Author Topic: Grey Alien On The Impossibility Of Artificial Intelligence.  (Read 35667 times)


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Re: Grey Alien On God.
« Reply #125 on: January 30, 2011, 05:32:35 PM »
This Grey Alien dude seems like a real tool. Against God, against capitalism...wait, I've seen this somewhere before, oh yeah, thats right.......liberals!

  That makes perfect sense since liberals do outscore conservatives in IQ tests, achievement tests, SAT scores and admission to Ivy League universities. Maybe the more intelligent and advanced we become, the more liberal/libertarian we will become. Dumb people tend to be conservative because stupid people fear change because they can't understand it.

  And the grey alien is not necessarily against capitalism. It makes no value-judgement as to whether capitalism is good or bad. It points out that capitalism does work better at creating wealth. It then proceeds to point out that, in capitalism, more material goods are produced but that idiossyncrasies like the top 1% of the earning bracket has 90% of all the wealth are the result of it. The conclusion of the alien seems to be this: under Capitalism, a few enjoy lives of unbounded luxury and pleasure, whilst the rest of the population struggles to just get by. Under communism, all equally starve. Which is better? The alien is silent on this issue. Most of the Humanity has concluded that a system where a few are billionaires and the rest of the population lives modest lives with very little pleasure and leisure is better than a system where everyone equally starves. But just because capitalism is a little better than communism, it does not make the capitalist system good. It is, in fact, animal predation at it's worst.

  And the alien is not against God. It points out that Human relationship to God is very similar to that of a child seeking for a daddy to protect it from the big, bad World. Humans can't deal emotionally with the fact that life is horrible and then you die and that's the end. The horror of this is so great that the only solution Humans have found is to make up a super-daddy up in the skies who will reward them afet death with the good life they didn't have on Earth. Why will super-daddy reward them? Because they were good little boys and girls in this life!

  Does God exist according to the grey alien? It points out that reality is a truth in itself, and thus eternal and inexplicable since any attempts to define it is pointless due to the fact that all definitions of reality are contained in reality itself. All intelligence is also contained in reality. In conclusion: you can call reality God if you want to, but it is certainly not the Christian, Muslim or Buddhist God.



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Re: Grey Alien On The Origins Of The Universe.
« Reply #126 on: January 30, 2011, 05:44:12 PM »
kinda like when people claim vegetarian diets are unhealthy even though you can make proper complete protien combinations with the right plant foods. Now you feel my pain bro?

  No, I don't feel your pain. In fact, this comment of yours has absolutely nothing in common with my comment on T'bombs.



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Re: Grey Alien On The Impossibility Of Artificial Intelligence.
« Reply #127 on: January 30, 2011, 05:59:23 PM »
So you don't believe in aliens? Does that mean you don't believe in aliens period? Or you don't believe they are/have been here?

  The Drake Equation predicts thousands of alien civilization in this galaxy and thus trillions in the Universe. But the Drake Equation assumes that life develops on all planets that can sustain life. This is wrong because the "trigger" that makes organic molecules to start replicating and becoming living might be freakishly rare. Out of the trillions of planets in the Universe suited for life, it might have only developed in a few thousand or even hundreds. And in most of the planets where life is possible, life might have been wiped out before it could develop into intelligent species - by super-volcanoes, giant meteors or pole shifts. Or life might have never achieved the level of intelligence. Ouf of the estimated 40,000,000,000 species on Earth, only one became self-aware and intelligent. So intelligent aliens are probably extraordinarilly rare. Out of the trillions of planets in the Universe suited for life, my guess is that a few dozen at the most have intelligent alien life. But I do think that they might be out there somewhere. Yep.



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Re: Grey Alien On The Origins Of The Universe.
« Reply #128 on: January 30, 2011, 06:48:37 PM »
Suckmuscle, Where from are you getting this information?


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Re: Grey Alien On The Origins Of The Universe.
« Reply #129 on: January 30, 2011, 06:54:55 PM »
Suckmuscle, Where from are you getting this information?

  I am in direct telepathic communication with an alien entity possesed of powers of thought beyond Human comprehension.



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Re: Grey Alien On The Origins Of The Universe.
« Reply #130 on: January 30, 2011, 07:00:20 PM »
  I am in direct telepathic communication with an alien entity possesed of powers of though beyond Human comprehension.


Please keep posting then.

