Author Topic: Minimum Wage - Depressing Numbers  (Read 17872 times)


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Re: Minimum Wage - Depressing Numbers
« Reply #50 on: January 04, 2014, 03:55:32 AM »
fucking socialists.

raise minimum wage? ok... fine.. i'll just cut hours from my employees, and hire another employee to make up for the scheduling gaps... so instead of having 5 full time employees, now I have 7 part time employees who won't be able to afford to continue to keep working for me.

single mothers (or fathers) who'll get their hours cut will now have to have two jobs and have their days fractured up and spend even less time with their kids (and spend more money on day care)... spend more time driving their cars, with less money to maintain their cars, and no money to fix their cars when they break down.. and lose one of their jobs because they can't make it to work because they can't afford to replace their radiator in their 97 Honda civic.

and lets not even get into the fucking mandatory health care...

fucking democrats just running business into the ground in an effort to 'level the field' so the incompetent losers make as much money as the qualified people... fuck, you can't even fire anybody without fear of getting sued.

I'm a goddamn convicted felon, you think it was easy for me to get employed? nobody gave me a fucking handout.... and I have felons turning in job applications who are complete fucking morons and don't deserve $5/hour, let alone $8. asking for jobs looking like bums.. white guys wearing jeans and flip flops with un-tucked buttonup shirts and shaggy/trendy hair, black guys wearing jordans with dark denim and again, and un-tucked buttonup and big fake 5ct diamond earrings (must be Jay-z fans), and Mexicans dressed like cholo's, who come in wearing a straight-brim White Sox hat with the NewEra sticker still on it, and who talk like gangsters "fuck" "dog" "yo" "cuz"..... you're fucking UN-EMPLOYEABLE!!!!! and the gov't says I have to pay you a MINIMUM wage? you should be happy with $3/hour!!


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Re: Minimum Wage - Depressing Numbers
« Reply #51 on: January 04, 2014, 04:02:03 AM »
This makes me grateful to run my business as a 'One man show'. Not to worry about employees.


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Re: Minimum Wage - Depressing Numbers
« Reply #52 on: January 04, 2014, 04:17:51 AM »
How ironic that you mention numbers, when the numbers reveal that increasing the minimum wage by about three dollars has zero effect on inflation, and cost a few pennies to business, who for the last 40 or so years have made massive profits while wages stagnated.

Your argument is invalid.

The issue is that in any transaction between a buyer and a seller, and whether the goods or services involved in the transaction is a car, shoes or one's labor is irrelevant; who should determine the terms? The seller always wants to get as much as he can for his good or service and the buyer always wants to pay the least amount for that good or service. If a transaction is completed that means that both parties have come to a mutual agreement and believe they are getting the best deal given their alternative. Now mind you, I'm saying the best deal given their choices. Everybody always wants more but most, if not all, settle for what they can get.

Now why is it "fair" or "just" when an outside, third party observer who has no stake in the transaction. Takes no risk in the running of a business or has any of his personal wealth at stake step in and say, "No, you have to pay him more for this good or service. I don't care that the terms has already been proposed and agreed upon. I'm telling you what I think should be paid. Even though I have no stake in this transaction I am the one that is going to decide the terms of this deal regardless of what either of you who actually have a personal stake in this matter think. Even though I have no idea about your business or even how to run a business I know better than you as to how I think it should to be conducted."

Do you believe in economic freedom? People deciding for themselves how they should spend their money and how much value their own goods and services are worth? Or should it be determined by an outside third party observer who has no stake in the matter and suffers no consequences as to the outcome.


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Re: Minimum Wage - Depressing Numbers
« Reply #53 on: January 04, 2014, 04:19:49 AM »
and fast food workers want $15/hour?

get fucked.. you don't deserve it.


I'm at mcdonalds, some fat, rude, sloppy dressed black lady takes my order, which is a 20pc nugget and a small vanilla shake.. to GO.

the nuggets aren't ready yet, so what does she do? she gets the shake ready and sets it on the counter.. it's 120 motherfucking degrees out! and at least 90degrees inside the restaurant with the doors constantly opening and closing... there my milkshake sits for at least 8 fucking minutes and I can SEE the little cherry that sits on top sink to the bottom because it's fucking MELTING.

