Author Topic: Liberal Media Bias  (Read 172028 times)

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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #100 on: July 11, 2012, 01:04:18 PM »
The Fox News ticker:  "House Passes Repeal of ObamaCare."

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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #101 on: July 20, 2012, 04:45:24 PM »
Aurora Shooting: ABC's Brian Ross Incorrectly Suggests Tea Party Link (VIDEO)
The Huffington Post  |  By Jack Mirkinson Posted: 07/20/2012 10:08 am Updated: 07/20/2012 1:12 pm

ABC's Brian Ross got himself into trouble on Friday when he incorrectly suggested there may have been a link between the alleged shooter in the Colorado theater tragedy and the Tea Party. Both Ross and the network later apologized for making the claim.

Ross' comments came after federal officials informed news outlets that the suspect was named James Holmes. George Stephanopoulos threw to him on "Good Morning America" by saying, "You've been investigating the background of Jim Holmes here. You found something that might be significant."

"There's a Jim Holmes of Aurora, Colorado, page on the Colorado Tea party site as well, talking about him joining the Tea Party last year," Ross said. "Now, we don't know if this is the same Jim Holmes. But it's Jim Holmes of Aurora, Colorado."

The page that Ross seems to have been looking at has no identifiable information about the person on it other than his name.

After President Obama's remarks on the shooting, Ross returned to air to give more information about Holmes' background and clarified his earlier report. "An earlier report that I had was incorrect that he was connected with the Tea Party in fact that’s a different Jim Holmes," he said. "He was not connected to the Tea Party and what we do know about him is he is a 24 year old white male who went to Colorado for a PHD."

The network also apologized for the incorrect report online. "ABC News and Brian Ross apologize for the mistake, and for disseminating that information before it was properly vetted," an editor's note read.

No other network apparently made this link. Ross drew criticism from both the left and the right after the comments.

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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #102 on: July 20, 2012, 05:04:44 PM »
Bozell: ABC's Disgraceful Rush to Judgment on the Tea Party ^ | July 20, 2012 | Brent Bozell
Posted on July 20, 2012 8:02:34 PM EDT by Kaslin

This morning, in the aftermath of the unspeakable Colorado massacre that claimed at least 12 innocent American lives and injured dozens more, ABC "news" investigative reporter Brian Ross appeared on ABC's Good Morning America and made the outrageous, irresponsible, and completely unfounded claim that the alleged gunman, 24-year-old Jim Holmes, is a member of the Tea Party. Apparently Ross has learned absolutely nothing from the media's disgraceful rush to judgment and dissemination of misinformation following the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in January 2011.
That's twice now that the "news" media have falsely implicated the Tea Party in murder.

In his brazen attempt to smear the Tea Party, Ross speculated on national television to millions of viewers that Holmes was a member of the Tea Party based on a social media webpage. When it became apparent that this accusation was false, ABC offered an apology, but they chose to release it online where only a fraction of Good Morning America's misinformed viewers would see it. In addition, Ross had the gall to appear on ABC News to correct himself without offering an on-air apology.
Ross slandered every American even loosely associated with the Tea Party, and he owes them an apology. He must also apologize to Good Morning America's audience, the James Holmes he falsely implicated of mass murder, and, most of all, to each and every person in Colorado directly or indirectly affected by this horrific tragedy.
In a moment that demanded clarity of thought and purpose, Ross rushed to slander those with whom he does not agree politically, exposing the depths and darkness of his political prejudices. Shame on Brian Ross, and shame on ABC News for not yet demanding he look directly into the camera and beg forgiveness for politicizing this terrible event. Ross' meek Twitter apology is a cynically insincere slap in the face to us all.

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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #103 on: July 26, 2012, 12:16:51 PM »
ABC Praised Free Speech of 'Spirited' Dixie Chicks, Slams Chick-Fil-A for 'Firestorm'
By Scott Whitlock | July 26, 2012

Even as Democratic official like Rahm Emanuel promise to use their government power to punish Chick-fil-A, Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos and Ron Claiborne on Thursday derided the fast food chain's president for speaking out against gay marriage, chiding the "firestorm" and food fight" the company has created. [See video below. MP3 here.] In contrast, the same program in 2006 praised the "spirited" and "unbowed" Dixie Chicks for expressing their First Amendment rights by trashing then-President Bush.

Co-anchor George Stephanopoulos insisted that CEO Dan Cathy's comments in support of traditional marriage have "sparked a firestorm across the Internet." Reporter Ron Claiborne mocked, "This food fight, George, is very rapidly turning into a full scale culture war." Claiborne listed Roseanne Barr, as just another celebrity, along with Ed Helms, who has spoken out against Chick-fil-A. He failed to mention Barr's deranged rants, including tweeting that "anyone who eats S--t Fil-A deserves to get the cancer."

Claiborne's report included one clip of Cathy defending himself, but also played up Chicago's mayor, Rahm Emanuel, "vowing to block the opening of a new Chick-fil-A" and proclaiming that "Chick-fil-A's values are not our values." The journalist ignored the obvious First Amendment aspect of this story.

CNN, however, did not. On Starting Point, panelist Will Cain explained, "...This is a blatant, easy, open and shut case of a First Amendment violation in Chicago. You cannot deny permits to someone based on their political opinion. You just simply cannot."