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Re: Grey Alien On The Impossibility Of Artificial Intelligence.
« Reply #131 on: January 30, 2011, 07:17:50 PM »
  The Drake Equation predicts thousands of alien civilization in this galaxy and thus trillions in the Universe. But the Drake Equation assumes that life develops on all planets that can sustain life. This is wrong because the "trigger" that makes organic molecules to start replicating and becoming living might be freakishly rare. Out of the trillions of planets in the Universe suited for life, it might have only developed in a few thousand or even hundreds. And in most of the planets where life is possible, life might have been wiped out before it could develop into intelligent species - by super-volcanoes, giant meteors or pole shifts. Or life might have never achieved the level of intelligence. Ouf of the estimated 40,000,000,000 species on Earth, only one became self-aware and intelligent. So intelligent aliens are probably extraordinarilly rare. Out of the trillions of planets in the Universe suited for life, my guess is that a few dozen at the most have intelligent alien life. But I do think that they might be out there somewhere. Yep.


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Re: Grey Alien On The Origins Of The Universe.
« Reply #132 on: January 30, 2011, 07:27:21 PM »


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Re: Grey Alien On The Origins Of The Universe.
« Reply #133 on: January 30, 2011, 08:08:22 PM »
Please keep posting then.

  Will do. Yes.



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Re: Grey Alien On The Impossibility Of Artificial Intelligence.
« Reply #134 on: January 30, 2011, 08:09:55 PM »
Some believe that the battle at Kruger shows animals being self-aware

  No. None of these animals could pass the Turing test.



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Re: Grey Alien On The Origins Of The Universe.
« Reply #135 on: January 30, 2011, 08:17:46 PM »

  The only thing you are good at is obfuscation through verbiage. Playing with words and making blanket statements is your modus operandi.

  How does this prove that God exist ??? Even if we have free will, which I am not sure we have, how is this evidence that God exists? There is no logical correlation between free will and the existence or not of a God. In fact, if there is a God there is less free will since an intelligent entity that created everything would create the Universe with it's own biased parameters.

  Our free will, if we have it(debeatable) could be the result of natural selection allowing us free reign to decide what to do when there are many choices because the DNA cannot possibly know what is best for it's own survival all the time given the chaotic medium where it has to propagate - our physical World.

  Volition doesen't exist for most species, and it is debateable whether there is any for Humans. A schizofrenic cannot stop hallucinating through free will, nor can a depressive simply become happy by deciding to see the positive side of things because he can't. Most pedophilles still molest children even when they know they are gona get caught and get beat to death in jail or fry in the electric chair.


you have complete free will over all f your decisions, and that is something completely assbackwards with the concept of natural selection. the ability to contradict experience, which is exactly what free will is, is somehing inherently flawed if we are talking about who is best for survival. experience would be the only deciding factor. but we can be rational or irrational, moral or immmoral, spontaneous or structured. the choice is all ours to make. free will is a strong argument for the existence of god, for a transcendant human soul.

its not obfuscation, you arent even using that term properly

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Re: Grey Alien On The Origins Of The Universe.
« Reply #136 on: January 30, 2011, 08:28:06 PM »
I can't imagine the above average intelligence at best humans on this board could possibly come close to understanding a ''god'' capable of creating the universe. You don't know shit and your theories are retarded stfu.


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Re: Grey Alien On Capitalism.
« Reply #137 on: January 30, 2011, 08:40:30 PM »
Not a very hard one to figure out. The poor person - It mostly boils down to the entrepreneurial spirit, does he/she HAVE it, does he/she even WANT it?

  What a load of garbage. Entrepeneurial spirit? Who are you? Adam Smith's retarded little cousin? How is someone working at McDonald's getting the money to start a business? And you are assuming that everyone can just run a business. Even if you have the capital to invest, you need an MBA to know what you're doing or at least a degree in management - which cost money to get -, and you need the innate intelligence to run the business. And 99% of businesses fail in the first year. Very few people became rich by starting a business, and in most cases they are geniuses like Bill Gates and Henry Ford. Most of the rich people in the World became rich investing their money on companies that already exist or on the stock market. And guess what? You need money to invest and make money, and you need knowledge of finance and the innate intelligence to figure out your next move. Less that 0.1% of the population has all these things.

Will the poor person ever get an exec job without a good education like the person who has the education and HAS the exec job, probably not.

  My point exactly. You need to get into Harvard to get an executive job that will make you really rich, and you are not getting in there if you don't have a rich daddy and are among the top 2% of the population in intelligence. And if you don't have a rich daddy, then you need to be at the top 0.01% of the population in intelligence to get a Harvard scholarship. This is an impossible dream for the average man. You should have the common sense to know this since you are a common man both in terms of intelligence and education, but apparently you don't.

