Sarcev and Asian Bodybuilding as they have crucified Sarcev without due inquiry into the matter (into the facts and merits of the case) - choosing instead to throw the book and discipline Milos on a technicality (for talking to the media and not going through the proper IFBB channels)

For your information, Mr. Sarcev is a very brave man in facing up to this man who has systematically raped and pillaged Asian bodybuilding for the past few decades. Every allegation that Sarcev has made is true!

Mr. Chua sells bodybuilding titles in Asia to the highest bidder for as high as US$100,000.00! (eg. in the Asian Games) He uses the power of his office as IFBB Vice President to devastating effect, suspending athletes/officials and even entire affiliate committees when faced with exposure.

For your information Mr. Chua was charged in Court by the Singapore Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau in the mid-eighties for pocketing the Financial Grants of 2 Singapore bodybuilders, JoJo Sinclair and Azman Abdullah. This wily man managed after 3 years of on and off-court appearances to get the complainants to withdraw charges, ostensibly through restitution plus a promise of titles.

He hand picks crooked or compliant judges who are in cahoots with him to ensure that the winner will be the one who greases his palm. So rotten is the ABBF that virtually every affiliated country has had officials changed at his behest and his corrupt tentacles spreads far and wide.

In fact, we in Asia are so powerless to stop this dishonest man that we have to turn to registering a website called to collect and collate evidence so that Paul Chua can be put where crooks like him belong - in the slammer! The website is up and running. In this day and age of the internet, Paul Chua cannot hide behind the cloak of his office for long! I'm pleased to forward herewith the initial website content draft. A Hall of Infamy section is included in the website, reserved for those who abet and condone Paul Chua's criminal activities!

The obscene haste with which Milos's Disciplinary Proceedings and Appeal was disposed off by the IFBB was a sham from the get-go! Paul Chua is able to carry out his evil, diabolical and inquisitorial schemes and behave with such impunity, because unfortunately the whole IFBB machinery, as it currently stands, is geared towards allowing him to do so, supporting perhaps inadvertently, his delusions of omnipotence! I call on the IFBB Pro League to at least determine the veracity of this vile rape against Asian bodybuilding!

As a matter of interest, Paul Chua holds the Asian franchise for Weider products. Is that why action has been taken against the complainant and not the perpetrator of the crime. It may be a freudian slip, but both the ABBF and SBBF (both controlled by Paul Chua) websites are registered as dot biz. It seems to me that bodybuilding is more than just a sport to Paul Chua. He's never lifted a dumbell in his life, let alone train! He's only in it for the money and the opportunity to make a killing, come contest season. Everything that he touches involves money and his dirty fingerprints can be found all over the train wreck that is Asian bodybuilding!

Finally, do remember that in this age of the internet, nothing can remain covered up for long.... The FBI (if any money from Paul Chua's ill-gotten gains is traced up to the higher offices in the IFBB) and the Singapore Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (where Paul Chua commits most of his crimes as that is where the ABBF Secretariat is located) as well as the mainstream media will definitely be hearing from us!


Frankie Dee aka Frank D Law
Chairman of Executive Committee
Hong Kong
For Justice, Fairplay and Truth

Frankie - are you ready to press the issue little further?

I think it's about time...

I have recently received few more "things" about Mr. Chua and I think it's good time to start...what should have been done long ago...

You know where to find me.


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Re: Nightmare scenario for the IFBB
« Reply #264 on: May 28, 2008, 04:08:50 PM »
Milos laying down the SMACK It's about time someone stands up for the Truth.Oh and the IFBB Rules need to be applied equally.Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmm


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Re: Nightmare scenario for the IFBB
« Reply #265 on: May 28, 2008, 05:22:13 PM »
Milos was never suspended (to my knowledge) in those 20+ years...and he was one of the most outspoken BBers, never afraid to speak his mind (same goes for Shawn and myself)...there is a way to do things properly, and through the proper channels, and achieve what you're looking to do. I'm sure Milos would have done things a bit differently looking back at what it achieved.


I wouldn't have done things a bit differently - not a slightest little bit...

I was in Doha (Asian Games) as I was told by several Government officials of Malaysia (including Minister of Youth and Sport - Dato Azalina) that than 3 times IFBB World Champion was told directly by Mr. PAUL Chua that he is NOT going to win GOLD at the Asian Games...

That was disturbing news to many people in Malaysia and Government wanted to make sure their athletes would have best possible preparation, coach and so important gold medal of Sazali Samad would be of National importance!

I was than informed about rumors that in Asia EVERY SHOW is fixed well in advance - due to bribery of their President - MR. Paul Chua...

I didn't take it seriously as I don't just take rumors as facts - but when so many people are talking about it - at least I thought it is not bad idea to pay attention and capture every little detail...

