Author Topic: MAJOR TREMBOLONE SIDES!!  (Read 34253 times)


  • Getbig III
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« Reply #200 on: February 09, 2012, 12:37:14 AM »
Nice bro, looking sick!! How long were on it for?

Tkx man!
On the Tren 100mg EOD i was for about 10-12 weeks then i upped it to 100mg ED and was on it for more 4-6 weeks. Give or take 1 or 2 weeks can't remember :p
When i upped it i could REALLY tell the difference. Next run will do the opposite - 100mg EOD for 4 weeks then 100mg ED for 10 or 12 weeks :D
I just stopped because i tought i was on it for a long time but then i got bloodwork and everything was fine. Felt like an idiot! Also because it's expensive as fuck :(


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« Reply #201 on: February 09, 2012, 04:00:20 AM »
so you tried out the sciroxx tabs, how do you think they compare to human grade stuff you usually run?

also, i don't notice a damn difference between tbol and var but, i like var the best out of all the orals (maybe drol next) just because my lower abs become so much more etched on var.

The Tbol is just so much cheaper than anavar that is why I say buy it up before the price gets higher! Top grade Tbol is expensive. sciroxx Tbol is not cheap! but still way cheaper than anavar! They are both mild but I think Tbol takes the cake just because you can use it to bulk or cutt! Anavar is realy a cutting drug -IMO. You can use Tbol to bulk. it does give you more water than anavar. geez I do not know why anavar is so spendy! I also have some halotestin I could throw in towards the end of the cycle. I have about a  month to figure everything out. I have not tried thee sciroxx Tbol yet but from what I heard from some very trusted  board owners and Vips was that the sciroxx Tbol was very potent and so was the dbol and anadrol. the halotestin is very new I might be one of the first to try it if I decide to try it. But it was expensive! but probably worth the money. some of sciroxx's orals are awesome but their oils are real hit and miss.I had the sciroxx owner send me a very potent batch I even waited a extra week for them. they always get new batches in they sell alot of both the tabs and oils. He wanted to impress me and said I woud be thanking him. we will see. I will be comparing it to the best Tbol ever made-IMO. some of the original British Dragons turinabol were very potent. they were the company who kind of brought this wonder drug back to the market.I got cos eto 18 pounds mainly just off britsh dragon turinabol I just used test suspension for a few weeks. I really wanted to get a feel for the Tbol  pus it was my first cycle and took me a bit to get comfortable with pinning myself.


  • Getbig III
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« Reply #202 on: February 09, 2012, 07:45:51 AM »
Tkx man!
On the Tren 100mg EOD i was for about 10-12 weeks then i upped it to 100mg ED and was on it for more 4-6 weeks. Give or take 1 or 2 weeks can't remember :p
When i upped it i could REALLY tell the difference. Next run will do the opposite - 100mg EOD for 4 weeks then 100mg ED for 10 or 12 weeks :D
I just stopped because i tought i was on it for a long time but then i got bloodwork and everything was fine. Felt like an idiot! Also because it's expensive as fuck :(
lol yeah that's true, I hear you on that.. or you could just stay on 100 mg EOD indefinitely  ;D

growing lad

  • Getbig II
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« Reply #203 on: February 09, 2012, 08:00:49 AM »
Right binning that superman crap. Emailed Chen & he said only good feedback from others, in other words fuck off I'm not helping lol

I ran
50prop 50 ace 7days
100prop 100ace 7days
200 ace 3days

Got fuck all! No sweats, no aggression no strength nothing. Dunno what's in the vials but it stings like fuck but doesn't do shit!

I'm pissed as u can tell.

Schmoe Buster

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« Reply #204 on: February 09, 2012, 08:09:06 AM »
Right binning that superman crap. Emailed Chen & he said only good feedback from others, in other words fuck off I'm not helping lol

I ran
50prop 50 ace 7days
100prop 100ace 7days
200 ace 3days

Got fuck all! No sweats, no aggression no strength nothing. Dunno what's in the vials but it stings like fuck but doesn't do shit!