FINALLY I get my nuggets and have to REPEAT my order for the dipping sauce so she has to go search for 4 packs of honey mustard, so by the time I get home (3mins away) my milkshake is now melted MILK.. and the dumb bitch didn't even put in a straw! I eat my shakes with a spoon usually, but it was to go, the dumb bitch should've put a straw In the bag!... not to mention the goddamn nuggets were BURNED!!

and I don't know how many fucking times I've had to park and go inside (after going through the drive through) to have them FIX MY ORDER.. not like I even have difficult orders. I don't order "no pickles" "no onions" "extra this/that" or whatever, because I know they'll fuck it up so i'll take the shit off myself.... I order 2 double cheeseburgers and they give me 2 regular cheeseburgers, or I order onion rings and they give me fries.. and then they act like it's my fault.. I NEVER order fries, why the fuck would I say "fries"?

I could go on and on and on about what complete fuckups work at fast food places...

those people think they deserve $15/hour? the waiters/waitresses at PF Changs or the ChopHouse or Yardhouse, hell, even Applebees, don't even make $15/hour and they at least provide PROPER SERVICE.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Minimum Wage - Depressing Numbers
« Reply #54 on: January 04, 2014, 04:31:04 AM »
Your first post was good, this one is the typical partisan politics bullshit rant.

You don't think that the main stream media leans Left? Despite the fact that a poll determined that nearly 85% of them voted Democrat. Which also happens to be close to the figure for college professors.

Conservatives don't deny that talk radio leans Right. They don't think it's anything to be ashamed about. Maybe you should pay more attention to what's going on in your country and in the world instead of dismissing it all as propaganda or "bull shit". Are you aware of what happened in Benghazi? Do you even know what country Benghazi is in? How about Obama care? Are you even remotely aware of the basic health care structure and how it will radically change the way we do things in this country?

Being ignorant and uninformed is how politicians are able to manipulate the population. It's a cop out and intellectually lazy to just to close your eyes and say it's all lies and bullshit. Somehow you were able the decipher the truth and lies inherent in bodybuilding. Use the same critical reasoning in regard to national and world affairs. It's all good to have big muscles in your fifties and have pretty young girls squeeze your "ridiculous" arms and say how jacked you are but it's time to grow up now, big guy. There's more to life than just your body.


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Re: Minimum Wage - Depressing Numbers
« Reply #55 on: January 04, 2014, 04:33:43 AM »
I see "The_Hammer" is a socialist, probably an incompetent democrat himself and is completely oblivious to the term "value for value".

business is about TRADERS.

you TRADE value for VALUE.

I trade my money (as an employer) for your skill/work (as an employee). you job is to do what I outline.. what I hire you for. I am under ZERO obligation to pay you anymore than what you're worth. if you're not worth "minimum wage" you're fucking fired.. hit the bricks and start cleaning toilets in 7-11's.

as a proprietor of a business, I trade my product or service for your (as the consumer/customer) money. if you don't think my product or service is worth what I'm asking, you simply don't give me your money and go elsewhere.

it's very, very simple.

would you pay $50k for a base model Ford Fiesta when you can pay $50k for a fully loaded Infinity G37?

it's value for value.

most workers aren't worth what they're paid NOW, let alone do they deserve a government-mandated RAISE.

what's next? government-mandated PAID VACATION? I bet you lazy fucks would love that..

"woooo hooo.... we gonna get a day off? AND we gonna get paid?! fuck yea dude/son/holmes! lets get fuckin wasted bro/negga/vato"

... think again, you're fucking fired. you lied on your application (or i'll find something else.. a facebook post that's detrimental to the biz, or something)... so don't count on an un-employment check either, idiot.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Minimum Wage - Depressing Numbers
« Reply #56 on: January 04, 2014, 04:36:32 AM »
Please provide links to statistics please...reputable non-partisan links.....If min. wage jobs are 40 hours a week (which they are in most cases) It's meant for you to live on. So can you please clarify your statement?

An employer offers a certain wage for a job that he wants done. Why is it his responsibility to provide you with a comfortable living? Should a job seeker approach his potential employer and say that to live comfortably he needs a certain size house in a particular neighborhood, and certain type of car, being able to support a wife and two kids, and then determine how much that will cost in their part of the country and that's how much you should start at.

An employer hires someone because he needs a job done and is willing to pay X amount of dollars. It is for the potential employee to determine if the terms are fair and what kind of life style he is willing to live. That is not an employer's concern nor is it his business.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Minimum Wage - Depressing Numbers
« Reply #57 on: January 04, 2014, 04:39:21 AM »
I see "The_Hammer" is a socialist, probably an incompetent democrat himself and is completely oblivious to the term "value for value".

business is about TRADERS.

you TRADE value for VALUE.