CNN even allowed Cain to get in this shot: "Rahm Emanuel is also the one who is the little tyrant opposed to the First Amendment as well...Tyranny comes in the form of good intentions."

Lawyer Mark Geragos added, "All they are doing is trying to regulate this guy's speech."

In contrast, then-co-host Diane Sawyer fawned over the First Amendment struggles of the Dixie Chicks. On May 23, 2006, Sawyer spun their attacks on George W. Bush this way:

'Three years ago, as everyone knows, [Dixie Chicks] lead singer Natalie Maines said — about the impending war in Iraq — said she was ashamed that President Bush was from her home state, Texas. The reaction to her words was seismic and from some people even vicious....[Today] they are spirited, unbowed and they are back with a new single called 'Not Ready to Make Nice.''
— Sawyer introducing a taped interview with the Dixie Chicks on ABC's Good Morning America, May 23, 2006.

In the piece, Thursday, Claiborne featured Eric Bovim of Gibraltar Associates Public Relations. The PR exec lectured that if a company is going to speak out, they need to make sure that the "constituency that you're offending isn't active and isn't vocal and isn't going to come out against you." The journalist also compared the situation to when JC Penney was pressured to dump the gay Ellen Degeneres as a spokeswoman.
For that story, on May 12, 2012, Claiborne did a report on the controversy. He featured the same hectoring Bovim. The segment played up the "modern marketing."

NBC's Today only covered the Chick-fil-A story in a news brief. Hoda Kotb noted, "A Chicago official has joined the mayor of Boston in vowing to block Chick-Fil-A from opening restaurants in other cities." She added that "Activists on both sides plan demonstrations next week at Chick-Fil-A stores nationwide." CBS This Morning did not cover the story.

A transcript of the July 26 segment, which aired at 7:15, follows:

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Now, one of the most popular fast food chains in the country is under fire this morning. The president of Chick-fil-A has taken a very public against same sex marriage. And that has sparked a firestorm across the internet. Politicians on both sides have weighed in. The Muppets, too. ABC's Ron Claiborne takes a closer look at the controversy and what it's going to mean for the company, Ron.

RON CLAIBORNE: That is right, George. Chick-fil-A did try and do some damage control later. But they're really embroiled in quite a disagreement with the public. A lot of people very upset about their statement that is by the CEO saying that he thinks same-sex marriage is- should not be allowed. Dan Cathy, the head of Chick-fil-A, is an outspoken Christian conservative and this time he is speaking out loudly against gay marriage.

DAN CATHY: I think we're inviting God's judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at him and say, you know, we know better than you at what constitutes a marriage.

CLAIBORNE: His comments are provoking a powerful backlash. The city of Chicago vowing to block the opening of a new Chick-fil-A.

RAHM EMANUEL: Chick-fil-A's values are not our values.

CLAIBORNE: Boston's mayor and a Philadelphia councilman also condemning Chick-fil-A. And the Henson company announced it would end a marketing deal with the fast food chain to put Muppets toys in kids meals. And celebrities, from Miley Cyrus to Roseanne Barr, to Ed Helms of The Office, vowing to boycott. Tweeted Helms, "Chick-fil-A doesn't like gay people? Hate to think what they do to gay chickens. Lost a loyal fan."

ERIC BOVIM (Gibraltar Associates Public Relations): If you're going to wade into social issues, you've got to be sure that the constituency that you're offending isn't active and isn't vocal and isn't going to come out against you.

CLAIBORNE: The cultural clash is reminiscent of what happened when JC Penney hired Ellen DeGeneres as its celebrity endorser. Conservative groups called for a boycott of the retail giant.

ELLEN DEGENERES: Normally, I try not to pay attention to my haters, but this time I'd like to talk about it because my haters are my motivators.

CLAIBORNE: But even as Chick-fil-A is coming under siege from some quarters, some conservatives are rallying behind it. Two former Republican presidential candidates, Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum are calling for national show of support by eating at Chick fil-As on August 1st. And in that statement to ABC News, Chick-fil-A said it treats everyone, regardless of sexual orientation, with, quote, "honor, dignity and respect." But then, the company stoked things some more, saying that it dropped Henson as a partner, even before Henson cut its ties to them because of what Chick-fil-A claims were safety concerns about the toys in children's meals. This food fight, George, is very rapidly turning into a full scale culture war.

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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #104 on: July 27, 2012, 07:55:38 PM »
The video is pretty compelling.  No question there is an ongoing attempt by liberals and the media to smear the Tea Party. 


Media make Tea Party frequent suspect following shooting attacks
Published July 27, 2012

June 2, 2012: Spectators applaud at a rally held by the Racine Tea Party PAC in Gorney Park in Caledonia, Wis. (AP)

ABC News had to quickly apologize last week after star correspondent Brian Ross suggested on air that the Colorado massacre suspect was tied to the Tea Party.

He wasn't.

But it was hardly the first time a reporter or columnist has implicated the conservative grassroots network during the moments following a high-profile attack. The Media Research Center, a conservative media watchdog group, has strung together a video chock-full of examples of this since the dawn of the Tea Party in 2009.

The Tea Party suspicion first started to pick up steam early the following year. After a white professor killed three colleagues in Alabama in a terrible shooting spree in February 2010, the Forbes-funded online site True/Slant published an article asking: "Does racism explain the 'tenure shooting' and Tea Party movement?"