I'm pissed as u can tell.

The SM Tren gives me brutal Tren cough, plus my strength and weight are all up, ive been running it 3 weeks
Thunderdome approved


  • Getbig II
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« Reply #205 on: February 09, 2012, 09:46:49 AM »
yea no problems over here my buddy gets the cough sometimes both of us pretty aggressive deff stronger in the gym

growing lad

  • Getbig II
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« Reply #206 on: February 09, 2012, 10:16:15 AM »
yea no problems over here my buddy gets the cough sometimes both of us pretty aggressive deff stronger in the gym

Must be a duff batch


  • Getbig II
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« Reply #207 on: February 09, 2012, 11:14:17 AM »
sry to hear that. thats pretty shitty :\

growing lad

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« Reply #208 on: February 09, 2012, 11:17:44 AM »
sry to hear that. thats pretty shitty :\

Think FASTLANE has same shitty batch as me


  • Getbig IV
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« Reply #209 on: February 09, 2012, 02:46:50 PM »
Your strength is up??  I'm on day 12 of 150mg EOD and don't feel/ notice shit  :(  :-\

12 days of tren ace and you should be noticing a lot.

i don't know why people don't just use finaplix, instead they get all this garbage tren.


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« Reply #210 on: February 09, 2012, 02:48:48 PM »
12 days of tren ace and you should be noticing a lot.

i don't know why people don't just use finaplix, instead they get all this garbage tren.

I've got the same brand, and it's definitely not garbage, bro. Strength way up, can't sleep, veins coming out, slightly more aggressive, et cetera.

I think some people just don't respond as well to tren as others...


  • Getbig IV
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« Reply #211 on: February 09, 2012, 03:18:19 PM »




Schmoe Buster

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« Reply #212 on: February 09, 2012, 03:21:40 PM »
Too many people base side effects on wether their gear is ''bunk'' or not ::)

''if i dont get sides its bunk'' ::)

''my weight is the same on the scale, its bunk'' ::)

nonsense, take your gear and eat your food then hit the gym, you will know if your gear is good or not because when you go the gym everyone will turn heads to look at you and all the other gym rats will be sniffing round your arsehole asking ''bro, whats your stack?''

As for the SM line, im running 5 compounds in my stack and all are SM, somethings working ;)
Thunderdome approved


  • Getbig III
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« Reply #213 on: February 09, 2012, 03:48:26 PM »
LOL, lot of good replies in here fellas!! As far as my situation goes, same thing to report, don't feel anything, no sides, however, I do feel more aggressive and getting pissed off more, which makes me feel better (lol)..

True, I agree that people freak out if they don't get sides; but in my case, I never get sides from anything really, so it's not the sides that I am basing the possibility of the bunk SM tren/ prop, just that I don't "feel" anything- going further, I understand that some people don't "feel" anything either- what really is making me wonder, is the fact  that my strength is not up that I can tell.  So again, day 13, 150mg EOD tren a and 100 mg EOD test prop SM,,, looking a little better, more aggressive, other than that- nothing.  So, I will be able to tell for sure in the next few days I feel. 

Again, some highly experienced fellas in here, and a lot of good replies/feedback, and nothing but good things about the line, so I'm not really trying to worry, and just trust the matter.  It sucks for "growing lad" though- I feel for you bro, I would be/ (starting to myself) FUCKING PISSED!!! However; with all that said, I will keep at it, and like schmoe said, everyone reacts differently to every compound/drug/hormone out there.  Wish me luck!!!


  • Getbig IV
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« Reply #214 on: February 09, 2012, 04:01:21 PM »
I've got the same brand, and it's definitely not garbage, bro. Strength way up, can't sleep, veins coming out, slightly more aggressive, et cetera.

