Author Topic: RocketSwitch Yates pics  (Read 92076 times)


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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #550 on: August 23, 2008, 08:29:19 AM »
No there is no ' maybe ' about it and just to clue you in on something ..contests aren't judged by bodyparts  its judged as a whole , who has the better combo of all the required criteria , so while others may have better parts as a whole they don't stand a chance you can't seem to grasp this concept either

and you act as if his contemporaries weren't using the same diuretics but wait they couldn't get as hard and dry as he did while maintaining their size what gives? again entertaining your point of view having better detail & separation in some parts doesn't mean it will compensate for being deficient in proportion , balance , density & dryness , posing , etc , etc which is why I continue to say as a whole when all things are judged Dorian edges Ronnie out because all rounds are physique rounds thats how it works

and I'm objective as it gets I wasn't rooting for Yates in 93 I was for Flex the difference is I fully understand why he lost despite me wanting him to win

Yeah all that stuff you said but did you see Ronnie in 99 compared to Dorians best ever conditioning in 95 in Hulksters post?
Game over man, Ronnie doesn't just look bigger he's also got separation and shape that Dorian obviously can't match but I guess all the many photo's that show this are somehow irrelevant as evidence of Ronnies obvious physical superiority to Dorian.
Seriously compare the photo's they don't lie, embrace the truth and let it soothe your troubled soul. Because you are in classic denial. ;)


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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #551 on: August 23, 2008, 08:35:21 AM »
Yeah all that stuff you said but did you see Ronnie in 99 compared to Dorians best ever conditioning in 95 in Hulksters post just above this?
Game over man, Ronnie doesn't just look bigger he's also got separation and shape that Dorian obviously can't match but I guess all the many photo's that show this are somehow irrelevant as evidence of Ronnies obvious physical superiority to Dorian.
Seriously compare the photo's, embrace the truth and let it soothe your troubled soul.  ;)

wow that one shot sure summed everything it lol where do you people come from? yeah it looks like the game is over  :'( because we never seen pictures from the 1999 Olympia , its not like I posted them years ago all of them from Flex magazine's coverage lol and I honestly laughed out loud when I got to ' troubled soul ' that was funny !

whats funny is try as you people may Ronnie himself said on three separate ocassions he could never beat Dorian , I wonder why? especially if he's so far ahead as everyone claims?  ??? contests aren't judged on the internet and they aren't judged using one photo either  ;)


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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #552 on: August 23, 2008, 08:51:56 AM »

whats funny is try as you people may Ronnie himself said on three separate ocassions he could never beat Dorian , I wonder why? especially if he's so far ahead as everyone claims?  ??? contests aren't judged on the internet and they aren't judged using one photo either  ;)

If someone told you the earth was flat would you believe them? Even if the photo's told you something completely different?
Here's a hint....... believe the photo.

If Ronnie said anything it's more than likely because he was being humble (something Dorian would never do).  :)
Oh and by the way the earth really is round!


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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #553 on: August 23, 2008, 09:04:13 AM »
If someone told you the earth was flat would you believe them? Even if the photo's told you something completely different?
Here's a hint....... believe the photo.
If Ronnie said anything it's more than likely because he was being humble (something Dorian would never do).  :)
Oh and by the way the earth really is round!

never heard that response before lol  Ronnie is ' humble ' was he humble when he said Jay would have to be reborn with better genetics? was he being humble when he said Jay was on crack to think he could beat him? was he being humble when he said he was robbed in 2002 by Gunther? spare me the default excuses such as being humble and politics they've been played out , how about Ronnie was being honest ?  ;)

and the photos don't tell me something different and we're not talking about improbable things here Dorian being able to beat Ronnie is a reality he's done it before in fact 8 times before  ;)


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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #554 on: August 23, 2008, 09:16:19 AM »

and the photos don't tell me something different and we're not talking about improbable things here Dorian being able to beat Ronnie is a reality he's done it before in fact 8 times before  ;)

Great logic, I guess Lee Haney & Momo Benaziza are better bodybuilders than Dorian even at his best because hey they placed ahead of him, so no matter how good he got well they will always be better bodybuilders than Dorian.
Hey hold the presses, Dorian finished 7th at the World Games so as soon as I can be bothered I'll find out the names of the contestants and give you a list of six other people who are all better bodybuilders than Dorian.......... no matter how good he became....... and blahbidy blah blah...... it's just a really weak defence made out desperation.
Dude it looks like you are on your last crutch.  :)


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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #555 on: August 23, 2008, 09:17:22 AM »
lol one good asset keep exposing your ignorance with each post  ;) his good assets were great conditioning , size , balance and completeness , he dominated everyone for a reason and I'll clue you in on something wasn't because of just his back  ;)

Dorian looks UNBEATABLE in those 4 shots.