The writer posited that the shooting, combined with the "success of the Tea Party movement," together proved that America was not yet in a post-racial period.

Then when Joseph Stack flew a plane into a Texas office building containing an IRS outpost, The New York Times ran a column asking: "The First Tea-Party Terrorist?"

After that, when a would-be bomber tried unsuccessfully to strike Times Square in May, an article in The Nation cast doubt on the idea that the Pakistani Taliban was involved -- pointing instead to disgruntled Tea Partiers.

"That's possible. But it seems far more likely to me that the perpetrator of the bungled Times Square bomb plot was either a lone nut job or a member of some squirrely branch of the Tea Party, anti-government far right," the article said.

Pakistani-American Faisal Shahzad, who has no known Tea Party ties and was allegedly helped by the Pakistani Taliban, was ultimately convicted in that case.

Click here to see the MRC video.

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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #105 on: July 30, 2012, 04:47:18 AM »

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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #106 on: July 30, 2012, 09:39:28 AM »
Doh!  lol

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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #107 on: July 30, 2012, 01:00:18 PM »
CNN issues apology for 'Stupid Girls' song before Palin story
Published July 30, 2012

CNN has issued an apology for playing a song titled “Stupid Girls” before a segment about Sarah Palin.

“The music selection was a poor choice and was not intended to be linked to any news story. We regret any perception that they were planned together,” a CNN spokesperson told the blog site Mediate.

The song by Pink was the lead-in to a story about the former Alaska governor and 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate supporting Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy, who is facing public backlash for opposing same-sex marriage.

Palin stopped by one of the fast-food restaurants with husband Todd on Sunday, then posted a picture of the visit on Twitter and her Facebook page.

She also posted the message: “Stopped by Chick-fil-A in the Woodlands to support a great business.”

CNN anchor Randi Kaye started the story by saying, “Sarah Palin is apparently hungry for chicken and controversy.”

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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #108 on: July 31, 2012, 02:09:11 PM »
NPR analyst describes Romney's Poland stop as appeal to 'ethnic white voters'
Published July 31, 2012

NPR analyst Cokie Roberts claimed on air that Mitt Romney's stop in Poland was meant to excite "ethnic white voters."

The comment Monday came as the Republican presidential candidate landed in Poland for the final leg of his three-country tour.

Roberts, also an analyst with ABC News, inferred that the visit is essentially a bid to attract former Reagan Democrats, especially "descendants" of Polish people.

"You remember well the Reagan Democrats, those ethnic white voters who had been Democrats for many years, turned out for Ronald Reagan and have been fairly predictable Republicans since then," Roberts said. "Now, it's a smaller percentage of the population, of the voting population than it used to be, but white voters are still much more Republican than any other group in the electorate.

"They went for McCain in 2008 by 55 percent, and I think that, you know, getting those ethnic voters excited is really what Romney has in mind here. It's more for the folks at home, the descendants of the people that he will be speaking to in Poland," she said.

Indeed, Poland has a strong Catholic population and the trip could be aimed in part at appealing to some of those voters in the U.S.

But Romney's visit has been typically portrayed as having more context to it than a bid for Polish-American support. While in Poland, Romney has stressed the alliance between Poland and the U.S., in an implicit dig at President Obama's allegedly accommodating policies toward Russia.

Plus Romney used an address in Warsaw to herald Poland's free-market policies that helped the country break from the doctrine of Communism, in turn promoting the economic policies he has made a centerpiece of his campaign.

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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #109 on: August 01, 2012, 09:13:22 AM »
Ann Romney slammed for $990 Shirt, Michelle Obama praised for $6,800 jacket
By Hollie McKay
Pop Tarts
Published August 01, 2012

Back in May, Ann Romney, wife of Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney, wore a $990 Reed Krakoff silk shirt for a media appearance. The item of clothing set off a media firestorm, with the Romneys widely accused of being “out of touch” with average Americans.

In particular, the Washington Post wrote that the $990 blouse “will not help her husband change those perceptions, no matter how many Laundromat photo ops are on the campaign’s itinerary.”
Fast forward to last Friday, when First Lady Michelle Obama attended an Olympics reception for heads of state at Buckingham Palace, donning a J. Mendel cap sleeve jacket from the 2013 Resort collection.
The price-tag? $6,800.

This time, the Washington Post simply described the intricacies of the jacket and noted that Mrs. Obama has previously been criticized for “not dressing up enough for Queen Elizabeth II, so she stepped up her game.” No snide remarks, no outrage over the cost, no suggestion she was “out of touch.”

“The media’s overabundant love affair with the Obamas has become increasingly blatant as this election draws nearer. Scrutinizing Mrs. Romney for a fashion choice that cost considerably less than that of the First Lady is yet another example of the media being purely sanctimonious,” former political publicist Angie Meyer told “The media continues to relish their roles as liberal bullies, and have relentlessly bullied the Romneys from the beginning. It is pure hypocrisy at its finest.”

Glenn Selig of The Publicity Agency concurred.

“The media will not stay quiet on the issue because wealth remains a big issue with the Romneys. It is not his fault that he's wealthy, but the media is portraying it as a liability,” Selig said.