But in a capitalist society the potential is ALWAYS there.

  Sure, winning the loterry is always a possibility. This is pretty much the only way that an average man of average intelligence and no capital to invest can become rich. By opening a business? No money, and if he gets a loan(unlikely), his business will fail. Lots of smart, educated people open businesses every year and 99% of them fail in the first year. By becoming a corporate CEO? No intelligence and/or money to get the Ivy League MBA necessary to get hired as a CEO of a company large enough to pay you enough for you to become a rich man with your job.

People rich or poor have a talent,

  99.99% of all people have no talent whatsoever, and of those 0.01% who have a talent, only a handful have the extreme talent to become rich with it. There are lots of very good college basketball players but only one LeBron James. All those college basketball players who don't get drafted into the NBA end up cleaning toilets after college.

whether hidden or not to expose that talent to make something of themselves as long as they're honest in their business dealings and more importantly LEARN about how business works.

  You are probably a salesman. Your sales pitch is good. You should work giving motivational speeches about how you can achieve everything in life if you just work hard enough. You can be the next Michael Jordan if you just practice basketball enough! You can become the next CEO of Lehman Brothers if you get into Harvard by just studying hard enough! You can win the Nobel prize in literature if you just practice your writing enough! You can become the next Bill Gates by getting a loan and starting your own business in your garage! Hell, yeah! The sky is the limit! I am the next Beethoven or Einstein! All I need to do is work enough. Weeeeeeeewhooooooo!!!!!!!

There are hundreds of thousands of success stories of poor people coming from nothing,

  No, there aren't! Out of the millions of businesses that were started, only a handful became successful enough for their founders to become millionaires. Like Mark Zuckerberg, who was writing computer programs in C language at the age of 7 and was too smart even for Harvard. For every Mark Zuckerberg, there are literally a million failures.

from other countries only to become wealthy or at the very least make a comfortable living for their families.

  This is true, but the immigrant success stories are of people who were highly educated in their countries and above average intelligence, such as Indian computer programmers, who made it to the U.S to work in Sillicon Valley. And they are "succesfull" in the sense that they were poor and made it into the middle class. We are talking about people who come from nothing and become members of the upper class. These people are as rare as red diamonds.

I started my business with NOTHING and I was single parent, within 2 years I business was making six figures. I had borrowed no money and just kept reinvesting a percentage of what I earned into my business....I still do that today. You can bet the person who wrote that article is making a nice living!!!

  I don't know under what circumstances you became rich or even if you are even telling the truth, but you probably just lucked out by starting a business in a time and location where there was a demand for whatever you did. It can't be a rational decision to work at that because you don't strike me as a very bright person. And in any case, your success story doesen't mitigate the millions of people who worked just as hard as you and failed. Hell, people with degrees from good universities who work 17 hours a day are happy after 30 years of hard work to become upper middle class. Poor people becoming filfthy rich is extraodinarily rare.

Bottom line........if you want it, it's there for the taking. If you don't, quit complaining.

  Oh, yeah? What about the millions of people with degrees from good universities who work 17 hours a day including weekends and can do no better than be middle class living in tiny houses with a single car for the whole family and work at cubicles every day? What do you have to say about that? That they lack entrepeneurial spirit? What about that out of 100 of these intelligent, hard working people who start businesses, 99 are broke in the first year? Cut your garbage, dude. You seem like one of those redneck hicks from the Tea Party saying these incredibly stupid things.



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Re: Grey Alien On The Origins Of The Universe.
« Reply #138 on: January 30, 2011, 08:55:29 PM »
you have complete free will over all f your decisions, and that is something completely assbackwards with the concept of natural selection. the ability to contradict experience, which is exactly what free will is, is somehing inherently flawed if we are talking about who is best for survival. experience would be the only deciding factor. but we can be rational or irrational, moral or immmoral, spontaneous or structured. the choice is all ours to make. free will is a strong argument for the existence of god, for a transcendant human soul.

its not obfuscation, you arent even using that term properly

  Dude, just STFU. More nonsensical verbiage that doesen't mean shit and I am sure that not even you know what the hell you are talking about.

  And the word is obfuscation. I am using the term correctly. You obfuscate everything with your verbal diarrhea. You write a lot and don't say anything. Tons of words used incorrectly and unnecessarily that don't really express any logical idea.


