My friend, for one, I'm not using big words...only writing in a way that 99.9% of the american english world would understand.
OK...I understand now...with A S P C A. I noticed that on your promos...could be a cover, but nevertheless, thanks for clearing that up.
What I mean by a "yapping" dog, not referencing that you are a dog, but in the effect that you seem to make many threats (yapping), yet nothing is ever done. You explained Whitewidow (my apologies to him, for calling him Whitewillow, my Islay scotch some times effects my typing skills), but it seems you're throwing around threats, like the Easter bunny throwing Easter eggs. If someone doesn't agree with you, you bring up a, I understand, there could be a history among those who you threaten.
I agree with you that a change needs to take place, and should take place. To think that i am fighting're wrong. i've got my own battles. To think I'm personally going to be dragged out by the you, I'm well hidden. I don't know if you were threatening me personally...but trust me my friend...I am a lion, and I don't play either...and I don't lie.
"you are fighting here something that is immposible to fight,, try to fight it i chaleneg anyone...but dont complain when you are surouded like a dog and dragged out of the cave into federals hands and into a cell and no you will not take your life.... you cant ...your personality is not of a suisideer you been looked into and still do very deeply ,, trust me stay low,, i never lie ,, i know you think i play with you but i never lie"