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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #556 on: August 23, 2008, 09:27:31 AM »
Great logic, I guess Lee Haney & Momo Benaziza are better bodybuilders than Dorian even at his best because hey they placed ahead of him, so no matter how good he got well they will always be better bodybuilders than Dorian.
Hey hold the presses, Dorian finished 7th at the World Games so as soon as I can be bothered I'll find out the names of the contestants and give you a list of six other people who are all better bodybuilders than Dorian.......... no matter how good he became....... and blahbidy blah blah...... it's just a really weak defence made out desperation.
Dude it looks like you are on your last crutch.  :)

No thats not while I said that you act like Dorian beating Ronnie is impossible and thats simply not true , just statistically he would win , Ronnie had all this better detail & separation when Yates beat him what was missing? more size ? big deal Dorian wrote the book on size , better conditioning Dorian wrote the book on that as well , what is this magic ingredient that now makes Ronnie unbeatable ? lol there is none

and Momo beat Dorian when Yates was 228 pounds he was lacking in size , and same with Haney who beat a much lighter Yates and Yates still won the muscularity round despite being 10 pounds lighter

and you're the guy who said without his back Yates would have never been Mr Olympia who is on their last crutch?  ;)


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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #557 on: August 23, 2008, 09:40:16 AM »
so do a lot of other bodybuilders...who would kick dorian's ass:

those Yates pics are a guest posing, i hope you Ronnie nut huggers take that into account.


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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #558 on: August 23, 2008, 10:01:24 AM »
No thats not while I said that you act like Dorian beating Ronnie is impossible and thats simply not true , just statistically he would win , Ronnie had all this better detail & separation when Yates beat him what was missing? more size ? big deal Dorian wrote the book on size , better conditioning Dorian wrote the book on that as well , what is this magic ingredient that now makes Ronnie unbeatable ? lol there is none

and Momo beat Dorian when Yates was 228 pounds he was lacking in size , and same with Haney who beat a much lighter Yates and Yates still won the muscularity round despite being 10 pounds lighter

and you're the guy who said without his back Yates would have never been Mr Olympia who is on their last crutch?  ;)

Hey I've never acted like Dorian never earned a victory over a smaller Coleman once or twice during the early to mid 90's, You've probably confused me with Hulkster.
So Momo beat Dorian because Yates was 228 pounds and lacking in size, same with Haney so those victories don't mean that they were always better than Yates, hmmmm very interesting because hey it's not like Ronnie got any bigger after his losses to Dorian in fact just between you and me I think he actually got smaller.  :)


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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #559 on: August 23, 2008, 10:39:59 AM »
I don't care if it says it was his biggest no where does it say 2003 is Ronnie's best overall showing even the Joe Weider and the Team Flex quotes all mention different years they feel Ronnie is at his best and 2003 isn't it you're the idiot who constantly claims things to the contrary , in fact I don't thing I've seen single quote saying 2003 was his best overall showing , I've seen plenty from 2001/1998

it doesn't matter if you care or not. What matters is the quote was referring to 03. Spare me your lame excuse that it doesn't explicitly mention what year. The quote could've said "Ronnie weighed 287 lbs" and you still would argue it doesn't explicitly say 03. ::)

ha ha ha when in doubt try and play with words , get the fuck out of here with your garbage , I'll take your opinion seriously when you can find me multiple credible sources that claim 2003 was his best overall showing and I wont be waiting for them either

wow, just wow. The quote used the present tense and was featured in the 03 Mr. Olympia review issue. It's not my fault you don't understand how to read.

yeah present tense directly related to his previous showings where he lost or came very close to losing , which are examples of Ronnie NOT being at his ' best ' it has nothing to do with his overall showing in 1998 and 2001 once again another example of you taking liberties because you can't find any quotes to support your  'argument'  because you can't anyone to validate your ' opinion ' outright and explicitly

if Ronnie wasn't at his best, then it wouldn't make sense for Steve Blechman to use the present tense when referring to Ronnie's physique.

