Author Topic: Grey Alien On The Impossibility Of Artificial Intelligence.  (Read 35785 times)


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Re: Grey Alien vs Getbigger
« Reply #150 on: January 31, 2011, 03:57:46 AM »


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Re: Grey Alien vs Getbigger
« Reply #151 on: January 31, 2011, 03:59:59 AM »


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Re: Grey Alien vs Getbigger
« Reply #152 on: January 31, 2011, 04:14:57 AM »
The alien entity with an IQ approaching 400 agreed to answer some questions posed by a Getbigger during an online posting session.

Grey Alien: Please proceed with your questions and I shall answer them for you...

Getbigger: You really are an alien? ::)

GA: Indeed, I'm not human or even from your planet. And I am unfamiliar with the expression at the end of your question. What does that mean?

GB: It means I'm thinking, "sure you are. gayer than travelling 90 trillion miles to probe a musclebear's anus hahahaha"

GA: Scepticism noted and understood, but why not ask me something and see what I have to say? Would you like to know the meaning of life, perhaps?

GB: Your mom is the meaning of my life

GA: *Silence*


GA      18:50     Reporting topic to moderator

  Kiwi, the entity is an asexual clone, hence no mom. Hence your joke is a self-ownage. This guy is laughing at you. You can't see him moving his lips because they laugh telepatically. :D :D :D :D



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Re: Grey Alien vs Getbigger
« Reply #153 on: January 31, 2011, 04:18:21 AM »
  Kiwi, the entity is an asexual clone, hence no mom. Hence your joke is a self-ownage. This guy is laughing at you. You can't see him moving his lips because they laugh telepatically. :D :D :D :D


I just wrote it for a laugh. Anyway, you should know by now that facts and logic don't carry much weight in Getbigger arguments or ownages :D


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Grey Alien On Human Dietetic Character.
« Reply #154 on: January 31, 2011, 04:31:51 AM »
  Many people have been wondering what is the ideal diet for Humans. Are Humans better of eating a zero carb diet? A Paleolithic diet? A diet of mostly fruits and vegetables? A diet containing all the four food groups? A Mediterranean diet?

  The alien entity with an IQ approaching 400 settles the issue once and for all. According to the alien, Humans are omnivores but of a very specific kind. We can and profit from eating everything, but not simultaneously. Failing to understand this results in bad health and other problems.

  "Humans are omnivores, as during their evolution they required the ability to eat a broad diet in order to survive. Carnivores develop in species that are swift and voracious, but only where a continuous and ample supply of prey exist. Imagine a tiger with nothing but grass to eat. The tiger may be willing to eat almost anything when the hunger pangs get strong enough, but his digestive system won’t process anything but meat. Carnivores die when their prey dies out. Species that are vegetarians also have specialized digestive tracts, designed to break down the tough fiber that is intrinsic to plant life. They have multiple stomachs in many cases, digesting in stages. All species that eat plants consume insects as a matter of course, as insects are scattered throughout the plants they munch on, and thus are always part of the intake.

Thus, species that evolve are either carnivores, vegetarian, or omnivores. The omnivore, of which mankind is a member, evolve to meet wildly swinging cycles of food availability. Early humans, being land animals and highly mobile, could travel during drought to areas lush with vegetation. Strictly vegetarian animals do this likewise, but as their digestive tracts digest fiber effectively, they can nibble on dried vegetation on the way. Humans, evolved from apes which were adjusted to eating fruits and insects as well as vegetation, do not have the apparatus to digest fiber. Thus, while on the road during droughts, they would have starved unless able to kill and eat meat. They have dual digestive systems, in effect.

