Author Topic: Rape suspect deported 4 times - (Doing the rapes Americans don't want to do.)  (Read 4374 times)


  • Getbig V
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jagalicious youre lucky with the guy you ran up on with a baseball bat didnt beat your ass, like many ppl that think they are bad asses or that bad shit wont ever happen to them but trust there are many ppl that are more than willing to put ppl like that back in their place....If I was innocently parking in someones drive way and they ran up on me with a baseball bat you best believe they would be eating that shit if they threatened me with it...there is absolutely no reason to come at someone like you or your hero 240 does...

just stroll up to someone and shoot the shit is all thats needed you can make it more than apparent that they arent wanted without a bat or gun or taking pictures of their car or them... ::)

you ppl are acting up to get your asses handed to you without a doubt  ::)


  • Getbig V
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Like I said, i approach with a smile.  99% of the time, it's nothing.
LOL with one hand on a gun and a camera in the other... ::)

LMAO youre gonna get the shit kicked out of you sooner or later hoss...


  • Getbig V
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Glad things worked out for everyone. Knowing how controversial the next statement is going be: what happened to the vandals? Did the police get them? Or did the neighbors simply tell them that what they're doing is not legal and didn't try to stop them? Peaceful protest is one thing, vandalism and illegal behavior is another.

There were no witnesses to the vandalism, because it occurred outside of the protests after everyone had gone for the evening, but during the protests, anyone that even attempted to step foot on the property was reprimanded, and told NOT to do so... even though the owner didn't mind people on his property or his driveway. He knew most of the protesters cause they'd been his neighbour for years. The pedo rented the basement, and had no say over the outside property in general. Just the same it was made clear no damage was to be done, just a presence maintained on the public greenspace or public sidewalks. The main guy who was organizing the protests is also a cub scout leader for the area who I first met after spotting tricycles on his driveway. I went up to introduce myself and let him know about the pedo, and he already knew and was in the process of organizing against it. He didn't want this guy to have any excuse whatsoever to call police or get an injunction against the protests. It was done all legal, by the book, and couldn't be stopped. They kept the pressure on til the guy moved.


  • Getbig V
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jagalicious youre lucky with the guy you ran up on with a baseball bat didnt beat your ass, like many ppl that think they are bad asses or that bad shit wont ever happen to them but trust there are many ppl that are more than willing to put ppl like that back in their place....If I was innocently parking in someones drive way and they ran up on me with a baseball bat you best believe they would be eating that shit if they threatened me with it...there is absolutely no reason to come at someone like you or your hero 240 does...

first of all 240 isn't my hero

secondly, given all the shit that was going down at the time, I had every right to approach someone on my property with a baseball bat.

thirdly, I didn't swing it a t him or verbalize a threat, I made no reference to the bat at all.

fourthly, because of the angle from which I approached, he didn't stand a chance if I decided to open up on him and he knew it. I was on my property, and if he felt threatened, his recourse was to start his engine and leave. there is no way he would have gotten the jump on me. I would have cleaaned his clock and no judge in the land would convict me of beating the shit out of a trespasser on my own property.

just stroll up to someone and shoot the shit is all thats needed you can make it more than apparent that they arent wanted without a bat or gun or taking pictures of their car or them... ::)

you ppl are acting up to get your asses handed to you without a doubt  ::)

All depends on the situation. Every situation is different, and I needed to size him up fast.
This was not some random guy 'parked in the neighbourhood'... this was someone 'parked in MY driveway someone who had come onto MY property at least 3x's previously that I know of. I demanded to know who the fvck they were, and why they were repeatedly trespassing onto my property. I wanted answers and I wanted them right then and there and I chose the method I did to size him up in the process. It was an extremely effective method that has served me quite well in the past, and I'm sure will serve me well in the future. I'm not talking about the baseball bat part, I'm talking about invading personal space while simultaneously discombobulating the brain. It works wonders for diffusing the energies of the other person while gaining the upper hand. it's hard to describe in chat, you'd have to see it in action to understand what I'm talking about.