Same shit with you all the time kid , you reaching as usual. Ronnie did set a new standard in 2003 for size with acceptable conditioning no one is arguing to the contrary , NO WHERE does it say 2003 is his best overall showing more of you and YOUR reading comprehension skills or lack thereof , see how its done above and again who the fuck is Ryan Mackie? his opinion is about as right as yours

nowhere does the quote specifically isolate size as the only standard that was set by Ronnie. In fact, it refers to Ronnie's overall package as evident by this line:

"furthermore bodybuilding had just seen the bar of excellence raised even further"

lmmfao like Hulkster I can always count on your for a laugh. who cares if he presented a physique that has never seen seen? that has NOTHING to do with if it was his personal best overall showing and NO MORON another example of the lack of your reading comprehension skills NO it most certainly doesn't mean EVERYONE is history you're such a fan-boy with these dumb statements ' could not possibly be equaled ' means BY THE FUCKING PEOPLE HE WAS COMPETING WITH AT THAT CONTEST you dummy , Ronnie 2001 or Dorian doesn't have to equaled that physique to beat that physique , its already established 2003 wasn't his best overall showing because his balance & proportion were off as well as his conditioning , he's already down in parts of the criteria and you think extra ' soft ' size can compensate for his lacking in other areas more fan-boy ignorant train of thought

again, it doesn't matter if you care or not. What matters is the meaning of the quote when we analyze its parts and look at its context. The line "'presented a physique that has never been seen" refers to Ronnie's combination of size, definition, and symmetry. Nowhere does it specifically isolate parts of the judging criteria, instead using "physique" to refer to his overall package. The line "Ronnie destroyed the competition with a physique that could not possibly be equaled" means nobody in history or the foreseeable future can match let alone exceed him. Your interpretation is incorrect b/c it's redundant to say Ronnie destroyed his competition and his competition couldn't match him in the same sentence. Maybe that's how you talk but it's not proper English.

More examples of you taking liberties in quotes because you don't have anything to work with , pure speculation on your behalf and nothing more find me a quote from Ray saying 2003 is better than 2001/1998 specifically and then you'll be working with something but these attempts by you of trying to connect the dots are an exercise in failure as usual , see Ronnie calves are comparable to Jay in 03 therefore they'd be comparable to Dorians LMFAO your posts are always good for a laugh riddled with poor comprehension , assumptions , ignorance , quotes from ' fans ' lol

is it speculation on my part? Yes, but so is everything else you read and interpret. That's where reading comprehension comes in. So far your reading skills leave a lot to be desired. Don't just take my word for it. Other Getbig members have criticized you too.

Yeah you're right thats why Greg Kovacs was Mr Olympia and Rhul always placed at the top of the heap and Art Atwood crushed everyone LMMFAO you're to simple , no its true Jay wasn't the most conditioned as well as Ronnie and Haney however dummy what you still can't seem to grasp is ALL ROUNDS ARE PHYSIQUE ROUNDS meaning its the guy who meets all of the criteria the best is the winner

if you have a problem, I suggest you take it up with Dorian. ;)

Dorian Yates – PBW Radio Interview

"The judges would probably choose Ronnie [over me]." (referring to the judges' propensity to reward mass)

Again size of ALL muscles not certain ones , a guy 260 pounds is carrying more muscular bulk than a guy 247 pounds , I hope this helps and we're referring to conditioned muscular bulk NOT soft muscular bulk and entertaining your stupidity carrying more muscular bulk at the expense of balance & proportion , density & dryness is an empty advantage and why? because All Rounds are Physique Rounds so your back to square one

ha ha ha, oh brother! Name one muscle group besides waist and calves that Dorian was bigger. Ronnie had larger biceps, triceps, delts, pecs, glutes, and quads.

stop playing with words it gets old already , you think you accomplish anything by trying to toy with words it just exposes your ignorance , you already proven you don't know the basics of competitive bodybuilding you know like balance & proportion , density & dryness , all rounds are physique rounds , judges heavily favor size over conditioning LMMFAO run along with your ignorance

don't get mad just b/c you cannot refute my point. If definition and conditioning are synonymous, then they should be interchangable which they are not. ;)

No you're not going by what is given , what was given is Dorian saying specific to the debate of Ronnie , he has better balance he's an IFBB judge and his word is Gold , its well established you're ignorant , so when Yates says he has better balance for all intents & purposes he has better balance , so either way YOU want to take the quote have at it , he still says he has better balance and his opinion will always crushes yours

sorry, but when a person contradicts him or herself, then their word no longer carries as much weight. Dorian explicitly defines balance and then contradicts himself by saying he has better balance than Ronnie.


