Author Topic: pictures of grieving kitten who refused to leave dead companion's side  (Read 14585 times)


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Re: pictures of grieving kitten who refused to leave dead companion's side
« Reply #75 on: August 09, 2012, 06:14:05 PM »
I love small furry animals.  They taste great!

(Say that aloud - it's funny!)

Socopipath in the making. I bet you use to torture animals as a kid too didn't you. Punk.


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Re: pictures of grieving kitten who refused to leave dead companion's side
« Reply #76 on: August 09, 2012, 06:16:15 PM »
I have six cats and I fully understand what you're saying.
Honestly I prefer them over persons

Agreed. Humans are absolute shit. I would kill for my two cats if needed be. They're my kids.


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Re: pictures of grieving kitten who refused to leave dead companion's side
« Reply #77 on: August 09, 2012, 06:19:22 PM »

Roger Bacon

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Re: pictures of grieving kitten who refused to leave dead companion's side
« Reply #78 on: August 09, 2012, 06:57:30 PM »
That's sad - a lot of dummy's should think before acting I guess - "some" humans think they help when they are more of a problem  :-\

 ;D ;D ;D

hahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahahhahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahahahhaha hahahahahahah   hahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahahhahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahahahhaha hahahahahahahhahahahahah ahahahhahahahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahah  hahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahah  hahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahahhahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahahah  hahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahahhahahahahahaha hah hahahahahah  hahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahah  hahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahahhahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahahah  hahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahahhahahahahahaha hah
hahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahahhahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahahahhaha hahahahahahah   hahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahahhahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahahahhaha hahahahahahahhahahahahah ahahahhahahahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahah  hahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahah  hahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahahhahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahahah  hahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahahhahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahahahhaha hahahahahahahhahahahahah ahahahhahahahahahahahahh ahahahahahahahah   hahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahahhahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahahahhaha hahahahahahahhahahahahah ahahahhahahahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahah  hahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahah  hahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahahhahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahahah  hahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahahhahahahahahaha hah hahahahahah  hahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahah  hahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahahhahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahahah  hahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahahhahahahahahaha hah
hahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahahhahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahahahhaha hahahahahahah   hahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahahhahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahahahhaha hahahahahahahhahahahahah ahahahhahahahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahah  hahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahah  hahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahahhahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahahah  hahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahahhahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahahahhaha hahahahahahahhahahahahah ahahahhahahahahahahahahh ahahahahahahahah   hahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahahhahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahahahhaha hahahahahahahhahahahahah ahahahhahahahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahah  hahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahah  hahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahahhahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahahah  hahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahahhahahahahahaha hah hahahahahah  hahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahah  hahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahahhahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahahah  hahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahahhahahahahahaha hah
hahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahahhahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahahahhaha hahahahahahah   hahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahahhahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahahahhaha hahahahahahahhahahahahah ahahahhahahahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahah  hahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahah  hahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahahhahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahahah  hahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahahhahahahahahaha hah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Roger Bacon

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Re: pictures of grieving kitten who refused to leave dead companion's side
« Reply #79 on: August 09, 2012, 06:58:48 PM »
Cheesecake and any leftover on the plate for some animals is not good for them ,meats cheeses and even breads especially with wheat - clueless people should check before feeding wild animals as they have differing dietary needs to domesticated animals - it's like chocolate and dogs  :-\

I fed my Schnauzer chocolate at least a few times a month and he lived for 14 years.


  • Getbig V
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Re: pictures of grieving kitten who refused to leave dead companion's side
« Reply #80 on: August 09, 2012, 08:26:33 PM »
The possumns that live here are living in a built up area and would steal food out of peoples rubbish bins etc.  I dare say they would be more used to our diets as compared to say a possumn who lives totally in the bush.  My doctor has a family of possumns that have been living in his yard for over ten years and he feeds them the same diet as what I feed mine and they are totally healthy.  I try to stick to a vegan diet, but sometimes I do find myself giving her treats such as left over cheesecake and cookies etc.  Most of the time though she gets fruit and left over veges and homemade soups.  If I don't feed her she bites me on the toe until I do.   ;D  She doesn't always want food though...sometimes she just comes up to me for a rub on her back.  She will sit at my feet until I pet her.



  • Getbig V
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Re: pictures of grieving kitten who refused to leave dead companion's side
« Reply #81 on: August 09, 2012, 08:28:36 PM »
I fed my Schnauzer chocolate at least a few times a month and he lived for 14 years.
My labrador retriever lived until she was 13 and she ate everything including cake and chocolate.  I never had any health issues with her.  She was a little fatty though, but most labs are.   ;D


  • Getbig IV
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Re: pictures of grieving kitten who refused to leave dead companion's side
« Reply #82 on: August 09, 2012, 08:46:05 PM »

that looks more like a pet than we have in the states

it is not dead in the is playing possum as the term goes.