Dan Gainor, VP of Business and Culture for Media Research Center in Washington DC, said it’s “just the latest example of a consistent media theme that somehow Romney is too wealthy and out of touch because he's a millionaire. Except of course that Obama is also a millionaire. “

Some also highlighted the apparent hypocrisy on Twitter. “And you thought the Romneys were out of touch?” tweeted one, while another wondered who had to pay for the almost $7,000 dress, and another balked that the “jacket would put a lot of food on the table of one of the 25M unemployed people in USA.”

Not everyone’s nose was out of joint, however. Media commentator Jenn Hoffman told that “Americans need to face the fact that with our current system, politicians need to have money. That is how they get into the office in the first place. If you are near the White House, you have access to serious cash and much of that cash is spent on honing your image.”

Mark Joseph, producer of “Wild Card: The Promise & Peril of Sarah Palin,” added that “Mrs. Romney's wardrobe expenses are certainly fair game, but so are Mrs. Obama's, and political reporters have got to do a better job of being even-handed."

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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #110 on: August 03, 2012, 09:24:15 AM »
Lead story on Fox  "Wrong-Way Growth:  Jobless Jumps in July as New Hiring Remains Slow."

Buried on  "July hiring up." 

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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #111 on: August 03, 2012, 11:50:09 AM »
The big bash: 86 percent of Romney coverage negative
By Jennifer Harper - The Washington Times

August 3, 2012, 01:24PM

Media bias has gone from bad to ridiculous.

During Mitt Romney's overseas visit earlier this week, 86 percent of the coverage on ABC, CBS and NBC "emphasized Romney's perceived gaffes," according to a content analysis of 21 major news stories by the Media Research Center, which also compared Mr. Romney's trip to a similar excursion made by President Obama in 2008.

The results: The broadcast networks committed 53 minutes of almost entirely negative coverage to Mr. Romney, and 92 minutes of "gushing" to Mr. Obama.

"The near unanimous negativity of their coverage is as outrageous as it is transparent," observes the center's founder Brent Bozell. "It's impossible to look at the fawning coverage of Obama's trip in 2008 compared to the sliming Romney has taken in 2012 and not see a clear agenda on the part of the liberal media."

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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #112 on: August 03, 2012, 06:22:36 PM »
is there a category for this kind of bias?  :D
LOL, I guess it's only wrong if a lib does it... 

[ Invalid YouTube link ]

Our resident mother hen was quite upset about it but maybe that's because it involved a fellow batshit crazy fundie

Owning?  That's friggin stupid.  Shouldn't be using the kid as a prop like that. 

Agree.  She did the right thing.  Shame on the mother for forcing her little kid to get involved with something like this. 

of course Joe Loco had a similar opinion

Really? Is she supposed to argue or debate an eight year old? Especially one who has been brainwashed? Seriously? Liberals lack of commonsense amazes me more and more every day.

Because SM, the kid doesn't know any better.

Let's not forget Bereft Fury

I've always found it amusing how leftists whore their children out for political gain. It's quite comical really considering some of the situations they put these kids in despite supposedly being all about protecting them or something.

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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #113 on: August 07, 2012, 12:07:50 PM »
Chick-fil-A Controversy Exposes Media's Anti-Christian Bias and Free Speech Double Standard
Coalition of Citizens Against Religious Bigotry Outraged Over Media Smears
Published: 8/7/2012

ALEXANDRIA, VA – Through the coalition of Citizens Against Religious Bigotry (CARB), more than 20 conservative leaders have joined Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell in raising their voices in support of religious freedom and our Constitutionally protected right to free speech. The controversy over Chick-fil-A exposed the rampant anti-Christian bias and First Amendment double standard characteristic of liberal media.

What began with Chick-fil-A President and COO Dan Cathy’s unremarkable comments affirming his family’s belief in the traditional definition of marriage swiftly and loudly escalated into a contrived culture war fueled by the liberal media:

1. On Wednesday, August 1, the night of Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day, CBS Evening News ignored the story entirely while NBC Nightly News aired five different clips of anti-Chick-fil-A protesters to offset the hundreds of thousands who showed up in support of traditional marriage and freedom of speech.

2. On Thursday morning, the networks continued their smear campaign against Cathy as an anti-gay bigot and Chick-fil-A’s Christian principals as hate speech. CBS This Morning’s anchor Charlie Rose vilified patrons as anti-gay, stating that “thousands went there to eat and to make a statement - a statement against same sex marriage.” On Friday morning, Good Morning America’s Steve Osunsami similarly slandered Chick-fil-A and its leadership, mischaracterizing Chick-fil-A’s pro-traditional marriage stance as a “fight against gay Americans and gay marriage.”

3. The media underplayed gross government overreach by Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Boston Mayor Tom Menino when they pledged to ban Chick-fil-A from doing business in their cities. If a conservative mayor had tried blocking a pro-gay marriage business from opening through the threat of government reprisal, the media would be calling for his resignation.

4. When the media-hyped “Kiss-in” counter protest planned for Friday fizzled, the media omitted any substantial coverage of its embarrassing failure. If a large-scale Tea Party rally had been such a flop, the liberal media wouldn’t be able to talk about it enough.