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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #560 on: August 23, 2008, 10:42:32 AM »
It's a pity Dorian was never able to bring that size and fullness to the stage and the only proof he ever looked that way are the same half dozen black and white photo's that his fans keep posting over and over. But as usual Ronnie was bigger with his usual separation and detail that Dorian never had and Ronnie unlike Dorian actually managed to bring that look to the stage........ repeatedly. Here's Dorians best ever side-chest compared to two shots of Ronnie from different years. Dorian is simply outclassed.

here are better side chest shots of Ronnie. :)


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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #561 on: August 23, 2008, 11:42:33 AM »
Hey I've never acted like Dorian never earned a victory over a smaller Coleman once or twice during the early to mid 90's, You've probably confused me with Hulkster.
So Momo beat Dorian because Yates was 228 pounds and lacking in size, same with Haney so those victories don't mean that they were always better than Yates, hmmmm very interesting because hey it's not like Ronnie got any bigger after his losses to Dorian in fact just between you and me I think he actually got smaller.  :)

yeah he did get bigger at the expense of density & dryness  ;) Dorian didn't thats the difference

Ronnie 1996/1997 was competing at 250-255 pounds although his conditioning wasn't that great , by 1998 he worked with Chad and he really leaned him out Ronnie was 247 pounds at the 1998 Mr Olympia and his conditioning at this OLYMPIA contest was his best ever , Ronnie said this himself and it echo's Peter McGoughs sentiments on the topic , the only other time he really matched his 1998 Olympia conditioning was at the 2001 Arnold Classic

so any heavier Coleman version came at the expense of his density & conditioning and his balance & proportion like his conditioning suffered as well , so any size advantage become redundant at the expense of other parts of the criteria so you're right back where you started before NO WHERE


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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #562 on: August 23, 2008, 12:06:38 PM »
2003 vs 1995 lmfao


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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #563 on: August 23, 2008, 12:16:59 PM »
2003 vs 1995 lmfao


1993 (Dorian's prime) vs 2003


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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #564 on: August 23, 2008, 05:29:33 PM »

1993 (Dorian's prime) vs 2003

You just owned yourself by posting that comparison.


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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #565 on: August 23, 2008, 05:48:13 PM »
You just owned yourself by posting that comparison.

lmmfao NO kidding what a tool


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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #566 on: August 23, 2008, 05:52:59 PM »
You just owned yourself by posting that comparison.

sure, Ronnie destroys Dorian in muscular bulk and definition in that comparison yet I "owned" myself. ::)

Go back to sucking ND's dick.


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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #567 on: August 23, 2008, 05:55:05 PM »
lmmfao NO kidding what a tool

posting a zoomed in shot of Dorian's abs compared to a shitty pic of Ronnie. Why am I not surprised?


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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #568 on: August 23, 2008, 06:04:30 PM »
sure, Ronnie destroys Dorian in muscular bulk and definition in that comparison yet I "owned" myself. ::)

Go back to sucking ND's dick.

lmfao muscular bulk at the expense of density and dryness even his superior taper is gone in that shot now couple that with his blatantly obvious proportion problems and Dorian is clearly owning Ronnie like I clearly own you  ;)


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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #569 on: August 23, 2008, 06:05:41 PM »
posting a zoomed in shot of Dorian's abs compared to a shitty pic of Ronnie. Why am I not surprised?

If the pic of Ronnie is shitty, it is resultant of Dorian simply being superior once again.


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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #570 on: August 23, 2008, 06:07:07 PM »
ND who would you rather look like

dorian or ronnie?



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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #571 on: August 23, 2008, 06:08:30 PM »
posting a zoomed in shot of Dorian's abs compared to a shitty pic of Ronnie. Why am I not surprised?

Whats the difference? Dorian Dorian still owns Ronnie in the comparison you posted , keep crying its all you have left I wont take that from you too


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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #572 on: August 23, 2008, 06:13:48 PM »
ND who would you rather look like

dorian or ronnie?


Thats easy Dorian


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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #573 on: August 23, 2008, 06:20:06 PM »
lmfao muscular bulk at the expense of density and dryness even his superior taper is gone in that shot now couple that with his blatantly obvious proportion problems and Dorian is clearly owning Ronnie like I clearly own you

what objective criteria are you using to determine density and dryness? If you're making up advantages based on what you think, then I could just as easily cancel them out by saying Ronnie is equally as hard and dry. There's no way you can disprove my comment without establishing some sort of criteria. As for Ronnie's proportion problems, who's to say Dorian's massive torso and narrow quads with calves too big is any better? We can, however, objectively determine that Ronnie is owning Dorian in muscular bulk and definition. ;)


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Re: RocketSwitch Yates pics
« Reply #574 on: August 23, 2008, 06:21:53 PM »
Thats easy Dorian

so that means you think the flaws of both dorian and ronnie are greater than the flaws of the Maryland Muscle Machine 8)