  • Getbig V
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Re: pictures of grieving kitten who refused to leave dead companion's side
« Reply #83 on: August 09, 2012, 08:54:59 PM »
that looks more like a pet than we have in the states

it is not dead in the is playing possum as the term goes.
Yes she is more like one of the cats.  Even my cats play with her and eat food together out of the same plate sometimes.  I will put a plate of veges out for her and one of my cats will come along and have a taste.   ;D  There is no fighting amongst them or anything...they all get along like family.  
Our possumns here are from the same family as the kangaroo which is why they look so different to your yanky possumns.  


  • Getbig V
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Re: pictures of grieving kitten who refused to leave dead companion's side
« Reply #84 on: August 09, 2012, 09:07:24 PM »
I fed my Schnauzer chocolate at least a few times a month and he lived for 14 years.
I have known people who have fed chocolate to there dogs also and they seemed ok, but the proof is there that it can lead to shock and death in dogs - there are some even though it is there in black and white that they are wrong and is clear to all around them - they still carry on with simple ignorant justifications just because they can never admit they are wrong - these people are plainly just not right in the head and very simple - usely they will tell everyone they are smart when they are clearly stupid.. that's not directed at yourself PumpInPeace, just the type of person these dimwits usely are  ;)

Roger Bacon

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Re: pictures of grieving kitten who refused to leave dead companion's side
« Reply #85 on: August 10, 2012, 12:12:16 AM »
The possumns that live here are living in a built up area and would steal food out of peoples rubbish bins etc.  I dare say they would be more used to our diets as compared to say a possumn who lives totally in the bush.  My doctor has a family of possumns that have been living in his yard for over ten years and he feeds them the same diet as what I feed mine and they are totally healthy.  I try to stick to a vegan diet, but sometimes I do find myself giving her treats such as left over cheesecake and cookies etc.  Most of the time though she gets fruit and left over veges and homemade soups.  If I don't feed her she bites me on the toe until I do.   ;D  She doesn't always want food though...sometimes she just comes up to me for a rub on her back.  She will sit at my feet until I pet her.


I think it's so cute how you say "in the bush" versus forest, woods, or wild.  8)

Roger Bacon

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Re: pictures of grieving kitten who refused to leave dead companion's side
« Reply #86 on: August 10, 2012, 12:14:05 AM »
I have known people who have fed chocolate to there dogs also and they seemed ok, but the proof is there that it can lead to shock and death in dogs - there are some even though it is there in black and white that they are wrong and is clear to all around them - they still carry on with simple ignorant justifications just because they can never admit they are wrong - these people are plainly just not right in the head and very simple - usely they will tell everyone they are smart when they are clearly stupid.. that's not directed at yourself PumpInPeace, just the type of person these dimwits usely are  ;)

Keep up the good work my friend!  8)

The Italian Lifter

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Re: pictures of grieving kitten who refused to leave dead companion's side
« Reply #87 on: August 10, 2012, 12:35:28 AM »
This proves that you are a certifiable lunatic. Anybody who has 4 or more cats has serious mental problems....
2 cats ok, 3 cats, there is the beginning of a problem. By 4, you have reached some type of mental illness.

Taking the last 3 at home was not planned: problem is you could hear these 3 little cats screaming and I found out they were in a warehouse near my home.
The owner of the warehouse said he was going to drown them so I decided to take them with me.
I was thinking to give them to a lady I know who lives in the country.
One of them was also ill and almost died twice: I rush her to the first aid for animals (correct word??), made x-ray, then echography, buy medicines...
They were so little I had to feed them every two hours with a bottle like the one you use for babies (only smaller), it was devastating hear that fucking alarm and wake up during the night so they didn't lose their anabolic window (this is for 240).
Long story short: I kept all three and now we're six  ;D
North of Italy


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Re: pictures of grieving kitten who refused to leave dead companion's side
« Reply #88 on: August 10, 2012, 12:38:37 AM »
Taking the last 3 at home was not planned: problem is you could hear these 3 little cats screaming and I found out they were in a warehouse near my home.
The owner of the warehouse said he was going to drown them so I decided to take them with me.
I was thinking to give them to a lady I know who lives in the country.
One of them was also ill and almost died twice: I rush her to the first aid for animals (correct word??), made x-ray, then echography, buy medicines...
They were so little I had to feed them every two hours with a bottle like the one you use for babies (only smaller), it was devastating hear that fucking alarm and wake up during the night so they didn't lose their anabolic window (this is for 240).
Long story short: I kept all three and now we're six  ;D
A really heart warming story.   :)

The Italian Lifter

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Re: pictures of grieving kitten who refused to leave dead companion's side
« Reply #89 on: August 10, 2012, 12:44:54 AM »
my wife helping me with one of them
North of Italy


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Re: pictures of grieving kitten who refused to leave dead companion's side
« Reply #90 on: August 10, 2012, 01:27:04 AM »
i know a male to female tranny with six cats. the bastard stinks to high fucking heaven. the air is so thick with cat urine you could slice it with a knife.