I trade my money (as an employer) for your skill/work (as an employee). you job is to do what I outline.. what I hire you for. I am under ZERO obligation to pay you anymore than what you're worth. if you're not worth "minimum wage" you're fucking fired.. hit the bricks and start cleaning toilets in 7-11's.

as a proprietor of a business, I trade my product or service for your (as the consumer/customer) money. if you don't think my product or service is worth what I'm asking, you simply don't give me your money and go elsewhere.

it's very, very simple.

would you pay $50k for a base model Ford Fiesta when you can pay $50k for a fully loaded Infinity G37?

it's value for value.

most workers aren't worth what they're paid NOW, let alone do they deserve a government-mandated RAISE.

what's next? government-mandated PAID VACATION? I bet you lazy fucks would love that..

"woooo hooo.... we gonna get a day off? AND we gonna get paid?! fuck yea dude/son/holmes! lets get fuckin wasted bro/negga/vato"

... think again, you're fucking fired. you lied on your application (or i'll find something else.. a facebook post that's detrimental to the biz, or something)... so don't count on an un-employment check either, idiot.

Buying and selling labor is not different than buying and selling a stereo on Amazon. It is for the buyer and seller to agree to the terms and not have the ever busy-body, nanny government sticking their nose into virtually every facet of our lives. Now I being told what kind of light bulbs I have to buy. And guess what? It's a hell of a lot more expensive. What a surprise.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Minimum Wage - Depressing Numbers
« Reply #58 on: January 04, 2014, 04:41:34 AM »

Two of my heros right there. Thomas Sowell should be running this country and his student, Walter Williams, should be VP. It's a tragedy that the best and the brightest rarely seek power.


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Re: Minimum Wage - Depressing Numbers
« Reply #59 on: January 04, 2014, 04:44:51 AM »
The playing field remains even, gentlemen.  Your competition has the same labor costs.  Everyone will adjust their prices accordingly.

For Captains of Industry you guys sure piss and moan a lot.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Minimum Wage - Depressing Numbers
« Reply #60 on: January 04, 2014, 04:47:34 AM »
Increase the minimum wage and the price of ALL goods will increase as well for everybody else.  Do you really want to pay 6 dollars for a dozen eggs?

You also eliminate jobs and services. I remember a time when there was a gas station attendant that would pump your gas, clean your windows and check the air in your tires. There use to be a job called a dish washer where you actually did dished by hand. When the Union won their contract and Albertsons was forced to pay their checkers more, of their eight checking stations three were converted to self-checkout stations. They reduced their workforce to compensate for the increase labor cost.

Raise the cost of doing business and it will always be transferred somewhere else.


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Re: Minimum Wage - Depressing Numbers
« Reply #61 on: January 04, 2014, 04:59:26 AM »
and fast food workers want $15/hour?

get fucked.. you don't deserve it.


I'm at mcdonalds, some fat, rude, sloppy dressed black lady takes my order, which is a 20pc nugget and a small vanilla shake.. to GO.

the nuggets aren't ready yet, so what does she do? she gets the shake ready and sets it on the counter.. it's 120 motherfucking degrees out! and at least 90degrees inside the restaurant with the doors constantly opening and closing... there my milkshake sits for at least 8 fucking minutes and I can SEE the little cherry that sits on top sink to the bottom because it's fucking MELTING.

FINALLY I get my nuggets and have to REPEAT my order for the dipping sauce so she has to go search for 4 packs of honey mustard, so by the time I get home (3mins away) my milkshake is now melted MILK.. and the dumb bitch didn't even put in a straw! I eat my shakes with a spoon usually, but it was to go, the dumb bitch should've put a straw In the bag!... not to mention the goddamn nuggets were BURNED!!

and I don't know how many fucking times I've had to park and go inside (after going through the drive through) to have them FIX MY ORDER.. not like I even have difficult orders. I don't order "no pickles" "no onions" "extra this/that" or whatever, because I know they'll fuck it up so i'll take the shit off myself.... I order 2 double cheeseburgers and they give me 2 regular cheeseburgers, or I order onion rings and they give me fries.. and then they act like it's my fault.. I NEVER order fries, why the fuck would I say "fries"?

I could go on and on and on about what complete fuckups work at fast food places...

those people think they deserve $15/hour? the waiters/waitresses at PF Changs or the ChopHouse or Yardhouse, hell, even Applebees, don't even make $15/hour and they at least provide PROPER SERVICE.
Brutal McMeltdown !!


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Minimum Wage - Depressing Numbers
« Reply #62 on: January 04, 2014, 05:01:45 AM »
How ironic that you mention numbers, when the numbers reveal that increasing the minimum wage by about three dollars has zero effect on inflation, and cost a few pennies to business, who for the last 40 or so years have made massive profits while wages stagnated.

Your argument is invalid.