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Re: Grey Alien On Capitalism.
« Reply #139 on: January 30, 2011, 09:00:50 PM »
Fucking WOW.....just REALLY DO NOT GET IT do you?? People like you really think government is the answer and you probably really think government creates jobs don't you? I'm going to ask you the same question I asked Matrix (that i never got an answer from) what country are you from? How old are you? and do you even have a job? Do you even want to succeed financially or just depend on handouts? Define "rich" for me. Am I "rich"? No, but with the exception of my home(s), I have no debt, not even credit cards, I have a healthy six figure income from a business I built from scratch, money in the bank, etc, etc, etc. No dude, most people are just fucking lazy and are content with what they have and complain about people who have more. You really do not get it!!


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Re: Grey Alien On Capitalism.
« Reply #140 on: January 30, 2011, 09:04:01 PM »
Hi, alien, why do you type everything in big ol' bunched up sentences and bold text?


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Re: Grey Alien On The Impossibility Of Artificial Intelligence.
« Reply #141 on: January 30, 2011, 10:11:11 PM »
So what are your thought on abductions? sightings of life-forms? ufo's etc?

Even though its rare for ET's to exist like you said, what do you call all of that?
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Re: Grey Alien On Capitalism.
« Reply #142 on: January 30, 2011, 10:34:27 PM »
What is better for the rich fat cats than universal praise for capitalism. When even the exploited poorest of poor sing the praise. Ah, America.


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Grey Alien vs Getbigger
« Reply #143 on: January 30, 2011, 10:48:10 PM »
The alien entity with an IQ approaching 400 agreed to answer some questions posed by a Getbigger during an online posting session.

Grey Alien: Please proceed with your questions and I shall answer them for you...

Getbigger: You really are an alien? ::)

GA: Indeed, I'm not human or even from your planet. And I am unfamiliar with the expression at the end of your question. What does that mean?

GB: It means I'm thinking, "sure you are. gayer than travelling 90 trillion miles to probe a musclebear's anus hahahaha"

GA: Scepticism noted and understood, but why not ask me something and see what I have to say? Would you like to know the meaning of life, perhaps?

GB: Your mom is the meaning of my life

GA: *Silence*


GA      18:50     Reporting topic to moderator

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Re: Grey Alien On The Impossibility Of Artificial Intelligence.
« Reply #144 on: January 30, 2011, 10:54:13 PM »
Some day humans can replicate a human brain in digital form. It's easy, the brain is right there.

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Re: Grey Alien vs Getbigger
« Reply #145 on: January 30, 2011, 11:01:28 PM »
Those gray aliens are bitches.  :D


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Re: Grey Alien vs Getbigger
« Reply #146 on: January 30, 2011, 11:22:31 PM »

"Grey Alien on 'Fatpanda' "... ;D


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Re: Grey Alien On Capitalism.
« Reply #147 on: January 30, 2011, 11:31:31 PM »
Maybe if the kids with. Hollow eyes had parents that wernt lazy could get off their lazy asses to get a job or start a business instead of the "woah is me" excuse, this wouldn't happen!! More on this later.

I thought he was being sarcastic... couple of times a year we volunteer at the OC Mission amongst others; I'm always amazed how much resources are available for ppl in hardship to "get back on their feet"...

and this is supposed to be "hyper capitalism" capital of the world... .. ::)


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Re: Grey Alien On Capitalism.
« Reply #148 on: January 30, 2011, 11:33:36 PM »
Maybe if the kids with. Hollow eyes had parents that wernt lazy could get off their lazy asses to get a job or start a business instead of the "woah is me" excuse, this wouldn't happen!! More on this later.

I thought he was being sarcastic... couple of times a year we volunteer at the OC Mission amongst others; I'm always amazed how much resources are available for ppl in hardship to "get back on their feet"...

and this is supposed to be "hyper capitalism" capital of the world... .. ::)


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Re: Grey Alien On Capitalism.
« Reply #149 on: January 31, 2011, 03:21:07 AM »
Lot of poor anti capitalists who live paycheck to paycheck washing dishes and mowing lawns in this thread.
Guess what fuckers...your opinions do not matter because you're all too stupid/lazyto make money in a system where it's ready for the pickin'.

For the people who are not entreprenurial, which is perfectly fine...just go to college and get a degree in a field where there's lots of opportunity. That's not rocket science.

Or maybe I got trolled ?

Of course the exec in a white collar is going to make more money than the guy washing dishes or cleaning toilets. If you need someone to explain the reason why that is...well have fun living the rest of your life looking from the outside in.