Why were you in his house Brad?


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Re: pictures of grieving kitten who refused to leave dead companion's side
« Reply #91 on: August 10, 2012, 01:33:11 AM »
Taking the last 3 at home was not planned: problem is you could hear these 3 little cats screaming and I found out they were in a warehouse near my home.
The owner of the warehouse said he was going to drown them so I decided to take them with me.
I was thinking to give them to a lady I know who lives in the country.
One of them was also ill and almost died twice: I rush her to the first aid for animals (correct word??), made x-ray, then echography, buy medicines...
They were so little I had to feed them every two hours with a bottle like the one you use for babies (only smaller), it was devastating hear that fucking alarm and wake up during the night so they didn't lose their anabolic window (this is for 240).
Long story short: I kept all three and now we're six  ;D

Good for you man. 

You have to excuse Parker.  Where he comes from it is perfectly normal to train pitbulls to fight to the death.  That's entertainment for them.

The Italian Lifter

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Re: pictures of grieving kitten who refused to leave dead companion's side
« Reply #92 on: August 10, 2012, 01:45:36 AM »
Good for you man. 

You have to excuse Parker.  Where he comes from it is perfectly normal to train pitbulls to fight to the death.  That's entertainment for them.

Parker is a cool guy, where he lives?
North of Italy


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Re: pictures of grieving kitten who refused to leave dead companion's side
« Reply #93 on: August 10, 2012, 01:53:49 AM »
Parker is a cool guy, where he lives?

South Central, East St. Louis, Detroit, Atlanta...who knows...but it's all the same.

Just busting his balls.  He is one of the good

The Italian Lifter

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Re: pictures of grieving kitten who refused to leave dead companion's side
« Reply #94 on: August 10, 2012, 09:01:18 AM »
Why were you in his house Brad?

This is a good question  ;)
North of Italy


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Re: pictures of grieving kitten who refused to leave dead companion's side
« Reply #95 on: August 10, 2012, 09:23:39 AM »
The possumns that live here are living in a built up area and would steal food out of peoples rubbish bins etc.  I dare say they would be more used to our diets as compared to say a possumn who lives totally in the bush.  My doctor has a family of possumns that have been living in his yard for over ten years and he feeds them the same diet as what I feed mine and they are totally healthy.  I try to stick to a vegan diet, but sometimes I do find myself giving her treats such as left over cheesecake and cookies etc.  Most of the time though she gets fruit and left over veges and homemade soups.  If I don't feed her she bites me on the toe until I do.   ;D  She doesn't always want food though...sometimes she just comes up to me for a rub on her back.  She will sit at my feet until I pet her.

Keep up the good work my friend! :)

Roger Bacon

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Re: pictures of grieving kitten who refused to leave dead companion's side
« Reply #96 on: August 10, 2012, 09:27:25 AM »
Taking the last 3 at home was not planned: problem is you could hear these 3 little cats screaming and I found out they were in a warehouse near my home.
The owner of the warehouse said he was going to drown them so I decided to take them with me.
I was thinking to give them to a lady I know who lives in the country.
One of them was also ill and almost died twice: I rush her to the first aid for animals (correct word??), made x-ray, then echography, buy medicines...
They were so little I had to feed them every two hours with a bottle like the one you use for babies (only smaller), it was devastating hear that fucking alarm and wake up during the night so they didn't lose their anabolic window (this is for 240).
Long story short: I kept all three and now we're six  ;D

Fucking jerks try to pull that shit all the time so you'll take the cats.  I went a step further last time when a school custodian said he was going to throw some kittens into a river if we couldn't take them.  I acted like I was nuts and told him I'd kill them on the spot.  He changed his tune real fast.....

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Re: pictures of grieving kitten who refused to leave dead companion's side
« Reply #97 on: August 10, 2012, 06:06:45 PM »
Taking the last 3 at home was not planned: problem is you could hear these 3 little cats screaming and I found out they were in a warehouse near my home.
The owner of the warehouse said he was going to drown them so I decided to take them with me.
I was thinking to give them to a lady I know who lives in the country.
One of them was also ill and almost died twice: I rush her to the first aid for animals (correct word??), made x-ray, then echography, buy medicines...
They were so little I had to feed them every two hours with a bottle like the one you use for babies (only smaller), it was devastating hear that fucking alarm and wake up during the night so they didn't lose their anabolic window (this is for 240).
Long story short: I kept all three and now we're six  ;D

good man  :)


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Re: pictures of grieving kitten who refused to leave dead companion's side
« Reply #98 on: August 10, 2012, 06:53:00 PM »
Keep up the good work my friend!  8)
Thank you.   :)

Ronnie Rep

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Re: pictures of grieving kitten who refused to leave dead companion's side
« Reply #99 on: August 10, 2012, 08:51:52 PM »
Love animals especially dogs! Loyal to the end!