“It’s a double standard as old as the liberal media itself,” stated Media Research Center President Brent Bozell. “If it’s part of the liberal agenda, it’s protected free speech. If it isn’t, it’s bigotry. The media smeared anyone who lined up for a chicken sandwich as an anti-gay bigot instead of a proud Christian or free speech patriot, and when the counter-protest flopped, they were predictably silent. Thanks to Chick-fil-A, the media’s liberal bias was stark naked for all to see.”

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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #114 on: August 07, 2012, 02:17:52 PM »
Fisking Fiske’s Record

Virginia Politifact editor has history of voting in Democratic primaries

BY: Bill McMorris
August 7, 2012 2:41 pm

An influential Virginia fact-checker accused of anti-Republican bias has a history of tilting left, according to documents obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.
Warren Fiske, editor of Politifact Virginia, has voted in Democratic primaries in all but one of the last 6 major election cycles. Virginia does not have party registration, allowing voters to select the ballot of their choice during the March primary. Fiske opted for a Republican primary ballot in 2005 when then-Lt. Gov. Tim Kaine ran unopposed for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination.
Fiske’s votes would have violated the ethics policies of the Roanoke Times.
“Staffers should … avoid active involvement in partisan political causes—including participation in primaries or meetings to choose political candidates—community affairs, social actions or demonstrations that could compromise or seem to compromise our ability to report, edit or photograph fairly,” the paper’s employee conduct guidelines state.
Former Washington Post Executive Editor Leonard Downie held himself to similar standards when he first took control of the newsroom.
“I decided not to vote beginning in 1984 when I became managing editor. … I was the gatekeeper for what went into the paper, so it was important to not bring my own opinions [into the newsroom],” he said in a phone interview.
Downie, however, does not believe that newsrooms should bar reporters from voting.
“I made my decision, but everybody on staff was free to make theirs—we had plenty of ‘I Voted’ stickers on Election Day,” he said. “Any step an individual needs to take to not be biased, they should take that step. If they have a strong opinion about an issue, they should recuse their coverage.”
Ginger Stanley, director of the Virginia Press Association, echoed that sentiment, saying reporters “are voting as citizens in their jurisdiction, which in no way reflects their role as journalists.”
Politifact Virginia is one of 11 state branches of Politifact, a St. Petersburg-based news service that monitors statements made by lawmakers and candidates. Its reporters assign one of six “truth ratings,” ranging from Pants on Fire (ridiculous lie) to True (accurate, “nothing missing”).
As an editor, Fiske is in charge of selecting topics to cover, review each analysis, and approve the reporter’s recommended “Truth-O-Meter” rating.
Fiske declined to comment, directing the Washington Free Beacon to the communications team of  Politifact Virginia’s partner, the Richmond Times-Dispatch. Neither Politifact nor its partner, the Richmond Times-Dispatch, returned calls for comment.
Under Fiske’s leadership, the site has faced mounting criticism from the state GOP for perceived bias against Republican Senate candidate George Allen and Gov. Bob McDonnell. In July, the party released a comprehensive study of Politifact VA’s rating system that found that the site targeted Republicans over Democrats by a wide margin and used subjective analysis to give the GOP more false ratings.
“PolitiFact Virginia purports to sit in objective judgment on the truthfulness of factual assertions by leading public figures, yet it fails to meet the very standard it claims to enforce,” the report said.
Fiske addressed those concerns on the Politifact site and in the pages of the site’s partner, the Richmond Times-Dispatch, soon after the GOP report.
“We are not obliged to assign a False rating to a Democrat just because we gave one to a Republican,” he wrote. “PolitiFact Virginia is not about mathematical balance between parties in our ratings. We’re about making calls on political statements that are in the news.”
Politifact’s coverage of the dead-heat Senate race between Allen and former governor and DNC Chairman Tim Kaine has drawn the most scrutiny from political insiders. About forty percent of Allen’s statements received some degree of false ratings compared to 18 percent for Kaine. Politifact has used different metrics in some of its ratings to skew the budgetary track record of the candidates, according to a Washington Free Beacon analysis.
The fact checkers ignored the impact inflation and skyrocketing federal spending on programs like Medicaid had on spending increases while Allen was governor, declaring the Republican’s claim of fiscal hawk “false.”
Fiske has not made the same mistake when analyzing Kaine’s record.
Politifact adjusted for inflation to downplay the dramatic spike in college tuition under Kaine’s watch, as well as to cast his spending record in a more positive light. When Kaine said that the “general fund budget shrank when he was governor,” fact checkers discounted federal spending, failed to mention that Kaine attempted to hike taxes rather than cut costs and left the state with a multi-billion dollar deficit at the end of his term.
The claim received a “True” rating.
Downie said that fact checkers are an important development on the landscape of journalism.
“I think they’re great because it’s difficult to go in depth in a 24/7 news environment. Fact checkers go much deeper and we need that,” he said. “It’s important not to have strong views about what you cover … that’s what is most important.”

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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #115 on: August 09, 2012, 12:28:55 PM »
Props to CNN for not plugging their ears on this one.

CNN Hammers Vicious Obama Super PAC Ad That Networks Ignored Entirely
By Matt Hadro | August 09, 2012

For the second straight day, CNN blew the whistle on a nasty and misleading Obama super PAC ad that ABC, CBS, and NBC entirely ignored as of Wednesday night. CNN hammered the ad, which links Mitt Romney to a woman's death from cancer, each hour from 6 p.m. through 10 p.m. and twice grilled the man responsible for the ad, Bill Burton of Priorities USA.