Humans are designed, due to the influence of food availability during evolution, to eat either vegetables and fruits or meat, but not both at the same time. This is a fact not widely recognized or understood by humans, and thus they do themselves damage by eating both foods at meals, routinely. Imagine the cave man on the road, traveling to lush fields of vegetation where fruits and grains and tubers could be located with ease. The troop kills a deer or elephant, and feasts on nothing but meat and blood for days, consuming the entire kill before it can spoil. They do this repeatedly while on the road. When they arrive at their destination, they find they no longer need to take the physical risks that hunting invariably presents - flailing hooves and charging frightened beasts. They become vegetarians

  Modern man misunderstands what the cave man ate while lolling about during their vegetarian periods. They did not live strictly on vegetables and fruits and grains. They ate any and everything that was handy, and this included numerous insects and slow moving life forms such as mollusks and possums. They ate less meat, but the diet was highly varied and included occasional small bites from sources other than plants. Thus, those modern humans who try to live what they interpret to be a strictly vegetarian life suffer from malnutrition - poor immunity, anemia, lack of strength, and inability to deal with stress. Man was not designed to live by vegetables alone, and must accommodate their body with protein sources from living creatures other than plants, or suffer the consequences.

  Human nutrition, and alternative medicines such as herbs, is well enough understood by mankind that we can not provide any new insights. In general, eating a balanced diet and eating food raw where it does not carry disease provides the best nutrition. Small meals, eaten frequently, allows for better digestion. The starving body is more efficient at digestion than the overfed, which tends to dispense with a big meal as something to be rid of rather than processed. Humans who have been dictated to by their schools, medical profession, and salesmen for the food industry, have often turned off their natural sensors as to what to eat and how to treat their bodies. Small children, left to pick and chose what to eat from an array of healthy foods, will invariably select a balanced diet over a period of days, and will chose those foods that help their particular metabolism or biology, even without having a medical degree or being directed to do so. If cold weather is approaching, foods that will put on a layer of fat are selected. In hot weather, a lighter diet of salads and fruits is more appealing. These natural signals, which go beyond diet and into health in general, should be listened to. Go back to being a child, in listening to your body, which knows itself well.



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Re: Grey Alien vs Getbigger
« Reply #155 on: January 31, 2011, 04:33:06 AM »
GA punked out faster than FatPanda on a Kit-Kat bender.


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Re: Grey Alien On Capitalism.
« Reply #156 on: January 31, 2011, 04:44:05 AM »
Hi, alien, why do you type everything in big ol' bunched up sentences and bold text?

  Despite their super-intelligence, aliens cannot write properly because they don't use language. They are telepathic. They sentences are masterpieces of logical coherence, but lack the expression of Humans. They sound cold to us. Because they are. Aliens are like Shldon Cooper on brain steroids: close to four times the intelligence of a Human but severely Aspy....



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Re: Grey Alien On Human Dietetic Character.
« Reply #157 on: January 31, 2011, 04:51:33 AM »
Good post, but I'm curious as to what Master Falcon has to say about all of this

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Re: Grey Alien On The Origins Of The Universe.
« Reply #158 on: January 31, 2011, 05:09:03 AM »
  No, I don't feel your pain. In fact, this comment of yours has absolutely nothing in common with my comment on T'bombs.


bullshit you cant argue against complete plant protein combinations and commanding 100% protein absorpability


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Re: Grey Alien vs Getbigger
« Reply #159 on: January 31, 2011, 05:12:30 AM »
LOL funny shit


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Grey Alien On the Origin Of Life.
« Reply #160 on: January 31, 2011, 05:22:42 AM »
  Everyone knows the process of natural selection, where random mutations either surrive or are eliminated by competing to see which can adapt best for survival in the natural environment. But the origin of life eludes our scientists. No one knows how it all started. What caused inanimate matter to become living matter?

  The alien entity explains this to us, but points out that creating life is vastly beyond our current scientific capabilities:

  "Humans assume life to be something vastly different from ordinary matter that is not alive, but this is only due to Humans not being able to see the forest because their brains are only able to perceive the trees. Life is matter utilizing energy, like the heat generated by the fusion of atoms from the Sun making water transform from the liquid to gaseous state, or like the elements inside a star utilizing the weight of it's own gravity to produce heavier and heavier elements. Putting it more forward, matter and energy are also the same unlike what the one called Einstein believed, and energy is nothing more than matter that can move it's position in the field, whilst matter can only move if operated on the energy. Space is merely a field of operation. Life follows the same principle, except that it occurs much faster and with greater complexity than the transformations of elements into different physical states or atoms into heavier atoms."