You onviusly have zero real life business experience.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Minimum Wage - Depressing Numbers
« Reply #63 on: January 04, 2014, 05:02:25 AM »
Kiss your dollar McChicken goodbye.

Marty Champions

  • Getbig V
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Re: Minimum Wage - Depressing Numbers
« Reply #64 on: January 04, 2014, 05:07:16 AM »
no way raising price 4 cent of meal could cover a minimum wage of 20 per hour


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Re: Minimum Wage - Depressing Numbers
« Reply #65 on: January 04, 2014, 05:13:09 AM »
no way raising price 4 cent of meal could cover a minimum wage of 20 per hour

idk bro i heard there were billions served

.4 ethylene vinyl acetate to 1 cement and 3 sand by volume will never dust regardless of drying conditions and it'll stick to anything.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Minimum Wage - Depressing Numbers
« Reply #66 on: January 04, 2014, 05:14:24 AM »
no way raising price 4 cent of meal could cover a minimum wage of 20 per hour

Prove it.

Sorry Johnny, I really like you but it's hard to take you seriously. Just your diet advice changes weekly. We've all witnessed you steady physical and mental deterioration throughout the years.
You're not all there anymore.


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Re: Minimum Wage - Depressing Numbers
« Reply #67 on: January 04, 2014, 10:34:43 AM »
Look again, oldtimer1.  You read "FOX media', when I said "POS media".

...this is exactly what I'm talking about, by the way.

It's pretty clear oldtimer has deduced virtually his entire worldview from his television set, a sad proposition corroborated by his unthinking reaction to your post.

He is not unique in this.


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Re: Minimum Wage - Depressing Numbers
« Reply #68 on: January 04, 2014, 11:05:56 AM »


Following politics...hahahaaaaaa.  Gotta stay "informed" of the latest load of utter bullshit they spoon feed you

Yes, the whole notion of staying "informed" is utter crap. Youre only staying informed to the bullshit lies they feed you.

At the end of the day its:

Democrats and Republicans VS The People.

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Re: Minimum Wage - Depressing Numbers
« Reply #69 on: January 04, 2014, 11:50:58 AM »
At least I wake up white everyday. 


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Re: Minimum Wage - Depressing Numbers
« Reply #70 on: January 04, 2014, 11:57:14 AM »
Im sorry, but 99% of people making minimum wage arent worth  fucking half of what theyre making currently, let alone worth even 3 dollars more.

Fuck them. If they cant find a job that pays a decent wage, well, sucks to suck.  Theyre not owed shit and no one deserves any money just for being born and able to make it to mcdonalds for a 4 hour shift everyday.

Worthless fucks thinking they deserve 15 an hour to flip burgers and clean floors are too fucking stupud to realize they have no skills and are not worth shit in the business world.

The Showstoppa

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Re: Minimum Wage - Depressing Numbers
« Reply #71 on: January 04, 2014, 11:58:10 AM »
Im sorry, but 99% of people making minimum wage arent worth  fucking half of what theyre making currently, let alone worth even 3 dollars more.

Fuck them. If they cant find a job that pays a decent wage, well, sucks to suck.  Theyre not owed shit and no one deserves any money just for being born and able to make it to mcdonalds for a 4 hour shift everyday.

Worthless fucks thinking they deserve 15 an hour to flip burgers and clean floors are too fucking stupud to realize they have no skills and are not worth shit in the business world.




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Re: Minimum Wage - Depressing Numbers
« Reply #72 on: January 04, 2014, 12:22:33 PM »
People working for shit wages still qualify for public assistance, so the low minimum wages end up costing taxpayers while McDonald's/Wal-Mart stuff their pockets.

Not to mention the people that would be affected by the wage raise don't save any money; they spend it all by their next paycheck.  Yeah, businesses have to pay their workers more, but they're taking more money in too

I'm always surprised to see how many people side with big business and the wealthy, especially when the vast majority of people will never be rich.  I think it's just the American spirit though... we all think we'll be millionaires, even though that's not the case  :-\


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Re: Minimum Wage - Depressing Numbers
« Reply #73 on: January 04, 2014, 12:47:31 PM »
Keep raising the minimum wage along with taxes and it will be the businesses that Will ass fucked. But since the left isn't too good with numbers, its hard for you to comprehend.

Coach do you know anyone who is good at what they do and still making minimum wage or worse unemployed?

I don't.


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Re: Minimum Wage - Depressing Numbers
« Reply #74 on: January 04, 2014, 01:06:09 PM »
Coach do you know anyone who is good at what they do and still making minimum wage or worse unemployed?

I don't.
nope. Not one person.