When I got a call from MINISTER OF YOUTH AND SPORT of Malaysia - seriously concerned that their sure to win gold medal - bodybuilder Sazali Samad who two months earlier secured yet another IFBB World title might NOT win expected gold - I started investigating a bit...

She (Dato Azalina) called his name and asked me what I know about MR. Paul CHUA?

As I didn't have a facts - I only said: Dato AZALINA I promise to get SAZALI and LEONG (second world class competitor training in my gym and preparing for the Asian GAMES) in absolutely the best shape of their lives and I promise - I will go with them and not leave anything to a chance...(I went FOR FREE - to mention that fact as many people suggested I was money driven and paid to do certain things...)

I also said - fixing the score sheets is punishable by law and being equivalent to Olympic games - I simply don't see how anyone could cheat...regardless.

Leong and Zali came to Fullerton weeks before - for final prep (pictures of these two spectacular NATURAL bodybuilding champions are on my site)...

They also brought me a list of every medal in each category - as they were told - Paul Chua's highest bidder list of what is going to happen in Doha...and sadly: list they had more than a month in advance was: OFFICIAL SCORE SHEET EXACTLY!!!

Well, at the time I simply didn't believe it...and I deep down really hoped that IF something looks fishy - I will be able to make a difference.

First, I hoped that as IFBB pro I might be recognized and let "inside"...

Than, as I got off the airplane - immediately I was interviewed with panicking Malaysian reporters that their superstar will loose to some young bodybuilder from UAE who's officials had meeting behind the close doors with mr CHUA...etc..etc

Everything was leading towards well rehearsed scenario...but what had happened was really out of the comic books.

In one of the categories I remember my friend Leong asked me - what I THINK ABOUT COMPETITOR number 3?

I looked at the guy - who looked like a badminton player in off season - having little extra fat but certainly not much muscles - to be considered a top competitor (OK I am slightly exaggerating - but not by much...PHOTOS ARE ON MY SITE since than).

All in all I looked at his competition - and said: "well, no way in the World this guy will make top five."
Leong started laughing - he is going to win!

NO WAY. I 'll bet you something like this is impossible. I mean MICKY Mouse with Walt Disney as a head judge can't beat Ronnie Coleman in bodybuilding contest...No way Leong!

"Save your money Milos - this is Paul's boy from Singapore - he NEVER LOST A CONTEST in ASIA...."

"Well - he is going to loose this one..."

and needless to say - Leong was right...Paul's Boy got a PERFECT SCORE!!!

Anyway, what followed was just shameful act of corruption/bribery of the worst kind - and I was there to witness it.

WELL, I did something that I CONSIDERED proper...I informed immediately ifbb president RAFAEL Santonja - who called me minutes before I had very important dinner (about that - little later).
I told RAFAEL what i witnessed and asked him to insist getting ORIGINAL SCORE SHEETS from MR. Paul Chua (JIM MANION requested the same from Rafael - but never got it!?) - as I know that score sheets were manipulated...

But, what really gets me is: REASON THAT I WAS SUSPENDED!?!

I REPORTED suspicion of fixing scores - which I hoped was in interest of integrity of the IFBB...and I was told that I am acting against the FEDERATION?

At the above mentioned dinner - in presence of another IFBB PRO, owner of famous gym in MIDDLE east introduced me to his guest at the dinner table - official judge from QATAR.
he insisted that judge disclose how was judging...with big smile on his face...



Well - that's all you have to say?

HE SAID - here in ASIA - everyone knows that score sheets judges make are not the same PAUL CHUA uses for the final score...Everything is ready well in advance...

My friend at the time - IFBB PRO SAID: "Milos, you remember that I told you how I left competition before super heavyweight class started?
When we got in a car - they announced winner of the super heavyweight class - and competition was still ON..."Somebody" told reporters little early - don't you think..."


While I was watching the contest - Dato AZALINA approached me and told me: Milos, would you be so kind and give TV interview to my countryman in MALAYSIA and tell them what happened here today.

I said: if I say what i really think - it will NOT be pretty DATO Azalina...I am really upset - this is most disturbing thing I have ever witnessed since I started bodybuilding...

NO, NO, NO Milos - go ahead and tell my COUNTRYMAN EXACTLY what you think - don't hold anything back!

And so I did...and to this day I stand behind every word I said...

Show was fixed and everyone knows it...I reported it and somehow I am the one being suspended?!

They asked me to show the proof - and I told them exactly where to find it: ORIGINAL SCORE SHEETS...However - nobody bothered to find them?

Now, how exactly did I breach IFBB code of ethics? ETHICS - ETHICS....ETHICS I am talking about...

I would want to investigate who was ethical in this whole situation...while I am suspended, lost my contracts, IFBB card...etc...etc...