  How does matter that appears to be nonliving come to life? The process is as follows: elements that form at the core of stars bombard a planet that is suited for life by not being too close to a star that temperatures are too high or too far that is is cold. These elements are amine derived compounds that form under extreme pressures. The amine-related substances then fall into highly acidic mediums. Under the heat of the Sun, water and Oxygen polysaccharides are formed. What is special and that Humans haven't grasped yet, is the special property of a certain nucleic acid that forms by the amine compounds in highly acidic mediums to store memory by a process similar to what crystals store the memory of sound waves that pass through them. Then, an extraodinary event forms. A gigantic burst of a special type of radiation produced by neutron stars happen to bombard the nucleic acid. This radiation is extremely posionous and deleterious to the nucleic acid. It stores the information that the nucleic acid will be destroyed. Thus, the nucleic acid utilizes the available energy of the polysaccharides that surround it to create a copy of itself so that it will continue to exist. It then realizes that more challenges are met and that further adaptations will be required. It then changes itself into DNA so that it can store more complex information and starts to utilize the polysaccharides as fuel and to utilize the amines and acids that surround it to create the building blocks for the body that will enable it to survive. The process of replication starts. Life is born. On your planet, this happened 4.5 billions of your Earth years ago, as a gigantic Supernova on Canis Minora exploded and then collpased into a neutron star, emitting a gigantic burst of radiation that bombarded your planet for nine million years.

  Humans cannot and will not create life in a laboratory. The type of nucleic acid that stores information is a very specific one and there are literally billions that can be made. Humans will never discover which one it is. But even if a Human scientist did, it would be for nothing. It takes millions of years of bombardment from a neutron star to make the nucleic acid to start replicating. Causing this to hapen in a few minutes would require dozens of neutron stars in close proximity and this is vastly beyond the capabilities of Humans. We are vastly more advanced than you, and we cannot create life even though we know how to. More advanced beings than we are, who have evolved for billions of your Earth years, can create life directly. They have evolved beyond matter, time and also energy and exist as pure thought, and they can create life by directly infusing themselves on several levels of consciousness into inanimate matter. They are god-like entities. But creating life through technology is vastly beyond even our capabilities, let alone that of primitive Humans. Creating life is the ultimate technological accomplishment and it is only for gods.



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Re: Grey Alien On The Impossibility Of Artificial Intelligence.
« Reply #161 on: January 31, 2011, 05:39:59 AM »
Some day humans can replicate a human brain in digital form. It's easy, the brain is right there.

  It is not easy at all. Neurons can build and rebuild themselves and self-program themselves according by learning to adapt to it's environment. This is so far beyond what computers can do that it is not funny. Looooool. Seriously, an amoeba has more intelligence and self-awareness than the World's most powerful computer.



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Re: Grey Alien On God.
« Reply #162 on: January 31, 2011, 05:40:53 AM »
 That makes perfect sense since liberals do outscore conservatives in IQ tests, achievement tests, SAT scores and admission to Ivy League universities. Maybe the more intelligent and advanced we become, the more liberal/libertarian we will become. Dumb people tend to be conservative because stupid people fear change because they can't understand it.

  And the grey alien is not necessarily against capitalism. It makes no value-judgement as to whether capitalism is good or bad. It points out that capitalism does work better at creating wealth. It then proceeds to point out that, in capitalism, more material goods are produced but that idiossyncrasies like the top 1% of the earning bracket has 90% of all the wealth are the result of it. The conclusion of the alien seems to be this: under Capitalism, a few enjoy lives of unbounded luxury and pleasure, whilst the rest of the population struggles to just get by. Under communism, all equally starve. Which is better? The alien is silent on this issue. Most of the Humanity has concluded that a system where a few are billionaires and the rest of the population lives modest lives with very little pleasure and leisure is better than a system where everyone equally starves. But just because capitalism is a little better than communism, it does not make the capitalist system good. It is, in fact, animal predation at it's worst.