  • Getbig V
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jagalicious youre lucky with the guy you ran up on with a baseball bat didnt beat your ass, like many ppl that think they are bad asses or that bad shit wont ever happen to them but trust there are many ppl that are more than willing to put ppl like that back in their place....If I was innocently parking in someones drive way and they ran up on me with a baseball bat you best believe they would be eating that shit if they threatened me with it...there is absolutely no reason to come at someone like you or your hero 240 does...

just stroll up to someone and shoot the shit is all thats needed you can make it more than apparent that they arent wanted without a bat or gun or taking pictures of their car or them... ::)

you ppl are acting up to get your asses handed to you without a doubt  ::)


  • Getbig V
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first of all 240 isn't my hero

secondly, given all the shit that was going down at the time, I had every right to approach someone on my property with a baseball bat.

thirdly, I didn't swing it a t him or verbalize a threat, I made no reference to the bat at all.

fourthly, because of the angle from which I approached, he didn't stand a chance if I decided to open up on him and he knew it. I was on my property, and if he felt threatened, his recourse was to start his engine and leave. there is no way he would have gotten the jump on me. I would have cleaaned his clock and no judge in the land would convict me of beating the shit out of a trespasser on my own property.

All depends on the situation. Every situation is different, and I needed to size him up fast.
This was not some random guy 'parked in the neighbourhood'... this was someone 'parked in MY driveway someone who had come onto MY property at least 3x's previously that I know of. I demanded to know who the fvck they were, and why they were repeatedly trespassing onto my property. I wanted answers and I wanted them right then and there and I chose the method I did to size him up in the process. It was an extremely effective method that has served me quite well in the past, and I'm sure will serve me well in the future. I'm not talking about the baseball bat part, I'm talking about invading personal space while simultaneously discombobulating the brain. It works wonders for diffusing the energies of the other person while gaining the upper hand. it's hard to describe in chat, you'd have to see it in action to understand what I'm talking about.
darling by your own words youre a half pint...not that its a bad thing simply for the purposes of physical engagement though its not ideal. Ill let you hit my arm with a bat so that I can take it away from you b/c guess what? its not gonna be pretty when I get it away from you...

I understand what youre saying and I agree that youre approach can be very effective the problem is when you come up to someone who its not effective against and trust there are many ppl like that out there youve put yourself in a position that you didnt need to be that point youve commited youself to a physical fight and like I said there are many ppl out there more than willing to put you back in your place and I dont mean that in a sexist way I mean that you shouldnt be physically threatening anyone place...


  • Getbig V
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LOL hey I try at all cost to avoid fights honestly I dont like to fight even though I am more than capable of laying some hurt on ppl I really dont like physical violence, but if you put me in a position where I feel threatened Im going to act rather than sit there and let others dictate how the situation plays out.


  • Getbig V
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LOL hey I try at all cost to avoid fights honestly I dont like to fight even though I am more than capable of laying some hurt on ppl I really dont like physical violence, but if you put me in a position where I feel threatened Im going to act rather than sit there and let others dictate how the situation plays out.


  • Getbig V
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darling by your own words youre a half pint...not that its a bad thing simply for the purposes of physical engagement though its not ideal. Ill let you hit my arm with a bat so that I can take it away from you b/c guess what? its not gonna be pretty when I get it away from you...

I understand what youre saying and I agree that youre approach can be very effective the problem is when you come up to someone who its not effective against and turst there are many ppl like that out there youve put yourself in a position that you didnt need to be that point youve commited youself to a physical fight and like I said there are many ppl out there more than willing to put you back in your place and I dont mean that in a sexist way I mean that you shouldnt be physically threatening anyone place...

Like I said... every situation is different. The guy was seated in his vehicle and belted in. there was not much he could do that I couldn't counter. His head was a ripe exposed melon and had he made a move toward me... he wouldn't have gotten very far. like I said, I never threatened him with the bat, ...but it was very visible. if he didn't like the bat or what he felt it implied, his only logical and prudent recourse was to start his engine and get the fvck off my property. no one in their right mind would have stood their ground in that situation or attempt to remain... not when you don't stand a snowball's chance in hell. It was NOT an even playing field and I held every advantage and he knew it.

Tony, if you're standing stark naked in the shower of a home you do not own and were not invited to, and you turn around and there's a 15 yr old girl infront of you with a loaded oozie who demands to know what the fvck you're doing in her house, are you going to "teach her a lesson for threatening you with an oozie"... or are you going to explain yourself. Yours would be the stupid approach because if you made a move, and she opened fire... you'd be history before you could lay a finger on her. you might be twice her size, but that Oozie and your vulnerability in that situation tips the balance of power decidedly in her favour. Only an idiot would get all pissed off at a homeowner who approached them in that fashion while they were trespassing on their property. You might not like it, ...but only an idiot doesn't realize the homeowner doesn't know you from Adam, is only trying to protect themselves and their property and isn't willing to automatically give some stranger trespassing the benefit of the doubt without some solid satisfactory answers. You step on my property... you F-ing answer to me why you're there, and the answers better be good or you can get the F off my property and pronto! PERIOD!!!

ps: When it comes to physical confrontations, ...I don't bite off more than I can chew.  ;)


  • Getbig V
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LOL darling first off its UZI...second off an UZI in the US is basically either a big pistol or a small rifle both of which is more intimidating in name than in reality seeing as its basically a 9mm and thats it...

youre assuming that the person you bull rushed knew you were the home owner when in reality for all he knew you were some crazy bitch with a bat...