"I think it is deliberately mendacious," stated CNN's Piers Morgan on Wednesday. "It is a deliberate attempt to lie and smear about Mitt Romney. And I find it contemptible. I mean I'm really appalled." The three networks showed no such disdain for the ad which will air in battleground states, because they failed to even mention it on Tuesday and Wednesday. [Video coming soon.]

Bill Burton was President Obama's national press secretary during the 2008 campaign, a connection that CNN reported and which makes his super PAC's ad all the more relevant during an election season where the media should be policing false and misleading ads.

"The President cannot hide behind a Super PAC on an ad as nasty as this one when that Super PAC is run by a friend and longtime deputy," stated Erin Burnett. "Bill Burton knows the President's ethics very well and it is fair to hold him up to this standard."

"The facts on this ad don't even add up," reported Burnett. Anderson Cooper called it "a factually bogus ad from the leading pro-Obama super PAC." Correspondent Brianna Keilar, whose critical fact-checking first aired on Tuesday evening, stood by her reporting on Wednesday.

"So it just seemed like there was very much an incomplete picture in this ad," she said, adding "I think it's inaccurate" and "there are a number of factors that aren't mentioned in the ad."

"When you do an ad that seems to leave the impression that he [Romney] was at least indirectly responsible for a woman dying from cancer, that is so powerful, that is so tough, that goes beyond what you guys should be doing," host Wolf Blitzer lectured Burton.   

Overall, CNN devoted over a half-hour of coverage to criticizing the ad on Wednesday from 6 p.m. through 9 p.m, although some of that airtime went to scrutinizing the Romney campaign's campaign ad that CNN had whacked for dishonesty.

The Situation Room gave 17 minutes to the super PAC ad during the 6 p.m. hour.  Erin Burnett gave it over six minutes on her 7 p.m. show OutFront, and Anderson Cooper devoted over 11 minutes to the ad but focused some of that time to Romney's ad. Piers Morgan attacked both Obama and Romney during his 9 p.m. show Piers Morgan Tonight.

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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #116 on: August 14, 2012, 09:05:05 AM »
Soledad O'Brien Caught Reading Liberal Blog During Heated Debate With Romney Adviser
Newsbusters ^

Posted on Tue Aug 14 2012 08:50:10 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) by Sub-Driver

Soledad O'Brien Caught Reading Liberal Blog During Heated Debate With Romney Adviser By Noel Sheppard Created 08/13/2012 - 10:31pm

Can CNN's Soledad O'Brien make her sources any more apparent than she did Monday night?

While filling in for Anderson Cooper, O'Brien was actually caught on screen looking at an article from the far-left website Talking Points Memo to assist her in a heated debate with Romney campaign senior adviser Barbara Comstock (video follows with commentary):

Ali Akbar at Viral Read reported Monday:

During her interview with Virginia House of Delegates Republican member Barbara Comstock, O’Brien became visibly flustered and was actually caught doing finger stress exercises as she attempt [sic] to insert editorial commentary while her guest, a former skilled Republican operative, defended the House GOP budget, designed by Budget Chairman Paul Ryan.

Accidentally, a cameraman captured O’Brien furiously flipping through notes, only to cut out seconds later.


Once blown up, the picture told quite a story:

What she's reading from is a TPM article titled "The Myth Of Paul Ryan The Bipartisan Leader" published Monday at 6:08 PM only a few hours before this program started.

It began:

Mitt Romney has been talking up Rep. Paul Ryan’s bipartisan credentials since he unveiled the congressman as his running mate early Saturday. But the mild-mannered Wisconsinite’s record reveals a near-total absence of Democratic support for his many ambitious proposals, very few of which have won enough support to become law.

Inside the piece was the very quote from Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Or.) that O'Brien read to her guest:

“I did not ‘co-lead a piece of legislation.’ I wrote a policy paper on options for Medicare. Several months after the paper came out I spoke and voted against the Medicare provisions in the Ryan budget. Governor Romney needs to learn you don’t protect seniors by makings things up, and his comments sure won’t help promote real bipartisanship.”

So, a CNN anchor with her own daily program used a far-left website for her show prep before talking to a Republican guest.

Do you need any more evidence of just how far to the left the self-described "most trusted name in news" is or why its ratings continue to tank?

Bravo, Ali! Bravo!

No wonder CNN is tanking hard.

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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #117 on: August 14, 2012, 07:35:59 PM »
lol at the picture.   :)

Cameras catch CNN anchor Soledad O'Brien reading liberal blog during debate with Romney adviser
Published August 14, 2012

Soledad O'Brien (REUTERS)

CNN anchor Soledad O’Brien was recently caught on screen looking at an article from a known left-wing website to assist her when debating Romney campaign senior adviser Barbara Comstock.

In screen grabs posted on, O’Brien, who was filling in Anderson Cooper, can be seen reading from a piece entitled “The Myth of Paul Ryan the Bipartisan Leader”  as Comstock offers her response.

The post, which was published just hours before the program began, appeared on the website Talking Points Memo.

While she does not directly cite the blog, she does a read a quote from Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Or.) to Comstock that appears verbatim in the piece during the program.