  And the alien is not against God. It points out that Human relationship to God is very similar to that of a child seeking for a daddy to protect it from the big, bad World. Humans can't deal emotionally with the fact that life is horrible and then you die and that's the end. The horror of this is so great that the only solution Humans have found is to make up a super-daddy up in the skies who will reward them afet death with the good life they didn't have on Earth. Why will super-daddy reward them? Because they were good little boys and girls in this life!

  Does God exist according to the grey alien? It points out that reality is a truth in itself, and thus eternal and inexplicable since any attempts to define it is pointless due to the fact that all definitions of reality are contained in reality itself. All intelligence is also contained in reality. In conclusion: you can call reality God if you want to, but it is certainly not the Christian, Muslim or Buddhist God.


  Coach fucking owned!!!!!



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Re: Grey Alien On The Impossibility Of Artificial Intelligence.
« Reply #163 on: January 31, 2011, 06:26:31 AM »
  It is not easy at all. Neurons can build and rebuild themselves and self-program themselves according by learning to adapt to it's environment. This is so far beyond what computers can do that it is not funny. Looooool. Seriously, an amoeba has more intelligence and self-awareness than the World's most powerful computer.


I agree. It seems several stages away, in terms of both theory and technology, like a mobile phone would be around the time humans were learning to make fire.


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Re: Grey Alien vs Getbigger
« Reply #164 on: January 31, 2011, 06:34:06 AM »
Grey alien, God, devil.... Who care?
They sure have right to complain to us.
Because the people who use them (as the excuse and escaping from the responsability for the purpose of protesting their ego) and doing what they want is US.
So they have never tried to controle us.Never.

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Re: Grey Alien On The Impossibility Of Artificial Intelligence.
« Reply #165 on: January 31, 2011, 06:34:49 AM »
what if an extra terestrial (ET) is in fact a human who extracted himself from earth in the future, went into space, found nothing there then got back to earth and crashed at roswell by mistake? the travel in space/time would have make him come back in time in the 50s even if he left earth in the 3000's (if not later).

The ET/roswell is like a human of today but after hundreds/thousands of years of evolution. think about it, no hair, small, thin, big brain, big eyes, it's exactly the way humans are evolving right at the moment. Might have cybernetics implants, artificials organs that never fail , no need for clothes as his skin adapts itself automatically to heat or cold. Has a "wifi" mind that can penetrates into other forms of life with lower intelligence. He's gray and has big eyes cause he s a mix of asian, caucasian and black, arab humans.

ET is in fact ... a human who evolved, left earth and returned to it.  


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Re: Grey Alien On The Impossibility Of Artificial Intelligence.
« Reply #166 on: January 31, 2011, 06:46:40 AM »
I agree. It seems several stages away, in terms of both theory and technology, like a mobile phone would be around the time humans were learning to make fire.

  Despite the colossal rate of advancement in computer technology, it might take another 50-100 years for us to create full blown A.I and it might never happen.

  The fundamental difference between Human intelligence and computer is that Human neurons can program themselves at will from learned data, whilst computers follow a predetermined program and no matter how sophisticated the chores they are prgrammed to do, they never break free from the program.