But, truth finds its way out...and I have no doubt one of these days TRUTH will surface...and than I will be one asking questions...but for the time being - I am going back to my suspended corner....


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Re: Nightmare scenario for the IFBB
« Reply #266 on: May 28, 2008, 05:56:19 PM »
Milos Chick has said many times you are back in as soon as you say SORRY and you know they want you to lick some balls.So Fuk all the Ethics what's not Ethical about the Pros Rep asking an Ex IFBB Pro to say Sorry to the very corrupt people that caused you so much Stress.

New Hank Wood

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Re: Nightmare scenario for the IFBB
« Reply #267 on: May 28, 2008, 05:58:58 PM »
Milos, pick up the phone and speak to Bob!  Don't air your dirty laundry on this forum!  It just makes you appear childish and bitter!

Don't you have anything better to do with your time?  You seem to spend an awful amount of it, on here, arguing like a semi-illiterate adolescent.

Rather than continuing with your 'bitchy and illogical attacks', focus on readjusting your dubious supplementation programs or spend more quality-time with your 'loving and devoted' family!  

Just quit with the further running-down of this industry!

And again, pick up the phone and talk to Bob like any rational adult would!


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Re: Nightmare scenario for the IFBB
« Reply #268 on: May 28, 2008, 06:30:01 PM »

They asked me to show the proof - and I told them exactly where to find it: ORIGINAL SCORE SHEETS...However - nobody bothered to find them?

Maybe they couldn't find the score sheets because the corruption goes all the way to the top, Santonja, Ben Weider, all know the score. What do you think Milos? Obviously the IFBB officials who decided on your suspension are in on it if what you say is true.


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Re: Nightmare scenario for the IFBB
« Reply #269 on: May 28, 2008, 06:34:09 PM »
Why the Fuk would Milos lie???.He had nothing to gain by telling what he saw.The IFBB have been doing this for Fukin Decades just ask Serge Nubret.


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Re: Nightmare scenario for the IFBB
« Reply #270 on: May 28, 2008, 06:37:43 PM »
Milos, pick up the phone and speak to Bob!  Don't air your dirty laundry on this forum!  It just makes you appear childish and bitter!

Don't you have anything better to do with your time?  You seem to spend an awful amount of it, on here, arguing like a semi-illiterate adolescent.

Rather than continuing with your 'bitchy and illogical attacks', focus on readjusting your dubious supplementation programs or spend more quality-time with your 'loving and devoted' family!  

Just quit with the further running-down of this industry!

And again, pick up the phone and talk to Bob like any rational adult would!

finally, a sane person.  thanks hank.


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Re: Nightmare scenario for the IFBB
« Reply #271 on: May 28, 2008, 07:12:04 PM »
Milos, pick up the phone and speak to Bob!  Don't air your dirty laundry on this forum!  It just makes you appear childish and bitter!

the irony

Don't you have anything better to do with your time?  You seem to spend an awful amount of it, on here, arguing like a semi-illiterate adolescent.

the irony

Rather than continuing with your 'bitchy and illogical attacks', focus on readjusting your dubious supplementation programs or spend more quality-time with your 'loving and devoted' family! 

the irony

Just quit with the further running-down of this industry!

you get the idea


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Re: Nightmare scenario for the IFBB
« Reply #272 on: May 28, 2008, 07:16:10 PM »
Why the Fuk would Milos lie???.He had nothing to gain by telling what he saw.The IFBB have been doing this for Fukin Decades just ask Serge Nubret.
Exactly true.  The courts would look at this and laugh.  Milos has absolutely NO motive at all to do what he i doing.  The IFBB has every motive to cover it up.  And now they say for Milos to say sorry.  hahaha now what a bunch of morons.  I just wish Milos and Lee would get together and take the IFBB to court for something.  They would lose in a heart beat in whatever case was brought against them


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Re: Nightmare scenario for the IFBB
« Reply #273 on: May 28, 2008, 07:17:52 PM »
Milos is being Serious guys this is his money the IFBB are playing with how to Fuk a mans livelihood.

New Hank Wood

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Re: Nightmare scenario for the IFBB
« Reply #274 on: May 28, 2008, 07:58:41 PM »
Pick up the phone Milos!  Make the call to Bob!  Stop trading insults on this forum.  You look like a child!

Bottom line, if you really feel that 'hard done by' then take the matters to court.  Let a jury decide!

The fact is you wont!  Because you don't have a case.  It is like everything that has become your life; a fabrication, a distortion of the truth.

Either leave this organisation for good or settle it in a court of law....

You are well versed in the operation of our legal system Milos!  History has shown you are very good manipulator of the truth! So, give it a shot; if you are that intent on the truth being aired!

And again, i ask you to pick up the phone and speak to Bob.  Afterall, you are 'the mind' and possess such superior intelligence!