Blogger Ali A. Akbar first posted about it on

On Tuesday, O’Brien and Mitt Romney surrogate John Sununu engaged in a heated debate over Medicare on “Starting Point,” where he told her, “Soledad, stop this! All you’re doing is mimicking the stuff that comes out of the White House and gets repeated on the Democratic blogs boards out there. Put an Obama bumper sticker on your forehead when you do this.”

O’Brien said her figures were from unbiased information from, the CBO and CNN analysis.

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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #118 on: August 18, 2012, 07:38:13 PM »
On the Today Show this morning, Mark Halperin said the media basically does what the Obama campaign wants them to do: 

"The Obama folks clearly know they've found some traction on this tax return issue with Romney," said NBC's Lester Holt. "And then of course late in the week comes this challenge--'give us a little more and we won't complain anymore.' Has this issue come to the point it's jumped the shark?"

"I think the press still likes this story a lot, the media is very susceptible to doing what the Obama campaign wants, which is to focus on this," said Halperin.

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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #119 on: August 19, 2012, 12:31:37 AM »
the story is good for ratings.

seriously, if "economy sucks" was running better with viewers, that's what we'd hear.

it's what viewers respond to = $$$ and ratings.

I'm sure there were wars or other events more important than mixx lewinsky's dress... but people liked that story.

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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #121 on: August 22, 2012, 07:25:33 PM »
Been meaning to create a thread like this for years.  Finally getting around to it.   :)  One example of the liberal media bias:

Networks Hit Cain Story 50 Times in Less Than Four Days; Ignored Clinton Scandals
By Scott Whitlock | November 03, 2011

Over a period of just three and a half days, NBC, CBS and ABC have developed an insatiable hunger for the Herman Cain sexual harassment story, devoting an incredible 50 stories to the allegations since Monday morning. In contrast, over a similar period these networks mostly ignored far more substantial and serious scandals relating to Bill Clinton.

This pattern continued on Wednesday night and into Thursday as the evening newscasts and morning shows highlighted the story 19 times. On Good Morning America, Brian Ross offered innuendo and slung gossip, recounting, "But behind the scenes, several of the campaigns are still urging reporters to continue to dig, George, saying, there's more to be found in the private life of Herman Cain." [See video below. MP3 audio here.]

Without offering facts, Ross described Cain's time as head of the National Restaurant Association: "It fits with the kind of culture we were told that existed there, with young women who had been, sort of, lobbyists for the restaurant association, working with various states. They were the new ones, the young ones. And they say that's where Cain often socialized."

GMA's George Stephanopoulos trumpeted the latest: "Another woman. Herman Cain facing new allegations that he was aggressive and inappropriate to a third employee, inviting her back to his corporate apartment."  "Is the pressure finally getting to the front-runner," inquired the former Democratic operative turned journalist.

On the November 3 Today, Lisa Myers, with no sense of irony, declared the story "a feeding frenzy." She trumpeted, "For Herman Cain, this story is quickly going from bad to worse."

In comparison, over a similar three-day period these same programs were far less interested in charges against Democrat Bill Clinton. After Paula Jones held a public press conference in February of 1994, there was only one report on her allegations.

Following Kathleen Willey's July 1997 claims of being groped by the President, there were a mere three reports. For Juanita Broaddrick, who came forward in February of 1999 to say Clinton raped her, only three stories followed charges appearing in the Wall Street Journal.

It should also be pointed out that all these women offered their names. They weren't anonymous. Additionally, the accusations of assault and rape go far beyond what's being mentioned with the Cain scandal.

Yet, on CBS's Early Show, Chris Wragge piled on, saying of a third possible Cain accuser, "That pretty much takes care of any hope he might have had to see this story fade any time soon."

The nightly newscasts offered a similar tone. Both Evening News anchor Scott Pelley and Nightly News' Brian Williams led their shows by exclaiming, "Under pressure."

Williams added, "Herman Cain fights to stay on his game as reporters swarm and questions swirl about accusations of sexual harassment. Tonight, one of his accusers wants to talk, but can she go public?"

In a follow-up segment, Williams spun the story as a reminder of the seriousness of sexual harassment: "This, of course, is just the latest entry in a long list of similar situations, stories that have made headlines and come and gone over the years and a lot of people are wondering not only what really happened here but where the line is where the rules of the workplace are concerned."

The morning shows, Good Morning America, Today and Early Show, devoted 12 stories to the scandal on Thursday. Wednesday's evening newscasts, Nightly News, World News and Evening News, offered another six. ABC's Nightline also had one.

. . . .

Both Parties suck................I have used this example before.   An apple pie is baked.    Dems. let you smell the pie.....Reps.  say what pie?.....Neither side give you pie.

Both parties expect us to tighten our belts, but they get raises every year, and have a gold card when it comes to health insurance....The congress & senators always say "Yes", when they vote for a pay raise....Very bipartisan....Dems. smile & say bullshit.....Reps. smirk and say bullshit...Both parties sling bullshit.... ::)    I wish my paycheck went us as fast as the gas prices..... :-\    Both parties love to make political issues out of tragedy.....  Just my two cents, or maybe in this time period.....   (-) 2 cents.... :'(


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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #122 on: August 22, 2012, 07:30:21 PM »
On the Today Show this morning, Mark Halperin said the media basically does what the Obama campaign wants them to do: 

"The Obama folks clearly know they've found some traction on this tax return issue with Romney," said NBC's Lester Holt. "And then of course late in the week comes this challenge--'give us a little more and we won't complain anymore.' Has this issue come to the point it's jumped the shark?"