  Ray Kurzweil is a charlatan guy who claims that we already have "limited" A.I and that by 2029 we will have the "singularity" as computers become self-aware and start to redesign themselves.  What a load of garbage. What we have are computers programmed to mimic Human mental abilities, such as completing sequences of figures or reading facial expressions. But they are still following a program and they cannot make a single decision by themselves. Even if you programmed it to think like a Human and the simulations of Human mental processes had become sophisticated enough, it would still not be self-aware. I would be something that thought exactly like a Human but would still use it's programmed parameters to determine on what and how it should use it's Human thinking. Some say that the solution would be to give it the ability to analyse data and make decisions based on cause-and-effect from what it learned from decisions made in the past. The programming would be simply to program it so "keep your neural newtwork learning and and don't allow it to be destroyed". This would give it the closest think to a true Human personality, as it would gather data and then have to make arbitrary decisions based on experience on what to do next. Hence, cunning and emotions and self-awareness, which are the characteristics that separates living intelligence from programmed data-procesing. The truth is that little progress has been made since Von Neumann wrote his "Computer And The Brain" in 1954


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Re: Grey Alien On God.
« Reply #167 on: January 31, 2011, 06:52:24 AM »
Hahahahaha, like most libs, he's a delusional clown!


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Re: Grey Alien On Capitalism.
« Reply #168 on: January 31, 2011, 08:38:17 AM »
Fucking WOW.....just REALLY DO NOT GET IT do you?? People like you really think government is the answer and you probably really think government creates jobs don't you? I'm going to ask you the same question I asked Matrix (that i never got an answer from) what country are you from? How old are you? and do you even have a job? Do you even want to succeed financially or just depend on handouts? Define "rich" for me. Am I "rich"? No, but with the exception of my home(s), I have no debt, not even credit cards, I have a healthy six figure income from a business I built from scratch, money in the bank, etc, etc, etc. No dude, most people are just fucking lazy and are content with what they have and complain about people who have more. You really do not get it!!

im from america and have been here all my life. what exactly do you do...what business did you start that you are now living well off of?


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Re: Grey Alien On The Impossibility Of Artificial Intelligence.
« Reply #169 on: January 31, 2011, 05:56:10 PM »
  Wow, some imbecile moderator merged all the alien questions into a single thread. That ruined it.



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Re: Grey Alien On The Impossibility Of Artificial Intelligence.
« Reply #170 on: January 31, 2011, 09:14:57 PM »
what if an extra terestrial (ET) is in fact a human who extracted himself from earth in the future, went into space, found nothing there then got back to earth and crashed at roswell by mistake? the travel in space/time would have make him come back in time in the 50s even if he left earth in the 3000's (if not later).

The ET/roswell is like a human of today but after hundreds/thousands of years of evolution. think about it, no hair, small, thin, big brain, big eyes, it's exactly the way humans are evolving right at the moment. Might have cybernetics implants, artificials organs that never fail , no need for clothes as his skin adapts itself automatically to heat or cold. Has a "wifi" mind that can penetrates into other forms of life with lower intelligence. He's gray and has big eyes cause he s a mix of asian, caucasian and black, arab humans.

ET is in fact ... a human who evolved, left earth and returned to it.  


his flux capcitator prob broke and he was stuck in 1955 - fckn a

he prob needed the 1.21 jigawatts in order to generate enough energy to get back to the yr 3000 to his dad whos a pussy and gets housed by biff everyday of his worthless fatpanda phone station manager life


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Grey Alien On God.
« Reply #171 on: February 01, 2011, 08:36:49 AM »
  Do aliens believe in God? Does God exist? The alien entity with an IQ approaching 400 was asked this question during a channeling session and this was what it had to say:

  "Humans quite naturally tend to think of their relationship to a god in child-to-parent terms, an outgrowth not only from their impressionable early years but also from their general sense of hopelessness in being able to control their environment. They remain, to a certain extent, a child always, the child within masked by the face of adulthood but inwardly looking to a parent to rescue them or guide them. The concept of a god as something larger and more powerful than the self, who makes things happen, begins in the helpless babe who finds himself cared for whether he asks for it or not, but mostly when he fusses. The concept of prayer is born - I ask and most of the time I receive. Molding the infant's behavior to meet the expectations of the family or social group begins early, with a sharp verbal or physical reprimand when the babe exhibits the wrong behavior. The concept of a punishing god is born.