I think some people just don't respond as well to tren as others...

i didn't know where it came from and not calling the SM line garbage (never used it; can't comment on it), i'm just responding to what he said about his tren. at 525 a week you should definitely notice an increase in strength, unless you are already on a huge stack already. sometimes running other drugs at the same time can mask the effects so it's hard to tell unless you run something solo, in order to gauge the effectiveness of it.  


  • Getbig III
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« Reply #215 on: February 09, 2012, 11:27:07 PM »
mate the last time I bought stuff it was 5 bottles of tren and 4 bottles of eq and 50ml of clen. The only thing that was real was the clen. I was reading all these amazing things about tren and eq, only to lose a bit of fat, get a little bit of strength increase... Let my mate inject a ml of each on the last bottle caus I was wondering why the fuck I wasn't getting everything everyone was raving about, and he just started laughing at me. Pure bunk, over 1k down the drain. I may as well of been jabbing my syringes in the olive oil in my pantry...

Anyone who rips off fellow iron brothers - deserves to have their balls cut off and neck slashed.

Recently there are some new guys (Arabs i hear) in business (somewhere in Canada), they are passing off fake Arimidex in pharmaceutical grade packaging. Packaging came across over the last week through someone else for viewing - can't tell the difference at all.

Their time will come soon enough!


  • Getbig III
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« Reply #216 on: February 09, 2012, 11:51:45 PM »
What should I get if my nipples start getting sore?
T3, caber or bromo? And how should I run it?
Sorry for all the questions, just want to know if I get the sides what I should do!

Doing every 7 days (everything was 2* weekly prior to this)
Test 400mg - moving down to 250
Eq 250 - discontinued over last week
Tren E 200mg

T3 - simply for cutting and ^ metabolic uptake. Good to have in at minimum 25mcg. Presently, on T4 100mcg ed. Will switch up to T3 50-75mcg ed.

In my past experience, i find out it very hard to workout on T3 - without feeling lethargic and drained. Will give it a try again. Recent bloodwork reveals - sTSH non existent - as such may have to ^ T4 further or switch to T3 altogether.

Prolactin antagonist - your choices
Dostinex (cabergoline)
Bromocriptine - very harsh on the system
Pramipexole - excellent alternative to caber or/and bromo
Selegiline - i have gone with this 2.5mg eod alongside 1/2 (0.5mg) tab Arimidex eod.  Was on Tren before addition of Arimidex/Selegiline - felt the irritation and puffiness. Been on a about a week Selegiline/Arimi - sides all but gone.


  • Getbig III
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« Reply #217 on: February 10, 2012, 12:16:41 AM »
Geez 100mg is a big dose of Tbol if it is potent Tbol. But many peole do take 100mg Tbol. It is just like anavar but stronger but not quite as strong as dbol and way less water retention. even women can take Turinabol! I would say it is like a girls dbol, I have taken 70mg of tbol and I got alot of pure muscle gains with minimal water retention! You will get some water retention but mainly just lean muscle gains. just picture a oral right between anavar and dianabol. mainly all lean gains but some water retention especially at 100mg ED. It is mild like anavar. That is why women can take it.Tbol is highly anabolic and not very androgenic at all. I think dbol is probably a better way to jumpstart a cycle but if you are going for a lean summer look I would use TBol instead of dbol. it is getting expensive so  buy it before the price of i goes up even further. It is a steal for the price! a way better buy than anavar-IMO.

 But you have to get a good brand to really experience a good Tbol run. sciroxx makes awesome turinabol. and the original britsh dragon made very good Tbol as well. I think very highly of Oral Turinabol but you do have to be patient with it. it is not dbol or anadrol where you notice gains within a few days howevere the first cycle I ever did was mainly just a Tbol only cycle and I got 9 pounds in 3 weeks just off of the Tbol. nothing else. then I threw in some suspension and added in more tbol for another week ran just a 6 week cycle for my 1st cycle and gained 18pounds some water weight but not much. I did have to up the dose because I started at 20mg a week and bumped it up 10mg a week. but I noticed I could handle a bigger dose and started taking 60-70mg a day of tbol. never got to 100mg though. Test prop 100mg eod, Tren ace 100mg eod and 50-100mg tbol daily for the first 4 weeks will get you some pretty solid gains! I only run short 8-10 week cycles and I bet just after 8 weeks I will be up 15 pounds but at least 11-12 of it will be solid muscle and maybe 3 pounds of water weight,wich I will get rid of. so just after 8 wekks I will get 11 pounds solid LBM.