"I think the press still likes this story a lot, the media is very susceptible to doing what the Obama campaign wants, which is to focus on this," said Halperin.

Watch Fox....They are your network :-\

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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #123 on: August 24, 2012, 11:53:40 AM »

August 22, 2012
Donations by Media Companies Tilt Heavily to Obama

Wall Street may lean Republican this presidential election cycle, but the New York media world is staunchly Democratic.

All the major media companies, driven largely by their Hollywood film and television businesses, have made larger contributions to President Obama than to his rival, former Gov. Mitt Romney, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, a nonprofit, nonpartisan Washington-based research group that publishes the Open Secrets Web site.

The center’s numbers represent donations by a company’s PAC and any employees who listed that company as their employer.

Even companies whose news outlets are often perceived as having a conservative bias have given significantly more money to Mr. Obama. Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation, for example, has contributed $58,825 to Mr. Obama’s campaign, compared with $2,750 to Mr. Romney. The conglomerate, which owns Fox News, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Post and the 20th Century Fox studios, gave roughly the same amount to Mr. Romney’s Republican primary competitors Rick Perry and Ron Paul as it did to Mr. Romney.

But the choice of Representative Paul Ryan, the conservative congressman from Wisconsin, to be Mr. Romney’s running mate, might help win News Corporation dollars. Shortly after Mr. Romney’s announcement, Mr. Murdoch took to Twitter: “Thank God! Now we might have a real election on the great issues of the day. Paul Ryan almost perfect choice.”

Mr. Murdoch has not been shy about expressing his criticism of Mr. Romney, including at a tense Journal editorial board meeting with the candidate that led the newspaper’s opinion pages to characterize Mr. Romney as Consultant in Chief. The announcement that Mr. Ryan would join the ticket came after The Journal’s editorial page published a column titled “Why Not Paul Ryan?”

News Corporation has donated $504,162 to individuals, Super PACs and candidates in 2012, according to the Center for Responsive Politics’s OpenSecrets Web site. Eight of the 10 top recipients of that cash are Democrats. (Mr. Murdoch’s personal contributions largely favor Republicans, though his wife, Wendi Murdoch, has donated to Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, a Democrat from New York.)
In 2008, News Corporation contributed $380,558 to Mr. Obama’s campaign, compared with $32,740 to the Republican nominee John McCain.

Other media companies have contributed more significantly to Mr. Obama, including Time Warner, owner of CNN and the magazine publishing house Time Inc. The company, which is based in New York and also owns Warner Brothers and HBO, has contributed $191,834 to Mr. Obama in the 2012 election cycle, compared with $10,750 to Mr. Romney. The Walt Disney Company, owner of ABC and ESPN, donated $125,856 to Mr. Obama and $9,950 to Mr. Romney.

Philadelphia-based Comcast Corporation, owner of NBCUniversal and one of the biggest spenders in lobbying money in Washington, has given $206,056 to Mr. Obama and $20,500 to Mr. Romney.

Each of these media companies were among the roughly 150 organizations listed by the Center for Responsive Politics as “heavy hitters” that have given the most money. The New York Times Company was not among the center’s “heavy hitters” and does not have a PAC; the newspaper discourages employees from contributing to political campaigns.

Despite the media money pouring in to his opponent, Mr. Romney and the Republican National Committee still have a significant cash advantage over Mr. Obama and the Democrats. According to a Federal Election Commission report released Monday, the GOP had $186 million on hand, compared with $124 million for Democrats.;topic=401076.100;num_replies=122

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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #124 on: September 06, 2012, 07:08:13 PM »
Reporters Using ‘Fake Names’ to Buy Obama Campaign Merchandise at the DNC
By Hunter Walker 9/06 9:55pm


The Obama campaign merchandise table inside one of the media areas at the DNC. The press stand is visible on the left side of the photo.
CHARLOTTE, NC — Members of the media have apparently been using “fake names’ to buy official Obama gear and contribute to the Obama campaign inside the Time Warner Cable Arena where the President is due to speak in a few minutes. During our travels around the arena, Politicker spotted a souvenir stand in one of the press stands selling T-shirts and buttons supporting President Barack Obama, “Democrats Are Hot” bumper stickers and other official Obama merchandise.

The souvenir stand was in a secure area only accessible to those with a media credential and buying campaign gear means contributing to the campaign, so we asked the woman working the cash register whether anyone at the press stand had been making purchases. Her answers were quite surprising. 

The woman working at the souvenir stand told us she hadn’t been “too busy” during the day, but had seen business pick up in the past half hour or so. She then asked us whether we wanted to buy anything. When we informed her that our status as a reporter means we don’t buy campaign gear, she suggested a strategy other members of the media have apparently used to pick up their Obama swag.

“Have you ever thought of making up a fake name? That’s what the other guys do,” she said.

Buying official merchandise at the DNC means making a donation the Obama campaign, an activity that is generally frowned upon for members of the media. The Obama campaign website specifically informs shoppers that purchases amount to donations in its “Frequently Asked Questions” section where one of the queries is, “Can I receive merchandise without making a donation?”

“The only way to receive items from the 2012 store is by contributing through the official store site at,” the site says.