A careful analysis of the organized religions in human society reveals the child's view toward a parent in almost every aspect. Parents expect the child to contribute to the upkeep around the home by doing chores or handing over their earnings to the parents, and organized religions expect no less from their members. Unquestioning obedience is another parental expectation, most often necessary as during a crisis there is no time to explain to the child why they must follow orders without hesitation. A child putting himself or others in danger must first follow orders and can only ask for an explanation later, if at all. Organized religions take great advantage of this early training, parsing out rules and commandments supposedly coming from a god who cannot be questioned. Rewards for good behavior in most human societies are simply the absence of punishment or privation - do well and you can continue to sleep under the parental roof and sit at the dinner table. Likewise, organized religions phrase the eventual rewards as a right to belong as well as avoidance of various punishments.

Conscious, intelligent life throughout the Universe develops the god concept in very similar ways. Any force outside of the control of the self, able to give life by providing sustenance or inclusion in the group or take away life through privation or expulsion or punishment is seen as a god. In human societies attempts to bribe or placate the god naturally follow along the lines of what worked with the parents. If parental rage dissipates when gifts are offered then the god is likewise offered gifts. If the parents are looking to punish a wrong-doer and the children assign one of their number to take this punishment as a scapegoat then likewise the god may be offered sacrificial scapegoats. Kings, wealthy patrons, and visitors from outer space all can fit into the god mold by virtue of their power to affect the lives of the humans in awe of them. For a god concept to emerge, there must also be a sense of helplessness on the part of the supplicant, a sense that they are powerless to affect the outcome except by offering bribes or scapegoats



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Grey Alien On The Origins Of The Universe.
« Reply #172 on: February 01, 2011, 08:38:10 AM »
  Ok, this is the last one. No more answers from the grey!

The alien entity with an IQ approaching 400 answers the question during a channeling session of why and how the Universe began. Is it boundless? Is it eternal? What was there before the Big Bang when even time didn't exist? Here is it's reply:

  "Because Humans had a beggining, and were in part manufactured, they assume the Universe also had a beggining and that it was manufactured. And because every effect has a cause, they assume that something or someone must have manufactured it. But reality contains everything and is contained by nothing. Therefore, the very process that created the Universe, if there ever was one, is contained in reality itself. This means that reality has always existed in some way. Always pressuposes the existence of time, and time is a function of matter, where the interactions between it's properties must follow the pattern of effects following causes, and this oderly perception of physical interactions is what time is. But time has always existed as a potential. Imagine there is no matter, hence no time, but the set of potentials that gave birth to the Universe represent something, namely, conceptual, intelligent determinations. These conceptual determinations could be seen as proto-causes, although not true causes, and since the effects that follow causes are perceived as the passage of time, and since the first cause could be seen as an effect of the conceptual determination that made them come into being, then time existed as a potential before the physical Universe - not exatly the same as reality itself - came into being. What Humans call the Big Bang was not the beggining of the Universe, but merely the expansion of part of the Universe according to a certain set of physical constants. We have already explained how physical laws work with the concept of balance. How for the force of attraction there is the force of repulsion, and so forth. The Big Bang was nothing more than the repulsion force in overload, that acted to counter the excess of attraction that crowded enormous amounts of matter into a tiny space, and it affected only a small part of the Universe as a whole. The crunch rearranges matter according to new physical laws that will act when matter is expanded, and these laws are tweeked in every crunch as matter tries to find a perfect balance where crunches will no longer be necessary. This explanation is limited and imprecise, but it is the best that Humans could understand with their intelligence and scientific knowledge.