I wouldnt be in someones house I didnt know, being in someones driveway is in no way comparable to being in someones shower...the fight response in some is stronger than the flight response in them its just simply a matter of time before you or 240 run into someone like that...

again going about things the way you and 240 do is commiting yourself to physical violence so dont be suprised when it happens

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To no getbigger in particular - just wide generalizations here...

The proof is in the pudding.  I worked with others to clean up my neigborhood.  It worked. 

I get called a wussy lib shitbag, but I had the balls to kick dirbags off my block.  The courageous republicans come on message boards and complain about how bad the illegals are in their hometown.  I say, stat on your own block.  get proactive.  Don't break the law, but you massage that bitch as much as you can lol... if it may lead to words or someone pissed off at you, so be it.  I'm not trying to make some stranger parked on my lawn like me.  I'm trying to get him the hell outta there.  having words may facilitate that.  If he wants to fight, then it's his problem - being armed on my property for no reason - when the police arrive, right?

So that's my take.  Call me stupid, tell me I'm not legal.  I don't break the law, I follow it very closely as you all know.  Did I intimidate people?  Shit yet.  but I lived there and they didn't, or they did and they weren't following the law.

I'm the lib shitbag who chased away criminals and illegals.  You're the conservative who would have "kept an eye on it".  The result is that my street is and will remain free of shitbirds.  And yours will not. 


  • Getbig V
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LOL darling first off its UZI...second off an UZI in the US is basically either a big pistol or a small rifle both of which is more intimidating in name than in reality seeing as its basically a 9mm and thats it...

Whatever the fvck it is,'s capable of blowing your nuts off!

youre assuming that the person you bull rushed knew you were the home owner when in reality for all he knew you were some crazy bitch with a bat...

He knew I was the homeowner. He saw me coming out of the house. Plus when you demand to know what someone is doing on YOUR property, ...that's a big clue to tip them off if they hadn't quite clued in as yet.

I wouldnt be in someones house I didnt know, being in someones driveway is in no way comparable to being in someones shower...the fight response in some is stronger than the flight response in them its just simply a matter of time before you or 240 run into someone like that...

I realize that. That's why I said I was glad he didn't make a move 'cause it would have been extremely painful & expensive for him while only being a mere inconvenience for me. i had the drop on him.

again going about things the way you and 240 do is commiting yourself to physical violence so dont be suprised when it happens

So you think that is my everyday MO? No, it was what I did in THAT particular situation.

YES, I WAS committing myself to physical violence if it came down to it.
That's what the baseball bat was for. I wasn't going to Yankee stadium, it was a harsh interrogation
of some strange fvcker who had no business being on my property and I was fully prepared to splatter his  brains if he made a move on me.


  • Getbig V
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According to Loco, it's OK for a few American citizens to get killed. We're supposed to live with that so the illegals can "follow their dreams".

Come on BerzerkFury, when did I say that?  It's not okay for any American citizen to get killed, racially profiled, or deported.  I'm anti-illegal immigration and I believe Americans should stop hiring illegals.


  • Getbig V
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A rape suspect was deported 4 times?  Why wasn't he put in prison? 

Good thing we have Arizona's new immigrations law!  Now he can be caught and deported again, so that he can come back and get deported again, and again, and again.   ::)

Soul Crusher

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A rape suspect was deported 4 times?  Why wasn't he put in prison? 

Good thing we have Arizona's new immigrations law!  Now he can be caught and deported again, so that he can come back and get deported again, and again, and again.   ::)

What the hell happened to this site?


  • Getbig V
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  • loco like a fox
What the hell happened to this site?

It turned purple.   ;D


  • Getbig V
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I'm the lib shitbag who chased away criminals and illegals.  You're the conservative who would have "kept an eye on it".  The result is that my street is and will remain free of shitbirds.  And yours will not. 
::) ::) ::)

AGAIN how did you know they were illegals?