I am done bulking  I got myself to 204lbs at 5ft-6in just using 4IU's of serostim all year.
so I have no need to bulk I am just throwing on 10-11 lbs of lean muscle I dont conwsider it bulking or cutting i guess you could call it a clean bulking cycle.The cyclle is very simple  Test prop,Tren A and Tbol will get me up to 215 lbs lean. I might throw in some masteron as well and use it the last 4 weeks. so I would be doing this very simple cycle serostim HGH 4IU's daily  100mg test prop EOD, 100mg tren acetate EOD 50-100mg Turinabol daily for the first 4 weeks then I will drop the Tbol and add in some masteron 100mg eod and run that for 4 weeks for a total of just a 8 week cycle. I plan on starting the end of march so I am finishing up right before june right in time for summer. All I care about is looking good for the summer for a few months. I am pretty good at maintaining gains. I might lose a few pds of mass after I stop but I will be running 4IU's of serostim the whole time even during PCT so that helps me hold onto the gains.

Dbol - (or/and Turinabol) a waste of time and money. Way to go is Var. Solid keepable gains & more strength having tried both. Did the Var @20mg ed vs 40mg Dbol ed. Would go with var over dbol anyday.


  • Getbig III
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« Reply #218 on: February 10, 2012, 12:24:24 AM »
Simply comparing anavar to dbol is .... ::)


  • Getbig IV
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« Reply #219 on: February 10, 2012, 02:43:31 AM »
Dbol - (or/and Turinabol) a waste of time and money. Way to go is Var. Solid keepable gains & more strength having tried both. Did the Var @20mg ed vs 40mg Dbol ed. Would go with var over dbol anyday.

i don't think var is better than d-bol, it's situational. var is very, very good i like it the best

growing lad

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« Reply #220 on: February 10, 2012, 03:42:00 AM »
Any one here from uk with lots of experience, local hero etc I will send u my tren bottle. Bout 7ml left u can pin it & see what u think otherwise I'm binning it. Up to u. I just refuse to believe that the dose iv bin running I would be that immune that I don't gain anything. Pm me


  • Getbig IV
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« Reply #221 on: February 10, 2012, 03:52:38 AM »
if by gain you mean weight on the scale, then that's a real bad way to gauge tren because you can run it forever, indefinitely at high dosages and not gain any weight on the scale, though when you look in the mirror you will definitely tell a difference by the added muscle and fat lost.

strength, vascularity, increased aggression. you should notice a difference in these areas, even if you are a real poor responder

growing lad

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« Reply #222 on: February 10, 2012, 03:58:25 AM »
Yeh I know. Thats y I'm concerned. Not bothered bout weight. But my strength isn't up, and I'm not exactly laid back normally but I'm no more aggressive whereas I thought this would be my one bad side effect. Who knows, I'm not gna pay for it to be tested if I can even do that but happy to send it to sum1.

Cheers for input tho


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« Reply #223 on: February 10, 2012, 04:02:19 AM »
Yeh I know. Thats y I'm concerned. Not bothered bout weight. But my strength isn't up, and I'm not exactly laid back normally but I'm no more aggressive whereas I thought this would be my one bad side effect. Who knows, I'm not gna pay for it to be tested if I can even do that but happy to send it to sum1.

Cheers for input tho

Make some crystal finaplix, best way to go  :D


  • Getbig IV
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« Reply #224 on: February 10, 2012, 05:55:37 AM »
Make some crystal finaplix, best way to go  :D

no need to crystalize it, just crush it in put it in some oil. don't really even need the solvents if it's at 50mg/ml