  The vast Universe, which so intrigues man, has mysteries seemingly out of the reach of man. How big is it? Does it have boundaries? Does it go forever, or is it circular? Is it all an illusion? Is it homogeneous throughout? So many questions. Does the Universe have physical boundaries? We do not know, nor are we allowed to know in the density we are in, 4th Density. To us, with our instruments and in our travels, it appears to be boundless. We travel only so much, using home as a base, and limit our travels not because of distance but due to what is known about certain parts of the Universe, which would be poisonous to us. We too use probes, set to take their measures and return. This is the manner by which your Solar System was located, not by us, but by others. If the probe returns with data that indicates an environment that would be poisonous or quickly fatal, we do not, understandably, explore that part of the Universe. Travel by pure thought, which more advanced civilization in 5th density use, does not have these setbacks.

Different sections of the Universe have different compositions. By this we mean the elements are found in different proportions and the resultant chemical reactions that ensue therefore have different characteristics. Some worlds have silicon based life. Some suns emit radiation that is poisonous to us and would be to you also. Those environments contain severe dangers, as silicon based microbes are ones your immune system could not begin to muster a defense against. An analogy we could use is the soil across a terrain. One place is acidic and is covered with moss, another has soil that compacts into rock-like hardness, discouraging probing roots. The variables are many, and any horticulturist will tell you that a wildflower taken from one location could not be expected to grow in another. Just so is the Universe, we have discovered, and the mix of elements that compose the soil in this section of the Universe is our and your niche. Incarnated, we are not allowed, not able, to explore outside this niche.

Beyond some simple statements, we are not at liberty to explain the Universe to humans, as we are restrained by the Rule of Non-Interference and also by our ignorance. For you, it seems that the Universe is limitless, and boundless, and is not an illusion. So be it, as for you that is a reality and in particular the reality which you must live in. It is also the reality which we, the ones you call Greys, must live in, and in truth we do not know that much more about the functioning of the Universe than you do. The Universe holds secrets that we are not allowed to know at this time, at our stage of evolution These questions must go unanswered, for the time being".



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Grey Alien On Capitalism.
« Reply #173 on: February 01, 2011, 08:39:32 AM »
  The alien entity with an IQ approaching 400 explains during a channeling session why Capitalism is the predominant system in Human societies.

  "The secret of Capitalism's success relies on superior maximization of utility. Humans evolved from territorial apes where superior reproductive opportunity comes to those who conquer more territory than others. To the victors, the spoils, to the vanquished, becoming the spoils of the victors. Thus, the possibility of individual aggrandizement is the most powerful motivator of Human action and thus a system that rewards one with the biggest possibility of self-aggradizement works best. Also, resources are managed more effectively by one or a few people rather than many. When trying to coordinate action of large numbers of people, information is utilized less effectively due to problems of communication. Unlike us, the ones you call Greys, who are telepathic, Humans utilize language to convey information, and language is too imprecise and too little descriptive to convey information effectively. The larger the number of people involved in a task, the less likely the task is to be done effectively due to the many problems of communication that arrise. Thus capitalism results in superior maximization of utility by better motivating people to achieve and to use resources effectively, and by superior micro-management of resources by dividing the economy into millions of managers instead of a few. In a communist country, large bureacracies manage the economy poorly because they have no motivation for self-aggrandizement besides the rare promotion in the Party and because a few bureacrats cannot possibly organize the millions of variables involved in managing an economy effectively."

  Regarding capitalism, with its arguments that the whole benefits from the avarice and greed of the few. Proponents point to the United States or other western civilizations as proof of the theory. Where in truth there are the wealthy, as there always are in every civilization, nevertheless poverty still reigns for the masses. Is your United States any different, in truth? How many citizens are starving on the streets, in increasing numbers? How many tiny school children sit with hollow eyes because their bellies are cramping in an insistent demand for the breakfast they never seem to get? How many families try to make moldy, bug ridden quarters cheerful, with not much more than a plucked dandelion or two. Children playing in the mud because this is their only toy. This is Capitalism's outcome despite it's superior effectiveness at generating material good. In point of fact, these statistics would be a thousand times worse if Capitalism were allowed to run full course. It is held in check by your laws.



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Grey Alien On Human Dietetic Character.
« Reply #174 on: February 01, 2011, 08:41:20 AM »
  Many people have been wondering what is the ideal diet for Humans. Are Humans better of eating a zero carb diet? A Paleolithic diet? A diet of mostly fruits and vegetables? A diet containing all the four food groups? A Mediterranean diet?

  The alien entity with an IQ approaching 400 settles the issue once and for all. According to the alien, Humans are omnivores but of a very specific kind. We can and profit from eating everything, but not simultaneously. Failing to understand this results in bad health and other problems.

  "Humans are omnivores, as during their evolution they required the ability to eat a broad diet in order to survive. Carnivores develop in species that are swift and voracious, but only where a continuous and ample supply of prey exist. Imagine a tiger with nothing but grass to eat. The tiger may be willing to eat almost anything when the hunger pangs get strong enough, but his digestive system won’t process anything but meat. Carnivores die when their prey dies out. Species that are vegetarians also have specialized digestive tracts, designed to break down the tough fiber that is intrinsic to plant life. They have multiple stomachs in many cases, digesting in stages. All species that eat plants consume insects as a matter of course, as insects are scattered throughout the plants they munch on, and thus are always part of the intake.

Thus, species that evolve are either carnivores, vegetarian, or omnivores. The omnivore, of which mankind is a member, evolve to meet wildly swinging cycles of food availability. Early humans, being land animals and highly mobile, could travel during drought to areas lush with vegetation. Strictly vegetarian animals do this likewise, but as their digestive tracts digest fiber effectively, they can nibble on dried vegetation on the way. Humans, evolved from apes which were adjusted to eating fruits and insects as well as vegetation, do not have the apparatus to digest fiber. Thus, while on the road during droughts, they would have starved unless able to kill and eat meat. They have dual digestive systems, in effect.

Humans are designed, due to the influence of food availability during evolution, to eat either vegetables and fruits or meat, but not both at the same time. This is a fact not widely recognized or understood by humans, and thus they do themselves damage by eating both foods at meals, routinely. Imagine the cave man on the road, traveling to lush fields of vegetation where fruits and grains and tubers could be located with ease. The troop kills a deer or elephant, and feasts on nothing but meat and blood for days, consuming the entire kill before it can spoil. They do this repeatedly while on the road. When they arrive at their destination, they find they no longer need to take the physical risks that hunting invariably presents - flailing hooves and charging frightened beasts. They become vegetarians

  Modern man misunderstands what the cave man ate while lolling about during their vegetarian periods. They did not live strictly on vegetables and fruits and grains. They ate any and everything that was handy, and this included numerous insects and slow moving life forms such as mollusks and possums. They ate less meat, but the diet was highly varied and included occasional small bites from sources other than plants. Thus, those modern humans who try to live what they interpret to be a strictly vegetarian life suffer from malnutrition - poor immunity, anemia, lack of strength, and inability to deal with stress. Man was not designed to live by vegetables alone, and must accommodate their body with protein sources from living creatures other than plants, or suffer the consequences.

  Human nutrition, and alternative medicines such as herbs, is well enough understood by mankind that we can not provide any new insights. In general, eating a balanced diet and eating food raw where it does not carry disease provides the best nutrition. Small meals, eaten frequently, allows for better digestion. The starving body is more efficient at digestion than the overfed, which tends to dispense with a big meal as something to be rid of rather than processed. Humans who have been dictated to by their schools, medical profession, and salesmen for the food industry, have often turned off their natural sensors as to what to eat and how to treat their bodies. Small children, left to pick and chose what to eat from an array of healthy foods, will invariably select a balanced diet over a period of days, and will chose those foods that help their particular metabolism or biology, even without having a medical degree or being directed to do so. If cold weather is approaching, foods that will put on a layer of fat are selected. In hot weather, a lighter diet of salads and fruits is more appealing. These natural signals, which go beyond diet and into health in general, should be listened to. Go back to being a child, in listening to your body, which knows itself well."